#see this is why i can never meet taylor i can't go more than like 3 seconds talking about the music industry
harmonicakai · 5 months
As Long As You Care
Part 1 of the "Somebody Else" series
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Pairing: Soobin x Reader, Yeonjun x Reader
Summary: From the moment he first met you, Soobin has had the biggest crush on you. The only thing standing in his way is his college roommate, Yeonjun, who you’ve been in love with ever since you were little.
Tropes: love triangle, unrequited love, fake dating, frat boy!yeonjun, nerd!soobin, roommates, college AU, childhood best friends
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: drinking, sexual tension (mdni!), curse words, yj is an asshole
A/N: TBH I feel like this is one of my weakest works so far, but I really like the concept and already have the whole thing planned out, so I will try and see completing it through <3
“If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along, So why can't you see? You belong with me" —You Belong With Me, Taylor Swift
“If you have a crush on Y/N, then go for it,” Yeonjun laughs, surprised that Soobin would even bother to get his permission, as if he wants your hand in marriage or something.
“Really? You don’t mind?” Soobin blinks back, unsure of whether or not his roommate is being serious. You’ve been friends with Yeonjun since you were little kids, so Soobin figured that running the idea of asking you out by him was surely the right thing to do.
“If you’re worried about whether me and her are more than friends, don’t be. If we were going to start dating, we would’ve when we were in high school. God knows it would’ve made our moms happy.”
“Would you help me then? You know her better than I do,” Soobin continues, eager for tips on how to properly woo you. “Do you know her favorite kind of flowers?”
“Can’t say I do,” Yeonjun shrugs. “Listen, Soob, Y/N is a hopeless romantic. And she’s never even had a boyfriend before. I’m sure whatever you come up with will exceed any and all of her expectations.”
Yeonjun’s excuses for why the moment doesn’t need to be special are precisely why Soobin wants to take so much care in planning things. It would be your first date, first boyfriend, first everything.
Well, except for your first kiss, which Yeonjun had graciously stolen back in middle school, years before he had even introduced you to Soobin. Both of you have asserted that it was only once, and simply for you to get it over with before a school dance in the hopes that your real crush would make a move.
Soobin would be lying to say he doesn’t get jealous of the two of you. Plus, Yeonjun is totally wrong. From what others have said, you’re extremely picky when it comes to guys.
“So, when are you going to ask her?” Yeonjun says, snapping Soobin out of his trance. “She’ll be here any minute if you wanna do it then.”
“She’s coming over now?” Soobin asks, his palms feeling infinitely more sweaty. He hasn’t had any time to do his hair or choose a good outfit, let alone run to the store and pick up any of the little presents he had planned on getting for you.
“We’re going to get breakfast. Some new café she’s been dying to try,” Yeonjun replies, his mouth full of a croissant. Soobin rolls his eyes. If the two of you are about to go out to eat, why the hell is he stuffing his face right now?
Soobin checks his watch. If he leaves now, he’ll surely make it back before the two of you return. “Can you make sure that you guys come here when you’re done?”
“I can make no promises,” Yeonjun sighs, staring at his reflection in the hallway mirror. He throws on a pair of sunglasses, his phone ringing to signal that he’s gotten a text, most likely from you. “Y/N is going to meet me outside. It’s now or never, dude.”
Soobin glances out the window and spots you standing in the courtyard, wearing a floral sundress that hugs you in all the right places. The sunlight shines down on your hair, leaving a glow that makes you look absolutely angelic. He swallows hard.
You’ve made yourself comfortable on a bench just outside, your feet propped up on the arm rest. 
“It looks like she’s been waiting a while,” Soobin observes.
“Yeah, I know,” Yeonjun says nonchalantly. 
“Shouldn’t you hurry up, then?”
“Why are you asking so many questions?” Yeonjun scoffs. “Since you’re so concerned, I’ve got a date after this, okay? Well, if you can even call it that. Point is, I need to look good, and that takes time.”
“I guess I’ll just ask her another day, then,” Soobin sighs in defeat, backing away from the window. He knows better than to push Yeonjun. “Listen, will you do me a favor?”
“Depends on what it is.” Yeonjun is still admiring himself, now unbuttoning even more of his shirt. He might as well go topless at this point, Soobin thinks to himself.
“Could you maybe mention me and see how Y/N reacts?” Soobin asks, adjusting his glasses.
“I will for 30,000 won,” Yeonjun deadpans, not even bothering to look Soobin’s way.
“Are you joking?” 
“No. I don’t care if you guys date, but I certainly won’t be making it easy for you. She’s my friend. If you become her boyfriend and start taking her out, that’s less time she’ll be spending with me.” Sometimes, most of the time, Soobin really hates his roommate.
“You suck,” Soobin says, reaching into his wallet and handing over a few bills. “Here.”
“Pleasure doing business,” Yeonjun grins, pocketing the cash. A knock at the door startles both of them. “Why don’t you get that?”
Soobin heads for the door, knowing you’re on the other side of it. He mentally prepares himself, smoothing his hair into place and checking his breath.
When the door swings open, you’re surprised to see Yeonjun’s roommate staring at you.
“Uh, hi,” you greet him. Soobin holds his breath. You’re even more beautiful up close. “Is Yeonjun ready to go? I’ve been waiting downstairs, for like, ten minutes.”
“I don’t think so,” Soobin says, stepping aside to let you into the dorm’s common room. “You’re welcome to wait, though.”
“Thanks,” you reply, stepping in and spotting your best friend fussing with his hair. “Hi Junie!”
“Hi, Y/N,” Yeonjun smiles. He pulls you into a tight hug. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn’t see your texts. I just need a few more minutes, okay?”
Soobin knows his roommate is lying, but he’s not going to be the one to tell you that.
“Oh, yeah, of course,” you say, making yourself comfortable on the couch. You turn your attention to Soobin, who you don’t really know much about. “How’s your morning going, Soobin?”
“It’s good. Great, actually! A little busy, but I like having things to do, you know?”
“Yeah, I get that. What are you up to?”
“Mostly running errands. Then later I have to take some photos of today’s soccer game for the school newspaper, go to jazz band practice, and study for my econ midterm,” he rambles.
“Wow. That’s… a lot.” Your eyes widen, wondering how he manages to juggle that kind of schedule. Sure, you care about extracurriculars too, but never enough to risk burning yourself out.
“Soobin is a real nerd, Y/N. If you ever need a tutor for anything, he’s your guy,” Yeonjun calls from the bathroom.
“Ooh, okay. How are you at multivariable calculus?” you inquire. It’s the class you’ve been struggling with the most this semester.
“Math is unfortunately the one thing I’m bad at,” Soobin admits. He opens his mouth to keep talking, but Yeonjun’s finally returned, at last ready to go. 
Soobin watches as Yeonjun’s hand finds yours, pulling you up off the couch before finding its way around your waist. “Let’s head out, babe.”
“Yay! Okay, well, bye, Soobin!” You wave, being pulled along. “I’ll see you around, I guess.”
Yeonjun drags you out the front door before Soobin can even say goodbye, the sweet scent of your perfume lingering in the air behind you.
Soobin waits a few minutes to make sure the two of you won’t be stopping back in before he faceplants onto the couch, letting out a long sigh. At this point, he isn’t sure if he’ll ever have the chance to tell you how he really feels with your “best” friend standing in the way.
Soobin’s heart nearly beats out of his chest the second he lays his eyes on you. You’re wearing the same sundress from earlier today, but this time without the slouchy cardigan draped over your shoulders, and your hair is thrown into a perfectly messy updo. To top it all off, you’ve got glitter dusted along your neck and collarbone, making you shimmer under the glow of the frat’s neon lights.
He wants nothing more than to lean down and kiss it all off of you. The only issue is that you’re surrounded by a ton of other partygoers who probably all want to do the same.
You’re the only reason he even bothered to come to this party and he might not even get the chance to talk to you. He may not have been of any help this morning, but at least Yeonjun was decent enough to text Soobin and let him know the two of you would be here tonight.
“Soob! I didn’t think you’d actually come!” Yeonjun’s voice startles him as he claps his roommate on the shoulders from behind, his hands still wet from swimming in the pool. Soobin jerks back, nearly spilling the contents of his red solo cup.
“She looks hot, doesn’t she?” Yeonjun continues, glancing past him to see you twirling your hair as you gently let another guy know he has no chance with you. Soobin hates it when he talks about you this way, even if it’s true. “Did you tell her you’re in love with her yet?”
“We haven’t even talked,” Soobin says, his voice barely reaching above the music’s blast. He stares down at his white sneakers, sticky from the spilled drinks and god knows what else is lining the frat’s linoleum floors. “Did you do what I asked you to, by the way?”
“Shit, sorry, man. I totally forgot. But you know what? Maybe we can change your luck,” Yeonjun smiles, feeling a bit sorry for his lovesick roommate. “Me and a few other people are gonna start a game of spin the bottle in the next room if you want to try and kiss her.”
It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Except when you spin the bottle and it glides past him, landing instead on Yeonjun, Soobin’s heart plummets into his stomach.
You lean past him with a shy smile on your face, wrapping your arms around your best friend’s neck as he pulls you into the steamiest kiss Soobin has ever seen. It’s enough to make him wonder if maybe the two of you have done this more than just once.
Despite being over in seconds, it feels like hours to Soobin. To make matters worse, when you pull away, your lips wet with Yeonjun’s saliva, you wave at him with the most gorgeous smile in the world.
“Sorry, man,” Yeonjun whispers to Soobin, running a hand through his hair, messed up from where your fingers were just laced through it. “Maybe next round.”
If Soobin could fight, he would’ve certainly thrown a punch straight into his roommate’s jaw. But even though he towers over him by a few good inches, he knows that he’d be out like a light and wake up with a black eye that’ll truly never let him forget about this moment.
When it’s finally his turn, it lands on a girl just a few spots over from you and he does his best not to look disappointed. She’s pretty, for sure, but she’s not you. Soobin plants a quick kiss on her lips and the crowd groans.
“More!” an unfamiliar voice chants. The rest of the players join in, although all Soobin can pinpoint is the sound of you nearby, egging him on to make out with another girl.
He relents, enough alcohol in his system to finally let loose, pulling the girl into a fast, sloppy kiss. The crowd shifts to whooping and hollering, and he sees you giggling with one of your girl friends out of the corner of his eye.
It isn’t until the two of you watch as Yeonjun gropes that same friend seconds after the bottle lands on her that Soobin notices a shift in your mood. Your once everlasting smile has been replaced with a blank stare that unmistakably signals heartbreak.
Soobin would know. He was making the same face just a few minutes ago.
Eventually, the game fizzles out and everybody disperses back into the frat’s crowd, still going strong despite being hours in.
After wandering around the party for a while, Soobin spots you at the keg, frustratedly pouring yourself another beer. From the way you’re stumbling, he knows it’s probably not a good idea for you to actually drink it.
“Hey, wait,” he intervenes, grabbing the plastic cup out of your hand. “Y/N. Maybe you should slow down.”
“Fuck off,” you scoff before turning to see who’s interrupted your binge. Your cheeks heat up at the sight of Soobin, Yeonjun’s roommate. He usually never comes to these things and has only ever been really, really nice to you. “Soobin. I am so, so sorry. I’m just going through it right now.”
“I can see that. Do you want to get some fresh air?”
“Yes, please.” He loops his arm around yours and guides you outside, making sure that you don’t trip on any uneven steps or loose cans. 
If it were Yeonjun, he’d carry you bridal style, letting you nuzzle your head into his shoulder until you reached your dorm room.
“You can have some of mine,” Soobin says, handing over his drink as you steady yourself against the porch’s railing. “It’s just Sprite.”
You nod and gulp the entire cup of soda down, the bubbles tickling your dry throat.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” Soobin continues, catching you off guard. You turn to stare at him, eyes wide before you fix your expression to something more nonchalant.
“No, I’m not.” He looks back at you with a frown, letting you know that he’s seen just enough tonight to not believe any of what you’re saying. Soobin doesn’t seem like the kind of person you’d want to lie to, anyway.
“Fine, maybe just a little bit,” you admit, crossing your arms in defeat. “I mean, in general, how are girls like me supposed to compete with girls like her?”
“Lots of guys would kill to be with a girl like you. She’s just more… straightforward.” You can tell he can’t actually come up with a better explanation for why his roommate isn’t into you.
“I kissed him the way I’ve been wanting to for years now. I don’t know how much more straightforward I can get. You know, last week, I asked if there was anything going on between the two of them and he told me she wasn’t his type?”
“Who isn’t Yeonjun’s type?” Soobin laughs awkwardly, regret immediately settling on his face as he realizes he probably shouldn’t have said that. He’s right and you know it, though.
“Please tell me they aren’t making out right now,” you change the subject, hoping and praying that the answer is no.
Soobin glances over his shoulder back into the party to see Yeonjun and your friend entangled, his hands gripping her hips as she grinds into him. “He’s… certainly doing something to her.”
“Wow. Okay, that’s all I needed to hear.” You walk past Soobin to stare at Yeonjun and your friend all over each other. It’s a horrifying scene, but for some reason, you can’t tear your eyes away. “You know, I’d hate to see how he is with a girl he’s actually into. Men really suck sometimes.”
