#send me kidge asks
kidge-planet · 2 years
any kidge headcanons?!!?? ( nsfw is oki too ;3 )
Let me give you some of them !!
( I'll keep some for the future of the blog but here you go with a few that I have in mind ) :
Starting with some soft stuffs ;
- obviously , Pidge steals Keith's shirts and he doesn't say it out loud but he thinks she is cute when she wears them
-keith secretly adore pidge and admire her , same for pidge ! keith admire pidge because she is brave , smart , and she seem to never be scared or to never give a fuck . She have charisma . Pidge admire keith because he is such a good figther and a good pilot . She also like the fact that he is realy courageous . Like Bex tk said , " they secretly adore each other !"
-for their lunch date that we can see in the atlas when Nadia and kincade come to a table where pidge and keith are sat together , it was keith that asked her to have lunch together :
they where solving a problem in the maidbay and when they finished , keith turned to pidge like ;
-pfiouuu .. im starving .. wanna go have lunch or what ?
pidge agreed kindly .
He realy enjoy her presence because she always say realy interesting things and also because she is funny . ( he also likes her voice ..)
-pidge and keith where hanging together a lot in the atlas because the other paladins were busy .. lance and allura having some time for them , hunk cooking or baking and shiro ruling the atlas .. they are not realy out going so .. they just stayed together . Like , all the time . People in the atlas were even thinking that they were more then friends .. nadia loved to ship them ! One day , pidge's family got an hold of what was going on so this same day , colleen went to see her daugter and asked her :
-hey , is there something between you and Keith ?
-WHAT ?! NO !!
-don't lie .
-im not lying !...
-mhhh....You like him ?
-mom !!!
-Come on ! You can tell me !
-why are you asking me that anyways ?!
-rumors in the atlas ..
-those are rumors !
-just wanted to be sure..
pidge was angry that some rumors were talking about her but she was secretly happy that they were talking about her and Keith .
- after the war , pidge stayed on earth and keith went back to space but all the time he come back to earth , he invite pidge to non official dates without the other paladins . ( he takes her to bars or restaurants and never let her pay even if she insist hard .)
-when keith come back to earth , if he doesn't take her to a restaurant , he just come to her place and they are just chilling out and watching some movies . They like to play in each other's haires . Pidge tangle keith's haires and keith just play on her haires with his fingers . ( pidge doesn't say it but she enjoy when he touches her haires ..)
-when they are having paladin's sleepovers , pidge and keith are always realy close to each other . He likes to cuddle her sometimes and when they are doing face maskes ( as lance always want to ..) pidge always helps keith to put his maske on .
And now a little nsfw here !! (A boring one because I'm kinda keeping some stuff for later ;D )
- Pidge and Keith did their first time on earth the night just before the launch of the Atlas . They had planed to spend their last night on earth together ever since they were the only paladins that didn't had anything special to do .. it was supposed to be a chill night with pizzas and and movies but it kinda ended up in an other way...
That's all for now , stay tuned on this blog for 'ore Kidge HEADCANONS !! More nsfw too lol !!
(also , some of the HEADCANONS I gave are coming from my Wattpad where I write Kidge storys , I will put my Wattpad in the bio of the blog annnd .. here ;) @MILLI_greenity )
Have a nice day and enjoy Kidge !! ( Send your Kidge headcanons and Kidge stufs here !!💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚)
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kidge · 2 years
Domestic Kidge Headcanon Questions:
1) Who takes the morning shower and who takes the evening shower?
2) Do they do coffee or tea in the morning?
3) Who puts the dishes away?
4) Do they have pets (other than Kosmo)?
5) Whose the person who makes the grocery list and who forgets it?
6) What’s their go-to takeout meal?
7) Sleek and Modern decor or more cozy cottage?
1) keith definitely takes morning showers due to pidge most likely being up all night and then she showers at evening
2) definitely both coffee people but also pidge like energy drinks
3) both ! they most likely take turns :>
4) nah i think they just have kosmo! they all definitely all cuddle together !
5) could be either, keith is more responsible and he ends up making the lists and pidge probably forgets.
6) probably pizza or chicken tenders haha but if theyre both pulling all nighter they just but junk food and snacks and then coffee plus energy drinks
7) definitely a cozy cottage in the middle of nowhere, they both somewhat hate human contact and love being away from people haha :)
please send me more asks of headcanons and stuff its so fun to do !!!
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fuckthisshitimin · 3 years
Kidge soulmate AU for @flannelfangirl!
46: You feel intense pain in your soul when your soulmate is in life-threatening danger
Curses & Blessings
He dreams of heavy rainfalls and the slow murmur of water in the gutter, of the fresh air the raindrops would move, falling from the sky, and the distinctive smell they would leave behind them.
It’s not that Keith is really familiar with rain, being raised in the desert, but he finds the thought reassuring. Water, in all its forms, always had a special place in Serrano’s stories. Keith never knew the downpours he described, the unforgiving rainstorms that would risk flooding cities, drowning every person, every building in its chanting grumble, before leaving it shiny and washed out, the puddles on the pavement reflecting a timid sun. But he is turning eighteen, and this means The House doesn’t have anything to offer him anymore. And this, means he can go wherever he wants. Leave the desert and the memories, the other kids and the books he read countless times. His childhood.
Keith didn’t, by any mean, have a “peaceful childhood”. If being dragged back and forth from The House to Other Houses wasn’t enough, you could mention the familiar, excruciating pain that had him screaming every now and then as a “disturbing element”. It’s a word adults like to use around him. This must be disturbing. He must be disturbed. Now that he’s eighteen, he’s thinking about getting a tattoo saying DISTURBED. The attacks of pain happen without foreshadowing, failing to follow any pattern he or The House’s doctor could think of. Maybe a chronic illness? She said, and left it at that.
So Keith’s mother is dead, his father is dead, and as far as he is concerned, his soulmate is dying.
This isn’t the kind of happy childhood they try to promote on The House’s website, of course, but still, as he packs all the little things he came to call his, it tinges in his chest. That’s not a perfect childhood, but that’s his. His whole world, his support system, as deficient as it can be, his minuscule universe.
“You know we have a spare bedroom.”
And at the center of his teeny-tiny universe stands the strong figure of Shiro, somehow unshaken by the winds howling in the desert.
“I don’t want to take your future kid’s room. I’ll be okay.”
That doesn’t ease the look of concern on Shiro’s face, and as the years passed, it became more evident how he could be the strongest person Keith ever met, him who did not have powers. Other adults of The House had hair like ropes that could catch you and get you back into your room, voices that could silence yours, nails sharp as razor blades or hard skins or eyes that could make you forget your own name if you weren’t careful. Shiro was human all the way, from his fragile soul to his deteriorating body. Yet, taking just a glance at him, Keith is overwhelmed by a wave of admiration, digging in the quiet strength emanating from the man.
“If you stayed, you’d be a great big brother to them.”
Keith smiles, and he closes his bag. It’s unsurprisingly light, balancing his heavy heart as he walks towards the door. He said goodbye already. Shiro is the last one he’ll see. The man follows, they walk into the blazing sun.
Keith is heading North. He craves the rains and the forests and the cold he heard of. Maybe he’ll find Serrano, too. He doubts that, but that would definitely be a nice twist of fate.
“I want to see the world. But I’ll come to visit.”
“You better. You have my number, right?”
Maybe his most prized possession. He knows it by heart, now, but he won’t let go of that notebook. He hasn’t figured out what he wants to write inside it yet, but there is Shiro’s number and address on the first page. They’re also written in his medical file, as his emergency contact, but that’s not quite the same. It’s mixed with social security numbers and diagnosis and prescriptions.
The sound of a jingle-tingle, a twinkle, the metallic and distinctive sound of keys taken out of Shiro’s jacket pocket.
“I probably shouldn’t give you that.”
The worn-out leather keyholder is easily recognizable, and upon looking around The House’s parking lot, Keith finds the only bike he’s even drove. Pitch black and well taken care of, old but reliable. He makes a move to grab the keys, and Shiro takes them away from reach.
“You have to promise me that you will not drive through the pain.”
If anyone knows about chronic pain, it’s probably Shiro. He’s going through that, too. At least Shiro knows what is going on inside his body. Keith can only hope he finds out before it’s too late.
He fears the day the pain will stop. He read about that. How it gets worse, and worse, and worse, and then nothing. There isn’t a climax. It just. Stops. Suddenly, the pain is gone, and even if one second ago you were wishing with all your might that it would cease crushing your bones and your soul, even if you were whining and crying for anything to soothe the ache, you wish it would come back.
Keith can’t fathom that there is something worse than this pain.
Yet, this is what people say. It’s suddenly empty. A void. It’s like every thing that hurt is just gone, and you know it’s forever. Your soul doesn’t hurt anymore, of course, but that’s because you do not have a soul left.
The death of a soulmate is not something Keith would wish to his worst enemy.
“I promise.”
He grabs the keys. He drives North. He wonders if his soulmate’s heart beats a bit faster, when he drives off-grid.
They dream of rocks, and dust, and warmth, about lizards sleeping under the sun, they dream about all the things they cannot see from their window. It’s easier to sneak out at night, when their parents are sleeping and their brother pretends to not hear a thing.
They know how the moon feels like when it caresses their skin, soft and light like white silk on a windy day. They know the constellations and the wetness of the grass at four in the morning, the silence of the night, subtly disturbed by the passing owl or the cars far away.
They like the mud between their toes, even though their insides disagree so much with the outside.
Pidge is mostly an indoor person. If they have a familiar enough room and a computer, they can go weeks without taking a breath outside. But eventually, this happens. It’s something like a call, a soft buzzing beneath their skin that draws them to the garden where the plants rest.
