#scott referring to his grandchildren
idontknowreallywhy · 4 days
The Last of Them
Not quite sure what this is… it started as a little tribute to David Graham who, while maybe most famous for voicing Parker twice, also brought original Gordon to life.
Then it developed a life of its own and I’m not entirely sure what it became - by its very nature it refers to multiple major character deaths but they are all very old. So I hope it is ok. Maybe don’t read if you’re feeling fragile!
I put them in order of the VAs passing because that seemed right in the circumstances. Apologies if that means it is The Wrong Order for how you imagine it.
He never expected to be The Last.
They’d all lived to a good age. They’d all achieved what they wanted to achieve.
But even Tracys didn’t live forever. And Gordon had not expected to be The Last.
Virgil had been first. He was never first at anything and this had been absolutely the last race Scott ever wanted to be beaten in. He took it as a personal affront that the universe seemed to want to run the curtain calls out of order.
Secretly, Gordon believed it had been a stroke of luck. In retrospect, he had been relieved. He knew his tender-hearted brother would have struggled the most at having to say goodbye to one of them and carry on. Gordon knew more than any of them, more than Scott, perhaps even than the man himself, how heavily Virgil carried the burden of attending Scott’s first (thankfully premature) funeral and that his darkest fears had always been centred on doing that again. Perhaps that had been why he’d refused the more experimental, increasingly desperate treatments Scott was lining up. He’d said he was happy, he was content and wanted to face the next adventure at home with his family, ALL of his family, not in a bubble in San Francisco.
Even now, when he closed his eyes, Gordon could still feel that last hand squeeze. Could still hear that rumbling voice telling him he’d done good today. He’d had his brother’s last little throwaway gift - a sketch of a grizzly bear with a squid clinging to its face - engraved at 5x scale on to a steel plate.
As time passed, the voice in his memory became younger, the eyebrows darker.
Scott himself had faltered, hard. But eventually, with the assistance of a horde of grandchildren and great grandchildren, had refocused and thrown himself into the role of patriarch that he’d been reluctant to embrace since Dad had passed. He’d lavished all his vast stores of energy on the subsequent generations as if determined they would know how much he cared before it was too late.
Scott hadn’t expected to outlive TinTin, John or Penny either. But the universe kept shuffling the deck of cards until Grandpa Scott finally gave his last cheeky salute and went to find them.
And then there were two. And Gordon was the oldest. Which had been weird, although expected.
Alan had always hated being the last.
When Gordon had poked his head around the door as the doctor left, his baby brother had been serious, staring out of the window. He’d swallowed and walked quietly over to his bedside but as soon as Gordon had been within reach Alan had turned and punched him in the shoulder and smirked that same irritating little brother smirk he’d smirked for over eight decades:
Gordon had blamed the tears on tiny, weedy child-knuckles faintly bruising his broad, masculine shoulders.
Alan had just cackled.
Gordon had never expected to be The Last.
But so it had been.
Sometimes the media people dared him to reveal his secret. As if somehow he’d achieved something his brothers had not… As if they had missed a trick… he would look them dead in the eye and swear he’d spliced his DNA with a bowhead whale. At which point they’d usually smile awkwardly, check their notes for references to dementia then back away from the stupid, stupid questions.
He had never expected to be The Last, but as The Last, he had become all of them.
When four generations sat round and told stories of the Tracy family, he was the guardian of the old ones. The original ones. The ones they all knew but pretended not to notice him embellishing. How Scott was faster, Virgil stronger, John more all-knowing, Alan more daring every time the tales were retold.
To the world at large he was a kind of talisman. Whenever IR was mentioned in the media, it became Gordon’s image that was used. Despite having never been in command of either IR or TI, it was his comment people wanted. So he would give one, often irreverent or purely nonsensical and with the same wink his eldest brother had been famous for. It was genetic, after all.
He played unpredictable and eccentric old billionaire nearly as well as he played crazy sentimental Grandpa.
As long as they didn’t ask the stupid questions. He had spent a little while in the pool, gently washing off the lingering taint of today’s holo-interview appearance on some news show. He always did them when asked, the Tracys positive reputation enabled the family to do a lot of good on a global scale and cute old guy Gordon apparently helped. It wasn’t a lot to ask. Scott would have done it, so, therefore, did Gordon. And he would carry on, as long as he had all his marbles. And then maybe just a little longer… to wind them all up.
He sighed. However he might suggest that stricter pre-screening was going to be needed in future.
“So, Mr Tracy, how does it feel to be the last of the old guard?”
He’d swallowed the bitter “How do you think?” The questioner had looked about twelve, they had no idea. No idea how it stung. So he’d called it an honour. Then shifted quickly to the agreed script about their campaign to make Safety and First Aid a compulsory part of the school curriculum in many countries.
Yes, a little more consideration for the ancient squid-man’s lonely heart wouldn’t go amiss. EOS would sort it. He liked EOS. She still got his pop culture references and she hadn’t locked him out of anywhere for years.
His minder for the pool excursion - one of Scott’s great grandkids… or possibly John’s… he was beginning to lose track - patted him on the hand and left him tucked up warmly in a fluffy robe on a lounger to watch the sunset.
Goodness he was tired.
He yawned and wriggled a little, then smiled to himself at the sound of the kids coming out on to the deck arguing about something or other. Alan’s traditional shriek as Virgil yeeted him into the pool was followed swiftly by the combined laughter of the elder trio who claimed the loungers beside and behind Gordon. A count of five, then the littlest bro had his revenge by leaping atop Virgil and soaking him before stealing half of Gordon’s robe and the majority of his elbow room.
Too contented to really complain, Gordon slung an arm over the soggy teen and let his brothers’ voices surround him as he drifted off to sleep.
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virtchandmoir · 2 years
Inspiring and informative keynotes and conversations with Olympic heroes Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir.
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
Time Is Running Out - Running Out of Time Part One
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Mitchell!Reader Oneshot
~ Part Two ~
Maverick’s daughter is hiding a pretty big secret from her dad and her friends, hopefully Jake won’t blow it all...
Author’s Notes: Ok so first of all, I don’t want minors reading any of my fics, even if they are SFW so this one is especially off limits! I deserve a safe place to express myself so please respect my boundaries. Yeah the ‘L word’ joke is from Scott Pilgrim Versus the World but I didn't remember/realize that until after I wrote it and I think it’s cute as fuck so we’ll pretend its a reference or a homage like the joke in The Quarry. My apologies Edgar Wright, apparently we share a brain cell for dialogue writing/joke making. This was originally going to be a Bob fic but I wrote it so out of character for him that it was actually in character for Jake and decided to switch it over. A large portion of this is just me naming banger 80’s songs, making really random references to other projects that the top gun actors have been in and definitely ripping off the rooftop dance scene from Set It Up so I’m sorry. Huge thank yous to @a-reader-and-a-writer​ for originally beta reading this and pointing out that it would be better as a Jake fic than a Bob fic and to @skvatnavle​ and @maggiescarborough​ for beta reading as well. Dividers by @jbarneswilson​.
Content Warnings: secret dating, fluff, NSFWish, smutish, really suggestive content, super light fingering/oral/teasing, super light breast and ass fondling, public sex, almost caught, low key forbidden romance-ish, alcohol, kissing/making out/hickeys, that super relatable feel when you’re trying to act normal in front of your best friend but your boyfriend has his head under your skirt, lowkey public sex/exhibitionism, mentions of the military, overprotective fathers/boyfriends/best friends, mentioning murder/robbery/criminals, talk about locking doors/walking someone out to a car as a safety precaution/pepper spray (aka the reality of being a young woman alone at night), adult language/cursing
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“Last call! I ain’t waiting here until the sun rises so pack it up!” Y/N Mitchell called from behind the bar to the last group of customers all gathered around the pool table.
It was exceptionally late at night—or very early in the morning depending on your perspective—and the only people left in The Hard Deck were Y/N and the Top Gun team, who were engaged in a very heated game of ‘cutthroat pool’. As Hangman, Rooster, Phoenix, Coyote, and Payback played, Bob and Fanboy sat to the side and talked about a new weapons system they had to learn. Y/N had been left to run the bar on her own as Jimmy had gotten off work early in the afternoon to take his grandchildren to see a movie and her father, Maverick, had taken Penny home around midnight. Overall, the night had gone quite well. But 2 A.M. was the bar’s official closing time so it was time for them to go.
“Well, I’m gonna head out! Got a booty call from a hottie to get to!” Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin announced, standing up and heading towards the door. “Good night and thanks for the beers, Y/N!”
“Have fun with your booty call!” She called after him with a smirk. “Wrap it before you tap it!”
He walked out the door, Y/N and Jake sharing a secret grin with one another at their private joke before he left. They had been dating for almost a month but no one else knew, not even Penny. If her dad found out that she was dating a member of the team, the couple would be in pretty hot water as he was incredibly protective of his only child. So they had decided to keep their blossoming romance a secret from the world. Hence, Hangman’s nightly announcements that he had a different girl to go fuck to throw the team off their trail.
“Good night!” Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy each called out as they headed out the front door and she waved.
“Need me to stay while you close and walk you out to your car?” Rooster asked.
“Did my dad put you up to this?” She asked and he laughed.
“No, but he’d probably appreciate me keeping an eye on you.” he replied and she smiled.
“Alright teacher’s pet, sorry to rob you of making my dad happy but I’m a big girl and I can get myself home just fine.” she replied. “But I really do appreciate it. Thanks Bradley.”
“Alright fine, but if you get murdered by some psycho masked killer or something, I want you to know that your dad will make sure I am held solely responsible for your death.” Bradley joked and she rolled her eyes.
Something like that might have sounded strange or even morbid to anyone else but Y/N had known Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw for her entire life. He was her best friend since they were kids and they’d even lost their virginities to one another as an experiment before Bradley joined the navy, a fact that the team had regretfully learned about during a very, very drunk night of truth or dare. There was nothing romantic between the pair, there never had been, but it didn’t stop Jake from being a little bit jealous of his mustached wingman.
“Go home Bradley before I use my pepper spray on you instead of a crazed murderer.” she responded, shoving him playfully towards the door and shaking her head.
“Alright, good night Y/N.” Rooster said as he left, Bob and Phoenix following with their goodbyes as they exited.
She closed the door behind them before going to the side patio doors leading to the beach and closing them as well, remembering to lock them too. Her next order of business was to turn off the jukebox and plug her phone into the speaker system, selecting her closing and cleaning playlist. It was mostly comprised of 80’s hits that her dad had gotten her into and she loved to listen to them in the empty bar. The opening guitar riff of “Dead Man’s Party” by Oingo Boingo played out of the bar speakers and she adjusted it to a slightly lower level that she could still hear.
She swayed to the beat and hummed the tune as she updated the bar tab books and counted out the cash register. It took a few songs to finish at the register and to put the cash in the safe in the back office but she was soon onto the next closing task of washing the mugs and glasses in the back kitchen area and taking notes for Jimmy on what needed to be restocked during his opening shift.
She was beginning to mop up a few spots of spilled beer on the floor when “Let’s Hear it for the Boy” by Deniece Williams began playing. She smiled, the song always reminded her of Jake, because he took her to see an anniversary showing of Footloose at a drive-in-theater for their first date. The song never failed to make her happy and she couldn’t stop herself from dancing around the bar, singing into the mop like a microphone as she cleaned up sticky puddles of spilled drinks.
Unbeknownst to her, Jake had come back to the bar and entered through the back kitchen door. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning on the door frame as he watched his girlfriend dance around the room. She sang along loudly to the lyrics and he smiled. Her little cleaning concerts were one of the things he loved most about her and part of the reason why he kept coming back to help her close the bar, even if it was really late and he was tired. Her energy and happiness gave him energy and made him happy.
His only complaint was that she always got so into the music that she wasn’t aware of her surroundings and often forgot to lock the back door, a bad habit that made him nervous. The other part of the reason he would come to help her close, no matter how exhausted he was, was because he worried about her and wanted to make sure she was safe. It wasn’t like Fightertown and San Diego were dens of crime or something, he just had the urge to protect her because he loved her so much, not that she knew. They hadn’t said they loved each other yet, although they both felt that way. As he watched her sing and dance as she cleaned, completely oblivious to him in the doorway, he decided to surprise her and quietly moved towards her.
“Oh maybe he’s no Romeo but he’s my lovin’ one-man show!” She sang into the mop handle, loudly and only slightly off key. “Oh whoa-oa-oa let’s hear it for the b-”
He cut her off as he wrapped his arms around her stomach and pulled her up in his arms, spinning her around with a laugh. She dropped the mop in surprise and screamed for a moment before realizing that she recognized the arms holding her and the laugh in her ear as that of her boyfriend.
“Jake!” she squealed as he put her down and she turned around in his arms to slap his chest angrily. “Don’t do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Really? Let me check your pulse.” He replied with a smirk as he put his palm on her breast and squeezed lightly. “It does feel a little fast.”
“Very funny.” she said as she rolled her eyes and tried to stay mad at him but couldn’t, cracking a smile as she pushed his hand away. “Did you come back here just to feel me up while I’m trying to close up?”
“I actually came back to spend some quality time with my girlfriend and protect her but your option is much more fun.” Jake said, reaching to grab her breasts again and she shook her head, laughing as she pushed him away.
“Protect me?” she questioned.
“Someone’s gotta do it since for some reason you refuse to lock the door when you’re here alone!” Jake said matter-of-factly as he moved to wrap his arms around her waist again.
“I forgot, okay!” she replied, setting her hands on his chest as she looked up at him and he raised his eyebrows in doubt.
“I’ve told you to lock the back door a hundred times, what if I was some crazy guy with a gun or something?” Jake asked.
“Oh my God! You sound just like my dad and Bradley!” she exclaimed with a smile.
“Because they’re right.” he replied.
“Are you feeling okay?” she asked as she put a hand against his forehead as if to check his temperature. “Hangman and Rooster agreeing on something? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” He shook her hand off his head as she laughed.
“We are capable of getting along occasionally, you know.” he said with a smile before getting a little more serious. “But seriously babe, you have to start remembering to lock the back door. I worry about you, okay?”
She nodded her head and gazed into his earnest green eyes, touched by the affection and worry he held for her.
“I’m sorry babe, I really am trying to remember.” she said, putting a hand on his cheek affectionately.
“It’s alright, I’ll just have to come be your personal bodyguard and help you close every night until you remember.” Jake replied and she laughed.
“You’d get bored.” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I could never get bored of you.” he said and she smiled, pulling him into an appreciative kiss. When they pulled back, he continued. “I am sorry that I interrupted your stage performance, your mop microphone is cute and I love your singing voice. I hope you were thinking of someone special as you sung…” He trailed off with a smug grin.
“I was actually.” she answered, a sly smile creeping onto her face as she continued. “I was thinking about Bradley. ‘He’s my lovin’ one man show’, you know? I just think he’s so hot-”
He cut her off by surging forwards to give her a jealous and possessive kiss, so hard and passionate it took her by surprise for a moment before she leaned into the kiss. He kissed her like a man possessed for a few moments more and then pulled back, smirking down at her as she tried to catch her breath, confused as to why he stopped.
“You were saying something about pornstache?” he asked smugly.
“Alright fine, I was singing about you.” she said and as he began to celebrate she quickly added “But don’t let it get to your head!”
“I’ll try.” he replied.
“I didn’t think you were going to come back tonight, you’ve done it three times this week.” she said, seizing the quiet moment to let out some of her anxieties. “The team is gonna get suspicious at some point and when they find out, my dad is gonna find out.”
“No one is going to find out.” Jake assured her, stroking her cheek. “I drove  little down the highway before turning around and taking the back streets and I parked behind the dumpster. Besides, the team thinks I’m sleeping around with a different girl every night. If anyone asks me where I was, I just make up a name.”
“Finally, your reputation as a man-whore is paying off.” she laughed and Jake clutched a hand to his chest as if he was offended.
“You think I’m a whore?”  he asked with a fake gasp before laughing.
“A different girl every night? If the shoe fits…” she joked, trailing off.
“Don’t slut shame me for my cover story or I may have to battle the skank allegations by telling everyone where I’m really spending my nights.” Jake shot back and she rolled her eyes.
“I’m not slut shaming, there’s nothing wrong with being a little slutty.” she said. “But ‘skank allegations’? You’re so dramatic.”
“But you love it.” Jake replied with that charming smile of his.
“I tolerate it.” she countered with a laugh. “There’s a difference.”
“I’m hurt!” he said sarcastically before turning serious for a moment. “But seriously, your dad and the team aren’t gonna find out until you’re ready to tell them, you don’t have to worry.”
She nodded and gave him a small appreciative smile but he could tell there was still something bothering her. “What is it babe?”
“You really don’t mind keeping us a secret for now? Sneaking around and telling not-so-little white lies to the team?” she asked, before biting her lip nervously.
“I really don’t mind. I think it’s kinda hot actually.” he assured her with a wink and a light slap on her ass.
She laughed but shook her head and put a hand to his cheek, gazing into his eyes seriously.
“Jake, I’m serious!” she said. “I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of us because I’m not, I’m just nervous about telling my dad that I’m dating one of his pilots. He gets so protective and I don't want it to change your relationship with him or with the team. Plus, you and Bradley are finally getting along and I don’t want it all to go to waste when he probably tries to kill you for this. We’ll tell them soon, just not now.”
He cupped his hands on her cheeks and spoke clearly, not breaking his earnest gaze for even a moment. “Babe, I swear to you that I don’t care if no one knows about us or if the whole world does. I don’t care if I have to fight Rooster or deal with your pissed off father, all I want is to make you happy.” She smiled and pulled him into a kiss before pulling back and resting her forehead on his, the tips of their noses barely touching.
“Who knew that beneath all that cocky playboy confidence there’s a really great and sweet guy that I’m really lucky to have?” she said lowly as she looked into his smiling eyes. “You, Jake Seresin, were the most unexpected surprise in my life.”
“A good surprise I hope.” he said, just an edge of nervousness in his voice.
“A really good surprise and I’m so glad for it.” she replied and he pulled back to kiss her on the forehead, holding her close in his arms as he gathered the courage he needed.
