#send help if show signs of actually wanting to write COD fanfic
bylightofdawn ยท 1 year
I'm finally home, I watched Across the Spiderverse and I am vibrating from wanting to scream about things but I am so mentally boomed all I would manage is "ooooo pretty colors"
So I might try and talk about it tomorrow when I am slightly more coherent.
I also got my playstation visa card AND realized I'd mis-read the whole offer about the 125 statement credit thing, it expired 6/30
So I SHOULD get it. Which is good since I Just put 600 dollars on a credit card with a stupid high APR. Which I will be focusing on paying off ASAP. -cringes-
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I'm being a good girl and did not get Jedi Survivor. I want to pay this off ASAP and don't need to carry anymore debt on it than I have to.
I'm going to try and pay this off within 3 months which may fuck around with my plans to start paying on the Obi-Wan and Fox hot toys. I feel like....Obi-Wan will prolly sell out before Fox and he releases first so I"m going to focus on him and then Fox afterwards. Can I say how upset and disappointed I am we do not get a Fox headsculpt?
Okay I'm fucking beyond exhausted. The last chapter of this A M A Z I N G Xedgin finished posting and I'm like three chapters behind at this point.
Everyone should go read it.
It's a delightful AU set about 7ish years before the movie and kinda takes things and tosses it out. Ed, Holga and a seven year old Kira decide to leave and head down South towards Mornbryn's Shield. And along the way they meet this handsome Paladin and Eg is very much lowkey thirsting until he finds out he's Thayan and well there's a couple of chapters of Ed making you want to strangle him but he gets better.
There is so much scrumptious pining and people being dumb. I love it so much.
So I'm going to read that foe the rest of the night and hopefully don't pass out midway through because I am legit to that poi t of exhaustion where I am loopy.
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