#seafolks and pirates because why not
miruru12 · 1 year
Day 4: seafolks and mermaids
Esto está mal. No importaba cuántas veces se lo dijera, Antonio volvía a caer en el pecado. Las reglas de las sirenas y tritones eran claras en cuanto al exterior se refería. Todo lo que hubiera al otro lado de la superficie quedaba prohibido: el siempre cambiante cielo, las nubes que lo recorrían, los montes que podía ver a lo lejos y, sobre todo, los humanos. Su padre se lo había dicho en incontables ocasiones, sin darse cuenta que cuanto más le contaba, más ganas tenía Antonio de explorar ese mundo que le habían prohibido.
La primera vez que vio a los humanos, estaban destruyéndose los unos a los otros. Sus cáscaras de madera rugían y lanzaban objetos a gran velocidad hacia otras cáscaras. Cada martilleo le dolía en los oídos y se los tapó hasta que el silencio más inquietante se apoderó del bravío océano. Una de las cáscaras se hundía y los humanos chapotearon hasta que perdieron las fuerzas y la acompañaron. Consciente de la ventaja que tenía bajo el agua, se acercó a verlos. Fue extraño comprobar que no duraban mucho en el mar y, cuando tuvo el coraje suficiente para acercarse, acabó llevándose algunas de sus prendas como un recuerdo de lo que había vivido. Entre los objetos que se llevó había una tela grande, negra, con una tétrica calavera. 
Había más cáscaras flotantes que llevaban la bandera negra, así que dedujo que debería ser algún tipo de asociación de humanos. ¿De qué tipo? No lo sabía a ciencia cierta. Cada vez que los veía, a su alrededor había violencia y destrucción. La curiosidad consumía a Antonio, que siempre encontraba un motivo para callar la inquietud que moraba en su cabeza. 
Una vez, siguió a uno de los navíos hasta que llegó a una cala que se adentraba en la montaña. Nadó en silencio, siguiendo de cerca el pequeño cascarón con palas dirigido por una persona que se acercaba a tierra. Protegido por el casco del cascarón, Antonio observó al hombre que se alejaba con una herramienta sobre el hombro. Durante un rato, estuvo clavando la herramienta en el suelo y sacando tierra a un lado. Al rato, el pirata jadeó pletórico y tiró el utensilio. Cuando se acercó la antorcha a la cara, Antonio pudo ver un rostro anguloso, delicado y sonriente. En sus ojos claros brillaba la aventura, la pasión. El pelo rubio, que casi parecía que surgía de su sombrero negro con fastuosas plumas, le bordeaba el rostro y se ondulaba hacia las puntas.
Nunca había estado tan cerca de un humano. El corazón le latía con fuerza y supo que no podría olvidar ese momento mientras viviera. El humano guardó algo en el bolsillo interno de su casaca y se incorporó. De repente, se giró y apuntó con un cachivache que sacó del cinto. Antonio aguantó el aliento y se escondió detrás de la madera.
—Sé que estás ahí~ —canturreó el humano—. ¿Por qué no sales y pones las manos en alto, donde el tito Francis las pueda ver?
Antonio supo que tenía que huir, rápido. Sin embargo, antes de llegar a coger el suficiente impulso para sumergirse, algo silbó cerca de su oreja y la madera astillada le cayó sobre el hombro.
—Ni se te ocurra intentar escapar. Por algo soy uno de los piratas más temidos del Caribe. Sal. No me hagas enfadar.
Podría huir, a lo mejor resultaba herido, pero no había manera de que el humano lo venciera en el agua. ¿Y por qué no lo había hecho todavía? La bestia había tomado el control de sus acciones. Quería verlo. Quería hablar con el humano. Quería conocerlo. Así que se asomó, con timidez y el hombre se quedó sorprendido, incluso bajó el cachivache con el que le apuntaba.
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @xenascribbles!
Find the Word Tag
My Words: chase, craze, hope, joined
Your Words: wave, sweat, sincere, shirt
Pulled from Honor's Outcasts book 1
Izjik had lied to him, simple as that. Plenty of others had lied to him, and worse lies at that. But Izjik was supposed to be the one person Sepo could give up his cynical vigil around and just trust. She was a break from all the scheming bastards who made up the world. Not even for an instant had Sepo suspected that she might not be telling the whole truth of her interrogation. That this endless chase hadn't been all his fault.
Well, look where that ambition had gotten her. Stranded on a beach in the capital of Fuck-Off Nowhere. Because, of fucking course it had.
It was all that damn siren's fault! That and whatever the hell had been tearing at their boats like a crazed beaver. Tyche took a quiet, peaceful moment to reflect on just how much she hated seafolk. Damn pirates, the lot of then. And the ones who weren't pirates were worse. They'd kill you just for fun.
"Hello," Izjik greeted Master Chitlal, trying her best to keep any worry from her voice. "My name is Itla... uh, Itla Taamori, and this is my- my betrothed, Salius Corbrium. It is my sincere hope that you will consider my daughter Nari for your program. She's quite the, uh, the quick study, I can assure you. Totally."
