#scheduled delivery! 💌
wosemi-sama · 3 months
obey me! as things my friends have said (pt. 4)
mc: hey lets all go catch a movie together
satan: sure, what movie?
thirteen: deadpool and wolverine
solomon: trolls 3
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z-shalltear · 4 months
What do the trio carry with them on an everyday basis, bags, things inside the bags, like necessities they need to leave their home?
This has been in my drafts since February oopsie 😋 no dividers bc ill prob get distracted trying to find them. knox is orange bc tumblr took my yellow :(
Issac 🌻
I know i gave him a backpack in some art but I'm liking the idea of him having a satchel more so that's the new canon. 80% of the time he's carrying around loads of textbooks and books in general for plant care/info. The other 20% he would only be carrying his phone with a cracked screen protector, his wallet, a small notepad and pen, and a foldable knife Knox gave him. There's atleast 2-3 tiny seeds in his pockets/satchel.
Prim 🍓
She would either have an ita bag orr those cute plushie bags. She has enough of them to match allll of her outfits. Depends on the size of the bag but she usually carries a marker, some cute shaped sticky notes, a foldable knife/custom brass knuckles, some candy/snacks, her wallet, make up kit, aaaand a few hair ties scattered at the bottom on her bag 🥰
Knox ⚠️
Carries whatever he needs in his pockets, usually just his wallet and a concerning amount of weapons hidden on his body 😋 Maybe a pen. If he knows he's gonna hang out with Prim, he'll look through her bag and bring along stuff he thinks she'll probably need.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Monthlyish Recap (Part One)
Some of the favorite fics read by FTFR and/or newly posted in the months of May and June! This is a big one, friends... So, I'll be breaking it up into two parts. (Part Two: Here)
Mod Notes: My life's been so chaotic the past couple of months—a big move, new job, and new puppy... lots of big changes all at once, that doesn’t leave much time for reading fic, or keeping up with posting all the recs & recaps. So, apologies for the delays! While I get my bearings with the new work schedule and commute, some of the coming weeks' posts might be delayed, skipped or combined with another week's category. Please bear with me as I play a little fast and loose with the usual FTFR schedule.
Enjoy the summer! -Cy 💜💜💜
Anyway... onto the recs!
😇 🍕 This time around, we have not one, but two very special afterlife AU’s, a pizza delivery driver AU and a few other fantastic recent updates in some ongoing WIPs you might already be keeping track of. You can find the most recent chapters posted of these ongoing works here: Featured WIPs Rec List
💦 May wasn't so much of a collection as it was a trio of prompts, with “Missing Years”, “May I…” and “International Wankers Day” being on May 28. You will find them mixed throughout this month's rec list.
🧁 Of course, June 6 was our most beloved Catholic boy from Staten Island’s birthday, and there were a few fics to mark the occasion! 🎄 Mary and Tim celebrate Christmas in the 1950s, while 1980s Hawk makes good on a special wish Tim made long ago. ✍️Hawk breaks his promise not to write… While Tim breaks his vow not to give into unholy temptation. 🙏 ☀️ Kenny and Leonard forge a summertime bond before the war ... While Jackson reconnects with dad’s special friend from the cabin, out in San Francisco. 🚗
These are just a few teasers of the many great new fics posted in the past two months. It's been hard to keep up with them all! Check out the links below.
📚 Promise You WILL Write Masterpost (Updated w/May & June fics) If you're feeling inspired, please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself... All are welcome!Check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
📣 May’s Features of the Month:
Fic of the Month: gold-skinned, eager baby by @lispenardst | lispenardstreet
Author of the Month: @redmyeyes | redmyeyes
May Featured Collection: Fire Island Fics 🔥🏝️ A handful of new Fire Island fics were posted recently, just in time for summer! Be sure to check out the new, updated list!
📚 More fic recs can be found at the fic register, here.
Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! → 💌
✨ Show our amazing authors some love with your comments and kudos on the fics you enjoyed after reading! Likes are lovely, but please reblog this post to share this content with your mutuals! ✨
Happy Reading!
