#scp 050
agnol117 · 1 year
Series I, Part IX
SCP-045 - Atmospheric Converter
I don’t know how to feel about this one. I might actually be too dumb for it, because I read it twice and still only sort of get it. I think it could theoretically ruin the world by converting parts of the atmosphere into water and table salt, but I don’t have enough of a grasp on chemistry to fully understand how severe of a threat it actually is.
SCP-046 - “Predatory” Holly Bush
This one’s pretty cool. I like both versions of the document. The idea that it tricks people into coming to it is pretty neat, and the idea that there’s some debate about whether or not it’s predatory is actually pretty funny. All told, I just find this one to be fun.
SCP-047 - Microbial Mutagen
I think this one is neat. I especially like that it doesn’t actually affect humans, but rather works on viruses and the like, and can potentially make them more deadly. It’s good.
SCP-048 - The Cursed SCP Number
Okay so this one is very funny, but I’m honestly unsure of how to rate it. The problem is, like 036, it’s not really an SCP? It’s more of a meta joke about SCPs? I dunno.
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor
049 my beloved
I really like this one. Partially because I love the plague doctor aesthetic (I have several plush plague doctors), partially because I love like, pre-modern medical horror (like Bloodborne and Pathologic). But also because the whole vibe here is great. 049 isn’t trying to be actively malicious (maybe it is in some of the tales, but again, I’m not counting those for this project). It’s just a perfect example of what TV Tropes calls blue and orange morality. It is aware of a Pestilence that only it can sense (or it thinks it’s aware of this pestilence, it’s unclear), and it’s trying to save the world from it. The fact that it can’t properly explain the Pestilence, or that the Pestilence may not even exist, isn’t really it’s fault.
SCP-050 - To The Cleverest
The vibe I get from this one is like, a fairy. You hold onto it, and if you’re nice to it, it does nice things to you, like clean your office. If you do mean things, like abandon it or try to destroy it, it tries to destroy you. It’s cool.
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bittersweetbonbon · 2 months
have yall read this yet? awesome article, 10/10
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sugersnow · 1 year
making a meme for every scp every day, day "050"
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butchdykekondraki · 11 months
losing my MIND
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new favourite scp entry so far: 050 (READ THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT PLEASE it has all of the best doctors)
YESSS 050 MY LOVE !!!!!!! its so . one of the entries ever FOR SURE
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orange1896 · 1 year
60100002228 60100002229 AF26614 AF26613 AIR FILTER
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60100002228 60100002229 AF26614 AF26613 AIR FILTER
