#secretly i hope this resonates with someone
letteriwillneversend · 7 months
sometime i wonder what it will be like when you meet God. will He be kind? authoritative? intimidating? larger than life? will He be like that fable of the spirit with a thousand faces - each as unpredictable and firmly etched as the next?
i imagine what it might be like if i were to get to meet Him. 
in my mind, i meet God in the field at the end of Everything. my body feels light and heavy all at once. 
i don’t know how that’s possible, but of course, it is.
when i meet Him, i’m not sure what to say. is there a proper greeting you’re supposed to say when you talk to the Creator of Everything? somehow, a simple hello or hey feels improper.
He knows how little i understand, and so He speaks first. His voice is definitely of someone All-Knowing and All Powerful. this deity has seen my every mistake and every failing and every lie and every cheat and every shortcut and every insult. he’s seen me in my infancy when i was nothing and in my younger years with sticky fingers and in my teen years with a sharp tongue. only He knows how hard my heart is, because He is the one created it. He alone can see through the flesh and blood and tissue and bone and straight into my heart and see what i truly am - just. human.
He asks me what my purpose was. the question catches me off guard - i figured if anything, isn’t God supposed to know the answer to that one? but He waits patiently, like He has all the time in the universe. of course, He does.
my answer is a guess at best - it feels like i have no right to be confident in what i say here. after all, who am i to know?
He asks if i know who He is. i nod, and He acknowledges it. He asks more questions - not inquisitive or interrogative or curious, but there’s a rhythm to the questions that’s thoughtful.
what i believed. who i believed. what i did. who i was. these questions are to be expected, but i still answer them with less confidence than i had hoped to have had. i feel ill-prepared and embarrassingly awkward.
His next question is unexpected, and there is a full beat before my mind begins to process it.
“Were you kind?”
“Were you kind? Did you treat my Creation with gentility? Were you merciful to those weaker than you, and patient with those stronger?
Were you kind?”
something about the question makes my lip start to tremble and my vision start to blur. i try to will it to stop, to steady my voice, but it escapes me. in the back of my mind i think that i must look quite tiny like this, like a pudgy toddler gripping at your pant leg, small and earnest and vulnerable and perhaps, weak.
“I don’t know. But I know that I tried. 
And I really did try.”
my voice wobbles more than i want it to. and just when i think i have it controlled, that the vulnerability has passed and the face i’ve worn all my life is back in place, the strangest thing happens.
a feeling of understanding fills me up and surrounds me all at once. God does not have a face, because he is not you or i, so naturally He has no facial expression. but something about the feeling filling me up like water on a sinking boat tells me that He understands.
He knows.
i had learned at a very young age that God is always watching - that He would know if i cheated on a test or tripped my friend in the schoolyard or gave my brother the infinitesimally smaller half of the chocolate bar. God sees everything. He Knows.
but it takes this moment for it to click into understanding for me. God sees everything. He knows. the knowledge of that hits me like a weight into my chest and knocks the air out of my lungs. it’s unnerving and unfamiliar and all encompassing. He knows all of it - He saw every time i picked my nose and everytime i told a white lie and everytime i prayed without thinking and everytime i was too lazy to study and everytime i disappointed someone in my life and everytime i knew better still chose wrong. He saw everytime i lied and everytime i swore and everytime i shot someone a dirty look when i thought they wouldn’t notice or everytime i broke a promise and everytime i let someone down. He knew everytime i thought something horrible or looked at something i shouldn’t have or everytime i eavesdropped or everytime i forgot to ask the cashier how their day went because i was in a rush. this is a terrifying realization.
yet somehow, the next realization is what scares me more. He saw everytime i blinked back tears and everytime i begrudgingly swallowed poison in my words and everytime i put on strength like an armor and everytime i wanted to yell until i couldn’t anymore. He saw every time i was too tired to cry and everytime i chose to be warm simply because i could and everytime i made someone laugh and every time i let someone borrow my pen even though it’s my favorite and everytime i sat with someone eating alone and everytime i complimented a stranger just to make them smile and even everytime i gave my brother the infinitesimally larger half of a chocolate bar.
something passes, and something stills. a new feeling washes over me - something so unfamiliar, but so welcome. i cannot tell you how it feels without it being a disservice, but i will try anyway.
it feels like… something. it feels like returning home from war and having your weariness lifted away. it feels like trying your favorite childhood treat and having it taste exactly as you remembered it. it feels like waking up on your birthday and having it feel special. it feels like returning home after a long day to a warm, home-cooked meal and eating it with someone you love. it feels like being hugged so you’re never the first to let go. it feels like sitting down after you’ve been standing for so long; like being exhausted and then settling into a made bed where the sheets are soft and the comforter is crisp and the pillows are cool and the mattress pulls you in and dissolves your restlessness. it feels like finding you have exactly the right amount of money in your bank account. it feels like the warmth of your favorite mug after you’ve just enjoyed a hot drink in it.
it feels like how i imagine it feels to return home after the longest day ever and put your head in the lap of a loving mother, who doesn’t need to ask anything as she softly brushes her fingers through your hair over and over and over again.
in my mind, God understands. He knows.
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro Observation Pt 4
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I hope you all are doing awesome and the last few posts resonated with you! Also, thank you so much for 250 followers <33 means so much to me
here we go :)
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1.Taurus placements really like food, cooking. I mean, we all do, but its a little extra with them.
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2.Taurus moons really have a soothing presence and voice, however, they may come as highly opinionated sometimes. They are usually very kind and polite while talking and may like things like art, music, poetry or, reading/ enjoying such things and actively talking about it.
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3.I read somewhere that 8th house is temporary death while 12th house is what happens after death, maybe that is why it is the last house. Example, 12th house Capricorns may come back to give/receive karma, 12th house Scorpios may learn and complete the soul lessons or karmic contracts.
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4.I dont know how many people does it resonates with since I only know a few capricorn risings but more these natives like structure and order, they sometimes secretly wanna run away from all and everything, probably just disappear or move to the countryside lol...may even struggle with maldaptive daydreaming. Also, they definitely don't wanna/can't be tamed AT ALL...you can't tell them what to do lol ..I wonder if it has something to do with the Sag 12th house. They do accept opinions and suggestions, but very selectively
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5. The birth of a capricorn sun/rising/stellium child can be karmic. In the sense that, they are here to dispose karma to other people, while learn their own. Maybe because the ruler is Saturn. One of the things that can follow is a change/shift in the circumstances of the family.
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6. This makes me think, 12th house indeed can show our hidden thoughts or desires. People with Sag risings have scorpio in 12th house, and this can secretly make them wanna have some kind of command, control and authority. I am a Sag rising, and this holds true for me.
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7. Speaking of NN in solar return, I read someone reblogging my post saying they believe NN can also represent the lessons you learn and grow from, I instead believe its more of a karmic/soul lesson/fated thing, that rather tranforms/grows your soul and you may go through a huge shift in your perspective and some life-changing experiences concerning that area of life. Something that we are moving into, and will affect us from that point onwards, like a new theme unlocking.
Chiron, on the other hand, is different. No one wonder chiron is actually call the wounded healer, something that hurts and then heals.
example, nn in 1st house can mean you will go through major themes and experiences that will make you focus more on yourself and finding your identity and purpose and this should affect your further years. more of a spiritual growth
chiron in the 1st house can instead mean you will go through experiences that will make you question yourself, some kind of identity crisis, that will further lead to you believing and finding your true self. more of a personal growth.
i hope i made sense. moreover, astrology interpretations are very personal :) and you dont have to agree with anything i said if it doesnt feel right.
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8. libra moon imo is one of the best moon placement to have. they are able to present their emotions pretty nicely and in order and that makes sense somehow. This is also a placement for a hopeless romantic tho lmao.
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9. Libra MC people may always look confused. Somehow even struggling to chose between a pastry and a cake lmao.
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10. I think women with Virgo+ Scorpio placements are the ones that can make the best lie detectors/detectives/real baddies. They may also enjoy dark psychology/ true crime stories/thriller.
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11. Men with Venus in Saggitarius may like spiritual/religious women.
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12. I think people with Venus-Asc aspects may always/eventually find beauty and confidence in their appearance and themselves, and that is very amazing imo.
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13. Women with Pluto-Asc aspects may like dominance in some shape or form and may have a really good self control and hold of themselves.
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14. I will want to ask, do people who have Uranus Retrogade in their chart somehow struggle with breaking electrical appliances/gadgets often? Like it will just break somehow?
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15. Having asteroid industria at 28 degrees can show you have a potential to earn huge money through your career.
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16. Wherever Jupiter lies in your chart, is where you can expect divine protection. Jupiter in 10th house? Protection from people with malicious intents/a bad public image. Jupiter in 6th house? Protection from accidents and diseases. Jupiter in 12th house? protection from hidden enemies/backstabbing. Jupiter in 11th house? Protection from fake friends/people.
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17. I have often seen people say you should marry your 7th house sign but i would disagree again. The 7th house/DC is more about the qualities we admire in other people, and what do we look for while forming ANY relationship with others and this does not always have to mean that you would get along with them romantically.
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thats all for this post<33 i love you all. Please leave post recommendations, if you have any in the ask, messages or comments :)
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veritasss5 · 3 months
The price for your new beginning | pick a card.
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Disclaimer: this is a GENERAL READING, take what it resonates and leave behind what doesn’t. This is for fun and should never be taken seriously. This is for entertainment purposes. It is just for helping you to have a general idea about your situation. If it does help you fine I am very happy about it, if not then I am sorry that it wasn’t for you and move on.
Take a moment to relax your mind and choose with your intuition.
Pile 1 → Pile 2 → Pile 3
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Pile 1
Pile one I sensed you have family issues where you wish to run away instantly.
I got the KEEPER OF BEGINNINGS for you.
In order to become free from any negative and toxic situation that you are in, you must sacrifice the cords and chains that are blocking you from flying freely to explore this world.
You must let go people’s expectations on you, they are “suggesting” to become a certain version of you, but none are the version of you want to be.
To become a butterfly, you must go through a metamorphosis. Sacrifice the old for the new. There won’t be a new beginning without the ending.
The never ending cycle of old and new would never exist without each other.
I do sense you are someone supposed to fly freely in the sky and explore the ocean of this world. Blue and light blue are strong colours that I see for you.
You may fight a lot for your freedom, and you are reluctant to sacrifice and make a huge discussion for your own personal choice.
Pleasing people is easy, but is it worth it? Have you ever seen a butterfly locked in a cage?
Choosing yourself was never an easy option, but at the end this journey full of obstacles will be worth it if you are the one to choose among others' expectations about you.
It’s fine to say no. It’s fine to misstep in a world full of perfection.
Go fly higher little butterfly of freedom. Don’t stay in this cage full of lack of empathy for you. If someone really thinks for you, it is you. People that love may not understand you, but it is fine.
You are the one to seek importance and validation from you.
It’s time to break the chains without fear of consequences.
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Pile 2
Pile two I sensed you are very close to your new beginning. I saw a person in the dark really close to the door of light where you can exit the tunnel of darkness.
I got the KEEPER OF COMFORT for you.
You can relax now. All your hard work that you put before has paid off greatly for you. The price that you have to pay is only to get out of your comfort zone and do stuff that your past self would never imagine.
I do see that you are highly guided and protected. So the results earned is also thanks to your great spirit team or divinity that has your back.
There is one specific spirit or ally (can be physical or spiritual) that helped you a lot to get out from your darkness. They helped you greatly when you needed it the most and now you can share your happiness and achievements with them.
Some people do see a big shift of energy in you or a great change in you. They either congratulate you directly or secretly admire you from a far. They consider you as a strong person and a few of them never imagined you would do this big jump of change.
If you are still struggling, keep going because you are someone that has a high inner strength. You are very close to your new chapter and so don’t let go of your hope.
If you can’t handle anymore, ask help for divinities or spirits to come and guide you.
After that door you will enjoy a beautiful view, like a secret garden that no humans have ever seen before. That beautiful view that only you get to visit is a very beautiful and fulfilling prize after your struggles and hard work. Just like when you climb the mountain and see a beautiful landscape on the top of the mountain.
People won’t get it, but you are happy. You are happy that you got what you desire and that’s what matters the most.
You are a beautiful human being full of love and empathy, don’t let people shut down your light.
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Pile 3
Pile three I sensed you are very heartbroken for something. I sensed grief and loss. You are very sad that you lost something important and you can’t recover those good memories of before.
Moving to the card, I got KEEPER OF SURRENDER for you.
This card is suggesting you surrender and let go of the things that you can’t recover or repair anymore.
You already made the sacrifice, you can’t undone the action. Sometimes losing something dear to you hurts so badly, but it is also a sign of healing and welcoming the new positive experience that is awaiting for you.
Your price for your new beginning is indeed sacrificing what can't have a good influence or impact for you. I see a lot of crying and grief. Please take a break and have self love healing sessions with yourself.
Put a lot of extra care with yourself, and treat yourself as a very light feather that is made of delicate material.
You may be overwhelmed by negative emotions right now, but soon you will be free from the grief.
For you that is autumn right now. Winter will come for you to rest and heal. And so on spring will also come for you to be strong and welcome the new beginning that Life (universe) is having reserved for you.
