#seashell hunt case
case-almost-closed · 10 months
Gotta love Yokomizo Jugo. It doesn't matter if he's solving a case, talking to the kids or his brother or realises that everything he said is wrong. His face is just a mask of sheer and utter boredom and/ or judgement and I've gotta love his complete attitude that screams "I don't give a shit"
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Look at him, he's so unbothered eventhough he's standing right next to the corpse.
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Is he accusing her friend of possibly being the murder? Yes.
Does he give a shit? Absolutely no.
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But just as well, he really doesn't care that a primary school student was cleverer than him. He just does his job.
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Dude, you're literally solving the case. At least try to show some emotions.
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Can you see that? That's his "Fuck it, case solved, I'm out, bitches" face
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Honey, you've just been proved wrong by a bunch of kids and an old guy. At least try to look bothered.
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
I’m sorry for all the requests but Dr.stone brain rot is killing me 😭:
May I order a headcanon (once facking again) where their s/o’s family was extremely poor in the past, so when Ryusui made currency they spent the least amount of money, rarely eating out of habit and trying to not make the same mistake their family did before?
If there was a Tsukasa part I believe that would only fuel his anger more for the rich and greedy ngl 😭
Anyways, if you do my request once again. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart! And remember to always take care of yourself pookie <3
- Sincerely, 🍙 Anon
Reader’s Family was Poor in the Past
Hi!!! Thank you for the request! :) and do remember to take care of yourself too! Sorry this is so late to when you sent this in 😭 there is so much in my inbox, I jump around.
I chose Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, and Ryusui for this.
Senku Ishigami
He wasn’t too concerned with what everybody was doing, but your behavior doesn’t go unnoticed.
He watched as you picked through almost thousands of drago and only spent a few, and it almost seemed like you were scared to.
Ryusui had practically thrown drago at you because you were nearby and he complimented you and gave you plenty of money, so why were you spending SO cautiously like you were down to nickels and dimes? (I know nothing about Yen so I don’t know if there is an expression equivalent in Japanese)
You have nothing to really save the money for, so why were you debating so hard over spending it on a shirt. You wanted the shirt, didn’t you?
Eventually, he’d found out from somebody that knew you that your family was poor. He had thought something like that must have been the case, but now he knows for sure.
He’d likely encourage you to spend a bit more. Either that, or he’d bluntly tell you there is no reason to keep the money so close to you anymore.
Gen Asagiri
If he had that much money, he’d be blowing it.
You had thousands of drago that Ryusui had just handed you. And you were clutching onto it like you’d be robbed of it and be left for dead without it if you loosen up just a little.
You hesitated to get cotton candy, despite how much you said you missed the taste.
He watched you and soon noticed your behavior was like those who were less fortunate to have to ration to survive.
You didn’t need to do that here, the money isn’t that important. At the end of the day, the hunters in the kingdom of science would bring home food rather people paid them for the meat or not.
The community doesn’t run off of money, so your behavior is unnecessary. So he’d probably talk you out of it.
He’d come stand beside you, talking to you softly.
“Money isn’t that important here. You don’t need it to pay for a house. And the beasts of people we have here do the hunting for us, and never once have they asked for money. Nor would they deny you food if you couldn’t pay. You can save some… but maybe spend half? Plus…” he leans in to whisper, “Ryusui would gladly pay for you if it ever came to it. I’m sure a man like him will never run out of money.”
Tsukasa Shishio
Dragos have been around for a while, but you’re still clutching onto them like it’s life or death.
Francois doesn’t make you pay them for food. The hunters (him, Hyoga, etc) don’t make you pay them for meat or anything.
So your behavior has got to be engraved into you.
He might be on the side of kingdom of science, but deep down, this rise of currency and capitalism bothers him.
watching you struggle to let go of money makes him angry.
The world they used to live in had brought you to this point, and that pisses him off.
He knows what that’s like. He fought for money. He became famous for money. All for money for Mirai. Just so his sister would live.
He had to pay people to keep his sister alive.
And old men paid for the rights to land and he had no grounds to even do anything about getting beat down by one for picking seashells. That man OWNED those seashells.
He doesn’t know exactly what you went through, but he’s got an idea.
He doesn’t say much, but he makes sure to give you plenty of food and he’ll buy things for you and give them to you.
Honestly he’s so sweet.
Ryusui Nanami
Spend money, get bitches. Yk. (This man would hate the word bitches for sure. But I had to say this. Like side note, but he’s an advocate for the word to be offensive when leaving a man’s mouth)
Ryusui gave you thousands of drago and stepped back. He expected you to spend it, give to the economy, etc.
But you held onto it like you were gonna need it soon.
He doesn’t really know what that’s like. He’s always had lots of money.
Well, once he had a smaller allowance, but even that would be a lot to most other people. He doesn’t realize this so much, not until he sees you.
He’s confused at first.
What else is there to do in life than get all that one wants when they want it? Get your money up, keep your money up, spend your money up. Yk. The 3 pillars to life. (This is not what they are)
He gives you more money.
But you try to deny it.
He insists. Then he watches you clutch onto it like you’ll need it all in an hour.
He probably goes over to encourage you. Telling you to see things how he sees it.
And then you probably explain why you just can’t. You’re scared you’ll end up like your family was as a kid.
He begins to see what you mean, and he’ll probably spend some money on you.
“Don’t be scared. There isn’t anything to worry about money about here. Even if everything had a cost soon, I’d pay for whatever you needed. And all these people would surely do you a favor even if.”
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youareunbearable · 6 months
I've been thinking about Dionysus a lot, mainly as a god of madness and what that looks like, and ofc I've been taking my two favourite things and smashing them together so I come to you all with this: to mortals, the Sons of Feanor are remembered for their madness.
Feanor, of course, is remembered the most for his brilliance. And because of this, brilliance comes hand in hand with madness. A mad scientist of you will. Many mortals warn each other of not falling too far into the act of creation, to not get too lost into their work or else they might not find themselves whole and sane again.
Ambarussa are seen in duality, like expected. They embody both the panic and fear and crazed determination of: the coward that would do anything for life; the deserter who claws and screams at their chains begging for freedom at any cost ; the dying and their moans and pleads and horrible knowing laughter; but also of the slow, mindless, aching guilt of the survivor. For there is a madness there, a quiet consuming one, that comes with the knowledge of following orders of madmen, and doing nothing to free yourself. Of shaking the bars of your mind as you complete the same tasks over and over and over hoping for a new outcome when you know from the start what it will be. In both cases Ambarussa burns and they laugh
Caranthir is another one that mortals call upon often, for its the madness of rage, of speaking and acting without thinking. The kind of daily insanity of intrusive thoughts and his name would be a warning to not let them win. For its so easy to slip, to give into the mindlessness of instinct, of acting without thought or reason, to scream and rage and feel it flood over your body, ignite your cheeks. But it's always over before it starts, leaving you dizzy at the thought, the implications, the aborted actions.
Curufin is madness of loyalty. Blind loyalty, consuming filial loyalty, the desire for praise and recognition, to be the best. It strangles your heart and mind, his mindless loyalty, this overwhelming driving force. Cities and empires have fallen to this madness, for what is ambition if not its own brand of insanity. To believe you are larger than life, to be greater than your fellow man, to take whatever you want at the cost of everyone else- if that isn't madness then what is?
Celegorm would be that answer, for many mortals say he is the most blatant of the Sons, for he is the madness of the Kill, the lost of self in the Bloodlust, the driving force of the Hunt. With the third son, he is the true concept of Maenads- the frenzied rites. The losing of inhibitions, the fervent prayers to a God that is no longer listening, the thrill of tearing into your kill, feeling their life drip from your teeth as you laugh and laugh at an all seeing and uncaring sky. He would be the unruly madness, the one that follows you at the bottom of a bottle, laughing in your ear and filling your senses until you do something you regret, maybe even something you don't even remember at the end of the night
Maglor would be the most well known of the Sons, one mortals are aware of, and many aren't even afraid of. Many even sink into his embrace, as easy and willing as a hug from a longtime friend. Madness in grief is always easy to be enveloped by, for grief is something that is too easy to lose yourself in, and its something that lingers for years, decades, always ready to sink its claws into you when you least expect it. To ward him off from overstaying his welcome, mortals gift seashells to lessen the time his hysteria cloaks you, if not to ward it off completely. Its because of him, mortals say, that your tears taste of saltwater, its his unending grief at the seaside at work
And finally, the oldest of the Sons. Some mortals claim that Maitimo isn't a madness of his own, but Feanors perfect creation that was shattered into 7 fragments, never to be whole again and doomed to be imperfect forever, picking up after his broken pieces. Oh no, others cry out, Russandol is the insanity of doom relationships, of star-crossed lovers and falling into the insanity that is born of knowing you will never be happy and at peace together. Other mortals scoff at this, for they know that Nelyafinwe is the downward spiral one goes on when they have overwhelming and doomed expectations crushing their shoulders, the slip into consuming madness that no matter what you will never be able to meet them. Still others shake their head. You're almost right, they call, Maedhros is all of that and more. For the eldest of the Sons is the most madness inducing thing of all, the knowledge of failure.
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mydearneteyam · 4 months
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summary ;; in your defense, it wasn't your idea. in defense of tuk, you, rotxo and ao'nung, were talking too loud.
pairings ;; tsireya x fem!metkayina!reader ;; rotxo x kiri (mentioned)
warnings ;; mentions of insecurities (if you squint) and a sad tsireya (just in a flashback)
word count ;; 1.9k (with bonus)
word of the day ;; txampay [t’am.ˈpaj] n. sea, ocean
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You snorted with a smirk at Rotxo's words as you settled back on the stone.
“Didn't hear you” but you had, you just weren't interested.
“I said Tsireya has been… teaching Lo'ak for a long time” he repeated, finishing sharpening his knife. He looked at you again, almost a little uncertainly. “Aren't you worried?”
"My sister won't mess with that demon-blooded boy. I'd rather she be with the other one” Ao'nung growled, untangling a net in the sand, but still in close proximity to both of you.
"Don't be an idiot, Ao. At least just call them forest boys” you muttered, rolling your eyes and now leaning back against the stone. "Just because he has an extra finger doesn't mean he's less than us. And she knows that, Tsireya is very open-minded. ” you clarified, shrugging.
"Over my dead body she will be with that jerk."
'And over mine'. You thought, but couldn't quite bring yourself to say it.
“I thought you liked Tsireya” Rotxo insisted again to which you grimaced, running a hand through your curls.
