#second mercy76 week
mercy76week-blog · 7 years
Biannual Mercy76 Week
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You wanted it so we made it happen!  
That’s right Mercy76 shippers, we’re bringing you a second Mercy76 Week this year!  The annual ship week has now become a biannual event!  
The dates and themes for this specific event were a group effort on behalf of the Mercy76 community.  A survey was created (with 10 date options and 18 theme suggestions).  Participants had one week to cast their votes.  In total, 55 shippers participated with a total number of 288 votes.
With the results in, we are proud to announce our second Mercy76 Week for 2017! It will be September 10 through 16, 2017!  So get your creative juices ready for the week-long event!
Sunday Theme:  Alternative Universe (AU) – Let’s throw our ship into a different world and see what happens! Will they become your favorite characters in a popular anime? Will you send them into space to save the galaxy? Where will your imagination take them?
Monday Theme:  Pre-downfall – Focus is on Jack Morrison and Angela Ziegler.
Tuesday Theme:  Post-downfall – Focus is on Soldier 76 and Mercy.
Wednesday Theme:  Mom and Dad – Because why not?
Thursday Theme:  NSFW – A day dedicated to smut!
Friday Theme:  Freestyle – Like before, you decide!  It’s a free-for-all where everything and anything goes!
Saturday Theme:  Mission – Let's see our lovebirds work together on the battlefield!
If you want to contribute with your works (fanart, fanfics/writing, photos/cosplay, videos/audio, etc.) remember to tag it so others can find it!
Event hashtags:
#mercy76week #mercy76week2 #mercy76week2017 #mercy76day1 #mercy76day2 #mercy76day3  #mercy76day4  #mercy76day5  #mercy76day6  #mercy76day7 #mercy76
We can’t wait to see what everyone creates!  Thank you so much for your support and we’ll see you this September!
Special thanks to @xavirne for designing the flyer and accompanying text and for organizing the survey for the fall Mercy76 Week event.
@xavirne’s commissioned Mercy76 artwork was done by Annabubs.
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princevolker2788 · 8 years
Mercy76 Week: Day 7
Well, better late than never huh? 
Got busy this last week, but sheer’s my final fic for the week.
            Nick grunted against the low wall as a hail of bullets flew overhead. Cale rolled in behind him with a smirk.
            “Doing OK there kid?” he quipped.
            “Kid? You’re only a year older than me.”
            The young Oxton chuckled and fired blindly.
            “Still older than you!”
            With this, he vaulted and rushed their enemy’s position, shouting at the top of his lungs.
            Nick sighed and shook his head.
            Figuring that it’d look bad if he didn’t back his teammate up, Nick vaulted and fired as well, spraying the enemy cover as he rushed them.
            “Give up old man!” Shouted Cale.
            “Not a chance!” came the gruff response.
            “Get him sweetie!”
            “Yeah! Kick his arse!”
            Jack poked his head out for a half second to frown at Angela and Lena.
            “Really? You’re on their side?!”
            Nick and Cale let out a round of gleeful laughter at their mother’s antics.
            “Hey, youth before wisdom old man!” added D.va from her perch at the referee stand.
            The older of the two boys chuckled and nodded to Nick from across their respective covers. Nick frowned and shook his head, if he knew anything; he knew that charging his father head on was one of the stupidest things you could do. Before he could voice such opinions, Cale had leapt over his cover and subsequently was nailed in the head and the crotch.
            Nick flinched and let out a small hiss in sympathy.
            “I think its wisdom before beauty kid, didn’t your mother teach you about patience? She learned from the best after all…”
            “Oh, bugger off!” he groaned.
            As Cale was led off site, Nick allowed himself a moment of respite and a small look at his father. Cold blue eyes stared back at their sea colored counterparts.
            “You give up?” tried his father.
            Nick chuckled.
            “Why, you out of energy old man?”
            A round of jeers and whoops echoed across the bleachers.
            “Should ask your mother that question.”
            He felt a flush creep up his neck as his father’s jibe hit home.
            “Oh gross Morrison!” said Hana.
            “Jack…” groused Angela.
            Sensing an opening, Nick threw himself out of cover and fired at his father’s position. He could have sworn that a small swear reached his ears as he crested the metal wall and centered the sights on a kneeling Jack Morrison.
            “Not quite.”
            Jack sprung forward, attempting to grapple the younger man’s wrist. Nick twisted away, but lost the gun. The younger Morrison rolled away, and smirked as a resounding click reached his ears. He’d been empty as soon as he’d reached the slab of metal.
            “You’re empty.” Said his father.
            “So were you.”
            A smirk crossed the older man’s lips.
            “So, a tie?” posed Cale, still wincing.
            “Not quite.”
            Jack quirked a brow.
            With a look that could only be described as the one of a cat that got the canary, Nick stepped forward and lifted his free hand, revealing a small pressure trigger for his father’s line of paint grenades.
            “Nerf this!”
            The resulting blast coated the entire front of his father’s chest, leaving a nice mixed coat of orange and blue on the floor. Nick was cackling on the ground, hands oh his stomach.
            “Oh-Oh God! That was priceless. Auntie?!” he turned to D.va, still chuckling, “Tell me you got that!”
            She pulled a small handheld streaming camera from her pocket and winked.
            “Got’cha covered kiddo.”
            “Hey!” sputtered Jack, still wiping the paint from his eyes, “If that thing gets online—”
            “Too late!” she chirped.
            The younger Morrison risked a look at his father and found, to his surprise, a thoughtful look in his eyes, one punctuated by a devilish grin as he took in his still paint coated clothing.
            “Oh no!” said the gamer, hands outstretched.
            “Is that a new hoodie I spy?” he said, moving closer.
            “No you don’t Morrison, don’t you dare!”
            Jack surged forward, laughing to himself as the now mobile gamer made her way towards the exit, voice raising an octave with every second that passed.
            “Well done Mien Kind.”
            Nick only felt slight embarrassment as his mother pressed a kiss to his cheek and began checking him over for injury.
            “Mom… I think Papa has more than me at this point.”
            “The only thing you’ve wounded is his pride I’m sure.” She muttered.
            “Oi, what about me?” groused Cale, limping over to the duo, arm around his mother.
            “Ice packs are on the wall.”
            Cale pressed a hand to his heart and faked fainting into his mothers waiting arms.
            “Oh how you wound me auntie Angie, what have I done to deserve such ire?”
            “Too many forgotten socks in the ORCA.”
            Both Oxton’s broke into a small fit of matching giggles and good naturedly brought them in for a tight group hug.
            “Oh, we need to do this more often.” Said Lena.
            “Agreed, though I’d prefer something that didn’t endanger our children as much…”
            Nick chuckled.
            “I thought it was papa who got hurt this round.”
            “I did not!”
            The group turned to find a disgruntled looking Jack Morrison standing next to a likewise irritated Hana Song, though her irritation was likely the streak of paint on her face.
            “Aw, come on sweetie, you have to admit he did good.” Said Angela.
            His father looked him over, scrutinizing something Nick couldn’t quite place. On instinct, he straightened in what he hoped resembled a soldier at attention.
            “Yeah, not many could pull a fast one like that on me.”
            Nick’s face broke into a wide grin as his father clapped him on the shoulders.
            “C’mon, dinner’s on me.”
            “You’ll wish you hadn’t said that Morrison,” said D.va with a wicked grin, “Payback’s a coming.”
            “Get in line auntie.” quipped Cale.
            Angela and Nick shared a sympathetic glance and made their way to the exit with the rest of their family, smiles wide and spirits high.
            At last, we’re free…
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fandom · 7 years
Fandometrics In Depth: Overwatch Edition
One year ago today, Overwatch was released by Blizzard Entertainment. The game had an immediate and overwhelming impact on Tumblr, and the #overwatch tag was quickly flooded with animated shorts, comics, fan art, and, of course, toddler approval of Junkrat.  
To mark this anniversary of this game-to-end-all-games, we’ve analyzed millions of posts from May 23, 2016—May 18, 2017 to precisely identify the most talked about Overwatch characters and ships. Enjoy.
Overwatch is huge
During this 358 day period, the #overwatch tag alone garnered nearly 150 million engagements. It was the second most trending tag during this time. That’s trendier than every TV show and film, and even bigger, more generic tags like #GIF (No. 5) and #art (No. 7). The next highest trending video game-related tag was #Pokémon, at No. 20.
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Overwatch made its debut on the Fandometrics Video Games list on March 14th, 2016 at No. 16, more than two months before the game was even released. On May 9, 2016 Overwatch jumped a solid ten spots to No. 2. The following week, it was No. 1.  It reigned supreme until July 11th, 2016, when it was kicked out by Pokémon Go. Currently Overwatch has had a 29-week streak at No. 1, beating the previous record for time at the top of the Video Games list by two months (and counting). Undertale topped off at just 21 weeks.
Top Characters
We did a full breakdown of all 24 character’s total engagements based on class. The highlights?  Reaper had the most likes and reblogs, Junkrat had the most searches and Mercy had the most original posts. The details? Below:
Top Offense Heroes
Reaper | 20.07%
Tracer | 15.82%
McCree | 15.08%
Genji | 14.16%
Sombra | 12.84%
Soldier: 76 | 11.70%
Pharah | 10.33%
Top Defense Heroes
Junkrat | 32.36%
Hanzo | 24.44%
Widowmaker | 21.93%
Mei | 13.71%
Bastion | 4.53%
Torbjörn | 3.03%
Top Tank Heroes
D.Va | 39.12%
Roadhog | 21.25%
Zarya | 14.72%
Reinhardt | 13.76%
Orisa | 5.85%
Winston | 5.30%
Top Support Heroes
Mercy | 43.31%
Zenyatta | 20.83%
Lúcio | 19.22%
Symmetra | 15.92%
Ana | 0.73%
Top Non-Playable Characters
Efi Oladele | 52.71%
Athena | 18.11%
Doomfist | 11.47%
Tekhartha Mondatta | 10.01%
Katya Volskaya | 4.61%
Emily | 3.09%
Top Ships
With more than 20 characters, Overwatch fandom is rife for shipping. You can find a ship chart for just about any combination you can think of—a possible 276 unique combinations. For the sake of brevity, we highlighted just the top 10:
McHanzo, McCree x Hanzo | 35.03%
Reaper:76, Reaper x Soldier:76 | 17.03%
Pharmercy, Pharah x Mercy | 12.69%
Widowtracer, Widowmaker x Tracer | 9.08%
Roadrat, Roadhog x Junkrat | 8.82%
Genyatta, Genji x Zenyatta | 6.76%
Gency, Genji x Mercy | 5.84%
Meihem, Mei x Junkrat | 2.48%
Mercykill, Mercy x Reaper | 1.17%
Mercy76, Mercy x Soldier:76 | 1.10%
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Want more Overwatch?
The fan art and headcanons (Gremlin D.Va, anyone?) that people share across Tumblr are an excellent way to keep a steady stream of Overwatch flow in your dashboard:
Overwatch Fan Art (@overwatch-fan-art), curating the best fan art from across the web
Overwatch memes (@overwatchmemes), for all the best humor from the game
Totally Canon Overwatch Quotes (@incorrect-overwatch-quotations) for conversations you know totally happened.
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imlostinatunnel · 7 years
Tapes (Day 2 of Mercy76 Week)
So, so sorry this is late, everyone. I’ve been without power for a couple of days and I’m having to travel around to find places with wi-fi still running. Again, I’m really sorry. 
The dirt roads were bumpier than Jack remembered. He slowed the car down, hoping he did not disturb Angela who was in the passenger seat.  It was too late though. She was already stirring in her seat.
