#sdc miko
resinteapot · 1 year
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Volks PS Normal/Fair comparisons, 2004-2021.
Photo 1 taken in indirect natural light, photo 2 taken with flash.
Top row, L-R: Isao Nanjou 1st, 2004; MSD-F-05, 2006; SDC Miko, 2006; SDC Toki, 2009
Bottom row, L-R: SDM Mako, 2015; SD Saki/F-59, 2021; Adaption Model F-55, unknown, cleaned by Volks 2023.
Now excuse me while I re-wig all these bald heads...
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nightflower-stuff · 4 months
OC Stuffs:
• My Fandom OCs:
• Supa Strikas (OCs):
- Shigeko
- Carolina
- Steve
- Pearl
- Méiguī
• Naruto (OC):
- Yua Hyuga
• Lego (OCs):
- Zoe/Zuo Yī
- Hotaru
• Transformers (OCs):
• Hua Sisters:
- Fang
- Pei
• Exchange student Zero (OC):
- Fujikazu
• Winx club (OCs): (IG):
- Yōrisā (Main)
- Rocky
- Coral
- Dorielle
- Poppy
- Cinnamon
• Fan children (Next Generation):
• SDC & TEH (Next Gen, My Fanmade):
- Itsuki
- Terry
- Ling Yun
- Eclipse
- Loreleia
• Cyberpunk (Next Gen):
- Miko II
- His 9 brothers & their little sister
- Riley
- Amelia
• Other OC stuffs (Fandoms or not):
• My Fanmade OCs (Fanfiction):
- Coming Soon 🔜
• Supportive OCs:
- Full on IG only
- Azura the Cat
- Kylee & her daughter, Sienna
• Horror OC:
- Koe No Nai On'na
• Next Gen (Not Fandom):
- Irina
• New OCs (New AUs & Characters, Instead of my OCs)
- Coming Soon 🔜
Go to my pinned post 📮
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imagininghierophant · 3 years
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⭐️ Stardust Crusaders HCs⭐️
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The Crusaders helping their S/O going through a depressive episode.
The Crusaders having a S/O that's similar to Yae Miko from Genshin Impact.
The Crusaders comforting their S/O from Anxiety/Sensory Overload.
The SDC finding out about your gender  [fem!reader]
The SDC being protective of their S/O
The SDC with a reader with a healing stand.
Things a S/O does that make the Crusaders melt.
How the SDC would react to you having a laugh of a psychopath.
How the Crusaders would react to you hugging them.
How the SDC would react if their s/o had a great relationship with Iggy.
What type of boyfriend the Crusaders would be.
How the Crusaders would react to you kissing them.
The Crusaders walking in on their s/o peacefully sleeping.
How the SDC would grab your attention if you were listening to music.
Mini-Golf with the Crusaders.
The SDC with someone who says sorry a lot.
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  🚬 Jotaro Kujo  🚬
s/o who is super touch starved.
How he would cheer up his s/o
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🍒 Noriaki Kakyoin 🍒
Celebrating mothers day with S/O
s/o who is super touch starved.
If they were a parent.
Helping their S/O dealing with stress over the week.
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🗡️ Jean Pierre Polnareff 🗡️
Flirting with reader during their trip to Egypt
If they were a parent.
Showing affection to their s/o
Polnareff comforting his curvy s/o
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🔥 Muhammad Avdol 🔥
If they were a parent.
If they view the reader as a sibling/child
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✈️ Joseph Joestar ✈️
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✍️ Oneshots  ✍️
Bad Intentions [Kakyoin & Jotaro x Fem!Aroace!Reader]
Soothing Lavender  [Kira Yoshikage x Insomniac!Reader]
Fog ‘n Thunder  [Noriaki Kakyoin x GN!Reader]
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Last Reviewed: 13th of May 2022
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scrabbleknight · 4 years
35, honestly with 16 chapters for your Satf A.U. You deserve the chance to ramble(if you want to) and I, for one, would be glad to listen.
Haha, nice!
