teilix · 2 years
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Lamborghini C 553 (1968-1970) at the Technik-Museum Sinsheim (@technikmuseen_sinsheimspeyer). [Ad/Werbung, tagging unpaid/unbezahlt] #LamborghiniC553 #Lamborghinitractor #Lamborghinibulldozer #Weinbergraupe #vineyardtractor #classicLamborghini #Lamborghini #classictractor #tractorclassic #vintagetractor #traktor #tractorpower #traktorpower #schlepper #oldtractors #oldtractors_worldwide #tractor #trattori #oldfarmers #oldtimefarming #oldschoolfarming #antiquetractor #teilixLamborghini #oldtimer #tractorspotting #TechnikMuseumSinsheim #obscuremonday (hier: Technik Museum Sinsheim) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clxxi9VoPCV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jockifotopress · 2 months
3. Rosenbacher Bremswagenziehen
An der Ortsverbindungsstraße Rosenbach-Weiher veranstalten die Rosenbacher ihr 3. Bremswagenziehen. Eine riesen Gaudi mit tollen Traktoren und Schleppern aus allen Klassen und Baujahren.
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berlinverkehr · 4 months
Schifffahrt: Alter Berliner Dampfschlepper "Andreas" eröffnet Saison, aus rbb24
05.05.2024 https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2024/05/berlin-dampfschlepper-andreas-faehrt-wieder-spree.html #Dampfschlepper “#Andreas” ist in diesem Jahr das erste Mal durch die Berliner #Gewässer gezogen. Am Sonntag fand das traditionelle #Andampfen statt. Bei leichtem Regen legte der historische #Schlepper am Historischen #Hafen ab. Continue reading Schifffahrt: Alter Berliner…
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 10 months
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Niger streicht Loi 36
Beruf des Schleppers wieder anerkannt
In Deutschland wurden sie Fluchthelfer genannt und bekamen oft das Bundesverdienstkreuz, inzwischen gibt es keinen Politiker in Deutschland, der die Schlepper nicht für alle Übel der Welt verantwortlich macht und TaxifahrerInnen in Nähe der polnischen Grenzen müssen sich genau überlegen, wen sie mitnehmen, um nicht der Schlepperei beschuldigt zu werden.
Zumindest im afrikanischen Niger ist der "Beruf" nun wieder erlaubt. Die EU hatte dem Land Milliarden zugesagt, wenn sie die Migrationsrouten durch ihr Land stoppen würden.  Nzz.ch schreibt: Seit 2015 gilt in Niger die "Loi 36" zur Strafbarkeit von Schleppertätigkeit und Menschenhandel. Schleppern drohen demnach bis zu 30 Jahre Haft. Dank von der EU finanzierten Patrouillen wurde das Gesetz seither rigoros angewendet. ... Die Zahl der durchreisenden Migranten und Flüchtlinge in Richtung Libyen und dann Europa sank zunächst massiv, von 300 000 im Jahr 2016 auf zuletzt unter 50 000 jährlich.
Nun kündigte die neue Regierung das Abkommen mit der EU – und handelt damit durchaus im Sinn der Bevölkerung. Vor allem die im Norden wohnenden Tuareg, aus dessen Stamm der alte Präsident stammte, waren als Pförtner zum "Tor zur Sahara" sehr an der Belebung ihrer Geschäfte interessiert. Aber auch normale Lastwagenfahrer, Gastwirte und Ladenbesitzer leben von der Wiederaufnahme des Migrationstourismus.
Vielleicht sollten die EU-Staaten sich endlich für gleichberechtigte Beziehungen mit den ehemaligen Kolonien einsetzen, anstatt auf Militärhilfe zu setzen. Die Migrationsströme werden nur versiegen, wenn es keinen wirtschaftlichen Grund mehr gibt, die eigenen Heimat gegen eine Reise ins Ungewisse aufzugeben.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.nzz.ch/international/niger-putschregierung-setzt-migrationsabkommen-mit-der-eu-aus-ld.1767789
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3xx Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8600-20231128-niger-streicht-loi-36.html
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ursache-wirkung · 11 months
Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) hat jüngst öffentlich angekündigt, die staatlichen Hilfen zur „Seenotrettung“ einstellen zu wollen. Daraufhin hat ihn seine Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) korrigiert. Deutschland werde weiterhin acht Millionen Euro in vier Jahren an die überweisen, die der Bundestag „Seenotretter“ nennt und die AfD „Schlepper“ und „Schleuser“. Dass er eine Richtlinienkompetenz hat, das hat der Kanzler offenbar vergessen.
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nicholas-ratush · 2 years
Their Purpose
As many of you know, I’ve been following the War in Ukraine closely for an open role I have on my team.
