#seblaine: canon divergent
calsvoid · 6 months
i love a good one fell first the other fell harder ship but i refuse to believe that canon seblaine is like that alright they were both dopey and in love with each other during their friendship and just refused to talk about it okay and do i have any evidence to back this up not really but shut up they were both in love
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andyandersmythe · 5 months
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I just wrote this little thing, ‘cause I can’t stop thinking about the “What if”. This is my dramatic side of what would’ve happened if Blaine had reacted to Sebastian betraying him (not talking about the slushie, well yes, but before that). Cause they were friends right? And Sebastian just betrayed him in front the new directions about that phone call and the set list. Anyway… this is kind of dramatic and it’s also in Spanish (please give it a chance google can translate it) because I don’t feel prepared to write something in English. I mean, I don’t even know if I’m doing it well right now.
Also Blaine has the obvious same feelings that he has on the show for Sebastian but he admit it and he reacts better to the chandler cheating thing (as he should have done it)
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imogenlefay · 10 months
Chapters: 13/25 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Christmas Compilation, The Great Seblaine Christmas Extravaganza, Fluff and Sweetness, Occasional hurt/comfort, probably, But mostly fluff Summary:
A collection of Christmas-themed oneshots about Seblaine.
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SEBLAINE- PRESENT DAY (Late December/End of Year One)-I Still Remember the First Fall of Snow
Para/Phone Call: I Still Remember the First Fall of Snow- Part 1 of 2. 
Rating: PG-13.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee 
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Year One: Present Day. December 30. 2 and a half months after No Stopping Your Plans (Present Day, End of Year One. Blaine 22 (as of October 22), Sebastian 21 (as of August 27)
Location:  Ohio/Blaine’s Apartment- Brooklyn, New York
Info: Sebastian attempts to travel back to New York after visiting his parents in Ohio during a snowstorm. Blaine panics.
Warnings; please read: This para has themes of alcohol addiction, depression/anxiety, mentions of past domestic abuse, and mentions of death. This RP in general has themes of past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), previous unwanted sexual situations, anxiety, depression, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, and death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. He is not a nice man at all. Never will be in this RP. You’ve all been warned.)
Title Taken From:  All Too Well (TMV) (TV)-Taylor Swift
Under Cut for content.  As usual, the para is mostly unedited.
 (And how it glistened as it fell,
 I remember it all too well)
 Blaine’s POV: 
All over Brooklyn large snowflakes fell in tufts of fluff so soft and delicate that Blaine was almost certain he could hear them whisper like fluttering wings against his window. Everything looked magical around the city and Blaine wanted so badly to love the glowing white blue hue the same way he had five years ago but his stomach was in nervous knots as he watched it fall steadily from a darkening,  light polluted sky. The sight was visually beautiful but it terrified him all the same. He tried not to reach for his phone to check in with his loved ones once again. He’d already bothered them all this afternoon when the impending forecast of a snow storm turned out to be accurate. 
He was mostly, as usual, worried about Sebastian as he was supposed to have been back from his Christmas break visit with his family this morning, but too much snow and bouts of blasting winds had stopped all flights temporarily and his boyfriend was stuck in an airport in Columbus, Ohio for who knows how long and service all over the Midwest, east coast and more was spotty at best so he was stuck just waiting to hear when he’d get to come home. Blaine had to believe that he’d get home and he’d be safe though and that had to be enough. The short time he got to talk to him today Blaine had made sure to keep his voice calm and as supportive as possible even though he wanted nothing more than  to tell him how very worried he was about the weather. 
Sebastian had been angry that they might not get to spend New Years Eve together, but he’d told his boyfriend that the date didn’t matter and they could mimic their own ball drop if they missed the night anyway. In reality the thought of not getting to celebrate their year back together on that specific date made Blaine feel a little lost. It was their anniversary after all. One year since that not so chance rooftop meeting and that perfect snowflake on Seb’s cheek beckoning Blaine with a reason to touch him again after so long apart. Filling them both with  a wave of familiar feelings and the pull of a mythical string drawing them back together where they belonged. All the pain and happiness they’d been through the last year together was thanks to last New Years and Blaine really wanted him home, but he could wait if it meant Sebastian was stuck somewhere safe. 
 Good god though Blaine fucking missed him. He missed him more than he cared to admit to anyone- let alone himself. It was a sort of aching that left him feeling sore and it scared him a little. They’d talked and texted while he was away and Seb said he missed him, of course, but Blaine wondered if it was this much. He wondered if this was normal. It had only been nine days and it wasn’t like they didn’t go days without getting to see each other, they spent time apart all the time. This felt different though, perhaps it was because Sebastian was miles and miles away.  It felt like his arms were stretched too far with wanting Sebastian closer and he didn’t know what to do with that. He just wanted to pull him back towards him and it worried him that maybe he was feeling too much. He felt untethered- unmoored from himself and he didn’t like feeling this way.
Sebastian had, of course, asked Blaine to come with him so they could spend Christmas together and Blaine had been so ready to say yes, but then he let himself sit and think too hard about it and it just didn’t seem like the right time. Sabine had been supportive of their relationship, if a bit tenitive but Seb’s dad was just… well, the worst trigger and Blaine wasn’t sure it was  a good time for him to be there, especially considering the date he’d be there… 
There was also the money aspect, Blaine still wasn’t comfortable with Sebastian’s easy and almost careless way with it and he wasn’t ready to let him pay for a trip that might lead to disaster anyway. Sebastian had promised him before leaving that he was okay though, that the therapy and the AA meetings were helping and that he’d call him if he felt like drinking or doing anything else that he might regret. So far his boyfriend had been just quiet about the whole trip, sort of changed the subject if Blaine asked about his dad, it worried Blaine but he didn’t want to pry or bother him with it, he’d learned that Sebastian would come to him when it was time to talk about what was bothering him. . Sebastian’s main concern the whole time had been coming home. Blaine didn’t think he’d have gone back to Ohio at all if it weren’t for how much he loved his mom.. 