“All I ever do is try to live up to the man you deserve. You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met…” he paused, taking a deep breath before adding “I know we haven’t used the ‘L word’ yet but I want you to know that I’ll do anything for you.”
“The ‘L word’? Lesbians?” she joked and his heart fluttered at her attempt to make him feel less nervous.
“Yes. Y/N Mitchell, I am deeply and hopelessly in lesbians with you.” he said playfully but she could tell he meant every single word, her heart skipping a beat.
“Then I guess it’s a really good thing that I am also deeply and hopelessly in lesbians with you, Jake Seresin.” she replied, so grateful he felt the same way as her before pulling him into a long kiss that said more than any words ever could. They hadn’t specifically used the word ‘love’ but they both knew what the other meant.  When they pulled back, she smiled as she stepped backwards and out of his arms. “Now, we’d better start cleaning unless we want to be here all night.”
“Yeah, we’d better.” Jake said with a grin, slapping her ass as he walked past her to pick up the mop and finish up the sticky spot she had been working on before he arrived and distracted her.
She began wiping down the bartop as he finished with the mop and put it away before grabbing a rag and wiping down the tables, putting the chairs up on them as he finished each one. She was sweeping when he finished and he took out the trash, returning from the back to see her trying to reach something on a high shelf by the pool table, stretched up on her tip-toes. He smiled and hurried over, easily grabbing the object from the shelf and handing it to her as she thanked him.
“Are these yours?” she asked, holding up a pair of sunglasses someone had left behind.
“Nope.” Jake replied. “I left mine in my car.”
“Damn. I’ll have to put them in the lost and found box, I don’t know who they belong to because everyone wears sunglasses and they all look the same.” she said as she headed over towards to put them in the box under the bar.
She resumed sweeping and he grabbed a broom to join her, although he was more of a hindrance than a help as he kept poking her with the broom, bumping hers with his, and taking dance breaks from sweeping every ten seconds.
“I was born to love her and I will never be free, you’ll always be apart of me!” Jake sang along loudly to “Always Something There To Remind Me” by Naked Eyes as she shook her head with a smile and told him to keep sweeping, ignoring his pantomime concert. He kept singing, increasing his efforts to get her attention as she tried, and failed, to focus on sweeping. Eventually he dropped the broom and started wildly flapping his arms around like he had lost feeling in them and was trying to wake them up. She was amazed he hadn’t fallen over from jumping around so much.
“You’re gonna break a leg or something if you keep doing that, Jake.” she said with a laugh as she paused her cleaning. “You have to fly tomorrow.”
“Don’t need legs to fly, babe.” he said as he shimmied towards her and pushed the broom out of her hand, letting it clatter on to the floor as he continued dancing in front of her.
“You look like a dying bird trying to do a mating dance.” she said as he bobbed his head towards her.
“Is it working? Am I seducing you?” He asked and she put a palm to his forehead and gently pushed him backwards.
“We have work to do.” she replied simply, but he could see she was trying to hide her grin as she leaned over to pick up her broom and continue sweeping. “God, no one would ever believe me if I told them how much of a dork you can be sometimes.”
“Only for you, babe.” he said, his movements slowing as he watched her try to stop herself from smiling as she swept, avoiding looking at him. “I just really love making you laugh.”
He took a break from dancing to catch his breath as the song ended and the next began, the opening notes of Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away” filling the room.
“Oh, I love this song!” Jake exclaimed, holding out a hand to her. “Dance with me?”
“No, at least one of us needs to keep cleaning.” she said as she paused her sweeping to look at him.
“Pleeeease?” he asked with a fake pout with big puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. One dance and then we have to finish up.” she said as she leaned the broom up against a nearby table and took his hand.
He pulled her in against his chest, smiling in victory. He wrapped one arm around her waist, the other holding one of her hands as she hooked the other around his neck. They swayed slowly to the beat as he held her close, smiling down at her.
“It’s just like prom.” she joked and he laughed, each chuckle reverberating against her chest.
“I didn’t go to my prom.” Jake said. “I did go to the after parties though.”
“That is so you.” she replied.
“What was your prom like?” he asked.
“Bradley took me.” she answered and Jake quirked an eyebrow up in surprise. “He wasn’t gonna go but my boyfriend broke up with me a week before the dance. I was really upset and I already had my dress and everything, so he came so I wouldn’t be alone. I think my dad asked him to.”
“Did you dance like this with him?” Jake asked, just an edge of apprehensive jealousy in his voice.
“No, I didn’t.” She said with a smile. “His dancing is atrocious, I could only get him out on the dance floor once or twice and I think it was for just like the macarena or something like that.”
“So, I’m not only a better lover than him, but I’m also a better dancer… good to know.” Jake said, smirking.
“You know that Bradley and I are, and always have been, just friends, right?” she asked, looking up at him and trying to make sure he knew she was serious. “I know I can’t keep you from being competitive with him but I want to make sure you know that you have nothing to be jealous about. I’m in love with you, not him.”
“I’m always gonna be a little jealous that he was your first but I know that I’m gonna be your last.” Jake said and she smiled before laying her head on his shoulder, listening to his heartbeat as they swayed in a circle.
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and began to whisper along with the lyrics to the song in her ear.
“Take my breath away…” he murmured, in a singsong voice.
“You take my breath away, Jake.” she whispered back and he smiled, before moving her into a spin.
She giggled as he turned her in his arms, wrapping himself around her back and then spinning her away again. They twirled around the room together, her making her laugh every time he spun her out and reeled her back in. As the song ended, he reeled her back one last time, holding her waist to keep her back to his chest.
“I think we’ve done enough cleaning for tonight.” he said lowly, his breath hot on her neck as she craned up and backwards to look at him.
“Oh really?” she asked, her eyebrows raising in amusement.
“Yeah, I do.” he said before dropping his voice into a whisper, lips ghosting the very edge of her ear. “And I’ve always wanted to fuck you on the bar.”
She smiled and pulled out of his arms, making her way around the bar to stand across from him. She leaned over, her elbows on the wood holding her weight as she continued tipping forwards, giving him a perfect view of her cleavage.
“What, this bar?” she asked coyly before she smirked and crooked a finger at him, beckoning for him to join her.
He didn’t waste a second to join her behind the bar, pulling her into a hard and passionate kiss, every movement radiating with need and hunger. His hands on her waist tightened and he moved her backwards until her back hit the edge of the bar. In one swift motion, he lifted her up and onto the bar top and she could feel his grin against her lips as she squeaked in surprise. He slotted himself between her legs and pulled her flush against him, one hand with a firm but gentle grip on the side of her face and the other on the side of her thigh, which was bare as her sundress had ridden up. Her hands were hooked behind his neck, her fingers threading into his hair.
“Couldn’t stop looking at you in this dress all night…” he said between rough and demanding kisses, taking a handful of the fabric in his fist as he pushed it further up to expose her panties beneath it. “I just couldn’t wait to get under it.”
“You really like it?” she asked breathlessly as she pulled backwards for gasps of air. “I got it for Bradley’s birthday party last month but I decided not to wear it because I thought it made me look fat.”
“You look fucking gorgeous. You always look so fucking beautiful.” he said, hands wandering around her body. “And don’t mention Rooster while we’re making out, you’re gonna make me jealous.”
“Oh really? Well then… Bradley Bradshaw.” she said smugly, teasing him as her eyes dared him to punish her. He gave a dramatic sigh.
“Well, I guess I have to fuck you so hard you can’t remember your own name, let alone his. The only name I want to hear out of those pretty little lips tonight is mine.” he said gruffly, kissing her in a hard, claiming kiss before moving his lips down to her neck, hiking her leg up to press himself against her core.
“Oh, fuck…” she said, half a moan as he ground the bulge in his jeans against her pantied pussy as he expertly tongued her favorite spot just under her ear. “Jake, you can’t leave a hickey this time, I don’t think that my dad will buy that I burned myself with a curling iron again this week.”
He raised himself off her just enough that his lips still grazed her skin, his words muffled when he said “Just tell him it was a straightener this time.”
He immediately resumed working his way down her neck, her laugh turning to a moan when he reached her chest. Her fingers shook as she tried to unbutton his shirt, desperate to get at the toned abs beneath it. She was about halfway through when they heard the front door jiggle, just barely audible over the soft music. They froze as the door clicked open, grateful that the part of the bar they were at wasn’t visible from the front door.
“Did you really forget to lock the front door too?” Jake whispered.
“I thought I did!” she replied as quietly as possible.
“Y/N, are you still here?” Rooster’s voice called from out of sight as the door swung open with a creak.
“Oh fuck! Hide!” she whispered frantically, slightly panicking as Jake pulled her off the bar top and ducked down just before Rooster walked into sight.
She quickly grabbed a nearby rag and pretended to wipe down the spot she had just been seated at, Jake’s hot breath against her thigh as he knelt beside her, pressed up against a keg of beer connected to a tap. Rooster was oblivious to her panic as he was scanning the room for something.
“I forgot my sunglasses, have you seen them?” he asked as he looked around the piano.
“You came back here at four in the morning to get your sunglasses?” she asked, flustered and a little annoyed they had been interrupted.
“Yeah, they were my dad’s and you know how I don’t like not knowing where they are.” he replied, continuing to look around the room as he made his way towards the pool table.
“Oh…” she said, trailing off as she thought about how attached Bradley was to his dad’s belongings, especially his Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses. Suddenly, Jake stuck his head under her sundress and she squeaked in surprise when she felt his hot breath on her inner thigh.
“Are you alright?” Rooster asked, looking up from his search to check on her.
“Uhh… yeah, no, I’m fine! Totally fine!” she said, discreetly smacking at Jake’s head under her skirt which did nothing to deter him from sneaking his hands up her legs and gently palming her ass. She could practically feel him smirking against her thigh. “Just something in my throat, you know?”
“More like something in your cunt…” Jake muttered into her panties, so quietly that she could barely hear him, meaning that Bradley couldn’t from across the room but she cleared her throat loudly to cover it anyways.
“Uhh, okay.” Rooster said as he continued his search.
Jake licked a stripe on her panties, his nose nudging her clothed folds and she had to bite down hard on her lip to stop a moan from escaping. She thanked the heavens that Bradley was too preoccupied poking around the pool table to notice her behavior.
“Have you seen them?” he asked as he checked the shelves and the windowsill.
“Seen… seen- seen what?” she asked, struggling to focus and not moan out loud as Jake slipped two fingers under her panties and stroked her dripping folds.
Mercifully, Jake removed his wandering fingers when she smacked his head again and he chuckled really quietly against the skin of her inner thigh before pulling his head out from under her dress. Rooster turned to look at her in concern.
“My sunglasses… Are you okay? You’re acting a little weird.” he said as he raised an eyebrow in concern.
“I’m just really tired Bradley, can’t wait to get home and get some sleep, you know…” she said meeting his eyes and seeing a hint of suspicion in them so she quickly added “I put your sunglasses in the lost and found box, just give me a second.”
She ducked down under the bar to crouch at Jake’s level, glaring at him as he smirked, licking her juices off his fingers.
“Yeah babe, what’s wrong? You’re acting weird.” he whispered smugly.
“I’m gonna kill you.” she whispered as she grabbed the sunglasses from the box and stood back up to address Rooster, holding them out. “Here you go Bradley!”
He smiled and moved to her to grab them, her heart racing as she realized all he had to do was look down to see Jake behind the bar. Mercifully, he didn’t look down, just backed up and slowly headed for the door.
“Thanks!” he said before stopping and turning around, her heart stopping with him. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay while you finish up and walk you to your car?”
“No!” she said way too quickly and loudly, immediately switching to a more casual tone and volume. “I mean… no, I have to do some inventory and it’ll take at least an hour, but thanks for offering.”
“Alright.” Rooster replied. “Just make sure you lock the door next time, I could have been anyone.”
“Told you…” Jake muttered from under the bar.
“Did you say something?” Rooster asked.
“Yeah, I just said I’d walk you out.” she covered quickly, lightly and discreetly kicking Jake as she moved from behind the bar and to the front door.
She hugged him and said goodbye as he left, locking the door behind him before turning around with her eyes closed to sigh heavily in relief, her back pressed to the door. When she opened her eyes, Jake was leaning against the wall that blocked the bar from view at the door. He had a shit eating grin on his face, his blonde hair was lightly tousled from when she had been pulling it on it, and his shirt was still only half-buttoned, exposing his tanned and toned chest.
“Leaving the front door unlocked too?” he tutted smugly. “You definitely need me here to protect you.”
She marched towards him and smacked him on the chest angrily.
“Ow.” he said quietly, more out of surprise than actual hurt.
“Jacob Thomas Seresin!” she scolded, angrily wagging a finger at him and pointing it into his chest. “What is wrong with you? Are you absolutely insane?”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” he said, putting his hands up in surrender before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. “I just couldn’t resist.”
She pursed her lips, tying to stay mad at him but couldn’t as he gave her a charming grin. She rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Do you really want Bradley to find out about us because you can’t stop yourself from poking your nose under my dress in front of him?” she asked, a reluctant smile forming as she tried to keep chewing him out. “He’d probably kill you!”
“Oh, he’d definitely kill me.” Jake replied. “But what a way to go! I would die a happy, happy man.” She couldn’t stop herself from laughing at that.
“You’re ridiculous and you are so unbelievably lucky that I love you and that I thought it was a little hot.” he began to smile in victory but she quickly added “But I’m still mad at you so you’d better take me home and try to make it up to me. We can fuck on the bar some other time.”
“Yes ma’am!” Jake said, grinning widely as he gave her a mock salute and swept her off her feet and into his arms, carrying her towards the back door to get her things and leave.
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Hangman strutted onto base the next morning feeling exceptionally good despite having gotten approximately two hours of sleep. He walked towards where the rest of the team, minus Maverick, stood in a circle in the middle of a hanger, discussing something.
“Hangman, you look good.” Rooster said as he approached, a strangely sly grin on his face.
“I am good, Rooster. I’m very good.” he replied with a smile as he reached the group and took off his sunglasses.
“That wouldn’t happen to be because you’re fucking Maverick’s daughter, would it?” Bob asked, so nonchalantly that Jake had to do a double take to fully realize what he’d just said, his grin sliding off his face.
“What?” He asked, gaze flickering around the smirking faces of the group.
“We know you’re fucking Y/N.” Phoenix informed him and his mind was racing as fast as his heart was beating, trying to figure out what he was supposed to say to that.
“I… I uhhh… I told you guys I was with a booty call last night…” was all he could manage to say in defense.
“Your car was only partially blocked by the dumpster.” Rooster said with a smirk before leaning in to whisper in his ear so that only he could hear. “And Jake… I know what she sounds like when she moans, even if she tried her best to hide it.”
“Smile!” Coyote said as he snapped a picture of Jake’s face, pale and frozen like a deer in headlights before examining it and showing it to the group. “Now that’s one for the Christmas card!”
“But don’t worry, man.” Rooster said smugly, clapping Hangman on the back and pulling him shoulder to shoulder. “I’m not gonna kill you or anything.”
“You’re not?” Jake asked, eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion.
“Nope.” Rooster replied before turning around and pointing at a figure storming down the tarmac and towards the hanger. “He is.”
“LIEUTENANT SERESIN!” Maverick roared angrily as he stopped at the bay doors.
“Fuuu-” Hangman muttered.
“GET OVER HERE!” Maverick barked, pointing angrily at the space directly in front of him. “NOW! THAT’S AN ORDER!”
“Go get ‘em tiger!” Rooster said, pushing Hangman towards the furious man with a smirk.
“Don’t worry, I’m getting it on video!” Fanboy called after him as he trudged forwards with a nervous gulp, sweat already forming on his brow.
“We’ll play it at your funeral!” Payback added and the whole group laughed as Hangman walked towards his doom, one step at a time.
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Happy Go Lucky || Jose "Sad Eyes" Guzman
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(GIF: @merakiaes)
A/N: Shoutout to @multiyfandomgirl40 and @firebenderwolf for making me do a taglist. I'm still in awe that people enjoy the fics I write. Be sure to check out their fics (or re-read them), you won't regret it! Grammatical errors are to be expected. Spanish Translations below, let me know if there are any errors. 
Characters/Pairing(s): Sad Eyes x Reader ☆ OCs (readers best friends)
Summary: Wine just brings out a different side of (Y/N). Not that her boyfriend is complaining. 
Warnings: fluff, language, references to smut, tipsy reader
Word Count: 1638
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
The Mean Girls credits rolled onto the screen, so (Y/N) tossed the remote to Kyra as she got up and walked into the kitchen. Opening up the fridge, she looked through the selection Maelyse had brought with her. Unsure of what to get, Joy popped up beside her and grabbed the Merlot. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders and decided to grab the rest of the snacks instead. 
Tomorrow, the tight knit group of friends would officially have a wife among them. They were all excited for the big day, especially the bride to be Maelyse. The past few months had all of them busy. However, through it all, they all remained level-headed and it solidified Mae's choice in choosing them to be her bridesmaids. Instead of going to celebrate her last night of being a fiancé out in the city, Mae decided on having a quiet night in. 
Each of them had their own rooms within the suite, but chose to all camp out in the living room for the night.
"How are you feeling?" (Y/N) asked Mae as she placed the snacks on the coffee table that had been pushed to the side. 
She smiled, "great." 
Joy shook her head, "and to think you getting married is because Scott sent a text to the wrong number.
"I wouldn't say it was wrong," Mae flashed her engagement ring, "after all he ended up with the right woman."
(Y/N) and Joy both awed, while Kyra scoffed. 
"Okay, enough of the cheesiness, y'all know I'm lactose intolerant," everyone laughed at her, "let's give a toast for wrong numbers." 
"To wrong numbers!"
They all raised their wine glasses, clinked them together and took a drink. When (Y/N) placed her glass down, she noticed a notification pop up on her screen. With the quick flash she smiled down at her screensaver. A photo of her and Jose sitting on a mat with a picnic basket and a bouquet of daffodils beside them. (Y/N) leaning back into his embrace and Jose wrapping his arms around her. 
