#seeker droid mission
vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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Yeah, Jadus is not going to return to object because Tulia killed him already
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southern-stark · 1 year
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“The Apostate”
One of my Mandalorian OCs, Lina Corren (and her reprogrammed seeker droid named “Sur'haai”)
She’s a former Child of the Watch (she basically grew up alongside Din and Paz on Concordia and then their covert on Nevarro), she broke the creed when her helmet was removed/destroyed during a mission and was was cast out of the clan upon her return to the covert.
Eventually, she would end up becoming the leader of a group of Mandalorians, making a base in the Outer Rim, and going on raids against Imperial bases, convoys, and settlements.
[Artwork done by Birdy Raider on Instagram]
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Im always so surprised by how quickly you shoot out these ask aus?? how long do you take to answer because when the anon get going youre just as fast?
This in mind... if you wrote a fic right now what would it be?👀
Ironically I sat on this one Anon lmao
If I'm really in the mood, like when the Shisui anons are in a "feeding frenzy" (😂), then it's as fast as I can type haha but generally these days I sit at least 24hrs on an ask because of timezones, my IRL, and I also like to brood on an idea especially if it's a question I haven't considered before!
Right this moment? Well, it's my current brainrot idea tbh I'm planning on making an actual fic out of it but my hand is stayed by the fact I'm feeling a little... Shisui-predictable again 😅
It's a Shisui crossover, fml
So I've read some genuinely incredible Star Wars fics recently (I will rec some if people ask) and those are some definite inspirations.
(This is the brainchild born from reading Blackkat's fic:
And smilebackwards' series:
-which are beautiful works!)
So.... If Shisui was a Jedi (Master, probably, maybe newly advanced) then he'd 1000% be a Seeker, locating and saving Force-sensitive kids and bringing them back to the Temple. He's either woken up after dying in Narutoverse or he's been reborn, haven't decided yet, but he's got all that military prowess shoved in the back of his head and he's very happily clutching to the Light and the Jedi's teachings on peacefulness, mindfulness, and negotiation. He absolutely knows how to use the Force to Shunshin and stimulate a Genjutsu effect. He also has absolutely created his own Lightsaber Form based on his past life and that's how he became Master.
Then the war starts up.
The Grand Army of the Republic, GAR, is filled with Clone 'meat droid' soldiers who need Jedi to lead them... Shisui is not buying it, he's gonna flip his tits and save these guys. The Jedi council decide that, as they're not the experts here in warfare and it's a kindness of what choices the clones can have, the CC Commanders can pick their own Jedi Generals. The Jedi are called back to the Temple, Shisui rocks up almost late with like five war-torn orphans in his arms, and proceeds (alongside Mace, Obi-wan, Anakin) to be a total fucking BAMF lmao.
(Anakin is on probation after he almost massacred a clan of Sandpeople btw. Master Sharad Hett was in the area and felt the rising Darkness and intervened just in time. Anakin is seriously on thin ice for almost Falling so he's stuck under Obi-wan's direct leadership for the war)
Basically Shisui is picked by Rex (Cody immediately calls dibs on Obi-wan (who speaks Mando'a and has all that diplomacy under his belt) for High General and then the meeting completely goes off the rails as everyone (except Bly lmao) goes ballistic becausethere is a LOT of competition for who gets General Uchiha, holy shit that guy is a fighter) and heads the 501st Battalion! Bonus points if Shisui was the second-to-last Padawan of Dooku so Obi-wan is, like, his lineage-nephew despite being older lmao
(oh maybe shisui is presumed dead, a la Jon Antilles, after a Searcher mission goes tits up so Dooku thinks hes literally lost everyone... And Shisui comes back to find his master has fucked off 🙃)
Now I'm like what colour should his saber be... Like red would be the choice but that's a bleeding Kyber, it can't even be a one off difference like Mace's purple... Maybe gold, I always imagine Shunshin as yellow... Maybe white? Hm... oh it could be just off red, like flame orange, so it scares the shit out of everyone lmao....
Basically I'm shoving Shisui into this situation so that he can 1) be a total fucking BADASS 2) be the designated crush of 90% of the GAR and 3) fix canon without realising it 🤌✨
So, really, just the usual then 😂
Edit: in light of your first question, this answer took me 20 mins lol
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thejournalmylife · 1 year
[Truth Seeker | Rei]
"Seems I've gained some valuable intel. Thanks."
A former adversary from Saia piques Rei's interest. To reclaim that which he holds dear, he ignores the fear in his heart, leaves Eiden behind, and sets out alone...
#NUCarnival #RustedNation #Rei
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[Unique Mission | Blade]
After sharing memories of the Saia Continent with Eiden, Blade begins to change the way he thinks about himself and his mission. But it seems the senses of unease lie beneath the e-droid's innocent exterior...
#NUCarnival #RustedNation #Blade
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Book of Storms: Legend of Vajra
Chapter 4: Into Keleth
The next day
Vajra headed to the Bastila bridge, at the far south of the Academy grounds. The ancient city of Keleth lay on the other side of that road, a mere four kilometers away. Close enough that Vajra decided to walk there. He had time, after all. He was rather looking forward to the whole expedition. Jasme had been all praise for the site; for its architecture, its importance in Jedi history, and the well-built droids that still guarded its streets. She had asked him to take as many stills and rubbings as he could, to record his impressions of the ruins. He had been only too eager to agree.
She had given him a sack full of supplies. Omnioculars, seeker and probe droids, paper and charcoal for rubbings, a holocam, and a voice recorder.
As Jedi saw him leaving, he found himself beset by more requests. One Padawan twice his age, a human named Fia, asked him to deliver a package to her Master in the outpost close to Keleth’s gates. Another asked him to find his Padawan’s body. A third asked him to collect soil samples in the city square. A fourth asked him to explore something called the Chamber of Secrets.
The requests were numerous, but Vajra decided he’d attempt as many as he dared, without getting too side-tracked from his main missions.
He hopped and skipped through the forest separating the Temple from the city, taking in the beautiful trees and streams. Every time he found what looked like a ruin connected to Keleth, he stopped to make a recording for Jasme.
