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Shark Week with Sebastian | MDNI 18+ only | Period sex, blood ofc, gentle Sebastian, ambiguous era, smut, obviously, could be gross use your fucking discretion | I'm PMSing. Cramps are fucking awful stope.
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Of course Sebastian knows. He keeps track of it better than even you. Sometimes even reminding you of its approach.
(Victorian era!)Sebastian has knowledge from all parts of the world so while other ladies bleed freely, feeling uncomfortable and having to repeatedly change clothing, you are offered a makeshift pad, with special cloths torn and arranged by the demon himself. (Modern!) Sebastian knows what pads, tampons, and menstrual cups are too he buys and stocks them for you. Making sure you have plenty for when you need.
Sebastian also makes sure you have hot honeyed tea to help soothe your cramps and sweet treats to go with it as well. Cakes, biscuits, chocolates.
And when all else fails, Sebastian knows a little massage will help you better than anything else anyway.
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He starts at your feet. Carefully pulling and prodding at each toe and your skin. The ache that settled in your muscles immediately scream relief as his supple fingers glide across atop the expanse of your body. You can feel him- edging dangerously closer- closer- closer to your core.
You can't help wiggle. Despite having had this happen before it feels awkward for you to having him touch you while you're bleeding.
Sebastian moves further up, loosening the tight knots in your waist and back. His long fingers expertly knowing just where to rest, where to press down, where to be hard and where to be gentle. You're mere putty in his hands, shaped into a creature of desire.
You can feel your core grow warm. Heat blossoming in your abdomen as Sebastian bends down to lay a chaste kiss to your shoulder. "My lady, it seems you are in more pain than I initially thought... Perhaps a more personal massage will help better."
You giggle. A personalised massage...was that what it was called?
You see him out of the corner of your eye pull his glove off with his teeth – a sight you aren't still accustomed to. His blackened nails glint in the dim light, cold and unforgiving; desperate to taste the warmth you have to offer.
He flips you onto your back with as much ease as if he were lifting a kitten and while keeping his eyes on you, pushes his fingers into your bloody cunt. There's next to no barriers, and the feeling instantly shoots up right to your navel, sending signals to your brain that are too many and too quick for you to comprehend.
His thumb finds your nub, and he circles it, round and round, barely touching the button while pumping two long fingers in and out your hole. The blood drips down your ass and onto the bed where Sebastian had strategically placed a thick towel for you.
"Seb-" you breathe a sigh of relief feeling the fingers prod at your gummy walls. "Sebastian, don't stop. It f-feels so good.
"I wouldn't dream of it, my Lady."
His lips press against your skin, sinking into the plush fat of your tender breasts. Your senses are heightened making it difficult for you to reign in the cries that escape between your teeth, but it only seems to spur him on as he picks up pace.
When his lips latch around the hard pebble of your nipple, you gush warm wetness below. A dribble that amplifies the obscene squelches. But the demon remains unfazed.
His mouth suckes on your breast in a slow deliberate repetition, breathing life into your orgasm. A rhapsody of pleasure that builds in you, spiralling upward as his fingers curl inside and his thumb teases your clit over, and over till you feel yourself peaking. White hot and shuddering, you come, spilling blood and your release over the hand at your entrance.
Sebastian releases your nipple with a pop and looks down at you with flashing red eyes; your chest rising and falling with each deep breath. A part of you suddenly disappointed with how short it was.
"Is my Lady satisfied?"
Your cheeks reddened. Of course he would find you out. Yet the tall figure swooped in and captured your lips in his. You heard the soft sound of fabric moving and felt him push into you gently. His lips dropped from your mouth, to your jaw, your neck, fingers finding purchase in the formerly neglected nipple.
"Let's fix that shall we?"
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I think I'll write for Agni next. Man had BDE and I need him. Why are the white haired men always so pretty to me ughhhh
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gefionne · 1 year
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I commissioned the lovely @redreart to illustrate Hawke and Sebastian as Prince and Princess of Starkhaven. Thank you for your wonderful work!
Long ago, I wrote a SebHawke fic called "Bedroom Hymns," on which this version of them is based.
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ask-sebastian · 8 months
Felix gave Sebastian's shoulder a playful nudge, handing him a dark chocolate frog with a warm grin. "Careful," he whispered, "This one might surprise you with a sweet filling."
