alta2r · 5 months
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و انت عندي غلايه غير عن كل غالي.
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asheanon · 7 months
@danthekickingman Because Dan loves stars. And space things in general. And I happen to have a gal who is a BIG, big fan of those things too.~
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Like an endless sea, so too was the sky above.
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The horizon line seemed nigh undetectable between the two. An unfathomably large canvas of black and indigo, painted by a myriad of lights - soulful and stellar - rested overhead, its reflection cast upon distant waters below. The geography made its best attempts to reach it. Mountain peaks of neighboring isles rose as high as they could, only to fall drastically short. Despite their grand stature, they too were so, so very small by comparison.
The distance forever carried with it an untameable sense of wonder. As much knowledge as sentient lifeforms who were keen on the subject had so courageously, yet carefully accrued, nonetheless, they still had that much more to learn. The mystery remained forever alive… at least, for now.
Sometimes, it truly felt as though her heart rested out there. Somewhere far, far away... even from her.
“Quite the sight, isn't it?” A stranger approached her in the starlit shadows. She had not seen them, but the grass betrayed the secrecy of their footfalls. Had they been soundless, just the same, their presence could be felt.
Though content with her gaze placed upon the nocturnal, a moment was soon spared for them. Ah, it was an interesting one! Regardless of the dark, the conspicuous visual of their very prominent brows drew her in in an instant. Surely, she had not seen their likes before - there was simply no way she could forget eyebrows like those!
There was an amity that emanated from her. Though playful, her candor could not be denied. Verbally, she welcomed this presumably unknown guest with open arms.
“Would you like to have a closer look?”
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spectral-annihilator · 3 months
Tag dump post
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xtruss · 8 months
World’s Top Five Mightiest Icebreaker Fleets
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© Sputnik/Vladimir Astapkovich/Go to the Mediabank
In December 2023, the United States unilaterally announced a claim to a huge chunk of seabed well outside its internationally-recognized boundaries off the northern coast of Alaska. Does the US have the resources to enforce its claim? And how do its capabilities stack up against those of other major maritime powers? Sputnik explores.
The State Department has a problem. Firstly, to legally protect its encroachment on the piece of seabed in the Arctic which it claims as part of its continental shelf, Washington would have to pay lip service to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which outlines the rules for states claiming continental shelves beyond the internationally recognized 200 nautical mile limit. The first rule? Signing and ratifying the treaty, and only ten years after that submitting claims.
Secondly, if it proceeds with its continental shelf claims without UN approval, the US would have to be able to protect its claims by the tangible threat of force, including by using ships and aircraft capable of patrolling the area. The US claim announced in December is not expected to create any disputes with Russia, but will overlap with Canada over a piece of the floor of the Beaufort Sea off the Northwest Territories.
Unfortunately for Washington, its geopolitical appetites don’t appear to match its capabilities. Not only is its icebreaker fleet surprisingly tiny, but, according to recent reports, its engineers have apparently forgotten how to reliably produce the thick, hardened steel needed to reinforce Arctic-going ships’ hulls.
For these and other reasons, including decades of neglect of its existing icebreaker potential, the United States just barely scrapes into the list of top five countries by icebreaker capability.
#5: United States 🇺🇸
America’s national icebreaker fleet consists of the US Coast Guard’s Polar Star, a Lockheed Shipbuilding-built icebreaker commissioned in 1976, placed in reserve in 2006, and recommissioned in 2012. The 13,500-ton Polar-class vessel is the only heavy icebreaker in the US fleet capable of sustained, independent operations in the thick ice-covered waters of the Arctic Ocean, able to crack through ice an impressive 6.4 meters thick. The USCGC Healy is the other icebreaker operated by the Coast Guard, displacing 16,257 tons full load, plowing through ice up to 3 meters thick in ramming mode, and hailed as America’s most technologically advanced icebreaker. The ship was commissioned in 1999.
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U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy (WAGB-20) sits approximately 100 miles north of Barrow, Alaska, in order to conduct scientific ice research. © Wikipedia/U.S. Coast Guard/DoD
Besides that are three smaller icebreakers used by the National Science Foundation, an independence federal agency engaged in research into all non-medical fields of science. Its ships, built in the 1990s and mid-2010s, include the Nathaniel B Palmer, the RV Laurence M. Gould and the RV Sikuliaq. These vessels operate comfortably in between 0.3 (the Gould) and 0.75 meters (the Sikuliaq) of ice. The Gould and the Palmer are typically stationed in Antarctic waters, while the Sikuliaq, an indigenous word meaning ‘young sea ice’, operates off Alaska.
