#schneep x reader
ijwrff · 1 year
Hi if you're taking requests may I request a Yandere Henrik x reader where they're his new nurse and he becomes really obsessed with them
It ended up being longer than anticipated XD I know little to nothing about nursing and the medical practice in general, aside from my own experiences, so a whole friggin lot of this will probably be wrong. But thank you for requesting ^~^ yanderes be out here doing the worst. And we are all (me included) for some reason here for it.
@thattiredanimator1t0mblr @viciouslyyearning @serenitydusk
Word Count: 1,461
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Becoming a nurse was something you always wanted to do. And you dreamed of being able to travel further from your little town, but you had to start small! There were a couple hospitals in your town, but one was bigger and dealt with more surgical procedures than the other. Being a surgical nurse seemed terrifying, but being able to start as an assistant rather than the full surgical nurse title couldn’t be so bad, right? You’ll have to go through more training, but it’ll give you time to get used to it! 
You were sure there were many applicants, but you were on the list to interview with the hiring manager, and then the head doctor in the larger establishment! It was equal parts exciting…and terrifying. You smoothed out your outfit, and went through the interview without a problem! You had amazing grades in school, and the hiring manager seemed a little apathetic. Hopefully not everyone here would be…and that fear was extinguished when you met the head doctor during the next part of the interview process. 
Dr. Schneeplestein was charismatic. Tired, but seemed warm hearted underneath that. He seemed to like you too, and within the week, you were hired! Those days waiting for a call were agonizing, but worth it in the end. You were over the moon, and already had scrubs and everything picked out! You even made sure to arrive a good few minutes early. Can’t be running late on your first day. 
When you watched surgeries, there were always at least three other nurses in the room. They talked to you quietly to inform you on the process, knowing you hadn’t been a surgical nurse before. It was nerve-wracking at first but over time you got used to it. The tools, the terms, and feelings all surrounding a surgery that you’d only read in your books now make more sense being exposed to them before having to actually use them. 
You didn’t see Dr. Sneep as he insisted on being called, much outside of shadowing him. If only you knew…how he’d been shadowing you too. But in a much, much different way. He turned down nearly every other applicant, once he had seen your excitement when it came to the job. You were new, and barely knew how things worked in an actual hospital. So when he said you’d be his only nurse in one of the following procedures, you simply took it as his way of saying you were ready for the job. Sink or swim. 
He was giving you a chance, and you weren’t one to mess it up! Even if you were pretty nervous about it, you chalked it up to being the first surgery nerves. It…couldn’t be too bad. You might mess up the surgery…but Dr. Schneep would be there. It would be okay! He wasn’t the head doctor for no reason, after all. If you were going to make a mistake, he would be there to correct it. Help you learn to be a better nurse!
The room was well lit, and after washing your hands thoroughly you had made your way into the operating room. He was waiting there, and had a patient on the table. It seemed like he was ready to begin the procedure, and you approached to figure out what kind of surgery it would be. 
He smiled behind his mask, which you could still see through the way his eyes and cheeks raised. “Hello, are you ready to begin? This one should be simple, a knee replacement. All the tools we need are laid out already, and the patient is sedated.” He pointed to his side, and said thoughtfully “It’ll be okay. The surgery will work out according to plan.” 
From there, it was mostly quiet. A few commands from him, but overall it didn’t seem as stressful as you expected it to be. Though you were so focused, you jumped a couple times when he spoke after several moments of silence. It got easier though, and it helped you weren’t doing too much of anything. He did still let you take the lead on some parts, but other than that he did most of the work. 
At the final stitch you did, it was over! You let out a sigh of relief, and smiled at him through your mask. “We did it! My first surgery…it went a lot better than I anticipated.” A couple small laughs and you looked over to him. But he wasn’t laughing. Just staring at you with the calculating eyes you’d seen all of the surgery. 
“Oh no, we’re not finished yet. No one’s here, no cameras or observation rooms.” He gestured to the person laying on the table, “I’d like to ask you something before we went back into the craziness.” He set his tools down, and faced you fully. “How long do you intend to stay with this hospital? I know in your interview, you mentioned potentially expanding.” His tone wasn’t warm, but you chalked it up to the stress of surgery. 
“Well…” It was odd he was asking you now, but didn’t think too much of it. It was…weird that a surgical room would have no cameras. Isn’t that a violation of some kind? It’s weird, but probably not unheard of. “I was hoping to get a transfer after working here for a good few months or so! I’ve been wanting to look in bigger cities for a while now.” You smiled and he smiled too, but his eyes were darker. Maybe the exhaustion really was getting to him. 
“Could I persuade you to stay?” His tone lacked any indicators on what he was feeling. It wasn’t happy, stressed, relieved or any of it. Just a straightforward emotionless question. “You’ll be an asset to this team. You show real promise. You’ve always wanted to be a nurse, and this could be your place to do it.” 
“Oh no, I’m not saying I don’t want to work here, but a bigger city is more ideal for me! I’d like to live closer to everything.” You laughed a couple times, and looked at your watch but he put your hand back down before you could even get a glance of the time. “Uh…Dr. Schneep? Something wrong?” His gaze wasn’t quite…a glare. But it definitely wasn’t anything positive. 
You stood in silence a good few seconds, when he sighed and dropped his gaze down to the medical tools. “Such a shame. Wanting to leave when the two of us were finally getting close.” He moved his mask down and you were met with a cold scowl. “I wonder what the medical field will think of you, if you ripped all these stitches open as you were placing the scalpel.” He chuckled, with his look still dark. “No one would ever hire you in the medical field again.” 
“Dr. Schneep? What…do you mean?” His aura had grown darker, much different than his usual composed expressions. “You’re not making any sense…” You hoped it was some kind of joke, but everything about it seemed too real. It was a serious threat. If he told the hospital about this you wouldn’t get to live out your dream! 
He tilted his head slightly and replied “I mean you’re not leaving the hospital, or me. I could also tell any amount of story to remove you from the medical field. Where would you go then, hm? What would you do?” He took a step closer, and you took a step back. “Go back to school? Find a new passion?” He had walked you into a corner, literally and figuratively. 
Dr. Schneep raised a brow, waiting for your response. You couldn’t get a word out, the only sound you made being the near silent sound of your tears hitting the hard tile floor. It gave him all the answers he needed. You wouldn’t leave, you cared about your job too much. But what could make a man like him just…snap. He had always been so kind to you, what changed? 
“You’re going to be my head nurse from now on. If you so much as said a word about this…”agreement” then you’ll be out of a job, living in that studio apartment of yours all alone with no way to pay rent.” 
“How…do you know what kind of apartment I live in?” He was insane! Completely delusional! You were backed into a corner by a madman. He had lost his mind, and completely changed your view of him forever. You just wish others would see him that way…maybe then you could escape him. But for now, his words will be ingrained in you for the rest of your days. 
“Because I love you, of course.” 
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drebur123 · 2 years
Family Gatherings | Dr. Schneep X Reader
Family Gatherings | Dr. Schneep X Reader
Prompt: Family Gathering (real original title, I know.)
Day: 6/25
You arrive at the door to the Septic's house where the five roommates, Marvin, Schneep, Jameson, Anti, and Chase live. Marvin is holding a meetup for the Holidays, and you were first on the invite list due to you being one of the closet people to the five. The six of you practically grew up together having all met in grade school. 