“Y/N, look at me,” Soobin says, his voice the steadiest its been all night.
“Huh?” you ask in confusion. Soobin turns you back around, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from your face. It trembles against your cheek as he leans in close to you.
“We can get back at him,” he whispers, both of your heart rates rising by the second. His breath is hot against your ear. “If you want to.”
You can’t believe the words that have just come out of his mouth. Choi Soobin, Yeonjun’s sweet roommate who has only ever spoken to you in the most polite and platonic way, is offering to help you make your best friend jealous.
Your silence makes him backtrack, the panic in his voice evident. He really has no clue what’s gotten into him. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I was just joking! I didn’t actually mean—”
“Let’s do it,” you say, cutting him off. Before he can protest, you’re pulling him back into the frat house and onto the middle of the dance floor, right next to Yeonjun.
Soobin can barely believe this is happening right now, and if his arms weren’t wrapped around your waist, he’d pinch himself.
Usually, you keep to yourself at parties, kindly entertaining men’s advances, but never giving them the satisfaction of dancing with you. Tonight, you’re breaking all of your own self-imposed rules with the guy you least expected to.
“Kiss me,” you say into his ear, loud enough to fight the music’s volume, but quiet enough for Yeonjun not to hear. Soobin looks at you with sheer panic on his face and you know immediately that he’s incapable of making the first move.
At least that’s what you think before he crashes his lips onto yours. Despite watching him awkwardly make out with someone else earlier, he’s surprisingly good at kissing. There’s a hunger to the way he grabs your waist and pulls you closer that makes you smile into him.
As you feel his soft hair beneath your fingertips, you almost forget why you’re kissing him in the first place. When you finally separate, you turn to see Yeonjun staring at the two of you, a sly grin on his face that makes you question if you’ve made the right decision.
“That was so humiliating,” you groan, trudging down the sidewalk. Soobin trails you like a puppy dog. “He was happy for us. So much for making him jealous. You know, maybe we should just call this whole thing off now.”
“No!” Soobin panics. “I, uh, I have an idea.”
“Which is?” you say, stopping to look at him. You can tell by the way he stares blankly at you that he doesn’t actually have an answer.
“Well… if we keep this up, then Yeonjun will see how great of a girlfriend you are and he’ll want you for himself! Really, we’ve just gotta give it more time.”
Your head aches, but Soobin does make a little bit of sense. “Fine, okay. How long are you willing to put up with me for?”
Soobin knows he can’t say forever. “Why don’t we try until the end of the semester? If he doesn’t confess his love to you by then, then we’ll stage a break up.”
“Sounds like a deal,” you say, reaching out your hand to shake. Soobin hesitates. “I don’t have cooties, you know. Besides, your tongue was kind of just down my throat back there.”
“Right, sorry,” Soobin says, taking your hand into his. It’s much bigger than you expected, nearly covering yours in its entirety. “Deal.”
“Come on,” you say, continuing your trek back to your dorm. “Let’s go.”
“My room is the other way,” he attempts to remind you. You don’t even bother to look back at him, wanting to get out of the cold and into your bed.
“We’re going to mine. Yeonjun is never going to believe we’re together if he catches you in your own bed tonight.” 
Taglist: @orangesodafoam @deezbutz28 @ur-mother-realnotclickbait @iyeeeverydee @internet-folks @darlingz99 @foxyjun @stardustmooncakes @giaalorine @beomgyubabybear @niningtori @goquokka @csbenthusiast @moarmyjkhk @lizdevorak @sooberryworld @lonelybutterflytae @midnight-mochii @theresawtf @nowadays56 @jjklvr9 @baekberrie @philijack @soobnuuy
P.S.: Please shoot me an ask or a reply if you’d like to be added to (or removed from) the taglist! Also, I struggle to keep up with different lists for individual members, but if you really don't want to be tagged on all of my works, just let me know and I will do my best to keep things separate <3
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httpiastri · 8 months
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ollie bearman x crawford!reader
the instagram story was subtle enough. or, at least, so you thought.
ollie didn't seem to agree.
it was a video of you in the newly bought sundress you'd decided to wear to the sprint race today; twirling around in your hotel room, the geotag of "silverstone circuit" in the top right corner. but none of this is what ollie cares about: it's the choice of background music.
they say home is where the heart is, but god i love the english. you know i love a london boy…
the poor boy nearly had a heart attack when he saw it in the paddock. he thought it was super obvious; "i love a london boy" could only mean one thing.
your relationship with ollie is still secret from everyone, including your brother, to ensure that people won't get involved in your private business. besides, once the news is out even in just the racing world, you know it will spread and get big in no time; that's the way it usually is with formula drivers. especially fan-favorites like ollie. so, for the moment, you've decided to just enjoy wherever this takes you, without caring what anyone else thinks. but now, he's scared you've blown it.
your instagram account is on private, so you aren't afraid of fans snooping around and seeing it. but still, it worries ollie; your brother follows you, and that is much worse than fans, he reckons. when you first started going out, you thought it would be natural to tell your twin brother about it, considering the fact that ollie is one of his best friends – but ollie disagreed. the whole dating your best friend's sibling-thing never went well in the movies, and that's all he had to go after.
the song echoes in his brain all morning. during the driver meeting, his pre-race briefings, even as he watches the f3 sprint. he likes my american smile like a child when our eyes meet; darling, i fancy you. all morning leading up to the race, he's distracted and can't think of anything else, though his mechanics and engineers think he's just focused on the race ahead of him. ollie needs some kind of closure, and it isn't until he spots you walking down the f2 paddock that he finds an opportunity.
it's not long before ollie is supposed to get into his car that he sees you on your way to the dams garage. the sundress you showed off in your instagram story looks even better in the real world, and he can't help but swoon at the sight of your smile lighting up the paddock just as much as the sun. he snaps out of it just in time, because when you walk past the prema garage, he swoops out and grabs your wrist, pulling you in.
"ollie-" is all you can get out because now he's pulling you along with him so fast that you can barely even keep up. you manage to nod and greet a few of the prema workers on your way – most people recognize you as jak's sister since you spent a lot of time in the paddock with them last year – but soon, ollie has managed to find you a secluded corner far in the back with no one around.
you rest one hand on his shoulder as you try to catch your breath, looking up at your boyfriend with pinched eyebrows. "you..." he starts, letting out a sigh. "your story on instagram..."
"what about it?"
you weren't usually one to tease him, so he assumes you are actually sincere in your current confusion. the thought of your story may have been etched into his mind for the last few hours and the reason behind his displeasure might be totally clear in his head – but you never were one to read thoughts, which he sometimes forgets. "jak is going to know."
you don't look any less confused by now, which makes ollie feel even more impatient. "why would he know?"
"the song choice. london boy, really? it's so obvious." he pauses for a moment. "you can't do that."
his words are meant as a warning, but the smile on his lips tells a whole other story. no matter how scared he is that your brother will find out that you've been hiding this relationship from him, he can't stop himself from finding it just a bit amusing. and with the way that you're still watching him with such an innocent look and your other hand is also reaching for his shoulder, there's no way he can hold back a grin.
"sweetheart, it's one of the most popular songs out right now. in the entire world. no one will even bat an eye. plus," you tilt your head. "i'm an american girl in england, so london boy is an obvious choice."
"you could've chosen so many other songs about england, but you had to choose that one?"
the chuckle leaves your throat instantly. "you're not even a london boy, ollie."
he knows he's lost. he knows he's just worrying about nothing, he knows there's a much bigger risk that someone finds out about you being here with him in the prema garage than jak connecting the dots from just your story. but he can't give up just yet.
"i'll forgive you. but on one condition," he says, and you immediately nod at him. "give me a kiss. for good luck."
there's not even a second of hesitation before you get onto your tippy toes, reaching up to him. your lips are pressed onto his once, then twice, then thrice. you're both smiling into it, and his hands cup your cheeks, holding you close when you part for the last time.
"you know," he starts, thumbs drawing circles into your cheeks. "i fancy you."
the giggle that leaves your lips is like music to his ears. did he actually study the song? "oh, oliver," you say, trying to pull off your most british accent. "darling, i fancy you, too."
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shaunamilfman · 3 months
Being Jackie Taylor's controversially young gf
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pairing: jackie taylor x reader note: let me be delusional lmaoo
definitely broke up a semi-serious relationship with a man she'd been dating for a year or so when she realized she would have to spend the rest of her life with that guy. In my mind she got really drunk one night at a sorority party and had an “oh, shit” moment and avoided him for two weeks before breaking up with him. 
i see Jackie as a news anchor. honestly, I think it would really fit her. always struck me as a morning person.
meets you at a coffee shop that she has to rush into at the crack of dawn before work. she's so fucking happy and in a good mood that it puts you off at first. like seriously, it's like 6 AM, why is she smiling??
Jackie immediately takes a liking to you. starts going out of her way to stop by whenever you're working, even though it's five minutes out of her way and she likes the coffee at the other shop better. 
she's so flirty, incessantly even. she derives so much pleasure from making you nervous. even with all the flirting she does, she doesn't seriously expect you to reciprocate her interest. she's immediately stunned and a little unsure when she realizes you wrote a flirty comment on her cup, because don't you realize how old she is? 
comes back in the next day and mentions it and is immediately flattered when you just shrug and hand her the usual before she can even order it. Jackie's so flustered by your attention that she leaves without paying. runs back ten minutes later and practically throws the money at you before sprinting back to work. 
Jackie really likes the fact that you don't know who she is. i mean, who watches the news anymore?? 
you finally catch a clip of her as the anchor and realize what she does. she gets so shy when you tease her about it. asking her for her autograph as a joke and she's tripping over herself and bright red
god, she's never like this but you just make her so nervous sometimes. makes her feel like a kid again and she never thought she'd like that. 
doesn't even cross her mind to be embarrassed or hesitant about dating someone half her age. starts talking about your college classes and one of her friends is like “oh, it's good they're going back to college at their age” and Jackie's just like “oh no, they went straight out of highschool 🥰.” doesn't even notice the way their jaw dropped as they're doing the math. 
worries constantly about how you perceive her. she seems so charismatic and confident that you wouldn't think she would be so insecure, but it's constantly on her mind. she's not embarrassed about you at all but she keeps waiting for the day that you realize she's too ‘old’ ever since someone pointed that out to her for the first time. 
tries way too hard to seem hip and cool. she spent hours researching how to use modern slang correctly even though she already mostly had it down. 
over the moon whenever you reference liking something from the 90s. she'll talk your fucking ear off about it if you let her. 
Jackie values your validation a lot less than she would've at 18, but she still really needs to be the center of your attention. one off comment from you can really have her off kilter for the rest of the day even if you didn't mean it. Jackie's more chill about it now, but she still has a desperate need to be liked. 
she gets so jealous when it comes to people your own age. there's so many spaces you’re in that she really just can't enter due to her age and it drives her crazy thinking about all the people who might be able to relate to you better or on a different level. 
such a reality TV fan. has you on the couch for days getting caught up on all 12 seasons of her favorite show before the new season airs. you just know she's got the best snacks though. 
ridiculously supportive of every little thing you do. if it has a competition attached, trust that she will be in the front row with your picture on a t-shirt. People definitely think she's your mom with how extra she is about it, but she doesn't even care. the crowd audibly gasps when she kisses you afterward, but she doesn't notice as she's too busy hyping you up about getting fifth place.
most considerate gift giver on the planet, I swear. she only gets better with age. it's so sweet and thoughtful that you almost tear up every time. 
won't lie about her age but also won't correct other people. your friends are like “what is she, thirty???” in disbelief when they meet for the first time and Jackie's ass is just like “... yes. that's it.” 
world’s most expensive makeup collection, i swear. it’s so expansive that you're almost in awe the first time you see it. entire shelves dedicated solely to it
sometimes when you get bored sitting outside the shower listening to Jackie yap you start googling the prices of things just to feel something. what do you mean that skin cream was $250???
Offers to give you a tour as an excuse to get you into her room. You’re looking around her one-story house like 🤔. You’re not sure there’s a single room in this house you can’t see from the living room, but you’re not stupid enough to give up that chance.
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paper-mario-wiki · 4 months
What is your favorite bar from the myriad of good bars from Kendrick Lamar involving drake, i.e. Euphoria, Meet the Grahams, & Not Like Us?
note: when I say "Drake" I mean the constructed pop star. when I say "Aubrey" I mean the human being and actor behind the narrative that is "Drake".
Euphoria my favorite bar from this track is the whole "I'm the biggest hater" refrain. i like it because that singular section alone completely obliterated Taylor Made Freestyle. by paraphrasing the late DMX's famous quote about Drake, he is demonstrating how you can respectfully and powerfully use words from the mouths of dead predecessors to discredit your opponent, further showing how much of a stupid tactless clown-show popstar-turned-con-artist Aubrey Graham is in using the AI mockery of Tupac's voice to taunt Kendrick, the current voice of the West Coast and-- to many-- the people's successor to Pac.