It has been a while since this feeling was new, but they were not always like that. The voice that takes them outside, it wasn’t always a part of them. It’s an addition. A side effect of the treatments.
October has come and passed, the leaves fell from the trees, brown and dead, and now that the garden is being put to sleep, the stars seem somewhat further away than before. The grass is freezing cold beneath Pidge’s feet, and it would be very bad if they caught a bad cough.
Even if they know this much, they can’t find it in themselves to retrieve to the winter garden their mom is keeping. Right now, it feels like they are breathing, unhindered for the first time in forever. They feel free, and the little voice inside, the one that sounds like rain in the forest, is chanting a happy melody Pidge is the only one to hear.
Fifteen going on sixteen, they feel cured.
They run out of the garden and into the fields, welcoming the crispy air brushing their lips, messing with their hair and they only stop at the edge of the forest, out of breath, almost crying from the draining. It’s going to be bad, they think, but they don’t feel like going home. Or, this feels more like home than their bedroom right now, and they let sleep wash over them in a quick wave of dizziness, closing their eyes. The last thing they see is the dark edges of the naked trees, tall sharp silhouettes cutting through the distant sky.
The first thing they see, after that, is green. Pines and moss.
Pines, in the distance, and moss so close. It’s covering the undergrowth, and their arms. They feel it, soft and itchy, on their cheeks, around their neck, beneath their clothes too, and they are not cold. They can see the air coming out of their mouth, white with condensation as it meets the outside of their body. But their throat doesn’t hurt like it should, they don’t feel feverish or tired.
They look at the forest, and then at the fields. They should go home, but the voice is still here. A strong instinct telling them to go further into the woods.
It’s quieter than the night before, and they manage to fight it, to convince it that they can come back here later, and explore these wilds as much as the voice wants, after having breakfast and reassuring their family that they are okay.
It’s a long walk, longer than what hey remembered from the night before, but they make it to the porch of their home as the sun slowly disappears beneath heavy, dark clouds. They don’t know how much the moss would have protected them from that.
It would be easier, if they could face him before facing their parents, but the sound of the door opening already has their mother running down the stairs as they talk. Colleen is quick to grab her child by the arm, to take them into a long, warm embrace.
“Where the hell were you?”
“The edge of the forest, the—”
“And you’re covered in moss, did you have a crisis?”
Colleen holds their face in her hands, and Pidge can feel her nails starting to dig between the moss and their skin, trying to wash them from the plants.
“Mom, don’t tear it off my skin, it hurts!”
“You had me worried sick, you have no idea.”
Pidge sighs, taking a step back to free themselves from the contact.
“I’m fine.”
They hope the moss will fall on its own, though. It’s not exactly discreet, and as it is, the thing that was supposed to allow them to go outside might just make them a perfect target for monster hunters.
He found the rain and he found the cold, he found the heavy clouds his soul longed for, and the long roads, and the so-tall trees, he found it all.
He could smell it with his eyes closed, had he not found trouble so soon after meeting Freedom.
The North is an unwelcoming place, this much he thought he knew, for people of his kind, yet he was not prepared. The rain pouring down and the sound of gunfire. He never was one to know how to hide in the rain. His hunters were familiar with the landscape, with the weather and the scent. Petrichor, he remembers it is called, but he cannot smell it with his eyes closed, only disinfectant, chemicals, and the distinctive smell of a room that doesn’t have any window. He’s laying on a hospital bed, and he feels a needle going up his arm.
He remembers the few months he spent driving the lonely roads.
He remembers during those months he felt nothing at all. Not an inch of pain, and the certainty that it must be too late now.
He could not search the world for someone that was already dead, and as he thinks his time is quickly approaching, he’s somewhat glad that no one will have to suffer from that. He doesn’t know what it would feel like, to know that somewhere your soulmate is dying a slow death.
They lied, he thought. The people that told him he would feel it, if his soulmate was to pass away. That the pain would come to a brutal stop. It didn’t. It stopped like it had stopped many times, a slow de-escalation, and it just never came back. It said see you later and it closed the door.
Now he can open his eyes and see a man in a white laboratory coat. His eyes are sharp, his hands large. And he smiles at Keith.
“You’re awake.”
Pidge never felt that before. It’s tugging at their chest. It’s heavier than they imagined, pinning them to the ground. It’s a pain so loud they don’t hear their own voice screaming.
There was no build-up to this, no hints of what was coming before it is here. It’s not their throat nor their lungs, it’s utterly unfamiliar, new. It’s painful and it’s urgent. It sends panic running down their veins, horror filling their brain, and they breathe harder and harder as a hand finds its way to their back.
“Mom! Mom, Pidge’s puffer, now!”
Matt’s voice barely makes it through the pounding of their heart, it’s faint and blurry, but the words are familiar enough to make it out without fully hearing. Their puffer, he said? No, no. They know it’s not that. Moss is spreading on their legs, vines tangling around their chest, but the pain they are fighting is not within them, it comes from further away.
They learnt how to deal with the pain. It never gets easy, it’s barely bearable, but it’s somehow manageable. The pain is not something they can control, or keep at bay if they scream hard enough. But the fear? That is something they can deal with.
Do not panic. Do not give yourself up to panic.
They open their eyes. They can see the floor, really close.
What is your name?
Pidge. Holt.
Simple questions, to remind themselves they know how to think.
Where are you?
Home. First floor. Corridor.
The brain works like that. There is a part for emotions, and another for thinking. They just have to turn that switch. The pain makes it harder. But the best way to stop panicking is through mental exercise.
520, 40, 16, 936.
12, 4, 60, 20, 24.
What is happening?
Their breathing is calmer already. They open their mouth, find themselves unable to speak. They reach out for Matt’s hand. They squeeze it a bit too hard. He doesn’t let go.
“Soulmate,” Pidge says, and it doesn’t do any good to the ache in their chest, but the panic that fills the room regresses to a manageable level. “I’m okay.”
What they really mean is, their own life isn’t in danger, but they are not, by any means, okay. Their soulmate is in danger.
The always found it cruel. This whole soulmate-thing. You can be very aware that one of the most important people in your life is dying, and the pain that crushes you prevent you from helping them. Trying to save them. You are trapped inside your pain, useless. Even if Pidge knew who their soulmate was, what was the danger and where to find them, they could not move to help them. Speaking is hard enough, and they think they are calm enough to try a breathing exercise. Visualize the pain. It’s a red ball of fire in their chest. Now, every breath they take comes towards it, it’s fresh, it takes a bit of the pain, and as they breathe out, it helps the pain go away. Do that again. The green, cold air circles around the ball of fire. It weakens it. Slowly.
They find they are good enough to get up, to cross eyes with their mom and reassure her with a weak smile. Matt’s hand is under their armpit, holding them up as he takes her towards their room, helping them to sit down on the bed.
Soon their mother joins, a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Pidge swallows it swiftly, disappointed the pain doesn’t go away immediately. They have no idea how long they have been hurting, but they are exhausted. If the opium takes more than half an hour to kick in, they’ll probably pass out before that.
But as they form this thought, the pain regresses. It’s still there, holding a firm grip on their heart, but they can talk. Look down to meet Matt’s worried gaze.
“Fuck, Matt, I can’t believe you live with that.”
Of course, they always knew it was hard. But whenever the pain would hit him, Matt just curled up in bed, crying silently. Pidge can’t believe he didn’t scream.
“You get used to it.”
They don’t want to get used to it. Especially knowing what they know. They see how worried Matt looks, constantly. How the fear of a dying soulmate eats him alive. Their own soulmate must know that fear, too. They wish the lack of attacks in the last few months reassured them. Well, if they don’t die today.
Like raspy claws squeezing their insides, slowly, deliberately. Their soulmate is still alive. They hold on to that thought.
“I’m sorry, Matt.”
He looks at them, a baffled look over his face. And then a small smile, crooked, personal, familiar.
“There’s nothing you can do about it.”
They wish there was. Anything.
The sound of the car outside disturbs their silence, and the door is quick to open. Too quick, Matt thinks. Their father is running.
“Colleen, I need you in the lab! Pidge, you too, I’ll need your new monitor. Matt, prepare the spare room.”
They try to get up, but a hand holds them down.
“I’ll go. I know how to use your stuff.”
“The pain is almost gone, I can help.”
“Your legs are shaking. Trust me, you need the rest.”
They look down to their lap, to see their brother is right. To be fair, they don’t even feel their legs. That’s probably not a good sign, either. They nod.
“OK. I’ll come down in five.”
“I found him on the road. Almost hit him with the car, actually.”
Colleen sighs, looking at the kid her husband brought in. He seems to be approximately the same age as her own, but it’s hard to tell with all the mud on his face. Pidge’s monitor in hands, Matt checks his energy levels.
“Yep, he’s definitely not full human. I’ve never seen readings like this, it looks like his body is overcompensating. He’s not stable.”
Samuel nods, carefully preparing the solution for the perfusion. Lucky for them, the kid had his bag on him, and a handful of papers identifying him. Emergency contact info, too, and his medical records. It says he reacts well to generic power inhibitors, no specific allergies. It seems like the kid was born like that.
“What made you think he was abnormal?”
“He burned my car seat. I just needed confirmation this was within him naturally, and not some sort of burning fluid someone would have poured over him. Okay, perfusion ready, Matt, put on gloves and hold his arm. Thermoisolant.”
Colleen looks down on the kid for a moment. She doesn’t know how he ended like this for sure, but she has and idea. Monster hunters have been spreading like wild-fire in the area. Killing abnormal people is back in fashion, it seems.
“I’ll go back upstairs to call this… Takashi Shirogane. Call me if you need help.”
“Sure. Matt, how are the readings?”
“He’s responsive. His energy level’s going down. Body temperature, 48 Celsius. 47. 45. 42. 41. 39.”
