#scraptrap’s back too???
ponds-of-ink · 10 months
Hey guys… Why is Scrap Baby back when only the Sister Location levels are confirmed to be remade??
I’m happy she is back, but huh???
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Lefty and the spirits arrive at the Pizza Sim location, and just like Henry, Charlie tries to speak to the rabbit when she encounters him within the vents.
He’s been one of the ones that she’s been searching for this whole time since they all left, but she didn’t expect a couple of things.
Lefty: Mr. Afton! How did you even get out of the safe-
Spring/Scraptrap: ??
Lefty: What’s with that look?
Spring/Scraptrap: Who are you talking about?? You, that random dude, and the clown that’s my daughter keep using that-
Scrap Baby: Charlieee :(
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leodrawsthings · 7 months
Shading vs No Shading
I realized I never posted a non-shaded version of this piece
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and that all the details are like non-existent because of it, and I feel bad that they aren't seen bc I'm stupid either way :) here
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uwu-scraptrappy · 2 years
"Oh I edited Scraptrap's design so he wasn't as ugly-" that's her APPEAL❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ SHE IS DISGUSTING AND ROTTEN AND MOLDY AND SHE HAS A WEIRD SKELETON ❗❗❗THAT WOMAN IS RANCID AND HORRIFYING❗❗❗❗❗ God forbid women do anything smh /hj
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dalekofchaos · 20 days
FNAF au the tale of Springtrap and Beartrap
FNAF au where Henry was springlocked with William.
Was inspired by TeRa__art1's fanart.
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William killed the kids as per canon, but Henry covered it up.
He lost Charlie and could not bear(heh) to lose the company and the pizzeria.
So Henry covered up the deaths and personally removed the kids remains so no one would find out.
This all changes when Henry finds out William killed Charlie.
After William destroys the animatronics, Henry confronts William.
Henry lets William have it. He blames him for Charlie's death and all the kids who died. William retorts by saying he could've stopped this anytime he wanted, but couldn't. He was blinded by Freddy's and his love for him, just like he is. The aura is too great to let go over something as simple as morality. He tells Henry why he did it, his discovery of remnant and how they can not only live forever, but bring their children back. Henry calls him insane and a fucking monster. and all William can say. "what kind of monster hides the evidence to keep our business a float?" "After all this time, my old friend, you don't get it do you?" "What are you talk-" "Why, you're my accomplice. I kill the kids, YOU hid the evidence. YOU protected Michael and pinned my boy's death on Michael's friend. YOU removed the bodies from the animatronics and you kept the old Fazbear Entertainment spirit of ignoring everything. You are every bit of a monster as I am, the only difference is I don't hide who I am" "FUCK YOU WILLIAM!"
and then it happens. the ghost of the children appears.
William panics and tells Henry to put on their suits on. Henry questions why, William tells him they wouldn't hurt "one of them"
William laughs and reminds them "I'M ONE OF YOU"
William continues to laugh only to have a bit of rain to fall and cause the springlock.
and as Henry is about to take the suit off. Charlie appears.
"Daddy? Did you really help HIM?
"Charlie? Is that really you? I-"
"...I'm sorry, you died and all I had was Freddy's. I couldn't lose this place. I'm sorry"
and after that, the ghosts push Henry into the visible hole for the rain to pour in and cause the springlock failure.
William and Henry now trapped together for 30 years.
William becomes Springtrap, while Henry becomes Beartrap.
Henry can't bring himself to kill William. William won't kill Henry because his punishment is too perfect. "Like it or not, we're partners from beginning to bitter end, YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME HAHAHAHA"
William kills, while Henry protects.
Henry saves Michael and keeps William in Fazbear Frights while they burn.
Now who is helping Mike end it all in this au?
Charlie. Much like the FNAF VHS tapes by he who must not be named, Charlie helps Mike end it all and a chance to get redemption in the end while Mike helps Charlie free the children and get revenge on their fathers.
William is Scraptrap, while Henry is Scrapbear.
Art bys Shadowof1987
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Henry foolishly tries to stop William and Elizabeth from hurting the children.
Scrapbear's lines
"I just wanted to protect Freddy's"
"Please let me die"
"Charlie, please forgive me"
"Mike, I'm sorry."
"Your father is a monster, please end my suffering and this nightmare"
Mike is the one who gives the speech.
"And to Henry, I couldn't believe it when she told me what you did. But now you're reunited and she's going to make sure you burn in the business you are oh so proud of that you kept so many suffering families from their loved ones remains. Goodbye Henry."
queue an image of The Puppet holding onto Scrapbear while they burn.
"Elizabeth, I forgive you. Mother and Little brother, I don't know if you're in that pile of molten scrap, but if you are. I am sorry, I put you back together and now we'll die as a family. It's time for us all to rest. Goodbye, end of communication"
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skores · 9 months
How painful would a Spring lock failure actually be?
Well according to the books it would be a “slow and painful death” however let’s take a more in depth look into it. Firstly how do you trigger the Spring locks? As most of you know water (as seen in the Bite of 83) and sudden movements (Stated by Charlie to Carlton in Silver Eyes) making the Spring Bonnie suit extremely dangerous and fatal by default if your not careful you WILL die.
What happened to William Afton exactly? He basically triggered the Spring locks due to rain leaking from the ceiling in an attempt to hide from the dead souls he had killed and didn’t notice until it was too late. The Spring Bonnie suit was now going into Animatronic mode which is why the Spring locks are going off due to the rain.
Now the big question is how painful is it? Let’s look at the target points of the Spring locks and determine where they are going into the body. According to a picture from the Silver Eyes book we can see David Miller (Book version of William Afton) having scars all over the majority of his body EXCEPT most of his head which is really important as that’s where the brain is. It’s even depicted in the games as on ScrapTrap his head and part of his brain is still visible and relatively undamaged.
