#sealing doors
marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
"most allegedly haunted houses turn out to have gas leaks!"
no they don't. you are merely skimming the surface of mundane shit that can be wrong with old houses with your one puny little explanation that only fits a very small number of cases. try harder
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slushyseals · 7 months
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Hooray, my mail order pup-scription is here!
In reality this little pup got lost and ended up on someone's porch. Not to worry, the home owner did the right thing and the little guy is now at the Marine Mammal Care center who can evaluate them for any necessary care before release back into the wild. Source for more context: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3im2QYybiF/
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
Rogue Tav who treats picking locks the same way the Lockpicking Lawyer does
Oh nooo it's locked *jams the lockpick in and wiggles it around with the most bored expression and it opens in a second* Wow sooo secure
Astarion challenging them to see who can open a padlock faster and Tav is like okay sure
They ask for two padlocks. Astarion thinks they're going to try showing him up by unlocking them both before him
The timer starts
Tav hits the padlock open with the other and stares dead at Astarion as he's only just got the pick in the lock
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samwwise · 1 year
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If you say so. But then again, other people's love lives always seem so much more straightforward than our own.
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kerto-p · 16 days
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why is it harder to break items in the answer
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clannfearrunt · 7 months
Unexpected point of intense rage re:walrus fairy is that people keep posting ELEPHANT SEALS. Do we not know what a walrus looks like!!! The fucking TUSKS!!! THE TUSKS!!!!!! THE BEARD!!!
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i love haircuts. i cant stop petting the back of my skull
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legobiwan · 27 days
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It says a lot about how creepy Ford's Bill shrine must have been for Stan to have not immediately tried to pawn off Bill's golden statue for cash once he found this room. And to think, the only thing Stan knows for thirty years is that his brother had cobbled together a freaky art collection of triangles (which for some ridiculous reason wore a tophat and bowtie) and that the image on the objects seemed to match an unnamed anomaly Ford had catalogued in Journal 1.
The heart attack Stan must have had when he put two and two together.
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hayaku14 · 2 months
anyway, it's full moon tonight in japan. y'all already know kaishin is getting nasty on the rooftops again 👉😏👉
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illmoraineakoi · 9 months
What if the Pale King locked himself away in the Dream Realm to recreate what he did to the Hollow Knight? After the Vessel leaked and he realized that it most likely had capability enough to suffer, but far far too late to even hope to do anything to fix it. He was beyond the point of no return, there was nothing he could do to undo the Sealing. And even if he could, there were no other options that he could think of of what to do about the Blazing Light.
He had no choice but to keep the Vessel sealed. No choice but to watch his kingdom crumble. There was nothing he could do.
Nothing, but to seal himself away in a self-imposed punishment in the exact same way he imparted onto his only (known) living child.
A weak attempt to impose the same agony onto himself as he forced onto them.
And should the people of his kingdom stop worshiping him and forget he exists, dwindling his power and life to a pathetic end?
Perhaps that might've been for the best.
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starions · 3 months
what if butch’s dad is alive in the wasteland and butch meets him and finds out his dad truly loved him and tried desperately to get inside the vault after it was closed
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galarrapidash · 2 months
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I entered the MLPTP fundraiser prize drawings and won these!!! 😱💗💗
I'm so excited - gen 2 designs were what got me into MLP earlier this year (in particular, Eve's design!) and I absolutely adore the style, so I can't wait to get these and display them q-q
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llithiumstars · 2 months
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I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
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thespoonisvictory · 7 months
what up it basically already was but this is officially now just a stuff I read/watch and DND blog. not going to delete posts or change my username, just letting u all know my stance on this
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Salutations. I am here to submit an application to be little br—Er, Yoichi’s older sibling not that he needs another when he already has a perfect older brother. I am confident I can meet the requirements. I am perfect older brother material.
• Hates bank vaults.
Absolutely! I hate bank vaults. Apparently they’re too easily broken out of. You need a much better place to store your precious things, I’ve learned, as bank vaults are not secure enough to prevent bastard brother thieves people from stealing your most precious possessions.
• Prefers Captain Hero to the Demon King.
This one I cannot bend a knee to. Complete sacrilege to think that that blasted “captain hero” is better than the Demon King! The Demon King is clearly superior!
• Villains need not apply.
I am pleased to say I am not a villain. I am, in fact, doing many great things to better our beautiful country. I have many friends who will do many things for me, and I have a great mission to help those with meta abilities. I am practically a god, and do not mind being worshiped as such.
• Yoichi would like someone younger than him so that he can be the older brother, but this is not a strict requirement.
Glad this is not a requirement, as Yoichi being the older brother is a crime against the very universe. It’s simply not the way of things. He is meant to be the younger brother, and I am will be a great older brother for him. I am very wealthy and can provide many things, and can guarantee I will love him dearly. He will be my most precious thing.
• Must have a tolerance for PDA.
…Must we? There is no need for such things. Anyone who even thinks of touching my Yoichi will be…removed. Yoichi needs no romance, family should be good enough for him.
• Yoichi’s hair care products are not to be borrowed under any circumstances.
I can do better than that: I can provide endless amounts of any hair care products he would like! Nothing is too expensive for me! If Yoichi is taking care of his hair that’s more time spent at home with me where he should be. He can have all the hair care he wants; I won’t touch it.
• You must be able to defeat All for One in combat. This is very important because All for One will certainly try to murder you for replacing him.
I certainly would! As if anyone could replace m—I mean…Yes! Rest assured, I am very powerful as well as very wealthy, and I am sure I can handle All for One. He would not be a problem for me.
Obviously, all of these qualifications show that I am would, in fact, make a perfect older brother for Yoichi. No need to consider other applications as I am clearly the superior choice. I will be awaiting a positive reply. Thank you.
Dear Totally Not All for One,
What an interesting application! Yoichi would like to interview you for the position. The interview is located in a dark bank vault. Please step inside.
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shannonsketches · 9 months
an incomplete list of animals i'd like to see utilized in gerudo valley + canyon + desert + highlands
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