#seg's stuff
starscelly · 1 year
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happy pride month from robo <3
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thedogslegart · 1 year
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uhzuku · 2 years
131 overall pulls on haitham and i only got a jean out of it :’))
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petraforgedyke · 11 months
i’m seeing a lot of fear today about Tumblr Shutting Down (Real) (Actually True) today and let peepaw seg tell you a story
i’ve been on this webbed site for fifteen years, believe it or not, since way back in the days of Tumblarity. now i was but a wee lad at the time, so i don’t remember the fine details, but rest assured, it doesn’t matter much for the story i’m about to tell you.
you see, i remember when tumblr was owned by tumblr. folk called its ceo (david karp) “daddy”, and were enthusiastic about his communications, even if on our own blogs, we’d bitch and moan about tumblr making changes to things we were used to. i remember the hubbub when tumblr removed tumblarity, and how this was surely going to be the end of tumblr.
all those fifteen (though it might be sixteen) years ago.
layouts changed, and we’d bitch and moan, and tumblr’d get sold, and we’d know for sure that This Was The End Of Tumblr, For Real This Time. this happened again and again and again, because this webbed site, you see, it makes no money, and companies, greedy things as they are, like money.
the porn ban, under the reign of YaHoo that was, was seen as another death knell. tumblr was going to die, for real, for sure, and i’m not proud to say that i was one of the ones who fell for it. peepaw seg needed to sow hir wild oats on other platforms.
now, i say this happened under yahoo, but it’s important to remember that this ban came in the wake of both the apple app store banning the tumblr app on account of real life csem being hosted on tumblr, and the new usamerican law SESTA-FOSTA being implemented, which made it so that companies such as tumblr would have to moderate the explicit content on them to make sure none of it breached sesta-fosta. tumblr, being a small fish in the grand scheme of thing, didn’t warrant that amount of financial effort on yahoo’s part, as the site was still not making any money, and it’s easier and cheaper to blanket ban than it is to moderate. all this to say, it’s important to vote, because if you don’t, your internet freedom will be curtailed.
and now we’re here, some sixteen years on, and i’ll say automattic has been not all good, but definitely not all bad for the site. they changed stuff we liked to our discontent (layouts), and added stuff we hated (live), but they also gave us stuff we like (polls) and an amount of open communication about tumblr’s inner workings not seen since the days of david “daddy” karp. and now they’re putting just a skeleton crew on the tumblr project.
and that’s going to be The End Of Tumblr For Sure For Real Actually This Time. Really. Promise. Abandon Ship.
and we come to the crux of this story.
which is that this has happened before, and it will happen again, because tumblr is surprisingly immune to making any money.
what we’re likely to see in the coming time is no new features (that’s reserved for projects that make money), and an increase in ads, until one day, and this might be in a few months, and maybe in a few years, there’ll be an announcement that tumblr’s been sold to one direction to a new company.
and we’ll start the whole rigmarole again. and this company might be good for tumblr’s userbase, or it might go against everything the tumblr community holds dear. no way of knowing which way it’ll go.
until one day, some parent company will have had enough, and will pull the plug.
but for now… well, i’m gonna sit here on my porch (blog), and we’ll see what happens. i'm not worried, tumblr’s survived worse things.
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shaisuki · 3 months
【R18】夢術廻戦ログ⑥※キャプション注意書きあり | 。・口👾口・。 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119647816
The size gap in this one is HUGE. And for the summary, gojo fucks us, geto fucks us, the fushiguro(s) fuck us too🥺
【11/23 妖言25】 夏夢新刊サンプル【通販開始】 | 優 ぐ���子 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112350128
So basically Geto loves us, and he needs to fuck us (roughly)😺
ついったログ | よろず #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92988514
Summary: seg (and some fluff-y stuff too)😳
Here u are <33
You can download pixiv for better experience, btw, if you're planning on searching for similar types of doujinshi, you can try "夢主" or "夢術廻戦" ("mujujutsukaisen" or what we called "jjkxreader") , 女夢主 (female character insert).