“Yes, I like her” they both looked at you with interest, but quickly frowned when they saw you lay back down. "But it doesn't mean I'll be at her side all day following her around like an Akula follows its prey. She's free to do whatever she wants” you said, emphasizing the last part.
Yes, you had known Tsireya for a long time, yes, you had liked her for years, yes, you had vowed to get engaged when you grew up because you loved each other, yes, you cried every night since the Sully family had arrived, but those were details, weren't they? And even if all that were true, you were too busy with the hunts on the other side of the reef in the company of your father and she with teaching her customs to the na'vis who were slowly getting used to the new environment with the help of her brother.
You wouldn't be bothering her all day.
"Wow, you take it in a very mature way. I'd be begging” muttered Rotxo to which you laughed a little.
“Well, with the girl you like…” you tossed him a small seashell. “I'd be begging Kiri for some attention too”.
“Get him” chuckled Ao'nung, but you spoke again, this time referring to him.
“Don't get me started on your case.”
“I thought we were talking about how you liked my sister” Ao'nung stammered in defense.
“They can throw it, but they can't catch it.” you laughed, starting to sit up a little better. “But I don't think I'll do anything, you know, Lo'ak seems very attached to her and who am I to tell her that I already stole her first kiss at the age of-?” but just as you were about to finish your comment and laugh again, you noticed a glance a few feet away from you. There, in front of the three of you and with two shells in her hands, ready to run was who you least expected to see.
You opened your eyes wide and like a fish fleeing from the net, she began to get away, throwing the shells.
You brought both your hands to your head, cringing in terror. You were lost, totally lost. There, that was the end of you.
“Run after her” said Ao'nung nudging you, but you frowned, about to throw yourself into the water to die.
"Yeah, and what do I do? Tackle an eight year old girl?” you replied sarcastically. Rotxo looked like he wanted to dive into the water too.
“You named Kiri.”
“W-well, I named a lot of people all day..." you tried to explain, but it was so empty because the one who should be listening to you was already talking to her older brother raising her arms and pointing over to where the three of you stood.
“You guys are screwed”.
As Ao'nung shrugged his shoulders and began to turn around, behind his back you looked at Rotxo who, with the same annoyance you had on your face, nodded. both your hand and his hand planted themselves on Ao'nung's back and threw him into the water.
“Drown yourself.”
“So… Tsireya” smiled Neteyam beside you and you could only groan in embarrassment against your hands. It took you a lot to get Tuktirey to shut up before Kiri, Lo'ak and Tsireya came back after the sign language class, but you managed it… with the bad luck that Neteyam had indeed managed to understand no matter how much his little sister had expressed it in a disorganized way.
You appreciated that he hadn't reacted in a bad way, though you were also annoyed by his good-natured attitude to it. Did he really not care how his brother might react?
"It shows. Well, Lo'ak don't see it, but that's because he's got a head as hard as a hammer. It's very obvious in how you look at her when you come back from the sea or when she says goodbye to us” hearing his words reassured you. But there was still something gnawing at you inside.
“It's not like I-well, she's…” the words wouldn't come out, probably because now you had to explain yourself, something you didn't like. “She's not mine.”
“She's nobody's” he corrected to which you laughed, rolling your eyes.
“She might want to-”
“She might.” he emphasized and you hissed at him. "What? I'm being honest. Although if you want I can go and ask her what she thinks…"
“What does who think about what?” you both startled when Tsireya's presence interrupted you. “Ah, I'm sorry, was that something private? I can leave if you want” she smiled, shrinking in place, but before she could, Neteyam gave you a quick glance and denied.
"Not at all, I was just leaving. The night is nice to appreciate it, don't you think?” he left with hurried steps and you questioned if he was really someone as mature and serious as others pointed out when he tripped over his own foot and almost fell to the sand. “I'm fine, I'm fine!”
“May I sit down?” the girl asked, looking at the booth the Omaticaya boy had previously been in. Your heart skipped a beat, but you shrugged and nodded.
"If you want to. But maybe you should go to sleep, tomorrow you have to continue with classes” you smiled to which she played it down, leaning on your shoulder confidently.
"Not at all. It's never a bad time to be with you. You should join us, after all, you're the one who uses your hands the most to talk” she laughed a little and you copied her action, well, both, you laughed and rested your head on hers, enjoying the calm waves in front of you.
"Just because I use them more doesn't mean I'm a good teacher. I'm not to my own people and I won't be to the boys in the woods” you said through your teeth, sneering at yourself. “U forget that time I explained poorly how to tie the knots in the canoes?”
Tsireya guffawed, hugging both arms around yours and threw her head back.
“Some of Ao'nung's friends fell and he hit the boards himself, how could I forget?” she looked back at you and you smiled as you noticed the short distance separating them, noticing the lights of the village reflected in her blue eyes.
"If that makes you laugh I can do it again. Although I wouldn't be too happy with the penance I had to serve” you joked. That time they wouldn't let you on the boats for at least two weeks. “My life is with and for the ocean, remember?”
“My life is with and for the ocean, 'Reya” you exclaimed as you slung an oar over your shoulder. "And when I get my first tattoo, I'll explore other islands. Too many, I'll be a legend!” but you noticed how the female lowered her gaze, playing with the sand at her feet.
“I don't want you to leave me here” she murmured. Both of you at only twelve years old had already noticed the special connection, but something always edged you into a gap, no matter how small. Still with the paddle in hand, you hugged her, allowing her to hide her tearful face in your shoulder as she sobbed quietly.
“I won't leave you here, don't-don't cry” you awkwardly tried to hold her back, holding her face in your hands. “Look, uh- we can get engaged as adults and then you'll go with me to different islands. we'll travel all over the ocean! Would you like that?” her smile lit up your face and her tail started wagging effusively. She hugged you and nodded, excited.
“It's a promise!”
“I know” she hummed, without turning away from you. She looked straight ahead. “And my life is with and for you…” Seeing her out of the corner of your eye, you minimized it and denied.
“We said it as kids, it's okay if-”
“Tuk told me.”
'Fucking brat' you cursed as you looked away and squeezed the sand under your hands.
“I didn't mean for her to tell you, I'm really sorry” you sighed, but the soft look on her face made you understand that there was nothing to be sorry about.
From the look in her eyes, even a rejection from her would be like Eywa kissing your forehead and cradling you.
"I've been with Lo'ak a lot, it's true. I'm sorry if that's made you feel a bit left out or like it didn't matter to me” she took your hands. “Trying to make him not feel like an outcast, maybe I made you feel like one...” her lips quivered and you pulled her closer to you.
"Hey, not at all. I understand why you approached him, he's a nice guy and if you did, you had your reasons. I didn't feel lonely or anything” you admitted, stroking her hair. "I just, I thought it was a little stupid of me to try to look you up because at the end of the day we have things to do. You're, well, your parents' daughter and I'm just a simple hunter and diver. I've had to go, come, hunt, fight sea animals…and I haven't even asked your parents if I have their permission to court you, you know?” and it wasn't a lie. Life for both of you was moving fast, much faster than you'd like. Today, you were clarifying your feelings, tomorrow you could go on a trip. "And I don't want to slow you down either with my trips, they're too complicated. I won't leave you here waiting…"
“No, you won't” she interrupted your speech “Because I'll go with you,” and with that, she leaned in to kiss you.
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“She kissed her!” indicated Tuk hiding behind the nearest marui, causing Neteyam, Ao'nung and Rotxo to clap their palms together.
"Good job, team. Maybe someday we'll get another couple together” smiled the girl proudly. Behind her back, Rotxo scratched his cheek, shy.
“Do you think you could help me?”
“You said you'd beg.” Ao'nung and Tuktirey said in unison.
“I know what I said!” Neteyam couldn't help but laugh at the conversation and was pulled aside by Lo'ak, who had rearranged his hair and looked a little… different.
"Hey, bro. I'll go ask Ao'nung if he'll let me court his sister, do you think I look good?"
“Yeah, about that…” the elder scratched the back of his neck, gritting his teeth. “There's plenty of fish in the sea, little brother, why don't you better find another one?”
"Agh, please don't you say that too. Kiri was first, then Mom, then Dad. 'She's nice,' sure, Tsireya is very nice, so much that-” he stopped when he saw behind Neteyam's back. “Oh.”
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a/n ;; can u tell i like women? anyways, next week it's my birthday AND i have a very important exam, so i might not upload anything, but I will try to upload the few things i have saved as soon as i get rid of those two days, love y'all !!
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echantedtoon · 4 months
Mermaid Headcannons
Just a few headcannons on mermaid culture for Ocean Deep for anyone curious.
*If a mermaid/merman wishes to court another then they usually do things to show their worth. Example being bringing back big game like a seal or shark to prove they can provide food or gifts of polished shells or jewelry to show off wealth. Sometimes they'll even spare with a love interests' family member to show off strength.
* The type of courting habits depends on the type of mer or water creature they are. For example:
Seal mers, or selkies as they're called, will offer their potential partner an opportunity to touch their seal skin while in human form as a sign of trust and interest.
Shark mers will often show off scars and bring back large prey to present to a potential mate to show how fiercely they can protect.
Crustacean mers will offer dances being crab/lobster/etc mers.
Sea dragons might offer a piece of their treasure hoard or recite poetry or knowledge.
However the most common signs of courting is offering valuable resources/objects. But again it varies from water creature to mer.
*Mers don't really have a concept of monogamy or polygamy. Some just prefer one life partner while others sometimes have multiple partners. It's not uncommon for them to have more than one partner. To them it's really just normal.
*It's more common for the women to take the last name of the males but again this isn't always the case.
*Pods are usually categorized by two: Family Pods and Neutral Pods.
FAMILY PODS: Usually the most common and very big varying on the mers. These are usually made up of just family members. Usually a pair of parents and their partners, and their children. Sometimes a family pod will be very big with grandparents, along with uncles and aunts and the main partners' siblings but it's less common.
-There is always one leader in every family pod, usually it's the father of the children. They are in charge of leading the pod and have the final say on things.
-The children are referred to as guppies or pups.
-Ever heard of sharks having a nursery for their pups? Well mers have a nursery for their children too. It's usually hidden and guarded to avoid predators or hostile mers.
-Usually a mer doesn't leave on their own until they're anywhere about sixteen to twenty years old.
NEUTRAL PODS: These are just pods made up of three or more random mers. Sometimes it's a trio or more of romantic partners but most commonly it's just a group of random mers. Neutral Pods can be made up of family members but more often than not it's just random mers who decided they liked each other enough to hunt together, partners without children, or they're made up of mers who just decided to hunt together as they live in the same area.