You are the pile that doesn’t need a new beginning instantly after the heartbreak phase. So take your time that you need to pick up your strength to move on. Listen to yourself and the voice that is hidden in your heart. It is time to think about what you actually need in your life.
One day you shall shine like a bright star, but it is not today, for now.
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astrologylunadream · 1 year
What does your crush think of you?🌸💕 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
Hii I'm Lunadream!🤗 This is officially my first reading~ :D This time we'll be doing a reading on what your crush thinks of you <3 I hope you find your message💌
Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ Also feel free to pick more than one pile if you feel called to!💘 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of your crush, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~♡
Pile 1 💋
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Pile 2 🌈
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Pile 3 🌌
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Pile 4 💿
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💖
Pile 1💋
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Sign energy: Nightmare, Air, Forever, Success, Doll, 10th house, Aquarius, Water, Jupiter, 6th house, 🚷💋♍😟
💗Your crush's energy: I already got a heavy feeling with this one, like a really intense and serious energy. Your crush is most likely very attractive in an effortless way, like they don't even try haha. There's just something about them that's naturally very magnetic. I'm getting strong earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) energy. One or both of you (more likely your crush) may be somewhat intimidating like you don't want to cross them because they don't just tolerate anything they'll up and leave if they aren't okay with the way things are going, that's the vibe I'm getting from your crush. They most likely have a great sense of self worth and they just know what is a waste of their time and what isn't. They could be older than you, Also for most of you they're probably really tall, either physically or mentally taller than you for sure haha very assertive and maybe even more dominant aswell.
🧠What they think of you: I could already tell first thing they think of you a lot actually. They see you as an object of their desires, someone they like really want. This could be really surprising to you especially if they don't talk much. (I feel like they're rather impassive or at least come off that way sometimes) I kinda think they might be a little obsessed with you secretly but this might not be something they realize just yet ;) Also physically they think you're like a doll, and also your figure might be living in their mind rent free (just saying👀🖤). They really want to "own" you, I feel like you turned this person's whole world upside down and you're taking them over slowly, their thoughts of you might be controlling them a little. They really want things to work out between you two, because they are really into you secretly. They may not even show any interest in you whatsoever but just know it's probably because they're REALLY hard to read lol, next thing you know they're stalking your social media (no doubt) and they fantasize about you all the time omg. They want this to be forever they want to be with you forever, like I said they don't tolerate just anything but this connection is not something they want to give up.
💌Messages from your crush: Don't think of anyone else, I didn't used to feel this way, I want to keep this private, You made a mistake, It's the worst, You don't have a choice, We finally meet, All I need is your touch, Extra cards: Purple, Ability, Odd, Love, Vision, 6th house, Earth, Chiron, Aquarius, Scorpio
I hope you enjoyed your reading <3 If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the kiss emoji💋! Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🌈
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Sign energy: Fake smile, Reflect, Thighs, Skin, Absence, Juno, Capricorn, Air, Vertex, Sagittarius, 🧚‍♀️🙆‍♀️🧘‍♂️🔭
💗Your crush's energy: This is most likely a friend or a more platonic connection, I'm getting a bright vibe when you two are together. Okay so I'm kind of getting some of you may be in the lgbtq community or maybe your crush is or it could be both of you. I feel like your crush is really fun and entertaining, like they light up the room and everyone around them. They're witty and charming, and they also like to joke around sometimes. Sagittarius and air sign energy is prominent, also they may have nice thighs and legs. They're like a best friend even if you guys aren't whatever the situation may be, there's a sense of adventure and wildness to them. They might be the kind to hide their feelings behind jokes, or for some of you your crush may be afraid of showing the real them. They are a lot like you, you two may be similar or like similar things. Like you both are into something really weird and it's like "wait you like that too??" kind of thing.😇 They may be quirky in some way or just unique, very special person~ you can't help but smile around them. They may seem like a social butterfly and super outgoing or a lot of people just like them.
🧠What they think of you: Okay so I kinda feel like they may be into spirituality or tarot just to know more about you, like they're trying to see if you would like them for who they are or if you won't judge them because they're really afraid of rejection. They probably think of you alot and reflect on all the times you had together, because you're actually really unique to them as much as they are to you💫 For some of you your crush may be a bit freaky so they hide that from others, your opinion of them matters to them a lot. They want to hold your hand and think about it often. They may really want a relationship but they feel like they aren't good enough or like you two aren't compatible but honestly you two have so much in common and they don't really realize this so they just think you're gonna like see them as silly or immature, but of course if you truly love and accept them for who they really are then they'll honestly love you for that.
💌Messages from your crush: I would kill for you, I will die for you, (wow yandere vibes😳🙊) Why am I so addicted to you? Things didn't go as planned, The past is in the past, For now, I'll cheer for you, I'm desperate, Extra cards: Mean, Home, Swim, Emotions, Gap, Gemini, 5th house, Juno, Leo, Neptune
I hope you enjoyed your reading!!👏 If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the rainbow emoji🌈! Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Pile 2🌌
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Sign energy: Chest, Chemistry, Toy, Only one, Love letter, Mars, Pisces, Aquarius, Earth, 8th house, 💧👿🌏☄
💗Your crush's energy: Uh oh, this is a really deep and passionate person. This is someone who is really in touch with their pluto energy also a lot of mars and 8th house energy, they're like so alluring and very appealing physically as well as their mentality. They probably have a very artistic mind and also a really dark one, like they are really touchy and emotional so their mind is just 🌪⛈🔮🗡🥀👿 yeah that's definitely their vibe. This could be mirrored energy but they may be very spiritual or psychic, they just have a really deep aura about them. They may be far away, and everything they do feels mysterious. For some of you this is a real bad girl/bad boy kinda crush. They probably look really magical and have a very attractive mind. You may be addicted to this person, or like you can't stop thinking about them🤭😰 there's a lot of water energy in this pile (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and but also like really hot energy okay lol.
🧠What they think of you: Oh you wanna know?? They want you bad lol. They're kind of naughty ngl when it comes to you, there's a lot of chemistry between you two. They think you're the only one for them, literally no one else compares to you. They fantasize about you A LOT they really can't get enough of you, I mean they want to make you theirs🔗🖤 This may be a forbidden relationship that others don't want to approve of, but this person doesn't care because they want you. They just want your touch and they care so much about you, really romantic and sweet but they have this other side they want to show you too😈 Lol they're 100% obsessed with you, they love every second talking with you and the passion is through the roof honestly.
💌Messages from your crush: I've heard of you, I want to hold you tight, I deserve it, Why would I? You deserve me, It's the start of something new, This wasn't what I had in mind, Extra cards: Bad, Killer, Match, Clench, Diamond, Pluto, Sagittarius, Mercury, 11th house, Air (spicy🙊🖤)
I hope you enjoyed your reading~😉 If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the galaxy emoji🌌! Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💜
Pile 4💿
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Sign energy: Order, Psychic, Anger, Side effects, Pride, Sun, Vertex, Neptune, Jupiter, Water, 😡🍰👨‍🎤🧛‍♂️
💗Your crush's energy: I sense someone bold and fiery, theres some leo energy up in here but also getting some aries too~ Your crush is probably very outspoken or at least they seem pretty direct to others, they have a bright smile and very charismatic too. For some of you this person may have trouble controlling their anger, and they may act on impuslve. They might struggle with selfishness or ignoring their problems instead of dealing with them up front, they like attention especially romantically. They are fun loving and carefree, for some of you your crush may seem apathetic or unable to listen to others thoughts and feelings other than their own. But they do care for others, there is a certain amount of empathy they have. Your crush is talented, they have many hobbies and are very creative as well. Music may be significant, also they may like vintage or old style music. They could be a musician or singer. For some of you this may be a spiritually invested person, they may like candles or collecting gemstones. They're a very open person and they prefer to not keep secrets.
🧠What they think of you: You may have done something that bothers them, something about you gets them riled up. You agitate them and but also excite them, they keep coming back for more. For some your crush may pretend to hate you until they get closer to you, they actually like you. They may be confident in you liking them or may already know it, but they could use it to have the upper hand because they don't want to seem vulnerable. They may see you as bossy or controlling but secretly they find it endearing that you care for them. Your crush gets nervous when you enter their mind, They fantasize about moving to a far away land with you... just the two of you🛩🏝 They want you to pay attention to them and give them compliments. They must win your heart, they see you as sweet and fun. Part of them worries if they loose their temper and hurt you or your feelings, they feel anxious about this. They don't want to lose control of themselves, because you make them act on impulse. They want to be better for you, and they won't settle for anything less.
💌Messages from your crush: I can't wait to meet you, You seem so happy, Who cares what people think of us, They're jealous of you, Everyone had their secrets, When will you listen? I'm lost without you, Use your imagination Extra cards: Shoulders, Street, Shine, Wounds, Adventure, 7th house, 4th house, Moon, Mars, 5th house
I hope you enjoyed your reading <3 If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the disk emoji💿! Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr page for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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liaswills · 1 year
Pick a card: Does your crush like you back?
Today we are asking 4 seperate energies what they think of you! It's important to know that any pick a card's are general energies and some messages are resonant to your crush and others might just be for other people. Generally this is my first pick a card on Tumblr but I've been in the tarot community for longer than today, since 2017 I read tarot.
Disclaimer: I haven't used any tarot cards for this reading, ironically. I'm channelling the messages instead.
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Take a moment, I understand crushes on anyone can be mind whirling and obsessive at times. But well I'm here to feed your obsession, aren't I? I will take the opportunity to channel their messages so every reply is written in the voice of your crush (general) and I'll give all four groups some extra information too!
Pick one of these four sentences from my favourite tommy shelby quotes!
1. "Why not?" — Thomas Shelby
2. "Do I look like a man who wants a simple life?" — Thomas Shelby
3. “We used to come here; she’d wait for hours for me when I couldn’t make it. And I’d wait for her if her family kept her in.” — Thomas Shelby
4. “A man needs to prove he is better than me, rather than show me his birth certificate.” — Thomas Shelby
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All readings are channelled letters from your crush s/o. Hope you enjoy these and follow my account for more tarot posts!
Pile 1: "Why not?"
First of all this is a person that thinks softly of you. They have kind eyes, might be more of an effeminate person. May have a beard, or look like a gentle giant. I'm also getting blonde/brown hair or shoulder length blonde hair. They have dazzling eyes.
My darling,
I have never called you that before. But why not, eh? Or maybe I do enjoy calling you that in my mind. You are like a fond thought my mind wanders to when I am sitting in the train or my car. Or when I walk or am riding my bike. I think of you softly. I'm secretly afraid, that whilst I think of you softly, you don't think of me that way. I might just be a hopeless fool thinking you'd be interested in myself. Or perhaps I am not a fool?
I kind of want to do fun things together. Take it slow. There are some people I think of. Some other people that might be interesting to me as well. I know you didn't expect to hear that but I'm sometimes too stuck in my daydreams that I wished I was anyone's person. I just want to think of love. I like to imagine my closest friends think me an idiot everytime I say I met someone because how could they not? I sort of just 'love' being in love, right there, in my head.
Telling you how I feel makes me question whether it's worth it. Should I take that step to ask you how you're doing? To ask you whether you'd like to walk with me? Get an icecream? I don't know how to date to be honest. I read often, I just thought that thinking of you in my mind would be easier than thinking of you and I actually going someplace to do fun things together.
I specically like your legs, your smile, your hair. I think you look like my dream person. I may not smile in person, or I may not say these things in person, or I may not even let you know how HOT I think you are but you really are my type. I just don't know whether you'd think of me as 'your' type.
Sometimes I fantasize too much. I think it all out. Us, together, marriage, maybe even normal things like grocery shopping together or finding out what kind of candy you eat or don't eat. I kind of want to know how you live your life. I really admire how you come off to me as a person and I just think that we could 'be' something. If only my mind wasn't so easy to wander to other scenario's and people and friends who could possibly become my person too.
If you like me, just tell me. Right now. I beg of you. It would make my day. It would be recipocrated, I already have chosen you in my heart but I can't keep my mind collected. I can't stop thinking about work or about how busy I actually am when in truth, I just want to get to know you better.
Don't be sad. I don't want you to be sad. Was I an asshole? I never meant to be one. Trust me.
Do you trust me?
Yours Forever,
Your hopeless romantic
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Pile 2: "Do I look like a man who wants a simple life?"
This is someone who has dark features. Might have brown hair. They come off as someone who has dazzling green/hazel or brown eyes. They are HANDSOME. You think of them in a handsome light. Their dress style might enchant you daily. Everytime you receive pictures of them or see them you might just think highly of their aesthetic. They're giving stronger masculine vibes or someone who has a dominant personality.
Look I never meant to fall for you. I think my guides never saw 'me' falling for you. But I did. I was thrown into this abyss of feelings that I had long forgotten or long thought I could not feel anymore. I keep being disappointed in life but you have never disappointed me. I like that. I like that about you.
You and I talk or we don't. It's like that. I know it is. Because I keep you far away from me when I need time to make a decision. When I need to fix my shit. When I need to fix my issues. I have many of them. I don't need an angel like you to come into that mess. I don't want you to see a mess or see me as a mess. I need you to understand that I'm getting better. Really, I am. I thought I told you that, before, didn't I?