He had set his phone up to "capture the moment", he had told her. (Y/N) didn't really suspect anything of it considering she loved a good photo op. She remembered that day so clearly, as it was when Jose officially asked her to be his girlfriend. Bringing the bouquet of daffodils to symbolise the new beginning for both of them. 
Kyra noticed (Y/N) staring at her phone and nudged her shoulder playfully, "is somebody missing their novio?" 
"Shut up," she replied.
Mae laughed, "he's coming tomorrow, right?" 
(Y/N) nodded, "yeah, he'll be there." 
She was happy that Jose would join her. It would be the first event they'd be attending as a couple – Santos parties and dinners with her family didn't really count. Plus she was extremely excited to see him dressed up.
Joy smiled and grabbed some Doritos to munch on, "Nana Julie is gonna be disappointed when she finds out you're in a relationship. She's been trying to set you up with Carlos for years."
"Accepting the ring pop in front of her was the beginning of her attempts of getting the two of you together," Mae piped up. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "we were seven." 
Kyra smirked, "my favourite part was when you found out he gave Vivian a ring pop the day before and told him you weren't a homewrecker," she laughed.
"That just showed how committed I was, even back then," she replied, "I kinda felt bad after I stuck the ring pop in his hair. He had to shave it all off 'cause Nana Julie ended up giving him a bald spot when she ripped it out." 
They continued to drink, eat and talk. Laughing at the memories they created with each other and cringing when they talked about their awkward teenage years. All of which they agreed they were happy they were no longer living through it.
On the other side of town, Jose was chilling in his apartment. He wasn't really doing anything, other than making sure his outfit for Mae's wedding was put away nicely. He had just come back from his mother's house 'cause he needed help ironing it. While she was ironing, she kept talking about how proud she was of him for finding (Y/N). He laughed when she began to hint at grandchildren. His response was if it happened, it happened. Although, he already knew that (Y/N) was the only woman he ever pictured having kids with. 
Closing his closet door, he moved from his bedroom into the hallway. His mind on (Y/N) and hoping she was having a blast with her girls. When he began dating her, her friends were a bit apprehensive due to his association with the Santos. However, when they realised he actually cared for (Y/N) they eased up. Now, whenever he saw them there wasn't any awkwardness. 
Before he reached the kitchen, he felt a vibration against his thigh. Confused, he pulled out his phone and saw (Y/N)'s contact name pop up. With a smile, he quickly answered, "Hola, querida." 
"Ooooh did you hear that girls? Did. You. Fucking. Hear. My. Man? I don't think you did. He spoke Spanish! Fuck he sounds so sexy –" was all Jose heard before a bunch of giggles muffled his girlfriend's voice. He couldn't help but chuckle, quickly figuring out that he was on speaker and (Y/N) was tipsy (if her slightly slurred rambling was anything to go by). A loud shushing noise was followed by more rambling, "– like… he's just so ‐‐ urg! He's a snack… no h-he's more than that he's breakfast… and lunch… and dinner. Yeah! Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Wait, no… uh, what's that place – buffet! He's. A. Fucking. Buffet! Yes, he is. And I'll gladly eat all day long." 
Jose smirked, "you're everything and more bebe." 
"Oh shit, I forgot I was on the phone," she giggled, "hey, baby! I love you!" She let out a heavy sigh, "I miss you! Can I see you? I wanna see you." 
Never being able to deny her of anything, he quickly ended their call and switched to FaceTime. He only waited for a few seconds before (Y/N)'s face popped up, practically covering the screen. Jose laughed as she grinned widely, before shuffling back allowing him to see her surrounded by her best friends. All of whom were wearing matching pink pajama sets, except for Maelyse whose set was white. They all waved, Jose nodding back at them. 
"Isn't he handsome?" (Y/N) glanced over her shoulder, "and he's mine." She sighed happily focusing back on the screen. "I love you!" 
He smiled, "I love you too, bebe." His eyes spotted some wine glasses in the background with snacks. "You seem to be having a great time." 
"The bestest time ever!" She cheered, the girls cheering alongside her. "We're getting wine drunk and eating all the snacks. But, I wanna see you," she pouted. 
"Don't make that face," he sighed, "you're seeing me now, bebe." 
"It's not the same… I want you here!" She huffed.
He raised an eyebrow, "(Y/N)." 
"Ooooh, you called me (Y/N)." Her eyes widened, "you must mean business," she giggled. "I like it when you say my name… especially when you're –" 
"Baby," this time his eyes widened.
The girls in the background fell over each other laughing, while (Y/N) looked at them confused. This made Joy laugh harder. Maelyse leaned over and whispered in her ear. (Y/N) bit her lip, causing Kyra to wrap her arms around her shoulders and scream about 'the baby not being as innocent as everyone thought'. Shaking her head, she turned back to the screen and shrugged her shoulders. 
"I meant when you're sleepy 'cause your voice gets even sexier," she explained, "but… yeah, when we're doing stuff too. I really like that part."
The way she said it so nonchalantly made Jose snort and shake his head. His girl was something else. The camera shifted to show off a pile of blankets and pillows, before revealing her nude painted toenails. He patiently waited until (Y/N)'s face came back on the screen and once it did, she was laying on a bed.
"I can't wait to see you all dressed up," she commented, "like – fuck, you're already the sexiest man. But… imagining you in a suit and tie is doing things to me." 
He smirked, "is that right?" 
Biting her lip, she nodded, "yeah… a whole lot of things," she glanced over her phone before back at the screen, "after the wedding is when the real fun starts." 
"I look forward to it." 
"You should 'cause I brought your favourite set with me, so I can wear it underneath my dress." 
"Baby, don't do that to me," he groaned.
"Sorry not sorry," she giggled.
They chatted a bit more until Mae called out for (Y/N) that it was time to say goodbye and get back to celebrating. At the same time Oso gestured towards Jose that he was needed. With a reluctant sigh from both of them, they smiled at each other. 
"Looks like we've both gotta go, querida," he told her, "but I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Do you need me to bring anything to the hotel?" 
"Can I have some (fast food) for breakfast?" 
He laughed, "of course baby, anything else?" 
She shook her head, "no that's it," she blew him a kiss, "I really gotta go now 'cause I can hear Mae calling my full name," she huffed, "I love you!"
"I love you too, baby." 
Once they hung up, they both had the same thought; morning couldn't come soon enough.
-♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Novio - boyfriend
Hola, querida - hello, honey
Bebe - baby
On My Block Taglist:
@multiyfandomgirl40 // @firebenderwolf
If you'd like to be added, don't hesitate to message me!
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Chain of Iron theories: the adopted baby
Here is another hot discussion topic in the fandom. CC has hinted that their will be a special baby, and that they will need to be adopted. So Questions, who is giving a baby up and why? I am assuming that this is a Shadowhunter baby. I cannot see either Hypatia Vex or Kellington who party, operate a secret saloon, and take pleasure in seducing interesting artistic individuals deciding to devote themselves to parenthood. Woosley Scott is set to show up, but their is no way he wants to adopt. Every other downworlder has appeared in the future and never made reference to having raised a baby. So which shadowhunters in this series of so many parents, children, and would be couples are looking to adopt? We know that shadowhunters adoption program isn’t perfect; Ariadne being adopted by an elderly white couple who know nothing about Indian culture and Tatiana somehow being allowed to adopt Grace despite the fact that she is aggressive, clearly insane, and famously unable to care for the one child she gave birth to. But I want to hold on to hope that whoever this little baby is their story will end happily with being given a nice home and family. My Theories
Anna and Ariadne  adopt Eugenia’s baby. (retracted)
  This was my original theory. In COG2 we learnt that Eugenia temporarily left home because of some scandal no one really wants to talk about. It apparently involved her and some guy being caught in a “compromising position” after which said guy could have saved things by asking to marry her but did not? ??? This led many people to believe she and this guy had been immanent and that she might now be pregnant., but unable to raise the baby on her own. So she would give it up for adoption. Eugenia’s older sister Barbara had an understanding with a very nice gentleman named Oliver and kept trying to get Oliver to purpose. I wondered if maybe a reason Barbara was in such a rush to marry is she was hoping for her and Oliver to adopt Eugenia’s baby and pass them off as theirs. Now that both Barbara and Oliver are sadly deceased Eugenia would need to look into finding new  parents to take he unborn child. Well spoilers relating to Eugenia state that despite having different interests and hobbies, she and Anna get along well. She also is set to become friends with Ariadne. Ariadne who really wanted to be a mom. So I thought that if Eugenia was pregnant and looking to give her child up for adoption then maybe she would ask Anna and Ariadne to adopt her baby. That had the potential to be sweet.
  But we have gotten more information now, and surprise surprise, people jumped the gun to quick on what happened with Eugenia. While we still do not know what the scandal was, it is hinted to have been way less extreme/serious than premarital intimacy, and she is very unlikely to be pregnant. I am now hoping that her ex got into a fight with some other guy, she stepped in to hit the other guy with a parasol, and her ex got embarrassed about having to be saved by her and broke up with her. Something that shows the guy was a real loser.
Elias puts Baby Carstairs up for adoption
  In COG2 we got a huge surprise that Sona was pregnant with her third child, unexpected as the family tree only lists her and Elias as having two children. Well actually actually the Carstairs family line is tree has parts of it that “Were lost to time”. So something clearly happened. Jem was clearly hiding something.
   This pregnancy was clearly unplanned and does present some worry’s. For starters Sona is well past the age where it easier/safest for women to give have children. She was already starting to have a difficult time with it during COG2 when she finally confessed to Cordelia that she was about 3 months along. This means that she will be about 7 months along (almost ready to give birth) when we pick up again in COI. Well in the early chapter read Alastair said that his mother has been put on Bed rest with her husband staying by her side and silent brothers monitoring her. This does not sound good. Several people have theorized that even with the brothers help, she will not make it through childbirth. Now lets talk about the babies father Elias Carstairs. Elias Carstairs is even older than his wife. He spent his youth traveling the world (I read a tweet that said he has even gone between dimensions before) leading special expeditions and hunting rare and powerful demons. This sounds grand, but it was a grueling life that left him physically and emotionally scared. Tragically the Clave does not recognize mental health as a need, so they do not provide any kind of therapy or treatment for those who become traumatized. Like many poor soldiers throughout American history Elias was there for the Clave when they needed his help but it that help was not reciprocated at the end. The only comfort he found was at the bottom of the bottle. It took Elias until he was already in his 40′s to start a family, and he has struggled with being able to take care of himself enough to act as a father to the two children he and Sona have already raised. Elias is 63. He is sad and tired, and struggling to keep a handle on his sobriety. This child was unplanned. I have read tweets that show he is at least trying to support Sona, but CC reveals he is questioning if or if not he can really do this a third time. If Sona dies there is no way Elias can raise this child himself. I won’t fault him if he makes that choice, it might be the most loving thing he can do.
   Who would adopt the little guy. Well the most common theory is that Alastair and Thomas would become his new dads. Now the family tree does suggest that both Alastair and Thomas are dads in the future. It also doesn’t list the names of either of their spouses (I am guessing neither had wives) so their is nothing to suggest that they do not live together raising a group of adopted children. Given the way the Cave feels about homosexual parents that could also be why Jem “lost” the records. I will not deny Thomstair becoming adopted parents is plausible, but I am not completely sure that baby Carstaris is who they will adopt. Babies are hard, they are a lot of work, and I am not convinced either Alastair or Thomas will be up to it. Look at Alastair. He is not exactly in a good place at the start of COI, and whenever fans ask CC if Alastair will make any friends she always reply that he won’t until he learns how to speak nicely to people and to be there for them when they need him. Honestly that is a thing he struggles with. He obviously loves Cordelia, but he totally pulled an  Queen Elsa on her where he shut the door and shut her out for roughly 7 years of their lives, leaving her as alone as Anna was. He claims to have loved Charles but the pair spend most of COG arguing because Alastair wants Charles to spend all his time with him and Charles is struggling to balance his promotion, his public reputation, and Alastair (Important I am not saying it was wrong for Alastair to be upset about Charles engagements or to break up with him. I am just saying it seems like Charles did try to see Alastair as much as he could, and Alastair trying to pin all his emotional needs on one person, who already had so much going on, was unfair). On Thomas side well lets just say he has a lot of mixed up and complicated feeling of his own he needs to work out before he will be able to be in a healthy relationship let alone raise a child.
  If Thomstair aren’t able to take care of Baby Carstairs I bet I know a long time married, long time Carstairs loving couple, who would be happy to take the little guy in and have enough resources, experience, and love to give him a great life. Hey in the future Tessa says she has kept watch over three families: the Herondales, the Carstairs, and the Blackthorns. The Herondales and the Blackthorns are her and Will’s grandchildren. If she were watching the Carstairs because they were once her friends wouldn’t she also watch out for the Fairchilds and Lightwoods?
Blackthorn Babies with Mundane and Shadowhunter mommies and daddies
  (Okay this is one will involve some hopping around and several references to the family tree, so stay with me people, stay with me.) We aleady know Jem made some changes to this line. Lucie is not 12, she is 16. Tatiana is probably not going to live another 15 years. Also the tree said that Jesse dies 59, yet he actually died at 17. But future wife Lucie wants to resurrect him... which is highly illegal and should she be successful she will probably face terrible repercussions. Jesse also might not be able to live as a shadowhunter after being brought back. So even if we don’t want it, for the sake of this theory lets assume that upon Jesse’s resurrection both he and Lucie are banished and become a mundane pianist and writer. Let’s assume they also get married and have children. In order for the TDA Blackthorns to be shadowhunters at least one of Jucie’s kids would have to become a shadowhunter and move to the shadow world. I feel like Luce and Jesse would be willing to let their kids go in that case. That was all Jesse wanted growing up and Lucie is Will’s daughter. The children would just need someone they could stay with.
  Now lets hop to the Lightwood family line. According to the tree Christopher and Grace get married (Grace is also listed as a Cartwright so was her adoption overturned and she rejoined her bio family?) and continue the Lightwood line down to TMI. Grace and Christopher are set up to bond  (over science) and many fans are willing to believe that they are an endgame ship. But fans are also doubting that they are the ancestors of the TMI lightwoods.  For one thing Christopher is heavily coded to be asexual; and Grace herself seems to have a very.... twisted and warped view of physical acts. So now lets say Grace is somehow saved from punishment over Jesse’s resurrection or because of her past trauma is given a lighter sentence. Lets say Gracetopher really do get married. if they got married they probably will apt out of having children; at least biological children.
   Christopher has a younger brother , Alexander Lightwood, who seems like a much more likely candidate to continue his family line. Alex has been noted to have those dark blue eyes that while once a Herondale trait later become a Lightwood trait. He shares a first name one of TMI’s most prominent characters, and that is just about the only way baby Alex could have relevance to the story given that he is way to young to help out in the war. If Alexander Lightwood the first is one who carried on the Lightwood line why are his descendants listed under his brother and sister in laws names?
   Well way back before the CC launched TLH I remember her posting a tweet that said Grace could become an ancestor of either the Herondale or the Blackthorn line. This upset a lot of people who thought that it meant that Grace may have a baby with either James or Jesse. (No, just NO!!!) But what if instead of Grace having a baby with Jesse, She and Christopher adopt one of Jesse and Lucie’s babies so that that baby could be raised as a shadowhunter? I could see Grace and Christopher doing do: they each love one of the respective parents and are set get to know the other. The only good thing about Tatiana adopting Grace was she got Jesse as a brother. Should she ever recover from having Tatiana as an adoptive mother I could see her becoming very critical of other adoptions and refusing to allow Jesse’s children to potentially end up like she did. I am in love with a head cannon I have that Christopher will become a science professor at the academy. If Lucie and Jesse have to leave the shadow world, and they have to give up their children then I want to imagine that child living in Malec’s future academy suit with Shadowhunter mommy and daddy Gracetopher while they secretly get gifts and send letters to their mundane mommy and daddy Juice. (It is the least CC can do for the pain reading about that potential exile would cause me.)
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justforbooks · 5 years
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McCoy Tyner, Groundbreaking Pianist Of 20th Century Jazz, Dies At 81
McCoy Tyner, a pianist whose deep resonance, hammering attack and sublime harmonic invention made him a game-changing catalyst in jazz and beyond, died Friday, March 6, at his home in New Jersey. His death was confirmed by his manager. No cause of death was given. He was 81.
Tyner was the last surviving member of the John Coltrane Quartet, among the most momentous groups in jazz history. Few musicians have ever exerted as much influence as a sideman. His crucial role in the group's articulation of modal harmony, from the early 1960s on, will always stand as a defining achievement: The ringing intervals in his left hand, often perfect fourths or fifths, became the cornerstone of a style that endures today.
But Tyner was always a more multidimensional musician than the sum of his mannerisms would seem to suggest. And he had a long, consequential post-Coltrane career as a composer and bandleader. Among his dozens of albums are a handful regarded as classics, like Reaching Fourth, The Real McCoy and Atlantis. A number of his compositions, including "Passion Dance" and "Peresina," have entered the common repertory.
"On all the recordings with Coltrane, and indeed on all his work of the '60s, McCoy's crisp, lightning-fast right-hand lines, set against the sheer power of his left, are a revelation," jazz historian Lewis Porter, one of Coltrane's biographers, wrote in an email NPR Music on Friday. "He came out of the tradition (he mentioned Thelonious Monk as one of his favorites), but he was one of those few who forged an absolutely unique style."
Because Tyner's work with Coltrane catapulted him to the first tier of accompanists, that style can be heard on some of the landmark jazz albums of the '60s. Among them are Page One, by tenor saxophonist Joe Henderson, and Open Sesame, by trumpeter Freddie Hubbard – a pair of auspicious debuts on Blue Note — and Stick-Up! by vibraphonist Bobby Hutcherson.
Tenor saxophonist Wayne Shorter enlisted Tyner on a close succession of Blue Note sessions in the mid-'60s. One of these yielded the classic JuJu, which also had Elvin Jones on drums and another Coltrane associate, Reggie Workman, on bass. The title track to JuJu, which opens the album, bears Tyner's stamp from the first downbeat, with a cresting wave of chords in a shrewdly indeterminate key.