Izjik could feel the sweat sliding down her back. She'd always been a terrible liar, and this was a damn big lie. With their accents, they'd decided it would be easiest to try to pass her and Twenari off as a mother-daughter pair of island foreigners. Hopefully, Master Chitlal would be too polite to ask where exactly in Janaz they were from or why they looked as related as a fish and a bird.
With a meaty crunch, the siren stopped, as if he were a machine whose motor had broken. Protruding from between his eyes was a taut, black spear. A gush of blood left his mouth, and that was that.
Eyes blurring with tears, Twenari looked back at Djek. He was breathing hard and bloodied up to his elbows. The shadow whipped back into his hand and after a beat, he fell to his knees and vomited.
Twenari took a step, then another, then joined him on the ground. She just wanted to sleep. Every fiber in her body burned, crying out for rest she couldn't give.
Eyes aching, she forced herself to scan the battlefield for danger. Silver-clad bodies littered the beach. She clawed her earplugs out, listening intently.
I'll tag @elsie-writes @katwritesshit @rkmoon @unrepentantcheeseaddict and anyone else who wants in :)
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redbootsindoriath · 2 years
Hi, Hwestalas from AO3 here! Earlier today, I happened to be thinking of Mablung’s lovely turquoise scale-freckles, and that set off a sudden explosion of curiosity about a half-dozen different details of your CoH Pirate AU. So I just had to ask…How did Túrin breathe while growing up in a mostly-undersea kingdom? Does he have some awesome magic way of breathing underwater, or did he just keep his nose and mouth above water the whole time? (I'll put the other questions in a new ask.)
Is the drawing where Mablung and Túrin seem to be arguing part of the scene from after he accidentally kills Saeros? The sarcastic look on Saeros’ face is so Saeros! And I love how Túrin is wearing an outfit that makes him look almost like a land-form merman! It sounds like the sort of thing he would do in his youth. Evidently he changed clothes later… but was that after he met the pirates, or before? Did they know he had been raised by mermen?
Oh, and if Beleg can get out of work by pretending to be dehydrated (I LOVE that comic!), can mer-people really get dehydrated or did he make up the entire concept? And does it play some role in his medical condition when Túrin finds him in the unfriendly clutches of his pirate crew? Anyway, thanks for all your drawings and fan-theories! I've had so much fun looking at this blog. Hope you're doing well!
Oh dude it's been forever since I had an excuse to think about any of my CoH AUs! This is very exciting. I actually already had the answers to most of those questions written down in a big master document. I'm going to put the answers under a cut here.
"How did Túrin breathe while growing up in a mostly-undersea kingdom? Does he have some awesome magic way of breathing underwater, or did he just keep his nose and mouth above water the whole time?" I cheated and stole the typical kissing-or-being-kissed-by-one-of-the-merfolk-grants-you-temporary-immunity-to-drowning explanation. This is why Túrin banished himself to above the water after the Saeros Incident™. Hard to keep living undersea when you keep having to come up for air every few minutes because you aren't associating with the seafolk anymore. In this AU I've decided that a kiss will grant you somewhere from a couple days to a week of underwater breathing; I haven't set an exact time limit yet. There are also a lot of air pockets within Menegroth, including many of the common areas. This is to allow the rare non-merfolk guest and/or prisoner to move about without having to be kissed every couple of days (since that could be a bit awkward for someone unaccustomed to the culture). And the rare non-merfolk prisoner would be easily contained if they were left without a kiss in air-pocket quarters separated from the surface by a mile of underwater corridors. Also, a kiss from a sea spirit (like Melian) earns you a slightly longer time span. So whenever Túrin is in Menegroth he probably gets his sea kisses from his foster mother rather than from one of the merfolk, but when he's out with the march-wardens he's stuck with having to get his kisses from them.
"Is the drawing where Mablung and Túrin seem to be arguing part of the scene from after he accidentally kills Saeros?" It's from that moment right after he attacked Saeros, so yes and no. "Then Túrin took up a drinking-vessel and cast it in Saeros' face, and he fell backward with great hurt; and Túrin drew his sword and would have run at him, but Mablung restrained him." So Saeros is still alive at this point, but not for long.
"The sarcastic look on Saeros’ face is so Saeros!" Thanks! :-)
"And I love how Túrin is wearing an outfit that makes him look almost like a land-form merman! It sounds like the sort of thing he would do in his youth." Yes, he was given clothes made of scales that would last longer underwater than other kinds of cloth. It has the side benefit of keeping him from standing out so much from the merfolk appearance-wise.
"Evidently he changed clothes later… but was that after he met the pirates, or before? Did they know he had been raised by mermen?" I imagine he changed clothes as soon as he reached land, although that's one section of the AU that I haven't entirely settled on yet. But since in canon the Gaurwaith didn't know where he'd come from, I guess it would be best to leave their pirate counterparts ignorant as well. So the scale cloth will have to go; maybe he raided a clothesline in some human shoreline village before meeting the pirates. All the crew knows is that "Neithan" is an eerily good swimmer, especially when fully underwater, and they're all too afraid of him to ask him why.