“Over here is a small obelisk. I can’t make out the writings. It’s faded, and the script looks unfamiliar. But it’s lasted thousands of years, which is a small miracle. It’s overgrown, so you really have to focus to see it. But it’s there. I think this here looks like an arrow. Perhaps it’s a signpost pointing to Keleth? At this distance, I don’t know why that would be necessary. Or maybe it’s a sign saying, ‘Guardpost ahead, you will be processed before entry’?”
The outpost was right in front of the yawning gates of Keleth, an impressive structure which was still in good condition despite its arch having fallen off centuries ago. There, he gave all the packages he’d been entrusted with, but the Kel Dor Master Tilin made another request of him; to destroy and scan Keleth’s droids. Vajra of course, accepted. He saw these quests as a way to truly explore the city as his friend would have hoped.
He found the decaying corpse of the missing Padawan as soon as he passed through the gates. Looking around, he quickly found enough fallen branches and vines to make a hurried bier and transported her remains back to the outpost. He then began exploring the city. It was true; it had once been a magnificent, sprawling city, complete with statues, fountains, and power. True, they were crumbling ruins now, but thanks to Jasme’s briefing, he was acutely aware of how perishable buildings actually were. Most didn’t even last a few centuries. These had lasted over ten thousand years. Truly remarkable!
And his many errands gave him the perfect excuse to go over the outer city with a fine-toothed comb. He spent hours recording structures and writings with his omnioculars, finding buried artifacts with his seeker droids, or using his recorder to record his impressions.
He faced several groups of droids, which still guarded the streets. But millennia without a memory wipe had left them—for want of a better term—feral. With Master Tilin’s scanner, he was able to scan the codes of downed droids. Hopefully this data would help them find a way to soothe all these droids. To rehabilitate them, some day. He almost felt as guilty scrapping these ancient automata as he did killing flesh-and-blood creatures.
Finally, when the sun reached its peak, he wiped his brow and sat down for a drink.
“That was a very productive morning!” he said to himself. “And Master Kiwiiks still hasn’t arrived! I wonder what’s keeping her…” Right on cue, he got a ring on his comm. “Hello. Vajra here.”
“It’s Kira. Sorry about the delay. You know how they like to talk at these Council meetings!”
Vajra laughed. “Anything interesting?”
“Nothing whatso-fucking-ever,” her face spoke of a meeting with boredom itself. “But I just had a brilliant idea!” She brightened and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “I’m going to make it interesting next time! I’m going to install a buzzer on Master Satele’s chair before the next session!”
Vajra’s laugh was half amusement, half shock. “Kira!”
“What? I’m secretly evil, remember? And you’re my lackey now, so I expect you to help me. There’s no backing out of this!”
“Hey! Don’t rope me into your mad schemes!”
“It’s not mad, it’s inspired.” She winked. “Anyway. Master Kiwiiks says to begin scouting. I’m half surprised you haven’t done it already.”
“I’ve had other things to keep me busy. You won’t believe how many Jedi have business in Keleth, but no time to come here themselves.”
For some reason, that made her almost fall off her chair laughing. “You’re a fucking goody two-shoes, you know that? Didn’t it occur to you that you could say ‘no’?”
“Why? I wanted to have a look around anyway.”
“Just promise me you will say no from time to time. We don’t want you becoming that guy. The one people foist all of their bothersome little fetch quests on. They’ve got hands and sabers too, after all.”
“Sure. Anyway, I don’t wanna go ahead. I wanted to hang out with you and your Master.”
“Awww. How sweet. I promise you; we’ll play pazaak later today. I’ll even teach you how to cheat. We don’t need some crumbling ruin for our quality time.”
“But it’s fun here!”
She looked at him dubiously. “Well. If I come there and don’t find it fun, you’re cleaning my room this weekend.”
“And if you like it, you have to teach me how to make your secret spice mix. I just can’t seem to eat that rootleaf stew without it anymore!”
She laughed again. “Done! Now go check out that shrine already!”
Vajra fished his datapad out of his pouch and looked at the map he’d been given earlier that day. “So… I’m here,” he told himself, pointing at a spot on the map. “And the shrine the Khrayii were spotted at is… over there. Should make it in five minutes.”
He felt his cheer leave him as he approached the shrine. His next battlefield. Truthfully, he’d hoped Master Kiwiiks and Kira would be there with him. Kill some of them so he wouldn’t have to add to his obscenely high count.
Please, please let there only be a handful of them in there!
Alas, his hopes were dashed. There were thirty-three of them in there. But most alarmingly, they were practicing. With the Force. He saw one of them with his arms in the air, and a heavy stone rising up in front of him, in line with his hands.
“This is going to be rough,” he told himself. But he couldn’t hesitate any longer. Never hesitate. Others might die.
He stepped out from behind his cover and rushed the Khrayii, Lightsaber blazing.
They responded quickly, going for vibroswords and force pikes—their arsenal of modern weapons was steadily increasing. Bolstered by the Force, they moved faster than their brethren, but Vajra wasn’t worried at all. He’d gained a lot of confidence these past days, following his sparring sessions with other Jedi. He was better than most of the Masters. He knew he was a match for this group.
He ran rings around the opposition. And between them. He slipped in and out of their ranks so quickly that more of them fell to each other’s weapons than his own.
He sidestepped a big brute and killed the one behind him before cutting the first one’s back with the sweeping strike. He did a high flip to avoid the thrust from a force pike, then used a wall as a springboard for a dashing strike which killed three Khrayii and crippled one more. His blade spun in the air and cut off a meaty fist with a blade that had been descending upon him before slaying the bellowing warrior.
It would have been quite a hilarious game if not for all the shouts of pain. Shouts which interfered with the perfect Song of the Force. Vajra winced. Killing… killing soiled the sacred art that was Lightsaber combat. He shook off the thought.
He killed another one as it Lifted up the rock to crush him with, then the other who had the same idea.
