#scoups tarot
lasi-nariyoyoreads · 10 months
Heyyyy! Can you do seungcheol ideal type/ FS? Thank youuu 💛
Seungcheol's ideal type
Let's do his ideal type for now! :)
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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Cards: Conflict, child, prison
He might be attracted to someone who is very different from him.
Knowing Cheollie, he might look for a super feminine type for example, someone delicate, elegant, calm etc.
He might enjoy a bit of spice too, being delicate doesn't mean being passive, so he'd still want someone with a strong personality who can stand for their opinions.
"Child" might point to two interpretations.
The first one is that he'd like his partner to be a bit childish and bratty.
The other is that he simply wants to have a family, so he expects them to have the same wish and to be able to take care of their children.
It's possible he sees the marriage in a very serious and lowkey traditional way.
He might be the type of person that has fun, jumps freely from a relationship to another now that he's young, BUT he plans to settle down and have a solid and monogamous family.
It's like he's willingly putting a leash around his neck because at some point it's time to grow up and become proper adults and he thinks marriage is one of the due steps to be an adult.
Long story short, his ideal partner is someone he wants to build a family with, however he doesn't want a boring person close to him, but someone that can keep his interest alive, someone fun and resolute.
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lasi-nariyoyo · 1 year
SVT's 95z: Where are they at now?
What is this reading about?
I asked the cards where Scoups, Jeonghan and Joshua are at mentally, what are their current feelings and their intentions for the future. 
I know some fans hate talking about it, so I'll anticipate that I'll mention their enlistment, if you don't feel comfy about this topic, you can skip this reading.
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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Cards I picked: the world, judgment, 10 of wands
He's currently satisfied with where he's at. FML was a success and they broke records. SVT has been in a constant process of growth and now I think he really feels like they "did it".
He has probably focused most of his energies on his job, leaving other aspects  unattended. He might need/want to focus more on his private life, to take some time to think about himself and let go for a bit of his role as a leader and as an idol.
We all hate thinking about it, but his enlistment isn't too far away. This probably worries him because he has a lot of responsibilities in the group and he knows how much the others depend on him. He also knows how important he is for Carats and how they look up to him as a reliable member, a solid presence that brings security to everyone.
So I think he's currently in a position that makes him, on one hand, very satisfied professionally because he has achieved a lot, but on the other hand he's in a phase of self-reflection and preparation for what will come next.
Cards I picked: 7 of wands, page of cups, 10 of wands, 3 of swords
What I get is that, in general, he seems more troubled than Scoups, despite being in similar positions. They share similar feelings, but Scoups is more peaceful about it, while Jeonghan feels it in a more intense way. 
Their success, despite making him happy, doesn't give him the same sense of satisfaction. To use a cheap metaphor, it's like going to a dinner at a fancy restaurant. One person simply feels content with the experience, another, despite enjoying it, might feel guilty because they spent a lot of money. While Scoups is satisfied, something bothers Jeonghan. Maybe someone is jealous of their (specifically his?) success, maybe he's more sensitive to hate comments, maybe he feels insecure and wonders if he really deserves it?
I feel it's not entirely a negative situation for him though, since the success opened or will open him to new possibilities. So despite being a bit troubled, he still looks at the bright side and walks confidently toward his next activities.
He might have feelings regarding his future that are similar to those felt by Scoups. Being the second oldest, he's also had his share of responsibilities and he probably doesn't feel that happy to leave the rest of the group.
He feels it in a more intense way than Scoups though. He really hates the idea of leaving his current life. It isn't simply a matter of responsibilities and fear of leaving the other members, it's something deeper and more personal. He has always had a close relationship with his fans too and I believe he'll really miss the contact with them and in general his idol life. He hates having to stop all his activities and to halt all the potential opportunities he could receive if only he didn't have to enlist.
I feel that while Scoups might need and even enjoy a pause from idol life, Jeonghan truly has fun as an idol, and being forced to pause his job is something painful to him.
Cards I picked: 8 of swords the hierophant king of swords 6 of wands
He might feel a bit stuck right now and I think it's understandable. He's been doing this life for a lot of years and he might feel like he doesn't have too many opportunities to express his real self or to express his artistic side.
I think he's working on this though, he's trying to find his path, to find his own equilibrium. Joshua isn't the kind of person who focuses on the negative feelings and tries to find the light out. It is also possible he's into practices like religion or martial arts or even in psychological therapy or any other activity that supports you through the process of renewing yourself.
Fixing his emotions and mental state is only the first step though. Joshua is a practical person. He's very balanced and he values both the spiritual and the logical part of himself. 
It's possible that in relation to Scoups and Jeonghan, he feels he'll have to take on new responsibilities, but he'll also have access to new opportunities. It's also possible he's actually looking forward to it. The current situation makes him feel stuck while the future looks more interesting. And maybe it's the fact this new phase isn't far away that makes him feel stuck right now, as in "why can't it be sooner?".
The more I go into the cards, the more I feel this desire to have his own personal space of expression, his own stage where he can truly shine and being known as Joshua. It's possible that he's also preparing to take at least a part of Scoups and Jeonghan's responsibilities on himself.