Btw, there are a lot of works (including oneshots, longfic, smut, fluff, or doujinshi...) written in japanese but we can hardly find them because they're not written in latin alphabet. You can try the search tags above to find works of japanese authors/artists, and sometimes, you can even find ASMR audios of your favorite characters (voiced by their VA)😚.
nonnie, you're a blessing. a huge savior to a jjk girlie like me. what did i do to deserve you😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. i'm grinning like a perv scrolling those pics like they a novel. imagine how if those are chubby reader inserts. i'll be frothing at the mouth.
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astronut777 · 2 years
Astro Observations 18+ edition.
Libra Placements Lowkey look very innocent at the same time Kinky especially Libra Suns/Mars with Water placements
Sagittarius Mars are frickingg seggsyyy!!!
Virgos Sun man lowkey radiate such sexual energy mostly in their hair ohmygosh
Taurus placements may exactly know where to touch you or where it feels good the most its kind of instinct to them
Scorpio Placements enjoy talking about Seggs and segxual stuff they not even try to hide it. But ofc depends on the aspects
Pisces Venus in Bed would literally take you to other dimensions even though mostly they are bottoms/ submissive
Gemini Venus/Air Venus love it when you tell them how good they are in bed
Taurus Mars love getting to know they're partners more before segs
Libra/ Sagittarius/ Taurus placements give me major Whore energy in a good way ofc.
Scorpio Suns have very intense stares
Lilith in the First house love it when they're unpredictable
Libra/Pisces love smacking
Capricorn Placements can be really kinky
Aries Venus goes wild in bed and may even act like it didn't happen afterwards
Cancers/ Libras give me major pillow princess vibes
Most Cancer Risings have really plump lips
Pisces Venus Mostly has really soft airbrushed like skin
Taurus Placements have this Golden feeling to their skin or hair
I have no words of how sexy Libra with Scorpio/ Virgo placements are
Dedass libra/Pisces/Cancer Placements Man can pass the Female gaze.
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Thats is for today thankyou for Reading! Have a nice Day!❤️😘
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cerastes · 6 months
Would you rather be stuck with someone who stopped reading the story in AK two years ago but is very confident they are an authority on it, or someone who does read the new stuff but says "segs" unironically?
Do you fucking hate me or something?
I’ll take the seggs person because their only fault is being the kind of person that likely also says “mating press” but otherwise is principled enough to know what they are talking about, principles that the other individual in the hypothetical lacks.
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aphobicplacesscale · 10 days
You can call me Seg, I'm aroace, and you'll never know my main blog.
I try to rank places based on how aphobic or a-spec friendly they are!
I can totally be wrong, I base myself mainly on the vibes they give me and some other datas I can get, I have no mathematic proof of anything.
The criteria I use:
How queer/lgbtqia+ friendly they usually are;
How many time the word "love" can be found here;
How many hearts or heart shaped things there are;
How many "love is all that matters" / "love is vital" there are;
For blogs: whenever the owner is aroace
How many aspec related things there are
If you have other criteria I could use, feel free to suggest me!
If you have data I don't, or you think I did something wrong, please, tell me!
The scale I use is:
The explanations:
🍀Ally🍀 is for a place that recognises we exist and matter, and actively and visibily shows it. Here you can find a-spec flags, pins and stuff, and you will not find anything that's aphobic or that can disturb in any way an a-spec people (including romance and sex repulsed pals!)
🔵Friendly🔵 is for a place that knows we exist and usually has some a-spec friendly stuff. Maybe there are some "love is love" signs, but, in their pride signs, there are some small a-spec flags.
🟧Ignoring🟧 is for a place that doesn't know we exist. More not a-spec friendly signs than before, no recognition, and probably lots of aplatonic and afamiliar -phobic stuff.
💔Aphobic💔 is a place that is straight up against our existence, that it wants it or not. Many "love is all that matters" signs and absolutely not romance / sex repulsed friendly.
Tags used:
#as(pec)k is for answers at asks or reposts;
#communic a tion is for communications about the blog;
#not judging places is for when I am not judging places
#judging places is for when I judge a place; it's followed by:
#🍀ally🍀 when the place gets ranked as ally
#🔵friendly🔵 when the place gets ranked as friendly
#🟧ignoring🟧 when the place gets ranked as ignoring
#💔aphobic💔 when the place gets ranked as aphobic
I'm really sorry I'm not able to provide anything for our fellow agenders, but I know nearly nothing about what could be considered agender-phobic (is that a word?) so I don't feel like I can judge places about it.