⛱️ It Can't Be Right [G, 2K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) Tim has had a long day, but he doesn't quite get the welcome home he is looking for.
☀️ never enough [T, 2K] by kikisfuneralservice "Promise you won't write?"
"I won't."
Yet, he did anyway.
⛱️‘Somewhere In My Memory’ [T, 3K] by bre_thomas Hawk visits Tim at his apartment in San Francisco. He has a plan to take him to New York City for Christmas. Hawk wanting to just spend time with him. He thought they would have more time, but little did Hawk know that this weekend was the last he would ever spend with Tim.
☀️ i've got my love to keep me warm [T, 6K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Mary brings Tim to a Christmas party at Hawk's mother's house.
⛱️ right or wrong i can't get along without you [NR, 3K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Jackson Fuller disappears and everyone fears the worst - until he turns up in San Francisco asking Tim for help.
☀️ Making Time [G, 1K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) Hawk runs into Tim at work. Cue some flirting and favours.
⛱️ rough trade [NR, 3K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Tim decides to plan a weekend in Rehoboth - not exactly a do-over, but close enough. It's exactly what they both needed.
☀️ Don't Try Hiding 'Cause There Isn't Any Use [G, 632] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) Kenny and Lenny share a stolen moment during tennis practice.
Part 2 of You Better Be True To Me
⛱️I'm More Than Just Sure [G, 1K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) Before the second world war begins, Kenny and Lenny enjoy a vacation at the lake.
Part 3 of You Better Be True To Me
☀️ creating memories that will last [G, 4K] by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup 1991, five years after Tim's death. His friends are interviewed for a documentary film about his life.
⛱️ You're an Angel, I'm a Dog [E, 2K] by spiffyyy 💠 He was never that good.
“Father, forgive me for all the times when I fall short of your standards…” He took a breath and watched the ceiling fan rotate once, then twice. “And I’m sorry for this. It was what you gave me.”
Tim picked his phone up and swallowed dryly before tapping on the notification to open Grindr.
Or, the unlikely pairing of religious trauma and a Grindr hookup.
☀️ With You 'Mongst The Flowers [G, 1K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) A hot summer day in Milan, Hawk is swimming. Tim is napping on the veranda.
Fluff. Really just fluff.
Part 5 of Bravery
⛱️ Kiss of Fire [NR, 2K] by drabbleswabbles💠 Tim pays a matchmaker to set him up on a blind date. Things do not go according to plan.
☀️ Almost Paradise [T, 8K] by @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 | Likerealpeopledo In 1992, Hawk dies and goes...somewhere.
Equal parts apology tour, long-awaited reunions, and reluctant spiritual exploration, Hawk takes a journey through the a |fterlife and back to Tim.
⛱️ I Wanna Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart [E, 3K] by @jesterlesbian | captainquint Hawk tipped his hat politely towards Tim, the way he always did when he rode back into town and stabled his horse at the Liberty Bell, where Tim worked as a stable hand. The pay wasn’t much, but it was steady work, and the off-chance of spotting Hawkins Fuller in leather chaps astride a horse sweetened the pot considerably.
Hawk flashed Tim the look that he understood meant “Meet me around the back,” so Tim dawdled for a few moments more, trying in vain to wipe off as much dirt and muck as he could from his shirt before oh-so-casually strolling to behind the stables, where it met the treeline and provided just the right amount of cover.
☀️hold on (i'm coming) [NR, 2K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Hawk's nightly phone calls become increasingly desperate until Tim has no choice but to go to him.
⛱️ my boy [G, 783] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Tim wants to know who Hawk belongs to. The answer isn't what he expects.
☀️a fool for life [NR, 1K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Hawk has a panic attack, and Skippy takes care of him.
⛱️ grenade [G, 546] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Hawk is waiting for the results of his HIV test.
☀️ Late Night [G, 1K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) Hawk is working late at home. Tim keeps him company.
⛱️ 'I Want To Be With You' [E, 3K] by @bre1995 | bre_thomas, @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) It all started at the Nomad Bar when Hawk left Tim on his own.