Alfred McCoy Tyner was born Dec. 11, 1938 in Philadelphia, the oldest child of Jarvis Tyner and the former Beatrice Stevenson. The oldest of three siblings, he began taking piano lessons at 13. His mother, who ran a beauty salon out of their West Philadelphia home, installed a piano there, because it was the largest room of the house.
This yielded unanticipated benefits, as Tyner recalled in a 1963 interview with Stanley Dance, in DownBeat magazine. "Bud Powell and his brother were living just around the corner from me in Philadelphia," he said, referring to the pacesetting bebop pianist, "but they didn't have a piano in their apartment, and Bud came to my mother's house to play." Powell — who, with peers like Charlie Parker and Max Roach, had redefined the language of modern jazz in the 1940s — remained a core influence for Tyner, even as he developed his own unmistakable voice.
Tyner studied classical theory and harmony at the Granoff School of Music, but also drew formative insights from personal instruction — including conga lessons with Garvin Masseaux, who was working at the time with Nigerian drummer Babatunde Olatunji.
By his high school years, Tyner was playing professionally in and around Philadelphia, as part of a modern jazz scene that was one of the most vibrant in the country. Among his more fateful appointments was a band led by trumpeter-composer Cal Massey, an associate of Coltrane; it was also through Massey that Tyner met his future wife, Aisha, whose sister was a vocalist in the band.
In 1959, Tyner joined trumpeter Art Farmer and saxophonist Benny Golson in a group they called The Jazztet; he made his recording debut on Meet the Jazztet, released the following year. That same year, 1960, Tyner played on Coltrane's album My Favorite Things; his tolling, meditative chords on the title track, a popular song borrowed from the hit Broadway musical The Sound of Music, were a key part of its allure.
The classic John Coltrane Quartet — with Tyner, Jimmy Garrison on bass and Elvin Jones on drums — formally coalesced in 1962. For the next several years it created at a prodigious pace, recording landmark albums like Crescent and A Love Supreme, and setting a fearsome bar for intensity on the bandstand. Recordings like Live at Birdland have been prized by generations of musicians and fans; in 2005 another live document, Live at the Half Note: One Down, One Up, left another major impression, 40 years after its recording date.
Tyner stayed with Coltrane until soon after that recording, as the music grew more cacophonous, rhythmically abstract and untethered from root tonality. His piano chair was passed on to Alice Coltrane, who quickly made it her own.
"I was so immersed in the music when I was with John," Tyner told me in 1997. "The influence was so great, and the roles we all played in that group were so powerful; you couldn't divorce yourself from it just because you weren't physically there. For a while there, all the horn players that were with me wanted to sound like John. So I deliberately started using alto sax instead of tenor, and other instruments, because I wanted to kind of try something different."
The scale of Tyner's output ranged from solo piano to big band, with some notable midsize efforts like the seven-piece band on Expansions, which enlisted Ron Carter on cello and Shorter on clarinet as well as saxophone. A similarly titled follow-up, Extensions, included Alice Coltrane's harp; Sahara, which followed, found Tyner experimenting on koto and flute.
The searching Afrocentrism of these albums carried on the intrepid tone and earnest spiritualism of Coltrane's music, without overt emulation. The critic Gary Giddins, reflecting on the 1970s in The Village Voice, once pegged Tyner "the most influential pianist of the decade," an assessment that could credibly be extended outside that frame. As he settled into the stature of an elder, Tyner worked meaningfully not only with peers like Hutcherson and Bartz, but also figures from successive generations, like saxophonists Michael Brecker and Joe Lovano.
Tyner was a 2002 NEA Jazz Master and a five-time Grammy winner — most recently in 2004 for his album Illuminations, featuring a band with trumpeter Terence Blanchard, alto saxophonist Gary Bartz, bassist Christian McBride and drummer Lewis Nash. He worked extensively in a trio format; one longtime working band had Avery Sharpe on bass and Aaron Scott on drums. Tyner's final album was a piano recital, Solo: Live From San Francisco, released in 2009; it includes compositions by Coltrane and Duke Ellington as well as his own songs, including "Ballad For Aisha."
In addition to Aisha, Tyner's immediate survivors include his son, Nurudeen; his brother, Jarvis; his sister, Gwendolyn-Yvette Tyner; and three grandchildren.
The legacy of Tyner's pianism can be heard far and wide, in the music of everyone from salsa legend Eddie Palmieri to Late Show bandleader Jon Batiste. His innovations in harmony, with their intimations of transcendence, form a standard proudly upheld by contemporary pianists like Nduduzo Makhathini, whose forthcoming Blue Note debut bears the influence unmistakably.
"I feel very honored, actually," Tyner told me about the legions of pianists who have emulated his style. "I really do, because I think that if I could make a statement that makes a difference, and the influence could be preserved through the generations to come, that means that my stay here on earth has a meaning."
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
The Bellini Incident (Part Six)
Title: The Bellini Incident
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Author: Gumnut
Apr 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: Kayo was going to kill him.
Word count: 2288
Spoilers & warnings: Virgil/Kayo, Virgil!whump with a side order of Scott!whump.
Timeline: Standalone, not Rain Series.
Author’s note: For @soniabigcheese who threw the prompt at me, and @i-am-chidorixblossom who suggested some Virgil whump. Scott got a bit whumped, too, I’m branching out as a writer, blame @scribbles97.(And thanks to her for the read throughs :D )
The prompt: The character who doesn’t realize they’ve been hurt trying to see if everyone else is okay only to slowly realize that everyone is looking at them with mounting horror. Then they touch their side to find it’s wet and oh no…
Why do I do this? Stuff happens, I hope you enjoy it :D
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
“Mr Tracy!”
Virgil startled out of sleep. The voice was sharp and authoritative.
“I told you to rest in bed. Do I need to list the complications of an untreated concussion? The possibilities for disablement should the injury worsen?”
“I’m just sitting at his bedside.” Scott.
Virgil frowned.
“Honest, Doc, he hasn’t been doing anything but sitting there.” Gordon.
“We’re just waiting for him to wake up.” Alan.
“I know you are worried about your brother, Scott. But you must take care of yourself. That was no low-grade concussion you received. You need bed rest. Especially after the strain from this morning. It is late. Rest.”
The woman’s voice had gone from anger to pleading in one paragraph. Obviously, she had become familiar with his brother.
“Scott, do as she tells you.” His voice came out as a rasp.
He didn’t need to open his eyes to know he suddenly had everyone’s attention. A hand wrapped around his.
A frown and he pushed his eyelids up, finding exactly what he expected minus one very important person.
“Where’s Kay?”
He turned his head slightly to his left and found Scott sitting beside his bed. The man was pale. Virgil’s frown deepened. “Scott?”
“Virgil?” It wasn’t his brother speaking. The doctor moved around the bed and approached him. He blinked. He’d seen her before. His eyelids closed on him and he had to open them again. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” Another involuntary blink. “Where’s Kay?” Another frown. “Where’s John?”
“I’m here.” John’s voice came from the corner of the room. Gordon moved aside and Virgil saw his brother sitting up against the wall manipulating his tablet and a hologram. “Kayo is on the ground doing the necessary footwork to get this bastard.”
“What?!” He tried to sit up, but several hands held him down. A gasp as he was reminded why he was in a hospital bed. “‘S not safe!”
“She’s fine, Virgil. She has IR security with her.”
“Still not safe.” His heart rate was up. Worry clawed through his mind.
“Virgil?” That doctor woman again.
“I need to check you over.”
The hand holding his tightened. He frowned and found it was Alan clinging to him. His little brother was almost as pale as Scott. “Alan?”
“Maybe you should do what the doctor asks as well.”
Another involuntary blink. “Kay...”
“She will be fine.”
He turned his head back to Scott. “You should be in bed. You look horrible.”
“Pot, kettle, Virg.”
“Yeah, but I’m already in bed. Do as you are told.” A frown. “Where’s Grandma? She can kick your ass.” God, he was tired.
“Virgil.” The doctor patiently drew his attention again.
The woman had very pale blue eyes. Quite lovely contrasting against her dark hair, porcelain skin, like a painting.
She blinked. “I hope you’re not referring to a Picasso, Mr Tracy.” But her lips were curving into a smile. “Now let’s see how you are.”
There were pokes and prods, a touch to his forehead and his blood pressure was taken. Didn’t nurses usually do that?
“I’m afraid you are under strong security arrangements, Mr Tracy. Usual doesn’t apply.”
Alan was still holding his hand.
“You are always so entertaining when you’re on the hard stuff, Virg.”
“Shut up, Gordon.” His eyes suddenly closed of their own accord and he had to force them open again. “Scott, bed.”
“Now.” He winced. “Before I make you.”
His brother sighed and with a touch to Virgil’s arm, stood up.
A frown as he swayed. “Damn it, Scott!”
“I’m fine.” But he put a hand to his head and the doctor and Gordon grabbed him. His protests petered off as they dragged him around Virgil’s bed to his own. Virgil didn’t let his breath out until his brother was as prone as he. He watched Scott close his eyes with relief.
Alan still hadn’t let go of Virgil’s hand, but his worried gaze was now on his eldest brother.
“Allie, it’s going to be okay.”
His little brother turned to him and pained blue eyes hit him hard. “It is not okay, Virgil. You were shot.”
“I’m still here.”
“That bastard wants you dead.”
“I’m not dead.”
“Alan!” Gordon stalked over to his brother. “We can’t afford to think like that. John and Tin will find proof. We’ll take him down.”
Alan’s hand tightened around his again. Virgil squeezed his brother’s smaller fingers. “It will be okay.” A second and he was pulling his little brother down into a one-armed hug. “It will be okay.”
The younger man submitted to the awkward embrace and Virgil hoped it provided even a little reassurance. He couldn’t help but feel he was lying through his teeth. Kay was out there. His Kay.
Alan pulled away suddenly. “Virgil? What did you say?”
“Huh?” His eyelids dropped of their own accord again and he had to force them up to look at his brother. He let out a breath. God, he hated this.
“Don’t sweat it, bro. We’ve all seen it before. You is a dopey dog on da drugs.” Gordon’s grin split his face and spoke of blackmail material stocked up for the next decade.
“Shut up, Gordon.”
The doctor was standing to one side her gaze bouncing from one brother to another as the by-play jumped about the room. “I think we should probably let these two rest.”
Virgil frowned again. “Where is Grandma?”
Sally glared at Val Casey. “I thought we had an agreement.”
“Sal, don’t push it. This was unexpected and we are doing our best to remedy the situation.”
“I know it has been some time since I wore the uniform, but this does not appear to be a remedy.”
Casey sighed. “The threat uncovered by John negates moving your family immediately. That conversation led to the Network. Do you know what that means? There is enough money behind this to take out the entirety of Tracy Island and half the South Pacific with it. These bastards have their fingers in everything. International Rescue is not the only issue currently at hand.”
“International Rescue is not an ‘issue’, Val. They are my family.”
“I know!” The woman bit her lip. “They’ve angered the wrong people, Sal. People with power. You know the deal. You fought them for years.”
A sigh. Damn it, she did know it. “I had thought I had left that all behind.”
“Unfortunately, assholes in power are a worldwide phenomenon.” The colonel sighed again and put her hand on Sally’s shoulder. “Sal, Kayo is out there. We have the information John dug up. She will find the connection between Polominka and the assassin. He will go down. The boys will be safe.”
Sally straightened shrugging off the other woman’s hand from her shoulder. “How? You said it yourself, this goes beyond Polominka. The man’s an idiot, but he has lit a fire. He’s obviously thrown money at the right people to get what he wants done, done. You need to kill this and kill it now.” She glared. “And I find it very interesting that despite everything we still have to dig ourselves out of this. Where the hell is Rigby?”
“Rigby is on it.”
“He better be or Penelope will have him. She and Parker are not any happier than I am.”
“I have no doubt.”
“You promised, Val. You signed the agreement. The damned world government signed the agreement. International Rescue operates to save lives. All you have to do is protect six so they can do what they need to do.”
“I know that, Sally. Believe me, I do.”
“Well, prove it or I will do it myself.”
Brown eyes caught hers. “That will not be necessary.”
“I define ‘necessary’, Val, and believe me, I will follow through if ‘necessary’. I’m not completely out of the game, I have contacts.”
“No.” She held up a hand. “This is my family, Colonel.” She spat the rank. “I will do what I have to do.”
“Very well.” But the woman’s lips were thinned with displeasure. “Rigby will be in contact.”
“I can’t wait.” Sally turned. stalked out of the room and slammed the door.
She had grandchildren to attend to.
Every town had a place like this. An establishment tucked into a corner, hidden in an alleyway. The graffiti on the door was stylised, a little too stylised to be the real thing, planted like the paint over one of the windows and the scratching that had half peeled it off.
It was an ‘in’ place, a trendy drinking spot that claimed to be one thing while actually being completely another. It tried to look rough, low on the IQ scale, but was actually smart in all the dark places.
The sign above the sill said ‘O’Connors’ in roman letters. Beside it was a spray-painted Japanese scrawl that basically said ‘All comers’.
Kayo stepped through the door; her tight jeans low on her hips. Her equally high cut shirt left her navel to sparkle in the dim light, her emerald piercing a silent reminder of why she was here and the man she needed to protect.
And what would that man say if he could see her now? Her dark hair was now a deep red, plaits mixed with ringlets cascading over her shoulders. Her eyes were pale blue and she wore dark green lipstick to match her long green nails. She was a sight that might have set Virgil laughing or lusting. She wasn’t sure which.
Aiden was already in the bar. An unassuming bearded individual faking one too many drinks over in the far corner. Jo would be entering two minutes after her, pink in her hair and hanging off Chu as if he was the love of her life. The two definitely had a relationship, but it was one of sparring rivalry that often led to bruises.
This was Kayo’s front-line team. Three trusted friends who had trained with her, known her and her father for a long time. They were IR security before there was an IR.
She called them in the moment Virgil was safe.
Walking up to the drink service, she asked politely in Japanese for a mineral water and once delivered, she holed up at a table in a dim corner and awaited her contact.
Exactly two minutes later, Chu and Jo laughed through the door and planted themselves on the far side of the room going all out and ordering a meal.
The room was full of people.
Most appeared to be locals, some were definitely not. Japanese outnumbered other peoples, but there were still a fair few westerners dotted amongst the crowd.
She waited, eyeing her phone.
Three men entered the establishment several minutes after her friends. A split-second assessment summed them up as dangerous. The man in the middle scanned the crowd, his eyes brushing across her as if she was nothing of interest.
She wanted to be nothing of interest.
“Kim?” The young woman who sat down opposite her was not what she expected. White blonde hair, porcelain Japanese complexion. A small tattoo of a bird high up on one cheek. “You are looking for someone?” Flawless Japanese as expected, but the smile on her face was suspect.
“I am.”
“I could be your someone.” Her tongue brushed over her lips as she smiled.
“And you are?”
She shrugged. “Useful.” A pause. “You GDF?”
“Of a kind.”
“The bad kind?” The smile turned smug.
“Depends who you speak to.”
“Oh, I’ve spoken to a lot of people.” Again with the smile. “Some say you’re not GDF. Some say you are worth so much more.”
Kayo frowned. “Some people have no idea what they are talking about.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” The woman leant back and her smile growing more confident by the moment. “Why’d you come here?”
“I need Network access and what I can offer in return is to your benefit.”
The woman leant forward. “Do tell me, what can you offer me, Ms Kayo Kyrano?”
She didn’t blink, but her heart sank. “At this point, that is entirely up to you.”
“Kayo, get out of there now.” John’s voice was little more than a whisper in her ear, but she couldn’t agree more. This end was a dead one.
The woman’s eyes sparkled. “So, you are open to negotiation?”
Kayo kept a straight face. “What are you offering?”
That sickly smile turned into a grin, her tongue teased between her teeth. “Oh, your boyfriend. Word is he is worth a lot of money...dead.”
Do not react.
John yelled in her ear. “Kayo, there is movement in the alley behind, get out of there!”
Aiden had climbed to his feet and was wobbling between tables, a haphazard trajectory that no doubt would end up in her lap before he made it to the bar.
Useful sighed and raised a single finger.
Aiden collapsed where he stood. Several people gasped, crowding around him.
“You don’t really think we wouldn’t identify your companions, did you?” On the far side Jo and Chu were limp at their table. Dead or unconscious, Kayo did not know. How?
“Ms Kyrano, did you think a history with your petty criminal uncle put you in the big league? This was far too easy.” The woman leant back and crossed her legs. A finger toyed with her lips. “Far too easy. I do hope your dear Virgil is more of a foe or this could just get boring.”
Kayo stared at her, her calm slowly beginning to crack.
The woman waved her hand. “Take her.”
Something bit Kayo in the neck, and the world went dark.
End Part Six.
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): Dan (mostly only called this by his dad), Daewonie, D-Day (dumb rap nickname he made up when he was twelve, he’s really embarrassed by it), Wonwon (by fans and teasingly by other members), Memewon (called this by fans because his expressions easily translate into memes) INSPIRATION: Danny wanted to become an idol because he wanted the world to hear his music. He wanted people to hear what he had to say, to understand the emotional struggles he’d been though. Music and especially rap were very important outlets in his life. Danny wanted to reach younger kids with music and encourage them to speak to their experiences with music as well. SPECIAL TALENTS:
freestyle rap - Danny is known for his ability to extemporaneously create raps, often humorous in nature about his fellow group members or variety show cast members. This occasionally extends to fans during vlives, instagram lives or fansigns.
group closeness - Danny can guess which 1nferno group member is in front of him, with his eyes closed, by touch alone.
language skills - In addition to being fluent in both Korean and English, Danny is conversational in both Mandarin and Japanese due a desire to communicate with the group’s international fans. He often pulls this out to converse with foreign variety show guests, impressing hosts and audiences alike.
Danny graduated from the School of Performing Arts Seoul in February 2018. He took fewer and fewer classes each year due to 1nferno’s intense schedules, leading to his late graduation. He is not currently enrolled in any university, much to his father’s displeasure.
In late 2017, Danny was a recurring guest host of After School Club.