*If you encounter a neutral pod made up of romantic partners it'll be very easy to tell who's the leader of said partners. The leader will be decorated in the most jewelry. Usually this jewelry is made of home made seashells and stolen trinkets. However if they're in contact with a lot of valuables like gold, jewels, etc then they will have most of it decorating their body however they will also adore their partners in said jewelry as a form of wealthy status and it's sort of like their version of a wedding ring.
*The main leader of said partners is usually the one that gives out the jewelry or gifts amongst his or her partners.
*a neutral pod isn't considered a family pod unless made up of family members or if a neutral pod of partners has children.
*Mers of highly territorial. Not that an area can't be shared by multiple mers but usually a lone mer or pod has a specific amount of territory they own over.
*Because of their highly territorial nature, male mers will often be covered in scars from fights over territory, fights over a mate, or fights over treasure. LOTS of times fights between them often result in scars, severe injuries, and even death.
*Physical grooming like combing each other's hair, helping to remove loose scales, or just physical touch in general is seen as an intimate act on the same level of a romantic kiss on the cheek so usually it's only reserved for romantic partners or family members.
*Mermaids mate for life like swans do. Unless the other partners/partner dies then they won't really take on another partner.
*THIS is why humans must be very careful when interacting with mermaids/men of any kind. If you do encounter one the following rules Must be kept in mind.
If you encounter one of these fantastic creatures be sure to mention a present partner casually. Even if you do not have a significant other, the mere mentions of a partner will detour most interest from yourself.
2. Keep your interactions platonic. You must never insinuate romantic interest to one. Even the slightest hint of possible interest will make them pursue.
3. Avoid talking about romance or future goals outside of mentioning your partner. Never mention children to them.
4. Keep your distance. Allowing touch is a huge sign of trust and interest of physical contact. Keep as physical far away as possible if you can and do not allow contact to be initiated.
5. Absolutely above all else NEVER accept gifts. Gifts are usually only given out as a proposal of interest. If accepted then consider yourself doomed because any outside romantic interest will result in retaliation and usually does not end well.
Mers who're able to keep a human partner are usually seen in higher regard as not everyone can keep one. This is why steps must be taken to ensure the human doesn't end up in hot water.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…
Get piercings (and what kind)?
Give their motorcycle a affectionate name?
Keep up with the newest slang or not bother with it?
Like sweet things or dislike it?
Be a cuddler?
Smell the best (naturally or with the help of a cologne)?
Carve the best pumpkin?
Be the best at telling stories, especially scary ones?
Know more on how to fix or modified motorcycles?
Collect seashells, concert tickets, postcards, band pins, souvenirs, etc.?
Know how to play the guitar?
Be the last to get up or the first to go to sleep?
Lost Boys Most Likely To 1
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1) They all have their ears pierced but if anyone was going to get other piercings, it would probably be Paul on a dare which would probably be his nose or some other kind of ear piercing, all 4 of them however would try to talk you into other piercings like your bellybutton or in Paul and Marko’s case, your tongue, which they would all hold your hand for and then later on in the night, kill the piercer for ever causing their Princess pain
2) Marko would probably star gaze with you, and Dwayne would accidentally stumble into doing it by relaxing with you and being so quiet that eventually you pull him into the activity
3) They all ABSOLUTELY have a name for their motorcycle though none of them will admit it out loud to each other, or honestly to anyone but their mate who is sworn to secrecy by each of them! David 100% calls his bike Black Beauty! Marko would call his bike something intimidating but simple like Viper, Paul’s bike would definitely be called something hinting to how fast it is, he eventually decided on Speed Demon. And Dwayne would choose to call his bike something that links back to his connection with animals which is why he settles on Night Wolf. Their little mate would be the only person to know their names for their bikes, the would never even tell each other!
4) None of the boys give a damn about the newest ‘slang terms’, they’re immortal and it changes every few years honestly, it all sounds completely stupid to them and it just keeps getting dumber and dumber over time
5) The boys all still love eating human food, sweets being a fun treat, especially since their mate loves sweets so much but honestly they prefer to enjoy finding and hunting a particularly sweet smelling human rather than stop at a bakery
6) They all love cuddling with Y/n, however the biggest cuddler is probably Dwayne…maybe Marko
7) Naturally they all smell like death, they’re undead and they kill people daily, however they all try and cover up that smell a little bit when with their girl so they’ll wear extra deodorant and cologne that they’ve swiped from stores on the boardwalk. David’s is probably your favorite, he had made sure to choose something he knew you would drool over
8) It takes you days (actually nights but you get the meaning) of begging for all of them to agree to carve pumpkins with you at Halloween. Paul and Marko were down and excited, Laddie also getting excited and in on the activity almost immediately, but both Dwayne and especially David had to be talked into giving it a try. Shockingly David was the best out of all of you when it came to pumpkin carving, his knife skills were truly something to behold
9) David is 110% the best at telling scary stories, he can creep you out, majorly unsettle you, or scare you so bad you nearly piss your pants, it depends on his audience and his mood, it’s an awesome gift honestly. Dwayne however (with his Native American background) grew up being told stories by his family around campfires and he truly has a gift for unique and spiritual story telling. David can make you pee your pants, Dwayne can make you cry
10) Dwayne was probably the most talented when it came to modifying or fixing the bikes and he did the repairs on all 4 of the bikes most of the time, except for when David was determined to do it himself (usually just leaving a mess for Dwayne to fix) but sometimes he got it right…at least that’s what Dwayne tells him
11) Marko collects patches for his jacket obviously but when it comes to collections, no one beats Paul. His vinyl collection is unmatched, as is his band t-shirt collection, he also collects pins that usually get pinned on one of his many posters in that collection that hang around the entire cave but his shirts and vinyls are the most impressive and extensive. Dwayne has a little collection of feathers and animal skulls that he makes into jewelry but he insists it doesn’t count as a ‘collection’
12) Both Paul and Marko know how to play the guitar but Paul is much better at it, Dwayne knows how to play the drums quite well and David, oddly enough, knows how to play the piano which he resents and never shows anyone but Y/n
13) David is the first to wake and the last to crash, Paul and Marko often go back and forth for the last to wake up and the first to fall asleep (usually dragging Y/n with them)
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via-l0ve · 1 year
hihi could you do a (spn) sam imagine where they go to the beach? (this was inspired by me being at the beach this week lolol) dean and cas could also be there too!
beach day! (Sam Winchester x GN! Reader!)
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a/n: i love the beach :( i hope you enjoy this, anon! i’m not too proud of it ngl.
warnings: nothing!!
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The sand was hot below your feet as you, Sam, Dean and Cas got out of the Impala. Traveling around while being a hunter had its pros. (even if there were more cons.) One of the biggest pros is being able to go anywhere. the mountains, the countryside, the city… anywhere.
Currently, Sam, Dean, Cas and yourself were on a case in North Carolina. Your motel was right by a beach and you had the idea to take a break from hunting and chill at the beach all day.
of course - to no one’s surprise - sam immediately agreed. not just because he had a soft spot for the beach, but also because sammy would never say no to you. Cas also agreed after you told him about swimming and making sandcastles. Dean agreed as well, complaining about needing a tan.
So, the next morning at the crack of dawn, You woke the boys up and changed into a bathing suit, got in the impala (and kicked Dean and Cas to the backseats), and started the hour long drive to the public beach.
Sam kept his hand on your thigh the whole drive, letting you pick the music (much to deans distaste). He gave you small smiles, giving your thigh gentle squeezes here and there.
When you finally got to the beach, the sun was high and the pavement hot. The four of you got out of the Impala, walking towards the large, sandy beach. it was quite empty - considering what a nice day it was.
Sam held your hand the whole way, holding the bag filled with water bottles and sunscreen and hair ties.
You all entered onto the beach, the sand burning your bare feet as you stepped onto it. Sam set up a little area for you all to sit on while dean, you, and cas ran down to get sand. you’d decided on the car ride down to make the best sandcastle you’d ever seen.
you guys worked on it for hours. adding layers and getting tanned (burnt) in the sun. Dean eventually left your sandcastle, running into the water and bringing back a bucket, pouring it over Sams head. a war followed, ending in all four of you in the water.
The boys dragged you and Cas out to the deeper part of the water. everyone held hands and faced the beach, letting the huge waves hit you in the back and try to keep balanced.
You fell over, Sam grabbing your waist and stabilizing you. cas was collecting shells, putting them all into a bucket. he made sure to show you all the shells every time he found a cool one. Dean went back to building the castle, almost crying when it fell over.
around noon, you pulled out sandwiches for the goys and yourself, eating and reapplying sunscreen. sam sat next to you, helping you dig for seashells and making sure you drank all of your water.
near the end of the night, Castiel and Dean finished the sandcastle while you and sam got some more shells. you watched the sun set together and sam held your waist.
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too, Sammy.”
Dean and Cas joined you both, standing in the shallow water and watching the sun fall.
you guys finally left the beach, exhausted. Dean was burnt because he’s ridiculous and forgot to put on sunscreen. Sam cuddled up to you, smiling and brushing your hair out of your face.
“that was a really good idea, y/n. to go to the beach all day.”
you smile.
“it was. i love you.”
“love you more.”
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sterlingarcher23 · 7 months
An endless summer skateboarding & a seashell lamp
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If you didn't notice, they told us what Max is doing in her head right now in the coma.
She covers her "The Endless Summer" poster with her head in S2 and completely in 4. (There's a lot going on behind Max's head)
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Note how the sea shell lamp is only on when Max is with El.
Oh, and we had that scene in which William, sorry, Billy says "You know what happens if you lie to me." ... Yeah. He did. Break her skateboard. I mean Vecna did. Her. - the Dear Billy poster says "No more lies. No more hiding" and Vecna/Edward using Billy's appearance.
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Seriously. They spoon feed us everything.
Interesting how they use other characters to foreshadow and be proxys of others. Like Henderson means Son of Henry, Eddie = Edward/Vecna who plays him in the game. William is possessed... I mean Will, I mean Billy. And some lines from Robin are proxy lines for El. - Like "I wanted her to look at me..." but someone is in the way. (El is misinterpreting her own feelings. And then there's this "I love her and I can't lose her again" and it's Max looking embarrassed)
If you want to stop One
But I digress. Now, speaking of this scene. El IS the only One to stop One (remember Owens: You are One of the good Ones). That's been foreshadowed in the very first scene in which she sees Max.
Max is circling and wouldn't have stopped, Mike tried, if El hadn't stopped her in a manner of speaking. Brenner told us how to stop One.
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In order to stop One, you need to fly, you need to be consumed and Max "Can't stop".
