#scp reader au
moon-buggg · 3 months
If I smooches SCP Sun, would he turn into a space heater?
in a word?
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He can control them to an extent, but they're extremely tied to his emotional state. Positive emotions create light and a comfortable/safe level of heat, while things like anger trigger more extreme defensive uses. With yn? He's the worlds biggest heating pad and you are liable to get minor burns if you cuddle with him for too long- or surprise him, for that matter. He overheats quickly when flustered
Best give him a warning before you try any affection, or invest in some really good eye protection if you dont want to get flashbanged lmao
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an-albino-pinetree · 9 months
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How to take a nap with your y/n
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brynn-lear · 21 days
Yandere SCP Senior Researcher!Dottore who loves to act as the mentor figure for Agent!Darling.
Dr. Zandik had always been known for his surgically precise way of handling anomalies— but there's an intensely palpable reason as to why urgent cases aren't left on his desk. Before he could ever conclude an experiment, he'd ensure that he explored every possible data there is to be recorded, quantifiable or otherwise. This usually meant he'd apathetically sacrifice Class-D personnel just to find what the test subject would react. Site 02 reveres him... Yet most of his colleagues would rather have new blood trained than indulge his unnecessary experiments.
What made you first stand out to him was your files. Apparently, you share similarities with the famous SM-046 patient; you've contracted Urbach–Wiethe disease in your early childhood as well. Just like SM-046, your colleagues dubbed you as "Agent Without Fear". You could only shrug and laugh the teasing off. It's a challenge for you to distinguish what is malicious from pure— so you lived most your life expecting the latter.
With Dr. Zandik's passionate nagging requests, SCP-500 was updated with a new line...
Addendum 500-13:
Request 500-2022-A approved. One (1) pill of SCP-500 was ingested by Agent (L/n). Subject reported to have improved skin, mucous membranes, eye, vision, speech, and respiratory symptoms. However, neurological symptoms caused by Urbach–Wiethe disease have shown no signs of improvement. Number of pills is forty-six (46) at the time of writing.
In truth, the fact that you remained as the "Agent Who Can't Feel Fear" after the Trial 1 made Dr. Zandik more interested in you. Which is why, much like last time, the doctor submitted another revision. Instead of an SCP, it was a personnel file.
Incident Report 921-A
Personnel Involved:
Dr. Zandik "Dottore" █████ [Senior Researcher]
Agent (Y/n) (L/n) [Assigned MTF Officer]
Dr. Zandik: Agent (L/n), just the person I wanted to see. I’ve requested you be assigned as my permanent bodyguard. Agent (L/n): Really? That’s a new one. Why me? Dr. Zandik: I’m very interested in your unique approach to security. I think your presence will be invaluable. Agent (L/n): Well, if you say so, Dottore. I guess I’m in! Every time I work with you, you're always dragging me around to say hi to whatever weird and funky SCPs you're working with. This should be fun. Dr. Zandik: Undoubtedly so. I’m looking forward to working with you. Agent (L/n): Great! I’ll do my best to keep you safe, even if I seriously think you can handle most things on your own, Doc. Dr. Zandik: I assure you. It’ll be a learning experience for both of us. END LOG
Addendum Incident 921-A-1:
Agent (L/n) has been reassigned as Dr. Zandik’s permanent security detail, as requested by Dr. Zandik. The nature of Dr. Zandik’s interest in this arrangement remains undisclosed to Agent (L/n).
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myosotisa · 2 months
Incident Report 141-1-C
SCP-141 > Incident 141-1-C
Attn. All Black Site ⬛⬛ Personnel, @ghouljams
On ⬛⬛/⬛⬛/20⬛⬛, an unknown civilian female infiltrated SCP Black Site ⬛⬛, the current holding location of SCP-141.
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<Begin log> An external camera shows a concrete sidewalk leading to an emergency exit, time stamped ⬛⬛:⬛⬛PM. A young woman, mid 20s to early 30s, approaches the door. Subject, which will henceforth be referred to as SCP-141-e-1, appears distressed – looking around nervously, shifting erratically. SCP-141-e-1 approaches the exterior door and reaches for a keypad beside the frame, inputting a code. They then open the door without triggering the alarm, and enter the facility. An internal camera shows SCP-141-e-1 navigating the service halls while referencing something written on their hand. Another internal camera shows SCP-141-e-1 entering the facility mess hall. They sit down at a table alone, visibly trembling and beginning to cry. They do not move or make any other action until approached by Site personnel. <End log>
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Personnel Note on Incident 141-1-C:
We need to find out how they might've had access to those entry codes. Aren't they changed every 8 hours? How the hell did this girl get a working code? And why didn't the alarm go off when they opened the door?
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Interview SCP-141-e-1, Video Log:
Note: SCP-141-e-1 had shown no outward hostility and was not yet known to be connected to SCP-141 at the time of interviewing.
<Begin log> Interviewer: Can you please state your name for the record? SCP-141-e-1: I'm not supposed to say my name. Interviewer: No? Why not? SCP-141-e-1: She told me not to. Interviewer: Who is she? SCP-141-e-1: Watcher. O– or she said you might know her as 'Laswell'. Interviewer: Laswell. She told you what to say? Did she give you the instructions on how to get here? SCP-141-e-1: Yes. [They show their hand, which had a poorly drawn map of the facility that has since been smeared due to palm sweat.] Interviewer: I see. Do you know why she asked you to do this? SCP-141-e-1: I– I'm here to deliver a message. Interviewer: A message? What kind of message? SCP-141-e-1: She says that... That the 141 is needed elsewhere in order to complete a mission. And that it would be in everyone's best interests to let them out. Interviewer: Did she say anything about the mission, or what they are hoping to accomplish? SCP-141-e-1: [They are growing visibly anxious.] N- no. All she said was it was for the 'greater good'. And... She said if I had to, I could threaten that... Interviewer: What? What did she threaten? SCP-141-e-1: She said that they will be leaving the facility. Whether by being released, or by force. Interviewer: I see. And how did she contact you? How did you receive this information? SCP-141-e-1: She– [They begin to hyperventilate.] I don't know – She was everywhere and she was in my head and she knew things about me that no one should and I just... Interviewer: Hey, it's okay. You need to calm down. SCP-141-e-1: No! You don't understand! She could've ruined everything– [SCP-141-e-1 lunges for the interviewer, knocking over the camera in the process. There is the sound of a struggle before more people enter the room, and SCP-141-e-1 is supposedly restrained.] <End log>
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Observation Note SCP-141-e-1-a:
12 Hours Since SCP-141-e-1 entered Black Site ⬛⬛ - SCP-141-e-1 becomes increasingly hostile to any and all attempts to talk about what Laswell is blackmailing them with, what she is capable of, or if she is still in contact with them. They have been sedated several times over the course of their containment to keep them from causing physical harm to themself or others.