“Hmm?” Angela hummed. She rubbed her eyes and sat upright. Her eyes were greeted by the evening’s sun. Unfortunately for her it was still too bright to take in. “Mm!” She whined.
“Good evening,” Jack said. “Sleep well?”
“I’m still tired.” She mumbled, starting to curl back in her seat.
He couldn’t blame her. After going from Europe to Indiana in a little under two days, he expected at least a little bit of jet lag. “Don’t worry. We’re almost there.” He rubbed her shoulder. No response. She must have been making her way back to her dreams. Jack shifted his attention back to the road. The evening sky was still as breathtaking as he remembered. At least some things haven’t changed, unlike the roads.
The acres of hills and grass soon became acres of farmland with automated combine harvesters every few acres. The sun had set a little farther allowing the first stars become visible. Angela stirred in her seat once more. Her eyes opened to a more welcoming light this time. The vibration of the car moving along the road was enough to wake her to her senses. The first thing she saw was the car’s digital clock.
7:48 PM
Wait, she thought. I was supposed to take the driving over at six! She looked at Jack, who noticed her right away.
“Welcome back.” He said, looking back to the road. “It’s only a few more miles up the road. Good sleep?”
Angela sat herself upright. “Why didn’t you wake me to take over the driving?
“It’s been a few days since you had a good rest. You needed it. Plus, your snoring is cuter than mine. Probably.”
“I don’t snore.” She said, giving him a little punch.
“You weren’t awake. How do you know?”
She punched him a little harder this time.
“Ow! Ok, ok. You don’t snore. It’d still be cuter than mine though.”
He turned on to a road the split the corn fields. At the end was a house. The porch lights were on along with the first floor lights.
“There it is!” He said. Jack looked like he was on the verge of bouncing in his seat.
Angela wanted to be excited as well, but as soon as she saw the house thoughts ran through her head. She has spent almost an entire day in a car. What if his folks don’t like her? she thought. Her hair looked like a larger mess than usual and her attire felt too casual to her. She wanted to look like the best example of Jack’s girlfriend, but now she was having second thoughts.
“Angela, everything ok?”
She looked up. they were already in front of the house. Her breathing felt heavier than normal. She took a deep breath. “Just a little excited,” she said with a forced smile.
Her attempt to try and sound excited it did not fly over Jack’s head. He took careful hold of her hand on her lap.
Angela closed her eyes. She wasn’t fooling him. “What if I don’t live up to their expectations of the perfect woman for their son? I just-”
A hug from Jack cut her off before she could finish.
“I think you’re perfect. No matter what they say that isn’t going to change.” He withdrew from her and pecked her cheek. A soft smile spread across her face. “Ready?” he asked.
She nodded and stepped out of the car as Jack turned the engine off.
Both of them stood on the porch under the light. Angela took Jack’s hand as he knocked on the screen door. Her grip unconsciously tightened when she heard footsteps on the other side. The lock was undone and both doors opened. An older woman, a little shorter than Angela, stood in front of them. She smiled the instant she saw Jack.
“Jack?” she asked.
“Hi, Mom.” He said. He couldn’t control himself anymore. If he smiled any harder his cheeks would rip apart.
“My goodness, Jack!”
The two hugged each other with no signs of letting go. This was the proof that they had not seen each other for too long.
“I didn’t recognize you at first, you’ve gotten so tall.” She took a step back, but kept a hand on him as if he was about to run away. “But you still look like my little Jack.”
Angela nearly crushed Jack’s hand when his mother turned her attention to her. Stay calm, she thought. First impressions are key. Angela smiled.
“And you must be the Dr. Ziegler my son is always talking about.”
Angela felt a cold sweat run down her back. She braced herself.
“You look absolutely gorgeous, honey.”
Angela must have heard her incorrectly. “Um, th-thank you, Mrs. Morrison.”
“Oh, what am I doing? Please, come in!” She moved out of their way.
Angela was encouraged by Jack to go in first. The inside was felt so different than what she was used to. The light felt warm against her. Everything about it reminded her of Jack. It was all so welcoming. Many of the shelves had nostalgic items dating back into the late 1900s. Angela immediately spied a picture of a young Jack Morrison sitting on one of the automated combine harvesters. He could not have been more than seven, maybe eight.
“Darling, they’re here!” Mrs. Morrison called out from behind them.
Ahead of them was a hallway across from the entrance to the kitchen, just before the living room. An older man turned the corner of the hallway towards them. Angela recognized Jack in him before anything else, including the cane he walked on. He was a little taller than Mrs. Morrison, but still shorter than Angela.
“Oh my good lord. When did our son become a giant?”
“Dad, it’s good to see you!” Jack said as he walked up and gave his father a similar hug he gave his mother. His father returned the gesture with his free arm.
“It’s great to see you too, son!”
“Dad, what happened?” Jack asked as he released his father. He missed the cane at first as well it seemed.
“I’m old, Jack. I’m the one who’s supposed to be asking the strange questions. You might end up with one as well when you’re my age.”
“Not if I can help it,” Angela spoke up, with more confidence than earlier.
Mr. Morrison turned towards Angela. He walked over to her letting the cane take the weight with every other step. “So this is the woman that chose our Jack out of everyone else.” He leaned forward but still spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. “You sure you know what you’re gettin’ in to, miss?”
Angela smirked a little and looked at Jack who playfully rolled his eyes.
“Now you see what I had to deal with growing up,” Jack said with a smug smirk.
His father turned to Jack. “What you had to deal with? What about what your mother and I had to deal with? Don’t make me get the tapes.”
Jack’s smugness dropped with almost no transition on his face. “No, Dad.” Jack whined. “Please d-“
“Screw it, I’m gettin’ the tapes.”
“Dad, whyyy?” It was too late. His father was already on the move.
To Angela’s surprise, Mr. Morrison moved quickly despite his dependency on a cane.
“Mom, can you stop him please?” Jack was near to the begging stage. He might have started if Angela was not in the same room.
His mother walked to the entrance to the hallway. “Darling,” his mother called out. “What about dinner?”
“Dinner can wait!” Mr. Morrison said from down the hall.
“Sorry, Jack.” His mother smiled at Angela.
Angela wanted to see a young Jack in action. She smiled back at his mother. Somehow she knew it.
“Jack!” His father called. “Come in here and give your old man a hand!”
The whining noises Jack made were ones Angela had never heard before as he walked down the hall.
“Dr. Ziegler, would you like to sit down?” Mrs. Morrison asked from the living room.
Angela did not want to be rude. She nodded and took the couch on the far end of the living room. All around the walls and above the counter bar windowing the kitchen were pictures of Jack and his family. Angela looked down from them. She remembered that she would never have the chance to introduce Jack to her family.
“Are you all right, sweetie?” The voice of his mother was more than welcoming.
Angela smiled. “I’m fine. Thank you.”
Mrs. Morrison sat on a single sofa next to Angela’s couch. “I’m no fool, honey. I know pain when I see it. I’m a mother after all.”
Angela Looked back to the pictures on the walls. “I’m just- I can’t introduce Jack to my family the way he can. And seeing your pictures, it’s just...” A tear rolled down her cheek. It was not normal for her to get worked up over her parents anymore. She hasn’t in a couple decades at least. But seeing the pictures reminded her how much she missed them. Mrs. Morrison lightly rubbed her knee. Angela breathed a little easier.
“Dr. Ziegler, my son loves you very much. The way he spoke about you over the phone was the first time I have ever heard him speak that way about anyone, or anything.”
Angela blushed a little. She wondered what Jack had told his parents about her. Hopefully he left some certain details out.
“Now, if my son does give you any trouble that you can’t handle, and you look like you can firmly hold your ground, you let me know. I’ve had to teach him lessons the hard way through all his childhood. I’m not afraid to teach him some more.”
Angela’s laughing made Mrs. Morrison smile. She took a couple of tissue sheets from the stand next to her and dried Angela’s face. “You be sure to let my little Jack know just how lucky he is.”
“Oh, I let him know every time we’re out on the field.”
“You two keep each other safe out there.” Mrs. Morrison said. “I know it can be dangerous, what you two do.”
“Of course, Mrs. Morrison.”
“We found ‘em!” Mr. Morrison said, coming down the hall. He turned in to the living room and was followed by Jack who carried a box with the writing “Little Jack” on it. What he did not carry the same enthusiastic look his father did. “Set it there on the coffee table please, son.”
Jack set the box down and sat next to Angela. Something felt different to him. “Is everything ok, Angela?”
She took his hand and gave him a small kiss in front of his parents. “Everything is just fine,” she said with a smile. Angela got a look at the box’s contents. “Those are all tapes! Do your folks have a working VCR?”
“Indeed we do. Right over there under the shelf the TV is on.” Mrs. Morrison said.
Angela completely missed it. she had never seen one in working order before. It was bulkier than she expected.
“His father loved collecting archaic things from the past. God knows why. He insisted that we film everything on tape,” said Mrs. Morrison. “Until we ran out of his VHS stash.”
“I’ve told you, these are more than just things. These are relics! Ancient relics that hold the memory of Little Jack here.” Mr. Morrison said, rooting around through the box. “Ah ha! Oh, she’ll love this one.
The way the VCR ate the tape took Angela by surprise. Mr. Morrison turned the television on and sat down on the chair next to his wife. On the screen was the entrance to the living room. The camera was being held, judging from its unsteadiness. The stairs in the hallway were visible. Before anyone appeared on screen, the sounds of feet coming down the stairs were accompanied by the childish sounds of gunfire and explosions.
All of a sudden, a boy with blonde hair came from the stairs and ran in to the living room. Angela immediately recognized this boy from the pictures on the walls. Her Jack as a young boy! She leaned forward as much as she could, gripping Jack’s hand. The young Jack on the TV was holding something.
“What do you have there, little Jack?” asked his mother on the TV. Angela was about to ask the same question.
Young Jack acknowledged his mother holding the camera. “Commander Soft Bear!” He said, presenting the stuffed animal to the camera. It was a teddy bear about the size of his arm. It wore an outdated, early 21st century Army uniform. Complete with patches a uniformed hat.
“What does he do?” Asked his mother behind the camera.
“He’s in the military!”
“Do you want to go into the military too?”
“What do you want to do in the military, little Jack?”
The young Jack paused for a moment and looked down. After a few seconds he looked back up to his mother. “I’m wanna save the world!”
Angela could not stop giggling over how cute he was. She looked at Jack, who sat with a hand covering his face. She could tell he was holding back a few laughs of his own.
“What do the dog tags say?” asked his mother on the television.
“Soft Bear’s tags. Can you read them?”
Young Jack turned the bear towards him and brought the tags close to his face. “Teddy 76!”
“And we have your room over here on the left,” Mrs. Morrison said. “This used to be Jacks old room, believe it or not.
Jack did not recognize it at first. The entire room had been re-fitted into a guest room. Jack and Angela set their suitcases on the bed. It was more than big enough for the two of them.
“You two sleep well. it’s a long drive you’ve got tomorrow.” She said before turning the hall light off. The stairs echoed as she walked back up them for the night.
Angela spotted something under one of the pillows. Before Jack could notice it, she removed it. It was the same stuffed teddy bear in the first tape his father showed.
“What’s that?” Jack asked.
Angela turned only her head to him. “It’s Commander Soft Bear!” she said, spinning around with the bear in front of her face. “Can I keep him for the night? Just to snuggle with.”
“But you already have a commander to snuggle with!” Jack playfully whined.
“Oh, I can snuggle with you both I suppose,” she said, hugging him with the bear behind his back. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of this new commander.” She teased.
“Yes I am!” He said.