6:16 in LA with a slightly lighter tone than the other disses, i consider this song to be a person to person sit-down and final warning to Aubrey that Kendrick is willing to provide. he explains that OVO is full of moles and wires, Aubrey is being hustled with nobody on his side, and going as far as saying "you can't sleep, these images trouble you" hinting at the fact that he would be going after Drake's personal failings that he thinks about when he goes home at night and stops being Drake. which he totally did in meet the grahams. also, bonus points to my favorite rhyme scheme in the song, just cuz it's so much fun to say:
Your lil memes is losin' steam, they figured you out The forced opinions is not convincin', y'all need a new route
like, what a perfect little two-bar rhyme scheme.
meet the grahams in this song, the most powerful lyrics to me (and the ones that usually make me start tearing up) are the ones where Kendrick stops being sorrowful and starts being angry.
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya? You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements, Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
this reminds me of every traumatic scolding i ever received as a child. i think that the word "disappointed" isn't strong enough to convey the feeling here. something closer would be "let down", because Kendrick's whole thing recently has been peace and uplifting people. he was willing to tolerate the competition for the game, but there were so many times that he warned Drake to not mention Kendrick's family. ultimately, in this stage of their careers, what they were fighting for was not fame or power, it was their legacy. they were fighting over how they were going to be remembered, and Kendrick was not about to let his pacifism make him passive in watching someone pretending to be a part of his culture stain how he will be written about in the records of Hip-Hop history. in specific, i love the line "take that mask off, i wanna see what's under them achievements" because he is BEGGING Audrey to respond honestly, as himself. he is begging him to cast off the facade of "Drake" and speak with any amount of dignity, because at this point there was no more room to speculate on whether or not he actually was who he claimed to be with regards to his music. at this point, the consensus was pretty thoroughly in the camp of "the actor Audrey Graham has been co-opting the image of the American Rapper for his career".
Not Like Us i think i love the bar "he has all eyes on me and imma send it up to Pac" because it goes back to the core of what this is about to Kendrick in fighting for legacy. the media, specifically the white dominated media, sucks the culture (that is to say, Black culture) dry for all it's worth monetarily, and in the process there have been many twisted caricatures or unfair narratives left in the wake of black creatives who are no longer alive to defend their own names. there's an entire tangent about how tabloids disproportionately affect black creatives due to the very fact that white supremacy discounts the respect these names have to the (largely un-melinated) higherups in hollywood, and as a result there is less PR dedicated to keeping their image clean, but i think im not qualified to go off on it. the point is, Drake disrespected Pac's legacy (and continues to do so by owning his ring, really, instead of having it be in the possession of someone who's at least from the west coast), and Kendrick wanted to put some honor on his name. he made sure that he was not just mentioned in the shameful (Taylor Made) and angry (euphoria) parts of this beef, but also its most triumphant moment.
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luminoustarlight · 1 year
State of Grace | Anakin Skywalker
Anakin finds comfort in you when he can't sleep.
rating: general audiences | pairing: anakin skywalker x f!reader | wc: 1.3k | read on ao3 warnings: comfort, first kiss
I'd like to start a challenge called "how many fics can I think of inspired by taylor swift songs?"
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When there’s a knock at your door in the middle of the night, you know exactly who is standing on the other side. It’s become so routine over the course of the war, that you wonder if there’s a way for him to just stay with you. But of course, it’s forbidden. His attachment to you is forbidden. And yet… two tired blue eyes meet yours when you open your door. 
“Anakin,” you greet gently. Your heart sinks every time you see him so disheveled. He only bothered to put on a robe, the same as you before coming over. It’s tied loosely around his waist, revealing the various injuries on his chest and abdomen. His hair looks like it hasn’t been washed in several days. Even his face looks thinner, cheeks hollowing in ever so slightly. 
“I’m sorry,” he replies hoarsely. 
“Come in, Ani,” you ignore his apology and open the door further. Your apartment is dark, thanks to the thick curtains in your lounge and bedroom. Coruscant is a planet that never sleeps. The hum of speeders passing by your window at all hours used to bother you. Now you can’t sleep without it. And Anakin can’t seem to sleep without you. 
He stands awkwardly in the foyer even though it’s the fourth time this week he’s come by. He really tries not to. He tries getting himself back to sleep, to think of anything else but the nightmares that wake him up in a cold sweat time and time again. The nights when he doesn’t visit you are the nights he hardly sleeps at all. It’s easier to just stay awake than to feel the pain of losing his mother again… losing the war… losing you. 
 “Can I make you some tea?” you offer. 
“Um,” Anakin clears his throat, “that would be nice. Thank you.” He follows you into the kitchen and sits down on the middle stool at the counter. (It’s subconsciously his favorite because it swivels the most out of the other two). 
You’re simply filling the kettle with water and he’s entranced by you. He’s drawn to you in such a way that makes it impossible to ignore. How do you have so much kindness for him? He’s always coming over uninvited, unannounced, always in the middle of your sleep cycle. You must be exhausted, too. You never let him see it, though. “You are so—” 
“Would you like to—” you and Anakin speak at the same time. “Oh,” you giggle. “You go ahead.” 
Anakin shakes his head. He better not say it. As much as he wants to, telling you you’re beautiful opens a can of worms he’s not sure he’s ready to release. “That’s okay. What were you going to say?” 
The stove finally ignites after a few clicks and you place your cerulean kettle on the flame. You turn back to Anakin with a soft smile. “I was just going to ask if you wanted to talk about it.” 
 “Just another nightmare,” Anakin shrugs. “Nothing you haven’t heard before.” 
You reach over the counter to encompass Anakin’s hands in yours. You pay no mind to his artificial hand, even though he didn’t cover it with his glove. “You can still tell me if you like.” 
“I- I don’t feel like talking. I’m sorry,” he sighs. “I’m terrible company.” 
“You’re not, Anakin,” you squeeze his hands. “You are going through an unprecedented time right now. It’s okay to be overwhelmed, exhausted, defeated, dejected… it’s okay.” 
Anakin pulls his hands away from you and stands frustratedly. “That’s just it, though. The whole galaxy is going through the same thing— the council, the senators, everyone. And they seem fine. Why does it have to affect me so much?” 
You round the counter to meet Anakin once more. Tentatively placing your hands on either side of his face, you direct his attention to you. “Because you actually let yourself feel. And you feel deeply. I can’t imagine your burden, Anakin. But what you’re feeling, the nightmares you have… it doesn’t make you any less strong. It doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. And just because you don’t see the council or the senators visibly struggling, it doesn’t mean they aren’t. You never know what battles someone is dealing with behind closed doors.” 
“What are you battling?” Anakin wonders.
His question gives you pause. You shouldn’t say. But the weight of it in your belly every time you’re with him almost makes you feel sick. “My feelings for you,” you answer against your better judgment. “I don’t want to make you feel awkward, Anakin. But I’ve felt this way for a long time now.” 
“Your…” Anakin’s eyes are searching your features for any sign of dishonesty. But you wouldn’t do that to him and he hates himself for even thinking for a second that you would. “Your feelings for me?” 
“I know you can’t have attachments, Anakin. I don’t expect you to feel the same way, but I… but you asked and I just thought there was no better moment than now. I know that there is nothing we can -” 
“Can I kiss you?” Anakin interrupts you. He knows it’s wrong, he knows he shouldn’t, but Maker does he want to. 
“You- you want to kiss me?” you blink up at him. Did you hear him correctly? 
It’s Anakin’s turn to take your face in his hands. He drags his thumbs over the apples of your cheeks and swipes his tongue over his bottom lip as he stares at yours.  “I want to kiss you very badly. If you’ll let me.” 
You’re not sure your heart could possibly beat any faster than it is now. Have you always been standing so close together? When did his thighs start touching yours? When did his mouth begin hovering over yours, waiting patiently for your answer? “Yes,” you breathe. And just like that, Anakin’s lips are meshing with yours, fitting together like they were made for each other. He pulls you impossibly close to him, noses smushing against the other’s cheek, breathing becoming one as you taste each other for the first time. You couldn’t be more certain that you are kissing the lover you’ve been waiting for all your life. 
Anakin wonders how something that is so wrong for him as a Jedi could feel so right. He is convinced he was made to kiss you. He was made to take you in his arms and hold on tight. He could kiss you forever if it weren’t for the whistling tea kettle startling both of you. 
You break away breathlessly and with a little giggle as you turn off the burner. “Do you, um,” you can’t help but touch your lips. The feeling and taste of Anakin still lingering on you. “Do you still want tea?” 
Anakin smiles, which only makes him smile more because he thought the muscles required to smile didn’t exist anymore. “Only if you’re having some,” he says. Although, he really doesn’t want tea at all. He just wants to kiss you. That is what will really nourish him, what will make his tummy feel warm and comforted. 
“I think I’d just like to kiss you some more,” you answer. 
So that’s what you do instead of having tea. You kiss in the kitchen, in the doorframe of your bedroom, on your bed until you both eventually fall asleep with your legs twisted together and your head on his chest. And for the first time in months, Anakin sleeps peacefully. He’s not even sure he dreams at all. He only feels. And it’s safe. It’s calm. Because you are his state of grace.  The rest of the galaxy falls away when he’s with you. This is something he is willing to fight for. These moments with you. Because when you are alone in your apartment, he can be whoever he wants. He’s not General Skywalker or Ahsoka’s master or “the Chosen One”. 
He’s just your Anakin.
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bye i love him <3
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tonight-i-may-see · 7 months
Illicit Affairs (Aaron Hotchner x GN!Reader)
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[note: MORE ANGST UPON YE. also can u tell im on a tswift kick?]
cw: angst with a happy(?) ending, gn!reader, reader's gender isn't specified.
word count: 1k
Inspo: Illicit affairs - taylor swift & peace - taylor swift
“I have to go.” 
It was like clockwork. You'd meet, spend a few hours together, then he'd go and the next morning you'd have to look him in the eye at work like this wasn't breaking your heart.
This time, you decided to push things.
“Why? Who's waiting?” You ask, obviously pointing out the fact he wasn't married anymore and hadn't been for quite some time. The divorce had happened months before the first time the two of you did this routine, so why exactly was it he had to leave so soon?
He’s silent for a moment, then deeply exhales. “No one. But I don't have my go-bag if we get called.” 
A spark of irritation fizzles through you, so you push harder. “What, you can't go get it on the way?”. It's clear by his face he doesn't want to have this talk, and another sigh rolls out of his nose. It was typical really, he only ever wanted to have the good stuff with you, no discussions that might require actual use of his brain cells. To him, you were supposed to be easy, just a way to relax after work that he didn't have to stress over.
Of course, he was more than aware of how unfair that was- you were a human being with very real feelings, reciprocated ones, even. But after Haley he just wasn't ready to focus on anything but Jack and work…which was made difficult by the fact you were work. You were there every day, giving him that hurt puppy dog look that broke his heart a little every time he saw it. Those eyes only made him push you further away, though, so you'd resigned to only allowing them when you thought he wasn't looking (He could never take his eyes off you, though you had no idea that was the case.).
“Can we not do this tonight?” Aaron asks, and you’re startled by the weakness in his voice, by the tightness that was building to a crack. Looking up at him, you can see his eyes glisten in the lamp light, an even more startling reaction to your nagging questions.
“Are you-...are you crying?” You ask in a whisper, worry knitting your brow and bringing a frown to your lips. “Aaron, hey-” 
He tries to shy away, but you don’t let him for once. You pull him close and wipe his cheeks, still concerned about how out of nowhere this reaction is from him. “I just want you to stay, what’s going on?” 
It’s silent for a long while, you assume he’s collecting his thoughts and calming down, so you just keep one hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm to ground him. Five minutes pass before he can look you in the eye, and when he does your heart shatters. The tears just won’t stop. As he falls into your arms, you rub his back and try to push through the confusion at how fast things changed emotionally. “What is it, Aaron…? Honey?” You ask softly, moving so he can sit next to you on the bed.
“I wanna stay-” It’s a little difficult to make out with the tears and the fact he has his face pressed against your shoulder, but you hear it. “I wanna stay,” He repeats “But that makes it real.” 
Time slows, and the cogs start to turn in your head. Losing Haley twice over must’ve been the worst heartbreak he’d ever experienced, and she wasn’t in the field. You are. Sure, that means you’ve got each other’s backs, but it also meant your lives were on the line daily. Sure enough, he finishes your train of thought for you.
“I can’t lose you.” 
You don’t even try to say he won’t, because you know he might. Every time you step out of the bullpen and into the field there’s a target on your back, and you’d be a fool if you tried to ignore that. But was that really a reason to break each other's hearts?
“You might.” You say stiffly, running your fingers through the longest parts of his hair. “But if you keep this up, you’ll lose me too.”
It was something you wanted to let hang, so you did. One hand still running through his hair as you watched him process it…he was tired, you both were, the case you were on right now was one of the worst and was only devolving more. What would usually have been an irritating question with snide comments had become the final straw. Unwittingly, you’d broken him. Eventually, he looked up at you from where he was leaning, and your heart broke. He didn’t have to speak for you to know how he felt. 
“I know…I know it’s scary. I’m terrified.” His bottom lip trembles slightly, and you think about how you’d fight people tooth and nail to never have to see him so upset again, about how it gripped at your chest and stung your eyes every time you took in a breath. “But we can be scared together.”