Samuel nods, moving around the lab to find a new syringe. He doesn’t know what happened to this kid, but blood analysis seems appropriate. His records say he left his House four months ago, and there is no entry whatsoever between that date and today. Maybe he just escaped from a facility where they ran experiments on him. That wouldn’t be unheard of.
“He stays stable at 39 degrees Celsius. Do we try to lower it more?”
“No, for all we know, this could be him normal temperature. I’ll need a towel and a bassine, though, to clean him up a bit, can you get me that? Oh, Pidge. Matt said you were resting.”
They smile, giving a soft bump into Matt’s shoulder as he walks by them to get out of the lab.
“I was. You’ve been down here for almost an hour. Mom said you looked stress, so I brought snacks.”
“You know we don’t eat in the lab.”
“We’ll clean up thoroughly afterwards. Mom was right, you look tired. There’s coffee, too.”
Samuel rolls his eyes, accepting one of the mugs as his child proceeds to seat very unprofessionally on a working table, opening a chocolate bar. Colleen had said Pidge had had a soulmate-pain episode, so he could let this much slide for today. It is an unusual day.
He stops after only a sip of the burning beverage, though, as his monitor picks on something changing.
“Oh, I think he’s waking up.”
Pidge stays put, bending over to get a better look at the sleeping face. That’s someone like them. They don’t know how, but they feel it. It’s like the plant inside them is growling, calling out to this other being, this stranger that already feels like family. Pidge never met anyone like them.
Eyes, open, dark and so blue they almost look purple, but Pidge blames it on a trick of the light. He looks at their father, and Samuel smiles in response.
“You’re awake.”
There is someone behind him. Keith can feel them. He looks down at his hands. They aren’t tied. From what he feels, he’s been administrated a power inhibitor. They probably thought that was enough to render him harmless. And that was a mistake they were going to regret.
He needs his whole body to be ready before he starts moving. If they see it coming, he might just waste his only shot at escape. He looks around a bit more. Between himself and the only door, the one like him. They don’t seem dangerous, but they are powerful. Not to be underestimated. On the other side, the man in the lab coat, computer screens, surgery tools. He has no idea what is going on in their crazy minds, but he doesn’t want to stick around to find out.
He takes a moment to visualize his future movements. When it’s clear in his head, he’s quick.
Up, perfusion, scalpel, lab coat, neck, operation table, scalpel again.
“What the fuck, dude?”
Now he’s by the door, and whoever that kid is stares at him, bewildered. Eyes big and sandy like the desert, green veins, no, green vines crawling under their skin, threatening to pierce the surface and attack him.
“No funny business or he dies.”
A shadow passes over the sandy eyes, and soon their hands are up.
He hears something coming from upstairs, a heavy sound like something falling to the floor, a voice.
“How many people are upstairs?”
“Just one person.”
“I feel like you’re lying.”
“Two, if you count the dog.”
Pidge does their best to keep a straight face. For now, they only heard their mother – or at least, they assume it was her. Their father has a scalpel to his throat. That should do the trick for soulmate pain. They just hope Matt stays discreet.
“We mean you no harm. If you release him, you can be on your way out.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“Yeah, I got that much.”
They bite their lips. Screw their mouth. They are stressed, and tired. It’s harder to control themselves like that. And the vines want to come out, but they have no doubt the man before her will consider it a threat, probably worth killing their father. He doesn’t let go of his grip over Samuel’s unconscious body, walking backwards the stairs, not letting Pidge leave his sight. And Pidge sees her.
Colleen Holt, in her furious glory. Mouth taped to prevent herself from screaming, a hand clutching at her shirt where the heart is. The other one holding a gun. Finger on the trigger.
Her figure looks so pained Pidge feels their chest tightening just watching it. Or maybe their chest is really tightening. Colleen will pull the trigger before she is seen. And it hurts. And Pidge’s eyes widen against their best efforts to keep a straight face, and they are thinking so fast it makes their head dizzy. They can’t help but look at their mother, and they know the man is noticing, and they don’t know how they came to this conclusion but their chest hursts and something in their mind clicks and they jump before they really decided to.
“Mom, no!”
And soon their hand is on the scalpel, their father released, and the pain in their chest is a bit lighter as their mother pulls the gun away to not shoot her child. They know Matt got here, too. He’s waiting for someone to tell him to move, probably. But Pidge can handle it, they just have to prevent their mother to shoot the man they are fighting, and as he uses them as a living shield, they find this is the perfect situation. They feel him tense as the scalpel is now on their throat, Samuel forgotten at the bottom of the stairs.
The kid didn’t prove to be as much of a hassle as he thought they would be. Their body covers itself in vines and moss, but it’s not attacking him. Maybe they aren’t trained for combat?
As he wants to move up the stairs, face half-hidden behind the kid’s shoulder, scalpel on their throat and absolutely ready to kill them and fly if it comes to this, the pain is back.
It’s been gone for four months. Why come back now?
He takes a sharp breath, trying hard not to close his eyes. He’s used to it. He can run through it. He needs to. He wonders if his soulmate is feeling that he’s in danger, too. If they wonder what he’s gotten himself into.
“It hurts, right? Your chest?”
The voice is hoarse and careful, and he tightens his grip on the kid as they snicker.
“I think…” they try to cough, but they can’t. “I think you’re my soulmate.”
He frowns, and their head shift slowly to try to face him. He feels the scalpel cutting through the skin, not deep enough to be deadly in the short term, but it’s bleeding over his hand, it’s getting slippery. The sandy eyes find his, and as he scans them for any malevolent intent, he can only find sincerity, fear, determination.
“I could just have let my mother kill you. Or my brother shoot you in the back as soon as you climbed those stairs.”
He knew there was someone else. He wasn’t careful enough. But why would they tell him? That’s risking too much.
They’re risking too much. But something in their guts tell them it’s worth it. The pain in their chest comes to a halt. The man takes the scalpel off their throat. And all at once, the pain fades away. He must feel it too.
He looks at them with incredulous eyes, and they smile at him, exhausted and satisfied.
“What are you?”
His body is warm against theirs, and it feels strong. And the pain is entirely gone. And god, they are tired.
“I’m Pidge,” they manage, “and falling.”
The next days pass in a haze.
Colleen informs them that Takashi Shirogane is on his way.
Pidge spends a lot of time in bed. They go through Keith’s medical files. Not the confidential stuff, but the soulmate-pain records. Well, they guess that would be confidential too, under other circumstances.
They match their worst attacks. They knew it was bad. They always knew. They always knew that they could have died multiple times. But the record is still a shocker. They could have died so many times. Statistically, they should be dead. They have no idea how they could escape death this many times.
Their father said they were always a strong kid, too stubborn to die.
Pidge doesn’t know if that’s right. What, does that mean that kids who die from asthma and anaphylactic shocks are weak? No. This happens. The ones who die are unlucky.
And Pidge? They are the luckiest bitch alive.
Keith is mostly confined to his room, too. Nobody told him anything about not getting out, but he almost killed two out of the four inhabitants of this house. He guesses why they wouldn’t want to stumble upon him on the kitchen.
Samuel still treated his injuries, and to Keith’s surprise, he didn’t seem even a little bit scared. Like he trusted him.
This family may not be crazy in the way Keith first imagined, but they sure as hell aren’t normal people.
And there is Pidge.
Finding your soulmate by almost killing them.
Nice work, Kogane.
They’re… Not what he expected.
He didn’t know what he expected really. Probably someone more… traumatized. Scared. They brushed with death so much throughout their life. He would have imagined they kept scars.
He thought maybe they would be a recluse child with a horrible disease. Or maybe a fighter whose eyes would be filled with the blood they poured.
He did not expect someone who could smile so easily. Someone so open.
Someone who would knock on his door and enter without waiting for an answer, someone who would sit on his bed and try to reassure him.
Someone who would talk or mumble for hours on end if no one stopped them.
And more than that, he didn’t expect himself to be that way. He didn’t think he could be so natural around someone else than Shiro. He thought this kind of things took time.
And yet, he doesn’t even bother trying to answer to the knocking on the door before Pidge comes in, he just sits a bit straighter. When Pidge will be seated, he’ll relax. They sit on the desk this time, their hands fiddling with their monitor.
“Shirogane should be here in an hour.”
He nods, breathes out as his muscles relax and he sits deeper into the bed, looking at the ceiling.
“Did you decide what you wanted to do?”
There is a lot he has to do. Finding his bike and fixing it. If someone has taken it, he’ll have to track them down. Catching up on the monster-hunting situation, since he clearly isn’t as well informed as he thought. Finding a pied-a-terre, maybe, somewhere he could come back to when he needs some rest.
Five months on the road have him tired. He knows he misses the way The House made him feel. There was a sense of belonging, a sense of home that he failed to find anywhere else. Freedom was intoxication, but now that he takes the time to think, he comes to the conclusion he would like something he could call home again.
“I guess I’ll move to the East a bit.”
That’s somewhat random, but he likes how it sounds. Moving towards the rising sun.
“You’re not settling down any time soon, are you?”
He shifts on his bed to look at his soulmate. They crossed their legs underneath them, and he wonders how this position can be comfortable enough. They don’t seem to mind.
“I don’t think so.”
“Here’s my number.”
They write it down on a piece of paper, crush it into a tiny ball between their fingers before sending it his way. He catches, unfolds it to check it is still legible. His soulmate sighs.
“I don’t like that you don’t have a phone.”
“What, afraid I’ll disappear on you?”
“Maybe. You came in like a bullet, you’ll be out like a bullet. Plus, you’re so careless you look like someone with a death wish, I don’t really look forward to feeling you die and not even being able to attend your fucking funeral.”