So I don't think he's unhappy being in SVT, but rather he feels like soon he might have more opportunities professionally (a solo, a sub-unit or whatever he's interested into) and also within the group. He'll be the oldest and he'll have the role to keep the group and the fandom together, since he's one of the three members who won't enlist. The responsibility doesn't scare him, on the contrary he's excited by it.
Thoughts: Overall it was an interesting reading and it's interesting how each of them are reacting in a different way. Joshua was the most unexpected one and I'm excited to see what he'll have to offer in the future. As for Scoups, he seems relatively content, maybe it's also possible he might consider the enlistment as a good moment to rest his mind and take a break from his usual life. As for Jeonghan, it's the other way round and he really hates the idea, but I hope he can find acceptance and a bit of calm. soon. What I noticed is that both JJ had one card more than Scoups. For both of them an additional card jumped out of the deck. I feel this wasn't a coincidence and it happened because the both of them have more complicated feelings right now compared to Scoups and thus more to communicate.
In the next days, I'll post the readings of the 96z members^^
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theninthdoor · 6 months
hullo there can I please ask how Scoups is doing physically /mentally how is coping with the whole hate train going on ?
cards: nine of swords rx, eight of pentacles rx, five of wands
He already expected it, I think, and people around him might as well have been telling him that this sort of thing happens all the time, whether the person is in the right or in the wrong. Like "idols/celebs can't win… just forget it". However, he is a very conscientious, responsible person and always wishes to do things right, so at times this does get to him.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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403tarot · 10 months
HELLO 🙋I saw you talking about the seventeen ranking and now I'm curious to know: who are the most romantic idols you've done readings for? any from BTS? 👀
hi-ing 🍀 to be honest i didn't take many readings for BTS members and the ones i took were generally pretty bad (lol). but if i had to make a general ranking of the most romantic idols in my opinion (based on relationship readings i did for them) it would be:
1. wonwoo - this man came out of a romantic comedy movie i swear, he just wants to get married, have two children and a dog
2. seonghwa - he wants a love that consumes his soul. i don't think it's that easy to have compatibility with him, but when you do, the reading result is heart-melting.
3. scoups - just like seonghwa, he wants a love that makes his heart burn. he is loving and understanding, strives to make the other person happy and is willing to change if necessary.
4. san - the perfect one if you want to feel like a princess every day for the rest of your life. every time i read for him, he becomes a little more mature. a man to be proud of.
5. bangchan - lefts home at 2 in the morning in the middle of the rain just to go to the grocery shop because his babe is craving sweets. the kind of man more than worthy to be followed as an example.
i've done readings for many idols, some good and others not so depending on the person. there are others i know who can be very romantic (yeosang, jay, jooheon, etc), but the ones that are more frequent and align more with my romantic style are the ones i've included in this ranking. 😅
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lagoonalake · 8 months
Part 2 here
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Personality: justice, 8 of swords, the devil
Someone balanced, with a strong sense of justice, who gives as much as they receive, strong morals, quite rational, a bit intimidating, but actually a bit shy too, hiding behind a cold mask, he likes to see the vulnerabilities in his partner. He is attracted to someone who has a bit of a dark sexual magnetism, could be attracted to manipulators or people who know how to use their words, people who are a bit clingy. saturn, libra, scorpio
Appearance: 8 of swords, 10 of wands, 3 of swords
Someone who isn’t aware of their beauty, someone who doesn’t show too much, leave things to the imagination, people who have a certain intensity or troubled look to them, melancholic look. Long black silky hair. Pale skin. Big eyes. Could like a touch of gothic. Sharper features.  scorpio, capricorn, saturn
Turn offs: 4 of cups, 9 of cups
Laziness, people who always look bored, people who play the victim, overly emotional or sulky people, people who seem too easygoing (he prefers someone who is hard to get, not too easy to approach), people who seem like they have everything they need lol pisces, cancer, jupiter
Personality: 3 of cups, the hermit, two of pentacles
Someone very simple, not in the spotlight, not a celebrity, someone who is very friendly, that he clicks well with and is comfortable with, he wants to be friends with his partner as well as lovers, someone kind and easygoing, who can be social but the rest of the time would enjoy a quiet rather remote lifestyle in the countryside with him, someone who isn’t easily influenced by others, someone close to nature and possibly into spirituality or just not too materialistic virgo, taurus, cancer, libra
Appearance: 3 of cups, death, the hermit
He isn’t too concerned about looks, the emotional bond and friendship is more important to him, but he likes someone with a friendly charm, and who is rather humble in the way they present themselves, it doesn’t mean they should be dressed too simply, but rather he enjoys someone who looks like they are comfortable in their own skin and don’t feel the need to impress. The person should have a certain intensity to their looks that would pull him in though. Could prefer a dark aesthetic (dark hair, clothes, eyes…) scorpio/pluto, virgo
Turn offs: 4 of wands, the sun, the emperor
Loud people, party people, attention seekers, people with overblown egos, domineering people who want to control everything and everyone around them, “me me me” types. leo, aries, fire signs in general
Personality: page of cups, the empress, ace of wands
Someone sensitive, possibly a bit of a damsel in distress, he wants to feel needed and useful, a beauty (looks are important to him) or someone who is feminine, fertile, probably younger than him, a good mother material, someone a bit impulsive and who is rather spontaneous, artistic and creative, he wants to be the strong rational providing capricorn to a soft, lively, youthful, emotive partner venus, gemini, cancer, aries
Appearance: 5 of swords, 7 of coins, 4 of wands
Someone traditionally beautiful, that most people would consider the whole package or marriage material, someone with animated features, expressive face, warm, beautiful smile and smiley eyes, smaller than him, petite, cute, small features, someone who looks like him a lot, with similar features or vibe than he has, bright or light colors, pink, white, yellow… gemini, aries, virgo, sun, mercury