So, I'm not sure if people know about this but most of my fics start out on pure whim as a dumb thing I wanted to write because "wow, that would be cool!". You know, like a little kid. Seriously, you can take any of my fics and basically dumb it down into less than 10 words, starting with 'What if'.
What if Sasha and Anne switched places?
What if Miko was a Glitch?
What if Adora was raised by Hordak?
What if Luz was Belos's daughter?
There are also other ideas I never did or wanted to do but just decided not to. It happens and I have a document full of small summaries like this.
Sasha and the Frogs began its lifetime at the end of S1 on a whim. I never expected the fic to blow up the way it did and honestly, there have been times I felt like I just wanted to stop it there. I just imagined Sasha and Anne fighting like the S1 finale but switching sides. That's it. There's not really much planning out on that.
There's also my Glitch!Miko fic which I was super proud of. This is the one I put so much work into just because I love the premise. Meico (the OC) came on a whim like every other idea but it made perfect sense in context. Unlike SatF, GM had a lot of holes that I made and later had to fill. I accidentally made it far too complicated for my own liking, but I couldn't back down.
Like, here's a list: Shadowy organisation? What does it do? Why does it oppose Hinobi? Why did it create Miko and Meico? What about backstory? Economy? Characters? Etc? So much stuff that I've yet to answer, all by creating an enemy group. Thankfully, I do have a few answers and slowly but surely, I'm trying to implement them.
Here's a thing; I'm actually afraid of my own writing sometimes. Not because it's great (as if I have that kind of pride), but because of plot holes. If I write a dumb fact, I have to commit to it. I can't just ignore it or else someone will notice it and know that I also notice it. That's like, a bad move.
So GM has a lot of planning which is why even though it's shorter than SatF, it takes up way more work. Like, I just finished the dialogue for the next chapter and my first thought was "Yes, I finally solved that one problem by creating a completely different one!". Oh, the pain :v
But in the end, I'm usually proud of my work. Meico, which I started on a whim then planned on being a recurring antagonist only to shift gears and is now planned on being a slowly recovering protagonist OC, is oddly enough my favourite character. She has anger issues and zero parental guidance but deep down, she's just a young girl who was deeply hurt by the people she cared about, including Miko. Over time, she'll care for her and open up. That sisterly bond stuff :)
Finally, there's my greatest failure — a RWBY fic I started 6 years ago and only made like 2-3 chapters. I was young and stupid and it was technically the second fic I ever wrote but the first fic I actually care about. The idea was simple; what if Blake was adopted by the Schnees?
Keep in mind that when I wrote this, it was before any other Schnee appeared; before Monty passed away. There was a lot of hope and stuff in it but the workload crushed my motivation. School is hard and fanfiction is a lot of work. But like I said, it was one of my greatest failures.
Blake would've been part of the protest against the SDC's treatment of the Faunus alongside Adam. But then she'd get separated from him and got herself hurt, losing her memories. Due to Weiss's sympathy, Blake was "adopted" into the Schnee family but trained as a combat butler. Over time, the Schnee would employ more Faunus to work in thee family estate and slowly turn warm. Blake, without her memories, is completely indebted to Weiss for saving her life and Weiss, who sees Blake as a friend, grows up as a friendly and somewhat normal young woman. The two would have the best friend relationship despite the obvious power distance.
When Weiss goes to Beacon, Blake is tasked to follow her and report back to the SDC. She has a cold relationship with Yang due to her protectiveness and trust issues and would occasionally sneak out to do missions given by the company. At this point, the SDC has a SpecOps task force called the "Black Cats" who are made entirely of Faunus. The White Fang despises this group and calls them traitors for working for the SDC. On one particular mission, Blake would meet Adam and they have a fight (which she loses).
Now, these were the details I planned for back then in 2015. Even though I dropped the story, I never actually forgot about it. While watching RWBY, I'd unconsciously add more details like Blake meeting her parents and not recognizing them, or Blake denouncing herself from the SDC to help Weiss. Also, Weiss's dad had a different personality as well, being more of a businessman who doesn't understand his children and woes but still cares for them in his cold-hearted way. The story would've end with Weiss and her father no longer estranged.