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Observation Note SCP-141-e-1-b:
24 Hours Since SCP-141-e-1 entered Black Site ⬛⬛ - SCP-141-e-1 is now displaying a form of retrograde amnesia. They have no memory of infiltrating the facility, being interviewed, what they were instructed to say, or the fact that they were blackmailed. Any attempt to remind them of Laswell or anything related to SCP-141 is forgotten shortly after. This behavior is concurrent with previously known data of the anomalous properties of SCP-141-e. All other medical and memory retention tests come back with average results.
SCP-141-e-1 exhibits no other anomalous traits beyond the memory tampering.
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SCP-141-e-1 has been released on their own recognizance after being administered Class C amnestics. They will continue to be discreetly monitored for the next ⬛⬛ months in case contact is made again by SCP-141-e, or any other member of SCP-141.
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Memo to Dr. ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ regarding Incident 141-1-C, ⬛️⬛/⬛️⬛/20⬛️⬛️:
Are we going to let them out for this mission Laswell wants them for? Should we increase security in regards to her threat? It might be wise to schedule an interview with SCP-141-a about the incident. It's likely he already knows it happened – given their... connection.
Request for additional interviews with SCP-141-a: Pending.
Based on the SCP-141 AU by @ghouljams, which I adore and think about often. See more here: SCP AU tag
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yanban-san · 1 year
SCPMas - AU-Tober #2
I wrote the two as SCPs for the second day. I tried to keep it like a typical SCP document, so it was very interesting to try and keep it in the style of SCP writing! I hope y'all like. :3
(Tags: Submas, Slight, implied X-reader) Item #: SCP-9018
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
Instances of SCP-9018-W and SCP-9018-B spotted are to be reported to the supervising officials immediately. Containment procedures are in place at locations of previous manifestations of SCP-9018, and any and all locations noted on "station" maps are to be secured following encounters with SCP-9018.
Chainlink fences are established around the perimeters of all locations where SCP-9018 have manifested. Due to the potential for re-appearances, all buildings and areas surrounding previous instances are to be monitored closely and inspected once a month by Foundation personnel for signs of re-establishment. Security cameras and EMF detectors are also to be placed strategically across designated areas and monitored for anomalous activity.
SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W are to be contained in the abandoned Northern branch of the [REDACTED] platform of the New York Subway System. Containment procedures are to be carried out by Foundation Personnel with Psionic Training Level III at minimum. Refer to Incident reports 9018-A-19900317 and 9018-A-19960401 for further information. Electrified fences lining the perimeter of the containment area are primarily for the prevention of explorers from reaching the containment area.
In the event of a containment breach, all personnel are to communicate purely through electronic means. Any personnel attempting to communicate through physical talking and actions are to be treated as SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W causing psychic distortions to prevent themselves from being perceived. The full limits of SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W's psionic manipulative abilities are yet to be studied following the previous containment breach.
SCP-9018 is an anomalous Subway Station that manifests within abandoned structures and and buildings and potentially other locations. [Refer to Interview Log 9018-Int-002] On the surface, it functions almost identically to a regular subway station. During the day, the station is devoid of any life forms outside of instances designated as 9018-A, who resemble and act as regular human employees of the station. [Refer to Interview Log 9018-Int-001] Upon approaching the ticket counter, an individual will be presented with a schedule of stations to go to. Should a ticket be purchased, the individual becomes an instance now designated as 9018-P, for passenger. At this point, the individual is compelled by unknown reasons to wait for their train and board it. Beyond that, 9018-P holds all of their original cognitive functions, but any attempts to get them to leave the station with the ticket will result in them attempting to rationalize a reason why they cannot. No tickets have been recovered to date.
Within 4-12 minutes after purchasing a ticket, a train will appear to take 9018-P to their chosen destination. These locations occasionally match to actual, existent railway stations and stops across the world- However, other stations with no known match have been documented appearing. [Refer to Experiment Log 9018-Ex-101] Upon arrival at an actual station, 9018-P will appear stepping out of a regular arriving train or on the train they departed on, depending on the liveliness and schedule of current trains at the station. If the station is a non-existent, communication is typically lost with 9018-P for the duration of their trip. [Refer to Experiment Log 9018-Ex-101]
At night, SCP-9018 suddenly springs to "life", with trains arriving and dropping off hundreds of instances of 9018-P-D, which were originally thought to be other human passengers disembarking at a random station- However, Experiment Log-9018-Ex-101 reveals that the individuals disembarking typically resemble both recent and long deceased persons within the local area. At this point, two individuals identified as 9018-B and 9018-W emerge from any trains within the vicinity, and attempt to leave the station. Instances of 9018-A have been observed chatting with and engaging in friendly actions towards instances of 9018-P-D- At this point, any human individuals within the station are encouraged to engage and talk with 9018-P-D and 9018-A, typically by 9018-A.
SCP-9018-B and SCP-9018-W appear to be two train conductors, and in particular, two twins, who control the entirety of SCP-9018. [Refer to Interview Log 9018-Int-001]. They have the ability to set train schedules and determine where SCP-9018 will manifest next. Instances of 9018-A obey their orders, as well as instances of 9018-P, which they are amicable towards.
9018-B and 9018-W at this point attempt to leave SCP-9018 entirely and enter any local population center. Their actions in cities and towns have not been observed, but they have been observed returning to SCP-9018 with humans. However, these humans are later observed walking around their town with no recollection of any supposed interaction with 9018-B and 9018-W. Typically within one to two weeks of this interaction, however, the individual dies by any multitude of means. After this, these individuals can be seen among the litany of 9018-P-D instances.