My life can never be just us. It's everything. It's mostly my family, my job, my friends. It's everything. I am always at the center of it and sometimes that makes me anxious. My friends drag me into shit you may not like. I might hurt your ideas about me when I do stuff like that, or I might be repugnant but it's just who I am, all right?
I can't be with someone who will hold me back. I am not saying you do this, but I hope that you will understand I don't really know how to be in a relationship that isn't going to end in destruction so I will put this lightly: don't give me the steer. I need you to say what you need to say and be as expressive as possible to keep me there with you. Maybe I like you, maybe I don't, I don't even know this myself.
See my guides want me to stop questioning my life. They want me to stop being such a fuck, maybe I do too. When I talk to you or when I think of you, I think of what of a redemption arc that would be for me? I know that sounds weird, but I think of how I could do 'right' by you.
So, technically, no, I don't want you to crush on me because I would not deserve you. But I also want you to be with me because I want to have you. Does that make me an asshole? I suppose it does.
Look, I know how to get you on your knees. I know how to kiss you, I'm experienced, I know. I know where to push your button, what to flirt, what to say, I do this naturally. It's like god gave me one gift and it's flirting without actually intending to flirt.
I get in a lot of trouble for that.
Like you for instance. You're my trouble. You're my death. You are the one person I can't get off my mind and it bothers me because I can't come forward to you and give you this sorry excuse of a person that I am right now. I really can't. Will you forgive me for not saying anything? If you ask me about my feelings, my love, I will most likely just ignore it or just be rude. I know, I can't have you.
You do NOT deserve me. I'm so sorry. I don't want you to want me, yet I do. Yet I thrive on it. Yet I am so sick that I would get off on it. I want you to want me, it's a game, alright? It's a game. I thrive on the thrill. I thrive on chasing. I thrive on flirting. This is a mad world and you're making it worse.
If you'd give me a chance, if by some miracle you'd be able to tame the fucktard that I am, would you be able to put up with my non-commital energy? Would you? See, you don't want this. I know you do.
My guides don't want this for you.
I'm sorry,
Your idiot.
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Pile 3: “We used to come here; she’d wait for hours for me when I couldn’t make it. And I’d wait for her if her family kept her in.”
Your person is very feminine. I see someone who is shy, gives off introverted vibes or might just be a person who doesn't express what's going on with them all the time. They have a hard time texting others first, they might wait on texts instead. I feel like they are someone who thinks fondly of you.
Mr/Mrs *insert your name*,
I didn't know it could feel like this. Ha, who would've thought that, ME of all people would like you like some childish crush, though, the child in me still dreams of my shining knight. Are you that person? My shining hero, you might think I read too much fantasy novels or that I'm too obsessed with that one band, haha, I know, I am. I may talk too much about my one interest because It's all I think of. It's where I want to be, want to dream of, it's where my mind wanders and what keeps me occupied. I know you're not like that, or maybe you are, but you don't show it that easily.
I do like you. There, I said it. I want to be polite. I want to court you properly, when I do gather the courage to actually do that. I feel like somehow you might be the one person for me. Therefore, I find you irresistable. Because of that connection between us. We might already be friends, or well, we hang around one another, but I think you and I could be something more.
It had to be you. It just had to be you. That's what Barbra Streisand sings in the song "It had to be you" with Michael Bublé. I am on a cloud. Because I dream too much, I might seem like I am zoning out at times. That's what you do to me. You make me zone out and dream of many things. Sometimes my mind wanders back to those idols though, haha, or my favourite celebrities or games or book characters. But it mostly is you.
I would like to tell you how you inspire me. I am not an artistic person, but if I was, I would draw you. I would paint you. I would want to paint your soul. Does that sound too weird? Probably. See, when I think of you, I think of how you would be the most perfect thing to be laying beside me. To be holding hands with as we walk through an autumn world forest, to get a hot drink with in the cold winter, to meet up with for lunch or dinner. I think of you kindly, admiring and I hope you don't think I'm coming off too strongly on you because yes, I recipocrate this crush you have on me.
Even if you're not sure if you crush on me, I would not mind. Technically, I'm yours. I want to be yours. I might not be too responsible sometimes, I might not take the lead in things but I promise you that I can do that if you allowed me the time to adjust to you, to being around you, and not just you in my head.
I could ramble on and on about you in my head. I don't have many friends and the people I talk to I do mention you. Sometimes when I see something that reminds me of you, like something I see in a store window and I am like, you would like that shit, I'm almost tempted to buy it as a gift. I like gift giving. But I am bad with receiving it. I would really like if we could give each other book or song recommendations, maybe exchange poems. I secretly would give you a poem that explains my feelings for you, not going to lie about that.
Yeah, that's what it is. I sometimes feel like I have no appetite. I don't want to eat when I think of you. I can't get my head straight some days. And then I just focus only on stories. Books. My interests. I would like to get to know your interests too. Sometimes I worry that I am not good enough for you. Or that you would not want me. It keeps me silent. Truly.
It's stupid, I know. I might not come from a good background. My family life was not something that brought me joy and that kept me in my books and my internal world. Or it was my school but I hope that you might want to be my family.
Or is that too much? I'll convince you of how great that would be. :)
Yours truly,
*insert their name*
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Pile 4: “A man needs to prove he is better than me, rather than show me his birth certificate.”
This is a soft masculine energy. He comes off hard on the outside. I am getting a definite 'he' but it could also be someone that is considered a butch energy, has macho energy or a person with very masculine energy. Technically it doesn't matter but this person has a message for you and it's coming. :) They're a bit mysterious.
My Destiny.
You feel like my destiny. You know I am a religious person, I think a certain way about life that might be philosophical, it might be faith, it just is my faith. I want you to know that when you're not around, I think of you as special. The song, I am a Creep, by radiohead, you like that one don't you?
Why do I have the feeling that you're after the bad guy. That you're after someone who looks dangerous, could be dangerous and that I would be that person for you. Why do you give me those eyes? That stare? That smirk? You're playing coy but I know that you fantasize about me like I am some devil in the sheets.
I really am not. *Snort*. Truly, you'll think of me less than that. Sometimes I worry that you think of me in a way where you're making this up. About me, information just gets distorted or you make something up in your mind that doesn't truly fit my personality. I would say that I don't mind you doing this, I think it's kind off cute. I think you're cute.
Some days, I wonder what you're doing. Only some days. Like those moments when it's night, you're sitting on the couch or in the tub and I am contemplating what to do now that my phone died (I might just be addicted to my phone) and I think of you in those moments of disconnect. I can watch the moon or I can look up at the nightsky and wonder if you're my person.
I like witches. Eh, did I say that? Yep. You're like a witch to me. Not in a bad way, more like in the way that "I know my girlfirend is a witch" vibe. You are mysterious to me. Something about you that I can't pinpoint my finger on. Something mysterious. It draws me in, but at the same time I don't want to be drawn in by you.
It's a push and pull with my feelings of my heart and my body and my mind. It's like this, I don't think you fit in my ordinairy life. You should do something with someone that fits your life. We might just be dating other people or you might feel unavailable emotionally to me, which is something I can't help but only you can, truly.
Still... I do think of you softly. In the quiet moments. My mind lingers on you. You're my favourite happy place where my thoughts can wander to. My favourite thing to relax, I don't know maybe your body is too. You know how I would love to relax with you, sweaty, together and being intimate in a way that makes you blush if I would ever talk about it nonchalantly in public day light.
I'd like to take you to a restaurant. You'd like that, huh? I know, I am smug when I think I know something about you but truly, i'm just a clueless fool wanting your attention when all but nothing you're just this goddess that could ruin me if you tried.
You don't even have to try, truly. I'm already broken, that's my secret.
I don't fear breaking my heart. So, if you do want to chase this? Chase me, darling.
I am ready.
But, let me say one more thing before I end this message. That dress, those trousers, that favourite clothing item you own, the one that looks comfortable, but isn't? Ehm, yeah, I have thought about you in that exact piece and eh- shamefully have fantasies about you wearing that fucking thing. Sorry, I get carried away when it's you, I really do.
You didn't expect this, did you? I know you think me the person you'd think is your type but you might need to re-arrange your expectations about me. I will disappoint you, I know that I will, I can't do nothing right in my life, why would I do right by you?
I sound like I hate myself. Perhaps I do.
Will you love me then, honey?
You know who I am.
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Thankyou for reading this pick a card! I hope the message resonates and that you're able to enjoy this little crush reveal or did not enjoy this crush disappointment. The energies were very different and some messages aren't entirely the same but take whatever resonates, not what doesn't, if your gut feeling says those words weren't from your crush or s/o then they're not.
All the love, elias.
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ash5monster01 · 7 months
ello love! (for ur val celebration) can u write rafe Cameron for #4!! maybe make it grumpy r x sunshine rafe?
The Perfect Day
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Valentines Celebration Prompt
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader
Warnings: grumpy reader x sunshine Rafe, fluff, confrontation, slight betrayal, language
4. You’ve always pretended you hate love to avoid getting hurt but then he stumbles upon a journal where he discovers you romanticize everything, including him.
word count: 1.6k
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Rafe was not used to being the upbeat friend with absolutely anyone. That was except for you. You were just as annoyed with the world as him if not more. So somehow he took on the job of making sure you keep an open mind on everything around you. When someone talked to loud on their phone he was the one to keep you from saying anything and when an old couple kissed on the beach he was the one to remove to scowl on your face. He wasn’t sure whatever made you see the worst in everything and everyone but he knew you deserved more. You deserved hope. So even though he had been tainted by the world himself he still wanted to make sure it was a good place for you.
Which is why most of his weekends are spent taking you on small adventures, trying his best to get you to see the beauty in the world. So just like every Friday night he sits on your bed and waits for you to finish your shower so you could start off the weekend together. Other than today he was extremely bored. His phone had died and your bedside charger hadn’t quite brought it to life yet and he didn’t know what to do with himself. Which probably explains why his hand reached to pull your bedside drawer open.
Of all the things he expected to find in there the last was a diary. You hated everyone and everything. There was almost no practical reason for you to ever have an item intended to romanticize the life around you. And yet, leather bound and all is a dainty pink journal that has clearly been touched everyday. He doesn’t want to open it, but the more he stares the more he realizes he can’t even picture you lying here in bed at night and spilling every thought you had in the journal. So he opens it to prove himself wrong.
Today was a perfect day. Not only did Rafe make the most perfect fluffy pancakes for breakfast but he used strawberries to add a smiley face to them. He’s so good like that. Taking such small gestures and making them resonate within your entire being. I told him I wasn’t a child the whole time but secretly I loved it. It was adorable to think of him standing in my kitchen, smiling to himself as he crafted a perfect smiley face just to put a smile on mine. I could barely eat my pancake. I just watched and appreciated him. He hums while he eats, no particular tune but I never want to forget it. It’s my favorite song. I also love the way his nose scrunches when I make him laugh. It’s the cutest wrinkle that makes me wish I could smooth it out with my thumb every time. People are always so worried about getting laugh lines when they’re older but they’d look so handsome on Rafe. A constant reminder of all the times he saw me for me and accepted who I was. I hope I get to see those laugh lines for the rest of my life and be reminded I was the one who put them there. No one else deserving of the radiance that is Rafe Cameron. He makes every day a perfect day.
“What are you doing?” your voice startles him, the journal flipping from his hands and landing to the ground on the side of your bed with a thud.
“I- uh. My phone died, and I was just-. I thought you’d have a book or something” the excuse is weak and his stutter confirms his lie even more. Your hair is damp over your shoulders, more than likely soaking the black fabric of the small shirt you have on.
“I have a whole shelf over there, this is private” your words are sharp as you move to grab the journal from where he had lost it. He watches as you lift it up only to discover the pages he was on. Your eyes move fast across the page and then dart up at him quickly. “Did you read this?”
“Um, I uh-“ but your standing and hugging the notebook that just revealed you are so much more than a girl that’s hates the world but a girl that’s in love with it for all the things that make it beautiful. Including your relationship with him.
“Oh my God you read it” and now you’re pacing, unsure if you should fight off tears or the panic that’s lodged its way into your throat and is making you sick.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s no big deal” Rafe is scrambling off the bed, grabbing your shoulders to ensure you stop pacing.
“It is a big deal Rafe, this is humiliating. These are my private thoughts” you tell him, a bit exasperated to even be in this predicament right now.
“I know but I thought your private thoughts would be more along the lines of ‘not only did Rafe wake me up early for a surprise breakfast but he put a smiley face on my pancake like a kid. Mornings suck and smiles are for ignorant children’” and you hate that he knows you so well, or at least the person you hid behind. A girl can only wear her heart on her sleeve so much before it finally gets torn apart.
“Ugh, you really did read it” you groan out, moving to sit on the end of your bed and Rafe lightly chuckles, still filled with shock over his discovery and attraction towards you. It must be that adorable pout.
“Yes, but it’s not a big deal. I thought it was sweet” he says sitting beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Ew, do not call me sweet” you groan and a laugh bellows out of him.