Though these Khrayii had been practicing with the Force, they clearly weren’t on the same level as even a mediocre Jedi. They did not know how to use technique; they just threw their full weight behind the blows. Evading them was easy. Killing them… was also… easy. And it wasn’t.
Each blow was another dagger in Vajra’s own soul. “Never betray yourself!” his Master had ordered him. But this felt like a betrayal. What was he doing wrong? How could he be a Jedi—a warrior—and not betray himself? Not to mention the darkening notes in the Song he danced to. He had not noticed it on the first two days, because he had been facing hundreds of hostiles. Today, he had time to ponder while he fought. Which was clearly not a good thing.
He tried to push the thoughts away, at least until he had safely dispatched of his foes. But he couldn’t. And he almost got a sword to the chest for his distraction. It was only a desperate maneuver which saved his life. A poorly executed backflip, which landed him in striking distance of a Khrayii, which roared in triumph and tried to end his life.
It was pure luck that saved him; one of the other Khrayii, the leader, attempted to claim the glory of the kill by interrupting their fellow. Vajra had an extra split second to regain his balance, which was all he needed.
Before they knew it, the Khrayii had lost their brief advantage. Mind cleared by fear of his brush with death, Vajra slew all seven of the remaining natives before they could blink.
And then it was over. He gasped and shuddered, trying to shake off the shock. He stumbled back and collapsed onto a fallen pillar. He breathed heavily, sweat pouring down his face. Outrage warred with his shock. He had almost died just then. Almost died! To such inferior opponents too, opponents who should never have gotten within a light-year of scratching him! Curse his internal doubts, curse the stupid voice which dared distract him in such a crucial second! He could not allow this to happen again.
If I have to die, at least let it be at the hands of a worthy enemy! I refuse to go down like this! No! Damn! Way!
His own vehemence surprised him. But he embraced it. Anything, if it meant dispelling his meaningless doubts! The image of the sword point bearing down on him brought chills. The idea that the Khrayii could have killed him if his leader hadn’t been a phenomenal idiot, offended but terrified him. He gritted his teeth and used his outrage to attack his guilt.
Look what you almost did to me! He seethed.
But the guilt seemed to have an answer. The same thing you did to two thousand, three hundred and forty-five Khrayii.
That brought only silence. But he managed to calm himself down with his breathing techniques. After a few minutes, he took control of his breath again, and thus himself. By the time he Sensed Kira’s approach, he was almost himself.
Kira raced ahead of her Master, arriving in time to see Vajra get his butt off the pillar he’d been warming. So nonchalant!
Taking a quick look around, she whistled admiringly. “You sure made short work of this bunch! You ever leave survivors?”
She didn’t get a response. After a few seconds, she turned to look at him, and blanched. His previously smooth face looked tormented. Wounded. She turned to see her Master glaring at her, and her stupidly slow head finally made the connection.
“Fuck! I’m so sorry Vajra! I didn’t mean anything by that. You know how my mouth gets ahead of my brains!”
“It… It seems I don’t leave many survivors,” he forced out. “What am I even doing? Better if I’d just let that one kill me…”
At his gutwrenched words and expression, Kira’s heart broke. She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook hard. “Hey. Hey! Look at me! Please don’t say that. Ever. Do you hear me? You’re a good kid, a good Jedi. It was my damn fault, not thinking before saying something so horribly thoughtless!”
“You’re not wrong though. I keep killing and killing! Just can’t seem to stop! How do I keep my count low? It’s already more than two thousand! And I haven’t even been here that long!”
That shocked her. She looked at her Master for support, but she looked equally aghast.
“I’m sorry.” He stood up, visibly shaking off his low mood. “It’s not important. These ones could use the Force.”
“What?” Master Kiwiiks was thrown off by the revelation. “Are you certain?”
“They picked up that rock without touching it.” He pointed at something about as heavy as all three Jedi combined. “I could Feel the Force at work.”
“That’s troubling. If the Flesh Raiders are using the Force, it won’t be the Light Side.” She searched the Leader—identified by his size and warpaint—as Kira awkwardly tried to find some way to comfort the young boy. His face was almost smooth now, but she could see how tightly he kept his jaw clenched.
At least he’s trying to keep his emotions masked, she thought. At least it’s not as obvious as it once was.
Before she could rally her wits, her Master straightened with a prize in hand. “Look at this!”
“Is that… a Holocron?”
“Yes. But it’s ancient. Over a thousand years old. Master Orgus was right. The Flesh Raiders are far more advanced than we thought they were. They’re learning to fight us.”
Kira had her doubts, but still mortified by what her words had wrought, she stayed silent.
“I’m afraid we can’t really stay too much longer. Master Satele has ordered us to Coruscant. We’re leaving early tomorrow.”
“Those bad feelings the Council’s been having? She thinks Coruscant is the source.”
“I feel bad,” Master Kiwiiks said. “We’ll return occasionally of course, but this burden seems to be falling more and more on your shoulders. I truly wish we could stay and help.”
“Yes, Master.”
“But perhaps we can set up something of an early warning system. Take these surveillance monitors, and plant them around Keleth. The Temple can then monitor any future incursions.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Kira, why don’t you help him? This may be your last chance to chat for some time now.”
“Best idea ever! Come on, kid.”
She led him out. “Look at this place! You were right! It really is something.”
He smiled wanly. “It is, isn’t it? Come on, I think I’ve got some good ideas on where to place these toys.”
“Cool. Lead the way!”
They walked in silence for a bit, and Kira thought his head was being lured back down dangerous paths. “Stop counting,” she said abruptly. “Whatever it takes, just stop counting. It’ll just amplify your guilt.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose, you know. It just… happened.”
“You ‘accidentally’ counted each kill, and crossed two thousand?”
“More ‘subconsciously’… but yes.”
“Damn. That’s messed up.” Looking over at him, she saw a boy on the edge. A very small boy. He was the hero of a major battle, his heroism on behalf of the Kalikori was already the talk of the Temple even though details had been garbled. And everyone in the Temple knew that he could regularly beat not only Master Orgus, but Masters Braga and Kaedan in a duel… but he was still so young. Too young.