[Interview Log 9018-Int-001] Interviewed: SCP-9018-W. Interviewer: Junior Researcher █████. Foreword: SCP-9018-B and 9018-W were seen leaving an instance of SCP-9018 and were apprehended by Foundation Security Personnel. This begins the first interview with a junior researcher who happened to be present during an observation of SCP-9018. [Begin Log] Interviewer: Hello, is this uh- On? SCP-9018-W: Hello. Who are you? My brother and I must get back to work. Interviewer: Please identify yourself. SCP-9018-W: Mm. I don't think I want to. Interviewer: So… Uh, well, we can hold you here indefinitely if we choose to, so I would- I would suggest you do that. SCP-9018-W: Oh dear. That is verrry not nice. Interviewer: I would appreciate if you would answer my question. Now, who are you? SCP-9018-W: I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. I run the Subway with my Brother, yup! It is verrry fun. But you won't call me Emmet, will you? Those people like to give us silly names. Interviewer: You will probably receive a classification of some kind. Thank you for introducing yourself, Emmet. I am █████. Can I ask where this train station came from? SCP-9018-W: It comes and goes as needed. Like the trains. We take our passengers where they are needed, or wanted, and then they disembark. Interviewer: Where do they go once they disembark? SCP-9018-W: They stay in the station. They don't like to go far. That's another one of our jobs! Interviewer: What do you mean? SCP-9018-W: Hmmhmm. We help them sometimes. That is all I will say. Interviewer: …Alright, I'll leave that there… SCP-9018-W: Would you like to ride our train? Interviewer: Excuse me? SCP-9018-W: Yup! You seem like you could use a ride, yup. Our trains are verrrry nice. Interviewer: Uh- No, thank you- Er- What did you say your title was again? You're a… "Subway Boss?" SCP-9018-W: That is correct. And you won't ride? That makes me sad. Interviewer: Er- No, Sorry- But what does that mean? Are you employed at the Subway? Er- What duties do you carry out, exactly? SCP-9018-W: Mm. No. I won't tell you that. Brother and I keep it secret. If you want to know, you should ride our Subway! Interviewer: …No, thank you. [End Log.] Closing Statement: [Despite Researcher █████'s inexperience, they handled the interview well. However, SCP-9018-W refused to talk anymore on the subject, instead insisting on offering researcher █████ free tickets if they rode on SCP-9018's trains.]
Interviewed: SCP-9018-B. Interviewer: Junior Researcher █████. Foreword: SCP-9018-B and 9018-W were seen leaving an instance of SCP-9018 and were apprehended by Foundation Security Personnel. This begins the second interview with a junior researcher who happened to be present during an observation of SCP-9018. Interviewer: Alright, let's begin with your- SCP-9018-B: Who are you? Why did those men attack me and my brother? Where is he? I won't speak with you until I've seen him! Interviewer: I can't let you see your brother right now, but he is safe. I uh- I've spoken to him myself. SCP-9018-B: And how can I trust you? You… Interviewer: You'll have to trust me. If you answer my questions, we should be able to reunite you both. SCP-9018-B: Very well. I am Ingo. I am a Subway Boss, alongside my brother. We run the trains you've been- Or, well, those men have been spying on. Your group refuses to let us alone, you know? We're not doing anything wrong. Interviewer: I- I can understand that, but- Well, we don't know exactly what you're doing anyway. How does your train system even work? SCP-9018-B: Simple; trains go places. People wish to go places. We take people where they wish to go- And make a few stops along the way. If you like, you may ride our trains too- In spite of the abhorrent way your… company have treated us. Interviewer: Again, I'm sorry about that- SCP-9018-B: Would you like to ride our train? I'm quite sure you would find it lovely. Interviewer: I'm quite alright, thank you- I'm more curious about your train, and the work you and your brother do. Where did you guys find your employees? SCP-9018-B: Our train is a train. I'm not quite sure how to explain it anymore than that. And… The work we do… Well, we keep the trains running on schedule, and going wherever people might want them to go. Our employees… I'm not sure why you would be interested in them. They, like us, work for the railway company. Interviewer: The Railway company? SCP-9018-B: Yes! They employ us. I'm certain the Company would not be happy if our schedule was delayed; Ergo, you should let me and my brother go. Interviewer: We'll get back to that. For now, can you tell me… Where do your passengers come from? SCP-9018-B: You should ride our train. The passengers we carry… They do love to tell their stories, and I'm certain you would find more answers talking to them than with us. Interviewer: [laugh.] I doubt they'd have anything to say to me. SCP-9018-B: You would be surprised. [End Log.] Closing Statement: [Recording Equipment shut off at this point, and researcher █████ requested the pair be released after concluding the interview. █████ was sent for a full medical and psychological examination following the events of whatever interview took place with SCP-9018-B. Researcher █████ was later provided with class-b amnesiacs per request.]
Experiment Log 9018-Ex-101
D-Class Personnel Serial Number 247187, Name █████ █████- Subject 9018-001. Sent into SCP-9018 to ascertain anomalous properties of SCP-9018. Subject 9018-001 is guided by Dr. Martin. [Note of Interest: Subject 9018-001's criminal record was subject to particular scrutiny. Subject 9018-001 refused association or responsibility for all criminal activity that resulted in their subsequent life sentencing. Subject 9018-001 was particularly interested in redeeming themselves and removing their resultant record.] Subject 9018-001 enters SCP-9018. Subject 9018-001 remarks on the "cleanliness" of the station and how they did not expect to see such a station down here. Subject 9018-001 is instructed to purchase a ticket from the ticket booth. Subject 9018-001 does so. Subject 9018-001 engages in conversation with an instance of SCP-9018-A. SCP-9018-A appears to be aware of Subject 9018-001's criminal record. SCP-9018-A expresses pity and offers Subject 9018-001 a "special ticket" and rate. Despite orders not to, Subject 9018-001 agrees after viewing SCP-9018-A's map (not available from recorded footage) Upon purchase of the ticket, Dr. Martin insisted that Subject 9018-001 exit SCP-9018 immediately. Subject 9018-001 at this point became an instance of SCP-9018-P, and refused. Subject 9018-001 proceeds to wait for their train to arrive. Ticket information is displayed to their personal camera. [Boarding Station: [REDACTED] Destination: [REDACTED]] After approximately eight minutes and thirty-two seconds, a train rolls into station. Subject 9018-001 asks if they have permission to board, and begins walking towards the train before receiving Dr. Martin's Approval.