Based on their weekend getaway trip with a filler scene of what happened in the hotel room before dinner.
Check out the May/June Recap Part Two Here
💠Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it! Or, if you’re linked already and would prefer not to be, please contact me to remove it.
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7marichan7 · 1 year
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💌Express delivery for you!💌 Doing miniprints for this illustration, most likely to be included in next merch update in my sh0p (scheduled for next week). Iink below, stay tuned for updates!
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angeljpg · 2 years
💌 reset for the new year:
1. get specific about what you want for 2023, but focus on the first 3 months — it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the start of the year, so we will consolidate our focus to just 90 days. how will you lay a foundation down so that the remaining 9 months of 2023 reach your expectations? go into detail about this.
2. identify your focus for january — is there one thing you know you’ve been putting off and need to just get done? put aside some time to break it down. you can have more than one focus, but i’d say limit it to 4 (one focus for each week).
i.e. have you been putting off a dental procedure? figure out exactly where you’ll go and if they take your insurance, get an estimate for the procedure, plan how much you’ll save each pay check to afford this. then, schedule an appointment accordingly.
or have you been putting off eating healthy? list meals that you like and research the healthier versions of those foods. plug them into a weekly meal plan template and create a grocery list. delete all food delivery apps on your phone.
3. create a vision board for your phone — you’ll want to see this constantly. you can also get a premade one from pinterest, but imo it’s better to make one.
some things to include on your vision board: your ideal style/way of presenting yourself. an inspirational quote or affirmation. someone you look up to for their accomplishments. what do your ideal meals look like? anything you want to put intention to, add it to your vision board.
💌 (optional) thirty day reset:
1. gratitude list: every morning, write 3 things you’re grateful for.
2. live in the end: have the confidence that your wish is fulfilled and adopt the habits/mindset of your ideal self. approach every situation by first asking yourself “what would my highest self do?” “how would i respond to this if i had ___ ?” how good does it feel to have accomplished what you wanted / attained your desire? live in this feeling as often as possible.
3. healthy diet — this looks different for everyone, but a general suggestion is to make sure you’re drinking at least 2L of water, as well as eating 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit daily. (personally, i have extended my intermittent fasting hours and i’m focusing on being diligent with taking my vitamins and hitting 100g of protein daily. do whatever works for you!)
4. healthy exercise — you should be exercising at least 3x a week. i have a lot of resources on different fitness routines you might be interested in. start slow and easy. if you don’t know what to do, you can start with walking 3x a week.
5. skincare routine everyday — if you don’t have one right now, start with just a gentle cleanser & moisturizer. do your routine twice everyday. if you have dry skin, you may need to skip washing your face in the morning.
6. listen to subliminals — i prefer to listen to healing hz music as i sleep, but it’s up to you what you want to focus on.
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friendlilycoach · 1 year
Middle Eastern founders: Developing strong business English is not hard!
😍 When you follow daily step-by-step actions to develop strong business English skills.
💪 You can develop strong business English skills within eight months.
💯 Despite your busy schedule, you can develop strong business English skills that can help you:
🌍 Expand your business worldwide.
💰Get more international business deals.
🗣️Express yourself confidently during meetings.
✍️Write error-free business contracts.
📜Read business speeches confidently during business events.
I can help you develop the strong business English skills you need.
You can always make time to improve your weak business English skills.
VIP Middle Eastern founders, I am here for you.
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P.S. 🔴 Are you ready to expand your business worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months?
💌 VIP Middle Eastern founder, DM: "1-on-1" to expand your business worldwide.
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🔴• VIP Middle Eastern business owners, get 7 fast ways to improve your business English skills.
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Time: Egypt 8 PM - 8:30 PM
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freelancerjahidkhan · 2 years
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I will be your social media marketing manager and content creator
🆗Fiverr Service link: https://cutt.ly/D2kWG5v ☑Social media link: https://lnkd.in/geD6FfMF 💌Email: [email protected]
Are you looking for a professional social media manager specialist? That will manage your social media accounts in the proper way. Then you have come to the right service.
