#sdcc raven queen
0girassol · 5 months
Raven Queen no longer saw a happily ever after for herself.
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(Click for better quality I guess)
And here's the result! I hope y'all like it. It took longer (longer than I wanted) to make. {:-)
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luc-elementix · 2 years
POR QUE EVER AFTER HIGH ACABOU? (EAH) - Video by mari on YouTube (The video is in Portuguese!)
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oklotea · 5 months
What are your opinions on the evil queen as a Mother?
Shit mother
I have no idea why some people (specifically on eahtok) think that the evil Queen is actually secretly a much better mother than what we give her credit for!!!!! I mean!!!! Are we seeing the same character here????? Trust me, she is NOT THAT MUCH BETTER than snow white. Heck, the two of them are similarly horrible in so many ways!!!
EQ wanted Raven to follow her evil footsteps despite Raven clearly not wanting that, EQ constantly assumed she knew Raven better than SHE did, and just all around, taking as much autonomy away from her daughter.
But yknow what, I'll give this old lady the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure that deep inside of her, she truly does, GENUINELY love her daughter. That she wants the both of them to bond and be together. Live in the same world together. To be close. She also just wants her to be mold her into something she really isnt.
If I remember correctly, in the back of raven's exclusive sdcc doll, EQ wrote her a letter, about how much she loves her daughter. And how she wanted to take over the entirety of the fairytale kingdom, and shape it into her own, all for the sake of Raven. So she didn't have to live through the same pain she did. Because she loved her. She loved her so much.
And... I believe that. I do. I can see how that could be true. It's a sweet sentiment. But also. With her actions, she ended up hurting so much people. Including her own daughter. Raven wanted to be free from her destiny, but she didn't want to control everyone else. She didn't want her best friends to lose their home. She didn't want the destiny system to be toppled over only for another unhealthy system to take it's place.
And also, I wouldn't be surprised if what EQ wrote in her letter was only part of the truth. Yes, it could be true, to give her daughter a better world to grow up in, was a part of the motive, but I wouldn't be surprised if she also just wanted to take over the world because of a lifetime of pain.
Soooo yeah..... Shit mother. Until she learns to accept her daughter for who she is, and allow her and her friends to live for themselves under NO ONE'S RULE. NOT DESTINY. NOT HER. maybe I'll begin to like her as a mom.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I really hope we get to see Chetney make a deal with Nana Morri to be young again as Travis has mentioned in the most recent 4sd and the SDCC Fireside Chat. It's funny, because @captainofthetidesbreath floated the possibility, before Bertrand's death (and before the confirmation he was not Lord of the Quadroads) that he might use his final wish for something similar, thus making his role in the party make a bit more sense.
The thing about Chetney right now is that he has achieved his initial goals and addressed a lot of key backstory elements, and so has reached a point where a death would not seem sudden and tragic but rather a cap on a great character arc; but there's also plenty more to do. He's met with the gorgynei and he's used his powers for good in the world. He's made peace with Oltgar and been vindicated. He's even had some romance with Deanna and Fearne. And yet - Dorao and Drixlitch are both still out there. Tuyen is after him. He's intrigued by the wolf king, and by the Raven Queen. And, of course, those relationships are ongoing and important ones.
This is honestly something Travis is particularly good at. I remember feeling similarly when Fjord died in episode 98 - I very much wanted him to come back, as there was so much more to do, but he'd also achieved so many of his goals that it felt like a valid stopping point. And, similarly, Fjord's backstory and current plot kept generating new hooks; of the Nein, he's still perhaps the one with the most hanging threads of which we're aware (and the awareness is also important - having completely unrevealed hanging threads is useless). Famously, his characters are tough to kill without deliberately springing it on them in the alley: Bertrand in Search for Grog, Bentley Badger, and Cerrit were all built to die, but the remarkable thing is that when they survive, there's no shortage of plot for them. That's also a key trait of Chetney - someone incredibly old, but with a new lease on life.
Travis started rolling the death d100 shortly before the solstice episode - after we'd gotten a good sense of Chetney and his goals, and seen him achieve the one that brought him into the narrative. And maybe Chetney's story ends that way, and I think it will be fun if it does (and I'd be excited to see what new character he brings), but making a deal with Morri allows him to actually embrace that new energy, explore all those plot hooks, and make new ones - after all, Morri doesn't give gifts without something in exchange.