The Coast Guard has ambitious plans for expansion, expecting to get three new heavy icebreakers, and three medium ones, in the coming years and decades. Delivery of the first ship of the new fleet has been delayed from 2024 until at least 2027, with the service requesting $125 million for the purchase and modification of a commercially available polar icebreaker built in the USA to bridge the gap as the flagship Polar Star rapidly approaches the 50-years-old mark.
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Icebreaking research vessel Sikuliaq in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. © Photo: James Buchanan
#4: Sweden 🇸🇪
Sweden, which does not have direct access to the Arctic from its coast, or any maritime territory above the Arctic Circle, nonetheless maintains an impressive fleet of icebreakers, mostly for patrolling the northernmost waters of the Gulf of Bothnia and in at least one case, a large inland lake. Sweden operates up to seven icebreakers, five of them – the Ale, the Atle, the Frej, the Oden and the Ymer, run by the Swedish Maritime Administration. The Ale is a 1,540 ton escort icebreaker, purpose built in the 1970s to sail in Lake Vanern, situated in southern Sweden about 150 km southeast of the border with Norway.
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Sweden's Oden icebreaker pictured breaking up thick ice. © Photo: Swedish Maritime Administration.
The Atle, Frej and Ymer are Atle class icebreakers, built at the legendary Wartsila Helsinki Shipyard in Finland between 1974 and 1977. These ships are 104.5 meters long and displace 9,500 tons, and feature a dual rudder and dual bow propeller system that can crack ice at thicknesses of between 0.75 and 1 meters. The newest ship in Sweden’s icebreaker fleet is the Oden, a research vessel built in 1988 and originally tasked with escorting commercial vessels. The ship displaces up to 13,000 tons, and can power through ice up to 5 meters thick, with enough capacity to spare for operations in Arctic waters, pending supply support from a friend in the region. Sweden plans to built at least three new icebreakers, with the first expected to be delivered in 2027 at the earliest.
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Sweden's Ymer icebreaker. © Photo: Marcus Bengtsson
#3: Finland 🇫🇮
Finland’s icebreaker fleet packs a surprisingly strong punch, facilitated by the country’s northern geography, and decades of successful shipbuilding cooperation and sales to its neighbors, Sweden and Russia. The country’s fleet, which includes nine major icebreaking ships, plus one icebreaking-capable special-use ship operated by the Navy, includes the oldest ships in this list: The Voima, commissioned all the way back in 1954, and refit in the late 1970s and again in 2016, is classed as an 1A Super icebreaker, enabling it to break up sea ice up to 1.2 meters thick at speeds of 2 knots.
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The Voima icebreaker, one of the oldest known icebreakers in operation. © Photo: Pekka Jarvinen
The Urho and Otso-class (two ships each) displace 9,660 tons and 9,222 tons, respectively, and were built in the 1970s and 1980s to operate in Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland waters, where ice can reach up to 45 cm thick during winter. The Navy-operated ship is called the Louhi, is owned by the Finnish Environmental Institute, and is classified as an oil and chemical spill response vessel. The ship has a 3,450-ton displacement, and can penetrate ice ridges up to an impressive 5 meters thick, while operating at speeds up to 9.5 knots in 1-meter thick ice.
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The Louhi, a unique Finnish multipurpose vessel design by ILS Oy Ship Design & Engineering with impressive icebreaking capabilities. © Photo: ILS Oy Ship Design & Engineering
#2: Canada 🍁 🇨🇦
Canada, Russia’s Arctic neighbor to the north, has an Arctic coastline stretching a whopping 162,000 kilometers thanks to 94 major and 36,400+ minor islands covering a territory of some 1.4 million square kilometers. That makes a large and diverse icebreaker fleet essential for assuring the country’s sovereign claims. Canada’s Coast Guard operates at least 15 icebreakers (about half of them capable of operations in the far north), at least three icebreaker/tug/supply vessels purchased from Sweden, and two offshore patrol vessels with icebreaking capabilities operated by the Navy.
The flagship of Canada’s icebreaking fleet is the Louis S. St-Laurent, a massive, 15,324 ton heavy icebreaker commissioned in 1969 and undergoing refits in the late 1980s and 2000, with room for two Bell 429 helicopters onboard and enough space to comfortably supply 46 crew for over 6 months at a time. The ship can break through ice between three and five meters thick, with its ice horn designed to protect the rudder.