"An unexpected but not unwelcome surprise," Sebastian said cheerily, giving him a nudge of his own as he took the treat in hand. Fully intending to split and share with Felix, he eagerly peeled back the wrapper, but no sooner had Sebastian dug in his fingers did the creamy white centre burst forth and pour out. He muttered a rather shocked oath under his breath as it welled into his hands, but no matter how he struggled to contain it, the thick fondant slowly slipped down his fingers and dripped in spattered gobs over the front of his robes.
A gruff sound of annoyance caught in the back of Sebastian's throat. "I've made an unfortunate mess of myself, but..." He held out half to Felix, smile half-cocked with apology. "Would you still like some?" Sebastian popped the other half in his mouth, quickly licking the sticky remnants of filling from his fingertips so as not to waste it. He let out an indulgent hum and blurted through the mouthful, "Pineapple!"
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im dying of laughter rn im writing and its late and i keep writing sebastina instead of sebastian and im just imagining sebastian genderbent now. sEbasTinA 
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lordisitmine · 7 months
when i type the name Sebastian really fast it comes out Sebastina and now i'm just imagining Sebastian's twin sister Sebastina who looks Exactly like him except she's wearing lipstick and a dress
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lichtecht · 10 months
@cnka raised the question of names for girl dfk, and i just spent quite some time looking up the meanings of all the names, so i will present my results now.
first of all, the meanings of their original names.
matthias: god's gift martin: son of mars, warrior ulrich: ruler over the inheritance jonathan: god's gift sebastian: sublime, venerable robert: bright glory johann: god is merciful
i dont think you need to necessarily have the same meanings for the feminine versions, but i thought especially sebastian's and martin's meanings were very fascinating
my ideas for girl names, mostly based on sound, would be
mathilde: strong fighter/hero martina: same meaning as martin ulrike: same meaning as ulrich johanna: god is merciful sabine: originates from the Sabines people roberta or robina: same meaning as robert judith: woman of judea
im unsure about sabine and roberta/robina. also judith, but i just like the sound of that
@is-this-taken-too-questionmark also said
#ulrike or ursula could work for uli because both of those sound like ridiculous upperclass names and she could keep her nickname #matz could be something along the lines of martha but i think that's a bit too similar to martin #maybe emma?? it can still be shortened to matz and it sounds nice but idk how much it fits the character #no ideas for justus or sebastian #the nichtraucher thing is very self indulgent but my heart says she would be named barbara #barbara=babs=bob=robert or something you don't have to understand bc i don't understand either
ursula: bear martha: master/mistress emma: short form of names that include "erm" which means "big" or "all-encompassing" barbara: stranger, foreign
i really really like the meaning of barbara in regard to the nichtraucher. and i honestly thing the meaning of mathilde actually fits matz so much better
feminine versions of the original names, not really important but interesting maybe:
matthias: mattea martin: martina ulrich: ulrike jonathan: nathanja sebastian: sebastina, bastienne robert: roberta, robina johann: johanna, johanne
my favourites out of all of these are mathilde, ulrike, barbara, martina and johanna (for johnny). i also like judith, but that doesnt fit as neatly meaning-wise.
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intnewst · 14 days
Sebastes mystinus 🐟 Или синий морской окунь — вид морских лучеперых рыб, принадлежащих к подсемейству Sebastinae, морских скальных рыб, входящих в семейство Scorpaenidae. Обитает в северо-восточной части Тихого океана, от северной части Нижней Калифорнии до центрального Орегона.
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sillyname30 · 10 months
I got the impression that Grant was implying it was Naya who left during the scene and watching it seems to confirm that. The Youtube quality isn't great, but the skin tone and hair seem different in frames when see Santana from the back.
I watch the video again. I didn't notice Santana the first time, because it was so short when Sebastina pushed her. Yes, she doesn't look like Naya. They could have said the name. It was 2011. Nobody would get in trouble now.