In his free time (what little of it he has) Danny likes to play video games. This includes, but is not limited to, League of Legends, Fortnite and Overwatch. When their schedules match, he plays in live streams with a group of other idols.
Danny has three siblings: Nina (age 18),  Olivia (age 16), and Alex (age 11). He tries to spend time with them whenever he can but most of their communication is on social media or through sms.
Danny has an encyclopedic knowledge of memes and will not hesitate to reference them in any situation.
His short term goal, as it always is, is to make it through to the next comeback. 1nferno is always doing something, be it promoting their latest comeback or going on tour. If, for some reason, there’s a lull in group activity, Daewon still rarely gets a rest as he often appears on variety shows in some form or another. Daewon is left with very little time to consider anything else but just getting through.
Daewon’s longterm goal is to, even if just as a side project, write and release his own music. He’s written raps for years but MSG rarely uses what he’s written in anything. His lyrics tend to be personal, too personal for the light, happy image he’s known for. If only he had the time, he thinks he’d be able to write enough songs to perhaps warrant a lowkey solo release that matures his image and lets him speak his peace. At the current moment, though, that all seems very far off.
Daewon was just a kid when he came to MSG. 14 and looked even younger. He grew over the years, but even at 18, a legal adult in nearly every country in the world, management still saw the kid in him. That was how they cast him, the kid. Always happy, always laughing. Always doing something inadvisable, as though MSG didn’t carefully choreograph his every movement.  1nferno’s Danny is the class clown, willing to do anything for a laugh. The conspirator, convincing his group members and fellow variety show guests alike to make just as much of a fool of himself as he did with little more than a broad smile and an infectious laugh. Danny is the one to play pranks on his members and run away, giggling schoolboy. He’s the one to jump off a cliff into the water, shouting joyously the whole way down. Smile, laugh, be happy. Any worries he has are temporary, easily pushed aside. Life is there for Danny to take and he does.
It was an easy role for Daewon to play when he debuted. He’d grown in confidence, if not into himself, during his years as a trainee. He did want to make people laugh, to make them smile, to have them like him. What 18 year old doesn’t? He was a boy, not quiet yet a man, craving acceptance from the company, from his members, from the public. Daewon did what was necessary to get that acceptance. He still does, but it’s harder now. More than simple acceptance, now Daewon wants to be taken seriously. He wants to, sometimes, just sometimes, not always be the joker. He has so much to say, so much to share but none of it fits into the happy-go-lucky image MSG has sold for years. 1nferno’s Danny would never share his struggles, his pain the way Daewon wants to—needs to. That would be too much of a downer for his buoyant state of being. Danny brings people up, lightens their mood with his antics. He most certainly does not drag them down into existential crisis with him. He doesn’t feel those kinds of things. He can’t. Such internal conflict, a crisis of identity, does not jive with the ease through which Danny seems to move through life. There is no room for Daewon’s slow journey into maturity in 1nferno. Not when Danny, the reckless, carefree kid, looms so large.
Daewon was born in Seoul. Born and raised. Never lived anywhere else. Not that you’d guess that by looking at him. Western features mixed with, sometimes overpowered his Korean ones. That was all thanks to his father.
In the late 1990s, David Scott came to Korea for work, a cog in a wheel in a big machine. Though, admittedly, he was a rather big cog then, even bigger now. The trouble was David didn’t speak a word of Korean. So, instead of hiring an actual Korean to do their business in Korea, they got him a tutor. Moon Sungmi was a good teacher. Somehow, she got David to learn the language. Eventually he became something close to fluent, though that thick American accent never went away. Neither did Sungmi. By 1996, they were married. Before 1998 was even half over, they had their first child. A son. They named him Daniel. Or rather, David named him that. Sungmi gave him a more traditionally Korean name: Daewon. Daniel and Daewon. He learned to respond to both. They were both him, after all, and he was both of them. Two parts of a whole that never seemed to combine all the way through. He always had to choose between one or the other. No matter what he chose, it was never the right answer.
Daewon was followed by three others. First a girl, then another, and finally a boy. Six in one home would usually be cramped but David could afford to buy enough room for his large family. Daewon and his little sisters and brother never went without. There was no scrimping, no cutting back for the Scotts. They got what they wanted, when they wanted it. So long as their father approved. Nothing ever happened unless David approved. That was why, when the time came, Daewon was enrolled in an international-style school.
He was Daniel there. Only ever Daniel. His classes, apart from Korean language, were taught in English. His classmates, his friends, were all the children of expats living in a nation nothing like their own, looking for the comfort of the familiar. But he already was home. The only one he’d ever known. The only one he’d ever wanted. He didn’t want it. He didn’t want to be Daniel all the time. He wanted to be Daewon. He was proud of who he was. He didn’t want to hide his Korean heritage, push it to the side for something entirely foreign. But he couldn’t tell his father that. David Scott, who was so caught up in making sure his children were in touch with his culture, would never consider that, perhaps, they wanted to hold on to their mothers — theirs — as well. And so, he stayed Daniel.
Despite this, Daewon was not without connections to Korean culture. He spoke Korean at home, far more than English, mostly with his siblings and mother but even his father, if only for the convenience. He played with neighborhood children, his Korean mother sang him traditional nursery rhymes. Daewon and his siblings grew up watching the same programs as any other Korean child. Through his experiences outside of his father’s control, Daewon came to appreciate what he was missing at school. The main tethers Daewon had to his Korean heritage were his grandparents. Sungmi’s parents loved Korea. They were proud of who they were and where they came from, proud of their nation’s history. They wanted their grandchildren to understand why. They told them stories, taught them details about Korean history their teachers often breezed through, glossed over.. The Scott children learned things they were never taught in school. Daewon’s grandparents gave him enough books about Korea to fill an entire bookcase. Despite his father’s complete apathy toward it, Daewon grew to share in his grandparent’s pride. He might not be like everyone else around him, but he was Korean. No one could ever take that from him.
When he was eleven, Daewon decided that he didn’t want to go to his international school anymore. He didn’t want to be Daniel. At least not all the time. He wanted to go to a normal Korean school and be friends with normal Korean kids. He wanted the things he’d been deprived of. And so Daewon came up with what he thought was a very compelling argument: he spent years learning the way his father did, he should spend some time learning the way his mother did. He came up with a whole speech, practiced it with on his grandparents. He even had his youngest sister act as assistant, pointing out and changing the visual aides (all of which he created). And then… nothing. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t come with the courage to confront his father like that. His dad was going to say no, he knew that. Daewon couldn’t face the rejection.
A few weeks went by before Daewon heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was his mother. She’d heard from an anonymous source (his little sister) about his plan. And about how he’d abandoned it. Sungmi was proud of her son and didn’t know why he wouldn’t go through with it. Daewon tried to explain but words failed him. Sungmi understood anyway. For once, she put her foot down. Her son, her Daewon, would go to a Korean school.
Whatever Daewon was expecting at his new school, he didn’t get it. He thought it would be perfect. He thought he’d be accepted right away, make lots of new friends right off the bat. But of course, nothing is ever perfect. Nothing ever comes as easily as wanted. Daewon learned the hard way that his father wasn’t the only person he’d have to fight to claim himself as Korean. His new classmates thought he was a foreigner, not of their world. And in someways, he wasn’t. There were things that his grandparents didn’t, couldn’t prepare him for. Some cultural nuances, generational trends, he had to learn on his own. He persisted. Through force of will and a cheerful personality, Daewon won over many of his classmates. He’d always have his detractors but at least now Daewon felt as though he belonged, at least a little.
Daewon’s new friends didn’t share the burden of being in a foregn country the way his old school friends had. They were freer, it seemed to Daewon. They explored their talents and interests, shared them with each other. It was through these new friends that Daewon found his talent for rap. He’d always been drawn to music; he had guitar lessons, sang in school productions, but Daewon had never tried to rap. For a kid, he had a decent flow, good expressions. Daewon began writing his own raps after a while. It felt… freeing. Like he could finally say all the things he’d always been too afraid to. Like he finally had an outlet for all the frustration he’d felt fighting to just be who he was.
When Daewon was fourteen, he and his friends all made a pact. They’d heard from some older students about auditions for MSG. If they could pass the auditions, if they could debut, then the whole country would be able to hear their music. Being teenagers, they couldn’t see a downside. Eight went into the auditions, but only two passed. One of them was Daewon.
At first, Daewon didn’t want to continue after his audition. What was the point if most of his friends wouldn’t be there? It wasn’t like his dad would approve, anyway. He’d just chalk it up to a fun experience. Daewon didn’t expect the support he got. His friends, while a little jealous, yes, wanted to see him succeed. His siblings thought the whole thing was just cool. His grandparents were proud of him, his mother, too. Most surprisingly of all, his father supported it. David Scott realized, somewhat belatedly, that his son would never, no matter how hard he tried, have the same life he did. He would have his own experiences. He had his own talents. Daewon cried the day his father told him that. Tears of shock and yes, happiness.  He would be an MSG trainee. He would become an idol.
Like everything, it seemed, being a trainee was harder than Daewon expected. Long hours practicing, instructors who didn’t care if he was just a kid. No one seemed to care that a daily schedule of before school practice, school, afterschool practice and homework might’ve been a bit much for a fourteen year old. Daewon wanted to quit many times, but his friends, his family were always there to motivate him. Though he sometimes forgot, being a trainee reminded Daewon of just how lucky he was. He pressed on.
Weeks turned into months, months into years. By the time Daewon was chosen for 1nferno’s final lineup, he wasn’t the same kid he’d been when he auditioned. He hit a growth spurt, his voice was lower. Most importantly, though, he was polished. Gone was the small, ungainly kid and in his place was a practice performer. He was vibrant, charismatic on stage and off. Confident in ways he’d never been. It was easy to see why management gave him a carefree and playful image to go along with the group’s debut boy next door concept. Being a young kid, just barely old enough to drink at the time of his debut, it seemed a perfect fit. Excited just to be debuting, Daewon even accepted the use of an old childhood nickname, Danny, as his stagename. He hadn’t been called that in years, but it was alright. The world would finally get to hear his music and that was what mattered.
While the groups concepts varied wildly over the ensuing years, 1nferno’s Danny stayed the same. To the world, he was still a kid. Quick to tease or crack a joke. The public expected him to do silly, sometimes dangerous things and he did them. More than once, he was injured in such a stunt, limiting his ability to perform. MSG seemed happy with the result regardless. Danny quickly became a variety favorite known for his willingness to do anything. This earned him a brief stint as a recurring guest host on Weekly Idol, among other appearances. Danny was always a joy to have grace the tv screen.
But Daewon is not Danny. Not all the time. In the same way that he wasn’t Daniel. After nearly three years, the act has grown weary. Repeated injuries and constant comebacks have Daewon feeling tired, run down at only 20. It becomes harder and harder to keep up the happy façade his image requires. Daewon wishes things would slow down, that the demands on him would lessen instead of increase. He wants the time to rest, to work on his own music. He wants to be able to put out songs that speak to his experience, that have his voice. It’s what he’s always wanted but he’s grown tired of waiting. Still, the world turns and MSG, 1nferno and the matches continue to expect a bright, cheerful Danny, so Danny he will remain. At least for now.
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thaniaaras · 3 years
Died at 99 Years Old, Prince Philip’s Leave a Good Memories
Prince Philip, the late husband to the UK's Queen Elizabeth II, will be laid to rest on Saturday next week, in a ceremony that will be colorful and steeped in tradition, but low key by royal standards.
Philip, who was officially the Duke of Edinburgh, died peacefully at Windsor Castle on Friday morning at the age of 99. He was the nation's longest-serving consort -- a term given to the spouse of a reigning monarch -- and they had been married for 73 years.
Harry, the Duke of Sussex, will attend his grandfather's funeral, but his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, won't be present, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said. The couple are living in California and a doctor had advised the duchess, who is pregnant, against traveling to the UK, the spokesperson said.
The couple gave an explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired in March, in which they told their side of the story in their rift with the royal family, making explosive allegations against some of its members and the establishment.
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 Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip, longtime consort to Queen Elizabeth II, dies  
Philip's long-standing funeral plans had been adapted to respect certain Covid-19 restrictions, with all the usual elements that involve contact with the public removed. The College of Arms, which oversees many ceremonial aspects of the royal family's work, had earlier confirmed the duke would not lie in state anywhere accessible to the public, which could have seen thousands of people lining up to view his coffin.
Current Covid rules in England limit the number of people who can attend funerals to 30.
In a nod to the duke's preference for driving himself, without a chauffeur, his coffin will be carried by a Land Rover from Windsor Castle to St. George's Chapel, for the ceremony.
The procession will begin at 2:45 p.m. (9:45 a.m. ET) and will be led from Windsor Castle by a band of grenadier guards, along with several heads of military units. A Royal Navy piping party will pipe "The Still" whilst the Land Rover is stationed at the foot of the West Steps. There will be a gun salute and a national minute's silence at 3 p.m. ahead of the ceremony.
The duke's death has been marked in a somber fashion, as the royal household and UK government have asked the public not to gather or leave flowers at royal residences, with the country still under strict Covid-19 restrictions.
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The Honourable Artillery Company fire a gun salute near London's Tower Bridge on April 10
But gun salutes were held across the nation, as batteries fired 41 rounds, at one round per minute, at Windsor Castle, the Tower of London in the capital and at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, among other locations. Australia, a Commonwealth nation, also paid its respects with a gun salute outside Parliament House in the capital, Canberra, on Saturday morning.
Tributes have flooded in from the UK and abroad for the duke, who had recently spent a month in two London hospitals, undergoing heart surgery and treatment for an infection, before returning in mid-March to Windsor Castle.
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 Paying tribute in a televised statement, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the duke had "earned the affection of generations here in the United Kingdom, across the Commonwealth, and around the world" and had lived by an ethic of service.
"Like the expert carriage driver that he was, he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that it remains the institution indisputably vital to the balance of our national path. He was an environmentalist, and a champion of the natural world, long before it was fashionable," Johnson said.
But the duke was also a controversial figure. For many Britons, his defining characteristic was not his public service but his off-the-cuff and often offensive comments, including some that were undeniably racist.
The BBC said Friday it was receiving complaints about too much air time dedicated to the duke's death, after the public broadcaster canceled hours of its usual programming to make way for wall-to-wall coverage of Philip's life and death.
The BBC set up a dedicated feedback form within hours of the news from Buckingham Palace because of the high volume of complaints.
The special coverage had meant some of the UK's most-watched shows, including soap opera EastEnders and the final of cooking competition MasterChef, were taken off air.
People gather outside the gates of Buckingham Palace in London on Saturday.
But the nation is officially in eight days of mourning, as was announced on Friday, and there will be other tributes to the duke in public life.
People gather outside the gates of Buckingham Palace in London on Saturday.
But the nation is officially in eight days of mourning, as was announced on Friday, and there will be other tributes to the duke in public life.
Players in the English Premier League will wear black armbands, and "there will be a minute's silence before kick-off at all Premier League matches ... across the weekend," the organization has announced.
 People take cellphone photos of a portrait of Prince Philip in a pub window near Windsor Castle on Saturday.
An online book of condolence was launched on the royal family's official website, as they joined the British government in asking that "members of the public consider making a donation to a charity instead of leaving floral tributes in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh."
The bells of London's Westminster Abbey, where Prince Philip married Queen Elizabeth more than 70 years ago, rang 99 times on Friday evening in his honor, while the British flag -- the Union Jack -- is flying at half-staff on government buildings.
Tributes to a life of service
Harry and Meghan said his grandfather would be "greatly missed" in a statement following news of his death.
Posted on the front page of the couple's Archewell charity website, the message simply reads: "In loving memory of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, 1921-2021. Thank you for your service ... you will be greatly missed."
The Death Gun Salute is fired by the 104th Regiment Royal Artillery at Cardiff Castle, in Wales on April 10.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said the "whole nation will be united in sadness at the passing of Prince Philip," adding he should be recognized "as a remarkable and steadfast support to the Queen over so many years" but also "celebrated in his own right as a man of foresight, determination and courage."
Tributes for the duke also flooded in from all over the world, including the Commonwealth nations of India, Australia and Canada. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he had had a "distinguished career in the military and was at the forefront of many community service initiatives. May his soul rest in peace."
Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Philip "embodied a generation that we will never see again." Canada's Justin Trudeau said: "Prince Philip was a man of great purpose and conviction, who was motivated by a sense of duty to others. He will be fondly remembered as a constant in the life of our Queen."
US President Joe Biden said Philip had "gladly dedicated himself to the people of the UK, the Commonwealth, and to his family," and that his legacy would live on "not only through his family, but in all the charitable endeavors he shaped."
'Constant strength and guide'
Philip married the then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947, following distinguished service in the Royal Navy during World War II. Together, they had four children -- Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward -- eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
When Elizabeth ascended the throne in February 1952, on the death of her father, George VI, Philip's lifetime of service as royal consort began.
Over the decades, Philip often accompanied the Queen on royal engagements, and conducted thousands of his own solo appearances. He once referred to himself as "the world's most experienced plaque unveiler," while the Queen lauded him as her "constant strength and guide."
Philip continued making public appearances well into his 90s, retiring only in August 2017.
He was seen in public only infrequently from that point, notably at the Windsor Castle wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in May 2018, and at the nuptials for Princess Eugenie in October 2018 and for Princess Beatrice in July 2020.