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Top: Louis S. St-Laurent, the flagship and pride of the Canadian Coast Guard's icebreaker fleet. © Photo: Serg Tremblay Bottom: HMCS Harry DeWolf on patrol in Dutch Harbor, September 2021. © Photo: US Coast Guard
Other prominent vessels in the fleet include four ships of the Pierre Radisson-class of medium icebreakers, which weigh 8,180 tons fully loaded and can plow through ice a meter thick at speeds up to 6 knots, and the Martha L. Black class – featuring six light icebreakers built in the 1980s weighing about 4,740 tons full load, and operating off British Columbia, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia.
The Canadian Navy’s icebreaking-capable warships including the HMCS Harry DeWolf and the HMCS Margaret Brooke, which can slash through first-year sea ice up to 120 centimeters thick.
#1 Russia 🇷🇺
Dwarfing the rest of the countries in this list, with more icebreakers than the rest of the planet put together, is Russia, whose fleet includes about 45 large icebreakers (seven of them nuclear-powered), well over a dozen off-shore icebreaking anchor-handling tug supply vessels, at least seven icebreaking-capable warships, and three research and survey vessels.
The nuclear-powered portion of the fleet includes the Yamal, the 50 Let Pobedy, the Taymyr, the Vaygach, and the brand new Project 22220 series Arktika, Sibir and Ural vessels, which were commissioned in 2020, 2021 and 2022, respectively (the fourth ship, the Yakutiya is set to join them this year, while the Chukotka, Leningrad and Stalingrad are expected by 2030). These massive, 173.3 meter-long ships have a complement of 75, helideck and hangar, and are propelled by two RITM-200 175 MWt-apiece nuclear reactors and twin turbo generators, allowing them to accelerate to speeds of up to 22 knots through open waters, or 1.5-2 knots in ice 2.8 meters thick (with the ability to operate in ice up to 4 meters thick at slower speeds).
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Top: Russia's Arktika-series nuclear-powered icebreaker being pulled along by tugs in a shipyard. © Sputnik/Aleksander Galperin/Go to the mediabank Bottom: Project 21900M diesel-electric icebreaker Novorossiysk in the harbor in Murmansk. © Sputnik/Pavel Lvov
Russia owes its nuclear icebreaking prowess to the Lenin, the world’s first nuclear-powered icebreaker, commissioned in 1959 and turned into a museum ship permanently docked in Murmansk in 1989.
An even larger icebreaker, the Project 10510 Rossiya, which is 219 meters long and displaces nearly 70,000 tons, will be able to crack through 4-meter thick ice with ease, and leave a large, 47.7 meter-wide path for any ships it happens to be escorting. The ship’s 127-person crew will be able to operate non-stop for up to 8 months at a time, enough to ensure comfortable year-round for operations through Russia’s Northern Sea Route passage.
Diesel-powered ships in the Russian icebreaking fleet include the Admiral Makarov, a veteran scientific and supply ship commissioned in 1975, seven ships total of the Kapitan Sorokin and Mudyug-class icebreakers built for the USSR by Finland in the 1970s and 1980s, and the new Project 21900 ships, the Moskva and the Sankt-Peterburg, built in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The latter displace 14,300 tons, and crack through ice up to 1.5 meters. A modernized model of the Project 21900, Project 21900M, has been built from 2015 onward, and includes the Vladivostok, Murmansk and Novorossiysk. Two more, the Arkhangelsk and the Vyborg, are on the way and may be delivered as soon as this year.
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Top: The new generation diesel-electric icebreaker Ilya Muromets being launched into the water from its drydock. © Sputnik/Igor Russak/Go to the Mediabank
The Russian Navy’s complement of icebreakers includes the Ilya Muromets, a 6,000 ton-displacement vessel commissioned in 2017 featuring a unique contra-rotating propeller design, and the Evpatiy Kolovrat, which displaces 4,080 tons, and is expected to be commissioned by the Pacific Fleet later this year. The ships are expected to facilitate naval operations in ice up to 1.5 meters thick.
Finally yet importantly are Russia’s active icebreaking research ships, the Mikhail Somev, Akademik Fedorov and Akademik Tryoshnikov, built between the mid-1970s and the early 2010s. These vessels are between 133.5 and 141 meters long, displace between 16,200-16,500 tons, and are classed for independent operations through ice between 1.4 and 3.2 meters thick. Scientists the world over owe much of our fundamental knowledge about the most remote regions of the Arctic and Antarctic to Soviet and Russian icebreaking research ship technology, and to the many thousands of researchers and scholars who have worked aboard them over the decades.
