#seeing ( MC ) someone they had grown to love so much be killed by their own brother
nocreativityfornames · 10 months
Nb!Belphie is making me think about S1!Belphie and I need to get these thoughts out so here's me making a post about it
You know how after MC reveals that they're human Belphie immediately shows distrust of them and goes for an attack? How even after getting past the fact they're human, he still gets super protective over Beel when he expresses wanting to make a pact with them, almost like he's scared of his brothers getting too close to MC?
The explanation I came to for this is that after what happened to Lilith, aka her death ( not really but it's what he believed happened at the time ), Belphie must've developed an irrational fear of humans. But not in the way you'd think, he's not inherently scared of them, he's scared of what the consequences of getting close to one could be. He's scared of his loved ones getting too close to a human, because the last time that happened, he lost his sister.
And no matter how illogical that fear might be, given that they're no longer in the Celestial Realm and thus, are no longer in danger of being subjected to any punishments for associating with humans, he still fears that. Trauma at its finest, it doesn't make much sense.
So when he sees his brothers not only getting close to a human but also making pacts with them, he feels on alert and uneasy. Even more when it comes to Beel, given how close they are, and how protective he already feels over him.
And thinking about this, as I stated in the title, made me think about S1!Belphie. Because what if during S1 Belphie was still dealing with that fear? What if that was also part of the reason he didn't want the exchange program to happen?
I mean, we know he hated humans. We know he despised them and wanted them away from him and the Devildom, that he blamed them for Lilith's death ( and also himself ), and couldn't bear the thought of the program happening because it would mean demons meddling with humans in a way that wasn't the usual "want to corrupt them/have their soul" dynamic and we know that he felt betrayed by his brothers when they were supportive of the exchange because to him humans were THE ENEMY and by accepting this arrangement his brothers were disrespecting Lilith.
And so, once trapped in the attic, his plan was to kill MC and ruin the exchange program. For all reasons above.
"He also planned to end humanity." Yes...and no?
I mean, yes, the game alludes to Belphie wanting to destroy humanity more than once, these are screenshots of it:
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But honestly? I don't think he ever seriously considered doing this.
Yes, he hated humans more than anything, but I don't think he ever seriously wanted to kill ALL OF THEM, no. I think that he probably only said that in the heat of the moment, being so angry at Lucifer and all.
But maybe that's naive of me, maybe he DID want to end humanity. However, even if that was the case, I'm thinking he most likely gave up on the idea not too long after because it never gets brought up again after the flashback of him lashing out at Lucifer, or the scene with Diavolo saying he was a danger to humanity before locking him up.
Because come on, even if Belphie wanted to end humanity, he would've never been able to. I mean, there's no way that after killing MC his brothers would've just let him get past them and make his way to the human world. And through the 8 layers of hell no less, since portals can only be opened with Diavolo and/or Lucifer's permission.
And even if for some miracle he could escape the brothers, that's still 8 layers of hell to WALK through and he'd still have Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon trying to stop him.
So yeah, there's no way that part of his plan could've been accomplished, and spending that much time in that attic alone in his head, he must've realized that and gave up.
Going back to the topic of why exactly he wanted to kill MC and end the exchange program though...
What if beyond all that burning hatred towards humans, he was also scared? What if he feared, too, that his brothers would end up taking a liking to MC? After all, the second human exchange student was assigned to their house, they were supposed to live with them, be in their lives 24/7.
What if Belphie was scared that his brothers would get close to that human? Scared that by befriending them, his brothers would be destined to meet a terrible fate later on?
What if he was scared of his family getting hurt?
Because again, he's got that irrational fear ( it's more a theory than a fact but you get what I mean ) that associates getting close to humans with danger, pain, grief, and all sorts of terrible stuff, thanks to his then unresolved trauma with Lilith, The Great Celestial War, etc.
And so by killing MC and ending the exchange program, he not only thinks that he's teaching everyone a lesson, revenging Lilith, and honoring her memory by reminding the others of her, but he's also convinced that he's protecting his brothers.
He's convinced that MC is a threat to his family, and that he's doing good by eliminating that same threat.
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koolades-world · 8 months
One bed troupe w/ Mammon
There wasn't a boring day with Mammon around. As your self proclaimed first man, he ensured you went everywhere together. Because of this, he often dragged you along to gatherings with his friends.
When you first arrived in the Devildom, you didn’t get out very much. It was a pretty straight schedule: wake up, get walked to school by whoever's turn it was that day, do class, get walked home by someone else, do homework, go to sleep, then repeat. Once you got closer, Mammon realized how boring of a life you were living despite being in hell. He vowed to make your life more interesting and began showing you the fun side of life. He brought you to bars, restaurants, his favorite casino (of course), and so much more.
Today was no different. You were at a casino together with his friends early in the evening. You had grown closer with them at this point, and things weren't awkward when he had to leave for whatever reason. While nice, you began to learn the things Mammon hadn't told you that he told them. It was never anything bad, rather, it was usually cute things, such as how he really loved when you wore yellow or gold since he gushed to them every time you did.
Mammon had walked off to cash out his large bucket of tokens he'd earned for the third time that night, leaving you and his friends to chat.
"Tonight is a good night, huh?" You sip at your drink, lazily stirring it with the cute decorative pick that came with it.
"It is!" His friend states, shaking his own bucket.
"Mammon would say, it's cause of you." Another chuckles. You join in, amused.
"That's my Mammon. I'm happy to be a good luck charm, especially since he bought me my drink." You cause the group to laugh. The conversation begins to drift, but somehow makes its way back to Mammon
"You know, he's a little worried about you. Later tonight, one of Vazimid's friends is stopping by, but Mammon has been saying he hasn't liked the way he's been eyeing you." This statement worries you too. You know that despite growing comfortable, the Devildom is by no means safe. Mammon is protective, but it's rare that he'd admit it. Before you could respond, Mammon came back.
"Hey, Mc! I'm rich! Gotta say, I only do this good when yer around." He fixed his jacket, a smug grin on his face.
"Well, I wouldn't mind joining you every time you come here." You throw your arms around him, catching him off guard. The confidence melts away from his face as he begins to stutter, causing you to hug him tighter. The next few hours go well, until that friend arrived that nobody seemed to want there, which killed the mood. Mammon kept you close, but it eased him when you were by his side.
Later in the night, someone else in the group conveniently ended up winning several fancy room in the hotel the casino was in, free of charge. It was all a little too convenient. When Vazimid's friend asked who would be staying with who, Mammon immediately claimed a room for the both of you that nobody else was allowed in. After you teased him a little about it, a quick uncharacteristic glare to silence you. Not wanting to make him more upset, you remained quiet.
After collecting the room key, he drags you away from the friend group and onto the impossibly tall elevator. The ride up was quick, but neither of you spoke. Once you arrived at the room, Mammon unlocked it and promptly close it behind the both of you. You finally work up the courage to speak, but you’re not really sure what to say, or where to start.
“Mams? Is something wrong?” You put a hand on his arm and peer at his face. His expression is tight but softens once he sees the worry in you eyes.
“Nothin’ darlin’.” He smiled at you, but you can still tell something is bothering him.
“I know you. Tell me what’s wrong.” You placed your other hand on his other arm so you could pull him closer.
He hesitates at first, but eventually speaks. "Do ya really wanna know? It's dumb." He glanced at you.
"I do. Now tell me." You waited.
"It's that demon that Vazimid keep brining around. Don't trust him around you at all. I just know he wants to get his slimy hands on you." He sighed. You giggled a little at the realization.
"It's alright to be jealous, babe." Mammon back away from you instantly at the accusation.
"Hey, hey. That's not what I said!" His ears turned red, confirming what you thought.
"Whatever you say. Will sharing that bed with me quell your inner turmoil?" You began to giggle more as he came to the realization that he'd picked a room that only had one bed. 'It's free, Mams. You love free things." You scanned the room and saw a variety of goodies laying around the room you knew Mammon would scoop up once he was done being embarrassed.
You decided to leave him to his own devices and get settled in the room. You took a quick trip into the bathroom to find two sets of hotel branded pajamas that were suspiciously in the correct sizes. You showered with the nicest soaps you'd ever gotten your hands on and reappeared to find Mammon sitting on a chair, on his D.D.D.
"I'm done, knock yourself out." You throw yourself down onto the bed, face first.
"Took ya long enough." He skulked away and took his turn in the bathroom too. When he was done, and also emerged in the matching, branded set, he seemed less enthusiastic to get in the bed than you had been. Once he sat down, though, he realized how nice it actually was.
"Ya should've told me how soft these pillow were." He cuddled one of the pillows to his chest.
"If I didn't, maybe you wouldn't have at all and I could've had this entire bed to myself. Now, stop cuddling that pillow and cuddle me instead." You rolled yourself over to him and did grabby hands in his direction. He went red again, but listened. His hair was still a little damp from his shower and the jasmine scented hotel soap made him smell wonderful. He always ran very hot, which you enjoyed since he worked as a great personal heater. Once he had decompressed, you spoke a little bit about your plans for tomorrow, and eventually you drifted off.
Mammon remained awake for a little bit longer, thinking about the exciting evening the both of you had had. He was thankful that he had you, and even though he would never admit it, he had been jealous. He hated the idea of sharing you with some werido that he never invited in the first place. He hugged you a little tighter, and eventually feel asleep himself, thinking about you.
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kaorusan241 · 2 years
ok so, summer holidays after endgame. anne's admitted to st. mungo's to be more comfortable. fig was MC's legal guardian so she and sebastian are both orphans. so they're allowed to stay at hogwarts just for this summer, but they cannot leave the grounds apart from hogsmade and during day hours. also due to being extremely watched, they cannot fall to their shenanigans again, so they're forced to be good. this brings them together even more. so a lot of fluff, healing and a first kiss? no smut
I’ve given this a go, sorry if it’s crap! For wider reference, my call for prompts is HERE.
Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin! MC | When Term Ends
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The concept of a ‘summer holiday’ doesn’t mean much to you. Having grown up in the abject poverty of east London, the idea of relaxing happily with family, swimming in lakes and frolicking in fields, is entirely foreign.
When you first came to Hogwarts, you’d done your best to control your shock and delight at seeing entire tables stacked with chicken, vegetables and gravy, beef stew, freshly baked bread and a variety of soups - to be able to eat like this every day is something you’re still getting used to.
How funny, that despite the immense power you hold, the sight of a simple meal is still the thing that brings you the most comfort.
Hard benches, strict lines, attendants in monochrome uniforms, no curtains, floor coverings, or privacy. The constant sense that everyone around you on the street while you sold matchboxes or paintbrushes considered your poverty a choice - a result of a fundamental lack of effort.
You wish with all your soul that you’d been aware of Hogwarts sooner - to experience this level of freedom and joy for just three years feels cruel.
You wish you could curse the bastards who visited the slums for sport, to hell with the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.
You sigh, putting your book down on the table and watching the flames flicker in the dull green light of the common room. You look at your hands, so different to someone like Imelda’s. Your skin bears the evidence of all that you’ve been through, everything that makes you who you are.
You don’t know if it’s because of the ancient magic that bristles under your skin, but since the holidays began, you’ve struggled to keep a lid on your anger. You feel restless, caged in by the weight of fixing everyone else’s problems.
Take Sebastian, for example. You know that you’ll never fully understand the depths of his devotion to Anne, as an only child yourself. Your own feelings about the situation are so conflicted, you can scarcely imagine how Sebastian must feel.
Solomon was complacent in his search for a cure, you agree with him on that much. But Solomon was only doing what Anne had asked him to do, to stop looking, to let her cope with the symptoms by herself. Given the amount of suffering she’d experienced at Rookwood’s hands, shouldn’t Anne have been allowed that choice?
A life dictated by a feuding brother and uncle, on top of everything else… you grit your teeth, irritated again.
Sebastian is your friend, someone you want to trust to protect you. But he’s also a complicated character - it’s part of what drew you to him in the first place. You could sense something under the surface, even before you spoke to him. A languid charm that hid something much darker underneath.
Sebastian had a family who loved him, who wanted to protect him from the dark arts. A family who cared about what happened to him, who didn’t dump him in the streets and leave him to fend for himself.
He’d thrown all that away, for what? Knowledge?
You don’t believe for a second that Sebastian had done it with entirely pure intentions. He might well believe that everything he’s done, every curse he’s cast, was for his sister’s sake. He might even try to pretend that killing his uncle didn’t matter.
You know him better than that.
Speak of the devil and he doth appear.
“Didn’t expect to see you here”, Sebastian drawls, taking a seat next to you with a tired huff. It’s supposed to be a joke, but falls flat.
You were the only two Slytherins asked by Headmaster Black to stay in the castle over summer. Ominis was free to go, probably because he hadn’t witnessed two deaths in the span of a week. Thestrals might even start to pity you at this point.
“I have nowhere else to go.”
It’s honest, maybe too honest, and slips out before you can stop it. Sebastian just nods sagely.
You’ve never gone into detail about your past, but you know he senses the darkness in you, too.
“It’s been over a month, and still no invitations to join you on a quest. Don’t tell me you’re back on the straight and narrow?”
“Ah yes, because you’d know all about that.”
Sebastian laughs, and you feel yourself smirk. Anyone else listening would have been horrified at how flippantly you just referenced Solomon’s murder, but you weren’t about to argue about it, and you certainly couldn’t ignore it.
“Fair enough.”
Sebastian kicks his feet up onto the table, stretching his arms out behind him and crossing them behind his head. He glances at you, trepidation clear in his eyes.
“So… Professor Fig. How are you holding up? I didn’t spend much time with him, but I know you two were close.”
You feel hollow at the mention of Fig, empty after the promise of a stable home had been snatched away from your grasp.
“I’m fine. Neither of us are any stranger to grief, Sebastian.”
A pause. Sebastian sighs, sitting up from the sofa and leaning his arms on his knees.
“I know what you must think of me, now. I did this for Anne, but even she won’t speak to me. Thinks I should dwell on the consequences of my actions for a while.”
“Even if I had been sent to Azkaban, even if you’d all turned me in, I doubt she’d have visited me. Maybe a fate entwined with the dementors is what I deserve.”
Sebastian jumps at your insistence, turning to look at you in surprise.
“I don’t agree with you killing Solomon, but I also know that it was accidental. You let your anger get the best of you. The dark arts are powerful, but need to be wielded with care.”
“Do you think Anne might come to understand, with time?”
“Understand what? That you had to do it? No. Until you recognise that your inexperience with the dark arts led to this, she’ll never understand you. The only way she’ll ever come around, is if you frame it as a terrible mistake.”
Sebastian laughs again in surprise at that, and you turn away slightly, blushing.
“Sounds a little… manipulative? To twist recent events in my favour? Perhaps I’m rubbing off on you after all.”
You can’t help but smile. “Regrettably, yes.”
“In all seriousness though, I’m grateful to you for standing by me, through it all. I don’t know how to repay you.”
You look at him fully, noting the sincerity in his dark eyes, the bags underneath them. It’s been weighing heavily on him, you realize. The idea of being left alone.
“Are you afraid that without Ominis and I in your corner, you might get drawn into something worse..? Something you’d regret?”
“Maybe. I still intend to study the dark arts, to get better control over it. But without Anne I don’t have the same motivation as before. She was my other half, my best friend.”
You wince sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder, drawing it up and down the soft fabric of his robes in an attempt to comfort him.
“I can’t pretend I understand. Anne is wonderful, but I didn’t do all this for her.”
Sebastian furrows his brows. “If not for her, then why? Why did you go to such great lengths to help me?”
“Everyone I’ve ever cared about, has abandoned me, or died.” You don’t know where the words are coming from, but it feels like a dam has burst. “Everyone.”
You lift your hand from his shoulder, standing to pace near the fire, feeling its heat gracing your ankles as you walk.
“I know that you cared about Anne, that you love her. But she’s not dead yet, Sebastian. There’s still time for us to find a way to cure her, something that doesn’t involve blood sacrifices, or dark arts we can’t control. The people I’ve lost? They’re gone. I’ll never understand what it feels like for you, watching a part of yourself suffer in that way. But I do know what it feels like to be betrayed by family.”
Sebastian approaches you cautiously, as if you’re a wire about to snap.
“You’re talking about your childhood, aren’t you? The orphanage?”
“I’m sorry. I know you’ve kept parts from me, but it can’t have been easy.”
“It wasn’t. I just-” your voice cracks, and you turn away, hiding the tears before they fall.
“I just need to feel wanted. Like someone cares about me. I want to find someone I can trust completely, who won’t force me to stand on my own.” You swallow, steeling yourself.
“When you drifted away, out of my reach, towards magic that I don’t understand, it broke me. It felt like I was right back to where I started. Back to reaching out in my sleep, begging my parents not to leave me behind.”
“I could be that, for you.”
“What?” you quickly wipe your eyes, looking back at him. He’s standing straight, staring at you with a steely resolve that you’ve rarely seen on him.
“I could be the person that stands by your side. That you could trust. I know I’ve made some mistakes…” Sebastian rubs the back of his neck, guilt still radiating off him in waves. “I’ve made mistakes, but…”
He comes closer to you then, gripping your forearms tightly.
“Listen to me. I would never hurt you. You can trust me. After everything you’ve done for me, everything you are… how could I ever leave you?”
You suck in a breath. Here is Sebastian, admitting that you’re one of the three people in the entire world he cares about. That he wants you by his side.
“I.. thank you, Sebastian. I appreciate it.”