“How do you do it?”
“What, you think I’ve killed a lot of people?”
“You said you grew up on the streets…”
Kira snorted. “And you think that means I’ve killed a lot of people?”
“Well… no…”
“Damn straight. Most street rats don’t have to kill. But I did. In fact, I killed for the first time when I was seven. It was just a beast, but still.”
“I guess to me, it was all about survival. Kill or be killed from an early age. I guess that made me good at compartmentalization. Using humour to avoid taking undue blame.”
“Well… I was part of an incident when I was five,” Vajra admitted. “A Darth named Bellicose killed four Clans, including my own. I was the sole survivor.”
“Shit. That’s rough.”
“I saw all the Twi’lek bodies in that valley! I know what these butchers are capable of… they’re more like Bellicose than my people! But despite that, I still hesitate before every kill!”
It was the first time she’d heard him refer to the Flesh Raiders by anything approaching derogatory terms. “Really. Don’t sweat it. You are who you are.”
“I’m supposed to be a Jedi!”
“We’re all more than just the one job title, you know. Maybe killing just reminds you of Darth Bellicose’s massacre! Maybe you just see your own family in all the Raiders you kill?”
“That’s definitely a part of it.”
“But you’ve admitted there’s a difference. Killing these things is like killing Sith.”
“Knowing here isn’t knowing here, I guess.” He pointed first at his head, then his heart.
“Too true. Listen… Vajra. It’s clear you still need help. Promise me you’ll take it?”
“I promise.”
Vajra spent the next hour showing her interesting places he’d found. Statues, fountains, interesting buildings, and the occasional funny graffiti. Sometimes, they discovered things he’d overlooked. She even found a few things herself. They slowly emptied the bag of gadgets her master had given them.
“And we’re finished!” she said. “Now, come on. I’ll give you that recipe once we reach the Temple.”
“Do you hear that?”
She stopped still. “Hear what?”
“It sounds like… an animal in distress…”
“Now that you mention it…”
They took off in the direction of the cries. After a minute of searching, they found something; a group of slaughtered Flesh Raiders, probably killed by the droid guards of Keleth. And in their midst was a small baby. It was probably what was making that racket.
“I believe… I believe they found me lying next to my Mother’s body,” Vajra whispered. “Just like this.”
“You see way too much of yourself in them. They’re not the Raudra. They’re brutal! Savage!”
She sighed. He had a long, long way to go. She watched him pick up the child and look him over. “Not injured. But definitely starving.”
“Let’s get that back to the Temple. Maybe someone in the nursery can look after it.”
Jasme did her final round of the day, searching the archives for Padawans and younglings. It was past curfew, but there was almost always someone here. Some were serious students who got caught up in their work, but there were a few who tried to sneak in for some… fun time. That especially was a no-no for Jasme. And for most of the staff here too. The Archivists here were a dedicated bunch. Had to be, given how vast it all was.
Jasme found three cubicles occupied by Knights and a Master, and apologized for the interruption. A fourth had a very focussed Padawan inside it, studying the customs of the Bimmisaari. The fifth, one of the most secluded of the cubicles, was hastily closed, so the lock had not activated. She heard what sounded like gasping emanating from it, and opened the door angrily to interrupt what she thought was going on inside…
Only to find that she had misunderstood. “Vajra?”
It was him. Alone. And he was crying! She hastened inside, and locked the door behind her. Properly, this time.
“Jasme!” he cried, turning around. A beam of happiness emerged from his otherwise distraught demeanour for a moment. “I tried to find you, but you were busy… I have what you asked for. Keleth truly is a marvel!”
She enfolded him in a warm embrace. “Thank you so much for all of your hard work, little brother.” She kissed the top of his head. “I’m so sorry, I had a ton of cataloguing to do today. But you’re not crying because you missed me, are you?”
“Of course I am,” he joked. “I’m such a huge softie!”
She chuckled. “I know. It’s one of your most charming points.”
“I killed… I’ve killed… so many of them!”
“The Khrayii?”
“Yes. I killed another thirty-three!” he descended back into sobs.
“Oh, Vajra!”
“And then… and then… I later found a group of Khrayii elsewhere on Keleth. They’d been killed by the Droids. There was a small child crying among the corpses. I brought it back to the Temple. But it’s getting so hard! They’re people too, with feelings, and families, and… and…”
“Shhhh… it’s okay. You didn’t kill that family.”
“Everyone’s family to someone.”
Well… that was true, but— “You’re doing it to protect people. The Kalikori, the Jedi, the guards… Have you yet killed anyone who wasn’t a threat to someone else?”
“I don’t know. The ones I killed in the valley… they all had guns. But the avalanche I caused might have killed a lot of innocents.”
“Those ‘innocents’ hunted the Twi’leks like animals. Then left their corpses to rot in a pile. They attacked first, you know. The Jedi and Kalikori left them alone for years. They attacked the Twi’leks where they could, but after they got their blasters… it’s war. A war they started. And their approach is so barbaric. I can honestly say that I don’t feel much pity for them right now. Not even for the baby you saved.” His sobs continued. She stroked his head for another minute. “What happened? Really?”
“I saw a group of them in a shrine. They were using the Force.”
“They what?”
“And every time one died, I heard the Lightsaber’s song go black for a few notes. I felt like a piece of humanoid garbage. And then I left myself open for a second. Stupid mistake. Almost got myself killed.”
“Oh my goodness!”
“But then I regained my balance. Slaughtered the remaining ones. Despite my misstep, I don’t have a scratch on me. It shouldn’t have happened.”
“This time. What happens the next time your guilt gets in your way? Please, Vajra, I take back what I said. I want you to become a little harder. Enough that you can fight enemies without having to fight ghosts in your own head.”
“I don’t know how!”
“Ask Master Orgus. It’s his job to teach you how to be a Jedi after all.”
“And for stars’ sake, please get rid of the notion that the Khrayii are somehow the same as your own people. They’re not the Raudra, and you’re not Darth Bellicose!”