— Ilya Tsukanov | Sputnik International | Sunday February 11, 2024
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earthdeluxe · 1 year
The extremely rough estimation of the 60:40 human to monster ratio does Not take into account the unknowable number of deep sea monsters btw
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helenadamidou · 1 year
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writers-potion · 4 months
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montereybayaquarium · 6 months
Happy Earth Month! What better way to sea-lebrate than diving into ocean conservation news and taking action?
Join forces with us and other aquariums to urge U.S. leaders to take bold action on plastic. https://mbayaq.co/sign    And don’t forget to sign up for our quarterly Ocean Action Newsletter for the latest updates and ways that you can help protect the ocean 💙🌎 https://mbayaq.co/oceanaction
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transrevolutions · 8 months
french revolution dashboard simulator
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🐀 ami-du-peuple Follow
uh actually man has the right to deal with his oppressors by devouring their beating hearts. hope this helps.
🎩 departicle Follow
Hold up. Okay. Actually, fuck this. This sort of violent rhetoric should not be tolerated on here. Do you seriously think this sort of thing is going to make the nobility give you more rights???? You must be out of your minds! Reported.
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
reblog to devour this guy's beating heart
#username checks out lmao #politics #everybody point and laugh #common adp w
6,178 notes
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update: new canto out now!!! go check it out 😈😏🥀 (remember don't like don't read <3)
📜 sacredhostreceipts Follow
@centuriesandskies this you?? not such a great look for a convention rep ngl
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
listen. I wrote this a long time ago, before I went into serious politics. the account is deactivated for a reason.
I was twenty. I did poorly. I can do better.
#sj.txt #if this is the worst dirt you can dig up on me #i'm way less corrupt than half the people in the convention these days #at least i'm not doing fucking. embezzlement. #also sacredhostreceipts if you're who i think you are #don't you have better things to do rn?
231 notes
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🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
why the fuck is everyone tagging this with french??? political figures?
#what the hell is going on over there #also maybe cool it with the death threats #I don't want this blog to get taken down #what's a girondin #is this some joke I'm not french enough to understand #showdown update
5,012 notes
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⛪ progressivepriest Follow
Unpopular opinion but why is everyone so up in arms about the new Civil Oath? Literally all it's asking is for you to promise not to commit treason just because the Pope tells you to? I can see where people are coming from with the whole violation-of-religion deal, but can you blame the Assembly for trying to make sure the people aren't forcibly subjugated by the wealth of the nobility?
Sounds like something a heretic would say. To betray the Pope and king is to betray the will of God and your eternal soul! You should pray for forgiveness and pledge loyalty to the monarchy or have fun burning in hell. Sorry not sorry.
⛪ progressivepriest Follow
L + ratio + iirc the Bible says "it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" (Matthew 19:24)
🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
occasional based catholic moment, go off OP!
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
looked the faith-first-always guy's blog, he's like a massive anti-huguenot too 🙄 why is it always the prot-exclusive radical catholics smh
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
#religion tag #percs fuck off #anyways op makes a valid point #reblog #percs dni
3,719 notes
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🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
she committee on my safety til I can't go public
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
I don't understand the joke, can someone explain please?? 🙂 Thank you!
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
is that fucking MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE?!!?!?!?
🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
oh my god citizen robespierre I'm so sorry this was not meant to break containment lol I didn't even know you were on this site please forget you saw this
#this is the most embarassing moment of my life #literally sobbing rn #the original post is /j i prommy #i cannot be known as the citizen who had to explain this to the government
19,853 notes
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🪓 indulgentsfuckoff Follow
fabre d'eglantine is NOT your poor little meow meow citizens he literally falsified decrees from the national convention and embezzled money to line his own pockets. I don't care how uwu babygirl you think he is he is a CRIMINAL who should be ARRESTED
💛 i-give-people-bread Follow
#baguette #loaf #croissant #i-give-people-bread #indulgentsfuckoff #silly
2,011 notes
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🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
fucking fed up with the constant threat of the swiss guard, I think it's time we got some gunpowder and weapons and took things into our own hands yknow what I'm saying
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
I'm no longer joking about this btw
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
ok bc I've gotten like 50 asks about this: I am not injured and I am not in need of medical care. the punchline was that we stormed the fucking hotel des invalides to get guns and powder. didn't want to clarify the joke before now for security reasons but everyone knows about that and the bastille thing by now. please direct your money to people who actually need it.
