#secondhand mobiles
cashondevice · 10 months
Get Cash for Old Phones
Get Cash for Old Phones: Turning Clutter into Currency
Do you have a drawer full of old phones gathering dust? It's time to turn that clutter into currency. Discover how you can easily get cash for old phones and declutter your space while filling your pocket.
The Hidden Value in Your Old Phones
Your old phones might seem obsolete, but they hold hidden value. Instead of letting them collect dust, why not consider to get cash for old phones . With the right approach, you can turn those forgotten devices into a welcome windfall.
Why Sell Your Old Phones?
1. Environmental Impact:
By selling your old phones, you contribute to reducing electronic waste. Recycling and reusing devices help create a more sustainable environment.
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2. Declutter Your Space:
Clear out the old to make space for the new. Selling your old phones not only brings in cash but also helps tidy up your living space.
3. Upgrade Affordably:
The cash you receive can be put towards a new device, making technology upgrades more affordable.
Where to Get Cash for Old Phones?
When it comes to getting cash for your old phones, not all platforms are created equal. One standout option is Cash on Device. Let's delve into why choosing Cash on Device is a smart move.
Why Cash on Device?
1. Transparent Valuation:
Cash on Device believes in upfront and honest valuation. No hidden fees or surprises – just a fair assessment of your old phone's worth.
2. Quick and Convenient Process:
The selling process with Cash on Device is seamless. Sign up, provide details about your phone, receive an instant quote, and schedule a pickup at your convenience.
3. Environmental Responsibility:
Cash on Device doesn't just buy phones; it contributes to a sustainable future by recycling and reusing devices.
How to Get Cash for Your Old Phones with Cash on Device
1. Sign Up:
Start by creating an account on the Cash on Device platform to get cash for old phones .It's a quick and easy process that sets the stage for turning your old phones into cash.
2. Provide Phone Details:
Share essential information about your device, including its model, age, and condition. Cash on Device values honesty, ensuring a fair evaluation.
3. Receive Instant Quote:
In no time, Cash on Device provides you with an instant quote for your old phone. The valuation is transparent, with no hidden surprises.
4. Schedule a Pickup:
Once you're satisfied with the quote, schedule a pickup at your convenience. Cash on Device comes to you, making the entire process hassle-free.
And you are done.It's that easy to get cash for old phones
What Sets Cash on Device Apart?
1. Top Rupees for Your Devices:
Cash on Device offers competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value for your old phones.
2. Stress-Free Transactions:
Worried about a cumbersome process? With Cash on Device, enjoy a smooth and stress-free transaction from start to finish.
Get Cash for Old Phones: Turning Clutter into Currency
Do you have a drawer full of old phones gathering dust? It's time to turn that clutter into currency. Discover how you can easily get cash for old phones and declutter your space while filling your pocket.
The Hidden Value in Your Old Phones
Your old phones might seem obsolete, but they hold hidden value. Instead of letting them collect dust, why not consider to get cash for old phones . With the right approach, you can turn those forgotten devices into a welcome windfall.
Why Sell Your Old Phones?
1. Environmental Impact:
By selling your old phones, you contribute to reducing electronic waste. Recycling and reusing devices help create a more sustainable environment.
2. Declutter Your Space:
Clear out the old to make space for the new. Selling your old phones not only brings in cash but also helps tidy up your living space.
3. Upgrade Affordably:
The cash you receive can be put towards a new device, making technology upgrades more affordable.
Where to Get Cash for Old Phones?
When it comes to getting cash for your old phones, not all platforms are created equal. One standout option is Cash on Device. Let's delve into why choosing Cash on Device is a smart move.
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
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ooklet · 1 year
i really need a wheelchair. and i furthermore need to let myself need a wheelchair. i don't think i've internalized the fact that i can just. advocate for myself. i don't need to wait for a doctor to say "damn you're in a lot of pain a lot of the time, it might help for you to be able to sit down some days" i can make that call myself. even though my mobility issues are (supposedly) temporary, i'm in pain now. i should be able to alleviate it now.
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years
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mothocean · 8 months
Watching a video essay on equestria girls dolls atm and man i want a trixie doll so badly
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digitalshrutijain · 1 year
Common Misconceptions About Refurbished Smartphones
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What are Refurbished Smartphones?