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Want You Bad ~ S.S. (part 2)
A/n: Two posts in one day? GOD help me I am having way too much fun lmao
Word Count: 4000+
Warnings: This includes the bit about the cursed slushie (rip Blaine). Otherwise it’s mostly just the friends to enemies to lovers shtcik and gays being gays
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It was Kurt who saw the genius behind it, maybe because he was the one who knew that Y/n had his own dreams and drives as well, or maybe because he had recently come to absolutely loathe Sebastian. Y/n liked to think it was both, but more the former than the latter. Even if they’d never dated, they were still friends and Kurt always had his back.
“No cheating, like Blaine said, but I think this could be a great thing. It might ease some tensions if we have our own in their numbers. Someone we all like and care about, you know? It might be easier for us to like them, like with Blaine and I last year. It might be easier for them to like us and back down as well if they think they have some sort of victory. If they have someone they get to see everyday up close, who’s like us. Someone to vouch for us. I think it’s a great idea.” Y/n shot him an appreciative smile. Kurt winked back. For once, it didn’t make Y/n’s chest flutter, or his stomach have that little warm, tingly feeling.
“Okay you know what, that IS genius,” Rachel gushed. “You should absolutely go for it, Y/n!”
Y/n grinned. “Awesome!” He tried not to look too excited, but Kurt gave him a knowing look and Y/n wondered if he knew that Y/n was excited to be a Warbler, or if Kurt knew about Y/n’s crush on Sebastian. Or worse, about both. Any of those options made him feel guilty, and also confused. Why would Kurt be happy about any of that? “I think everything should be official after Michael Week, so we’ll still have time for that.” Everyone cheered, and Y/n laughed.
It was weird how goodbyes could make you feel closer to your friends than you had in a year. Maybe two. I guess it’s true that you always appreciate the ones you’re losing, or have already lost, much more than the ones you always have.
Y/n didn’t dwell on that. It probably helped that the transfer actually happened a lot smoother and faster than Y/n expected as well, and that it was only three days before he was gone and attending Dalton Academy full time. Sebastian pushed away all Y/n’s thank you’s about helping him get here, and even went as far to show him around and properly introduce him to the other Warblers.
With all of Y/n’s excitement, he’d almost forgotten about the whole feud and such going on, and was shocked to find out that in the short time he’d been gone, Sebastian had tried to claim Michael Jackson as what the Warblers would perform next competition, which set them and New Direction as enemies again. Blaine decided to handle it with a competition. They were supposed to meet him in a parking lot to figure it out or whatever.
The Warblers were supposed to potentially show off with New Direction tomorrow night and Y/n had only just gotten his blazer. He hadn’t had time to really perform with the other guys- the second he was initiated Sebastian had told him the news. Now he was wearing that blazer he’d wanted so much for so many years, and all he felt was dirty.
“Why do you seem upset?” Sebastian asked, seeming a little irritated. “You can finally show your power to your old group. Show them how much better you’re doing!”
Y/n crossed his arms over his chest. “Sebastian, they’re still my friends, and they love Michael Week. Why would you take that from them?” When that seemed not not have been the reaction Sebastian had expected, Y/n scoffed. “What, you didn’t think that would piss me off? I still have loyalty to them, and… it was messed up. You only did this to mess with them.” His voice grew quieter. “But that’s the only reason you do anything, isn’t it?” For the first time, Y/n wasn’t distracted by how attractive or charming Sebastian was. He just felt betrayed.
Sebastian seemed to notice, and it was obviously bothering him. “Okay well you’re a Warbler now. You should have loyalties to us.”
“I do,” Y/n snapped. “I left them to come here. And I know you don’t actually care about me or need me, but I am here now and I am a part of this so I’ll be coming along too and standing with you guys. Obviously. I just want you to know that this feels...” He couldn’t think of the perfect word, but his expression must have been enough because Sebastian seemed to understand. “Is your goal just to take everything you can? Is that why you were so eager to help me transfer?”
That made Sebastian roll his eyes. “They took the win from us last year because we sat around and were nice and acted like friends when we aren’t. We’re trying to NOT lose, Y/n. That’ll be even easier if we throw them off their game as much as possible.”
“What, you think the Warblers will only win if we cheat? If New Direction isn’t at their best?” The entire room went dead quiet. “What Sebastian, don’t like hearing that? Because your scramble to make it as easy as possible to beat them says either two things: you feed off of making people feel like shit, or you don’t think we’re good enough to defeat them without some sort of dirty playing. Pick your poison.” He shook his head and began to head out of the room. “I have class. I’ll see you at rehearsals.”