"Oh, and if Beleg can get out of work by pretending to be dehydrated (I LOVE that comic!), can mer-people really get dehydrated or did he make up the entire concept?" This is 100% a thing that can happen. Merfolk die if they don't have access to any water for more than a couple of days. Heck, even real-world humans die after three days without access to water. The difference is that merfolk need to be able to get the water on their body in addition to drinking it. The quickest and healthiest solution for a mostly-land-dwelling merman or mermaid is the occasional full-body submersion (or, in a pinch, standing out in the rain for a while) to keep from literally drying out. Prisoners in Angband are given just enough water to keep them barely alive but constantly miserable. There are a lot of warning signs before they die, like the scales getting dull, the merman or mermaid getting progressively weaker and having trouble monitoring their method of breathing, and of course eventually unconsciousness.
"And does it play some role in his medical condition when Túrin finds him in the unfriendly clutches of his pirate crew?" Absolutely yes. It always bothered me that Tolkien told us that elves can go for a very long time without food or water, and then almost killed one of the oldest and strongest elves by tying him to a tree for a couple of days. I'm sure there's an explanation but it still seems inconsistent; so I "fixed" that in this version by having the pirates tie him to the mast and then ignore him. Algund "accidentally" spills a bucket of water on deck next to the mast on the second day, which is the main reason Beleg is able to make a quick and full recovery after Túrin gets back (and also the reason that any of the pirates are still alive five minutes after Túrin gets back).
Thank you so much for asking about this AU! It's still one of my favorites. Here's Túrin rescuing Beleg from the pirates except it's a meme.
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feralshadowdemon · 2 years
once again I remember that Tumblr has not heard of all my bsd AU ideas, and I do not ramble about them enough, so buckle up i’m rambling about one of my bsd aus again
warning this gets long and detailed so if you wish to keep reading click keep reading DkWDMA
Siren/Seafolk Pirate Crew AU
-  Chuuya is the captain of the infamous The Arahabaki, a ship rumored to have disappeared over a century ago returned with a crew of sirens and mermaids.
- Chuuya is the vessel of Arahabaki, who was a god who took the form of a serpent and caused many calamities in history, before suddenly disappearing. Due to this fact, Chuuya has a unique scale color, a bright red. When he uses corruption, he does still cough blood and technically slowly die, but he also has more of his siren side showing (he looks as human as possible usually and no one's ever seen his actual siren form before).
- The reason behind Chuuya being Arahabaki’s vessel is mostly unknown, but some of his crew suspects it may have involved an incident where a supposedly failed ritual set up was found covered by debris and rocks on the ocean floor, right around the same time Arahabaki disappeared.
-  Another crew member, who is usually kept out of sight and below deck or inside a cabin, is Atsushi. A Siren-mermaid hybrid which caused him to have white and black scales, and a unique pattern on his scales being stripes. Due to this, he is a main target for other pirates to try and get because of his rarity. He gets along well with Tanizaki and one of the later crew members who tags along, Lucy. Though he argues a lot with Akutagawa, another siren in the crew.
-  Akutagawa is essentially the second-in-command, he keeps everyone on track and is a rare siren as well that Chuuya found, Akutagawa has black-scales but usually covers them up with fabric he can control. It's a strange side affect he refuses to tell the backstory of (but Chuuya suspects Dazai might know why but just isn't telling, as it seems Akutagawa and Dazai have met before.)
-  Akutagawa's younger sister who also has black scales and is a siren, Gin, usually is the one to hoist sails and such due to her quick thinking and also because of how much agility she has. Some crew members, including Chuuya, suspect she had assassin training from someone due to the fact she always carries a dagger around and is very skilled with it.
- Dazai is a siren who’s kept in the bottom of the ship because Chuuya despises him. Atsushi at first has no clue who he is because he barely is allowed out from the bottom of the ship, and occasionally when he is out and about it’s only to help stop Chuuya’s corruption. He has been pushed down the stairs way too many times form Chuuya shoving him back down to the lower deck, though. (A tad bit of contribution to him being in the lower deck is because of his weird nullifying abilities, but mostly because Chuuya doesn’t like him.)
-  Tanizaki is a mermaid who has orange scales. He's on The Arahabaki to get paid and help get stuff for his sister, Naomi, who stayed at home (she's also less... ew in this AU because. yeah) when Tanizaki got hired on The Arahabaki, happy for her brother to be able to get a decent job. He's very helpful and he and the captain get along well, he also is mainly on cleaning duty but is skilled in combat as well. Usually relying on tricks or distractions to fight though.
-  Lucy is a mermaid as well in this AU, and she escapes onto The Arahabaki as a stowaway until Chuuya catches her snooping through their food supply in search of something. She escapes onto it because she was on an island they went too which had a market place, and she stole something and needed to get away from the island so she didn't get caught with a valuable item, which was the book. (Which she loses and is looking for when Chuuya catches her. She still has no clue how she lost it.)
- Q is here too! And is introduced in an entirely different way. When Chuuya gets off The Arahabaki to get some supplies, Chuuya notices a commotion and sees some people dragging a crying siren child away from the crowd that started to gather around said child. He also notices Q is a unique siren, or also a siren-mermaid hybrid, who’s scales are half white and half black, he then grabs a sword from one of the nearby guards and stabs the person who is dragging Q away from the public, mainly being influenced by Arahabaki whispering something to him about saving the child, before he then flees from the marketplace with Q.
- Q joins the crew from then on, getting along well with the other siren child there, Kenji. He gets super excited to meet someone younger than him and claims them as his younger sibling, also commenting on how the colors of their scales reminds him of the cows his family raised.