Why is that important you may ask? Well when humans sustain injury it sends pain signals to the brain meaning if the users brain is intact they can still register all the pain administered by the Spring locks as they each slowly go of one by one into different parts of the body. If it isn’t already obvious than this would be EXCRUCIATINGLY painful.
Once the Spring locks start to go off the endoskeleton would start going into the users body completely shattering your arms and legs due to the extreme pressure. It would start of from the femur than domino effect to the pelvis and than to the lower abdomen. Now the Spring locks will start piercing through the users liver and stomach and then will move to the upper torso causing a spontaneous pneumothorax (lung collapse) as it starts filling with the users blood. The users scream will be cut of once the Spring locks go of on the neck severing the vocal cords and jugular causing the body to go limp as the user tries to scream however only gurgling sounds are heard as they start suffocating in their own blood. Spring Bonnie will also replace the users eyes with its own rendering them blind as the user eventually dies of blood lose or drowning in their own blood. UNLESS YOUR WILLIAM AFTON BECAUSE THAT MF KEEPS COMING BACK.
Another little fact is that the reason SpringTrap/William is so easy to trick with the sound of children is because of Spring Bonnie’s programming as William isn’t in full control here. Spring Bonnie is programmed to follow the sound of children and since it’s in Animatronic mode it’s forcing William to comply since he’s basically stuck inside it.
So to answer your question YES it would be unimaginably painful to die by Spring lock failure. (Purple Guy definitely deserved it tho)
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Okay I didn't expect this post to be an essay, but here's my Fnaf 3 9th anniversary drawings, with very extensive detail into my thought process.
Love me some gore explosion Springlock failure, but realistically, the suit would just soak with blood, and William would be a pathetic gurgling mess. (Like the movie. Took it like a champ, too.) I know it's because the minigame shows it spewing everywhere, but I'm pretty sure it was it's way of telling you that that man is finished with the hardware limitations an Atari or a super early arcade cabinet would have.
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The springlocks depicted as Frankenstein's monster lookin bolts, and the flies with dot trails is my favorite part. Also, the hole in his chest is vaguely heart shaped. I saw it in a video redesigning Scraptrap and thought it was genius. But that was so long ago icr who did that video. :')
I rarely ever draw Springtrap, and it think it's because how humanly proportionate he is, which is hard to toonify. The weird withering patterns don't help either. I looked at Kosperry's design for extra guidance.
⬇️Kosperry's Springtrap⬇️
(oml I love their art so much gggGGzv)
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For being right-side up trapezoid shaped, upside-down isosceles triangle in a buff fashion works really well for him.
And the best part, I color picked and drew some inspiration for Spring Bonnie from this suspiciously shaped robian from Sonic SatAM. (Left)
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The backgrounds of Robotnik’s lair gave me major Fnaf 3 vibes when I came back to that show. Probably because it's so "polluted green," and might as well smell putrid.
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driftingvoid-155 · 2 months
What if Phone Dude was springtrap first ‘follower’? Like after he escaped the fire, he was found by PD again and at first he debated just killing him but upon seeing PD’s excitement and overall just.. lack of self preservation (guy is way too chill) he decides to use it to repair himself. So he lets PD take him back to his garage and slowly reveals to him he is conscious (which PD is ecstatic about but whether he knows it’s a corpse or just thinks it’s a advanced AI is up for debate) and gives him instructions on parts and stuff to get. This ranges anywhere from PD grabbing some screws from the local hardware store to breaking into old Freddy’s to get parts only made specifically for animatronics. (Something PD is only all too eager to do bc hell yeah he gets to see Freddy’s and maybe also take a few things for himself while he’s there). Then under sprintraps instruction, he slowly repairs the old and decrepit rabbit back into something a little more functional. PD not entirely sure what he’s doing, the only things he had going for him was that he had repaired a few old arcade machines and has done some coding in the past but he makes do. Springtrap’s original plan is to just kill him once they’re done but after one too many fazbear related autism rants as PD works, and the realization he has sort of grown on him (PD did free him after all and he’s not the worst company after 30 years alone) he just randomly leaves one night - much to PD’s disappointment.
So yeah anyways the reason scraptrap looks like that is bc PD found him again after fnaf 3 and tried fixing him up and became sorta friends in the process. Well not really friends. But if PD were to call springtrap his buddy, Springtrap wouldn’t eviscerate him in the next 10 seconds.
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spaciebabie · 9 months
Hey mate, why are you attracted to the rabbit man? The green one. What is interesting about him to you? I've been curious (and slightly afraid) for a while and thought I'd ask.
alright tldr; he is a combination of all of my favorite things in media when it comes ta a character. hes a monster, hes a dilf, hes a bunny, hes got a nice voice, hes evil, hes a robot, hes interesting ta me beyond a simp level which really sells it i think (or its the bunny thing i really like bunny characters skjdgkdjgkdf). there's so much you can talk abt with him. theres so much you can do. hes an evil fucked up scientist who loves his kids so much he tries ta reverse death itself ta bring them back. he manages ta die and then bring himself back ta life through pure spite and grit and determination ta "come back". he fucking survives a fire and then assumedly rebuilds himself which under than assumption (even though scraptrap is butt ugly) that would take an incredible level of ingenuity. literally how could i not love him. hes this twisted fucking mutilation of humanity melded with metal. he willingly gave up his humanity ta become this horrible fucking thing and relishes in it. ive seen ppl talk about the trans metaphor and yeah!! that totally applies here too (i hc spring/william afton as trans cough cough). what i really like especially is how he does all these evil fucked up things and feels no remorse about any of it like!! sometimes storylines will try ta make the villain sympathetic but fuck that!! let him be unabashedly evil!! even though i think his motive for killing kids was ta save his own, its still super evil and fucked up that he took those kids from other families in the first place!! and its so cool!! hes repeatedly inflicting the same trauma on other parents he felt himself with no remorse!!!!!! talk about irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the story telling with him can be so good!!!