He ponders it for a bit. Getting a phone, uh? That could be an idea. He’d need to find a job first. He doesn’t even know what he should do to get a phone to work. Well, he knows how he can buy a phone, but how does he get a phone number? You can’t buy those in stores, can you?
“I don’t have a death wish.”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t have anything to prove to you.”
“Don’t you?”
They snicker, and he wonders if he’s the only one who thinks this conversation is serious. They don’t strike him as the frivolous kind, but he could be surprised. They’re talking about the future. And fuck if he has a clue what it holds.
“I’ll become a hunter hunter,” he says, and he had not decided it before saying it.
“You say you don’t have a death wish and then you say that? Dude, do you hear yourself? You don’t even know what you’re after. I’ve lived here forever. When my parents turned me into an Abnormal, or a Cursed Child, or a Monster or whatever you call it, we prepared ourselves to face that. I can’t believe The House just let you run off like your life isn’t in danger out there.”
“Are you… asking me to stay?”
“To take you with me?”
“God, no. You may be my soulmate, but you threatened to kill me three days ago. I am not going on a suicide-trip with a hunter hunter to be. And you should find another name than hunter hunter, it sounds stupid.”
He scowls, reluctant to admit they are right. He didn’t realize upon saying it, but hearing it, hunter hunter does sound lame.
“You basically put your life in mortal danger to prove a point to me. I’m sorry if I don’t have much trust in your survival instincts either.”
“It was the most efficient way to prove I’m your soulmate. And I needed confirmation, too.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t justified. We could be two suicidal anti-heroes on a bike.”
They laugh, and he smiles along. It feels nice, to be the one causing that. They bite their lips.
“Damn, you’re smiling. Who knew you could do that?”
“I smile a lot. You’re just not as funny as you think you are.”
He sits up on his bed, looking at the clock. Pidge said in an hour or so, right? He has no idea what he’s going to tell Shiro. He refused to talk to him on the phone. He knew he couldn’t have convinced him to stay away.
“I am a paragon of humor. And you have a severe case of resting bitch face.”
Pidge’s voice dig him out of his thoughts, and he turns to look at them.
“Excuse me, what?”
“You are excused.”
They get up, too, moving away from the desk and towards the door. They stop just before leaving, turning around.
“I didn’t ask you to stay, but if you want to, this room can be yours for a while. I’m turning sixteen next week.”
“You want me to wish you a happy birthday?”
“At least send a card. I’m staying here for a year, my mother will train me. After that I’ll settle in an isolated house in the forest. I don’t know where exactly yet. I don’t plan on living in the human society, but if I’m good enough, I hope I can join the rebels.”
“The rebels?”
“God, you really were raised in the desert. How much contact did you have with the outside world when you were in The House?”
“So you’re basically Rapunzel. Divide to reign, you heard about that? A house divided cannot stand?”
He nods. He’s familiar with the concept.
“Well that’s what’s happening right now. That’s why there are so many hunters. Because the world is falling apart and it has to be someone’s fault. It might as well be ours. How did you not notice that everything is crazy out there?”
He gets up, more curious than ever. Shiro never told him about that. He does think the world is crazy. But he thought… he thought it was how the world works. Violence and crazy and not trusting anyone. They put a hand on their hip, cocking their head to the side as he stares.
“Listen, I don’t want to spoil your character development or whatever, you better have your exploring arc on your own. I have a shitton of opinions and it’d be bad if I stained your precious innocent judgement. But whenever, you know you can crash here. And when I’ll have my own place, you can crash there, too.”
“If I have a place, someday, you can crash there too if you want.”
“That’s a lot of ifs, but I’ll take it.”
They disappear into the corridor, and he looks at his bag.
He feels calmer than before. Maybe he doesn’t need to find a home right now. Maybe he can keep exploring. Maybe for now, this is enough.
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k-kizkhalifa · 6 years
Kidge Scene? "The world's on FIRE!?!?!?!"
A bit angsty, feels good to be back! ~ kiz
Send me the starting line and pairing, I’ll write at least 10 sentences or more.
“The worlds on fire!?” Allura yelped, jumping back towards her lion. 
Keith could have named a million reasons why this was a problem, he really could. Or, he should have. But the only thing that came to mind was her. 
“Where are you going?” Lance yelled the moment Keith passed him, going in the opposite direction. 
“Katie!” He answered, “where is she?” But he was already gone, he was passed him and Hunk and he was halfway through the smoldering ground. Their battle had destroyed the planet, obviously so, with the volcanic eruption from more than one spot, the fire from the core shooting out and around the crumbling area. 
He didn’t know how long he had, he didn’t care. Katie was all that mattered. 
“Oh c’mon!” 
He froze, looking around the horizon and spotted her off in the distance tugging at something. “Katie!” He screamed taking off towards, “we have to go!” 
“I’m trying!” She yelled back, and as Keith got closer he saw she was tugging on a robot who had clearly gone into a shutdown mode. 
“Pidge we don’t have time for this.” 
“He’s alive too,” she snapped, giving a grunt and pull on the rope around his body, “oh c’mon buddy, just wake up.” 
Keith groaned in annoyance, for all the reasons he loved her there were a few reasons he got annoyed. “Move,” he demanded and grabbed the robot with a heavy heave, “ugh!” He grunted, shifting the robot slightly before nodding towards the way he had come, “go.” He added - a bit gruffly but Katie went. “Just go!” He yelled, felling the land shifting beneath his feet. “I’m right behind you!” 
And, she took off sprinting towards her lion, each step getting further from Keith. Each step he was slowed down by the stupid hunk of metal in his arms. He watched her get into her lion, trying to hurry, trying to push himself closer as the ground started crumbling around them all. The planet was taken over by the explosions, the world was falling apart. 
He was almost there, he was so close…..
“Keith!” Her voice met his ears via the suite he was wearing, “I thought you were behind me?” 
“Close, baby,” Keith breathed heavily, a cloud of smoke concealing his vision. “Get in the air, you can pick me up?” 
He was fairly certain he was going the wrong way, just slightly off the path, because the ground hadn’t been this destroyed the first time he ran through to find her. 
It was cracked, jagged, broken. There was fire, lava, and smoke everywhere. He couldn’t see, his vision was clouded. 
“Keith?” Shiro’s voice met him next, “we can’t see through the smoke.” 
“Where are you?” Katie’s begged, and he could hear her voice breaking up. 
“It’s okay,” he answered immediately and stopped moving to try and place himself, putting the robot he was carrying down, “uhm, the ground is shaking, there is lava surrounding me. Heat sensors?” 
“They’re not registering because of all the lava,” Allura answered softly. 
“Can Lance freeze anything?” Keith was trying to remain calm, “does anyone see my ship?” 
“Hunk grabbed it,” Lance answered, “I’ll try.” 
Keith waited, listening, he couldn’t hear the Freeze Ray Lance had working, he couldn’t feel anything, and something told him he was farther off than he had thought. 
Keith closed his eyes, sucking in a deep breath through his helmet before using the controls to focus in on just Shiro. “Shiro, I… I can’t hear Lance’s Lion.” 
“You have to tell her you have me, fly off a bit and pretend to grab me. You’ll have to deal with that later.” 
“A-are you sure?” 
“The smoke blocked my vision, and the ground is getting smaller.” He said softly, looking around as half the rock he was standing started crumbling and he stepped to one side quickly, hoping it was the good side. “Hurry!” 
“I’ll check over here!” Shiro called, and Keith looked up hoping against hope he’d see something, anything in the sky but it wasn’t there. Nothing way just smoke and a lot of it. 
The world was on fire, and Keith was being licked by the flames right at the soles of his feet. 
“Alright guys, just got him! Let’s go!” Shiro called as Keith sank down against the ground, letting out a shaky breath. 
“Keith!” Pidge yelled suddenly, “are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He closed his eyes, hanging his head, “now fly safe, girl, calm down.” 
She laughed softly, “I’m sorry about that, shouldn’t have worried about the robot.” 
“It’s okay,” Keith lied, a frown deep in his features. All the things he loved about her revolved around her care for the environment, for everything. “Hey, I love you.” 
“Aw, c’mon guys!” Lance whined, “cut it out.” 
Katie laughed, and Keith sucked in a deep breath just wanting to hear it back. At least once more. 
Shiro cleared his throat, “give him some love Pidge, not every day a world falls apart.” 
She giggled softly, lightly, “love you too, Keith.” 
He grinned, feeling an intense heat on his back, he had been trying to ignore the shaking ground for the past few minutes but there was no ignoring it now. “Thanks,” he said just to Shiro, “take care of her.” 
“We will,” Shiro whispered before hearing a loud grunt and then the voice channel going quiet. His lion’s eyes lit up brightly and it’s whole body grew erect in the sky before roaring loudly. 
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camphalfgalra · 7 years
If you're doing the short fic thing . . . Could you please do 45 for kidge?? Thank you!!❤❤❤
I Hate You, I Love You
There he was. The jackass that Katie ‘Pidge’ Holt could not stand. The jackass  seemed to follow her everywhere she went, his deep violet eyes seemingly searching into her very soul. It pissed her off to no end, and did she mention that she hated him? 
Keith Kogane had been a pain in her ass ever since the first day he stepped into Altea High. He had waltzed right into her and had made her drop her text book that felt like it weighed fifty pounds on her foot, causing her to scowl and curse him out. He had apologized, but she refused to accept it. 
To say she hated him was an understatement. She loathed him, and refused to have anything to do with him. That’s why she took every chance she could to annoy the shit out of him,  her face flushing as she would narrow her eyes and declare war against him. Even Lance had told her once or twice that it was unnecessary and that it seemed like she loved him more than she hated him, which had caused her to throw her phone at his head. 