0 notes
orbemnews · 3 years
Britain mourns Prince Philip, longtime consort of Queen Elizabeth II The timing of Philip’s death, with Covid-19 restrictions still in place across the UK, means the nation’s public expressions of grief will be constrained. The royal household and the UK government have urged the public not to gather or lay flowers outside royal residences, as has happened in the past. Huge banks of bouquets were left by well-wishers outside Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, Windsor Castle and elsewhere following the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. “Although this is an extraordinarily difficult time for many, we are asking the public not to gather at royal residences, and continue to follow public health advice particularly on avoiding meeting in large groups and on minimizing travel,” a Cabinet Office spokesperson said in a statement. Funeral arrangements for Philip are expected to be confirmed by Buckingham Palace on Saturday, according to a royal source. CNN understands that plans for royal funerals have been in place for many years, but the ceremonial elements have had to be altered due to the Covid-19 restrictions in the UK. The College of Arms, which oversees many ceremonial aspects of the royal family’s work, said in a statement Friday that the funeral would be held at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, “in line with custom and with His Royal Highness’s wishes.” The statement said the ceremony would not be a state funeral and would not be preceded by a lying-in-state, which could have seen thousands of members of the public lining up to view his coffin. “The funeral arrangements have been revised in view of the prevailing circumstances arising from the Covid-19 pandemic and it is regretfully requested that members of the public do not attempt to attend or participate in any of the events that make up the funeral,” the statement added. More than 200,000 people filed past the coffin of the Queen Mother — who preceded Philip as royal consort — as she lay in state in April 2002, and many thousands lined the streets to pay their respects as her funeral procession passed. Such a mass expression of grief is unthinkable in a time of pandemic. However, signs of a nation in mourning will still be apparent. Players in the English Premier League will wear black armbands, and “there will be a minute’s silence before kick-off at all Premier League matches … across the weekend,” the organization has announced. An online book of condolence was launched on the royal family’s official website, as they joined the British government in asking that “members of the public consider making a donation to a charity instead of leaving floral tributes in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh.” The bells of London’s Westminster Abbey, where Prince Philip married Queen Elizabeth more than 70 years ago, rang on Friday evening in honor of him. Gun salutes will be fired from noon local time on Saturday, the UK Ministry of Defense wrote in a statement. “Across the United Kingdom, in Gibraltar and on HM Ships at sea, saluting batteries will fire 41 rounds at one round every minute for 40 minutes,” it wrote. Philip’s death comes as many across the country and the world grieve the loss of loved ones during the Covid pandemic. Tributes to a life of service Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, said Prince Philip would be “greatly missed” in a statement following news of the death of Harry’s grandfather. Posted on the front page of the couple’s Archewell charity website, the message simply reads: “In loving memory of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, 1921-2021. Thank you for your service… you will be greatly missed.” Paying tribute in a televised statement, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the duke had “earned the affection of generations here in the United Kingdom, across the Commonwealth, and around the world” and had lived by an ethic of service. “Like the expert carriage driver that he was, he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that it remains the institution indisputably vital to the balance of our national path. He was an environmentalist, and a champion of the natural world, long before it was fashionable,” Johnson said. “With his Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, he shaped and inspired the lives of countless young people.” Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said the “whole nation will be united in sadness at the passing of Prince Philip,” adding he should be recognized “as a remarkable and steadfast support to the Queen over so many years” but also “celebrated in his own right as a man of foresight, determination and courage.” Tributes for the duke also flooded in from all over the world, including the Commonwealth nations of India, Australia and Canada. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he had had a “distinguished career in the military and was at the forefront of many community service initiatives. May his soul rest in peace.” Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Philip “embodied a generation that we will never see again.” Canada’s Justin Trudeau said: “Prince Philip was a man of great purpose and conviction, who was motivated by a sense of duty to others. He will be fondly remembered as a constant in the life of our Queen.” US President Joe Biden said Philip had “gladly dedicated himself to the people of the UK, the Commonwealth, and to his family,” and that his legacy would live on “not only through his family, but in all the charitable endeavors he shaped.” ‘Constant strength and guide’ Philip married the then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947, following distinguished service in the Royal Navy during World War II. Together, they had four children — Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward — eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. When Elizabeth ascended the throne in February 1952, on the death of her father, George VI, Philip’s lifetime of service as royal consort began. Over the decades, Philip often accompanied the Queen on royal engagements, and conducted thousands of his own solo appearances. He once referred to himself as “the world’s most experienced plaque unveiler,” while the Queen lauded him as her “constant strength and guide.” Philip continued making public appearances well into his 90s, retiring only in August 2017. He was seen in public only infrequently from that point, notably at the Windsor Castle wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in May 2018, and at the nuptials for Princess Eugenie in October 2018 and for Princess Beatrice in July 2020. CNN’s Max Foster, Lauren Moorhouse and David Wilkinson contributed to this report. Source link Orbem News #Britain #consort #Elizabeth #Longtime #mourns #Philip #Prince #Queen
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Unaired Episode {originally scheduled for broadcast December 20, 1986}
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Directed by Bruce Bilson ~ Written by Bob Carroll Jr. and Madelyn Davis ~ Story by Mel Sherer and Steve Granat
Becky signs up Lucy for her school's Grandma Talent Contest. Unfortunately, Lucy doesn't sing, dance, tell jokes, or do magic, so she decides to do a dramatic recitation so as not to disappoint her grandchildren.
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Barker), Gale Gordon (Curtis McGibbon), Ann Dusenberry (Margo Barker McGibbon),  Larry Anderson (Ted McGibbon), Jenny Lewis (Becky McGibbon), Philip Amelio (Kevin McGibbon), Donovan Scott (Leonard Stoner)
[For biographies of the Regular Cast, see “One Good Grandparent Deserves Another” (S1;E1)]
Guest Cast
Kellie Martin (Patty Durell) also played Patty in “Lucy Gets Her Wires Crossed” (S1;E4). She played Becca Thatcher on “Life Goes On” (1989-93) and Lucy Knight on “ER” (1998-2000).   
Michael Zorek (Pizza Delivery Man) began screen acting in 1983. He is now a father of two living in New York City. 
Phyllis Applegate (Principal) began her screen acting career in 1978.  Most recently she was seen as Myrtle, one of the senior citizens on “Better Call Saul.”  
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Peggy Gilbert and the Dixie Belles (Themselves, uncredited) was a female bandleader who fronted a number of all girl groups, until founding the Dixie Belles in the 1970s. The Dixie Belles also appeared on several television shows: “The Tonight Show” (1981), “Madame’s Place” (1982), “The Golden Girls” (1988), “America’s Funniest Home Videos” (1991), and “You Bet Your Life” (1993). In 1986, the Dixie Belles recorded their only album. The band consisted of Gilbert on saxophone, Natalie Robin on clarinet, Marnie Wells on trumpet, Jerrie Thill on drums, Georgia Shilling on piano, and Pearl Powers on bass.
The grandma bagpiper and attendees of the talent contest are played by uncredited background performers. 
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This was the 13th and final episode filmed. It was scheduled to air on December 20, 1986 but the series was canceled on November 15th. The first draft of the  script was finalized on October 20, 1986.
Story writers Mel Sherer and Steve Granat started their careers on “Happy Days” and its sequels “Laverne and Shirley” and “Joanie Loves Chachi.”  This is their only contribution to “Life with Lucy.”
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On the day of the filming, producer Aaron Spelling received word that the show was canceled. Rather than tell Lucille Ball himself, he has an assistant telephone her husband Gary Morton with the news, which was withheld from Lucy until after the filming.
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A fourteenth episode was planned and a first draft of the script exists, but it was never filmed. It was titled “’Twas the Flight Before Christmas” written by Vic Rauseo and Linda Morris and scheduled to be directed by Bruce Bilson. A summary reads: “The family goes to a friend's cabin in Colorado, but become stranded on the plane in Denver and discover that Christmas is more than presents.” It was likely scheduled to air on December 27, 1986.  
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Kevin plays on the YMCA soccer team “The Wildcats.”  The name of the team is probably a reference to Lucille Ball’s only Broadway show, Wildcat (1961). 
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Everyone in the Barker house has a trophy for something - except Lucy: Kevin for soccer, Becky for swimming, Margo for tennis, Ted for softball, Leonard for wrestling, and Curtis for golf.
Ted: (to Lucy) “You know what they say, Mom. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.” Kevin: “And how many trophies you have!”
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It took 13 episode, but actor Larry Anderson (Ted McGibbon), who is a professional magician, finally works a magic trick into the story, producing coins for Becky and Kevin's allowance from behind their ears.
Becky enters Lucy in a Grandma Talent Contest at her school.  The money will go toward buying the school a new VCR.
Curtis: “A new video cassette recorder!  My!  They didn't have things like that when I was in school.” Lucy: “No, they sat in front of the fire and made shadow puppets on the wall of the cave.”
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Lucy contemplates singing at the talent competition.  She says that in high school she did an act with two other girls imitating The Andrews Sisters. This affords Lucille Ball to revive the old gag that Lucy cannot hold a tune, first started on “I Love Lucy.”  She chants a monotone version of “Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree.”  ”Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else but Me)“ by Sam H. Stept, Lew Brown, and Charles Tobias. The song was sung by the Andrews Sisters in the 1942 film Private Buckaroo.
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She then thinks about dancing, claiming she took a tap class once. While Ted sings “Swanee River” Lucy does a few clumsy shuffle steps before her 'trick knee' gives out.  In reality, Lucille Ball broke her leg in a skiing accident that curtailed a lot of dancing during “Here's Lucy.” “Old Folks at Home” (aka “Swanee River”) a minstrel song written by Stephen Foster in 1851. 
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With dancing out of the question, Lucy suggests being a stand-up comic. When everyone anticipates her punchline, Curtis says “Face it Lucille, you are not Joan Rivers.”  Joan Rivers guest-starred when “Lucy and Joan Rivers Do Jury Duty” (HL S6;E9) in 1973.
Ted volunteers to teach Lucy some magic so she can be a magician at the Talent Show. Lucy, billing herself as “Grandma the Great”, puts on a magic show in the living room for the family. Ted acts as her assistant.
Lucy: “I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't tell jokes, I can't do magic. I'm a well-rounded flop!”  
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Curiously, the one talent Lucy Barker has already demonstrated on the series – playing the saxophone – is never brought up!  
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Curtis reminds Lucy of when they watched Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady on television and that he didn't sing a note. Harrison was famous for talk/singing his way through both the stage and 1964 film adaptation of My Fair Lady, winning both a 1957 Tony Award and a 1964 Oscar for the role of Professor Henry Higgins.
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The Grandma Talent Contest scene fades up with a grandma bagpipe player taking her bow. Curtis later says that the 90 year-old piper was the winner, playing “Do You Think I'm Sexy.”  The Principal (Phyllis Applegate) introduces the next act, Peggy Gilbert and her Dixie Belles, billed as world's only all-female Dixieland band. Peggy is the grandmother of Becky's friend Patty Durell. The septuagenarian sextet plays “When The Saints Go Marching In.”  
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In a spotlight, Lucy dedicates her performance to her children and grandchildren and talk / sings “Sunrise, Sunset,” a song from the 1964 Broadway musical and 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof. Lucille Ball's voice nearly breaks, knowing that she's reached the end of an era.  Those watching the contest look moved by Lucille Ball's amazing serious and dramatic performance.
Kevin: “You're a winner in my book, Grandma.”
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Lucy Barker taking part in talent competition hearkens back to when Lucy Ricardo participated in a talent show with the unruly Hudson Twins in “The Amateur Hour” (ILL S1;E14) in 1952.  
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Lucy Barker says that she did an act with two girls imitating the Andrews Sisters. Lucy Carter also did an act with two girls (her daughter Kim and the real Patty Andrews) imitating the Andrews Sisters in a 1969 episode of “Here's Lucy.”
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Lucille Ball performed all kinds of dance on screen, including tap, but her most famous dancing on television is probably the training Lucy Ricardo received in “The Ballet” (ILL S1;E19) at the barre with Madame Lamond (Mary Wickes) in 1952.
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“Swanee River” was first sung by Lucille Ball as a counterpoint to “Humeresques” in “Bullfight Dance” (ILL S4;E22).  
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It was also heard in “Little Ricky Gets Stage Fright” (ILL S6;E4) when one of Little Ricky's classmates plays it on violin at a recital.  
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In this episode, the story incorporates the talents of real-life female musicians The Dixie Belles who play “When the Saints Go Marching In.” The song was previously performed on “Here's Lucy” by the Remnants, a real-life musical group of Catholic nuns in “Lucy and Her All-Nun Band” (HL S4;E8).
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Gale Gordon and Dan Dailey talk/sang the Rex Harrison song “I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face” from My Fair Lady in a 1971 episode of “Here's Lucy.”
This Day in Lucy History  {had this episode aired as planned on December 20th}
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"Lucy Misses the Mertzes” (ILL S6;E17) – film date December 20, 1956
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"Lucy's Lucky Day" (HL S4;E14) – air date December 20, 1971
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valkirsif · 4 years
Unthinkable CH 41/???
Warning nothing
Word 3100
It took them more than an hour to cross the city and reach the hills where Chris lived, the car stopped in front of a gate and the guard approached
"Hello where do you have to go?" heard her ask, Martin opened the window showing his ID
"I'm going to accompany Miss Hiddleston , Mister Evans is waiting for us" replied the driver, the guard observed Y/N for a second before turning back to the driver,
"Wait here" he said retracing his steps and taking the phone, "Mister Evans a certain Y/N Hiddleston for you .." after a few minutes he reached the car again, "Please come by, Miss Hiddleston this is her card to get in and out of the complex without problems" he smiled passing a magnetic card to the woman, Y/N thanked them and they left, the area was very well maintained, the houses were all different with tall fences covered with plants to maintain the privacy, they crossed a couple of buses of tourists and fans busy doing the classic tour of the VIP houses, Martin pulled up in front of a dark gate that opened, they went up the hill to a large white house where Chris was waiting for them in front of the door, ran down the stairs to open the door,
" Silly, welcome!!" he said laughing holding her, "Am I really glad you're here, your luggage?" asked taking the woman's backpack and suitcase,
"Thanks for the hospitality Sassy , sure it's not a problem?" she said laughing still close to him, "I have with me the bare minimum, pajamas and a couple of changes .. you know I'm pretty spartan"
"Imagine I'm glad to have you around the house a few days, come I'll show you around" he said, taking her hand and leading her into the house.
The entrance led directly to the living room, a huge sofa took up most of the room the woman laughed, she imagined Chris with her friends while watching the sport on the big screen, a large window overlooking the garden the view of the city from above was beautiful, the kitchen large and bright gave on the outside room completely of glass, the bbq and the oven occupied a part of the garden next to the large wooden table, balls and balloons were scattered throughout the garden, a large trampoline was positioned next to the pool, you could see that it was a space born to have fun Chris's grandchildren probably spent a lot of time there Y/N smiled thinking of the overgrown child who was the man struggling with children and teenagers,
"This is the rooms" he said taking her upstairs, "I have prepared the guest room so you can sleep peacefully, I have absurd times I don't want to wake you up when I go to work" led her, the room was cozy and warm with a large bed in the center the yellow walls made her cheerful she immediately felt at ease,
" Sassy didn't care if you bothered, the sofa or your bed were fine" she laughed putting down backpack and undressing, the man approached her, moving hair from her neck,
" Silly all right?" he asked seriously touching her marks, "If something was wrong with Tom would you tell me?" the woman did not miss the angry but controlled tone and blushed violently as she turned to answer him
" Er .. everything is fine Sassy .. " she was embarrassed as it didn't often happen to her, ".. I .. we .. " didn't finish the sentence Chris looked at her embarrassed in turn, understanding what her friend was referring to
"Sorry it's none of my business" he smiled, "It's not the first time I've seen that kind of signs and most of the time they're not consensual .. "
"In your place I would have thought badly too, you know the euphoria after the Met , everything is fine really" she laughed, easing the embarrassment of both, "It's not easy to stay lucid in certain situations" laughed putting on her tracksuit,
"What do you want to do today Silly ?" the man asked changing the subject as they went back to the room, "If you have no objections, I thought I'd relax I'm destroyed"
"I'm tired too, I've done more hours of flight in these two days than in my entire life" she laughed throwing herself on the sofa beating her leg to invite him to get comfortable, Chris smiled and leaned his head on her thigh letting herself be pampered by the woman, he put on an old movie and they spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and relaxing.
“ Sassy but what if we start making something for dinner? I'm starting to feel hungry .. or do you have nothing at home? " Y/N asked around,
"My stomach rumbles too" he replied, looking up at her, "Don't worry, the fridge is full, my family often comes so there is plenty of food" they went to the kitchen, the man made her sit down and opened the fridge , "My mother came by yesterday .. mmm .. what if we warmed up some pasta in the oven?" he asked pulling out a pan,
" Sassy is fine for me " replied Y/N leaning over to look at the pasta, it looked very good, "But I'll cook tomorrow!" she laughed moving around the kitchen looking for plates and cutlery while Chris put the pan in the oven and went back to the room, the woman heard voices coming from the next room and moved to see who it was, Scott and Chris's sisters had joined them,
"Princess hello !!" Scott began going to meet her and hugging, “How are you marvel? What are you doing here?" churches,
"I'm fine, your brother is hosting me for a couple of days I have to attend a Rice fashion show and Thomas has left to start a new job" she replied cheerfully,
" Silly they are Carly and Shana my sisters" Chris said introducing them,
"Device for you too then" she said after introducing herself,
"I just baked Mom's pasta " laughed Chris going into the kitchen followed by his family, "How come around here?" churches,
" Shana and I took a shopping trip downtown," Carly replied
"I've just finished shooting the last episodes and I'm too tired to drive home" laughed Scott getting comfortable, the group had a cheerful dinner and sat on the sofa to have coffee chatting,
"Y/N you were gorgeous at the Met Gala I saw the pictures you walked like a pro" Scott said, the woman blushed thought she was clumsy and awkward, "Did you have fun?"
"I had only seen so much on TV, I didn't expect all those flashes and questions I was a bit uncomfortable .. but it went" she laughed, they went to bed quite early, waited for Tom's call and collapsed exhausted for the last few days.
She woke up in the middle of the night and sneaked into Chris's room trying not to wake him, the man turned and held her,
"What's going on Silly ?" he asked sleepily,
"Sorry I didn't want to wake you up, " Y/N replied getting comfortable in his arms, "I'm no longer used to sleeping alone the bed felt too big and empty" whispered,
"No problem beauty" Chris answered laughing and they fell asleep, the insistent trill woke them at 8,
"Day Silly " Chris said kissing her head, the woman just grunted, "I warned you I was going to get up early" she laughed as headed for the shower, while Y/N tried to figure out what planet she was on,
"Heaven it's only 8 .. " she said sleepily, getting up, got up stretching, put on a T-shirt and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast to find Scott making coffee,
"Good morning dear coffee ??" he asked smiling, Y/N nodded sitting down, "I put on the toast .. how are you used to having breakfast?"
