#scp 743
3mt10-0o0 · 16 days
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𝑲𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑩𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆
SCP-871 by Seibai (http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-871 )
SCP-743 by Quikngruvn (http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-743 )
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officialscpfoundation · 2 months
Hmm any you guys know about the chocolate barrel. ...I’m forgetting what the scp is even called. The substance inside of the barrel is like a tar like chocolate.
I don’t know
That may be scp 643 or perhaps SCP 743 these are scps that have chocolate contained within them
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 months
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
20-216 Scorpion SCP-12C 20-248 Donar Assault Helicoptor 20-303 Hephaestus Scout Tank (Standard) (2) 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-340 Kraken "Bane" 4 20-485 Balius Prime / B / C 20-5011 Night Wolf 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank (Standard) (2) 20-5056 Chalchiuhtotolin Support Tank [2] 20-5117 Kodiak II (Standard) 20-5146 Gambit GBT-1G 20-5170 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 20-5177 Emperor EMP-1A 20-5189 Catapult CPLT-C3 / C5 20-5199 Viking IIC 20-5212 UrbanMech UM-R60 / R60L / AIV 20-654 Hunchback IIC 20-655 Fire Scorpion 20-714 Batu Fighter Prime 20-715 Jagatai Prime 20-743 Mobile Headquarters 20-758 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-938 Mars Assault Vehicle (Standard) 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-064 Trike BT-074 Corsair Micro Fighter BT-120 Sabutai Mech Scale Fighter BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-216 Archangel Dominus BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech (Standard) BT-285 Sprite Ultra Protomech BT-286 Procyon Quad Protomech BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-313 Regulator II Hovertank BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor HTMLTD-09 Jumping Hatchetman HCT-6D 20-209C Rifleman Gun Sprue 20-209E Rifleman Gun Tips 20-348F Jenner IIC Base (Resculpt) 20-438C Schmit Weapon Sprue
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at7artblog · 3 years
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Another batch of scp sketches.
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legendsgates · 5 years
Underrated SCP List
I’ve decided to create an updated list of my favorite relatively-unknown skips, as well as other articles I think more people should know about. I’m leaving out the more popular ones like 682 or 049, since it’s easy to find and get info about those. These are SCPs that, tragically, tend to get overlooked.
Normal SCPs
SCP-001 (Dr Mann’s Proposal) The real juicy stuff here isn’t in the file itself, it’s in the attached O5-clearance document. And good lord, the implications give me chills.
SCP-001 (S Andrew Swann’s Proposal) It’s us.
SCP-370 (A Key) Don’t look. Don’t look. DON’T LOOK.
SCP-408 (Illusory Butterflies) The booooterflies! Kondraki’s best friends :3
SCP-413 (Endless Garage) SCPs can play pranks too.
SCP-447 (Ball of Green Slime) Could also be named ‘Too Bad We Can’t Market This’. I would recommend reading the experiment log.
SCP-504 (Critical Tomatoes) You know the trope where bad actors and comedians get tomatoes thrown at them? Well...
SCP-507 (Reluctant Dimension Hopper) Poor 507! He hasn’t been the same since he came back from 99P-UT1-24J. Or 952-7YD-ABBA, for that matter. Read the log!
SCP-597 (The Mother of Them All) This one is either incredibly unsettling, weirdly soothing to think about, or a godawful mixture of both.
SCP-632 (Intrusive Arachnid Thoughts) Arachnophobe’s Worst Nightmare. Don’t read if you’re scared of spiders.
SCP-743 (A Chocolate Fountain) …At least they get a good meal first?
SCP-939 (With Many Voices) Thorough and creepy. Especially 939-101! I can’t tell whether I should be scared or pitying. Do not read if people getting eaten freaks you out, and don’t read the ‘scp-939 reproduction’ page if decapitation (or internal parasites, possibly) is a squick.
SCP-1155 (Predatory Street Art) I would like to see who would win between this and 173.
SCP-1171 (Humans Go Home) To borrow the words of tumblr user @arctic-chameleonus​... my thembro Beauremont got fucking catfished.
SCP-1459 (The Puppy Machine) Once you get past the inherent horror of the scenario, the test log is actually pretty damn funny. Or maybe I’m just nuts.