- Kenji is a mermaid who was raised on a farm! Not. not an underwater one, he literally was just a mermaid born with two human parents and they didn’t notice his scales until he got older. His incredible strength is from his mermaid blood, no one knows how his both human parents ended up with a mermaid child, but they decided it may be best if he explored the ocean. He then ended up on The Arahabaki.
- Fyodor is still here, he and Chuuya have a cool fight scene at some point and both of them live. Fyodor is as mysterious as ever, first appearing to aid Tanizaki in a fight, then disappearing without a trace.
as a thanks for reading through all this, here’s some cool scenes that happen in this AU:
Chuuya fighting three guards while blindfolded and his hands are tied, ends up as the victor and stabs a sword into the ground and climbs onto it's hilt and threatens the person who sent the guards after him. (No, he totally didn’t climb onto the sword’s hilt to make himself seem taller. totally not.)
Tanizaki fights off some pirates who attempt to invade the ship pretty decently, though when it starts getting too tough, Fyodor appears out of nowhere and helps Tanizaki fend off the invading pirates, before Fyodor disappears just as quickly as he appeared. Tanizaki is left very confused and informs Chuuya of this, who simply smirks when he learns of this strange, mysterious and strong individual 
The entire fight scene between Chuuya and Fyodor is very violent with sly comments thrown in and there. Also no, Fyodor doesn’t kill everyone he touches this AU, it’s kind of different. So he and Chuuya get into a very action-filled fight, at first Chuuya refuses to fight Fyodor but immediately attacks him in response to Fyodor throwing Akutagawa across the ship with ease. At some point Chuuya is distracted by Dazai running up from the lower deck and yelling for Chuuya to back down from attacking Fyodor, in response Fyodor kicks Chuuya into the sky. Oh yeah he has the strength to do that by the way, don’t ask me either he’s just a strange siren guy
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Ayo mind if I request some Mermaid Korekiyo x pirate reader? I crave for some more good Kiyo content 😌
Absolutely! Thanks for requesting ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
♡ There has always been something drawing Korekiyo to the world of humans. If not for the predicament that his tail makes it impossible, he would have roamed the land as much as he could since his heart is so fascinated with what he can’t have. Even if he happened to come across corpses after a shipwreck every now and then, his curiosity could only be stilled in terms of learning their bodies. However, their ways of thinking and communicating are still beyond his grasp.
♡ He even took risks to further his knowledge, approaching harbors and swimming with ships. However, almost always, he was met with fear or anger from the humans. Knowing how his species approaches them, he could understand a little why they’d be so reluctant to be in his presence. If only there was a better way to learn about them, but until he finds it, Kiyo keeps watching them from afar.
♡ Until, one day, the pirate ship he had been observing is caught by the royal navy, bringing it down to the ground of the sea. Korekiyo knows what that means - more dead bodies - and is devastated that all the humans he had been watching talk, work, and celebrate together are now perishing between the waves. He’d have almost turned and left without seeing the aftermath, not feeling like watching the humans being eaten by seafolk, when he notices an unusual trash, a body desperately clinging on to a piece of wood and gasping for air.
♡ Part of him tells Kiyo not to do it. That there’s nothing good that can come from approaching this person. He can hear his late sister - killed by her own curiosity for humans - telling him in the back of his mind that the human won’t thank him, and the other mermaids aren’t going to approve of it, and who knows, it might all be in vain if the human dies anyway. But he also knows that if he doesn’t do it, that poor human won’t even have a peaceful death when he gets ripped apart by fish or Kiyo’s kin. This chance is as good as any to get closer to his dreams of learning about the humans he so admires.
♡ Thus he approaches, and he wouldn’t have expected any less than the human looking at him fearfully, using their limbs to get away from him. He can see it in their eyes. He can see himself in their eyes. Reflections are rare to recognize for the seafolks, but they seem clearer than anything in the human’s eyes. He lifts them away from the wood they cling to, hearing the calls of his tribe. Taking off, he does his best to keep them above water, but they struggle to not drink enormous amounts of saltwater, clinging on to Kiyo in a desperate attempt of not drowning. And Kiyo? Kiyo notices just how warm they are, even after being in the water for so long.
♡ He sets them off on a lonely island, returning to the water after Kiyo pushes them - coughing and cursing - onto the sandy beach. They only briefly turn to him, asking a question. It takes some time until Kiyo can put together the meaning from his insufficient knowledge of their language. However, even so, he can’t answer their, “Why did you help me?” and sinks back deeper into the sea, frustrated that his first encounter with a human... isn’t going as well as he had hoped. He showed them his goodwill, but it might not be enough, the human staying wary as they get up and bolt away, hiding away further on the island where they know Kiyo can’t reach them, and it frustrates him all the more.
♡ But the island stops at some point. Running won’t get them far away. Worried, Korekiyo circles the landmass, only receiving more and more horrified stares from the human until he can’t take it anymore. He leaves them alone for the first night, but he comes back with fish for the human when the sun starts rising. It takes a while to gain trust, but Kiyo had waited for this chance all his life, so he can wait a little longer. Once the human seems to relax a little more at the sight of him, Kiyo starts bringing more things, medicine at first, showing how to apply it, almost too eager to do it himself and scaring the human again. Then, Kiyo starts bringing gadgets, things he collected over the years from the human world. With only Kiyo around them, the human starts opening up a bit, and soon enough, they start teaching him simple words and their meaning.