There was no way to fix this, not alone, but therapy wasn’t something to bring up right now. Right now, the man in your arms clearly needed comfort and support, and that’s what you gave him. Hours pass with him half-cradled in your arms like a child, and eventually you wake up next to him, the pink light of a sunrise flushing his cheeks just like his own heartbreak had the night before. It was odd, seeing a man you knew to be so strong completely relying on you for stability, but at the same time it felt right. If Aaron needed a rock, that’s exactly what you’d be, there was no question he’d do the same for you in a heartbeat. This wasn’t going to be easy, you’d have a lot of explaining to do to the team and your families, but you’d do it together.
Afraid, but in love without denial.
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inmyglenpowellera · 7 months
Bad Reputation Part 1 | Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Taylor Swift inspired!OC
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Request: Requested by @akornsworld
Word Count: 3457 words
Summary: There's that saying for some people, “You can't go home again.” When you grow up and leave, that's it, you don't go back home. Presley Joann Benjamin (stage name Presley Jo) believed that was the case for her. Never did she think she would be right back where she started. But her Aunt insisted it was the best for her. She thought for sure her life and career were over until she meets a certain cocky aviator.
Warnings: Alcohol use, angst if you squint, maybe some cursing, fluff, some depression if you squint
A/N: This will be a multipart imagine. Not sure how many chapters there will be yet.
Part 2 Part 3
She made it. She was one of the biggest singer/songwriters this generation has ever known. She was a hit pop sensation. She went on tour, her more recent ones going international. She won many awards: Grammy's, Billboard, MTV Awards, VMA's. She had many other accomplishments she was proud of and didn't think she would even come close to experiencing what she had. Things were going great… until they weren't.
Things started to go downhill, and they went downhill fast. Her reputation was ruined. All because she refused to be used and abused in Hollywood. Everything started to fall apart. The cancel culture started to come for her. She was completely lost on what to do. Which is why she disappeared from the public eye.
She didn't answer her phone for days. Her aunt began to lose her mind and flew from San Diego to New York to see if she was even alive. What she didn't expect was to walk into her niece's loft to find her lying in her bed in the dark. Tissues and multiple bottles of alcohol littering the bed and floor. Her aunt knew then and there she couldn't survive this dark period by herself. She forced her up out of bed, demanded she take a shower, and forced her to pack her bags to come home.
Home, the place she hasn't been in about 10 years. When she was still a bright-eyed 20-year-old dreamer. The place where she got her start while working part-time at her aunt's bar as a server. Where her now ex-asshole manager discovered her. Playing and singing her heart out on that old piano in the middle of the bar, entertaining the aviators currently stationed in the area, who she was sure said they “knew her when” when she finally started becoming known.
She can't stop staring at that old piano through her sunglasses from her bar stool.
“Why don't you go play something? The only person who ever touches it anymore is Bradley,” Penny said to her niece, cleaning out a beer glass before placing it with the others.
“No thank you,” Presley said quietly, adjusting her baseball cap on her head.
“Well, can you at least take the hat and glasses off? And look at me when I'm talking to you,” Penny requested, laying her rag on the counter.
Presley huffed and turned around on her bar stool. “I'll take my glasses off and look at you but I'm keeping the hat on.”
“Presley, nobody is here right now,” Penny argued, gesturing around the empty and currently closed bar.
“Exactly, right now. But you know as well as I do that this place will be packed in less than an hour and I really don’t feel like being mobbed considering the current state of my life,” I argued back with her.
“The current state of your life that you are going to get through and fix. You're a Benjamin, nothing can stop us,” She reassured me.
I sighed in response to her words and attempted to slam my forehead down onto the bartop. However, I let out a groan in pain when I just ended up hitting the bill of my ballcap off of it instead. I heard Penny sigh and heard the telltale sound of her walking around the bar and moving to sit on the barstool next to me. She began to run her hand through the ponytail sticking out of the back of my ballcap before speaking.
“Presley, I know what you are going through right now is hard and you may feel like your life is over. But that is so far from the truth. I brought you back here not just because you needed the support, but because you needed to get back in touch with your roots. You may not believe this, but sometimes going back to where it all started helps to see where it all went wrong,” She whispered to me.
I scoffed in reply and lifted my head up. “I know where it all went wrong.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. But until then, I want you to at least try to live your life. Stop focusing on what happened and focus on what could be. Don’t worry about writing your next hit or whether you will be invited to the next award show.  Focus on spending time with me and Amelia and being normal.”
I stared at her for a moment before nodding with a sigh. “Alright, fine. Where do you want me to start?”
She nodded at me gratefully before standing from the bar stool. “You can start by helping me open the bar. I know you know how to. Go to the stock room and grab what we need and then help me finish the glasses.”
I groaned in annoyance before standing from my chair and moving to do as she asked.
The moment the first person walked into the bar I rushed to push my sunglasses back on my face and kept my head down and I have continued to do so since the bar opened about 30 minutes ago. The place has had people nonstop coming in and out. Aviators, soldiers, and civilians taking up the space around me. The once-quiet bar was slowly becoming louder as more people filtered in and the evening rush slowly began to take hold. 
A glass being placed in front of me caused me to look up briefly at the bartender standing there with a smile.
“Thanks, Jimmy,” I smiled back at him.
“This stays between you and me. Your aunt told me not to serve you but I figured one drink wouldn’t hurt,” Jimmy told me, pointing his finger at me as if he was scolding me.
“Don’t worry. She won’t hear it from me,” I reassured him, reaching forward for the drink in front of me.
Jimmy gave me a thankful nod before moving to serve another person. I sighed and took a sip of my drink when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see another news article about me. I sighed and clicked on it, frowning at the words glaring back at me.
“Presley Jo: Where is the Princess? Has she run away to hide in her castle?”
“I’m not a princess,” I grumbled to myself, glaring at my phone as someone appeared next to me at the bar.
“Jimmy, I’ll have 6 more, and whatever the “not princess” is having,” a voice with a distinct southern accent spoke up from next to me.
I slightly raised my head and pocketed my phone, looking over at the person standing next to me through my sunglasses before looking over at Jimmy.
“Uh, that won’t be necessary, Jimmy,” I told the old man who nodded at me.
“Aw, c’mon darling. Let a nice man buy a beautiful woman a drink,” He argued with me in his accent, leaning on the bar sideways so he could look at me.
I let out a small giggle and shook my head, looking over at him and looking him over from top to bottom. Sandy blonde hair styled to perfection, bright green eyes shining in the lights of the bar, thin lips pressed into a smirk, and a khaki uniform that causes me to roll my eyes from behind my glasses and look forward. A gorgeous human being ruined by what he does for a living.
“Well howdy, John Wayne. I appreciate the offer but no thank you,” I told him, grabbing the still half-full glass to take a sip.
“John Wayne,” The stranger questioned me in shock, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, I’m sorry, do you prefer Eastwood,” I retorted, placing my glass back on the bar top.
I heard the aviator let out a noise that was a mixture of a scoff and a chuckle before he spoke up again.
“Well, that just hurts my feelings, sweetheart. It’s not every day I get made fun of for my accent,” He said in amusement.
“Well, I’m glad I could bring some excitement to your day,” I smiled at him sarcastically.
I heard a huff of amusement. “You know what would make it even more exciting.”
“No, but I feel like you’re going to tell me anyways, cowboy,” I said with disinterest.
“Your number.”
I scoffed in disbelief and began shaking my head with a grin. “Trust me, my number is the last thing you want buddy.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that,” He asked me curiously, leaning in closer to me.
“Because my reputation isn’t exactly the best right now… If you knew who I was you wouldn’t want to have anything to do with me, I promise you that. So do yourself a favor and find someone else to court like the small-town country boy you are,” I informed him, pushing my sunglasses farther up my nose.
“Well, maybe you can give me a chance and I can prove you wrong,” He argued with me.
“Doubtful,” I muttered, taking a large gulp of my drink.
“Why don’t we start with a name? If you're so famous like you're making yourself out to be. Then I can tell you if I’ve heard anything and if I believe what I’ve heard,” He offered up.
“I am most definitely not giving you my name,” I denied immediately, shaking my head.
“Well, then how about you take off the sunglasses and the hat Hollywood? Then I can tell you if you look familiar,” He tried again.
“I am not doing that either,” I said with another shake of the head.
“You enjoy playing hard to get don’t you,” He asked me with a smirk.
“It’s not playing hard to get if there’s nothing to win,” I told him.
He stared at me in silence, causing me to look over at him. I could see a few different emotions swirling in his eyes. Admiration, desire, amusement, and what looked like affection.
“I’m Jake,” He said simply.
I stared at him for a second and nodded in response. “Cool.” 
This Jake person opened his mouth to speak again before being cut off. 
“Is Hangman bothering you, PJ,” Jimmy asked me sweetly, looking between the two of us.
“No, Jimmy. It’s fine,” I reassured the old man.
“Are you sure? Because I have no problem ringing the bell on him,” Jimmy told me, gesturing over his shoulder to my aunt's bell.
“As funny as that would be and as much as I would enjoy that, it’s not necessary,” I reassured him once again, picking my drink up and finishing it off.
Jimmy nodded at me and grabbed my now empty glass before walking away, but not without throwing a warning glare over his shoulder at this so-called “hangman.”
“So, now you know my name and my callsign. Are you still not willing to give yours up miss “PJ,” Jake questioned me.
“No, Hangman, I’m not,” I shrugged at him, beginning to stand from my barstool. “Hey Jimmy, Let Penny know I’m headed home,” I asked the old man, watching him nod at me before going about his work again.
“So you know Penny,” He asked me.
“Wow, nice deduction there Mr. Eastwood. That navy training is really doing you some good,” I said sarcastically, turning to head out the door.
“I’ll get your name eventually,” He called after me.
“Don’t bet on it, Lieutenant.”
I groaned in pain at the sudden weight being thrown on top of me, a bright giggle slipping out of the person’s lips. I wrestled my hands out from underneath them and lifted them to grab the comforter covering my head. I pulled it down to see Amelia lying across me with her dog Theo running into the room and joining us in the bed.
“Amelia, why,” I groaned.
“Because mom told me to wake you up. She needs you to do something for her,” Amelia told me before hopping off the bed to leave the room, Theo following closely behind her.
I groaned tiredly before throwing my blanket off of me. I leaned over the side of the bed and gripped my sleep shorts that I had taken off before bed. I pulled them on before doing my morning routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face. I then ran a brush through my hair and pulled it up into a bun before making my way downstairs. I followed the noises I heard into the kitchen to see Aunt Penny running around trying to make breakfast for Amelia as my little cousin tried to finish up her homework at the last minute. I walked over to Amelia kissed her head and gave Theo a pat on the head, before taking a seat on the other barstool at the island.
“Morning,” I sighed out to Aunt Penny.
“Good morning. I have a few errands I need to do this morning. Is there any chance you can take Amelia to school and then go to the Hard Deck to get some of the opening duties done for me,” Aunt Penny asked me quickly, placing Amelia’s breakfast on top of her homework and causing the young girl to let out a groan of annoyance.
“Yeah, sure,” I nodded at her.
“Thank you. I shouldn’t be long and should be there at around 10. And Amelia knows the drop-off procedures,” She reassured me.
“Penny, it’s fine. I know what to do and I will get Amelia to school on time,” I reassured her.
“Thank you,” she told me once again before gathering her things.
She walked around the island to place a kiss on Amelia’s head and one on my cheek before moving towards the door.
“I love you girls,” She called over her shoulder.
“Love you too,” We both called out to her.
After an anxiety-ridden school drop-off and halfway through getting the bar ready for opening, Penny showed up with a thankful smile.
“Thank you,” She told me, pulling me into a hug.
“You’re welcome. I mopped, did stock, and washed the glasses. They just need to be dried and all of your paperwork needs to be done,” I explained to her, gesturing to all of the glasses sitting in drying racks.
“You are a lifesaver. How was drop off,” She asked me.
“Well, um, I have been through quite a few anxiety-inducing events in my life, but I think drop-off was the worst one to date,” I informed her with a grimace.
Penny winced at my words and nodded in agreement. “It can be bad.”
I nodded at her in agreement before moving to sit on the piano bench, my back facing the instrument to curb the need to play it. Penny looked between me and the instrument before speaking.
“Why don’t you play something while I finish up? I could use the entertainment,” She offered up, grabbing a rag to begin drying the glasses.
“No thank you,” I sighed, running my hands over my thighs to rid them of some of the sweat they built up.
“Presley, you can’t just give up music. I haven’t heard you so much as hum a note since you came home. And you've been here about two weeks now,” Penny scolded, placing her hands on her hips. “I used to have to pry you away from that piano. You couldn't stop writing and playing. You constantly had something new-”
“I’m not giving up music… and did it ever occur to you that maybe I'm just uninspired,” I interrupted her, looking at her sadly.
Penny frowned before placing her rag on the counter and leaning forward. “You're uninspired right now, but not forever. Something will bring your light back, I know it. For right now, how about you play some of your old stuff?”
I stared at her for a moment before sighing and nodding. “Fine. But I'm not singing. I'm just playing the piano.”
“That's fine with me,” She reassured me as I turned around and placed my hands on the black and white keys.
I began playing one of my songs gently and let myself get lost in the music. Meanwhile, Penny continued working behind me to prepare the bar for opening in a couple of hours. My one song turned into two, which turned into three. However, my playing stopped when I heard the front door open. I tensed up in my seat and looked over at Penny out of the corner of my eye. Penny dropped everything she was doing and immediately turned towards the person who entered the bar.