SCP-9018-W greets 9018-001 at the door of the train. SCP-9018-W expresses interest in Subject 9018-001's physical appearance. SCP-9018-W is joined by SCP-9018-B. 9018-B also remarks on the acceptability of their appearance. Both instances take hold of Subject 9018-001's ticket and begin conversing with Subject 9018-001 on the subject of their criminal record and subsequent service to the SCP Foundation. Subject 9018-001 sits down in a passenger cabin and SCP-9018-B leaves the cart, presumably to drive the train. SCP-9018-W continues conversing with Subject 9018-001. SCP-9018-W reveals [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] to Subject 9018-001, causing the subject to enter a slight panic. SCP-9018-W offers Subject 9018-001 a position working for their "Railway Company." Subject 9018-001 is heard accepting after several seconds of silence. Dr. Martin is unable to communicate with Subject 9018-001 at this point. SCP-9018-W addresses Dr. Martin from Subject 9018-001's personal camera and microphone. SCP-9018-W informs Dr. Martin that they will be "keeping" Subject 9018-001 for the "foreseeable future." At this point, communication with Subject 9018-001 ceases. Subject 9018-001 has not been recovered to date, nor seen among the passengers of SCP-9018. [End Log.]
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Chapter 16 - New Lodgings
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worldwide-simp · 1 year
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Um, so I’ve decided to start writing drabbles, headcanons, and silly little things like that on Tumblr
So here are characters you can request for
Dr Jack Bright/Elias Shaw
Dr Gerald
Dr Alto Clef
Dr Iceberg
Dr Cimmerian
Scp 001- (Gate Guardian or Scarlet King)
Scp 035
Scp 040-JP
Scp 049
Scp 073
Scp 076-2
Scp 079
Scp 096
Scp 105-(post Omega-7)
Scp 106
Scp 682
Scp 953
(you can still request for more characters, either message me or comment on this post)
Please remember that I won't get to writing your request as soon as you send it, I surprisingly have a life outside of writing.
Anyways have a good day
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3d-wifey · 6 months
SCP-2243: You Got Caged!
If it isn't obvious, you're Dr. ████. I mixed his powers from the last timeline and this timeline bc I missed the green energy. Anywho, these will all be in the same universe, I already started one for Feyd Rautha bc that little freak is such an scp tags: @yvy1s @innercreationflower
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Item #: SCP-2243
​​Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2243 is to be contained within a reinforced humanoid containment chamber at Site-██ equipped with non-lethal deterrents to prevent unauthorized access. The chamber must be outfitted with soundproofing materials due to SCP-2243's propensity for vocalization as its penchant for charisma and allure makes unauthorized access into its containment cell just as likely as an escape attempt. All interactions with SCP-2243 must be supervised by trained personnel, and any requests for interaction must be approved by the Site Director ██████. A one-way observation mirror is to be installed. However, it is not to be utilized 24/7 as it is known that SCP-2243 will always be aware that someone is watching it and may engage in performative behavior. SCP-2243 is to be provided with recreational materials upon request, subject to approval by Site Director ██████.
Interaction with SCP-2243 must be conducted with caution to prevent irritation and subsequent accidental activation of its anomalous abilities.
SCP-2243's anomalous abilities are to be monitored regularly. Should SCP-2243 exhibit aggressive behavior, Protocol Omega-Zeta is to be enacted immediately, involving the use of hand-to-hand combat to settle it down as tranquilizers only further aggravate it. However, it is likely to go through and kill many of its “opponents” before this is reached. This is why it is key to keep it calm. Notify Dr. ████ before engaging in active combat with SCP-2243 as she has shown the ability to talk it down.
[Additional Notes: Due to SCP-2243's unpredictable behavior and potent anomalous capabilities, a specialized containment team trained in both hand-to-hand combat and anomalous entity containment procedures is to be stationed nearby at all times. Despite these measures being put in place, it is advised not to engage in combat with SCP-2243 if possible as it is unlikely for one to survive against it. Even sparing is ill-advised as SCP-2243 casually utilizes brutal and at times lethal moves. It seems that SCP-2243 doesn’t understand that one is supposed to go easy on their partner during a friendly match. Instead, SCP-2243 treats every fight as if it is life or death.]
Considering SCP-2243, and most likely those from its dimension, heals from what should be considered mortal wounds at ease, it is currently considered practically immortal. No firearms are to be used and there are no current plans to test this supposed immortality.
During transportation, personnel must be able to develop a rapport with SCP-2243 or be considered in good standing. This is in place to reduce the chances of agitation and encourage its current cooperation. While SCP-2243 has been happy to help and shows a strong sense of morality, outbursts of any kind should be met with negotiation first and combat if all else fails.  dealt with by Dr. ████, which has shown to be a surefire way of calming it down. 
Aggressive language or actions toward SCP-2243 will be perceived as grounds for combat, at which point the only way to calm SCP-2243 down will be the termination of said offender by its hands with the gruesome usage of what it classifies as a “finisher” or “brutality”. At this point, a disembodied voice has reportedly been heard chanting “Finish him/her.” The same course of action will be taken if SCP-2243 witnesses any type of aggressivity towards Dr. ████.
SCP-2243 is to be provided with basic amenities and entertainment to maintain cooperation and prevent boredom-induced agitation.
SCP-2243 demonstrates a strong aversion to containment and expresses a desire to engage in combat and entertainment activities. It frequently attempts to escape confinement to pursue these activities, often resulting in containment breaches and potential security risks. As such, SCP-2243 is allowed monitored access outside of its containment chamber.
Description: SCP-2243 appears to be a humanoid male of Caucasian descent in his mid-thirties with a muscular build, approximately 6 foot 1 in height despite claims of being taller, 200lbs. The only noteworthy marking on its body is a tattoo along its chest spelling “Johnny”. SCP-2243 possesses enhanced physical abilities, including strength, agility, and endurance, beyond that of normal human capabilities. Despite numerous attempts to determine the source of these abilities, SCP-2243's physiology appears to be entirely mundane.
SCP-2243 is known to exhibit a charismatic and self-assured personality, often displaying a penchant for theatricality and grandiose gestures. It is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, displaying mastery in various martial arts disciplines, but also shows proficiency with various melee weapons. SCP-2243 is also capable of performing acrobatic feats defying conventional physics.
SCP-2243's primary anomalous trait is its ability to generate and manipulate energy fields, particularly those resembling green, energy-based constructs. These constructs have been observed taking various forms, including protective barriers, projectiles, and offensive weaponry, all of which have been dubbed SCP-2243-1. The extent of SCP-2243's control over these constructs is not fully understood. These abilities appear to be activated through gestures and vocal commands, though the exact mechanism remains under investigation. Alongside this, it’s capable of producing photokinetic energy projectiles from its hands, which it refers to as "Shadow Balls" or "Green Energy”, that are capable of inflicting significant damage to organic and inorganic matter.