SCP-1545 (Larry the Loving Llama) Guys, stop calling him by all those different names - his name’s Larry.
SCP-1730 (What Happened to Site-13?) This one is a long, horrifying read - and it’s absolutely breathtaking. If you have time to kill and a taste for human corruption at its worst, come take a look!
SCP-2316 (Field Trip) You do not recognize the bodies in the water.
SCP-2357 (The Perfect SCP) The resignation letter of a Foundation employee... who specialized in memes and infohazards. If you’re not familiar with the Foundation-standard usage of those words, this is an easy and fun article to get a taste.
SCP-2662 (cthulhu f'UCK OFF!) I feel so bad for them, they just want to be left a l o n e
SCP-2703 (For a Good Time Call) She’s so friendly and helpful, stop screaming when she appears! You were the one who called her and she just wants to help you have a good time!
SCP-3008 (A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA) It’s an IKEA - a totally normal, nonanomalous one. Not sure why it’s on the site.
SCP-3636 (World's Greatest Jukebox) Please screen the title and lyrics very closely before you try to play anything. And don’t even touch anything on the blacklist.
Joke SCPs
SCP-006-J / SCP-006-CU-EX (WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING / Cuddly Cwawies) BUGS! Read that in whatever inflection you desire.
SCP-048-J (Negative Probability Phrase) I swear, if you jinx us-
SCP-076-J (IN OWN WORDS) Totally not Able, fellow meat-slaves!
SCP-666-J (Dr. Gerald's Driving Skills) OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH FUCK OH GOD OH GO
SCP-900-J (Modern Major Keter-Class) i’m sorry I can’t do this one justice
SCP-1543-J (The Sun Launcher) When in doubt, toss it into the sun.
Group-of-Interest Format
The Serpent’s Hand
A Love Letter to a Lady Mantis - and its sequel, A Wedding Gift for a Lady Mantis! An adorable romance. Don’t read if you’re scared of bugs.
Hello, I am an Eldritch Horror - You'll want to familiarize yourself with SCP-426 (I am a Toaster) first, but this adds a whole new depth to the SCP’s lore.
KoI Format - God is a fish.
Shark-Punching Center
SPC-001, Uncle Nicolini's Proposal... Maybe. (It's Lonely At The Top, says the article third from the top.) Once something becomes too easy it’s not even worth doing anymore, right?
SPC-172-J (”Sword Sharks?!”, Never Bring a Fist to a Spear Fight) Y’all need to update your shark-identification guide, stat. And maybe don’t punch it right where the horn is. However, I must say I like your style of protocol naming.
A Lesson in Power - Broken Masquerade canon. A gun is only so intimidating when you work with SCPs.
Ethical? - Broken Masquerade canon. There’s going to be a change in the Foundation’s hierarchy, now that they’re forced into the light.
Ethics Committee Orientation - Isn’t the Ethics Committee, like, a myth?
Tales of the Ethics Committee: The Foundation Eats Babies - How do you choose who lives and who dies? To quote Agent Strauss, “We’re a bit beyond trolley problems here.”
Termination_Order - How to execute someone who can turn you into spaghetti with a thought. This one gets dark - warning for rape mentions.
Transcript of Dr. Clef's seminar, "Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't." - Fucking Clef. That asshole.
Exceptional Cases Which Do Not Quite Fit Into Any Of The Aforementioned Categories
Abundance - this story is actually on the Wanderer’s Library site and doesn’t mention the foundation, but the slowly-growing unease turning to gradual horrified and/or disgusted understanding would make some scp articles proud.
The Ship In A Bottle Hub - Please. Please read it. At least the intro - it will show exactly what to expect.
[Edit: most recent addition to this post can be found here]
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ourshyartcollection · 5 years
SCP-Confidential: SCP-5050
*This is fanfic and not considered canon*
Item #: SCP-5050
Object Class: Euclid Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: With SCP-5050′s willingness to cooperate, and with the approval of O5 command, SCP-5050 is to become a resident at Dr. Phalanx’s experimental open-air containment facility, Site-000. As standard precaution SCP-5050 is to be assigned an epidermal nano-ink tracker to monitor SCP-5050′s whereabouts at all times. Tracking of SCP-5050-A is not needed due to its inability to be too far from SCP-5050 at any given time.