This One is circling endlessly like Terry Ives in her mind and this is likely the connection with the rainbow sequence in the lab scene and the zooming effect.
In the skateboard scene from Season 2 the Zoomer is mentioned the first time. Twice.
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Told you. - Zoomer.
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Spoon fed. - Taking the wheel, like taking control.
And circling, spinning is totally an ElMax theme.
The sea shell lamp scenes also form a pattern with it off when Max is alone, broken, haunted and hunted by abusers like William/Vecna and on when she's with El.
There's another scene coming to complete this pattern with the lamp on in Season 5 (even if that lamp is probably created in the mind.)
Sea shells btw have a lot of meanings:
"Seashells are often associated with love and fertility. In some cases, the seashell can be seen as symbolic of female genitalia. Medieval Christian traditions associate seashells with pilgrims.
In some new age traditions, seashells are used to symbolize the unconscious and are associated with emotions. Thanks to their connection to the sea and water, they are also evocative of peace and tranquility." Kitty Jackson - Quote from this article about Botticelli's Birth of Venus.
Sea shell lamp on = love & femininity. Wonder Woman. Um, that's, how would Will phrase it: "Something something...on the nose"
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Red Skittle btw is Strawberry.
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Taste (consume) the rainbow....
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😉 (sorry for the Starship Troopers joke)
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catcze · 1 year
⠀「 It’s always been you 」 
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
「 FEAT : 」 Kazuha x GN! reader
「 ### : 」 Fluff ♡
「 CWS : 」 reunions, exes (?) / right-person-wrong-time to lovers ?? Happy ending !! possibly ooc Kazuha? get off my case I'm tryna re-learn writing this guy LMAO
Reposted from my secondary blog !!
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Kazuha stands at the threshold of your home, still as a statue. His heart pounds frantically —nervously— in his chest as he stares at your door, caught between knocking and turning to leave before you catch sight of him. It’s a coward’s way out, he knows, but with the nerves in his stomach practically eating him alive, he’d be hard-pressed to say that he’s not thinking of it.
He hasn’t felt this nervous since facing down the Raiden Shogun, the literal archon of the nation.
He hasn’t felt this conflicted since the day he left you behind, each step feeling like it’s own struggle not to turn back and run to you.
He hasn’t seen you since, even after he had returned to Inazuma— too busy helping the resistance and the traveller end the vision hunt decree that had torn him away from you in the first place. 
And now, after how many months without your company, without having heard any updates about your wellbeing, he can say with certainty that despite how terrified he is to see you again, absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
And it is that fondness and a deep, deep breath that gives him the courage to finally rap his knuckles on your door.
There’s silence for a bit, and his confidence falters. Maybe you’re not home— maybe there’s still some time for him to turn tail and come back another day, perhaps with flowers and seashells and silks that he can give you, rather than just this small, feeble hope he holds on to that he still has a chance to be with you. 
‘Coming!’ he hears from inside, along with a small commotion and a soft curse. Kazuha has to fight back a small, fond smile.
When you open the door, all Kazuha can say after so long is a simple, “…Hello.”
Your hair is just the slightest bit different now, Kazuha notices as he stares at you, eyes transfixed on your face while the both of you are unmoving. Just the slightest bit— he wouldn’t have even noticed if it weren’t for the hours he had spent with you before, getting acquainted with your very being, playing with your hair and holding your hand. The change suits you.
But the happy grin that spreads across your face is still very much the same— still enough to have him giddy just at the sight of it. You throw yourself at him easily, pulling him into a warm hug as you hold him tight.
“Kazuha! You’re back!” Your voice is practically dripping with happiness, burying your face into his hair and holding him close. Easily, Kazuha wraps his arms around you as well, relief blanketing his entire body.
The same scent follows you too— one that brings him joy in a moment, that has him tugging you closer and burying his face into your neck. 
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” he mumbles, lips brushing your skin. 
The hug last longer than it probably should, but neither of you can be bothered to care. The mutual I missed you, travels through both of you, unspoken but not unheard.
“Okay, okay,” you say with a small laugh when you both finally let go. You’re so warm with happiness, so happy to finally see him again. “You’re probably hungry, right? Come on in, I was just making a snack.”
Kazuha doesn’t even bother to be modest— he accepts easily, smiling as he enters your home once more.
Sitting at your table feels almost surreal, like he never left. With snacks served, conversation flows between you two easily, much to his surprise and delight.
You ask him about his time on the seas, sailing on the Alcor alongside the mighty uncrowned lord of the ocean. He’s eager to tell you all his adventures thus far, and it fills you with relief to know that Beidou and her crew treat him as one of their own, and that he hasn’t been alone.
In turn, he asks you how you’ve been, and though you’re a bit embarrassed about home mundane your life has been in comparison to his, Kazuha’s persistent to know how you’ve been faring.
So you tell him— about the fruit trees in your garden that have flourished under your careful hand, about the mother cat and her litter of kittens that come by your door every so often, looking for scraps. You tell him about the new dishes that the restaurants nearby have started serving , and the way that the Naganohara fireworks light up the night sky whenever a festival comes around. Even if, to you, these are nowhere near as interesting as the stories you’ve been told over the last couple of hours, Kazuha still sits entranced, holding onto your every word. 
But it’s kind of funny, you think. Because Kazuha likes frank people, who aren’t scared to speak their truth or let their true feelings known. But you know that, even though his interest in how you’ve been doing is genuine, that there’s something else that he’s dancing around.
So before he can ask you another question, you beat him to it— “Kazuha,” you tell him not unkindly, leaning across the table so that his gaze cannot escape yours. You quirk a brow, and he can’t lie to you. “I appreciate the interest, but there’s something else you want to ask, isn’t there?”
Kazuha’s mouth opens, like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t know how. You watch as his cheeks flush, from being flustered or something else you’re not sure, but you give him a moment to think anyway, sitting back on the tatami mat. 
“I—“ he starts, then falters. Kazuha laughs to himself, then, shaking his head and looking down at his empty plate with a smile. “You always could read me better than most.”
It still takes him a bit to gather his thoughts though. To find the right way to sort out his muddled thoughts. 
Eventually, Kazuha settles for— “Do you… are you in love with anyone, right now?”
You look off to the side, fake-pondering and humming noncommittally. “Mm… perhaps I am.”
You can’t help but tease him, always so easy to get a reaction from the ronin who wears his heart on his sleeve. But you decide to cut him a break when you see the wince he has to bury. 
You smile at him gently, taking his hand and bringing his rough, battle-work knuckles to your lips in a sweet kiss. The way you look at him has butterflies erupting in his stomach, like someone experiencing love for the first time all over again.
“It’s you, Kazuha. It’s always been you— I’ve always loved you.”
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cainluvr69 · 4 months
Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow - Chapter 19
Previous Chapter
Heathcliff: Excuse me. Would you know anything about a piece of someone's memory?
In response to Heathcliff's question, the little dolphin-y creature made a single clicking sound and smacked its tail against the surface of the water, before diving deep into the lake.
Faust: That feels like an open invitation. Should we dive in after it?
Heathcliff: What? We're diving in…?
Nero: Oh…yeah, you don't seem like you've done much swimmin'. Do you not wanna go in?
Heathcliff: Oh, no, it's just…I don't have much experience with this kind of thing.
Faust: Now that you mention it, I haven't taught you the spell for breathing underwater. But…it seems like it doesn't matter. It certainly feels like water, but touching it doesn't actually make my hand wet. I suppose it's because this is the world within a picture book. It makes sense that water would work differently from how it does in the real world.
Nero: Woah, you're right. This feels so weird…
Heathcliff: It's definitely a strange experience… But it means everything will be fine for me!
Faust: If anything does happen, I'll be there to assist. Let's go.
The three of them dived into the lake. Despite being underwater, they could still breathe perfectly well and even talk to one another. The dolphin-y creature swam loops around them, its tail flicking lightly and easily in the water. They followed its invitation, and were led to a place filled with little knicknacks and doodads.
Faust: Bottles, sea glass, beads… Everything's sparkling.
The little creature brought something over, approaching Heathcliff and clicking at him.
Heathcliff: What's wrong? Is this a fragment of a seashell…?
Nero: It seems pretty proud of it. Y'think it's tryin' to brag about its treasures? Look, it's bringin' somethin' else over.
Faust: Does this species normally collect shiny objects…? In any case, it's entirely possible that the piece of Luca's memory is tucked away somewhere here.
Nero: Then let's split up to look for it. Kinda feels like a scavenger hunt. Y'know, since all this junk is a kiddie kind of cute.
Heathcliff: I'm sure they're all true treasures in the heart of their collector.
Nero: Yeah, I getcha. Each and every one is precious to the one who added 'em to its collection.
Heathcliff: Yeah… Oh, that's right. I have a little box I used to put precious things in, too. Like the first clockwork doll I made, and flowers I turned into bookmarks…
Nero: Flowers?
Heathcliff: Shino gave them to me after our first argument. It was the first time we made up with each other, too.
Nero: Haha… That's cute as hell.
Faust: How charming of you both.
Heathcliff: Um… Shino doesn't know I preserved them, so…please don't tell him about it…yaaawn. …I thought I'd gotten used to it, but I still feel a bit sleepy.
Faust: We are right in the middle of that creature's nest. It makes sense that its sleep-inducing effects would be stronger here. Just in case, don't stray very far from me.
Nero: Hey… That dolphin thing has been doin' donuts over there for a while.
Faust: It might be looking for something specific… It looks like it's dug up a few places.
Nero: For right now, let's just start lookin' around the blub blub blub blub…
Heathcliff: Nero?!
Faust: Why is he drowning all of a sudden…?! Hey, wait, don't move away from us!
Nero: Cough… Sorry. I just did somethin' like this, and then my consciousness was just gone.
Heathcliff: …Maybe that's because we're in the picture book's…water?
Faust: So giving in to your sleepiness here means drowning, does it…?
Nero: Scary… Man, as soon as I hear fallin' asleep is my doom, I just get sleepier…
Heathcliff: N-Nero! Oh no, hold on, don't start floating away from us…!
Faust: Hey, get ahold of yourself!
Nero: Owwww, I was still awake! Just barely, but still! You didn't have to smack me that hard…
Heathcliff: But really, if you don't actively keep yourself focused on staying awake, you'll slip into unconsciousness just like that…
Faust: …I'm willing to bet this is due in no small part to this world's current instability. I guess I'll just have to take care of it. <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
Faust's eyelids drifted down, but he hadn't fallen under the creature's somnolent spell--he murmured his spell, barely louder than a whisper. Heathcliff and Nero's eyes were unfocused and heavy-lidded, but Faust's magic hit them like a bolt of lightning. They gasped, eyes wide, as if they'd been jolted out of a pleasant dream, and blinked at him.