“Hangman, we don’t open for another few hours,” Penny called out to the person who walked further into the bar.
“It’s Friday, Penny. Dogfight football day. Just stopped in to get some beers for everybody before heading down to the beach,” Jake argued with her, walking over to the bar.
I could feel his eyes on me as he conversed with my aunt, causing me to turn my head slightly so he couldn’t see my face.
“Well, why don’t you head outside and I can bring them out to you,” Penny offered up.
“Nah, Pen, it’s fine. I don’t want to take up any more of your time than I need to,” Jake denied her. I listen to Penny let out a sigh before moving around the bar and gathering what he asked for. “I know that song you were playing, darling. I believe it’s called Enchanted by-,” He cut himself off when I finally looked over at him.
“Presley Jo, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Eastwood,” I stated, holding my hand out to him with a blank expression on my face.
“PJ,” He hummed, gripping my hand in his own with obvious shock on his face.
“Hm, I normally just go by Presley,” I hummed out with a shrug, staring up at him.
“Mhm, Penny my dear, do you understand who is sitting in your bar right now,” Jake said in disbelief.
“Of course I do. I raised her,” Penny shrugged at him simply.
Jake turned around and looked at her in shock. “You raised one of the biggest pop stars on the face of the earth and didn’t tell anyone?”
“It’s not exactly something I go telling everybody, Hangman, no matter how proud I am of my beautiful niece. Besides, Bradshaw and Maverick know.”
“Rooster knows? Maverick I understand, but Rooster,” He asked in disbelief.
“Bradley and I grew up together. Who do you think taught me piano,” I interrupted, drawing his eyes back towards me. Jake continued to stare at me in shock and awe, causing me to slightly squirm under his gaze. “So, you going to go tell everybody I’m here? Sell a story to the media?”
Jake shook his head at me before releasing a scoff. “Why would I do that?”
“Because it’s what everyone else does,” I shrugged, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.
“Well, Darling, I guess I’m not everyone else then,” He shrugged at me.
I looked at him in shock before speaking again. “You still want my number?”
“Hm… that, and I’d still like to buy you that drink,” He shrugged at me.
I looked at him in shock and disbelief before shaking my head at him. “You still want something to do with me after finding out who I am? Even with everything being said about me and me being canceled?”
Jake shrugged at me before stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Not all your fans believe what’s being said about you.”
My gaze softened and I couldn’t stop myself from staring into his bright green eyes. He held my gaze for a few moments before Penny cleared her throat.
“Hangman, your beers,” She said, pushing them all towards the aviator.
He removed his gaze from me to turn towards my aunt and gave her a thankful smile. He told her to keep a tab open before turning back towards me. He gave me a wink before moving towards the back door of the bar to go to the beach. I watched him walk away and out the door before removing my gaze from him and looking back at my aunt. She raised her eyebrows at me in amusement before crossing her arms over her chest.
“You gonna tell me what the hell that was?”
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megamuscle885-blog · 4 months
Severed - Worm Fanfiction Review
CW: Suicide and canon typical gore.
I don't think I've so eagerly anticipated an imaginary and, likely unwritten at the time of this post, scene in fanfiction than @heyitschartic's Severed. I've been following this series since it was posted three years ago. I'll avoid spoilers and the scene I'm imagining in question will be under the cut, but the basic premise is that Jack Slash chooses Skitter as his nominee during the Slaughterhouse 9 arc, rather than Oni Lee, who was disappointing, and Golem, who he later contrived the entire S9k arc for.
I will say that this work is a beautiful plunge into What Ifs which look all the more horrifying if you compare them against canon. You get flashback snippets of the S9 arc retold from a few perspectives before being thrust into post-GM, maybe pre-Ward? era with modern Skitter. I can certainly say that Severed blows all other S9!Taylors out of the water, Taylor is authentic in ways I haven't seen with anyone else. 10/10, each chapter is at it's absolute peak and it has 11 chapters as of this post. Each gut-punch has me anticipating the next chapter, only for the next chapter to explain why Taylor's friends and enemies hate her so much. I gasped when Tattletale said that to her. I strongly recommend Severed to anyone and everyone who hasn't already read it yet. Here's the link:
Oh wait does this count as the first of my Worm fanfic reviews--
So, I've read chapter 11 and I've been having Taylor and her clone rotating in my head endlessly, but the scene I'm anticipating is the one hinted at in Chapter where Defiant wants Taylor to go under the knife with Bonesaw again so Riley can fix all of Taylor's everything that is physically wrong with her, because her body is practically bio-tinkertech, even after they ripped almost everything else out.
I can only imagine Taylor reiterating that she refuses to be put under for the procedure, and using every moment to vent her anger and frustration on a Riley that is likely seeing marked improvement in her therapy (maybe). But Taylor keeps hitting her with blow after blow. "They'll never let you work on anyone else ever again, so you had better not kill me." and "Nobody will ever let you willingly touch them, I'm the only one who you can use your tinker abilities on, and that can change if I don't need you anymore." "If you ever find someone you can trick into letting you touch them, hold them, or even work on them, I'll kill them. It'd be better than the fate worse than death that letting you touch someone inflicts, and I should know, I'm living through it."
Maybe Chartic has something else planned, but I would like to see this Bonesaw cry. An unshakable, unmoved Taylor just heaps on the abuse through her own tears of pain, holding Riley hostage even as she roots through her guts to put her back together. It's very Taylor to fight through pain to force people to help her. The last time they saw each-other, Riley was doing well. I don't think she'll be doing very well after they meet again.
Maybe an overseeing team of surgeons and Capes become increasingly uncomfortable as Riley is tormented. They find themselves defending Bonesaw of all people, from one of her former victims too.
I'm sorry if this is unsolicited Chartic, but I can't wait to see their reunion, whatever form it takes. Severed's way of making Taylor suffer the consequences of her own actions, while invoking sympathy simultaneously with disgust at Taylor's betrayals; the depths she's sunken to, and then to finally wrap it up with shame and admonishment of her friends, turned victims, is masterful. How dare either they or I judge her for what she had to do to survive. Each chapter reveals that it got worse and worse. At some point, I suspect that (one of) the reasons that Taylor is being given such little leeway by the rest of the cast and remains constantly under the threat of harsh re-imprisonment or execution by vengeful kill-teams is because she somehow became the worst member of the Slaughterhouse Nine or even surpassed them in notoriety.
Tattletale telling Skitter to kill herself was such an insane scene that I stood up and covered my mouth. I was in disbelief. But knowing now that Skitter had betrayed the Undersiders to a slaughter by Mannequin (after having sacrificed her own father and, essentially, her own pre-cape life and innocence with him. The Taylor that she did not want to be, embracing the Skitter she chose to become) and then at some point caused the remainder of the Livsey family to kill themselves the same way Reggie did, with gunshot wounds, really clarifies that Taylor did something unforgivable. She exploited her friendship with Lisa to injure her in a way that can never be repaired. Lisa in canon never really had much to do with her parents ever again, but she probably didn't want them dead for neglecting Reggie.
I may edit this later, or reblog it, as new thoughts on the work come to me.
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peaceloveandf1 · 1 year
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You’re Losing Me- LH44
based off of Taylor Swift’s “You’re Losing Me”
part 2
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
rating: PG-13
“Every mornin', I glared at you with storms in my eyes
How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?”
“y/n, I don’t understand why this is upsetting you so much.” Lewis says, hands rubbing his face in frustration.
“I know you don’t, Lewis! That’s the problem.” I yell, standing from my chair and leaving the kitchen.
This was what felt like the millionth time we’ve argued about his priorities. I thought after the second time we talked about this that it would cure our issues. But now after the fourth, I fear that no cure will come to us.
“I can't find a pulse
My heart won't start anymore
For you
'Cause you're losin' me”
I can hear his footsteps following me as I stalked towards our bedroom.
“Y/n, can you please listen to me? You’re not hearing what I’m saying.” He tried to reason with me, but at this point I was seeing red.
“I’m not hearing you? You’re refusing to answer my question again.” I fire back, only wanting him to answer me. “So I’ll ask you again, what is your priority. Racing or your future outside of racing?” I ask, praying the answer is the latter.
“Baby. You know what I want. But racing is my career and life.”
“You might just have dealt the final blow”
His words dealt the final blow. Six years together feel like they’ve been erased with those words.
“Ok, Lewis. If that’s all you care about.” I seethe, going into my closet to pack some clothes.
“Don’t. You know that’s not true”, he tries to stop me from putting clothes in an overnight bag.
“Oh it’s not?” I say, whipping around to face him, “Six years Lewis. Six years, we’ve been together and you’ve never thought about anything but your racing. I can’t do it anymore. You’ve ignored me, pushed me aside for so long, and put so much more before me. God I thought you were the one for so long.. All I wanted was for you to fight for me. To give up something eventually. But clearly you’ll always be too selfish to think of anyone but yourself” , my words and emotions were released like a flood.
It was my turn for my words to hit Lewis like a blow. My point had finally made its way into his brain after trying for so long.
“y/n…. I can’t- I can’t give up on racing” his voice less confident as before.
“I’m not asking you to Lewis. I’m asking you to think about what comes after racing. Don’t you want a family? Or do you want to be in a garage for the rest of your life?” I plead for him to answer me.
“You know I want a family…. but not now.” Lewis says, unable to meet my eyes.
“Stop, you're losin' me
Stop, you're losin' me”
“Then when? You’re 38. You’ll start a family when? When your 45? Is all you want another championship?” I continue to gruel him.
“I can’t right now. We’ll talk about this later, y/n” he says, seemingly giving up.
That was it. He’d lost me.
“I’m done Lewis. I’m done” I sobbed
“Don’t leave. Not like this.” He says trying to stop me walking out the door.
“Call me when you care about anything other than racing.” My final words were ones I hope would hit him hard.
And that was it. I walked out our door.
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing (got nothing)
To believe
Unless you're choosin' me"
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peachhcs · 5 months
so high school au ★ “you know how to ball i know aristotle”
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→ emma grace x gabe perreault
or hockey player meets top of her class (inspired by taylor swift's song so high school)
→ moodboard + au masterlist
★ ☆ au background + timeline ★ ☆
gabe meets emma first semester of freshman year at boston college
he's taking a french class for fun even though he's fluent in french
him and emma end up next to one another for the class
at first, emma's not so sure about gabe since he acts kind of dumb in the class so the professor doesn't know he's fluent
that annoys her because she thinks it's stupid when people play dumb even though they're super smart
his athletic persona also throws her off a bit and she thinks he doesn't ever care at all because he's just forced to be in his classes to be able to play
they start talking after the first week of classes when gabe's actively doing another class's work
emma actively laughs out loud when she sees him trying to do economics
"something funny?"
she shakes her head and thus starts their mini whispering argument about economics
eventually that leads to gabe asking for her number to get help later on since emma claims she's so good at econ
after a few tutoring sessions emma realizes she might've been wrong about gabe all along
the two become close fairly quickly and he convinces her to come to one of his games that weekend
she starts learning a lot about hockey from gabe whenever he'd start rambling on about it during their tutoring sessions
finally after a month of tutoring gabe decides to ask her out on a date once the boys convince him she'd say yes
she agrees!
they go out to a fancy dinner where they're both pretty nervous it goes super well & gabe kisses her before dropping her off at her dorm
they start dating a week after!
→ emma grace:
emma grace cooper
she's a twin! her brother, tyler, also goes to bc and he swims
her and her brother are super close and always have been hence why they went to the same college together
her birthday is june 15th, 2005!
she's the top of her class & is always at the library trying to get her work done
4.0 slay
she's also fairly fluent in french so her and gabe enjoy talking back and forth in french around his friends so they don't know what they're taking about
enjoys swimming like her brother and sometimes does laps with him during free swim on the weekends
doesn't know a lot about hockey, but she enjoys learning more from gabe
starts falling in love with going to the games and starts showing up early to be at the front of the glass to see everything better
always has her nose in a book & rants to gabe about what happens in each of them
gabe quite literally towers over her since she isn't that tall, but she likes that he's taller than her
wears a lot of neutral/cool tone colors
a bit of an extroverted introvert so once you get to know her she becomes super talkative and can never shut up
talks gabe's ear off a lot when they're hanging out
makes gabe go to the library with her a lot and half the time he isn't even studying and just staring at her instead of
enjoys calling gabe dorky in an endearing way and he secretly loves it
→ gabe perreault:
younger brother to jacob, jeremy, and liliane perreault
he's fairly close with all of his siblings
mostly goes to lili when he needs relationship advice since he knows his brothers would just chirp at him
birthday is may 7th, 2005!
he's been playing hockey since he could walk since his dad is a famous professional ice hockey player & all of his siblings are hockey players as well
he's now a forward at boston college and was drafted 23rd overall by the new york rangers
he's best friends with his roommate, will smith
he's instantly attracted to emma when he first meets her and they sit together in class
he's actually super smart and only acts dumb sometimes because somehow he's got in his brain that athletes can't be smart at the same time
emma definitely changes that perspective for him
was super super nervous when he first asked her out
he's more of an introvert so him and emma balance well because they can both agree staying in is better than going out
loves listening to emma ramble on about what book she's currently reading and even starts reading them too!
when she goes to his game for the first time he almost combusts when he sees her in the sweatshirt he lent her for it
emma most definitely tries to give his style more variety so it isn't just sweats and sweatshirts all the time
the guys start chirping at him a lot when they find out he likes emma
can get a little possessive and jealous sometimes what emma says goes "walk him like a dog"
his siblings love her when they first meet emma
he enjoys calling emma "pretty girl" or "emmers" or "em"
→ quick author's note:
hii!! a little break in the 700 celly requests to introduce my newest au i've been saying for months i'd do!! i absolutely adore gabe and this au idea was actually sent in by anon in my inbox, so whoever you are thank you so much for the idea i love it!! i can't wait to develop their story more, so please send some requests in for emma and gabe too!!