So yeah, there was depth and love and other mushy stuff. But I decided to focus on schoolwork and over time, I cared less about RWBY fanfics as a whole.
It's a shame. A real shame.
Btw, I don't write shipping fics. Romance has never been my thing. My story might have shipping but they are never about shipping :O
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collectoraei · 4 years
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SDC Boy junk Body and Miko head for sale or trade
Junk Body: $150 (OBO)
Head: $100 (firm)
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Okay, since AO3 apparently doesn’t want my full essay of context notes dropped in the endnotes, here they are in all their unabridged glory.  
(Link to the fanfic if you somehow managed to stumble on this accidentally.)
Holy cow, kids!  We did it!  We made it to the end!
The genesis of this fic was seeing someone complaining about Jotaro not using Star Platinum: The World that much and going, “Oh, but that’s obviously trauma though.”  I tried to explain this to anyone who would listen, and then wound up accidentally writing 17k of fic because I have a surfeit of emotions about JJBA and trauma.
This is, by the way, the longest piece of fiction I’ve written since 2011.  Holy frick.  (Also my first time posting a multi-chapter fanfic.)  I had a ton of fun writing this (maybe….too much fun), and hopefully you had fun reading it too.
Here are the long-promised notes since I’m an incorrigible nerd who put way too much thought (and research???) into this ridiculous thing. I don't think you need to read these in order to understand the fic (at least, you shouldn't if I've done it correctly), but in case you're interested...
PTSD - surprise, this is a fic about PTSD.  PTSD manifests in different ways for different people (and for different types of trauma), but in terms of this fic, the main symptoms I decided to run with are: hypervigilance, perception of time becoming weird/sense of foreshortened future, dissociation, and sleep-related issues (although there are also a bunch of other symptoms that make an appearance). I picked this particular cluster for obvious thematic reasons (Star Platinum’s abilities look a lot like/interface particularly poorly with PTSD), but also because I wanted to write something different than standard depictions of PTSD, which tend to be focused on nightmares and flashbacks. I also wanted to write PTSD-related hypercompetence, because it's not something I usually see depicted--PTSD is often represented as declining functioning (I suspect in fanfic this has something to do with the tendency toward hurt/comfort) rather than being outwardly very functional but not necessarily in a healthy or constructive way.
Japanese religion, in general - I leveraged six years of graduate study for this fic, so all Japanese religion facts given are Real and Accurate.  My personal headcanon (as is probably clear from this fic) is that Holly would be pretty gung-ho about a lot of Japanese religious practices whereas Jotaro is probably...lukewarm at best, and approaches them much like many Japanese youth would have during that time period, i.e. as customs that they don’t necessarily attach deeper spiritual meaning to.
If you have deeper knowledge of Japanese religion, there are a bunch of little Easter eggs hidden throughout this fic, but I’ll leave it up to you to find them.  Have fun.
Spirit possession - When I first saw Stardust Crusaders, I thought it was fascinating that Jotaro immediately took Star Platinum to be an evil spirit--after all, given the religious trends in Japan at the time, that wasn’t an unreasonable assumption!  
Spirit possession has a long history in Japanese religion, but it’s been most prominent in the modern period as part of various New Religious Movements (NRMs), many of which have been founded by people who claimed to be possessed by spirits or gods.  In the 1970s and 1980s, there was an “occult boom” along with the emergence of second-wave Japanese NRMs, sometimes referred to as the New New Religious Movements.  These groups tended to be based on the idea that the universe is fundamentally chaotic and you have to train in order to ward yourself from that chaos (which often takes the form of malevolent spirits) and/or develop superhuman abilities.  (The most famous of the Japanese New New Religious Movements is Aum Shinrikyo, which was founded in the mid-1980s but achieved international notoriety with its 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.)  The official kanji for Stand (幽波紋) 100% looks like something that would be used by one of these groups.