Turn offs: strength, page of swords, 5 of coins
Someone disheveled, unkempt, someone too serious, always in control, someone a bit mean looking, mean with their words, blunt, always on the defensive, overly competitive, domineering or always creating some kind of power dynamic in their relationships, someone untrustworthy, always in movement, unstable and who changes their mind all the time, liars or manipulators, people who are after his money mars, leo, aquarius, sagittarius, negative aries and gemini
Personality: 3 of cups, knight of pentacles, the lovers
Someone friendly, like Jeonghan he wants to get along with this person and the emotional bond is important, someone grounded and stable, someone who takes their time, reliable, sensual, humble, a reassuring presence. Someone playful and creative he can share activities with, someone fun who enjoys having a good time, not too complicated. A good decision maker, someone who thinks before acting. Someone relationship oriented and romantic. taurus, virgo, libra, venus
Appearance: 3 of cups, 10 of pentacles, 6 of cups
Like Jeonghan, when it comes to looks he doesn't really have a specific type. Although he wants to find his person charming and beautiful, it’s more about the emotional bond and feeling safe with them. He likes someone with a friendly face, earthy energy, grounded, kinda slow calm energy, more of a natural beauty, who looks kind. earth signs, pisces
Turn offs: 3 of swords, 9 of wands, 5 of swords
Someone always looking for a fight, always on the defensive, petty, blunt, aggressive, someone who would betray him or his trust, dishonesty, hypocrisy, domineering people, people who think they are always right and don’t listen to others, people who think highly of themselves, pretentious people, arrogance, bullies, narcissists, eternally unsatisfied people, overly complicated people negative leo, aquarius, aries
Personality: judgement, temperance, the star
Someone who makes a big impression on him, someone who has a lot of charisma, mature, probably older than him, someone who has this contagious inspiring energy on others, a guide, a mentor, someone who can remain still and calm even in crisis, like a wise master, optimistic no matter what, someone very independent, spiritual, who is well traveled and has a lot of knowledge to share. Teacher/student relationship where he is the student. sagittarius, aquarius, pluto
Appearance: king of cups, 5 of wands, ace of coins
Someone with depth in their eyes, who looks mature, wise, who looks fierce (fierce eyes), masculine energy, short hair, muscular, more of a simple fashion, street style, minimalistic scorpio, aries
Turn offs: 4 of cups, the tower, page of wands 
People without goals, indolent, lazy people, people who don’t care about anything, people who are chaotic and destructive, people who are too aggressive, negative, immature people who have no stability, are all over the place, he wants someone who can ground him and guide him with optimism, overly goofy people, he doesn't want to be with someone too similar to him either. pisces, neptune, gemini, uranus
Personality: the hierophant, 8 of coins, 8 of wands
Someone traditional, hard working, ambitious, aiming high, fast and efficient, very rational, logical, intelligent, stubborn, rather cold energy, very honest, could be blunt, what you see is what you get type of person, could have a rather black and white vision of life, confident, organized, good with money, business, materialistic, long term planner taurus, capricorn, aries, gemini
Appearance: 6 of swords, the emperor, the hermit
Someone who looks confident, proud, masculine, but still simple in their style, not overly decorated style, more business style, rather introvert looking but still imposing, can be attracted to resting bitch face, cold aura, someone who has a certain stillness, mature, could prefer people who are older than him, who look respectable, could have a position of authority capricorn, saturn, leo, aries
Turn offs: high priestess, page of cups, knight of wands
Overly mysterious people, “spiritual” people lol, tarot readers and astrologers XD, people who are overly romantic or dreamers, people who are disconnected from reality, cute types, overly impulsive and adventurous people (he prefers that stability), loud people, physically he doesn’t really like anything a bit too hippie or vulgar (not that the two are the same XD), dirty people pisces, cancer, neptune, sagittarius
Personality: knight of wands, justice, death
Adventurous, a bit wild, optimistic a bit cocky, fiesty, happy, joyful, the life of the party, bold, confident, funny, a humanitarian with a strong sense of justice, honest, truthful, someone who makes an excellent friend but you don’t want them as your enemy, someone intense and passionate, deep, who wants to experience life to the fullest, both the good and the bad, independent, who has a lot to say, strong opinions, doesn’t care about what people think of them, unconventional, interested in other cultures, open minded, but stubborn aquarius, sagittarius, scorpio, jupiter, pluto
Appearance: the star, 3 of swords, ace of swords, 6 of wands
Confidence, a star quality, inspiring, someone who looks like they went though a lot and has depth but who keeps a happy face, long hair, all type of skin color, hair color, likes a more colorful fashion, warm, bright colors like red, orange, yellow, tattoos, someone who looks different, a nice balance of feminine and masculine all fire signs, aquarius, scorpio
Turn offs: queen of swords, wheel of fortune, 3 of swords
Coldness, depressed, negative people, people who lives everything to chance and don’t take charge of their lives, tricksters, manipulators, untrustworthy people, people who don’t open up easily, hard to reach people, hard to please people with impossibly high standards, high maintenance, snobbish people. saturn, pisces, cancer, virgo
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Scoups- Seventeen....What he's like in a relationship
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- He completely embodies sunshine, happiness and joy in relationships. He definitely gives kdrama male lead energy (or at least likes to reenact romantic kdramas irl)
- He has player tendencies but not exactly one (plays games, some might find it endearing others might find it to be childish). Like, he may like the attention he gets from the opposite sex and low-key embrace it even if he's in a relationship, he just won't cheat on his partner (cheat as in sex, but some might find cheating to be connecting too much/too well with other women 🤷, which is something he does a lot)
- Scoups tends to be a bit delusional and over thinks situations while in love. Like he could think the slightest touch on the arm by a girl means she's into him (especially if he's crushing on her). But I also see that he knows better than to think too illogical in relationships and pushes away people with codependent/clingy habits, just plain toxic traits. I definitely think he likes being independent and will push independence on his partner as well (or just value those qualities in a lover).
