#scheming Evan Buckley-Diaz
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atorionsbelt · 6 months
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buddie vs royjamie
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gregorygerwitz · 4 months
AITA for having a daddy kink?
I (32M) have been with my bf, T (45M) for a few months now, and besides the first date (if you remember my post about that, I'm so sorry for the secondhand embarrassment I caused everyone) everything is going really well! Or at least I thought so.
Last week, my boss (who's kind of like the dad I never had) (he's also my bf's old boss but that's not really relevant) was in the hospital after a cartel burned down his house. He's fine now. Made a full recovery. But T and I met up at my place after I left the hospital so we could have dinner. I finally made this new lasagna recipe just right after trying to figure it out for WEEKS and it was delicious.
We were talking about things while we ate, like we've done on all of our dates, and we started talking about my boss in the hospital. T even asked if I was okay, which is a little weird because I'm not the one who was in a fire or the emergency room, but it was sweet. He's really sweet. He's always checking in to make sure I'm okay and he's not doing anything that makes me uncomfortable, and that's really new, but good! Anyway, talking about my boss (and how he's kinda my dad) made T bring up his rough relationship with his own father, and one of his other old bosses, and I could tell it was a little uncomfortable.
Who likes to talk about their strained relationships with family? I know I don't. I always try to change the subject when anyone tries to talk about my parents with me. So I did that.
All I did was joke that we both have daddy issues - because we do, no matter what he says about it - and it's so easy to just talk to him, you know? So maybe I was a little flirty. Okay, I was a lot flirty, but I just wanted to make him smile because I don't like seeing the people I love upset. And maybe that fed into some innuendos. And maybe we kind of came to the conclusion that I really like calling him "daddy" in bed. I had a really good night after dinner. It was great.
And it was all great. This is the happiest I've been in a really long time. I don't think I've ever been this happy in a relationship, actually. It feels so light and easy and like he actually likes me, not some idea of me or the potential I have to be something else? That's something I'll unpack with my therapist later. Don't worry about it.
Anyway, things were great until I talked about it with my best friend, E (32M) - and I'm trying to take what he's said with a grain of salt, because he's going through a lot of major changes in his life right now, and he probably just wanted me to stop talking about my sex life, but still...
He said that because T made the comment while we were talking about our boss being in the hospital, he was just taking advantage of my childhood trauma to try out a kink. Because we were talking about something pretty serious, he never should have turned things in that direction - flirty and sexual - while I was worried and stressed, and he was totally brushing off how I was feeling in the moment. I thought it was fine in the moment, even fun, but E has known me for the last 6 years and has watched me get into and out of relationships that weren't always good for me, and now I'm worried that he's right and it's happening again. I really trust his opinion and I know he just wants to look out for me.
I guess I just don't know how to feel. I really like T, and he hasn't done anything to hurt me, and I'm happy. But E does see things from a different angle, maybe less biased than I do because I'm in the middle of it. I don't know who to trust more right now. I thought I was the one who made the conversation flirty and brought up the daddy issues to lighten the mood and make us smile more, but is my best friend right? Is T brushing off my feelings and sexualizing our relationship? Or is E just overly protective because I've been hurt in the past?
I guess this isn't really an AITA - Is He (T) The Asshole (IHTA) for joking about my daddy issues hopefully giving me a daddy kink, too, in the middle of a dinner date?
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chronicowboy · 2 years
buck dies. like doesn't almost die he dies completely, good and dead for the entire ambulance ride to the hospital then once again later on. he dies, we know this. so when he wakes up, it'd make sense for him to face his mortality because he didn't really do that with the truck bombing or the tsunami because he was so focused on getting back to firefighting/finding chris that he couldn't face up to the reality of it until it was already over. but this time, he's going to have to face it head on. not just because he died but because his entire family watched him die and sat vigil by his bedside. so he makes a bucket list of sorts not things he wants to do before he dies but things he wants to do to shake things up a bit like what the age of absolutely was supposed to be before connor and kameron showed up. and of course eddie is involved. whether buck asks him or eddie sees the list and is like "okay put me down for the casino but i'm crossing off axe throwing to save you from yourself". so buck and eddie start doing something weird and fun each episode with mixed results (and lots of flirting, eye fucking, intensely homoerotically charged moments, etc). and then eddie starts doing his trial and error dating schtick around the same time. so we get this contrast (bonus points for a point blank, slap in the face montage comparing the two) of these awkward, terribly constricting first dates and the easy, comfortable nights with buck. until eventually eddie's on one of these dates and someone mentions one of the things buck and eddie have done and he inevitably starts talking about buck and he's just like oh.