In general, Japanese understandings of spirit possession don’t necessarily align with Christian understandings of spirit possession.  Namely, Christian views of spirit possession seem to be mainly negative (as people are understood to be possessed by demons), whereas, historically, spirit possession in Japan was seen as dangerous but not necessarily evil.  “Being possessed” does not necessarily look like the sort of “speaking in tongues, head spinning around” type of demon possession either--the verb for being possessed (憑く), a variation of which appears in the first episode title for SDC, can refer to a variety of conditions, from having a supernatural entity inhabiting your body (pretty “classic” possession) to having a supernatural entity attached to you or following you around to help or hinder you (maybe a little closer to what we’d call “being haunted” in English).  While people could be possessed by harmful entities (or by well-meaning ones who are nevertheless disruptive), they could also be possessed by positive ones.  In fact, before the Meiji period (1868) there were classes of ritualists who would get spirit possessed professionally--like shamans or spirit mediums.  Spirit possession was excised from Shinto in the modern period, so some of these ritualists no longer exist (miko, for example, no longer get spirit possessed), but others--like the itako (blind spirit mediums mainly located in Northeastern Japan)--do.
There are some NRMs (Omoto is the first that comes to mind) that believe/believed that each person has a “protective spirit” (or something similar) that watches over them and can influence their lives in positive or negative ways.  Through training and personal growth your protective spirit could also level up; sometimes this meant gaining supernatural abilities but it could also mean your protective spirit literally moving to a different level of the spirit world (from the “bad spirit world” to the “good spirit world,” for example).  This protective spirit could be an ancestor or it could be a completely unrelated entity.
When we first see Jotaro in jail, he has a bunch of books on various spiritualist/occult topics, so it’s not unreasonable to assume that he would be aware of the ways that spirits/spirit possession were being formulated in Japan at the time.  So I picked up that idea and ran with it as far as physically possible.
(Plus, I haven't stopped screaming since seeing the kanji for Stand so now I'm trying to pull all of you down into “maybe Stands are modeled on spirit possession” hell with me.)
Spirit medium or victim of possession - One of the big ways to divide up spirit possession is whether it’s voluntary or involuntary.  Voluntary possession means you choose to be possessed; involuntary means it just sort of happens to you (and you can’t make it stop happening).  There’s also the category of induced possession, which is where someone else makes you possessed (and then usually communicates with or controls the spirit that’s possessing you).  If you think of Stands as a form of spirit possession, it’s probably involuntary (users, for the most part, don’t choose to be), and, in the case of folks who aren’t born Stand users (especially folks who get their Stands from one of the arrows), induced.  But, on the other hand, how you’d classify it depends on whether you see users as constantly possessed (in which case it’s involuntary) or only possessed when they summon their Stands (in which case it’s voluntary).  
Kamigakari, which is mentioned specifically in the last chapter, is a form of involuntary possession in which a person is possessed by a single entity (usually a deity).  In the modern period, this pattern is most frequently seen among the founders of NRMs--often they undergo a period of extended suffering or trauma before becoming possessed by a deity that uses them as a vessel to spread correct teachings (through uncontrollable preaching, automatic writing, etc.) and right the wrongs of the world. They often go through a period of fighting with or trying to exorcise the deity before finally making peace with it and accepting their role as its vessel/mouthpiece.  Again, took this idea, ran with it as far as physically possible.
Evil spirits - Jotaro specifically refers to Star Platinum as an “evil spirit” (悪霊) in the first episode of SDC.  This is a pretty broad category in Japanese religion that just refers to spirits (not necessarily ghosts) that are evil.  The term is sometimes (especially from the 1970s onward) used specifically to indicate the spirits of dead people who have come back for revenge (specifically tatari, which is too complicated a concept to go into here).  (The more specific term for people who were wronged in life, died, and then came back to wreak havoc is goryou (御霊), but that’s mainly used to refer to beliefs and practices that were in vogue over a 1000 years ago.)  Long story short, “evil spirit” could arguably mean that Star Platinum is the ghost of Jonathan Joestar back for revenge or it could mean that it’s just a spirit (not necessarily the ghost of anyone or anything) that is evil.