Nero & Heathcliff: …!
Faust: That spell shouldn't be strong enough to interfere with this world's inner workings, but it should still serve to keep you two from dozing off for now. Magic that doesn't threaten this world's foundation should be fine to use. How are you two feeling?
Heathcliff: Awake and alert!
Nero: Yep, feelin' great! Let's get our butts in gear and find the memory piece while we're still in top form.
Their energy restored, the Eastern wizards began to comb through the treasure trove at the bottom of the lake like they'd been born to do it. It was refreshing, somehow, to see them digging around in the dirt with their hands when I was used to seeing them take care of things like this with magic.
Faust: The mud at the bottom of this lake is a lot softer than I was expecting… I wonder if that's another result of this world's transformation.
Heathcliff: Yeah, it'd be rather difficult to find the things you hid down here like this.
Nero: I was thinkin' that playin' in the dirt wasn't very Heath-like, but your hands are sayin' you've done this kinda thing before.
Heathcliff: I certainly never played in the mud as a child, but I enjoyed taking care of the flowerbeds, so I'll bet that's where it comes from. That, and Shino's always been pretty good at making things out of mud. I remember him giving me some mud creations of his that were startlingly beautifully crafted.
Faust: And are those safely tucked away in your treasure box, too?
Heathcliff: Huh?! How did you know?
Nero: Haha. You're so into this that you're gettin' mud all over your face, not just all over your hands.
Faust: It's not often we get to see you looking like a naughty little kid. Shino'd be furious if he saw it. He'd be shouting things like, "How dare you make Heath do something like that!" Still, we're short on time. The spell I placed on the two of you was only a stopgap measure. Let's move our hands, not our mouths.
The three of them continued their hunt. None of them were the type of people to let themselves get so filthy with dirt, but there was mud all over their hands and smudged on their faces and clothes. It took so long that Faust's magic started wearing off, but even as he was falling into a daze, Heathcliff finally found what they were looking for--a blue pearl.
Heathcliff: Oh, I found it…yaaawn…
Nero: Hey, don't go fallin' asleep on us again! Good work.
Faust: You did well.
The small dolphin-y creature clicked and squeaked as it swam circles around the three of them, seemingly just as happy as they were that the piece of Luca's memory had been found. The blue pearl, cradled in Heathcliff's palm, began to glow…and then it blazed with light.
She said something weird again. She's so creepy. She's always telling weird lies. I have no idea what's going on in her head. She must be, like, crazy for real. This was what the children at the monastery whispered to each other, gossip that spread like weeds in the garden. Even if she closed her eyes and covered her ears, it still rained down around her, endlessly, ceaselessly… Sleeping in the same room as someone who says creepy things like you do would give me creepy nightmares. Wizards don't get to sleep here. So all Luca had was the hard floor in the corner of a storage room to sleep on, and ratty old cloths to use for blankets. Every single day, she faced lonely, cold, and sleepless nights. She snuck out of the monastery every evening, spending her nights in a nearby forest instead. The forest floor was softer than the monastery floor, and sleeping under the radiantly bright moonlight felt safer than being locked away in a closed-off storeroom. Plus, Luca could hear a beautiful voice echoing through the trees. It was a gentle song, a lullaby for the forest. Luca wandered around the lakeshore, searching for whoever it was that owned such a lovely voice.
Luca: Excuse me, whoever it is that's singing… Could you please put me to sleep?
She made her plea to the surface of the lake and…a little dolphin-like creature poked its nose out of the water. It clicked and squeaked and brought its face closer to Luca's.
Luca: But to tell the truth, I'm a little scared to fall asleep, too. What's it like to fall into a deep, deep sleep? If it's so deep, is it dark and lonely?
But Luca accepted the creature's invitation anyway, walking into the water and diving down, down, down to the very bottom of the lake.
Luca: This is such a lovely treasure box you have. Being able to sleep surrounded by the things you love sounds like…you'd be able to sleep so peacefully. It's nighttime, but it's still so bright and sparkly down here. And I don't have a blanket, but I still feel so nice and warm. I wonder if I'd be able to sleep safe and sound here. Hey, can you sing for me? Can you sing a nice lullaby for me…
Glints of lavender light flickered and sparked time and time again. Sickle-sharp spears of light thundered down from the overcast sky as bolts of electricity arced over the landscape.
Bradley: Tch!
Owen: Such a gloomy place, isn't it.
And in the midst of those lightning bolts sat the Northern wizards astride their brooms, flying through the trees. They weaved elegantly around the incessant rain of lightning, but they were obviously irritated at having to avoid the constant onslaught.
Bradley: God, this is so annoying! Can we just knock all this shit out already?
Owen: I'm on the verge of snapping, too.
Snow: No, no! Magic is banned!
White: You two don't know how to adjust how much power you put into things.
Bradley: Yeah, but it's not like we're actually making any progress like this.
Owen: So if I can stay in control, there's no problem, right?
Snow: Let us ask you, Owen.
White: Can you use the spell that moderates the amount of magic that goes into the rest of your spells?
Owen: Excuse me? Why would I need to use something like that?
Snow & White: Did you forget what you yourself said just moments ago?!
But at that moment, another jagged claw of lightning arced towards them.
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The source of the purple bolts of lightning was a large lizard-like creature that the Northern wizards had encountered during their search for the piece of Luca's memory.
Owen: I really do not like that attack it has. It's reminding me of a most hateful person's face.
Bradley: For freaking real. This thing's lightning is nothing compared to his bolts, though.
Snow: How rare to see the two of you agree on something.
White: A beautiful meeting of minds between those well accustomed to being hit by lightning.
Bradley: Oh?
As soon as he'd said that, Bradley swung around behind the twins and kicked the broom they were sharing towards the huge lizard.
Snow & White: Kyaaaa!
Owen: Oh, what was that? Our precious teachers want to get charred to a crisp by a bolt of lightning?
Bradley: Look, there's that fucking lizard. Don't hold back now! C'mon, you guys can handle the big guy, right?
Snow & White: Ooohhh… You're going to regret this!
But then the massive lizard began to…howl, perhaps, with a voice so deep it reverberated through their bones, and started growing even larger.
Bradley: Damn, I told 'em to handle the big guy, but I didn't think it was gonna get that big.
Owen: Maybe it just got bored because we kept ignoring it?
Electricity prickled over their skin, a portent of an even mightier bolt of lightning arcing towards them.
Snow: Goodness!
White: Was it not already strong enough?!
The twins deftly swerved out of the way, but the bolt continued on its path, striking a very tall tree that had been behind them. Set alight by white-hot lightning, the tree began to fall…
Owen: Ahaha. At this rate, we won't have to lift a finger and this world will fall apart on its own. We just have to let that thing keep doing what it's doing.
Snow: Mmmph… It is true that it seems to have puffed up full of some kind of strange magic. It seems it's no good at controlling its power, either.
Bradley: Man, and here I figured waiting for it to use up all its magic was gonna work out for us. I can't do anything for ya if your magic goes haywire, buddy.
Next Chapter
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exactlycleverpirate · 7 months
Rafayel's Timeline Redux Part 3
Spoilers below.
See Part 1. Part 2. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
2024 (...probably (Rafayel literally says probably about his age in his interview…)) Rafayel born March 6th (Promotional video, in game profile)
2026-2027 MC born. (This age comes from chapter 5.1. The letter she gets from Grandma says she was 7-8 when they started experimenting on her, and she was adopted by Grandma after the Chronorift Catastrophe in 2034.)
?? Child Rafayel studied under a Lemurian art teacher. He showed him photos of the surface world, but Rafayel wanted to see the real thing. He was grounded, but later allowed out on his birthday. He used this opportunity to sneak away and swim to the surface where he dared to stick his hand above the water. (Unforgettable Adventure)
?? Child Rafayel likes escaping to explore the ocean. On one or more of these excursions, he sees a human floating lantern festival and puts out their lanterns. (Ocean At Night)
Rafayel would be 10 at this time. (If his birth year is correct.)
Deepspace Tunnel appears
Chronorift Catastrophe
MC (age 7-8) now has Protocore Syndrome in her heart, is adopted by Granny, and has little memory before this event.
On December 31st, Lemurian ruins are discovered, after a tsunami southeast of Linkon city, when a rift opens up and reveals it.
?? Child Rafayel is given a Whale Call as a means of protection, in case something happens on one of his escapes from Lemuria. However, he never uses it, because he never escapes again after this, and sometime later he buries it in the Lemurian city. (Whalefall Lament)
Sometime before 2038, MC goes on a field trip to Hat Island (possibly when she meets Rafayel?).
?? Pinkie Promise as children. (MS Chapter 7.11) At some point in MC and Rafayel's childhood, Rafayel visits the surface world but gets trapped on the beach on his return trip (on Ebb Day?) (Perhaps during her field trip to Hat Island?) (A summer day by the seaside involving seashells? (Anecdote 2)) She saves him, and they make a pinkie promise. Rafayel says if she doesn't return, he will chase her to the ends of the earth. (Nightly Stroll) (Most likely this life. See Rafayel's Birthday Card Thoughts.)
Rafayel: “It’s settled, then. If you don’t return, I’ll…I’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth.”
?? Lemurians Slaughtered. Some survivors go into hiding living on land among humans, including his Aunt Talia and K. (Anecdote 3) (See What Happened to Lemuria and Rafayel for a detailed breakdown of this. Most likely this life. See Rafayel's Birthday Card Thoughts.)
Rafayel's Anecdote 3 immediately precedes Anecdote 2 (See 2044-2047). 
Rafayel is an Opera singer in Verona going by the moniker “Mo”, hunting down and killing people, possibly as revenge for the destruction of Lemuria and slaughter of his people. 
He is being investigated by a private detective named Louis. 
He is not painting at this time. 
Rafayel's only living family on Earth is his Aunt Talia, also Lemurian. His Aunt Talia is also in Verona. Talia thinks Rafayel of the past was like a blazing flame. But ever since the incident in Lemuria, he is like a battered reef - cold and hard outside, but inwardly riddled with cracks, vulnerable, and on the verge of crumbling. She remembers he used to like painting. 
He also recently attended a Seamoon Ceremony for another Lemurian, K, who dies and is returned to the sea (after having his scales and blood taken). Lemurians are hiding amongst humanity, but being hunted, tortured, harvested for their scales and blood and killed. It is suggested that Rafayel is trying to accomplish something to save the Lemurians, saying, “Not every Lemurian survivor can wait.” It appears the longer he takes to accomplish his goal, the more of the Lemurians die in the meanwhile. 