The day passed too quickly, but Y/n was glad of it. He seemed to fit in weirdly well. He didn’t get a lot of the jokes or references. There was an obvious gap between his richer peers and himself, but he was smart and hard working and adaptive, so people seemed to take to him well enough even if he did have a bit of a struggle keeping up with them in conversation. They weren’t particularly mean, though they were a bit snobbish. Y/n didn’t mind it. His teachers were patient with him too, and a quick meeting with the counselor about credits and such cleared everything up. With his own salary at the library and a little help from his parents, he managed to pull it off. He was pretty sure Sebastian had pulled some strings of some sort, but he didn’t ask too much about it. He didn’t want to think about Sebastian right now.
Eventually he had to though, because school ended and he walked into the Warbler room in full uniform, to everyone socializing before rehearsal officially began. When he walked in, he expected some hostility for the showdown earlier, but it only took one of the other kids pulling him into a conversation to ease any remaining tension. Soon enough they were all laughing, pausing to explain things that Y/n didn’t quite get when it came up. The jokes about musical performance were a LOT easier for him to keep up with, so it happened significantly less than it had in class, which was a relief at least.
“Okay everyone.” One voice cut through all the soft discussions and all eyes turned to Sebastian. Y/n’s smile fell, but Sebastian didn’t notice. It wasn’t clear if he was purposefully ignoring Y/n or just finally showing how uninterested in Y/n he was normally, and Y/n tried not to think about it too much. “I was thinking a little warm up to get our new guy used to rocking it with the Warblers. How do we feel about some improv?” There was excited mumbling and smiles and nods, so Sebastian took that as a yes. “Okay. Any suggestions?”
“Ever heard of Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner?” Finally Sebastian looked at Y/n. Everyone did. He didn’t know why he spoke, why he was pushing buttons. But apparently he was, and he had an idea that it was all because of Sebastian. Maybe there was still something left of that snappy person he used to be. If it meant keeping up with Sebastian, he didn’t mind.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Who hasn’t?” Y/n smirked. Sebastian saw a challenge as Y/n stood up. Everyone else did too, and that meant he couldn’t back down. “Well then. How about you start us off?”
Y/n didn’t say anything - he just started. As if sensing his thoughts, a few other Warblers started up to back him up. People moved in the room, and suddenly it was very obviously split - people who were enjoying watching someone call Sebastian on his bullshit, and people who wanted Y/n to shut up and sit down. Those with Y/n, those with Sebastian. It set the perfect tone for what was about to happen.
“If I could write you a song to make you fall in love I would already have you up under my arm. I used up all my tricks, I hope that you like this - but, you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me. You got designer shades just to hide your face and you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me. And you never say hey, or remember my name, and it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me-”
He sang every word with a sincerity that made a few things very clear right off the bat. First, Y/n was absolutely sure that Sebastian thought he was the shit, and that all he saw when he looked at Y/n was a foothold to the next level of moves against New Directions. Everyone looked at Sebastian as the second message sunk in properly. Y/n was into Sebastian. And he wasn’t being quiet about it anymore. Sebastian picked up the next line in response.
“You got your high brow, shoes on your feet and you wear 'em around like it ain't shit. But you don't know the way that you look when your steps make that much noise… Shh! I got you all figured out: You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen. Behind your makeup nobody knows who you even are - who do you think that you are-”
The words more than stung, and Y/n glared at Sebastian as the other boy moved closer to rub the lyrics in. Y/n walked forward and the other Warblers closed in around the pair, until Sebastian and Y/n mocked each other in the middle of what in any other situation would have been a classic high school fighting ring. It had quickly gone from a warm up to a face off and no one was even hesitating. Not that the performance suffered - if anything, Y/n was quite aware of how amazing they were all doing. It was impressive, and he felt incredibly powerful to be a part of it for once.
“If I could write you a song to make you fall in love, I would already have you up under my arm- I used up all my tricks, I hope that you like this- But, you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me.”