♡ They learn the human language day in, day out, Kiyo constantly repeating these words wherever he goes. With him being an eager learner, he is quick to pick it up on a level they can speak sentences with each other. Kiyo has things he never imagined opening up for him. The human was a pirate and their foes the navy. Pirates aren’t good, but the navy isn’t good for them either. It feels like one of the stories the older mermaids kept telling the young ones, but this is real no matter how fairytale-esque it appears to be. But with words, there are also emotions and longings that Kiyo can’t understand yet. Still, the human keeps telling him they need help from Kiyo to go back to the cities - home as they call it, and Kiyo starts to question what this would mean for the merman who finally has it all.
♡ Thus the lies start. He knows they are lies because the human told him what lies are. “It’s too far.” and “There are too many dangers.” These words keep the human satisfied for a while, but skepticism rises almost as quickly. But Kiyo realizes that without him, the human can’t do anything. Instead, they tell Korekiyo of their family, their darling lover at home, and how love feels, hoping Kiyo might start to understand. However, even if the human tells him, Kiyo never tried to make his human understand how the merfolk lives. There is nothing to compare and no emotions like the human ones, down there in the water. And so the days continue, survivor’s guilt and depression catching up to the poor human stranded on the island with only a mermaid to keep them company.
♡ One day, Kiyo catches them crying, trying to hide it when the mermaid approaches and laughing it off. He has never seen water spilling from their or anyone’s eyes before, a fascinating process indeed. Kiyo climbs on the beach, approaching them until his body mass overwhelms the human pinned under him. Even if he is selfish, even if he can’t be that family or home the human talks about, Kiyo begins to understand the meaning of some of the feelings the human has been telling him about. Especially the ones that make him want to not let go of them, not lose them again like all the other failed attempts of approaching humans, not give them back to anyone else like their darling partner.
♡ As if to clean a wound, he uses his tongue to make the tears vanish, hoping that the pain he can see on the human’s face will disappear as well. Salt on his taste buds, the warmth of the human and their beating heart beneath him, and his own reflection in the human’s eyes - they are all way too special to pass up on. Even if uncomfortableness spreads all through his human, Kiyo is only now realizing how much more there is to explore. More expressions, more feelings, more words! They can’t leave him yet, after all... after all, they might be his ‘darling’. His darling human. Even if it is all a risk for both of them, this almost sounds too good to be true, right? Like a story to tell the young mermaids in the future. One, only Kiyo will be able to tell the end off.
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heavenlyborne · 4 years
"thoughts on" + Jinbe
Send me "Thoughts on" + a Character name and my muse will give their opinions of that character.
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“Oh, that nasty fish...” Shalria hissed. She didn’t need a reminder as to who Jinbe was, knowing perfectly well that he was regarded as the Knight of the Sea and had served the World Government for a time as a Shichibukai. The Celestial Dragon had disapproved of him from the start, knowing how teacherous the seafolk were and lo and behold, Jinbe had only turned his back on the position and ended up in Impel Down where he belonged. Worse still, he’d actually escaped and was a monumental reason as to why that idiotic rubber pirate was still alive...! ”That stupid mackerel had one job and he had to go and mess everything up! Forget Crocodile and Moria, Monkey D. Luffy would be DEAD were it not for that creature and if I ever hear or see that name again it will only be too soon. I told them, I told them all not to let a fish become one of the Seven Warlords and they still went ahead and did it. Let that be another reminder to the World Government not to get too chummy with animals like that, because even if they walk and talk, they’re still just fish!”
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onepiecesmosthated · 5 years
Biggest Coal Getters At Christmas In One Piece
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As you know from this blog, I rag on the most hated characters in One Piece. At at this merry Christmas time, I want to show you all the biggest coal getters in this series.
12.  Stelly
With being such an arrogant, self-important, entitled, and asshole brat, Sabo’s adoptive brother, Stelly, makes the first on the list on our naughty list. One has to feel sorry for the Gao kingdom for being ruled over such a spoiled king, who even thinks he can order Garp around because he’s originally from there.
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11.  Wapol
 Another king on this list, but one who also is the president of his own toy company is Wapol. Like Stelly he was quite a horrible ruler when he was ruling Drum Kingdom, especially when he left the island to fend for itself when Blackbeard invaded and horded all the doctors so he could force people to pay high prices for them. Though he is currently living high now with his new kingdom gifted by the World Nobles, Santa still is going to leave a nice lump that fits his dark heart.
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10. Judge
Just like with the earlier two entries, we have another asshole ruler and this one is the father of Strawhat member, Sanji. The ruler of the Germa 66, a seafaring kingdom that is notorious for conquering islands and being paid assassins, he is a social darwanist, who caused great abuse to Sanji throughout his childhood because he turned out normal. The only reason why he wanted Sanji back into his life was to cement an alliance with Big Mom by offering him as a groom for her daughter, Pudding, which turned out to be a trap because the Yonko planned to kill him and the other Vinsmokes off to get their technology. And at the wedding when the Big Mom Pirates’ true colors are showed, all that previous super macho bravado is melted away to reveal a sniveling coward who cries when someone puts him into the situation that he put others under. And for that the Germa clones will shoveling a lot of coal for a while.