You knock on the door and Chase answers it. "Y/n~!" He exclaims, opening his arms for a hug. You happily accept his offer, wrapping your arms around him just as he did you.
After pulling away he lets you in. "So, guess what?" He says in an excited tone. "Stacy is bringing by the kids today!" You practically gasp. "Really?" As if on cue, Stacy's car pulls up in front of the house. 
"There they are!" Chase states, pointing out the still opened door. "Then go see them. You can talk to me later," you say, giving him a light push out the door. You turn to go find another one of the Septic's to say hi to.
As you wander into the house you notice that there are a few of the Iplier's there too, such as Wilford and The Host. Everyone seem to be caught up in a conversation besides Dr. Schneep. 
Schneep has never been a conversationalist but tonight he looks off. He has his head in his hands, with a particularly sad expression painted across his face. You look towards the dining table where Schneep sits, calling out to him. "Hey, Schneep."
He looks around, eventually meeting eyes with you. He smiles and gives a small wave of acknowledgment before returning to his zoned-out state. You approach him, gingerly placing your hand on his shoulder to regain his attention. 
"Mind if I sit next to you?" He simply shrugs, moving over to give you room to slide into the seat next to him. "Are you good?" You ask as soon as your seated. "Vhat do you mean?" He asks in a very heavy German accent.
"Well, you look awfully sad." He looks up to lock eyes with you again. "Vhat makes you think zat?"
"You don't have to be a doctor to know something's off," you reply. Schneep hums, slouching over in his seat slightly leaning on the table. "Eh, it doesn't really matter." You lightly crease your eyebrows continuing to push for an answer. 
"Come on Henrik, you can tell me." There's a pause before Schneep answers. 
"I'm lonely," He claims in a defeated tone. "Why do you say that?" You ask. "I don't know. I just feel like I don't have anyone to lean on. Like look at Chase and his kids or Jameson and his girlfriend. Zen look at me. Some odd doctor nobody zinks about until zeir phone reminds zem of zeir next appointment."
"Well, I'm here for you, Schneep." He nods, his eyes returning to the floor. "I know, but you have your own life and your own relationships to worry about. I don't want to interfere with zat." You shake your head no.
"Don't be silly. Besides my job I don't have much of a social life either," you claim. Schneep frowns. "I sough you were dating that Jared guy," he states. "No, no. Him and I broke up a few months ago," you reply. 
"Oh. I'm sorry about zat," Schneep says. "Don't be. He was gross," You state as Henrik makes an O shape with his mouth. "Wow, we really haven't talked in a bit. We should go get coffee sometime or something." Schneep cracks a small smile. 
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unlikely-cypher · 4 years
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"I'm kissaphobic, Don't wanna get too close to you."
Henrik Von Schneeplestien x Reader Valentine’s Day Story.
⚠️Warnings: Slight cursing.
You walked down the hall of the hospital after delivering your mom’s laptop to her, ready to escape the halls of the hospital and go on with your day. You went to wave goodbye to the receptionist before noticing the big sign for the Valentine’s day flowers. Walking over and looking at them before gathering your courage and turning to her. 
“Hello honey! Did you wanna get a flower for your mom?” She looked up from her paperwork with a big smile. Everyone in the hospital knew your mother, she was one of the most well respected radiologists there. You would often come visit her for lunch and spend quite a bit of time with some of the other staff as well. 
“Actually I was wondering if I could get a flower for one of the doctors? Do I have to give it to them or do you guys do it anonymously?” You asked, ignoring the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Whichever you want! Were you looking to give one to Doctor Iplier and you’re too nervous? Trust me we get that alot this time of year!” She stood up and leaned against the counter with a heartfelt chuckle. 
“Actually uh, Doctor Schneeplestein…” You ruffled the back of your hair nervously, trying not to make eye contact with her.
“Oh honey are you sure? He’s quite against valentine’s day, wouldn’t even let us decorate his office.” She gave you a slightly concerned look.
“He just seems so grumpy everytime I see him and everytime my mom talks about him, maybe it’ll give him a reason to smile.” You finally met her eyes and her smile widened. 
“Bless your heart, that’s so sweet! How many did you wanna give him? It’s a dollar per rose.” She explained, spinning the pot so I could get a better look at the flowers.
“I’ll take a bouquet please! And could you tie the pink ribbon around it and can I maybe attach a note with my number? Sorry.” You chuckled nervously, her eyes lit up like Christmas as she put it all together. 
“No problem at all honey! I just hope it works out! It would be nice to not have to deal with his grumpy ass, maybe you’re the little spark of fire he needs. He used to be as good and charismatic as Doctor Iplier but ever since the divorce two years ago, he's been the worst!” She arranged the roses and handed you a tiny pink card and a pen. 
“There we go! I’ll deliver it to his office. Fingers crossed.” The nurse crossed her fingers at you after you paid her and went to leave. 
“Thank you.” Your face felt like it was on fire as you walked out and the cold February air hit your face.
~~~ ღ ~~~
A knock sounded on the door of Henrik's office and he didn't even bother to look up before telling them to enter. A nurse walked in with a dozen roses in a vase, a single pink ribbon tied in the center, when she didn’t say anything he looked up.
"Dr.Iplier's office is next door." He rolled his eyes before returning to his writing. 
"No, these are for you." The nurse smiled at him and placed them down gently on the corner of his desk. The red of the roses stood out like a sore thumb in his almost all white office. The only decorations, if you could call them that, was a picture of him and Doctor Iplier back in their college days and a finger painting Robbie had made for him that Anti had forced him to put up. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer." She teased. 
"Did they leave a name?" The doctor's cheeks flushed as he stood up and gently touched one of the pedals. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. Roses are a waste of money, they’re just dead flowers in a pot waiting to wilt forever.” he withdrew his hand with a gentle sigh. 
"Guess you’ll have to look at the note." The nurse turned around and went to leave before she added. "Y/M/N in radiology’s kid. The one with the H/C hair."
She paused as she watched Henrik’s face turn redder by the second. He had seen you around the hospital occasionally, you were always kind and funny when you spoke to him. Why would someone like you send someone like him flowers? You must be out of her goddamn mind, much like your mother, he thought.
"I know you don't like to talk about your personal life but if I may be frank with you doctor…” She stepped back into the room and closed the door behind her. “I think you two would be such a cute match. How long has it been since you've gotten out? I know you're still upset about the divorce but don't you think it's time you've gotten out and dated again?" 
He sat in shocked silence for a moment, when was the last time he had gotten out? Marvin was always bugging him to go out and try to find someone as well but no one really caught his eye when Marvin did manage to get him out. But now that someone had gone out of their way to give him flowers, and their number… the boldness of it had sparked something in him. You truly were on his mind more than he’d like to admit, he would often find himself wondering when you would return to the hospital. He had never pursued you because he was sure you already had a lover, and you were just being kind to him like you were to everyone else. Maybe one text wouldn’t hurt, he decided.
"I suppose so." He hummed, returning to his seat, cheeks still flushed. "Could you ask Dr. Iplier to handle my next appointment please, I'm gonna go out for lunch today. It's a bit stuffy in here." Henrik glanced out the window noticing the sunshine, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he held the tiny pink paper.