It really was probably for the best that Blaine stayed in New York. He hadn’t wanted to mention it to Sebastian and remind him of what time of year it was even though Seb knew, he had shown that he knew in the way he kept lingering on Blaine face with concern when they said their farewells at the airport, that and the subtle check ins on that day as well let Blaine know that Seb was thinking about it- Sebastian had went through a hell all those years ago, too. Different, but just as damaging. Yet Blaine still couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud to his boyfriend. Not only was two days ago the anniversary of that last time Blaine felt happiness as a teen, but it was the date he lost everything good in his life. He wasn't sure how he’d handle living that day over while trying to win Thomas Smythe over.
December 28, a date burned into his brain for the rest of his life, had always loomed and haunted like a ghost. This year wasn’t any different except that he was free now. He could spend it how he liked and he spent the five year anniversary of his parents deaths quietly on facetime with Cooper. He was in California still- hadn’t gone home to visit their graves, neither of them had in years. Something about the eerie way the snow dusted their stones was far too pretty of a picture for all the tragedy and grief it left them so it was best they didn’t go. The image of their lonely, cold graves with their names forever etched in gray still fills him with a sorrow he knew he’d never get over. He’d miss the two of them forever and nothing would ever fix that. Not his happiness with Sebastian, not being free of Kurt. Nothing- not even time.
Neither he or Coop really knew how to talk to each other anymore yet neither of them were quite willing to just hang up. They’d  shared old pictures they each had saved, digital and physical and sniffled and laughed a little bit over them and Blaine was okay with that until they got to the ones that were from that last Christmas they were together as a family-  right there in the last photo of the bunch was one of his mother covering her smile as Blaine opened up his guitar while his dad looked on with what must have been pride. It was his last ever gift from them and the very guitar that Kurt still had his claws in. Blaine hadn't seen it since he’d been brave enough to leave, and probably never would again. Kurt had hidden it away or really had sold it off in a gesture of cruelty that only he could produce. One last thing to hold over Blaine. That man managed to keep his nails dug into Blaine somehow and suddenly he didn’t want to look anymore and what was first cathartic turned sour and when they finally did hang up Blaine let himself pull Soot into his arms and cry over them. 
He cried and at first it was marred by memories of Kurt’s mocking, nightmare blue eyes but then he let himself really remember his parents- his beautiful, sweet mother with her gentle hands and his serious but sometimes very silly dad and he cried harder than he had in years for them- full gulping sobs. It felt almost good to freely mourn them without Kurt interfering and making him feel small about his feelings. He cried all the time, he knew that and he was often ashamed over how sensitive he was, but his cat purred against his face and it felt right and that was something Kurt couldn’t take away anymore.
He spent the rest of that day keeping himself busy- he’d talked with Seb on the phone and hearing him say I love you over the speaker over 500 miles away made him feel giddy.  He’d exchanged some ridiculous yet funny messages that made him actually laugh out loud with Sam and cleaned his whole apartment. He’d even let Soot dip her paws in the powdery snow that had fallen on the windowsill that day. She seemed to enjoy herself but soon fell asleep burrowed in Blaine’s sweater, cold paws pressed against his chest…
 But now, two days later, he really just wanted to kiss his boyfriend's hands and face and watch something stupid on the television.  Wanted to celebrate their Christmas and New Year’s with him the same way they’d celebrated Blaine’s twenty-second birthday in October- in his apartment, just the two of them pressed together and giggling like they were all that mattered. 
He sighed and reached for the phone, the time read 7:36 p.m. and it was dark out. He groaned in annoyance with himself as he pulled Seb’s name up because of course he couldn’t stop himself.  Just one little call to keep the other man busy while he waited and then maybe he’d walk down and get himself some dinner from the corner store before the snow really took off and then he’d settle down on the couch to work on his advanced music theory and composition work. Classes started back up soon after all. To his surprise Sebastian’s beautiful, mischievous face was already flashing at him in an incoming call before he could press the proper buttons to call him. He almost declined the call in his haste to answer, maybe he’d make it back in time for tomorrow night after all.
“Let me guess, they’re delaying you until next week?” Blaine meant it as a joke but his heart sort of sank at the prospect.
 Sebastian’s POV:
If it weren’t for his mother, Sebastian wouldn’t go home for the Holidays. He wasn’t much for the BER months and all of the family oriented activities everybody felt guilted into attending. Ever the realest, he knew that the chill in the air towards the end of September meant that wine soaked arguments and gift receipts were around the corner. For him, it wasn’t all warm scarves and the scent of cinnamon, laughing with family like a perfect commercial. Sebastian didn’t need gifts or the judgemental looks in his aunts and uncles faces. But, he did need his mother and she loved to decorate and celebrate and show off her home. So, every Christmas he showed up and tried his best but always seemed to fail somehow. Even if she said she loved him and not to mind what the other Smythe family members thought, he could still see how tired his  mother was, the sad tilt of her red lips when he snapped back or poured another cup. 
This year was going to be his first sober Christmas in a long time. He hoped that he could keep it together without Blaine’s gentle golden gaze. He knew that Blaine was a phone call away and the other man had already encouraged him to reach out if he needed to. 