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nostalgic-shamefest · 7 months
So no one is gonna gif the fire extinguisher going off as the words sexual tension have just been uttered huh?
I thought you guys were fun!
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Make Me Write:
Once again bringing back this game, but this time i’m including newer wips/fics i haven’t worked on in a while instead of some of the more prominent ones— send me an ask w one of the emojis from the list below and i’ll reply with an excerpt from the related fic!
☢️ - Overpressure
While Buck and Eddie argue over whether or not they should tell the others about their relationship, an earthquake causes a nearby nuclear power station to experience a partial meltdown, causing an explosion and ensuing fire that could potentially lead to another explosion releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere over LA. When Buck is injured and possibly contaminated by radiation, Eddie is forced to reexamine his feelings on their relationship. Meanwhile, Maddie faces mounting pressure at dispatch after being promoted to a supervisor position, while Athena struggles to find a missing teen before time runs out.
🖼️ - 2002
When Evan Buckley returns to El Paso for the funeral of Isabel Diaz, he is reunited with his childhood best friend Eddie Diaz— the man who he had been in love with since they were in middle school before their falling out in their senior year. Now a single father and high school Spanish teacher, Eddie is initially cold towards Buck, but as Buck reminisces over his years living in El Paso, he and Eddie slowly begin to repair their friendship; soon discovering that some things never change no matter how long it’s been— and some feelings remained dormant, just waiting to be reawoken.
📱 - Conflict of Interest
When Christopher is sent to a new counselor after Eddie faced yet another near death experience, Eddie is faced with an immediate attraction to the young “Dr. Buck.” While he comes to terms with these newfound feelings, as well as his recent near death experience, and mounting pressure from his family to find a new girlfriend after he had broken up with his amidst his post-traumatic breakdown, he joins an anonymous online support group for individuals who have been involved in near-death experiences where he encounters user EBSeal92 who he quickly forms a deep connection with through the screen.
😰 - My eyes! MY EYES!!
While showing Bobby (Hen and Karen tagging along since Athena was on shift) a unit that Ravi owns across the street from Buck’s loft, Ravi and Karen encounter a secret about the nature of Buck and Eddie’s relationship in possibly the most uncomfortable way possible— when Hen swears them both to secrecy, informing them that only she and Chimney know, Ravi suggests that they get back in some way. While Chimney and Hen do their best to stay out of it, Karen and Ravi try to hatch a scheme to get the boys to break, all while Bobby is just trying to get an apartment. (Inspired by “The One Where Everybody Finds Out” from Friends)
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
Ridiculous BuckTommy prompt
Tommy has been secretly working to get information not for Gerrard but his uncle Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
Send Me Ridiculous BuckTommy Prompts
Lol the way that I've never watched a full episode of Phineas & Ferb but I feel like I know enough about Doofenshmirtz from Milo Murphy's Law 😂 Let's gooooooooo.
The Unpaid Intern
When Tommy's Uncle, notorious villain Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, had dubbed Tommy his "Unpaid College Intern" (despite Tommy not being in college) and tasked him to do research on the "Hot Firefighter-inator", Tommy knew that he would have to go deep undercover.
He joined the army.
He got discharged from the army early.
He got his pilot license but then finally hit step two - becoming a firefighter.
He silently worked his way to Harbor Station and built essentially an almost twenty-year-long fake career as a firefighter pilot.
And then.
Tommy found him.