Refurbished smartphones are devices that have been returned to the manufacturer or seller for various reasons. These reasons can include small defects, cosmetic damage, or the previous owner wanting an upgrade. Before they are sold again, these smartphones go through a careful inspection, repair, and testing process to ensure they are of high quality and work well. Skilled technicians examine the phones and fix any issues using genuine parts. They also test the phones thoroughly to make sure they function properly, including calling, messaging, browsing, and multimedia features. 
Misconception 1: Refurbished Smartphones are Low Quality
One common misconception about refurbished smartphones is that they are of low quality compared to brand new devices. However, this is far from the truth. Refurbished smartphones go through a rigorous refurbishment process where any defects or issues are addressed. 
Misconception 2: Refurbished Smartphones Have Short Lifespans
Another misconception is that refurbished smartphones have shorter lifespans compared to new devices. This assumption is unfounded. Refurbished smartphones undergo extensive testing and repairs, including replacing any faulty components.
MobileGoo.Shop offers smartphones with warranty periods of up to 12 months, ensuring peace of mind for buyers. These devices are built to last, providing the same longevity as brand new smartphones.
Misconception 3: Refurbished Smartphones Lack Warranty and Support
Some people believe that refurbished smartphones come without warranty or after-sales support. However, reputable sellers provide warranty coverage for their refurbished smartphones. In the unlikely event that an issue arises, buyers can rely on the warranty to get their device repaired or replaced. mobilegoo.shop provide a direct calling feature, also they do offer Quick response to customers where you can reach out to their team for assistance.
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solemntitty · 1 year
redistributing government funds to support the gamer community
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oblivionlotus · 2 years
//new phone so I wanted to share with ye my gawjuss wallpaper that keeps me inspired
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scarefox · 10 months
My PC is running again!! 🙌 For now at least. There is still some weird fan noise when it's booting... But hey~ New power supply.
I basically spend the past 3 days with slow as fuck small laptop (for video watching or tumblr) + smartphone (for tumblr when laptop does the videos) + slow as fuck tablet (for music)
Instead of... ya know... just having 3 tabs open on one PC.
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hellenhighwater · 1 month
So, every animal shelter around me is heinously overloaded/understaffed and begging for fosters. I am considering applying to be one for a momma cat with kittens, but I don't know if I have enough space/time/energy to do so and don't know anyone I can ask IRL about the experience. Are you willing to go into detail about what exactly foster duty entails? Also, do the fosters coexist peacefully with Malice and Vice or do you need to keep them separated?
Fostering can be a relatively small time investment, or it can be a big one. Nearly every shelter hits capacity in the warm months, due to the overwhelming quantity of kittens.
I talked to my local shelter and explained that I don't have a ton of time to work with--I can't take neonatal kittens, or ones that need regular hand feeding, or basically anyone medically fragile. But I can take litters that are doing well, who just need time and space to grow big enough to hit the minimum weight to be spayed/neutered and adopted. On a daily basis, I swap out water, food, and clean litter, plus general tidying-up as needed. That takes maaaybe half an hour to an hour--most days I do it before work. Because most of my litters have moms, the moms do a lot of the work of feeding and cleaning the babies! They may need bathing sometimes, depending on how much of a mess they make. Beyond that, I try to spend time with them as much as I can--I'll go in and eat my meals with them, sit and do digital work, or watch movies while I do projects with them around. The goal is to socialize and handle them as much as you can.
Kittens generally litter train themselves, but accidents happen when they're little, so a space with easily cleaned floors is ideal. I start my fosters out in a jumbo sized dog crate, allowing for supervised time outside of that, and then eventually give them my whole den to run around in when they're old enough to be more independently mobile (basically when they're old enough to realize that losing sight of their mom does not mean they're lost forever, and can navigate the space on their own.) I do keep Mal and Vice out of the den when I have fosters, but there's a glass door so theycan see each other.