“Oh please, you love it. And me too apparently” and now your face is as red as a firetruck because Rafe knows everything. That you really don’t hate the world around you.
“I can’t even deny it anymore” and now that you weren’t entirely embarrassed and owning up to the situation, Rafe feels the seriousness hit him like a wave. Suddenly his arm is wrapped around a girl he’s liked for a long time and never thought would like him back. Yet now he knew that she did.
“If it helps, I like you too. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be making you pancakes early in the morning” he tells you, body nudging into your own, and you lightly laugh. You always assumed that your love for Rafe would be hidden by your hate for everything but now that the truth was out it made sense that it didn’t. Secrets never stay secrets for long.
“You still shouldn’t have found out that way” you say lifting the journal in your arms and he smiles softly at you.
“Can I ask why you pretend so much?” Rafe asks after a beat and you sigh, turning to face him which makes his arm fall off your shoulder. He watches as you finally release the journal on your bed and he knows you’re ready to open up.
“A girl can only wear her heart on her sleeve for so long until it becomes ruined. When you expose things to people, put them out there in the real world, they’ll always come back a little less perfect than before. I was tired of getting hurt and if you already assume the worst there is no chance of ever breaking down” you tell him, knowing how silly it sounds. To pretend to be so mean and vile towards everyone and everything when in reality all you ever wanted to do was love.
“I can understand that” Rafe says, thinking of all the times his own father had tainted his heart when growing up. Why Rafe was willing to do anything to get his Dad to love him. See him as something good, just like Sarah.
“I didn’t mean to lie, I just thought if you knew how I felt you would hurt me too” you say and Rafe sighs before scooting closer, hating that you had put distance between you both.
“Honey, I hate everyone and everything except for you. You should’ve known everytime I cheered you up and made pancakes at the ass crack of dawn was because I liked you” he says and the laugh that bubbles past your lips makes Rafe’s heart soar.
“I suppose you’re right, I guess I just couldn’t take my chances” you say and Rafe is grinning, hands wrapping around your hips, and pulling you flush against him.
“I’m going to kiss you now” he tells you and your heart doubles in speed as your eyes glance into his own. Rafe smiles briefly before ducking close and nudging his nose against your own. When your lips part for him he quickly seals against you. A soft hum of delight somehow finds its way from your throat and it has Rafe squeezing you closer as his tongue dips into your mouth. Once you’ve been kissed dizzy he pulls away, eyes glossed over as he looks back at his perfect girl.
“I was right” you say as he glances at your face, lips swollen from your own.
“Yeah, about what?” he asks with a teasing tone to his voice and you wrap your hands around his neck, grinning widely at him.
“You make every day a perfect day”
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bridgetoesoteria · 8 months
☕👀Messy Tarot: Who wishes they could be you?
Ever wondered if you had your very own Stan? Well, now you get to know that and more for the very low price of "picking a picture and scrolling down to your pileee" *cue Price is Right song*
Left to right as per us. See you at your pile. May the odds ever be in your favor (aka I hope it resonates lol).
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I am using multiple decks so I won't be listing the cards like usual.
**TW: Substance use/abuse**
Pile 1
Off the bat: You may be aware of this person already. For some of you it is a blonde woman or man. They feel a little shady like they aren't fully trustworthy. Like the kind of person to be secretly competing with you and trying to sabotage you. You could work or go to school together.
Who wishes they could be you?
I am getting a lot of masculine energy from the first few cards I've pulled. I'm saying this because I pulled the King of Wands, the King of Swords is a few cards under the bottom of the deck, and a lot of the other cards have guys on them.
This person feels kind of bitter. This could be a scorned lover of some kind like either your ex or the person you are with's ex. I also think this person could have a bit of a temper or be quite defensive and have a fragile ego. You may have had an argument with them. I'm already getting some of the "why" but I'm still trying to describe who they are lol.
This is so weird lol. Like...the question is who wishes they could be you, not be with you, and yet I'm getting heavy ex energy. If this isn't an ex, this is someone that feels rejected by you in some way. Do people really date and person and wish to be them? I've never heard of that but I have heard of partner's who are jealous of the other partner's success and other things.
For some of you, this could be someone that envies your dating life. So in some way, they would be aware of what is going on in your love life. You could be confiding in them or they could be in a position that allows them to "eavesdrop." For example, they could be in the next cubicle over and listen when you and a coworker gossip, they could follow your social media, or they could be part of your friend group.
Finally, this could be someone that is either actively trying to get you to reconcile with them or they are trying to manifest that. They really want to reach out to you and if they haven't, its because of their stubbornness.
I pulled some cards from a nontarot deck I got from amazon and 💀.
"If you could be in a one-sided relationship, would you?"
I don't know why that one is sending me but it was on the bottom of the deck and I just could not. Like what did y'all do to this person. They feel salty and scorned af lol. Cause wtf kind of question is that. Or on the other hand, this could be what they tried to do with you. I did pull the King of Wands which can be a manipulative, man hoeish type.
So when I mentioned that I was already getting a "why," this is kind of what I was picking up on. These cards are repeating it more clearly. One, I still think this person envies how you are able to date and move about socially. You could be outspoken and passionate and they wish they were that bold. Also, if this is an ex, its not so much that they want to be you, its more like they want to be in control of you. Like say they did propose some bs like the above, "hey babe, why don't you be monogamous with me, while I run the streets?😃" You may have peaced out and now they wish they could get inside your head and be able to influence your decisions. Think of like transformers or something, where you can just hop in a robot and move it around. For the record, I think this is fucked. No one should be anyone's puppet so if you recognize this person, you def made the right choice when you rejected them.
For others, you could be really good with animals and envy that. Say you are a vet or volunteer and a shelter and you seem to just be such a natural. I'm definitely picking up the energy of somebody that envies your work ethic and material success. I also keep hearing "you're solid." So you could have a pretty stable life in some way. Maybe a good family background, a supportive social circle, and financial security. I think even if you did fall on hard times, you would bounce back. This person wishes they had the same. You may also travel a lot. They really admire that. I think this person really just wants your life. This particular energy doesn't feel as malicious, more kind of sad. Its this kind of vibe:
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Last but not least, I am also getting that they want to be like you because of how much you love yourself. You have strong boundaries and self-respect. Other people probably respect you as well. You are confident and you choose happiness and peace.
TL;DR: This could be a salty ex, someone that feels rejected by you, or a person that is observing your life/love life. The ex or rejected person is a control freak that wants to "be" you just so they can turn you into a yesman. They want to be able to control your decision making. The other people envy your life, your success, and your self love. From the outside, it seems like you have all the things most people dream of.
Pile 2
Off the bat: Either you or this person could be a busy bee. You are always on the go with a ton of things on your to-do list. Some of you could be this jumpy and hyperactive because of a mental illness, specifically I'm getting OCD, anxiety, or ADD/ADHD. This could be someone that is uptight and tends to be very curt when you speak to them. They could hold a high position like an executive director, principal, or supervisor. For others, this is younger person, may adolescent up to early 20s.
And this is so weird but for some of you...this could literally be your therapist or possibly your client.
Who wishes they could be you?
This could be someone who, in some way, is on the opposite side of whatever your current life experience is. Specifically, they could be experiencing a breakup or divorce while you are still in a relationship or you are happily single. If they are single, I don't think they are happy like that. They could be quite standoffish.
I feel the last piles energy coming through and uh uh lol nope.
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But speaking of the last pile, this could be that one energy I was getting of someone that is observing their love life. It feels like that. Maybe this person has a partner that does not respect them or their boundaries.
For some of you this episode of Bob's Burgers could be significant. Gene dresses up as Bob, after Linda compares the two of them. He has a "mid-childhood crisis." He worries about turning into his dad. So for some of you this could be someone that is under you in some way and expected to "become" you. So it could be a person that gets compared to you often, your child or younger sibling, a more junior colleague.
This person could have gone through some kind of loss or betrayal recently. For a very small amount of you, they think you took their person or they were trying to do that to you.
This mistress story line is popping back up. So this person could want to be you in order to have whoever your with. Whether they are the current or ex partner or they are a wannabe third party.
This could also be someone that feels like you have the affection of some that hates them. I think they may need to work on their self-esteem because why would you seek approval from a person who isn't nice to you. So they could be kind of broken and need to work on themselves. They could wish they had your luck or your ability to move on and be resilient.
This person could feel like you are more interesting and that you live a more interesting life. Some of them envy your youth, because they feel like you have more options that they do. This could be talking about love but it could also talk about opportunities. Going back to the executive energy that came through. Say you are a young professional so maybe you recently graduated from college or grad school. You start a new company. This would be a higher up that could feel kind of complacent in their position, have a marriage that is falling apart, and they look at you as having less that is holding you back. You could easily up and leave this job, you may even be able to choose a whole new career path without greatly upsetting your life. They could see a lot of people flirting with you or just generally flocking to you.
This person tries not to compare themselves to you but they can't help it. I think they are just in a bad place in their life and look at you wistfully and imagine how much better it must be. They could say positive affirmations and try to build themselves up. They may even attend counseling. They could bring you up a lot.
TL;DR: This is someone who is going through a rough patch in their life and looks at you life and imagines that it is much better than theirs. People like you better, you have more opportunities, you have more freedom. Its like you are living an alternate reality from their perspective. I do think they are working on healing themselves but they still have a long way to go. They try not to sabotage their process by comparing themselves to you but they can't help.
Pile 3
Off the bat: Ooo this much lighter energy than the previous piles. I immediately got a goofball/class clown energy. This person could also be a stoner. I am getting boyish energy like a tomboy, an adolescent male, or a childhood friend. Some of you may have rode bikes with this person before. So maybe you grew up on the same street or your parents were friends. Could also be a cousin. I'm just feeling happier and happier, like I smoked but I didn't lol so I know its not me. So they could make you happy or you could make each other happy. They could come have a sad family history
Who wishes they could be you?
So you may have had to cut this person off. You may have grown up together but gone down two different paths in life and you drifted apart. I think they envy your family life or something about your foundation. They could seem to be unlucky. They could get into a lot of legal trouble. They could struggle with some form of addiction or mental illness.
You could know them to always be in the center of some kind of drama. They could instigate fights or be someone that has a hard time walking away from an argument. The sort of person who can't ignore when someone brushes past them in the club. They can't just let it go, they have to confront the person. It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or just because its packed.
They are not respectful and could have a sharp, critical tongue. You may not trust them. People could find them untrustworthy. They may not even trust themselves tbh. For others, this person isn't that toxic. They may have made bad decision but they are trying to get back on their feet. People may have given up on them but I don't think they wanted it to be that way. They may struggle with maintaining progress.
I do think this could be family. You could have them on Facebook. Specifically, I am getting father, grandfather, a mother (so doesn't have to be your mom but they have kids), a female cousin. They could have gone away for some time to get better. For example, going on a social media detox, going to rehab, going to a women's shelter. If this is father figure or patriarch, they are quite overbearing. Probably more traditional and chauvinistic. If this is a female cousin, this person could have to deal with a rigid, or traditional family or society.
I'm hearing songs from the Little Mermaid. So I don't every one of these people have bad feelings towards you. I think they just think you have more freedom and fun than them. I am specifically getting for some of you, you could be of South Asian descent. You or your family may have relocated to a North American or European country. This could be a family member that has you on social media. They could see you doing things that they are not allowed to do where they are. If you don't resonate with some of your family being overseas, this could be that your cousins parents are strict but your parents are more lax.
You may have already figured this out because of the last pile, but this person could wish their lives were on track like yours. They could wish they had made better choices when they were younger, or sometime in the past, so they could be a different person now.
This person really admires you. They find you fearless and unstoppable. If you did struggle with something like an addiction, eating disorder, or something else, you may overcame it. This could also be someone that you are "sponsoring," I think that's what its called. You know how in support groups, you take someone new under your wing?
They could think you are really beautiful inside out. If you post pictures, you always look good. You always seem to be glowing. You have a definite lust for life. Word to Lana
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TL;DR: This could be someone you grew up with or a family member. This could be friend that has faced a lot of challenges. This could be a family member who has to deal with much more restrictive societal expectations. This person mostly feels like they really admire you. You are a forced to be reckoned with. You are everything they wish they could be. They want to be able to overcome challenges and be powerful like you. They also think you are gorgeous and have the best social media page.
Pile 4
Off the bat: I felt the need to play the Bing Bong remix with Sexyy Red. So I feel like this person be a little ratchet lol. Or they could be a rapper or musician of some kind. If this isn't them, it could be describing you. They could be a stripper, camgirl or city girl type. I do think this person is fun too. They have a quiet strength to them. This could also be someone's baby momma.
Who wishes they could be you?
This could be multiple feminine energies or women. Its reminding me of this messyyy ass situation I was in irl lolz. So you could be have been with someone that was a player. You may or may not have known that about them. I guess some of you could still be with this person. I don't think its them that wishes they were you. I think its the people they were talking to simultaneously that wish they were you.
There is one person who is coming through stronger than the others. There could be a specific ex that you know does not like you. They could have wanted to built something with this person.