- This Leo loves to be pampered and praised. He values equal amounts of attention/affection to be given and received in a relationship. Like, he knows his worth and how he should be loved so he wouldn't stick around if you weren't willing to love him the way he deserves.
- He likes to experience uniqueness in relationships, may actively take the lead in introducing partner to things they've never done before (he'll like if they could do the same for him). He may even write love songs centered around his partner, even showing off his love plus his talent by serenading them
- Honestly, he's a VERY loving guy in relationships. VERY passionate and devoted, VERY affectionate and doting, VERY cuddly and comforting. Just an adorable puppy that'll worship the ground his partner walks on (just as long as she reciprocates the love).
- He has some traditional views as well when it comes to relationships (good and bad). For an example: he may think his partner should never have to open a door or pull out a chair in his presence but also think its not okay for his partner to wear revealing clothes outside of his presence as well
- He loves to be called oppa and may reward his partner by munching on her a lot
- He can be quite sensitive in relationships, getting hurt easily by whatever she does/says
Sunlight by Bag Raiders is a song that fits the readings energy
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
could we please get a seventeen as a group reeding sometime maybe they’re future as a group ?
Thank you
Future of Seventeen Mini Reading
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TRD : QoP, 10oS, 6oC, 2oS, KNoP rx, KoW, AoS rx
ORD : Open up your heart rx, Intuition rx
Hmmm… the future of this group seems a bit rocky. There is a possibility that something may come up in the future related to some female CEO/Higher Up exposing something OR the members will be overwhelmed and overworked too because the CEO’s/Higher Ups were dependent on SEVENTEEN for income.
With the oracle cards, it seems as if the members would want to speak up but the issue is, they are aware of the consequences of them speaking up against what they’ve gone through as a group and may have to just accept and stay silent.
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what does being a witch and a kpop stan mean? i ask my tarot cards what they think of my idols. welcome to a brand new series:
kpop idol tarot!
the first group is seventeen bcs why not.
for seventeen as a whole i pulled the lovers;
the lovers i found interesting, its a card that to me symbolizes a deep relationship and a bond that is being stressed.
for our leader cheol i pulled the nine of pentacles:
nine of pentacles is a card of wealth, of luxury, but also maybe of financial acceptance.
for jeonghan i pulled the four of pentacles;
four of pentacles is a card of nobility; a man sits with a town to his back, his feet resting on two pentacles.
for joshua i pulled the emperor;
a strong, independent man sits atop his throne. the emperor card suggests stability, dependability, and maybe even that joshua would make a good dad lol. (i think my tarot decks bias is joshua)
for jun i pulled the five of wands:
five of wands is conflict, temper, pent up energy/emotions. i felt bad pulling this card for jun but its what they said.
for soonyoung i pulled the three of pentacles;
three of pentacles is a card for the future, good things are to come, especially in terms of a learning opportunity, collaboration, a lot of hard work paying off (awards?)
for wonwoo i pulled the knight of swords;
he���s ambitious, charging to his goal and nothing in his way can stop him. but when adversity comes, hes quick to make a good decision.
for jihoon i pulled the seven of wands:
i also pulled the devil as a minor card and so this can only mean one thing: conflict. and a bad one. but hes standing up for himself, hes standing his ground, and some would say hes a scapegoat in this situation.
for seokmin i pulled the sun;
It made me laugh when i pulled this, im not going to lie. hes a sunshine, thats for sure. hes a positive energy with good self-expression exceptional luck. he tells the truth (aka hes a bad liar) and hes open with the people he cares about.
for mingyu i pulled the ten of swords;
i felt uneasy. i wanted to pull another card but this was the nail on the coffin, literally. martyr, scapegoat, backstabbed, an inability to cope, doormat, attention seeker.
for minghao i actually pulled three cards (they all fell and landed upright to my shock) the knight of cups, the seven of cups, the six of swords
financial luck, wealth, but also pride, and hes healing, overcoming something, but maybe that six of swords is financial stability, or an upcoming holiday/vacation.
for vernon i pulled two: the hierophant and four of pentacles;
(for four of pentacles, see jeonghans) the hierophant is one of my favorite cards to pull, which to me is both a symbol of spirituality and values; he has strong values that stay with the norms he was taught, but isn’t afraid to stray from the path and make his own.
for seungkwan i pulled the empress;
one of my favorites of the major arcana, the empress says to me creativity, it tells me hes in touch with nature and in tune with his creative side, but also not afraid to let go of masculine stereotypes, be more in touch with his “feminine” side.
for chan i pulled three cards: the reversal of seven of cups, 8 of cups and 2 of pentacles;
i didn’t know what to do when i pulled these. 8 of cups is abandonment, disappointment but with the 2 of pentacles hes looking for balance, and with the reversal of seven of cups, theres reality and clarity.