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28140007481 间隔环 0730.162.927 S=8,02 4110000846054 接头 4120006566001 蒸发器芯体GKZ33-5.0H-10-20 29070013941 垫圈 ZJ4190001098545 丝座 14400661 4110001553113 油位传感器RG2263M16 20799047 29260040003 开槽销轴40*216 14400114 29012004011 风扇护网 14400533 6280000202 樱花树直径3公分 14400542 F4043000043 PLATE 14400547 28809009151 拉杆球头 14400557 3070901697 锁扣 14400568 11217605 车身门锁C3-2-061 14400574 7100000743 螺栓M10*20 14400577 28350005781 矩形板LGB310-1120*250*30 14400582 26180020321 50左右壳吊具 14400586 4110002571 LG968N标准斗(3.5m3) 14403742 4110004255 密封件包-经适件 4130002885 动臂后座 14400367 21909009331 管夹支架 11219141 动臂 17010680 法兰盖 3070901569 轴承6017 4120009636C 板 29260046331 软轴固定支架 A12-4110001386 下部垫片套件1J700-99362 29270006761 海绵 ZJ27010104802 扁平吊装带 14405845 转斗缸大腔钢管 28080001120111 连接板 9100000242 橡胶弯管 26030004991 支托焊接组件A8WG6-1109040A ZJ27120114501 消声器L920 6430000851 排气管 4041003719 钢丝挡圈 4130000284 按钮开关HY3-10/3 14588059 4120004771015 彩色纸箱 4110002157 停用-淡水泵(12273212)PTD226B-6(13020158)-031 11219504 M48圆螺母 29260033951 左管卡 6410007457 定位板 6233000601 进气管盖板610800110184 60110029 连杆小头衬套1004048A56D 4110003297003 后摇臂销 4190002782 刹车片956 11212096 半轴齿轮垫片 7300000993 O型圈028571 26131001871 空气滤芯座杭州 4110000496013 泵吸油钢管 4110000734208 筋板 4120004319101 GB13895-齿轮油GL-585W/90-18L 11210524 窄三角皮带13023189 26330036541 孔用弹性挡圈90 04064-09030 4110000560312 骨架油封 28100003400101 FRAME 4110003268208 蓄电池 29430004321 右后挡泥瓦 4110002578041 放水阀总成612600012598 FZ0000580 燃油回油管 6430000397 PLATE 6420000357 加强板 26290028931 塞04901934 29170128111 停用-动臂总成 29330026321 转角盘1899093 6410005315 白色塑料管 4110003796027 前车架 FZ0000177 圆木 11210638 钢管 28010013071 LG968集中润滑装机替换模块-换下 14544948 垫圈18 26010004431 板 26350003231 合页 F31EH-00610 海绵 29130015341 停用-碗形塞片DIN 443-A45-ZNPHR D011148032 4120007440009 软管LGB128-210110 29330101901 前挡风玻璃-FR185 26380004661 Spring (VPM-Part) 29340015201 充电发电机 4110001904Y 底板焊接总成 4130000622 弹簧 9140000426 开口棘轮扳手13世达43206 6303000207 导轮YJSW315-8A-00002 4120002058 MT80标配底盘+盘煤斗(40m3高强)货厢 4120009136 活塞杆060LG-TT.02 FZ0001112 后车架 997504 停用-喷油器612600080324 14666272 6213000243 盖13054661 6212000463 1000/2000小时保养包 礼品 29160009001 盖板 礼品 26260008641 发动机总成WD10G240E11(DHD10G0168) 4120007306081 活塞包 4120001819018 停用-机油泵吸油网焊接部件C19AB-7W9020+A FD24A-005-01 前桥总成 6410007284 喷油嘴偶件 6216000395 固定板 3110900920 纸垫 4190002427 销轴 27360110291 钎杆TF450V45032 Φ155*1400 3214529999 平垫圈690001-90 29170176921 板 4180000419 发动机缸套 朝阳6102发动机 29030037371 管夹盖板 6900019936 CAB 4110006285020 油管固定座 6241000047 电磁阀 29340020251 板 4190000313 发光二极管 29290018451 固定板 6212000312 轴 4110001005028 切管器世达97302 26240012721 主泵吸油钢管 29010074261 油料加注标识 29240023361 浮筒129242-55770 4110001841048 六角头螺栓GB/T5783-M10×16-10.9 14409182 后车架JR955 5303000201 发动机总成YC4B90-T20(BY7W1) 29070015921 密封件维修包24A000143S 6430000091 托架总成 4120016268051 中心阀块 4110003022106 变速箱左支座 LG2190901053-1 塑料周转箱 29340045811 滤清器座接头C3925955 14509362 28230016531 曲轴总成 14627769 6420002136 碗形塞 495QA-03.01-006-φ24 14547258-A FA165400100-2 操纵箱 949329 6231000614 空调低压胶管 14540730 4190015711 GROMMET 14566215-A 29370019591 行星齿轮HD469-2403016 3214535285-C 4120007657 双向液压锁 PZFAP-409/DK-050 11212939 垫片 56A1084 FDH225-7-XZYJ 断路器C65NC6 