“Absolutely.” The nurse shot him a wide grin before leaving. As soon as the door closed behind her Henrik whipped out his phone, fingers gliding over the screen as he added your number to his contacts, checking it a couple times to make sure he got it correct. His nerves set in as he tried to think of anything to send before looking back up at the flowers. He settled on a picture of the flowers as well as a ‘thank you’ with a green heart, then he erased the green heart, put it back, erased it, put it back and sent it before he could overthink it. His heart hammered in his chest as he waited for your reply. 
‘No problem! Wanna grab coffee sometime? :)’ Your response came five painful minutes later and he sighed in content. It had been so long since anyone had made him feel like this and he would do whatever it took to make it continue. 
‘Name the time and place.’ He responded and placed his phone on the table and leaned back in his seat with a grin.
~~~  ღ ~~~
Three years later his office door slammed open, almost taking half of the picture frames off of the wall. The once barren walls were now almost entirely covered with pictures of you and him as well as some of his family, in each one Henrik was smiling. 
“Happy Valentine’s day Schnepper Pepper!” You placed a vase full of twelve scarlet roses and a coffee on the edge of his desk before moving around to his side to hug him.
“Remind me again why I ever texted you that day.” Henrik’s face heated up almost as badly as the first time he had gotten the roses as he placed his head against your shoulder. 
“Because you were a grumpy asshole and now you’re still a grumpy asshole but you’re my grumpy asshole.” You explained as he lifted his head again to look at you. 
“Mmmh.” He rolled his eyes then pushed you off him slightly to reach under his desk to pull out an almost matching bouquet of pink roses. “And I unfortunately always will be.” 
“Good.” You gently placed the roses on the desk then grabbed his cheeks giving him kisses all over as he tried to fend you off with giggles. The nurse walked by the office quickly but peaked in for a moment with a smile, glad everything had worked out in the end. 
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twisted-broth · 5 years
Can you write something with reader making scarves and hats for the Sides and/or the Egos? -&
Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took so long but I hope you like it
Warnings: small mention of choking, Remus
Anti can’t have a scarf cuse the fuzz would irritate his next wound
So he gets a cute black hat
Will only wear it when he has no other choice
Complains that it’s itchy and doesn’t go with his look but he actually really appreciates it
Schneeps scarf would be the same blue as his mask
Sad that he can’t wear it while working but will definitely wear it all other times
Fiddling with the tassels at the end helps him calm down after a stressful day
Robbies hat is purple with white polka dots
Oh my god you could not have made him happier he loves it so much
Will wear it all the time no matter the weather
He’s always a little chilly so it works out
Chase would get a grey and blue striped scarf with the bro average logo on the ends
Loves showing it off in videos but would refuse to sell copies as merch it’s just for him
Holds it close when he’s sad because it reminds him that someone loves him
Jackie’s scarf would be the same red as his uniform so that he could wear them together
It motivates him when he’s fighting crime because he remembers the people that he needs to protect
JJ’s scarf would be sepia and it has little reel things at the ends like the ones at the sides of old film you know what I mean
He wears it with a knot in the front so he can tuck it into his vest it looks very dapper
Honestly like exactly what his outfit was missing it’s perfect
Marvin’s scarf would be white with the card suits repeated along it
Doesn’t like to wear it when he’s working because he’s afraid of it getting ruined
Honestly like his most prized possession tho
It also goes great with his hair
Sanders Sides:
For the original four sides, you would make them scarves that match their Christmas sweaters
Logan’s would be white with those color squares on it
He would really appreciate how it’s not too outrageous and thinks it looks very smart
Likes to wear it when he reads if he’s not in his unicorn onesie
Virgil’s is purple with grey patches and streaks of gold to represent the storm cloud
Becomes a huge comfort item for him. Whenever he’s cuddled up in his jacket he tucks his face in it and is just surrounded by warmth and happy
He tends to poke through the crochet holes with his fingers. It’s a nervous habit but it calms him down
Romans scarf would be white with diagonal red stripes like his sash that are lined with gold and it has gold tassels 
He is so proud of it like if anyone so much as looks at it he’s on a spiel about his wonderful (friend or s/o), Y/n and how they made it specifically for him and wow aren’t they so talented
He used to dislike winter but now looks forward to it so he can whip out the scarf
A little jealous that you made one for everyone tbh
Patton’s would be that light blue and would have a line of little cats and dogs
It’s super soft he probably sleeps with it sometimes
He literally adores it
A scarf for Deceit would look like a yellow snake, scales and all
It even has a little tongue poking out it’s sooo cute
Gets really upset that he can’t tell you how much he likes it but you get the idea 
Really makes him feel like part of the group
A scarf for Remus would be a green ombré with the same gold trim as Roman
A little glittery to match his sash 
He’s super dramatic with it
Flicks it over his shoulder like a diva with a boa
Basically they all love it and would die for you
NateWantsToBattle Egos
I only know a few so apologies
You would make Natemare a metallic purple beanie that matches his eye makeup
Goes really well with his hair
Likes wearing it in the videos of some of his calmer songs
Perfect for the fall cuse the purple contrasts all the orange leaves which makes for the cutest wallpaper if you manage to snap a picture
It’s just super cute okay
For Phantom you would make a red scarf that matches his shirt
It has some silver detailing at the ends that’s reminiscent of claws and it looks really cool when it moves
Doesn’t like to wear it when he’s out because he’s gotta keep up the intimidating vibe but he loves wearing it at home
Purposefully keeps the house a little colder than necessary just so he can feel comfortable with it on
If you complain about it being too cold he’ll wrap both of you up in the scarf so now you can’t escape
I meant that in like a cute way but it came out very threatening 
You would make Natpai a beanie to go with his uniform
It’s black with a white lining and smaller gold trim
He def wears it to school when it starts getting colder 
Knows better than to say you made it for him cuse you would be hunted 
It looks really good all together tho
Iplier Egos
For my own sanity I’m only gonna do a couple but you’re free to request for any other egos. These are my defaults so specify if you want others
A scarf for Dark would be like the same grey as his skin, but it would have a bit of blue on one end and a bit of red on the other
Not really a huge fan of it but he knows you put a lot of work into it so he wears it anyway
If any other ego tries to make fun of it anti he will make them regret it
It starts to grow on him after a while
Wilford would, of course, get a classic bubble gum pink scarf that matches his mustache
You may have slipped a bit of bubble gum extract on to it so it smells like bubble gum
His face lights up when he gets it and he will hug you so tightly you might lose a rib
Wears it all the time except when he has an interview because he still wants to show off his bowtie
He won’t be as subtle as Dark if someone insults it. He will just shoot them.