Sebastian had wanted B to join him on the trip. In the back of his mind he had known that the answer would be no. Ohio was complicated, he understood that. His own father was still quite cold about Sebastian and Blaine reconnecting. He knew his mother would welcome his boyfriend in with open arms but that wouldn’t stop his aunts from gossiping or thaw his father’s frosty demeanor. This time of year was hard for both of them but even more so for Blaine. The anniversary of his parent’s deaths was only a few days after Christmas. The yuletide season was marred for his boy and all he wanted to do was hide under an old quilt with him until New Years Day.  
The days of winter break passed by as the snow fell. Sebastian faked his way through dinners and spoke on the phone with B on the phone as much as possible. His mornings were spent with his mother over french press coffee and cigarettes. These were his  favorite moments anytime he came back home. The two of them in her clean kitchen lit up by the winter sun. The scent of her familiar lavender soap mixed with the rich tang of tobacco and her red lipstick print on her porcelain mug brought him comfort. He silently wished he could bottle up all of the goodness these little things she did brought to him. Sebastian could take the bottle back to New York and keep it just for himself.
 The nights in his childhood bedroom felt cold and lonely. It almost felt like he was a teenager again, wrapped up in his dark green sheets, dreaming of Blaine, willing him there. They would talk on the phone late at night, Seb’s voice hushed. ‘Just like old times.’ Blaine had joked. He would tell him about how his aunts got messy wine drunk, about the 5 identical sweaters he was gifted by various family members, and how much he missed him, Soot, and his tiny apartment. Sebastian lamented about how he didn’t want to miss New Years but the midwestern weather just wouldn’t give.
He felt like he had jinxed himself. There he was, sat in an airport by his lonesome. He was going to miss their day. Sebastian felt agitated as he stood at a large window and watched the wind whip snowflakes across the tarmac. B had assured him that everything would be okay and they could still celebrate together. 
Sebastian chewed on his nails and pondered his options. He felt like he'd go crazy stuck in this airport with crying babies and the temptation of the lounge he had access to. He had to get out of there. He’d rent a car. Yeah, he’d just rent a fucking car. He grew up in midwestern winters, he’d driven in them before. He could do it. 
Blaine picked up and made a joke. Seb chuckled and cradled the phone between his shoulder and ear as he signed the paperwork for the car. “Actually, No. I’m going to rent a car. Can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. I’ll be there before you know it and we can watch the ball drop together.”
The other side of the line was quiet.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine almost lost his hold on his phone as his breath hitched and caught in his throat. It was all he could do to let it back out again.
Breathe in and back out again, Blaine.
Come on- count to ten. You’ve got this, it’s okay. He’s still safe.
One, two, three…
It had taken Blaine a moment to really hear what Sebastian was saying to him. He could hear the triumph and annoyance with himself and the hint of relief in his boyfriend's voice but none of it really registered right away. All Blaine could focus on was that Sebastian wanted to rent a car and that meant he was going to drive. Blaine’s eyes blurred white and then a blue black that buzzed in his head as he watched the fat snowflakes slip down his city window leaving streaks like tear tracks down mourning cheeks. Was he crying too? He reached up and touched his face and was surprised to feel that his cheeks were dry. He felt seventeen all over again stuck in a never ending loop that started five years ago. He felt real fear for Sebastian’s life creep down his body for the second time since August.
All he could hear now was Cooper struggling to tell him the worst news- There was ice on the r-road. God, they’re gone, Blaine. I-I don’t know how else to say it. Mom and dad are gone… Who would think to call Blaine if something happened to Sebastian? Would he be forgotten? Or would he have to listen to Sabine Smythe heartbroken and struggling to tell him like his brother had? He had to force himself to speak, though his voice felt like it was stuck in his throat, his tongue felt heavy and his fingers felt numb as they regained their grip on his phone.  
“Baby- please don’t.”
He was all too aware that Sebastian, or anyone else that he cared about could be ripped away from him at any given moment, he’d been through it and knew in his heart that it could happen again and probably would-  but the thought of Sebastian out there on the road on a night like this for the next nine or so hours was enough to send the mental progress he’d done over the last year into regression. 
“I know how hard it is for you to be idle and how much you hate not having control of what goes on around you. I know that you’re probably overwhelmed and anxious and that’s not a good place for you to be in, I know, okay?  But I’m asking you not to do this.”
His heart felt ready to break all over again. His thoughts ran wild with unwanted scenarios that all ended with Sebastian dead- his beautiful, mischievous face frozen and reduced to just a picture in someone’s old newspaper. Gone. He licked his too dry lips and pushed on, afraid that if he stopped talking that it’d already be too late. He tried to keep his voice as steady and clear as could given his emotions,
“I hate asking this of you because I know you’re struggling to be still right now. I know you want to be here and not stuck there, trust me, I want you here too, but you have to stay there for now, okay? I’m sure they’ll reinstate your flight soon. I’ll stay up and keep you busy all night. I know you brought a notebook with you so you could write or something to pass time, too. Between the two of us we can keep your mind occupied.”
At this point he felt like a drowning man grasping at whatever he could to keep himself afloat. His  voice was starting to break and crack while he stumbled to put into words how desperately he needed Sebastian to understand what he was feeling. He was fighting panic and it looked like he might lose.
“I know it’s not fair of me to beg, but I fucking can’t, Seb. I- I can’t go through another phone call like t-that. It would destroy me… I never properly healed from before and-I just... Please don’t drive. I need you to promise me you won’t, I need to hear it. P-please. I’ll do anything.”
 Sebastian’s POV: 
Sebastian felt embarrassed. Heat crept up his neck and cheeks and his stomach turned uncomfortably. He had been so focused on getting back to New York that he hadn’t really considered how Blaine would feel about the situation. It all suddenly felt so obvious as the other man’s broken voice begged him not to drive.