#shouldve clarified the last post was /j #however I assumed yall knew this joke already #anyways #revolution #personal #500 #1k
1,930 notes
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🌾 nopain-nograin Follow
got so high at the festivial 2day i thnk i saw hte suapreme being
#robespiere speech was prboably 🔥 #unforntuately i camt rember any of it #grainposting #oipum ehre is somtehing else thes days #memes
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🎨 jldavid-real-moved Follow
incredible speech from @springtimeofgovernment today at the jacobin club. nobody should be permitted to use their positions as civic leaders to commit crimes against the people, even under the guise of revolutionary fervor. if it comes to it, I too will drink the hemlock with him. for france. 🤝🤝
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
Thanks for your support, @jldavid-real
The situation over here is deteriorating really quickly, the representatives are getting violent and abandoning due process entirely. Anything you can do to stand with us now would be very appreciated. You do a lot of great work for the revolution, and I trust you completely.
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
@jldavid-real are you still there? We could really use your help right now.
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
boosting @springtimeofgovernment here, can confirm he's been injured in a skirmish at the hotel de ville, they're passing summary death sentences without trial, @jldavid-real where is the help you promised us??? the people of paris are our only hope now.
edit: of course he moved blogs. coward.
#sj.txt #disappointed yet unsurprised #marat would be ashamed of you #9 thermidor #update
15,794 notes
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🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
DNI if you support any of these groups/people or their actions: m0narchists, f3uillants, br1ssotins/g1rondins, th3rmidorians, b0napart1sts, h3nri du v3rgier (also goes by c0mte de r0chjacquelin), charl0tte c0rday, or lafay3tte
(h3bertists and dant0nists you're on thin ice. behave.)
#censored so they dont show up in the tags #dni #get your nasty ass ideologies off my page #won't hesitate to block and/or report any violators #pinned
52 notes
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reblog to make the directoire choke to death on their stupid fucking outfits
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
hey staff. yeah you. where did this blog go?? notfishgoujon and prairial-95 are gone as well?? cowards too afraid to show your faces lmao especially after the fucking mess the directoire's made of the country. bet you anything that staff are on their fucking payroll too iykwim at least the republic didn't tolerate fucking bribery
#this site's gone to the dogs since thermidor yr 2 #following the trend of the rest of the country tbh #i'll probably get nuked for posting this #if so i'm not making a new account #i'll just make a paleocities or smth #politics tag #reblog #don't play with me ik full well gb didn't delete his blog of his own free will #they also zero note glitched it #just when you think they can't stoop lower
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📕 spectrehauntingeurope Follow
it's been 50 fucking years since gracchus-babeuf (and the other CoE blogs) were deleted without warning and still no response from staff, the govt, or anything. the site's gone through a fuckton of ownership changes and still nothing.
we're working on a bit of a project (some of you might know abt it already), it's gonna be out prob in the next year or so. remember '89. remember '93 and '94. remember '97.
the people will rise again. it's only a matter of time. 🚩
-mod karl
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Earth Day is for the Worms!🐛 🪱 🌎
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You love to sea it 🌊
📷 credit: Alexander Semenov’s Underwater Photography & Ocean Exploration Project titled «Aquatilis»
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 29 days
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Pictured from left to right: Cpl. Hunter Lopez, HM3 Max Soviak and Cpl. Daegan Page, assigned to 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment while serving in Kabul, Afghanistan.
All three men lost their lives during the suicide bombing at the Kabul airport, on August 26, 2021.
Fair winds and following seas to these brave warriors and to their fellow service members who gave their lives to help protect and save others. Your sacrifice was not in vain and you will never be forgotten. Semper Fi. 🦅🌎⚓️
(Photo is courtesy of Max Soviak’s Instagram)
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cavicape · 5 months
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(sea)world is mine!!! 🐠💗🌎
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larimar · 8 days
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#NASA’s GOES satellite has captured the most recent view of Earth from one million miles away — revealing conditions over America and the Atlantic in remarkable detail 🤩🌎
The central turquoise areas are shallow seas around the Caribbean islands. This Earth image shows the effects of sunlight scattered by air molecules, giving the image a characteristic bluish tint.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the best way for You to astral travel? pick a card
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Hey homies! Please donate to my CashApp or interact with this post so I can do this full-time, thank you so much in advance for your support! The decks used to day are the Romance Lenormand, the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Necronomicon Tarot.