It saddens me to say, in times of universal deceit, honesty is counterrevolutionary. I don’t think I can describe my own disdain.
Many thanks to all of our Soviet friends:
"They helped us to remember that children's well being should be our first priority when working through annexation agreements."
"We thank them for taking so much time to walk us through the collaborative separation process, 31 years in the making. They've given us a lot to think about and opened our minds to...”
"They were truthful, kept us focused, and didn't just tell us what we wanted to hear."
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queenofthemasquerade · 2 months
Warning - Why Can the Bodies Fly
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matan4il · 8 months
I just wanted to say I really appreciate your daily update posts. I don't have much to say than just, thank you! I don't really know how else to put it into words, but I wanted to express my gratitude for all the work that must go into making them.
Awwww, this is so sweet and kind of you, thank you so much, lovely! <3333 You don't need to say much more, that right there is pretty damn important in itself, and I'm ever so grateful. Sorry that I didn't get to update for a few days, it was a combo of rl stuff and being in so much physical pain that I had to stay in bed. But I'll do my best to pick up where I left off... I hope you're well, and I'm sending so much love your way! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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amseehafen · 2 years
stürmisch Binnenschiff GMS EMELIE D DB2292 MMSI 211475120 Emden stormy i...
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derzaungast · 2 years
Wie man auf Facebook bzw. im Fcebook-Messenger die Zeit vertreiben kann
Leider ist mir wieder ein schönes Geschäft durch die Lappen gegangen. Es ist schon ein Kreuz mit der Wohltätigkeit: man wird sein Geld einfach nicht los! Seltsam auch, das so viele Menschen (gerade auch Facebook-Kontakte!) dasselbe Problem zu haben scheinen. Dabei hätte ich Gré Stocker-Boon so gerne geholfen!
Noch seltsamer, dass die sympathische alte Dame nach meiner letzten Nachricht überhaupt nichts mehr von sich hören ließ…
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superduckpirate · 2 years
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berlinverkehr · 2 years
Schiffsverkehr: Schiffshebewerk in Niederfinow : Erste Fahrt im Schiffslift: Der Berliner Schlepper „Volldampf“ ist dabei, aus Berliner Zeitung
Schiffsverkehr: Schiffshebewerk in Niederfinow : Erste Fahrt im Schiffslift: Der Berliner Schlepper „Volldampf“ ist dabei, aus Berliner Zeitung
05.10.2022 https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/mensch-metropole/schiffshebewerk-niederfinow-erste-fahrt-im-schiffslift-der-berliner-schlepper-volldampf-ist-dabei-li.273372 Schon bei der Eröffnung wird das #Schiffshebewerk als besonderes Bauwerk gefeiert. Und es gibt auch eine #Kuriosität, die mit dem #Nachbau in #China zu tun hat. Er ist extra aus der Berlin angereist, und obwohl es von der…
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pinbox24 · 2 years
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determinate-negation · 11 months
i know new york being the ancestral homeland of jews is a joke but as a jew from europe it literally feels that way. like i cannot imagine like a whole street written in hebrew. like i want to go there just to see that. i dont think jews inthe united states are aware of how good they have it
i do want to note that america is also a settler colonial state and its only because of specific american aims of the settler project and material realities of the economy and the physical land they were trying to settler that theyve had this “melting pot” ideology where jews were incorporated similarly to italian and irish immigrants, instead of continuing to have deeply ingrained religious and cultural antisemitism like europe. there were in some periods of us history more restrictions on jewish immigration and some institutional barriers for jews, especially before and during ww2, but never to the same degree as europe. although american jews were rarely (if ever, i dont know any examples but there could be some) violent genocidal settlers like the anglos and generally migrated later, we were still settlers searching for economic interests provided by american expansion on native land. that being said were here now and have the status of any other american settler (meaning people who arent indigenous or descended from enslaved people brought here against their will) most indigenous theorists and activists maintain that they want sovereignty, reparations, companies to stop destroying native land, etc, not every american settler to leave. i really believe that the united states also must fall, but i dont think this makes us like not belonging, at least any more than the other settlers.