“I can’t—”
“Then maybe it’s time you read about them. Tarsten has studied them quite extensively. He’s sent every scrap he’s ever learned; folk tales, history, culture, beliefs, and his own observations. They’re not a perfect society, but they’re quite admirable. They’ve even started to make room for expansions, allowing for influences from outside to become part of their culture. They are peaceful and wise. Accommodating and principled. They would never torture a village of Twi’leks just because they could. They’d never break the bones of captured children—” she held in a sob of her own.
“What is it?”
“I… I received word earlier today. Tom has requested to be euthanized. He can’t come to terms with his state.”
“Oh no…”
“It’s so heartbreaking! You saved his life, but it wasn’t enough. He’s broken. Many of them are. The Khrayii did that. The fucking Khrayii! For no other reason than they could. And they’d have done the same or worse to you. If you hadn’t given those ones in the valley a hard lesson, I think they’d have become a problem for the Twi’leks eventually. You’ve saved many from dying. Or worse, being left as broken as Tom.”
“Do you think you should go see him?”
“I want to,” Jasme choked. “Stars, but I do! But I… he doesn’t want any visitors. He’s sent me a letter saying we’re done, and that he doesn’t want to see me ever again. It hurt! Oh, Force, why did this have to happen?!”
It was Vajra’s turn to try and calm her down. “It’s not your fault, Jasme. There’s nothing you could have done about it. It must be hard to lose all feeling like that. I can’t even imagine it!”
“He was so badly brutalized that even the best kolto treatments can’t repair his nervous system! He’s in near constant-pain on top of not being able to move a finger! Please don’t tell me you feel sorry for killing his tormentors! You don’t have to feel proud, but don’t feel guilty! Please!”
Jasme felt a damn burst inside her somewhere, and she broke down completely. “Oh, Tom! My poor Knight in shining armour! I’m so sorry!” She felt Vajra’s arms close around her, and settled into the smaller boy’s embrace, finally allowing an entire day’s bottled-up anguish to burst forth. And she heard his own sobs continue. It was some time later that they both ran dry of tears.
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time. Vajra buried his face in his handkerchief, and Jasme reached for her own. When their faces were marginally drier, Vajra held up his pack.
“I have the observations you requested. I did my very best!”
Jasme gave a very watery laugh. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to give you a suitable reward! Oh! What’s this?” she slipped a packet of candied nuts out of her belt. “Want to share these? We don’t allow food in here, so this is a one-time offer from me!”
“Yes, please!”
“Let’s talk about Keleth. Tell me everything!”
They spent the next few hours talking about Keleth, archaeology, and strong construction. They were finally interrupted after midnight by a rather amused Master Orgus.
“So this is where you are? I’ve been searching all over for you, you know. Master Kiwiiks told me about what happened.”
“I’m sorry, Master.”
“Don’t worry about it. What’s this?” He peered at the items on display at the worktable. “So, you’re discussing today’s expedition, are you?”
“Yes, Master Orgus!”
“Well, it looks like you went in all serious.”
“I couldn’t have asked for a better amateur archaeologist,” Jasme said proudly.
“That’s good to hear. I’m glad you’re teaching him this side of being a Jedi, young Jasme. He’ll be a well-rounded Jedi when he’s my age.”
“Can you promise me you’ll help him get that far?” Jasme asked nervously.
“That’s my plan. Now tidy up and go to bed, the both of you. Vajra, we’ll talk tomorrow. There’s a Council meeting I want you to attend tomorrow. It’s nice and early, so that Master Kiwiiks can attend it before she leaves. I want you to bring that T7 unit with you.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Good. Dismissed.”
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kingofthewebxxx · 5 months
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Star Wars Verse- The Inquisitor
A new verse has been added, please like if you would be interested in interacting in this verse
Basic Information:
   - Name: Jacen Moryn 
   - Age: 38
   - Species: Human
   - Affiliation: Sith, Galactic Empire, Inquisitorius
   - Gender: Male
   - Homeworld: Corelia
   - Family background: Middle-class, Jacen does not know them due to the Jedi training process 
   - Training or education: Jedi training, inquisitor training including one session with Darth Vader 
Personality Traits:
   - Moral alignment- Dark Side
Skills and Abilities:
   - Combat skills: Lightsaber skills 
   - Force abilities: Telekinesis, force dash, force lightning, choke, telepathy, force scream, throw lightsaber 
   - Technical skills: Piloting, computer skills, first aid, awareness, some repair ability 
   - Lightsaber: Double-bladed spinning model, red crystals 
   - Blaster or other weapons: None
   - Armor or clothing: Black/ grey bodysuit 
   - Gadgets or tools: Comlink, midi-chlorian samplers attachment, holoprojector, some medpacs
   - Ship: TIE Advanced v1 line
Allies and Relationships:
   - Companions or allies- ID10 Seeker droid
   - Mentors or teachers- Doma Cardar (former Jedi master), The Grand Inquisitor
   - Friends- None 
   - Romantic interests- None
   - Enemies or rivals- The Rebel Alliance, Jedi
Motivations and Goals:
   - Short-term goals: Continue to learn all he can about the dark side, successfully complete next missions 
   - Long-term aspirations: Find an apprentice, become the Grand Inquisitor, find a way to restructure the current Inquisitorius to his favor 
Born on Corelia Jacen barely got to learn about his parents, being force sensitive he was taken as an infant to be trained at the Corelia Jedi Temple. Like most Jedi from the planet he was determined to do things his own way, often getting into arguments with other younglings and often didn’t like being wrong, he did however greatly savour any victories he had at that young age, making sure the others knew that with just a look. With time he managed to become more controlled with his reactions, so the others couldn’t be sure what he was thinking when he looked at them, it allowed him to get away with more of an attitude than the others for some time. It was at this age that he learned his parents had left the planet after sensing an argument that had turned out to be them being unable to say goodbye to him before they left, he had no idea where they went.