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sugarywishes · 28 days
In your AU, what do you think originally made William do what he did? And more pressingly, how did his motivations and goals change over time, as he got spring locked and eventually burned later on? I am very curious, especially with all the different interpretations around. And I wonder if it was a small thing at worse made worse by Evan's and/or Elizabeth's deaths, or if he was long gone even before they occurred...
May I just say, I absolutely love every question you throw at me, it gives me time to flesh out my rewrite of FNAF a lot and I really appreciate it! Answer below as usual. Also I guess, spoilers for my rewrite?? (As if I haven't been constantly yapping about this)
His original motivation was indeed Evan. He was his most treasured valuable, and losing him was horrible for everyone, and also having your family slandered by everyone in the community and getting fired made things even worse. It made William become more unhinged than he's ever been before, and he kills Charlie as a result (it was accidental drunk rage)
Anyways he totally freaks out at this and drives away before anyone could see him. He tried his best to forget abt it and avoid the restaurant and Henry but he went back to the location eventually to take cash (cause yk he doesn't have money so he resorted to steal some because Henry never took Will's keys, and also he didn't change the locks) and then he notices something off about the puppet animatronic, it seems almost too alive. Out of curiosity, he checks the old Golden suits in the back and sees that Fredbear's suit seems weirdly twitchy for being inanimate. And he notices that a weird dark ooze spills out of the robots so he takes some of it to investigate more in his basement
Some library scouring here, some personal experiments here and he dubs the substance Remnant and deduced that maybe enough of this could maybe bring Evan back to life (so his plan was to pull a Victor Frankenstein, holy shit) so he originally killed the MCI to collect more remnant to eventually use for Evan's corpse to hopefully bring him back, it successfully brought back a rat he was testing (but he failed to see that the rat kept decaying even when it was still 'alive') So who's to say that Evan just wouldn't become some sort of zombie or something?
But he starts getting a little too into the killing children thing. When he killed the first three, he did it out of a necessity and didn't really have any feelings when doing so. But after Fritz and Cassidy he started to enjoy it (and as i said in the Cassidy post he didn't have to kill her but he did because he wanted to) it was the first time he's felt joy since before Evan's death. It actually kind of grossed him out, so for a while, he stopped killing. (Internal conflicts, he'll eventually completely embrace this horrible part of him, and also because it's to show that he could've just not done that but yk thats the consequences of his actions so...) But he still thought it wasn't enough remnant (it's an excuse for him to keep killing!)
But as I said before he likes doing things the easy way, and he thought maybe if I make robots to kill kids I just get remnant faster and uh oh. Liz dies. And he doesn't really like the fact that the children that he does tolerate somewhat keep dying so he ditches that idea. It also makes him even more crazy!
This moment kinda awakens a fear of death in him (as if he hasn't been surrounded by death by KILLING KIDS) so now he starts killing the DCI/KCI kids to get some remnant for himself (and also cause he likes killing kids) to live longer to 'keep working on his Evan project' (which he has been sidelining), then yk then he dies. And in my other posts I said he doesn't remember much of anything in his human life when he becomes Springtrap, so in his memories he killed kids just cause he thought it was fun and he wanted to be immortal. Same thing applies to Scraptrap and Glitchtrap (at least until he sees Gregory and it awakens the locked away memories he had of his family, but that's a story for another time!)
He's always had the potential to be evil (as it think everyone has that) but it took a while for him to fully become the monster he is deep down. Or something like that idk how to sound cool in text lmao
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ponds-of-ink · 3 months
Something Scraptrap this way comes.
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Day 4, Electric Boogaloo
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 6 months
A Dr. Scraptrap fic for everyone? Yes :) I’m nervous, but I still really wanted to do this one.
Title: Didn’t Want To Be Her
Description: The rabbit wishes that he hadn’t stepped out when he had—or, that he had brought her with him.
Scraptrap stared at the creation of his laid across the table, smirking. He messed with a few of the items that were strewn about.
Ever since he began working on her, he chose to keep her in one of the more secure rooms of the building.
After all, she was one of his more... lengthy, projects—it would be an annoyance if something were to happen, and he’d have to start all over.
‘Scrap Baby.’ That was the name that the rabbit had chosen to call the clown. A fitting and nice name, he’d thought.
Progress is going well... He mentally noted, chuckling to himself. Soon—Scraptrap was certain—soon, she’d finally do what he wanted her to.
If not for some complications, the rabbit assumed that she would have been finished years ago. He supposed the substitutes were fine.
“Scraptrap.” Spring Bonnie’s voice finally broke the silence. It almost sounded like they were trying not to laugh. Not doing that amazing. Scraptrap thought.
“What? What is it?” He turned away from the clown, and to his right, where the yellow rabbit had been standing.
By the time he’d made the other rabbit his assistant, Scraptrap had already been making progress on Scrap Baby—albeit rather slowly.
Of course, now Spring Bonnie was helping with her—but the scientist recalled, during the earlier days, that it had been completely different.
Not wanting any mistakes to happen with such an important project—one that was already having issues—he had Spring Bonnie deal with other, less important things.
He knew that the yellow rabbit was good at what they did—but he didn’t want to risk any potential mishaps when already dealing with a problem.
When he finally let the yellow rabbit join in on working on her, it had been a rather huge relief. Scraptrap was glad that he had chosen them for an assistant.
Before discovering the other rabbit, Scraptrap recalled having other choices, but couldn’t remember what any of them ever looked like, or their names.
His reasons for not wanting them varied—however, it was typically because they either seemed far too clumsy, or the rabbit just... didn’t like them.
Staring at Spring Bonnie, he noticed how they were pointing past him. Sighing, the rabbit turned after a moment.
The thing about the room they were in, was that it had a keypad attached on the wall, to the right of the door. He knew the code, as well as his assistant.
