#sdmi headcanons
aloeverified · 2 years
"stop making fred a jock he hates sports 😡😡😡" i'm sorry you're not smart enough to comprehend the pure genius-ness behind fred randomly getting hyperfixated on different sports, bullying the coach into letting him join the team, driving his teammates and coaches crazy by infodumping absolutely every known fact about whatever sport he's currently obsessed with only to then quit like three weeks later for a new sport.
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alphashley14 · 5 months
I know it’s a day late, (I couldn’t get all 4 of these polished in time) but in honor of Mother’s Day, I thought I’d post some ideas/designs I’ve been holding onto.
I drew their moms!!!
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The families and lives of the original Mystery Incorporated are concepts that were SADLY unexplored in SDMI. So I’ve created my own take on their families and some of the events prior to their disappearance.
Meet Annie Owens, Jasmine Williams, Amanda Chiles, and Ellen Reeves - The moms of the original Mystery Incorporated!
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threephantomrey · 4 months
i think i like the idea of Daphne being both autistic and having ADHD best. i headcanon her as both
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starboysbrainrot · 1 year
thoughts and headcanons about what happened to the og mystery incorporated after they left Crystal Cove
[ to clarify the situation, in my hc they all have loving parents (with the exception of Ricky and Brad’s fathers), that weren’t perfect and had some issues (ex : Judy’s dad has trouble showing that he cares about his kids, Cassidy’s parents who can be overprotective etc)
so yes, leaving them was absolutely horrible for the kids ]
The gang : they stayed together a few weeks after leaving Crystal Cove, sleeping in motels or in the Enigma Machine. But after one big fight they separated. I think they couldn’t stay together because of how hurt they all were and because they were lost and didn’t know how to react to what happened. (a bit like mystery incorporated at the end of season 1)
Cassidy : I think that Cassidy would be the one to suffer the most, because of how much she loves and cares about her family. So when she leaves Crystal Cove, I think there’s immediately something that changed in herself and in her relationship with her friends, especially Ricky. I do believe that they broke up relatively quickly after leaving the town. She felt numb and not capable of loving after what she went through, and needed to start a new life (ex : she changed her name)
Ricky : after his breakup with Cassidy, he completely disappeared and came back to Crystal Cove 5 years after leaving the town, to start Destroido. I see him missing his parents in the beginning, but also simply giving up on that feeling after a few years (the one he’s really missing (and he doesn’t want to admit it) is Pericles, even after what happened). His parents were the first to leave the town after their son’s disappearance. But he definitely tried to contact his mom a few times, before completely giving up.
Brad & Judy : Brad definitely blames himself for what happened in the church and later on in the cave. As the leader of mystery incorporated, he blames himself for bringing them there in the first place, and wanting to investigate. Regret turned into anger and bitterness over time, and was a reason for their fight after leaving the town. Judy definitely missed her family a lot and never recovered from loosing them.
Now regarding what happened with Fred, here’s what I think happened :
Something that always intrigued me is that Brad came to Crystal Cove with Fred alone. Mayor Jones specifically stated that Judy wasn’t there and that’s something very interesting. My hypothesis is that they clearly didn’t planed on having a kid two years after leaving Crystal Cove, since they were hella young and surely didn’t had the money to take care of a kid. Brad then took Fred to the only place where someone could possibly help them, Crystal Cove, where both of their family lived, in a desperate way of asking their parents for help (maybe for money, or simply advice on how to raise up a kid). But once he got there, he realised that both of their families left Crystal Cove. At that moment I can imagine that he felt some kind of mixed feelings, like a mix of sadness and betrayal.
At the same time, the freak realised that Brad is back in town, he panicked and tried to find a way to make him leave the town. And the only idea he had to make that happen (since both of their families already left the town and can’t be use to blackmail them) is taking Fred. We know that after that Jones decides to raise up Fred and the rest is history.
I think that such an event definitely traumatised both of them (and specifically Brad since he’s the one that brought Fred with him to Crystal Cove, blaming himself even more), and that they never healed from that. Explaining why they are acting so weird as adults later on. Brad and Judy only had each other to get trough life and they knew that as long as they stayed together, they could make it. And because the idea of loosing another person they loved after loosing their families, their friends and their son was surely terrifying.