“Don’t you worry. You’ll always be my Teddy: 76, Jack.” She gave him one last kiss for the night. “Let’s get to bed. I’m driving tomorrow.”
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starpiper3 · 7 years
Get to know me!
Tagged by the awesome @i-am-overwatch-trash! (Honestly shocked that I was tagged to do this but whelp, here we are)
Relationship Status: Taken @a-the-author-a . We met at Camp Talooli 2 years ago and it was both our worst weeks. He asked for my intstagram. Then I made a stupid decision. And we stopped talking for a little while (worst decision ever) but then we started talking again and decided to start over and give ourselves a second chance. We are currently 6 months in and I haven’t been happier.
Favorite color: All the pastels but mainly green, blue and pink. 
Lipstick or ChapStick: ChapStick, because I refuse to wear make up
Last song I listened to: I dunno, probably something by Secondhand Serenade because I am obsessed with them.
Last movie I watched: Casino Royal (James Bond) I am utterly obsessed with Daniel Craig
Top 3 ships: MERCY76 (Overwatch), Lady bug and Chat Noir (Miraculous), LAP-I-DOT (STEVEN UNIVERSE)
Top 3 Characters: There’s way to many for me to list because I love so many. But lets go with Mercy, Soldier, Widowmaker (Overwatch), Lapis (Steven Universe), Greg (Over the garden wall), Bill Cipher (Gravity falls), aaaaaaaand last but not least I guess we’ll go with Tracer and Orisa (Overwatch). 
(I know I kinda broke the rules but I dont care because all of my favorite characters should deserve the spot light)
I’m going to tag @xavirne @z076 @a-the-author-a @imlostinatunnel @iosirus because I love them all and I want to hear more from them ^-^
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fodlanthotpatrol · 7 years
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So my PS4 took a shit because of a power outtage awhile ago and then my cousin let a friend borrow Overwatch so now I’ve been going through withdrawl for about 2 weeks and counting until I fix the PlayStation Plus bullshit.
Anyways, in an attempt to fill the void, I’ve been reading and writing for Overwatch, so here’s a breakdown of what I ship (as of 4/23/2017). I did this in MS Paint and I couldn’t see for shit because I had to zoom to 25% to be able to access the whole chart, so if it looks sloppier than most people’s, that is why. Details are below.
Also, I’m really sorry that Zarya has no connections. I don’t know much about her and I feel bad. :(
My OTP(s)
Symbra - Mother of God, if that wasn’t obvious enough based on the thickness of the line, the hearts, and the word “YEET” added in Comic Sans, I don’t know what else would be. This is, like, my OTP of OTPs in Overwatch. No question. Also, the voice actors are ridiculously indulgent and I love every second of it.
Pharmercy - A very strong contender for top spot, too. When I finally got the opportunity to reinstall the Sims 3 and all of the expansion packs I own on my laptop, the first thing I did was make Fareeha and Angela and put them together.
Meicer - Cutie scientist meets cutie time-traveller and it’s gay? Sign me the fuck up. Ooh, that’s not a bad idea for an AU. Also, their in-game interactions about how they inspire each other to be great never fails to make me screech before a match starts.
McHanzo - Let the “cowboy from humble beginnings meets the clan leader from noble beginnings and both fall in love with each other” feelings consume you! Because that’s what it did to me and everyone else in the goddamned fandom.
Bunnyribbit - Their love is pure and beautiful. After this Omnic crisis shit gets sorted out, I want them to go on tour together. They would be the power couple of the century and I’d be all for it.
I Have No Problem With This
Reaper76 (who I thought was a character instead of a ship for the longest time thanks to @teddyhammy)
Best Friend(s)
Omnic Buddies (Zenyatta, Orisa, and Bastion)
Team Talon (Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra)
Reaper and McCree
Soldier 76 and Hana
Winston and Tracer
Reinhardt and Pharah
Tracer and Mercy
Mei and Winston
Symmetra and Hanzo
Not My Ship
People I don’t ship with ANYONE
Ana and Soldier 76
Ana and Reaper
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abahwrites · 8 years
Your Wedding Ring - Part 1
inspired by 311 - Love Song (original by The Cure) and @illeity ‘s Fallout 4 comic strip
28th October 2077, two days before Halloween’s Eve. Angela Ziegler, a Swiss nanobiologist who at that time married to Jack Morrison, former United States Army soldier, had just bought their new home in Sanctuary Hills, along with their Mr Handy, Codsworth. They lived happily, and Angela just gave birth to their child, Shaun, several months earlier. As usual, Jack is working on the garage to repair their car for a future trip to other parts of the city or as well as went to another state for leisure. After taking a short bath, Angela went to Shaun’s room to greet her newborn baby, with Codsworth beside her. After a quick meet and greet for the day, Codsworth went to the kitchen and brew Angela’s Robusta coffee, as soon as she sips her cup of coffee, Jack welcomed her with dirty and sweaty hands. Jack gave her a kiss on the cheeks, wash his hands and get some clean towels. Then followed her to watch their favourite morning show together on the couch. A copy of Grognak the Barbarian seen on the kitchen table, it is Angela’s favourite comic.
A Vault-Tec representative knocked the door and offered Angela to live in a vault, to prevent their family from the nuclear apocalypse that sooner or later will likely to happen. Angela agreed to the representative and then close the door immediately to shut him off and never to visit their house ever again. Shortly after, Codsworth told Angela that Shaun is crying and he couldn’t handle it with proper maternal affection, Jack stayed on the couch and said to Angela that he’ll soon join her in Shaun’s room. Angela played with Shaun, and soon he began to laugh as she tickles him on the waist, Jack comes into the bedroom to tell Angela that he already fixed the crib yesterday and telling Angela to gave it a go. Jack knows Halloween is just around the corner and ask Angela for future plans of their cherished time, but instead of taking a walk in the park, Angela prefers to decorate their house with Halloween decorations and focusing more on Shaun and neighbour’s children whose likely to get some candy from Angela.
The cherished time seems a distant memory for Angela and Jack as soon as they heard Codsworth shouting from across the living room about the potential nuclear detonation that will strike Boston in no time. Without packing their belongings, they run for the vault with several other residents, few are seen trying to pack their luggage into their cars and went to the other part of the country to make sure they’ll make it in time. The gate between Angela and Jack’s death is guarded by several soldiers and an officer who had the Vault-Tec resident list for Vault 111, a lot of Sanctuary Hill residents are prohibited from entering the Vault, even the representative that Angela saw earlier. The officer letting them in and they run for the platform… to only see the nuclear already hit Massachusetts.
And the platform lowered just in time.
The potential residents are still shaky from the nuclear detonation that almost took their lives, few of them are experiencing trauma and couldn’t continue further into the vault for a while. Jack and Angela finally lined up in a queue to get their new clothes and to see their brand new home, the Vault 111. As soon as they get their new jumpsuit, they followed the Vault-Tec doctor to a Cryo chamber, which he stated that to “cleanse” them from the radiation in before they continue further into the vault.
It was a lie.
As they lined up to enter their cryo pods, Angela comforted Shaun and telling her baby that she’ll be closed, exactly in front of Jack’s room. She took a deep breath as she waits for the pod to shut the outer door and they were frozen. Angela knows nothing about space and time, and especially for how long she slept inside the pod. She’s awakened by a sound of a mysterious man accompanied by one or two scientists that approached Jack’s Cryo pod, they opened it to steal Shaun from Jack, he fought back but to only get himself shot. Angela’s eyes are widened, and she took several deep breaths to hold herself together. They said that Angela would be their “backup” if Shaun’s pure, unexposed to radiation DNA failed to meet their requirements. The mysterious man re-activate the cryo process and froze Angela for the second time, without Jack accompanying her.
An alarm is set off, and the cryogen process is permanently shut down, and Angela has enough time to get out from the pod as soon as she wakes up. Her legs still stiff and wobbly, but she tried so hard to open Jack’s cryo pod. The door took a long time to open, and Angela already cried to the point where giving up is just up ahead. She hugged her frozen husband and took the wedding ring, swore that she’ll find their child back and lived happily ever after without him, a life that Angela always wants in a world where… violence is every day’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As she walks through the empty halls, Angela noticed that cockroaches are mutated into a bigger one, she took a police baton as her weapon and began to smash it to bits, even it’s in small numbers, but that took her life faster than a bullet. As soon as she reaches the Overseer desk, she found a 10mm pistol along with 72 rounds of spare ammunition, and equip it immediately to deal with the cockroaches more efficiently and also faster. She managed to get herself a Pip-Boy, the personal portable computer that will show her natural needs and serve as digital inventory for her and opened the vault door, it takes more than five minutes to get the door opened and to deliver her back to the Sanctuary Hills… or what’s left of it.
Ah! Finally, the Fallout x Overwatch fic that I’ve been working on since last February finally released! This fic is taking way longer to write than I expected at first, but it’s better late than never. Originally for the mercy76 week, day 6: Alternate Universe. Sorry, it’s not Fallout: New Vegas as I stated before, but here you go. This series will likely narrative-only.
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pviane · 8 years
The Payload - Mercy76 week - Day 3 Family
Here is yet another rushed piece for the week. 
It tells the story of a very happy event... 
I hope it will make you happy too!
Mercy was always the one who had to deliver the payload. No one was there to do the job for her so she usually sucked it up and got the job done. This time was no different.
Panting and pushing as hard as she could she was doing her best. Giving up to the pain and fatigue of her effort, she let out a loud scream.
“Come on Angela, you got this!”
Soldier: 76 was right at her side, holding her hand to make her feel his support. In front of her spread legs, an obstetrician was ready for the payload. Other than then her, there was no other person to help the deliverance.
“Come on Mrs. Morrison! Deep breaths! This baby will come out today!” the woman in scrubs told Angela.
Mercy could barely hear her reassuring words. Her waters broke that morning and since then the contractions started and it was a continuous journey down a path of pain.
“AAARGH!” she cried as her body was in flames “WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG! JAAACK!”
Jack tighten his old on her hand, answering to her call.
“I’m here Angel. You know, back with Jack Jr you…”
Mercy looked at him, her hand grasped his as his pain turned to rage
Jack did not react; the sight of his angel turning into a devil petrified him for a second.
Good news came from the other and as the obstetrician announced the arrival of their baby.
“I see the head! One last push, dear!”
Angela collected all her strength for the final effort. Containing her screams, she pushed the baby down, bit by bit. After a couple of minutes, Jack could hear wailing coming from behind the sheet that covered the space between his wife’s legs.
“Congratulation, Mrs. Morrison! It’s a girl!”
The obstetrician and the nurses proceeded to cut the umbilical cord, clamping the stub, and then showed the baby to an exhaust but ecstatic Angela and to a proud Jack. The baby girl was wet of body fluids and screamed her confusion to the world.
“Jennifer…” Angela called to her.
As if she understood her mother was calling her, the baby stopped crying and looked at Mercy with her deep blue eyes. Angela smiled at her first daughter, and then looked at Jack. Her eyes told him all the things her voice could not: pride, happiness, exhaustion, and love. The nurse proceeded to the cleaning station where they removed the blood from the baby, weighted and measured her, and administrated the first medicines and vitamins to the newborn. After that, as standard procedure, they assigned her a colored bracelet, with will match the ones that her parents will wear. Finally, they wrapped the little thing in a blanket and returned to Angela.
Mercy took her baby into her hands and immediately put Jennifer near her chest, allowing the little girl to come into skin contact with her. Angela was now more relaxed and could have a better look at her daughter. Jack was right beside his girls.
“Look Angel, she is just like you!” he commented, pointing at her face and her single curl of blonde hair.
“She is not all me, Jack!” Angela responded looking up at him, “She has your eyes!”