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athena-xox · 4 months
Wait okay another hc to go along w my last one here me out okay?
In cedars sdcc letter it mentions like that her and her friends are stuck as puppets and because cedar has experience as a puppet she can help her friends escape and who are the other friends stuck as puppets? Maddie, Raven and Apple.
Then she says that she thinks the puppet master is going to hand them over to EQ. HELLO?!?! OKAY ?!?!
Then she says if you can distract him I get get a potion to turn my friends back human. This part isn’t really important but I want to talk about it anyways. We could maybe assume she’s talking to a specific character to save them like cerise or kitty but I think it’s more likely supposed to be the reader. Idk I just think that’s interesting knowing what we know from the legend shadow high.
Back onto the theory, somehow cedars plan fails and the puppet master hands over cedar, Maddie and raven keeping cedar for his show.
Who are the only three who appear in the labyrinth from eah in the lost movie? That’s right Apple, Maddie and raven.
So the lost movie happens and because we don’t get the ending here’s what I think happens, not both of these but either of these could bring us to the next part:
The evil queen curses the narrators to not be able to see ahead because then they can change the story but she actually totally messes up timelines for everything, causing people and narrators to collectively forget things
The protagonists realize it’s dangerous for the worlds to be connected so they magically close all portals like what the gimms did to wonderland. And unfortunately, like wonderland monster high provided essential things to the world of ever after which is plot continuity (because monster world scares the story in line - idk sue me)
And of course a general ending and cedar is saved blah blah blah. Either way the eah girls forget about monster high because it’s been erased from their memories
And then later the legend of shadow high happens
That’s my explanation for how the lost movie/all the eah x mh connections can co exist with the legend of shadow high. And how in legend a lot of it doesn’t line up with previous canon
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Dappling Gothic Horror AU
Because there are a surprising amount of people into EAH and the game Touchstarved, my brain started cooking up a gothic horror au based off the latter’s setting. And tbh, since that game is still just a demo, some inspiration might bleed in from stuff like Bloodborne. Although, I’ve only watched some gameplay and listened to video essays so it’d be very surface level inspo. Idk we’ll see where this goes after chapter one.
Here’s what I got so far:
The world of Ever After has fallen into chaos after a failed rebellion led by the Evil Queen
There was a destiny system in place, just without the school. It was meant to regulate the flow of magic after its discovery several centuries earlier.
Said system was created by a blood pact between the original fairytale protagonists. The villains were rounded up one by one and forced to join.
After the war with the Evil Queen, bloodthirsty creatures began to roam the land. They seem to come from a mysterious fog that emerged during the final battle.
The Evil Queen is blamed, but no one has seen her in years. Some say she was consumed by the fog alongside her family.
The various kingdoms are city states who maintain an admittedly tense alliance with one another. Each one has built itself massive walls and continues to strictly regulate magic.
Apple is the heir to the largest among them , but she’s mostly lived a sheltered life in the palace and its surrounding wealthy neighborhoods.
Attempting to get a better understanding of her kingdom, she sneaks out one day.
She accidentally ends up outside the city walls and is nearly killed by monsters when someone in armor saves her.
She thinks it’s the kingdom knights but she passes out before she can thank them.
Apple wakes up, healed of her wounds, but suspicious of her surroundings because she’s clearly not in a kingdom sanctioned hospital or clinic.
Raven walks in and introduces herself as the healer who helped her, and just as Apple is about to interrogate her, Darling comes in and reveals herself as the person who saved her.
Apple soon finds out that they’re part of a gang. She freaks out and runs off the next time she’s alone.
She contemplates telling the knights about what happened, but feels conflicted about the kindness shown to her by a pair that her mother would call criminals. She opts to stay quiet, but doesn’t stop thinking about Darling
Apple eventually decides to seek her out to propose an arrangement. A high paying position as one of her personal guards in exchange for Darling’s unfiltered knowledge of the kingdom.
That’s it for now. I have more outlined for Darling and Raven’s backstories, as well as Snow White’s role, but that’d spoil things. I’m also thinking about adding old letter fragments from the Evil Queen because I’m obsessed with her letter that was included with the SDCC Raven doll. Till then, I shall keep plotting and trying to write this first chapter!