As he sang, Y/n slid close to Sebastian until their noses were almost touching, and it shocked him when Sebastian put his hands around Y/n’s hips. It was more obvious when a second later Sebastian slid behind him, his fingers tracing the fabric of Y/n’s Warbler blazer. His touch was distracting… which of course is why Sebastian did it. Because otherwise he’d be flirting and while Sebastian absolutely would, Y/n didn’t want to think about it. Even if he was sure it didn’t mean anything. Especially then, because that hurt even more.
Sebastian picked up the next line, allowing Y/n to refocus himself.
“You got designer shades just to hide your face and you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me. And you never say hey, or remember my name, and it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me. You got your high brow, switchin' your walk and you don't even look when you pass by. But you don't know the way that you look when your steps make that much noise-”
They were too close, Y/n had to side step and pull out of Sebastian’s arms. He had begun to let his hands flatten against Y/n’s shoulders, slowly letting them fall lower and lower, smoothly. Y/n had to get away before it got to be too much, and unfortunately that was too quickly. They were facing each other again though and Y/n was more fired up than ever. Seeing that his actions had such an effect - Y/n could feel his face burning - Sebastian was just as energized. Now they were switching off, going back and forth, and feeding off of each other.
Of course Y/n had to do something to get some of that power back.
“Shh-” Y/n’s hands rose to block Sebastian from saying it himself. “I got you all figured out: you need everyone's eyes just to feel seen. Behind your makeup nobody knows who you even are- who do you think that you are.” It was Sebastian’s turn to look uncomfortable as Y/n’s eyes dug into him. He smirked, and Sebastian glared. The roles were so reversed than they’d been at the beginning of the song it was like some kind of whiplash. “Cause it's your scene -” Those behind him moved closer, echoing the line. “I’ve got no doubt, we all see - you’ve got your head in the clouds.” Sebastian’s eyes flickered to those who supported Y/n, and he swallowed. Y/n felt even more powerful, and he suddenly realized why Sebastian was the way he was. There was something blazing inside him at being able to affect someone else like this. And it wasn’t pretty, but for a moment Y/n did not in the least care.
Seeing his moment of… whatever that was being noticed, Sebastian rose his chin, looking down at Y/n who was shorter than him. Not a hard feat when Sebastian was so tall... Unfortunately, it was a shadow of his earlier showing off. Now it was more clearly some sort of mask or armor than ever. Y/n wasn’t sure if the others could see it, but he could and that’s all that mattered. “If I could write you a song to make you fall in love, I would already have you up under my arm-”
Y/n cut in and knowing smirks rose to everyone’s faces. This time it wasn’t Y/n who was the one declaring an interest. “I used up all my tricks, I hope that you like this, but, you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me-”
Sebastian rushed forward to get in Y/n’s face again, trying to establish dominance. All it did was heat things up more as Y/n didn’t move an inch, looking up at Sebastian with a fire in his eyes that refused to be tamed or quenched in any way. “You got designer shades just to hide your face, and you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me,”
As Y/n sang, he didn’t hesitate to roll his eyes, his hand moving back and forth on a bending wrist, like he was dismissing the thought. His sassiness had reached an all time high, and everyone else was feeding off of it. Even Sebastian, whose eyes were trained on the shorter boy, a look in them that made Y/n’s fire get even brighter. Stronger. “And you never say hey, or remember my name-“
Sebastian came again for the end of the song, but something about his face had softened. Not anger or irritation, but definite interest. Pride. Victory, maybe. “And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me.” The boys froze, inches away from each other. The circle around them had tightened immensely as when the boys had gotten closer and closer, the other Warblers had closed in, drawn by the tension in the room.
Y/n took a breath, smoothing his jacket. “How was that for a warm up?”
Sebastian’s eyes glinted. “If that’s a warm up, I definitely want to see the whole show.” And the suggestive undertone made a couple of the other boys react, teasing with little noises and chatter. Y/n looked away, but he was smiling. It was no secret that he wanted it too, not after that. So why even pretend? There was a freedom in being able to express your emotions.
Maybe Y/n had been destined to be a Warbler. He had sung with them once and he was already feeling better. Bigger. He loved it here.