She did not like Keith Kogane. Well, most of her didn’t, anyways. Deep down, she was amazed at how he could do so well during their astronomy class, admiring his intellect. But she couldn’t let it show, because she hated his guts and didn’t want anything to do with him. Nothing.
Keith Kogane could not understand Katie Holt. She seemed like a chill person, but she was really a nightmare dressed like a daydream. She found every little reason to argue with him, stalking him in the hallway before attacking him and declaring that he was an ass.
He hadn’t minded so much in the beginning and he wouldn’t say anything, but now he found himself seeking her out in the halls so he could retaliate against her remarks. He hated her.
Well, not really. What he hated was how she could be such a demon but still manage to captivate his heart. But he would never tell anyone that, no. He and Katie hated each other down to the bone, insulting each other every day.
“Fucking idiot!” She would say, scowling as she marched past him with Lance at her side on her way to her Physics class. 
Keith would scowl too, stopping in his tracks and turning around, he cupped his hands against his lips to say; “Midget, go back to kindergarten!”
They would then glare at each other before turning around with secret, small smiles on their faces. They totally hated each other. They didn't just hate, they loathed each other. Keith could not stand Katie, and she could not stand him. It was simply law.
Ayooooo this was fun to write lmao. Hope you liked it!
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spacedorksandlions · 2 years
For the kiss prompts - Kidge #18
Surprised kiss
The warmth of her blanket provides a much more welcoming environment than the rest of their empty house. Over the past week, she's practically migrated to the living room couch. She's never liked when Keith has to travel for weeks, but she knows that the work he does is something he loves. She really ought to drag herself to bed, but she misses having him there.
The door creaks open, pulling Pidge from what would otherwise be a dreamless sleep. Blearily, she opens her eyes to a familiar face staring back at her. Bolting upright, she crashes her forehead against an equally hard-headed skull.
"Ouch, Pidge," Keith complains, rubbing his forehead.
"You're back?" She asks, confused. "It was supposed to be another three days!"
"We got done early, so I thought I'd surprise--"
She cuts him off, pulling him down for a quick kiss. "I missed you."
He smiles back, "I missed you too."
AHHHH Thank you so much for the prompt!!
Send me kiss prompts?
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akthe-greenpaladin · 7 years
Do you think Keith's and Lance's rivalry is all a lie?
Tumblr media
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dee--eer · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Rules: "post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!"
Tagged by @hiromiikunn, thank you for the tag! Also this made me realize that I have quite a bit of WIPs hagzhz, most of these probably won't even finished or if it do, it'll be looong in the future 🤣🤣
Kaishinshi same high-school AU
Bros Before fanart (Luna's fic)
Mirror dome scene, SHAFT tilt, vs deduction queen Sonoko (for Fragmentation)
Kaishinshi BO!AU
Duelist Keith
Klance witch AU
Glasses Keith
Kidge on floatie
Catradora song art (Halsey's)
Klance as Aokise
WTNV Cecil w/ Gendo pose
Papa Kogane + Keith with guitar
Translation WIP
Brothers Parody by 行
Kaishin atsume by M2Gou
Tobenai Hato by Zo
Remind Me Of You by edayoshi
Yuzurenaimono by M2Gou
Edit WIP
KID Conan Ai british outfit (mostly makeover for KID hgahah)
That new year art, also makeover for KID
....alright putting them on the list sure feel intimidating lmao, nearly all of them have like, 1% completion rate?? I have short attention span I'm so sorry 🤣🤣
Uhhh tagging @ueyyuey @viirazu @miyuzaki-1 @takaraphoenix @airu27 @chiikichai @itoof137 you guys want to!
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Finding Courage
Written for the Kidge Spring Event! 
Prompt 6: Edelweiss | Courage, Devotion
Summary: AU - Canon Divergence. Five years after the end of the war, Pidge finds herself wanting to go back out and see the universe with her own eyes. Luckily, she knows someone who can help with that, but only if she can find the courage to ask.
Also posted on AO3 under the username Kishirokitsune
❀ - ❀ - ❀ - ❀ - ❀
The time had come.
Pidge looked in the mirror as she ran her hands down the sides of her shirt, trying to smooth out the few wrinkles that had accumulated. She wanted to look nice, but not too nice. Lance and Hunk would notice if she was trying too hard and they would poke and prod until they were satisfied with the answer she gave, and that wasn't something she really wanted to deal with. (Shiro was likely to notice as well but at least he would be polite enough to keep it to himself.)  
Which was why she'd selected a pair of jeans, her signature green shirt (at least according to Lance), and her nicer lab coat that didn't have oil stains all over it. And while for most of their Team Voltron get-togethers she would forgo the lab coat for something nicer, she had plans to drop by the hangar where Project Lionheart was in the works to grab a few things from the lab she shared with Matt.
Text appeared at the bottom of her glasses.
Matt: I leave in 10 minutes if you want a ride.
Pidge pressed her finger to the right side of her frames. “Send message: I'll be down soon.”
Her new glasses were a labor of love that were nearly five years in the making. She'd spent countless nights trying to link it to her computer and then to get the voice recognition to work and then to devise a lightweight battery that would both hold a charge for a minimum of twelve hours while also having the capability of being wirelessly recharged. She'd wrangled Matt and Hunk into helping her, which sometimes involved 2 am conversations when she couldn't sleep because an idea wouldn't leave her alone, but she needed someone's brain to pick and see if she was crazy or on the right track.
She still had a hundred new ideas to try out for it, but for the moment it was the perfect way for her family to contact her when she was eyeballs deep in some new project. (Not to mention, it was also remarkably helpful in displaying measurements and any other schematics when she needed them.)
Pidge slung her bag containing her laptop over her shoulder and then headed downstairs to join Matt and tell her parents they were headed out.
Colleen pulled her in for a tight hug, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears. “I'm so proud of you!”
“Mom, I haven't even asked him yet,” Pidge complained, her voice muffled against her mom's shirt.
“Oh, please, like he's going to say 'no'?” Matt remarked from the doorway. He grinned at the glare his sister cast in his direction. “I'm just saying that I talk to Shiro a lot. And you know who else talks to Shiro? Keith does. Trust me, he'll be tripping over himself to agree to let you join him.”
Pidge rolled her eyes. The very idea of Keith being anything other than composed and unshakable by something she had to say was silly. Maybe it would have been different when they were younger and just starting out as Team Voltron, but not after all of their experiences during the war and throughout Reconstruction.
“You're all getting way ahead of yourselves,” Pidge said as she extricated herself from her mom's arms. “And making way too big of a deal out of this. All I'm doing is asking if I can go with him and help with the Outreach Program.”
With Kolivan serving as the interim Emperor of the Galra until he either stepped down or Reconstruction reached its ten-year mark, it had fallen on Krolia to lead the weakened, but not fully depleted, Blade of Marmora. She split the Blade into two separate but equal groups – one to continue their undercover work and root out any insurgents before they could cause too much trouble and the other a much more public branch dedicated to reaching out to affected planets and offering aid in whatever way they could.
Pidge, who felt like she was stagnating by staying on Earth and doing the same thing day in and day out, thought that going back out and seeing the universe with her own eyes was exactly what she needed. And sure, she could ask Hunk if she could tag along with his crew and he would gladly welcome her on board, but she wasn't sure she'd really find what she was looking for on a ship devoted to the culinary arts of the universe. Pidge had thought about it for a long time and, in the end, came to the conclusion that asking Keith was the way to go.
That was months ago and she'd seen him twice since then. She'd chickened out both of those times.
Because maybe she had a second motive for wanting to go with him. Something beyond wanting to explore the universe and even more of a... personal desire.
“Leaving already?” Sam asked, poking his head into the entrance hall.
Matt nodded. “Yeah, I have a few things to check on in the lab and Pidge wants to get to her meeting on time, so I figured we should head out.”
Pidge and Matt wrapped up their goodbyes and then set off to the Galaxy Garrison, where Matt dropped her off close to the Voltron Memorial before continuing on his way to the parking garage. Pidge watched him leave before she began making her way up the gleaming white stairs, which led to the top of a hill where a massive stone sculpture of Voltron stood watching over the land.
Normally the area was crawling with tourists, but once a year it was reserved for a group of 7 as they celebrated the day they first met.
As Pidge reached the top of the steps, she saw most of her friends were already there and seated at a round patio table. Shiro was smiling as he listened to whatever story Lance was enthusiastically telling, while Hunk leaned back and occasionally interjected.  Lance paused his story as she approached.
“You're on time!”
“Like you haven't been late a time or two,” Pidge shot defensively shot back. Seriously, she was late once or twice (or a lot) because she got wrapped up in something she was working for and the man would never let her forget it.
Lance grinned at her. “I was just telling Shiro and Hunk about the time you came out to visit the farm.”
“A memory I'd rather forget,” Pidge said with a wince. She sat down between Hunk and Shiro and gently set her bag down on the floor at her feet. “Where's everyone else? I figured Allura and Coran would have come with you, Lance.”
“Dropping the twins off with Romelle. She agreed to babysit,” Lance responded.
“Even after last time? Brave woman,” Hunk joked.
Pidge couldn't help but smile. The twins were Lance and Allura's 3-year-old children, Alfor and Maribel, and were a handful even for the most experienced and patient people. Romelle was practically a saint for being able to watch them on her own and Pidge wished she could know how she did it. (Maybe then she wouldn't end up covered in mud or running from bees or locked in the attic, all of which had happened during her first and last visit to the farm and was undoubtedly the story Lance was telling when she walked up.)
“You could have brought them along. I would love to see Alfor and Maribel again,” Shiro said.
Lance shook his head. “No, trust me. This is the better option. If we take our eyes off of them for even a second they'll have climbed to the top of the Voltron statue. Somehow. And good luck getting them down.”