The perfect research subject for his uncle's "Hot Firefighter-inator".
Evan Buckley.
Not to say that Tommy hadn't accrued research on other hot firefighters over the years. Howie Han, Hen Wilson, Bobby Nash, Lucy Donato, and Metlon had all been prime research subjects for Tommy's mission. Even newer faces like Eddie Diaz and Ravi Panikkar were now vital to Tommy's "Hot Firefighter-inator" data.
But Evan Buckley?
There was something different about Evan Buckley.
It totally wasn't because Tommy was in love with the guy. It totally wasn't because every time Tommy's eyes locked with Evan's, his heart skipped a beat. It totally wasn't because every time Evan's eyes flittered from Tommy's eyes to his lips, Tommy wanted to kiss him. It totally wasn't because every time Evan gave him a TEDTalk about the evolution of ants or the history of the paperclip, all Tommy wanted to do was listen to Evan forever.
However, Tommy didn't expect his heart to break when he saw that Evan had found his dastardly plans - had walked into the guest bedroom marked "TOTALLY NOT SECRET PEPE SILVIA ROOM" and found all the data Tommy had gotten over the years for the "Hot Firefighter-inator" tactfully organized on the walls with red string.
With Evan at the center of it all.
"You're... trying to make a ray gun that turns everyone into hot firefighters?" asked Evan, confused.
"Yes. Well. No. Not me. My uncle is. But it's true. I've been lying this whole time," said Tommy, "I'm not a hot firefighter pilot. I'm an intern. An unpaid intern for an evil mastermind hellbent on turning everyone into a hot firefighter. And I'm here to spy on you all."
"But - you have a pilot license."
"I do."
"You've been a firefighter for almost twenty years."
"As a ruse for my nefarious schemes."
"And - and you think I'm the hottest firefighter?" asked Evan, waggling his eyebrows.
Okay, Tommy thought Evan would be a little more upset over this.
"I mean, yeah. You're always smiling. You can talk for hours about monarch butterflies and the creation of butter and it's always fascinating. You're sweet. You're kind. You're thoughtful. You've got muscles and a nice tummy. Not all hot people are abs on abs on abs. Who doesn't like a bit of a stomach? It's healthy. And all I want to do is spend time with you. Of course you're the hottest of the firefighters I've spied on."
"Oh, of course. Definitely just because I'm hot. Only ulterior motives with that answer," said Evan as he walked over and draped his arms loosely over Tommy's shoulders, "Want to make out? For science?"
"I mean, if it's for science," said Tommy as Evan backed Tommy up into his Pepe Silvia board of hot firefighters; as Evan dove into a deep kiss that made Tommy forget his name.
And okay.
Maybe this wasn't just about science.
Fuck, Tommy was a bad spy.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 year
911 Masterlist
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🖤 = 100+ Notes
😕 = Hurt + Comfort
😭 = Angst
⛅ = Fluff
💞 = Get Together
💋 = Established Relationship
😎 = Platonic Relationship
🎵 = Song-Fic
😋 = Silly
Blurbs & Imagines:
-- None At This Time --
Love || WC: 1,138 ||💞 - Buck shows up at Reader’s house in the middle of the night and soon makes a confession that sparks joy in her heart. Star Stickers || WC: 2,941 ||😎 - Evan & Tommy x Platonic!Reader || Buck & Tommy devise a plan to cheer you up since you haven’t been sleeping well due to insomnia. 
--- EDDIE DIAZ ---
Cuffed || WC: 2,215 ||😕💞 - Eddie has been ignoring & avoiding his best friend, Reader, for weeks now. Buck can’t stand it anymore & enlists Tommy to help him in his scheme to get the two of you talking again.  Hold On || WC: 5,236 ||😕😭💋🎵 - Maddie finds Reader on the bathroom floor after Reader attempted. The 118 receive the call as she is one of their own & then wait at the hospital with their family. Meanwhile, Reader is reminded of all her people & why she can’t give up.  Your Problem, My Problem, Everybody's Problem || WC: 3,928 ||⛅😋💞 - Reader is in love with an immensely annoying pain in the ass. Eddie Diaz is an immensely annoying pain in the ass. Hey Bartender || WC: 4,087 ||⛅💞🖤 - Reader thinks it’s just another shift of bartending but instead meets a drunk golden retriever that sets her up with his best friend.