Becoming a padawan to Jedi Knight Doma Cardar soon changed things for him. She picked up on the attitude that he suppressed and soon told him the importance of letting go, as well as the importance of not letting anger guide him. It was a difficult few years, at times he was close to the edge of being thrown from the order yet he always seemed to redeem himself, he had lost his family and he didn’t want to lose anything else so he showed the council he had changed, instead suppressing his anger which would have consequences for later. On one particularly deadly mission to Naboo whilst the Jedi duo were sent to help the local Gungan population as escorts to the capital they were ambushed by Separatist forces, cutting down many droids Jacen decided to leap in front of a small battalion not just to shield a group of Gungan’s but also thinking he would have no problem, instead he failed to deflect a bolt from a droideka, his master saved him and after they managed to get the Gungan’s to safety they returned home after his wounds were treated. It was an experience he never forgot, leaving a scar on his left upper arm. 
Order 66 was initiated two years and seven months into his knighthood, he and his master had parted on mediocre terms, and Jacen had been questioning the actions of the Corelia Jedi Order as well as the Order in general. The anger he had for so long buried as well as the questions about the force he had been given no answers to had been resurfacing, whilst he was slightly above average in lightsaber skills he had a much better understanding of force abilities than most, one that had been heavily monitored throughout his training, his thirst for knowledge was capped. It was something that came to the attention of the latter who would be Grand Inquisitor. A few weeks before Order 66 Jacen and his former master were sent to Courscant in an attempt to reconcile with the other temple. They didn’t support the idea of remaining separate like the rest back home. During order 66 Doma defended him and encouraged him to escape as they like the other Jedi ultimately failed to protect the temple. Told to return home to send the message it wasn’t safe he escaped for some time, going into hiding on the planet, he was however later found by the now Grand Inquisitor who told him that they shared much in common, and the Jedi lied and he could have what he sought or he could die. Jacen decided to join, agreeing to go through the training process, being broken and torn apart until he became something new, the dark side soon became his ally, he was glad to finally be given the chance to explore this side of the force and soon became consumed.
Moryn became a bloodthirsty Jedi Hunter known as Fourth Brother, killing many without mercy and enjoying the pain that he caused. He spent the rest of his time learning the ways of the dark side, he had one session with Darth Vader and managed to survive, yet not without more scars to add to the collection he had received through the process of becoming an Inquisitor which was extreme torture. Jacen also eagerly helped turn other Jedi to the dark side, as well as carrying out other operations asked of him by those the organisation answered to. Later discovering his parents had joined the Rebel Alliance he was eager to be sent out on a mission to hunt them down, waiting until an encounter on a burning freighter and a dead Jedi at his feet two other Inquisitors watched as he cut them down. From then on Jacen had a much more feared and sinister reputation from the Rebellion, even for an Inquisitor. 
(In the latest Star Wars era, Jacen is a Knight of Ren, trained alongside Ben Solo and defended and helped him escape when Luke Skywalker had tried to kill him, he had joined the Knights to get revenge on the rebellion since it was connected to Skywalker and also be able to stay close to Kylo Ren who he sought some lessons in the force from, it is later discovered that Jacen’s higher infinity in the force than the other knights was because he is descended from Darth Bane. The Sith had done all that they could do hide the family, even Snoke was swayed from discovering the truth, he is a secret weapon Sidious has had plans for from the beginning in case his other plans failed.)
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jedimastre-archive · 2 years
❝ stay quiet. make no movement. ❞ from qui gon
god of war (2018) starters / accepting
An investigation off world was exciting to Obi-Wan after being sequestered to the Jedi Temple for most of his life, he felt as though being brought on a mission with his Master was a reward of some sort but also he knew it was also apart of his training.
Qui-Gon had begun questioning someone when a flash caught Obi-Wan's eye. Glancing at his Master briefly before pulling away, he pulled his cloak closer to him as he approached where he had last seen the light.
It must have been longer than he expected because the next thing he knew the large hands of his Master pulled him back up against the wall, shrouding them in darkness. stay quiet. make no movement. Qui-Gon said softly but firmly. His finger pointed above them as a seeker droid flew past them. Almost immediately an ominous energy enveloped him and he knew this was apart of something they were looking for.
With nothing but the sound of their breathing and his own heartbeat filling the void, Obi-Wan watched as the droid finished its glance in the immediate area before flying off.
As Qui-Gon took a step away, Obi-Wan allowed himself another full breath before speaking. "They know we are here."
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Rain Plays SWTOR: Seeker Droid!
Canon Viri tackled the Dread Seeds/Seeker Droid quests. Macrobinoculars is still not doable solo, but after seeing some YouTube videos of the Seeker Droid quest endings online, I thought I’d go for it. It’s about the Dread Masters and I’m trying to do as much of their content alone as I can.  Seeker Droid story spoilers In terms of story, I thought it was a good one. At the end, of course Viri took the power for herself. She's the Wrath. Or she was, at this point in the game. And she sure as hell wasn't going to leave it for Acina to loot or take credit for - which is exactly what she would have done. 
I feel like the ending was totally in character for Viri. She was one step ahead of Acina, even though she didn't let on. In canon, once she became the Wrath she knew damned well that Vitiate was gone - it's canon because the Hands sent her an email about it after the class story. So she also knew that anyone telling her "the Emperor told me to do this" was full of shit. Acina wanted her to do all the gruntwork and then take all the credit for reclaiming the Dread Seeds. After seeing the Arcanum that Acina hadn't told her or anyone else about, that contained Patient Zero and all sorts of scary stuff - even more so. She would play along with Acina because the Dread Seeds were a Very Bad Thing, but she was certainly not going to fork over the Dread Masters' tech to her. 
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Gameplay: It's bugged at the end. The final heroic on Ilum was decidedly miserable, which is a shame because the rest of the quest line was fun. 
Since the Dread Seeds happened during Viri's years as the Wrath, she brought along Jaesa to at least try to keep some continuity. Before KOTFE, Jaesa and Vette were her seconds all the time, and she would have chosen the former for anything Scary Force Related. Vette jumped in on the Ilum heroic because unfortunately Jaesa was useless there, despite being Level 50. Of course, she was standing there wearing Lana's belt with gold eyes, so she still didn't look 100% like she was from the correct part of her timeline, but I did what I could.  Overall, once I got the hang of it, using the seeker droid was pretty simple. When I was on Corellia I nearly got ninjaed - some asshole Jedi Knight was literally standing behind me and watching what I did with my seeker droid, then putting his down in the direction it was saying. As soon as I noticed it I just went over to Hoth to search for a different Seed. Sorry. Not helping you, Jedi.