Sebastian stares at you, looking for something. You feel yourself heat under his gaze, wondering whether or not he believes you.
“Why do you think I go on quests with you? Spend so much time with you? Do you think it’s out of the goodness of my heart?”
“No… I thought that maybe… you wanted to learn more about ancient magic? That you needed it for something, thought it might help you cure Anne.”
He looks slightly affronted at this. “You think I was just using you? This whole time? That I don’t care about you?”
“No, that’s not it. I know you care. We’re friends.”
“Friends.” Sebastian laughs, incredulously.
“Have you not been paying any attention to the way I’ve been looking at you, this entire school year?”
Your heartbeat races. Are you about to have a heart attack? You don’t know where to look, the eye contact is too intense and you need to leave, you need to get out of here -
“Look at me.”
Sebastian lifts one hand to your face, turning your head, so gentle, despite all the anger you know simmers inside him.
“It’s different with you. I … like you. I want to be there for you, for you to depend on me. You can depend on me.”
It feels like every muscle in your body has frozen. You don’t attempt to speak.
“If you choose me.. I promise, I will never let you down again.”
It overwhelms you, the feelings you have for Sebastian. Everything that you would do for him. It feels all-consuming, the way that you take on his problems as if they were your own. Now he’s saying you can depend on him, that you don’t have to struggle through this alone.
You gently place your hands above his where they rest on your face, and lean forward. The kiss is feather-light, Sebastian doesn’t even seem to register it at first, but then he grips on to you. You feel like you’re falling.
Author’s Note: I don’t have a PS5 myself / have been using my friends, so my knowledge of this game is going to be a lot more limited than other writers. I can only write the characters as I see them, and I enjoy doing so, but things like detailed lore, specific plot points etc. might have inaccuracies. So if that’s vital to people, they should look for writing elsewhere.
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melonba11s · 1 year
Tender Revenge (MC/Strade ficlet)
Right so, this is a fic with an MC domming and overstimming Strade to break him. Enjoy.
Contains: Gender Neutral MC, Strade, Overstim, Noncon, mindbreak, bondage, gag, drug use mention
It'd been hard to get Strade down here, even with him fucked up on a concoction of pills that should have put a grown man on his ass. He'd still fought the entire way, growling slurred threats in german as best he could. Saying you didn't have the guts to hurt him.
He was right about that last part. He'd loved that about you, your refusal to hurt others, how it broke you down when he made you.
But there were other ways to torture someone without hurting them, you'd told him quietly as you tied him down to the chair. A chair you'd preemptively tied to the familiar pole in the basement to prevent him from thrashing around and falling over.
calves bound to the front legs of the chair, arms around the back, and finally managing to force a gag past his lips despite him thrashing his head every which way.
You'd never seen Strade so angry, but you could tell that he was also afraid. Apprehensive, didn't know what you were about to do. Strade usually loved surprises.
When you dug out the wand vibrator, his eyebrows flew up into his messy sweaty hair. Then he let out something that sounded like a laugh, another muffled threat coming from his throat.
"You were right. I'm not gonna hurt you. But I'm sure I can still break you with this." you bent over, unzipping Strades pants and pulling his cock out. A cock he'd forced you to get down on your knees and suck, you remembered how he'd bend you over and fuck you.
How he'd make you cum even with every fiber of your being fighting against it, relishing in your conflicted screams.
You were going to make him have a taste of his own medicine now. Hopefully by the end of today, he'd cry at the thought of even touching his dick.
You licked each of your fingers slowly, before wrapping them around the base and beginning to stroke him. Feeling his hips stutter at the sudden contact, a sensitive moan slip out from under the gag before he began to jerk at his restraints again.
Once he was fully hard, you plugged the wand in. He stiffened at the sound of the motor running, watching helplessly as you pressed it against the dripping head of his cock.
It was almost instant. A high pitched moan from him, and suddenly he was arching his back as best he could, and you jumped back as he came, splattering your front.
"wow..." you said, almost breathless. "Didn't know you could be such a quick shot, Strade." You laughed, watching as he began to fight his restraints with renewed vigor. You could almost hear his pleas.
"Ok, you had your fun. Let me go now and I won't kill you."
You weren't done yet though. The wand was still buzzing in your hand, sending tingles along your fingers. You went to the counter and grabbed a roll of duct tape, moving back towards him.
Watching him flinch, then yelp as you pressed the wand back against his softening cock, oversensitive, painful. As much as you wanted to stay here and watch him cum over and over again though... You had better things you could do with your time.
And he didn't deserve to see how happy breaking him made you.
Eventually the best hands free method you could think of was taping the wand to the chair, nestled snuggly just above his balls, against the base.
No where near as sensitive as the head of his cock, but it was doing the job all the same. You could tell by the way his teeth where digging into the gag he was holding back. He jerked his head away again as you reached out, stroking his cheek.
"I'll be back later." You smiled, giving his ear a kiss as you checked to make sure the ropes would hold.
As you walked up the stairs, you could hear a muffled scream of rage. Or maybe he had just cum again, only for the unforgiving toy to continue its assault.
You waited several hours. You took a nap, you dug out Strades credit card and ordered food. You cracked open a few of his beers and even tried one of his cigars while you watched a movie before heading back downstairs.
His demeanor was completely different now. He was slumped forward, the gag had fallen out, probably thanks to how much he had drooled. But he was barely making a sound, only panting, groaning.
The spark in his eyes was almost gone, a frown flickering on his face when he saw you come into view before that too slipped from his exhausted features.
He was probably dehydrated. You walked over to the small fridge in the basement and took out a bottle of water.
Holding it to his lips, he only stared at the clear liquid, quickly forcing the tip into his mouth as he began to chug.
The entire bottle was empty in seconds, and he began to gasp, choke on what was left as you grabbed another.
You felt more confident now, holding his head to your chest, pressing lazy kisses against his forehead as you drained a second, then third bottle.
A high pitched, not like Strade at all, whimper came from his throat. You hadn't turned off the wand yet, and he'd cum again, joining the countless, drying splatters against his stomach, thighs, even some had reached high enough to catch him in the chin.
His eyes met yours, begging you. It almost broke your heart. Almost.
There was nothing left of the snarling, ready to charge boar before. You'd managed to reduce him to a squealing pig for slaughter.
"You're gonna be a good boy, okay?" you whispered, feeling him nod as you unplugged the wand.
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Propaganda under the cut!
Lucio Morgasson
He's the villain in everyone else's route, and even in his own he's STILL kind of a dick. Like, everything bad he did before the game begins happens exactly the same, and it's only when he begins that he gets better (as in he regrets his actions and tries to fix it (it being a plague. He caused a plague because he wanted more power. (Spoilers: the plague killed the MC))). All the other romanceable characters still hate him tho so that's good. The one thing he's got going for him is that in one ending, he stepped down from being the count (idk about the other)
He literally caused a plague that kills thousands of people including THE PLAYER 😭 LIKE HE LITERALLY KILLS YOU DAWG
He is simply the worst. I'm pretty sure he purposefully infected his kingdom with the plague. He made a deal with the devil maybe. Gonna be real with you I haven't finished his storyline.
imagine a guy who is both incredibly pathetic and willing to screw over absolutely everyone for fun. lots of fun as a character, absolute dogwater as a partner
He has directly tortured or somehow harmed all the other romancable characters and every other route tries to kill the mc to take over their body, is also responsible for a plague that killed a large portion of his kingdom and *spoiler* killed the MC
I'll admit I haven't played his route but that's cause he's such a pathetic icky man that I don't think I actually can. And I pride myself in completing every route. I know people like their pathetic meow meows but I want to hit him with a brick
He acts as a manchild who needs someone to guide him through life and show him the difference between right and wrong when I'm pretty sure he's in his forties or fifties. He also abuses his power to do horrible things to people he's not in a romantic relationship with, which should tell you a lot about him.
He’s a selfish asshole who is the villain in every other route and he’s a punk ass bitch I wanna kick his ass so hard his skeleton disintegrates as he fucking deserves 
Dude, he SUCKS. He's the villain in every other route. He's a horrible husband, he forced Muriel to fight for his entertainment, he makes deals that he can't pay for. He threatens and pouts and is obsessed with people loving him. I've been with the Arcana since the very beginning and he wasn't meant to be a romance option, but the writers basically went with it because there was such a demand. So embarrassing to see Lucio fans being like Lucio did nothing wrong ever. Falling all over themselves to blame his mom or Nadia or Asra or anyone else for Lucio's selfishness and shitty behavior. It was peak uwu he's A BABY fan dementia that excuses all his shitty actions because nothing was his fault. The only sane Lucio fans are the ones that are like "he sucks so much <3 I can make him worse."
He's literally described by the devs as flaming trash. He is literally only nice in his route and the main antagonist (or at the very least a jerk) in every other route. he was a very bad husband to ex-wife. he is literally - and with 0 exaggeration- a plague upon the country he ruled. he's also a grown man who calls his fuck ups "oopsies" and honestly, i love him but that gives me the ick.
Cullen Rutherford
stupid racist cop creep whose fans cry about how hes "changed" and "you can't judge him he was addicted to magic drugs" nah he still chose to be a racist cop and abuse his power over innocent people and i hate him. the writers making him romanceable in da:i after how blatantly horrible he was in da:o and da:2 is baffling but i guess they had to appeal to the part of their audience who watch those "mafia boyfriend" videos on tiktok or whatever
He's creepy in origins, though still 100% willing to kill the female mage pc he's crushing on, as well as all the other mages trapped in the circle with him. He's the second-in-command in an even worse circle in 2, listening to and defending the increasingly obviously insane meredith until literally the end. He's one of the people still pushing for the circle system by inquisition, and yes he's going through withdrawals and working through the traumas of previous games. And to be brutally honest his was the first romance i took and while i don't remember much from it, its not worth all the girls going absolutely nuts over knockoff terrible alistair.
He's basically a cop who thinks being born a certain way can revoke personhood and by Inquisition still thinks mages are monsters to be controlled, not people. He gets a fairy tale cutesy romance that focuses on his personal struggles with addiction while showing absolutely no regard to the atrocities he committed and still thinks were justified. He can be romanced BY A MAGE and his actions and beliefs are just glossed over. He believes mages are 'not people like you (Hawke) and me', but if the Warden was a female mage he canonically had a crush on her and would deliberately hang around her despite the fact that he was her *jailer*. If that Warden romanced Leliana, there is war table dialogue in which he pesters Leliana for news of his 'former' crush despite her repeated statement that she doesn't want to talk to him about her. All this shitty behavior and lack of introspection gets swept under the rug by the game, not even giving the PC the chance to really challenge his beliefs. Like damn even Fenris could apologize when he lashed out due to past trauma with mages, and if anyone has a reason to hate mages it's Fenris. If you want an ex Templar hottie Alistair is RIGHT THERE. Tbh I know Cullen is a popular romance and I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't do or like in a video game, I'm just saying I think he is deeply undateable
Spends the first two games as an antagonist, fervently devoted to the cause of subjugating mages, then a bunch of "character development" happens off screen and the games treat him like he's completely reformed. However he's actions make it clear he still sees mages as dangerous and lesser. Not to mention if you romance him with an elf he doesn't pay your culture more than lip service respect like most of the devout characters 
He was a total villain in the first two games who was violently prejudiced against mages and uses one single bad experience as an excuse for it (a bad experience that is pretty much exactly what he in his job subjected graduating apprentices to, mind you, but this is never brought up). Now he says he's changed, but his words and actions say otherwise. He still distrusts mages, sympathises with the rebel Templars trying to kill them, and he never owns up to the terrible stuff he did and helped others do in the past two games. He totally knew what Meredith was doing and says he doesn't, and he still tries to defend her intentions. And you have no option to call him out on it. If you romance him as a mage, he angsts about how he might have seen you as subhuman in the past but NOW you're one of the good ones, and when you ask him if he'll kill you if you get possessed, he dodges the question. And the PC is written as being almost sad that she's a mage? Like 'can you love me despite what I am??' Also if Leliana romanced a female mage PC in the first game who is still alive, he asks her creepy questions about their relationship. Fitting considering his original purpose was to be creepy to the female mage Warden. 
I hate him and want to cause chaos. Plus his VA is an asshole.
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Lewie x MC
Lewie’s favorite thing in the world is to see his best mate talk. So he doesn’t take well to the person that takes it away.
TW: references to sexual harassment
If he had any passion in the world, it would be wrapped in his favorite thing to do.
Because Lewie’s favorite thing to do in the world was listen to his best mate talk about something she loved, something she was zealous about, invested in. From the time they met in a Mum & Me class as children he could sit and listen to her for hours about her interests, even as they changed as they got older.
He would sit in awe as Brylin talked about dinosaurs. Watched mesmerized as she went on tangents about Greek gods and goddesses. Paid every bit of rapt attention as she gushed in detail about whatever stuck her fancy at any given time as they grew older.
The only thing that had ever compared was when he was on the pitch playing the game he loved, but if he had to decide between the two he always knew he’d hang up his footie boots without a second thought.
Brylin spent hours, days, memorizing statistics and strategy as she dived headfirst into the sport he was passionate about, sharing in his enthusiasm like he always shared in hers.
So it killed him when he needed to leave her, his platonic best mate, to go to training.
The longest they had ever spent apart before was one of them had a family trip growing up, and now he was going to be leaving for three months.
But the whole time he was gone, he would think about anything he could remember from her diverse rants and it would bring a smile to his face.
Lewie wasn’t stupid though, as much as his teammates ragged on him about it, he knew why her happiness brought his own to the surface.
His nan and his mum had been on him to just admit his feelings for years.
He was a go the distance guy, pursuing someone only when he felt it would become something with years down the line ahead of them.
So when training ended, he vowed he would finally tell her. He didn’t want to leave for away games without her wearing his jersey number, or have to see her sitting in the regular stands at home games instead of the family section where significant others got to be. He wanted to spend every success and every failure, every win and every loss with her.
Brylin was Lewie’s grand prize win, and she always had been.
But when he came home, he was shocked at what he saw.
Brylin- bright, zealous, beautiful, independent Brylin wasn’t what he remembered.
A coworker she’d been working with in the months he was gone trailed around her at the pub she met him at, never leaving them to have a chat and catch up, like a perpetual shadow.
At first, Lewie thought she found someone while he was gone, but then he actually watched them interact. The man had mentioned something about a movie he’d seen, and Lewie felt his chest swell with affection and anticipation as Brylin geared up to add her own input.
Until the man shut her down.
“Brylin, can’t ya stop gobbing for one bloody minute?”
And in that moment, Lewie saw the flicker die in her eyes. She stopped talking, losing the passion in her voice as she apologized for saying too much. And his heart shattered, wishing she could see the beauty in her eyes when she was raving about what she loved. It was a beauty unmatched by any other he’d ever seen, and this nobody had bullied that out of her.
Lewie gaped, unsure where the confident take-no-shit woman he had grown up with disappeared to be replaced with the one that awkwardly smiled and gestured for the man to continue.
So Lewie cut in, “Sorry, mate, what do you do again?”
He groaned, “I’m stuck interning in the company for now, but won’t be long before I become the new VP.”
“Dad run the place or something?” It’s the only thing he could think to explain how this guy could shut her down. She loved her job, she wouldn’t risk it by talking back to the wrong guy.
“Uncle,” the man smirked, his overly friendly hand reaching out and tugging Lewie’s best mate into his side by her hip- not noticing the way she tensed up.
Oh, bloody hell. From the look on her face, Lewie could tell this was something she’d been dealing with for the months he’d been gone. He remembered her saying she’d be stuck acting as a tour guide for the new person joining the company.
So Lewie ‘spilled’ his drink, sending the beer covering the man’s clothes, “Oh bloody- I am so sorry, mate!”
Brylin but back a smile, he could see it, not caring for the splashes of beer that would no doubt stain her clothes as her coworker glared and stomped his way to the loo. “Thank you so much.” She practically sagged in relief, and he was finally able to give her the hug he’s been itching to give her since he saw her again.
“Bloke needs to keep his hands to himself and his mouth shut.”
Brylin giggled, finally looking like the girl he knew, “I’ve tried to tell him I wasn’t interested, but I don’t actually know how much pull he has.”
“Lucky for you,” Lewie grinned, “I have a solution. My team needs a new PR manager.”
She looked at him incredulously, “Lew, I’m just an assistant.”
He shrugged, “I already gave them your résumé. Planned to tell you that your interview is in two days, but our trainer says it’s a formality.”
Her coworker came back a second later, scowl still present on his face as he grabbed her arm, “Come on, we need to go so I can change.”
Her brow furrowed as she pulled her arm back, “Why do I need to leave?”
“My girl isn’t staying out without me.”
“I’m not your girl!” She snapped back, trusting Lewie, as she always had about everything, that she wouldn’t be screwed out of her career.
“She’s mine.” The footballer offered confidently, but if you knew him as well as she did, you could hear the anxious underpinning of his tone.
The man scoffed, but before he could open his mouth Brylin was jumping into the leap of faith her best mate gave her, “I am. I only agreed to let you meet him so that you’d finally leave me the bloody hell alone!”
Due her raised voice, patrons all over the pub were looking their way, leaving her coworker trying to grasp at how to control the conversation, before he finally smirked, “Hope you enjoyed your job then, cause I’ll make sure you don’t have one.”
“I don’t want to work for a company that would employ someone like you.” She answered defiantly, letting herself lean into Lewie’s side as the man angrily turned and shoved his way out the door. “Ah!” She cheered, looking at her best mate, “I could kiss you!”