It was rather high up, too. And the rabbit was almost certain that he had never told the code to either Plushtrap or Elizabeth before.
...Which was why the scientist never expected this to end up happening. He stared at the sight in front of him, frowning.
Standing in the entryway of the now opened door, was Plushtrap, grinning excitedly. On his shoulders was Elizabeth, who must have entered the code.
Scraptrap sighed, rubbing at his eyes. “Children, how did you...”
“Get in?” Plushtrap tilted her head to the side, snickering.
“Sorry, Daddy!” Elizabeth started to get off of her sibling. “We saw Spring Bonnie enter the code earlier. We just wanted to see...”
Once they were sure she was off, Plushtrap grabbed her hand, and scurried into the room, approaching the other two rabbits.
“That’s Scrap Baby?” Plushtrap and Elizabeth stared up at her. The smaller rabbit started to move closer, only for Scraptrap to pick him up.
“Yes, yes.” Scraptrap nodded, ears twitching. “But you two shouldn’t be in here. You should be back in bed, you should be asleep.”
For a second, Spring Bonnie glanced at a nearby clock, before returning their focus on the three. “Why are you two up at one in the morning?”
“Why are you?” Plushtrap responded.
“Plushtrap, we’re still-“ The yellow rabbit had started, only for Scraptrap to move closer, and place a finger against their mouth.
“Spring Bonnie, take the children back to their room, now. I should finish up a few things.”
He’d started to hand the smaller rabbit over to his assistant, only for Scraptrap to stop when he felt a tug against his other hand.
“What is it, Elizabeth?” The rabbit questioned, looking down after a moment.
“Not Spring Bonnie.” She shook her head. “Could you come with us instead, Daddy? Please?”
The rabbit sighed. He glanced between her and the clown for a moment. “I still need-“
“And maybe tell us a story? Pleaseee?”
“Elizabeth, Spring Bonnie could take you to bed, and still tell you a story.” He answered. She just frowned.
“Their stories are shit.” Plushtrap piped up.
The two scientists were silent for a moment, before Scraptrap released a wheeze, and knelt down. Spring Bonnie just frowned.
Spring Bonnie placed their head in their hands. “Plushtrap, where did you-“ Scraptrap was still laughing.
Finally clearing his throat after a moment, Scraptrap turned to stare at the yellow rabbit. He raised a brow, grinning. “What ones have you been telling my children?”
Spring Bonnie groaned, ears lowering. “Well, I had certainly thought that they were good ones!”
Scraptrap stood back up, but not before reaching over, and picking up Elizabeth as well, who was quick to cling to him.
“Alright, alright.” He looked down at them, both grinning. “I’ll take you both back to your room, okay?”
“And a story?” Elizabeth asked.
The rabbit sighed. “And a story, yes, Eli. But you both have to stay and sleep after that, am I clear?”
Elizabeth nodded.
Plushtrap wasn’t saying or doing anything—except for having a rather mischievous grin plastered on her face. Elizabeth snickered.
Scraptrap narrowed his eyes. “Plushtrap, I know that look. Do not do whatever it is.” His voice was firm. “When we get back, stay. in. your. room.”
The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, before Plushtrap groaned loudly, lowering his head. “Fine!”
Scraptrap hummed lightly. As he began to leave the room with them, the rabbit glanced back for a moment. “Spring Bonnie, finish up for tonight.”
The yellow rabbit nodded.
Halfway to where the room was located, Scraptrap heard the sound of snoring. Looking down, Plushtrap seemed to be the source.
While, admittedly, there were a ton of corridors and rooms in the building, Scraptrap never found himself getting lost.
He’d shown the others around a lot—but even then, the rabbit typically found Spring Bonnie or Elizabeth having trouble with the building.
Scraptrap was almost certain that, on occasion, Plushtrap would get lost... but she still seemed to find a way to wherever they wanted to go—just in... strange ways, he’d say.
There was a ceiling vent right above Scraptrap’s bed in his room. He remembered, one night, where it had opened, and Plushtrap fell out.
Finally reaching the room, Scraptrap managed to get the door after shifting Elizabeth and Plushtrap into one arm. Then, he stepped inside.
Moving over to the right side of the room, he slowly placed Plushtrap in his bed, the smaller rabbit still rather loudly snoring.
“Alright, Elizabeth.” The rabbit started making his way over to her bed. “Do you still want me to tell you a...”
Trailing off, Scraptrap looked down at her. She’d been quiet throughout most of the walk down to the bedroom—and he assumed she just hadn’t wanted to say anything.
Now, though, he knew that she had to have fallen asleep—most likely not that long after Plushtrap had, Scraptrap guessed.
He placed his daughter in her bed, pulling the covers over Elizabeth. A moment later, he gently placed a hand on her head, ruffling her hair.
“Sleep well, children.”
Removing his hand, the rabbit backtracked to the door, closing it behind him as he re-entered the corridor.
Spring Bonnie groaned. Entering the code once again, they were greeted by the same thing—the keypad flashing red, followed by a beep, and the door remaining closed.
They typed it again once more. To their annoyance and confusion, the same thing occurred.
The yellow rabbit started to knock on the door after a second. “Scraptrap!” They called out. “Are you in there?? Something’s wrong with the door!”
A few seconds passed, before the door suddenly slid open after the keypad flashed green. Scraptrap was standing in the doorway.
He shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong with it, Spring Bonnie.” He stepped out of the way to let them enter the room.
“Well, then why wasn’t it working?” The yellow rabbit questioned, moving past the scientist.
“I changed the password earlier today.” He simply answered. He made his way over to the table that Scrap Baby was laid on.
Spring Bonnie followed him. “Was it because of Plushtrap and Elizabeth?”
Scraptrap sighed, and then nodded. “I didn’t want them to come in and mess with anything.” The rabbit answered. “Especially Plushtrap.”
