justawfulxmenart · 5 years
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Emma and Scott have some fantastic children...
In my AU, Meg and Ruby are raised together as sisters. Meg is actually older than Ruby (by a year and a few months), but Ruby always has the edge on height over her “big sis.” Ruby can be a little brat sometimes.
Characters belong to Marvel.
Art is all mine.
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moontours · 3 years
What they’ve got rn isn’t poly, it’s weird
YEAH. i agree. it’s just jeanxscott, jeanxlogan, scottxemma while jean and emma have weird tension around each other and scott and logan are just there. sometimes they even ignore each other 😭😭
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meduseld · 8 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by the lovely @ntera (thank you, this was fun!)
Relationship status: Single and super ambivalent about mingling rn
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick 
Last song i listened to: Black Sheep by Gin Wigmore
Top 3 shows: I haven’t been watching much lately so Westworld and From Dusk Til Dawn which I still have not finished *headdesk*
Top 3 characters: Hal Jordan, Scott Summers and Morticia Addams. 
Top ships: Oooh boy I have simultaneously way too much and not enough coming to mind so let’s just say: HalxLiterally Everyone (even the joking crackship of HalxArthur has gotten way too real), Superbat, ScottxEmma or ScottxJeanxWarren (it could work, ok?), Wesvis, Tallster, Townhull, and StevexBuckyxPeggy. 
Tagging: No obligations but @nanlicia @warrenkoles @benadrylthegoodstuff and @firlachiel (I can’t think of anyone else but if you want to do this, hit it)
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shobogan · 8 years
It’s almost six in the morning, so obviously I had to write a Death of X ficlet.
Warning for suicidal ideation and, well, character death.
It’s funny.
He’s been waiting to die for a long time.
He accepted a violent end as probable a long time ago, of course - most of them have. Violent and brutal and tragic, with too much left undone. As time went on, as hope slipped away and joy became ever more fleeting, expectation became anticipation.
He was tired. The Phoenix had done her work, and their people had a fighting chance. He only held on because they needed a mutineer more than a martyr, but he didn’t accomplish much as a revolutionary. Maybe he was already too far gone.
Now here he is, slipping away, and trying desperately to hold on. Because their people are still dying, and Emma’s heart is breaking. Her mind bleeds into his as she holds him, cradling his soul with an aching tenderness.
He hasn’t felt this loved since cosmic fire burned their trust away. 
“We - can’t - can’t end like this - “
That’s what he says. She can also hear I don’t want to leave you, and see flashes of his children (he’s going to leave them) and hear a wretched echo of Jean’s last words.
Live, Scott.
He tried. He tried for so long. 
Emma can feel him slipping away. She knows better than to grasp too tightly, to follow him into darkness. Already, her mind rushes to formulate a plan, to carry on the mission. 
As she holds him to her chest, he tries to concentrate beyond the agony, to focus all of his faith and gratitude towards her, to say I love you one last time. He doesn’t know if he succeeds, as he closes his eyes.
At least he can rest. Maybe she’ll do better without him.
He gasps awake in total silence, blinking in a blaze of white. Automatically, he pushes himself up, but only makes it to his knees. There’s no pain, no fear, but there’s a hefty does of annoyance.
“This isn’t fair.” It a plaintive murmur, as he stares at his hands. (Scarred and calloused and, as it turns out, pale as hell.) He’s not wearing the costume he died in.
“That’s what I said, the first time.”
The voice makes his heart jump, and his head snaps up.
There she is, resplendent in white and gold, smiling at him like he’s the most beautiful thing in the universe.
“So I am dead.”
“That really shouldn’t be a relief, sport.”
His lips tug into a wry smile, as he crosses his legs beneath him. “But you don’t sound surprised.”
 Jean (the anchor to his humanity, the first love he betrayed, the heart of the Phoenix) shakes her head, as she steps closer. “I know how hard it’s been.”
“You aren’t disappointed.” 
“In you?” She kneels in front of him, reaching forward to cradle his face. “Never.”
Scott closes his eyes. “They still need - “
“They have Emma. Ororo. Kitty. Our children. And one day, you'll see them again.”
He can feel her brushing away his tears. He can’t remember the last time he cried.
“I missed you.” His voice is breaking, and for once, that’s okay. He doesn’t need to be strong, here; he doesn't need to be the staunch commander, the ruthless soldier, the radical symbol. He just needs to be Scott.
Jean pulls him close, and he can feel wings of fire unfurl around them. It's not the searing heat that burned him from the inside out; the Phoenix is whole here, and warms him like a gentle hearth. He can feel crushing burdens begin to ease as his heart learns to sing again.
Finally, for the first time in years, he is home.
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Scott SummersxEmma Frost
Dirty Little Secret
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joel-spidermen · 11 years
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Some people will never find love.
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justawfulxmenart · 6 years
So I write a ton of fics in the AU where Scott and Emma have two daughters - Meg and Ruby.
Little Meg is super into ponies and the pony fandom. She collects pony figurines and watches pony cartoons. Scott isn’t just aware of his daughter’s interest, he knows every single detail about the ponies she’s interested in and the ponies she collects. Of course, Scott has to take little Meggie to a Pony Con where people are dressed up as pony characters. So, I want to write this fic about Scott taking Meg to a Pony Con and it’s exactly like the episode of Bob’s Burgers where Tina gets conned out of her super-valuable pony figurine.
But when Meg gets conned out of her pony figurine by some grown-ass jerks, Scott doesn’t try to get her pony back by infiltrating brony society. Scott goes and beats the living hell out of the tools who took his baby girl’s pony. And what’s funny is Scott doesn’t have to learn all about this fictional pony universe of talking horse people the way Bob Belcher does because he already knows all about it. He COULD go toe-to-toe knowledge-wise about Equestrian lore with the biggest brony in the universe and not even break a sweat. But dammit, these jerks made his baby girl cry by taking her pony and they have evoked the wrath of a protective father who shoots death beams out of his eyes and they are gonna PAY.
Scott Summers is a protective Papa Bear. Do not cross him. And don’t you dare make his baby cry.
And don’t even get me started on Mama Bear Emma Frost.
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