Lewie knew a lot of things, but something he knew the most was how to read Brylin. He knew her expressions, her personality, it was like he could read her thoughts at times.
So he mustered up every ounce of courage he ever had in his body, taking hold of her hips and spinning her around to face him.
And then he kissed her.
His fingers shook slightly, a tremor he couldn’t shake from the fear that he made the wrong move.
But then she was pressing back.
Not to push him away like he half expected, but pushing into him. Embracing him, returning the kiss.
As she pulled back, a smile broke out across her face, highlighting the joy and zeal he had always loved to bring out in her eyes, “It’s about time.”
Lewie laughed, holding her tighter, “What can I say? I gotta follow my passions.”
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okay I don't really say this as much as I should but I love your blog to bits and even though I fell out of my Obey Me phase I still loved to lurk on your blog and just see all your quality posts, but TWST is my absolute SHIT right now and I'm super excited to see your thoughts and experiences on it. I hope this ask wasn't too much LMAO just had to say those things
do i live near a beach? are yall just secretly crabs!?
I just downloaded it today and then wasted my entire Sunday on it,,,,and and do you have any idea how much gender envy i'm battling because of these characters im going to throw up
om! still owns my soul (geddit geddit cuz demons- sorry) mostly because it's very easy to play om (like to get shit in it, to level up yourself your bonds & your cards, to get through the main story and read bonus content etc) and I'm very lazy and so far getting all that done in twst is more of a hassle
But other than that I like the story so far? I like that the characters don't really know each other so you get to watch them meet and make connections while MC does it as well. Ace has grown on me - I no longer want to strangle him, I love Deuce to bits - he is my precious child I'd kill for him, I love that all the teachers are like "minor" disney villains, I would KILL for grim (this......this may have something to do with the fact that he's so similiar to Mammon, they took Mammon's personality and stuffed it into a cat thereby creating literally the perfect creature for me - a cat person who's obsessed with Mammon's personality), I genuinely can't tell if they're meant to be in college or highschool though someone please tell me
also thank you for lurking <3🥺🐸
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I posted 1,199 times in 2022
That's 654 more posts than 2021!
135 posts created (11%)
1,064 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 295 of my posts in 2022
#the corinthian - 14 posts
#lou's gifs - 12 posts
#boyd holbrook - 11 posts
#bishop losa - 10 posts
#bring me a dream - 10 posts
#jon bernthal - 10 posts
#mayans mc - 9 posts
#ficmas - 9 posts
#sandman fanfiction - 8 posts
#the sandman - 8 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Smut (18+), spanking, fingering, PinV, choking, brat taming, slight bit of name calling (slightly dubious to have sex with someone after rescuing them from a kidnapping but we'll ignore that)
Summary: Reader is the daughter of a prolific genral who's been kidnapped while she was trying to party it up with her friends. Ghost and Soap are recruited to rescue her, and soon find out that reader's attitude might be more of a challenge than the gang they're trying to rescue her from.
(No use of y/n)
A/N: I can't get Ghost out of my head and tbh I kinda feel like he'd be so good at dealing with your bratty nonsense if he had to.
- 👑-
You were sure you were going to die. 
Not because your family didn’t have the money, not because there weren’t enough resources  to save you, or even because of your own natural pessimistic tendencies. No. You were sure you were going to die because your father had made it abundantly clear long ago that you didn’t matter to him. 
You weren’t a man. You couldn't carry his title on and you’d grown up learning that that was mostly all he cared for. His legacy. It was one of the few things that cold man spoke of fondly, always lighting up at the mention of your brothers but never you. And as a result you’d grown up living for even the smallest chance at spiting him for it. You partied and drank and slept around with boys that made even your friends curl their lips at you sometimes. 
So, you were pretty sure that once your kidnappers realised that, that could only mean one thing. One of those big guns they were carrying was going to end up pointed right in your face then…bang. 
It was enough to leave you disoriented, you weren't taking in much. Not that there was much to take note of. Your eyes were shoddily covered over with a scrap of harsh, scratchy cloth and you could only see little slivers of things here and there. Your hands were duct taped to the arms of an office chair and your mouth was similarly covered so as to prevent anymore screams and curses.
You watched sets of boots as they echoed around the frigid room, and saw gun barrels and machetes, men roving across a scuffed up concrete floor. You didn’t catch anything that made you want to see more. Especially when you heard the taunts they slung at you in their thick accents.
“Don’t worry precious, I’m sure a spoiled little rich girl like you will get a good ransom, you’ll be home soon.”
“Bet you’re used to guys with big guns like this, daddy’s men must love you.”
“She’s a cute little thing, we should have some fun with her before we send her back.”
“I’ve heard she likes to have lots of fun, bet we’d slip right into her, fucking american girls.”
If the blindfold came off then that would only mean one thing. They were going to make good on the salacious threats they were now casually slinging your way. The fantasies they were now trading back and forth as they returned to speaking their own language. That was a small mercy at least. Not having to hear about how the last few moments of your life would go. 
You could feel your body shaking like an addict in withdrawal and your poor heart was leaping around in your chest like a caught frog. It didn’t help that you were riling yourself up either, imagining what the newspapers would say. Flashing up in your mind like something out of an old batman episode with a blaring brass section accompanying them.
 Daughter of a notable general killed in shock kidnapping
Holiday in Cancun turned nightmare as General’s daughter taken in the night
You couldn't even be sure if you were still in Mexico. For all you knew you were in all those other countries that you’d been too busy crafting a reputation to learn about in school. What were they again? Guatemala, Cuba? You were sure those were somewhere close by. Funny the things the mind distracts itself with when you’re stuck tightly in a chair surrounded by leering wolves. 
If only you hadn’t been drawn in by that tattooed man with the big arms. If only you’d been a good girl and enjoyed your holiday and stuck close to your friends instead of going out on the hunt for attention from bad men covered in tattoos and cologne that smelt like bad decisions. You could practically hear your father’s growly voice echoing through your mind. 
Stupid little girl. 
He’d been saying that for as long as you had memories of him. He’d be satisfied now, you lamented. You’d proved him right in the end, he’d always said your lifestyle would catch up with you and you’d be wishing that you’d just behaved for once sooner or later.  
At the very least, you figured, you wouldn’t have to hear him say I told you so. 
- 👑-
You weren't sure how much time had passed. It could’ve been a few minutes, or it could’ve been hours, but as your breathing grew more ragged behind the tape you knew you were experiencing the last few precious moments you had left. 
The men were sounding more and more pissed off as they rattled off curses to each other, filling the room with sharp hisses. They weren’t getting the results they wanted. They’d even removed the tape at some point and had you screaming out for a video, but apparently that wasn’t getting them anywhere either. They got tired with your cries and slapped an even thicker strip back in place.
You were starting to cry, feeling the stiff cloth go damp against your skin and irritating it further. It was so thick and itchy over your eyes, you wanted nothing more than to pull it off. You needed to see, needed to breathe. You were panicking. You needed out, you needed air, you needed to feel safe again. 
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340 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Bring me a dream
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Part 3: Vanilla Marshmallow
Status: Ongoing
Pairing: The Corinthian x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, smut, horror elements, manipulation
A/N: ok i think I got everyone tagged that wanted to be, but if not please don’t take it as a mark against you! Just message and let me know to add you ☺️ enjoy everyone!
Perhaps it was the thought of your sweet face, or maybe it was the flashback of you making him “pinky promise”; or it was some combination of those things and others that was making Corinthian feel bad about the dead person in front of him. He stared back at the hollow eye sockets with a grimace, holding the cooling body close to himself and brushing its dark hair away from the trickling blood. What was he going to do?
Of course he had no intention of actually stopping his illicit activities, those were a part of his life’s rich tapestry. Naturally he said what he could so that you would give him a chance, but now he was genuinely beginning to feel like he should at least dial back. He tilted his head at the corpse and arched his back, coming to lie back against the soft, thread rich sheets and letting the body slump off of the bed.
“Gonna have to hide that now,” he said to himself, running a hand through his tousled hair. “Never had to do that before…”
His naked thighs tangled in a blood stained white throw, burrowing him closer into the warmth of the bed. He could’ve lain there all night, staring up at the ceiling and into the emptiness there, contemplating you. There was a softness that grew inside his chest as he thought of you. A need that tingled through him as the blood that remained on his bare skin seemed to scratch at him.
He needed to wash off his sins.
The bed was slicked with crimson, evidence of his failed promise. He glanced at the glasses on the bedside table and stared back at himself in the reflection, considering his toothy eyes and solemn lips. His cheeks were trickling with blood that looked like tears. Was this what Morpheus envisioned when he was created? He often wondered about that.
Corinthian trailed his thoughts toward the entrapped endless and smiled. thinking of him caged and seething often brought a grin curling to his lips. It had upset him to know just how much you revered Morpheus upon talking to you more. You’d denied yourself the pleasures of the human realm, waiting so loyally in the dreaming, it was unfathomable. Beyond his comprehension. There was so much to gain from life, so many experiences to live.
He intended to make sure that you experienced them all. He wanted to claim it all for himself anew, seeing what the human realm had to offer for a dream. What would you do? How will the world change you? He couldn’t wait to see. It made his heart flutter thinking of all of the possibilities.
All he had to do was hide that poor wretch sprawled on the floor and he could drive back to the city and go meet you at daybreak. A thought that had him sighing into the pillow, moving his hands so that they trailed down past his stomach. He had some time before the darkness would dissolve and until then, well, he intended on having some fun to himself before he had to restrain himself once more.
Not for much longer, he hoped.
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380 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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405 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Bring me a dream
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Part 2: Cherry Cheescake
Status: Ongoing
Pairing: The Corinthian x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, smut, horror elements, manipulation
You spent all day on a knife edge. You couldn’t take your mind off of the ‘date’ you were to go on that night. At least, that was what you’d told Casey when she asked why you were flitting around the kitchen, baking all manner of different tray bakes and cakes. Your human companion was less than pleased that her kitchen was rendered unusable for breakfast before her work, but you didn’t have the mental capacity to think about that. 
“Oh my god, will you stop already!” 
You looked up from the messily iced cupcake you’d been working on and faced your roommate, looking into her incensed green eyes. Your hands shook for a second, continuing to pipe out icing until finally Casey reached out and snatched the bag from you. It left you standing like a hamster with your hands still in position, staring ahead into the abyss.
“What’s up with you? This should be exciting! You’ve never even talked about fancying a single man or woman, or anyone since I’ve known you and now the minute you go on a date you’re acting like you’re in a TV heartbreak!” she said, half laughing, half looking ready to strangle you.
You sighed and looked around at the floury mess you’d left all over the room and at the numerous treats you’d made, finally registering the extent of your work that day. You couldn’t believe what you’d done. You wondered for a second where you’d get the time to give them away, until you realised that her presence meant that she was back from work. Time was creeping on you faster than you'd realised  and you were going to need to prepare to go out soon. Shit.
“O-oh well I um- I’ve never been on a date before,” you said truthfully, looking back at Casey as she started to clear up your damage. 
She stopped in her tracks just as she began to take your mixing bowls over to the sink and whirled back around. Her eyes were as wide as an owl’s. Now you were beginning to think that your excuse wasn’t the best cover up. 
“You’ve never been on a date?” she echoed.
You nodded and rubbed the back of your neck, already regretting your idea so much more. It was obvious she was invested now. Invested in your date with the Corinthian, oh gods, what were you going to do? You didn’t want to get all dolled up for him, you didn't want to indulge him in any way really, but the look on Casey’s face now was the ‘you’re not getting out of this without a makeover’ look.
“Hold on, before you get any ideas-” you tried.
“Oh I have so many ideas!” She interrupted. “ We need to start getting you ready now, we need to prepare you. Right, you go get in the shower then I can do your hair and bring up first date topics- oh and then we can-”
You zoned out while she rambled on about her schemes, lost in your own despair. Her head was filled with roses and your’s was occupied by those dark soulless shades and fox-like smile. You were going for a date with the devil and she was acting like you were meeting prince charming and getting ready for a life in a castle. It made your lips turn like you’d just eaten sour candy.
You knew better than to argue with Casey, however. Once she got on one of her tirades you’d never be able to stop her, especially not while she looked so full of childlike excitement. Who were you to ruin her dreams of preparing her friend for her first date? 
You looked like something out of a magazine. Your eye makeup was perfectly applied and glittered like a fairy had flown over you, your cheeks were glimmering with highlighter and your lips were pink and glossy. Kissable, she had said. As if you were going to allow him to kiss you. Ha!
You stood in the doorway, glaring at the thought of the nightmare you were going to meet. Only for a second though. Casey turned back around to face you and continued to rattle off her first date rules, while you stared off into the distance. Somehow, you didn’t think you were going to need to use them. Instead of listening, you played with the skirt of your white cotton dress and admired your pretty pink nails.
“Are you even listening to me?” Casey snapped.
“Oh- yes! I’ll let you know as soon as I’m there and I’ll call you if anything happens,” you said dutifully, gesturing away with your hand.
“That’s not what I was-”
“Actually, you know what, I really should be going! Don’t want to be late,” you interrupted, finally growing tired of humouring her.
With a squeal of good luck being shouted out to you, you closed the door and rushed down the stairs of your apartment toward the exit. You stood in the lobby for a second, feeling as if your breath was being stolen from your lungs. You didn’t want to have to go to the club, you didn’t even know if he’d be there yet, he hadn’t been so prudent as to give you a time. It made you wonder if he’d make you sit there all night for him.
Think of the humans, you said to yourself over and over like a mantra. You whispered it at first until you got into the cab you’d called, and even then, you took to recycling it in your head instead. You had to protect these beings' lives with your own, no matter what fiendish plans the Corinthian had in store for you. 
“You look real pretty tonight, miss,” the driver said, eyeing you appreciatively in his mirror. “Somethin’ special on?”
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472 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bring me a dream
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Part 1: Strawberry Daiquiri
Status: Ongoing
Pairing: The Corinthian x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, smut, horror elements, manipulation
A/N: This part is more of an introduction so nothing really to warn about here, but The Corinthian is pretty creepy so I'll add anything else on that I think needs to be there as I go!
The corinthian has been enjoying his time away from Lord Morpheus (that is, his forced imprisonment of course). Being free has been a dream. However, when he meets another from the land of the dreaming, he realises the exciting potential to corrupt one of his masters sweet creations. And so he decides he has to have her for himself...
The moment he caught sight of you, of your sweet face and soft nature, he felt compelled to have you. To possess you. To corrupt you completely. Knowing what you were was just the icing on the cake really. 
Had you been just any being he’d have felt a pull, but knowing that you were one of his master’s dreams only ramped up his terrible desire all the more. Especially when you were so beloved by dream, his little baker, the girl that could completely change a human’s emotions with just a bite of something sweet.
The Corinthian had wandered alone for such a long time, he’d almost forgotten there were others out there. Other dreams and other nightmares. He’d been unimpeded by his master for so long, living by way of his own twisted whims that when he saw you it reminded him of a world outside of his own. Reminded him of a place he detested so wholly he wanted to rip apart like a daisy. He desired to tear the petals off one by one and scatter the pollen like ashes. 
And what better way to do that than to take you and bend you to his will. At least that was what he’d intended on anyway. 
You were out in a booming city club with one of the humans you’d befriended only a few months after you’d left the dreaming. A decision you’d not made lightly. You’d watched so many others abandon hope while you’d held on so resolutely, had been so sure that Lord Morpheus would return that you couldn’t let yourself disappoint him. Until finally the lonely crumbling expanse had turned you away with a heavy heart.
You couldn’t bring yourself to watch the last walls of the palace tumble down, and so you’d come to earth like many other dreams in search of somewhere less lonely. Somewhere alive. And you’d found that in the city. It was odd at first, speaking with the beings you had only interacted with in their sleep, conversing with them and getting to experience every part of them and their confusing natures. You’d thought them frightening and, in some cases, cruel at first when you’d just arrived, but soon you came to realise how multifaceted they could be. it only made you love them all the more.
You were watching Casey now as she attempted to flirt with some man from another group, and smiling fondly to yourself as you often did. She was awful at it. She fumbled with her words and awkwardly played with her straw, stealing glances at the stocky man and trying to tell him jokes. She’d grown up insecure, carried her lack of confidence into her twenties like a backpack she couldn’t take off. She was more than the little red head girl hiding in the corner with her frumpy hand-me downs that she believed herself to be, she was the first human to show you kindness.
It comforted you to know that she would be returning home with you that night and delight in one of your signature bakes. Perhaps a big gooey brownie that would inexplicably dry her tears and put a smile on her face, or maybe a richly iced cupcake that would fill her heart with sprinkles of joy and laughter. She wouldn’t go home with some man that wouldn’t appreciate her tinkling laughter and hand-knitted creations. Wouldn’t be led away from you. She needed you. At least that’s what you told yourself every time you would spirit her away from nightclubs and back to your shared kitchen. 
“Thinking about somethin’ sweet, sugar?”
A southern drawl broke you out of your thoughts and had you craning your head up into the strobing darkness. You’d been leaning your head in your hand, looking far into the distance but once you met the sculpted face peeking out of the shadows you felt more alert than ever. You felt a chill working it’s way down your spine when you stared into the soulless lenses of his midnight black shades. You tried to place him in your mind, but you couldn’t think of any solid. Only an instinct telling you that he was trouble.