“Mmm... I wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to find a different way inside.” Spring Bonnie commented. They didn’t see any vents or anything, though.
Standing in front of Scrap Baby, the old rabbit held a clipboard and pen, skimming through everything that was already written down.
“Mm...” Scraptrap picked up the pen attached to the clipboard, and began to circle a few things listed.
“How long have you been in here?” The yellow rabbit questioned.
“Oh.” Scraptrap started waving a hand around dismissively for a moment. “Since about... four in the morning, I believe.”
Spring Bonnie looked towards the only clock in the room. It read: 8:10 PM. Sighing, they looked away, refocusing quickly on the green rabbit.
“You’ve been in here for that long?” The yellow rabbit’s ears twitched, and they frowned. “I thought you must have gone to sleep this time.”
Scraptrap set the clipboard down, and glanced towards his apprentice. “Well, after putting Elizabeth and Plushtrap to bed, I worked on a few things in my room.”
He moved closer to the table that Scrap Baby was laid across. “Then, I returned here. We’re getting closer, Spring Bonnie.”
“You think so?” The yellow rabbit asked. Should still probably sleep, though.
“I know so.” Scraptrap hummed. He reached forward, picking up one of Scrap Baby’s arms, seemingly inspecting it. “No more delays...”
The old rabbit chuckled, smirking. He let go of the clown’s arm, carefully placing it back on the table. “It’ll all be worth it.”
“Is she even going to be living?” Spring Bonnie questioned. “So far, I’ve only seen Plushtrap. How are you going to make that happen?”
So far, no response from Scraptrap, but the yellow rabbit continued. “How did you exactly do that with Plushtrap, by the way, Scraptrap?”
They remembered meeting Plushtrap after she was finished—and actually alive, but it was one of the things that they hadn’t had a part in.
It wasn’t really something that Spring Bonnie knew the reason for, though—and they typically never bothered Scraptrap to know.
There was still no response from the old rabbit. “Scraptrap?” The yellow rabbit raised an eyebrow.
He just seemed to be staring off at a nearby wall—however, they noticed the rather large smirk on his face. His laughter wasn’t very quiet, either.
Spring Bonnie rolled their eyes. “I know that look. It involves Henry, doesn’t it? You’ll deal with him using this?”
Ears twitching, Scraptrap looked away from the wall, and towards his assistant. “Well...” He cleared his throat.
“A purpose, yes. I might send her to mess with Henry,” He answered, “But trust me, Spring Bonnie. There are so many more purposes...”
The children had slept in late—by the time he and Spring Bonnie left the room, Scraptrap assumed that they could have still been asleep in bed.
If not for the fact that, while walking down the corridor, Scraptrap and Spring Bonnie could hear something from above them. “What was that?”
Shrugging, the old rabbit paused, and looked up. Right where he had stopped, there was a vent on the ceiling. Scraptrap just sighed.
He immediately held out his hands—and just in time, too. Seconds later, Plushtrap fell from it, and was caught before hitting the floor.
Spring Bonnie looked around a little bit. “Plushtrap, how do you even keep getting into those?” They questioned. “Scraptrap, maybe we should do something about that.”
The scientist ignored them in favor of his child—or, rather, children—as footsteps could be heard, before Elizabeth entered the same corridor.
“Could you please watch a movie with us?” She grinned.
Scraptrap found himself back in Scrap Baby’s room. He didn’t plan on doing too much—there were just a few minor things on his list that he wanted to get done.
He’d put his children to sleep earlier—and about thirty minutes earlier, Spring Bonnie had gone to sleep, too. They seemed pretty tired.
The rabbit would have requested that they stay with him, and work on Scrap Baby, but with how tired Spring Bonnie had seemed... Scraptrap didn’t want anything going wrong.
Just as Scraptrap started to reach for something, he suddenly froze upon hearing a rapid series of knocks coming from the other side of the door.
“D-Daddy?” A muffled voice came from the other side. Elizabeth, no doubt.
For a second, Scraptrap glanced at the clock that rested on the wall. 10:10 PM.
Scraptrap made his way over to the door, quickly entering the code on the keypad, and watched as it quickly slid open. “Yes, Eli-“
Once it was open, Elizabeth rushed forward into the room, and hugged her father as tight as she could.
“Elizabeth...” Scraptrap stared down at her. He placed an arm around her, before kneeling down. “What happened, Elizabeth?”
Elizabeth didn’t let go of her father, her face buried into his chest now. When she spoke, the girl became muffled. “Nightmare...”
“You had a nightmare?” The old rabbit repeated.
Elizabeth silently nodded.
Wrapping both of his arms around his daughter, Scraptrap picked her up, while standing back to his full height.
“I... I don’t want to go back to sleep...” Elizabeth murmured.
Scraptrap sighed. He looked around the room for a moment, seemingly debating on something, before looking back at his daughter.
“Would you like to stay in here and assist me?”
Remaining focused on the inside of the panel connected to Scrap Baby, Scraptrap cleared his throat, and held out his left hand.
“Elizabeth,” He spoke—voice raspy, yet gentle as he addressed his child. “Hand it to me now, please.”
With how everything was going, after this, the old rabbit would simply finish up for the night, before sending Elizabeth back to bed.
She’d mentioned that she had a nightmare, but hadn’t explained it—and Scraptrap himself hadn’t asked about it. Perhaps she’s forgotten now.
He was still holding out a hand expectantly, yet nothing happened. Scraptrap cleared his throat once more. “Elizabeth.” He repeated.
“Daddy, it’s not here.” His daughter replied. Frowning, Scraptrap looked away from the clown, and down at his daughter.
“It isn’t?”
Elizabeth shook her head, and Scraptrap simply sighed. “That’s strange... I could have sworn that I brought it in here earlier.”
He glanced towards the rooms door for a second, before returning to his daughter, and slowly kneeling down in front of her. Elizabeth began messing with her bow.