SCP-2243's anomalous abilities extend beyond its physical prowess. It has been observed to possess a form of reality-warping, enabling it to alter perceptions and manipulate the outcome of events in its vicinity. This includes the ability to enhance its own combat abilities and create illusory duplicates of itself, SCP-2243-3, making it difficult to contain or neutralize. SCP-2243 often utilizes these "stunt doubles" as decoys or to overwhelm adversaries, suggesting a strategic acumen beyond conventional human capability. 
One of SCP-2243's most confounding anomalous properties is its ability to spontaneously generate film crew equipment and personnel, SCP-2243-5, seemingly out of thin air. These manifestations typically appear during combat scenarios, allowing SCP-2243 to produce elaborate cinematic sequences in real-time and manipulate its surroundings to create elaborate stage-like environments evidently at will. Despite extensive research, the origin of these manifestations remains unknown.
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SCP-2243 producing an instance of SCP-2243-5
It has the extraordinary ability to produce multiple instances of SCP-2243-4 at any time that it refers to as “stunt men”. SCP-2243-4 appear as men who look similar to SCP-2243, but not identical. They seemingly materialize out of thin air and disappear just as seamlessly. When asked about them, SCP-2243 claims it is “too valuable to do its own stunts even though it totally can.” Not to be confused with SCP-2243-3, “stunt doubles”, which are perfect clones of SCP-2243 that it creates using its green energy during combat. Despite the names being synonymous, there is a clear and distinct visible difference. 
Furthermore, SCP-2243 demonstrates an enigmatic ability to create SCP-2243-2 instances, which function as an invisible yet responsive live studio audience. These entities provide audible feedback and reactions to SCP-2243's actions, further enhancing its theatrical performances during combat encounters. Despite being imperceptible to onlookers, SCP-2243 interacts with SCP-2243-2 instances as though they were tangible entities, implying a cognitive connection beyond conventional sensory perception.
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SCP-2243 interacting with SCP-2243-2
These cinematic apparitions serve to augment SCP-2243's theatricality, enhancing its engagements with both adversaries and Foundation personnel.
SCP-2243's origins and motivations remain shrouded in mystery, with conflicting claims suggesting ties to alternate realities and interdimensional conflicts. Further investigation into SCP-2243's extradimensional knowledge and the veracity of its assertions is ongoing.
SCP-2243 is known to engage in confrontational behavior, often seeking out adversaries to engage in combat. SCP-2243 exhibits an exaggerated sense of self-confidence and bravado, often engaging in verbal taunts and dramatic gestures during confrontations. SCP-2243 displays a charismatic and flamboyant personality, often engaging in boastful behavior and making witty remarks, even in stressful or dangerous situations. It has demonstrated a tendency to seek attention and validation from others, particularly through public performances and displays of its abilities.
Despite its aggressive tendencies, SCP-2243 has displayed a strong sense of morality, frequently intervening to protect innocent individuals from harm.
SCP-2243 has shown an advanced level of intelligence past that of most sapient Euclids. It has made claims of possessing a Ph.D. in quantum mechanics. When tested on the subject, SCP-2243 showed remarkable proficiency. 
SCP-2243's presence tends to draw significant public attention, making containment challenging. Witnesses of its anomalous abilities are typically administered Class-A amnestics to maintain secrecy.
[Additional Notes: SCP-2243's anomalous abilities and charismatic personality pose a potential threat to Foundation secrecy and containment efforts. Research is ongoing to understand the full extent of its capabilities and origins. Efforts to recruit SCP-2243 as a Foundation asset for containment and neutralization of other anomalies are under consideration, pending approval from higher authorities.]
SCP-2243 is to undergo regular psychological evaluations and physical examinations to monitor any changes in behavior or anomalous abilities. Any attempts by SCP-2243 to utilize its anomalous abilities for personal gain or unauthorized activities must be promptly reported.
SCP-2243 claims to be a former Hollywood actor and martial artist, though its background and identity remain uncertain. It frequently refers to itself by the alias "Johnny Cage" and insists on being addressed as such. Despite its cooperative demeanor, SCP-2243 has been known to exhibit stubbornness and defiance when faced with authority or containment procedures it perceives as restrictive. However, it seems to have taken a liking to Dr. ████ and adheres to her authority for reasons unknown. Though it is theorized to be aesthetically motivated.
While generally personable, SCP-2243 can become irritated or outright aggravated if treated like a specimen or if it becomes bored. Will only answer to Johnny, Mr. Cage, or Dr. Cage. 
Despite SCP-2243's often brash and arrogant demeanor, it has shown a degree of cooperation with Foundation personnel, particularly when provided with opportunities for public exposure and adulation. None more than Dr.  ████. However, caution is advised, as SCP-2243's loyalty and motivations remain unclear. 
Addendum 2243-A: Containment protocols have been updated to include measures to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-2243's containment cell, as well as enhanced surveillance to monitor SCP-2243's interactions with SCP-2243-1, SCP-2243-2, and SCP-2243-4 instances. Continued observation and analysis of SCP-2243's behavior are necessary to ensure effective containment and mitigate potential security risks.
Addendum 2243-B: SCP-2243's containment cell has been outfitted with holographic projectors to simulate various combat scenarios and facilitate cooperative engagements with Foundation personnel. These simulations serve as both training exercises and opportunities for psychological assessment, aiding in the formulation of comprehensive containment protocols.
Addendum 2243-C: Containment protocols have been revised to include provisions for the monitoring and analysis of SCP-2243's interactions with SCP-2243-1, SCP-2243-2, and SCP-2243-4 instances. Behavioral studies are underway to discern patterns and motivations behind SCP-2243's utilization of these anomalous entities.
Addendum 2243-D: SCP-2243 has been observed engaging in dialogue referencing an alternate reality known as "Earthrealm" and claiming to be a "Mortal Kombat champion." But shows no concern about returning. Further investigation into the origin and nature of SCP-2243's extradimensional knowledge is ongoing.
Addendum 2243-E: Ongoing research endeavors aim to elucidate the extent of SCP-2243's reality-warping capabilities and their implications for containment and neutralization strategies. Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams is encouraged to advance our understanding of SCP-2243 and its place within the anomalous spectrum.
Addendum 2243-F: SCP-2243 has expressed a desire to participate in containment breach drills and training exercises alongside Foundation personnel. While SCP-2243's assistance in such scenarios may prove beneficial, caution is advised due to the unpredictable nature of its behavior and abilities.