On Alderaan and Balmorra Viri found the Seeds with only two or three tries with the seeker droid, which is...well, I'm not complaining. When I got to Voss, the last one Viri had to collect, I finally checked her mail and there was a buff from GSI in an email to make the search easier. Oops. Could have used that on Corellia. 
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Somewhere along the way she somehow lost the seeker droid. I logged out and logged back in, and it was back in her mission tools. I also got an email with it. Okay. Glad to see everything's not bugged. 
Going through the Arcanum wasn't the easiest, but I'm really proud I was able to do it. I'm horrible at jumps. That's an understatement. Viri did die a few times as I figured out the first jump, and I got stuck behind some shelves once, but I'm really pleased with myself, and proud of Viri, that she was able to make it through. Rocket boost definitely helped.  The search took her to one of her favorite places, the ancient side of Belsavis. Better yet, she got to explore another Rakatan crypt. And there was a Rakatan transporter. Pure joy. The boss at the end was hilarious. You don't fight him; you just kill all his adds and he eventually gets zapped by his own artifacts and dies. Score. 
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And then we went to Ilum.  I don't know if I even want to write a guide for this because the quest is bugged. Very, very bugged. Hellish. It makes me feel better that the difficulties did seem to come largely from the fact that it was bugged and not my own inability to make it through.  Once the bugs were sorted out, Viri didn't have much more difficulty with it than she'd had soloing, say, veteran Athiss or Red Reaper.  Viri spent three hours trying to get through a single room: a hallway where you need to place the power cells in the turret before the hordes of corrupted soldiers swarm in. The turrets refused to fuel past 87% over and over again. I called in different companions, all influence level 50. Vette, Jaesa, Lana and Shae all had turns. I tried them on tank; I tried them on heal. Worse: when Viri died I had the choice of a) reviving her in the room where ALL the cages were open so she was instantly mobbed; b) respawning her just outside the temple and resetting all the mobs in the entire mission. I was in tears of frustration.  After taking a shower, getting lunch and taking a break, I looked for more information online. Turns out it's a bug that can be alleviated by resetting the quest. I did that, and the next time I went in, I was able to solve the room in two or three tries. 
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On to the Sithspawn, which was an entirely different level of hell. Viri didn't die here, but neither did the Sithspawn. Again, it was bugged. You're supposed to be able to lure the beast into standing on barrels that explode, but no matter what I did, it it didn't work. I looked online and sure enough, there were reports of this bug, too.  I put Vette on passive and went out into the hallway to take a break when the tentacles reappeared. I have no idea how or why, but after that the barrels worked, and Viri and Vette made short work of the monster. 
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After that, the final boss was honestly a piece of cake. I had trouble finding the crystals to click for a moment, but once I did, easy peasy.  Acina was not happy was Viri. Eh. Don’t underestimate the Wrath. She still got some cute armor.  I don't think I'd be in a hurry to go back to this unless they fixed the bugs. But it's done, and I can say I did it. 
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Well playing the seeker droid mission this late in the game is awkward. Isn't it "Darth" Acina?
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This med droid need his own med droid
(he isn’t getting paid enough for all wounded Imps)
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sirotras · 5 years
i am faced with the unfortunate truth that if i want to do everything i want to in this game, im gonna have to bite the bullet and do group stuff
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detritusvortex · 6 years
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disaster-bi-shan · 2 years
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adventures in achievement hunting
pro tip: don't try soloing the heroic 4 seeker droid mission lol
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roguescarlett · 2 years
I really need to do repside Shroud/Macrobinoculars mission for achievement. But I hate having to do it solo and have no one to turn to. D:
same goes for Seeker Droid missions.
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Beskar and Glass
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[Not my gif]
Tech x Original Character
Summary: Tech and Kaieba have been close since she came to stay with Clone Force 99 as their medic. Both starting to feel more than just the friendship kind of love. When Eba, as she told the clones to call her, stays after Order 66 is executed both the Mandalorian and Clone's feelings start to grow.
Warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff, blushy!Tech, flirty!Kaieba, kissing, idk what else lol
[Part 1 of ?]