In the event of SCP-5050 going rogue non-lethal sonic weapons are authorized along with standard heavy tranquilizers, as any and all attempts to kill the subject will provoke SCP-5050-A into defending SCP-5050 with varying levels of force, resulting in unforeseen and unpredictable outcomes; all retaliations ranging from incapacitation and immobilization to vaporization and evisceration of any and all attacking targets.
Any instances of SCP-5050-Ω created by SCP-5050-A are to be contained and analyzed to determine whether they pose any immediate danger. All decisions regarding the termination or archiving of SCP-5050-Ω instances must be brought forth to the Site Director for the final say; the Director of Site-000 has full rights to alter, deny, or veto any decision regarding SCP-5050-Ω instances. Decisions given by Site Director are to be ignored if SCP-5050-Ω instances warrant immediate termination.
Description: SCP-5050 is a Native-American male, 1.8 meters in height, weighing at 150kg, nineteen years of age and of medium build and muscle-mass, human appearance with no anomalous characteristic aside from unnatural neon orange colored irises. Both of SCP-5050′s forearms are covered in faded and stained bandages to hide the significant amount of scars prominent on each of his forearms. 
Analysis of SCP-5050′s DNA shows that all his genetic code consists of triple-stranded DNA. 2/3 of SCP-5050′s DNA are indistinguishable from base human forming the base of his genetic structure while the last 1/3 of his DNA is of an unknown origin and anomalous. The third anomalous strand of SCP-5050′s DNA is hypothesized to be responsible for his non-physical anomalous abilities, such as his enhanced durability, stamina, and healing; and immunity to abilities of certain SCP’s. [See Test Logs]
SCP-5050-A is a 19th-century navy blue leather messenger bag, a majority of its metal parts are made of brass like material, all of the fabric including the thread and silk inner lining is colored the same as the metal. The circular main clasp of the bag is 4inches big with a deeply engraved emblem depicting a wolf biting its tail. Testing on the composition of SCP-5050-A shows that it contains no known element of native to this universe. After samples of SCP-5050-A were collected it instantaneously began to regenerate and heal any and all damage it had received; after further stress testing, it was later concluded that SCP-5050-A was virtually indestructible nor that damage to it cause harm to SCP-5050. Testing also shows that SCP-5050-A will always stay within 3.5-meters of SCP-5050, teleporting back to SCP-5050 whenever SCP-5050-A leaves the 3.5-meter range or when SCP-5050 calls it.
Aside from previously mentioned anomalous abilities of both parties, SCP-5050-A’s main anomalous ability only activates in the presence SCP-5050. When SCP-5050 reaches into SCP-5050-A he’ll be able to manifest and pull out anything he desires regardless of size, mass, or shape, items placed inside SCP-5050-A will disappear when its anomalous abilities activate and reappear when not active. The limit to what SCP-5050-A can manifest it unknown though it is theorized that SCP-5050-A is somewhat sentient; when given the task of creating another SCP-882 all that was pulled out was a non-anomalous rubber duck, other attempts to create duplicates of existing SCP’s have shown the same result. Items created by SCP-5050-A can be either non-anomalous(SCP-5050-β) or anomalous(SCP-5050-Ω). SCP-5050 has been shown to instantly destroy any SCP-5050-Ω instances whenever he desires, any instances SCP-5050 wishes to destroy immediately turn into ash, though this method of destruction; although the more powerful the SCP-5050-Ω instance the more difficult it is for SCP-5050 to destroy.
Recovery/Discovery: SCP-5050 was discovered in the foundations D-Class program. SCP-5050 was Serving a life sentence for the charge of mass murder(Foundation investigation later discovered he was innocent) and was scheduled for termination by being fed, along with 4 others, to SCP-743. When SCP-743 became active terminating the other 4 D-Class SCP-5050-A’s went on the defensive manifesting a spherical forcefield generator on SCP-5050′s arm instantly vaporizing anything that got near and a standard issue grenade launcher which self-fired gas grenade rounds, releasing an unknown aerosol compound that caused SCP-743 to rescind back to its inactive state. SCP-5050 was later apprehended and sent to processing.