I think this is a person who works in some kind of piscean sort of field. They are selling dreams/fantasies in some way. They could be a fashion designer or artists. They could be some kind of sex worker. They could work in nightlife as a promoter or bartender. They could sell goodies bags *wink wink*.
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They could have involvement with the law or be going through a custody battle. You could have exchanged words through text or over social media. You may not be speaking right now. They may have tried to contact you or they want to extend an olive branch. I'm not sure why I am picking up on attraction. It does feel like a feminine energy. If you are a girl then this would be a girl that's high key obsessed with you and doesn't know if they want to be you or be with you.
For those of you who were resonating with the baby mama drama storyline, they think if they were you, then they could have their family back. Like that would be the cheatcode for fixing the third party situation. I'm not sure if it even is a true third party situation anymore or if it ever was. Your partner could have totally moved on from them and this person won't fully grieve the ending of their relationship. So its definitely giving delulu...
For the people resonating with the same sex story line, may not realize that they are attracted to you. Even if they do, they may be trying to keep that to themselves. They think you are cool. It feels like a combination of admiration and infatuation. Some of them wish they could have your life. Not in a creepy way, unless you know this person is weird. But its more like, they would like to be "cookie cutter" perfect. They mean that in the best way. They want to be conventionally attractive, have a perfect family, have a socially acceptable sexuality, be talented and well liked. You may not interact with this person much because, one, it feels like they kind of blend into the background or like they are on the periphery of your social circle. Two, no one's life is picture perfect like this. Unless they are just someone who struggles with idolizing people, they must not be close enough to you to see the flaws.
On the flipside, you could be viewing someone else like this. You could think they have it all together but really they wish they could stop caring about the shackles that bind them. They want to be free and to explore something else.
This person also wishes they were you because they think you are more loveable than them. If they were you they would feel more worthy and deserving of love. Especially, unconditional love. So they may struggle to forgive themselves for past decisions. Being you would give them a clean slate.
TL;DR: This could be your current or past partner's ex. They may have had children together. This person could work in nightlife, sex work, or something that you don't exactly report on your taxes iykwim. They could also be an artist of some kind. Lastly, they may be someone who is observing your life. They aren't close enough to you to see the imperfections. So they have a much more idealized view of who you are. They believe that being you would allow them to have a clean slate and the perfect life.
Pile 5
Off the bat: You could have a lot of self-discipline. This could be someone that lacks that. This could be a previous workout buddy or accountability partner of some sort. You could be in college or have known them in college. Winter could be a significant season. Someone's name could be Jason. If you play sports this could be someone else that plays sports, they could be on a rival team also.
Who wishes they could be you?
There could be something notable about the way this person smells. They could be toxic or attracted to toxic people. They could be obsessed with gaining approval from the opposite sex. So maybe you know them to be kind of a pickme, a simp, or a little thirsty. If this is a girl, she could be insecure and view other women as competitors.
This person probably uses unhealthy coping mechanisms to process their emotions. They could be a cheerleader or someone who tries to come across bubbly. They feel like they have to earn love. Again, I don't think they choose the healthiest partnerships. They could care a lot about their outer appearance. So, they could be kind of vain or hypercritical.
I think this person is apart of your social group. I think you know this person and may interact with them often. They kind of give me mean girl vibes. They could have been cut off by you or others for playing dirty. They could throw people under the bus, "steal" boyfriends, and/or say nasty things about others. Even if this is a guy, they could behave in a similar manner. Whoever they are, they are not all the way trustworthy. I wouldn't trust them at all just going off this energy.
I'm also being reminded of this girl I went to high school with. She had the same vibe. Kind of vain, a mean girl, always talking to a guy. I always felt like there was something off about her but she was "popular," so everyone was kind of dismissive about that. Well, later, my sister ends up befriending her sister and I find out that she is actually a diagnosed sociopath... So yeah, maybe that resonates. She also was bipolar. So this person could possibly struggle with their mental health and/or their ability to empathize with others.
I think they respect you as a "competitor." You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. But its more like, you join them. If they could get you to join their clique and be a follower of theirs, it would make them so happy. It would really validate them. It kind of reminds me of one of the other piles. That person did not necessarily want to be that person, they wanted to be in control of them. I'm kind of getting the same vibe here. If they could get in your head, they could either take credit for your successes or they could get you to self-sabotage. Like they are kind of plotting on you.
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There could be something about them wanting your romantic option(s). If there was some kind of drama, you may have come out on the winning side. This person really feels like they don't like you. They envy the things you have and see becoming you as a shortcut. They could even consider adopting some of your traits. If they are trying to get into your good graces, I think they may actually be trying to get at your partner.
You could have more opportunities in life than this person. Or they think you have better opportunities. Like they may have a "grass is greener on the other side" view of your life. For some of you this person may have no real reason to envy your life, they just aren't grateful for what they have. For others, they don't want to work to achieve those things (going back to the former accountability partner). They also think you have more people that love you for you. You are a trendsetter.
TL;DR: This could be someone that is a mean girl type. They could be a former gym buddy or accountability partner. They could also be an athlete or a player on a rival team. This person chases approval of the opposite gender and may be willing to betray others to get it. They envy the opportunities you have in life and love. They could want your partner. They wish people loved them, the way they love you.
The next reading I'll post will be the last one on the poll, "Toxicity: What would have happened if you stayed?" That reading will be great for anyone that is second guessing walking away from a situation.
~ K
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bijoutarot · 9 months
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Their Secret Thoughts About You January 2024
Pick An Image
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Image 1
Image 1 this person has been holding in how much they want to find the right partner. This person may have a different persona among their friends. I sense that this person has been trying to impress or fit in with their friend group by saying and doing certain things to look cool. Deep down they want to settle down. They are looking for certain values and qualities in their partner that would make them stand out compared to everyone else. Although this person has been dating they have yet to find what they are looking for in one person. One person may have the looks while the other may have the personality and so on. I see that this person is very patient. They want to make sure they get it right this time around. 2024 this secret will be revealed. They want the world to know that they are growing out of that non committal stage.
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Image 2
This person wants to let go of a toxic person from their past. Even though they have been guilt tripped into having a conversation to have closure they have yet to see any reason to get back with this person. This decision is life changing because this person was in and out of their lives. They are ready to close that chapter and leave it alone completely. Secretly this person has been ready to let go for quite some time and it has been frustrating to keep arguing with their ex. This person secretly fell out of love with their ex while they were still together. They stayed because they were not ready to tell their family and friends.
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Image 3
Someone in your environment is feeling a way about your growth. Throughout 2023 you have been through a serious of ups and downs yet you are here stronger than ever. You have created a world for yourself where you are manifesting and evolving. This person in the beginning was feeling happy for you until you were evolving “too much.” They have been making shady comments for a while which is raising a red flag for you. In 2024 you want real people in your corner who are going to love and support you. Even when you made mistakes you did not let it hold you back from getting the job done. Some of you started businesses that has not been as successful in its first year as you’d hope. Don’t give up. Instead head back to the drawing board and find another way.
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Image 4
Image 4 someone is ready to make things work with you. Since you guys took a break things have been happening to them in their lives that they can’t explain. Everything seems to be going wrong and they don’t have the support they used to have from you anymore. They are starting to see how much of an impact you made in their lives not that you have distanced yourself. When you walked away they have realized that you are going to be a good parent, spouse, life partner, travel buddy, etc. This person is seeing your value for the first time.
Which reading resonates?
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weirdkpopgirl · 10 months
To Love | Jaemin Imagine #9
Title: To Love
Genre: Fluff (?)
Warnings: a little suggestive, making out
Word Count: 715
Author's Note: I've never been in love before. But whenever Na Jaemin pops into my head (which is a regular occurrence), I associate him with love. He's so sweet, considerate, and sincere. The list goes on, but I'll stop my fangirling here. I hope you guys like this short story. Thank you for reading ^ ^
The gentle glow of the lights enhanced the serenity of the room. Seated on the bed, you traced delicate patterns on your boyfriend’s back with your fingertips. Few words were exchanged between the two of you, opting to appreciate the stillness of the moment.
The only discernible sounds were the gentle scratches against the canvas of his exposed back, and occasionally accompanied by sighs of relief from him.
“You’re so tense,” you murmured, as your nails glided over the knots beneath his muscles. Though you couldn’t see his face, the warmth of a small smile resonated in his voice. 
“Thankfully, I have you to take care of me,” he said, earning a chuckle from you.
Despite the lightheartedness in his tone, Jaemin meant what he said. Being a motherly figure in his group, he was accustomed to looking after others. However, only a select few in his life allowed him to be on the receiving end. And you happened to be one of those individuals.
On a day full of long dance practices and recording sessions, your touch was exactly what Jaemin needed. His eyes were closed, and he let out another content sigh, appreciating the luxury of being cared for. In that moment, he could feel the weight of his exhaustion and stress dissipate with each stroke. 
As your nails continued their gentle path along his back, Jaemin found himself swept away by the depth of his emotions for you. As someone who loved passionately, he realized that his fondness for you was immeasurable.
Unable to dwell in his thoughts any longer, Jaemin shifted his focus. You were caught off guard as his warm hand wrapped around your wrist and swiftly pulled you into his lap. His other hand cupped half of your face, and his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that spoke volumes.
“I love you,” he whispered in a low, almost husky voice. 
While Jaemin told you those three words daily, tonight they carried a vulnerability that stirred the same swirl of emotions he was feeling within you. You didn’t even need to say it back, the look in your eyes was all he needed for reassurance. The next thing you knew, his lips were meeting yours in a slow, deliberate kiss. The connection between you two was like a magnetic force, drawing you closer to each other. 
Your hands found their way to Jaemin’s shoulders, grasping onto the fabric of his shirt. Simultaneously, he continued to cradle your face, gently lifting your chin at the perfect angle to deepen the kiss. As your lips pressed onto his, a tingling sensation spread through him, the softness of your touch leaving a warmth that permeated every nerve in his body. Emotions surfaced like waves crashing against the shore, adding to the intimacy of the moment.
Every kiss shared with Jaemin held a special place in your heart. Yet, you secretly loved how this particular one seemed to just go on and on. It almost felt as if time had momentarily froze just for the two of you.
If it weren’t for the necessity of breathing, you and Jaemin might never have pulled away. Reluctantly, you placed a hand on his chest, gently breaking the kiss. Both of you were teary-eyed, overwhelmed by the overflowing love you had for one another. The emotion was so intense that it bordered on pain. You hadn't known it was possible to feel this way for a person until now.
Jaemin’s eyes remained locked on yours intently, his thumb gently brushing over your cheek, sending a slight shiver down your spine. He couldn’t resist a playful grin as he joked, “Maybe we should just get married already.”
You would have laughed if you hadn’t caught the hint of sincerity beneath his humor. Moving your arms to wrap around his neck, and softly replied, “Maybe we should.”
Your response caused the smile on his face to widen. Jaemin tightened his embrace, holding you close, as if savoring the moment. Resting his forehead against yours, he pressed another lingering kiss to your lips. The air between you two crackled with a quiet understanding, and a promised future together felt closer than ever. If this is what it meant to love, you fully intended to treasure it forever.
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gothicbarbie · 9 months
So I guess I'm a little late considering it's now 2024 in most places, but well, better late than never. I tried and failed to rank top 20 or even 10 kisses... I just couldn't remember them all or even choose... but most of my top couples have some pretty great kisses, so at least there's that! I can, however, rank my favorite BL pairings from 2023, so... let's do it! I will be ranking these from least favorite to favorite because I think it's more fun that way... Also I credited all the gif makers at the bottom but I did list the tumblr user for each specific gif underneath. If someone wants me to remove their gif, please let me know and I will so! I just wanted to pretty up the post a bit.
Also, to clarify, any couple on a show that is currently airing and not complete yet is not eligible to be on the list for 2023. Trust me, there were many I wanted to include!
Honorary Mentions:
Tinn & Gun | My School President
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So, spoiler, a different GeminiFourth pairing will be on the actual top 10 so I didn't really want to include both pairings on the list, but I really did love the two of them in My School President. G/F just have such a wonderful and natural chemistry. The way they always look at each other just feels so pure and sweet. I really like pairings where one is secretly pining for the other, but Tinn/Gun also sorta had a hate/love ISH thing going for a little while. The progression of their relationship to actual boyfriends was just so fun to watch and really well done.
Dong Wook & Do Hyun | A Breeze of Love
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I watched this BL so quickly that it didn't really resonate with me as well as some other series, which is why these two didn't make the top 10, however, I really enjoyed their relationship on the show. I love hate to love pairings and I found their backstory scenes really sweet as well. I also thought they had a really nice chemistry and there were some strong kissing moments for a kbl.
Jihan & Jaejun | City Boy Log
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I didn't include these two on the main list for two reasons, one: the show is not over yet... i don't think? and two: this technically isn't a BL drama? IDK anymore, but regardless I love this series and this couple so dang much! I love the realness of them filming themselves and how their relationship is portrayed so subtly until their feelings just sort of emerge. They have some really wonderful and special scenes or moments together that we don't typically get on other series. I am anxious to see where the rest of the story goes and I hope the actors get another opportunity to work together. The side pairing is great too!
Top 10!