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Most shelters with foster programs will supply everything you need for them in terms of food, meds, and litter--you just give them space and time. I got my own jumbo dog crate to use, and I pick up secondhand towels for cheap--that gives me something easy to wash for them to sleep on. If you're just getting started, a shelter can probably find you an "easy" litter to begin with. Not that there's ever a 100% guarantee, because kittens are fragile, but usually they can set up a litter that seems strong. At least for me, there's an urge to play the hero and take on too much--I have to be careful, and accept that I only have so much time to work with; I have to say no to some of the more tiny, delicate kittens, and leave them to be fostered by those who can handle them. Those people are awesome and I'm not one of them.
If you're setting up space for fosters, I'd choose a place that's easy to clean, that's not going to leave them vulnerable to being bothered by other animals or kids all the time (they sleep a lot), and which allows for you to spend time with them. You can keep your fosters in a large dog crate or other kennel--honestly, it's comparable to how the shelter would house them--or in a room you have set up to handle them, but I'd hesitate to give them complete free run of your place unless you live somewhere quite small. Kittens are fast, and you really don't want to lose one. I remove rugs and less durable furniture from their space as well, and sometimes will cover the couch in a thick blanket to reduce claw marks.
Overall, I think it's totally worth it. It's fun to get to have them through the baby days, and they have more individualized attention in a home than they would get at the shelter. It's worth trying! If it doesn't pan out--or if they start needing more attention than you can give--you can give them back, but in the meanwhile they have a more enjoyable home than a shelter.
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thevibinvixen · 9 months
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Habits to get into in 2024
Drink enough water People usually say you’re supposed to drink 8 glasses a day, but that is more of an arbitrary number. It can be an orientation, but ultimately just drink the amount of water that makes you feel good
Get (at least) 8 hours of sleep This one is not an arbitrary number. Go to sleep! It’s important
Simplify your skincare routine While a lot of ppl online make it seem like the more products the better, that doesn’t have to be true for you. You could wash your face with water or do the classic “cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen”. This also produces less waste and costs less time
Go for a walk everyday Getting in movement and fresh air everyday is important for both your mental and your physical health
Do stretches/yoga everyday Additionally stretches can help improve your mobility and reduce back pain
Eat nutritious meals Food has to be filling and delicious. Remember the formula of protein, carbs and fiber
Be kind to yourself and the planet waste separation, public transportation, buying secondhand etc. you know the drill
Practice consistency Focus on discipline instead of motivation and actually keep up with your goals. A habit tracker is helpful to do this
Give yourself breaks You can only be productive if you allow yourself to not always be productive. Take breaks and actually find things that help you relax. You deserve it
Be kind & open towards new people You attract the energy that you put out. Be kind
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maybe-im-dark · 3 days
Rugged choices
Logan stepped into the dusty secondhand clothing store, his eyes scanning the racks of well-worn shirts and faded jeans. The air inside was heavy with the familiar scent of old leather and aged fabric, the kind of smells that always put him at ease. Without hesitation, he made a beeline for the racks, already flipping through the clothes as if he had been here a hundred times before.
Wade, however, came to a sudden stop just inside the door, looking around in bewilderment, his arms thrown out wide in exaggerated confusion.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Wade exclaimed, his voice bouncing off the walls of the cramped store. “Logan, we just got handed a stack of TVA-cash the size of a small country’s GDP, and this is where you want to spend it? A secondhand store?”
Logan didn’t bother looking up from the rack of flannel shirts he was flipping through. He pulled one out, a red-and-black plaid that had clearly seen better days, and held it up, his nostrils flaring slightly as he sniffed the fabric.
“Don’t like the smell of new stuff,” Logan muttered, tossing the shirt over his arm. “Chemicals. Hurts my nose.”
Wade blinked, his brain working to process Logan’s explanation. Slowly, he nodded in acceptance, though his bewilderment was far from gone.
“Huh. Okay, that actually makes sense. Super senses and all.” Wade paused, then threw his arms out again in an exaggerated gesture. “But come on, man! You could be rocking designer leather jackets, limited edition jeans, silk boxers—the whole nine yards!”
Logan ignored him, already pulling another flannel shirt from the rack, this one in muted blue and green. He sniffed it, grunted his approval, and added it to the pile in his arms. It wasn’t long before the pile grew to include several more flannels in different colors, along with faded jeans and plain white undershirts.