Scraptrap pointed towards the exit. “I’m only going to go out there for a moment to retrieve what I need, alright?”
She turned around to look when he pointed, but only for a second. “Elizabeth, can I trust you not to touch anything while I’m gone?”
He knew what it would be like if it had been Plushtrap—the rabbit would absolutely not be able to trust her to not do anything.
Smiling, Elizabeth nodded. “Uh-huh! I promise!”
“Good.” Scraptrap chuckled. He pat her head, before standing back up, and making his way over to the door, while Elizabeth watched.
It took him a moment to remember the new code. He was planning on writing it down somewhere—but just hadn’t done so yet.
He wandered through the corridor, before taking a left, and coming to a stop. The rabbit always happened to leave things in this area.
Right in the corner, was a massive table, and—not to his surprise, contained quite a lot of items messily strewn about. “I should probably fix that...”
He couldn’t have it too messy. Maybe what he was looking for was over there—at least that’s what the old rabbit was hoping for.
Approaching the table, he began looking at all of the items, hoping to find the correct one—all while making it more orderly.
“Scraptrap?” The scientist turned around upon hearing his assistant’s voice. They looked like they had just woken up.
“Ah, Spring Bonnie. Hello.” The old rabbit cleared his throat.
“What are you doing?” The yellow rabbit questioned, moving closer.
“Well, what are you?” Scraptrap said, raising an eyebrow. “I assumed you’d be sleeping.”
Then again, that was what he had assumed for Elizabeth—and she had been—at least until her nightmare occurred.
“Well, I was.” Spring Bonnie nodded. “But, you see, Plushtrap wanted-“
Before the yellow rabbit had the chance to finish, Scraptrap’s attention—as well as his assistant’s—was pulled towards an unsettling noise.
Albeit muffled, what sounded like a shriek could be heard from one of the other rooms—before promptly being followed by a soft thud.
The old rabbit’s eyes widened, and he unceremoniously dropped one of the items—it missed the table, and hit the floor with a clatter.
He knew where that was coming from—he knew who it had to be coming from. “Elizabeth?!”
Scraptrap rushed past Spring Bonnie, causing them to stumble back a bit. He could hear their footsteps, but paid them no attention.
“Elizabeth?!” Spring Bonnie’s voice was laced with concern, while they attempted to keep up with the other rabbit. “Scraptrap, what’s going on?”
They never thought that Scraptrap could be this fast—it was rather surprising. They were usually always able to keep up with him.
When the old rabbit came to a sudden stop in front of the door to enter the code, Spring Bonnie nearly ran straight into him, but managed to stop.
The first try, in his panic and worry, Scraptrap proceeded to get the new code wrong. The second time, however, he got it right.
Once the door slid open, both of the rabbit’s raced into the room, Scraptrap managing to enter first.
Looking around, everything seemed to be perfectly fine... until Elizabeth was spotted.
She was still where Scraptrap had last seen her—except, now, she was collapsed on the ground, motionless. Her back was facing them.
While Scraptrap rushed over to his daughter, kneeling beside her, Spring Bonnie remained where they were—frozen.
“Elizabeth?!” Scraptrap reached over, picking her up, and holding her close. She seemed rather pale, too.
“Scraptrap, what happened?!”
“I don’t know!” Scraptrap hissed. He didn’t turn to look at his assistant, only staying focused on his daughter. Does it look like I do?!
He hadn’t been gone for very long—he assumed when he returned, everything would be the same as he had left it.
Had she accidentally or purposely touched something? Elizabeth was laying rather far from Scrap Baby, though, he noted.
“Pulse. Pulse. Pulse..” Scraptrap began quietly repeating to himself, trying to find and check just that.
Some of the areas—mainly the corridors, had cameras—but this room was one of the many that didn’t have any. It wasn’t like he could check those to see what happened.
Spring Bonnie still remained where they were. From the corners of their eyes, they thought they saw something move. Just my imagination...
“She’s breathing...” Both of the rabbit’s sighed in relief. Slowly, Spring Bonnie started to make their way over.
Scraptrap kept his daughter close to him, not letting go. What happened, Elizabeth? He frowned.
Once reaching Scraptrap and Elizabeth, Spring Bonnie crouched down, ears lowered. “...You know, maybe... maybe we should-“
“D... Daddy? Spring Bonnie?” Elizabeth. That was Elizabeth’s voice—Scraptrap certainly knew that. They both knew that.
He was staring at his daughter, though. Her mouth didn’t move—she seemed to be unconscious. His daughter in his arms didn’t say that.
Was it his imagination? Scraptrap shook his head at that thought. Spring Bonnie seemed to have heard it, too. Not just him.
“Daddy?” The voice repeated. It was coming from behind the two of them.
Turning around, Scraptrap and Spring Bonnie were greeted by the sight of Scrap Baby. She was sitting up, frowning, and staring at the two of them.
“Elizabeth...?” The rabbit whispered. He started glancing between her and the body that he held in his arms. Spring Bonnie was silent.
His grip on Elizabeth’s motionless body tightened, while he met the terrified and confused eyes of just who was in the clown.
“Oh no.”
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idsfantasy · 10 months
Do we have an idea as to why some designs are inconsistent? Besides the obvious springtrap to scraptrap there's also Ennard, molten Freddy and the blob. Ennard has a white mask in sister location but when pizzeria simulator comes along molten Freddy suddenly has a withered Funtime Freddy face then when security breach comes it's suddenly back to the normal looking Funtime Freddy head. Do we know why that is?
Scraptrap appears to be the result of William regrowing human parts of his body and the suit being modified and damaged to accommodate that. One of Remnant's canonical uses is healing, so given Scraptrap has human stuff Springtrap doesn't, that's what went on there. I also saw a neat theory that William used parts of Golden Freddy to modify/repair his suit, and that's how the Vengeful Spirit was able to latch on for UCN maybe.