Addendum 2243-G: SCP-2243's anomalous abilities have led to speculation regarding its origin and potential connection to other anomalous phenomena. Research into possible links between SCP-2243 and known anomalies, as well as its true nature and purpose, is ongoing. Efforts to establish a comprehensive understanding of SCP-2243's capabilities and limitations are underway to ensure effective containment and management of its anomalous behavior.
Addendum 2243-H: SCP-2243 has expressed a strong desire to participate in various forms of entertainment media, including films, television shows, and live performances, citing its theatrical inclinations and performative prowess. While these requests are generally denied for security reasons, limited engagements under controlled conditions have been approved as a means of maintaining SCP-22443's cooperation and containment at the advice of Dr. ████.
Addendum 2243-I: Johnny Cage's penchant for grandiose theatrics and confrontational behavior necessitates ongoing evaluation of containment procedures and personnel training regimens. Collaboration with external consultants versed in performance arts and anomalous psychology may provide valuable insights into SCP-2243's psyche and motivations.
Addendum 2243-J: SCP-2243 has demonstrated a preference for interacting with personnel through staged combat scenarios reminiscent of action films. Requests for such engagements should be evaluated for feasibility and security implications.
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helloo, i stumbled upon ur mha x scp au and AHDSIHDSGISDGJ UR WRITING??? IS SO GOOD?? (also im new here hi, can i be 🎭 anon) more mha x scp au pls /nf tho
hii 🎭 anon :) i get a lot of requests for this au haha, sure!
previous part here
AU where MC is transported into the MHA universe with a SCP-summoning quirk. essentially a MHA and SCP crossover. you can read the rest of the parts under the tag #pp mha au
(note: i have never watched or read mha in my life and all of my knowledge is from fanfics and lazily googled questions! sorry in advance for any mischaracterizations or anything that just... doesn't make any sense? lol)
You lean forward, nearly falling off of your chair in the process. Squinting your eyes into narrow lines, you focus on one, crucial objective:
Trying to figure out what the hell is sitting right in front of you.
He looks like a cat, sort of. He reminds you of Josie, or, well, 529, with his feline-esque features and all.
Oh, you really should summon Josie here again sometime. It's been quite a while since you last have. That cat makes a good cuddle buddy. Even if she's missing the entire other half of her body.
You hum in thought, continuing to careen forward from your chair. No! This thing across from you is nothing like Josie. His ears look more like a bear, like 1048. Or could he be a dog? No, no... You've got it! He's definitely a rat!
Leaning back, you return to a proper sitting position and internally applaud yourself for finding the solution to your own ridiculous question. A rat, you think to yourself, face smug. Reminds me of a certain mask that drips black snot.
Wait a minute. The satisfied expression you adorn falters as you inspect the rat closer. What if it's not a rat, but a mouse?!
No, you're getting sidetracked! You take another bite of the banana you have graciously been given by your... captors? Do they count as captors if you willingly went with them?
The clearing of a throat. "Excuse me. If you could please answer the question..."
Oh, right. They're not really your 'captors,' just your interrogators, (that provide you with free food, might you add).
"What was the question again?" you ask, before not-so-elegantly stuffing the rest of the banana down your throat. You couldn't help but cave into your stomach's hunger; you haven't tasted this quality of fresh food in years! No more scavenging for meals or rummaging through garbage bins!
The man in uniform raises an inquiring eyebrow. You examine the badge attached to his right breast pocket: 'Detective Tsukauchi.'
He gestures to his side. "He asked you for your name."
Your eyes follow his hand's movements, and you find yourself gazing at the rat once more. "Oh, I wasn't paying attention." You admit shamelessly, grabbing another banana from the bowl placed before you. "I'm Y/N."
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N." The rat smiles. You absentmindedly nod in response. "I'm Nezu, the principal of U.A. High. The man beside me is Detective Tsukauchi," you glance at the final stranger, "and this is Aizawa, a teacher at this school. He is also the one who found you. We would like to ask you some questions, as you are already aware."
"Sure," you comply, shoving another banana into your mouth. "I don't mind."
"How old are you?"
"Fifteen, I think."
"Who are your parents?"
You shrug, nonchalantly reaching for another banana. "Don't have any."
Nezu's grin widens slightly, and you watch him place a paw below his jaw. "Would you be comfortable telling us about what happened in that alley?"
Cocking your head to the side, you carefully peel off the banana's skin. "Which one?"
The detective speaks up. "The one you were found in."
Chewing another bite of your food, you tap a finger to your chin in thought. "Well, I was asleep until I heard a bunch of noise." Slowly, you turn to Nezu, replicating his ear-to-ear smile as you dramatically retell your experience.
"I looked up from my home, my beloved alleyway cardboard box, and saw two groups of people fighting. I decided to hide in my box until it was all over, but then one of them crashed into my home. They crumpled my box, and my hiding spot was revealed! The two groups started arguing about 'gang territory,' or whatever, and one of them decided to use me as a hostage and pointed a gun to my head."
You sink your teeth into your banana once more, oblivious to the horrified looks from every adult in the room.
"Oh, but it was fine," you casually continue, mouth half-full, "since, you know, I took care of it and all."
"When you say that you 'took care of it,'" the detective asks cautiously, "do you mean that you used your quirk?"
"My... quirk?" You scratch the back of your neck. "I guess it's my quirk? Don't know too much about 'quirks,' to be honest. I've never been to a doctor, or whatever specialist you go to for checking those out."
"Could you describe to us what it was that you exactly did?"
You gulp down the rest of your banana before replying. "You mean, in that alley? I summoned, or, like, conjured up one of those, uh." You pause, replacing 'SCPs' with another word to prevent further confusion. "Creatures? One of those creatures."
Tsukauchi looks you in the eye. "These creatures that you summon." You glance at the detective's hands, and you notice that they're trembling. "What do they do? What do they look like?"
"Usually I summon them to help and protect me." You explain with a shrug, "Oftentimes I encounter people who want to hurt me for some reason. There's a bunch of, er, 'creatures,' that I can summon, and they don't typically look like your perception of what's 'normal.'"
You continue, "There are endless possibilities, really. One looks like a teddy bear, just covered in human ears." Tsukauchi's eyes widen, as if his suspicions have been confirmed. "There's some that are long and bony. Some of them have these gigantic claws and razor-sharp mouths. Some of them are all gooey and acidic-"
"I believe that's enough." You turn to the side, taking a brief glimpse at Aizawa, who is standing beside you. Those were the only words he's spoken this entire time.