You get a scarf for each Google with their corresponding color and maybe a few black lines to make it resemble a circuit board
Points out that he’s a robot and doesn’t need to stay warm
You just roll your eyes and wrap it around his neck
He looks confused, but he doesn’t take it off and eventually grows used to it
Will probably forget it’s there at some point and if someone points it out he’ll look down and smile and realize he needs it for other reasons
You make the Host a black scarf with quotes from his favorite book written in white
It’s really a lot of effort to put in for someone who can’t see
He still really appreciates it and almost never takes it off
Deathly afraid that some of the blood from his eyes will drip onto it so you help reassure him and change his bandages more often
You would make Bing a scarf that matches his shirt which is black with the yellow Bing symbol
Calls it “super rad bruh” which is probably a good thing
At one point he’s wearing it while skateboarding and it somehow gets stuck in the wheels which leads to Bing falling down some stairs and almost choking to death but it’s still pretty funny
You have since banned wearing a scarf while skateboarding
He spends a really long time trying to fix the damage that was done to it so you won’t be upset
It doesn’t turn out good, per se, but it’s nice that he tried
Bim Trimmer’s scarf would be pretty simple, black with crisscrossing grey lines
Doesn’t wear it on screen bc he’s clearly a professional but will wear it when he goes out of the house
Okay but if you guys were on a coffee date or something and he’s wearing the scarf it would be super cute
He’s a little easier to talk to when he’s wearing it. It humbles him
You make a light blue scarf for reporter Jim and a red one for cameraman Jim
It’s honestly so you can tell them apart easier
When you give it to them, reporter Jim goes on a very long-winded observation on the color and craftsmanship
“Look at this expert handiwork, Jim! And what’s that? Why it’s a knot, carefully concealed by the rest of the material. This is a rare sighting.”
Once the cameras aren’t rolling, they individually come up to you and give you a hug and tell you how much they appreciate it
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dapperappleton · 4 years
Imagine dancing with Schneep
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Schneep’s favourite music played on his phone. It was in German, but it still sounded like regular forties music. He held your waist close to him and your hand in his. You were ballroom dancing with a (slightly bad) doctor in a house full of people who looked the same. Strange, yes, but it was oddly perfect. It was serene. You were happy that Schneep was finally home from work and you were going to enjoy being with him.
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Birthday Surprise
Requested: Nope! This is a birthday present to the wonderful Henrik von Schneeplestien!
Pairing: Henrik x Reader
Genre: Comedy
Word Count: 907
Warnings: Language...
A/N: I got the idea fro this story from a post @beerecordings made! It’s not the greatest, and I apologize, but I hope you enjoy it!
Henrik didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. He specifically told everyone that there were to be no birthday celebrations.
“No celebrations?” They thought. “What about pranks?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to drive him too far up a wall. After a 16 hour shift at work, you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the after-prank annoyance. 
But, they didn’t listen to the voice of reason. Then again, do they ever? You stuck to buying him a simple gift. A coffee mug that said “Best Doctor” and some of his favorite coffee to go with it.
They settled on calling the hospital on setting up a plan. A plan that the hospital and all his coworkers couldn’t pass up. After all, they needed to have some fun too. At what better way than helping make Henrik’s birthday one to remember?
They all went to bed early the night before. Henrik was suspicious, but he didn’t think they’d plan something away fro home. So,he woke up early, kissed your forehead, and snuck around the house to get ready for work. He made sure to walk to work, taking back-alleys and the most unpredictable route he could.
He makes it to the front door and looks around. He was in the clear. He grinned to himself, and walked to his office to look over his patients for the day. Billy Harris. Potential fractured wrist. 
He smiled to himself as he walked to the hospital room. This one should be easy for a doctor such as himself. He walked into the hospital room expecting to see someone in pain.
“Heya doc!” Chase said grin slowly turning to an evil smile. He was decked out in a hospital gown, tubes in his nose, and a fake IV in his arm. In his hands was a birthday cake.
Henrik shakes his head eyes rolling as he calls for security, only jokingly. Jackie comes waltzing in, wearing his finest dark sunglasses. Upon his appearance, Henrik groans, which only causes Jackie and Chase to laugh harder.
Henrik walks out of the room, leaving the two laughing their asses off. He walks off to his next patient and sighs happily, seeing that this is a normal patient, not a brother in disguise.
“I see the nurse hasn’t hooked up the IV. Let me go get that started.” Henrik calls for a nurse, only to be confronted by Jameson, dressed up as a nurse, mustache hidden under a surgical mask. And not just any mask, one decorated for his own birthday. 
Upon closer inspection, the “patient” sitting on the hospital bed was the new nurse he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet. He ran his hands down his face. “I swear on my grave, if this doesn’t fucking stop...” He let his sentence trailed off. 
He walked back to his office, only to see a passed out Marvin sitting on his chair, asleep. Marvin even had the audacity to drink his coffee! He got Marvin out of his chair and sat down to just work on some paperwork. 
While they were all nagging Henrik, you were at home trying to be normal and not get on your boyfriend’s bad side. You needed to rearrange the bedroom, so naturally you were doing anything but that.
You decided to go for a walk around town. You went to walk into the store when you got hit by a car. Not hard. Not really even enough to do any damage. Just enough to knock you down and make you hit your head. 
You sat up and looked up at the person, frantically apologizing and calling an ambulance. You weren’t exactly there enough to tell him you were alright, so you sat there and waited for an ambulance to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Guess you were going to bug him after all.
“Dr. Schneeplestein, we need you down in the E.R. We have a patient coming in via ambulance.” 
He looked over at the snickering Marvin. “If this is another part of your elaborate plan, I will fucking kill you.” 
He headed down to the ER, the others following him. You were already sat in a room, IV getting put into your arm.
You smiled slightly upon seeing Henrik. “Hey Henrik. How’s your birthday going?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Really? You too? Of all the people I thought would do this, you had to join the madness too?”
The others gasped quietly upon seeing you. “No... Not unless they did this without letting us know.”
The EMT walked in and looked at Henrik. “Patient got hit by a car. Nothing too serious as far as we could tell. Moderate concussion and a bit scraped up, but that’s it.”
“This wasn’t part of their plan?”
“Nope! However, I do know the entirety of the plan, so unless you do a good job, doc, I’ll help them evolve this idea.”
He shook his head. “I thought I said no birthday surprises!” 
You shrugged. “Oops? And, you said no birthday celebrations. Unless we’re celebrating my ability to attract danger, this is completely within the limits of what you said.” 
He laughed. “I guess this is true.”
You grinned. “Plus, I couldn’t just not see how this insanity was going. You must’ve wanted to kill them after the breakroom.”
“The breakroom?”
“Y/N! No! He hasn’t been there yet!”
“What did you do to the breakroom?!”
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thetreecorner · 6 years
Butter Cream (Henrik x Reader)
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Request: Nope!
Requested by: N/A
Words: 526
Warrnings: N/A
A/N: I remembered it was Ze Good Doctah’s birthday and churned out this unedited little fluff peice! Please enjoy!
Gonna tag @freckled-words cuz BLEP
Henrik has wandered back into your shared apartment, bleary eyed and tired from another long day at work. Instinctually, he bent down to scratch your dog, Bella, behind her ears while she happily thumped her leg against the floor. After the brief moment of affection Henrik made his way to the kitchen to make himself something to eat, only to come across a very endearing sight.
You were seated at the dining table, head rested on your arms, and food set at both his seat and your own. He sighed, but couldn’t fight back the smile on his face as he made his way over to you. Gently, he pulled you out of your seat and made his way to the bedroom, setting you down on the bed and grabbing your shorts from the bottom drawer of the dresser (he knew how much you hated falling asleep in pants).
It was when he began unbuttoning your pants that you seemed to wake up, even if it was a death-like awake.
“Henrik,” You mumbled.