A Drunk Mind Speaks A Sober Heart || 2 Chapters || Total WC: 6,103 || Completed ||💞🖤 - Reader gets injured on a call but Buck is swiftly to the rescue with Eddie in tow. Later on, Reader and Buck make drunken confessions to separate confidants. 
--- EDDIE DIAZ ---
I Can't Say || 3 Chapters || Total WC: 11,325 || Completed ||😕💋 - Eddie thinks Reader is cheating on him and breaks up with her. He doesn’t believe her when she says she has a good reason for acting how she has because she says she can’t tell him.
- 911 Headcanons/Crack - How the 118 + Athena React to Someone Saying, "We Have A Problem." - 118+ Got That Dog In 'Em - 911 Characters Reacting To... - More 911 Headcanons - 911 Characters As Shit In My Drafts - 911 Characters React to "Don't tell anyone"
Incorrect Quotes:
- Long Sleeves Are Portable Napkins - Being Pretty Must Be Tiring - Buck Yes, Buck Maybe, Buck No 🖤 - I HAVE CAUSE! It is BECAUSE I hate him! - My Ducks Are Absolutely Not In A Row - It Costs Zero Dollars To Be Nice - Can I Copy Your Homework? - Except For My Middle Finger... - And I'll Bail ___ Out Of Jail - Why Do You Say That With Such Certainty? - Don't Use Pet Names - Who Ate My Cookies? - Finally Lost It - Asserting Dominance - Best About Being An Adult - My Demons Requested Arts & Crafts
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devirnis · 1 year
5. Hand kisses 👀👉👈
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I've been Uno reverse carded
Act Like That
Relationships: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz Rating: T Word count: 1.7k
07/11/2023 update to include the entire text under the cut
Eddie has never considered returning to the scene of a call for a date, and yet when Buck texts him an address and time – and Eddie recognizes it when he’s Googling the parking situation as the medieval faire where they’d rescued a knight from bees – Eddie hadn’t even considered suggesting an alternative location. Buck clearly had something planned, and if Eddie has learned anything from the past few months of dating the man, it’s that there’s always a good reason behind Buck’s harebrained schemes. While Eddie doesn’t consider himself much of a renaissance faire enthusiast, a day spent with Buck is still a day spent with Buck. However, Eddie very much would have preferred driving together over showing up at a crowded event by himself and having to hunt for his boyfriend.
Pulling out his phone, Eddie checks the text from Buck again.
Buck come find me by the combat area :D :D :D
Sighing, Eddie wanders up to the gate to buy a ticket. After he’s inside the grounds, he spends a few minutes staring at the costumes and the vendors, feeling slightly overwhelmed (and underdressed, in his jeans and henley), before following signs to the combat arena. Eddie vaguely remembers the way from their call here last year, and hopes to god there isn’t another angry swarm of bees in his future.
When he arrives at the requested spot, Eddie looks around for the familiar broad shoulders and sunny smile. Buck’s height normally makes him easy to find in a crowd, but Eddie doesn’t see his boyfriend anywhere. He pulls out his phone again.
Eddie I’m here, where are you?
He waits a couple minutes, but there’s no response from Buck, not even the typing bubbles. Eddie glances around again, wondering if Buck got distracted by one of the booths – it’s been known to happen on more than one occasion at street festivals and farmers markets. Assuming Buck will eventually wander back over from whatever distraction has pulled him away, Eddie decides he might as well watch a match or two. Evidently there’s some sort of event going on today called “Fight the Knight”, where anyone interested can have a go at swinging a sword around. Eddie chuckles to himself; he can’t imagine donning a suit of armour in this heat.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” The enthusiastic announcer, who’s dressed as some sort of elf, steps into the centre of the ring. “Gather ‘round to see our next match, where our brave knight, Sir Cenric, will take on his next challenger, Buck!”