Turning back to the other two, you're about to grab another banana when you catch sight of the detective. You stare awkwardly, your hand paused mid-air. He seems to have completely spun on his heel to face away from you, hands clutching the wall as he gags and dry heaves. You scoot back in your chair uncomfortably.
"...And you do not have a home, correct?" Nezu stands up from his seat, approaching yours.
"Well, I did, but like I said, my cardboard box was destroyed because of those two rival gangs, or whoever they were."
"I see." He raises a paw so as to pet the top of your head. You clumsily bend down in your chair, allowing the two-foot-tall principal to reach your height. "We can arrange something for you. You may stay in a personal dorm here for free, if you would like." He smiles, "So long as you attend this school, the police force has also gladly agreed to erase your criminal record!"
You gawk at him. "C-criminal record?" Well, you guess you usually do end up leaving a mess of dead bodies behind, but it's always in self-defense!
"You should know it is illegal to use your quirk unlicensed and in public, Y/N."
Surveying the room, you dart your eyes from person to person. In the corner of the room, the detective, who is on the verge of vomiting up his insides. The man beside you, Aizawa, who refuses to look at you. The one standing in front of you, Nezu, who is blackmailing you, but is also offering you free shelter and free food...
You huff, grabbing Nezu's paw and shaking it wildly. "It's a deal, then."
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
To that poor anon who asked for references of the SCP au boys like two months ago, here ya go (unshaded cause I'm lazy)
Taking a majority of my art off tumblr for now. Fuck AI
(YES I KNOW THE POSITION OF THE THIRD EYE CHANGED SHHHHh) (to be fair they can shift forms so I like to think that, if anything, he forgot too)
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wolveria · 8 months
AU - Both Pollened for that WIP game?
Good choice good choice
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There was nothing very disarming about the SCP waiting inside. The door slid back to reveal the dark form sitting at the table, his shoulders slightly hunched, and his head bowed. His mask lifted upwards so quickly it was almost a jerk, his eyes focused on you like a large hawk spotting a mouse in a meadow.
You frowned at the unusual display but continued forward, your tablet held against your chest as you entered the interview room. The Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness was in place, two extender bars connecting the collar around his neck to the grips of the two guards who flanked him. Even sitting down with his wrists shackled to the table, they weren’t taking any chances.
Typically, you would be at ease in the SCP’s presence, but something had clearly agitated him. You assumed the guards had been rougher than necessary, leaving the poor entity ruffled and misused.
You sat at the table opposite of SCP-049, laying the tablet flat on the table, and gave him a reassuring smile.
“I’m going to ask you a few questions today. Is it okay if I record this interview?”
The SCP stared at you, but his grey eyes seemed fixed on the wall behind you.
“I would not suggest making a record for what is about to transpire, but I fear that decision is outside your control.”
It was your turn to stare. The SCP’s words had been low, grinding in his throat as if it was difficult to speak, and his eyes were now focused on you far too sharply.
“SCP-049, are you feeling all right?”
One of the guards behind you clicked his radio, but you heard nothing else, indicating he had switched to his headset. Behind the glass, the weight of their stares were heavy on you, a reminder that your position was on the line.
There was a crinkle of chains as 049's folded hands shifted on the table.
“Are you?”
The question brought you up short. The way it was presented was fairly neutral, but this level of stubbornness was unlike him.
“049, if you are unwilling to cooperate for this interview, then you will be escorted back to your cell.”
“No. I will not.”
He leaned forward, chains pulled taut at the movement.
“Neither you nor I will be leaving this room. Not, I suspect, for a while.”
You opened your mouth to ask him what the hell was wrong with him, and then fell silent. Guards on both ends of the room suddenly turned, opened the door, and walked out.
All you could do was watch, startled into inaction until the room was emptied of all but you and the SCP.
You leapt from your chair, tablet forgotten as you swiped your keycard in front of the reader. It didn’t so much as beep. You pounded on the door, calm professionalism forgotten as you were left trapped inside.
You went over to the mirrored observation window next, banging your hand into the surface so hard it wobbled. Panic rose in place of confused anger. Your forehead was beaded with sweat, your hair already damp, and heat sufficed your skin.
“You are feeling the effects.”
You met 049’s reflected gaze in the mirror.
“The effects of what?”
His head tilted, as of the answer was obvious.
“Whatever they have given us both.”
Your mind immediately backtracked to earlier that morning and the unusually bitter coffee some tech had handed you before the interview.
049 must have glimpsed it in your eyes, the conclusion you’d drawn with the facts you were given. You and the SCP were caught in an experiment, exposed to an unknown chemical, and the results would be documented.
Without warning, the SCP yanked through his chains, the links scattering across the floor like spilled jewels from a broken necklace. He rose to his feet, broad shoulders blocking out the light behind him, his beaked mask dipped as his gaze burned through you.
You bolted from the window into the far corner of the room, but the entity was right on your heels. He grabbed a fistful of your coat, yanked you backwards, and slammed you onto the nearest surface: the interview table.
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moon-buggg · 3 months
SCP au drabble
set a week after YN gets taken to the facility, basic au info here
warnings: yn was kidnapped by an offbrand scp foundation after they didn't get killed by Moon and thats whats being discussed and im not sure how to tag that. Yn is a little emotionally dumb, flirty sun
no word count because I wrote this in the tumblr post maker in a frenzied haze
"You are stuck here... because of us?" Sun asks, carefully, tentatively. His, frankly, absurdly tall body hunches over so he can be at eye level. Under any other circumstances, you'd be terrified of the strange creature trying to comfort you. As is, his presence is incredibly comforting; the sole friendly face in a sea of questionable actors.
"I mean, pretty sure they expected Moon to kill me," Sun flinches just slightly, ears tilting ever so slightly back, "so I don't think I was ever meant to leave this stupid place, anyways."
You'd fallen asleep in the darkness of what you now know as Sun and Moon's room, and had awoken to several researchers and armed guards preparing you for a barrage of tests. Those first few days had been a horrible mess of exhausting tests and tedious interviews as your white-coated captors tried desperately to discover what made you different.
Why you'd survived.
They still hadn't found anything, but at least the tests seemed to be slowing down ever so slightly. After an uneventful introduction to the more passive, daytime version of the thing they expected to kill you, it was decided that you'd be allowed to visit him once every other day.
Jury seemed to still be out on if it was worth risking another encounter with Moon.
"It's not your fault," you add after a beat of silence, "or Moon's for that matter. You're both trapped here just as much as I am."