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proffydumb · 2 months
Aftg x chainsaw man AU! Ft pretty stiff doodles lol
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Ive thought about this a lot and initially Kevin was Aki but then I switched up the roles to Jean since I thought Kevin woukd fit better as Asa lolol
Denji -> Neil
Power -> Allison
Aki -> Jean
Angel Devil -> Jeremy
Makima -> Ichirou (lmao)
Reze -> Andrew
Asa -> Kevin
Yoru -> Riko (get it? Yoru Makima sisters, riko ichirou…)
Not everything is seg in stone but ive had a few ideas! Feel free to ask abt stuff
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swifty-fox · 6 months
HI so for the mota hockey au:
any out of pocket viral moments of the boys? magazine photoshoots press tours etc what are they like? are clegan out and proud or are they more like go on keep guessing?
Bucky has a LOT of notable moments. He's just a teenage girl and puberty is so hard it makes him so hormonal.
He gets sent to the penalty box for BLATANT hooking one time which is a pretty iconic out of pocket moment you dont really get tendys serving penalties. usually another play subs in for their penalty but refs are prob like Fuck you Bucky you're such a menace you pay the price.
He drops the gloves with a rival teams goon that absolutely boards the fuck out of Gale a la Scheifele/Evans hit. Normally we love a good Goaltender fight but this hit was too scary. people still take notice bc they're like look at Bucky defending his BOY
John is a very Seguin type character. As I mentioned he has a similarly nude sports illustrated photoshoot. But also very messy party phase with Curt much like Segs and Marchy
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theyre messy bitches who know how to have fun okay.
He's got a LOT of really famous soundbites, just the most out of pocket shit professional yapper w the cameras fr. it's mostly him hitting on Curt and Gale. There's a mic'd up clip of him singing "Baddie Friend" by kevo jefe perfectly word for word.
Gale's really bad with the cameras he clams up a ton and just kinda defaults to hockey mumbo-jumbo. he does get one Hockey social media clip where he gets to talk about space and that gets him a little excited. The clip of his one skate goal does some pretty big numbers just because Holy Fuck Dude.
he gets gif'd a lot for chewing on his mouthguard like Tkachuk. nasty boy. the fangirls go a little feral over those ones.
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In terms of their relationships there is some plot stuff I'm cooking but John doesn't really care for the most part. he isn't ashamed but hes also like well im here to play hockey and im single nobody needs to be privy to my sexuality so he's kinda just closeted bc hes too lazy to do otherwise. you bet ur ass he wears pride tape every game and practice after Gary fucking shittman tried to institute the ban
(Shoutout to Travis "It had to be done" Dermott who called garys bluff like a PRO you my number 1 bbygirl i have a puck signed by him)
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Gale is definitly closeted and it's a plot point in the au his journey with it. hes not closeted to himself but there are factors making him NOT want to be open with things.
I do think once theyre established in their team, they both have the C and a couple cups under their belt; when gale is ready - yeah they sit down with management and draw up a coming out plan. The team is so supportive of them they love their Bucks squared.
It's internet breaking
Please bear in mind hockey is REALLY homoerotic like these straight men kiss and hug and call eachother handsome and pet names constantly so theres a LOT that Clegan can actually just get away with and have plausible deniability
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( a few seasons ago Marchand started licking other players and the NHL had to release a statement like 'its not against the rules but wtf bro stop')
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thesinglesock · 11 months
this moment is dedicated to every native English speaker in Norway who doesn't know Norwegian and has to make it through every single day catching the absolutely batshit weird sentences we blurt out mid-conversation because English is our Silly Language that we pull out For the Bit. you guys are really just on the bus overhearing stuff like
"du vet sånne gutter som ikke har tatt på gress på årevis men så kjøper de seg en studiomikk også er de sånn 'actually, all women are delusional and don't deserve rights' i førtifem minutter i strekk også legger de det ut på nett også plutselig er meningene dems vårt problem? liksom?"