Wade watched with a growing smirk as Logan’s choices all started to blend into a singular aesthetic.
“So we’re just committing fully to the lumberjack aesthetic, huh?” Wade teased, leaning on a nearby rack. “Maybe pick up an axe while we’re at it, chop some wood, live in the woods, grow an even bigger beard. Real 'I’m-going-off-the-grid' vibes.”
Logan stopped rifling through the clothes just long enough to glare at Wade, his patience visibly thinning.
“Better than prancing around in pink Hello Kitty shirts and leggings two sizes too tight,” Logan shot back, his voice low and sharp as he pointed at Wade’s current outfit—a ridiculous hot pink Hello Kitty tee and a pair of black leggings that left nothing to the imagination.
Wade, ever the showman, grinned beneath his mask and struck a pose.
“Touché, Logan,” he said with a wink. “But I make this work. Not everyone can pull off this level of hotness.”
Logan rolled his eyes, grabbed his pile of clothes, and headed toward the checkout without another word. Wade followed close behind, still grinning like a kid who had just gotten away with something.
A little while later, they found themselves walking through the sunlit car dealership lot. Logan moved with the same deliberate focus he had shown in the clothing store, his eyes scanning the rows of cars with little interest. To him, they all seemed impractical, too flashy for his tastes.
Wade, on the other hand, was practically vibrating with excitement as he raced ahead, his eyes zeroing in on a sleek, cherry-red sports car parked under the sunlight. He darted toward it like a moth to a flame, throwing himself over the hood with a dramatic sigh.
“THIS ONE!” Wade shouted, running his hands over the smooth surface of the car. “This is it! The Wade-mobile! Look at her, Logan—pure power, pure speed. A sexy beast, just like me!”
Logan stood a few paces away, arms crossed, watching the scene unfold with mild disdain. He shook his head, his voice flat and unimpressed.
“You look like an idiot,” Logan said.
Without hesitation, he walked over and grabbed Wade by the back of his collar, yanking him off the car with a gruff grunt. Wade stumbled, barely managing to stay upright as Logan dragged him away, heading straight for the section of the lot where the used pickup trucks were parked.
“Come on, man, live a little!” Wade complained, rubbing the back of his neck as he followed Logan. “We’ve got all this cash, and you’re going for a pickup truck? You’re not a soccer mom.”
Logan’s eyes landed on an old, battered truck with faded paint and a few dings in the side. It looked sturdy, reliable—just the way he liked things. He opened the driver’s side door, inspecting the interior with a thoughtful grunt. The worn leather seats, the lack of fancy electronics—everything about it spoke to him.
“I don’t buy what I don’t need,” Logan said, running his hand over the dashboard. “This has enough room, no fancy electronics. Just how I like it.”
Wade looked utterly flabbergasted, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“But… sports cars! Leather seats! Bluetooth everything! Cup holders that hold more cups than you could ever drink from!”
Logan gave him a flat look.
“This does the job. I’m not gonna buy something I’ll hate driving,” Logan said, his tone final.
Wade slumped against the truck, his head hanging in defeat.
“You’re like… an old man stuck in a body that’s technically old but still kinda jacked,” Wade muttered, sulking. “It’s such a waste. This truck screams 'I live in a cabin and don’t talk to people.'”
Logan ignored him and went into the building to buy the car. Wade waited outside, shooting the sports car longing looks. After a while his partner came back.
Logan climbed into the driver’s seat, his movements efficient and calm. The truck’s engine growled to life with a low, rumbling purr, and Logan smirked just a little as he looked over at Wade.
With a resigned sigh, Wade hopped into the passenger seat, his pink Hello Kitty shirt standing out like a sore thumb against the muted, rugged interior of the truck.
“You and your cabin-man aesthetic… Whatever,” Wade muttered, leaning back in his seat. “Just know, when I get my sports car, you’re driving behind me. And I’ll make sure it’s painted Wolverine yellow, just for you.”
Logan didn’t bother responding, but a small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he pulled out of the lot, the old truck rumbling steadily beneath them. Wade, never one to be silent for long, leaned over conspiratorially.