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xwedayi · 2 years
SVT SCOUPS and Jun Tarot
These are interpersonal tarot readings of seventeen members FOR FUN. These are literally just for me and I don’t expect anyone to take this seriously. Also, I don’t know everything about tarot but I know enough. These are my interpretations of the readings.
I also do these readings to practice so take them with a grain of salt. This is my hobby so if u disagree with me just know I really dgaf.
Deck: The Dreamkeepers Tarot Deck by Liz Huston
Reading done on both 12/06/22 and 3/07/23
Warning: Long post!!!!! I poured everything from my brain into both readings.
Overall Relationship:
rev. Ten of Pentacles
rev. Empress as elaboration card
✩ They have quite a complicated relationship. I'm getting the feeling they do not see eye to eye on a lot of things. Their relationship with each other is quite insecure (rev 10oP) that must have resulted from an unhealthy codependence (rev Empress). They've gotten to a point where things are not working out between them no matter the situation.
Jun in Scoup's eyes:
rev. Emperor
✩ Scoups sees Jun as someone who is immature. He has everything he needs to take full responsibility (of what...? I'm not sure. maybe his life? I could see SC being upset that Jun is not living his life to its fullest potential).
Scoups in Jun's eyes:
rev Wheel of Fortune and rev King of Pentacles as collaborating cards
✩ Jun is or has witnessed Scoups go through a big transition (Death) and it has impacted the way he views Scoups. I think his constant stream of bad luck (rev WoF -- when you think negatively, negativity find you) forced Scoups to confront what has been setting him off and he needed to make some big changes. He needed to confront his fear of failure (rev KoP) and how he was always playing it safe.
ANOTHER DRAW (The energy felt off an I just needed to confirm)
Four of Cups as elaboration
✩ Jun had to see/feels that Scoups needs to answer the universe. "Universe" here can mean to himself, the people around him, his environment, his world, everything that makes up Scoups's universe. 4oC tells me that Scoups might've had an apathetic attitude (a type of apathy that comes from constantly having to face hardships) that caused problems. He needs/needed to understand that his behaviour directly affected his members and everything around him (the Universe). I think his behaviour affected Jun in particular.
✮ My second draw for Jun's POV of Scoups was basically the same as the first draw just expressed with different cards. Jun understands that Scoups needs/needed to answer for his behaviour and that affected the way Jun saw Scoups. It seems to be related to Scoups's habit of being really hard on himself and that materializing as a form of apathy on the outside. ✮ Very strong, male personalities. We have the Emperor and King of Pentacles. We also have very authoritative figures like Justice and Death. It seems their relationship is really strained right now. ✮ The co-dependency part is interesting. Who relied on who more? The cards have a really familiar feeling to them. The problems between them only happened because they know each other so well and they know what the other needs to do to overcome their faults. It's just that their masculine stubbornness gets in the way LOL. ✮ This whole reading felt like observing a severed bond from two people that had a sincere and special connection.
Overall Relationship:
rev. Hanged Man
Three of Swords as elaboration
✩ Someone in the relationship felt they were giving everything and received nothing back (rev. Hanged Man). Despite the issue being brought up many times, there was an inability to change their behaviour (rev. Hanged Man). This lead to a break up (3oS). The person who broke off the relationship most likely felt hurt, betrayed, and really lonely.
Did SC cause the grief?
rev. Knight of Swords
✩ rev KnoS often represents a person who intentionally causes turmoil to others. I think the reason why SC embodied rev KnoS was due to how he saw himself.
How does SC feel now after everything:
rev Nine of Swords
rev Knight of Swords (i'm interpreting this as representing SC himself) and rev Nine of Pentalces as elaboration cards
✩ He is trying to let go of all the negativity left behind (rev 9oS) though he feels intense guilt for what happened (rev 9oS). He felt insecure of himself in the relationship (rev 9oP), which caused him to embody rev KnoS (I'm still iffy about this part of the interpretation). He is trying to come to terms with his self-worth and is trying to improve himself (rev 9oP). He is realizing he has everything needed to become a better person and ask for more.
How does Jun feel after everything?
rev Ace of Cups
The Lovers as elaboration
✩ I think Jun feels very tired. The loss of love in the relationship is making him reflect on his actions and also making himself closed off to everything (rev. AoC). It seems like he's repressing his emotions. Although I do feel like he wants things to work out in the future. Through his self-reflection, Jun may be finding that he is willing to let SC back in again to work on their relationship (Lovers). He really wants to be with SC again but is blocking those feelings off to protect himself.
(everything beyond this point is just completely self-indulgent. Chismosavirus got me bad.)