Are Stands actually a form of spirit possession? - I leave this as an exercise for the reader.
(Okay, slightly less cop out answer: for the purposes of this fic, it does not actually matter, because at the end of the day this is a fic about Jotaro coming to terms (or not) with himself/his trauma/his Stand rather than the exact mechanics behind it. One of the things I find really interesting about spirit possession is the way it's used to make sense of and come to terms with nonsensical and unbearable situations, so that's the way I've chosen to employ it here.  If you want to read Stands as a type of spirit possession, I’m certainly not going to stop you, but if you don’t buy it, that’s legit too.)
I think that’s all the notes I have for now, but if you want further information/clarification/bibliography/context notes for something mentioned in the fic, let me know in the comments or drop me a line on tumblr and I’m happy to infodump at you until the cows come home.
And, hey, thanks for coming on this bizarre adventure (*audible wink*) with me.
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Tag thing
I was tagged by @judal-is-my-spirit-animal (thx fam)                                
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
The fandoms I choose are Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures, Touhou Project and Danganronpa.
The first character you loved:
JJBA: I remember that I really really liked Joseph back when I was watching Battle Tendency. He was probably the first one I really liked, and the others came shortly after
Touhou Project: I remember that I first saw a Touhou thing thanks to a youtuber I used to follow that sometimes made Touhou videos. And in his intro he had a picture of Youmu Konpaku. I really liked her design, so it was her (I still like her a lot).
Danganronpa: when I started playing the first game, I immediately liked Leon, Kyoko and Celeste. Kyoko then became my favourite character in the first game and one of my favourite in the series.
The character you never expected to love so much:
JJBA: Probably Polnareff… Like usually I don’t like the arrogant and immature type of characters, but he is one of my favourites. I actually have a sort of love-hate relationship with him, but it’s more love than hate. He’s so cute, and his character developement is wonderful.
Touhou Project: Honestly no one comes to mind right now rip
Danganronpa: Fuyuhiko. Damn I HATED that guy at the start of Dr2, I really wanted to see him dead. But after the second trial, where all the stuff with Peko happened, and his stay at the hospital… Damn, he matured so much. I can’t express how much I loved his character developement. He became one of my favourites in the Whole series. Now he’s a cool badass :^)
The character you relate to most:
JJBA: K A K Y O I N 100% GOD DAMMIT. Seriously, even his background is the exact same as mine (except for the Stand stuff ofc), and we’re very similar. I love him so much.
Touhou Project: Fujiwara no Mokou (AKA “the most relatable character in all of Touhou probably”). Our story is different obviously, but right now I too find myself… Bored with life. I feel like I’m deatching from life too lol
Danganronpa: Probably Kaito Momota… I mean from what I’ve seen of him (that is basically nothing ‘cause I haven’t played the new game yet)… We both love space and put as #1 priority our dreams… I think lmao
The character you’d slap:
JJBA: Dio absolutely, and probably Jotaro (at least part 3 Jotaro)
Touhou Project: Aya Shameimaru (she’s annoying, though I really like her design)
Danganronpa: Nagito Komaeda damn it i hate that guy so much. i mean i really hate him. i hate his character. i dont understand why people like him so much he sucks dfjwag
Three favourite characters:
JJBA: Kakyoin absolutely, Wamuu and Kars… But there are so many other characters I love… I’m gonna break this rule and add Funny Valentine because damn it I love him… And Esidisi…
Touhou Project: Fujiwara no Mokou, Junko and Mima
Danganronpa: Gundham Tanaka (absolute angel, he’s perfect and I’ll protect him forever), Kaito Momota and Koichi Kizakura
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
JJBA: Jotaro. I liked him when I was first watching SDC, but then… No. I don’t like him much now.
Touhou Project: Toyosatomimi no Miko. There was a phase where she was like my second favourite but now I don’t like her anymore. I want Byakuren to kick her haughty ass
Danganronpa: I don’t know… Kazuichi Soda probably, but I still kinda like him.