(again, that’s before they all come back in Crystal Cove, before the curse takes the best away from them etc etc… just a bunch of hc I have about happened before the main story :))
Side note : I would give anything just to have Jones as Fred’s godfather in the pre nibiru timeline, and I mean ANYTHING. He could have been a positive influence in the og gang’s life and he therefore in Brad and Judy’s life. MAKING HIM A PART OF FRED’S LIFE WAS STILL POSSIBLE. (yes I’m a big fan of the Brad-Judy-Jones dynamic)
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 8 months
there are a lot of reasons i'm really, really impressed by how well sdmi portrayed the dynamic of an abusive relationship with pericles and ricky, and one of the big ones is how accurately they show what it looks like when abuse starts to escalate.
the extent of that is yet another thing that'll take a longpost of its own to go into, because it spans like.... the entire arc of their relationship in the show. but one thing that stands out to me in particular is their portrayal of the massive red flag that is a partner trotting out bigoted behavior against a group you're in. especially insults, and especially directed right at you.
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this show has a LOT of fatphobia, jesus christ does it ever, and there are certainly some fatphobic tropes going on with ricky; but i've always been surprised and impressed by how many of the nastier ones they avoided, especially considering his role in the story and what his arc is about.
he is a major, nuanced character whose trauma is treated with full weight and sincerity. it's implied that his body type changed the way it did due to the trauma he went through when he was younger, and the ensuing mental illness, which is a pretty realistic experience for a lot of people. the things that happen to him are played for full tragedy and horror, when it would have been so, so easy for them to make light of it because Tee Hee Fat Guy and Tee Hee Male Abuse Victims Funnee. despite how his whole thing involves corporate greed, they don't go the route of portraying him as Gluttonous and Hedonistic; if anything he is very obviously not using all that money for even basic physical self-care, and the only time we ever see him eating anything it's when he's drinking wine grape juice with pericles. which, like, there's issues to be unpacked with that too, but jesus christ it's an improvement over what usually happens with characters like him.
he's a fat queer man who isn't degendered or made feminine in a mocking and/or predatory way. (there's nothing wrong with feminine fat queer men and they need more non-shitty rep, please and thank you god, but there is a lot of nastiness in the tropes they're often used for in mainstream media, and one of those tropes is when people consider 'fat queer man' and 'masc' to be oxymorons.) no one ever once calls him ugly; if anything multiple people in his life think he's attractive and desirable, for better or for worse. no one body-shames him. and no one ever mentions his weight.
except pericles.
'The Horrible Herd' and 'The Devouring' are two halves of a whole here, re: escalation of abuse. 'Devouring' is when the abuser goes full mask off and shit hits the fan; 'Horrible Herd' is the wind-up before the punch. HH is when ricky realizes things are getting Bad and he needs to put a stop to this now, and Devouring shows what happens when he tries, because by the point where it's gotten bad enough to give him a wakeup call it's already too late. it's how abusive relationships tend to go, and it's chillingly accurate.
and what's one of the things pericles says during Horrible Herd when that punch is winding up? something no one's ever said before now, including him? 'you pudding-faced dummkopf.'
he body-shames him. he insults his weight, and that's a major turning point. bigotry is something that's often there to some degree from the start, but not always, because some abusers are good at hiding things like that until they're confident they've got you where they want you. the message with ricky and pericles is loud and clear: when this happens, the walls are dripping blood. get out.
(if you can. and be careful when you try.)
when this show is good, it is really, truly good. god damn.
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sillydeafwitch · 1 year
Brad and Judy heacanons because i am unfortunately fixated on these two out of all the characters in sdmi :(
Brad is actually pretty emotional without the curses influence. Judy is too but she mostly responds with happiness or anger while Brad expresses himself with more emotions.
Judy has anger issues. The curse actually makes them less obvious but when she does express anger it’s more violent and stressful.
Brad comes from a wealthy family, he has one older sister (Bridgette) and his parents are Penelope Chiles and Tim Chiles. He doesn’t really talk with his sister and his mother rarely treats him like a son and is often cold towards him. His father doesn’t treat him like a son either and just kinda follows whatever his wife does.