Upon closer examination, Jack noticed that Jennifer’s eyes were indeed darker than Mercy’s and more closely resembling his. Her gaze was similar to his too, as she stared at him with a surprising determination. It almost looked like she was challenging him.
“You are right!” he said
The little girl grabbed Angela’s finger, squeezing it between her little stubby fingers
“Oh my… She has your strength too!” Angela giggled.
Jack stared at both daughter and mother with pride, while Angela looked right at her daughter.
“Jennifer” she called at her “It’s time to meet your dad!”
Mercy extended the little bundle of joy to Jack, who collected it from her arms and firmly held it against his body, to keep her warm and safe. He felt a great joy in holding his infant daughter in his arms. IT was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. Sure, he had felt that before, with Jack Jr, but this time it was different. He had a daughter now, a beautiful little angel…
“Ouch!” he exclaimed as baby Jennifer grasped his finger with her little hand. Angela was not joking about her strength! Angela let out a giggle. It was cute too see her husband and daughter getting to know each other for the first time.
Jack returned the baby to Angela as a nurse approached.
“As soon as your wife has expelled the placenta, we’ll be moving her to her room!” the nurse reported
Angela looked at Jack.
“I got this, it won’t be long now! You go get him!”
Jack nodded, understanding perfectly whom she was speaking about: Jennifer’s big brother, Jack Jr.
 Jack and Angela left their firstborn outside with Ana and Reinhardt, had volunteered to babysit little Jack for the duration of the childbirth. The old German gave up to to the fatigue and fell asleep on the couch. Jack Jr joined him quickly, and now he was sleeping barefoot right next to him, despite the old man’s loud snoring. Ana walked impatiently back and forth, excited more than worried, for the impending birth. As Morrison entered the Waiting room, she immediately turned to him
“How are they?” she asked
“Mom and daughter are fine. Jennifer cannot wait to meet her brother!”
Ana looked back at the two sleepy heads on the couch.
“He is there with Reinhardt. The wait was too long for both of them!”
Jack smiled and walked past her to go wake his son. Kissing the blond kid on the forehead, he called him.
“Wakey wakey time, Junior. It’s time!”
The two year old boy slowly opened his eyes and looked at his father
“Uh?” he replied yawning “Daddy?”
“It’s me! Come! There is someone you need to meet!” Jack told him, helping him to sit up and put his shoes back on. In the meantime tried to wake up Reinhardt with a kiss as well but, as this had no effect, she resorted to a knock on the head. The old giant man moaned as he awoken.
“Ze kiss was enough, Ana!” he lamented
“It is best to be sure, Reinhardt. The child has born, by the way!”
Reinhardt looked at the boy getting ready to go
“Look like you are going to meet your sister, little Jack!”
The boy looked at the old man and gave him a wide nod in response. After his father tied his shoes, he jumped down from the sofa and took his father’s hand. Then they proceeded to his mother’s room.
Ana and Reinhardt remained behind, beaming at the thought of the oncoming family reunion.
 When the two Jacks arrived in Angela’s room, she was getting some rest in her hospital bed. Right next to it stood a cradle for the newborn. Jack Jr immediately rejoiced by the sight of his mother
“MOMMY!” he screamed running towards her and jumping on her bed. Standing up, she met him with open arms.
“Hey! How is my little soldier? Have you been a good boy with grandpa Rein and nana Ana?”
Jack Jr looked up at Mercy
“Yes! But I slept and daddy had to wake me up…” he responded with a guilty pout on his face
“Oh, is quite all right. Your sister took her sweet time!” Jack chuckled
“OH! OH! Where is she?” Jack asked, hearing his father mentioning his new sibling.
“She is there dear!” Angela answered pointing at the cradle nearby.
Jack Jr tuned his attention to it immediately and closed in, trying to get a peek over the edge, but he was too short for it. His father approached him from behind and picked him up.
From the arms of his father, Jack Jr could now see his little sister. She was sleeping between two soft pillows and was now wearing a pink one-piece baby suit. Little Jack was magnetized by the little girl and could not avert his sight form her
“Jack, meet your sister Jennifer!” His father proudly announced
The little boy was still unresponsive as he was completely absorbed in contemplation of Jennifer. He kept staring at her as his father kneeled down to allow a closer look on her. Jack Jr rested his chin on the edge of the cradle, still looking at the baby.
“So, what do you say champ?” Jack Sr asked his son. The latter stood silent for some more, than looked back at his father, then his mother.
“I LOVE HER!” he proclaimed in excitement.  
Jennifer waved her arms a little, and then opened her eyes. Her sight ended up on her brother’s face right next to her. Then her expression changed and to both her parents she seemed to smile at Jack Jr.
Angela and Jack’s own smiles widened even more as their happiness could not be greater.
They could not ask for a better son not imagine a more beautiful daughter.
Never before, they felt part of something this beautiful.
They were family.
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mythicvelocity · 8 years
Mercy76 Week Day 3 “Family”
Hello! So for this day I have an original fic actually! I found some time in my busy life to write something new! I am IN LOVE with the idea of Soldier 76 being like a dad figure to D.Va, and that is what inspired me to write this fic. Anyways, enjoy!❤😀 
Oh, the good ol’ after mission mayhem. Mercy never missed the insanity that ensued after the arrival of the dropship after a certain dangerous operation or a mission gone wrong. If she wasn’t dealing with medical emergencies in the heat of battle and attempting to keep everyone alive on the front lines, she was waiting for everyone to return where she would play the role of doctor and hero after the fact.
At the present moment she was sitting enjoying some lemonade and a book on a balcony overlooking the sea, but she found herself looking at her watch frequently in anticipation. The dropship’s ETA was 15:30, and it was currently 15:00. She was always extremely antsy leading up to the arrival of the team who went out on the mission. They were her family, and she hated to see them sad, sick or injured. She was always doting on them even when they weren’t injured, and she had earned herself the title “Mama Mercy” because of her behavior. It didn’t help that her boyfriend was the commander of the group, and because of his father-like leadership, he was affectionately (and sarcastically) called “Dad”.
Dog-earing her book page, she decided to get up and make her way towards the hangar. She pulled her phone out of her pocket to see if she had received any texts from Jack. There were none. That could either be a great sign, or a bad one. Sighing, she stopped by the kitchen to deposit her glass in the dishwasher, and continued on her way to greet the returning agents.
She had waited a mere 5 minutes before the dropship arrived.
“They are early.” she thought to herself after checking her watch.
Again, this could be very good, or very bad.
The second the dropship touched the ground the door flew open and everyone who had been on the mission piled out. By the looks on their faces and the fact that everyone was huddled around what looked to be a makeshift stretcher, she knew something hadn’t gone right. She quickly made her way over to see who everyone was huddled around, and her heart dropped when she saw their bloodied and bruised form. It was Hana.
Something about the young Korean girl evoked a strong motherly instinct in her. Sure, she cared about everyone on the Overwatch team like they were her own family, but something about Hana awoke something inside her. Maybe it was because she was young, or maybe it was because she also knew what it was like to be raised on a war torn world full of destruction. Regardless of the reason, she felt like she saw the face of a child of her own on the stretcher in front of her.
The first thing to snap her out of her moment of shock was a strong hand placed on her shoulder. Pulled out of her trance, she turned around quickly to meet the blue eyes of someone she desperately needed the comfort of at the moment. She could tell by his expression he was just as worried as she was.
Like herself, Jack had taken a fatherly role in the young girl’s life. Just like she had watched him step up to be a fatherly figure to Lena and Fareeha, she saw him become a rock and a supporter to Hana. He always made sure she was well prepared before missions, and always helped her out with something she needed (sometimes even if it involved pranking someone). The infectious happiness and giggles that came from the gamer was good for him, and Angela was glad that the two had become close.
“She took quite the blow from an enemy explosive.” he said gruffly. Behind his serious facade Angela saw he was worried. She knew him better than anyone else.
“Hurry.” she said plainly, attempting not to let any emotion seep into her voice. “Let’s get her into the Med Bay as quickly as we can.”
As soon as she finished her thought, the group set off racing towards the Med Bay. Reinhardt helped Jack carry the stretcher while Mercy hurried ahead of them. While she was scared for Hana’s well being, she was also slightly angry. She new that what happened on a mission was most of the time unpredictable, but she found part of herself blaming others for Hana getting put in this condition. As she opened the door leading to the Med Bay, she tried her hardest to push her feelings out of the way. The worst thing to happen as a doctor is to let emotions affect your work.
As soon as Reinhardt and Jack set Hana’s small, limp form on the table, she began to get to work. After checking her vital signs (which looked surprisingly good other than a slightly elevated heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure, which is to be expected from someone with blood loss), she started assessing her wounds. By peeling off her battle worn jumpsuit, she discovered she had one, if not a few, broken ribs. The broken ribs had not punctured her lungs, which was fortunate. An X-ray would have to be conducted to reveal the extent of the damage to the bones, but for now, there were other things to worry about. Any other injuries she found littered across her body were just minor cuts, scrapes and bruises; nothing that would require more than cleaning and some antibacterial ointment. What concerned her the most was the bleeding coming from Hana’s head.
The blast from the explosion must have caused her to hit her head on something, because there was a large gash on the back of her head that was bleeding. The blast hadn’t totally crushed her skull, but could very well have fractured it. She would suffer from a concussion for sure. Mercy began cleaning the blood from her hair, and disinfected the wound. The gash looked like it would require a few stitches, so she began to get to work.
The whole time Angela was working on Hana, Jack was pacing the hallway outside the Med Bay. Hana was like a daughter to him, although he probably wouldn’t outwardly admit it to anyone. She was so young, so cheerful, and had so much more of a life ahead of her. He always felt guilty if she got injured, even if it was just a small cut, because he felt like he was supposed to look after her. This was the first time she had gotten injured more than just a scrape or a sprained ankle on a mission, and he felt like it was totally his fault.
He didn’t know how much time had passed before he heard the door open to reveal a tired-looking doctor. He quickly made his way into the room to see Hana’s condition. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he saw her blood free, laying on a bed, chest slowly rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern.
“She’s lucky it didn’t turn out any worse.” he heard Angela say from behind him. “All the cuts and bruises on the outside made it look much worse than it actually was.”
“What’s the real damage?” he asked.
“Well, she has two broken ribs. Luckily both of them are nothing more than bad fractures that won’t need surgery to heal correctly. Her head took most of the damage. She has nine stitches in her head to close up the cut that was bleeding and she definitely has a concussion. She is lucky her skull didn’t fracture as well. Besides not being able to play video games for a few weeks because of the concussion, she will definitely be ok. She’s tough and young. She’ll bounce back in no time. She should be awake soon”
The tone of her voice was filled with alleviation, and Jack knew she had been just as worried as he had been. He let out another sigh of relief. She was going to be ok. Not happy, because not being able to play Starcraft makes for a grouchy D.Va, but she was going to be alright. Turning around, he wrapped the small frame of his girlfriend into a hug. He could tell she was surprised at first, but she quickly melted into her embrace.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep her out of harm’s way Angel. I really try to keep my eye on her at all times, but it’s not always easy. She has a mind of her own and you know how Hana get’s when she sets her mind to something. I always try to return her in one piece but this time I didn’t. I know you care about her a lot and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to keep her safe.”
Angela just shook her head and rubbed her hand along his toned back. “It’s alright Jack. I know it’s not easy because you really care about her too, but we all know the risks when we load up onto that dropship. Both of you know the risks involved in fighting for what’s right and you do it anyway. Things like this happen, and even though it’s hard to witness, especially when it is someone who you love like your own child, it is a price that sometimes has to be paid to do what is right.”