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9. Spandam
This guy is the poster child on why we should have anti-neoptism laws. A snively cowardly shit Spandam when he was head of the CP9 tortured Robin all the while she was under his captivity, while arrogantly believing his CP agents were untouchable. He also has little regard for human life when he accidentally triggered the buster call and didn’t care that his subordinates could die. He even called them needed sacrifices. He was also the reason why Tom, Iceburg and Franky’s mentor, was killed due to a frame up job he did in order to obtain the Pluton from him. It’s a bit karmic seeing him be forced to take orders from his former subordinate, Lucci, but even then the clumsy klutz should trip on his black pile of gifts he will get.
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8. Hody Jones
Think Arlong, but with none of his few redeeming qualities. Although Hody can be said to be a product of his environment, he’s still a nasty racist shit, who should rot in the jail cell he was put in at the end of his starring arc. With his New Fishman Pirates, they planned on taking over the kingdom and go to Reverie where they planned to massarce everyone there. However, the worst thing he’s done is assassinate Queen Otohime, because she dared to try to aim to bring peace between humans and seafolk. If you think there can be a reason for his racism, then he would answer it himself: “nothing”. Nothing happened to him to make him hate humans personally he just grew up with the toxic belief that hating humans was justified. And for that Hody spends Christmas in a jail cell, while sharing it with the number of coals that can keep him and the other withered New Fishman Pirates company.
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7. Mother Carmel
To the world (and to this day, Big Mom), Mother Carmel was a saintly figure who fostered peace between humans and giants plus opened up an orphanage for children of all races. However, underneath that facade lied a wicked slaver, who pretended to be a grandmotherly figure in order to sell children to the highest dollar. Her famed action of stopping the Elbaf crew from being executed was a staged event in order to gain the trust of the giants. Her most notable so-called prized asset was Charlotte Linlin (who would later become Big Mom), who to this day doesn’t know her foster mother never truly loved her and saw her as merchandise to be sold. Even though she’s a deceased character, she certainly deserves to have her stockings filled to the brim with stone, cold coal.
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6. Blackbeard
Although he’s more of a love to hate example, we all know that Blackbeard deserves to be on this list. For one thing, if you want to know why the post-timeskip is chaotic as it is it’s thanks to this guy. He for years pretended to be a loyal member of Whitebeard’s crew and acted like one of the family knit setting. However, it’s all an at to get at the Yami Yami No Mi/Dark Dark Fruit. He killed one of his own brothers/crewmates, then went off to form his own crew where he fought Ace and got him handed over to the Marines, so that he could become a Warlord and get into Impel Down. There during the breakout he recruited level six members to his crew, then used them to kill his former captain and father figure Blackbeard. And postimeskip he has been shown to now be hunting down devil fruit users for his fellow crew. There is a reason why people say he’s the anti-Luffy and what a real non-romanticized pirate is like. So, I have a feeling Santa will be stopping by on Hive Island with some hefty packages that could fit his namesake.
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5. Ceasar Clown
Although he’s shown as a butt monkey after his first appearance, the record of his misdeeds cannot be forgotten. On his island he kept children captive after a mole in the marines lied to their parents about them dying at sea, which he then proceeded to experiment on them with drugged candy which made them grow giant sized and shorten their live spans. All the while pretending he was actually curing them when he couldn’t give a shit. He also is notorious for making chemical weapons of mass destruction which is used by amoral individuals like the Beast Pirates. In other words, Santa strap this asshole to a big lump of coal and drown him.
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4. Doflamingo
One of the most popular villians in the series is Donquixote Doflamingo, former Warlord, top broker, and King Of Dressrosa. Man, you could have a long list of all the shit he’s pulled throughout his career and life. On the outside he might look like a gaudy Elton John rip off, but on the inside bleeds one of the scariest and ruthless characters in the series. No wonder because he was born of the World Nobles, who are a sociopathic and psychotic bunch. From his take over to Dressrosa to funding Ceasar Clown’s research, he certainly can make you scared of the color pink. And that is why we have to heep this birds feathers with a black sheen.
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3. Orochi
While Doffy is pretty to look at and is flamboyantly fun, Orochi just embodies “hate sink” stereotypes. He’s just made to be obvious that this guy is not going to be a good person. Spoilers ahead: I know he was influenced into becoming an asshole but he is still an asshole who sold out his country for his own benefit. Not to mention currently it was shown he was heavily implied to be the one who killed Suriyaki and lied to everyone about being named a successor with the help of that strange woman. His 20 years of terror have caused nothing but hurt to everyone under his rule as he causes a famine due to the occupying forces of the Beast Pirates. All of his because he believed he was entitled like his grandfather to be Shogun. He also wastes food, as his country is starving and feeds a whole village of hungry people failed “Smiles” so that they can quit crying about their dead loved ones. I know Santa would know of a way to get into this closed off country, so that he can deliver this shistain a coal that is as big as a mountain.