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dreamspring · 2 years
i literally think about the evil queen’s sdcc collector letter to raven everyday
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SDCC | Raven Queen
Credit goes to margaretann.pl, here is a link to the original post.
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dragon-boy-gills · 1 year
i had a dream i went to like a smaller sdcc and everyone in the audience got to say something to the crit role cast and i talked about mollymauk and talisin’s leg twitched and he turned into like a dead form of molly and sat in a throne and talked ominousely. and then he heard the raven queen calling and went back on stage and became talisin again
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sadlazzle · 2 years
god my sdcc raven queen’s hair is absolute chaos incarnate. ive washed it finally n now in jst hope it takes well to being curled
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indarlingarmor · 3 years
July 26 and Apple’s scepter got me thinking of my fave obscure 2007 musical, so it’s Pirate Queen day! Have some Queen Elizabeth I/Grace O’Malley lyrics and some Appling (+ bonus Rapple).
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The Role of the Queen:
The white of virgin skin/ unblemished, powdered, blank/ that hides what lies within/ The image crowned with gold/ The color of my power/ the scepter and the orb/ Demands of state that flower/ My anger flowing red/ Blood, lips, and blushing cheeks/ this body made of flesh/ confining even me
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She Who Has All:
I who have all, I have nothing compared to the dream she holds fast in her heart.
In my heart, in my hope, I have more than is there.
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I’ll Be There:
One day troubles will find you and when that day arrives, I’ll be there, for to me there’s no sorrow worse to bear than a life lived apart.
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0girassol · 5 months
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An wip of Raven Queen SDCC. I love that doll so much, so I'm drawing her. Maybe there are some details on the doll that I haven't drawn (and I probably won't).
If you have any suggestions to make the drawing look better, feel free to tell me. I will try to post the result of the drawing as soon as I finish. ;)
EDIT: I already posted the result of the drawing!!!
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luc-elementix · 2 years
My First Ever After High Doll | Raven Queen San Diego Comic Con Doll Review - Video by DollThighs on YouTube
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Cerise’s SDCC Diary
Clouds of dark blue fog swirled around me as I emerged deeper into the Dark Forest. I felt like a new person. My entire life, people knew me as Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood. But that’s half the truth. My father’s the Big Bad Wolf, though it was a secret I had to hide. Yes, I said “had” to. I was done hiding.
Running through the woods, I felt free as a bolt of lightning. I didn’t worry about people seeing me run with wolf-like speed. I didn't worry if my hood slipped and people saw my ears - the one physical trait that shows off my big bad heritage. I felt beyond free. I felt carefree.
Tree branches blurred past until I stepped into an open clearing. Dragon-fireflies zipped gracefully through the air, their lights reflected in a still lake that stretched into the distance. At peace with the world around me, I stared at my reflection in the water. The new “me” looked back. My, how fierce my hair was. My, how sharp my teeth were. With pride, I pulled back my long, red hood. My, how big bad my ears were. "It’s okay for everyone to know." I spun around and raced back to Ever After High.
From the edge of the Dark Forest, I heard friendly chatter coming from the castleteria. This was wicked perfect. I walked through the castleteria doors. All the noise instantly disappeared. All eyes turned to me. I never pulled my hood back up, and most were seeing my ears for the first time. Scanning the room, I saw my best friends forever after. Madeline Hatter, the ever-happy daughter of the Mad Hatter, and Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen, who broke from her destiny and inspired me to listen to my true heart. I looked at them and smiled, "It’s time to step out of the shadows. My dad’s the Big Bad Wolf! From now on, call me Cerise Wolf, because I’m rewriting my story!"
Nothing. No reaction. People just stared. Then... CLAP... CLAP... CLAP... Raven stood up... CLAP..! CLAP..! Maddie joined her... CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! Cedar Wood and Ashlynn Ella stood, too! CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP! Then everyone cheered! Everyone, from Briar Beauty to Blondie Lockes... even Apple White, the fairest daughter of Snow White! Apple embraces her destiny. While she’s the fairest inside and out, I never hexpected her to give me a huge, accepting hug, "Cerise, you never had anything to worry about. Whether you’re following your mother’s legacy or your father’s, I’m just happy you know where your story is going."