Jack smiled and kissed the crown of her head, smiling into her platinum blonde hair. “I don’t know how I’d do it without you Ang. It takes so much out of me keeping tabs on these crazy kids.”
Angela just laughed brightly and brushed her fingertips against his jawline. “Oh don’t give me all the credit. Sure I keep them alive, but you have to get them to do what they are supposed to do. It’s like herding cats!”
The both of them shared a laugh before Jack leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. She smiled into the kiss, happy she shared her life with such an amazing man and incredible groups of “kids”. The loving moment between the two didn’t last long before a high pitched voice killed it.
“Ewwww!” Hana said from her spot on her bed. “Get a room you two!”
The couple couldn’t help but laugh. After being blasted by an explosive and hitting her head, Hana was still her same joking self. “How are you feeling honey?” Angela asked. “You suffered some pretty serious trauma to your head, how is it feeling.”
Hana proceeded to tell her that her head hurt, and she gave her some painkillers to help. She then asked her some questions about where she was, what happened, what day it was and who she was to gauge the severity of her concussion. Luckily she answered all the questions correctly. After telling her what she would have to do to allow her brain to heal (and dealing with the tantrum that ensued after telling her no video games for two weeks minimum), she stepped back and allowed her her to nap. “We are going to get something to eat real quick. We will be back in a little bit.” Angela said, referring to her and Jack, who was still with her. Both of them were hungry and exhausted.
Hana just nodded. Taking off her lab coat and draping it over the chair at her desk, she grabbed Jack’s hand and made her way to the door. Before she reached the door, Hana called out, “Hey! I’m thirsty!”
Angela could see the corners of her boyfriend’s mouth twitch into a smile, and she rolled her eyes. She could see this coming from a mile away.
“Hi Thirsty,” he said, “I’m dad.”
The look on Hana’s face was priceless. Angela laughed and shook her head. “I will go get you a bottle of water.” she smiled, barely able to speak through her laughter.
“Thanks mom! Looks like you are good for something other than bad jokes like Mr. Blondie over here.” she rolled her eyes, gesturing at Jack, who still had a satisfied grin on his face.
Giggling again, she made her way down to the kitchen with Jack, beaming. Her little family was going to be ok.
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dodadum · 8 years
Mercy76 week - Day 1 “Firsts”
I just realised that this old draft kinda fits with the theme of day 1! First "date" and first kiss. I hope you enjoy my first published Mercy76 fic! (I am super nervous about posting this hahaha)
(Btw, the song I quote is The Devil by Michael Mott performed by Sierra Boggess. Go listen to it! It’s a great song ❤)
Jack, you really don’t have to do this..“ Angela groaned as Jack pushed her along with him out of the building. She could admit that she had been locked inside her office for a bit too long, but she had things to do! Jack couldn’t just barge into her office and force her with him outside. Not that she didn’t like it, she enjoyed having someone care about her own health for once.
“Oh yes I do! Angela you’ve been glued to that desk for three days now, you need to get some fresh air.” Jack said in a very scolding manner, but laughed it off. They exited the building and walked out into the chilly November weather. It wasn’t snowing, but it was still quite cold. Angela immediately felt her cheeks redden from the cold, as she was used to the heating in her office.
“Where are we even going?” Angela asked, tightening her scarf around her. She asked, a little irritated as she thought about all the work she still had to do when she got back. This had only delayed her research even further.
“It’s a surprise. And would you stop thinking about work? I can tell just by the look on your face that you’re thinking of that big heap of papers on your desk. Can you please try and relax? Just for today? For me?” Jack smiled and looked down at her with his puppy-dog eyes. Angela sighed and pouted her lips.
“I might try.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a soft smile.
“Alright, we’re here! You don’t even know it yet, Angie, but this is gonna be your new favourite restaurant.”
They rounded a corner and Jack pointed at a medium-sized building with a tiny sign in front of it that read “Maurice’s Angel Bistro”. Angela snickered and Jack glared down at her.
“What’s the deal? Are you mocking me for my taste in food?”
“No, no..” Angela laughed. “You do know that I know Maurice, right?”
Jack’s jaw fell to the ground.
“You know THE Maurice? How?!”
“I thought that’s why you brought me here.. He and I met while I was studying for a year in France and after meeting me he decided to branch his restaurant into Switzerland. I’ve been a loyal customer ever since. He’s like family! But we haven’t spoken at all since I joined Overwatch, so I doubt he’ll recognise me..” Angela gave a half-hearted smile and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. They stepped inside and the warm atmosphere was like a shock from the cold air outside. Before they were even barely inside they heard heavy footsteps quickly approaching them. Angela felt a pair of thick arms around her as she was swept into the air.
“Angela! Mon ange!” The man named Maurice exclaimed with a large smile. Angela smiled back with a laugh as Maurice put her back on the floor.
“Hello Maurice, it’s been way too long.”
“Indeed it has, mon cheri. You should know better and call every now and then!”
Jack could barely hear the man trough his thick French accent. He chuckled as Angela was put back down on the ground. That’s when Maurice looked at him.
“My my, isn’t it Jack Morrison, the poster boy of Overwatch itself? What are you doing with my angel out like this?” Maurice raised a brow and leaned in close to him. He was a very tall man, and easily overshadowed Jack.
“Oh, it’s nothing like that Monsieur! I’m just treating Angela dinner.”
“That’s a shame, she’s a very good girl you know.” Maurice whispered to him and grinned with a chuckle. Jack blushed.
“Come on, l’ll get you two a table before I go back into the kitchen.” Maurice led Jack and Angela to a table by a window, a little separated from the rest, and left them with some menus as he went back to the kitchen as he said he would.
Jack noticed there was someone up on the stage playing piano music and an empty mic standing in the middle of the stage. Perhaps it was open mic night?
“Maurice can be a bit overwhelming the first time you meet him, but I promise he’s a good man once you get to know him.” Angela said as she looked up from her menu.
“Oh, that was nothing. He seems nice.” Jack chuckled and closed his menu, having already decided on his dish. “Pick whatever you want, by the way. My treat.”
Angela wanted to resist and urge him that she could pay for herself, but knew she would be starting an already lost argument. She smiled in response and looked back into the menu.
“I’ve never been here on an open-mic night before. You think anyone will sing?” Jack asked as he looked back at the stage, making him miss Angela’s eyes widening with an expression similar to fear.
Not today. Any day but today, she thought to herself.
“I-I don’t know, no one has ever sung when I’ve been here!”
She tried to laugh away her nervousness but failed horribly.
Not long after they had been seated Maurice returned with a expensive-looking bottle of wine which he poured up in two glasses and placed them in front of Angela and Jack. They made their orders and Maurice took the menus. That’s when he glanced at Angela with a smirk.
Angela shook her head furiously.
“No, Maurice I am not going up there! I haven’t…”
“Nonsense! Pierre is here, he remembers your song well! Couldn’t you do it, just for this old fool? S'il vous plaît? For old times’ sake!” Maurice batted his eyelashes which made Angela laugh. Jack was staring at the two, wondering what in the world was going on.
Maurice then suddenly grabbed Angela’s arm and pulled her out of her seat.
“I’m very sorry, Monsieur Jack, but I am going to have to steal your angel for one moment. You will see her again soon, I promise.” Maurice winked and hurried with Angela towards the stage.
“I’m sorry, Jack!” Angela called back to him with a nervous smile before she was rushed away. Jack just chuckled, still very confused about the whole situation.
Jack watched Angela get put onto the stage and sat down on a bar-stool type of chair by the mic. The man by the piano finished his piece and looked at Angela, awaiting her call. She looked very nervous. Somehow Jack’s eyes met hers despite the distance between them and Jack gave her a reassuring smile. It seemed to calm her down as she smiled back and looked at the man by the piano who started playing soft notes. Then she started singing.
“Oh, the devil has a secret… And he’ll keep it as long as he can… He will mask his face any time or place, but beneath is one hell of a man.”
Jack was absolutely baffled and mesmerised by her voice. He could never have imagined that she could sing, especially like that. His heart seemed to flutter just listening to her.
“But when he calls out my name, I submit to his game… I remember the night when he followed my light as he came face to face with my flame…”
Jack never wanted that magical moment to end, but as the song drew to a close he cheered and clapped loudly along with the rest of the audience. Angela bowed with a wide and bright smile on her face before she made her way down from the stage back to their table. As she saw his gaping mouth she couldn’t help but laugh.
“Should I take that as a positive response?”
“Angela, that was absolutely amazing! I had no idea you could sing like that.” Jack gave her the most genuine smile he could as they sat back down and their food arrived. During their dinner, Angela couldn’t help but glance up at Jack’s few times, who looked very handsome in the candle light. She caught Jack’s glance a few times as well, thinking she had been caught when it in fact she caught him staring at her.
They said goodbye to Maurice on the way out of the restaurant to brace the great outdoors. It had already gotten dark and the only light now came from the moon and the dim streetlights. It had also started snowing, which left the both of them shocked. But it served as a reason for Angela to stay close to Jack so they could both be warm.
“Well, here we are.” Angela said as they closed up on her apartment building. She stayed close to him, wrapped around his arm all the way to the door.
“I had a great time at least, filled with lots of surprises.” Jack chuckled and looked down at her.
“I had a lovely time as well. Thank you for dragging me out here, Jack.” She smiled up at him. She leaned up to kiss him on the cheek but Jack’s head turned at the last second, by accident or not she’ll never know, and their lips met with a weird mix of cold air and warm breaths. What surprised them both was that neither of them pulled away at first, they simply stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. Jack’s arm wrapped around her back and held her close, even when they parted. They both had a deep blush on their cheeks. Then they started laughing. Her laugh was one the most beautiful things he’d ever heard in his life, tied with her singing.
“Goodnight, Jack.” Angela smiled and kissed him on the cheek this time before slipping out of his grip and walking into her apartment building. She waved goodbye before she was completely gone. Jack’s heart felt like it was beating a thousand beats per minute and he grinned to himself as he made his way to the bus stop.
He just kissed Angela.
This had surely been the best day of his life.
Thanks for reading ❤
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z076 · 8 years
Have Faith (Part One)
Okay so be nice this is my first fanfic I’ve ever written. I wanted to contribute something angsty for mercy76 week. It’ll be many, many parts, this is just the first one.
First / Second / Third / Fourth / Fifth
Jack Morrison; no, he was Soldier 76 now. Jack Morrison was merely a distant memory. But that's all that really made him feel good, nowadays. Memories. The memories of Jack Morrison and the good ol' times in Overwatch. With Angela. Oh god, Angela... He let his mind wander. Visions of their intimacy danced around in his head. It happened every night, even though he tried to suppress his love of her. Tell himself that same lie that he could get over her. He could remember her face's every detail, like it was the last night they spent together. That was five years ago, but there was no denying that he loved her still. Then he had to go and blow himself and Reyes up at the Overwatch Headquarters. He would never get to be with Angela again. Even if she was alive. Even if she could find a way to love him with all of his scars and grey hair. The images of Angela evaporated and returned as smoke to form a new figure. Then there was only Gabriel Reyes.