GB70.1-M10*140flZn 4110004276206 先导阀总成HC-RCL-5A-VIA GB5783-M12*35flZny 6410005262 空滤罩 GB5783-M20*40flZny 11222541 传动油散出油胶管 26440000011 杠杆千分表0.001,马尔800SM杠杆千分表+表座815MG 29270015611 翼箱侧板 FZ0000032 非公路自卸车 28060005111 后车架线束 11219191 支腿油缸前销 41C1933 29270012361 雨刮器挡块底座 55A2550 26240016101 进烟管 55A2549 A9-4110000129 油封GB9877.1-FB100X125X12B 55A2547 8278029 垫片 61A0262 4110004340030 密封圈100*3.1 00B0019 29290048281 弯板 06B0271 F31EM-20030 加油管 53A0064 J4120003126001 停用-双头螺柱D04285656 20B0026 4110000678008 SK260-8发电机 03B0154 26290010131 停用-配流盘137582 41C1980 16057078 胶管F481CACA121206-1150 03B1613 4120005996003 停用-电子输油泵119225-52102 26170000361 软管20411-30-10TZ/20491-26-10TZ*FC686-10*1 28809018351 压力传感器SCP-600-44-07?输出信号:0~10v 4120007309 停用-前车架 29290042221 过渡接管F04283582 F31E9-1051 摇臂 29380014421 垫片Δ=0.5 57A1563 4120001207 电源电气总成 4110000560159 ]LANGE SCREW_M12X160 6299000051 铲斗总成BG350 6253000368 螺钉GB80-M10*18-45H 4120000121 后车架 2110900331 方管30×30×3×550 5111000545 优先阀回油管 29160008291 液压油和防冻液模块 (270/45) 14576228 垫板 29030031981 右箱总成 M095HWAA3 驻车操纵机构总成LG23-CZJG-918D 4110002925 轮胎 4110001121163 加强筋L 15419847 ZL20E(A)轮胎式装载机 6420000081 销边防尘45*55*5 24R304541 4110001007078 盖板 26170014171 CAB 29150019491 6吨窄斗300—经适件 6900020562 铲斗下销轴 29290039961 调速执行器 4043004474 管夹 28010009181 软轴 4041015550 机罩后框架总成 FBZD956HDF 工业平板TPC1761H 26330005871 润滑示意图 11213576 垫片0454-0160 28350004761 下平衡铁 4110015892 节能荧光灯管座OSRAM DULUX L 36W/860 32937820 定位衬套GDF-32-13 4120006317001 回油胶管 FZ0000130 侧卸油缸HSGK-125*70*580-973 4110002168004 防火护套-20-1400 11216510 标志与标识 02B0032 29050204591 LFT30线束总成 70A0557 6303003428 后车架 61A0097 ZJ27100107941 深喉式C型钳MODEL M100 55A2537 11219588 REDIRECTOR ASSEMBLY 55A2554 29240009371 机油滤清器盖13061607 57A1564 29290041921 曲轴后油封 03B0066 6410006513 连杆BH949*100*113-60*124 23B0018 6900020846 前下护网 06B0019 14405902 侧护板QSD-350-405 13B1147 7200000417 消音器30HB 29030039301 弯板 29340055251 变速箱总成BX50-03_ 6420002174 普通电动工具用润滑脂(BR2)订货号:9777004775 LG2834000475 缸体组件02.02.05.00009 4110002409065 控制面板 FZ0000189 拉杆 FLG685-DC 球碗 28250013111 软管 6410003217 油路块总成 29100009451 PLUS PART FOR W/O X1 6900011940 回油螺堵02.01.17.00077 29030030531 定位板 6619000041 右侧门总成 4110000186700 飞轮与起动齿圈装配部件D06B-001-71+A 29220013551 仪表台变速操纵线束 7273-11400 6299000567 挡环 4120002482 WIRING HARNESS 21302231 11218220 E6210F降成本下架左导向支架 F3901895F 制动突缘1701537-1150 4120000979005 销轴LGB325-S40*280-10Y 29330055311 海绵 28150004791 壳体YISW315.6.01C-X(C-1) 29330057671 挡块 14404049 高压油枪导套1128026-A12/A 28350004081 P-螺栓GB16674-M12*100EpZn-8.8 I2-2816000227 密封件包 CN103036001 28080003301 垫圈 LG9140000311 春秋西裤 藏蓝色 6212000767 铰刀 18 29170084881 燃料加注注意标识 4130000152 单音盆型喇叭(高音) 4110002168040 胶管F481CACE080804-2150 4120006307005 离合器4661.205.009 29260001201 骨架油封8117105329 7200003104 长锁杆总成 11221317 停用-管箍CQ67616 4110000555202 碗形塞片A8300-1002105 28809038241 后车架 14405881 胶管F731C96N2516(SL120)12-1450 14507503 台架 14400251 4190002757007C 机械密封 11211207 轴套 14513397 LG2929010065 优先阀反馈油管 14401669 FXJBN-00664F 停用-主刀板 29400000961 螺丝刀一字型 29150034531 EGR冷却器至EGR阀连接管总成1207040-B316/B 4110002137050 机丝锥 6390201693 即可佳 0.85kg/瓶 29200009971 P-O形圈GB3452.1-17.0*1.80G 4110001557015 M2X146摩擦片 4110000160002 STICK PAN 26110100411 盖板 29010019251 主控阀找板总成 942314 29220018831 直柄钻头 2090900086 P-前传动轴 14408624 P-传动轴CDZ-558.5 G1900L3244106E3 风扇支架C4932907 29030010071 HOSE 20450756 26020006781 LG956N油缸总成 Read the full article