“Okay, okay.” Sebastian hoped his tone sounded calming. He picked up the rental contract he had just signed and tore it in half before walking away from the kiosk. The clerk looked confused but he just shrugged and turned to find somewhere to sit. 
“I feel horrible and so fucking stupid, B. I should have known better. God.” 
He listened to his boyfriend speak and rubbed his forehead. There was nowhere quiet to sit. Blaine was right. It was going to be hard for him to stay put but, he wasn’t going to betray him. He sat down on a hard plastic chair and pulled his luggage up onto the free space next to him. 
“I won’t drive, I promise. I won’t do that to you and I appreciate the offer to stay up with me but you need sleep. I’m not going to make you stay awake just because I’m bored or anxious or whatever. I can like, play a game on my phone or something.” Seb cradled the phone against his shoulder and picked at his nails. B knew him well, he was struggling to chill out. “I really am sorry. I don’t know why I thought this would be okay.”
They stayed on the phone for a bit and Sebastian tried to focus but he heard somebody near him mention a hotel. “I wish I could stay at a hotel. I don’t think anything is close enough to get there safely. Guess I’ll just have to buy a fucking Monster or something from a vending machine. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep anyway but I’m afraid I won’t be alert, you know?”  Seb wanted to be selfish and keep the other man awake with him, that would be the easiest way to quell the anxiety coursing through him. “I should let you get some sleep. Soot is probably annoyed that you’re still awake.”
 Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let out a slow breath as the thick ball of anxiety slowly tried to unfurl in his gut only for it to be replaced by a guilt that he remembered far too well. Guilt for having inconvenienced someone else. Rationally he knew Sebastian wasn’t angry at him for asking him to stay put but the irrational part of his brain, the one part that Kurt had damaged with his huffs of annoyance and sharp claws anytime Blaine felt any emotion other than faux happiness, told him that he was wrong for asking. He wasn’t though because this is what people in healthy relationships did, they talked to each other and helped each other through the difficult things. He had to take another breath  and press his forehead to the cold window of his apartment before he could speak again.
“Please don’t feel bad, you have done nothing wrong and you are not stupid, Seb. I’m not faulting you for not realizing how it would affect me. You’re not  responsible for my triggers. I am.  I just…” He sniffled but managed to keep his emotions in check, breathing his way through it like he was taught and willing his guilt to ebb away because he knew Sebastian loved him and that he wasn’t cross with him for this, sure, he may be anxious but it wasn’t because of Blaine. 
“Imagining you driving right now- I just can’t. I know I can’t keep you safe in a bubble and I’m not asking for that, I just- this month? This time of year…I-” He struggled with himself to find words, still stupidly worried he’d somehow messed up before settling on the simplest thing,, 
“Thank you for understanding, and I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, okay? I promise.”
Blaine shook his head as he listened to Sebastian try and reason away why he couldn't keep Blaine on the phone and allowed himself to settle down on his little couch, his feet tucked up under him. He made the soft clicking noise with this tongue that sure enough got his fuzzy little feline to hop up on his lap, she nuzzled into the phone like she just knew her papa was on the other line. 
“Please, Seb, you don’t need to apologize, it’s sweet that you wanted to get here so fast, and a normal person would have embraced your gesture, but I’m not, well- you know, normal. But, I have a feeling that you’ll be in my arms by tomorrow night and we’ll be swaying together on my roof listening to the bang of pots and pans, kissing the New Year into existence.”
He felt the beginnings of a tentative grin trying tug on the corners of his lips in anticipation, wanting nothing more than to hold his boyfriend to his chest and kiss the worry and anxiety out of his faraway voice. He let himself take a deep breath, and finally the guilt was slowly replaced with hope and want. He pressed further into the couch, making himself comfortable with Soot curled up on his shoulder, surely curious about why her dad’s emotions were all over the place.
“Sebastian, I’m not hanging up, not a damn chance.” His voice was gentle as he tried his best not to laugh at the thought of letting Seb go for the night, the thought felt absurd to him, “Soot is actually worried about you and wants to see your face, put your earphones in and facetime us so she can see that you’re safe and then you can tell us about something good that’s happened over the last few days and then something you’re looking forward to when you get here.. We’ll be up as long as you need us. Besides, I don’t need to sleep nearly as much as I need to see your face right now.”
 Sebastian’s POV:
“Since Soot is asking so nicely...”
Sebastian tried to pay it casual but he could feel the grin overtake his face because how the fuck was Blaine still so sweet after his mess-up? He obviously wanted to see Blaine’s face, too. More than anything. He knew the joke would make the other man smile. He slipped in his Airpods and accepted the facetime option. He was tucked away in a somewhat quiet corner and the two of them kept each other busy until the time blurred. At around 5:05 a.m.  they announced that the flight would board at 6:30 AM.  The wind had died down and conditions were safe. A surge of relief flooded through him, he was so ready to be back in the city, back with Blaine. 
Sebastian had pretty much slept the entire plane ride with little interruption. His body felt exhausted but his mind was elated to be that much closer to his favorite everything- his safe spot.. Nothing exceptional happened until he was bounding up the stairs to his boyfriend’s apartment. It was only about 2 in the afternoon and they would have the whole of New Year’s evening and day together.  As soon as Blaine opened the door they were in each other’s arms, he wasn’t sure who reached for the other first. His exhaustion seemed to almost melt away as he felt B’s hands rub the small of his back, as he felt the soft whip of Soot’s skinny tail rub against his shin in her own special greeting. He was back with Blaine. 