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2. Kaido
Here is the man of thousand beasts and leader of the Beast pirates. Even though Blackbeard himself is no saint, he doesn’t seem to want to destroy the world like Kaido does. An unstoppable juggernaut, he sees suicide as a way to kill boredom and is often on his ass drunk. He’s ruled over Wano through Orochi for 2 decades, as he has decimated it into a famine wide place except the capitol where the rich and his toadie lives. He uses the land to function his own war effort and has caused many of the Wano people to go through great periods of grief. Like with Blackbeard, he’s an unromanticed version of what a pirate is really like. So, Kaido be prepared for Onigashima to reign coal like it’s no tomorrow.
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1. World Nobles (Celestial Dragons)
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By default, you know these shitty bastards would top the list. The biggest reason because of the fact that they are above the law and are allowed to do anything they like because they are so-called “gods”. They treat the general population like crap, while blatantly owning slaves when it was supposed to have been illegalized 2 centuries ago. They are also supported by a thing called heavenly tribute which country of the world government has to give continuously, lest they get kicked out and have no way of defending themselves from pirates or slave traffickers. So I can say the biggest coal getters go to these fat pigs in their towers. Better yet they should coal statues made in (dis)honor of them.
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elena-oc-blog · 2 years
What it's like to work for Crom:
-you are on a pirate ship and most will have to share cabins that are very barebones.
-Crom has no qualms threatening your life or hurting you if you disrespect him / don't do what he tells you to do / don't work hard enough
-Crom regularly yells at and insults his crew
-if you are seafolk, he can literally brainwash and control you and has full access to your thoughts.
-you are also stuck to crom for life but now with the added bonus of being bound to him with dark magic so he can yoink you towards him if he feels like it. I guess the magic curse scar looks kinda cool.
-Crom most often has a "plaything" on board which is someone he kidnapped from another ship and tortures the hell out of because he is a sadist and suffering brings him joy. Be prepared to hear lots of agonised screaming until they die and he finds a new one.
-You do get paid but you only get to spend it in the brief amount of time the ship spends at ports. You don't really get a lot of time to go shopping
-there is lots of bullying going on on the ship, Crom being the biggest bully. Be prepared to get treated like shit.
-No contact with family or friends. Your crew mates is your only social life. And maybe brief friendships with people at ports
-Crom does not like technology. Like at all. So everything is done the ye olde way and technology tends to act up around him anyway. This makes keeping contact with family/friends even harder.
-Then why join you ask? It's mostly people who didnt really have anywhere else to go, people who needed an escape. Or he forcefully abducted you and made you join. Or he resurrected you and you were already a fucked up person before dying so you don't really care. Besides at least there is booze, beautiful songs from the sirens and adventure and violence if you are into that. Most crew members highly regret their decision though. But oh well. No escaping Crom.
Working for Crom is like making a deal with a tyrant devil and very much not recommended. Stay away from him.
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mpmwrites · 7 years
Can you do a story about uma being a man eating mermaid and harry being a pirate because I've seen two versions of this in rp's but none of them are finished and I'm really curious about how this would happen. Happy fanfiction readers day 💓💓
Here you go, love! Happy Fanfic Readers Appreciation Day to you too! This is just Chapter one! I plan on writing at least one or two more chapters, so stay tuned!
Uma’s mother struck her across the face, “You listenwell, daughter of mine, a man that is allowed to live is a man that will kill you later. Curse you for yourfoolishness.”
“He wouldn’t mom!”
“Oh so now you’re in love with him? With this pirate boy?”
“I’m not in love with him!” Uma rolled her eyes, “ButI am telling you that he won’t hurtme!”
“You’re a selfish little girl, Uma! You put us all indanger!” Ursula barked, “You willtake care of this, because if you don’t I will.”She demanded, Uma flinched at the threat and turned away, turning her tailtoward her mother and swiping a little closer than was necessary.
“You let one get away?!” Hook raged, turning awayfrom his son, unable to look at the disappointment. “You spoke to her! She didn’t kill you, andyou let her get away! Don’t you understand how much gold a live one would beworth?!” Harry looked at his lap, knowing better than to speak “Isent you with one task! If only one of your sisters was a boy, they could have done it!” Hisfather, the captain, paced back and forth in his quarters. Harry tried to stayas still and quiet as he could in the wooden chair his father had sentenced himto. “You’re as empty headed as your mother was!” That statement hadbeen meant as an insult, Harry knew, but he missed his mother so much thatanything that linked him to her couldn’t be a bad thing. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?!”
“I–” He knew he should think carefully about whathe was going to say, but only one thing could occupy his thoughts of her; theway she smiled when he was kind toher. Her warm brown skin flecked with turquoise scales, and braids draped overher shoulders, and her smile modest andglowing, and he could sense it was something rare for her to display. “Shewas beautiful.” he muttered in conclusion, but his father heard it clearas the ticking of a clock.
Hook knocked over the chair with a kick and Harryscrambled  to his feet as quickly as hecould, lest he be kicked while he was down. “Of course she was beautiful!They all are!” Hook took a deep breath, and wielded his namesake at histeenage son, “Get out of my sight. We make landfall in two days. I suggestyou make yourself useful if you want to remain part of this crew.” heseethed. Harry stomped out of the quarters.