Things didn’t cool off or calm down from there. During the rest of rehearsal, Sebastian kept finding reasons to tease Y/n. He touched Y/n more, and his eyes rarely strayed for a reason other than when he was directly talking to someone else. They were brainstorming a few ideas for what could be happening tomorrow night. It was obviously going to be some sort of face off, and that meant having a few things prepared just in case. All around, it was actually kind of a relief to be out of the room. Away from Sebastian’s burning looks, and insatiable smirk, as well as getting space from the reality that he was about to go against his friends tomorrow.
Unfortunately for him, all he got was a night before the next day at school, Sebastian was back again. He didn’t realize how many classes they had in common, or how many times their paths heading to other places clashed. He was aware now that Sebastian had taken every single opportunity to be as close to Y/n as possible. The more Y/n got flustered or the more people seemed to become aware of the tension between the two boys, the more Sebastian flirted and hovered. Y/n would be lying if he didn’t say he was absolutely getting off on it.
Something was happening, and Y/n was absolutely loving it.
All in time for it to be completely ruined when they showed up at the parking lot. It started out great, mostly, other than how Y/n preferred to stay quiet and distant. He was having fun, but he wasn’t on the same level as the other Warblers. He was barely in tune with them, and in a completely different groove. He needed more time with them before he could front, and he respected that. That aside, his old friends would wink at him and he would nod back, and that was a nice distraction. Except when their smiles slowly fell one by one as Sebastian showed his newly discovered power over Y/n.
As New Direction mostly sang and Warblers did most of the support, Sebastian kept up his new habit of taking any and every opportunity to be as close to Y/n as possible. As long as it didn’t take attention away from how he was glaring at whoever was taking the immediate lead in the other group, Sebastian tried to pull Y/n to the front and flex how very easily the new Warbler could be distracted by his new leader. Y/n sang and Sebastian winked at him and Y/n almost tripped as the mass of high schoolers moved through the mostly empty parking lot, and it was obvious to almost every single person in that room what was happening.
Finally they broke off, and everyone paired up - one New Directioner with one Warbler, and Y/n found himself nearly chest to chest with Rachel. She’d never been Y/n’s biggest fan, and the glare on her face now was nastier than any she’d donned before, but the tone between them wasn’t foreign. He felt his own anger grow, and his shoulders straightened. There was something very difficult about trying to be friendly and soft with her, there always had been. To do anything like that now seemed weak, and the last thing he was trying to be on the Warblers is someone you can walk all over. He’d done enough of that in New Direction.
As the song came to an end, the two groups broke off once again into a mass of New Direction and a mass of Warblers facing off, side by side with their own group. United against each other. Y/n was so distracted by Rachel’s glare that he missed when Sebastian pulled out the slushy. Too much so to do anything about it, though his eyes were pulled over when a scream rang through the air right after the very familiar sound of a slushy hitting a person. Y/n was horrified to look over and see Sebastian with a slushy cup in hand, and red all over Blaine’s face. Blaine, who was on the ground in a ball, Kurt holding him in a panic. Blaine, who was screaming, hands trying to move the slushy out of his eyes and seeming to only hurt himself more.
Something dawned on Y/n that made him sick. There had been something in that slushy, and the Warblers had come prepared which meant every one of them had been in the know. Every single one but Y/n. And as Sebastian tried to retreat and Y/n stood there, stunned, suddenly he understood something new. The blazer didn’t make you a Warbler. It didn’t really protect you or give you any power. The years he’d spent being jealous of Warblers was for nothing. He felt no safer or confident in that blazer now. In fact he felt even worse. He looked at his old friends and they looked back and he hoped to god they could tell that he had no idea anything like this was planned for tonight. Before he could figure it out, a hand wrapped around his upper arm. He looked over, for some reason expecting Sebastian. But it wasn’t. It was Ethan, one of the Warblers that had started to kind of drift to Y/n as a default other than Sebastian. He was one of the people who had been first by Y/n’s side during the ‘Cooler Than You’ face off.
Ethan swallowed. “Come on.”
Y/n was too ashamed to look back at those who used to be like family to him before he turned away from them and followed after Ethan. After Sebastian. That thought made his self hate grow even more.
