#selwyn x bree
starfallkaz · 5 months
More Selwyn Kane Thoughts
Back on my Legendborn bullshit — I already made a post talking about how Selwyn’s love language is canonically physical touch (I don’t make the rules). And how it all stems from the fact that for as long as he’s known, his touch has been something intrinsically tied to power and violence. It was never seen as something that could be given out of affection and care for one another, only as a display of power and as a threat. Likewise his use of aether was always in violent necessity. I’m rereading Bloodmarked and there’s a scene in Volition where Lu allows Sel to use the aether on the grounds that got me thinking and hurting (a lot).
Sel looks between us, a bright light in his eyes that I don’t expect. I’ve never seen him cast something just because. From the look on his face, I don't know if he ever has. "Thank you, Lu," Sel says.
When he rotates his wrists, light rises around us overhead, stretching wide like a cloud — and then bursts, raining down like blue embers. Tiny freworks sparking and exploding into nothing before they hit the ground.
Lu claps. "Impressive light show. And I thought Merlins were only good at making weapons."
Sel’s head is tilted back, a slow smile on his face as the aether falls round him, "So did I."
Did I cry rereading this? Absolutely. This is the first time we see Sel realising and experiencing his power not in the context of fear and violence. It’s the beginning of him understanding that he could use his power for joy - for something as simple and loving as entertaining the girl he likes. It felt like a big, yet understated, moment for him.
And I think in a way, that permission from Lu and Bree meant more to Sel than allowing him to use aether in that specific moment. It was also the acknowledgement and encouragement that he could use aether for self-fulfilment and pleasure - that he could allow himself that. Sel was always constrained by his role as Kingsmage or his own self-imposed standards brought about by a crippling fear of not being enough, but this felt like a liberating experience for him.
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As we know, I'm in my legendborn re-read rn (shoutout @wizardteampod !!) and as a Sel girl I am TIRED.
Every time I read Legendborn I have to remind myself that I'm rooting for Sel because Nick is SO flirty in this book, it's wild
it does NOT help that Sel is also still in his section of the book where he thinks Bree is a demon and moves crazy because of it
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provokedgoalie · 1 year
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thejudeduarte · 4 months
Being part of a small fandom is liking every single post you see about it because on tumblr little to no people have actually read the books 😭
I'm totally not talking about powerless and legendborn
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mageofspace924 · 5 months
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i have missed them ❤️️⚔️💙
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rebelcracker-s · 2 months
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brianakane · 6 months
Daily reminder that Selwyn kane sacrificed his humanity for a girl that wasn't even his
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sweetdeerart · 1 month
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Did I forget to mention Im just as much a Sel x Bree person 😭💙❤️ (as I am Nick x Bree?) I really cant choose ! Anyway Had fun drawing this hope to draw more Legendborn fanart in the future!
You can find my art on IG, Twitter(x) & TikTok
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isthataraccoon · 3 months
just go ahead and smash my heart into a trillion pieces then i guess because if this isn’t true love then WHAT IS???!!!!?!!???
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oh selwyn kane the man you are 😩😩😩
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actually my favorite trope is one half of the ship being badly injured and the other half being super panicked about it
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thoughtfulbearpanda · 2 years
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that's it. that's the post.
(art is not mine. Kanej by @polartss; Selbree by @artsychanel)
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starfallkaz · 5 months
Sel x Bree thoughts that make me rabid
1. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: Cat boy Sel is sooo important
Bree has come to realise that Sel is very much like a cat and he very much enjoys sunning himself. Usually he’ll climb a tree in a sunny spot and perch up in a branch, Bree loves to watch the way the sun and shadows play across his face
the way he practically purrs when Bree scratches his scalp
he hisses at people he doesn’t like
2. One of Sel’s favourite ways of showing affection is pressing his cheek to Bree’s or pressing their foreheads together.
It’s the intimacy of sharing that space with her. Sel’s love language is physical touch, and it’s the casual intimacy of the gesture that he loves. Being able to see Bree, come up to her and kiss her temple or press his cheek to hers in greeting.