I am a digital marketer and social media manager specialist. I will manage your social media accounts, write content and upload regular posts.
I have a lot of experience in social media management and content creation. I believe I will be excellent for your project. Because I will work according to social media Terms and Conditions. I want to work with you all my life with my work experience.
My service Included: 🔹Optimize your social media accounts 🔹Increase Targeted active followers 🔹Social media marketing strategy 🔹Organic website/ profile visitor 🔹Niche related content writing 🔹Targeted Hashtags research 🔹Eye catching post design 🔹Grow your brand value 🔹Competitor Analysis 🔹Schedule Post
Why choose me: 🔸I will work according to social media algorithm 🔸100% satisfaction guarantee 🔸24/ 7 customer support 🔸Unlimited Revision 🔸On time delivery
I will manage the social media: 🟡Facebook 🟡Instagram 🟡Twitter 🟡LinkedIn 🟡Pinterest
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ryanhuangio · 11 months
Maximizing Efficiency: The Power of Marketing Automation Tools
Maximizing Efficiency: The Power of Marketing Automation Tools 🚀 In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their marketing efforts and maximize efficiency. One powerful solution that has gained significant popularity is the use of marketing automation tools. 💡 What exactly are these tools? Simply put, they are software platforms designed to automate repetitive tasks in a marketer's workflow. From email campaigns and social media scheduling to lead nurturing and customer segmentation, these tools can handle it all with ease. ✅ One key benefit of using marketing automation tools is improved productivity. By automating time-consuming manual processes, marketers have more time on their hands for strategic planning and creative thinking 🧠 - activities that truly drive business growth! ⏰ Moreover, by setting up automated workflows within these platforms ✨ , you can ensure timely delivery ⌛of personalized messages at every stage of your customers' journey – from initial contact through conversion 💼and beyond! This level of personalization helps build stronger relationships with prospects 👥and existing customers alike while boosting brand loyalty ❤️ . 📈 Another advantage lies in data-driven decision making 🔍 . With robust analytics capabilities offered by most marketing automation solutions 📊 , marketers gain valuable insights into campaign performance metrics such as open rates 💌 , click-through rates ➡️ , conversions 💲- allowing them to optimize future strategies based on real-time results rather than guesswork ❔❕. ☁️ Additionally ☝️marketing automation systems often integrate seamlessly with other essential technologies like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software or content management systems CMS). Such integrations enable smooth data flow between different departments within an organization resulting in enhanced collaboration 😎among teams working towards common goals. #MarketingAutomation #EfficiencyBoosters #DigitalMarketing #ProductivityHacks #DataDrivenInsights #PersonalizationMatters #CustomerJourneyMapping (replace with actual hashtags) Ryan Huang www.RyanHuang.io
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kaleidoscopr · 2 years
💌 & 🔊 for anhope.. ik shes not like canon or whatever but shes canon in my heart and thats what matters
Fluffy headcanon: Because of their sleep schedule being a little wonky, they like to go out to those 24/7 restaurants at night, and sometimes go with other people when she can't sleep. Sometimes she might bake in the middle of the night when sleeping isn't working, and after going to bed at 6am, there are cookies now. Also, they have some house plants, and talk to them sweetly or sing to them. Plants like when you talk to them. Also, she shares clothes with Ingsoc even though they're different sizes.