“W-What do you want?” You uttered quickly, hands shaking as they clutched the leather of your seat. 
You weren't sure who he was, but you knew for definite that he was a nightmare. There was a dark aura expelling from his pores despite his clean pressed suit jacket and charming smile. You didn’t trust him one bit. 
“Now now, sugar, no need to be like that. I just wanted to offer you a drink. After all it’s not often I come across a dream like you,” he’d said so smoothly you could imagine him wink. “Can I sit?” 
You were about to protest, you’d opened your mouth and were about to unleash hell before he placed a glass of bright red liquid in front of you. You frowned at it and then looked back at him, catching him gracefully sloping into the seat next to you. Who was this man? Who did he think he was to come and disturb your night.
You looked down at your drink finally and looked at it suspiciously, running your finger up and down the condensation covered glass. What was it? Was it something sinister? You inspected it all over,there was a sugary cherry pierced onto the drooping straw and a little sparkly umbrella that twirled around in the ice that could barely be seen through the dark crimson liquid. It smelt fruity to you, and probably sickly sweet to most humans. Maybe you could give it a taste…
“It’s a strawberry daiquiri. Sweet drink for a sweet dream,” the man drawled.
You tensed as he called you out again. Did he know who you were? If he did then he had you at a disadvantage and you didn’t care for that one bit. The man was too slithery to hold power like that and you knew all this had to be some kind of manipulation, but to what end? It’s not like he could hurt you, you thought to yourself. You can’t kill a dream.
“You never answered my question,” you said finally, taking the straw in your fingers. “What do you want?”
You took a tentative sip of the drink and found yourself holding back a moan at how good it was. It was ice cool and had several shots of extra syrup, too much for a human palette, though it was perfect for you. How did he know? Your eyes drew back to him and that equally sweet smile of his, running your eyes across his soft pink lips. If only you knew who he was. 
“I want some company, sugar. Nothin’ sinister, I just saw you and thought you’d like a conversation…I don’t know about you, but I don’t run into dreams often,” he said smoothly, sitting back in his chair and relaxing into the booth.
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639 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
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iyumeu · 3 years
i can be your angle or yuor demon
summary: [takes place right after the angelic demons event] in front of you stands an angel and a demon. which would you choose?
characters featured: lucifer, mammon, leviathan (aka older brother trio)
It had been a few days since the party that had taken place in the celestial realm. Your demonic housemates were now back to their normal, devilish selves but you notice that they seemed a little... odd. Subdued, even.
Today was no different; the brothers had been quiet during dinner, either picking at their food or simply straight up not attending dinner. You had gone to bed feeling off-kilter and worried. That was it, you decided, it was time to stage an intervention. You were going to confront your demonic housemates tomorrow and they weren't going to be able to do anything about it!
With determination in your heart, you closed your eyes... and then immediately found yourself in a strange white room with...
After the party
> He had immediately thrown himself back into a mountain of paperwork.
> You knew that Lucifer was the embodiment of overworking but even this was too much. He hadn't been present for dinner since all of you had returned to the Devildom and if it weren't for the incredibly rare times you caught him out in the hallway, you would have come to the conclusion that he simply decided to start living in his study room
> Alas, even when he was outside he was short-tempered, snapping at anyone who was around him and was generally just a little more forceful than usual.
> There was a moment where you brushed past him in the hallway and he had grabbed your wrist, tugging you towards him. You had jumped and whirled around, startled at the sudden action, and you weren't quite sure what your expression had been like but you knew that it prompted Lucifer to immediately let go of your wrist as if he had been burnt. He then retreated back into his office, slamming the door shut without even saying a word to you.
> He had kept his distance after that and the two of you hadn't spoken to each other since.
In the white space
Two Lucifers stood before you, one clad in his angelic costume while the other wearing his demonic form.
> They seemed to be talking to one another, the Lucifer you were familiar with getting more and more agitated by the second while the Lucifer dressed in angelic garb was crossing his arms, looking at the demonic Lucifer with a placid expression on his face.
> When you step closer to them, they turn to look at you in tandem.
> "MC."
> It's strange how your name can be spoken in such different ways. Lucifer spoke your name in his usual commanding tone while the angel said it with such gentleness and cheer it gave you goosebumps.
> "Luci... fer?"
> "Yes?"
> The both of them answered together once again. It was seriously freaking you out. Were they both really Lucifer? Or was one of them a clone?
> You quickly made your way closer to them.
> Once you were closer you could see that Lucifer looked tenser than usual.
> "Where are we?" You couldn't help but glance at angel Lucifer too when you asked that question. From the corner of your eye, you see Lucifer's hand clench into a fist.
> "It doesn't matter where we are," Lucifer replied brusquely. You hadn't seen him this upset before, not even when he tried to kill you for harboring Luke in the House of Lamentation.
> "Is this how he talks to you all the time?" Instead of answering you, angel Lucifer asked you another question. It was a question that confused you. What did that have to do with anything?
> "Um... not really? He's just a little bit frustrated," you reply, eyeing the angel Lucifer warily. Something about him made you feel... something. It was a negative something. You didn't like him one bit.
> "I see." Angel Lucifer reaches out towards you. Before you can flinch back, Lucifer's hand was already painfully gripping your shoulder, tugging you to his side in an almost violent manner.
> "You are not to touch them," he said. Angel Lucifer's gaze slowly slid from you to him and you were able to see it frost over in real time.
> "Neither are you," he said, "if you're going to be so forceful. Look at them, they're hurt."
> Lucifer turned to look at you. You were frozen in the middle of rubbing at your shoulder and his eyes darkened.
> He stepped away from you.
> "You believe that everyone around you will bend to your whim," the angel said. "And if you don't, you force them to. You carry out your actions uncaring about the way it affects others and how they may think... Tell me," the angel was looking at you now, "how does it feel to live with someone so full of themselves?"
> Beside you, you can tell that Lucifer has stopped breathing. His red gaze was boring a hole through you, his wings twitching as he fought the urge to block your view of his angelic doppelganger.
> You lick your lips, gathering your thoughts. The angel too your silence as agreement and a smile spread across his face.
> "Don't you see, demon? They're afraid of you. Your overbearing, domineering treatment of them has rendered them too afraid to dare speak up in your presence."
> Lucifer flinched at the angel's words. You suddenly had a very vivid fantasy of pouncing forward and violently ripping handfuls of feathers out of the angel's wings.
> "They'll be much happier with me, don't you think?" the angel asked. You glanced at Lucifer and was absolutely shocked to see him considering the angel's words.
> "No!" The word was out of your mouth before you could even think.
> The angel raised an eyebrow. "No?"
> "No." You dug in your heels, glaring at this... oversized avian who dared to don the face of your beloved demon. Who dared to make him doubt himself like that. "No, I'm not scared of him. No, I do dare to speak up. No, I absolutely would not be happier with you!"
> You turned to Lucifer, not wanting to look at that... thing for even a second longer. He was staring at you, a rare look of surprise on his face. You stepped towards him, poking a finger at his chest.
> "You!" you started, "You may be absolutely full of yourself, but you do care! You care for Diavolo! You're always taking care of him even when it comes at the cost of your own health! You care for your brothers! You protected them when all of you first entered the Devildom and you protect them even now, even if you try to hide it. You care for me! You give me food when you notice I've been staying up late to study and you constantly ensure that my time at R.A.D. is safe and enjoyable! Do you think I don't notice this? Do you think no one notices this? Why are you believing that thing's lies?!"
> With every jab of your finger, Lucifer's eyes grow wider.
> "And you!" You whirled around to glare at the angel. "You're sitting there running your mouth when you're the one who's acting so full of yourself! I'm sick of your holier than thou attitude! Lucifer is caring, he is thoughtful, and he is so much more than what you accuse him of!” You pause for a moment to take a breath. The angel is examining you like you were a particularly interesting specimen slotted under a microscope. You’ve reached your limit. It was time to resort to violence.
> You were stopped before your feet left the ground by a pair of arms wrapping around your shoulders. It was soon followed by a curtain of dark feathers, blocking the angel from your sight, and you from his.
> “That’s enough,” Lucifer said. His voice was filled with the same confidence and pride that you know and love. “That thing is not worth your time.” A pause and then, softly, almost inaudibly, “Thank you.”
> And then,
> You wake up.
After the dream
> You were happy to see that Lucifer was no longer locking himself up his office again.
> He was also, strangely, a little more affectionate to you?
> He was also around a lot more often; not hovering per se, but just... there. A comforting presence, him by your side.
> His texts to you are more often now too.
> You start receiving gifts from him, packaged and pretty hanging on your doorknob, charmed with a powerful spell that curses everyone but you if they touch it. He still pretends he doesn't send them but you know and he knows you know.
> One day, over a dinner at the Ristorante Six, he'll finally tell you, in words, that he wants you to stay by his side; but until then, you enjoy his non-verbal affirmations of love.
After the party
> He became a shut in on par with Leviathan.
> However you notice that he has a lot of akuzon deliveries brought to his door, definitely more than what he could afford.
> When you try to talk to him he only shouts at you from behind his door. When you try to enter, you almost get squashed by the amount of piled up akuzon boxes and haphazardly piled up items.
> You knew Mammon was inside but you couldn't see him at all. You'd genuinely think that he got suffocated under the mess of his purchases if he hadn't been talking to you through the mess.
> But he still refused to come out to see you and you didn't know how to navigate his room, so you decided to leave him be for now.
In the white space
> There were two Mammons in front of you, one dressed in his angelic costume and the other in his demonic form. They seemed to be discussing something but you paid them no mind.
> Mammon had been your reliable protector since the start of your time in the Devildom and hence you had grown to associate safety with his presence.
> That was why you literally all but teleported to his side when you caught sight of him.
> However, the words coming out of the angel made you freeze in your tracks.
> "Shameless, greedy scum," the angel said. Mammon's body language finally registered in your head. Slightly hunched over, head turned to a side, wings curling in on himself, fists clenched and shaking... You hadn't seen him this bad before.
> "You know that they're too good for you, but you can't let them go. You'd rather chain them to you forever rather than allow them happiness. Your greed truly knows no bounds, even for someone you lo—"
> You skitter to a stop between the two. It was unnerving how much he looked like Mammon. Apart from the attire, the only difference you could tell was his eyes; Mammon's eyes were open and expressive while the angel's eyes did not give away his emotions at all. Controlled, you would call them.
> "MC," the angel greeted you with a smile.
> "MC, what're you doing here?!" In contrast to the angel, Mammon seemed aghast to see you here.
> "You want their attention and affection but you are reluctant to give yours," the angel said. "Greedy, greedy, greedy. The Avatar of Greed, do you really think you're worthy enough to stand by their side?"
> Oh, the angel was talking about you.
> Well if you weren't already angry before, you were now.
> You turn to look at Mammon only to see him shaking slightly. He refused to meet your eyes.
> "You actually hate it, don't you?" the angel said. The angel was looking at you now. "How unreliable he is. How selfish he is, always putting his own desires and needs above others. A nightmare to live with, much less be with."
> With every word out of the angel's mouth, you see Mammon flinch. You reach out to soothe him but he flinches away from you. He looked like he regretted it the moment he did it, but he had no chance to apologize before the stupid angel was opening their mouth to yap on.
> "How can anyone love something like him, much less you?" the angel asked and. Boy.
> You whirled around and threw a punch at the angel's face. It barely injured the angel and left you with a hurting fist, but the shock on the angel's face was worth it.
> "I love him," you declared loudly. "And so do his brothers."
> Mammon was staring at you with wide eyes and an open mouth.
> "And the things you've said? Utter horseshit. Mammon is one of most selfless demons I know." No one as powerful as him would allow himself to be a punching bag for his entire family without retaliation, no one but him. Mammon was the demon with the highest control, with the softest heart, and it showed with the interactions he had with his brothers... and you.
> He rarely said anything affectionate towards you, and the times he did were often rushed and unintelligible, but he didn't have to. Not when his love and affection shone through with every action he made.
> He was always giving love, only rarely ever receiving, And he never complained about it.
> And so hearing this angel spout such bullshit about Mammon, and Mammon believing it, really made you experience something.
> That something was an attempt to beat up the angel in front of you.
> You were quickly pulled off the angel, Mammon holding you tightly and firmly in his arms and you tried to continue with your punches and kicks.
> "That's enough." It was a rare occasion that his voice was so serious and it immediately calmed you down. Mammon shifted you to a more comfortable hold but did not let you go. "Ya ain't gonna hurt me with those dumb words," he told the angel, puffing out his chest. "I'm the great Mammon! I ain't gonna listen to your bullshit!"
> Warmth blossomed in your heart as you hear Mammon regain his confidence.
> "And MC is mine! No one's worthy of them but that doesn't mean I won't—"
> You wake up.
After the dream
> Mammon finally exited his room and the first person he went to was you.
> He swooped you up in a big hug, abruptly waking you from your slumber.
> He started becoming more honest and less shy as well, no longer putting on airs. His affection for you was as clear as day. It's a work in progress but Mammon is still able to convey his affection even if he ends up screaming it with a red face.
> You notice that he's been taking up more responsibility lately, even getting a steady part time job. He uses the money to take you out on nice dates and buy you nice gifts.
> Also has become even clingier, but it's not like you're going to complain. ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━⸜₍๑•⌔•๑ ₎⸝━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
After the party
> Leviathan had been making some headway in getting more comfortable in his own skin, cutting down on insults to himself. This party set him back a thousand years.
> Every word out of his mouth was self-derogatory and full of hate.
> He refused to answer your texts.
> He never left his room, even for mealtimes.
> In fact he didn't eat at all? Which was concerning. You even tried to bribe him with Ruri-chan, but all it resulted was a crash and a faint sob.
> It was after that that you decided to leave him be for a while.
In the white space
> There was nothing in the white space except a pond and Leviathan in his angel costume.
> Recalling Leviathan's reaction to you before, you carefully approached him and called out his name. To your surprise, he turned to look at you with a smile on his face.
> You were delighted at first but the delight quickly drained away when you recognized the bright but bland smile on his face, along with his calm, placid eyes.
> It was the Leviathan from the party looking at you now, not the Leviathan you were missing.
> "MC!" he said cheerily. "I'm so glad you're here!"
> "...hello." He didn't seem to noticed that you were being subdued, quickly stepping forward to grab your hands. You tried to suppress your flinch, fearing that Leviathan was actually in there somewhere. You scanned his body for the brainwash bangle but did not find it. Worry started to gnaw at your heart. How were you going to break this curse if you couldn't find its anchor?
> "I missed you," angel Leviathan continued. "Sorry for avoiding you, I was just throwing a temper tantrum. I won't be doing that again. As I've said before, I'll be giving up on anime, manga, and the like to forge closer connections with my brothers... and of course with you."
> You step back. The angel follows.
> "I was weak before, a no-good shut-in loser who'd rather lose himself in the 2D world rather than face reality." Unlike before, the words were spoken without an ounce of shame or even emotion. It was like angel Leviathan was stating facts rather than belittling himself. Somehow, that bothered you more.
> "You're not weak," you spoke. "You're not any of those at all. You've been putting in a lot of effort lately, and besides being interested in anime isn't a weakness. You're passionate about what you like and unafraid of showing it. Isn't that a strength?"
> Angel Leviathan shrugged, brushing your words aside. It was incredibly uncharacteristic of him.
> "I suppose," he said. "Either way, don't you prefer me like this? Outspoken, confident, unafraid? I can tell you how I feel. I love you, MC. Don't you love me?"
> There was something wrong. A nagging feeling in your heart had been present ever since you entered this strange place and right now it merely grew stronger.
> "Not like this," you said, pulling your hand away from his. "There's something wrong with you right now, Levi, you're not in your right mind."
> "I'm in my right mind. In fact, I can safely say that I've never been better. Say you love me, MC."
> Leviathan would never push you like this. He had always respected your boundaries, knowing how unpleasant it was like to have his own constantly prodded and pushed.
> "You're not Levi," you realized. Immediately you looked around, quickly moving away from angel Leviathan. "Where is he? What have you done to him?"
> Angel Leviathan looked so confused for a moment that you almost believed him. But then his expression turned to derision and your blood ran cold.
> "Why do you care about that disgusting otaku anyway? Aren't I better? Why don't you choose me?"
> The angel must have been out of his fucking mind if he thought that you were going to choose him after all this.
> You took another step back and—
> You plunge into the lake, the breath knocked out of you by the impact. Just as you started to panic, your eyes catch sight of something that made you freeze.
> There was Leviathan, the Leviathan you knew and loved, in his demon form staring back at you with wide eyes.
> What the fuck.
> Had he been here the entire time?!
> Instead of you, now Leviathan was the one panicking. He grabbed you and swam quickly to the surface, bringing you out of the lake. You gasped for air once you breached the surface, Leviathan's arm supporting you and keeping you upright.
> "Levi!" you said once you caught your breath. "Where were you? Why didn't you come up?"
> Leviathan was not looking at you. Once he had placed you back onto the shore, he suck back down into the water until only his eyes and the top of his head were visible. You put the pieces together.
> "...were you hiding?"
> "Of course that coward was hiding." Oh god. The angel was still not done. Now that you knew for a fact that he wasn't Leviathan, you felt an incandescent rage start boiling within you. You tamp it down. For now. "He didn't want to face the idea that you might choose me over him."
> Choosing again. It seemed important.
> "It's okay if you choose him instead," Leviathan was clearly lying through his teeth. "If... If it makes you happy. Who would want to be with a loser otaku like me who can't even tell the person he loves that he wants to hold their hand? Much less that he loves them?"