Addendum-1: SCP-5050 was able to subdue SCP-682 for several months by manifesting insta-lock bindings, SCP-5050 was later changed from Keter to Thaumiel.
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zigguratgf · 6 years
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SCP-743 - A Chocolate Fountain
Although individuals can each only bore out small amounts of the hardest substances before expiring, a seemingly endless stream of insectoids from SCP-743 will eventually bore clear through.
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amamy992 · 4 years
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SCP-743 A Chocolate Fountain © 2009 Quikngruvn ▼ http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-743
▼This work is licensed under Creative Commons
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sinsekai20130227 · 3 years
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SCP-743 SCP-3902 SCP-643 SCP-CN-675
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loutrem · 10 years
"death by chocolate"
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amamy992 · 7 years
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Valentine's Day illustration. Who do you want to get chocolate from?
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SCP-049 Plague Doctor  © 2009 Gabriel Jade ▼ http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-049
SCP-1048 Builder Bear © 2012 trennerdios ▼http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1048
SCP-2295 The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork © 2015 K Mota ▼http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2295
SCP- ●●|●●●●●|●●|● © 2015 LurkD ▼http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2521
SCP-701 The Hanged King's Tragedy © 2009 tinwatchman ▼http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-701
SCP-743 A Chocolate Fountain © 2009 Quikngruvn ▼http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-743
▼This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
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ariesgamesandminis · 7 years
More stuff!!!
Followup dropship had landed with new to the store Online Exclusive Scrapyard & Archived items as well as the normal restocks!
10-046 House Liao Light-Medium Lance Set 20-221 Valkyrie VLK-QD1 20-236 Marauder IIC 2 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-308 Morningstar City Command Vehicle 20-320 Ryoken "Stormcrow" Prime / B 20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime 20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime 20-373 Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime 20-376 Koshi "Mist Lynx" Prime 20-386 Man O War "Gargoyle" Prime 20-397 Orion ON1-M 20-400 Puma "Adder" Prime 20-402 Uller "Kit Fox" Prime 20-420 Behemoth II Tank 20-489 Helepolis HEP-2H 20-491 Striga WOB Heavy Omni Fighter 20-493 Bear Cub 20-5004 Wolverine II WVR-7H 20-5045 Vulcan Aerospace fighter 20-5061 Osteon Prime 20-5070 Shen Yi SHY-3B 20-5103 Tian-Zong TNZ-N3 20-5127 Flashman FLS-8K Resculpt 20-5128 Highlander HGN-732 Resculpt 20-5141 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt 20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-605RE Masakari "Warhawk" Prime 20-607RE Daishi "Dire Wolf" Prime 20-627 LRM Carrier (2) 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-743 Mobile Headquarters 20-751 Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25 20-753 Schrek PPC Carrier (2) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-802 Mongoose MON-66 20-885 Hermes II HER-2S 20-891 Wolfhound WLF-1 20-936 Highlander IIC AR20-215 OSTSOL OTL-6D AR20-216 SCORPION SCP-12C AR20-313 LIGHTNING ATTACK HOVER (2) AR20-353 ZEPHYR HOVER TANK AR20-466 Neptune Submarine (full and waterline) AR20-616 Grand Titan TIT-N10M AR20-683 HANKYU 'Arctic Cheetah' PRIME AR20-697 CHAMELEON CLN-7V AR20-744 BADGER TRACKED TRANSPORT (2) AR20-985 ARCAS BT-278 Panther PNT-9R BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-363 Swiftwind Scout Car BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-424 Hellspawn HSN-7D Resculpt CATLTD-06 Limited Edition Catapult FT-005 Monitor Naval Vessel OP-098 Missile Launcher Front Panel (3) SFB-007 Large Office Building SFB-008 Small Office Building SFB-010 Deep Space Shipping Container SFB-015 Lower Stackable Steel Building SFB-016 Upper Stackable Steel Building 20-348E Jenner IIC Missile Packs (Resculpt) 20-679C Raptor RTX1-O Weapons 20-694ARM Toyama TYM-1A Arm Sprue 20-815B Jagermech Arm / Gun Sprue 20-971GN Thanatos Gun 20-987A/WP Locust Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-994I Marauder Small Gun Sprue www.ariesgamesandminis.com
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