Shiro made a sound to indicate his disbelief. “They're not that bad.”
“Yes, they are,” Lance and Pidge deadpanned in unison.
And honestly, they were sweet kids, but the amount of trouble they could get into was staggering and, in some ways, only reinforced Pidge's feelings that she never wanted to have any of her own.
Lance soon launched into a series of stories of the more interesting antics of the twins, which Allura and Coran backed up once they arrived. Pidge found herself laughing over some of the ones she hadn't heard before and because of that, she completely missed Keith's arrival via one very special cosmic wolf. He easily inserted himself into the conversation as he took a seat between Shiro and Coran – directly across from Pidge – and it was like he'd been there the whole time.
They soon branched off from stories about the twins so everyone could describe what they'd been up to since the last time all seven of them were together.
Lance and Allura, of course, had the kids and their farm on New Altea, which they ran with the help of Lance's family. In the beginning, Allura tried to split her time between them and trying to rule as Queen, but it eventually became too much and she turned to Coran for help, who suggested a council of trusted individuals to run the day-to-day duties that were necessary for the new planet to flourish. No one was surprised when he was elected Head Chancellor of the Council.
Even once things calmed down, Shiro retained his role as Captain of the Atlas, if only for the fact that he was the only one the ship responded to. The big, bulky ship didn't have much use outside of exploration and assisting with Reconstruction (sometimes by providing extra muscle for goods, sometimes just for transporting more sensitive or bulky materials), but Shiro spoke of his job and crew with pride. He even mentioned that he started seeing someone, though he wouldn't say who.
(“It's still new to both of us,” he said in response to Lance's begging. “We want to wait and see where things go before we start telling everyone.”)
Hunk had a myriad of new stories about all of the new recipes he created, as well as some of his worst failures. He had them all laughing so hard that it brought tears to their eyes at some of his descriptions. He then spoke of future plans and how he was looking to hire more chefs to help with the increased demand for their food before turning the conversation over to Keith.
“There isn't much to say,” Keith said with a shrug. “It's not like anything has changed since the last time we talked. You all know what I've been doing.”
“Are you really going to sit there and say that nothing interesting has happened to you? You're traveling with Zethrid and Ezor and yet you have no stories?” Lance asked incredulously. “Nope. I don't believe it.”
“You don't have to believe it, but it's true.”
Some things never change.
Pidge tried not to laugh as the two bickered. They only stopped because Shiro stepped in to put an end to it and then it was her turn to gloss over what she'd been working on. Project Lionheart was largely still a secret, though they'd be ready to announce its existence in a few months.
Hours bled together as the seven friends sat and talked and laughed together. Eventually, the sun began to set and Allura and Lance stood to say their goodbyes and go collect the twins from Romelle. Shiro followed soon after, giving the excuse that he had a “hot date” to get ready for, and then Coran and Hunk left together, talking about food supply and whether or not Hunk was willing to make a stop by New Altea during his next round trip.
That left Pidge with Keith.
With no one else around to watch her make a fool of herself.
“Are you alright?” Keith asked.
Pidge jerked her head up to stare at him with wide eyes. “Y-yeah, of course! Why wouldn't I be? Everything's great!”
Keith raised an eyebrow. “You've been more quiet than usual.”
Pidge opened her mouth to protest and then immediately shut it. He wasn't wrong. She'd spent most of the afternoon trying not to blurt out her question in the middle of someone else talking and she was dying to get it over with. Finally, they were alone and it was the perfect chance, but everything she wanted to say had suddenly fled her mind.
It was ridiculous!
Keith was her friend!
Her rather handsome friend who she'd developed a large crush on, but her friend nevertheless. Talking to him was easy. She just needed to keep it simple.
“I was wondering... If I asked to go with you the next time you head out, what would you say?”
She watched as Keith sucked in a breath as her words registered in his mind, his eyes widening slightly, and then...
“I'd say that I'd be lucky to have you by my side. You're welcome to come along whenever you'd like.”
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animeluvr1992 · 4 years
Asks Opened for VLD Hc’s/Ship hc’s
Hello fellow vld fans 😁
Want to try to be more interactive here with the fandom so feel free to send me asks and headcanons for individual characters or for ships!
My main vld ships:
Will also happily interact with:
I'm mainly for fluff/ hurt comfort and some angst but will dabble in some NSFW as well.
Look forward to hearing about some fun hc's and having fun discussions with you all🤩
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bluedemon1995 · 4 years
Most recent chapter of Katie Holt and I. Not as much Kidge romance as stuff I need to explain...hopefully it's believable. I'm better at the romance and feelings than actual planning part! Hope everyone is healthy and warm! Here in the Midwest we just got some snow so I will be working from home tomorrow...YAY!!!
Keith wanted to disappear. With Katie. Now. He needed one fucking day. It wasn’t really asking too much, for just one day (and night), okay at least 24 hours to explore this newfound, hell he didn’t even know what to call it. Relationship? Feeling? Match? Body? Fuck, marriage…he closed his eyes remember how it felt to feel Katie’s body pressed against his, his fingers-
“Keith, Keith! Are you even listening to me?” Shiro exclaimed as he was staring at him, frowning as he saw his eyes dilating and his breathing pick up. Shiro rolled his eyes, he needed to get Keith focused. While Matt was all for them dating, he didn’t think he wanted to see anything actually happen. And the way Keith’s mind was obviously not on work, he figured there was an equal possibility that Matt would either lose his shit or tease the fuck out him…thereby causing Keith to lose his shit. Either way neither was a good place to be while in the middle of a mission. Damn this kid had horrible timing.
Keith meanwhile blinked and was rapidly trying to figure things out. Crap. Shiro was talking to me. Asking him something? Looking around the room…um shit, everyone was looking at him and he didn’t have a clue what to say. He was so lost in his head. Matt, Katie, and Shiro. All staring. Crap. I didn’t hear the question. Matt is starting to look mad and Katie…has her head in her hands. He doesn’t want to mess this up but now he was panicking and that wasn’t good either. He needed to breathe and focus.
So I blink. Don’t move. Try to figure out what he could have been saying. Crap. Blink. Blink.
Thankfully Pidge speaks up. “We think that the Galra have a potential stockpile of goods up in the mountain which obviously doesn’t bode well for us. We don’t have a clear idea where it’s going except up the mountain. In addition, with the weather fluctuations, I believe that they have created a sort of weather machine that can manipulate the weather around them and further. I’ve seen the basic plans while I was searching for you Matt, but obviously it wasn’t my main concern. I do have a program searching for that but it may take a while. I, let’s just say collected a lot of data. But I’m actually concerned with the missing Blades and humans. It appears that women are going missing or have disappeared. And while I can see why some would voluntarily leave…not most or all. It’s just all really suss. Now the data that I was able to lift on the bar patron well, that’s probably the most interesting. My program is complete and it looks like coordinates, not just here on Earth but also in space. Which begs the question…why would a human man have this. Sooooo, I figure, we need to to do a few things simultaneously.”
At this point she looks around the room and waits to see if anyone has any questions. But all she sees is Matts smirk, Shiro’s serious face and Keith, well, at least he’s paying attention now. Seeing as they are all quiet she continues. “I’d like for Krolia to run the Blades aspect with a very small and trustworthy team. She needs to see if they have any moles and what’s going on with that aspect. I’d like to know if they are voluntary helpers or being hurt. Second, we need to get up the mountain find out if they have a base, weapons etc.With that much food, there could be quite a few people there or they could have prisoners working like before for them. Finally, we need to figure out how the weather thing works and how to disrupt and or destroy it. Allura can figure out the best way to protect the base but we need to be close because honestly unless its magic the machine must use air waves or something. And that’s my idea in a nutshell. What doya think?”
Keith nods, “I think you covered the bases. Now for problems. Getting up a mountain without being seen is tough. Especially when our information for maps is outdated. I am worried though, that all of us being here in town is going to be a red flag. I’d be suspicious. Then there’s the concern of the Blades. If they aren’t being taken or killed, then they are working against us and we didn’t even know it.”
Pidge nods, “So I have an idea, we use Green to get to the top of the mountain, using the cloaking and then we can use Cosmo to get down. Once up in the air I can take a 3D map and send it to our base. That way if we need an escape we have one.”
Shiro nods, “Yes that can work. Do you think the weather machine is just that? Why would you want a weather machine?”
Matt answers, “Well, imagine the worst weather we could experience, lighting, blizzards, terrible storms. They can trigger other disasters but more importantly it slows down the opposition. It gives them more freedom and movement. Plus, if they have a defense then we would be stuck. Given our planet and technology, this is a pretty daunting obstacle.”
Shiro sighs, “Of course it is. Keith, as for your concern, we actually played it close to the truth. We are both of your brothers, who just discovered their respective siblings got married and ran. Our parents are outraged, you’re too young and we were hoping to find you and talk some sense in to you.”
Keith groans, “Great, more people who think I’m not good enough for Katie.”
Keith doesn’t see Pidge’s mouth drop open but Shiro and Matt do. Matt replies, “Don’t be a drama queen I thought that was Lance! Look it’s a convenient story when you guys ARE young. Plus it let’s us get in the town without raising suspicion. It will really help that we are family too so it won’t be weird us all staying in the same room. I mean we will get another bed in her somehow.”
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kidge · 2 years
hello fellow kidge shippers… i adore and love you all ❤️💚
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lemonwritesstuff · 5 years
i lived bitch
sup nerds, year 11 happened and now its over (thanks corona) and now since my gcses are cancelled and there’s no point in me doing work, i’m going to try and write more! so umm send me requests for the fandoms, ships and headcannons under the cut! (i have a few vld requests in my ask box so i’ll try and get to them soon!)