Rafayel leaves Verona and moves to Linkon city. He has a picture of MC in his pocket, likely given to him by Louis, who gave Rafayel a new lead. Rafayel burns papers in a file before he disembarks the ship. He has a business card with relevant information. (Anecdote 3).
Sometime between 2043-2045 MC (17-18) begins attending University of Linkon. (School year usually begins in September.)
Continue to Part 4.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
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Ch 5: 💗The pink seashell🐚
Ships: Eddie Brock/Venom/Peter Parker, former Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, former Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Fandom: Literally all the movie universes I can fit in here but I'm using TASM Peter & Harry, and Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock
Rating/progress: Explicit(sexual content, violence) WIP
Tags: Parksborn angst, goblin!Harry, Evil Harry, Concerned ex bf Wade Wilson, concerned boyfriends VE, Peter has an OnlyFans, masturbation, angst, smut, complicated love triangles, all the tragic backstory and filler you could want, y'all ready for the drama?!
Chapter preview:
When Peter came back from his shower he saw he had a missed text from Eddie. He and V had gone out patrolling tonight. And after Peter’s constant insistence, V reformed with Eddie so they had all of their strength in case they ran into the dickheads hunting Peter.
He’d worry about them getting him here, if the house wasn’t as protected as they could get with Peter’s additional security systems. Peter had actually grown to enjoy the few hours of alone time in his head when they patrolled. But he was equally as excited to have V back in his head when they returned. 
It’s been an overall alright night so far, all things considered. Until he reads Eddie’s text and it sends his body through another paralyzing wave of fear.  [Pete! I’m so sorry to bother you with this, but the store closes at 6 and I need those pictures for the article tomorrow otherwise my ass is grass. I’m tracking someone downtown and won't be able to hit the store before it closes. Could you please get them for me?] 3:17 PM [Please babe? I swear I’ll make it up to you.] 3:18 PM Panic floods his system and threatens to shut him down, but he pushes through it. He knows he needs to do this. Because really, he owes Eddie and V fucking everything. 
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rey-jake-therapist · 1 year
Sweetbitter Fanfic update: Lost Souls Chapter 7
Chapter 6 is here.
In 1996, Jake was eight lived in Cape Cod with his mother. Simone and her parents lived next door and knew Jake since he was a baby. One day, his mother went for a swim and never came back...
Trigger WARNING: there are explicit mentions to suicide and grooming in this chapter. A bit of trivia: In the book Sweetbitter as in the show, very little is known from the circumstances in which Jake's mother died, except that it wasn't an accident. In the show, Jake says his mother went for a swim and never came back... I just give my very free interpretation of what might have happened! The hiccups: in the book, Jake can't handle hiccups because as Simone explains to Tess, it gives him the feeling that he can't breathe, a leftover from the trauma left by the death of his mother. It doesn't stop Tess from finding him ridiculous. Dat b*tch (sorry).
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Cape Cod, Summer 1996
This summer was crazy hot. Tourists flocked to Cape Cod to enjoy the beaches and the chillness of the ocean, leaving no room for the locals who pestered against the newcomers. For the rest of the world, the peninsula was an earthly paradise that inspired writers, painters and musicians; for Jake and most of those who lived there, it was just the same old Cape, their home. Jake used to love living here. He would go fishing and hunt for oysters with his father early in the morning, and could spend hours searching for the prettiest seashells when there weren't too many tourists on the beach. Sometimes, he and his parents went to Provincetown and took a boat to try and catch the sight of a dolphin or a whale. Jake saw a family of dolphins once; they seemed to dance in front of him before diving back in the water with a cheerful laugh. He thought of them sometimes, when he felt sad, which happened way too often these days.
Stuck with his mother between a couple who kept hugging and kissing, and a noisy family of four, Jake put his Tom Sawyer book down, a deep sigh of boredom coming loudly out of his mouth. He looked down at his mother, who, sunbathing, lay on her towel beside him, her eyes half closed.
“Mum, can we go home now?” The little boy asked. 
“Go home so you can vegetate in front of the television for the rest of the day?  No way, we’re staying,” his mother responded absentmindedly. 
“But it’s been two hours! I’m so bored!” 
"Why not take a dip in the water?”
“I’ve already been swimming,” Jake protested. 
“Then read your book!” 
This time, his mother's voice carried a tinge of irritation. It seemed to be the case almost every time he asked her something, assuming she even bothered to respond. Jake couldn't help but recall a pang of sadness as he remembered how things used to be. She used to be attentive, playful, and caring. But his father's passing, a year ago, had changed everything. His mother, in particular, had withdrawn and lost the spark that once shone in her beautiful cobalt blue eyes. Since two policemen had shown up at their doorstep to deliver the devastating news of her husband's fatal car accident, Jake hadn't heard his mother laugh again. Sometimes, when she thought he was upstairs in his room playing or watching TV, he would catch her crying uncontrollably, oblivious to the fact that he sat on the staircase, upset at witnessing her devastation and helplessness. On rare occasions, she would embrace Jake so tightly it felt like she could crush him, whispering that she loved him more than anything. He also grieved for his father's loss and missed him deeply, but he didn't want to burden his mother with additional pain. Despite being only eight years old, Jake felt it was his duty to watch over his mother now that his dad was gone.
"I can’t concentrate, they make too much noise!” The boy claimed, pointing at the noisy family. “Can we go now? Please!" Jake pleased, gently tapping her shoulder with his small hand.
"Can't you stop being a brat?" His mother muttered impatiently, her eyes still half closed. "Do you realize how lucky you are to be able to go to the beach every day? Many kids have never even seen the ocean, and here you are, complaining."
"But none of my friends are around; they have all left the Cape for the holidays! Why can't we go somewhere else too?"
His mother let out a groan and finally sat up, scolding him, 
"Are you blaming me now for your father's death, Jake?"
Caught off guard by this question, the boy sheepishly replied, 
"No, Mom."
"It's not my fault that your father died, and we don't have enough money to travel somewhere else this year, honey. Believe me, I wish things were different, and he was still here with us. But it's just you and me now..." Her voice cracked before she could finish her sentence.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to..."
"I'm doing my best, okay?" Jake's mother's lips trembled, as if she were on the verge of tears.
"I know," the boy murmured, reaching out to grab her hand and holding it tightly for a while. 
Unfortunately, she barely seemed to notice. Silence fell between them, building a barrier as she stared into the distance, far beyond the reaches of the ocean. Jake felt that it was his responsibility to take care of his mother now, but how could he fulfill that duty when he couldn't even console her in her moments of sadness?
He often seemed to do the opposite, like when the school director had summoned his mom to her office because she wanted to show her the disturbingly gory drawing Jake had sketched in class. Jake had only wanted to shock his teacher a bit by drawing a woman stabbing a man to death with a knife, but things had quickly spiraled out of control. His mom had followed the director's advice and had sent Jake to a therapist, a kind elderly lady who had asked him peculiar questions about his parents, especially his mother. After a few weeks, the therapist had informed Jake's mother that he seemed fine and merely craved more attention from her. She was right: Jake wanted his mom to remember that he existed, that he was still here and needed her. But even when she looked at him, he felt as if her gaze passed right through him, as if he were transparent, like a ghost.
His mother abruptly stood up and announced, "I'm going for a swim." She didn't invite Jake to join her, which made the boy interpret it as her being angry with him. As she stood towering above him, Jake noticed a man gazing at his mother, which mildly annoyed him, though he had grown accustomed to such attention. His mother had a slender figure, long blond hair cascading down to her waist, and beautiful, big blue eyes that Jake had inherited. They often received compliments about their eyes, and their neighbor and Jake's babysitter, Simone, would jokingly say that his eyes would win over all the girls someday. But Jake didn't aspire to that. He thought that if he ever fell in love, it would probably be with a girl who would be exactly like Simone: kind and caring, with an angelic face.
His mother peered at him expectantly, as if awaiting a response. However, Jake merely nodded and said he would stay under the umbrella. Little did he know at that moment that he would spend the next twenty years regretting not asking his mother to wait for him or saying those three simple words, "I love you, Mom," or anything that could have brought her back to him. A peculiar look flickered across his mother's face, a gaze that would haunt him for the rest of his life, as she waded into the ocean and began swimming. Jake's eyes followed her for a while before he decided to join a group of children building a sandcastle nearby.
He couldn't discern how much time had passed before he realized that his mother had been gone for an unusually long time. Halting his sandcastle construction, he scanned the water in search of his mom, but she was nowhere in sight. She always forbade him from straying far from their umbrella when he was alone on the beach, but after a brief moment of hesitation, he concluded that finding her was of utmost importance. Perhaps she had wandered off to the wrong side of the beach and had lost her way back? It wouldn't be the first time—sometimes, when she became too absorbed in her thoughts, she would end up in unfamiliar places without any recollection of how she had ended up there, simply because she tended to walk without focusing on what she was doing. Since Jake's father passed away, it had been happening more frequently.
Jake strolled along the beach, his eyes sweeping the horizon in the hopes of catching sight of his mom. So engrossed in his search, he didn't register the familiar voice calling his name from behind him. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a gentle hand tapped his shoulder. It wasn't his mother but Simone who stood there, and a wave of relief washed over him at the sight of her. Simone's calming presence gave him a reassuring sense that everything was going to be okay. He found himself gazing out at the tumultuous ocean with a sense of wonder, wishing he could freeze its wild beauty with a camera.
Simone was the youngest daughter of their neighbors and had been Jake's babysitter since he was a baby. But she was much more than that - she was his confidante, his closest friend. After his father's passing, she was the only person he truly felt he could open up to about his emotions. She was the older sister he never had, and at times, he imagined her as the girlfriend he might have in the future. Once, he had even admitted his feelings for her, telling her he was in love. In response, Simone had given him a gentle smile and murmured that he was too young to understand such things and that he hadn't experienced true love yet. When Jake had questioned whether she knew what love was, she had offered a cryptic reply: "I do. Love hurts."
"I can't find Mum," Jake confided to Simone. His voice was tinged with worry. "She went for a swim, but she hasn't come back yet... I think she's lost."
A concerned expression clouded Simone's beautiful face. "How long has she been gone?" asked Simone's mother, who had joined them and had overheard Jake's distress.
An hour passed, and Jake still stood by Simone and her mother at the water's edge. The worry in his stomach was so intense that it made him feel queasy. He nodded in response to Simone's quiet words of comfort whispered in his ear. Deep down, he had a nagging feeling that the lifeguards searching the depths of the ocean would find his mother there, but he clung to the slim hope that he was mistaken.