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phinnsyreads · 5 years
Item #: SCP-050
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: So far, all attempts to contain SCP-050 have proven fruitless. Testing to contain SCP-050 has been discontinued at this time. At present, whoever has possession of SCP-050 is to leave it in an office they use with regularity. Attempts to leave SCP-050 in unused offices have resulted in it following its owner home. This is a violation of regulations and not to be allowed.
Description: SCP-050 appears to be a statue of a monkey reading a book, approximately 1 foot tall. On the bottom of the statue are engraved the words "To The Cleverest" in cursive script.
The statue has so far proven resistant to all forms of damage. As such, there is no accurate method to date the object. Attempts to damage SCP-050 have resulted in increasingly lethal 'pranks' on the part of SCP-050. As of this writing, destruction testing is discontinued.
When left alone, SCP-050 has shown itself to be both useful and antagonistic to its current owner (See Document 050). Although never seen to move, no matter the manner or amount of recordings, any room it is left in becomes very clean, to a polish whenever possible. Paperwork is filed, trash is emptied, and in general, clutter is removed. However, SCP-050 also has a tendency to leave traps for its owner, so current holders should carefully check their offices upon returning.
Document 050
"The Great Researcher Prank War"
On 01/██/20██, During an attempted capture of SCP-963 by Chaos Insurgency agents, Dr. Bright made use of 963's intrinsic capabilities to make fools of the attempted kidnappers. When Bright returned to his office, he found a monkey statue waiting for him. His office had been tidied in his absence, and everything filed away, which came as something of a shock for the naturally messy Dr. Bright.
Upon further investigation, it was found that — despite the apparent tidiness of his office — all of his pens had been drained of all but the last bit of ink, and several important documents had been translated into Aramaic.
Dr. Bright immediately began the usual testing of this new SCP, but found himself going nowhere, until Dr. Rights, as payback for something unspecified, smeared his desk with one half of a compound epoxy, and applied the other half of the compound to his utensils. At this point, SCP-050 vanished from Dr. Bright's office, reappearing in Dr. Rights' office, whereupon 050 began the cleanup again.
After several tests, it became apparent that SCP-050 was easily contained, as long as no one outside the Foundation proved to be cleverer than the Foundation scientists. Of course, this led to many of the Foundation scientists seeking to claim the title of 'Most Clever' for themselves.
And thus began the "Great Researcher Prank War."