“Shhh,” He hushed you, helping you sit up. “It is late. Let us change and go to sleep.” It was obvious you weren’t up to argue with him, as you wiggled slowly out of your jeans and allowed him to help you into your shorts. When you slipped under the covers, Henrik moved towards the door.
“Babe,” You whined. “Come to bed.”
“I will in a minute darling. I’m just going to put ze food in the fridge.” He promised you, approaching your tired form so he could press a kiss to your temple. You didn’t argue this time as he exited the room, going back to the kitchen so he could cover the plates with tin-foil and place them in the fridge.
When he opened the fridge door, his eyes landed on a homemade cake on the centre shelf, decorated in white frosting with green letters spelling out “Happy Birthday Henrik!” in your messy handwriting.
Oh, he thought to himself. That’s right.
The doctor had forgotten that today was, indeed, his birthday. He placed the plates carefully onto another shelf, and sneakily swiped some frosting off of the cake.
Butter cream.
As he closed the fridge Henrik noticed for the first time the small, wrapped up gift you’d left on the counter. The wrapping paper was dark, with a star like design splattered over it. He decided, tiredly, that he would open it tomorrow - an even greater gift was waiting for him in bed.
The doctor entered the bedroom, noticing that you had already snuggled underneath the plethora of blankets, and that Bella now laid at the end of the bed beside your feet. He kicked off his shoes, exchanging his work clothes for his own pair of shorts and a loose black t-shirt. Henrik then slipped into bed, pulling you close so that you could snuggle into his chest.
“G’night Henrik.” You mumbled against the fabric of his shirt. “Happy,” You yawned. “Happy birthday.”
“Goodnight, my darling.” Your soft snores let him know that you had already fallen back to sleep. He smiled, and pressed another kiss to your forehead.
He would have to remember to thank you in the morning.
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“I know it hurts but you have to hold on a little longer, okay?” With shneep plz?
It’s painful for doctors too Schneeplestein x reader(Tw: gore, hurt) *honeybee (I only know liebling I had to look up endearing terms so sorry if this is wrong)
When Henrik brought you in you were screaming. You couldn’t help it, the pain was blinding and you couldn’t do anything except scream, even breathing was hard. Schneep rushed you onto his operating table and tried to calm you but was more focused on the physical aspects “Ssh sssshhh liebling please calm down…” he tried but he knew how impossible that may be, and it killed him to see you like this. You were sweating with how much panic and pain you were in, especially since he hadn’t had chance to stock up on morphine yet. Shit, why hadn’t he been more proactive? Now you, you, were in pain, because of him.You had stopped screaming but were sobbing now as Henrik tried not to panic too. “Okay sveetheart, zis iz going to hurt, but pleaze know I love you…” he then stuck his fingers into your rib to get the bullet out, you screamed louder than you relaxed he could but luckily the bullet hadn’t fractured off, he saw your eyes rolling into the back of your head and shook you. “No! I know it hurts darling but you have to hold on a little longer, okay?”You cried as he cleaned and stitched the wound before moving on to the stab, making sure it hadn’t hit anything critical and finally “On ze count of three. One-” he yanked the knife out and blood squirted and pooled, you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t see, only felt relief as Henrik’s face appeared in front of you and he was smiling. “It’s over darling. My brave brave *honigbiene.” He kissed your forehead while Chase kicked down the door. “IVE GOT IT! ARE THEY OKAY DOC?!” Schneep hushed him as he slid the needle into your skin but you barely felt it after what you’d been through today. You held your hand out faintly, wanting him and he ran to your side, you kissed his hand and it tasted of disinfectant and you made a face that both Schneep and Chase chuckled at. You managed to turn your head to the side without it hurting and your eyes fluttered close as Schneeple wiped your sweat stricken hair form your face. “Zat’s okay sveetheart. Sleep now…”
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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━Tw: Injuries and mentions of medical equipment
━Notes: Self indulgent fic becuase lord knows I get new injuries everyday.
━Song: "bedroom community" By glass beach
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Henrik sighed as he watched you sheepishly smile at him.
He was getting used to seeing you like this; timidly swinging your feet off the examination table, avoiding eye contact with his blue eyes as you laughed nervously.
A bandage was wrapped over your head as if resembling an over eggagarated injury from old cartoons, like you had gotten hit on top of the head with a comicaly sized wooden mallet. It would have been funny if not for the small brown bloodstains littering the gauze's surface.
Bruises lined what was exposed of your legs, a few spunky bandaids scattered here and there that he hadn't remembered using. It reminded the doctor standing in front of you that you only came to him for the serious injuries. Who knows what you attempted to patch up behind closed doors.
"(Y/n) zis is your fifth visit to mein clinic zis veek." Henrik adjusted his glasses sternly, sharp accent making you wince. But the smile still remained on your face, refusing to let anyone see you as anything but carefree right now.
"I wouldn't worry too much about it doc. I'm gonna live forever." You waved it off, the swaying of your feet off the side of the table getting faster out of anxiety. Henrik noticed that, raising an eyebrow silently.
"Not accortingt to zese test results you arent."
"Only joking." He smiled slightly before becoming stony again. You huffed.
"But seriously you need to schtart being more kareful. I don't know how many more times I can take patching you up only fur you to run back in here an hour later vith anozer injury."
You gave him the same speech you always did. That you were fine, it was just a scratch, you always bounced right back up again, you had survived worse ect ect. He responded with his own speech, one you've heard almost as many times as he's heard yours. The only difference was that it enlisted a lot more medical talk and an exasperated tone.
"-und don't make me get Jackie or Sean about zis (Y/n). You know zey vill tie you down to your bed und never let you leafe again if zey finds out how much you'fe been getting hurt." A finger was pointed threatening at you. You could tell he meant it too, the downturn of his lips and worried glint in his eyes giving him away.
"All I did was climb a tree." You whined.
A beat of silence. Henrik looked unimpressed.
"Okay maybe Chase told me to jump from it so he could get a cool shot for his video, but it was only becuase no one else would do it!"
"Mein god I am goingkt to kill zat man." He ran a hand down his masked face. Taking a deep breath or two before speaking again, Henrik attempted to collect himself.
"(Y/n). Ve are all vorried about you. Efen if some of us don't schow it as vell as ozers, ve're noticing jchust how much you're getting hurt."
You knew he was talking about Anti when he mentioned how some of his brothers had trouble caring for you, but you were far to entranced in Henriks gaze to remind yourself to tease the glitch about that later.
His tone had softened now, as well as the discipline in his posture. The doctor seemed a lot more vulnerable. Almost pleading with you.
He was also a lot closer to you than a moment ago.
"I mean-" It felt like trying to swallow a lump of cotten in your throat as you spoke. You didn't dare to break your staring contest with him now
"I can try Henrik."
The tension lifted, worry lines all but dissapearing from Henriks face as he relaxed. A soft smile broke out onto his face, mask now dangling from one of his ears haphazardly.
"Zank you liebling. Zat is all I ask."
Instead of moving back now you watched as he seemed to hesitate in his motions. Looking down at you with an urge in his eyes, it made your pulse quicken. Which was funny considering you could make a joke about blood pressure in a doctors office right now. You decided it wasn't the time.
But he had stepped back so fast you thought youd imagined it.