#10. Ai & Songkhram | Destiny Seeker
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These two were so damn fun to watch, I really loved the hate to love thing at the start that quickly turned into love (Or I guess always sort of was???). The actors had such a great chemistry together and they had so many fun little moments and bantery scenes together. While the rest of the series felt a little flat for me, their connection continuously kept me interested.
#09. Ze Rui & Zong Yi | Kiseki Dear to Me
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Honestly don't even know what to write about these two or how to explain why I like them, because there wasn't anything particularly special about their dynamic that typically draws me in, but I just really enjoyed the actors chemistry together and I really liked the progression of their relationship and how well they meshed together. Their kissing was extremely natural too.
#08. King & Eua | Bed Friend
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Firstly, these two are HOT AF, and I really loved the friends with benefits storyline between these two, but more than that, we have a perfect character imo with King, who was continuously there for Eua and always trying to help him and make him understand how much he really cared. The show could be very dark at times but I love that King was always sort of the shining light for Eua.
#07. Segaski & Yoh | My Personal Weatherman
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I can admit that the big draw to this show for me originally was the sexy scenes and moments, and while I do think the series could have done with some more scenery changes and better storylines, considering the time frame, I enjoyed watching the relationship between the two characters develop. It's nice to get a friends with benefits type of relationship and see how it progresses into more than that. And for a JBL it was nice to see some high heat with a happy ending.
#06. Su Yu & Wu Bi | Stay With Me
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SIGH. THESE TWO. So I mean, I understand the criticism of this show and their relationship. So many things are implied but personally I felt like the end half made it pretty clear that these two were 100% a romantic couple. (just wish it was clarified when that change happened) But the progression of their relationship from hate to love was so beautiful to watch. Even if it was just a friendship it was worth it imo to see how close they got. Fair warning, the finale episode is not the best lmao, but I hope we get a second season to sort of fix it? Fingers crossed on that one.
#05. Wan & Ki Tae | Our Dating Sim
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This was definitely one of the cutest BL's of the year and this couple falls into that category well too. I really loved seeing them re-connect. I love that they were old best friends (with feelings) that had a lot of issues to sort through and we saw some adorable flashback scenes as well as current scenes. I also love that they got together and were mostly happy instead of having a lot of intense drama.
#04. Li Ming & Heart | Moonlight Chicken
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These two... so much to say about them and yet I don't really know where to start. Gemini and Fourth just work so well together and I felt like this duo was even deeper than in MSP. They started out on bad terms but quickly became close and I really loved the progression of their relationship and then I adored how we also got to see them together as a couple too. My favorite thing about them was how hard Li Ming worked to try to understand Heart and how he learned sign language for him and encouraged him to get to know others like him and to put himself out there. They also had such a fun banter with playful moments and scenes. It was just so damn pure and sweet to watch with no unnecessary or stupid fillery drama.
#03. Jae Won and Ji Hyun | The Eighth Sense
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Something about this pairing just felt so much different than the typical KBL pairing. The show itself was so much deeper and had a more serious tone than we typically get, which was amazing. The actors nailed the roles and you could really feel the tension and longing between them right from the beginning. I loved their storyline so much and the actors seemed so comfortable together.
#02. Yamato & Kakeru | I Cannot Reach You
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This was one of my favorite BL's of the year and their relationship was a huge part of it. I thought I was more into hate to love, but clearly, based on this list, that isn't always the case. There is something so sweet and adorable about best friends turned to lovers. I really love too when we see one side pining for the other, so this couple was extremely enjoyable to watch!
#01. Chen Yi & Ai Di | Kiseki Dear To Me
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Good Lord these two... they had the perfect formula for my favorite type of pairing. Hate to love, drama, tension, angst, one-sided pining... it was so painful to have to wait every week for more. But god, it was worth the wait and their chemistry was just so good, their kisses were phenomenal too. Def. a memorable pair and a show I will be rewatching very soon!
THANK YOU to all these wonderful humans for making the most amazing gifs that I used in this post!
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crystaldivination · 2 years
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‹ 𝑃𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑎 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑 › ♥︎ 𝑂ℎ… 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢
⤷ Valentine’s special ⁀➷ ⤶
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Hello beautiful souls ♡︎ it’s been a while. I’ve planned to go after my pick a card schedule but since it’s Valentines’ Day 💌💘 I decided to squeeze this in between. For those who have already found their other half I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. Make romantic and beautiful memories with your lover. As for my single souls who is looking and waiting for love especially on this day, don’t worry because there is someone waiting somewhere out there for you already. When the time is right they’ll show up. For now we can find other way to celebrate love that doesn’t involve romance right? I hope you get to spend time with your loved ones on this day and do something fun. Have a beautiful time for yourselves. You deserve it ❣︎
That to be said, I hope to provide you with some lovely messages from the person of your mind or anyone who is thinking about you with this intuitive pick a card reading. In this reading we will be looking at who is secretly having feelings for you and how they feel about you. Check out the 2nd part of this Valentine’s edition here.
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How to choose a pile? Take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Trust your intuition to pick your pile.
The piles ┊
left ➜ right
Disclaimer ┊this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn’t. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
"Oh tell me if there is anyone like her. No, there is no one like her."
This person might be someone you know or someone near your orbit. They seem to believe there is a connection between you both right before seeing or meeting you. Love at first sight. They feel something unexplainable when it comes to you. They find you captivating and attractive, not to be said, very intelligent. In their eyes you embody the person of both beauty and brain. You actually are. They are very romantic and a dreamer. They’d want you to notice them if you haven’t already. For some I guess this might be a crush who is too shy to approach you and just like to observe you from afar. They like to fantasize about you and how it’d be like if you guys were together. I heard the word "each other’s" so they might be slightly possessive or just want you guys to belong to each other. It doesn’t seem to be toxic. I just feel like they’d want a love that’s like a fairytale. They have a heart of an artist. You could even be their muse. Their source of inspiration. You literally inspire them everyday. I heard something along the line "You are so beautiful and smart that I could write a million unique poems for you". Aww pile 1 they are so sweet. It’s a shame that they’re keeping it to themself. If they could only show it to you just like how they’re willing to tell me this… I’m also getting that you occupy their mind 24/7. Sometimes you could be popping up out of nowhere and they might even see hallucinations of you in front of them. Omg. They’re that in love with you. I’d even say you are one of the rare people that they admire every bit of. They really want to cherish you with all their heart because they believe you deserve every of it. You’re so kind and just a dream person for them. They’re putting you on the pedestal fr. They wouldn’t want to come out of their dream any soon but they do know that it’s not the reality so that’s kinda sad. If they could be yours they’d want to provide and cater you with love and everything you need. Your desires are theirs to fulfill. They’d want the best out of the best for you. They really seem like a giver.
Some hints to know who they are:
Masculine energy, books, glasses, tall and brown haired, casual looks, notebook with a pen, twirl pen, might like to rest on a bench, connected to nature
The song matches the vibe of this connection from their pov ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{It's you, it's you, it's all for you}
{Everything I do}
{I tell you all the time}
{Heaven is a place on earth with you}
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
"They got me thinking about them"
This is a little bit confusing to me because the person I’m getting for this pile seems to be…how could I say…a little bit out of their mind? Maybe they’re quite oblivious in general or they don’t really care about most things. They aren’t the type to chase the high or hang out in groups to be part of something. They prefer to not be influenced by anyone and to be on their own. Not a loner or anything, they just don’t need other people or stimulations to function well or to build confidence. To them those things seem a little "superficial". They know what they enjoy and who they value so they only keep the minimum of what’s important to them and who they want to be surrounded with. Despite that they’re actually quite warm on the inside and do seek sincere connections. They usually appear detached or try to portray a cold demeanor, sometimes out of this un-/disinterest but also to shy away other people from approaching or getting to close to them. This might stem from their past but then YOU came into the picture.
You might be quite the opposite of that person. You’re social, open and friendly. You might make friends easily. For some reason I’m getting that they might be a new person for you. You guys might've met at school/courses or at some sort of work related places. You might even be a transfer student/worker etc. The first moment they saw you they don’t seem to be interested at all like their usual self but you on the contrary are always curious to meet and get to know new people which led you to approach them first. Tbh your first impression of each other wasn’t really great. They might’ve been quite sassy or even "rude" to you but something might’ve happened later on and I’m getting that it was you who showed kindness to them which made them open up to you more. Over times you guys got more comfortable with each other and seem to be quite close. They didn’t seem to even realize their feelings for you at first but they do noticed a feeling being evoked in them by you. Every time you’re near them or with every encounter with you they feel a shift. You might have recalled a feeling that was familiar to them but it seems like it’s a feeling that has been forgotten for so long that they themself might not even remember what it was. Because it feels so easy and natural with you, all they suspect was them being out of their mind or that something is wrong with them. They noticed that their heart beats faster lately whenever they’re around you, they think more often about you and every symptom one gets when being in love. They slowly realize your effect on them. I heard "Is that her…is she the one who’s making me feel this type of way?". Their close friends might’ve pointed it out to them how they have changed. They could be more lively and their behavior are much more out there. Again I heard "They changed me…?" They start to notice and pay attention to their surrounding more but mostly to catch YOU, to be exact to get your attention.
Some hints to know who they are:
Detached, appear cold and un-/disinterested, athletic style, animal lover, likes to watch birds and the sunset, analytical, great at debates, quite funny or humorous, would like to tease you for fun or to get a reaction out of you
The song matches the epiphany and how their feelings develop ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{When you're with me}
{Be honest}
{Let's just be honest}
{You got me in my feelings} …
{Never understood what it feels like}
{Like the way that you're turning me 'round}
Ps. For this pile I felt like I should give some background information since it’s a new person so that’s why it’s a little longer than the other two piles.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
"Oh heaven please send me to her"
Pile 3, I feel like this person's heart is aching for you. It longs for you but not in a selfish way but more in a protective way. You might have gotten out of a relationship recently or broke up with someone and then heading into a new relationship maybe to ease the pain or to forget about the earlier one, either way there seems to be a third party going on. This person just want to take you in their arm and hold you until you feel okay again. They think they could be so much better than that person who’s hurt or disappointed you. They can treat you better than that. They want you to notice them because you don’t deserve that kind of connections. You should have someone by your side who cares about you, who is there for you and who will always stick with you until the end. Not half hearted or not just for a while. They are tired to see you fall down over and over again searching for the love that you need. They know that all you want and need is someone who can carefully hold your heart and held it dearly without letting it fall when it feels too heavy. That heart will loyally and obediently beat for the one who is willing to mend it. It might take a while but it’s always ready to sacrifice for you. They know all this but they’re angry and frustrated with how you could let yourself feel so worthless just for the sake of love. They just want to run to you and protect you from anyone and any danger that could harm you in anyway. You deserve so much. They are sure of it and if they could they will make sure you get all that. Pile 3, I feel so emotional rn. My heart literally pains a bit. They are really determined to get what they want for you. I’m shaking 😳. Don’t you know who I am talking about? But I feel like they can’t show themself to you rn. There might be hindrance or a distance between you guys which makes it hard for them to get to you. BUT know that they’re watching you, helping you indirectly by sending you positive energy, they really wish for you to be safe and to align with your inner self before anything. They think you’re a little out of balance and drained. Take care of yourself and try to recover first. They want you to know that you should be able to prioritize yourself, do the things you didn’t get to do before. I heard "you can love and be in love with yourself, right?". That’s so thoughtful of them, pile 3. They really care about you and your well-being. And once you’re fully yourself again, they might dare to come closer to you. This seems like a great person, don’t you think pile 3? I don’t get who they are but based on the information I guess it might be someone who is aware of you and knows a lot about you. Could be a one sided crush as well.
Some hints to know who they are:
Muscular body, feels powerless, heart ache, would fight for you, phone, take walks to ease mind, fitness studio, look a little like a "player" but is mindful, might have siblings, quite responsible, a little impulsive but knows how to hold back
The whole song matches their frustration and protectiveness over you ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{I know I can treat you better than he can}
{And any girl like you deserves a gentleman}
{Tell me, why are we wasting time}
{On all your wasted crying}
{When you should be with me instead?} …
{I'll stop time for you}
{The second you say you'd like me too}
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© 2023 crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
I hope you enjoyed it! Likes, reblogs and follows are highly appreciated! I’d love to have some feedbacks as well! Thank you ・❥・
◛⑅·˚ Remember. You’re loved!
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bbgnyx · 9 months
omg !! I saw your post where you said you'd be taking song fic requests and I have one. 🫣
song: you belong with me - Taylor Swift
lyrics: "But she wears short Skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so, why can't you see? You belong with me.."
Pairing: football player!lee know x introverted!reader
genre: angst (with fluff at the end...?)
You Belong With Me~
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a/n: this is absolutely my favourite song ever! @hugsforjungwon thanks for requesting this, it was thrilling to write, and I hope you like it!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
masterlist | prompt list
ty, @cafekitsune for the dividers~
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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The night was calm and peaceful. You lounged on the couch, absentmindedly swiping through your phone, while your best friend, Minho, lay sprawled across you. An 80’s hip-hop song played softly in the background, prompting you to groan. "Who on earth decided to play this ancient song?" you quipped, only to answer your own question. "Oh right, we have a Minho in the room." He simply rolled his eyes, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
You and Minho had been inseparable since childhood, so close that you even defied the college rules and secretly roomed together. In your opinion, sharing a room with your best friend was far better than being stuck with some spoiled rich girl. The college dorm arrangements were always harsh, and you didn't want to take any chances.