He was home. 
(Part two of two will be posted in the next couple of months. We’ll see you soon!)
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grace-williams-xo · 4 months
hey hey hey I saw your post!!! any good fic recs for white collar? :) anything is appreciated, I'm not picky!!!
thank you!!
Sure thing, White Collar fic recs coming right up! I have more in the folder if you want more/different, but here’s a mixed selection. I also have more similar fics but the list is already quite long enough, and some of these have sequels.
Always A Surprise: Neal/Sara, 1.7k, explicit, dom/sub, femdom. Neal is good little sub for Sara, but also wants Peter to fuck him—she knows and encourages his fantasies.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Peter & Neal, Peter/Elizabeth, Elizabeth & Mozzie, 3.8k, general, post-canon, reunions. Neal gets back from Paris and meets baby Neal at Christmas, also feat Diana and Theo.
Perspective: Peter/Neal/El, can be read as friendship, 5.2k, mature, kidnapping, hurt/comfort. Neal gets kidnapped and develops ptsd related to restraints ie his anklet, but Peter and El are doing everything they can to make him feel safe again.
Once Upon Another Time: Neal/Sara, Neal & Mozzie, 25k, mature, mpreg (not mpreg from Sara). Neal is a government breeder with no choice in the matter, and Sara is looking for her art thief at the same as the FBI—Sara finds Neal before Peter does.
The Last Con: Neal/Sara, 33k, teen and up, post-canon. Neal gets to live his life after canon, moving to London to be with Sara and work as an insurance investigator, but then he doesn’t anymore.
L’art pour l’art: Neal/Gordon Taylor, 834 words, general, fluff. The soulmates being fluffy in Paris.
Blown Up: Neal/David Siegel, 5k, explicit, character death, grief, suicidal thoughts. Very angsty sad fic with briefly happy Neal because Neal never gets to be happy.
The Island: Neal/David, 5k, explicit, character death, emotional hurt/comfort. Neal gets to fall in love, but it’s in secret, and he can’t be okay when he has to pretend it never happened.
Built on sand: Neal & Diana, 4.3k, teen and up, undercover as a couple, MLM WLW solidarity. Neal saves Diana from having to flirt with a guy on a mission, and Diana doesn’t realise how okay with it Neal is.
The Way You Make Me Feel: Neal/OMC, 6.3k, teen and up, bisexual Neal. Neal was in a nude painting for an ex boyfriend, then said painting ends up in FBI’s white collar division.
This Isn’t Where I’d Choose to Be (But Maybe it’s Where I Should Be): Neal/Peter, Neal/Matthew Keller, 666 words, general, AU canon divergence, not canon compliant. Peter, Neal and Keller get stuck in an elevator, prompting discussion and reenactment of the last time Neal and Keller were stuck in an elevator.
Our Secret to Keep: Neal/Peter, 2.6k, mature, semi-public sex, exhibitionism. Neal is underneath Peter’s desk with a gift, the gift is himself.
Audio Drama: Neal/OMC, Neal/Peter, Peter/Elizabeth (mentioned), 2k, mature, exhibitionism, professional ethics re consent. Diana, Peter and Jones have to sit in the van listening to Neal get a blowjob and then Peter confronts him about it and it ends about as you’d expect.
Fox Among Hounds: Neal/Peter, 11k, teen and up, pre-relationship, escorts, protective Peter. Neal pretends to be an escort for an undercover mission, and when it starts to go pear shaped I guess Peter was the only possible person to get him out of it.
A Gentleman’s Guide to Suits, Ties and (White) Collars: Neal/Peter, Mike Ross/Harvey Spector, Donna Paulson/Clinton Jones, 29k, teen and up, matchmaking, first kiss. Mike is on a mission to make Peter and Neal realise that they love each other via the most crazy crossover dinner party.
The New Boss: gen, crossover with Chuck, 14k, general, Neal Caffrey and Bryce Larkin are the same person. Hughes still gets pushed out as ASAC but maybe the CIA replacement isn’t who they were expecting.
Never Recognised A Purer Face: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe, Cooper Anderson & Blaine Anderson, 3.3k, teen and up, Cooper Anderson and Neal Caffrey are the same person, Seblaine high school sweethearts. Cooper Anderson faked his death, but now he has to protect his little brother from said brother’s criminal boyfriend.
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klaine-a03-feed · 5 months
Make Me Aware of Being Alive
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tliAy7 by lilytune Kurt is a jaded, pessimistic Warbler. After getting bullied at his old school, he had to move to Dalton Academy Boarding School. Blaine is a sunshiny New Directions member who just moved states with his parents. What will happen when their paths cross and they realize they might be more similar than they think? Swap AU. Words: 2169, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: The Warblers (Glee), Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Hunter Clarington Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans Additional Tags: Past Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe, not a seblaine fic, no beta we die like Pavarotti, Warbler Kurt Hummel, swap au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
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seblaineaddict · 2 years
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Seblainintine's Weekend 2023
Love and Romance - Day 2
Hope everyone's enjoying Seblainintine's Weeknd! This Graphic actually accompanies the upcoming 4th chapter of my Seblaine Fic Nine... It’s a Canon-divergent...ish story where Sebastian and Blaine both attend Dalton at the same time and are best friends - loooonnng before Kurt even comes into the picture.
Following an explosive fight relating to Sebastian’s 18th birthday party, the wonderful friendship (and more) that our beautiful boys both believed was rock solid, lies shattered in shards and seems to be beyond repair. Can they ever put their broken pieces back together and salvage anything of what they once were to each other, from the rubble? Well, if you want to find that out, the Fic is linked below!