When they got back, after a completely silent way back to the school, Sebastian tried to take control again. “I’ll see everyone here for rehearsals tomorrow.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Y/n snapped, his voice harsh as he whipped around. Sebastian froze, his defenses coming up immediately. “What the hell WAS that, Smythe?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sebastian answered far too evenly. Y/n’s face darkened and honestly, it was really intimidating. “Listen, it’s not my fault Blaine decided to play hero. I was going for Kurt’s chest. All it was supposed to do was sting a little.” He smirked. “Only his pride, of course. What else is a slushie going to do other than that? Blaine’s just being dramatic to make us feel bad for the whole thing so we’ll take pity on them. Well we’re not going to.”
Y/n stepped away, shaking his head. “I have to make a call to make sure my friends are okay. I obviously don’t have any here that will miss me anyway. See you in rehearsal.” He stressed the last word, hoping it came through crystal clear that he wanted nothing to do with Sebastian outside of the Warblers. He could be hot, but that meant nothing if he wasn’t bothered by what had just happened.
Y/n had an unbreakable resolve. If he really set his mind on something, once he made a decision, it was impossible to derail him from it, unless something happened to change his mind again. It was why he was so unsure so often, and had become so more often since he’d almost taken things too far with Kurt and Blaine back when that whole thing was going on. He saw a lot of that in Sebastian, and you know maybe that’s what had drawn him to the boy in the first place. But that didn’t matter, because any hesitations he had and anything he wasn’t sure about was erased and replaced with a clear understanding that Sebastian had no care for anyone but himself. His pride and having fun and taking nothing seriously was his entire being, and he had a sense that he could do whatever he wanted and it didn’t matter.
Never had Y/n ever messed with people like that, and he wasn’t about to start to now. Not unless some things changed around here. Changed a lot.
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mybrainproblems · 3 years
Also. For the love of whatever you hold dear. Can folks chill with the "ironic" homophobia and slurs? It is exhausting and you sound like my super conservative fuckhead trumper uncle (and sometimes worse!)
I know self deprecating humor is a staple of the queer community but this trend of being ironically homophobic for clout and humor is extremely off putting and holy fuck. Being some flavor of queer does not somehow mean you are incapable of being homophobic/transphobic/sexist and it doesn't make all of your shitty comments innocuous as a result. Like that is a WILD claim to make and it's basically the same rhetoric terfs use when accused of being sexist. We were all born into a racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic society and we all have shit to work through and unlearn.
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leleonora2000 · 5 years
Mary Moran
Rewatching part of TST in Season 4 I found very specific what Sherlock said about a man’s wife in a monologue that was ‘only’ ment to be funny.
This theory can’t be fully understood from those who don’t know the paraller between Mary Morstan and Sebastian Moran (Moriarty’s assassin/spy/sidekick). But l’ll link the video here that explains it all.
Anywayyy the story Sherlock tells goes like this: (You can find it at 26:30)
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Btw it’s just me or this guy over here looks a bit like John? Blue eyes, short graish hair, shirt...
Sherlock: “You thought she was having an affair, I’m afraid it’ much more worse than that. Your wife is a spy, her real name is Greta Bengsdotter, Swedish by birth and probably the most dangerous spy in the world. She’s been operating undercover for the past four years now as your wife for one reason only to get near the American Embassy, which is the road across your flat. Tomorrow the US President will be at the embassy as part of an official state visit. As the President greets members of staff Greta Bengsdotter disguised as a 22 stone cleaner will inject the President in the back of the neck with a dangerous new drug hidden inside of a secret compartment inside her padded armpit. This drug will render the President entirely susceptible to the will of that new master. No other than James Moriarty.”
So the this is the story of a spy...
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who changed her name and moved...
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...who’s been operating undercover for 4 year, how long Mary and John have known each other? Well we have the 2 years (or a little more) Sherlock’s been ‘dead’ plus the 6 months or more until their marriage (winter to summer) then the 9 months for the baby and we have the 4/5 months more or less after the baby’s birth. And it makes 4 years or a little less.
For the other details I assumed: The US President was Mycroft, he is described to be THE British Goverment more than once, and for the ‘dangerous new drug’ the only thing that came to my mind was TD-12 ‘cause it’s described as a “memory inhibitor” and “bliss”/”opt-in ignorance” or in a way Sherlock, cause he’s ofter used to threaten Mycroft and make him do what Moriarty wants (It’s not a drug, but hey, I’m trying here xD) maybe you guys have better opinions and theories.