What was SC like in the relationship?
rev. Ten of Pentacles.
✩ Seems like SC's leadership tendencies shined in their friendship. He was nurturing (Empress) and constantly output energy (Magician) that motivated both of them to accomplish their goals. However, he was quite rash and unstable at times (rev 10oP) which greatly confused Jun
And what was Jun like?
Six of Cups
rev. Nine of Swords
rev. Eight of Swords
✩ Jun was very childlike -- not the annoying type but childlike in the sense that he was innocent and naive (6oC) in the relationship. And also very pure. But, rev. 8oS suggests that he feels he was exiting a period of oppression and is gaining a new perspective on things (probably after the breakup). rev. 9oS suggests he was often affected by SC's deteriorating mental health and it weighed him down heavily. He constantly had that positive and childlike outlook on life despite everything.
✮ Well. ✮ LOTS OF CUPS AND SWORDS. A crazzzyyyy amount of (mostly) Air and Water energy, Things were all over the place. Emotions EVERYWHERE. I know Jun was stressed as hell LMAOOOO ✮ THE NUMBER NINE constantly showed up. Nine symbolizes completion of a cycle. This further proves that they really broke up omfg.... It also means going right back to the beginning! The whole point of ending a cycle is to start anew. There is hope if they want to start again. And I'm getting the feeling they already have started. ✮ Jesus fucking Christ their relationship is so complex. ✮ Everything about this reading corresponds with my previous reading. Except! I got the feeling Jun was causing most of the problems back then. Now, I think I felt hostile energy from Jun because he was most likely standing up for himself and the relationship. He was just defending himself. Everything else is the same. I love tarot I really do.
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randomclovertheblog · 4 months
ok so i'm catching up on comebacks rn bc i'm waaaay behind, and I finally got around to seventeen's latest comeback.
I was not even a little bit prepared for lalali or spell
SPELL made me fucking ascend to a different plane of existence like oh my god
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astroyongie · 3 months
Seventeen June Reading 2024
Note: please take it lightly as its done through tarot
Love: He is dating at the moment and things seem to be doing well compared to the October reading where things were shaky. Scoups and his partner finally found a stable ground and are going okay 
Career: he is feeling quite hasty. I believe Soups had some type of quite heavy argument with someone (either a member of a higher up/manager) because he is extremely pissed and his impulsive side came out ruthlessly. things rent fixed yet. 
Self: He is doing well, his energy is quite resilient and he is working a lot on his career but on himself as well. He has been feeling quite courageous lately. 
Love: okay so.. In the beginning of the year a small reading said that his relationship was going through some complications. I still see them happening at the moment. he is still dating his long lasting partner but there was some secrets that were revealed that have affected him a lot 
Career: he hasn’t been spending much time with his members. everything is going okay for him and his career, btu lately he has been preferring to be alone than with them 
Self: overall, Wonwoo’s energy is still positive and he is still doing okay. there’s just some overwhelming emotions that he is dealing with. but other than that, he is okay 
Love: this is funny. Mingyu is single and he has been rejected not by one, not by two but by three fellow idols since October until now. At the moment he is focusing on his work and closing his heart. 
Career: he isn’t really okay with the new directions that the company is giving them, especially since it seems like Mingyu doesn’t like the new type of music they have been doing. but he is trying to stay professional about it 
Self: to be honest, his energy is rather low and heavy. i think he is dealing with some emotional turmoil, his ego also took a violent blow and he is trying to deal with the mess of his life at the moment. 
Love: Vernon is still dating the same person he was since october. Their relationship seems to be doing well and being quite balanced as well. from what i can pick up, they are happy and thriving which is a positive thing 
Career: Career wise, things seem to be doing well too. Vernon has a good relationship with everyone, but what is striking to me is the fact that he has been investing in himself and there’s some projects that he has been working on. they might come out by the end of the year (perhaps september or december) 
Self: his emotional self is getting better. although i can sense in his energy that there’s still some issues concerning his inner self and his own mind. But vernon is dealing with everything happening in his life and around him in a mature way, making sure not to let his mental health get hurt by it 
Love: It does seem like Woozi is in some type of relationship. Although this doesn't seem like something that is official, the passion is there. this relationship also doesn't feel good in a sense, there’s a lot of unhealthy bases here, and this probably won't work out for long. But Woozi is actually just using this for his own needs and fantasies. 
Career: Everything is going well for his career, Woozi still has a lot of power when it comes to creating music and taking decisions for the group. Although some of his decisions can be seen as too authoritative by some members, he isn't changing his way of being. 
Self:He is a little bit lost, his energy seems to be wandering around without a purpose or at least without any goals in mind. I think Woozi at the moment is trying to find himself amidst the confusion that his life is. 
Love: Nothing changed from October. he is still dating his partner and things are going well for Jeonghan and them. if anything, their relationship is going through a very honeymoon like phase, where there’s stability and love 
Career: things are  a little more shaky here. I don't think that Jeonghan is happy with his current situation. there’s some arguments with some members and also he feels overwhelmed by the work they have to give constantly. i feel like he hasn't been sleeping well, and all his stress come from work alone 
Self: He feels a little bit stuck in his situation. Jeonghan probably needs some time out, some type of hiatus or just a pause so he can breathe and not work. however that is not possible, so his energy has a hard time dealing with that
Love:Joshua is equally still dating the same person he was dating in October. Just like for his members, he is doing fine and very well. the relationships also going through the honeymoon phase, where there’s a lot of love and discovery for them 
Career: Things are complicated. not due to work itself, but with the people he has to deal with. Lately Joshua has been avoiding some of his members, he is taking a step back because he feels too overstimulated when some members are around. He also might have lost some trust in a couple of members. 