3. Sel loves Bree’s hair. Before she knew how much he cared for her, he’d catch himself admiring her in the sunlight. The way the light would play off the curls and wisps of her hair, alight in bronze hues. His lips would part and he’d stare and have to distract himself from reaching for her
He changed to satin pillowcases for Bree <3
4. I love the idea of Sel blushing, being furious that he’s blushing (how could my body betray me like that), which makes him glare. Bree finds this angry cat look quite adorable and enjoys seeing how she can get Sel riled up. Bree comments on how cute he looks, just to see his face burn and the scowl appear between his brows.
5. Sel finds it awfully inconvenient that Bree can feel his eyes on her - it’s difficult to skilfully pine for and admire a girl in a non-desperate totally cool way when she knows every time that you’re looking at her
Alice: I mean we all know Sel is down astronomically bad for Bree, it’s not a secret to anybody. Sel glares from the corner
I’m also so down for the bickering between Alice and Selwyn. Their ongoing bit of only referring to each other as “Kane” and “Chen” like two foes, but they’re united in their ability to kick anybody’s ass in defence of Bree
6. Not to be nsfw or anything but, it’s also canon that Sel’s canines are incredibly sensitive - one time they’re kissing on the sofa and Bree is on top of him, his hand stroking her thigh. Bree runs her tongue over the tip of his canine and the way he shudders and his eyes burn, and he just melts into her mouth - he’s like putty
7. Alternatively, kissing Sel when he’s aether drunk - after much insistence on his part that he’s completely fine, he just needs a couple kisses to make him feel better.
He sits on the edge of his bed and Bree stands between his legs. And he’s muttering in welsh looking up at her with burnt amber eyes, Bree catches some familiar words like, beautiful, breath-taking, and you’re incredible
she leans down to give him a quick kiss and he takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around her, leaning back on the bed and pulling Bree down with him as she giggles
8. there’s a live band playing at one of the campus bars and Bree wants to go - Alice has gone home for the weekend. Sel detests live music with a passion (it’s all too much for his senses), so William offers to go with Bree instead, reassuring Sel that everything is fine - it’s just a bar!
Sel still watches the perimeter from outside - he tried to stand in the bar with ear plugs in but his eye started twitching and he excused himself
9. When they’re walking around together and Sel will either have an arm slung over her shoulder, or she’ll link an arm around him and the casual contact and affection is everything to him
10. Bree finds the smell of his aether signature so comforting. Especially when he’s happy or at peace, the scent of charred cinnamon and whiskey is mellowed, almost warmer and more inviting. Bree is falling asleep one night and mumbles if he can cast something - he casts a light scattering of aether drops falling in the room. Bree sleepily smiles and snuggles into the crook of his neck. Sel feels his heart thumping so loudly in his chest - surely even Bree can hear it
Not to end it on a bittersweet note or anything, but for so long Sel struggled to visualise what he wanted for himself outside of his role. As Kingsmage there wasn’t really anything else but to care for Nick. But holding Bree there and it’s never been so clear to him what he had, and what he wanted to keep.
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nothing in all my days has affected me more than Bree briefly mentioning that Sel pushed her up against a tree when they kissed.
I'm weak in the knees yall.
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worth-this-and-more · 2 months
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people aren't paying enough attention to this moment and im furious
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thejudeduarte · 4 months
Did I just find a parallel between both of my favourite books? Yes, yes I did
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The Cruel Prince, page 364
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Legendborn, page 477
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New to tumblr so humour me if I screw up.
So when I started reading Legendborn and Sel got introduced I was like 'right, so this is the guy' and I was so sure he was gonna be Bree's "babysitter" so when some random dude called Nick texted her I was staring at the page going 'who the fuck are you and what are you doing in place of tall dark and asshole?'
Then throughout the rest of the book I was awaiting the inevitable end of the sexually charged rivalry between Bree and Sel, and kept waiting for Nick to turn evil.
Now I've finished Bloodmarked, and I would like to formally apologise to Nick. However, I am proud of my ability to smell romance from death threats!
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