"By now I'm used to eating anything as soon as I wake up" she laughed as finished the coffee, "In these days we have moved around the country a lot .. " the woman said, ".. I start to worry about him soon they will start the promotion and he will be around the world for more than a month with atrocious rhythms" concluded, giving voice to anxiety,
"I understand you I work mostly on TV shows and soap operas so I don't move much from home" Scott said thoughtfully, "But I see when Chris leaves .. he 's gone for weeks and comes back destroyed, having someone at home waiting for you helps a lot to do not lose your head" he laughed, Y/N listened to him determined to best support her man,
"Morning," Chris said cheerfully as he entered the kitchen, "I'm hungry," he walked around the table and checked his breakfast, "What are your plans for today Silly ?"  asked passing the juice and toast,
"I have an appointment with Rice in a couple of hours" she replied cheerfully, "I think we'll take a walk around town and have lunch together then I don't know "
"I'll leave you the keys at the gate so if you come back before me as I think you won't stay on the road" he said, " Scotty, what are you up to?"
"I'm going home, I'm free until next week" replied the brother, "Thanks for the bed, brother"
"The door is always open, you know"
they finished their breakfast and prepared themselves calmly,
"See you tonight Silly " Chris said giving her a kiss, " Scotty warn as soon as you're home"
"I'll send you a quiet message, see you soon Y/N" he smiled hugging her, they left the house happy, Martin was waiting for the woman,
"Good morning Miss where will I take you?" he asked opening the door for her,
" Thanks to the Plaza Hotel," she replied, making herself comfortable, " Sassy, ​​would you like a ride to the studios ?" churches,
"Thanks give me a break Scott, see you tonight" laughed getting into the car with his brother.
The woman entered the hotel and walked to the reception,
"Hello Miss, can I help you?" asked the smiling receptionist,
"Hello I have an appointment with a friend, has Rice Nicoletti already arrived?" Y/N said,
" Poppy there you are!!" Rice said walking to meet her as soon as she entered, " Have you been waiting long?"
" Lucifer hello" the woman said hugging him, "No no quiet I just arrived, I was asking for you" she laughed anchored to him, while they were talking Charles registered his friend and took the key to the room,
"Rice we don't have much time," said the man looking at his watch, "A quick shower and off we go", the group went to the elevator and went up to the room, Charles unpacked his friend while he was in the shower, Y/N sat waiting,
"Sorry Y/N the flight was delayed and soon Rice must be on the runway for rehearsals, when it ends it's all yours" explained the agent,
"No problem I understand" she answered quietly by now was used to certain rhythms, "I have all the time and I'm curious to see what her job is like" she smiled, Rice got ready to run and they got out the car was waiting for them,
"Sorry Poppy for the delirium .. " he said holding her hand, ".. I was hoping to have some time instead .. " they both laughed,
"Imagine it's fun to see you running" she laughed, "I'm at your disposal all day"
"Will you stop by me tonight?" Rice asked staring at her, Y/N shook her head laughing knew that look,
"Rice I'm a guest of Chris you know and from what I see it will be worse than a delirium" she laughed, "I'm curious to see you jumping on the catwalk", they came to a kind of shed and entered, from the outside it looked like a simple warehouse but inside it was all chaotic and bright, models and models moved more or less clothes, make-up artists and hairdressers ran from all sides, the stylist and his staff shouted orders,
"Rice just in time" said a girl welcoming them, "You are in mirror 6" confirmed looking at a folder, "These are the passes you asked for" she put the permits in his hand and accompanied him to his station, the man dragged himself behind Y/N looking around bewildered,
"Rice maybe it's better if I get to one side" whispered as his friend undressed and stood in front of the mirror, looked at her smiling
"Stay quiet, don't disturb" he laughed, "I'm just rehearsals, we don't parade today"
"All this chaos for evidence?" she laughed shaking head, "Do you know that for me everything is more absurd than usual ?!", they exchanged a look in the mirror and burst out laughing, they had found their harmony again,
"Rice there has been a change" said the stylist approaching, "Trevor broke his leg you will take his place so you will be out for second tomorrow, you have to be here at 9", Rice nodded seriously, "Miss Hiddleston please," he said smiling at her, "Do you know Rice?"
"In fact he's my best friend" laughed the woman shaking his hand, "We've known each other for years, I hope it's not a problem if I attend"
"It's a pleasure to have you here, if you see something you like please let me know" replied the man, "I wanted to contact you to propose some clothes but since she is here .. " he said, "She already has someone who dresses for the premierè over there?" churches
"I'm sorry but I already have the dress for that night, but I have not decided what to wear for the evening in Rome," said Y/N vague did not expect such a proposal the more he did not know the stylist will her works, " If you like, you can call my PR to make arrangements" she concluded looking at Rice,
"Perfect," the man said with a smile, "Roda, bring me a pass for tomorrow's show or has Rice already thought about it?"
"I thought about it" Rice interjected, "She's the friend I asked for" he smiled, the designer moved to another mirror, "You're an important person now .. " he laughed looking at the puzzled face of Y/N, "... it will often happen that stylists and other professionals come forward"
"I saw the first time I went to FB as soon as the news came out, I found my message box full .." the woman replied, ".. they are really daring" she laughed moving aside to let the make-up artist pass, an hour later Y/N was made to sit in the room together with other guests and enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the rehearsals, lighting technicians gave orders and arranged the lighting to make it perfect models and models moved on the catwalk parading among jugglers and tightrope walkers, she was fascinated, he spent the whole afternoon running after Rice between changes and they left the warehouse in the evening.
"Enjoyed the day?" Rice asked, opening the door for her
"My love, I'm tired for you" she laughed, "I had no idea it was such a chaos, on TV you don't see what is happening in the rear, the work behind it is absurd"
"I have booked in a place that you will like" he said mysteriously giving directions to Martin, "But first you have to change .. do you seem to go out like this?" said semi serious, Y/N stared at him she didn't seem to be dressed in a strange way or anything, had worn a t-shirt and jeans, in the end she just had to go out with him not to go to some event didn't understand why had to change,
"Rice are you kidding?" she asked confidently, "We just have to go to dinner, I don't see any reason to wear anything else",
"If they let you in dressed like this I would have nothing to complain about, you look great, but where I booked a more elegant evening dress code is required .. what did you bring with you?" he answered shaking his head
"I have these clothes, pajamas and a suit for tomorrow .. I have nothing else with me, couldn't you have booked in a pizzeria?" she asked laughing, Rice gave new instructions to the driver who headed for the man's hotel,
"Luckily I know you and I have something for you" he winked at her as they went up to room, "I'm coming, in the meantime we take off our hair with the times" he laughed going into the next room , Y/N undressed and checked that the he was not drooled, he did not want to hear complaints from him too about the signs,
"Here," Rice said, handing her a box, "Before we go out, we'd better fix that mess on your neck" he whispered, the woman's blood froze in her veins she hoped she'd screwed him,
"If you have to ask questions or lecture me, know that everything is fine .. " she began before opening the box,
"I know it's alright and I won't ask you questions" he laughed, "I know you well enough to know they weren't meant to hurt you", Y/N laughed with him it was nice to get back to old habits,
" Lucifer is beautiful" she said wearing the dress, a lovely dark blue knee length evening dress, the green belt was the same color as the shoes, she wrinkled her nose to see them but Rice loved the heel 12 and made her wear it as often as she could even though complained, "Do I really have to wear these shoes?" she said reluctantly,
"Of course you have to. You don't want to go out in sneakers!" he answered, the woman rolled her eyes and finished getting ready, they left the hotel shortly after.
A valet opened the door for her, Y/N got out and looked around immediately recognizing the lights and stairs of the restaurant, she did not need to read the sign .. Hell's Kitchen welcomed her with the flames on the edge of the stairs laughing, throwing his arms around Rice's neck
“ Lucifer !!! OMG !!! " she jumped like a little girl, "Now I understand why you wanted me to change .. " she couldn't hold back her joy, Rice took her hand laughing and they went up the stairs, the maitre welcomed them at the entrance asking if they had booked, once they found the name accompanied them to the bar waiting for the table to be ready,
"What do you need?" asked the professional barman,
"Two Bellinis, thank you" Rice replied for both of them, they sat on the stools drinking and looking at the other customers, some peeked in their direction talking softly, Y/N felt uncomfortable, after the wedding photos he didn't want to give rise to other voices but tried to remain if same,
"This way please" said the returning maitre , "The chef table is ready" led the way to the kitchen and moved the chair for Y/N, "I'll bring you a drink right away" he said disappearing, Gordon Ramsay joined them after shouting orders to the staff, Y/N smiled happily,
"Rice welcome back it's a pleasure to have you here again" said greeting his friend, "Miss Hiddleston nice to meet you" he said kissing her hand, "Will your boyfriend join us?" asked looking towards the door,
"He left for Scotland for work" she said smiling, "Please call me Y/N I feel uncomfortable being called Miss Hiddleston .. even if I am" laughed,
"As you prefer" he laughed with her, "I'll send you a waiter right away" said, going back behind the stove, shouting at the overcooked meat, the woman had been following the broadcast for years and was happy to be there, the waiter took the order and returned with a basket of bread and the basket for wine, the two enjoyed the exquisite food and also the screams of Gordon, Y/N was fascinated by his movements at the pass, poetry in movement, he was in seventh heaven, they finished dinner and they headed to Rice's hotel,
"Are you sure you don't want to stay and sleep with me?" Rice asked hopefully,
"Darling Martin is waiting for me to take me back to Chris, you know" she laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow at the parade, I'll pick up Elsa, see you there" said, nodding to the driver, the two said goodbye, the woman fell asleep in the car during the journey to the hills.
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jjaywmac · 5 years
This week, I have had a lot of friends reach out to me.  Great.  Because it is rather bleak in this small apartment in Paris.  I have my favorite songs playing on Spotify; Missy is close by; and a lot of projects in the works, so I stay busy.  AND, I have WiFi (FINALLY) and favorite programs on the television (BBC and CNN).  So, I am NOT bored.  Quite the contrary.  But, no matter how you look at it, this is not my idea of the way to see Paris during my birthday 2020.  Haha.  But this surreal event will begin to move on at some point, so I have to “gut up” while I am going through the days.  As do all of us. 
I have spent a lot of time upgrading my WordPress “Jayspeak” site, so that I now have a link to a “Voluntary Contributions” and “Donations” for readers to help me fund this project.  It is hard to be creative when you’re worried about money.  And, I am worried about money (along with my health).  So, I am considering this creative project “Jayspeak” a business and plan to develop it for my readers and followers.  Let’s face it, it is not every day that a woman, 83 and alone, ups and moves to Paris, France, to live and learn.  Haha.  It even sounds crazy to me!!  Well, actually, there have been a lot of problems, and EVERYTHING is expensive.  Duh.  …which takes me to my birthday, happening on Monday.  March 30, 1937.  Ugh.  I am going to spend some time with Lillie.  Who?  Lillie Westmoreland, my grandmother.  Hang in there!  I will try to make it interesting.  Jay (also known as “Janet Tallulah Jewell”) is speaking. 
One of my friends this week told me this, and I have thought about it a lot.  
“… we all carry the blood of our ancestors, and they survived through much more.”
Thus, I thought about “Lillie”.  And, I have been thinking about her ever since.  WHO?  What?  Lillie Westmoreland.  WHY?  What did she survive?  I don’t know.  This is what I know, sorta. This is her picture.  I don’t know how old she was when this was taken.  My niece, Deb Prince Kroll, colorized it.  She looks to be around 60 to me.  
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She was born into a family with 11 (COUNT THEM) – eleven!!!!!! children.  I don’t know where she was in the line-up.  Not oldest; not youngest.  I don’t know. I cannot imagine 10 brothers and sisters in the house.  Help!!!!!   They were not rich.  They were not poor.  I don’t know.  They lived in Royston, Georgia.  VERY SMALL TOWN.  Ugh.  She was born on September 12, 1840.  OK, let’s pause for a money to find out what was happening in the world in 1880. This is her father’s obituary that was in the Royston papers at the time of his death.  He was a Baptist preacher.  (no comment)
Seaborn Westmoreland Obit
Hello, Wikipedia!!! Help.
It was a Sunday.  Lillie was born (probably at home) on a Sunday, in Royston, Georgia.  The United States had five Presidents during the decade, the most since the 1840s. They were Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison.  On that day, James A. Garfield was president.  This is what I found interesting about him.
“At the 1880 Republican Convention, Garfield failed to win the Presidential nomination for his friend John Sherman. Finally, on the 36th ballot, Garfield himself became the “dark horse” nominee.  By a margin of only 10,000 popular votes, Garfield defeated the Democratic nominee, Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock.
Major power political disputes back then – same as now.  As President, Garfield strengthened Federal authority over the New York Customs House, stronghold of Senator Roscoe Conkling, who was leader of the Stalwart Republicans and dispenser of patronage in New York. When Garfield submitted to the Senate a list of appointments including many of Conkling’s friends, he named Conkling’s arch-rival William H. Robertson to run the Customs House. Conkling contested the nomination, tried to persuade the Senate to block it, and appealed to the Republican caucus to compel its withdrawal.  But Garfield would not submit: “This…will settle the question whether the President is registering clerk of the Senate or the Executive of the United States…. shall the principal port of entry … be under the control of the administration or under the local control of a factional senator.”  Conkling maneuvered to have the Senate confirm Garfield’s uncontested nominations and adjourn without acting on Robertson. Garfield countered by withdrawing all nominations except Robertson’s; the Senators would have to confirm him or sacrifice all the appointments of Conkling’s friends.  In a final desperate move, Conkling and his fellow-Senator from New York resigned, confident that their legislature would vindicate their stand and re-elect them. Instead, the legislature elected two other men; the Senate confirmed Robertson. Garfield’s victory was complete.
In foreign affairs, Garfield’s Secretary of State invited all American republics to a conference to meet in Washington in 1882. But the conference never took place. On July 2, 1881, in a Washington railroad station, an embittered attorney who had sought a consular post shot the President.  Mortally wounded, Garfield lay in the White House for weeks. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, tried unsuccessfully to find the bullet with an induction-balance electrical device which he had designed. On September 6, Garfield was taken to the New Jersey seaside. For a few days he seemed to be recuperating, but on September 19, 1881, he died from an infection and internal hemorrhage.
That said, I doubt the Lillie’s family was interested in politics or in the world at large, during those day.  No radios or television.  This was a large family, living in a small town in the Deep South.  Just trying to survive during the depression with a large family (Today, with DNA testing, I have confirmed by Ancestry.com that I have LOTS of cousins and cousins of cousins – especially with 11 kids growing up and having kids – black and white.  Hey, that was the South during those years.  How?  I don’t know how. Get over it!  
“The 1890s was the ten-year period from the years 1890 to 1899.   In the United States, the 1890s were marked by a severe economic depression sparked by the Panic of 1893, as well as several strikes in the industrial workforce. The decade saw much of the development of the automobile.  The period was sometimes referred to as the “Mauve Decade” – because William Henry Perkin’s aniline dye allowed the widespread use of that colour in fashion – and also as the “Gay Nineties”, referring to the fact that it was full of merriment and optimism. The phrase, “The Gay Nineties,” was not coined until the 1920s. This decade was also part of the Gilded Age, a phrase coined by Mark Twain, alluding to the seemingly profitable era that was riddled with crime and poverty.” – Wikipedia
Here is another picture.  I think she is 16.
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She would have been 16 in 1896, and there were football teams at the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech.  I know she played baseball with Ty Cobb in Royston.  He was a friend of hers.   She married a lawyer, Glen Dorough, who was also living in Royston.  I know she dreamed of being an actress and had “shows” in the family back yard and would present “pretend stories” to the neighbors in the afternoon presentation.  She would string a sheet on a clothesline for a curtain.  Her father has been described as a “character” with a good personality.  I don’t know much about her mother. 
I don’t know how old Lillie was when she got married.  Young, I think.  Very young.   I do know that she and Glenn had five little girls.  Mother was #2, I think.  Her name was Anna Louise Dorough when she was in college.  Quite a flirt with a good personality.
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Ruth was the oldest.  Then, Mother (Anna Louise).  Then, Lillian.  Then, Edna (she died when she was 21, from peritonitis).  Then Rose (the baby).   They were all in their 90’s when they died.  Papa Dorough (Glenn) died of cancer on November 19, 1940.  He was 65.  Lillie was 60.  I still remember the funeral.  Mother sent all of us to the movies so we would not be at the funeral.  But, before I went to the movies, I visited that living room and studied the casket.  I can still remember that day in my mind’s eye.  I can still see the flowers surrounding the coffin in the living room of the Mama Dorough’s boarding house on Green Street in Gainesville, Georgia (my home town).   I don’t know much about Glen. 
Lillie was 45 when her father died, November 7, 1935.  I was born in 1937, so Lillie was still rather young when I was born.  Mother was 35 when I was born.  So she was 33 when her grandfather died.  I think I have all of these ages wrong.  I keep trying to figure out how young Lillie was when she married Glenn, but I am confused.  My brain needs more exercise.  But, if Lillie was born in 1880 and her father died in 1935 and I was born in 1937……  That is where I get confused.  I think ALL of everyone is too young for ALL of this.  And, they all Died VERY OLD.  Amazing.  I want that blood of my ancestors in my veins, especially now that I want time to LIVE and explore Paris.  Haha.
At some point, Lillie started running a “boarding house” and helped with income, taking in “boarders”.  I think they were more into survival mode than what was going in the world.  Newspapers?  College?  Marriages?  I don’t know.  The flu?  Plagues?  Doctors? Medicine?  I don’t know. SEE. That is what will happen to me.  My children and grandchildren will know that I existed, but they won’t know much else.  I have a lot of trouble with that part – the disinterest.    But, enough about me, back to Lillie…
She at some point moved to Atlanta, still making money by taking in “boarders”, cleaning rooms and preparing all meals.  Quite industrious and entrepreneurial, especially when the South was going through a terrible depression. 