"I'll see you at dinner. Hopefully nine sooner." Henrik was now holding open the door to his office, clearing his throat and looking at you from afar.
It took you a minute to regroup. Mumbled a thanks at him, you half heartedly grabbed a lollipop from one of the cups on his desk as you passed on the way out. For some reason you felt disappointed walking out of the room and into a brightly lit hallway, although you didn't see any reason why.
Henrik watched you walk off down the hall, candy stick poking out of the side of your lips.
He sighed.
Oh how he wished he had kissed you.
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deleted-blog-29583 · 5 years
I saw them first | Septic Egos x Reader drabble
technically this is a Marvin x Reader drabble but the other egos are there too so...enjoy! Also i'm not even going to give this the proper set up for my usual imagines, this was just a quick thought i had.
• • •
"They are so cute." Jackie comments, as he, Anti and Henrik all stared at you from the kitchen. You hadn't noticed yet, you were watching tv with Jack and Marvin, laughing at the silliness of you show you were watching.
"I know." Anti snarled im agreement.
"She's so beautiful." Henrik sighed. "I vunder how long she'll stay for."
"I think she's here all day, maybe i can ask her out or something! Do you think she'd want to grab a coffee with me?" Jackie replied enthusiastically, beaming with excitement.
"Dude, i saw her first." Anti growled, staring daggers and Jackie.
"In your dreams, Demon, i had sight on her fvirst." Henrik remarked, head held high.
"Yeah but...c'mon guys, i mean, i'm the one she's more likely to go for." Jackie shrugged.
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Anti frowned, a little offended.
"Yeah!" Henrik piped in. The bickering continued, back and fourth, who saw you first and who you'd be more interested in and blah blah blah. Chase entered the kitchen, and Henrik, Anti and Jackie instantly asked him the same question.
"Chase! Who do you think y/n is more likely to want to date?" They asked in unison. Chase raised an eyebrow, a little overwhelmed.
"Uh...i hate to break it to you guys, but i think Marvin's beaten you to it." He gestured behind them, and what they say made their jaws drop to the ground. Marvin was impressing you with some lame magic trick whilst you clapped adorably, Marvins charm unbeatable, even Jack was a little bashful in the background. Marvin pecked your cheek and handed you a note, presumably his number. Anti, Henrik and Jackie could only stare it utter disbelief.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
Nachtkrapp!Schneeplestein x Dryad!Reader
A while back Cat Anon had a request for the birb boi and a Dryad ^^
Hope you enjoy this story~!
You smiled gently as you touched the bark of your sacred tree. The birds that have made their home in it, the babies chirping away happily as their mother fed them tiny worms.
Even though you couldn’t exactly hold a conversation with them, you were happy to be in their presence anyway.
Off in the distance, you could hear the faint sounds of male voices talking to one another.
Yes, you were aware that you were not alone in this forest. There were other creatures who seemed to live together in some giant cavern. Although the problem was that you were too shy to actually talk to them.
They seemed like a nice bunch, but another issue was that most of the time you preferred to stay bound to your tree. The lower half of your body was melded into it, thus being entirely made from the same bark. You couldn’t travel too far from it or else you’d grow weak.
With that in mind you worried that one of those guys will try to take you to the cave, too far from your sanctuary, so you stayed hidden the best you could.
Suddenly, you heard a rumble of thunder and looked to see dark storm clouds swiftly approaching, gradually engulfing the forest in darkness.
How long were you daydreaming for...?
Either way, you disappeared back inside the safety of your tree. You decided to snack on some fruits and edible flowers you’ve gathered and wait until the storm passed.
From within your tree, you were capable of viewing the outside world whenever you wanted to, just to ensure that there were no dangers.
However, the storm came quicker than you expected, as rain began pouring down at a rapid rate and the clouds lit up with lightning. Thankfully, though, exterior of your tree muffled the sound of loud thunder.
As you were about to stop looking outside, your eyes widened in horror as a bolt of lightning struck down on a tree near yours. It immediately flared up, spreading to the branches, down the trunk, and to the grass.
At that point the rain was slowing down, doing little to extinguish the growing fire as it neared your tree.
In panic, you emerged from your home, shrieking a bit as you realized how close the threat was to your precious home.
But before you could figure out what to do, you saw some black bird-like creature swoop down.
It flapped its wings, which seemed to have holes in them, oddly enough, towards the flames, directing them away from your tree. Slowly, but surely, they dispersed, the rain extinguishing the few flames that lingered.
Once the fire cleared, you looked and gasped lightly at who your savior was, watching him turn from a bird into a partial human.
~Henrik’s POV~
With a sigh, Henrik smiled as he managed to stop the fire altogether. He was surprised that his wings were capable of doing that, but he was nevertheless glad.
After turning back to his normal form, he glanced over, eyes widening as he realized there was someone bound to the giant tree he just saved.
It was a woman who appeared to be in her late 20s, with lush flowers in her [h/c] hair, leaves tied with vines around her body to cover her breasts, and flower petals and bulbs growing from her cheeks. He could also see that she had the most beautiful shade of green eyes he’s ever seen.
Seeing this, and noticing that her lower body was melded into the tree bark......he realized she was the Dryad he rarely ever saw.
“A-Ah..hello zhere..”
~Your POV~
Upon hearing the man-bird hybrid speak, you squeaked in both surprise and fear, retreating back into your tree.
“Hey..vait! I’m sorry! I...didn’t mean to frighten you, my dear.”
Upon hearing his worried tone of voice, you hesitantly reappeared, looking at him up and down. “I-It’s...okay,” you mumbled. “I....th-thank you for saving my tree.”
Henrik blinked slowly, gazing upwards. “Ah..so zhis is your home, hmm? Vell..” He looked back at you, gently smiling as he crouched down. “..you’re most velcome. I’m Nachtkrapp, although..you may call me Henrik.”
Nachtkrapp? What an interesting name that was..
“I’m..[y/n], a Dryad..i-in case you weren’t sure,” you smiled back at him nervously.
“Oh, I know,” he chuckled. “My friends over zhere..” He gestured to the cavern with his wing. “..specifically Marvin kept insisting zhat he saw a Dryad hanging around zhis very area. Vell I see zhat silly cat vas right after all.”
You blushed slightly. “You..have a cat that talks?”
“Precisely a Cait Sidhe,” Henrik told you. “Ve are actually a family of Wendigo, Selkies, Verebears, Banshees, and more. And ve all congregate at zhat cave and do vhat ve can to take care of each other and our home.”
“That sounds..nice.”
“It is indeed..so...do you vish to meet zhem?”
“O-Oh! I’d love to but...” You sighed softly, looking down and placing your hand on one of the overgrown roots at the base. “..unfortunately I can’t be too far from my tree for too long.”
“Ah..” He frowned slightly. “How unfortunate, indeed, but not to vorry!” A smile reappeared on his face. “Ve could alvays come visit you!”
You glanced back up, blinking in surprise, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. “R-Really?”
The Nachtkrapp nodded. “You seem very nice, and I’m sure zhey vill love to meet you. But since you look like zhe shy type, I’ll be sure zhey visit you one at a time until you’re comfortable enough to see all of zhem.”
After giving it some thought, you nodded in understanding, giving him an even bigger smile. “I would love that, Henrik. Thank you...thank you so much. Here.” You reached up, picking out a small bundle of berries and handing it to him. “Take this..as my gift of thanks for saving my tree and I.”