With zero context. Hope you're all staying sane out there.
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blackkiwi · 2 years
thoughts on nanamin with his pretty wife that’s starting to lactate? ^3^
𐐪𐑂 ♡  an:  listen LISTEN SFHDGLG i just finished all my work and now i see this so honestly im kinda barking as i write. i need this man to manhandle me
warning +18 ahead
paring: Nanami Kento x Black fem reader  ♡
𐐪𐑂 ♡   cw: smut, mdni, unprotected sex, breeding, boobies ehe, lactation, Pervert Kento!, oral segs,, slight clit play ig
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We all know how much of a gentleman Kento is.., so calm and collective but let's be real it's always the quietest people who'd be the most filthiest mfs on planet earth. He does his best to keep his composer and not shamefully look at your puffy nips but he fails very hard,, pls let him have a taste.
He got whiplash the first time you began to lactate,, watching his cute wife moan at the feeling of their blouse become soaked, and like the perv he is. he watched slowly at the milky droplets seeping from you shirt,, he just had to feel em,, approaching behind you pressing his hard body against your back,, he softly begins to fondle your breast, pressing and rolling his thumb against your clothed nipples, ,you knew you felt sensitive but this is a whole new feeling!! You almost came from him touching your fat tits alone,, he was beyond flustered but he didn't care. hearing your sweet mewls made all the blood shoot up straight to his dick anyway,,, he wanted nothing more then to play with your pretty tits, they feel so heavy against his hands ♡♡ ,,
Enjoys titfucking you even more now,, Loves watching your dumb face slobber all over his cock lapping up his pre cum,, pulling on your nips so he can watch you leak even more! and pressing your tits together,, the slick mixture of cum and milk together he swore it was like fucking a fleshlight again.,,
He would purposely buy lactation teas and make you drink them without showing you the box because he just loves your taste too much,, he can't let it go to waste!! Forget using a breast pump too. his strong calloused hands are right there,, ready to milk you right,, ♡
Sucking your breast is now a new addition in his work routine. Your nipples are just so wonderful,, makes direct eye contact with you the whole time,, makes sure your watching the roll of his tongue play with you nips till they get nice and puffy just the way he likes it ♡ Can easily make you cum from that alone. You have such a strong smell now it’s so sweet and intoxicating,♡, He just loves milking you!! but of course he can't leave you empty! At the crack of dawn when he wakes ups he pulls the covers off you both and lifts up your silk night gown above your hips and digs in to breakfast,, kissing your clit as goodmorning, before eating you out real good,, massaging your hips in circular motions urging you to squirt on his tongue,,your mind shooting blanks from cumming already, he just likes you a bit dumb in the morning,, so he makes sure to stuff you full of cum,, has you bouncing on his cock a lil too hard your bonnet sometimes falls off but don't worry he rewraps it on you once he's done shooting his hot seed inside you womb! Giving you a sloppy kiss and tummy rub before letting your pretty self fall back asleep ♡♡ ,,
Time for Kento to get ready for work!!,,
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the-suns-a-tube · 7 months
my opinion on the mechs as people based on how my brain characterises them in dreams
Jonny: Very annoying and arrogant. When we get arrested, he always hikes up our sentences by admitting to a bunch of stuff we werent even suspected for. Is usually the reason for getting us arrested. In prison, gets all the girls bc he was the only guy there (transphobia in the american prison system). Complains about prison food. attempts cannibalism. gets sent to seg. repeat.
Nasya: Very pleasant to be around. When i spend time with her, shes usually angry at jonny. because when i spend time with her its bc shes been shot planet side by jonny. I help her wash the blood out of her hair sometimes. We both like our bathwater scalding.
Scuzz: Only met her once, she would not stick around for a convo. I was trying to tell her something but she kept hiding.
Carmilla: Never met her :(
Aurora: Never met Her :( surprisingly my mech dreams aren't usually on the aurora
Ashes: Chill and calm demeanor. Always end up in charge of situations because most of the other mechs dont care to create guidelines. Except jonny. They are always friendly fighting over power. Ashes usually wins bc Jonny is not actually a good leader. In prison Ashes was the top of the hierarchy. They were generally on good terms with COs bc they didn't get into trouble because they never actually fought, just had someone else do it for them. and they would only enact violence for rational reasons, or if someone messed with them or one of their own.