Judy comes from a large family. She has 5 brothers (Jaden, Jaiden, Jadyn, Jaideyn, and Jaydeyn.) Her brothers tease her a lot and don’t respect her. Her parents, Rachel Reeves and Norman Reeves, treat Judy very kindly and are very protective but often don’t give her brothers consequences for their actions which makes her feel trapped.
Judy and Brad first met at a playground. Judy finally got away from her brothers and Brad was all alone because his sister ditched him to go shopping with her friends. They became really close and hung out every day.
Brad had a LOT of extracurriculars as a kid/teen. He often struggled with balancing it all and he barely liked any of them. His parents signed him up for all of these to “give him enough opportunities so that he cannot possibly be a jobless hobo.”
Judy wanted to a lot of sports and after school activities but her parents deemed them “too unsafe and rough for a lady!” She often tagged along with Brad whenever he was doing sports or theatre.
Brad and Judy had Fred on accident, so they were going to give Fred to someone they knew in Crystal Cove, but the Freak came and in a moment of stress and also with maybe tiny speck of the curses influence, Brad decided to get rid of Fred that way.
Brad and Judy always cross dressed when doing disguises as kids. Brad lies says it’s because nobody would suspect someone as manly as him to dress like a girl. Judy just admits it’s fun to dress like a guy and break gender roles.
Judy is the more carefree one while Brad is more serious in nature, though he is definitely not a super strict kinda guy. Judy has helped him loosen up from a young age.
Brad and Judy would feel very guilty for how they treated Fred, if they remembered. They definitely didn’t want to be parents but they would never want to SHOOT HIM DOWN WHILE HE IS IN A HELICOPTER WITH HIS FRIENDS ESCAPING FROM MONSTERS…anyways, while they would want to apologize to Fred, im not sure if they would have the balls to do it to his face. It would probably be in an emotional moment or they would be forced to by another person like Cassidy or Daphne. They would probably hand over the parenting role to someone else considering how Fred likely doesn’t even consider them his parents at this point, they haven’t been around for most of his life, and they really don’t even want to be parents.
That’s all of them for now. I may add onto this another day. To make up for this terrible post I’ll start working on some Ricky and Cassidy headcanons!!
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lesbian-duck-art · 2 years
Sorry if this is annoying!
Do you have any specific headcanons about sdmi?
Oh my god you’re not annoying at all!!😭 I love talking to you you’re so good! I have a few here and there so let me put them down here. so sorry a lot of this is E or Angel related!
- E has so many issues in regards to relationships whether it be romantic or otherwise. Pericles’ betrayal and being forced to leave everything and one he’d ever known at 17 did a lot of damage and I don’t think he’s ever fully recovered. It’s the reason he pushes people, including Cassidy, away. Because of his childhood best friend who he cared immensely for could betray him, why couldn’t everyone else? He’s definitely got PTSD and I feel like if he didn’t already, now has a severe anxiety disorder
- We don’t see a whole lot of Ed Machine in the series nor do we know a lot about him but I think he was closer to E and Angel than people tend to assume. Whether that means they were friends or polycule, I take either one lol
- I think Nibiru’s curse has a waaaay harder time affecting people who have someone they love. Whether that be familial, romantic, or even friendship. There is no love within the original Mystery Incorporated and they fall to shreds. MI II on the other hand comes back together through their love for one another. Marcie is able to break free of the curse because of Velma, Mayor Jones temporarily breaks free because despite the lie he does love and care about Fred, E loses both Ed and Angel one after the other and he becomes worse until he realizes Angel is gone.