Uma watched Harry shirk his red coat and dive into the sea, directlytoward her. She swished out of his path, retreating further beneath the surfaceand watching bubbles float around him when he impacted the water. She stared uptoward him, sunlight shining on the surface being disrupted by his motion as hebreached for air. Right, he couldn’t breathe under water; no gills. She madefor the surface and came up just in front of him. He was looking upward, towardthe ship.
“Harry!” There was a blonde boy leaning over the rail.He looked the same age as Harry, but less assured of himself, “I hope youknow what you’re doing!” Harry glanced at Uma and raised a hand to wave atthe other boy; Uma mimicked his gesture. The blonde boy looked like he didn’t knowhow to react to her. Harry was panting with the effort of treading water andlurched for a protruding shape on the side of the ship to relive some of hisstruggle.
“Harry, you don’t think before you do anything, do you?I could, and should kill you, right now.” Uma glared, “In fact,that’s why I came here.” sheraised her eyebrows.
“Unfortunately…” Harry breathed, “You’re notgoing to be able to do that.” He offered, lunging toward her and shoving apiece of fabric in her mouth, wrestling to tie it around the back of her head.She writhed, beating his legs with her tail and clawing at his arms with her webbedfingers. He had the advantage of both size and strength. Now that she wassuccessfully gagged, he wrapped his leather belt around her wrists, using bothhis legs to hold her against him. “I’m very sorry, Uma, but you’ve no ideawhat’s at stake here.” He panted, “Gil, throw down the rope!”
Uma was left in a small dark corner of the ship,  inside of a water barrel with the lid removed.The freshwater could sustain Uma, but she had little room to move and the lackof brine made her quite uncomfortable. Not that she could move anyway, as shewas still bound and gagged. She splashed to get some attention from the pirate sittingagainst a wall nearby. He looked up; it was the blonde one. “Stay put,I’ll get Harry.” he nodded with a small smile and disappeared up a ladder.Uma thought about trying to topple the barrel, but knew she had nowhere to goand certainly wouldn’t make it back to the sea on her own. Not too long later,Harry and the other boy returned. Harry lewdly smirked at her, Holding up a darkpurple piece fabric.
“A shirt. Human women cover themselves, and if youdon’t want to get ogled once we go ashore, I’d suggest you put this on. I triedto find something soft so it wouldn’t make you too uncomfortable.” hedropped the fabric in the water, she stared at it, menacing and slightlyconfused. “I’ll unbind your hands, hold them up.” He demanded,approaching with a  dagger  that Gil handed him. Uma hesitated once hewas within reach of her “Come on now, I’m not going to hurt you, so longas you don’t try to hurt anyone here.” She looked away from him and heldup her hands. He sliced through his old belt easily and unwrapped it from herwrists, leaving angry red bars across her skin.
Uma reached  up immediatelyand pulled the gag off, tossing it at Harry. “Really? You’re kidnappingme?”
“As I said, you’ve no idea what’s at stake.”
“Yeah, your lifefor one thing.” She rolled her eyes, “You’re so lucky I can’t get outof here.” She spat, making sure to bare her sharp teeth for the two men tosee.
“We both know I could have just as easily killed you asI did get you aboard this ship. You’relucky I’ve granted you that.” She looked away, knowing he was right. A wideamused grin spread on Harry’s face.
“I don’t know how to put this on.” She admitted,holding out the now dripping cloth. Harry sighed and took it from her, turningit over in his hands and sorting it out,
“Your head goes here.” He held the neckline openand she bowed her head for him to put it over her. He let go and she pulled herbraids out from under the fabric, exposing her bare chest. Harry, not havingthe manners to avert his eyes, blushed a bit and Uma glared but didn’t stophim. “Arms here.” He held up the long sleeves. She put her arms inbut pushed the sleeves up past her elbows so her fins were exposed. Harrystepped away, “You look quite lovely.”
“Thanks.” She said sarcastically, “Why do youneed me on your ship?”
“Gil, go back to your duties, I’ll keep watch.”Harry told his friend, not looking away from the mermaid. The ladder creaked asGil once again disappeared above deck. “Seafolk are something if a legendamong pirates and commoners alike. A live mermaid is worth more gold than wecould plunder any day.”
“So I’m no better than heartless gold?” Shelaughed with derision and disappointment, she had been wrong about him, and ithurt more than she would have expected. She couldn’t make eye contact with him.Harry watched her in silence,
“Did you think I took you from your home to–”
“No, I didn’t. Forget it. Once you sell me to thehighest bidder what happens to me?” She turned icy again. Harry smiled,
“Not my problem.” He raised his eyebrows. “Wemake landfall in two days. When my father finds out that I’ve captured you, Ibecome at least equal to my sisters and fall into his good graces.”
“And after that? You remain part of his crew, which isby far the least menacing I’ve ever seen, a laughing stock among pirates and forever his underling.” Shesmirked, his expression faltered. She’d found a solution; his freedom and hers.“I have a better idea.”
“Which is?” He became acutely aware of theirproximity again, peering down at the half-human and biting on his bottom lip.She knew the look in his eyes, a look she’d received from countless seafarers,seduced by just her appearance.
“There’s word of a witch, one that can turn me human.Take me to her, and I’ll help you win your freedom from your father.” Sheexplained.
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