i just want to say this to explain that my love for new york and the east coast us is complex. objectively the multicultural and cosmopolitan aspects of nyc that make it unique are products of american imperialism– for example nyc is the most linguistically diverse city in the world! over 600 languages are spoken here, including languages that arent spoken anywhere else anymore, but think about why that is. and the flourishing of jewish communities and culture in parts of the us was a product of specific historic processes and policies, and we like any other descendants of settler-immigrants have to grapple with that. i think its possible to oppose and fight against american imperialism and settler colonialism and still deeply appreciate the contradictory aspects of culture in america. (which lbr all the dynamic and interesting and worth preserving things about american culture were not created by anglos, but by outsiders and oppressed people) anyways this is all just to say im really not coming at it from a nationalist perspective but a diaspora perspective but yeah, new york is such a jewish city its genuinely incredible. this is why i especially despise tri state area zionists... youre ignoring that you live in the greatest place in the world for jews. literally the most jewish city in the world. like theres a moving company called schleppers here, yiddish words are part of everyones dialect, you can get the best jewish food everywhere from delis that are like 100 years old, we literally have a truck called the mitzvah tank that chabad drives around and asks people on the street if theyre jewish. the only romaniote synagogue in the western hemisphere is here and they have a greek jewish festival every year (which unfortunately is always covered in israeli flags -_-) the whole foods by one of my work sites had a sign up for yom kippur catering because the neighborhood is so jewish.
jewish culture and history and jews in general are just part of the fabric of life in new york. also whatever street youre talking about was probably written in yiddish since thats what most of the hassidic jews speak here! nyc has the largest concentration of yiddish speakers, which isnt surprising, and its the 8th most spoken language in nyc. theres also a big and still growing bukharian community here too. if you ever can, i really recommend visiting new york. theres so much jewish culture and history here. a lot of american jews live much more isolated, so i cant speak for them, but for many parts of the north east i feel that were lucky. antisemitism exists here but idk ive grown up in pretty jewish areas and never really experienced it. europe sounds legitimately shitty. also... fun fact, netanyahu went to high school in the suburbs outside of philly
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^my photos in the lower east side, and heres some photography of hassidic williamsburg too
also williamsburg
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irish-urn · 6 months
Venturian Candidate
Casey with braids is the cutest, I don't make the rules.
DEREK AND HIS GUITAR. also, I do love how she barges into his room. The door was closed, sweetheart. And he's much better about her coming into his room than I would be if I were him. He has a soft spot.
THAT HAPPY GRIN probably drove Derek insane for a week.
The second hand embarrassment for Derek. I don't think I can watch this. This must be his WORST. NIGHTMARE. HE JUST WANTED CASEY TO DO HIS BIDDING IN A SEXY SECRETARY OUTFIT AND I AM GOING TO DIE FOR HIM
"The Schleppettes". Amazing.
"As long as my puppet behaves, everything will be fine."
Casey. In what world did you EVER believe that Derek was going to behave for you??? Derek respects you as a RIVAL not as someone he can trust.
Oh my gosh, the second hand embarrassment of this show. No one knows what a debate is, because they are 15 and stupid.
It is unfortunate that Derek knows what sells. And that he always lands on his feet. I do love that he... Didn't have to do anything because his mere presence was enough to throw off Sheldon AND Casey. That's power, folks.
Okay, this episode is just making me more sure of Emily not being a good friend. Sure, she knows what's socially appropriate for school, which Casey is not good at, but she's not very supportive of who Casey IS. Even when she agrees that Casey's ideas for school are good, as soon as she finds out that Casey is losing, she wants them to bail. And that's... Very very teenage girl of her, unfortunately.
OH EMILY. THIS IS THE BRAVEST I'VE EVER SEEN HER. I take it back; she's growing too!!!
Also, BRAVO Lizzie. I do love her with a message and a belief. I LOVE that both Casey and Lizzie CARE so much about things. They have so much passion and it's so great to see, even when it blows up in their faces. They want to make a difference and that's beautiful.
Man. Edwin sure takes after his brother. Finding dirt on the person so they can get what they want.
Oh. Man. Derek is going to land on his feet. He's... Going to HATE being president. Oh good, he quits.
OH EMILY. YOU JUST WANT TO BE A PERSON WHO IS SEEN. OKAY. OKAY, I THINK I SEE YOU. Ohhhhh I see how the Sheldon and Emily can be happening.
FURTHERMORE: I am intrigued by Nora being VERY passionate about their family not being the worst. I am going to have to think about this a little bit more. It's not the environment that was the problem, it was the perception that others might have about their family.
(Look, I hate to say I told you so about Nora not approving of Dasey, but this is really cementing to me that she wouldn't approve of Dasey.)
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challahbeloved · 2 years
“… The sigh is a kind of speech, a kind of prayer A passive prayer A wordless prayer. Hiding within it words that aren't said, Encapsulating in a moment all that there was to say. I stand facing the gap Between what I wanted and what is, Between what I dreamed of and what I have, And I sigh.
The sigh is an extending of the breath Breathing deeply into reality As it is As I am. I stand facing the Holy Blessed One With empty hands A schlepper Not denying who I am Releasing the dream While the dream still beats within me Sighing from the depths of my broken heart And God, as it were, sighs along with me.”
— Dov Singer, Prepare My Prayer, page 97.
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