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
JJBA: Polnareff definitely. I only found him annoying at first, but now I really like him (as I’ve said before). And Esidisi (sorry I couldn’t not add him he’s so important to me and beautiful i love him)
Touhou Project: I guess that at first I really didn’t care about Mima, since she was a PC98 character and all… Then I “met” her and now she’s in my top 3 rip
Danganronpa: Taka… I hated him because he was rude and loud, then (also thanks to my friend that explained me many things about him) I realized how tragic he was and how he was actually a sweet boy and now I love him so much
Touhou Project: I’m not really an expert in Touhou ships… But I like Marisa x Alice I think
Danganronpa: I really like Makoto x Kyoko they’re so cute together <3</li>
Whew this took a while, but I love doing these things. I’ll tag @scyide, @dance-dance-rebellion, @mamabirdkars and @reizomahboy! (Ofc you’re not obligated to do this, don’t worry)
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aelithart · 9 years
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Finished this guy too. As always the pink is over done, so he looks like he’s got a really bad cold. Leigh, (the head on the right.) Was the first head I ever painted, so I’d like to think I’ve improved. =D (Though I’ll always love that face up.) I was going to try and sell this fella, but I bought him so cheap since he was listed as junk, and I looked so hard for the sculpt he’s gonna stick around. Even if he doesn’t have a body.
Face ups are hard. >:I
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nightflower-stuff · 6 months
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🦸‍♀️Meet the new members of SDC & TEH (Next Gen)🛐
1st to 4th slides:
Here is the new OC of "The Dragon Prince". Meet Loreleia. She's the daughter of Runaan & Ethari. The younger "half" sister of Rayla. Ethari has his birth baby girl when Runaan watches her open the eyes. She really likes her two fathers, including Rayla as half sisters each other. After, She stays at her home with her father, Ethari. She miss her father, Runaan got worked with Moonshadow Elf assassins. She can borrow her father's arrow & bow 😭💘❣️
For her goals of the mission are finding her missing father, travels everywhere in Xadia & find her half sister with her human boyfriend 🥺😉❤️
Bio introduction:
Name: Loreleia
Species: Moonshadow Elf
16 (S5)
15 (S4)
14 (S3)
13 (S2)
12 (S1)
Birthday: May 17
Sexuality: Lesbian
Type: Moon Primal
Home: Silver Grove
• Relationship:
Runaan (Father)
Ethari (Father)
Rayla (Elder "half" sister)
Valindra (Girlfriend, Tidebound elf)
Humans (Neutral/Friends)
Dark mages (Enemies)
Last slide: Terry's best friend:
These three trios went to the another dimension. Itsuki & Ling Yun was lost in the forest. They found a little bear named Koda follow the two duos. Then, His big adopted brother, Kenai caught Itsuki & Ling Yun. Terry fought against him. Kenai recognize Terry was his best friend in the past. He miss his bff. He told Kenai to get himself off. Koda truly found his big brother's best friend. The two duos are getting confused 😎❣️❤️
Next Gen OCs:
• Itsuki (Son of Steve & Miko)
• Ling Yun (Child of Sun Wukong & Macaque)
• Terry (Son of Tarzan & Jane)
• Loreleia (Daughter of Runaan & Ethari)
Kenai & Koda (Disney's Brother Bear)
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nightflower-stuff · 3 months
SHIPS AU/Stuffs:
• Rules:
- For my opinion, these are my good ships. I rather both all artists' ships that I would like them. I'm sure they can support me & my ships. Don't make me mad & be happy to your own heart & comfront with them ❤️
• Disclaimers:
- For OC X Canon shippers:
These Canon characters are not belongs to me. They belongs to the director of entertainment. Only the artists' OCs & my OCs can only ship the Canon Characters. You can comfront them. That will be your OTP ships to used imagine ❤️
- For those haters, if they don't like my ships. Leave & also I don't like your ships because of these toxic opinion & problematic 👌. And for me, I don't like their opinions, I don't make a deal those ignorant, narcissist behaviors, especially I don't support homophobic, pedophiles & bad stuffs. Don't ever interrupted them or we will stalking these post for my callouts if we gonna hate them to be exposed everyone. That's for their own good.