🌎Donate to my CashApp🦋
(please pay for my queer quality of life)
Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Also here are some basic Astral Realm Tips
mirror's there are portals to other places (go through at ur own risk)
eating any food there will effect your physical reality
ask your guides for protection over your soul and your body before traveling
ground urself before you travel
Astrology: Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini
Song: Femininomenon by Chappell Roan
Vibes: Indigo, green, lavender, white, pomegranates, reading, 99, unicorn, plumbagos, book marks, adventure time, X's, crossroads, armor, Hades, Hekate, Athena
Cards: Book, 10 of Swords, Judgement, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Queen of Cups
Welcome, in pile one. The message I'm receiving first and foremost, is you can best Astral travel if you do it 'by-the-book'. There is a reason for this being so prominent. You have tried many times to astral travel and you believe it's impossible at this point. I'm here to tell you that you are capable. The only reason it has felt so impossible is because the most important step you need to take has been skipped unintentionally every time you have tried. You must ground yourself. Seems kind of counter intuitive but it's true.
Most likely, what has been happening is you have actually succeeded in your astral travel attempts. Being ungrounded can make it difficult to remember your adventures. Forgetting who you are can also make it harder to recall your experiences. Remember my friend, we are all a part of Spirit and when we travel in that way we are releasing our consciousness from our bodies and back into Spirit. Without being properly grounded we can lose ourselves in the experience until we return to our bodies.
I see you used to travel through the astral a lot as a kid. I also think you probably slept walked or had night terrors while you were astral traveling a lot as a child too. You have always been capable, my dear. You are extremely skilled in this area. Don't sell yourself short, dude.
Another trick you can do to succeed in your travels is to light a candle for your guides as an offering. They want to assist you but I feel you are the type of person who would rather ask for help than have someone take your freewill from you to assist you. Your guides know that and respect that about you. Which means only you can let go of your pride and ask for help. Also try and attempt traveling while sitting up instead of laying down. Good luck!!
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Cancer
Song: Starlight Brigade by TWRP and NSP
Vibes: Aquamarine, black, grey, brown, kayaking, sea horses, sparrows, seagulls , nests, swings, plantain, carrots, 22, 666, 639, directions, Hermes, Hekate, Hestia
Cards: Stork, Crossroads, 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Chariot
Hey pile two! Welcome to your reading. The main vibe I am getting from your cards is that there is some shadow work you gotta do before you are going to be able to freely Astral travel. I have a feeling you use escapism as a coping mechanism from your trauma. Which is why you have been barred from the Astral for a while. If you were to enter right now, unhealed. It would be hard for you to take part in everyday life in the same way. This is a very similar message to pile one actually but with more emphasis on the healing rather than just grounding. You really gotta figure out who you are, my dove.
Spirit does apologize for all the nightmares and all the pain you have been through. You didn't deserve it, dove. I see you have faced much violence in your few years on earth. It was scary and probably bloody or bruising. It isn't your fault. Everything you have faced isn't your fault. Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to make it right and lick your wounds. I wish it wasn't, dove. I wish someone could scoop you up and take away all the hurt you had to go through. You have to be the one to take that role. Cradle yourself in a blanket of safety and be there for yourself. That will be the best way you can begin to astral travel.
There is an interesting underlying focus of choice in your cards. It is as if you are choosing to continue the immense pain you have been through or to stop it in its tracks. Will you allow to cycle to continue or will you grab the wheel's fate and flip them in the opposite direction. Spirit and I know you will make the right choice. No matter which you decide. It is the right choice. Believe in yourself, dove.
Astrology: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Song: Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
Vibes: Orange, gold, brown, periwinkle, thistle, cherry blossom, open windows, thorns, 88, 5555, 1122, caduceus, red cloth, blue jay, pyramids, chains, lion, tattoos, Ares, Aphrodite, Eros, Eris
Cards: Whip, Birds, The Tower, Hanged Man, 2 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, King of Wands
Welcome pile three to your reading. Oh boy yikes, this is a tough set of cards, my dear. I see you are struggling to venture into the Astral because there is mess that is in need of care in the physical. I think you might be in a really bad relationship with someone. This person is draining your spiritual power. For some of you it is romantic but it could also be familial. For a select few I think this might just be self destructive relationship with yourself. Letting this person treat you the way they do is killing you. The worst part of it is that I think you already know this. You have dedicated so much time and energy into this person that you can't bring yourself to leave. They drain your power and give nothing in return. You have convinced yourself you can't escape.