Eddie’s head shoots up from where he’d been checking his phone again. His Buck?
The tent at the back of the area opens to reveal a man probably ten years older than Eddie dressed in a suit of armour – presumably Sir Cenric – who waves at the spectators. Sure enough, right on the knight’s heels, comes bounding one Evan Buckley, smiling his eager, excited smile as he waves enthusiastically at the crowd. He looks resplendent in his silver armour, shining in the sunlight like some kind of honest-to-god medieval prince. A few people around Eddie swoon a bit at the sight of Buck, and Eddie can’t even blame them. Then Buck’s eyes land on him and his bright smile softens a bit around the edges.
Jesus Christ, Eddie thinks as his heart does a little hop in his chest.
Buck makes a beeline for him, and Eddie feels a few jealous gazes swing in his direction. He only has eyes for his knight, though, as Buck stops on the other side of the wooden fence that surrounds the fighting area. He’s still grinning happily, like he’s so pleased with himself and his little plan, and a familiar fondness wells up in Eddie’s chest at seeing Buck so unabashedly giddy. Even if Eddie’s feeling mildly embarrassed about now being the centre of attention, seeing Buck clearly enjoying himself makes it all worth it.
“My good sir!” Buck says, putting on a bit of an English accent.
Or maybe not.
“What are you doing?” Eddie hisses.
“Come on, Eddie,” Buck whispers back. “It’s a ren faire, have a little fun!” Then he clears his throat and says loudly, “Could I ask you for a token of your favour, my prince? For good luck in the fight?”
Eddie feels his ears go hot at being called my prince as a few people titter around him. For a second, he has absolutely no idea what to give Buck for a knightly favour – it’s not like he frequently accessorizes with ascots, and he’s certainly not about to whip his shirt off in front of the crowd. But then he remembers what’s hanging around his neck, resting against his sternum, and smiles.
Buck’s eyes widen slightly as Eddie pulls his St. Christopher pendant over his head. When Eddie offers it to him, Buck hesitates for a second, his gaze flicking between Eddie and the pendant as if to silently ask are you sure? Eddie barely resists the urge to roll his eyes. The man is the legal guardian of his son in the event of his untimely death and yet Buck is still surprised that Eddie is offering him his necklace? Before Eddie can smack him upside the head, Buck gently takes the St. Christopher pendant from Eddie’s open palm and carefully wraps it around his wrist a couple times until it’s secure. 
And then Buck takes Eddie’s hand and brings it up to his lips, pressing a tender kiss to Eddie’s knuckles while he aims his besotted blue eyes directly at Eddie.
From somewhere to his left, Eddie hears someone sigh, “That’s so fucking precious I’m going to throw up.”
Eddie’s face flames.
Mercifully, Buck drops Eddie’s hand before he can completely combust, and takes a step back. “Thank you for the favour,” Buck says solemnly. “I’ll fight my best to be worthy of it.”
Eddie’s never really been one for roleplay, but he’s suddenly consumed with a burning desire to see Buck with that earnest expression in that ridiculous suit of armour hovering above Eddie in bed, promising to be pleasing in other ways…
Christ, he really needs to stop following that train of thought, or he’s going to end up with a hard-on in the middle of a family-friendly festival.
Buck heads back over to Sir Cenric, who’s been patiently waiting throughout this entire display. The elf announcer hands them each a sword, and ridiculously Eddie feels his heart rate kick up. Obviously the swords aren’t that sharp and Buck must have been given some kind of safety briefing back in the tent, but Eddie’s only human, and the prospect of Buck clashing steel with a trained professional doesn’t exactly fill him with excitement. The elf then hands both fighters a helmet each, and Eddie relaxes a little bit now that Buck probably won’t be losing an ear.
“First to five hits is the champion,” the announcer says. “Ready… begin!”