Voltron Legendary Defender
Jaith (james x keith)
Adashi/Shadam (idk which one is more popular)
shiro x matt
Plance (brotp)
Kidge (also a brotp) 
broganes (i dont vibe with sheith sorry broskis)
keith x matt (do they have a ship name??)
I’ll also write trans keith stuff if anyone cares!
im working on a secret au both in writing on here and my tik tok will provide key plot lines! (my tik tok is @/lemonboy_cos) 
d.va x brigtte
widowtracer (i think thats their ship name???)
any sort of family au
also any trans genji stuff
nick x charlie (mainly in hearstopper bc i havent read solitare or the nick and charlie novella yet)
tara x darcy 
tao x elle 
jimmy x lister 
spring siblings shenanigans
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Hi there... Keith from VLD for the ask thing?
Send me a character and I’ll list...
Ah yes! My favourite! Fun fact, I’ve cosplayed him.
Favourite thing about them: How much like me he is. Seriously, we’re both hot-headed, loners and hard to work with.
Least favourite thing about them: How much like me he is. Seriously, we’re both hot-headed, loners and hard to work with.
Favourite line: “We had a bonding moment. I cradled you in my arms!”
brOTP: Heith, Kidge and Sheith.
OTP: I am very much a Klance shipper!
nOTP: Sheith. Sorry Sheith shippers, but they canonically see each other as brothers. For me, personally, it’s too close to incest...
Random headcanon: He’s lactose intolerant, but he still seeks out dairy products. He’s hoping it kills him. Shiro is not happy!
Unpopular opinion: Do I have any unpopular opinions? I don’t think so? I kinda like Lotor x Keith? Does that count?
Song I associate with them: Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin.
Favourite picture of them:
Tumblr media
This is the face of someone in love! Look how pretty he is!
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midoriyasbones · 5 years
so uh basically, i crashed my car and i need money. i’m applying for a job on campus and i already do freelance captioning for videos, but i’m really desperate and might pick up writing comissions. would anyone be interested if i did?
if you are, keep in mind it would primarily be voltron related. i know i’m mostly known for klance, but i would love the opportunity to experiment with rarepair ships too! i’ve had some experience with plance, kallura, allurance, kidge, etc, so feel free to ask me for anything. any offers turned down will be for PERSONAL reasons only and not disk horse related.
i would be open for smut so long as all characters are over the age of consent within the fic. so aging up, no big deal.
please send me an ask if you would be interested or have any advice!
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Fourteen.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: When in Rome. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Middle Age! AU Status: Part 1/2
The wolves around the field soon alerted her arrival when she was close enough to be detected, causing her to fall off her horse and subjecting her to the mud that completely messed up her chiton given by her father on her last birthday, at least the bundle that she had taken that night from the city managed to stay on the back of her horse. Some men alerted the village leader while they held her by the hands and feet with a rope that stung her skin, but she didn't have the option to move or say any word to her defense, a false move, and the Celts could cut out her tongue.
Katie was a Roman, a sworn enemy of those people and shouldn't be hanging around those places if she didn't want to meet a painful death. She knew it very well, but even so her tenacity and logic had pointed out that this was a better option than what she had in Rome. She could no longer flee to her home even if she wanted to, cowardice was not in her genes, nor in her family.
She swallowed hard when one of the spears of the men who subjected her ripped fiercely the clothes she wore to protect herself from the cold winter that was lashing the earth, to strip her of the honor of the Holt family shield drawn on the back of her. No longer It served her anyway, it had done his job when the Celts recognizing the emblem to consider her part of the Roman nobility and not kill her as soon as they saw her without first questioning her. Katie thought that perhaps for the same reason they left her decency intact in not undressing her completely. For now.
They made her walk towards the center of the village with her eyes downcast, listening in the distance as they took her horse, while they discovered the identity of the person on her back with surprise. Katie secretly thanked them for not murdering her horse immediately, it was the only bond left from her destroyed family. They threw her hard so that she fell to the ground while a large bonfire kept burning at her side, with many people surrounding her with a disgusted look, others somewhat intrigued by her furtive presence, and many more frightened waiting for an army to appear in any moment to attack them. Even Katie wished that the latter wouldn't happen, even if she knew that she had hidden her fingerprints efficiently as her father had taught her.
A loud throat clearing came to her attention after the crowd calmed down slightly, causing Katie to look up. There, surrounded by great warriors who doubled his stature, a guy who didn't look older than her brother was looking at her with skepticism. His charcoal-black hair and symmetrical tattoos on each side of his cheeks revealed to Katie that he was the right person.
''What are you doing here, Roman?'' His words were soft, but he didn't avoid spitting the last word from his lips. Katie sighed heavily as she thought her words carefully.
''I've come to bring Shiro back.''
A loud cry was heard around treating her as a lying bitch, pouncing on her in an attempt to kill her with their own hands. But Katie remained silent with her eyes set on the guy, preventing the tremor of fear and cold from showing on her body. One of the men who had seen taking the body of her horse approached the boy's side quickly, apparently on the verge of tears over what he found.
''She says the truth, she brought Shiro back to us. Although ... He lost his right arm.'' Silence reigned in the environment for a few seconds. Until Katie felt a rope around her throat tighten tightly, cutting off the air.
''Your disgusting bitch! What did your emperor do with Shiro!?''
Katie moaned in panic as soon as she felt a horrible pain in her lungs from the lack of air. After a few seconds when one of the older men ordered him to stop, he loosened the rope and Katie coughed trying to get some air back into her lungs. She shivered slightly when she felt the same man grab her hair, to look up at her leader again.
''We should kill you right now and send your pretty head to your dear parents.'' Whispered, pressing harder the grip he had on her hair. Katie moaned in panic and pain. ''So we would recover some of the pain that we have been through all these years.''
''My parents are dead for saving Shiro's life.'' She answered almost without air when she was able to return the look, with the same anger that he professed. ''My death has no value for Rome or for the empire, you stupid son of a bitch.''
''Enough, Antok!''
A second voice caused the Celtic to let go of Katie's hair, causing her to fall to the ground in one fell swoop, barely managing to stay on her feet. It had been the leader Katie recognized as the youngest, the person Shiro had told her to find no matter what. At least he had not been wrong when he told her that he would protect her from death when he knew that she had helped Shiro.
''How did you get here?''
''Shiro guided me before falling unconscious.'' She answered tired, trying to take some of her clothes to protect herself from the frigid breeze. ''We ran to flee just from the guard when we passed the walls but he lost a lot of blood on the road.''
''So, you're against the Roman Empire?'' Asked the boy, Katie nodded after a few seconds.
''I have nothing to return.''
It had been her last words, before falling to the ground. Her body and mind had been taken to the limit in less than two days that she felt like weeks. Katie had already fulfilled her older brother's last request before abandoning him in the house that she had called home during her whole life, engulfed in flames and cries of pain at the apparent betrayal of her emperor when they took themselves to the main attraction of the Coliseum. Now she only hoped that the gods would take compassion on her and be able to join her family in eternal rest.
She had nothing left to fight for, and no home to return.
 He touched Shiro's white lock for the third time that day while he was by his side, naively thinking that at any moment he would vanish into thin air. But there he was, sitting at one of the tables while he ate with everyone else, talking animatedly and joking about his new metal arm that he won during his years at the Colosseum. Keith felt that this day was much more colorful than the previous ones, even if they were in the middle of winter. The knot in his chest had loosened and he felt he could finally breathe after a long time.
Shiro looked at him amused when he felt his fingers on his hair, before taking a piece of flesh to his lips.
''You are eating very slowly.'' Keith said while looking at him worriedly. ''Are you sure you're okay? You don't need anything else?''
''I'm fine Keith, honestly.'' He answered tired, without removing the smile from his lips. Lance tentatively began to touch Shiro's arm. ''You seem much stranger than me. Lance is enough.''
''Well, not every day our disappeared friend returns after many years of the hands of the Romans, along with the daughter of a minister. Forgive us if we are a little misplaced with all this.''
''Lance ...'' Keith warned him, but Lance was confused.
''What? Did I say something wrong?''
''Speaking of which...'' Shiro placed the cutlery on the table, ending his lunch. ''How is Pidge?''
'' She is okay, her fever has gone down, but she refuses to eat anything we bring her, Shay told me to tell you, but I guess I forgot completely.'' Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose at the words of Lance. But he preferred to ignore it.
''Maybe it's better that I go see her as soon as possible.''
''I'm going with you.'' Keith said while accompanying him towards the exit.  ''I know you're worried about her, but it's my duty as part of the council to question her about what happened, now that she can speak.''
''I understand, I think you're the best option of all the others.'' He touched the outline of his metal arm with some concern. ''When they told me about what happened with Antok, I thought she would be afraid of the Celts. I'm worried Keith, she's just a little girl.''
Keith preferred to remain silent at Shiro's words. He was grateful that she sacrificed herself in such a way to bring his brother back into his life. But he had lost his father in a fight against the Romans when they removed part of his land many years ago, so he still had certain defenses with having it in one of the cabins.
She wasn't only Roman, she was the daughter of one of the emperor's chief ministers who had stripped them of everything, although she admitted not feeling any kind of loyalty against them, Keith couldn't trust in her so quickly.
They opened the door slowly to see that, inside the hut, the windows had been covered with sheets and animal skins, preventing the light from reaching inside naturally. Only the fire at the end of the room gave light to that small space. The girl that Shiro called as Pidge was sitting looking at her hands as something very interesting, while the dish that Shay had prepared for her was on the table untouched. Keith took a deep breath before approaching, Shiro sat on the end of the bed to caress her hair with sweetness. Pidge looked up slowly, there, Keith could only see a deep pain.
There was no shine in her eyes.
''I'm glad to know that you're finally wake up, Pidge. You need something?'' Her gaze fell to a part of the bed.