> Your heart was breaking and you pushed yourself into the water again. Leviathan yelped in surprise and quickly swam forward to catch you. You took the opportunity to put your hands on either side of his face.
> "Levi, there's no way I'd choose anyone over you," you told him. "You are my Lord of the Shadows and no one else can take your place."
> You feel Leviathan's cheeks heat up under your palms.
> "Do you mean it?" It was said in a whisper but you managed to catch it. You nod and a brilliant smile spread across his face.
> He looked up at the angel and maneuvered you around so that he was in between you and the angel. His tail had found its way to you and it was now curling around you in a possessive manner you had long grown familiar with.
> "MC is m... MC is my Henry! Not yours!" Leviathan declared. His tail squeezed a little tighter but you still felt no discomfort. "And I am their Lord of the Shadows. I'll protect them, so there's no way you'll ever get your hands on them!"
> You tried to cheer Leviathan on but then,
> You wake up.
After the dream
> Leviathan sent you a message to meet him in his room and you went there immediately. There, he apologized for ignoring you, saying that he hadn't been feeling well but was better now.
> The tip of his tail was subconsciously curled around your ankle but you didn't point it out to him, not wanting him to be self-conscious.
> After that you notice that Leviathan was a lot more open with his words. He still stuttered and turned red, but he was trying. Even if he ended up running away afterwards sometimes.
> Soon, he even grew brave enough to ask you to h*ld his h*nd! Once the first barrier had been breached, however, the two of you started holding hands all the time.
> If his hands were busy with gaming, expect his tail to seek you out.
> One day, he'll muster up the courage to tell you how he feels. But until then, you're happy to wait. ⭒☆━━━━━━~>º˵)ニニニニ>━━━━━━☆⭒
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un-beel-ievable · 3 years
Obey Me! Headcanons - The Demon Brothers react to a MC who owns a golden retriever 🐕
Author’s note: I'm home :3 Feel free to reblog, but please do not repost!! If you enjoy my writing, do leave me a like and/or a comment (and follow me to see similar content in the future :D)!
Lucifer ☕
• When your dog first bounds over to greet Lucifer, it’s difficult to tell if the eldest born is a fan of your four-legged pal or not. The Avatar of Pride scrutinizes the ball of fluff as if he were a judge on a dog show —all the while as your dog vibrates impatiently by the front door with a tennis ball in its mouth. Perhaps it senses the need to be on its best behaviour if it’s to impress Lucifer.
• “A pet is a responsibility, not a novelty. I sincerely hope that you thought long and hard about the obligations of a pet owner before you went ahead with your decision to adopt. That being said, you appear to be doing quite well with your four-legged companion —they’re very well behaved. I have absolutely no qualms with you taking over Cerberus’s care when you return to the House of Lamentation; clearly you’d manage much more elegantly than my brothers. Perhaps Cerberus would enjoy the company of your charming pooch as well…”
• So Lucifer does like your dog. Not an entirely surprising revelation, if you’ve seen how he behaves around Cerberus in private. The strict no-nonsense archdemon turns into the softest dog owner that you’d ever have the pleasure of meeting; he’s all ear scritches and belly rubs. By the end of his visit, your dog is blissfully rolling on the carpet by Lucifer’s feet as the Avatar of Pride informs it over and over again that it is indeed “a good dog”.
• Perhaps you’ll even catch the small —but genuine— smile twitching at the corners of Lucifer’s lips as he does so.
Mammon 💳:
• In hindsight, perhaps giving Mammon a heads up about the presence of your pooch would have been a good idea.
• Despite your numerous attempts to reassure Mammon that the furry ball of enthusiasm barreling towards him is a Good Dog™, the terrified shriek that escapes the Avatar of Greed is shrill and ear-splitting enough to shatter your windows (Metaphorically speaking, of course. Rest assured, no windows were harmed in the writing of this headcanon.). When your dog leaps at him to nudge its head into his hand for scritches™ and headpats™, Mammon’s life flashes before his eyes. The only image that he can bring to mind before he passes out cold on your carpet is Cerberus’s terrifying snarl.
• When Mammon comes to, your dog is sitting on his chest —looking concerned and suitably chastised for accidentally scaring the living daylights out of the demon. (Even though Mammon refuses to come clean about how terrified he was. “The great Mammon? Afraid of a lil’ dog? W-What...What are ya talkin’ about? I wasn’t scared!”) The events that occurred over the last couple of minutes play on a loop in Mammon's mind. It finally dawns on him that your dog isn’t the ferocious beast that his imagination had conjured up, and his cheeks flush scarlet.
• Please give your demon a hug. I think he needs one. Or several.
Leviathan 🎮:
• If Leviathan had a pet ranking system, Henry 1.0 and Henry 2.0 would always claim the highest spots possible —the S-tiered, 5-star gods of the pet world. No golden retriever could ever worm its way to the top and snatch his love for them from under his feet. Sorry. But your dog is pretty cute, he’ll give you that.
• Too cute, maybe. Hey...um...you don’t love your dog more than you love him, right? What? Him, the Avatar of Envy, jealous? No! Of course not! Why would you make such an outrageous assumption? He’s not jealous —an adorable fluff ball of enthusiasm for the outdoors and joy is a way better than an icky otaku, after all. Leviathan doesn’t blame you for choosing your dog over him. Any sane individual would do the same...
• When you finally manage to reassure your demon that your dog is in no way competition for the affection that you hold for him, —he’ll always be your favourite demon, even if you have a dog. Even if you have a hundred dogs. Nothing is going to change that— he begins looking at your pooch in a different light. That’s right —as a potential cosplay partner. There’s this new anime that’s been released recently...Levi was wondering if you had heard of it? It’s titled: My Partner Is The Proud Owner Of A Golden Retriever And I’m An Otaku Who Enjoys The Simple Pleasure Of Collecting Merchandise and Cosplaying. One of the main characters happens to own a golden retriever as well, and if you’re willing to give him your blessing (the irony, I know), perhaps you’d lend him your pooch for an afternoon of cosplay and photography?
Satan 📚:
• Satan is a cultured demon who enjoys the company of four-legged companions, but he’s admittedly a fan of felines...not canines. Still, he prides himself on keeping an open mind towards new experiences, so he agrees to spend an afternoon with you and your dog (Even though he’d much rather be attending the opening day ceremony of the Devildom’s newest cat cafe. The things he does for love.).
• He performs some through research before meeting your dog for the first time; spending afternoon after afternoon in the sanctuary of his room reading about dogs and how to care for them. No number of books could prepare him for the real thing, however. When Satan first comes over to spend the afternoon in your home, he’s stiff and awkward —unsure of what to do with a dog. He ends up spending the first hour on your couch, sipping tea and spouting facts about golden retrievers.
• Show him the rope that your dog enjoys playing tug-of-war with, or the tennis ball that it insists on carrying in its jaws everywhere it goes. It takes a while for Satan to warm up to your pooch, but he’ll gradually learn to love —or at the very least, tolerate— your canine companion, even though he still firmly believes in the superiority of cats. Speaking of which, you’d accompany him on a date to that new cat cafe, right?
Asmodeus 💋:
• Oh! Your golden retriever is absolutely adorable! And gorgeous too —albeit not as beautiful as him, but that’s to be expected. There’s not a single individual in all of the three realms that could match up to his beauty. And your dog has such luscious fur too...dear Diavolo, he’d kill to have a haircare routine that’s as effective on his locks.
• Would you be willing to take a photo of him posing with your pooch? It’s for his Devilgram followers, of course —such beauty must be shared with the world, no? You’re not entirely sure if Asmo’s referring to his beauty, your dog’s beauty, or the shared, collective beauty of him and your dog. It doesn’t particularly matter. The two (three?) of you end up spending the entire afternoon orchestrating an impromptu photoshoot, and then spending the evening editing the photographs from said shoot for Devilgram.
• Generally gets along with your four-legged companion like a house on fire. There’s just one, itsy-bitsy issue.
• Your dog sheds. A ton. No matter how often you brush its fur, or how many boundaries you set about it not being allowed on the furniture, it seems determined to shed every carpet, sofa and bed that you own. Asmo never stops whining about the copious amounts of fur that now decorate every article of clothing he owns, but at least your dog seems happy to be able to leave its mark —on Asmo’s ensembles, of course, but also his heart.
Beelzebub 🍔:
• Corporate has asked you to find the difference between this picture and this picture—
• Asmo gets along well with your dog. Beel gets along with your dog even better. As one of the few only brothers who’s willing to spend any amount of time with Cerberus (granted, most of the time he’s only doing so because he’s been promised free food), Beel has grown into quite the dog lover. Your dog seems thrilled to be in the company of someone who appears to wholeheartedly enjoy its company —your dog is thrilled by the company of anyone who’s willing to give it their time of day, but still— and Beelzebub is thrilled to be in the company of a four-legged companion who appears to wholeheartedly enjoy his company. Beel is happy to spend whole afternoons playing with your dog...interspaced with the occasional snack break, of course.
• Speaking of which, Beel very much struggles with not giving into your golden retriever’s extremely convincing puppy dog eyes. Objectively, he knows that giving your dog human (or demon) food is a terrible idea —the last thing he wants is to be the reason that your dog has to take a trip to the vet. But your dog is so cute! And it’s looking at his food with such an intense longing in its eyes...Beel can relate to that. Surely a little nibble wouldn’t hurt…
• When you find yourself having to tell Beel off, suddenly you find yourself at the receiving end of 2 sets of puppy dog eyes; both Beel and your pupper are very sorry. They swear it’ll never happen again! Please don’t be upset…
• How are you supposed to stay mad at them?
Belphegor 🛏:
• ...listen.
• It’s not that he hates dogs. Honestly! He likes dogs as much as the next demon! But they can be loud and yappy and so incredibly energetic, and your golden retriever is more hyper than most. It always wants to go on walks, or play fetch, or make him throw its favourite tennis ball over and over again but refuse to hand it over so he has to engage in a slobbery game of tug-of-war to steal the ball from it —it’s just too much for the Avatar of Sloth. Just watching your dog zip across the room in a display of its endless amounts of energy is enough to tire Belphie out...is playtime over yet? He just wants to take a nap.
• Makes multiple attempts to talk you into allowing Beel to look after your dog. Just for an afternoon! His twin certainly has the energy to keep your hyperactive pup entertained for the whole day, and since you can be assured that your dog is well taken care of, perhaps the two of you could finally stay inside for once and take a nice, long nap. It’s been too long since he’s gotten to hold you in his arms…
• By the time Beel returns your dog to you, it’s all tuckered out from its day of adventures. As you’re thanking Beel for looking after your dog for the day, you catch him chuckling softly at something over your shoulder —Belphie and your furry friend, dozing off together on the couch. They appear to finally be getting along.
BONUS: I'm still not terribly comfortable with adding the (former) undatables to my writing repertoire, but my partner happens to be very fond of the demon butler...and I happen to be very fond of them. So just this once, just to see how it goes...
Barbatos 🍵:
• Oh? So this is the sweet bundle of fur that he’s heard so much about. It’s a pleasure to meet them at long last. Barbatos has always been fond of dogs, and your dog is quite an endearing creature to say the least...it actually reminds Barbatos of Cerberus when he was a puppy. How time flies.
• Treats your dog as if it were an esteemed guest of the castle. As long as Barbatos is around, you needn’t lift a finger when it comes to the care of your beloved pet. Keeping your dog fed and watered? Barbatos has it covered; the butler seems to have an in built in timer when it comes to feeding your dog —Barbatos serves its meals at exactly 6 in the morning and 6 in the evening. Not a minute early, not a minute late. When taking your dog out on walks, he carries a spare bottle of water for the sole purpose of offering it to your dog if it gets thirsty. Speaking of walks...Barbatos is more than happy to escort your pooch on walks in the event that you’re unavailable to do so yourself. Barbatos generally allows your golden to lead the way on their excursions, and is content with following along behind it to keep it out of trouble for however long it wishes to remain outdoors. If it were to tire itself out, Barbatos takes your dog into his arms and carries it the rest of the way home.
• Your pooch becomes very spoiled very quickly. It’s unclear if you’ve gained a butler...or if your dog has.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 4 years
(Spoiler lesson 16) (Angst) I don’t like Belphegor after what he did to mc (us). But Beelzebub is real boyfriend- and even husband material. So could you make a fic about mc confessing to Beel that mc is not comfortable being near Belphegor? Mc will understand if they’ll have to break up, but can’t take being near Belphegor anymore. I know this’ll prob end up bad :(
Where I Stand (Beelzebub x GN!Reader ANGST) 
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Beel was the love of your life, that much was clear. It had taken a while to get close to him, but once you did it was like you couldn’t pull yourself away. He was always right there next to you, his hand in yours or you sitting on his lap while he ate. It was like the two of you couldn’t be separated, and while most people, especially his brothers, cringed at your closeness, the two of you loved it. There was nothing to worry about, he knew that you were safe beside him. The only thing that could make this better for him was if his twin were here to meet you too. 
He had written letters to his brother, letters that he had given to Lucifer to deliver to the human world where Lucifer told him that Belphie was staying. The letters were all about how perfect you were, how happy you made him, how much he loved you. When he was with you, it’s like he wasn’t hungry anymore, you filled his heart, it was like he couldn’t be hungry when he was already so full of love for you. He never got a response though, and part of him just assumed that Belphie was just really busy. The human world was way different from the Devildom, but it still kind of hurt that his brother couldn’t even take the time to respond to him. Even just a simple “proud of you, man” would have worked, but he got nothing. 
You would often run off, saying that you had something to do, that you would be back in a little while and you always came back shortly after you left. You never told him what you were doing, and Beel never pried, his main concern was whether you left the house, and you never did. He felt like he had nothing to worry about while you were gone, and up until that day he was right. The house was safer than being outside, or so he thought. 
It had never crossed his mind once that Belphegor would still be in the house, let alone locked up in the attic. One second his twin brother is free and he feels like everything can be made right again, and then the next second you’re dying. The quickness of it all had almost given him whiplash. It was like the final puzzle piece had been placed, the picture was so beautiful, and then someone had come in and destroyed the entire puzzle. The last person he thought would destroy it would be his own brother though, his best friend. 
After everything seemed to be sorted out, he still took a while to trust Belphie. He was so scared to have you anywhere near his twin, and you were completely fine with that. Seeing yourself dying, knowing that Belphegor was the cause of it, knowing that in some timeline somewhere that you were actually dead, it was terrifying. Soon though, Beel wanted to start mending the relationship with his brother, and while part of you understood, another part of you felt almost betrayed by him. After everything that the two of you had been through, the relationship that had grown between you, he’d still choose the brother that wanted to kill you? You tried to be okay with it, but you just couldn’t. For a while you kept your feelings to yourself though. It wasn’t like Beel was trying to force you to be around his brother, so you could at least suffer in silence whenever he decided to spend his free time with Belphegor instead of you. It was only when Beel had started to bring Belphie with the two of you whenever you left the house. 
“Beel, I need to talk to you…” You looked up at him, leaning against the counter, looking happy as ever while he ate his sandwich. Of course he would look happy, there was nothing bothering him anymore. In his eyes, everything was just right, absolutely perfect, it couldn’t get better than the way it was now. To him, this was the best that it could ever get for him, but he didn’t know how you felt, and he hadn’t even asked you to see how you felt either. “Hmm? What’s wrong, cupcake?” That pet name, it always made you feel soft when he said it, but now it just upset you more. Not because you hated hearing it, but because you had the most nauseating gut feeling that it would be the last time you heard him call you that. 
“I can’t be around him… not after what happened. I hate it, I hate being scared when I’m with you because I know I shouldn’t be, but I know that you’d never hurt him either.” Your eyes watched him closely, but he didn’t show any emotion, he just stood there staring at you as if he were waiting for you to continue, but before you could, he started talking. “I don’t know what you want me to do Y/N… it’s not that you’re not important to me but… that’s my brother. You don’t understand him… and you’re not even giving yourself the chance to.” Was that him trying to make it better? His words felt like a thousand slaps, he was really trying to excuse his brothers actions by saying that you didn’t understand him… and then getting upset with you that you don’t really want to understand the guy in the first place?! 
“Do you… Do you not remember what the hell he did to me?!” Anger, sadness… rage. It was clear to you now that Beel didn’t give a damn about anything that Belphegor did to you. Tears of anger streamed down your face as you looked at your boyfriend, your boyfriend who you thought loved you, cared about you. It was obvious that that wasn’t the case. “Y/N… I’m not excusing what he did. I just… you don’t understand him, what he’s been through. He didn’t mean to do it.” You couldn’t help but laugh, it was humorous almost, how much he defended Belphegor in everything he did. Humorous, but also irritating, so irritating and… disgusting. “He didn’t mean to do it? Is that why he came after me again, Beel?” 
Your irritation and anger was mirrored in his eyes, and for the first time you actually saw him put his food down, his fists clenched as he took a step toward you. “So… what? You want me to choose between you and my own brother?” “No… that’s-” “Because I’m choosing him. He needs me. I just get him back and… because you can’t get over something that he didn’t even mean to do, you expect me to just give him up for you? I can’t do that.” His words cut deep, and for once you saw where exactly you stood in the lineup of things in his life. You were nothing to him, and it was quite clearly put in your face, laid out right in front of you, and as much as you didn’t want to believe it, it was plain as day. 