Memorandum 050-A: No good will come of this. — O5-█
Entry 1: Bright  —> English
Dr. English accesses SCP-705. 705 is allowed access to approximately one hundred pounds of similarly colored play dough. After several minutes 'conversation', the new army retreats to the ventilation shafts. No footage of Dr. Bright's room exists, but several hours later Dr. Bright stumbles out, covered in little red welts, and red play dough, swearing and muttering. SCP-050 transfers ownership to Dr. English.
Entry 2: English —> Isendorf
At 11:30 pm on ██/██/████, Agent Strelnikov is seen exiting his room in full rage, carrying a machine gun. Smoke pours from the open door of his quarters.
Senior Researcher Isendorf is later found to be in possession of 050, proving that a good enough prank will attract 050's attention no matter the target.
Entry 3: Isendorf —> Kondraki
At 10:25 am ██/██/████, Dr. Isendorf returned from a brief coffee break to discover a typed note sitting on his desk, which read.
Dr. Isendorf, It seems there was a problem with the Class-A Amnestic you requested following your SCP-231 assignment. Please hop on the next plane leaving from the site, and wait until someone comes and picks you up so that we can get this all sorted out. Cheers, O5-3.14
Despite factual and stylistic errors in this note (inappropriately informal style, the fact that there is no O5-3.14), Dr. Isendorf apparently took the note seriously and became highly distressed. Dr. Isendorf boarded the next airplane leaving Site-23, which turned out to be a regularly scheduled flight travelling to Site-19.
Dr. Isendorf apparently did not realize this until landing, at which point he still waited over eight hours outside the site, before a guard found him and asked him what he was doing. Dr. Isendorf soon confirmed that he had never been asigned to SCP-231, and quickly worked out what had happened.
SCP-050 was observed in the office of Dr. Kondraki later that same day.
Entry 4: Kondraki —> Kald
At 7:28 pm, █/██/2009, Dr. Kondraki was called away by Assistant Researcher Haus, under the pretense of an SCP-173 containment breach. Security cameras recovered footage of the ensuing prank.
Upon returning to his office, Kondraki pauses briefly when he reaches his door. Moments later, he is seen backing slowly out of his office, keeping his eyes fixed on something inside.
It was later revealed that Dr. Kald had placed a replica of SCP-173 in Kondraki's office, positioned in such a way that it faced the door, establishing "eye contact" with whoever might enter the room. Kondraki continued to retreat until slipping on a hitherto unnoticed puddle of cooking oil.
The replica of SCP-173 (made of wire frame, papier mache and spray-paint) was relocated to Doctor Josef Kald's office, shortly followed by SCP-050.
Entry 5: Kald —> Yoric
Upon returning to his office on ██/█/2009, Dr. Kald was surprised to find the statue replaced with a note, reading: "I can't believe no one's thought of this!" The statue was later located in the staff locker of Agent Yoric, who had simply stolen it.
Entry 6: Yoric —> Kald
Statue returned to Kald. Yoric's living space in utter disarray. Agent Yoric is found unconscious, the words "TO BE EARNED" tattooed in block letters on his forehead through unknown means.
Entry 7: Kald —> Light
From ██/██/2009 to ██/██/2009, maintenance teams were called twenty-seven times to Dr. Kald's office while he was out, all having received orders to install, repair, or remove a piece of furniture from the office, apparently at random. Dr. Kald became increasingly paranoid about these intrusions, considering his possession of SCP-050, and at ██:██ of ██/██/2009, decided to bring his paperwork and the SCP back to his quarters and work from there. Upon entering his quarters, Dr. Kald was doused by the contents of a bucket carefully balanced on the entrance's doorjamb.
Ownership of SCP-050 changes to Dr. Light.
Entry 8: Light —> Coleman
On ██/██/2009, Dr. Coleman was seen pinning a notice to the breakroom notice board which read, "Due to the effects of SCP-███ all personnel who have received an amnestic of any kind within the past six months are required to report to Dr. Light immediately." This was signed and notarized by no fewer than 17 members of O5 command and senior staff. After seeing this an email was immediately sent out retracting the information and causing mass panic among some of the Foundation’s more paranoid employees. After what can only be described as a "bum rush" on Dr. Light's newly refurbished office resulting in the destruction of many items contained within, SCP-050 was found on Dr. Coleman's desk.