Reaper. Ana Amari woke him. "Jack?" "Sorry, Ana. Just... Having a hard time, is all," he said in a shaky voice. "Is it about Reyes? I know you-" "-No... Ziegler." She sighed. "I'm sorry, Jack. Not a day goes by when I don't think of my Fareeha too. What can I do for you?" He sat up from the bedroll to face Ana. He appreciated her friendship more than anything; he had been so alone for so long. Talking to someone about Angela and his feelings was overdue. "...I don't even know if she's alive. Or still loves me. I'll continue my fight because that's all I'm good at. But sometimes I just want to see her. Live a relaxing life. I realize It's only a fantasy. There's days when it's very difficult." "Maybe it's about time I told you, then." "Huh?" He asked, with uncertainty written all over his face. "I recently came into some...interesting...information," Ana hesitated, "...Overwatch was recalled. I don't know who did it. I assume Winston, he always had a soft spot for us. Ziegler was one of the recalled. Which means she is - or was - alive as of a few months ago." "What?! Ana..." Jack's eyes lit up. She had never seen Jack full of so much hope, "This changes everything. How do you know? Are you sure? Are you sure Angela is alive?" "I have a...er...source. To be blunt, Jack... You want to see Dr. Ziegler and I want to see my Fareeha. This is our only opportunity. They don't have to know our identities." Jack frowned and laid back onto his bed roll. "It's crazy. Overwatch was a mistake. And this is just how our lives are now." "It doesn't have to be this way. Things can always change."
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n00dl3gal · 8 years
Mercy76 Week: Day 6 | AU
So this is all based around my Camp Overwatch AU from a few months ago! Click the link for more info.
Also I had no idea where this was going and it’s barely coherent.
Archive of Our Own: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9849701/chapters/22247996
Most of the time, Jack loves his job. He gets to spend his time outdoors, the kids adore him, and there’s free room and board. Granted, it’s in a bunk bed with some child who usually wets the bed and a diet of cafeteria food, but he wouldn’t trade being counselor for anything.
Most of the time, anyway. Not right now, though, when the (insanely cute) camp nurse is staring him down.
“This is the third time this week you’ve had to take one of your kids to me for first aid,” Angela chastises him. She grabs a bandage and places it over Jamie’s burn. “I never see Gabriel’s kids getting hurt.”
“That’s because Reyes runs his group like a military,” Jack says. “This is summer camp, not boot camp.”
She ignores him and instead gives the hurt boy a gentle smile. “Now then, Jamison, how did you get burned?”
“Mako dared me to put me hand in the campfire!” Jamie answers cheerfully. “Said he’d give me a dollar!”
“And Counselor Morrison didn’t stop you from endangering your life because...?”
“Lena had run off somewhere with Hana’s DS, I asked Mei to watch them for a second!” Jack says, face flushing. “I thought that-”
Whatever defense he had dies in his throat as Gabriel opens the door, leading a soaking wet girl and bleeding boy. “What happened?” Angela asks, jumping to her feet.
“Lucio and Satya got into another fight,” Reyes explains, voice gravely.
“He stole my art project!” Satya yells.
“I was just lookin’ at it! You didn’t have to throw scissors at me!”
Satya grimaces, on the verge of tears. “You didn’t need to push me into the lake and ruin my dress!”
“ENOUGH!” Reyes bellows, silencing the bickering children. “Both of you, sit down.”
Angela sighs, pushing back her bangs. “Jamie, Morrison, I need you to leave now. Gabriel, could you grab some towels for Satya?”
As the nurse sets to work on Lucio’s shoulder, Jack and Jamison leave the medical cabin. “Thin she’s comin’ around?” the child questions brightly.
“Hope so, Jamie. I don’t know how many more accidents I can ask you kids to get into.”
(In case it wasn’t clear, Jack is asking his kids to get hurt so he has an excuse to visit Angela. She’s semi-aware of this and lowkey sick of his BS.)
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princevolker2788 · 7 years
Mercy76 Week 2: Day 3 – Post Downfall
            The Orca set down in the hangar, engines stuttering. Soldier 76 looked over the interior, grimacing at the sullen sight before him. Bullet holes and scorch marks pockmarked the interior, and a thin layer of smoke permeated the air.
            D.va was nursing a wounded arm, her skin suit was torn away at the shoulder, revealing torn muscle and shattered bone. Angela was at her side, using her staff to repair the damage. After a minute or so the wound managed to close, though it would still need tending back at base.
            Regardless, she offered the medic a smile and turned to her damaged MEKA. The machine would need at least a weeks worth of maintenance to be ready for action again. Next to her lay Lucio, currently snoring against an equally exhausted (and soon to be infuriated Sayta Vaswani).
            “It could have been worse.”  Whispered Angela.
            She rested a hand on his forearm.
            “Come on, I need to check your wounds.”
            “I’m fine.”
            She snorted and moved him to the front of the aircraft.
            “You took a piece of shrapnel to the back of your shoulder, either I pull it out here, or we wait until we get back to base.”
            He chuckled.
            Without further ceremony she started removing the leather jacket and his shirt from his shoulders. He grunted as the strand of leather that remained was pulled from the wound.
            “You were lucky.”
            “We all were…”
            She hummed, then stuck a hypo into his neck.
            “Oh don’t be such a baby.”
            He took a quick look back and saw the faintest edge of a smile on her lips.
            “Now this part, you can winge about.”
            He grit his teeth as she readied a laser scalpel and a pair of pliers. The hypo did enough to dull the pain, but not erase it completely as she began removing the piece of steel bit by bit.
            “How many times have we done this?” he asked.
            She removed the last piece and thrust a pad of gauze into the gash. He hissed, biting his inner lip as the disinfectant did its work.
            “Hana has ten inches of steel to protect her, what do you have?” she chastised, bringing the staff to bear on the wound.
            “The Mech was damaged, and Lucio was busy with Fareeha and the others. She needed a second, nothing more.”
            The wound closed, leaving nothing more than an ache.
            “Your scars are almost faded.”
            She ran a finger along the largest one; it ran from his left shoulder to mid back. A larger Omnic had done it, any deeper and it would have cut him in half. Angela had moved quick then, it was the first time she’d used her staff. It barely worked, but it had been enough to stop the bleeding.
            “You told me to watch myself.”
            “And you elected to ignore my advice.”
            He chuckled.
            “Hadn’t intended to…”
            Angela turned him around, placing both hands on the side of the mask, and pressed the release catch. Slowly she removed the mask, bringing her doctor’s gaze to bear on him.
            “Still the wise cracker.”
            “The years couldn’t kill that.”
            She smirked and pressed her lips to his.
            They both turned their gazes onto Lena, who giggled and snapped a photo before rushing off.
            “Uh oh.” He whispered.
            “I don’t care anymore.”
            She brought him in for a deep kiss, tangling her fingers into his locks with a giggle.
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imlostinatunnel · 8 years
Nothing (Mercy76 Week)
“Jack, I need to see.”
“Angela, nothing’s changed since last time. Please stop doing this to yourself.”
“Please, I need to know what I can do.”
“There’s nothing that can be done.”
“Take the mask off before I rip it off!”
She was determined, and her tense muscles proved that she was ready to lunge at him at a moments notice. He would not put up a fight against her and they both knew that. The mask was coming off either way. All it took was releasing a couple of locks and the mask easily slipped away. The picture of shades and pixelated static left the visor’s screens as it disconnected from his head leaving Jack to see nothing. Nothing at all.
“I’m so sorry, Jack,” she said. She tried to look into his eyes, but they were not the perfect blue eyes she came to love years back. Now they were fogged over, made useless years ago. She had to look away. It hurt too much to see that he was not looking at her willingly, and when he was looking at her he would not know it.
The only thing Jack was thankful for was that he could not see the pain on her face every time she looked at him without the visor. But he was cursed with having to hear her tears, which she tried to hide, hit the floor with soft splashes.
“Angela, please.”
“No. There needs to be something we can do. Something I can do!”
“You’ve tried everything.”
“What about a robotic eye, like Ana had? D-did we try that?”
“You’ve tried everything,” Jack repeated. “Please I know it’s not easy, but it’s time to accept this.”
Of course, Angela did not want to accept this. Jack heard her heals click on the ground as she moved towards him until she stood in front of him and buried her head in his chest. Her tears bled through his shirt as she pulled herself closer to him.
“There needs to be something I can do,” she breathed.
“You’re doing all you need to do,” he said, bringing his arm around her. He always dreamed of the day he could see her again, but that is all it was ever going to be. A dream. He could never see the details of her face again through his eyes, but he learned of other means over the years. He raised his hand next to where he believed she was.
She knew what he was trying to do. She had seen it many times in her career. Angela’s hand ran from his elbow to his hand and relieved him of the mask he held. She pulled away from him and brought his hand to her face to memorize it. His palm and fingers gently painted the perfect picture of her in his head as he remembered her. Everything from the cute geometry of her nose to the perfect size and spacing of her eyes. She would not let him do this before, but now it was the only way he could clearly see her as she was.
“So this is what beautiful feels like,” he said. The muscles of her lips twitched and arched up a little bit. His attempt to get her to smile worked a little bit. Little was better than none. He traced his hand down her arm to his mask. He began to bring it to his face.
“Wait,” she said. Angela straightened her posture and brought her face closer to his while giving enough force to him to let him know to lowers head a little, but it was quite clear what she wanted when he felt her breath against his face.
Their first kiss in the eight months he had come back and it was just like he remembered. For a second his imagination allowed him to picture the moment almost as if he always had his vision. It ended after she pulled away. She lifted his hand, still holding the mask, to his face where it snapped back into place with effort. He was allowed to “see” once again. All it was though was static forming images and defining the environment with details fading in and out. It would never do true sight justice.
Angela wiped her last tear away. “Let’s go,” she said, leading Jack out by his hand. “We shouldn’t keep the others waiting.”
Ok, so from what I understand, the whole feeling the face thing is a movie/TV show thing, but it made for a nice moment I’d like to think. I wouldn’t know.
I’ve got more fics here!
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pviane · 8 years
PROLOGUE - Mercy76 week - Day 6: AU - Star Wars
Here is my AU for Mercy76 week. I just imagined a story that brings together Mercy76 with one of my favorite franchises: Star Wars.
Quick Warning: I follow the Legends continuity, also known as Expanded universe, so many references might be lost to many. Feel free to leave a comment and I’ll gladly clarify!
It is rough and rushed, but I hope you’ll enjoy it!
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The Star Destroyer Reaper and its escort fleet exited hyperspace in the Outer Rim system of Besberra. Inside the ship, a siren alerted the crew and garrison that they had arrived at their destination. Inside the barracks, the Storm Commando of the Reaper’s Stormtrooper detachment prepared for the oncoming mission. The elite unit had been chosen to perform a thorough reconnaissance on the planet in search of a certain HVT (High Value Target). The target in question presented characteristic that required the expertise that only a special force like them could provide.
One of them sat apart from them, deep in thoughts. He was staring at his black helmet, wandering what lied ahead of them. On the reflective surface of the wide visor, he could see the reflection of his own blue eyes and blonde hair
“Are you thinking about it again, aren’t you Jack?”
The voice of a fellow commando snapped the blonde soldier out of his trance, looking up he faced his comrade. He could recognize that goatee and dark, scarred face everywhere.
“Some things don’t go away, Gabe.” Jack responded
“You have to get over it! We did what we had to do, for the Empire, for peace!”
“So why this doesn’t make it any easier?”
“I don’t know, my friend,” Gabriel said, putting on his helmet “but we have to go now. There’s a mission to complete!”
Jack sighed and put on his helmet as well. Now they were identical, black faceless tools of the will of the Emperor.
An officer briefed the squad on the Sentinel Shuttle on its way to the surface:
“The Imperial Intelligence has collected a rumor of possible Jedi activity on Besberra. I.I. repost states that numerous locals reported unnatural events that match archive information on Jedi abilities. Since this is still unconfirmed, the High Command believed it was not necessary to ask the Inquisitorium for an official Inquisitor to investigate the matter. However since there is still a possibility the rumors are true Grand Moff Tarkin authorized the deployment of Storm Commando squad to locate this Jedi or Jedi impersonator.”
