#send help for Akira
tinyperson00 · 9 months
when my sister has a dream about Akira in a smegzy bathing suit with a ponytail and a roblox man face riding a 'dinosaur'........
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We drew it lol
hers is the one on the right (with the ailien looking people) and mine is on the left (with the ✨Smegzy✨)
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phantasy14 · 2 months
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poichanchan · 2 years
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swapau 2/2 buildup Why is a change of heart ok when the Phantom thieves do it but not when Maruki does? why the change of opinion?
shuakeshu beeeeef
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deeznutsumis · 4 months
i just got tumblr what do i do on this app
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i love joker from the hitgame persona 5 heh.
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cringelord6000 · 4 months
All I do is try to draw then get side tracked by youtube 😎 hell yeah!!!!!!
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Aoyagi & Teshima (if I don’t try every artstyle. I die. 😓)
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catty the awesome drew this for me @iovecatt !! (I got him a halo on a Roblox game, so now he OWES ME MORE ART!!!!!!!! MEAHAHAHAA)
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Feel free to send some more doodle requests!! 😊 I want to draw I just don’t know what..
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laugtherhyena · 6 months
Every time I see your sprite work, it just makes me want to make a sprite edit of Akane with the design I made for her in my "She Was Saved" AU (An AU based on the idea of Akane surviving the events of DRA), but I've never done any sprite work so, do you have any tips?
Ok ok so, first things first, i wanna make it clear that none of my sprites are made from scratch, they're sprite edits, hence why i always tag them as such. Every single one of them used some canon character as a base for the base sprite (that one fitst sprite where the character is just standing there with a simple expression) and a handful even have canon sprites uses as bases for poses. Just figured i should make that clear so there's no confusion here.
While I'm not sure if I'm the best at giving tips n stuff, here's what i could think off;
I think the most important tip i can give anyone who wants to get into sprite editing is MAKE A BUNCH OF LAYERS‼️Save things separately just to be sure rather than merging them because that almost always leads to more time spent later down the line. While the amount of separate things certainly varies from artists to artists here's the one i use for my edits.
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The app i use (Ibis paintX) allows me to make folders with a bunch of layers to them so i use them to keep stuff more organized.
On the first pic well have a folder with the base sprite, one for the different poses and in Beni's case two for the different eyes she has (one for the normal eyes and one for the ones that are part of the glasses, normally i only have one layer with all the eye variants)
On the second image I've opened the folder that holds the base sprite, or should i say just sprite since it's in this folder that i organize everything that belongs to one specific sprite when I'm making them as to not get myself confused. Anyways, you can't see in the screenshots but the first layer has her glasses, second has her eyebrows and mouth and the third has the eyes.
Fourth has the main body lineart and fifth has the main body colors, please keep those separated as by doing so you make it easier to add those lil effects onto the character's faces on certain expressions + having the lineart of the main body always helps when sketching and connecting the different arms to the main body.
Lastly you got the arms, but ideally you should make the arms/poses in a way they can be placed over the body layers since that just makes things easier to put together, i just have this habit of placing the no pose arms under everything else.
When editing i make the different arms and eyes in advance so that when i start making the different sprites i can just duplicate the canva with the first one a thousand times and everything will carry along with those. Saves time in the long-run + you don't need to separate all layers on them (lineart, colors, shading) since they're just parts there's no problem in just merging them together.
A very important thing to note tho i that if the character has glasses or any accessories that you plan on removing or moving around in some pose/sprite this accessory should be made in a different layer from the main body, this makes editing easier than if you had to just erase and refill the part where the accessory was in the sprite you don't want it to be in.
A similar rule should be applied to the character's hair, if they have short or mid length hair you can just add the whole thing to the main body sprite, but if the character's hair is long you should make this bluk/back part of the hair in a separate layer placed under the main body layers. This also apllies to any back accessories.
Here's Akira as an example; she has one layer for her glasses, one for the back/bulk of her hair and one for the guitar case she carries.
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These are essentially the basics of if, so let's go over to some actual tips.
Make the sprites on a small canvas.
Since the Danganronpa another games are made on game maker the size of the character sprites is surprisingly small, while I don't think you should just do it on the same canvas size as the actual sprite, it's good to have a smaller canvas so that the lower amount of pixels gives it a look similar to the in-game sprites + as you can see by mine, they don't actually look low quality at all.
(if curious, the go-to canvas size i use for most of my edits is 773x1020)
Use other sprites as references/bases
Especially if you're just starting on making sprites, use the canon ones for bases, references or even just straight up trace them. This will make the sprite look closer to canon and will start making you undertand the elements that make up the style of the sprite, do it enough times and soon enough you'll be able to make poses on your own without needing a sprite from the game as a base.
Remember! What's wrong about tracing is not the act of tracing itself, as the act of doing so is a great exercise to help you learn, the problem is when you do it and claim you made it 100% on your own. Since these are sprite edits, there's not a problem in doing so.
Observe and learn what makes up the style you're trying to replicate
This is hard to talk about since it really is something that comes with practice, I've been making sprite edits for like 5 years now so this stuff is like written on the walls of my brain by now. Just try to look and analyse the sprites and slowly you'll start seeing patterns and small onto them that you didn't noitce before, like how Linuj's sprites have a bit if line weight to them but are still on the thinner side, how he tends to make the hands a bit on the smaller side, how when he color the character's skins he makes the area near the top of the head a lighter shade than the rest of the skintone, the way he usually makes the character's mouths, and even some more complex things like how the male characters will have very little to no eyelashes while the female characters tend to have a whole lot of them, etc.