The fighters circle each other as the spectators begin to shout out encouragement. Eddie opens his mouth to cheer Buck on, like a good boyfriend, but then Buck does some sort of effortlessly sexy twirl with the sword in his hand and Eddie nearly swallows his own tongue. He’s learning so much about himself today that it’s a little alarming.
Cenric takes a swing at Buck, who handily blocks the attack. 
“You’re a quick one, even in all that armour,” Cenric notes.
“Firefighter,” Buck explains, and Eddie can hear the grin in his voice.
There’s a lot of back and forth after that. Eddie tries to follow the flow of the strikes, but he’s not entirely sure what the rules are, even as the announcer calls out the hits. After a few minutes, both men are clearly tiring, their swings becoming more and more sloppy. One of Cenric’s blows glances off of Buck’s leg, and Eddie winces, already mentally resolving to check for bruising later. Eventually, Buck makes one last attack, and the announcer calls out, “Five!” 
As the spectators cheer, Buck removes his helmet and turns around to find Eddie, beaming. Eddie pauses mid-clap, his mouth suddenly bone-dry. Buck is rosy-cheeked and ruddy, his hair flattened and damp from sweat, and he’s still panting slightly from the bout. As Buck wipes a forearm over his brow, Eddie has the fleeting, absurd urge to drop to his knees right then and there in front of the crowd.
The announcer grabs Buck’s hand and raises it up. “Your champion, Sir Buck!” Then they give Buck a wicked grin and shove him in Eddie’s direction. “Go kiss your prince.”
Buck stumbles towards Eddie, blushing as if he hadn’t basically turned Eddie into a puddle of goo with his earlier antics. Eddie figures he’s never going to see any of these people again anyway, so there’s no harm in being so sappy that Chris would be groaning in mortification if he were here. Taking Buck’s wrist with the pendant wrapped around it, Eddie gently pulls off his armoured glove and presses a kiss to Buck’s palm. When the crowd whoops and Buck’s face flushes red as a tomato, Eddie grins victoriously. 
“Why don’t I help you out of that armour and we can let the next person have a turn?” Eddie says lowly.
Buck practically drags Eddie back to the tent as Cenric gets ready for the next bout. Once the tent flap closes behind them, Eddie expects Buck to pounce. Instead, Buck bites his lip as he searches Eddie’s gaze, looking almost bashful.
“That wasn’t too much, right?” Buck asks, all his cocky bravado from earlier gone. “You weren’t embarrassed?”
Eddie’s heart clenches. He holds out his hand and wiggles his fingers, beckoning Buck forward. When Buck comes close enough, Eddie grabs his hand and tugs him into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around Buck even if it’s a little awkward and uncomfortable while he’s still in the full suit of armour.
“Baby,” Eddie murmurs into his ear, delighting when Buck shudders and melts against him. “It was very sweet. Thank you.” He punctuates the sentiment with a kiss to Buck’s jaw. “But seriously, how much did you pay him to let you win?” 
Buck reels back in mock offence. “You think I couldn’t have won that fair and square? You wound me!”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but pulls Buck back in for a kiss. When he eventually lets Buck go, Eddie feels the blood rush to his cheeks again as he asks, “So, uh. What are the chances we can take this getup home?”
Buck grins. “I’m pretty sure I can rent it.”
(also on ao3)
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wolfnprey · 1 year
Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes
I present to you, a fusion of 9-1-1 and the MCU! This is an offering for the @starksnack in honor of the @sunflower-auction. Evan "Buck Buckley/Eddie Diaz, minor Steve Rogers/Tony Stark 5.7k, Gen (Read on ao3)
Eddie doesn't know where the story ends or when the punchline is going to hit, but where it's currently at is Buck and the rest of the team spending their last night in New York fanboying over meeting NYFD's team lovingly referred to as The Avengers while Eddie hangs back trying not to glower at how Buck's mooning over Tony Stark. 
He can just hear Hen's voice in the back of his head going, Taylor and Natalia didn't follow the name-rhyming scheme, but Tony sure does!
A childish part of him wants to go so does Eddie.
In fact, Eddie's so determined to not be childish that he's too busy glaring down at his beer to pick up on someone joining him at the bar until it's too late.