- That in mind: I do think Jones cared about Fred. I think sans curse, he would’ve been a better dad and I see parts of Post-Nibiru Timeline/Sitting Room Jones peak through in both seasons. There’s a one shot fic on AO3 about him in the episode with that art monster? Highly recommend it and it’s exactly how I view him as a character
- While on the topic of Fred Jones Sr., I feel like his time in jail and away from the Planispheric disk weakened the curse’s hold. Not by a lot certainly, but by a tiny bit. I think the closer you get to the pieces the more corrupt you become
- I truly think that if things were different and E had let his walls down and interacted with the kids the way Angel did, I think the mystery inc gang would’ve gotten along with him the same way they do Angel! (This is part of why I enjoy Purposefully Silent so much lol it gives me exactly what I wish the show had) I still think everything would have gone to shit one way or another but
- We been knew that Fred is autistic but I also raise that like. All of Mystery Inc is somewhere between autistic, ADHD, and AuDHD(I say this as someone who is autistic and possibly AuDHD). With this I also think Ricky is neurodivergent
- Angel is pan, E is Bi, Daphne and Fred are also bi, I think Shaggy is pan and maybe even aro, Marcie and Velma are both lesbians. I also honestly think there’s n o t h i n g about E that screams “cisgender” but I can never decide if my answer is trans man or “he/him/they/them” non-binary
- Jones and Sheriff Stone *abso-fucking-lutely* had something going on there was nothing heterosexual present. Jones is giving gay man who’s over compensating via toxic masculinity and Sheriff Stone just seems to be into Crystal Cove Mayors
- Birds were Ricky’s hyperfixation after he met Professor Pericles. He knew all the different facts and terminology and everything. He still remembers most of it(mostly unwillingly), but it’s never relevant anymore
- I’ve said it once I’ll say it again I just think E gives off dad vibes in a way I can’t explain and this is why the Velma is Ricky and Cassidy’s daughter AU is one of my favorites and one I wanna do a fic for
I don’t want to make this too long so I’ll stop here but you’re not annoying and I’m actually so glad you asked!😭 I am always down to talk about this show and you already know I enjoy talking to you lol I feel I’m very bad at expressing my head canons so I hope this is okay!
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trashyzombie · 9 months
scooby doo fans (ESP MYSTERY INC!!) drop ur headcanons in my ask box , i need drawing ideas
literally anything works, headcanons, scenarios, even chars i havent drawn yet
i need ideas prettay please ^_^
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orithereticent · 1 year
You fully gave me brainworms(/pos) with the last post and I have a thought that only just registered. Ashley and I had been talking the other day about the reality of post S1 MI I going by their names again and or being back in town if their families are still alive and with that in mind:
Adds a whole nother layer to the scene in Beware the Scarebear when Ricky tries to get the kids arrested and in general if he’s Quinlan and Mayor Nettles’ cousin. Because while we have no clue about the parents, we do know that those two are alive and in Crystal Cove to find out “Hey MI didn’t die when they disappeared and they’ve all changed in bad ways(minus Cassidy) since then!”
Oh yeah! (I had this idea like a year ago and never did anything with it.)
I'm sort of picturing their dynamic as Quin being the youngest at like 12, Janet being the middle at 14, and Ricky being the oldest at 16/17 when he disappeared. But Ricky babysat them a lot when they were young, particularly Quin. He occasionally brought them with him on mysteries much to the annoyance of Brad, Judy, and Pericles. Cassidy didn't mind but worried about them getting hurt.
Quin always had anxiety, but her anxiety worsened, because her older cousin, who she thought was so brave and capable, vanished without a trace. It affected her severely into her adulthood, and once she learned what had become of Ricky, she freaked, badly. She called Janet right away, and Janet came over to help calm her down.
Janet spent a long time searching for Ricky as a teenager, but once she was a bit older, came to the conclusion that he had died. She left Crystal Cove and never really wanted to come back, but the real reason she did was because of how scared Quin was, and Quin refused to leave. Anyway, she learns that Ricky is alive before Quin, and doesn't tell her. She's very angry about it, and very nearly slaps him when he shows up at the police station, but keeps her calm. Ricky, who is so consumed by the curse at that point, doesn't even really register that Janet is his little cousin. Janet did however, talk to Cassidy, and Cassidy explained a little bit.
Pretty much as soon as Ricky left the sheriff's office, and she was able to leave, she went to go stay with Quin for the night. Just so angry at what her cousin had become, poisoning the environment, and hurting children.
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aloeverified · 2 years
Before forming a band together, each member had a miniature career of their own. Luna was a pretty popular online figure for her performances at bars and restaurants, Dusk went viral a few times from her rave shows, and Thorn had a history of starring in plays and talent shows all her life. They eventually found each other online and began talking, and after Thorn and Dusk immigrated to the U.S., they formed a band.