“Next stop, Taco Bell? My treat,” Wade offered.
Logan remained silent, eyes on the road, but Wade took it as a yes.
“That’s the Logan I know and tolerate,” Wade said with a grin.
As they rumbled down the road in the beat-up old truck, Wade continued to chatter away about the missed opportunity of getting a sports car, but Logan was content. Simple, reliable—that’s all he needed. And maybe, just maybe, some peace and quiet.
But with Wade sitting beside him, that last part was a long shot.
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hell-on-sticks · 8 months
can you explain the differences between different types of wheelchairs like im 5?
Manual Wheelchairs
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There's two main types of manual wheelchair. (All image descriptions are in alt text)
Standard chairs
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The first type is a "standard chair". It's not the same thing as a "hospital chair" - a hospital chair is a type of standard chair. These are the folding type off the shelf from a mobility shop, or borrow from a mall. Below is an example, the Karma Flex standard wheelchair.
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A standard chair can be good for many. Many wheelchair users use standard chairs. They are cheaper and easier to come by, but are often heavy and have parts that make them a bit harder to use, like the high backs or chunky armrests. There are many types of standard chair, some nicer than others.
What's a hospital chair?
(plain text: what's a hospital chair?)
A hospital chair is a type of standard wheelchair. They're the cheapest and nastiest type, often made out of metal and can't be adjusted, and very heavy. Many people may use them, but they're not ideal. A normal standard is better for most people, but a hospital chair may be used as well. Below is an example, the Care Medical hospital chair.
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They're cheap and can be rented or found secondhand in lots of places, but they're pretty uncomfy and can cause injuries or sores if used for too long.
Active wheelchairs
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An "active wheelchair" is a nicer kind of wheelchair, and may be custom or non-custom. A custom wheelchair is a type of active wheelchair. Although most active wheelchairs are made custom to their first owner, not all are, and many people may own non-custom active chairs. Below is an example, the Quickie QRi.
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Active chairs are set up to be comfortable, easy to use, lightweight, and supportive. They're usually the same models as custom chairs (like the one above, this can be ordered as a custom), but are not built just for their user. People might find secondhand active chairs (meaning not custom anymore) or find "floor models", active chairs that are not made custom for anyone for sellers to display. Non-custom active chairs are common for people who can't afford a brand new custom chair.
What is a custom chair?
(plain text: what is a custom chair?)
A custom active wheelchair is an active chair made just for the needs of the person using it. This includes the size of the seat, the type of frame, the type of backrest, the cushion, and really any part on the chair - all made just for the user. Below is an example, the Quickie Nitrum.
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Custom active chairs are usually very expensive. Usually a person will need help from an assistance system to afford one - in Australia, the NDIS; in America, health insurance; in the UK, the NHS, and many more. Not every country has a system to help, so they can be hard or impossible to get in a lot of areas.
Powerchair types will be added in a reblog of this post.
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plasma-tree · 3 months
Help a Disabled Friend (and her service dog)
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It's day one of Disability Pride Month (literally, july 1st is when Disability Pride Month lol) and I'm already struggling to get things that will make my life easier. The mort important thing on this list is a mobility harness for my service dog.
if you don't know, I have neurological problems, dysautonomia, and ehlers-danlos syndrome, and they are the most problematic for me because of the motor/mobility and digestive issues they cause. While I'm doing all that is medically possible for the digestive issues, the motor and mobility issues are basically not being dealt with.
I have a service dog, and part of what he does is help me with walking/standing/getting up/getting down, and that's lovely, but I do not have an appropriate mobility harness for him-- which would be sturdy and built specifically for differences in weight, pressure, etc, and have a rigid handle. In the past, I have used a secondhand mobility harness but it lacks the correct handle. I would strongly prefer to use a safe, sturdy harness that is built for my needs and my service dog's safety.
I also need guide attachments for this harness so Heathen (my service dog) can do better at guide tasks at night and during very bright parts of the day. The feedback of a pullstrap isn't quite enough.
With all appropriate options, this harness costs $349 USD.
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The guide handle I need is $71.