Later, the police were called. Jake shared dinner with Simone and her mother; Simone's father was away on a business trip. Jake spent the night at their house, restless and anxious. As dawn broke, the doorbell rang. Jake roused himself and perched on the bottom stair, straining to hear a female voice speaking. At first, he thought it was his mother's voice, but he soon realized it was a policewoman requesting Simone's mother to come identify a body they had recovered from the ocean. Simone's hands covered Jake's ears from behind, attempting to shield him from the grim news. However, he had already caught enough of the conversation. Silent tears slid down his cheeks as he watched Simone's mother don her coat and leave the house.
Cape Cod, five years later
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Following his mother's passing, a funeral had taken place. Nightmares of being unable to rescue his mother from death often plagued Jake. In an attempt to bring him comfort, Simone had shared a story with him.
“I’ll tell you a secret about your mum: she used to be a mermaid disguised as a human woman when she fell in love with your dad. But after he died, the call of the sea was irresistible to her… She had to go back there,” Simone’s voice trailed off, as she saw the sorrow  etched upon the boy’s face. She held his hand tightly.
“Why didn’t she take me with her?” Jake's voice quivered with longing.
“Because she knew your place wasn’t within the depth of the sea, Jake. You belong here, with us, with me… Only when your time comes, you and your mum will be reunited there. But today isn't that day.”
“Promise me you’ll never leave me, please,” he had pleaded.
“I’ll never leave you, Jake. Ever.”
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Simone had kept her promise. Approaching her twenty-first birthday, she had chosen not to leave Jake's side. She refused the allure of studying in New York or any other bustling metropolis, opting instead to remain in Cape Cod. At thirteen, Jake didn't fit in with the popular crowd. While his male peers gravitated toward football and baseball, his interests leaned toward books and photography. A treasured possession was his 1970 Nikon F Photomic, a gift from Simone for his twelfth birthday. He found joy in capturing moments through his lens, though his favorite subjects of study were Simone, who proudly referred to herself as his "muse," and Chris, his sole friend at school. His involvement in theater also grew after portraying Thomas, Gulliver's son, during the year-end performance. In those roles, he could escape into other lives, if only temporarily, forgetting his own loss.
A year and a half ago, just after his twelfth birthday, Jake moved back into the house he had shared with his mother, and Simone moved in with him. This pivotal decision followed a heated conflict between Simone and her parents, who advocated for sending Jake to another family. Refusing to consign the boy to an orphanage, where abuse might await, Simone took on the mantle of his guardian and relocated to his home. Her parents warned her that she would be squandering her life by assuming this responsibility, but her determination was unshakeable.
With Simone's presence, a new world blossomed, exclusively for the two of them. Though Simone's parents visited periodically – they still resided nearby – Jake's daily life remained largely as it had with his mother, except for a significant shift: Simone was different. Unlike his mother, Simone radiated cheerfulness and hopefulness. She assumed the role of a parent figure, guiding him through his struggles and helping him navigate his anger issues. In turn, he brought joy to her life with his humorous antics and impassioned viewpoints. She declined to be addressed as 'Mom,' thus 'Moni' became his term of endearment for her. To make ends meet, Simone juggled several part-time jobs to cover rent and expenses. During those initial years, despite their challenges, they found happiness in each other's company.
Jake's clash with Simone's parents traced its origins to the day he unearthed the truth surrounding his mother's demise. He had grasped early on that Simone's narrative was a construct woven to console a grieving orphan who had lost his mother. Nevertheless, for years her parents allowed him to believe that his mother's passing had been an accident; their version painted it as a mere muscle cramp that had hindered her swimming. 
However, a pivotal day at school became a turning point. The kids who frequently taunted him for being a "nerd" hurled scornful words at him: 
"Your mother despised you. She killed herself because of you! She couldn't bear having a weirdo like you around. Seriously, who could, Jakey?"
The altercation escalated into a physical brawl, culminating in a bloodied nose for Jake. Seeking the truth, he later confronted Simone and her parents. Simone's gaze dropped, while her parents dismissed the claims as provocation, imposing a penalty on Jake for his involvement in the altercation. It wasn't until he delved into a stack of 1996 local newspapers they had stored in the basement that he discovered a much darker reality. The Cape Cod community appeared to accept that his mother had, in fact, taken her own life. The term "suicide" held no meaning for him at the time. Subsequently, he found himself arguing with Simone first.
“I’m not a baby anymore! I know these are just stories,” restless and agitated, he had continued, “She was never a mermaid! She’s gone! I know what happens when someone drowns: they can’t breathe, it's a horrible death yet she chose it! I should have loved her more, I should have saved her, I should have…” 
His sentence had been abruptly interrupted by a hiccup, followed by another, and then another, each convulsion jerking his body. As Jake was shaken by other uncontrollable spasms, panic had gripped his being.
“I can’t breathe… I can’t breathe! I just keep –”
Simone had patiently tended to him, employing her nurturing touch to ease his distress and alleviate the hiccups.
After that evening, Jake's anger didn't dissipate; if anything, it intensified. Purposefully breaking things, defying orders, and landing in the principal's office for disrupting classes became a pattern. Amid this turbulence, only Simone had the ability to reach him. Each time he had hiccups, the same feeling of not being able to breathe brought him to his knees, and the hiccups had become more and more frequent. 
During those years, girls weren't a central interest for Jake. While passing groups of whispering and giggling girls, he paid them no mind. He had a brief fling with Monica Steinfeld at Chris's birthday party half a year earlier, but their two-week-long relationship ended without explanation, a development that left Jake unfazed.
Simone, on the other hand, moved from one boy to another, spending weeks after each breakup venting about men. The sounds of her bedroom's creaking bed and muffled sounds often reached Jake's ears, igniting a peculiar jealousy now that he understood their origin. Open about discussing sex with him, Simone never treated the topic as taboo between them. Yet, hearing those intimate noises remained awkward for him. Deep down, he was envious of those boys who shared such intimacy with Simone. He recognized his feelings were misguided, knowing she would never let him touch her the way she did those boys, but he couldn't suppress these emotions.
A turning point arrived when Michael Stamp taunted Jake about Simone, labeling her a "slut" who gave blowjobs to every man in Cape Cod. While he had long grown numb to insults like "freak" and "nerd," any disparaging comment about Simone was a spark that set his anger ablaze. When Jake and Michael clashed, it took two teachers to separate them. Despite Michael's stature as a towering football player, he struggled to shield his face from Jake's furious blows.
When Simone rushed into the school and spotted Jake waiting by the director's office, his face marred with bruises and a smug smile on his lips, she immediately grasped the gravity of the situation. Her temper flared.
"Good Lord, Jake, what mess have you dragged yourself into this time? I can't keep dropping everything to come take care of you, over and over again!" She ranted.
"But Moni, it's Michael! He said you were..."
"I don't give a damn what he said!" Simone cut him off. "You can't keep resorting to violence every time. This isn't the way to handle things. Now, where is this Michael? Why isn't he here with you?"
Jake knew that the answer wouldn't sit well with Simone. He averted his gaze and mumbled, "They took him to the hospital. I think I broke his nose..."
Simone's eyes widened, briefly resembling the expression his mother had worn – a mixture of weariness and disdain – when the school's director had shown her a gory drawing he'd produced. However, Simone's expression was different, as she appeared more disappointed than anything else. Shaking her head, she whispered,
"Oh my God… Jake, what am I going to do with you?"
In the director’s office, as she heard what the other boy had said about her and Jake’s reactions, Jake almost thought he detected a faint smirk flit across her lips adorned in red lipstick. Nonetheless, she didn't defend him as the director meted out the punishment: a week of suspension from school with a stern warning that the next infraction would be the last.
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Later at home, Simone tenderly tended to his wounds. While she might have been seething beneath the surface, her demeanor hardly reflected it. Nonetheless, Jake felt a profound sense of guilt. He wasn't ashamed of defending Simone's honor and throwing a punch at Michael, but the director's punishment cut deep.
"You know, Jake," she began, her touch as gentle as her words, "I turned down studying in New York and gave up on so many plans to stay here with you... Is this how you're repaying me? By embarrassing me?"
"But he insulted you!" Jake protested, his voice quivering with emotion. "And you told Debbie you didn't even want to study law anyway."
"I lied to her to get her off my back," Simone snapped back. "Also, I didn't want you to feel bad! I've always shielded you, and it would mean a lot if you could acknowledge that for once."
His eyes welling up with tears, Jake attempted to speak, but Simone preempted him.
"I know you meant well, but I couldn't care less about what some thirteen-year-old brat thinks about me," she asserted, locking her gaze with his. "And if I don't care, neither should you. Do you want to know where these claims stem from?"
"Yes?" Jake responded with a nod.
"I was dating his cousin, Frank, but I broke up with him last week. Now he's bitter and spreading lies about me – that's the whole story! Don't pay attention to them, and everything will eventually settle down. You'll soon realize that people love meddling in others' affairs and passing judgment without understanding, child." Simone patiently explained, though the worry was palpable on her face.
"Why do you always end up with jerks like him? You deserve someone better," Jake murmured.
"I wish it were that simple..." Simone replied, a sad smile tugging at the corner of her lips. To Jake's dismay, tears began to stream down her cheeks.
In a gesture that had become second nature to him, Jake cradled Simone's face in his hands and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. He lingered there for a moment, his lips brushing against her skin as he absorbed the warmth of their connection. Fueled by an impulse he couldn't restrain, he used his lips to gently wipe away Simone's tears, tasting the saltiness that had marred her face. She seemed surprised but not displeased by his unexpected action, and in response, she pulled him into a tight embrace. They held each other for a long while, finding solace in the shared comfort of their presence.
When they finally parted, Simone met Jake's gaze with a tenderness that made his heart ache. A soft, affectionate smile played on her vibrant red lips as she whispered, "you're such a beautiful boy..." Her intention seemed to be releasing him from their embrace, yet her eyes revealed a lingering hesitation, a silent plea not to let go. Captivated by this unspoken desire, Jake leaned in, capturing her lips with his own. Simone didn't push him away – not immediately. Instead, she responded to the kiss, her lips parting to welcome the intimacy between them. One of her hands found its way into his hair, deepening the connection as their kiss intensified.
But just as abruptly as it had begun, the moment shattered. Simone pulled away, her expression transforming from ardor to bewilderment, as if she were jolted awake from a dream. She pushed Jake back, her voice tinged with a mix of shock and panic. "What are you doing? What am I doing?!" she exclaimed, her words echoing in the space between them. Without waiting for an answer, she turned and fled from the house, her steps echoing the turmoil in her mind. The sound of her anguished whisper, "Oh my God..." lingered in the air long after she had disappeared into the night, leaving Jake alone with the remnants of a stolen moment that had unraveled as quickly as it had ignited.