Although they live in America, Luna is the only one who was born there. She's Creole and was raised in New Orleans, Thorn is French-Candian and from Ontario, and Dusk is Japanese and from Kyoto. Due to where they grew up, they all speak different languages as well. Luna is fluent in Spanish and French, Thorn was raised speaking French just as much as English and knows a bit of Italian, and Dusk's first language is Japanese and she's fluent in JSL. They all began learning ASL after forming a band since Dusk is deaf in one ear and hard-of-hearing in her other.
Thorn's real name is Sally McKnight, Luna's is Selene Moon, and Dusk's is Twilight Yami. Thorn picked her name due to her love of roses, whereas Luna and Dusk simply picked names that have the same meaning as their own.
Due to her hearing loss, Dusk doesn't wear shoes when practicing or performing. When coming up with songs, Thorn doesn't wear shoes either since she claims it helps her feel closer to the music. Luna sometimes doesn't and says it's for the same reason but it's actually just because her boots hurt her feet after a while.
They each base their personas after different horror monster icons. Thorn's is Dracula, Luna's is the werewolf, and Dusk is inspired by both Frankenstein monsters. They also have very different gothic styles; Thorn being more of a romantic vampire goth with some witchy accents, whereas Luna is a trad and corp goth with lots of glam, and Dusk being more in the visual kei and metalhead scene with some cyber and bubble goth inspiration.
Thorn is known for being a bit of a bachelorette and dates anyone ranging from a trucker to a theater kid who thinks he's a vampire. Luna and Dusk, however, are in a relationship that they keep private from fans. Luna is a lesbian, Dusk is bisexual, and Thorn doesn't feel the need to label her sexuality.
Their fans often get into heated arguments over the girls' heights since Dusk is typically shoeless and the other wears heels. Thorn typically looks pretty tall since she's in the front and wears high heels, with Luna looking about the same in her boots behind her keyboard, whereas Dusk looks the shortest while barefoot and sitting down to play the drums; but the truth is Thorn is only about 5'4, Dusk is 5'8, and Luna is just over 5'10.
Their fans have nicknames for them based off of different creatures, with Thorn being called a succubus due to her seductive voice and dancing, Dusk being compared to a banshee since most of her back-up vocals are screams and her unhinged drumming, and Luna being recognized for her werewolf persona due to long nails, canine fangs, and loud howl-like laughter.
Rather than visiting a salon, they have nights every few weeks were they touch up their hair. Dusk is albino with naturally platinum hair which makes it so she she has to redye her hair every so often, whereas Luna and Thorn have to actually go through the process of bleaching their hair. Dusk typically dyes her hair a darker blonde or adds different shades of green streaks, Luna switches between dark red and blonde every so often, and Thorn either dyes her naturally brown hair black or bleaches it to make it a bright red — sometimes a combination of both.
They're all university students who avoid actually attending classes by taking online courses. Thorn is majoring in envoirmental science with a business minor, Dusk is a literature major studying philosophy, and Luna is in the process of graduating art school.
Thorn is most inspired by bands like She Wants Revenge and London After Midnight, whereas Dusk takes more after Malice Mizer and Bikini Kill, and Luna is one of the biggest fans of The Cure and the Bauhaus.
They regularly go on adventures together to places that are regarded as haunted or cursed. While on tour in different countries, they make it a habit to try and visit any attractions they haven't seen yet. Thorn particular likes haunted castles and cemeteries, Dusk is interested in asylums and prisons, and Luna is obsessed with any place that has a tragic backstory.
While Thorn is relatively good friends with Daphane due to their shared love of fashion and past romantic interests in Velma, and Dusk enjoys terrifying Shaggy and Scooby, Luna and Fred are actually able to have normal conversations
They love getting together with the Mystery Gang when possible. When she's not flirting with Velma, Thorn spends her time with Daphne talking about fashion and gossiping about their past experiences with stupid boys. Luna is also pretty good friends with Fred and they could have conversations for hours about random niche interests. Dusk and Velma have a shared passion for gothic literature and Velma also enjoys watching Dusk terrify Shaggy and Scooby when she's bored.
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alphashley14 · 9 months
New SDMI headcanon just dropped.
Imagine Ricky’s locket pin from his meddling kid days being turned into a keychain on the keys to the Enigma Engine.