The cards are begging you to make a change in your physical reality. Once you remove the source of your anxiety and torment you will be free to use your power to do any spiritual thing you want to do. You have to rock the boat even if it is scary. You have to scream for help even if it will provoke someone. You have to make a mess of what they created. It would be so cathartic to wreck shit, babe. Just let yourself explode and watch as their tyrannical reign topples.
However, be sure you aren't exploring at people who do not deserve it. After all of the craziness is over you are going to need a support system to help you out. Please stop giving your power away so you can use it for yourself. Please let your suffering end by starting a new journey and break your current cycle. Please. Good luck, my dear. Have fun wrecking that horrible person's control of you. <3 Once you have dealt with your physical reality it'll be safe for you to venture into the Astral's unknown. Stay safe.
Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
Vibes: Gray, forest green, off white, sky blue, moths, petunias, beakers, blackberries, scales, yellow teeth, 7777, 8, diamonds, moss agate, Nyx, Hypnos, Hades, Thanatos
Cards: Coffin, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Hierophant, 7 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 3 of Wands
Hello and welcome, pile four. Now this is interesting. I see that you are intrigued by the idea of Astral travel but never really put in a lot of effort to attempt it. Maybe you put on a guided meditation for it but it didn't really go anywhere. You have done basic research but never really put everything you had into it. You are almost too grounded to astral travel. Unlike pile one and two you are very focused on reality. Anything outside of reality is fascinating to you but you are too logical to allow your mind to open to more mystical experiences.
These cards recommend that you find a professional to help you ease into it and teach your the techniques. I see you have plenty of resources to get the help you need to explore your spirituality. It will take some work to find the right professional and much more work for you to accept that there are things outside of our physical reality. Take as much time as you need, my dear. Don't overwhelm yourself with information that is difficult to process. If you open your mind too wide it can be extremely intense to accept everything you will learn. Go easy for a while to see if you like what you are getting into.
I can tell your friends might be into this kind of stuff or perhaps your family is. Don't feel peer pressured to believe anything if you don't want to. Just because of the people around you do this stuff, doesn't mean you have too, my dear. Faith is a very personal experience and it should be something you want to do for yourself, not for other people. If you are still interested in astral traveling after you have explored a bit, then you will know when the right time is. Happy hunting!
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xtruss · 8 months
How Could Red Sea Standoff Affect Oil Supplies?
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An Isra-helli Navy Missile Boat Patrols in the Red Sea off the Coast of Israel's Southern Port City of Eliat on December 26, 2023. © AFP 2023/Alberto Pizzoli
Ongoing Houthi attacks on Western trade vessels passing through the Red Sea have already prompted a spate of tankers to divert their course away from the area. Will the trend continue amid the current US-Houthi skirmish in the region? Sputnik explores.
Yemen's Houthis vowed to attack any ships associated with Israel until the Jewish state halts its military actions in the Gaza Strip in November.
This prodded US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to announce the creation of a multinational operation to secure navigation in the Red Sea. Earlier this month, US and UK forces launched major strikes against Houthi positions to degrade the fighters’ ability to target commercial vessels. The standoff, however, shows no sign of abating.
Why is Red Sea So Crucial for Global Oil Deliveries?
The Suez Canal and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait at either end of the sea are major routes for energy shipping. Tankers coming from Persian Gulf countries, such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia, travel through the Red Sea to reach Europe and beyond.
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US Jeopardizes Shipping in Red Sea - Hezbollah Secretary General! "Actions of the United States jeopardize navigation in the Red Sea, threatening the safety of even those ships not involved in the conflict," Nasrallah said during his speech broadcast by Al Jazeera. The US will not be able to stop the attacks on Israeli-related ships, Nasrallah said.
"[US President Joe] Biden and his accomplices are acting stupidly in their arrogance, thinking they can stop Yemenis by attacking Yemen. They have sent threats to Iran, but that will not help them deal with Yemen, because the Yemenis, like in Lebanon, make decisions on their own," Nasrallah said.
Between 7 and 8 Million Barrels Per Day (BPD) of crude oil and petroleum products were previously transported via the Red Sea. Up to 12% of global crude exports, and between 14% and 15% of exports of oil products, such as gasoline and diesel, typically travel through the Red Sea, according to data provider Kpler.
The main alternative route to the Red Sea goes around Africa via the Cape of Good Hope, adding about two weeks to trips and potentially increasing shipping rates by as much as $1 a barrel for crude and $4 a barrel for refined products, Goldman Sachs' estimates have shown.
How Did Oil Prices Change?