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shubblelive · 2 years
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— summary : you've been faceless for years, but when mr beast reaches out to you, you can't resist the opportunity to surprise karl.
— genre : fluff!!
— warnings : none!!!
— pairing : cc!karl jacobs x fem!faceless!cc reader
— featuring : cc!karl jacobs, mr beast (+crew), cc!quackity (mentioned)
— pronouns : she/her
— request : what abt a karl x fem!reader where he has a crush on them but she is a faceless streamer and mr beast like asks them to face reveal for a competetion (the reader has been thinking abt face revealing so its not boundary crossing yk) and like its a surprise for karl?? like he wasnt told that she was coming and he is like a lost puppy following her around the whole video??? AND THE READER LIKES RHEM BACK GOOD VIBES ONLY anyways slay ilysm
— word count : 0.7k
— note : my best boy karl <33 he would be so giggly and cute
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he was trending on twitter. it wasn't uncommon, he was a creator after all. but now he was trending in association with you.
"fans of karl jacobs left excited after his "adorable" reaction to the prospect of meeting up with longtime friend for the first time ever."
"why is 'adorable' in quotation marks?" he turned his phone screen around so jimmy could see. jimmy just laughed and shrugged.
you and karl had streamed together last night, and you'd entertained the prospect of a face reveal. you'd become a creator rather young, never expecting it to truly take off. but now as an adult with a flourishing career, you felt ready to show your face.
karl had been elated that he was the first person you wanted to meet in person. you and him had been friends for years, and you telling him that he was your best friend turned him into a giggly blushing mess.
but, that was for him to think about later, because right now he had a video to shoot. this one wasn't an endurance challenge, so he didn't think he'd be here for more than maybe four hours. but that was four hours he could spend talking to you.
"hey, karl?" jimmy called him over about an hour. "can you grab another cable from the storeroom?" karl nodded and pocketed his phone, jogging over to storeroom one. "oh, wait. not that one. we have a guest in there."
"oooh, who is it?" he asked. usually, whenever they had guests it was either viewers that karl would meet when they got to the warehouse, or another creator that he would also meet when they got to the warehouse.
"i can't tell you," jimmy said simply. "it's a surprise."
karl frowned, but just put it off. "why are they in the storeroom,"
"we took out the shelves and put up some decor and stuff," jimmy said. "figured we would do more surprise reveals after this one and we need somewhere for them to stay."
to karl's dismay, he soon found out that everyone knew who was in the room except for him. over the next few hours, they filmed the challenge portion of the video, and then took a break before the end segment.
karl had won, and he had a lot of fun. it seemed like everyone else had given up fairly easily, but he assumed that everyone had off days.
he pulled out his phone and texted you: "hi bub sorry, been filming all day. you're probably asleep right now so call me when you wake up <33"
you and karl had been friends for years, but for the past year or so it had been different. you weren't dating, it was a weird sort of in between thing.
you knew he liked you, he knew you liked him. but you'd both silently agreed to wait until you met up irl before anything was going to happen.
once they were all gathered together jimmy spoke to the camera for a second before turning to karl. "alright, now. since karl was the winner, he gets our mystery prize. it's right in there," he gestured to the storeroom that had been done up.
"ooh, is it taylor swift?" he giggled as he opened the door. he expected it would be maybe his family, or another creator he hadn't got to meet.
"you've been hanging out with alex too much," was the first thing you said before karl was pulling you into his arms.
"you're here. oh my god," he recognised you based off of your voice, and he couldn't believe you were physically in front of him. "you're so pretty, gosh,"
"hi honey," you squeezed him as hard as you could.
"it's weird," he mumbled. "i missed you. but, i talked to you all the time. it doesn't make sense,"
"don't worry, karl. none of us saw her, she came in early." chris said. "we were all in on it,"
"can't even be mad," karl still hadn't let go of you, burying his face in your neck. "not when you're here,"
he had to pull away from you (still keeping your hand firmly in his), to finish the video. but the second everyone had gone he was putting his hands on either side of your jaw. "you're here, with me," he needed to keep repeating it so you didn't suddenly disappear.
"karl, honey?" he hummed in response. "i missed you too."
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
Congratulations on the milestone! You more than deserve it, such a talented writer!
I'd like to request a fic for your event. It's been a song stuck in my head for days, "The Alcott" by The National, and the character being Hunter. It's such a beautiful song and I can't wait to see how you interpret it with his character!
Thank you in advance, keep being awesome!
Awwww @royalthunderbird that's so sweet of you!
I really hope you enjoy how I interpreted this song. It almost caught me off guard, but I was quite happy with how it turned out. Love The National and I've never heard this song before, so thank you for introducing it to me.
Love oo.
The Alcott
Warnings: Yo-yo relationship, food, declaration of feelings, angst, fluffish. I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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You hadn’t planned on meeting Hunter, well… at least not this time. 
Both of you had been on again, off again so many times it was starting to give you whiplash. Yet, you couldn’t help it. He called and despite how many times you tried to argue, tried to justify not going, you still showed up. 
So there you were in the back of Dex’s Diner, waiting for him while you worked on your next article for HNE. You wrote in your golden notebook, writing out relevant dates and information that you’d need to look into later. 
“You want something honey?” 
You looked up to the waitress droid smiling, “Thanks Flo, could I get a Jamba Juice?”
“You got it, sweetheart.”
You watched her roll away as you focused back on the task at hand. 
Hunter stood outside the diner, just out of your line of sight. He leaned against the concrete building beside him, just watching you. The way you fiddled with the pen in your hand, the way it tapped against your lip, even the way you chewed on the end. A habit you’d been trying to break ever since the first time he met you. 
He let out a light sigh, Maker, you were still so beautiful. You had that smile on your lips, the one that you always wore. 
There was a time when you two first started going out, he asked why you always wore a smile on your face, you simply shrugged and said, “Why not? A lot of people are either having bad days or just haven’t had any sort of kindness in their life. If I can give them a little peace with a smile, then why not?”
He didn’t have a response to that; he just knew he fell in love with you at that moment. 
All he wanted to do was walk up to you, kiss you with all the passion his heart contained for you. To make you his once again, yet … he let out a breath shaking his head. He’d done this to you once too often, starting something only for either his job or yours to get in the way. 
The first time you two broke up, it was a misunderstanding between the two of you, both failing to recognize how you each felt about the other. 
The second time you broke up, it was because Crosshair implied you were only using Hunter to get classified information on the GAR.
The third time was because he misunderstood your relationship with an informant when he saw you holding their hand, simply because you were trying to console them.
Hopefully, this time … this time he could just be honest and tell you without regrets what he wanted. What he’s always wanted. 
He took a deep breath and righted himself, wiping off any visible dust, before he headed inside. 
You jotted down a few more names, as you were now on a roll with your research, questions that popped up that didn’t make sense, answers that were needed.
“H-hi cyare.”
You slowly lifted your head with a smile on your face as soon as you heard his voice, “Hey handsome. You’re late.”
He nodded as he sat, taking off his helmet and placing it on the table beside him, “Yeah, we ran into a little bit of trouble.”
“Oh! Anything good?” You teased as you smiled at him. 
“Hmm, yes and no. More of the fact that our aggressive negotiations took longer than expected.”
“Ahh, did they have better weaponry than you?” You wiggled your eyebrows, putting away your notebook and datapad, back into your satchel. 
“Sweetheart, you should know, no one has better weaponry than me.” He smirked as he looked at you.
You giggled as you nodded, “True. So…” you stopped fidgeting and focused solely on him, “how have you been? It’s been a minute since we actually spoke or even really saw each other.”
“Yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry, about that. Things have gotten hectic the last few months.”
“Anything I should be concerned about?”
“Not that I can think of, but you still have your go-bag ready just in case, right?”
“Always.” You smiled as your head propped on your fist, “You look good.”
“So do you,” Hunter leaned forward, smiling. He was about to ask about your life and how you were doing when Flo came over and asked if they were ready to order. 
Once she was gone, Hunter just let out a contented sigh, as he looked at you. “I think I’m falling back in love with you.”
You looked startled for a moment, pulling back to sit up a little, you didn’t know what to say really. You had never stopped loving him, but … if he was falling back in love with you, then did that mean there were still trust issues between the two of you. What if you got back together and broke up for a fourth time? Could you handle that? What if you get back together and you realize this time you’re the one who’s moved on? What if there’s another misunderstanding, or if one of his other brothers says something that causes doubt in your relationship?
Hunter watched as you fidgeted with your finger against the table. 
Flo came back with your food, leaving it on the table. Even she noticed there was something odd with the intense silence that lingered between the two of you. 
He wanted to speak, but he decided against it. He didn’t want to distract you. He sat there silently, allowing you the time you needed to figure out what to do with what he said … maybe he made a mistake saying he was falling back in love, truth was he’d never fallen out of love with you. This would’ve been his fourth attempt to get back together with you, was he stupid for trying this? Maybe you wouldn’t believe him, when he said he was in love with you. Not that he blamed you.
Was he ruining this again before anything even started?
Was it over before he even got a chance to show you he changed?
He just needed you to look up at him, to smile at him. He just needed your smile. Why did he have to open his mouth?
You took a deep breath, and slowly lifted your eyes to look at him, “You’re falling back in love with me? So… you moved on and now … you’re … what, realizing you’re back in love?”
“No. Rather, I’m realizing, I’ve never stopped loving you. I …” he swallowed the nervousness that was bubbling forth from deep within. He clenched his hands. “I was an idiot. Every one of those times we broke up, it was my fault. I … I didn’t understand what it took to actually be in a relationship, and I know I’m asking a lot from you, by telling you all this, but I don’t want to run away, anymore. I don’t want to be scared. I don’t want to think I’m not good enough… I want to give us a real try.”
You looked at him and Gods, as hard as you tried, you just couldn’t stop that smile from appearing on your lips as you looked into his eyes. What do they say, fourth times a charm?
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
Btw I NEED TO ramble about the scene in which Buck comes out to Maddie and why it just makes me love her even more than I did before. Maddie is my freaking GOAT ❤️❤️❤️
Why? Well, because she already KNEW. She TOTALLY KNEW. And still pretended to be surprised!!
Why do I say she knew? Well. Because it's 100% canon that Buck rambles about his boy crushes, a lot. A LOT. To everyone!!!
I can't remember how much I've talked about this, but Buck totally had a crush on Albert at one point. There's an whole storyline about it, episodes 4x07 and 4x08.
Here's a recap of how it goes:
Buck goes on a date with Veronica. The date goes BADLY. It lasts for about 90 minutes and Buck leaves humiliated, never wanting to see her again.
Albert is Buck's room mate. Buck comes home, rants about the embarrassing date, announces that he never wants to see Veronica again... Goes to take out the trash, and runs across Veronica, realising that she's their neighbour, lives in the same building. Buck runs home and urgently tells Albert that they have to move!!
Then... Buck knocks on Veronica's door, trying to reconciliate. He does not want awkwardness between neighbours. They agree that the date was terrible, and then... Albert walks out of the shower in a towel.
Next... We see Buck and Taylor (she's a reporter) at work. They're watching a guy who's having a meltdown on a low roof. The emergency is taking forever, Taylor and Buck talk... Or rather.. Buck does!!
Not only does he rant about Albert and Veronica to Taylor, he also talks about them to a random first responder. Albert in a towel!!! has certainly left Buck reeling. It's super obvious that the one Buck actually fancies is Albert. The one date with Veronica was terrible, they definitely weren't ever in a relationship -- but Buck is sputtering about "breaking of bro code!!" and Albert in a towel?? Yeah.
They're not the only ones hearing about Albert. There's also a scene (can't recall which episode) where Chimney and Maddie enter a karaoke bar. Chimney says something about this being nice reprise because he's heard enough about Albert lately...
Anyway, back to Veronica/Buck/Albert/Taylor. Buck invites Taylor on a double date - without telling her it's a double date. Taylor arrives, takes in the queer love square she's been pulled into, very pointedly says that she's heard A LOT about Albert because Buck keeps talking about him... And then she's like "Actually I'm off, this is ridiculous.", and storms off (go queen 👑!)... (Then she and Buck reconciliate. Her capacity to forgive is unparalled, just saying.)
Anyway, back to WHY I LOVE MADDIE. (And Chimney!!!)
The crush on Albert isn't the only obvious boy crush Buck has, is it?