No more apologize to me & the artists. Leave them alone or you'll get touch grass. You'll get misunderstood your opinion & problematic. That's for a "KARMA"
• Supa Strikas AU + Ships:
• Canon AU (My Ships + without OCs):
- Shakes X El Matador
- Cool Joe X Twisting Tiger
- Skarra X Shakes
- Skarra X Dingaan & Dooma
- Ja Nein X Uber
• Other Ships that I shipped them by an artists/followers fav. characters (Their AU aka my ships):
- Meda X Klaus
- Dingaan X Dooma
- Kylo X Miko Chen
- Kendo X Miko Chen
- Other Nakama players [couple themselves each other]
- Etc...
• Canon (With My OCs):
• My AUs:
• Immortality AU (Collab or Not):
- Shigeko X Carolina [OC X OC]
- Steve X Miko Chen [OC X Canon]
- Pearl X Dingaan [OC X Canon]
- Méiguī X Oscar X Dooma [OC X OC X OC]
• Headcanon AU:
- Steve X Miko Chen [OC X Canon]
- Ema X Twisting Tiger [Supportive OC X Canon]
• Horror AU:
- Steve X Miko Chen [Monster AU ships, OC X Canon]
• Other Ships that I shipped them by an artists' followers (Their OCs & AU):
- All OC X Canon & OC X OC Ships that I love their OTP. I don't hate them & I always support them 🤗❤️. If you guys wanna ship your OCs with my OCs. I don't mind if it is okay or not 😄❣️
• Fandoms Ships: (w/OCs + AU):
- Crossover (AU):
• Title:
Supa Drawn Cartoon (SDC) & The Elemental Heroes (TEH):
Lists [Collab or not]:
- Flora X Helia
- Sun Wukong X Macaque
- MK X Red Son X Mei
- Pigsy X Tang
- Fang Hua X Buzzstrike [OC X Canon]
- Yua Hyuga X Sumira [OC X OC]
- Runaan X Ethari
- Tarzan X Jane
- Zoe X Peng [OC X Canon, she'll be single if she will be asexual with her fiancee]
• Next Gens (Collab or not):
- Terry X Itsuki
- Ling Yun X Chang Rin [OC X OC]
- Loreleia X Valindra [OC X OC]
- Miko II X Xavion X Cherry [Canon X OC X OC]
• Fanmade/Full Fandom Ships (Random OCs):
- Rayburn X Irina [OC X OC]
- Pei X Mike
- Krystal X Yōrisā X Fred
- etc...
• Bonus:
• Canon X Reader (Y/N) or OC X Reader (Y/N) or Do Both:
- You can read on Wattpad & some text stories. Hope you like them 😊
• Other new ships /w AU (Coming Soon):
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nightflower-stuff · 1 year
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❤️ SDC & TEH Doodle art 🎨
Crossover Combination:
• SDC (Supa Drawn Cartoon)- Housemates, Members & Teamworks
• TEH (The Elemental Heroes)- Leaders & Friendships to protect their dimensions.
1st slide:
Tom was catch Jerry at the Red Fountain. Helia saw the two earth animals are chased. He can get those two 👀🤗
2nd slide: Final Battle 💪
Miko has his form & Tang used the staff of Tripitaka. He & his team are too weak to fight their enemies. Until Helia help his friends to defend them from Aaravos, Trix & their villain teams. He saw his grandfather, Saladin is hurtful. He told his grandson to take his dragon staff. Helia hold his grandfather's staff. Once, He got the true form. As long as he protect them after all 😊💕❤️
Last slide:
Before they're stuck in the chapter. Helia would find them who are start the chapters. He found Red Son, Catman, Tang, Cheetor & Miko. They teleport in different places 👀💖💗. 4 people look at Catman & Tang fall on the alligator's lake. They got scared by the alligators 😂💕❤️
I hope you like them 😊💗
Tang & Red Son (LMK)
Cheetor (Transformers)
Miko Chen (Supa Strikas)
Helia (Winx Club)
Tom & Jerry
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