Ivy: Very autistic coded like me :) bunked with her for a bit, we shared earbuds while reading❤️ taught me to hide contraband in bible spines
Brian: I have never actually had an extended conversation with him :(
Toy soldier: Creepy but well meaning. Like i have said previously, it seems cute when its jessica law, but its literally just a wooden doll. it blinks weird, it talks weird, it doesn't actually have to open its mouth to talk. regardless i do enjoy its company.
Tim: Never had an extended conversation with him
Marius: Idk the only time i talked to him was when he crashed in an escape pod and wandered off. He seemed. silly.
Raph: Very fun! Cheerful! I love her ❤️ homemade m3thlabs and hair due in prison ❤️ COs annoyed at the fact that her wings could not be removed. Once spent a few weeks? months? idk. on a ship using poison in the cargo bay to stop our lifesigns. ended up in a drunk tank. shes like #1 party friend.
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sttoru · 5 months
I need rough segs with older bf Satoru so bad 🙇🏻‍♀️
I would be obedient to everything he says 🫡
muhehehehe rough sex w older bf satoru 🤤🤤…. can u imagine toru pulling you aside at like a party or something, just to drill his cock into you — whispering the nastiest and most defrading stuff in your ears simply bcs he’s frustrated by just how good n sexy you look ….. he cant focus on anything else if he doesnt fuck ur brains out first :3
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brontekotlcyan · 5 months
So my friend Saffron was scrolling through the Bronte tag on ao3 and she switched the filter to explicit only.
She found a fic of Bronte Noland and Terik in a sugar daddy weird thing.
So basically Bronte was saying stuff like "bow down kitten"
Truly traumatic. Also Bronte was less of a sugar daddy more of segs trafficker so uhhhhh yeah.
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starscelly · 4 months
I'm actually curious, why don't you like Jamie Benn sm ? Is it just because or is there an actual reason ?
so . there’s legit reasons but it’s like. you need Me Lore to understand why i don’t like him to That level. i’ll provide the Lore and kinda put myself on blast in the read more but as for notable things he has done:
followed c*ndace ow*ns on instagram and liked posts from her talking about keeping trans women out of sports (he has never watched women’s sports a day in his life i promise u) (iirc this was march 2021)
and play wise . just will make dirty and questionable hits (not really this year, in fairness, but like every year before this) which Makes Me Uncomfortable!
and ik like . “cel it’s hockey. all of them are conservative and weird and probably transphobic” which true!!! but if they are i would like them to be very silent about it!!! anyways . more context about why it’s sooo severe to me with him in particular 👇
you need to understand . i was a JAMIE girlie (gn). he very heavily made me a stars fan to be real . like segs queer allure brought me to them but jamie’s everything PULLED me in and made me stay.
some time stamped examples of me being insane
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a friend got me his funko pop for my birthday . i put hours into drawing him
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like i was in the trenches!!! ! i LOVED this man this was my hockey player of all time!!
i literally finished that drawing february 2021. a month later he’s like . transphobia be upon ye. DEVASTATING . DEVASTATING STUFF FOR ME. someone who dabbles in transgenderism!!!!
and i know . i KNOW the vast majority of players are transphobic/transmisogynists. i’m not foolish i don’t believe this is wokehl. but i personally CANT deal with KNOWING for SURE my number one favorite player is like that. i cannot it would plague my thoughts 24/7.
so i immediately pull completely away from him - thankfully not from the team, atp i’m In It i just start investing all my care points into segs and stephen johns - delete almost every photo off my phone, stop following him stop keeping up with his life etc etc bc it!!! hurts!!!!!! knowing ur favorite player openly fundamentally disagrees with everything you are!!!!
that’s why the like. hatred. is so intense from me with him in particular because like . fuck him for that and how sad that made me. like idk my relationship with other players like that is kinda. whatever. like idrc about them. but bc he was my favorite dude ever it’s like . i’m never gonna be able to go back to liking him in any capacity.
ik its Dramatique but it’s also like . my life and my choice so 😭 wtv
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