#season 4 has me in a major chokehold and it's only because of these two
macknashell · 2 years
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these two are the only two people that are keeping me sane
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bonus dazai bullshittery
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wheredidthe80sgo · 2 years
Since absolutely no one asked for this, here are my rankings for the bridgerton season 2 episodes (from least favourite to most favourite).
8. Episode 1
I’m sorry Capital R Rake, but you’re literally just filler. I do admit, majority of this ranking is based off the amount of Kathony interaction, and there wasn’t much in this ep. So. Yeah.
7. Episode 2
Again, Off to the Races is set up. However, it was very entertaining set up. Anthony’s speech/poem at the Danbury House was one of my favourite moments of the season, purely because of the way he looked at Kate. And I actually loved Thomas Dorset, so.
6. Episode 6 
This one is called The Choice, like yeah, the choice my ass. The only choice is Anthony choosing between being a dumbass and being an even bigger dumbass. The episode starts strong, then goes into some really long, unncessary scenes while they’re dragging on the tension, and then ends with a bang. The Kathony kiss was everything I have ever dreamed for tho. 
5. Episode 5
It’s getting difficult now. I tossed up between putting this one and putting the next episode in this spot, but right now An Unthinkable Fate is sitting in spot number 5. I know people are going crazy over the ‘object of my desires, bane of my existence’ scene, and yes, I also love it, but it’s not the greatest Kathony moment of the season. Episode 5 (and 6) is probably the most ‘tropey’ of all of the eps- the ring scene (which I love!!) and the lake scene (which I double love!! especially the Mr Darcy homage and jealous!Anthony) and the Sheffield-Sharma dinner. All of these things I absolutely adore, and they’re great at keeping us invested before all the drama and angst hits.
4. Episode 8
Ah, The Viscount Who Loved Me. Now this ep- this one hits different. We start with one of my absolute favourite moments in the season, which is Anthony’s conversation with Violet, and continue on to Anthony’s proposal (which I thought was absolutely adorable, albeit idiotic, especially the tulips). Kate’s talk with Mary is something that I wish we saw more of throughout the series, and the Wrecking Ball dance has me in a chokehold. Then, finally, we end with two scenes that have me sobbing: Anthony’s proposal and the epilogue, aka married Kathony. Episode 8 concludes beautifully, and leaves enough open in terms of the subplots to bring back in season 3 while also creating a satisfying end for Kathony. I love it.
3. Episode 3
A Bee in Your Bonnet was my second favourite episode until last night, when I rewatched it, and it moved down a spot. However, this ep definitely holds up as being extremely entertaining. The flashbacks to Edmund’s death and Anthony and Violet struggling are super tough to watch but necessary in understanding Anthony’s character and motivations. The Pall Mall scene is everything to me, and it’s so beautiful to see Kate and Anthony not only mirroring each other in their competitiveness but also laughing with each other and enjoying each other’s company. The dinner scene in this is incredibly underrated, and then we round off the episode with the bee scene, which oh my goddd. I don’t have enough time to go into why I love the show!bee scene so much, but I just love it. It’s perfect. Enough said.
2. Episode 4
Victory, my beloved. There are so many things about this episode I love, so let me see if I can keep it relatively short. Every Kate and Anthony interaction is brilliant, and this is the episode where we really begin to see their chemistry ooze during each look as they’re continuously pushed together (by Edwina, no less). Kate’s outfit in the scene where the three of them have tea together is one of my favourite Kate looks, and Anthony and Kate’s matching outfits in this scene is probably one of my favourite matching looks from all of them. The hunting scene is brilliant, and, surprisingly, I was actually relatively entertained by all of the subplots that happened in this episode (not so much the others, but this one was good). Kate and Anthony dancing to Dancing On My Own means more to me than words can say, and is my personal favourite moment of the entire season. Not to mention the study scene- oh boy. The only downfall to this episode really is Anthony proposing to Edwina, and rest assured that Anthony was called every curse word in existence when that happened. (I actually think I had to get up and leave the room I was that mad.)
1. Episode 7
Yes, my personal favourite episode of the series is episode 7, Harmony. The reason I love this episode so much is because Kate and Anthony, no matter how precarious their situaiton, are finally free: Anthony is no longer betrothed to Edwina, they don’t have to hide their feelings from their families anymore because everyone knows now, and while they are worried about the rest of society finding out, there’s a real shift in the mood here. As an audience, we’re on edge for their every interaction in this episode because we know that this is their last chance- this is when Anthony’s last thread of honour will finally snap. (I mean, it’s Bridgerton- we can’t go through the season without at least one spicy scene between our two leads.) I adore the way they can’t seem to stay away from each other: the way Anthony is drawn to Kate when they’re walking, the way he can’t keep away from her in the museum, their subcounciously moving near each other in the sitting room. The country dance is also a moment that made me cry, especially when Anthony danced with Hyacinth, and of course the gazebo scene was absolutely perfect. No criticisms whatsoever. It would be remiss of me to talk about this episode without mentioning the lilies. I’ll be honest, when Mary suggested the lily soap to Kate, I thought it was just a nice throwback to the book, but oh no, I was wrong. Watching Anthony go absolutely feral for that soap was the highlight of my entire night, and words cannot express how much I love this unhinged man. And then, finally, the episode ends with Kate’s accident and a whole lot of angst for us, which is just brilliant. 
So yep, there’s that for you guys, even thought literally no one asked. Please let me know what anyone else thought or what your favourite episode was because I genuinely want to know. Anyway lmao thanks for getting to the end I suppose.
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