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One more mission. One more success. That was the routine. Or at least the routine Tech had fallen into. None of his brothers even realized it but he did. He was the only one to notice, that was until she showed up. Kaieba Dara. The most inquisitive and beautiful and educated woman he'd ever met. She was different from his brothers that was for sure. Eba, as she'd told his brothers and him to call her for short, somehow caught on to what Tech was saying automatically which made it very easy for the two to get close. But Tech felt more even though he didn't show it, he never really could show emotions that well. But Maker, anytime there was a flirty remark made from her, his face would be bright red and there would be stuttering. She made him feel just....right. But he wouldn't admit that to anyone, not one of them. A regular day in between missions was upon them. Floating through space, Dara huddled into the co-pilot's seat, a blanket over her shoulders. Tech noticed the way her eyes got lost in the stars and how her face softened once she relaxed. That look was more extraordinary than anything he had seen in his life. Prettier than the galaxy itself. He had popped out from under the control panel to take a quick look. Eba could feel someone staring, she glanced over and raised an eyebrow. "Need something Techie?" She smirked being able to tell he was flushed, even under the helmet, and quickly wedge himself back underneath. "N-No..I mean no! I am perfectly fine!" He said, she could hear the fluster in his voice even through the modulator. She grinned and hugged her legs. "If I knew I could make you blush this easy by sitting in here while you worked I'd have done this week's ago." An audible thud came from under the panel and he popped back up, pulling his helmet off and giving her a dirty look. He attempted to argue but the look he was getting wasn't helping. "Face's getting redder Techie," She said tapping the tip of his nose with her finger. He could've melted right there thanks to the nickname. She giggled and stood up going to her quarters "If you need me you know where I'll be." She smiled with a little wave. Tech stayed back watching, noting her movements. He sighed and laid back down, helmet back on, and going to work. When he finished up he walked to her room contemplating knocking, asking if he could come in. As soon as he went to knock the door came flying open. "Tech! I was just coming to find you love!" She said practically bouncing. His face tinged pink at the use of the word 'love' especially since it was being used towards him by the girl of his dreams. "O-oh..what did you require me for?" She drug him into her room. "You remember that little droid I picked up at the junkyard?" He nodded as she picked up the ID10 seeker droid, "I got her fixed! I just need your help programming her." Tech's eyes wandered back to her face again. Her eyes bright, almost glittering, she seemed overjoyed that he was willing to help he assumed. She started to explain what she wanted done with the droid and what programming she'd need. "I want her to be a companion droid. For when you guys are gone and I dont go to help. When it's just Omega and I, so we'll have someone else around." He nodded and looked back to the droid, "That will be fairly simple. I can have it done by tomorrow, Cyar'ika." Kaieba looked at him smile even bigger. "I could kiss you Tech!" she said throwing her arms around him. 'I wish you would,' he thought looking back at the droid. He gently picked it up and flashed a smile before she kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Techie. You have no clue how much this means to me." She could see the goofy look he got and her smile grew, "Someone like the kisses, hm?" He flushed redder and looked away. She sat down into her desk chair, still smiling but a thinking look on her face. Tech knew that look, contemplating something. She sighed and looked at him blushing a touch. "Tech, do you have a crush on me?" She grinned at the thought. His face went crimson as he
attempted to sputter out a response, she laughed. "I mean it's perfectly fine if you do, darling," her face turned a little redder "I like you too ya know." He quickly made eye contact. He squeaked out a questioning 'You do?' She gave him a quick nod, "I thought I made it a touch obvious how much I flirt with you." His yellow tinted eyes kept traveling from her face to the floor. Now he was contemplating things, when he finally looked up he said "But you flirt with my brothers." She looked down with a slight laugh. "I flirt with everyone Techie," he looked at her, the crimson getting darker. She stood up and gently put a hand to his cheek, "Face has stayed red," a slight grin creeping over her lips. He leaned into her touch, cold hands felt nice against the heat of his skin. 'Cold hands, warm heart..' He told himself, closing his eyes leaning further into her. He had heard her say that to Omega and Wrecker once when they had asked why her hands were always so cold. Always her reason. It was what he'd hung on to, one of the memorable quotes and his favorite. Tech finally came back to the moment, realizing how close they were. He could've exploded with happiness. He was so in love, his actions took hold and before he could stop himself he turned his head, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of her palm. His mind wandered, not wanting to leave that moment. Wishing he was in a time loop. A gloved hand came up to rest on her's. Even through the armor he could still feel her press closer, tracking her grey eyes, seeing them flick from his almost honey colored ones to his lips. Back and forth. "Oh kark it." She said seemingly to herself before her lips slammed into his, holding him in a kiss that was worth the wait. His hand tightened around the bands tattooed on her bicep, holding her close. When they both pulled away, huffing trying to catch their breath a smile crept along both their faces. She kept him close not wanting to let go just yet, giving him another quick kiss and leaning further into him. She mumbled "I've been waiting to do that for a while," as she wrapped arms around his neck. Eba's fingers found the little ringlets at the nape of his neck and gently toyed with them, she smiled "Hair's getting long too," Strong arms went around her waist, as he mumbled sweet nothings. They stayed like that for Maker knows how long. She chuckled and kissed his forehead, "Techie, babe, you're gonna have to let go sometime soon, I gotta get my armor cleaned up." He huffed "Very well," he gently let go, gave her another kiss and took the droid from her desk. Tech flashed a smile and slipped out of her quarters. Kaieba's heart melted as she leaned against her bed frame with a goofy grin. She picked up her helmet and hugged it to her chest, humming a tune all of her own.
(Hiiii!! I hope yall liked this! Will be another part soon! Love yall <3)
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vespertine-legacy · 2 years
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There are two options for Force users (examine the object or touch the object) and two options for tech users (examine the object or scan the object), and each gives a different bit of text about the relics. I’m a chump and didn’t actually try all of the options on my run through with Ember (I wasn’t about to just touch a random relic on a planet that has tried to kill me already????? Luckily, I have other Force users who can go through and touchy touchy and see what’s up) and I forgot to screencap one of the options on the first relic with Chatelaine.
Feral rambling about relics under cut
Anyway, that first one is a Holocron of Dread
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And that last one is a Profane Sith Mural
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which can be seen all over the Dread Fortress
(IDK if the pillar matches up with anything we’ve seen before exactly. It’s a rock dildo. Plenty of rock dildos like that on Korriban)
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Talos says that the Fortress on Elom may not have been as isolated as previously thought, and the artifacts bear “striking similarity” to those found on other worlds - bitch they’re the exact same.
I don’t know if R4 has any connection to Nul or not, because I haven’t actually been into R4 yet, but I watched some guildies stream their prog of it last night, and things I noticed: the floor tiles going into the Hell Hallway are the same as the floor tiles in Dread Palace (and the rot/the area going into Hell Hallway feels a lot like the Tangled Grove). There are several Statues of the Agonized from the Dread Fortress that I saw. There are Nathema statues guarding the Hell Hallway. Watchdog is basically just a beefed up version of the Nathema Ancient Guardian Droid (a Very Good Dog, Just Doing His Best). Hell Hallway is basically just the Seeker Droid final mission but Worse and Red (Hell Hallway 2: Sith Cult Bullshit Boogaloo)
anyway I don’t know where I’m going with this but Dread Masters still alive? Dread Masters/their tech helped create the Children of the Emperor? They did use fear to create an army that was completely under their control, loyal pretty much unto death and very hard to break the connection to them. Darth Over-Baked Potato did say that Nul broke the Children when creating them.
or someone just really really liked their shit (I mean, their aesthetic did Go Off)
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