Nine... follows a series of a series of serendipitous “nines” that become very significant to Blaine and Sebastian as they journey through adulthood - although neither of them will pick up on that fact for a very, very long time...
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bripops · 1 year
stealing the WIP Whenever prompt from @jtownnn but not tagging anyone lmao. RIP to me in advance for trying to do this on mobile
from my upcoming seblaine ‘tis the damn season canon-divergence AU
“Have you talked to Blaine?” “Isn’t your whole thing telling me to stay away from Blaine? The entire first year I knew you it was the only thing you’d say to me, and you basically put a protection detail on him after the breakup with Kurt so I couldn’t talk to him for like a month. I can go back to stalking him in coffee shops if you want, but I thought you were gonna go all ‘Code of Hammurabi’ on me if I bothered him.” Trent made a choked-off noise of distress and Sebastian knew the deflection had worked. Referencing the Code of Hammurabi anywhere they could reasonably shoehorn it in had been an in-joke for a handful of Warblers in the immediate aftermath of the slushee incident, their way of telling Sebastian what they thought he deserved: an eye for an eye. Vague enough to avoid the anti-bullying policy, but it didn't really matter— Sebastian had already proven that "zero tolerance" didn't mean what they'd all thought. “That’s not what I meant,” Trent insisted, sounding a little guilty. If nothing else, Trent was easy to read, exhaustingly incapable of hiding his feelings. “I just wanted to check in. According to Sam he’s been acting like a kicked puppy and he can’t get Blaine to tell him what’s wrong.” “Sam?” “Evans, from McKinley? We text sometimes.” Sebastian had clearly missed a memo somewhere, because he had no idea Trent was friends with the redneck himbo. He needed to put a stop to this now; it was bad enough for Nick to be up his ass about Blaine, Trent and Stripper Ken getting involved would only make everything worse. The problem with talking to Trent was that he was so goddamn transparent that he was harder to lie to than most people, even Nick. Trent was just so infuriatingly honest about everything that he was really good at picking up on when someone else wasn’t, and more likely to push if he thought he wasn’t getting the whole truth. Sebastian sighed, he was going to have to say just enough to shut him up. “I haven’t talked to Blaine,” (true) “so I don’t know what his deal is” (partially true, though Sebastian could probably guess) “and if I did I would have told Nick when he asked me yesterday.” (outright lie) “I don’t know why everyone keeps assuming I did something” (even bigger lie) “but genuinely, I didn’t.” (true, but likely part of the problem) “I never said you did,” Trent said carefully, clearly afraid to start throwing around accusations now that his petty little bullshit from junior year had been brought up. “Just, if you hear anything–” “I will absolutely not tell you,” Sebastian assured him, the first genuine thing he’d said so far. “This gossipy shit has got to stop, do you really not get how it keeps making everything worse?” That was true too, and shutting it down had the added benefit of no one fucking asking Sebastian about it anymore.
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xonceinadream · 1 year
Alright, y'all, I've been in a mood lately so I'd love to start some more RPs. I play primarily Blaine (I'm willing to do Sebastian but I write him very very soft so be prepared if you want that). I'd like to RP mainly Seblaine but I will also go for a Klaine with a fun plot.
I'd like to rp on discord. For Seblaine, I don't care about the plot or timeline I just like RPing them. For Klaine, I'd like to do some kind of AU or canon divergence but we can talk about it.
I am perpetually busy so I'm not a 5 message a day responder the way I'd like to be. Generally at least once a day if not a little bit more but there are definitely days that I can't be on. So please don't be frustrated. I'm looking for something long-term. Also I'm 31 so please be 23+. I could give a little leeway but it makes me feel better to have somebody closer to my age.
Send me an ask/message and I'll send you my discord or message me on discord if we're already friends on there. I'm also interested in trying again if we've RPed before because I know several have been abandoned by either me or my RP partner as happens. ♥
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blainesebastian · 1 year
Hey. How is your day going? Hope your doing well and taking care of yourself and staying hydrated and safe.
And what are some of your favorite fandoms you are a part of ?
And what is your favorite type of fanfics to write?
Hope you have a great day. 😊
hi!! this is such a sweet ask, thank you! i just got back from chaperoning an amusement park trip for my school, so i am tired lol but good!
hmmm these are great questions!
my favorite fandoms that i'm a part of (that i've been an interactive member in) are:
seblaine fandom (this fandom has been so good to me *u*) (glee)
snowbarry fandom (the flash)
brio fandom (good girls nbc)
prodigal son fandom
teen wolf fandom
austin butler fandom
then some other great ones, but i haven't contributed fic:
shadow and bone fandom
mr.robot fandom
angel: the series (and btvs) fandom
charmed fandom
cobra kai fandom
sons of anarchy fandom (have contributed edits!)
my favorite types of fics to write are:
canon divergence (taking stuff from shows and making things ✨better✨)
episode inserts
angst with happy endings
thanks again for the ask! hope you're doing well too :3 this was so fun to answer.
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colorsicantsee · 3 years
SEBLAINE- PRESENT DAY (LATE AUGUST/YEAR 1)-It’s Supposed To Be Fun Turning Twenty-One (Part One)
Sebastian *Self Para: (Part One of Two) It’s Supposed To Be Fun Turning Twenty-One 
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee 
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Year One: Present Day. The weekend after Sebastian’s 21st Birthday which is August 27. (About a month after Please Remind Me Who I Really Am.)
Location:  The bar/Blaine’s Apartment- Brooklyn, New York
Info:  Sebastian struggles with the demons of his past and ends up in a very real and very scary situation.