“So that’s how it is? Glad to see how much I mean to you.” You bit your cheek, trying to hold in the tears, at least until you got up to your room where you could suffer in silence. “That’s how it is. Glad you see it too.” He turned away from you, picking up his sandwich again, not even bothering to watch as you walked away. The tears streamed down your face as you made your way up to your room, slamming the door behind you and collapsing onto your bed to finally let it all out. 
The slamming of your door finally snapped him out of his anger, his sandwich slipping between his fingers as the last five minutes replayed in his mind. Five minutes… that’s all it took for him to break you, to push you away, to lose you. He wasn’t a perfect person, he tried so hard to be, but he just couldn’t keep up with himself, with his own thoughts and his own emotions. Everyone else always came first, it was just how he was, he would have never thought that caring too much would be the worst he could have done. There was no going back now, he was at a fork in the road and he chose his path, the path that didn’t include you, and he would have to pay the price for it.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 11: Date Night
…in which Ezi’s first date gets interfered.
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Word count: 2.5k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: sorry this chapter is so short. I was emotionally unstable when I wrote this last week :D I'll try to write more for the next one.
Also, please follow my writing account on Instagram: @allie.writes :) Don't forget to leave comments on this chapter!
“Hey, do you remember Dolores?” Dawson asked.
“How could I forget?” Ezili murmured, eyeing her sister up and down.
Of course Ezi remembered Dolores. She couldn’t if she tried. Whenever she looked at Koa, all she saw was what she could never be, what her mother wished that she was, and it only made her despise herself. When she’d first arrived here, she had felt so out of place, but at the same time, free. She still revisited her old life in her sleep, which made her wake up screaming during the night. And despite all the struggles she’d gone through, she felt appreciated. Harry wasn’t anywhere near great, but he wasn’t bad. He looked out for her even though she wasn’t his kind. And she knew if her mother knew she felt this way about a human, she would not be standing here.
But why was she thinking about Harry? He wasn’t here. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked around as the vibrant atmosphere of the night market drowned out her thoughts. Her sister came forward and pulled her into a hug. She could feel Koa’s claws leaving marks on her shoulders, but she knew it was just her imagination.
Koa withdrew with a smile and lifted those perfect human hands with short blunt nails and twisted her hair into a bun. She looked so human, so natural. Ezili wondered how Koa it, but then she caught a glimpse of the trident hanging on a chain around her neck. She’d been using magic.
Immediately, Ezili grabbed Dawson’s hand and pulled him to her side. Koa tilted her head, looking quite confused, which Ezili knew was all an act. Meanwhile, Dawson was blushing. He cleared his throat. “So...Dolores is also here for the book fair. Mind if she joins us?”
“Not at all,” Ezili said with a tight smile.
“Great!” Koa said, hands clasped against her chest.
Ezili tried to figure out what her sister’s intentions were. Was she here to kill Ezili? Was she here to kill Harry? What if she thought Dawson was Ezili’s new target and was here to kill him? Also, how many humans had she killed for her to be here, dressed, act, and talk like a real human girl?
Ezili walked beside Koa as the girl went on and on about how she’d just moved to London, and all the places she’d visited and enjoyed. She must have got all this information from the magic of the trident. She couldn’t be more human than Ezili, who’d had to learn everything by herself.
Ezili’s heart gave a lurch when she spotted his face in the crowd. It started with a feeling of comfort, like finding a warm bed in the middle of the raging ocean. But then a tidal wave of anxiety crashed down upon her, and she momentarily forgot about Dawson and her sister. She rushed toward him, pushing past a group of tourists and teenagers who cursed at her.
“There you are!” Harry said, spreading his arms. “My favourite fish.”
“What are you doing here?” she hissed and tugged hard at his sleeve. “Why did you follow me here?”
“I didn’t follow you here.”
“I’m not,” Harry sighed and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he looked around. “Where’s Dawson anyway? Why are you standing here all by yourself?”
Ezili had no time for his questions. “Harry, go home.”
“I’m here to buy books!”
“Oh, yeah? What books?”
“This one,” he said, grabbing a random book from a display shelf they were in front of.
“The Sex Life of Pets?”
“Oh.” His smile dropped as he read the title. “I mean, it does look kinda interesting.”
“Harry, go home. I’m fine.”
“I don’t think you are. Dawson left you here all by yourself.”
“He’s taking care of something,” Ezili said anxiously as she put her arms around herself and rubbed. The air was getting cold. She hadn’t had to feel the cold when she’d been a siren. She hated how weak humans were. A slight change of the weather could get them all messed up.
She was about to tell Harry to go home right now because her sister was here, and Dawson might be in danger. Ezili’s job here was to kill one of these men, not save them every single time. But to her surprise, Harry took off his coat and put it around her shoulders. “Come home with me,” he said, gently. “If you stay here, you might get lost among all these tourists.”
“No, you go home,” she said, pushing his shoulder, but he didn’t budge. “It’s not safe here for you.”
“How?” he chuckled. “I know London like the back of my hand.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Ezili, you’re acting stran—” Harry was about to finish his sentence when his smile vanished. He pointed over Ezili’s shoulder. “Is that Dawson talking to your sister?”
Ezili whirled around, relieved to find Dawson still alive, but the grin her sister gave her while Dawson was talking to a seller made her uneasy.
“Harry, go home,” she snapped at Harry, shoved him hard so he stumbled back. If something happened, she could only save one of them, and she knew for a fact it would be Harry.
“I’m not going home and leaving you here—”
“And I won’t save you if my sister does something again. I’ll save Dawson, and you don’t want to die, do you?”
At first, she thought those words were all harmless, until she saw the way Harry’s smile dropped, and his shoulders slumped. He said nothing, only nodded. Koa and Dawson were heading towards them now. It was too risky to have Harry here.
“Go!” she shouted and pushed him hard. He didn’t joke about it or react, just held her gaze for a moment and walked away.
“Is that Harry? Harry!”
“He’s leaving, Dawson,” Ezili said and turned to her sister. “Could you come with me to the restroom?”
“Yeah, sure!” Koa happily said, then waved at a puzzled Dawson as she got dragged away.
“What are you trying to do?” Ezili asked in Séren when they were far enough from Dawson, but not too far; she still needed to keep an eye on him just in case.
“Nothing,” Koa answered in their mother tongue. “Although Pretty Boy over there looks quite delicious.”
“Stop it!” Ezili snapped. “You’ve been breaking so many rules around here. You’re not allowed to use the magic of the trident for personal gains.”
“Mother entrusted me with it,” Koa mused.
“I’m sure she’d be happy to know what you’d used it for,” Ezili said, disgusted.
Koa’s dark pink lips curled to the side. “You’re jealous,” she said, leaning back, arms crossed.
Ezili had no time for this. “Please go home,” she told her sister. “I have things under control here. I’ll return in a year with the heart.”
“But you don’t have a whole year,” Koa said. “One year could be a lifetime for these creatures. Humans are fickle. They can stay married for twenty years and still can’t love each other.”
Ezili scoffed, eyebrows raised. “Does the trident tell you that?”
“No, Dolores did,” Koa said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger innocently as if she weren’t talking about someone she’d murdered for no reason. “She hated her husband,” she went on. “I heard her talking on the phone with someone about how she had never loved him, and they had two grown children together. Can you believe it? These creatures made up the thing called ‘marriage’ - a lifetime commitment, which they could not keep up with themselves. And as much as your pretty head wants to see the good in these filthy creatures. They are far from good. Not only do they harm other living things, they also harm their own kind. Physically and emotionally.” Koa put her hand on Ezili’s shoulder and squeezed. “That boy you’re so attached to is no different, Ezili. He will never love you.”
Ezili bit her lip and brushed her sister’s hand off of her. “Don’t tell me about humans when I’ve been here for longer than you do.”
“And yet,” Koa said, “you’re still here.”
Ezili wanted to tell Koa she was wrong for doubting Ezili, but Koa wasn’t wrong. Recently, Ezili had been doubting herself, too. She had even considered switching her target from Harry to Dawson, but she could not feel the same connection she’d had with Harry.
“I have an offer for you, Ezili,” Koa’s voice dragged her out of her own thoughts. She blinked at her sister. “Before your birthday, which was supposed to be your coronation day, you may come back to the Queendom. You’ll tell Mother that you cannot accomplish the mission and ask her to make me Queen of the Seven Seas. Then we’ll have a new Queen as planned. Our evil aunt can’t plot against the throne. And when I’m Queen, I’ll make sure you won’t be banished. You’ll get to keep your title as a princess and stay in the castle.”
Ezili hated that she wasted a second to actually consider the offer. “No. I won’t do it,” she spat, stepping back. “If I accepted this offer, no one and nothing in the ocean world would take me seriously. I would become an outcast anyway.”
Koa rolled her eyes and laughed heartily. “At least you’ll still be protected by the army and you’ll have a family. Or would you rather join the mermaids collecting gold all day for your sad little collection? Also, I’m sure the white sharks would love an abandoned siren.”
“I’m going to be Queen,” Ezili said through clenched teeth. “I’m bringing Mother the heart no matter what. Now you go home and tell her just that. And be careful with my trident that you wore around your little breakable neck.”
Koa opened her mouth to speak, but Ezili didn’t give her a chance. She put up a hand and shouted, “Dawson, let’s go! Dolores is just about to leave.”
Ezili didn’t know what time she arrived home. She tried not to think about her sister’s words, which had clearly been for the purpose of making her doubt herself. She still hoped Dawson had had a great time tonight. They’d bought some books after she’d got rid of Koa, then stopped at a restaurant on the way back to Harry’s mansion. She’d apologised when he’d dropped her off for not being quite herself tonight, and she hated how he’d cheerfully said, “It was nothing. No worries.” Why did humans lie about how they felt all the time? If something bothered you or made you uncomfortable, why not just say it? Why did they feel the need to complicate things? It was hard enough for her to understand human emotions, and they expected her to be able to guess?
“Hey,” Harry said when their eyes met and she froze in the doorway. She’d expected him to be sleeping right now. “You look clean. Guess your sister didn’t kill Dawson?”
Ezili narrowed her eyes at him and kicked off her shoes. “No. Nothing bad happened.”
“Oh, man. I was hoping he was dead.”
“Shut up,” she said. “Also, I don’t think my sister will ever bother us again.” That, she wasn’t sure. She just wanted to be reassured even if it was by her own words.
Harry got up, hands slipped into his pockets. “Sooo...how was your date?”
Ezili pretended she hadn’t heard that question. “Why are you still up?” she asked.
He shrugged. “Had too much coffee earlier.” Then repeated, “How was your date?”
“It was fine,” Ezili said. "Why did you show up?"
"I was just making sure you wouldn't cause any trouble? Your name is tied to mine now, in case you've forgotten."
"How can I? You literally remind me of our fake relationship every two seconds."
“Why are you so pissed off?”
“I’m not.”
“You clearly are,” he persisted.
She let out a sigh, about to just go upstairs and ignore him for the rest of the night, but this one question kept tugging at her. So she had to ask.
“Have you ever been in love?”
Harry looked confused for a second. “No. Never. I think I’ve told you about what happened with my exes.”
“But did you love them at one point?”
“Well, I thought I loved them,” he said. “But looking back now, I don’t think I know what love is. It’s just...a lot of times, I want to be alone. Just me and Chilli. If someone enters my life and stays around for too long, it makes me uncomfortable.”
“But I’m also living here. We see each other all the time.”
“It’s not like I have a choice to kick you out,” he said, then instantly looked regretful.
Ezili padded across the room and stopped in front of him. “Why would anybody want to be alone?” She knew she didn’t. She was doing all this just to be accepted by her kind, but he, who had everything from fame and wealth to a supportive family, wanted to be left alone?
“You’re not the first girl to ask me that,” he said with a grin. “I think it has a lot to do with how I was brought up. I feel like everyone has these certain expectations for me, and when I don’t meet those expectations, I disappoint them. I just want to be by myself so I can just be me. I don’t want to adjust myself to the presence of others.”
Ezili nodded then moved a bit closer.
“What are you--”
She surprised him by placing her palm on the left side of his chest. Her skin tingled with the sensation of his little unsteady heartbeats when she came near. “But there’s nothing here,” she mumbled as if it would make sense to him. “You were telling the truth.”
“What do you mean?” Harry let out a nervous laugh and reached for her hand, which she withdrew before he could touch.
Harry’s smile faded. “Did Dawson say anything about me?”
“No. We hardly talked about you.”
“What about your sister? Why is she here?” he kept asking when she brushed past him and headed for the stairs. “Does your mother want you back? Ezi, what happened tonight?”
“Nothing,” she lied. “I’m just tired. Goodnight, Harry.”
“Ezi,” he said, his voice soft and pleading as if he could love her for a moment. But how could he? How could a man, who had lived his whole life without falling in love and prided himself on his loneliness, ever fall in love with a siren? He’d said he’d wanted to kiss her again, but there he’d stood in front of her and claimed her presence in this house made him uncomfortable. Then when her hand had been on his heart, she had felt nothing.
So had he lied about it? Humans lied about how they felt all the time. If they could lie about wanting to spend the rest of their life with one person, they could lie about wanting to kiss a siren.
Maybe, just maybe, Ezili should consider her sister’s offer.
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thoushallnotfall · 4 years
God Bless the Children of the Beast - Part 14
Previous // Masterlist
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Pairing: The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Notes: *shows up 3 months late with a bottle of Jake* So...what's up?
So so so so SO sorry I just dropped of the planet there for months my guys; I swear I've had the first part of this started since like, the beginning of November, and it's just been sitting in my drafts collecting dust.
I went and reread the whole fic in prep for writing this and it was actually really fun? Like, I forgot everything the MC has gone through. (god what a rollercoaster) She and the boys have really been through it huh? They've grown so much; my babies. 🥺 I have felt so bad that this has just been sitting here unfinished; I never wanted to abandon it, and I am determined to finish this even if it kills me! I love this story so much, I have to see it through to the end.
This chapter has a lot of conversations without having dialogue which normally bugs me but it's already such a long chapter and I'm tired. Also, it's purely cheese and fluffy good feelings because I feel like we deserve that don't we? (And I mean y'all have been waiting forever; you deserve something nice.)
Warnings: None
After Heather had kicked him out, Tommy moved into your guest room. He promised it wouldn’t be for long–a few weeks, maybe a month–and then he'd be out. You told him from the beginning he could stay as long as he wanted, but you knew he was ashamed of his current situation. He wanted to get a new house as soon as possible so he could pretend everything was fine. It wasn’t, of course; but the thought of you or anyone else pitying him absolutely killed Tommy, and you knew it.
Tommy was completely broken up about his divorce, and as much as he may be embarrassed about having to crash at someone else’s house, you could tell he also craved the company. If you were both home together–and you usually were–you began to notice Tommy gravitating to whatever part of the house you were in. Even if he was doing his own thing, he just wanted to be around you. You knew he didn’t want to be alone–alone with this thoughts, his feelings; thinking about why he was alone and replaying it all in his head. That’s why you were so insistent that he could stay; you didn’t want him to have to go through this alone.
At first he was adamant about finding a place as soon as possible, but after the first couple weeks he went out looking at houses less. Then, after another few weeks he just stopped looking altogether. You didn’t bring it up–knowing any mention of it would force him to start his search up again, even if that’s not really what he wanted–and the two of you silently acknowledged he would be staying for awhile, which is what you’d wanted from the start.
You knew Tommy enjoyed living with you, and even though it had been over a decade since the two of you had shared a space, you fell back into it with ease. Your house was much bigger than the shabby little apartment you once cohabitated in with the others, but with Tommy always trying to be in your orbit it felt just as close. 
You made a point to try and hang out with him even more than usual; which was easy with him living with you. You would have Nikki and Mick over and the four of you would hang out–the sobriety of the Dr. Feelgood tour was back as the boys worked on their next album, but it was always a good time when you all got together, even without the booze. Then, there were the nights the two of you spend alone. Usually, you’d end up watching a movie or playing Nintendo together, simply enjoying each other's company like you always did. 
Sometimes you would just hang out and talk; you’d talk about the past and how young and stupid you all had been. Then you’d say you couldn’t believe it’d been 12 years since the two of you had met.
You’d been thinking about that a lot since Tommy moved in–it had been 12 years since you’d met him and the others; 12 years since Motley Crue was formed. You’d think about all the shit you’d done, all the things you regretted, all the moments you’d die to relive. You'd wonder where your life would be now if you and Nikki hadn’t met Tommy that night in the diner.
You didn’t want to know where you'd be right now without him.
Tommy always had such a sweet look on his face when he talked about the past with you. It wasn’t like in rehab; when you had to drudge up the shit from your past that you hated and lay it all out in a row for everyone to see. It was softer than that; a gentle nostalgia about your lives together. Yeah, you did some stupid shit, but you did it together.
And so the days turned to weeks, and those past until Tommy had been living with you for nearly four months. You thought he might go through with leaving after the first month; then he got the divorce papers from Heather, and all the work you’d started to help put him back together was undone in an instant. Your heart ached seeing him so miserable, and you knew no matter how long it took you would help him get through this.
And he did improve, with time, and the longer he was with you the more you began to realize you didn’t want him to leave. You knew one day he would have to move out, but whether for his sake or for yours, you hoped that day wouldn’t come any time soon.  