Ennard split into Molten Freddy and Scrap Baby. Both of them found additional parts to modify themselves, leading to their appearances in FFPS
The Blob is not Molten Freddy, or at least not just Molten Freddy. It's much too big and has parts from a ton of animatronics that wouldn't be in there. I think it's likely that it's the result of animatronics from FNAF AR being drawn back to the place because Remnant and merging with the pile of endo (and human cuz Mimic) limbs and heads, with the parts on the Blob being representative rather than literally the parts of the original animatronics.
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hunsa-jars · 9 months
my overall little thoughts on HW2
I think Steel Wool did a wonderful job with most of the models here, bots like Baby and Ballora and Lefty and Scrapbaby look amazing
They're really getting there!
Love that this game functions as a bridge, during and after Security Breach but just before Ruin- like don't get me wrong, i'm also starving for answers after Ruin, however not immediately charging into the next big chapter and instead letting this game be a.. "small clues here and there and having some fun time at the plex before we have to leave it behind" situation was the right call
Let's talk about the animatronics for a hot sec, my mind is so full of them
I'm a Sister Location truther, so having this many levels with my favorite murder machine gang is giving me extra serotonin
Did not expect Yenndo to show up, like at all, it makes me so ridicoulusly happy
The Bidybabs and Minireenas had their time to shine as well, and BALLORA!! Missed her so much in Helped Wanted but she's here now so can't complain anymore
The ice cream moment with Baby was so oddly... bittersweet? Still have to digest that one, honestly. Oh- and the voice line about how she doesn't want to leave because it's safer here (the Sister Location bunker) stood out to me, it feels so.. Fazbear Entertainment altered, SHE WOULDN'T SAY THAT, YOU CAN'T FOOL ME
They brought back Ennard and i can't be happier, thank you for thinking of us starved fans. THO his model is pretty off, and his eyes not being the right colors really bug me, STILL i'm just gonna enjoy my food, thank you
Loved Glamrock Freddy's mini game and voice lines so much, he's sooo
And that hot comment- they know. They know us.
Gotta adore that they made Glamrock Chica sillier and more endearing. Is it just me who finds her super endearing here, like her little mannerism and how she's watching us make f- no? Alright.
Showing us how Roxy got her mask she wears in Ruin was so clever, now people can stop complaining about how "her endoskeleton does not look like that"
Suspiciously no separate Monty mini game, i know we had the mini golf one and the shooty one in Ruin already, but come on please
Can't believe they brought BONNIE BOWL back, it's nuts
And the fact that they're gently trying to imply that, yes, it was YOU KNOW WHO did that, it's shdnhns, okay
I have a newfound love for DJ, he's actually so cool?? Forget being the Glamrocks' or the Daycare Attendant's handler, sign me up to him please
Poor Helpy just can't catch a break, i feel so bad for him :<
Pigpatch was the last person i expected to see, good for him honestly, but wish they referenced the other Mediocre Melodies too
(or you know they could have had all of them sit around in the room with you. The attacker should have been Molten Freddy or Scraptrap but oh well i'm plenty fine with this too, no i'm not upset-)
I'm gonna miss the Staff Bots so much, thanks for giving us more time with them, those goofs
The Log Ride is insane. The Carousel is also insane.
It's always good to see Foxy again, he can also jumpscare! How neat is that
What is Mystic Hippo's deal? Genuinely, i have no clue
(Do the cards have any serious symbolic meaning? It's kinda driving me crazy)
Can't wait to hear the fnaf theorist youtubers misinterpret Candy Cadet's story, yippeeeee
SUN IS A PETTY BITCH AND I ADORE HIM TO DEATH- it's hysterical how some people are turned off by it when it makes so much sense that he is this way! Like... he's always been a perfectionist. While he wants kids to have fun creating and playing he expects perfect work from YOU, an employee. It's your job after all. He gets irritated if you misbehave or make a mess, it's pretty in character. He's impatient and rushes you. He talks so much smack.. and yet you can'tdeny he starts out giddy. The giddiness fades when you start making mistakes. BUT he also doesn't actually want to hurt anyone for no reason (gestures at the last arts and crafts level) Not gonna repeat my previous rants, but yes, he's perfect
Moon.. yes SW, give us more Moon pspsps-
Jack-O-Moon's design is so pleasing, people yall know what to do
Very fond of Carnie, don't know why yet but i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually and this mouse is gonna be pretty sad if he turns out to be a one-off character-
Glitchtrap only popping up here and there because his influence weakened is cathartic, i'm not gonna stop thinking about it any time soon
The memory collectables.................... yeah.....
The whole Princess quest segment was so cool, i'm glad it went down the way it did. Cheered when Vanny crushed Glitchbastard, yes queen
(My only frustration with this game is here... the graveyard. The order you have to light up the torches. I don't know how to feel about it yet)
And Cassie's new model, she's so cute!! My poor daughter
In conclusion
Great game, I'm very normal about it
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Michael Afton:Accomplice/Killer Mike au
So after looking at these three fanarts on the subject. I've come up with a FNAF au where Mike is William's accomplice.
Fanart 1. Fanart 2. Fanart 3
It starts after the Bite of 83. William sees potential in Mike.
Instead of letting Mike be arrested, William saves Mike and pins the blame on Bonnie bully(Jeremy)
William pulls what he did with Susie.
"He's not really dead, son. Help me and we can put him back together." Mike at first is hesitant. But he just wants to make it right and bring his brother back.
It starts out with William doing the killings and Michael cleaning up the evidence. The police never begin to suspect a thing. Mike is the suspicious one due to his connection to the Bite of 83, but because of lack of evidence, no one ever charges either father or son.
Eventually, Mike has to lure and kill some kids to prove to William how committed he really is. William helps Mike by making a Springlock Foxy costume to help blend in to Pirate's Cove. Mike performs as his hero and his symbolic fall of grace. After every Pirate's Cove performance, Mike lures them to the safe room.