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nemmet · 2 years
i want to break my only-art-posts rule on here for just a moment, to talk about about fred jones as a canon autistic character and what he's meant to me personally.
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my childhood love of scooby doo suddenly reawaked back in november of 2021, which just so happened to be around the time i was seriously questioning that i may be autistic. the realisation put so much into perspective, but i was equally afraid and uneasy about it all. therefore, i began to rewatch mystery incorporated as a source of comfort.
and just... there was a character who was a good leader, a loyal friend, a desirable romantic partner. there was a character who represented this unshakeable force of good in a town otherwise founded upon cynicism and spite. there was a character who, yes, was treated as the butt of the joke from time to time. but even despite that, was a surprisingly thoughtful representation of how an autistic teenager might navigate emotions, relationships, and the world at large.
the more i watched of this version of fred, the more i doubted that his sheer amount of autistic traits were purely a coincidence. and sure enough, i discovered that mitch watson (sdmi showrunner) confirmed on the unmasked history of scooby doo podcast that fred was indeed written with autism in mind.
(more beneath the cut!)
for a while, this was knowledge that i celebrated quietly. i told a couple of people who were interested, but that was about it. what mattered most to me was that it was canon, and that this character i had loved since i was a child was just like me. talking too much about his interests, missing social cues, being confused by big emotions... the list went on. it sounds silly to say about a cartoon character, but identifying with fred's portrayal in sdmi (and subsequent scooby media influenced by it) genuinely helped me to accept and even love myself as an autistic person, in a time when i was feeling hopeless for realising what had made me so different all my life.
as i continued to fall down the scooby rabbit hole, i encountered fred moments new and old that would always cheer me up. i decided to compile them into a short youtube video, mostly just for my own self-indulgence. i had absolutely no idea what i was getting myself into (/pos).
over a year on, most notably following the release of the hbo velma series, my video absolutely blew up. to the point where it currently stands at 825k views, which is utterly unfathomable to me. thousands of people who cared about this character like i did flooded the comments, expressing anger at his most recent portrayal and genuine love for his portrayals in past media.
however, the comments that especially made my day were those like: "how did i not realise that fred has a special interest in nets?", "he's autistic, let him infodump!", and those of a similar wording. in that comments section, as well as on tumblr, canonically autistic fred seemed to have become widespread, accepted and celebrated, showcased in comments with hundreds of likes and posts with hundreds of notes. it absolutely floored me, and i was delighted to have contributed to it.
i haven't made this post to pat myself on the back for throwing some clips together and getting a lot of views, nor to say "i knew it first!" about fred being autistic. i am simply looking back in retrospective, and getting incredibly misty-eyed over the fact that people are newly appreciating this character that has helped me through so much and been instrumental in leading me to my official autism diagnosis. you can see the sappy post i made about it on my old scooby sideblog here.
in summary, this is yet another story about how representation matters! even if it comes in the form of a historically overlooked teenage mystery solver from a 50+ year old cartoon franchise. what matters most is that it was more than just a headcanon, and has changed my life for the better.