December 25th, 1993
You look up at the green suburban home in front of you, with it's festive decorations placed meticulously around the expertly kept lawn, and you felt a sense of panic well up inside you. You knew this would be good for Tommy–and it had sounded like fun at first–but now that you were here you just felt wrong. Like you didn't belong–something that was clearly out of place in a world that was otherwise perfectly organized.
It was an old feeling, one you hadn't experienced in a long, long time; and you wondered why you were suddenly feeling it again now. You had been living in mansions and staying in ritzy hotels for years: suburbia should be nothing to you now. Yet here you were, palms sweating and stomach in knots, feeling like an outcast again for the first time in years.
You thought back to when you were younger; imagining the different world Tommy came from and how you used to think it somehow separated him from you. But now that you were here in person looking up at Tommy's childhood home, you knew it wasn't true–not anymore at least.
You and Tommy may have started out worlds apart, but you grew closer with each day you spent together–every stupid decision, every victory, every mistake, and every heartache along the way–the two of you moved closer and closer with every step you took until you ended up side by side.
He wasn't the sweet, naïve boy you first meet that night 12 years ago, just like you weren't that lonely, jaded girl. You'd both grown and changed–for better and for worse–and you'd done it together. You weren't from two separate worlds now; you'd made your own world, with Nikki, and Mick, and Vince. The five of you carved out a place for yourselves where you could all live together; where you made the rules and no one could judge you.
Maybe that's why you felt so wrong now; you were stepping back into Tommy's old world. This was his life before you–before Motley Crue–and it made you feel like you did when you were a teenager. Before Motley Crue you could never walk into a suburban neighborhood like this without people giving you looks or asking you what your business there was; they might even go so far as to call the cops on you.
But here you were; not a teenager looking to start trouble in suburbia, but an adult, invited for Christmas at your best friend's house–well, his parent's house anyway. Normally, you'd spend Christmas with Nikki and his family, but when Tommy had asked you to come home with him how could you say no? He needed you now, and admittedly when he'd asked you part of you had just really wanted to say yes.
After all, you liked Tommy's parents–the few times you'd met them they'd been so kind to you, always treating you with consideration and warmth, even if you felt like you didn't always deserve it. Then there was the fact that you didn't just invite anyone home with you for the holidays. You knew you were reaching–seeing what you wanted to see–but you were slowly finding it harder and harder to suppress your feelings for Tommy after these months living so close together, and even the little things were starting to look like signs to you.
So when he asked you to come with him all you could think about was how it looked. How this was something couples did: going home to meet the parents over the holidays. It was ridiculous and selfish; you were his best friend, you already knew his parents, it wasn't anything more than Tommy reaching out to you because this was his first Christmas without Heather in nearly seven years and he didn't want to go through it alone.
But still, you couldn't help but wish it was more.
You walk up to the house, a pile of presents balanced in your arms. Maybe you had gone a little overboard, but you couldn't help yourself; of course you wanted to get gifts for his parents, how could you not? Tommy looks over at you and laughs.
"Dude, you think you bought enough?" He asks, smirking at you.
"Shut up; you have no room to talk." You say, nodding at his own arms full of presents.
"Yeah, but they're my parents. You didn't have to get them anything." He replies.
"I know, but I wanted to." You say, adjusting the gifts in your arms as you feel your stomach doing somersaults the closer you got to the house.
What if they didn't like the presents? What if they didn't approve of Tommy living with you? What if they wanted him to come home?
You're worries were instantly washed away as soon as you got in the house. Tommy's dad had opened the door for you, and it wasn't even a minute before his mother was on you both; all smiles as she greeted you and told you how happy she was to have you. You could feel your cheeks warm as she doted on you, ushering you in and attempting to take the presents from you. You insist you can carry them, following Tommy into the living room to put them under the tree which was already surrounded by a sea of presents.
"Come on guys, I told you you didn't have to get us anything." Tommy said as he sat down his presents.
"Of course we did; how could we not get you presents on Christmas?" How mom replied, smiling at you both.
"You know your mother Tom; she loves giving presents. Better just to smile and accept them." His dad said, putting his arm around his wife. As you set your own stack of presents down, you saw at least a few presents with your name on them and smiled to yourself. You felt bad that Tommy's parents got you anything, but you couldn't help feeling secretly happy about it too.
"You really didn't have to get me anything." You say quietly.
"We wanted to; we were so happy when Tommy told us you were coming." His mother replied, smiling brightly at you. "Now, why don't we have some lunch? I'm sure you're both hungry from your trip."
She practically pushed the two of you into the dinning room. You sat next to Tommy as his mother dished out a nice, light lunch for all of you. You ate and chatted and any lingering fear about what his parents thought of your current situation was completely dispelled.
"We were so relieved when Tommy told us he was going to be staying with you." His mother says as she looks over at you from across the table. "We knew he'd be alright with you looking after him."
"Aw come on mom, do you have to say things like that?" Tommy groans, clearly embarrassed.
"You're mother's right Tom; with how well she's looked out for you and the band all these years, we couldn't help but feel relieved knowing you were in such good hands." His dad replies.
"Still, you don't have to say it like that." Tommy says, still pouting.
"I hope you've thanked y/n for all she's done for you–you're helping her out aren't you?" His mother asks, raising an eyebrow at her son.
"Ugh, yes mom." Tommy answers, and you can't help but laugh under your breath. You loved watching Tommy interact with his parents; despites being a grown man and an actual rockstar, they still treat him like he's a teenager. Of course, it was all done out of love; but it was still funny.
After you spent a little more time talking, the four of you move into the living room to open presents. You hadn't really been quite sure what to get them–you'd never bought anyone's parents presents before, and it's not like you knew them that well–so you tried to play it safe and just buy them practical things, or things Tommy told you they'd like. You got his father some nice tools, some cologne, and a nice watch. You got his mother some books, some nice perfume, and a gold bracelet. They both thanked you profusely, saying of course that you shouldn't have and that the gifts were far too expensive, but you insisted that it was fine. In return they got you a Greek cookbook and a few nice photo albums–both things you had mentioned to Tommy about wanting.
You and Tommy had agreed not to get each other anything this year; neither of you actually needed anything, and if you wanted something either of you could just buy it. Normally you would still have exchanged something, but with Tommy still living with you he was adamant that you not buy him anything; you were already giving him enough by letting him stay with you. You had wanted to protest, but you didn't want to push him either, so you just let it go.
You spend more time hanging out with Tommy and his parents, talking and joking and to your joy and amusement looking through photo albums, until it was already time for dinner. You all moved back into the dining room and his mother brought out the large dinner she had been working on. You offered to help, but she wouldn't have it; insisting guests should relax, not helping with the meal.
You did find yourself alone with her after the meal was through. Tommy and his father had gone into the living room, and you stayed behind to help her clean up. She hadn't wanted you to help, but you insisted, and she finally relented. While you were helping her wash dishes, she looked over at you and smiled.
"We are very grateful for how you've looked after Tommy." She says as she hands you a plate to dry.
"Oh, it's no problem; it's actually kind of nice having someone else in the house." You reply sheepishly, playing it off as you dry the plate and put it away.
"Not just these last few months–you've always been such a good friend to Tommy, always looking out for him and helping him. Who knows where he would be now without you." She insists. You feel your face flush as you keep your eyes on your task.
"It's really not that big of a deal–and Tommy's looked out for me too. He's been there for me more than anyone–even more than Nikki at times. I owe him a lot." You reply, glancing over at her. She's smiling warmly at you.
"You care about Tommy very much, don't you?" She made it sound like a statement rather than a question.
"Of course, he's my best friend." You answer. She gives you a knowing look, and you look away again.
"Don't worry; one day he will see what's most important to him." She says, her words were vague but the meaning was obvious to you. You didn't try to deny it; you just kept on drying dishes in silence, Tommy's mother still smiling to herself.
You stayed for a little longer until it began to get dark and the two of you decided you'd better leave. His parents gave you both hugs as you left–his mother even giving you a quick kiss on the cheek–before the two of you were back on the road, heading for home.
In the car you listened to the radio and talked about the day. Tommy was grateful you'd come, though he wouldn't say the real reason why. You knew he was ashamed of his divorce even now, and going to his parents without Heather was still hard for him. You didn't mind, and assured him you'd had a good time.
When you get back to LA it's late, but Tommy insists on going to grab some food. You're tired, but agree; somehow hungry even after the large dinner you'd had hours before. Tommy drives pretty far out of the way, and you wonder where he's taking you, until you're on the strip; parked in front of a familiar diner.
"Really Tommy?" You ask with a laugh. "Donny's? You couldn't have stopped at one of the twenty other diners on the way here?"
"Oh come on y/n, you know no one makes pancakes like they do at Donny's." He joked as you two head for the door. You walk in and see the place mostly empty; just a few drunks at the bar, and a young couple over in the corner.
"They're not that great; don't forget I used to work here–I've seen the innerworkings. It's nothing special." You reply, smiling as you take your seat in the once-familiar both, the waitress coming to take your orders soon after.
How many times had you and Nikki come here after shows before you met the others? How many times had the five of you come crawling in drunk after one of Montly Crue's early gigs? How many times had one of them come in to bug you for free food while you were working? You hadn't realized how nostalgic this place was; it had been years since you'd last been here, but it still held so many memories for you and the boys.
You met Tommy in this booth.
"Man, it's crazy how long it's been since we met here, you know?" Tommy was apparently thinking the same thing you were.
"Yeah, hard to believe it's been 12 years." You reply. "We've had a wild ride, huh?"
"Hell yeah we have–you know sometimes I can't believe we actually made it this far." He answers with a smile. "I mean shit; between the five of us I don't know how at least one of us isn't dead or in prison."
"Not for lacking of trying, that's for sure." You joke, and Tommy laughs light-heartedly, before looking back at you quietly. The look in his eyes was one of admiration and affection, and it took you a little off guard.
"You know we never would have made it without you." He says, not a single ounce of sarcasm in his voice. You were taken aback by the sudden sincerity he was showing.
"Oh come on, don't start getting all weird and sentimental on me." You joke, trying to change the tone. You couldn't handle Tommy being like this with you–it was too much of a reminder of what you really wanted your relationship to be, and you didn't want any reason to start feeling false hope. "If all of us hadn't been there together it wouldn't have worked." Tommy shook his head.
"That's not what I mean. You've always been there for us–for me–like no one else has. I don't know how many times you saved me from doing something crazy or stupid, or how many times you forgave me for fucking things up or after I was a total asshole. Even now you're helping me, even when I don't know if I deserve it." He looked down, and you felt your heart ache for him. You reach out and grab his hand that was resting on the table, and he looks over at you.
"Oh Tommy, of course you do. Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you don't deserve help." You squeeze his hand in yours gently. "I'm your best friend Tommy, even if I don't agree with what you did of course I'm still going to help you–no matter what." Tommy was quiet for a while, and before you had the chance to think of something to break the silence, the waitress brought your food over. You quickly thanked her before looking back at Tommy.
"You know the whole time I was with Heather, I felt like something was missing?" He suddenly says, his voice quiet. You feel your heart nearly stop. "She was my dream girl, the one I'd been waiting for; but it always felt like there was supposed to be something else. Something more. I don't know how to explain it–it just felt off. I thought getting married would be the missing piece, but it wasn't." He sighed, looking down at his food. You stayed still, eyes wide as you looked at him silently. In all these months he hadn't brought up his relationship with Heather once, and you didn't want to interrupt his one chance to let it all out.
"I loved Heather, but I cheated on her anyway because I thought maybe that would fill that missing part of me, but it didn't. I was just an asshole who cheated on his wife. I can't even say I'm surprised I got caught; I'm more surprised it didn't happen sooner. When she left me I was a wreck–I thought I'd fucked up the one good thing I had going for me." He looked up at you. "But now, I think I'm finally realizing maybe it was for the best; like maybe I felt like something was missing because Heather just wasn't the one, you know?" You stare back at him, unsure of what to say. He was saying everything you'd always wanted to hear, but you didn't want to make this about your feelings. And really, what could you even say after that?
"Sorry dude, I brought the whole mood down, huh?" He says at last, breaking the silence with a small laugh. "Just forget it; we should eat before our food gets cold."
The two of you eat in silence, unsure of what to say after that. You wanted to be supportive, to tell him that he was right and that he would find love again, but you were still reeling from the sudden revelation you just couldn't bring yourself to say it. You wanted to be a good friend like you always had been, by being supportive; but how could you support him finding a new love when it was so against your own feelings?
You wanted him to be happy, but now more than ever that selfish voice inside you screamed that you wanted him to be happy with you.
You mostly ate in silence until Tommy changed the subject and you were both back to reminiscing again. You were calmed down and mostly feeling yourself again by the time the food was finished, when Tommy looked over at you.
"Oh right! I almost forgot there's something I want to give you." He says, moving to grab his discarded jacked off the seat of the booth.
"What? I thought you said no Christmas gifts." You say, a little dismayed. "I didn't get you anything because you seemed so serious about it." He laughs as he pats the jacket pockets down, looking for something.
"I know I know, but I only said that because you've already done so much for me. If you feel bad about it being a Christmas present, maybe you can think of it as a 'thanks for taking my sorry ass in' present instead." He says as he pulls out a small black box. Your heart skips a beat as he hands it to you.
It's not a ring, obviously it's not a ring–stop being ridiculous.
You pull back the hinged lid and see a beautiful diamond necklace sitting on the black velvet lining.
"Oh Tommy, you really didn't have to–"
"I know, but I wanted to." He replies, smiling at you. "Here, let me help you." He grabs the box from your hand as he stands, moving over to sit next to you in the booth. You feel your heart racing as you turn your back to him, pulling your hair to the side as he slides the necklace around your neck. You have to stop yourself from shivering as his fingers brush against the back of your neck, quickly hooking the clasp together. You turn back around to face him, looking down at the necklace before looking up at him. He's still sitting so close you have to crane your neck to see his face.
"It's beautiful Tommy, thank you." You say, smiling up at him. You expect him to move back to his seat, or at least scoot back a little, but he just stays where he is, staring down at you. You stare back, afraid to move as you feel your face flush with heat; your heart pounding so loudly in your chest you're sure he must be able to hear it.
Before you know what's happening, Tommy moves one hand up, cupping your cheek as he leans down and kisses you.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Locker Room Talk- A Beelzebub Fanfic (BeelxGN MC)
(I’m not much of a whole-ass fic writer, so I don’t think this will be a regular occurrence, but I just had a scenario play out too perfectly not to give it an upgrade. I would hope this goes without saying, but harassment is not okay, I do not condone it, and if you are experiencing it you should look into what legal options you have available to report it. Please don’t try the Beel method. You’ll go to jail.)
Warnings: Sexual harassment, unwanted innuendo, implied possibility of sexual assault, vulgarity
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"Locker Room Talk” isn't really Beel's thing. In all honesty, he’s never understood the appeal since saying gross stuff where only your friends can hear doesn’t make what you’re saying any better. Because he’s been playing sports for nearly all the time he's been in the Devildom, he’s been around his fair share of these kinds of conversations. Most of the time he just keeps to himself and tries to tune out whatever the other guys have to say. It gives him a bit of a reputation as the “innocent” one sure, but he just prefers not to play along with their pervy antics. If they wanted that, they could talk to Asmo for all he cared.
That’s not to say he didn’t like his teammates or anything. Most of them were pretty good people on the court and got their acts together off of it. And Beel really loved playing sports. He needed the physical outlet as a distraction from his hunger… If he had to put up with a little vulgarity from time to time, it seemed like a fair enough trade… Or. At least it was at first.
When MC came to the Devildom, they turned his whole world upside-down. Things between his brother had always been tense before and even Belphie had grown more distant with him after what happened to Lilith, but it felt like in only a couple of short months they were able to soothe everything over. His family has never been happier and neither has he… Plus, it helped that they were a good, and eager, cook.
His teammates sniffed out his crush for the little human fairly quickly. To be fair, he wasn’t exactly hiding it very well. The first time they ever came by one of their practices, a pouch of homemade cookies in hand, he could have kissed them on the spot. No one, not even Belphie, makes the time to go check on him during practice like that... He must have made his happiness pretty obvious because the human started making it a regular habit. At least two, sometimes three, times a week they would drop in with some kind of food for him. Store-bought, homemade, a small snack, or packed meal, it honestly didn’t matter to him. Anything that came from their hands felt three times more filling than it should have. 
He’s a little embarrassed to admit that after a few weeks the anticipation would start to show in his performance… If they were on their way he could usually smell whatever they had packed heading his direction and he’d play extra aggressively just to get to a break faster. He'd mow everybody else over just to have an excuse to go meet them at the gate. He’s been more than a little reckless before and thinking back on it can make him wince, but he usually forgets all about those little mishaps as soon as he’s met by their smiling face. 
“Hey, Beel! How is practice going?” They’d ask him. And no matter how he answers, all he’d think would be, “Never as good as right now…”
It was around the time that his teammates put it together that the teasing started. It was innocent enough at first. They’d pick on him for having a little crush on the exchange student but it was always lighthearted. Nothing worse than maybe the occasional,
“Oi Beel? Did you get yourself a housewife/husband? Good for you.” or “They’ll cook for you?? What a steal!” Nothing that bad. At least, nowhere near as bad as it would get.