It starts by luring them so William can kill them. But one day, Mike is locked in there with the kids.
"Oh it's far too late to back out now, help me or I swear I will tell the police what you did to your brother and I will pin all those little disappearances on you."
Mike kills his first victim. He uses Foxy's hook for a weapon and he does the deed. 5 more dead kids.
"You've done it. Well done, Mikey! I'm proud of you, son! We're gonna do great things together"
All the remorse and regret he's felt is washed away by finally making his father proud. The one thing he's wanted all his life is finally his and together they will bring Evan and Elizabeth back and put their family back together.
Throughout the years they would kill together. Not only kill together, but make Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics bigger and better than before.
There is one setback however. Jeremy has returned. He took the night guard position and because of the Puppet's visions, he knows too much. So Mike hacks Mangle and causes the Bite of 87. "...I'm sorry Jeremy. I had to. I did it for my family!"
Because of William and Mike openly working together, Elizabeth knows it's Mike and Circus Baby even helps Mike make a makeshift Springlock version of Funtime Foxy so he can slip in and out to capture children.
Although Mike loves Funtime Foxy, he just can't help but continue to use Classic Foxy to lure the kids at the old Pizzeria. Because a true classic never goes out of style!
Mike is officially the new head of security. Everyone sees this as a "nepo hire" but Mike is just so charming and manipulative that FE eats out of his hand. He can easily ensure that the kids go missing without a trace. When security officers get too close to the truth, then Mike wears his old Foxy mask, gets the hook and goes through the vents and kills them.
"Save them"
"You can't"
Now who could be the protagonist now that Mike is William's right hand?
Sammy Emily. In this au Henry is not a deadbeat dad to his son. They grieve together over Charlie and when Sammy is grown up, Sammy fills Mike's role as the security guard.
Charlie even helps Sammy. When Sammy gets jumpscared by The Puppet, all he hears is "Sammy, it's me. Charlie"
One day Mike and William return to the decaying and dilapidated Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to get more remnant.
Sammy, Charlie and the MCI work together and corner William and Mike.
William gets springlocked via the rain and Sammy and Charlie work together to cause Mike's springlock.
Sammy in Fazbear Frights is being hunted by Springtrap and Foxtrap
In the attempt to free Elizabeth and the funtimes, Sammy is scooped.
After the fire. Scraptrap, Foxscrap and Circus Baby come together. Lefty tries to stop them, but because of the suit and calls she can't stop herself from hurting Sammy.
Henry's speech happens. The fire happens. But Sammy survives.
Sammy has a daughter named Vanessa.
As Vanessa works for Fazbear and the VR game. She sees a bunny....and a Fox.
One day a boy named Gregory plays and sees the Fox. To Michael, Gregory is Evan reborn.
They found their new Elizabeth while getting revenge on Sammy & Henry and Michael found Evan Reborn. The Afton Family is put back together.
Mike would orchestrate a Glamrock Foxy to be built. William becomes Burntrap and Vanessa is Vanny while Gregory is Dr Rabbit.
However, a ghost from Mike's past survived. Jeremy returns. as a VR tester and as the Pizzaplex technician.
Instead of "What makes you so special" it's "Why are you STILL ALIVE?"
Cassie enters the picture. In this case, she's not looking for Gregory. She's looking for her father.
Jeremy and Cassie will do whatever it takes to stop the Aftons, even if Jeremy has to become one with the remains of Glamrock Bonnie.
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charlieslowartsies · 11 months
May I please have a quick director’s commentary on how the Fazgang reacted when they realized that they were haunted? Based on what I've seen, their AIs were still developing outside the stage personalities, so did they understand at first what happened?
I imagine there was a lot of issues at first, altho idk how many spoons I have left I'll try to answer best I can ^^
By the time Max was killed and then vanished for a while, (the first but shorter time he ran out on the Fazband/the restaurant, to their immense confusion and eventual hurt) William started further...experiments. Arthur wanted friends, and was lonely. William wanted to discover How this had Happened, and more importantly, How Could this Miracle Benefit Him? The Marionette had little opinion on much during it's initial haunting, hardly understanding what it was doing but its child trusted the man in all shades of Purple...and this human was one it's creators, wasn't it? The Marionette/Arthur assumed William Afton was doing the right thing and wouldn't lead them astray.
Foxy, of course, was ever the outlier. Alexander and he started figuring their shit out but in secret, quietly. Away from prying eyes. Alexander's hate/fear of the Puppet and Purple Guy colored Foxy's opinion, even as he grew his own consciousness and realized some of the more finer details. Regardless, he learned that anyone's pain is real and he sided with his kid when he could. Alexander had no one else to do it, it seemed. And Foxy knew that to step foot out of line too much would end up with him dismantled and then he wouldn't be able to protect Alexander, though.
The other 3 were powered down during the murders and woke feeling off and odd. Their ghosts didn't materialize until after the Puppet came to them, staring at the mess as the Crying Child discovered William had started hurting other children. Mari had had practice with stitching together Scraptrap and Michael Afton by now. He anchored the three young souls to their corresponding Animatronics and that was that.
Max started the growth of their personalities, their children furthered it all and the Fazgang was 'born.' They began to understand more and more, and began to form opinions as the years wore on. They hid their life-likeness from everyone, save for the manager of the Diner and they tried hiding it from Afton, although it didn't last long. Thankfully William's days of being puppet master were done, and the Marionette took control of the diner and threatened the Purple Man off, being backed up by the Fazgang who decided protecting children was their calling, from any adult who dared try to harm one in the walls of their home. William was driven off, although obviously he lingered in the shadows, started up the Pizza World franchise, and plotted and worked hard to stay in control of what he could. He figured as long as Fredbear stayed dismantled, he and Springbonnie would be on top.
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