Warnings; please read: This para has themes of alcohol addiction, depression/anxiety, and mentions of unwanted sexual advances while under the influence of alcohol. This RP in general has themes of past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), previous unwanted sexual situations, anxiety, depression, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. He is not a nice man at all. Never will be in this RP. You’ve all been warned.)
Title Taken From:  Taylor Swift- All Too Well (10 minute version) (Taylor’s Version)
Under Cut for content.  As usual, the para is mostly unedited.
 (I’d like to be my old self again
but I’m still trying to find it)
 Sebastian’s POV:
It was the last week of August which meant heat trapped in the busy sidewalks, the sound of struggling air conditioning units, and another year around the sun for Sebastian. He had grown indifferent about his birthday the older he got. When he was younger, he had relished in the gifts and attention and wishes that smelled like burned wax. The older he got, they were just an excuse to get fucked up, as if he really needed one. A day his mother used to love became something she feared and just another reason for his dad to say something shitty. 
Of course, now that Blaine was back in his life, it was a bit better. The two of them had celebrated the week earlier at Blaine’s insistence. He looked so thrilled that Sebastian couldn’t say no. B had planned a weekend steeped in nostalgia. They had milkshakes at a late-night diner, laid on the floor, and listened to records, and Blaine had made him dinner and a gorgeous green cake with blue frosting. The other man had even made him a small gift even though Seb had protested. They had kissed and touched and fell asleep on the couch as his favorite movies played in the background. Everything was simple but felt right.  Good. It was the best birthday he had had in a long time and the end of August felt okay for once.
But of course, the fates loved to play games with Sebastian. His father had called to rail into him about the school year that was about to start in a few days. He wasn’t even sure how it had happened but the conversation ended with the two of them screaming. Thomas hurled insults and Sebastian spat venom, he knew all of Thomas’s weak spots and he knew Seb's.
“You’re a loser, Sebastian. A fuck up and a disgrace. How long until you’re in reh-” Sebastian hung up and threw his phone before the sentence ended. 
Sebastian paced around his apartment and chewed on his nails. His father could cut down to his bones faster than anybody he knew. He needed to vent but Blaine was at work and he didn’t want to bother him. His brain wouldn’t stop replaying the conversation and he slowly began to believe the things his father had said. His hands were shaking and it felt like nothing could distract him. He was a loser and a fuck up and an addict. Then it began, the slither of intrusive thoughts egging him on to dig through his drawers to see if he could find any contraband he may have overlooked. Sebastian was sure there wasn’t anything left in his apartment, he'd thrown it away when he'd made a promise to get better for Blaine. For himself. He tore through the kitchen cabinets and the bathroom anyway and was disappointed when he didn’t find anything. It was such a fucking cliché thought but he just needed to take the edge off, just needed to calm down.  Maybe he could just go take one shot somewhere? It was around his birthday after all and just one would be fine. Blaine didn’t even have to know, nobody had to know. 
And then his feet were flying down the stairs and he was in a bar and a shot of vodka was in his hand and the liquid burn coated his throat and the music thrummed in his heart. One turned into three turned into a drink bought for him by some stranger. Somehow he ended up dancing. Alone at first and then drinks just kept on coming and the stranger was suddenly next to him and kept whispering in his ear. Sebastian kept trying to push him away only to have the man offer him more alcohol that he couldn’t stop himself from taking. As time passed the stranger became more aggressive and Seb’s limbs felt weak and his head was heavy. All at once the crush of guilt hit him, and the man was trying to pull him out of the bar, and Seb's legs were a tangled mess. Sebastian should have never done this, he should have stayed home. He kept saying no and trying to yank his arm away, he wasn’t sure if he was being ignored or if the word wasn’t making it out of his mouth. How many times had he been in this situation? He was so fucking dumb. He needed help, why wasn’t anybody helping? He needed Blaine. Oh god, Blaine.  
Sebastian finally had a small surge of energy and broke away from the man, stumbled out onto the sidewalk, and cried. The tears were hot and his stomach sloshed uncomfortably and suddenly he was bent over on the sidewalk gagging. He pulled out his phone and somehow had enough control to click on his boyfriend's name. It was so late.
Please please please pick up pick up.
He was gasping for air as he leaned against the warm bricks of the building, he was too afraid to look behind him, afraid the strange man would try to yank him into a taxi. The ringing was loud in his ear but finally, the sound of his boyfriend’s voice cut through. Sebastian sobbed and his head lolled, “B…B, I need help. Please, I need help. Please don’t be mad.” Now snot was running down his face and the acrid aftertaste of regurgitated vodka permeated his mouth and nostrils. He thought he might throw up again. “Please just stay on the phone with me. C-can you come over? I don’t know how to get home.” 
Sebastian crumbled down onto the sidewalk and watched the street. Maybe he would get lucky and a taxi would pull up. Maybe B would telepathically know where he was. He should call his driver but it was so fucking late. He he tried to describe where he was, “Can you send an Uber or something? Can you get in an Uber and like come here?” Another shrill sob, “D-Don’t…don’t hate me, please.” 
He listened to the warmth of the other man’s voice, his skin sticky and tear-stained. He tried to focus on the warmth of the sidewalk underneath him, tried to ignore the sick feeling he had. God, he wanted to lay down, wanted Blaine, wanted forgiveness. 
Finally, Blaine was there, like a vision. He hoped this was all real as he was scooped up and gently led into a car. The last thing he remembered was the cool blast of air conditioning and soft lips on his temple as he closed his eyes and focused on not puking all over the Uber. He slipped into darkness as Blaine whispered, “Shhh…” against his hot skin.