Over time, your connection with Minho has only grown stronger, and perhaps, you've developed a crush on him. However, you knew deep down that his relationship status as someone's boyfriend rendered your feelings insignificant. It was heart-wrenching for you, but what truly mattered was Minho's happiness, even if it wasn't with you.
Tonight appeared to be just like any other normal night, with both of you lying down engrossed in your phones. Strangely enough, Minho seemed restless, his fingers dancing furiously on the screen as he typed away. Suddenly, his ringtone erupted into a fast-paced melody, prompting him to abruptly leave the room. You didn't pay much attention at first, but you could faintly hear his voice resonating from outside the door. He was tense and arguing.
You realised it was another one of the many fights between him and his girlfriend. You sighed and turned your attention back to your phone. After a few minutes you heard him come back inside, a hand running through his hair like he always did when he was nervous.
“Trouble in paradise?” you asked putting your phone down and turning your attention to him. Minho laughed ruefully, running his fingers through his hair again, as if just thinking about it was enough to make him want to pull at his hair. "Not exactly," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of fondness and frustration. "Jiyeon is wonderful, really. It's just that we have different...senses of humor. She didn't appreciate one of my jokes, I brushed it off as something trivial, and now she's giving me the silent treatment."
"Makes sense. Your jokes suck."
"They do not."
"You're the only one who laughs at them."
"You do too!"
"Only because they're so bad!". As you uttered those words, your gaze dropped to the floor, almost as if avoiding eye contact would reveal the hidden truth of your admiration for Minho's jokes.
"Jiyeon's not bad, of course, but don't you think you jumped into this a little too quickly?" The thought had been lingering in your mind, quietly questioning whether Minho's trust in everyone was warranted. It took him quite some time to let his guard down and trust someone, and although you would never voice it aloud, you couldn't help but feel that he had rushed into this relationship faster than he was comfortable with.
Maybe it was because Jiyeon actually registered as a girl to him. After all these years of being friends, you probably didn’t look any different than the boys to him. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy dressing up, it just wasn't a priority for you, and you didn't have much time for it. Growing up in a small neighborhood, you weren't exactly the social butterfly either.
Jiyeon, on the flip side, always exuded an air of elegance and charm. She was effortlessly put together, making it easy to engage in meaningful conversations with her. Although she adored Jiyeon, it pained her to see her standing next to Minho. They didn't even have to be physically close to give off the impression of a couple.
As your conversation gradually faded, you decided to play some music. The song that came on was your absolute favorite, causing you to sway your head and unleash your inner karaoke star. Minho chuckled, leaning back in his chair, his fingers unconsciously tapping along to the rhythm.
"Jiyeon would absolutely despise listening to this," Minho remarked.
"It's quite entertaining!" you replied with a smirk.
Uh huh, sure," he playfully retorted.
In that moment, you couldn’t think of what Jiyeon thinks of all things. You saw her enough without dwelling on her when she wasn't even there. So what if the music was a bit silly and funky? You were a little silly and funky yourself. Sometimes it made you wonder how Minho could spend time with you, considering how different you were from Jiyeon. It just didn't make sense to you.
But what did Jiyeon really know? She wasn't the one who had known him for ages, who could sense his moods from across the house, or who shared all his inside jokes. No, that was you. But did it even matter anymore? Who were you to feel bitter about Minho's new love interest? Just a friend who hung on his every word, whether you showed it or not.
"I don't understand how you can listen to this," Minho interrupted your thoughts, causing you to quickly look away, feeling your face flush from almost being caught staring at him. "It all sounds the same to me. Like static."
"Not to me," you replied, watching Minho get up to make some tea. You couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of barrier over his eyes that you could remove, so he could see you for who you truly were: everything he had been searching for.
The following day, Minho was in the company of Jiyeon during the morning, but upon his return, he seemed unusually quiet. It was evident that he had a lot on his mind, so you decided not to disturb him. However, you couldn't resist for too long.
"I noticed you left in the morning," you mentioned.
"Yeah, I was with Jiyeon," he replied.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, concerned.
He let out a forced laugh. "As alright as it can be, I suppose."
You nodded, not wanting to pry further. "Are you ready for the big game this afternoon?" you inquired.  "Yeah, I guess," he responded nonchalantly. You smiled, reassuring him, "You're our star quarterback, you'll do great." Extending your fist, you offered him a fist bump, and he reciprocated.
The game arrived sooner than expected, and you quickly put on your house scarf before rushing to the stadium to wish Minho luck. Spotting him, you couldn't contain your excitement and almost tackled him to the ground. His laughter filled the air, a rare and beautiful sound. It was moments like these that made you feel privileged to be one of the few who could bring out that genuine joy in him.
As you said 'Good Luck,' you both performed your special handshake, a ritual you always followed before every game. Afterward, Minho mentioned that he had something important to tell you and went off to prepare himself. You waved him goodbye and found a seat in the bleachers. It was then that your gaze fell upon Jiyeon, she was the head cheerleader, energetically waving her pompoms and looking absolutely adorable in her tight top and short skirt, something you would never be. You couldn't help but feel surprised that Minho didn't approach her for a kiss or something.
The game began and the crowd erupted with cheers, each person supporting their own team. In the end, your and Minho's team emerged victorious! You jumped up, threw your scarf aside, and hurried down to meet Minho.
"You were amazing! I'm so proud of you, as always," you said excitedly.
"Thanks, y/n," he replied, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
You continued to gush about the thrilling game, but then noticed that Minho was only focused on you. Curious, you asked him what was on his mind.
"I wasn't completely honest earlier. Jiyeon and I... we broke up. And I've been thinking aboutwhether I made the right decision or if I was too blind to see what was right in front of me. I think I've found my answer."
You stood there, shocked, and surprised. Was this really happening?
Without warning, Minho swept you off my feet and pulled you into the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced. In that moment, it felt like the entire world disappeared, leaving just the two of you.
There was nothing wrong with exploring, making mistakes, and searching for love. But if it wasn't out there, Minho would always come back.
He would always come back to the person he had known all along.
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spyroz · 1 year
i dont reblog those posts about how hard it is to have moralizing ocd in online spaces, even though i deeply resonate with them. ironically, i can only talk to 2 people about my ocd, because one of my obsessions is that other people will assume im using my mental health as a shield against criticism if i talk about it. therefore, if i talk about my ocd in any circumstance, my brain believes that i'm already doing something immoral
basically, most of my obsessions resolve around people assuming bad faith of me or that i'm somehow secretly an irredeemably bad person, no matter how hard i try to be good. i am a bad person if i dont reblog posts about serious topics, spend every waking moment thinking about extremely serious topics, or make any social mistakes whatsoever (which is scary because i'm also autistic). i believe that i am irredeemable if i make a small mistake, and i often think all my friends are waiting for me to make a mistake so that they can attack me, and that my life will be ruined if i fuck up. im constantly scanning all my interests (and people i know) for the tiniest imperfections (far beyond healthy amounts of criticism in your interests) out of fear that liking anything or anyone makes me a horrible person. if you dont take a side on this lgbt label discourse, then youre a bigot! im ALWAYS mentally preparing responses and apologies to totally theoretical situations of people being upset with me. i have intrusive thoughts about doing the immoral things that scare me most.
the problem is, *talking about* any of these thoughts invites people who will actually bad faith me. "if youre so worried about this stuff, then you must have something to hide! you just want to avoid accountability!" they make your obsession a reality by accusing you of the exact thing you fear most. none of these thoughts are reasonable or realistic, and i know that. i know that i'm mentally ill. i know logically that i'm as good a person as anyone else. when i actually do make a mistake, i stay level-headed and apologize, acknowledge what i did wrong, and change my behavior
but there is a large part of me that does not want to heal from my ocd, because i believe constant self-monitoring and self-critique is the only thing preventing me from becoming a horrible person
there is nothing i want more in this world than to be a good altruistic human being who is capable of growth, but spending weeks trapped in thought loops analyzing all my behaviors for the smallest signs of a mistake will not help me be a better person. it makes me a worse friend. it drains my energy so that i dont have the mental capacity to actually spend time being kind to others. i reread this post many times while writing it to make sure i didnt accidentally write 6 different slurs. but i can't figure out how to heal. what the fuck do i do about this
this is incredibly hard for me to write about. i'm fighting the urge to delete this post as you read it. i cant stress how debilitating this is for me, it is the biggest hurdle in my life and it sucks away days worth of my time and energy. i will become trapped in thought-loops THE SECOND im not kept sufficiently busy and stimulated by tv/music/my bf/being out of the house somewhere/etc. so much of my life is wasted wanting to be good, that i dont get a chance to actually live the life of a good person
i really hope this post resonates with someone. ive only met a few other people who have this particular kind of ocd, and its extremely isolating. but i want to try to heal from it, and i know the first step to healing is talking about it
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astrologylunadream · 11 months
What They're Keeping from You🕸🕷👤 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 We're going to find out exactly what your person is keeping from you right now..🤫🤨🗣🚫 hope you find your message♡♡♡
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🗝👤🖤
Pile 1🔗
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Pile 2🦟 (🔞!!)
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Pile 3📷
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Pile 4🎸
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🕸🕷🖤
Pile 1🔗
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Sign energy: Height, Winter, Relax, High standards, Letter, Venus, Leo, Cancer, Water, Jupiter, 😁☁️📣🍬
👤Your person's energy: Lol right away my keyboard typed in B accidentally after typing in Letter so it's likely their initials could be B or have it somewhere in their name. Your person is definitely very tall like I'm seeing expanded height with this one omg and this someone could have a long name or just longer than yours. Might be physically bigger than you in appearance. 💫Leo vibes💫 Libra/Taurus and Cancer, also Sagittarius/Pisces. Any of those could be their Venus sign especially Leo. They are very caring and feminine but mostly in personality, they are very sweet to others. They have a laid back personality and just take it easy. It's hard to make them angry or annoyed because they're just vibing.😌 They may love winter or cold weather could be their favorite season. Turtlenecks could be their jam. They could like the snow or maybe it's the birth season of someone special to them??😗🖤 (For any of our winter babies in this pile, this is your sign <3). So your person has a very guarded and proud aura, like a lion who knows their worth. They never flinch, and they are hardly phased by what others throw at them. They have a proud/relaxing vibe and it's soooo cool😊 Very sweet and soft too.. like a big fluffy lion.🦁 Always smiling and having a good time, lightens up the mood for everyone. They make others feel safe and comfortable.
🗝What they're keeping from you: Teddy bear, Suspicion, Amusement park, Want, Matching, Virgo, 2nd house, 12th house, Sagittarius, Leo, 🧠💆‍♀️🎶📵 Ohhh your person is so silly😝 It's really simple actually, the things they are hiding from you are kinda obvious imo.😏 They are really suspicious about you and trying to figure you out... they secretly really want you in their imagination but this is really really hidden you guys!! They actually think you're really cute and they dream about you guys wearing watching outfits and doing all sorts of little fun things together. They might not realize how deep their feelings are for you, but you are secretly so amusing to them, you entertain them just by the way you act and your voice😳 My pile 1 your voice makes them wanna touch you so bad, they just want to grab your thigh and pull you close to them😍❤🖤 They haven't been answering their phone much lately and this is the reason!! They can hide it all day long but they keep wanting you and all they're thinking about is if you like them or not!! They keep wondering about you, they're so sus about the little things you do and how you act around themmm♡ Your in their head 24/7 RN just know that my pile 1's!! Omg and this makes so much sense with the hands being handcuffed because mercury rules hands but it also rules the mind so their thoughts are just locked on you wow it fits perfectly for this pile.🤯
💬Messages from your person: What are you thinking? We can do it together, I love you to death, I can feel your love, You can do it (They're secretly so supportive of you with them🤗🤭) Extra cards: Fantasy, Myth, Sidetracked, Denial, Cold, Saturn, 12th house, Pluto, Sagittarius, Water (They're keeping in their fantasies about youuu my pile 1 they are trying to keep in their subconscious thoughts of you♡)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chain emoji~🔗 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Pile 2🦟 (🔞!!)