“Oh?” He quirked an eyebrow, examining the fruit as he took it from you. “Danke, [y/n].”
“Would you mind...staying a while and telling me about yourself and your friends?”
Henrik nodded in response, relaxing as he munched on the sweet, delicious berries. “I vouldn’t mind a bit..I do need to catch a break from zhem sometimes..”
You smiled gently, sighing in content.
By then the storm had completely passed, and the sun was shining down on the forest you shared with your savior.
Least to say you were forever in his debt.
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psychoticwillgraham · 2 years
Actually, fuck it. I’m just gonna open suggestions for what characters you all wanna see for each prompt because I can’t decide. They can be x reader or with a canon character, either is fine. These are the fandoms and characters for each fandom I’ll write for as of now, but there are some characters for media that I’ve seen before but am not currently active in the fandom that I’ll write for as well, just ask me and I’ll say if I know said media. Also, I’m willing to pair any of these characters together if you just wanna see how chaotic it’d be because hey, me too lol Just send me which character you want for what prompt and if you want x reader or with a canon character and I’ll see if I can make it work 💕
Glee: Kurt, Blaine, Elliott
The Mighty Boosh: Vince, Howard
NBC Hannibal: pretty much anybody in the core cast to be honest but mostly Will and Hannibal
AMC Preacher: Jesse, Cassidy, Tulip
Hellblazer: Constantine, Chas
Septic and Iplier egos: pretty much everyone but my main faves to write are Wilford, Dark, Host/Author, Damien, and Bim for the Ipliers, and all of the septic egos are fine but Schneep and Chase are my absolute favorite boys <3 (keep in mind that I haven’t seen ISWM on the Mark side yet so no characters from that until I’ve watched it)
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unlikely-cypher · 4 years
~Snowy Days~
Henrik Von Schneeplestien x female!Reader
Tags: So fluffy 😭
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Henrik’s fingers turned the pages of the medical book softly. The fireplace crackled next to him, filling the room with its warmth. The girl sleeping in his embrace curled up closer into him, her hands gently gripping the soft fabric of his sweater. He paused his reading to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. She sighed happily in return. His reading was starting to bore him but he didn’t dare move, this moment was too perfect. 
The cabin they were staying in reminded him of a place that was definitely home although he didn’t remember ever being there. The snow fell silently outside and he almost prayed they would get snowed in here so he wouldn’t have to leave. This weekend had been his getaway with her, away from the prying eyes of the other egos.
“I don’t tell you very often but I love you so much.” Henrik said in such a soft whisper he almost hoped she didn’t hear him as he brushed a stray hair out of her face. He hated being open with his feelings, it would ethier get him mocked by Marvin or remind him of the pain he had suffered at the hands of his ex wife.
“I love you too Henrik.” Her hands moved to play with the short hairs on the back of his neck causing his cheeks to flush. She kept her eyes closed and snuggled deeper into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent to commit it to her memory forever. His usual scent of the hospital had been replaced with the musk of his cologne although the undertone of coffee was still there.
“Let’s stay here forever.” Henrik sighed, tossing his book gently to the coffee table but missing by mere inches. It hit the floor with a soft thud.
“They will die without us.” She chuckled softly. She thought of the last time she had left the Septic egos to fend for themselves, having returned to hear that Chase had only cooked dinosaur chicken nuggets and Paw Patrol™️ mac and cheese the entire week.
“They’ll manage. We can run away, stay in cabins all across Ireland and maybe we can go to Germany. We could chase after winter all across the world, maybe get married..." He trailed off, looking down at her.
“Henrik, there is no way in the unholy christ my ass is becoming Mrs. Schneeplestein. I love you but if I'm honest I don't even think I could begin to spell it!" Her eyes gently opened and met his ocean blue ones. His cheeks were dusted pink, and she questioned if it was from how warm it had gotten in the room or the thought of her with his last name. The soft glow of the fireplace and the dim lighting made the greys in his hair stand out a bit more. He adjusted his glasses with the tips of his fingers and smiled. 
“Well if that's the only thing stopping you…” He trailed off with a wink as a blush over took her face. She buried her face in his neck, trying to hide her blush and gather her thoughts. 
“I’m sure the six other people that live with us would also stop us.” She sighed. 
“Fuck them, I don’t want to talk about them right now.” Henrik huffled, gently pulling her from his neck.
“What do you want to talk about then?” She raised an eyebrow, the doctor closed the short gap between them, capturing her lips in the gentlest of kisses. 
“Ich spreche kein englisch.” He smirked, leaning down for another soft peck. 
Thanks for reading!!! This is my first real like fic thing ive posted on here and im so nervous! 😭
This story follows a whole bunch of headcannons that I have of the Septic egos living together. One day I'll go off about it more 👀
Plz let me know what you guys think and what egos you wanna see next! 💚
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dapperappleton · 4 years
Septic Egos Preferences: Favourite Part of You
Commissions Open
Anti: He likes your neck the most. It’s vulnerable, it’s pretty. *dusts hands off*
JBM: This guy likes your shoulders. He thinks that the way your muscles move combined with how soft your shoulders are is the most beautiful combination and can’t help but stare with a light blush every time he can see your bare shoulders.
Schneep: Doc probably likes your hair (or lack there of). He isn’t sure why though. It’s just, so peaceful to run his hands over your head and through your hair and just watch you melt.
Marvin: He likes your legs. Whether they’re strong and toned or soft and squishy he just loves loves loves your legs. He likes laying his head on your lap or casually running his hand on your thigh. They look good plus it’s a good place to nap, perfect combo.
Chase: Chase would say he likes your voice. It pulls him back to reality when he’s depressed, makes him laugh, soothes him, and is basically attached to most or all of his good, happy memories. Your voice always manages to work a smile onto his face.
Robbie: This bean of a man definitely likes your hands the most. He’s very fidgety sometimes and usually goes for your hands to distract himself or keep himself busy and in place. He likes the texture against his own skin, comparing the size of your hands, playing with your fingers, or just holding your hand and swinging it wildly. It depends on his mood.
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ijwrff · 4 years
Updated Masterlist
 I decided to update my masterlist to make things easier for everyone now that you can pin posts! 
There will be SFW, NSFW, and Platonic on this blog. Make sure to specify which in your ask. 