Entry 9: Coleman —> Okagawa
On ██/██/2009, Dr. Coleman was called out of his quarters by an email from an unknown source. Five minutes later, security footage showed Dr. Okagawa entering Coleman's quarters, carrying a bag with unknown contents, and leaving the room a few minutes later without the bag.
Upon returning, Coleman discovered a dead rodent which appeared to have been slathered in the secretions of SCP-447. Personnel in adjacent rooms reported hearing a stream of profanity, followed by a thud. Worried researchers found him passed out on the floor, while the slime was later identified as green gelatin from the kitchen, and the "dead rat" as a rubber toy.
SCP-050 was later found in Dr. Okagawa's office.
Entry 10: Okagawa —> Chepelskii
Video Log: ██/██/2009, 12:34 PM. Dr. Okagawa leaves for the cafeteria (presumably for lunch/late breakfast). Researcher Chepelskii is seen entering Dr. Okagawa's office, carrying several testing vials and SCP-███. Chepelskii left the office five minutes later, closing the door behind him rather hurriedly.
Okagawa returns ten minutes later, opens the door, and is snagged by a large tentacle which pulls him into the office and shuts the door behind him.
A security team is dispatched to Okagawa's office, and discovers him entangled by a giant squid. The team is seen trying to neutralize the cephalopod and free Okagawa. The animal's remains were subsequently destroyed.
SCP-050 has been located in Researcher Chepelskii's office.
Entry 11: Chepelskii —> Jones —> Chepelskii —> Jones —> Bright
Entry 11-1: On ██/██/2012 Researcher Chepelskii came into work at approximately 0800 and promptly received a pie in the face, courtesy of Project Director Jones.
SCP-050 was found on Project Director Jones' desk later that afternoon.
Note: What? That wasn't original at all! — Dr. Bright
- Entry 11-2: On ██/██/2012 Project Director Jones reported to his post researching SCP-███. Upon entering the facility he was met by Researcher Chepelskii, who threw two pies at his face.
SCP-050 was found in Researcher Chepelskii’s office ten minutes later.
- Entry 11-3: On ██/██/2012 Chepelskii entered his office to find Project Director Jones waiting for him with three pies, which he promptly threw at the researcher’s face.
SCP-050 appeared in Jones' workplace that evening.
Note: Guys, I think we broke it. — Project Director Jones
- Entry 11-4: In the middle of the work day, Dr. Bright entered Jones' research lab with four pies, which he threw in his face. As he was leaving security footage records him saying “This better not fucking work!”
SCP-050 was on Dr. Bright’s desk upon his return.
Notes: God DAMMIT — Dr. Bright Okay. No more fucking pies, alright? — Project Director Jones
Entry @#: Bright —> SCP-732
On █/██/ 2012, an error occurred in the Foundation Main Database, reassigning System Technician Kent to a squad dea #&@Stoping teh dred lord asaTofh!!1!^)##*@gside the cleaning crews. During the !(*@seging of castul helfire^!(#gnment, Joshua Kent was ordered to !+=`~save th princes aShlye from the barron Blakstaf!!11!2!{\@(aw sewage, with several gallons of feces, ^3~_>,GOLD AND PLATINUM$9(=1#on his head.
During the second half of the assignment, !0&@Sir Ketn and his freinds the magikal night bob*!! had to test several *%@# super majick wepons!)!$ despite the odor. During this time, a routine system sweep had found a(@$!barrel of pur AWESUMNESS@$%@ in the Database. Despite the numerous nearby systems that could have been infected, SCP!)$@-1337 fout the dred lord on a volcanno!!1@(%* concerning System Technician Kent's assignment.
System Technician Kent was returned to Site 23 largely unharmed. SCP-050 was discovered sitting by a hard drive heavily infected with SCP-732, with the statue seeming to consider the virus its new "owner."