A song (more than one in this case, I think Anhope is neat) that reminds me of them: Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood, Mr Brightside by the Killers, and the day goes on by Bill Wurtz, Central Time by Vansire, Talk to Me by Cavetown, Float On by Modest Mouse, I Love the Flower Girl by the Cowsills, Would You Rather by Crusher, What the Hell by Avril Lavigne, Love Grows by Edison Lighthouse, Heaven Can Wait by Meatloaf, A Town With an Ocean View from Kiki's Delivery Service, Windy by The Association, Firecracker by CamiCat, Just Leave Everything to Me from Hello Dolly, It's Time by Imagine Dragons, Punx by Ivan Trevino, Record Player by Daisy the Great, that jazz arrangement of Bonetrousle by insaneintherainmusic, Nyan Cat, YMCA by Village People, Starlight by Muse, Pompeii by Bastille, frog song by Eva Sterett, That's My Jam by Owl City, Deck Park Tunnel by Josh Gottry, As Summer Was Just Beginning by Larry Dahen, Fireflies by Owl City, Sad Machine by Porter Robinson, My Way by Frank Sinatra, Sinners by Lauren Aquilina, Singin' In the Rain from Singin' In the Rain, Dream Sweet in Sea Major by ミラクルミュージカル , Wanderer's Lullaby by Adriana Figueroa, and I Dare You by the Regrettes
@lmaoidkwhatnametochoose Tagging you so you still get notified
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
obey me! as things my friends have said (pt. 6)
mammon: *trips and lands on his ass*
levi: can you please stop acting like an anime girl
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frogbestfriend · 4 years
Was worrying so much about a client's delivery schedule and then I saw that Aerith gif where she was like “don't worry, we'll get there on time” and it's turning iut ok now so....Thanks Aerith...🥺💌💕
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i23kazu · 2 years
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YING | S/HER! | 8TEEN! |
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💬 yoimiya: "welcome, welcome! i'm so glad you're here!"
but first.. you gotta know how to do things around here! please read my carrd!
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💬 yoimiya: "now... where should i show you around first.."
#my masterlist..! #my spotify...! #my about me...! #my discord server...!
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💬 yoimiya: "if you liked that, you're gonna loooove this!"
#your favourites, specially handpicked by you!
being girl dads!
pinching their cheeks!
using them as a body pillow!
falling asleep with you!
"i follow from yinyinggie~!"
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💬 yoimiya: "h-hey! come back, i wasn't done talking!"
#currently doing!
listening to: all of my life / PARK WON! status: requests closed! irregular posting schedule! affiliated : @astronetwrk (co-owner) | @celestiamail (mod) | teyvat's valley (founder) brewing list ( upcoming works! )
"... and thank you for 3.3k+!"
#friends from far away!
character/named: baizhu anon, detective heizou anon, delivery anon :>, drifting art anon, girlfailure anon, guess who anon, Ha Ha Ha Ha anon, hyacinthus 🪻 anon, little sibling anon, maid anon, padisarah anon, ~'printsessa' anon, reader anon, your mother anon, tags anon, birthday anon, melusine anon 🌟🍬
emoji: 🍳 anon, 🐈‍⬛🐾 anon, 🐱‍🚀 anon, ☕️ anon, 🎶 anon, 🥞 anon, 💠 anon, 📓 anon, 🌿 anon, 🌌 anon, 🍃☁️ anon, 🎨 anon, 🌸 anon, 🍒 anon, 🍁 anon, 📢 anon, 💌 anon, 🎭🎄 anon
#impt: please do not spam like my posts!
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helenesellshomes · 3 years
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Do you want to send out holiday cards, but don't know where to start? Let me know! I can help you get your cards created, your list ready, and even get your cards scheduled for delivery - it really is so simple. You can design your own or use one our holiday cards. The company will print, stuff, stamp and mail them. Send me a message and we can chat about how you utilize this list to help get through your 2021 holiday sending. Bulk sending is available to! You can order anywhere from 10-400 cards. The company will mail them to you with a blank envelope to have handy if you like to take them with you to hand out personally or put something inside of them. Let me know if you need help! 🎄 #helenesendscards #sendoutcards #greenerstill #holidaycards #notecards #topofmind #relationshipmarketingdoneright See link in bio to set up an account and send a free card! 💌 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWv5WWbPFQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
obey me! as things my friends have said (pt. 2)
mc: do you fw skibidi toilet
lucifer: leave.
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
obey me! as things my friends have said (pt. 3)
lucifer: why is levi in a locker.
asmo: he got a little silly.
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
obey me! as things my friends have said (pt. 5)
solomon: i think the imposter is...
solomon: either satan or... thirteen.
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