The prices of a barrel of Brent crude, the global oil benchmark, and West Texas Intermediate, the US oil benchmark, have barely moved since the beginning of the Red Sea tensions.
Currently, US crude oil is trading about $73 Per Barrel, as compared to average price tag of $82.49 Per Barrel in 2023. Brent crude futures traded 1.4% lower at $77.21 Per Barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude futures were down 1.0% at $71.69.
"The [oil] market basically doesn’t get as excited as it used to because it knows that most of these tensions don’t really, necessarily, lead to a reduction in supply," Homayoun Falakshahi, a senior oil analyst at Kpler, told CNN.
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Red Sea Tensions ‘Sky-High,’ May Be Impossible to Contain Soon — UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
At the same time, he suggested that the Red Sea crisis will last "for months," which may bring the price of Brent to past $80 per barrel in the near future. Falakshahi didn’t rule out that the price tag could rise as high as $85 a barrel over the next few weeks, and that it would surge higher only if the standoff escalated significantly.
Which Companies and Tankers Have Re-Routed?
Even though recent weeks saw a whole array of tankers take a longer route to avoid the Red Sea, the vessels are still reaching their customers, Falakshahi pointed out.
“It’s really mostly a crisis in the supply chain, we haven’t lost volumes [of oil]. You have some tankers that have to go around the Cape of Good Hope. But in the end, the volumes remain the same,” the analyst claimed.
US energy giant Chevron has meanwhile continued transporting crude through the Red Sea thanks to what its Chief Executive Michael Wirth called his company’s close cooperation with the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet.
In a separate development, the British oil major Shell suspended crude shipments through the Red Sea, about a month after British Petroleum (BP) paused transits across the region.
Wirth, for his part, warned that the Red Sea standoff poses serious risks to oil flows and that prices could change quickly if tensions continue. He voiced surprise that US crude oil was trading at about 73$ a barrel because the "Risks Are Very Real" amid the ongoing US-Houthi skirmish in the Red Sea.
"It’s a very serious situation and seems to be getting worse. So much of the world’s oil flows through that region that were it to be cut off, I think you could see things change very rapidly," Wirth argued.
Why are Russian Oil Shipments Unabated?
Russia's crude flows have been unhindered by the Red Sea standoff amid an increase in the country’s oil shipments through the region, according to tanker-tracking data obtained by the Bloomberg news agency.
Over the past four weeks, Russia’s crude shipments via the Red Sea have surged to around 3.43 Million Barrels Per Day, a 94,000-barrel increase in comparison with previous weeks, the data showed.
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American ‘Losers’ Can’t Pass Through Bab el-Mandeb Strait, Yemen’s Houthis Say!
Currently Russian crude continues to pass through the Red Sea despite Houthi attacks in the area. The Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement earlier pledged it would target neither Russian nor Chinese vessels.
"Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement is attacking US and British ships in the Red Sea. As for all other countries, including Russia and China, their shipping is out of danger in the region," the movement’s spokesman Mohammed al-Bahiti told the Russian daily Izvestia. He underscored that the Houthis are ready to ensure the safe passage of Russian and Chinese ships via the Red Sea.
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Maritime Safety in Red Sea Cannot Be Ensured Without Ending Fighting in Gaza — Qatar! The safety of ships in the Red Sea cannot be ensured without ending the war in the Gaza Strip, Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed Al Ansari said on Tuesday.
"The aggravation of the situation in Yemen and in the Red Sea region cannot be considered in isolation from what is happening in the Gaza Strip. It is impossible to ensure the safety of ships in the Red Sea by military means if the war in the Gaza Strip continues. If the war in the Gaza Strip ends, the situation in the region will also calm down," Al Ansari told a press conference.
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Italy 🇮🇹 Halts Arms Supplies to Israel After War in Gaza Began! "Italy has stopped sending any kind of weapons to Israel since the beginning of the Gaza war. It's all blocked. The period when the most weapons were sent to Israel was during the premiership of [Former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe] Conte. But with the outbreak of hostilities, we suspended all deliveries of weapons systems and military equipment of any kind," Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said in an interview with Italian newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale, published on Friday.
— Sputnik International | Saturday January 20th, 2024 | Oleg Burunov
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
I love the way you draw Asriel sad, he looks like a sad Borzoi or greyhood.
Also happy earth day, here a sea lion gif
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Just in time! HAPPY EARTH DAY!!! 🌎💐🪼🌸💕🐍🌅🏔️🐳🌲🌳🌋👫👫🌴🌱🐛🪲🦋
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