Everyone gathered around me to congratulate me. Briar commented on my new big, bad look, "It’s royally ferocious!" Blondie asked for a hexclusive interview for her MirrorCast, “Embracing who you really are is just right!” Raven ran up to me, "Cerise, this is amazing! See, you can change your destiny!"
I felt on top of the world. This was the start of a new chapter, I wondered why I was worried all this time. And then, over the intercom... "CERISE HOOD... TO HEADMASTER GRIMM’S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!!!" All eyes were on me again. Raven whispered, "We’re here for you."
The walk felt longer than usual. Headmaster Grimm has dedicated his life to the rules of destiny - "In order for a fairytale to exist, you must relive your parent’s story." For the longest time, my destiny was to be the next Red Riding Hood. But now that people know who my father is, shouldn't I be able to follow his destiny? I steeled my nerves as his office door opened with a CREEEEAK.
Sitting behind the massive desk, Headmaster Grimm furrowed his eyebrows, "Have a seat." I did as he asked, and saw mom and dad. They didn’t look at me. In fact, they seemed to be frozen. Dad clenched his teeth in a silent growl. Mom looked down at her feet, as tears dropped from the depths of her hood.
The headmaster coldly looked to my parents, "Let’s start with you two. Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf are ENEMIES." Headmaster Grimm slammed his fist on his desk. "You two know the consequences." The headmaster’s large magic mirror started glowing with powerful magic.
My parents looked at me with despair in their eyes. As they began glowing, I realized what was happening, "Mom! Dad!" The legends were true! When fairytales break from destiny, they vanish, along with their story. I turned to Headmaster Grimm, "Don't do this! This was my choice" but it was too late. In a bright FLASH my parents were no longer there.
Headmaster Grimm turned his cold stare to me, "I warned you all. Choice is dangerous. Your parents made a choice. You made a choice. And now... well..."
I looked at my hands. Rather, I looked through my hands. Was I... No! "But… I don’t understand. Raven didn’t disappear when she broke from her destiny."
Headmaster Grimm slightly smirked, "Ms. Queen’s final choice has yet to be decided. You will be an example for her and anyone else who dares to rewrite their stories. Goodbye, Ms. Hood. Or should I say, goodbye Ms. Wolf?" His lip snarled as he spit out his final words, "I hope it was worth it."
My hands faded to an outline. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. The world shook... And shook... still shaking... wait, someone was shaking me. My eyes flew open. I was in the forest. My hands were whole again. A wide-eyed Raven held me by my shoulders. "Cerise! You’re up!"
My head felt foggy. "Raven! What happened?"
Maddie popped out from behind Raven grinning widely. "You fell into some Nightmare Fog. Good thing I was collecting gremlin root for a new tea recipe. Otherwise you might still be in your dream."
My head began to clear. Things started making sense. Nightmare Fog traps you inside your greatest fear. Mine was what would happen if anyone discovered my family secret. But was it a dream? It just felt so real.
Then I looked into Raven’s kind eyes. She’s known my secret for a while, and nothing’s happened. Are the legends a lie? Can I dare to hope? I remembered the happy part of my dream. The way everyone spellebrated when I revealed my family secret. I looked at Raven, who was brave enough to flip the script and discover her own Happily Ever After. I looked at Maddie, who always supported Raven’s decision.
It was time to stop hiding from the people who cared about me. Most of all, it was time to stop hiding from myself. Sharing a knowing smile with Raven and Maddie, I felt maybe it was time to finally let another friend know my secret.
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lastregattaluna · 3 years
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#everafterhighdoll #everafterhigh #everafterhighcollection #everafterhighdolls #everafterhighcollector #eah #doll #dolls #dollcommunity #dollcollector #dollcollection #cerise #cerisehood #cerisewolf #raven #ravenqueen #ravenqueensdcc #sdcc #queen #princess #apple #applewhite #snowwhite #evilqueen #evil #fairytale #royal #rebel #mattel . https://www.instagram.com/p/CRSFwl3F1bm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ventingtoyouuu · 6 years
SDCC is treating us DC fans so well :’)
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