As the weeks passed it seemed like his teammates were expecting something out of him... Like, was he supposed to make a move on them? Though Beel really did want to be with the MC, there were a lot of complications… His brothers being a big one. Most have made no secret that they’re also pretty fond of them too, Mammon especially, and it felt wrong to make another rift in the family right after it took so long to patch the first one… Of course, his teammates didn’t know that. And they didn’t care. All they wanted to do was amp up the pressure…
“Hey, Beel, did you see what your honey was wearing today? I think they’re sending signals. You should probably jump on that, you know?” When it first started, he couldn’t actually believe what he was hearing. Sure, their little jokes sounded like innuendo but they kept things just veiled enough that he could have been reading into it. He’d get uncomfortable, but brush it off easy enough. However, it only ever got worse from there.
“Yo Beel, you boning that human yet? What? No?? What the hell are you waiting for? We see you like them so just do it!” It would grate on his nerves...
“Beel, how’s your sweetheart been doing? Still not fucking, right? Bet they’re getting lonely…” He’d tell them to stop. At first politely, then more forcefully.
“Look, man, if you don’t start taking charge then they’re going to get antsy. Plenty of other guys are here looking to get their dicks wet… Just look at your brothers, am I right?” After a while, he started shouting. But his aggravation only seemed to fuel the fire.
“I bet someone will have them bent over and forgetting all about you by the end of the week.” Eventually, he went to the coach but he didn’t care. “It’s just ‘Locker Room Talk.’ Grow up,” is all he got in response. It didn’t feel like it was just that anymore, but he started to doubt himself anyway... Was he overreacting? Every bone in his body wanted to go on a rampage whenever they started to pester him but wasn’t it all just words? He could endure words, couldn’t he? Besides, RAD has a strict no-violence on school grounds policy on its athletes. Even if he did get a good slug in, then he’d been thrown out of future games for the rest of the season.
Their words were just words. Gross, awful words, but words nonetheless. Sure. Whatever. He could endure that… but only that.
On the day he nearly lost it completely, it was right after their last practice before a big game the next night. The whole team was amped to go, but Beel was trying to keep to himself. Get in, get out, and go back to the House where MC was probably waiting. He’s long since stopped sticking around for socializing with the others. He had just finished changing when one of his teammates cornered him by his locker, the slimiest grin already plastered on his face.
“Look, Beel… We’re going to do you a favor, alright? Since you’re taking so long with this… The guys and I have decided to invite your little human to an “after-game party” tomorrow. To celebrate our victory and all that. Bet they’re dying for some action since you’re not giving any. You’re free to come if you want. Though… they might not be paying much attention to you.” Beel could feel his eye twitch as he watched the scumbag’s snickering face. That face. That fucking face. He'd never seen or heard anything so revolting in his life and-
For a few seconds, all he could see was red.
When he came back to his senses, he already had the sleazebag pinned against the lockers by the windpipe, fingers gripping his neck so tightly that his nails drew blood. At some point, he must have slipped into his demon form because the vibrations of his wings behind him made a sound not unlike a warning growl. His expression must have been ferocious because in the guy's eyes he saw nothing but pure terror. He’d never felt this much rage and hatred together before. Surely, at this moment, he ought to look more like Satan or Lucifer on a rampage than he does himself.
“If you say one more thing about that human, I will kill you. Touch them once and I will eat you. Are we clear?" His hand clenches further, making him receive a gargled cough in response. At this point, he could have probably flicked his wrist and snapped his neck in two. "Then pass it on." He tossed the man back into the metal lockers and watched him sink to the floor, clawing at his own throat and gasping for air. Oh yeah, his sporting days for this semester are over. But if it keeps him away from this trash? He’ll take it.
Of course, he made sure that he doesn’t stick around much longer. He left the scumbag to sort himself out, grabbing his gym bag quickly. He barely remembered to hide his demon form again before walking out of there, his nerves are practically shot already. Thankfully, though, he didn’t make it three steps out the door before a familiar face stopped him in his tracks. MC, who must have been waiting patiently for him this entire time, is leaned next to the bleachers with a backpack in one hand and a deli sandwich in the other. The perfect smile they got when they saw him signaling their blissful ignorance of all that just went down before.
“Hey Beel! How was pr-Oomf!” His body colliding with theirs cuts off their question. Beel’s gym bag lies already forgotten in the dirt, ditched so his arms could embrace them fully. It’s just a hug, a tight hug, but there’s a certain desperation to it. Though he knew it was ridiculous, a part of him was terrified that his teammates may just come up and try to snatch them if he let go…. After some time to process, he felt their head settle against his chest. He worried that they can hear his raging heartbeat... Would they pick up on how pissed he was just a moment ago?
“Ah… Not that great then, huh…?” His arms tense, pressing them closer against the fabric of his shirt. Should he tell them what he's been putting up with…? Does he even have the stomach for it? Letting out a sigh through his nose, he simply grunted out, “No…” 
“Well, what’s wrong then?” So many things… He just wanted to pick them up and fly them away from all this crap. He wanted to rip the tongues out from anyone who's said a bad word about them. He wanted to keep holding them in his arms, shielding them from anything and everything that could possibly take that perfect smile away… But they probably don’t know that, do they?
“Beel? Are you okay...?” He let a slow sigh draw out from his nose, resting his head atop theirs. All too soon, he'd have to let them go. But, for the moment, he could just hold them and wish this feeling would never end...
“Only if you are…”
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deepdarkdelights · 2 years
This is such a Top tier piece, I'll say my favourite in Predator uni along with Prey (I luv those 2 freaks🥰)
For someone purported as the heartless one, he is the most dub-con types romantic (from his side) shall i say. He's doing the things that I thought Jungkook would have?! But he has zero apathy towards himself too. It's almost as if he is so far removed from his own emotions that he doesn't really register is wishes and wants anymore. Highly Emotionally Retarded both of them 🙊 Good luck getting a single love you or even a smile in your direction for the next 1000 years.
I can't even imagine what MC's going through. It's like being cursed for a lifetime with your worst nightmare. I literally haven't cried ever reading any fic but this made that happen.
I feel for the mother too though. Now she'll have more regret and guilt for not cherishing the MC when she was there & the whole family of that officer 😭😭 He so didn't deserve this 😭😭 even though it felt like he had a crush on her before she left or maybe even her sister?? Really?
Namjoon will be super pissed two newborns and that also one with a vendetta 😷 Like I don't envision MC ever bearing Hobi especially in first few years when she's still new and powerful. The only reason she won't kill him is maybe you can't kill or disobey your creator. Otherwise, Mr. Hobi is a dead meat.
On the bright side, I can strongly see the whole maknae line following the I'LL CONVERT MY MC MYSELF route.
As for the changing, I kid you not I have always seen this in a dream (Believe me Like a Real Dream, dreamt while sleeping 🤐 months ago when I first read Predator 🤐) But for some reason it was always Jungkook doing it, feeding his MC his blood from the day he decided he'll keep her incase he drains her a bit much or something 🤣😂. So here it goes,
In my dream when the Sun turns golden with flecks of orange and pink Jungkook returns to the mansion with his MC in tow. They have not even entered completely yet when they are stopped by Joon, Jimin and Jin. He is all smiles asking a scared MC to introduce herself to his brothers. Joon get very angry though. He says "I have had enough from you, if you wanna do grown up things then you gonna deal with the grown up responsibilities that come with it. You can't just barge in here whenever you please". MC starts shivering and crying very badly and now it's a whole situation. Jimin's MC half asleep half awake comes down sulking and koala bear hugs a cooing Jimin that she can't sleep. Tae get super jealous and Jin makes a yucky face at them only to be hit by his boho hippie MC. Jungkook takes both of theirs luggage upstairs and starts preparing his room with a still angry Joon. Now, Jungkook gets very angry and he starts shouting "I thought that you'll will be happy for me like real brothers but you're just jealous that your girlfriend doesn't care about you at all so you're taking your frustrations out on other people with happy relationships". Their back and forth continues as they make the bed with a violently shaking MC in the corner of the room. Jungkook picks her up cooing at her that It'll all be okay just give it 3 days, stay strong and he's there with her always. Joon gets livid "What're you even going to do with her?" And Jungkook just gives her a kiss on her lips with a final promise of everything will be okay love as he twists her neck laying her on the bed.
~ 👁️👁️
Oh yeah, Hoseok is a special case that's for sure. I think his fic had the most death in it in this series 🤔
But yeah, he really has tunnel vision and I don't think he realizes just how difficult his life is going to be with the MC.
I wish I could say I feel for the MC's mom, I do to a degree, but some of the things she does and says really tick me off (probably bc they come from real-world experience lmao)
I like your interpretation of how the Predator MC would be turned! In my head I picture JK being very defensive from the beginning. I can see him keeping her behind his back and firmly holding onto her forearm. It would be a pretty high stress situation when he returns to the house with her. Maybe we will see that in one of the fics 👀
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
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Xu Mo vs. Mo Yi [Character Study]
I can never get over the aesthetic of these two pictures placed side by side LOL. But, anyway, the point of this post is to nip any undue comparisons in the bud and claims of copying organize my thoughts and compare these two characters to highlight their similarities, differences, and further explore each character through these contrasts.
Q) If you like Xu Mo, would you like Mo Yi?
Honestly, I think this depends on what you like most about Xu Mo. I already knew beforehand that I gravitate towards characters who think 5 steps ahead, are predominantly logical, and scholars/gentlemen, so it’s not surprising I bias both Xu Mo and Mo Yi.
However, as I got to know Mo Yi further (Themis is around 6 months old now), I find that he’s distinctively different from Xu Mo on three crucial points that’ll determine whether people from either camp will like the other character.
1) Stance on Others
In a post for Xu Mo, “Into Your World”, I argued that Xu Mo is an alienated genius who had troubles getting along with others, until he mastered the social game as an adult. However, you can still see glimpses of this as he tries to understand MC’s world and shares his own.
To be fair, Mo Yi’s past is still under wraps but I feel confident in saying that, while he was probably highly intelligent compared to his peers [SR Sculpted Heart], his isolation doesn’t seem to come from his innate nature but rather his social position (there’s heavy implications that he’s like some sort of noble or something) [SR Snowy Pine Fairytale].
IMO, these backgrounds really shaped the way these two men interact with the world.
Xu Mo has a detached and indifferent view towards other people. They simply exist and don’t bring anything positive or negative to him. His ambition to ensure the survival of humanity reflects this too because it’s pure utilitarianism; everyone (apart from MC) can be sacrificed equally for the greater good. If anything, he probably finds other people to be interesting subjects to study, no matter what kind of person they are. IIRC the only time he expressed dislike to people, or a group of people, was when he told Hades he enjoyed killing thieves LOL.
Meanwhile, Mo Yi has an elitist streak to the point where he and his MC actually clashed opinions and debated each other [SR Warm Fingertips]. It’s incredibly ironic because he’s a psychiatrist who treats his patients without judgment, but at the same time he looks down on so many things and people (PUAs, people who betray love, hypocrites who only seek power and fame) [Ch2; Personal Story Ch1-3; SSR Moonlit Ball].
One of the things I noticed early on is that Xu Mo draws from the Eastern scholar archetype, “Xu Mo Character Study”, while Mo Yi actually draws more from the Western gentleman archetype.
So, just to summarize this section, Xu Mo is detached from the world naturally and likes to observe people and try to blend in. Mo Yi deliberately draws a line between him and others and, at times, has the casual cruelty of someone born as nobility (arrogance is carved into his bones, even if he tends to keep it low-key because he generally has a “gentle and polite” attitude).
2) Stance on Love
Xu Mo didn’t understand love, or really even emotions. Love is grown between him and his MC (there’s multiple analogies throughout the game about how their love is like a seed). I think [Ch25] pretty much sums it up for Xu Mo, where he goes through that emotional rollercoaster and muses about how, at the end of human evolution, emotions should be discarded. He also admits that MC taught him the “fear” of a normal person, because now he has someone he cannot give up no matter what, which goes against his previous utilitarian beliefs.
Compared to this, Mo Yi fell in love at first sight. Yes, you read that right. The “scientist and logical” archetype fell in love at first sight LOL. Not only does he acknowledge it right off the bat, but he fully embraces it too and believes that real love makes people better versions of themselves [Personal Story]. Mo Yi is a through and through psychiatrist in that he never underestimates how primal emotions (and love) can be.
Heck, not only is this central to his personal story, but we also have hints that one of Mo Yi’s parents fell in love at first sight with the other person (and he inherited their predisposition for that). Unfortunately, their love had a tragic end and Mo Yi seems to have a huge grudge against his father for whatever happened to his mother (again, Mihoyo is keeping this a mystery LOL), but Mo Yi explicitly confirms that even if his love leads to a tragic end he will still walk down this road and attempt to change it [SR Cool Summer].
IMO one other difference between them re: love is this exchange that lives rent free in my head which I saw in a Xu Mo/Reader/Mo Yi fanfiction LOL. Bear with me here.
Mo Yi: Wearing a mask for a long time will tire you.
Xu Mo: It’s enough just to wear one in front of the necessary person.
Xu Mo and his MC make great efforts to understand each other’s worlds, but this understanding comes from the doors he chooses to open to her. He reveals himself as much as possible, but I think he’s an inherently private person (and there’s all that Ares stuff) so there are times where he hides things so that he doesn’t worry his MC. I think this is enough to count as a “mask”. Sometimes he pretends he’s okay when he’s not.
On the other hand, while I think Mo Yi shares the sentiment in not wanting his MC to worry unduly, he tries to reveal himself as much as possible. There’s an amazingly relatable conflict in him here where he wants her to know every side of him, but he’s also terrified of how she’ll react if he shows her his ugliest sides and imperfect sides (he has some sort of phobia or fear about imperfection, but Mihoyo has been keeping mum on the exact details of this so far) [Personal Story; SR Sculpted Heart].
It’s pretty ironic that Mo Yi wants to be perfect, but he realizes that the more perfect he is the more of a sense of distance there’ll be between him and his MC because of the subconscious pressure someone “perfect” brings LOL [SSR Border of Light and Darkness].
3) Stance on Growth
If you haven’t realized that one of Xu Mo’s greatest themes is the phrase “Take your time in growing”, then what have you been reading? Jkjk, but seriously this gets repeated in multiple places, although my brain always goes back to [Blossom Date] for this.
Even if he and his MC start off with fundamental differences (she believes all people have inherent worth and can’t be involuntarily sacrificed), he wants to personally watch the journey of her maturation. He also subtly guides and teaches her. Unfortunately, due to circumstances of the main story, he doesn’t get his wish and she grows up a lot out of his eyes, but their relationship still revolves around him wanting her to have as much time as possible to grow.
He’s, for a lack of better word, extremely gentle about this (setting aside as much of the Ares and story parts as we can, because LovePro’s story is tragedy on tragedy LOL). I think [Autumn Blaze Date] shows a good analogy for this, because he holds the bicycle steady for MC until she can get going on her own, and he also catches her the first time.
Meanwhile, Mo Yi... ha ha ha. I just came out of chapter 3 for his [Personal Story] and let’s just say his philosophy is tough love. It’s ironic because, in many of his other dates, he wrestles with an internal conflict to protect his MC but also to let her experience all sorts of things to both test and temper her.
This is going to touch on the previous topic about love for a moment, but a part of Mo Yi’s love at first sight experience is also “testing” the other person through all sorts of situations and, after seeing all their different sides, he can determine whether his love at first sight is one that’ll last for the rest of his life or if it’s just a fleeting moment of beauty and emotion.
He also extremely respects his MC’s sense of justice and pursuit of the truth in the world, no matter what she encounters, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what drew him to her in the first place. But MC’s occupation and beliefs will make her confront a lot of dark and dangerous things and so, whenever possible, Mo Yi lets her confront these in “controlled” situations to train her. If I had to make an analogy, IMO, he’d let his MC ride the bicycle and pick her up only after she falls, or when she’s like 0.1cm away from the ground LOL.
Mo Yi is (perhaps rightfully) called out on this by another character, who believes Mo Yi is too arrogant in believing everything is under his control and he can prevent MC from getting hurt whenever he lets her get into dangerous situations, and I’m interested to see if Mihoyo will let him experience failures with his philosophy so he can grow more, like the things Xu Mo went through re: his personal beliefs [Ch24].
I don’t know how well I explained myself, especially for people who don’t know anything about Mo Yi, and each section goes back and forth between the two characters LOL so here’s another section that attempts to describe their overall atmosphere.
If, like I said in my Headcanon Notes, Xu Mo makes me immediately think of all the words for soft, gentle, light, still, water, etc etc., then the words I constantly think about for Mo Yi is messily human. He’s like a bundle of contradictions, but coherent because it’s being intentionally done.
Mo Yi doesn’t discriminate against his patients, yet he can be elitist and looks down on others. He wants to let MC have dangerous experiences, but also wants to protect her. He wants to be perfect, but he also wants to reveal himself entirely to his MC because that’s real love.
In contrast, Xu Mo has a very clean and orderly personality LOL. You can draw clear cause and effect lines from his personality to his actions.
So, anyway, these are two interesting characters who start off with similar archetypes as scientific logical men of scholar/gentleman dispositions, but yet they’re also on opposite ends for a lot of things such as their approach to emotions and the world.
Oh wait, lastly, because I don’t have a good place to put this—but I think it’s funny—is that both characters are pretty possessive and greedy, but while Xu Mo does things in a sneaky, cunning and fox-like way Mo Yi gets ridiculously open about his jealousy and it’s hilariously cute but also almost childish? I often forget Mo Yi is older than Xu Mo by a year, because Xu Mo honestly feels a bit more mature than him LOL. If we count them actually aging by when their game came out though, then Mo Yi is 28 and Xu Mo is 29 now.
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