I loved Mama Dorough.  She was witty and loved jokes.  She would “chuckle”.  Remember “chuckles”.  Do people still chuckle?   She loved all of my kids, especially Craig and Blake.  She loved me.  She loved ALL of us.  Full of lots of love.  She loved her boarders.  They loved her.  How blessed I was to have her as my role model. At some point, I got concerned because the family did not know a lot about Lillie’s life, so I got some tapes and recorded my conversations with her.  I asked her about her life growing up.  She was reticent to talk about it.  But I got a lot from her.  I need to have help transcribing those tapes.  It is on my long list of projects for “someday”.  I seemed to be the only one who cared.  Debby (my niece) knows a lot more than I do.  She is interested in all of it. 
Lillie died March 6, 1992 at the age of 111.  She would have been 112 on September 12, 1992.  All of her daughters (except for Edna) lived to be in their 90’s. 
So, my hope is that I have Lillie’s blood in my veins and God knows what all she survived!  No one seemed to ask during those days.  “It was not discussed”.  Same as today.  No one is asking about me.  What I have survived. Or that my kids have survived.  Or that my grandkids have survived at their young ages.  They all have survived a LOT. 
Like each one of you.  But we are ALIVE.  Let’s stay that way.  So, on Monday, I shall celebrate Lillie Westmoreland, her life and her times.  And, all she survived.  And her wonderful spirit!  May it continue to live in me, in my blood, in my veins. 
Best, Jay 
(without hair and make-up.  Sorry, but it is recent and in lockdown.  So, you get the picture of a current selfie!!  Take note of the “support Jayspeak” button. To all I offend with my “support” button, I apologize in advance.  But, you move to Paris by yourself when you turn 83 and survive a pandemic!!!  This is not a requirement.  It is a voluntary simple  support button.  You can also do any multiple of 50, like 25 (I think), or 100 or 150 or …..  i hope it works.  Let me know if anyone has problems with it.  It should link with my PayPal account.  But, you also have to have a PayPal account, (I think).   So, this is a work in process.  Haha.   Sorry.
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ALIVE IN MY HEART! LILLIE! This week, I have had a lot of friends reach out to me.  Great.  Because it is rather bleak in this small apartment in Paris. 
0 notes
Breathe in the Coal Dust - Those Are American Particulates, After All
In reference to: ‘Bristol Bay: “Most valuable salmon fishery in the world”’ (CNN, October 10, 2017)
‘Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt met on May 1 with the CEO of the Pebble Limited Partnership, a subsidiary of the mining company, CNN reported on September 22 based on interviews and government emails. Little more than an hour later, according to internal emails, the administrator directed his staff to reverse Obama-era protections for Bristol Bay, which had been created after years of scientific review. Based on that work, the previous administration had aimed to pre-emptively veto certain mining activities in the ecologically important region’
While climate change proponents have known for years why it is that high-ranking climate deniers deny with vehemence, EPA Chief Scott ‘Screw You Earth’ Pruitt has done little to convince us that his argument is anything but based on money.  It is both fascinating and disheartening to see little more than a shred of effort by Pruitt and fellow denier-minions to conceal the fact that their denial comes purely from a position of greed. 
The Trump Administration and Trumpers nationwide seem content to make most arguments on the state of the nation and the world a matter of nationalistic pride. As though Americans should, by some patriotic bylaw, be content to inhale carcinogenic particulate matter, to drink tainted ‘drinking water,’ to essentially strap on an American flag bib and lap up the waste of those companies that profit off of the largely American-made market system that has ensured their monetary success. Any trees felled or species annihilated isn’t the company’s fault - they got in the way of that CEO’s American dream! 
All of this is frightening to a young person who (if all goes well) will live on this planet for many more years than the deniers in Congress or those seated behind fancy desks perched high above city streets. It is frightening not only to consider the physical ramifications of unchecked climate change which has already been seen in hurricane-ravaged Texas and Puerto Rico (yes, ok, climate change didn’t cause a hurricane, but it certainly made its impact worse); what is equally frightening is to consider the difficulty of having a real conversation about climate change in the United States. Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel made this point as he aligned the environmental crisis with a democratic crisis in the US. How do we, the fearful, hold a productive conversation with they, the dubious, when all that is on the line is of greater import than party affiliation? What does the latest model of the iPhone matter if future societal stability is squandered away under the guise of ‘American innovation,’ a thin veil concealing environmental degradation that will inevitably lead to the destruction of communities and a complete deterioration of clean air and water. 
It seems to me that climate deniers are content to doom their children, grandchildren and beyond to an age of fear and instability, to a world too toxic for life to thrive, and all in the name of profit. Unfortunately for them, Mother Nature doesn’t give a rip about your Maserati, and she will arrive again and again to collect her toll. But this problem is a global problem, and Mother Nature’s wrath will be enacted on us all, the guilty, the environmental activist, the blissfully unaware.
Every human on this planet needs food, water and air to live and I hope that one day we can be united behind our commonalities, our shared humanity, and not divided by our socially-constructed differences. Until then we must continue to broach the conversation and ask the tough questions. We are living in an age of mass production and consumption of digital data and we, the stressed-out activists, must exploit the time-space distanciation afforded us by the internet and continue to get the word out, for minds are changed every day. 
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newstfionline · 7 years
The Storm Reaches Puerto Rico: ‘There Is Nothing Like This’
By The New York Times, Sept. 7, 2017
• Hurricane Irma, one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Atlantic, hit the eastern Caribbean on Wednesday with winds of up to 185 miles an hour, but had slowed to 180 m.p.h. by Thursday morning.
• The Category 5 storm leveled Barbuda, damaging 95 percent of its buildings and leaving the island “barely habitable.” It has since begun lashing Puerto Rico and is also threatening havoc and destruction in the Virgin Islands, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba. The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands will also be at risk on Thursday.
• The French interior minister, Gerard Collomb, said at least eight people had been killed in French Caribbean territory, and at least three deaths were reported elsewhere. The authorities warned that the toll would rise as communications improved.
• President Trump declared a state of emergency in Florida, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands. The storm is expected to reach Florida early on Saturday, potentially causing catastrophic flooding.
‘Barbuda is literally rubble,’ but Antigua is spared. Early on Wednesday, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda said his nation had been spared the worst of the hurricane, declaring in a statement, “The essential point is that our main infrastructure has stood up and our country can resume normal life within hours.” He went so far as to add, “I dare to say that no other country in the Caribbean would have been as well prepared as we were.”
This turned out to be stunningly inaccurate: While the damage in Antigua was not as severe as expected, Mr. Browne announced in the afternoon that 95 percent of all structures on its sister island, Barbuda, had been damaged or destroyed, rendering the island “barely habitable.” A telecommunications tower was broken in two. At least one person, an infant, was killed.
Barbuda, home to about 1,600 people (3 percent of the country’s population), “is literally rubble,” the prime minister told ABS TV/Radio Antigua.
In his initial statement Wednesday morning, Mr. Browne suggested he had been receiving reports from Barbuda. But he later clarified that, in fact, the storm had knocked out all official communication systems on the island, rendering officials there unreachable after the storm. As a result, it was not until the afternoon, when the prime minister surveyed Barbuda from the air, that the extent of the devastation became clear.
“What I saw was heart-wrenching--I mean, absolutely devastating,” Mr. Browne told ABS TV afterward, estimating that it would take at least $150 million to return the island to some semblance of normalcy.--Carl Joseph, Kirk Semple And Maggie Astor
‘Considerable’ damage in the French Caribbean. President Emmanuel Macron of France said on Wednesday evening that it was too early to say how badly the islands of St. Martin and St. Barthélemy had been damaged or how many casualties there were. But French officials reported that the death toll was at least two, and Mr. Macron said the aftermath would be “harsh and cruel.”
“We will have victims to lament, and the material damage on the two islands is considerable,” he said after a crisis meeting in Paris, adding that the “entire nation” stood beside the inhabitants of the islands.
Mr. Macron said that emergency services were focusing on re-establishing contact with the affected areas and that rescue operations would be coordinated from the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, where the French minister for overseas territories, Annick Girardin, was headed on Wednesday evening.--Aurelien Breeden
In the Virgin Islands, ‘it feels seismic.’ Javorn Micheal Fahie, a taxi driver in Tortola, in the British Virgin Islands, said most of the galvanized steel roofs in his neighborhood had blown off. He saw two of them, from houses facing his, flying away in the wind.
“Oh boy,” he said in an internet phone call from his concrete house in the Johnson’s Ghut area of the island, where he had been riding out the storm all day and posting videos of it on his Facebook page. “A lot of wind and rain.”
“All the trees around us have no leaves,” he added. “Everything is empty.”
Late on Wednesday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency tweeted a photo from a resident of St. Thomas, in the United States Virgin Islands.
Earlier in the day, Kelsey Nowakowski, who lives in St. Thomas, described how she and four friends had hunkered down and waited for the storm to pass.
“We’ve all been in hurricanes before, but have never felt anything like this before,” Ms. Nowakowski said in a message via Twitter. “It feels seismic, it feels catastrophic.”--Richard Pérez-Peña and Kirk Semple
In Puerto Rico, fears of rising waters. Gov. Ricardo A. Rosselló said at a televised briefing on Wednesday that six to eight inches of rain were expected in Puerto Rico, with some areas receiving up to 12 inches.
“As the history with Harvey states,” he said, referring to the hurricane that battered Houston, “flooding can become the major cause of death in events of this nature.”
With the storm expected to pass just north of San Juan between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., the governor had cautioned people to take shelter by noon in homes or in one of 156 government-run facilities. He warned that the authorities would suspend rescues once winds reached 50 m.p.h.
Nearly 30 years ago, Puerto Rico was hit hard by Hurricane Hugo, which left more than 28,000 residents homeless. But Abigail Acevedo, 60, who survived Hugo, said Irma was worse.
“This is phenomenal,” Mr. Acevedo said in a phone interview. “There is nothing like this.”
Officials warned that the island’s fragile electrical grid could be shut down for months in some areas. The Puerto Rico electric company said nearly 300,000 people had lost power by early Wednesday afternoon. More than 4,000 had lost water service, mostly because of power failures. The governor has asked the Defense Department to activate the Army National Guard for recovery efforts once the storm passes.
The hurricane could hardly have come at a worse time for the territory, which is in the throes of an economic crisis and does not have money for rebuilding.--Frances Robles and Luis Ferré-Sadurni
St. Martin’s ‘most durable’ buildings are destroyed. The French interior minister, Gérard Collomb, said the four “most durable” buildings on St. Martin had been destroyed.
President Trump owns a property there, Le Château des Palmiers, a walled waterfront estate that is currently up for sale. It is unclear whether that property was damaged.
Power was out on St. Barthélemy, and many roofs had been blown off, according to a statement from the prefecture on the French island of Guadeloupe.
The situation on St. Martin was similar: There was no power, the fire station was flooded, and the police station no longer had a roof. The island’s administrative offices were also “partially destroyed,” the statement from Guadeloupe said, adding that the staff had taken shelter in a concrete room.
By midmorning on Wednesday, the hurricane was “pounding” the island nation of Anguilla, according to the National Hurricane Center. An officer who answered the phone at the Royal Anguilla Police Force headquarters said that one person had died in the territory.
Alex Woolfall, a British public relations consultant, was staying at The Westin St. Maarten resort in St. Martin when the storm made landfall early Wednesday. Mr. Woolfall tweeted updates during the storm before the power eventually went out.
@woolfallalex: May be my last tweet as power out and noise now apocalyptic. This is like a movie I never want to see. #Irma2017 #StMaarten
Evacuations in the Bahamas. Hundreds of evacuees from the southern Bahamas began arriving in the capital, Nassau, a day after Prime Minister Hubert Minnis urged them “not to be foolish and try to brave out this monster storm.”
Marionette Simmons, 60, who left the Inagua district with three of her grandchildren, said she had stayed put during Hurricane Ike in 2008 and “wasn’t going to take that chance again.”
“My life is more important than anything I might have left behind,” Ms. Simmons said.
Dion Foulkes--the Bahamas’ labor and consumer affairs minister, who is coordinating the evacuations--said that only about 200 people had chosen to stay on the islands, which will most likely start to feel the effects of Irma on Thursday evening. Earnel Brown, who owns a small hotel in Pirates Well on the island of Mayaguana, is one of them.
“I am a person of tremendous faith, and I believe that things don’t just happen, they happen for a reason,” Mr. Brown, 54, said. “I believe everything is meticulously planned by God. I am not worried at all.”--Erica Wells
Florida is taking no chances. In Miami-Dade County, memories of the damage caused in 1992 by Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 storm, spurred residents to prepare for Hurricane Irma earlier than usual.
Most projections have Irma slamming into the state by Sunday, although it is unclear where it might make landfall.
Gov. Rick Scott activated the state National Guard and declared a state of emergency across Florida. At a news conference, he urged residents to heed evacuation advisories and to act while the storm is still days away. Irma, he said, is more powerful and dangerous than Andrew.
“Know your evacuation zone,” he said. “Listen to your locals. This storm has the potential to devastate the state. Take it seriously.”
The Florida Keys were under a mandatory evacuation order: Wednesday morning for visitors and Wednesday evening for residents. The islands’ three hospitals began evacuating patients on Tuesday.
Hurricane Harvey was weighing heavily on people’s minds. “I think because of Texas, people are freaking out,” said Yoseyn Ramos, 24, a Miami resident who said she was worried because she could not find gas anywhere.--Richard Pérez-Peña and Marc Santora
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plusorminuscongress · 6 years
New story in Politics from Time: President Trump Claims California Doesn’t Have Water to Fight Wildfires. He’s Just Wrong, State Officials Say
President Donald Trump has waded into the debate over the cause of California’s enormous and deadly wildfires by claiming that the state’s environmental protection efforts are stopping firefighters from properly battling the blazes.
But state fire officials, climate scientists and ecologists say Trump’s assertion is baffling – and false.
On Sunday, Trump tweeted that fast-spreading fires “are being magnified” by “bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilized.” On Monday, Trump doubled down on his claims, saying water being “diverted into the Pacific Ocean” can be used for “fires, farming and everything else.”
Governor Jerry Brown must allow the Free Flow of the vast amounts of water coming from the North and foolishly being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Can be used for fires, farming and everything else. Think of California with plenty of Water – Nice! Fast Federal govt. approvals.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2018
California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2018
“We have plenty of water to fight these wildfires,” says Scott McLean, deputy chief at California’s Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), in an email to TIME. “Our changing climate is leading to more severe and destructive fires that we are seeing this year and last.”
“There are no more specifics that I can address,” McLean, of Cal Fire, adds, referring to Trump’s tweet.
Fires have scorched at least 290,000 acres so far in 2018 — more than double the area that’s normal for this time of year, Cal Fire says. The Carr Fire, ignited in late July and still burning more than 160,000 acres near Redding, Calif., has killed at least seven people, including a great-grandmother and her two great-grandchildren. The Mendocino Complex fire, two neighboring fires surrounding lakeside towns north of Santa Rosa, Calif., has ballooned to 224,001 acres — now the second-largest blaze in state history. And experts anticipate the 2018 season will only get worse.
Years of drought have resulted in an abundance of dry vegetation across the Golden State, making it easier for wildfires to start – and allowing them to grow faster and and bigger once they catch. Record-setting temperatures in many cities across California makes the intensity of these fires only worse — to the point where they can create their own unpredictable, destructive weather systems.
Neither the drought, nor California’s water management policies, have stopped firefighters from using all the water they need to fight this year’s wildfires, experts say. And befuddled scientists who spoke with TIME could only guess at what Trump meant in his tweets. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
“I sort of had to suppress a chuckle when I read the President’s tweet,” says Glen MacDonald, a distinguished professor of geography and ecology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
“He clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” echoes LeRoy Westerling, a climate scientist and associate professor at the University of California, Merced.
Both MacDonald and Westerling guessed that Trump could be referring to state laws on water allocation, and specifically controversial restrictions to protect habitats for fish, including salmon. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in Northern California — a vital farming resource and habitat in California that does spill water into the Pacific Ocean — has become a heated political issue in California. Some say farmers should be allowed to draw more water from the delta, rather than reserving it to protect natural habitat for wildlife.
While a heated issue in the state, it has nothing to do with fire suppression efforts, experts say.
“I don’t see how that translates into more or less fire risk. It’s not like we would’ve taken that water and sprayed it on the forest, and it’s not clear how drying out our rivers would reduce our fire risks,” Westerling says. “It’s really a head-scratcher.”
“The thought that for some reason the ecological functioning or use of water by farmers in the Delta is contributing to this fire — it just doesn’t make any kind of sense, whatsoever,” says MacDonald.
Trump also tweeted that California officials “must also tree clear to stop fire spreading.” His tweet could be related to pro-logging efforts or requesting more urgent removal of California’s dead trees. Cal Fire and the U.S. Forest Service have been working together for several years to clear millions of dead, beetle-infested trees in forests across the state to eliminate fuel for potential fires. But, several of the fast-moving fires now burning in California have scorched areas filled with grass and shrubs — not in forests filled with dead trees.
“The problem here is he’s not acknowledging the role climate change is playing in California’s fire problem, and the scale of the problem is far beyond anything he’s talking about doing,” Westerling says. “Anything he’s talking about doing would come nowhere near addressing this problem.”
Before his tweet on Sunday, Trump accepted California Gov. Jerry Brown’s Presidential Major Disaster Declaration request to help impacted communities in Shasta County, where the Carr Fire destroyed more than 1,000 homes and buildings. “These kinds of horrible situations bring people together, regardless of the lesser kind of ideologies and partisan considerations,” Brown said in a statement. His office did not respond immediately to a request from TIME about Trump’s tweets.
For years, officials have decried the intense, destructive, and deadly fire seasons in the state as the “new normal.” But some scientists say it’s merely just the beginning. “If we continue to increase greenhouse gases and if we continue to have warming, this is just a stepping stone,” MacDonald says. “It’s not the new normal, this is a stepping stone, and we better start taking action right now.”
By Jennifer Calfas on August 06, 2018 at 06:31PM
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