Entry 15: SCP-732 —> Light
On ██/██/2012, Dr. Light connected the SCP-732-infected hard drive to a scanner, and asked 732 if it could produce "LOLCAT" images on request. Its response, presented in the form of an 8000-word erotic story featuring itself (in the form of a man named "Lord Kickass"), Dr. Light, and [REDACTED], was that with the help of SCP-050 it can do anything.
Dr. Light provided SCP-732 with scanned photographs of several SCPs that take the form of, or can potentially take the form of, housecats, including SCP-577, SCP-529, SCP-607, and two instantiations of SCP-331. SCP-732 produced 10 "LOLCAT" images for each photograph.
Dr. Light then provided SCP-732 with SCP-637 in the form of a drawing by SCP-637-2. As a result of this, SCP-732 was rapidly overwritten with an estimated 63 GB of text describing SCP-637's actions and appearance; whether this information could have filled all available computer memory is unknown, as the last actions of the "Lord Kickass" instantiation were to induce total mechanical failure to its hard drive, accompanied by catastrophic uncontrolled oxidation.
SCP-050 was found in Dr. Light's office the next morning.
Note: SCP-637-2 reports that SCP-637 was not harmed by its venture into SCP-732, but that its fur was "really messed up".
Note: Other copies of SCP-732 seem unaffected by the suicide of "Lord Kickass".
[The voice of O5-█ was provided by @lapis-liberalis.] [The voice of Dr. Bright was provided by Brittany Carlton.] [The voice of Project Director Jones was provided by @phantomancer.] [The voice of SCP-732 was provided by @navox-the-weary.]
[Enjoy the podcast? Consider supporting us on Patreon! Patrons get access to bonus Joke episodes, outtakes, and can even request episodes on specific SCP objects.]
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aliulo · 6 years
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thesplendorshow · 6 years
Yes Splendorman...But every now and then you have to hide me from the SCP guards...I you wanna know why...I escaped the facility during a containment breach...
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i love hide and seek !!! okay, i’ll do it !
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6zalgo9 · 5 years
Hi...I am Fallen Phoenix....Can you tell rake I said hi
D. Rake:...hi?
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WHY DE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT! that was a clever joke.....
- Mod Heiden
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askdahoodie · 6 years
Hoodie...*Puts him in a SCP containment Class D jumpsuit* Wear that for the next 45 asks!
// ok but… why //
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sinsekai20130227 · 4 years
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SCP-3213 SCP-050-KO SCP-735 SCP-3556
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betweenlands · 3 years
16 and 18, perhaps?
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
see? i knew i was getting this question more than once. anyway, another character i am Deeply Haunted By is... okay, let's go for a little bit of a deeper cut here.
because the answer is ed. yes, the butcher and/or toolsmith villager from kakujo's minecraft content. good lord is ed a specifically like. fascinating character to me. i could write -- technically i have written -- entire essays about this guy. i think his speaking style is uniquely fun and his character arc is incredible and. yeah Normal Amount Of Emotions
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
77-2 is a hodgepodge of a bunch of non-HC influences -- off the top of my head there's the obvious House Of Leaves inspiration, but the formatting also draws a little from certain SCP Foundation articles (most notably 050 and 3999) as well as being inspired pretty heavily by, uh
a tabletop rpg manual actually? specifically the ttrpg LACUNA Part 1, which is a fantastic (and relatively rules-light) system that i frankly just adore. honestly there's probably more of LACUNA in 77-2 than there is House Of Leaves, at this point.
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bookclub4m · 4 years
Episode 113 - Seeking Book Recommendations
This episode we’re Seeking Book Recommendations! We’ve each picked some topics and we’re going to perform Readers’ Advisory interviews to help figure out what titles to suggest to each other.
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Recommendations Wanted!