Self: Yeah, so his self energy is celery showing me that there’s a lot of arguments happening with the members currently and since he is tangled in those, it makes him want to retreat and it pushes him to stay quiet and isolate from that type of atmosphere. 
Love: he is dating still, but he hasn’t been with his partner for quite some time. I think their partner is traveling or some type of thing because they haven't seen each other for some time. there’s a lot of frustration in DK because he isn't able to be with them 
Career: There are so many burdens on DK’s shoulders at the moment. There's a lot of hard work that is being demanded from him, a lot of things that he is responsible for. also he has been trying to manage the arguments between some members and it kind of annoys him and weighs down on him, because he doesn't want to pick sides. 
Self: his energy is rather low. nothing concerning his emotional state, it's more because he is tired and also because he feels disconnected with life 
Love: Seungkwan is still single, if anything he isn't feeling okay to be in a relationship. He knows he is dealing with a lot on his plate and he doesn't want to put that on someone. there’ s lot of emotional turmoil and instability that he needs to fix first, 
Career: For his career things are going well, but Seungkwan kinda misses the old days, misses the old songs and the old concepts. probably has a hard time accepting the new chances the group is having
Self:there’s a lot of shifting energy around him, which can be very positive, because he doesn't want to get stuck in past energy. give him a little time and i am sure he will blow us away with some positive energy around him 
Love: he is probably not with his sponsor anymore that has been his partner for years. I see so many arguments and conflicts here for  a lot of things that have happened in his relationship. I sense hoshi’s energy to be very angry and frustrated with a lot of things 
Career: he is actually so happy with things as they are now and he thinks that the group is doing better now than it was before so he doesn't understand when his members get “past sick or nostalgic” about the old times. also expect some solo work from him 
Self: I didn't got much for his self, so I can't really answer to it
Love: oh well i wasn't expecting this, but it seems like Jun is actually dating someone at the moment which is a big shift from his october energy. I don't have much to say, other than that this is a rather new relationship, the person is very beautiful, probably known to the public in general. 
Career: expect new things coming for him as well, i see that Jun has been working on something solo like, and he will release it this year. there’s still some adjusts to be made with the company, but yeah, probably some solo things for him
Self: that’s complicated with him at the moment, based on his energy, is that he is so focused on his career that he barely has time for his family and close people in his life. this can potentially be problematic and create conflicts 
Love: Minghao is still single at the moment and still not looking for love, since his heart isn't a priority at the moment, i also feel like he doesn't feel stable enough at the moment in his whole life to be in a relationship. 
Career: there’s some issues here, mostly i see that Minghao lost some type of opportunity due to his procrastination but also because he didn't put effort into grasping it. it made his sponsor quite angry at him tho
Self: there’s some shifting energy for him as well, so it probably means that he is under some type of transformation (emotional or spiritual) or even changing something in his body or the way he acts
Love: I believe that him and his partner have broken up, since Dino seems to be disheartened but also torn and focused on his work. He is “alone” in a sense where he doesn't get the support of his partner anymore. it seems like they have broken up due to the incompatibility of their schedules 
Career: He has his career as a priority and that is quite clear in his energy, there’s also the change that Dino is going to make another solo or some type of oslo work for his fans. he is taking advantage of his image for this 
Self: his self energy is a little bit on the lower side, I see more negative emotions and he is overall benign, exhausted and tired. also there’s so many things to do and chose, he is probably just overwhelmed
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403tarot · 6 months
the two most voted results will get a general energy check for the month of april on the 1st nd 2nd <3
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stari-hun · 1 month
Omniscient Reader's View Point Masterlist
Bolded Stuff is the Good Content
In the end KDJ is extremely suicidal
Yoo Sangah and Jung Heewon (they need more love in the fandom)
HSY probably wanted to quit writing sometimes
Hsy versus kdj's Apathy
Uriel's reaction to Incarnation Kdj's Death (Novel vs Comic)
I wish they showed Uriel was more desperate at kdj's death
My Take on KDJ's Sexuality (Ace or Pan (poly) ) - 1. ,
Scoup of Angst - Unsent Project ,
Yoohankim poly cause nothing would change
Shitpost Rambles
If orv had real people actions then he'd complain about ooc
KDJ mischaracterizes YJH
If Orv happened in our world, a ton of ppl would know ToS
Cunty KDJ is canon KDJ
YJH is a crash out, but KDJ has too much responsibility
I love identity fraud
Yjh cursed in front of Yoo Mia ONCE
Limited Edition Official Tarot Deck
Live Action Rambles
Lee Min-ho is perfect for yjh
Feral to find who Uriel is
Where are they gonna put Yoo Mia??
Crossover Content
Beware of the Villainess and Orv
Re1999 : Marcus and Hofmann Vs HSY and KDJ - 1. , 2.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
I find this dynamic fun! What does the tarot say about Scoups, does he really live with his brother?