"I don't think I'm going to be able to dampen Tony's ego again after all the questions your friend Buck has been rattling off."
Eddie doesn't jump or startle like a cat being touched unexpectedly. He just…bounces. A little. And almost drops his beer. Whether it's out of pity or kindness, Steve Rogers doesn't comment on it and helps grab some napkins to wipe up the alcohol that did splash over the rim of Eddie's glass. 
Honing back in on what the man said, Eddie casts a glance at the table where Buck is still too close to Tony for his liking. "That's Buck for you. He can't help himself when a subject piques his interest."
Steve hums, something akin to knowing in his smile as he takes a sip from his own beer. "Tony's the same way. Constantly researching and then info dumping as soon as something triggers him."
That definitely sounds like Buck. It's so stupid how much Eddie looks forward to it and gobbles up every single fact that spills out of his best friend's mouth. 
"It's not every day that I hear about Buck sharing a characteristic with Tony Stark," Eddie muses with a lighthearted chuckle. He can't decide if that makes the green-eyed monster worse or not. He can't help it. Buck's been smiling, really smiling, more in their time here and around The Avengers than he has back home. Like it's easier to find peace within himself around a bunch of strangers than with the people who love him.
And, selfishly, Eddie doesn't understand why he's not the one able to do that for him anymore. Buck's the one who got Eddie to stop pretending after the shooting that everything was fine, so why can't he do the same for Buck?
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Slightly drunk Ramon Diaz at one of the close family gatherings
Ramon: You know I don't believe in signs from the universe and whatnot...
Buck: Sounds familiar.
Ramon: ... but I think Eddie was always destined to be a firefighter.
Eddie: Thanks, dad. That's- that's really nice of you *touched*
Helena: Oh, no. No, no, no, please stop talking.
Eddie: What mom? This again? You think I'm not good enough for my job?
Helena: Honey, that is NOT what I mean-
Eddie: I thought we were past this!
Helena: We are, Eddie, of course we are! It's not what you think.
Eddie: Then what?
Helena: Sweety, trust me, you really don't want to know what's this about.
Eddie: I'm confused.
Buck: I'm kinda curious now.
Ramon: ... AS I WAS SAYING, the firefighting is in your blood, mijo. Did you know I was a firefighter in EPFD for, like, two years?
Eddie: Wow. No, you never told me or girls that. Why did you stop?
Ramon: I got fired. It was worth it.
Helena: Älskling, I'm begging you to stop talking.
Buck: I bet there's a story there.
Ramon: You goddamn right there is!
Eddie: What happened?
Ramon: It was your fault!
Eddie: Excuse me?!
Ramon: I got fired 'cuz our Edmundo was conceived in a fire TRUCK!
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So, Eddie, mijo. You too, Evan! If my next grandkid is gonna be conceived in a firehouse, make sure you don't get caught, don't repeat my mistakes.
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Eddie: Mom?! *traumatized*
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Nothing much just a guy giving his partner an extended gay glare with a side of horny
gif from: @whosoldherout
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sunshinebuckley · 3 years
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There is a Quichua riddle: El que me nombra, me rompe. Whatever names me, breaks me. The solution, of course, is “silence.” But the truth is, anyone who knows your name can break you in two.
— Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House
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buckhelped-archive · 3 years
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𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝟐𝐱𝟎𝟏: 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 (𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧)
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coal15 · 3 years
And here it is! Ch.1 of my au Buddie fic modeled after the plot of netflix's gay Christmas rom-com Single All The Way. It's gonna end up being at least 2 or 3 chapters. So far I'm really proud of it. (and thanks to @texasbama for the inspiration)
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bvckactually · 4 years
okay but marjan not realizing that she’s in love with salim until salim decided to end things between them because he met someone new? what if they pull the same thing between eddie and buck with buck finally realizing that he’s been in love with eddie all along when eddie starts going out on dates with ms. flores? and when he finally confronts him about it, we’ll get eddie confessing that he’s just been waiting for buck all along?
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