A concerned voice raised from the ranks.
“Are we supposed to… engage the target sir?”
The officer looked down to the soldier that asked the question.
“If the target resists arrest you are required to use lethal force! All Jedi are enemies if the Empire and must be executed on sight! Now, do you have any stupid questions, THX-7676?”
At the mentions of his number, the whole shuttle began to murmur. Jack has earned himself quite a reputation for his efficiency and courage among the ranks of the Stormtrooper Corps where many heard the stories of the exploit of “76”.
Jack looked straight ahead of him, away from the officer.
“No sir!” he laconically replied.
“As I thought!” The officer concluded, “Men, you know your orders. Now execute them, for the glory of the Empire!”
The transport landed on a landing bay in the middle of the main spaceport on the planet, in the temperate zone. The Jedi was reported hiding in the outskirts of the city and the Storm Commandos marched on the suburbs escorted by a pair of AT-ST.
Jack looked up at the bipedal walkers looming over the roofs of the one-store houses of the neighborhood. Were they necessary? They were after one man after all. Despite being born in the times of the Old Republic, Jack lived in a middle rim word that provided food and supplies to the Grand Army of the Republic and had not experienced the Clone Wars first hand. Thus, he never saw a Jedi in his life but the tales of their abilities and fighting skills maybe warranted for such firepower.
Once they arrived in the general area of the sightings, they began searching door to door in pairs for this elusive “Jedi”. Paired with Gabriel, Jacks performed this task with little enthusiasm, trying to cause as little damage and discomfort to the local as possible. Gabe on the other hand relentlessly executed the search, often resorting to violence both verbal and physical to learn the whereabouts of the Jedi. Despite his ruthless efficiency, they were not able to get any more intel on their HVT and many people were arrested for resisting when they stated they knew nothing of any Jedi. Jack could only watch as Stormtroopers carried innocents away for not helping the Empire.
They were almost done with their sweep when Jack stopped in front of a house. There was nothing particular about that building. It resembled the dozens of white one-story houses they already searched.
However, Jack felt had a strange sensation. It felt like that house was calling him, drawing him inside.
Gabriel stepped beside him.
“Something wrong Jack?”
“No, nothing” He answered shaking his head “But… let me check this next one alone, it won’t take long!”
Gabriel stared at his friend, damning the helmet that prevented him from seeing his face
“Ok, but be quick. I have a bad feeling about this!”
Jack saluted his friend and marched towards the house, clutching his trusted E-11 Blaster.
The door was unlocked and Jack decided to sneak in instead of loudly announcing himself, as per standard Imperial protocol. Moving cautiously, he searched for its occupants. The house itself was simply arranged, almost barren, with little decorations. Laid around were numerous gift baskets, and he could not walk without having to check his movements to not knock down a vase of flowers. Such an occurrence happened in the kitchen where his rifle hit a vase of Sunflowers on the counter, which almost fell to the ground. Only his fast reflexes avoided the shattering of the vase on the floor.
A noise coming form the backyard attracted his attention. Moving even more cautiously he approached the doorway that lead outside. Taking cover behind the wall, he peeked outside, in the garden behind the house. There was someone there: a little girl and a person wrapped in a robe with a hood on his head. The girl was crying due to a nasty cut on her forearm and Jack felt very sorry for her. The other person was standing in front of her, listening to the story of how the girl was injured. Jack could not hear the full details, but apparently, it was a gardening accident. After the girl finished her tale, the robed figure took her arm in its hands and a strange glow appeared to come from them. Before his very eyes Jack saw the blood drying and the wound closing without any contact with that person’s hands nor the use of any bacta or healing tool.
As the wound closed, the girl stopped crying and looked at her arm in awe. The cloaked figure pet her head and send her on her way. Jack waited for the girl to leave the garden, and then he left his cover and pointed his blaster at the person with the hood.
“FREEZE!” he ordered, “Don’t move! I don’t know what that was, but it sure ain’t natural. In the name of the Empire, you are under arrest, Jedi! Now remove the cloak and turn around, slowly!”
The robed figure froze itself and followed Jack’s orders. A pair of slender arms reached for the large hood and slowly pulled it back. Underneath it, they revealed long blonde hair that descended well beyond the shoulders, with a pair of braids tied behind the head in a knot. After removing the hood the mysterious individual, which happened to be a woman, slowly turned around towards Jack. What he saw surprised him beyond all his expectations.
It was indeed a woman he was holding at gunpoint. She was beautiful, the fairest female he had ever saw. Her long golden hair he saw before shimmered in the sunlight, giving her a heavenly aura. Despite having a blaster pointed at her, she was not scared. On the contrary, she was defiant and looked directly at Jack. Her face ensnared him and her sapphire eyes seemed to tore a hole through his visor and reach his own. It seemed she could stare into his soul, and she did not look happy.
She did not answer at first, and then she spoke to him.
“You are mistaken, I am no Jedi. The Jedi Order is no more. Your empire see to that!”
“We have been looking for you Jedi! You are coming with me!” he tried to say, managing to somewhat keep a hold on himself in front of such an otherworldly beauty.
“Why are you doing this?”
Her question hit him like a train. He never asked himself that question, despite wanting to do it for a long time. Why was he doing this? Why was he trying to arrest a woman, no an angel, that was just helping sick and injured people? How could a person like this be a threat to the Empire?
His self-doubt grew each passing second. In service to the Empire, he did despicable things, some hunting him to this day and now, in front of that woman, they all came back to him.
“I… I don’t know!” he admitted
“I can feel the conflict inside you. You are not what the Empire has made you! I feel you are a good man, whoever you are. Leave me alone, please. Leave this place in peace!” she said as she closed in and put a hand on his blaster, pushing it away from her.
Jack knew she was right, as much as he hated to admit it. However, he felt he could not live her. He felt a connection to her, a deep link that bind him to her. He could not tell why or how, but he felt… attracted to this mysterious woman. That woman made him feel something he thought he lost forever…
He stared down at her begging eyes. He wanted to get rid of the helmet, tell her she was right and that he wanted to stay there forever. However, he was completely dumbstruck, unable to process the overwhelming feelings growing inside him.
In that moment, Gabriel busted in, tired of waiting and worried for his friend. Upon seeing them in the garden, he pointed the weapon at the blonde woman.
“FREEZE, hands where I can see them!” he shouted, closing in with his blasted ready. He looked at Jack, frozen in place, and at the woman touching his weapon with impunity. Shacking his friend, Gabriel tried to get a response from him.
“Hey buddy, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked. Receiving no response, he turned to the woman.
“What have you done to him? Eh?” he angrily asked her.
“Nothing, I only asked him what was he doing here and to leave me alone!” she replied
“Nonsense, you did something to him! You drugged him?” he pressed her
“No, I did not such things! We just talked!” she continued.
Gabriel grabbed her by the arm, squeezing it hard
“Let me go! You are hurting me!” she protested
“I do not care! You interfered with imperial business and resisted troops of the Empire! I’m taking you in!” he retorted
“I said Let. Me. GO!” she cried pushing him. A repulsive force propagated from her hand, sending Gabriel flying across the backyard with a thunderous sound. Gabriel recovered from the fall, furious about the unexpected attack.
“You ARE the Jedi we are looking for!” he said, raising his blaster at her again. She was completely frozen by fear, unable to defend herself from the imperial soldier.
Jack watched the events unfold in front of him. She pushed a trained and fully equipped soldier across a distance no man could ever throw him. It was easily a five-meter flight, and she did it without a direct contact between her hand and Gabriel. She must have been the one they were looking for! Jack understood why the Empire could fear Jedi because if they wield such power they were really a grave threat. Still we found himself unable to raise his weapon against her again, blocked in place by his own self-doubt. The clicking sound of the safety on Gabriel’s blaster snapped Jack out of his trance. His teammate was about to execute the final order.
Before Gabriel could pull the trigger, a red blaster bolt went through his chest. He had the strength to look down to the bleeding hole in his black armor and at Jack holding a smoking blaster before falling to the ground, lifeless. The woman rushed at his side, trying to revive him, but it was no use. Jack shot to kill, making sure the wound would be fatal and that his friend died immediately.
Jack kneeled down beside her and put his hand on her shoulder, trying to take her away from him. She resisted his efforts and turned to him, staring down his soul again.
“Why? Why did you kill him?” she asked
“He was going to kill you! I could not let that happen! I…”
He stopped. His heard was broken by what he just did, but deep inside he know he had no choice. He removed his helmet and stared back at her
“I… could not let the Empire take another innocent life. I did not want him to kill you! The moment you spoke to me and looked at me, I felt all the horror I’ve done in the name of the Emperor. Every despicable act I justified for the greater good, for peace and stability. At the same time, I felt something else, something I never thought possible. I felt peace. I could not have that taken away from me.”
Her expression changed. She was not angry with him anymore. She felt his conflict before and now she knew what it was about. Furthermore watching that man commit such an act for her made her feel empathy for him. She started looking at the man beneath the helmet and she could not avoid feeling a bond forming between them. She reached for his cheek with her hand and he immediately laid his on top of hers, keeping it pressed against his face. Neither of them wanted to end that first contact, as they felt connected through it. Jack was the first to pull back, though.
“We have to move! They surely heard the shot and will be back, and in greater numbers!” He told her
“Right beside you!” She responded.
Sneaking past the Imperial forces they managed to reach the spaceport and catch a ride on a ship leaving the planet before the city was put on lockdown. In the cargo hold of the ship, he sat next to her, glad they could finally leave the Empire behind. All that happened tired her and she leaned on his shoulder, trying to get some rest.
“What are we gonna do now?” she asked
“We are gonna hide, start a quiet little life somewhere they won’t find us.”
“That sounds lovely!” she cooed, adjusting her body against his.
“I will protect you, I promise!”
They stood quiet for a while, and then she broke the silence again.
“What?” he asked, looking down at her.
“My name is Angela.” She replied, looking up at him.
“I’m glad you are here Jack!” she said before slipping into a deep sleep.
Jack looked at her again. He sacrificed everything for her. However, the more he looked at her, the more he knew that was the right choice. Because he was slowly realizing the reason he saved her.
He loved her.
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mythicvelocity · 8 years
Mercy76 Week Day 4- Reunion
Hey everyone! So I am so sorry that I didn’t post this earlier, but I have been busy! That is also why I am posting this even though it has already been posted on Ao3 and fanfiction.net :/ Anywho, I really like this work so I hope you enjoy it if you haven’t read it yet! 
The rain fell parallel with the tears from his eyes. He would have laughed at himself for doing such a childish thing, but there's nothing funny about when a soldier cries, especially when it's over a loved one he lost due to his selfish actions.
He remembers everything about her like it was yesterday. Her fair, soft skin, dreamy blue eyes and melodic voice. Her silky platinum blonde hair and her laugh of pure gold. She was utterly perfect. How he got lucky enough to steal her heart he would never know. He always believed his Angel could obtain someone much better, and this further proved his point.
Honestly, sometimes Jack wished he would find someone who would love her just like he had. He didn't want her to hurt because of what he did. He beat himself up on the daily because he felt as if he was the sole reason for any suffering Angela ever encountered. He didn't want her spending sleepless nights in the arms of nobody, longing for someone she would never get to see again. He wanted her to feel the love she deserved again.
Jack wouldn't call himself a stalker. He just wanted to make sure she was safe. He truly hoped that Angela didn't think to much about the sightings of the vigilante named Soldier 76 near whatever city she was in. He tried his hardest to stay undetected, but there were always young punks somewhere that needed a good beating and stuff like that wasn't so easy to hide.