A soft, crooning sound rumbles out from Sun's chest as he slinks back into a seated position that leaves him still about a head taller than you. Gentle lights pulse across his fur, barely visible under the harsh fluorescent lights. He seems to struggle to find the right words, before giving up.
Carefully, as if approaching a startled animal, he reaches out a hand. When you don't react to the long claws coming at you, he continues. Turning over his hand to keep those sharp claws decisively away from you, he runs his knuckles over your head in a clear attempt at a comforting gesture.
It's startling how much it works.
"Oh starlight, far too kind for a place like this." His voice is soft and quiet in a way that makes your face feel warm. You choose not to think about it too hard. "You shouldn't be locked away."
"Neither should you." The words are harsh and automatic, and seem to startle Sun who draws back as if burnt. His glowing fur brightens significantly, its starting to get uncomfortable to look at, actually.
He recovers quickly.
"There you go," the words are teasingly chiding, "proving me right starlight." He reaches a long claw out again, this time using his knuckle to gently boop your nose.
He bends, using his long neck to crowd into your space. It's hard not to feel a little threatened by those big teeth so close to your face, and Sun's widening smile does little to help. Seems like you can't help but feel flustered today.
"At least you'll have me to keep you company." His voice is just a bit too hopeful, like he's desperate for you to agree. Poor guy seems utterly starved of positive affection. The urge to comfort him is hard to ignore, so you don't.
It's easy enough to thread your fingers into the long mane of fur that frames his face. The feeling is distracting, it's so warm...
Movement brings you back to the moment as Sun leans ever so slightly into your touch. Right, right, you had a reason for this.
"We're in this together," you say in what you hope is your most sturdy, comforting voice. Sun's presence has done a lot for you in the few days you've been here so far, and you want to do your best to be a comforting presence to him in return. You don't miss the way his fur seems to glow brighter and hotter at your words.
Acutely aware of where your hands are, you realize that grabbing a giant monsters face out of no where probably wasn't your best idea.
"Sorry!" you quickly release Sun's face, your own face hot with embarrassment, "Sorry! I shouldn't have just grabbed you like-"
"We didn't mind, starlight," he interrupts, pulling back out of your personal bubble. His hand ghost over where you touched, smoothing the fur back down, "no, don't mind at all."
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an-albino-pinetree · 8 months
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Happy (early) Valentines!
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
as a cbeeduoer at heart, under what circumstances would fault beeduo enter their canon toxic escapist situationship that is also a marriage?
Alas I personally have no experience with cbeeduo marriage. However, Tubbo will be trying to rescue Ranboo, and I can picture a scenario where like they somehow need to use Phil's godflame but whuwoe that would kill Ranboo! So Tubbo is like okay we can't be hurt by Phil's fire because we're his Collected, and we're Phil's vicarious Collected because Tommy Collected us, SOO if we just Collect Ranboo he'll be immune to fire! And that's somehow how the rescue plot shakes out.
And like a week later Ranboo is like....okay so are we staying married or-
Tubbo essentially explained it really badly so Ranboo thinks they're married, but it's dangerous to be in battle around Phil without being Collected and so trying to undo it would probably get them killed (unfortunate given how much effort went into saving Ranboo + Tubbos' staunch mission to not get anyone killed). So after 5 minutes of blue screening Tubbo bursts out, somewhat hysterically, with "Of course honey! Where would we possibly find a divorce lawyer (Rhodes shut up shut up shut up)!!!!"
Now, I don't imagine Ranboo would be healthy in the SLIGHTEST about Tubbo given they saved him after an entire life in the Foundation. Hero worship doesn't even scratch it. And now Tubbo is kinda saddled with teaching this husk what the outside world is like which definitely becomes escapism for Tubbo since they can paint it all wonderful and kind and Ranboo hangs on their every word and believes because Ranboo needs salvation from their years of torment. Plus since Ranboo can't safely look at anyone, we can sprinkle in that cute headcannon about scp Tubbo being their 'seeing eye' bees as the one source of sweet in this mess. But also deepening dependency.
As for Michael...my current nod to him comes in the form of Miguel, who is Tubbos' pipsqueak nephew, who would also at that point be amnestized to hell and back and even looking at Tubbo would cause pain. So like that's child abuse if they take him in but obviously Ranboo and Tubbo aren't really on the level ? Maybe Tubbo took Miguel hoping that Ranboo could fix the amnestics he caused. Which is also a Looooot to put on Ranboo, since it's essentially "you destroyed our life and our chance of redemption in the form of this small child. Fix this thing you had no control in (or else divorce that destroys your fantasy of freedom?)". And assuming that works I guess Tubbo is now desperately trying to use Miguel as atonement and last connection to their family, and both are crazy over protective of Miguel knowing the horrors of the Foundation while trying to create the illusion of a normal life.
There, is that toxic enough for you?
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occasionalsnippets · 1 year
Silly thought but MTF!MC x Dr. Smith
Smith having a small crush (or more like gratitude or something) after MC saved them from getting oofed by 076.
SCP-076 burst and came barreling directly towards where I am frozen. There's supposed to be other people not far from me. In a blink, only red remains. With that, I accepted my fate. Dying is a part of the job after all. At least maybe, my body could still be identified and buried properly.
Halfway closing my eyes, I felt two arms pulling me to get behind them, as if putting a barrier between me and 076. A guard or perhaps an MTF.
They fired their pistol, 076 stumbled, that bit is already impressive.
It swung its blade, though before it could do that, they already fired another bullet at the same arm to knock its weapon (why does it look like they've done this over and over?). Giving them time, a chance.
Yelled them at me, or perhaps to the other survivors behind.
I ran, of course. Carrying the last image of them all alone against the enraged anomaly running on pure bloodlust.
(Don't mind me imma just gonna
Casually dies)
ASLdkjah best of luck to Smith when they try to find MC later, MC is gone they did their job and is now out of the site for the next month
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scp-enthusiast · 1 month
Anomalous art
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I just randomly made this while at a bar with friends lol, idk what to do with it. Should I continue this?
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A child who can phase through walls, though they don't have any malicious intend. They sometimes leave their containment cell out of boredom, or if they didn't like the researcher who was talking to them.
Either way, they loved to roam the facility, especially when they started to get to know the halls and other entities. They'd draw on the walls, somehow without anyone seeing, leaving behind crude drawings on the walls and floors.
It didn't take long for the researchers to figure out that the child was at fault for the drawings, considering they always appeared when they 'breached' containment.
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