KNINKTOBER MASTERLIST (Which I will be keeping updated regularly)
Ko-Fi If You’re So Inclined ^^
Iplier Egos:
Caroling-Dark x Reader (Fluff)
Yandere! Darkiplier (TW; Manipulation)
Dark x Dusk x Phantom
Wilford Warfstache
Yandere! Wilford (Tw; Yandere, implied stalking, mental manipulation)
Erik Derekson
Presents-Erik x Reader (Fluff)
Gift-Yanderiplier x Reader (TW; yandere tendencies/Fluff) 
Asking His Partner What They Like in Bed (NSFW-ish)
Googleplier/Google IRL
Grinch-Google x Reader (Fluff)
Soulmate AU (Fluff)
Admin Privileges-Yandere! Google x Reader (tw; vague violence)
Bingiplier/Bing IRL
3D Boob Mouse Pad (Headcanons)
Dr. Iplier
Tinsel-Dr. Iplier x Reader (Fluff)
The Author
Hot Chocolate-The Author x Reader (Fluff)
The Host
Home for the Holidays-The Host x Reader (Fluff)
Captain Magnum
Star-Magnum x Daughter/Child Reader (Fluff)
Run, run, as fast as you can-Yandere! Captain Magnum x Reader
Home for the Holidays (Fluff)
Mine-Yandere! Yancy x Reader (Nsfw-ish)
Thought Yous Could Get Away?-Yandere! Yancy x Reader
3D Boob Mouse Pad (Headcanons)
The Accident-Yandere! Yancy x Reader (Loss of a friend mentioned, so tw; death/loss and grief)
Engineer Mark (ISWM)
Problem-Yandere! Engineer Mark x Captain! Reader
Part two of ^^^
Heist! Mark
Successful Heist-Yandere! Heist! Mark x Reader
Damien the Mayor
Mayor Damien?-Yandere! Damien x Reader
Actor Mark
It’s All An Act, Sweetheart-Yandere! Actor Mark x Reader
Septic Egos:
Lights-Anti x Reader
Yandere! Antisepticeye
Yandere! Anti x shy reader
Just Teasing-Anti x Reader
Master?-Anti x Fem! Reader (NSFW)
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septiceyes x Abused! Zombie! Reader
You’re Mine Now-Yandere! Dragon! Anti x Reader
Why Choose?-Anti x Reader x Robbie
You’re Mine, Now-Yandere! Anti x Reader
It Doesn’t Matter...-Yandere! Anti x Weak! Male! Reader
Jameson Jackson/JJ
Sight-Jameson x Reader
Nutcracker-Jameson x Reader
I Don’t Dance-Jameson x Reader
3D Boob Mouse Pad (Headcanons)
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septiceyes x Abused! Zombie! Reader
Marvin the Magnificent
Secret Santa-Marvin x Reader
Any Volunteers?-Yandere! Marvin x Reader
Part 2 to ^^^
3D Boob Mouse Pad (Headcanons)
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septiceyes x Abused! Zombie! Reader
Henrik Von Schneeplestein
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septiceyes x Abused! Zombie! Reader
My Lovely Nurse-Yandere! Schneep x Reader
Chase Brody
Snow-Chase x Reader (Fluff)
Chase-Petplay (NSFW-ish)
Valentine’s Day...Almost-Mare x reader x Chase (Fluff)
Yandere! Chase Brody x Reader
Christmas Movies-Jackie x Reader (Fluff)
Obsession-Yandere! Hero! JBM x Villain! Reader
Obsession-Part 2 to ^^^
Part 3 to ^^^
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septiceyes x Abused! Zombie! Reader
Angus the Survival Hunter
Angel-Robbie x Reader (Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
I...But I Was Supposed to be a Survivor-Yandere! Robbie x gn Reader
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septiceyes x Abused! Zombie! Reader
Why Choose?-Anti x Reader x Robbie
Battle Egos:
Baking-Echo x Reader
Decorating the Tree-Bones x Reader
Finals-Natemare x Reader (Fluff)
Yandere! Natemare (Implied NSFW but no details)
Valentine’s Day...Almost-Mare x Reader x Chase (Fluff)
Too Cute-Mare x Reader (fluff)
3D Boob Mouse Pad (Headcanons)
Stay...-Mare x Fem! Reader (Angst turned Fluff)
Mistletoe-Phantom x Reader (Fluff0
Yandere! Phantom (Tw; kidnapping/stalking)
Fluff Alphabet (CJKO)
Dark x Dusk x Phantom
Phantom x Reader-By Your Side (Fluff)
3D Boob Mouse Pad (Headcanons)
Dark and Dicey:
Tree-Anya x Reader (Fluff)
Anxious! Pluck x reader
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lildevyl · 4 years
Darkiplier Recommended List
Alright so my friend @weirdmixofweirdness will be doing a stream later on this month to celebrate not only Pride Month but also one of our favorite villains of all time on YouTube.  Darkiplier.  Please check out Weird’s blog, I will reblog June’s Stream Dates.  So, Weird asked me if I knew some authors for Darkiplier?
*Evil Laugh*  *Cracks Knuckles*  Oh, yes, I do!!  Now, before I start this list I want to let all of ya know.  I honestly don’t know which readers or if Weird herself might be into Ego Shipping.  Some the authors that I am a fan of and who do write Darkiplier also write Ego Shipping.  They do tag their stories, if that is not your thing.  All I ask for everyone to please be respectful of all authors.
So, I will be putting everyone into different categories.  So, if anyone will like to check them out.  Feel free and please let the authors know what you think of their work!
Danger In Fiction by @reverseblackholeofwords  This is by far one of my favorites by her!!!  This is about how the Author and Dr. Edward Iplier became friends and the spiral madness the Author went down.  This is more focus on the friendship of Author and Edward but Darkiplier is in this story, and Reverse wrote him so well!
Here We Go by @number1120  Inspired by a Darkiplier fanart!  This is full of Angst and feels!!!
@lostcybertronian  Has some really good Angst!!!
A couple of Ficlets from Writing Prompts from @10ths-writing-corner here and here
Out Of Turn by @septic-dr-schneep  This one really hits home with the Angst and the wrench your heart out!  Google speaks out of turn during a meeting and Dark sees that as more then enough reason to teach Google where his place is.
Painting Reality by @septic-dr-schneep  I really like this one!!!  It gives you a bit of Dark’s background with Who Kill Markiplier and nice little platonic friendship of the Host and Darkiplier
Rain, Rain, on my Face by @septic-dr-schneep  This is a real dosey for the hurt, angst, whump, character injury!  Really, really, good!!!
Girlfriend Meets Darkness by @puppeteerwithapencil  Yes, I’m included one of your works!!!  I absolutely love this one and can’t wait for part 3!
Independently Together by @septic-dr-schneep  This is definitely one of my all time favorites!!!!  This is about Amy going to the Manor to pick up a prop that Mark will be using in one of his videos and the interactions of Amy and all the Egos!
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
@damn-the-dark  Has some nice Vampire!Dark and Dark!Celine fanart if you like to check them out for your stream!
Untold Mission by @run-stray-wolf  This is a really well thought out, well developed fan comic formally known as Anti vs Darkiplier.  It has a lot of Angst, Action, Some Torture, Blood, Self Doubt/Self Loathing, really good Redemption Arch for Anti and a really good Character Development!  I highly recommend this one if you want to use it for your stream!  If not then please go check them out!!!
Ego Shipping:
Okay, I am going to put this here.  I honestly don’t know if you or any of your audience members are into Ego Shipping.  If not then feel free to skip this section.  If you anyone would like to check them out, then please do!
@juju-on-that-yeet  Has a nice ship of Yanderplier and Darkiplier.  Also, ILY (Illinois x Yancy) they really wrote Dark to be a really good evil villain!
@m4delin  I highly recommend their #Possessed Lovers Tag!  It’s mainly about Yancy and Illinois getting possessed by the spirit of the Author and the Entity of the Manor.  But the way they wrote Dark as the Protector of the Egos is really good!
@jellymadebutler  Has a really nice Darkstache!  And a really good story arch of Wolf!Actor and Damien with WKM but with Damien!
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