Eddie... The way they meet and Buck goes nuts trying to impress Eddie. The peacocking (mutual peacocking!!!!) is absolutely ridiculous. Chimney watches this mating display dance, shakes his head, rolls his eyes, chuckles to himself... Chimney can tell what's going on, for sure.
Then there's that famous scene in which Buck rambles about Eddie and Chris, is apparently elbows deep online researching for ways to help Eddie with Christopher... Maddie finally asks if the boy crush on Eddie means that Buck is over Abby.
... And there is of course also that scene where Buck assumes that when Maddie meets Chimney and says "he's so cute!", Maddie is talking about Eddie... Even though Maddie and Chimney are before line that seen talking and flirting like they're totally in their own bubble.
Anyway - then let's jump to season 7. Buck is rambling on and on about Eddie and Tommy, and how they've hit off. Apparently has for a good while. Buck is super bothered by their friendship, it's clear he's pressing Chris for intel, snooping around the Diaz home trying to find more information... Maddie listens to this absolutely ridiculous, clueless prattling. And she knows. She totally knows.
Buck is GLASS. He's absolutely transparent. This man isn't straight.
And she's not the only one who knows.
Chimney enters the room. Maddie looks at him "NO! Don't you dare say anything!!!" But Chimney can't resist indulging himself with some subtle teasing.
He jumps in, praising Tommy. "That Tommy's SO COOL 😍!!" Basically just adding fuel to the fire, getting under Buck's skin.
Maddie, in the background is making a face like:
"jdjdkkeke CHIMNEY 🤦 ...Ugh, thank you, darling. 🙄👌You've done it. I'll be here all day, listening to this absolutely brainless jealous meltdown. Fucking great!"
Why won't they say anything, talk to Buck about how ridiculous he's being? Sit him down and spell:
Well... Because they are being patient. Because they are being considerate, because they do not want to press him, because they're letting him take his time, figure it out at his own pace.
Because they know that confronting someone who isn't ready to face their queerness can go badly.
Forcing someone to confront their queerness can backlash, it can make that person retreat further inside the closet.
It can be embarrassing and traumatizing for the closeted person to be pressed about this inner conflict. The closet is a maze, it is scary, and confusing, and the denial can be powerful enough that the closeted person doesn't even have any idea that hey, I'm queer, I'm closeted.
So Maddie and Chimney are being sensitive. They see that Buck isn't ready to talk about his sexuality - he's obviously not even aware of it.
So Maddie and Chimney are giving him the time he needs to come to term with it. They may indulge in some gentle teasing, maybe try to give him the occasional hint to help him along, but mostly they're just waiting, listening, letting him be.
What about Maddie's (my GOAT, I love her ❤️) reaction to Buck coming out? Why did she pretend to be surprised by Buck's attraction to men?
Because she was being KIND. Considerate. Because she loves her brother and realises that this moment... It's not about her. It's about him. It's about the reaction Buck needs, to feel supported.
It's not the time to embarrass him. It's not the time to GLOAT about how smart she is, to have realised, ages ago, that Buck is clearly into into men, too.
She did see it coming, and because she is the BEST sister ever... She prepared. She researched this shit, how to react to someone's coming out in a positive way.
And if this is new to you - pay attention now...
Many queer people say this about their coming out;
It sucks if the person you're coming out goes "I KNEW IT! I CALLED IT! I SAW THIS COMING! YOU WERE SO OBVIOUS!!"
Because it totally belittles their struggle. It can be humiliating to learn that when you were scared, and stressed, and confused, and trying to hide your vulnerable underside... Someone was watching you, and thinking "Pffft. You're so freaking obvious. You're fooling nobody. Just come out already."
This gloating "I knew it" reaction isn't just bad because it makes you feel stupid, embarrassed, to learn that you were being transparent. It's like you have no privacy anymore. They saw your performance and gave it one star.
This "Oh I knew"... It makes you anxious because then you wonder... Who else already knows? Who else am I obvious to? What else am I obvious about?
Learning that they knew... It can be traumatizing. Embarrassing. Scary. Because nobody wants to learn that they're easy to read.
Maybe... you aren't ready to come out to everyone, and this reaction makes you terrified that you won't have the option to get ready, that they will realise what you're hiding, and force you to talk about it.
Because maybe... you're still freaked out abour people knowing you're queer. Maybe you fear people spotting it and lashing out.
Or maybe... You aren't afraid of a hateful reaction, but panic at the idea of even a supportive talk about your sexuality with someone. Sexuality is an universal taboo, talking about is awkward and stressful to almost everyone.
And also, when you come out and the person you told tells you they already knew, that your queerness was obvious, and they were expecting you to come out..?
It can be a shock in another way. Maybe your queerness was something you, at some point, were desperate to hide from others... And clearly, you failed that mission. What else are you failing to hide? Because everyone has something they're insecure about!!! Secrets, traumas, embarrassing moments, vulnerable parts. We all try to guard something.
So being told that your poker face sucks? It can make you feel totally paranoid. You think... Omg. I thought I was hiding this. I tried so hard to hide this.
But clearly I wasn't hiding. They saw right through me. Am I always so easy to read?
Do people know all my secrets, everything that makes me nervous and embarrassed, and scared? Do they just look at me and think "They're so dumb to put up that front, we can totally tell how you really think and feel."
Do people look at me and laugh? Do they joke about me behind my back?
And so on.
Basically, when someone comes out to you and you go "Thank god! ABOUT TIME!!"... You're being a prick.
They're opening up to you. They are being vulnerable. They are trusting you with something.
This moment... Your reaction is important. If you want to be a good ally, and support this person coming out to you.
Your job is to provide reassurance. Support. A listening ear. Your love.
Your job isn't to gloat, or dismiss their fears. Your job is not to induce panic, paranoia, or humiliate them by making them feel dumb.
They may be scared of your reaction. Respect that fear, however irrational it is. It doesn't matter if you're queer too, or think you're the best ally in the world, this moment can still be something they've been nervous about. Don't shit on it by smugly gloating about your excellent queerdar.
Yes, you can be honest, if they desperately want to know if you suspected anything. You can gently tell them that you saw some signs. But really, this moment isn't the time to humiliate them or freak them out. Be sensitive.
.... Oops sorry, got lost in the ramble 😅😅!!
Uh... Where was I? Yes.
Basically what I wanted to say with this post is that...
Maddie. Freaking. Buckley!!!! You are the love of my life, does not matter that you are fictional. You're my freaking GOAT anyway. I'm... weak.
Because her reaction to Buck's coming out?!!!
It actually makes me emotional. It was so perfect. It was so full of love!!!
Because yes, she totally knew, had known for years...
AND she kept that knowledge to herself!!!!
Because she'd seen Buck, the closet he was so lost inside in, and she loves Buck... So she wanted to be there for him.
And she knew that it's not easy to come to terms with one's queerness. That it can be tough and scary.
So she thought "What can I do to help? How can I do my best to support my queer brother?"...
And rolled up her sleeves. She researched this. She found out it's not helpful to press someone, that it's important to be patient. She looked up the experiences of queer people coming out. What is helpful! What isn't! She came up with a plan.
Yes, she totally did. I'm telling you, she fucking studied for this test. To make sure her reaction would be freaking perfect, and help Buck on this journey.
Because she did everything right. She realised that letting Buck know how obvious his bisexuality was to her... Might be detrimental to his well-being, and their relationship.
She understood that it wasn't important that she'd known.
That it wasn't her time to brag about how clever she was, to have seen this coming, but to be sensitive of this struggle, to respect this struggle.
So when the day finally came... She was surprised, yes, to realise Buck had been on a date with a man.
I mean, it came out of the blue, right? Buck had been so oblivious to his closet. She'd missed the moment Buck became aware of the closet, and immediately ran on a date.
She thought Buck was still in the dark, so him suddenly going on a date with a man never even entered her mind as an option.
Then she realised... OH. He IS there? He has figured this out. He's coming out to me, now?
Okay!!! Let's follow the game plan then.
Be sensitive. Don't act like you were totally expecting this day to come.
The identity of the date? That was the real surprise. I mean, just watch the previous scene in which Buck talks about Tommy and Eddie with her.
He does rant about Tommy, but c'mon... It's really Eddie's attention Buck craves.
It's basically a re-telling of Buck's love tangle with Veronica, Taylor and Albert. Buck told himself he wanted Veronica, and that's why it bothered him that Albert "broke the bro code".... In a towel! Except, the one who Buck wouldn't shut up about... Was Albert.
And Maddie sees that it's happening AGAIN. Wow... Her brother really has no idea WHO he is actually crushing on.
Okay, she thinks. Does not matter now! The coming out is the important part, so let's roll with it. Focus, Maddie! Get it right.
And she did. She was patient. She was supportive. She sae that Buck was trying to run from the topic of sexuality like it was a total nonevent that he'd been on a date with a man...
So she was like "Hey, let's just slow down a bit. Let's acknowledge this moment. I now know that you were on a date with a man. You don't need to continue this pronoun game.
Okay. Let's talk about it being a first date with a man, and what this step means to you. You can tell me."
Really, she was so lovely. She didn't gloat about already knowing, she didn't stress him out by being overly emotional - by acting like this was the biggest event to happen on Earth.
She calmed him down.
She made sure to let him know that this didn't scare her, or make her feel awkward.
That she wanted him to talk about this with her. That she was excited for him, and supportive, and wanted to know more, and that it was okay to date a man.
That she would want to know about Buck's relationships with men just like she'd wanted to know abour her relationships with women.
She let him know that she was there for him, ready to listen, and glad to hear he'd been on a date with a man.
That this didn't change a thing, that she would accept and welcome Buck's male partners just as she had always accepted the women he'd dated. The gender made no difference, she was fine with whoever Buck chose to date.
And she also made sure the mood didn't turn too heavy. She let him know that this was great news, something worth celebrating. That she was excited to see him enter this new chapter in his life, and experience new things.
And that she wanted to learn of it, she wanted him to share this new stuff, let her in his life. So tell me more about this hot pilot!
Really, she was fucking fantastic. This was such a lovely scene. I love Maddie, she's my favorite. I need a tissue, I'm crying.
Oh and also. It wasn't just great writing. The acting here just blew me away. I love them. So skilled, so lovely, so funny, so human. Brilliant, beautiful, both of them. Fucking impeccable.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
also thoughts on yamace now that you've seen them
Stabbing me in the esophagus would have hurt way less than watching these two interact. I want to give you a proper answer like I always do instead of incoherent screaming, but I watched the flashback so recently that I'm still fucking sobbing. I can't stand gay people and their daddy issues. They make me insane. But since I'm an annoying writer, I will try and explain why Yamace has suddenly made his way to my top 5 ships in only three episodes. I'm pretty sure everybody knows all of this already because I'm late to the boom of episode 1015, but damn, I really need to talk about this or I'll die.
Okay, first of all, their personalities are so good together. They're both silly and fun to watch and impulsive and they want to be free from the chains their fathers put them in (metaphorically and, well, also literally). Perhaps the animation and direction of the show (especially on episode 1015 because oh my fucking goodness) helped a little in setting the romantic mood, but the interactions were all them. These two are literally something else.
To me, it's the angst of falling in love in the span of a night with a stranger with whom you have a lot in common and then watching them go, hoping to see them again- Like, basically being the only thing you look forward to because you don't have anything else except them and the freedom they promised you. And then watching them drift away between your fingers without being able to do anything. It's the frustration and helplessness and the way Yamato's life was the best it could've been and then crumbled down to the point where he had to place his faith in a man who he only knows because Ace talked about him constantly without shutting the fuck up because he's the most annoying brother ever (I love him).
And- I don't know, man. The chemistry is unmatched. Like, I actually felt I was interrupting their romantic moment watching that shit. If I hadn't known anything about them I would have genuinely thought they would kiss.
The whole "You can't choose your parents" and "What do you really want to do?" left me crying and sobbing on the floor. I literally had to sit down on the floor and cry because I couldn't take the parallelisms between them, both being children of important pirates and feeling (a very valid) resentment towards them. It's so good. The way they bond and talk to each other,,, The way they look at each other? This is the type of thing you only see in a romcom. Because quite literally: What the fuck.
And it's not only the obvious parallelisms or the fact that their personalities match perfectly (and also that, aesthetically, they look amazing together. But I think that's what happens when both boyfriends are hot af) but the fact that in the span of a night... Their feelings were so genuine. Ace wanted to come back, he just wasn't strong enough at the time and he was so positive and determined to become stronger so he would go back to Tama and Yamato,,, And Yamato? Waiting for Ace? Yamato waiting for his only friend to come back but knowing he will never do it? Yamato was so cute and excited to meet Ace, and seeing him hurt but it hurt less knowing that he would come back. The fact that he's dead takes that away from him. It just makes him have more faith in Luffy because he carries Ace with him.
How can a ship be so fucking good in only three episodes???? Going fucking wild. Ace taught him the meaning of living freely. Ace made him want to fight to be free. Ace changed his life and, honestly, Yamato changed his life too because it was the second biggest promise (first one being with Luffy, about not dying) he made and he had to actually train and fight to fulfill it. And he wasn't able to do it, but the whole "Luffy carrying Ace's promise" thing makes me go fucking wild.
Well, basically, to finish this: Expect a lot of posts from me about Yamace from now on and also a lot of edits to Taylor Swift songs.