Part Two of this para will be posted sometime at the end of March or start of April.  Both Sebastian and Blaine will be in it. Stay tuned. ♥️
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calsvoid · 1 year
deviating from expectations
so i mentioned writing as one of the things i will be talking about in my intro post and my main wip right now is a fic called deviating from expectations. it is a seblaine fic in blaine’s pov. i will be making both blaine and sebastian neurodivergent and mentally unhealthy. it’s a plot rewrite with some canon divergence focusing on seblaine’s friendship, it’s about masking and acceptance and growing.
i won’t be explicitly stating what their diagnoses (?) are, but their symptoms and experiences resemble autism, anxiety, and depression, and adhd and depression respectively, but both can be openly interpreted. i am not a professional in any sort of way and i based a lot of the characterization (both regarding this aspect and generally, especially for sebastian) on my own experiences, so i am sure that it will have inaccuracies. it is not meant to be a good quality story, it is something i am writing because i personally want to see it.
it won’t be out for a long time because i am a slow writer and have a life beyond writing as well as the fact that it is a really long story spanning about a year timeline-wise.
it is my first fanfic plus my first writing project since 2020, so i am working really hard on it. i’ll probably post excerpts and tidbits about it.
it’ll also incorporate a lot of ideas and headcanons that i have about the characters, so it’s likely concepts from it will pop up in other future works of mine.
that’s about it i think. i’m really bad at being cohesive with my thoughts, but yeah.
tldr; i’m working on a seblaine fic titled deviating from expectations about neurodivergence, mental health, and masking and it’s not going to be out for quite some time.
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kt-cant-focus · 3 years
I had an idea for Seblaine Week 20201 Day 6 Infidelity, but never quite got the thing written down right. So here's the idea. My bad that it's late. There's the link to the song.
Met Me First Seblaine Fic
Background on situation: last practice at Dalton before Blaine asks Kurt to marry him. Blaine left something at Dalton and goes back for it. Overhears Sebastian, Eric, Nick, Beatz, and Jason talking and begins eavesdropping.
Nick, Eric, Beatz, and Jason confront Sebastian acting weird since Blaine asked for their help with the proposal. Sebastian says it's stupid that he's upset, bc it's not that he and Blaine were friends for long, or anything official for that matter. But they were something. Blaine admits to self that he cheated on Kurt emotionally w/Sebastian as much as Kurt did with Chandler.
Jason says it's he's because Blaine's the one that got away. Eric says the eternal what if. Nick says he needs to vent his feelings. Beatz says, pick a song, and we'll accompany you. Eric says that maybe Sebastian will finally be able to move on. The thought of Sebastian looking as someone else the way he does to him stings, then berates self for selfishness.
Sebastian starts singing 'If You Met Me First' by Eric Ethridge. Dad likes country music. While listening, Blaine remembers all the little moments between them that made/showed they had extra feelings. He gets really emotional. Sebastian sounds more and more heart broken. Voice breaks/cracks at Bridge.
Sebastian collapses on a couch and says,"I never stood a chance, did I?" Warblers surround him to comfort him. Blaine with quiet sobs and runs out of Dalton and to the car. Drives around corner so no one can see his car. Lets the tears flow. When calmed down, he drives home.
Calls Cooper for advice. Cooper doesn't like the proposal. Cooper says to it might be good to think about this, not saying to stop the proposal bc of it, though he wouldn't mind it not happening. Asks why he knows Kurt's the one-bc Kurt's his first love. Good to know that if things don't go well with Kurt that people other than Kurt with fall for him and that he can fall for those other than Kurt. Blaine needs to ask self if he's sure, because the next day he's going to rip Sebs heart in two.
Blaine decides to continue the proposal. Blaine notices that Seb has a big smile, so do most of the Warblers. Remembers how good Sebastian can be at hiding emotions, and the smiles Sebastian's friends are wearing are their performance smiles. Goes through, All You Need Is Love.
After a bit, Sebastian walks off. As he passes by, Blaine can hear him humming 'If you met me first'. Seb stops and gives Blaine a pained smile before walking away. Blaine thinks,"If only I met him first."
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imogenlefay · 9 months
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Christmas Compilation, The Great Seblaine Christmas Extravaganza, Fluff and Sweetness, Occasional hurt/comfort, probably, But mostly fluff Summary:
A collection of Christmas-themed oneshots about Seblaine.
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Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know that we are very much still around and plan on continuing at some point. Can’t really say when as things are just now getting back to normal for us. We had a personal and major loss in our family this June and it’s rocked us pretty hard.
But! We’ll be back as soon as we can! We appreciate you all and can’t wait to share more of our boys and their story. 
Thank you!
-S (Blaine) & H (Seb)
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Submitted by @blaineanderdumbass:
Hi guys! First of all, thank you so much for running this blog! I’ve found so many fics that made this pandemic a little easier :)
Secondly, my friend @kurtstinypurse recently finished her story A Safe Place and LOVED IT! I just wanted to share it with y’all because I think a lot of other people might like it as well.
It’s a Canon Divergent Season Six Rewrite that I think plenty of people will enjoy 😊 thanks!
We posted this completed fic on July 6th when @dizzy-whiz submitted it. Here it is again for those who’d like to read it.  ~Lynne
A Safe Place by @dizzy-whiz
Season 6 AU where instead of Blaine dating Karofsky, he’s with Sebastian, otherwise known as Kurt’s worst nightmare. Kurt’s devastated, but he quickly learns the pain runs deeper than his own feelings of regret. Will Kurt be able to fix what was ruined during their second breakup, or is he destined to lose Blaine to Sebastian forever? Canon divergent, Season 6 rewrite.
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