The clock on the nightstand read twenty-two past midnight when Simone quietly entered Jake's room and perched on the edge of his bed. He was acutely aware of the time, not because he checked the clock, but because he had been lying there for what felt like hours, his eyes locked on the ceiling or occasionally glancing at the ticking timepiece. The memory of Simone's horrified expression after their kiss replayed in his mind like a broken record, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that their relationship had been irreversibly altered by that impulsive act. The fear of losing the profound connection they had shared kept him awake, and he listened intently for the sound of the front door closing, signaling Simone's return.
Now, as she sat there with a gentle smile gracing her lips, Jake found his voice in a soft whisper.
"I'm sorry, Moni..."
Simone's smile remained, and she shook her head slightly, her expression tender and reassuring.
"Don't be."
With a graceful movement, Simone slid under the sheets and settled beside him in the bed. It wasn't the first time she had sought solace in sharing his bed; after a particularly rough breakup, she would often find comfort in his presence. But tonight felt different. There was an intensity in the air, a charged energy that Jake sensed even in the dim light of the room, as he saw her eyes sparkling as they met his. As the weight of the previous events hung between them, Jake realized that this night was poised to be unlike any of the nights they had spent together before.
Let me introduce you to Mina and Jake here:
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gonehollywoodrp · 1 year
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All visitors of CocoCay can count on an exhilarating experience, and a daycation unlike any other! Whether you’re here to tackle some of our more thrilling attractions, or you simply want to kick up your feet for some much earned relaxation under the sun, CocoCay is the place that can provide it all. Here are some attractions and features that will certainly add to your perfect day:
Coco Beach Club is where poolside meets oceanside, the perfect view for kicking back in the provided water loungers with a drink in hand and your favorite dishes our attendants are all too happy to provide. Feel like having a more private experience? You can soak in the views  from your own private cabana, with requested food and drink services. 
Oasis Lagoon is the largest freshwater pool in the Caribbean! Being children-friendly, it’s a place where your little ones can splash and play to their hearts’ delight. For the adults, there’s a swim-up pool for whenever you’re craving your favorite tropical drink. And if you’re simply looking to lounge, there’s the option of in-water loungers that surround the pool, or your own private cabana with food and drink service. 
Thrill Waterpark is a fantastic place to get in touch with your adventurous side! A park that includes 135 foot waterslide Daredevil’s Peak, winding tube waterslide The Twister, racing friendly waterslides at Splash Speedway, and a zero gravity high on The Slingshot, the attractions are sure to get your heartrate up!  This park also has the Carribean’s biggest wave pool, whether you want to swim with the waves or wade in the shallow. And in case you need relaxation to unwind, beach loungers are available near the wave pool, or for a little more privacy, you can rent your own cabana. 
Chill Island is just what it sounds like, an oasis to slow down a little while being surrounded by clear waters and white sands. Have some relaxation on a seaside daybed on the beach, or book a private cabana. Both options come with food service including barbecue and frosty drinks to keep the relaxation vibes going. And if you’re looking for a little thrill, both snorkeling at the Snorkel Shack and a jet ski tour are available. 
South Beach is all for winding down and relaxation. Claim your place on the beach to lounge, or take the kids on a seashell hunt or to make a sandcastle! If you’re looking for bars and drinks, there are three close by that serve unlimited beverages and appetizers with seaside views. Or if you’re into beach volleyball or basketball, this is the perfect location to start a game with friends!
Up, Up and Away gives you a view of CocoCay from the top! Take a skybound trip in a helium balloon, where the view of the island and water promises to be nothing short of spectacular. You’ll float to a vantage point of exactly 450 feet above the island, giving you a breathtaking view of all its sea and sandy shores. 
Keep in mind that these are suggestions, and you can always visit the website and view the map to plan your own perfect day at CocoCay! 
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deputyash · 2 years
OC Aesthetics - Naturecore
Thank you for tagging me @harmonyowl and I believe @strafethesesinners :3
Tagging: @teamhawkeye @ri-a-rose @statichvm @derelictheretic @cobb-vanthss @cryptichobbit and anyone else who wants to! (Pretty sure most people have been tagged but just in case.)
Rules: Bold what always/definitely applies to your OC, italicize what somewhat/sometimes applies, strikethrough what definitely doesn’t/never applies.
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- Dove Ash - 
homemade bread, throwing seeds out for the chickens, a tabby cat, patchwork quilts, puffy skirts, ceramic dishes, fresh flowers in a glass jar, herbs hanging from the ceiling, freckles, grey eyes, Athena, old recipe books, a cookie tin filled with recipe cards from grandma, home-sewn pillows, a plate of cookies, the smell of rosemary cooking in a pot of water on the stove, a floral tea pot, salt and pepper shakers, pansies, bartering with neighbors, biking to town, stained glass windows
Zen Gardencore: 
rocks raked with precision, bonsai trees, holy temples, moss covering statues of gods and goddesses, reading ancient texts, being blessed by your ancestors, trusting and family devotion, watercolors on paper, ink on skin, poetry and art, hot springs, cherry blossoms, little flames flickering behind paper curtains, the smell of incense burning, figurines carved from jade and gold from centuries ago, rain, a mist seeping around your ankles as you make your way to school, a chalkboard, scraps of cloth made into art, origami, your father’s heirloom sword you long to one day pick up like your favorite Disney Princess, tranquility and peace, stubborn and proud
exotic animals, tree house, waterfalls, learning the calls of native birds, bright colors and natural materials, bracelets made from wooden beads and bones and feathers, collecting mushrooms, shirts with the sleeves cut off, leaving plastic bottle caps out full of water for frogs to soak in, cutting jeans to make them into shorts, wading in the river, cutting your own hair, bamboo wind chimes, upcycled art, fish in plastic jugs, air plants, climbing up trees using the vines, harvesting your own fruit
deep silences of the oldest trees, darkness, log cabins, deer antlers mounted on the wall, rearticulated skeletons, hand-dried pelts, pots of stew cooking over a fire, pancakes in a cast iron pan, brown boots worn from hiking, an old walking stick, bonfires at night, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, strange markings carved into the bark of trees, ferns that curl up when touched, hearing animals dart here and there but never being able to catch more than a quick glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye, finding half-eaten acorns and mushrooms, large tracks from something you can’t identify, bow hunting
seashell collection, model boats, jars of sand, windswept hair, the feel of the wooden boardwalk on your bare feet, big sunglasses, light blue walls, rope hammock, pillows with anchors embroidered on them, flip flops, shining sun, fish tank, sea animal plushies, a steering wheel from a boat on your wall, plates and mugs with seahorses on them, bracelets with plastic shell and dolphin and turtle beads on them, postcards from the ocean, wind chimes made of sea glass
watching the rabbits down in the valley, reading a book in a window seat, checking the sky for storms, knitting heavy quilts for the winter, many layers of clothing, waking up to see the sunrise and sitting outside for the sunset, enjoying the company of ones-self, mountain goats, clovers, laying in the tall grass underneath the sun, field mice, crystal and gemstone collection, a tin filled with buttons and sewing needles and thread, fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, scones
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astra-galaxie · 2 years
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Itzel Ramirez
Biographical information
Full Name: Itzel Ramirez
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Age: 6 (season 1)
Birth: 2006
Race: Human
Nationality: Mexican-Spanish
Origin: Grimsborough, USA
Residence: Grimsborough, USA
Eduardo Ramirez (father)
Valentina Ramirez (mother)
Arturo Ramirez (brother)
Lucia Ramirez (sister)
Mariposa Ramirez (sister)
Height: 3'6" Age: 6 (season 1) Weight: 45lbs Eyes: brown Blood: B-
The youngest Ramirez, Itzel is a sweet little girl with short black hair tied back by a set of pink ribbons and warm brown eyes. She wears a pink and purple hoodie, dark purple leggings, and sparkly light-up pink and white sneakers. Her pockets are always filled with random objects that she finds throughout the day that look pretty, like rocks, leaves, and flowers.
Itzel is the fourth and final child of Eduardo and Valentina Ramirez. Like the rest of her siblings, she is a minor character who appears in The Case of The Criminal. She goes to the same school as her sisters, where she loves reading time, her music classes and playing with her friends at recess.
In her free time, Itzel serves as a member of the Grimsborough Girl Scouts. She loves attending scouting events, especially those with the Grimsborough Boy Scouts because she gets to hang out with her Uncle David Jones, who volunteers with the Boy Scouts. Jones always buys a box of Girl Scout cookies from her and every other box afterwards. Itzel says her Uncle has a cookie addition, but with his help, she sells out every season, so she sees nothing wrong with his cookie obsession.
Itzel loved visiting Pacific Bay to see her father and attend her Aunt Adalet and Uncle Fili's wedding. While she had a lot of fun at the wedding, she liked spending time with just her family. They visited many beaches, went seashell hunting, built sandcastles, and even got to bury their father in the sand. But they had to dig him out before he got sunburnt.
Story Information
First appeared:
Bomb Alert on Grimsborough (cameo)
Happy Birthday to You! (first speaking role)
She was diagnosed with level 1 autism (commonly known as high-function autism) near the end of her first year in school
She doesn't let people underestimate her because of her autism and shows them that kids with disabilities can do things just like "normal" kids can
She loves the colours pink and purple
She and Avi Douglas are close friends despite her being a year older than the boy
After hearing about how her father took down a criminal with a frying pan, Itzel began practicing how to use a frying pan as a weapon
It has resulted in multiple people getting hit in the knees by a frying pan, followed by the little girl tearfully apologizing while sticking colourful bandages on the person's bruises
Itzel loves baking with her mother, especially when making traditional Mexican or Spanish desserts like Conchas and Churros
Arturo got them matching noise-cancelling headphones to help Itzel when she gets overwhelmed. He got himself a pair because his sister was scared to wear them at first, so he told her they could be headphone buddies!
Arturo also made Itzel several music playlists for her to listen to to help her sensory issues. They range from calming tunes to Itzel's favourite songs from children's movies
She loves going on walks with Lucia around town and visiting the playground by their house. Her older sister taught her how to swing and promised to show her how to use the monkey bars once she was old enough
Itzel loves listening to Mariposa read her stories, even if her sister is reading them for school. Mariposa does different voices for the characters and knows how to bring the stories to life for her little sister
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5.
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad)
Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad)
Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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