The fact that he was so close to her, yet couldn’t touch her or be with her was difficult to get used to. Some days were easier than others, but some days he could almost feel her loving touches ghosting over his skin in mockery. So close, but so far away. Keeping her safe was tearing him apart, but he was ok with that. As long as his Angel was out of harm’s way. He knew she could defend herself well enough and that she probably didn’t need someone else to be watching out for her, but he couldn’t see her suffer more than she already had. He would never forgive himself for that. Hell, he still hadn’t forgiven himself for all the pain he had put her through with the downfall of Overwatch, and he’d be damned if he ever did.
Sitting in this safe house in the middle of Dorado, Mexico, the blood of the Los Muertos fresh on his hands, he felt utterly and completely lost. A call had just been sent out. He was surprised that the old gorilla still had his phone number, let alone was brave enough to recall the same organization that had produced so much controversy in the world. Part of him despised Winston for it.
He could only imagine the strain that was put on Angela’s shoulders from the recall. Her lover’s organization, being pulled back together again without their leader. It would be a difficult decision for her. He didn’t want her to join again, in all honesty. He wouldn’t be there to keep her safe. Side by side with  her on the front lines of the most dangerous battles, keeping an eye out for her well being. What if she was killed? He couldn’t live with that. If she found it in her to join again, he would have to follow her. How he would get himself into Overwatch, he didn’t know, and how he would keep his identity would be an even bigger challenge, but if it meant protecting his beloved from the dangers of the world, he would do it.
It was three months later. The night after the first mission the newly reformed Overwatch had completed. They had won, no doubt, but it was a pretty rough battle. Mercy almost had to revive D.Va from the dead, and although the healing technology was helping her recover, she was still in pretty rough shape. The mission was extremely difficult for him. He did what he usually did, keep Angela safe, but he had to make it as discreet as possible. Not only did he have to struggle with keeping his identity concealed, he had to adjust to not being the leader of the team.
It was difficult watching others make decisions that he normally made, and even more difficult watching them make decisions he knew would lead to negative consequences. He knew when Lena called for them to move forward into an unknown circumstance somebody would get hurt, and when it turned out to be Hana, he was even more angry. Something about that girl brought out a fatherly instinct in him, and while he didn’t know why, he felt the need to protect her almost as much as he needed to protect Angela. The whole mission had been taxing on him, as it had been on everybody, but his old muscles were complaining. This work wasn’t as easy as it used to be.
He knocked on the door frame of the open door leading to Angela’s office. “Mercy?” he asked in the gruffest voice he could muster. “Yes?” she asked, and as soon as he heard her voice, he knew she had been crying. Rounding the corner and walking into the room, he confirmed his suspicions. Her eyes were swollen and the tip of her nose was red. A few tissues were strewn across her desk, and next to them was a framed picture.
Jack’s heart dropped in his chest when he saw the picture in the frame. It was him and Angela, arms wrapped around each other, on the day of his promotion to Strike Commander. There he stood in Overwatch blue, the same azure color as Angela’s sparkling eyes. She was so proud of him, he remembered. Their smiles were the brightest and they looked so genuinely happy. That day was so hard for him. Reyes was hostile and the responsibilities he was going to carry seemed like they were already crushing him, but coming off the stage and being promptly enveloped by Angela’s beaming form was enough to make him smile too.
His hand quickly flew to his chest pocket, tracing over the image he knew was hidden in the fabric. The same exact image that he was staring at on her desk. His very favorite picture of them. A lump formed in his throat and he tried his hardest to swallow it. The tears that rimmed his eyes threatened to spill and he was grateful for the mask covering most of him face. “I… I came for some pain meds.” He said, voice slightly wavering. “This body ain’t what it used to be.” He attempted chuckling, but it wouldn’t come out. He felt so extremely guilty.
“Ah... “ Angela said, quickly wiping the tissues into the waste basket besides her desk and returning the photograph to its corrects place, “Before I’m allowed to give you anything, you need to complete your blood tests.” Shit.
“Um… I might be ok then.” he said, making his way back to the door. He had been avoiding this for so long. Mercy insisted on it, telling him they wouldn’t been able to treat him if they didn’t know vital information that would be revealed by his blood work, but he continued to dodge the tests. He wouldn’t let them figure out who he was. They had to have his blood still in the medical database. There was always the chance that they weren’t able to recover the data from after the explosion, but he knew the records had to be stored somewhere else.
“Please tell me it isn’t because you’re afraid of needles or something.” she grinned slightly. God. Even when she had been in tears just minutes previous, her smile was still so damn gorgeous.
“No, that’s ridiculous.”  he scoffed.
“Then what’s holding you back?” she asked.
Oh how he wished he could tell her. He wished he could just hold her and never let her go, tell her he’s sorry, ask for her heart back again. He wanted her to understand why he had to go away, and why it was for her good, but he couldn’t let her know. He couldn’t put her in that position. He kept her safe and sound for so long, but watching her cry made him question his motives. Looking from the picture on her desk, back to her still-glassy eyes, he figured he had nothing to lose. Maybe that data wouldn’t even be there anymore, and John “Jack” Morrison would be erased for good and replaced by Soldier: 76, just like he should be. “Alright.” he grumbled.
“Come on then.” she gestured, leading him to sit down on one of the exam tables in the medical bay she called her office. “I’ll need you to take of your jacket, please.” Peeling off the leather material that had become like a second skin to him, he cursed himself in his mind for letting emotions take control of this situation.”It will only hurt a little bit, I promise.” she joked, wiping the inside of this arm with a small alcohol wipe.
Tying his arm off above the elbow, she uncapped the needle and slowly slid it into his vein. He winced as it broke the skin, and she stroked the side of his arm. “It’s only a twenty two gauge needle Soldier,” she laughed, “Is it really that bad?”
Jack couldn’t even answer her question sarcastically. The small touches had sent electricity up his spine. Oh, how he missed her and the feeling of her skin on his. He was so enthralled in memories of her body flush against his that he didn’t even feel the needle being pulled out of this arm. “Hold this.” she said, placing his hand on the square of gauze held over the sight of where the needle had been placed, “And apply pressure.”
He took a deep breath as she walked over to the nearby counter and placed the vial of his blood into a small machine that whirred to life at the push of a button. “In a matter of minutes we will truly know who is behind that mask.” she joked. His knees felt weak at that saying. She didn’t know how literal that saying was to him.
“Those pain killers?” he asked, attempting to take his mind off of the fact everything he was trying to hide may become revealed in only a few minutes. “Oh yes,” she said, opening a cabinet to the left of him, “Give me a second…”
“That picture…” Jack blurted out. He regretted saying that the moment the words came out of his mouth. He almost slapped himself at that. Why did he bring that up. Did he want to make Angela more upset, or reveal who he was. HIs heart pounded so loudly in his chest, he was surprised Angela couldn’t hear it. Looking towards the photo on her desk, her face fell.
“That’s Jack.” she mumbled, “He… We…” she stuttered.
“You guys were together.” Jack finished for her.
“Yes…” she took a deep breath, “before he passed.”
Jack just nodded, and watched Mercy come undone in front of him. She let the tears fall down her cheeks, and she let out a quiet sniffle. Angela never broke down like this in front of strangers. Hell, she would barely let herself through even when she was with Jack. Of course, he saw right through her tough facade and would tell her it was ok, and she would finally let down her walls. In front of strangers though, the world around her could have been ending, and you would have thought everything was ok. Jack knew that because she was willing to let her tears out in front of someone so foreign to her, she was in a whole world of pain.
“I didn’t even get to bury him.” she said, shaking. “There’s so much that I want to say to him. So much more I could have done to let him know how much he really meant to me.” Her shoulders trembled as her eyes cried and all Jack wanted to was grab her and hold her tight and take of his mask. His breathing was unstable and guilt came and filled him like a flash flood. At this moment in time, he yearned to be Jack again. Maybe this was his chance, and just maybe he would take it.
“I just wish I could get the chance to tell him how much I really love him. She choked, a sob escaping her throat. As she leaned up against the cabinet and let her knees buckle, the machine reading Jack’s blood let out a tone.
“Data recorded. Match found.” It read.
“Well maybe,” Jack said, grasping the edge of the mask covering his face, making a decision that would forever change things, “You’ll get that chance.”
“Strike Commander John Morrison. Blood type: A+”
Angela’s jaw dropped as the cold, metal mask hit the floor. Jack was practically shaking. Now Angela knew, and there was no take backs. Regaining her balance, Angela advance towards him with caution. Jack wasn’t sure how to read her face. There was definitely surprise in her expression, and he saw love and longing, but he wasn’t sure what else he saw was.
The sting across his face and the sharp sound that echoed throughout the room confirmed what emotion he saw. Yup. Definitely anger. The slap had taken him by surprise, but what surprised him even more was what she did next.
Falling into his chest, arms wrapped around his neck, she let her knees give out as she clung to him for dear life. She went from disdain to yearning in a matter of seconds. He didn’t blame her. Finding out your lover was alive after grieving for many years had to be an astonishment for anybody.
“Why?” she choked out, as he held her up with his strong arms. She kept asking herself this over and over as she wept in his embrace.
“I love you, Angel.” he whispered in her ear, stroking her blonde hair that was now a slight mess due to her upset.
“Do you Jack?” she pulled away from him and met his eyes with her tear-filled ones. “You let me suffer for five years. I mourned you, I never had closure and I went through so many things alone only wishing you could be there.”
The venom that laced her voice concerned him. Did he do the right thing?
“You are my everything Jack, and not a day went by when I didn’t feel guilty and heartbroken for what happened in that building. You left me with so many doubts, so many regrets and so many words left unspoken. I love you, god damnit, and I had to live without you. How can you tell me you love me when I had to endure all that because of you.”
Her voice cracked at that statement, and the melancholy that filled her tone shattered his heart. “You know I wouldn’t do something like this if I didn’t have a motive.” he practically whispered. He couldn’t bring his tone any louder, or he would break down too.
“After Overwatch fell, if I was alive, they would have been after me. The UN, terrorist organizations, people who hated the work I did. They would have blamed that explosion on me. Blamed me for the lives lost that day. I know you wouldn’t have left my side, and when they came after me, they would be after you too.
“I could never let you be killed in the crossfire of a battle between me and the rest of the world. You came to Overwatch to help save lives. You never asked for all of what happened. You weren’t a killer like they accused us all of being. You were so innocent.I was not going to let them take you and use you against me. I did it to keep you safe.”
A few tears leaked from his eyes, but he was quick in wiping them away. “You are here, Angela, and you are safe. And now I don’t have to hide from you anymore.”
She sobbed in silence. Her sorrow, relief and anger poured out of her and the sound of it filled the room. He did not know how much time had passed before she looked up at him and wiped her eyes, sniffling slightly.
“Jack?” she asked in a tired, broken voice.
“Please don’t ever leave me again.” More tears ran down his scarred face at the sound of her voice.
“Never again, Angel.” he said, wrapping her still-trembling form tightly in his strong frame, as if to make sure he would never be able to lose her.
Gently touching his face and drinking in the differences that would take her a while to recognize, she pressed her lips to his.
This kiss could not be defined as gentle or graceful, for it held five years of longing and desperation. It was in this kiss she understood his desire to keep her safe and sound. Time seemed to melt away and it felt like just yesterday she had been kissing him and congratulating him for his newly received and hard-earned promotion. All anger left her and all apprehensiveness left him. Nothing stood between them.
That night, laying with his beloved wrapped tightly in his arms, revelling in the feeling of bare skin on bare skin after enjoying eachother with unsuppressed passion, he realized that he had done the right thing.
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