Hello! For what i got in the cards, it seems like he does! I see that he has a close relationship with his family and cares for them. With his brother im picking up a Bff bond too!
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joyliiejolly · 3 years
As a lover - SEVENTEEN's S.Coups
Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purpose only, so please take it as a grain of salt and live laugh love all the way besties!!
This reading is done by my friend @bluerabb (she usually doesn’t post any reading on her blog and she wants me to post them here so please considerate follow my blog if you want to read more from her ^^). I took note during her reading, proofread and added some of my own thoughts along.
There is a nsfw part in this reading (under “keep reading”), so if you’re a minor reading this, please stop where I put my warning.
Without futher ado, enjoy the reading!
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The cards:
Tyldwick Tarot: The Hermit, Seven of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles.
Cosmos Tarot and Oracle: King Of Air (rx), Strength (rx), Number 3 - Earth, Number 4 - Mars.
Seungcheol is the most timid person before stepping into a relationship, but at the same time, he's also the bravest one once he's in love.
First off, "what's up with the timid part?", you may ask. Well grab yourself some tissues my friends 'cause I think you might need it, like I did :D Against me and my friend's expectation of Seungcheol being the first one in the group to get married or at least, being in a long-term relationship, the cards showed us something that our mind wouldn't have thought of.
Seungcheol, he doesn't want to be in a relationship for now. He's afraid that the person he loves might get a lot of unwanted attention and hatred just because they're with him. He wishes for his lover to have a peaceful life, a life that they can do whatever they want to. In his mind, he believes that he's not someone who can love, giving someone the love that they want, need and deserve, because of him being a public figure (I'm literally crying writing this). He knows how toxic the netizen is, how judgmental people are, and he knows so well how bad all of that can affects one's mental state, he doesn't want anyone experience that shit ever.
Of course he wants love, he does want it so bad but he doesn't think that it's something that available for him to have. People around him might have encouraged him a lot on this matter, saying that it's okay for him to be out there, that there's definitely a place for him in the world of love but, well, it didn't work out well. It's gonna take sometimes for him to have enough confident and secure enough to be in love, to find someone and fall for them, and to learn how to love and to be loved properly.
(It was kinda hard for both of us to let this sink in. Seungcheol, of all people, deserves all the love he can get, for all the love that he's given and will continue to give. Things can change and are bounded to change, so with all our best wishes, I really hope that things will change for the better for him. To some dear friends reading this and seeing yourself somehow in Seungcheol, I also hope that the future is kind to you, and you deserve love, always)
Now, let's get back to the main part, Seungcheol as a lover.
When he loves someone, it's permanent, long-lasting and it stays unfaded by the years.
He strives for a long and stable connection. He doesn't rush into the relationship, even if the tension is strong there, and the connection feels legit. He'll move extremely slow and careful in love. Definitely not the type who believes in love at first sight. He will observe the person, keep them at an arm length, try to gather all the information. Only when he's sure about the person enough, or when he couldn't really suppress the feelings anymore, will he start to do something.
Since him being in love is rare, once he does, within his possibility, he will provide his lover everything that they want, EVERYTHING. He believes that they deserve the best things in life, so he won't mind a bit when spending money on his love one. As long as they like it, he will buy it for them. Big days coming up? You bet this man is gonna plan all the gifts and buy them in advance for days and event months. He will gift them jewelry for sure, but not any kind of jewelry. It will be a customized one, something that is designed only for his special someone. He will spend a lot of time and money on the pieces.
He's a man of his words. When he promises his love something, he certainly will keep it. He will make time for his love one, always. He'll always lend them an ear, listening to them talking about anything all day every day. He finds happiness next to his person, just being in each other's presence, even doing the dishes with them is already more than enough to make him happy.
He will try his best to protect his lover, making sure that they're safe with him. He want them to be their true self when they're with him. He hope that they both will be each other's safe heaven. He's theirs home, a place where they can come to, where they can cry. And they are his home, a place where he can come to, where he can cry.
(Minor please stop right here!)
Seungcheol is a vanilla guy in bed, well, most of the time :D He can be a little bit rough, just a little bit tho :D A little bit aggressive at times. But if his partner's into it or they encourage him to do so, he would do it more often.
He doesn't care how imperfect of a body his lover thinks they have, he will always find it beautiful, a wonder, a masterpiece, and love every single thing about it.
His lover feeling is his priority. In term of love making, whatever his person wants and needs, he will learn them all and prepare with a lot of care.
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kpopastroblog1 · 4 years
Seventeen Group Tarot Reading💎
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Seventeen future Tarot Reading💎➡️
(Queen of swords reversed, Knight of cups, Temperance, Six of wands reversed)
Seventeen could have past issues or experiences come back to happen. They may haven’t learn officially from their past mistakes they had made or their company. There’s a lot of projects and creative ideas they want to put into action with their career. They have long term visions of what they want to achieve as the future continues. But they need to make sure that there’s a balance between things they are doing. Having “harmony and compromise ” between the members. However there is going to be times where they won’t achieve their personal goals. They may feel as their hard work wasn’t praised enough or reach the standards of the public view. It will be a sense of not being appreciated enough or having comebacks not work out well. But they will have to learn to accept & create their own terms of success even when others don’t see it.
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