But in the end the aim is to ‘enslave’ the President (Mycroft [?]) under the power of James Moriarty. We’ve already seen it with Irene Adler in A Scandal in Belgravia and in His Last Vow, the game was always to target Mycroft’ power.
This in the first part was to underline the bond between Mary and Sebastian Moran, after that mine are just assumptions.
What I’m trying to understand is if in a way Sherlock is telling himself that Mary is dangerous and that she has to die. She’s one of Sherlock’s demons so...
TST is still one of those episodes that for me are still so hard to understand. ;(( What do you think?
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solemncadaver · 5 years
Hand over your sexy Sebastian content
Can be literally anything
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ask-sebastian · 8 months
A Gryffindor student huffs after you in the corridor, "Seb- SEBASTIAN! Here! Your essay for that extra History of Magic lesson on pureblood history."
On top of the parchment is a comment written by Professor Binns' dictation quill: Interesting thoughts, Miss Stanley.
Just then, the ghost himself floats by you with his hands behind his back. "Not wrong, Sebastina Stanley. But don't let the Headmaster-" He stops and purses his lips, "Did you cut your hair, Miss Stanley? Don't let the Headmaster see that either." Without waiting for an answer, Binns floats through the wall on his right and the Gryffindor stares at you in visible confusion.
Binns makes as much sense as pure blood superiority.
*stuffs the parchment into my bag, muttering to myself* And my hair looks fabulous, thank you very much.
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yandere-berry · 3 years
Hm,, can I request headcanons for Sebastian with a half-neko darling (female pronouns if you can) who gets a little 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 attention Grell Sutcliff?
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thanks for being my very first request!!!! i hope you like this because i had a lot of fun writing this!
Warnings: Kidnapping, killing, yandere themes
Word count: 274
Pronouns Used: they/them
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Sebastian was first drawn to you because you’re a neko. He’s met so many other worldly creatures but he has yet to see a half-human half-cat.
His obsession for you grows quicker because you’re part cat. He already loves cats so then when he falls in love with you it’s over for you.
Now for this let’s say Grelle met you through sebastian. She was on her way to swoon over him and that’s when she saw you. You were just so cute, any tiny she couldn’t help but fall in love right away!
Any affection that would have been directed at Sebastian immediately gets directed at you. Grelle will smother you in love and she notices the death flares she gets for Sebastian but she just doesn’t care!
Sebastian was already having a hard time courting you since he was always out and about with his master and making sure the other servants are doing their job, now he has this little pest taking all your attention away.
Sebastian decides pretty early that Grelle needs to go. Sebastian will tell Grelle that the two of you are going on a date later that night and of course Grelle gets curious so, she’ll go. But that’s when Sebastian will take her by surprise and well, kill her.
After that is when he’ll go to wherever you are and kidnap you, taking you back to the manor. Of course you’ll fight, you’ll hiss and bare your teeth and claws at him but Sebastina will only coo at you. He thinks it’s so cute how you think a tiny cat person like you could do anything.
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thatchergreene · 7 years
[[ i love making my friends yell at me xD ]]
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mars-writes-yandere · 3 years
K i dont know if it matters if the day is passed already buut-
December 8 "You've never seen snow before?" for Sebastian? Yandere perhaps?👀
i hope ur day is going nice<3 thank you already if you do it😩🏌
𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟖
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no it’s ok!! i’ve only written for a couple of them so feel free to send in as many requests as you want!!
Prompt: “ You’ve never seen snow before?”
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping
Word count: 141
Requested? yes | no
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Sebastian walks into the cabin, taking off his butler coat while scanning the room for you. He finally spots you sitting at a window staring outside. He chucks at your amazed expression as you watch the snow fall.
Sebastina knew you lived in the US your whole life and had taken you during the summer months of england. He stalks towards you, careful not to disturb your amazement.
You looked towards sebastian and pointed towards the window.
“Look, it's snowing!” You say looking out the window.
“ You’ve never seen snow before?” He asks smiling at you.
“No! It's never snowed where i’m from!”
Sebastina only chuckles before sitting down in a chair, beckoning you over.
“Come watch the snow from here darling. He says patting his lap.
You walk over to the chair, never taking your eyes off of the snow.
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