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I have $50 in my paypal account to put towards this, and being on SSDI, I only get paid once a month, and not much-- $1311. 500 goes to my mortgage. Most of it goes towards caring for my service dog and paying medical bills, and it really, really is not enough. I have literally tried appealing to SSA to raise my monthly payment, but I've been told that is not a thing they even entertain.
Please, if you can, help me get this mobility harness. It would mean a lot more mobility and freedom for me, considering my wheelchair is still damaged and my insurance will not tell me yet whether they approved the repair or not.
My paypal is [email protected]
My venmo is nikkicantrell96
Please, please help if you can.
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
Percy having overt supernatural traits is stupid and overdone and dosen't make nearly as much sense as his profiling and other mortal world experiences coming from him just being black,autistic Percy is the best freaky weirdo Percy
Special interests in blue,anarchy,the sea,cats,kidcore,energy drinks,child care and the Superfam
No masking game and self-diagnosed because he dosen't fall under any stereotypes despite blatantly dysplaying every single audhd/autism symptom
Transfem nonbinary/bigender with he/she/they pronouns and Percycore neos because of the overlap between transfems and autistics and her canon nonstop defiement of traditional manhood
Solarpunk out of being the daughter of Poseidon and the son of enviormentalist queen Sally Jackson and their black autistic experiences making them turn to punk culture
Blue safe food,knows how to diy things that don't even exist,Riptide and a shark plush and her battle jacket comfort items,goes on petty crime sprees and to underground parties and shows and charity events and protests and thirft stores and cat cafes and goofy gimmick restaurants/arcades,plays exclusively free and secondhand games on anti-capitalist principal,needs layers for sensory reasons,had Sally do his piercings(eyebrow,tongue ring,spider bite and forward helix on both ears)out of nerves at seeing a stranger for them,has a vegetable garden at home,a meowing vocal stim and raptor hands as her posture 50% of the time
Dresses earthy/afropunk with mostly dark/mute colors but splashes of pastels and slap-ons of their special interests(example:Dead Kennedy's shirt,sea blue dyed shawl,battle jacket on top,long chunky skirt with a silver chain,black doc martens,spiked bracelets,a necklace with a Rainbow Dash pendant and mix and match rings that range between edgy to cutesy)
Carries around a blue backpack full of essentials,emergency things and fun stuff like motivational stickers which regenerates and was a gift from Hestia he nicknamed 'The Backhomepack'
If i may have a selfshipper moment,him and my Pjo s/i Lex are autistic4autistic dominican4dominican black4blasian punk4punk and transmasc4transfem and childhood best friends to lovers since Tlt to Boo and Tales of Dead Seas/Tods is the one year later Hoo sequel spanning four years and four books aka the autism book series.Also Percy has a sparkly pink sunflower charm Lex diy'd to give him to represent them that's his favorite and Lex has a whole collection of blue diy'd gifts he made for them!!They do everything together because they have the same tastes on most everything and are willing to try out literally anything for the other <3 Perlex is real y'all
Never goes to college because school is too hard on his brain now and works at a beach cafe i.e the family bussiness La Familia Jackson Beach Shack opened up by Sally
Sally is allistic but genuinely a good parent and very understanding of Percy's needs from the get-go,as in before they even knew he's autistic and her being trans herself and a comphet stud to boot probably explains it
Autism spectrum trio with Nico and Hazel and is their intergenerational best friend,found eldest sibling,pseudo-parent and punk mentor and she also harrasses Poseidon for money for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids and supports Hazel's love for art(and girls,as it turns out)and talents(her rizz goes hard)in every way she can and convinced them to attend the Special ED school she was supposed to years ago
Sally was going to enroll her in it when she was 9 but Percy overheard the phone call and melted down so hard because her internalized ableism was already so bad that Sally never spoke of it again but they both still regret it to this day,mourning what could've been
Percy ends up powering through and going to visit it for Hazel's first of many art showcase's and to bring Nico's Mythomagic Club blue s'mores
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zhoumeyourlove · 4 months
To be clear, this is IN CHOICES, the mobile visual novel app - clarifying in case this breaches containment.
I have never felt as much secondhand embarrassment as when i saw these tags on a poll that breached choicesblr containment 💀💀 so yeah. i wanna avoid that
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