''I want my family, Shiro.'' She said in a broken voice, Keith shuddered at her pain. ''I want them back. Bring them back, Shiro. Please...''
Keith watched as Pidge clung to Shiro burying her face in his neck, repeating over and over again those words, as if that were enough to make it come true. She was crying inconsolably like a little girl, what Keith implied to her was not far from reality, she was, in fact, a barely enough child, with a body so thin that he could easily lift it with one of his arms. Suddenly, without realizing it, he saw himself reflected in her years ago when he had lost his father in a bloody battle that forced them to emigrate to distant lands, and when at last he felt that he could see his future clearly as part of the guard of warriors who defended his people, the Romans had taken Shiro from his life.
If his mother and friends hadn't been there with Keith to help him and comfort him in the worst moments, he might have lost his mind many years ago.
But she had no one, she was alone in the world with a group of people who claimed her head for the actions of her people.
He left the cabin to go towards his obligations, the last thing she needed was for an unknown person to see her completely vulnerable. After various hours while helping the younger guard guys shoot with the bow at a precise distance, he saw Shiro come out more exhausted than before.
He approached him as fast as Keith could without first delegating his work to Lance, who was just lying down flirting with the girls around. But Shiro was not willing to say him anything about what he had spoken with the Roman, according to his words, it was something personal that no one else should know.
Pidge was in a duel, after all, and Keith realized through the days, while he saw Shiro coming and going from the cabin to look for food and things necessary for the comfort of the girl, that nothing of what she said it would be relevant against the Roman Empire. She had been abandoned and was treated as a traitor by her people, it was the only truth they surely needed to know.
After some days, reaching the middle of a lunar cycle, was when he saw her leave the cabin along with Shiro as a guide. Keith was helping Hunk shredding the morning hunt, and from a distance, he could see how she was trying to walk away ignoring the scathing comments and the looks of hatred around her.
''It must be hard for her.'' Hunk spoke after a few seconds, drawing Keith's attention.
''What thing?''
''Well, be alone, basically.'' Hunk looked up at Pidge, who was arguing with some children about her unkempt hair, which had bothered her while Shiro laughed at her side. ''Don't think I have no judgments about it, she is still a Roman. But ... She's proven to be strong enough to be a child, I admire her for that. How old will he be? Ten? Twelve?''
''She's fourteen.'' Keith replied, making Hunk look at him with surprise. Keith just shrugged. ''Shiro told me a few days ago when he was looking for towels for her bleeding.''
''Wow, I wonder if the privileged life will give you youth.'' Hunk commented funny.
''One life that surely will not come back.'' Keith said in a whisper.
''Are you sure? At any moment she could take her horse and return to Rome. It wouldn't be very difficult for her now that she knows the way.'' Keith shook his head at Hunk's words.
''She lost her rights when she helped Shiro to escape. This is how the empire works.'' He emphasized his words by cutting one of the deer's feet with his knife. ''When in Rome you are considered a traitor, you are forever, with no exceptions.''
''Then I guess this is her new life.''
Keith nodded after a few minutes when he watched her lost in thought. Apparently, the children and Pidge had come to a truce, seeing how they ordered her hair into tiny braids to give it a more graceful movement. With the green peplum that Shay had given her to use in her daily life, Pidge could easily pass as a Celtic over her clan. Her hair was brown, that in the light of day gave a golden appearance like the sunset, and her eyes little by little began to take the natural shine of angelic innocence, typical of her age. Keith jumped at Lance's loud snort when he saw him at his side staring at him suspiciously, but Keith only feigned ignorance as he tore the intestines from the deer he worked.
Something that Keith was able to assume, is that he was infinitely grateful to Pidge for saving the life of his beloved brother. Nothing more than that.
His heart skipped a beat when, in the distance, he could hear her laugh for the first time, and Hunk's words echoed in his head like an unbreakable promise.
Then I guess this is her new life.
 She watched as the fire in the fireplace went out until it was nothing but a few ashes in the room, while Shiro rested on the side of the bed completely asleep, Katie usually hated the snoring, but at that moment, it was not annoyed if she know that Shiro was at her side, alive.
Her health had improved considerably after a couple of days of recovery, so the village leaders decided that Katie would stay in Shiro's cabin while they decided what to do with her presence, which was much more spacious and comfortable thanks to his warrior title.
From that day, while helping as much as possible in the tasks that the leaders told her to be of some help among the people, Katie couldn't help but think that she didn't belong there. She didn't like doing the cleaning, but she was efficient in taking care of the jobs that required welding and repair. And she liked to play with the children around her while their parents went hunting in nearby lands, seeing her as someone too harmless to do some kind of harm the young children. But in spite of everything and Shiro's kindness in making herself as comfortable as possible near his village, the looks of hatred and occasional blows didn't diminish in the slightest. They let her know that she was an enemy, an unwanted individual around.
Katie couldn't blame them at all, her people had taken too many things from them over the years. Too many lives wouldn't return even if she wanted to.
She took one of the wolf skins that covered the bed and placed it on her shoulders and quietly left the cabin. The village was in utter silence during the night, which made sense since they got up early next to the first rays of light on the sky. For Katie, it had been a martyrdom being that she was a nocturnal woman, and Shiro didn't give her any rest while she had something to do.
Could saw in the distance men singing around a fire while they drank, which she immediately recognized as the youngest in the army. Katie feared for a few seconds to the idea that they saw her without the protection of her dear friend, so she walked quickly in the opposite direction, towards a valley that raised, away from anyone's sight.
Finally, she sat down to contemplate the night sky calmly, recalling everything that happened a few weeks ago in her life. The conviction in the eyes of her family in rescuing the Celtic slave when her father recognized him as a former ally during his exploratory trips, the words of her older brother trying to convince her that everything would be fine. Her home on fire when one of the guards learned about her family's betrayal of the nation, and her new life as an outsider under the protection of a few people who considered her an ally after Shiro had defended her from prejudice, all in a few weeks that felt like years. They were so many emotions that Katie didn't realize at the time that she began to cry inconsolably about her losses.
Her life had been so easy until recently, and now she didn't know how to continue living without feeling displaced. Completely alone.
Suddenly, she felt strong breathing beside her with an animal moan, when Katie looked up, she could see a big wolf with dark fur and bright eyes watching her curious while sniffing. She watched him cautiously, touching his back when she realized it would not hurt her.
''Hey buddy, are you coming to see the moon?'' The wolf snuggled up beside her looking for her warmth, Katie laughed comfortably feeling his weight on her side. ''Yeah, I also have something cold. Do you have a name, or do you haven't home too?''
''It's Kosmo.''
The voice was heard so close that Katie sat up quickly, fearful and ready to defend herself, eyes as dark as the night watched her with inquisition as he slowly approached her side. It was the guy Lance called a mullet, and who had saved her the first time she brought Shiro to the Celtic village.
''You shouldn't be wandering alone around; others could take it as an act of betrayal.'' Katie remained rigid in her position, watching as the wolf approached his side moving his tail playfully. ''You will not be thinking about going home, will you?''
''I told you the first time, I have no home to return.'' Katie answered dryly; Keith raised his eyebrow massaging the back of his partner.
''It's not what Shiro thinks.''
''But the village yes.''
Keith sighed at her words, but Katie didn't relax at any moment when she wiped her face with the sleeve of her dress to brush away the tears. Even though she knew he would not hurt her, she didn't trust him or anyone else who looked potentially dangerous.
''Are you reproaching the fears of my village? They have strong reasons to question your loyalty.''
''I don't recriminate them; I just say a fact.'' Katie answered, taking a step back when she saw him approach. ''I don't have a home to belong.''
The last thing Katie was able to elucidate before being thrown to the ground, was the cold sensation of a knife around her neck, and the look of that boy dangerously close to her face. His hair fell like a night veil around her, darkening his features and frightening her agitated heart even more. She couldn't get up, his body was small compared to the others, but Katie was even more so, holding her without difficulty.
Katie let out a quick moan as soon as she felt him press the edge a little more on her skin, silently warning her not to make any strange movement.
''If you feel forsaken, then I should kill you right now.'' Keith hissed angrily in his words. ''Shiro is giving you a second chance living in this village. Obviously, we will all have our defenses, but we are trying. And you only seem to lament in your own misery!'' Keith huffed frustrated pressing the knife more and more over her throat. Katie opened her eyes fearful when she felt the blood corrode through her neck, and sharp pain when she felt her skin slowly separate, writhing over her body to free herself. ''Who would say it, you also bleed...''
''Let me go! You are hurting me!''
''Is not that what do you want?''
''I don't!''
Katie hit his stomach with her knee as soon as she was able to move, taking the air out of his lungs when she freed herself from his grip. Her neck burned painfully and the wolf came to her side to sniff her worriedly. There, on the floor, Keith was barely able to recover after a few minutes. Watching her with annoyance mixed with the surprise that she was capable of defending herself.
After several minutes contemplating in silence while they recovered from the recent shock. Katie spoke.
''I want to live without feeling a burden to anyone. That's why I'm trying too.'' She said in pause but determined in each word. ''Or is it that I have no right to feel pain because of the death of my family?''
''No, you don't.'' Keith stood up suddenly, so Katie thought he would throw himself on her as he did a few minutes ago, but he just kept his knife in his waist.  ''There is no place for the weakness, keep going or perish with your family, Roman. Don't waste our time trying, do it. And maybe then we will consider you one of us.''
She didn't say anything at his words, nor when he turned to go back to the village that was still asleep. Katie touched her throat looking for some cut, but only felt a slight scratch that bothered her at the touch of the cold winter breeze.
Remained in silent watching the sky next to the wolf that didn't leave from her all night, thinking about the words of that violent guy. Deep in her heart, she knew he was right.
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