An indie tabletop game
Sci-fi/fantasy set in contemporary real world, but the sf/fan elements are NOT secret/hidden/underground
Fiction set at Christmastime/non-fiction about Christmas
Slavic/Eastern European Folklore
Space Opera
Humanism in/of healthcare
Urban fantasy
Feminist Essay Collection
Fiction (not a thriller) that surprises
Russian language learning materials
Media We Mentioned
Shadowrun (Wikipedia)
God's Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine by Victoria Sweet
The Soul of Care: The Moral Education of a Husband and a Doctor by Arthur Kleinman
Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor's Reflections on Race and Medicine by Damon Tweedy
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk
Your Republic is Calling You by Kim Young-Ha
Meghan discusses this book in Episode 013 - Spies and Espionage
Tell the Machine Goodnight by Katie Williams
Curse Workers series by Holly Black
Uzumaki by Junji Ito
Solaris by Stanisław Lem
Solaris (1972 film) (Wikipedia)
The Stand by Stephen King
Hellboy, Vol. 1: Seed of Destruction by Mike Mignola, John Byrne
Document 050 - "The Great Researcher Prank War of '██"
SCP-087 - “an unlit platform staircase”
We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five
Top Rated Pages
IRL by Tommy Pico
Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman
The Day the Saucers Came
Mass Effect (Wikipedia)
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White
Links, Articles, and Things
Desert Bus for Hope
Gritty (mascot)
Hark! Podcast
Cyrillic script (Wikipedia)
20 Religious Non-Fiction Books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors 
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Decolonial Christianities: Latinx and Latin American Perspectives edited by Raimundo Barreto and Roberto Sirvent
God is Red: a Native View of Religion by Vine Deloria
Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens: The Divine Feminine in the African Religious Traditions by Lilith Dorsey
Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America by Michael Eric Dyson
That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story by Huda Fahmy
The Color of Love: A Story of a Mixed-Race Jewish Girl by Marra B Gad
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir by Samra Habib
Lovesong: Becoming a Jew by Julius Lester
Stalking God: My Unorthodox Search for Something to Believe In by Anjali Kumar
Her Name Is Kaur: Sikh American Women Write about Love, Courage, and Faith edited by Meeta Kaur
See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love by Valarie Kaur
In Love With the World: A Monk's Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying by Yongey Mingyur, with Helen Tworkov
The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times by Dr. Anita Sanchez
Why I am a Hindu by Shashi Tharoor
The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church's Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby
Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim by Leah Vernon
Embers: One Ojibway's Meditations by Richard Wagamese
I Bring the Voices of My People: A Womanist Vision for Racial Reconciliation by Chanequa Walker-Barnes
New World A-coming: Black Religion and Racial Identity During the Great Migration by Judith Weisenfeld
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again next week, on Tuesday, November 24th as we give each other the Book Recommendations we asked for this week.
Then on Tuesday, December 1st we’ll be discussing the genre that you chose for us to read, New Weird Fiction!
Finally, on Tuesday, December 15th it’ll be our Best of 2020 episode!
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albapetitcon · 6 years
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Un style un peu plus simple pour une fois
SCP-050-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-050-fr
SCP-062-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-062-fr
GdI, SAPHIR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/saphir-hub
SCP-060-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-060-fr
SCP-104-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-104-fr
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SCP-050 "The Monkey Cleverest" Created With: Wombo Dream & [DATA EXPUNGED] ATTENTION ALL DATA TO THIS SCP IS 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳 CHECK h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶s̶c̶p̶-̶w̶i̶k̶i̶.̶w̶i̶k̶i̶d̶o̶t̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶ TO GET ACCESS. #scproject #scp #scpfoundation #aiart #aiartcommunity #aiartcomm #scprojectindonesia #aiartists #scpsecretlaboratory #scpart #aiartist #scpoc #scpmemesarerising #scpstyle #securecontainprotect #anomaly #art #monsters #conspiracy #fanart #fanartist #artificialart #artificialnteligence #scpfanart #scpmeme #wombo #womboai #womboaiapp #scp050 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXEyn4vMoTn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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