if you're still reading, thank you so much! if you are also neurodivergent, i would love to hear your thoughts on fred, and if you've also identified with him in some way. he's... a tréasure :)
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
this rewatch of sdmi has been wild because once you start taking the talking animals and their place in the worldbuilding seriously it's just like oh wow this is some real final fantasy plot huh. what do you mean the resident discriminated-against beastfolk are not only descended from ancient otherworldly beings masquerading as gods, and not only driven insane even more effectively than non-beastfolk by a curse because of their heritage, and not only serve as apocalyptically powerful vessels for those otherworldly beings, but are easy to read as having been created specifically because they're more powerful vessels than normal animals, and then abandoned to their own devices (being enslaved) for thousands of years until the next time their creators pop into this reality and want a convenient corporeal form to snatch. which game in the series is this
#sdmi#scooby doo: mystery incorporated#shitposting#don't get me started on 'what if they look different to different people depending on what they expect to see'#'we're seeing them through the filter the gang/town would see them through; and/or the filter of the medium itself'#'and that filter might be kind of goofy and a bit abstracted; but still Recognizably Looks Like That Animal'#'if you take that away they look a whole lot less goofy and a *hell* of a lot more uncanny than what we get to see in the show'#'pericles is so completely removed from what his species is supposed to look like--#obviously his head is *way* more human-adjacent than a real parrot; but also there are notable differences from greys specifically--#because he has already been touched by the entity for his entire life; and he looks so completely different before and after the asylum#because the entity's had 20 years of isolation; among people who already see him as a terrifying monster; to turn all his influence on him'#'pericles looks the way he does because we are seeing the *real* pericles'#'or at least more of him than scooby or the others'#'that's what being the entity's special favorite will get you 🙃'#anyway these little fuckers are Interesting Actually and i'm having a lot of fun with them; even if the way canon handles them is upsetting#this isn't necessarily my main headcanon but it's one i like a lot and 'what do they *really* look like' might be a fun design challenge#SDMItag#to draw tag#professor pericles
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sillydeafwitch · 10 months
This isn’t canon but that’s fine lol
I hc that Ricky was significantly taller than Cassidy when they were teens, but in adulthood Angel is taller than him lol
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postgameroutesix · 2 years
ooh maybe daphne (preferably from sdmi but idc either way) for the niche asks? :^
INDEED specifically sdmi daphne lets go
a song that reminds me of them:
bubblegum bitch……..LIKE “dear diary / i met a boy / he made my doll heart light up w joy / dear diary / we fell apart / welcome to the life of electra heart”
what they smell like:
expensive perfumes n skincare products mixed w the unmistakable smell of dirt from getting into so many scrapes
an otp:
usually id say fraphne in the bi4bi t4t way i envision them but in the case of sdmi its only towards the end of the show the writing of their relationship grew on me. so yeah despite the heavy pushing of it in this iteration i cant say i care for it tons ykyk
a notp:
none barring obvious things - daphne is the character whwre all possible ships involving her n another member of mi are completely fine w me even in this iteration where the relationship writing well 😭 isnt exactly the best or most healthy
fave platonic/familial relationships:
HONESTLYYY daphne + scoobs dynamic is SEVERELY underrated imo they r such a Duo
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with:
i havent interacted w the specifically sdmi side enough to know what the popular ones are tbh so i cant say
the position they sleep in:
hmmmm on her stomach w her head resting on her arms vibe to me
a crossover au i’d love to see them in:
i will ALWAYS say pokemon. give her the poison type team she deserves
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn:
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^ she killed this look it must b said
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nikicherry1234 · 1 year
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sdmi au headcanon/idea dump post. in no particular order:
- Mr. Rick "Enigma" Owens
- Ricky is the "throw money at it" when things don't go his way kinda guy. It's not a question of "if it's for sale" rather "how much and what currency". Not willing to accept money? How about a lifetime supply of your favorite thing. Not willing to move from your home? No problem. We'll move the entire house, garden included.
- He does feel bad about things his company and by extension himself has done, but the moment he steps foot into any of Destroido's buildings/property his business brain kicks in. That poisoned plot of land he was upset about few minutes earlier? He can just get it removed entirely.
- [The "Scooby-Doo has a fever dream" episode, the "superhero with a cyborg dog" episode and the "Ricky knows how to perform God level of plastic surgery" episode are removed entirely from the au. The "Obliteratrix" episode - Ricky either hired a costume designer and gave them full creative freedom or the kid chose the costume herself. He didn't hire a normal assassin because he didn't want the kids to actually end-up dead. The "Danny Darrow" episode gets massive changes done to it.] [I have found out that by removing supernatural and magic, the cartoon gets significantly cut. Well, I'll replace it with some character driven filler I guess.]
- Ricky doesn't strive for control. He cares about the numbers going up, about the company's reach going further. When you can't even pick up a rock without it having Destroido's brand carved into it. The kind of reach how Tchibo has it's own clothing brand and whatever Nestlé has going on, but more and bigger. Pericles on the other hand wants direct control. He wants to make decisions and run the world. His word is the law, he owns everyone. Law doesn't have much power over him anymore, it's more of a guideline. Where Ricky is invincible by being basically untraceable, Pericles is invincible by spreading fear and misinformation.
- Ricky is officially written down as the company's hacker. You have to dig deeper to find out that he owns the thing.
- Ricky painted the van himself, he earned a "you tried" golden star from Cassidy.
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