At the same time, there's no shame in deliberately ignoring some of these things. Personality the small hands REALLY bother me in a few cases and i tend to just make mouth shapes on a whim instead of trying to stay 100% close to the style. It's just a question of messing around and figuring stuff out, it won't look perfect on the first go, but overtime you'll start to get the hang of it.
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vro0m-but-not-cars · 6 months
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FINALLY GRADUATED FROM WOW / WOW but tbh we'll never make it to tum / blr @effervescentdragon it's too fucking much lol
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i fear at this point all i can truly write is staig
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dangerousbrick · 2 years
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vadymxarsioxska · 9 months
I downloaded the miitopia demo cause I was bored..
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now look at low quality miis of Hazamada, Akira , terunosuke and toyohiro doing random things
(I did my best plz)
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And extra full thing here cause I can ↓
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And also shinobu thanking me cause I saved hayato
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Okay gaymers i want Izo headcanons/analysis in my DMs or inbox first thing in the morning GO
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tinyperson00 · 6 months
literally me-
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akumanoken · 8 months
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Okay but the shame that comes over him for losing control and being a failure of a guardian because his fight and outbursts caused everyone to get distracted and Ann got kidnapped during the fray.
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The "oh shit" Akira does and rounds up security to help them search for the summoner because he realized he went a bit too far
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And the worried guardian who's searching desperately for his best friend and feeling strangely at fault for all of it happening.
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Who let human morgana out of his cage
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hysteriablues · 2 years
||I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star||
Just straight out angst, feeding into my Devilman crybaby hyperfixation. Spoilers for the ending
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"You can see the stars clearly.
Its all because the humans are gone.
The rabbit is probably dead.
Akira. There's no rabbit in that sky.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Back then, I didn't know what you meant.
Love doesn't exist. There's no such thing as love.
Therefore, there is no sorrow.
That's what I thought.
Akira. Why am I the only one talking?"
What was this feeling. It was unbearable, it hurt and it wouldn't stop it just wouldn't fucking stop. Time had stopped in that moment when Ryo saw those lifeless eyes. The same eyes that he had always seen crying whenever something sad occurred, the same eyes that looked at him with such hatred just minutes ago. He would prefer those eyes that seemed to look at him in disgust than that lifeless gaze anytime. Everything was loud and quiet at the same time. It felt like a part of him was gone, forever. There was this feeling of emptiness.. this hole in his chest. He crawled at his chest, a pained expression on the divine beings face looking for any sign of Akira moving. There was none and he knew, he knew that there was no hope but he still continued to look trying to refuse the reality right in front of his own eyes.
"Akira? Akira. Right now... I'm feeling something.
What is this? Tell me. What is this, Akira?
Feel what I'm feeling right now.
Listen to me.
Akira. Look at me.
Respond to me.
Don't forget that you've been with me till now.
Say something.
No, Akira. Don't leave me alone.
Don't leave me.
Please, be somewhere.
Say something! Akira!"
He hugged him close hoping to feel the warms of his skin one last time, to feel him one last time. Ryo could tell it was time, the end was near, the reset was close and he only had himself to blame. Why had he been so foolish and not realized his feelings sooner. All he ever did.. was to protect Akira and now there he was, laying lifeless in his arm. He hugged his torso close resting his chin on top of Akira's head, the under half of his body was missing. He casted his gaze towards the earth seeing as angels and demons alike were raining upon it. It seemed like he only had a few minutes left until the final goodbye, until everything started over again, until he would end up in the exact same situation in little to no time again. He looked down at Akira's lifeless body one last time, Ryo couldn't stop his tears from streaming down his face. Something within him ached so badly, he wanted to destroy everything, to cuss out the one who had done this to him. He hugged Akira's body closer to his and closed his eyes. It was only a matter of seconds before everything would restart all over again. He wishes he could just cast everything away especially his feelings and thoughts, but those were the reason he ended up in this situation in the first place. With that he finally said the words he had been holding back all this time, the words that were always lingering at the back of his mind, at the tip of his tongue, always so close to slipping out but he never allowed them to.
"Akira, I need you."
With one final breath he allowed the darkness to take him. As the earth got engulfed in the war between angels and devils it eventually collapsed. A big fireball was the only thing that was left of the planet where Ryo had fought so hard to keep a single mortal alive, the only mortal that ever mattered. One last pitiful smile made it's way onto Ryo's face.
"I'll see you again Akira. I'll see you again in another life, I will find you."
And with that the darkness took both of them. The beginning was near again, the start and the end of everything. It all led back to Ryo. An endless cycle that would never stop. How ironic, no matter how many times the ending was near it always ended in pain and suffering. Maybe this time it'll be different? Is what Ryo had told himself over and over again, but deep down he knew he was lying to himself. Like always, lies seemed to always spill out of his mouth until everything was too late. How pitiful. In the end, it did not matter. Nothing mattered. Everything was just an illusion in the end. Everything was an illusion... right?
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kingspuppet · 2 years
I can’t believe I slept all day again hnnnnnghh. I’m just so tired between being depressed and then my ADHD making my brain go bananas. I’m frustrated. But I’m gonna try to get to some of the Valentine’s Day chocolate things tonight! I don’t think it’ll be all of them, but I at least will do my best to get started on them!! Either way, apologies on the delay of them. >-<
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