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Sign energy: Invitation, Innovation, Stay, Favor, Text, Earth, 4th house, North node, 5th house, 10th house, 😱🟨🎸📞
👤Your person's energy: Alright I'm getting some indirect Aquarius energy and I feel like this person spends a lot of time online, they text a lot and often check their social media. They may post their hobbies online or fun/creative stuff, omg pile 2's person may use dating apps and/or send flirty pics to people haha😂😂 I feel like posting hot selfies on patreon is their calling omfg💀 They might have a secret fans only account if you know what I meannn🤣🤣😩 You might be shocked about what this person does online, hence why you're wondering what they're hiding. Your person may talk with you through the phone mostly, they have earth placements and may like the color yellow. They might have bleach blonde hair, or a strange shade of blonde like yellowish blonde. Cancer, Leo, and Capricorn placements. This may be a very flirty person, I feel like they do little things for attention like wearing more revealing clothing or biting their lips/seductive habits just like a little attention seeking at times. They are an opportunist, and if there's a chance for success they won't hesitate to take that chance. With the guitar emoji it's giving similar vibes to pile 4 so if you feel called to check that one aswell that could be of significance.☆
🗝What they're keeping from you: Attraction, Style, Meaning, Special, Memories, Lilith, Scorpio, Gemini, Air, 10th house, 🥱🤒👚📿 Ohhhhhh pile 2 this person has some skeletons in their closet🙀 I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE SECRET ACCOUNT THING wow There's some crazy stuff going on with your person, they got a lot they are hiding for sure. First of all they are doing some shady stuff for fame/recognition like I mean some freaky stuff...👿😬 They crave validation and just wanna feel useful/worthy🥺🥺 They have some naughty hidden preferences when it comes to dressing up🥵😰💀 I'm talking chains and all.. they want to be unique and pleasing. They might dress up on social media/gain followers for 18+ content...🙊 Might show themselves tied up, acting out scenarios and such😭😭🙊💀 They could be doing some mindblowing stuff for the eyes of the internet. I was not expecting this for my pile 2's wtf... They have a dark and wild side that they don't want you to know about... they could be hiding their hobby from you from fear of rejection. There's guilt weighing on their conscious rn, they are into some crazy dark hobbies. They're doing some dirty things for attention wow this pile... They have tried so hard to hide these things from you, like they don't want you to find out how bad they can get😭 Your person has a complete different side to them, it's like another person. The things they do might be helping them cope with any particular issues they might have, this could be their dark little secret that no one knows about. Yes, they are a freak😫😳 They secretly have a really dirty mind omg the truth has been revealed my pile 2's!
💬Messages from your person: If only, As expected, You had it coming, I want to spend my life with you, Can you handle it? (OHH they know you know pile 2 PILE 2!!!) Extra cards: Online, Hot, Unseen, Break, Holding back, 5th house, Sagittarius, Moon, Pisces, Neptune (This makes so much sense now they are talking about the content they post online, I'm seeing that they are willing to stop doing those things if it bothers you or makes you upset🥺🥺😢 Wow this is a crazy situation pile 2 I wish you and your person the best!!)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the mosquito emoji~🦟 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Pile 3📷
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Sign energy: Short, Side effects, Together, Fan, Synchrony, Uranus, Aquarius, 11th house, Moon, Mercury, ☔✉🧱🧲
👤Your person's energy: Okay for my pile 3's I was already getting lgbtq+ vibes for no reason!! But then when all the Aquarius just started spilling out I was like okay this is definitely that.🌈 You guys this person is could be your best friend, you two talk a lot online and have a lot of fun together. I'm seeing long convos on the phone, giggling and laughing together.🤗 You are like two peas in a pod, they might be your same gender. For some of you your person is short or shorter than you, this could be a twin flame type of connection you guys have. You like to obsess over things together like shows/movies/books/music all that stuff, You might have a favorite music band that you guys bond over mutual obsession for!! I can see them being really into the kind of things you're really into, you guys just have so much in common I-🥺��� You guys have so much fun even on dreary days, I feel like you take lots of photos of eachother and you might have many selfies with this person. They are so unique and you feel like there is no one like this person!! You have such a special bond and you guys are inseparable. You feel so attracted to them even as a friend just they make you smile so much, they show you what real love is. Your bond is rock solid and nothing can tear you apart, you come up with fun ideas and share everything with one another. You just get eachother especially on an emotional level, so supportive and sweet.🖤
🗝What they're keeping from you: Submissive, Memories, Mean, Out, Forgiveness, 12th house, Sun, 3rd house, Pluto, Lilith, ♒🦢💛🎶 You guys may have had an argument with this person... I'm hearing "Out for forgiveness" and "Dark subconscious memories" Someone in this connection has said really hurtful things to the other, they might not have even meant to but this effected them especially on a subconscious level. They could be the one that hurt you and they secretly are begging for forgiveness, this is so sad because you guys are so sweet idk what happened😫😭😭 They are in a dark place rn and trying to pull themselves out of the hole of despair they have created for themselves. I'm seeing self destructive behavior in your person my pile 3's. They are really down in the dumps but they don't wanna tell you this.💔 You might have said things that caused "the straw to break the camel's back", making them feel more guilty about how they have treated you in the past. They can't help but remember the dark feelings and hurt from those moments, They are on their knees for forgiveness but they don't have the strength to ask!!😖🌧 They secretly feel so small and powerless I'm hearing. They don't want you to hold a grudge against them, or leave them behind. They are so worried that you will cut ties with them, they really love you pile 3 and they don't want to loose that special bond between you two.🥺
💬Messages from your person: I can't help you, I'm looking for an answer, Just give it a try, If only I could kiss you, You're so desperate (I'm getting mirrored energy with you two, I feel like my pile 3's would say the same things) Extra cards: Clothes, Green, Teddy bear, Dance, Lose, Chiron, Pisces, Mercury, 6th house, 8th house (I saw "give me cuddles" accidentally with the messages and with teddy bear I just🥺🥺🥺 They need your hugs so bad rn, they want to hold you tight)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the camera emoji~📷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Pile 4🎸
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Sign energy: Eternity, Height, Angel, Release, Poker face, Earth, Jupiter, Sun, Libra, Taurus, 📸🧩✉☣
👤Your person's energy: Ohh we've got another tall one💀 My pile 4's your person is so tall and very statuesque, they're giving greek god/ess vibes in appearance🥴♡ They don't smile much but when they do omg my pile 4's heart starts beating FAST. They are currently releasing themselves from toxic relationships that are wasting their time, this *might* (might might) be someone you're in a toxic relationship with, only for some😭 I'm hearing "extensive toxicity" but this could be something they are releasing or getting rid of. You see them as an angel, a guardian angel of sorts. You may feel like they were sent to you as a devine message, a missing piece in your life. You feel like they "complete" you, and they do I mean they compliment you so well omg. The camera emoji came out for you guys so if you felt called to pile 3 you can check that out. They have a very physically attractive face, nice neck and very still facial expressions. Ughhh I feel like everyone has a crush on your person pile 4 like they're so attractive.😂😂 They may look really good in photos, even though they don't show much emotion. You can't exactly tell what they're feeling, which is why you aren't sure if they are the kind to keep secrets. Very good-looking and heavy earth energy, Taurus is likely. Sagittarius, Leo, or Libra could be in their chart.
🗝What they're keeping from you: Captive, Guardian, Youth, Fate, Waist, Pisces, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Air, ♈☯🧣🕊 I swear I just heard a crow but there are none around here I don't think??😳 So that could be a sign for you my pile 4's. Now for your person I'm seeing some interesting stuff, they have some inner feelings they don't want to neccesarily tell you just yet. Your person secretly wants to protect you🥺🖤 Awww is it really that?? We have guardian and with Venus I'm seeing there is definitely a devine feminine (no matter the gender) they want to keep safe and look out for. For some of you have been hurt or had bad experiences with male/authorities when you were younger😭😭 Your person wishes they could change your fate, they wish you weren't so powerless back then. I'm hearing "those people are a waste of air" lmao they are so ticked off by those who hurt you in the past. They feel as if you've been trapped in a cycle that you didn't deserve at all🤧 They want to get back at those people, they wanna fight anyone who hurts you. But of course they aren't telling you this is how they really feel, they hope that this message will be sent by devine timing (heyy I guess that makes me the messenger dove lol). They want to be your warrior, your knight in shining armor. And they wanna wrap you up in a thick little scarf and cuddle you under a pile of blankets <3 Your person can somehow sense your feeling of captivity, entrapment and vulnerability. They want to guard your pure soul, and protect you against anything that ever tries to hurt you.😞🖤
💬Messages from your person: Oh yeah, I will love you until I die, This is confusing, I can feel your aura, Do you still want this? (Well??? What do you say pile 4 are they the oneee?🤭😇♡) Extra cards: Masculine, Change, Side, Relationship, Breathe, South node, 2nd house, Capricorn, Jupiter, Eros (Ohh your person is done with past relationships they can feel that you're the only one they want.)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the guitar emoji~🎸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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crookedt44th · 1 year
Show Me Off
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PAIRING: lee minho x gender-neutral reader
GENRE: fluff, but a lot more angst. situationship. they are secretly seeing each other, but other doesn't want it as secret.
CWs: just a little bit of insecurites going on, but please lmk if more
A/N: This is my first written fanfic on here! Sorry, it's short, but this is just a warm up for my playlist list and sorry for my english, too LOL Hope you enjoyyyyy
Now Playing . . . Show Me Off - Sara Kays
You hesitated to knock on his door as you stood in the front of his apartment on a particularly dark night. Despite the fact that you visited each other's homes often. However you continue to have doubts about yourself. The most handsome man ever known to man, Minho, is lovely when he laughs and smiles. Kind and gentle as always. He was not, at least not yet, your boyfriend.
Minho would wait for you outside in the car, and as soon as you got inside, he grabbed your chin and pressed his lips to yours. He reaches out to hold your hand and reminds you how gorgeous you have always been in his eyes. How his smile would grow when you would make jokes. You wondered if he would act same if it were in front of people.
When you were both by yourself, he gave you a never-ending amount of kisses, but when his friends were there, he treated you as if you’re a stranger. How he brushed it off when his friends asked who you were, saying that you're just a friend. And how, as you entered the bar together, he would ignore your presence.
You enjoy how sweet he sounds when he sings or hums while taking a shower or preparing dinner. You love the way he looks when the sun kisses him during golden hour. Minho was lying on the couch next to you as you converse, his sweet giggle resonating across the room and your heart melted. You once said, "I like when we talk really late at night." As he turned to face you, his grin gradually vanished, and he became silent.
You wonder when tomorrow will come, when the sun will rise, and when you are by yourself among a crowd. Would he ever treat you the same way as the previous night in the daylight? When he said you remind him of the moon, you wondered if he'd ever seen someone who reminds him of the sun. You ponder whether he would love you more if you glowed like the sun. Was he never aware how hurt you felt?
You’ve been hoping since late September that he’d act how you wanted him to. Every time you approach his house, you hold out hope that something will change. The only thing you want is to be flaunted, after all. But you've learned to just put up with it and leave, knowing that when dawn comes, he'll act as if you're just another person.
“I know when the sun is up,
I know when tomorrow comes,
Even though it’s all I want.”
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swallow-the-bird · 11 months
Know what always bothers me in crimes of Grindelwald? That in every scene where Albus sees him he's not smiling. The memory of making the bloodpact? He looks evillll like he's manipulated an idiot into doing what he wanted- and in the mirror of erised he again is so serious it's like he's judging him-
They should've made him smile in those scenes- it's painfully obvious that's what he was meant to do. The memory is from when they loved each other; the mirror shows your biggest desire trying to trap you.
He 👏 should 👏 have 👏 smiled 👏
If you ever get out of ideas for what to draw i think it'd be a cute idea to have those redrawn-
Thanks for your brilliant idea❤️I agree with you—Or, to put it another way, how could they possibly not be in love? And when someone in love gazes at their beloved, how could they not be moved?
I’ve never believed that Gellert’s feelings for Albus were purely manipulative or exploitative. Albus, as blinded by love as he might be, wouldn’t be deceived by insincerity. It’s precisely because Gellert’s love was genuine—though tainted by ambition and a desire for control—that they resonated and melded at the soul level, allowing Albus to open up to him and give his all.
This is also why the tragic events of the summer of 1899 have such a devastating effect on Albus. Besides the remorse and guilt he felt for Ariana, it also stemmed from the genuine love he shared with Gellert. The blade of love is sharp and particularly lethal because of this genuine affection.
Love is real, manipulation is real, and hurt is real. Love has its tender and sincere side, but it also has a harsh and cruel aspect.
“Oh, to be young and to feel love’s keen sting,” Albus remarked many years later. The blade of love is indeed forged by love itself.
So yes, the movie’s portrayal of Gellert’s expression in the Mirror of Erised might not convey this depth of emotion, which I personally find regrettable.
But looking at it from another perspective, doesn’t the Mirror of Erised reflect Albus’s deepest desires?
His longing for Gellert never ceases, nor can he truly let go of everything Gellert once represented—dreams, ambition, and lost youth. But has he ever secretly hoped that Gellert never truly loved him? Like he’s desperately convincing himself that Gellert only ever used and manipulated him, and that he’s an extremely cold person incapable of love. This way, Albus can hate him unreservedly, without the torment of being torn between love, regret, and conscience.
Hating a despicable enemy is always easier than confronting a lover and confidant.
“There are all kinds of courage," as Albus said it many years later, "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
Perhaps this desperate wish is why a version of Gellert, different from reality and memories, appears in the mirror.
But I believe, throughout his long life and even after death, Albus ultimately chooses not to deny this love. It manifests as the tear that drops onto the tip of his nose at King’s Cross station—a tear shed for the man who defended his grave with his life.
Of course, this is all my subjective interpretation. Oh, so many conflicting thoughts and feelings aroused by this ship—!😭
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