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This is so,,, God. It's so romantic. The lightning. The smiles. The fact that they're literally two intersecting lines that will never meet again. It makes me sick.
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imagines-random · 11 months
Love story
Pairings/Characters: Loki x reader
Summary: Your love story.
Warnings: A bit of angst but nothing too major! (Maybe bad writing and grammar lol. English isn’t my first language!)
Song: Love Story (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!!
We were both young when I first saw you
High above the revelry of the grand ball, in the quiet solitude of a moonlit balcony, Prince Loki and your’s worlds collided.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
The soft glow of the stars illuminated the regal figures as they stepped into the cool night air, unaware that the balcony's edge marked the precipice of a future entwined in love.
I'm standing there
You, drawn by the beauty of the night sky, found yourself on the same balcony, a serendipitous encounter orchestrated by the unseen hand of destiny.
On a balcony, in summer air
The ball was running smoothly.
As the princess of Alfheim you have learned to survive in these types of situations.
Boredom was becoming something familiar to you.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
The door to the balcony opened. You didn’t turn, not until the stranger walked to the rail next to you.
See you make your way through the crowd
It was Prince Loki, his eyes reflecting the weight of royal responsibilities, stepped onto the balcony, seeking a moment of respite from the grandeur below.
And say, "Hello"
“Hello” he says as he bows clumsily.
“Nice to meet you Prince” you bow to him
“Loki please, call me Loki” he smiles at you taking your hand in his.
“Nice to meet you Loki” you smile at him.
“Do you want to be friends?” Asks little you.
“Yea !” He replies and grabs your hand running of to the garden dragging you with him.
Little did I know
Kids. What can you say, pure souls that don’t understand the complexity of life or trust.
•a few years after•
Inside of the palace library, Loki and you found yourselves in a conversation about the age-old tale of Romeo and Juliet. You, captivated by the tragic romance, clutched a worn copy of the book against your chest.
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
“Come on Loki! The book is good! It's such a beautiful story of love and sacrifice.” You argued back.
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
“Good? That melodramatic play? I find the whole thing rather ridiculous. Two impulsive teenagers meeting a tragic end over a fleeting infatuation.” he chuckles.
“It’s a love story! It's so romantic! The intensity of their love, the willingness to defy their families for each other—it's like a timeless symbol of passion.” You smiled at him
And I was crying on the staircase
“Come one now darling. Passion, or youthful recklessness? I can't fathom why anyone would idealize such impulsive behavior. Real love requires more than just poetic proclamations.”
“But isn't that the essence of love? To be willing to risk everything for the person you can't imagine living without?”
Begging you, "Please don't go"
“Yeah which is why it was so stupid. I believe in a more practical approach. Love shouldn't be about making grand gestures and meeting tragic ends. It should be stable, sensible, and built on mutual respect.”
And I said
“Does that mean you've never felt a love so intense that it defies reason?”
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
“I prefer a love story without unnecessary drama. One where both parties think with their heads rather than their hearts.”he smirks.
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
“Perhaps you haven't found the right story to change your perspective yet. Romeo and Juliet may be dramatic, but it's a testament to the power of love—flawed, yes, but undeniably powerful.” You smile at him.
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
“Well, I'll stick to tales that make sense. No tragic romances for me.” Rolls his eyes.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
As the debate continued, the words of Shakespeare's timeless play lingered in the air, creating an intriguing contrast between the romantic ideals cherished by you and the pragmatic skepticism of Loki.
•a few years later•
In the heart of the castle, Loki and you harbored a shared secret that flourished under the veil of night.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
Drawn together by an unspoken connection, they each yearned for something beyond the regal confines of their chambers
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
And so, as the moon ascended the velvet sky, casting its silvery glow upon the palace gardens, they embarked on a clandestine journey.
Loki, with a heart that craved adventure, would slip past the guards with the agility of a fox.
So close your eyes
You, full of sneakiness, would evade the watchful eyes of your attendants, tiptoeing through moonlit corridors to the rendezvous point beneath the ancient rose arbor.
Under the blooming roses, Loki and you found in the quiet of the night. The fragrance of blossoms mingled with the whispers of a thousand secrets as they shared stolen glances and laughter that echoed through the garden.
Escape this town for a little while, oh, oh
Loki, burdened by the weight of future responsibilities, discovered in you a confidante who understood the struggle between duty and desire.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
You, yearning for a life beyond protocol, found in Loki a kindred spirit who shared her dreams of a world unfettered by royal expectations.
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
The garden, once a canvas of muted greens and blossoms, became a sanctuary painted with the hues of your emotions.
But you were everything to me
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over beautiful Asgard, you found yourself standing at the stables. The air was heavy with unspoken emotions as you waited for the warriors to arrive. The ones who would accompany the person who had become the center of your world – Loki.
“Darling?” Loki said from behind you.
“So you have to go?” You said without turning to look at him.
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
"I'll miss you," Loki managed to say, his voice betraying the vulnerability he had kept hidden for so long.
And I said
You smiled, a bittersweet expression that mirrored the conflicted emotions within. "I'll miss you too, Loki. More than you can think."
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
You watched as Loki prepared to mount his horse. The warriors and his brother Thor were there too. All ready to leave. To risk their lives.
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
As they began to leave with Thor guiding them, you looked at Loki hoping he’ll change his mind and stay. He didn’t.
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
With a final glance, Loki rode into the horizon, leaving you waiting. Everyday you found yourself looking to the horizon, waiting for the day when Loki would return.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
The ache of Loki’s absence lingered, leaving an empty space that seemed impossible to fill.
You navigated the routines of life, haunted by memories of shared moments and the laughter that echoed through corridors now too quiet.
•a few years later•
You stood before your father, a solemn determination in your eyes. Your father, concerned about the stability of his kingdom, had proposed an alliance through marriage to a prince from a neighboring kingdom. However, you, guided by your love for Loki spoke your truth.
"My dear days, this union is crucial for the prosperity of our kingdom. Prince Dominic is a worthy match, and the alliance will strengthen our realm."
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
"Father, I appreciate your concern for our kingdom, but my heart belongs to another. Loki, who went into distant lands to protect us, is the one I await."
"Loki is presumed lost, and we cannot delay vital alliances for a hope that may not materialize. Dominic is noble and willing to forge a strong bond with our kingdom."
This love is difficult, but it's real
"Father, my heart tells me Loki will return. I cannot pledge my heart to another when it already belongs to him. I will wait for Loki, for his love is the anchor that guides me." You said standing your ground.
Your father, torn between duty and his daughter's unwavering love, sighed deeply.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
"My dear daughter, I understand your feelings, but we must prioritize the kingdom's stability. Let us hope for Loki's safe return, but we cannot put our future on hold indefinitely."
Meanwhile, unaware of the ongoing conversation, Loki had just returned and after hearing the news about your arranged marriage he sought with your father to request the your hand in marriage.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
“Your Majesty, I come with the utmost respect and sincerity. I've grown deeply fond of your daughter, and I wish to ask for her hand in marriage.”
Oh, oh-oh
I got tired of waiting
“Prince Loki, while I appreciate your candor, I have reservations about a union that may complicate our diplomatic relations.”
Wondering if you were ever coming around
“Your Majesty, I am committed to fostering a strong bond between our realms. My love for your daughter is genuine, and I believe together we can bridge any divides.”
My faith in you was fading
As Loki persisted in his plea, expressing his dedication to both the princess and the prosperity of their kingdoms, your father found himself grappling with a decision that balanced matters of the heart and the stability of the realm.
When I met you on the outskirts of town
“Prince Loki, your sincerity has not gone unnoticed. I shall grant my consent, but I implore you to approach this union with the commitment and diplomacy it deserves.”
And I said
And so, after persistent appeals, the love between you and Loki triumphed over political considerations. The kingdom awaited a union that would not only bind two hearts but also forge a new chapter in the history of their realms.
•the wedding day•
The grandeur of the royal palace was adorned with cascading flowers, sparkling crystals, and an air of anticipation as guests gathered to witness the union of two souls destined for each other.
"Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone
The ceremony took place in the palace courtyard, where an ornate archway adorned with blossoms framed the couple, symbolizing the intertwining of their lives.
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Prince Loki, resplendent in regal attire, stood at the altar, his eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and affection as he awaited his beloved.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think"
You, radiant in a gown that seemed to capture the essence of moonlight, descended the grand staircase.
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
As you walked towards Loki, a hush fell over the gathered assembly, captivated by the ethereal beauty of the moment.
And said
Underneath a canopy of stars, Loki and you exchanged vows in a magical courtyard.
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
"I promise not to play too many tricks, my love, except when it comes to stealing your heart every day." He smirks teasing you.
I love you, and that's all I really know
"And I promise to see past your mischief, cherishing the kind and tender soul beneath. Our journey will be a grand adventure, Loki."
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
With rings exchanged and a kiss sealing your vows, the celebration echoed with laughter and music.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes"
"To us, my enchanting bride!"
Oh, oh-oh
"To forever, my mischievous groom!"
Oh, oh-oh, oh
As you danced under the moonlit sky, the union of Loki and you became a tale whispered in the winds of the enchanted realm.
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you.
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womanexile · 5 months
Chole or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Your hologram stumbled into my apartment
Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness
Named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Medicine-“the boys and the girls are in, I mess around with them and I’m ok with it”
And I just watched it happen
As the decade would play us for fools
And you saw my bones out with somebody new
Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school
And you just watched it happen
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Complicated Freak-“she got wrapped up in somebody else”
IION?-“was it over when she laid down on your couch? Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?”
This Love-“tossing turning, stuggled through the night with someone new”
Harry might have watched her date other people but he didn’t like it.
Happily-“you don’t understand, what you do to me when you hold his hand”
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart-“I don’t ever ask you where you’ve been and I don’t feel the need to know who your with” “I know I’m not your only but at least I’m one”
Without You (HS unreleased)-“Now you’re with him, I must admit I’m missing, The part of your skin, You always liked me kissing”
Him (HS unreleased)-“I don’t want to hear about him”
Woman-“I’m selfish, I know but I don’t ever want to see you with him” “He’s right where I should, where I should be”
Someday-“and I won’t lie, its hard seeing you with him”
If you wanna break my cold, cold heart
Just say, "I loved you the way that you were"
This could be a reference to Taylor feeling like she has to constantly reinvent herself in order to stay relevant. Him saying ‘I loved you the way that you were’ means that he didn’t need her to stay relevant, he would love anyway.
Lay Down (HS unreleased)-“‘Cause you’re wonderful”
Fool’s Gold-“and in knew that you turned it on for everyone that you met”
Make My Day (HS unreleased)-“I don’t want you perfect, Don’t want you sweet, But you make my day and make my whole week”
If you wanna tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
You said some things that I can't unabsorb
You turned me into an idea of sorts
This suggests that he put her up on a pedestal, so that the idea of her was better than she herself was.
Trouble-“if I could have a hundred things, not one of them could compare to you”
You needed me, but you needed drugs more
Question…?-“but you were something, it was one drink after the other”
As It Was-“why are you sitting at home on the floor? What kind of pills are you on?”
Harry has several song on his album about cocaine usage and he did admit to writing some of Fine Line on psychedelic drugs.
And I couldn't watch it happen
I changed into goddesses, villains, and fools
Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules
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Right where you left me-“Trends change, rumors fly through new skies, But l'm right where you left me”
All to outrun my desertion of you
And you just watched it
If the glint in my eye traced the depths of your sigh
Down that passage in time back to the moment
I crashed into you, like so many wrecks do
Too impaired by my youth to know what to do
She analyzes every ‘sigh’ from her partner, strolling down memory lane in search of clues that might explain his departure. Taylor questions whether she appeared ‘too much’ like previous girls (crashed into him), perhaps overly enthusiastic (too impaired by her youth)
So if I sell my apartment
And you have some kids with an internet starlet
The 1-“You meet some woman on the internet and take her home”
Right where you left me-“I’m sure that you got a wife out there, kids and Christmas but I’m unaware”
Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon?
Maroon-“and I wake with your memory over me”
Like it never happened
Could it be enough to just float in your orbit?
Satellite-“I go round and round, satellite”
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses?
Can we watch the ghosts of us with the same reverence, admiration and respect we watch wild horses? Wild horses are beautiful in their wildness, but man always want to tame them. Can we look at them without wanting them to be anything else than exactly what they are?
This Love-“your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees”
Two Ghosts-“We’re just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me”
…Ready for It?-“but if he’s a ghost, then I can be a phantom”
Cooler in theory, but not if you force it to be
It just didn't happen
The 1-“and if you wanted me, you really should’ve showed”
So if you wanna break my cold, cold heart
Say you loved me
And if you wanna tear my world apart
Say you'll always wonder
'Cause I wonder
Will I always
Will I always wonder?
Without You (HS unreleased)-“I know we’ll move on, As time carries on, I still leave an open door”
The 1-“I persist and resist the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different would everything be different today?”
Cardigan-“I knew you’d haunt all of my what-if?”
Question…?-“does it ever feel like everything just like second best after that meteor strike”
Guilty As Sin?-“they don’t know how you’ve haunted me so stunningly”
Super Pretty(HS unreleased)-“I was waiting here, my love, After all these years, do you think of me, In the way I think of you?
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