#send me kidge fics please
kidge · 2 years
Domestic Kidge Headcanon Questions:
1) Who takes the morning shower and who takes the evening shower?
2) Do they do coffee or tea in the morning?
3) Who puts the dishes away?
4) Do they have pets (other than Kosmo)?
5) Whose the person who makes the grocery list and who forgets it?
6) What’s their go-to takeout meal?
7) Sleek and Modern decor or more cozy cottage?
1) keith definitely takes morning showers due to pidge most likely being up all night and then she showers at evening
2) definitely both coffee people but also pidge like energy drinks
3) both ! they most likely take turns :>
4) nah i think they just have kosmo! they all definitely all cuddle together !
5) could be either, keith is more responsible and he ends up making the lists and pidge probably forgets.
6) probably pizza or chicken tenders haha but if theyre both pulling all nighter they just but junk food and snacks and then coffee plus energy drinks
7) definitely a cozy cottage in the middle of nowhere, they both somewhat hate human contact and love being away from people haha :)
please send me more asks of headcanons and stuff its so fun to do !!!
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fuckthisshitimin · 3 years
Kidge soulmate AU for @flannelfangirl!
46: You feel intense pain in your soul when your soulmate is in life-threatening danger
Curses & Blessings
He dreams of heavy rainfalls and the slow murmur of water in the gutter, of the fresh air the raindrops would move, falling from the sky, and the distinctive smell they would leave behind them.
It’s not that Keith is really familiar with rain, being raised in the desert, but he finds the thought reassuring. Water, in all its forms, always had a special place in Serrano’s stories. Keith never knew the downpours he described, the unforgiving rainstorms that would risk flooding cities, drowning every person, every building in its chanting grumble, before leaving it shiny and washed out, the puddles on the pavement reflecting a timid sun. But he is turning eighteen, and this means The House doesn’t have anything to offer him anymore. And this, means he can go wherever he wants. Leave the desert and the memories, the other kids and the books he read countless times. His childhood.
Keith didn’t, by any mean, have a “peaceful childhood”. If being dragged back and forth from The House to Other Houses wasn’t enough, you could mention the familiar, excruciating pain that had him screaming every now and then as a “disturbing element”. It’s a word adults like to use around him. This must be disturbing. He must be disturbed. Now that he’s eighteen, he’s thinking about getting a tattoo saying DISTURBED. The attacks of pain happen without foreshadowing, failing to follow any pattern he or The House’s doctor could think of. Maybe a chronic illness? She said, and left it at that.
So Keith’s mother is dead, his father is dead, and as far as he is concerned, his soulmate is dying.
This isn’t the kind of happy childhood they try to promote on The House’s website, of course, but still, as he packs all the little things he came to call his, it tinges in his chest. That’s not a perfect childhood, but that’s his. His whole world, his support system, as deficient as it can be, his minuscule universe.
“You know we have a spare bedroom.”
And at the center of his teeny-tiny universe stands the strong figure of Shiro, somehow unshaken by the winds howling in the desert.
“I don’t want to take your future kid’s room. I’ll be okay.”
That doesn’t ease the look of concern on Shiro’s face, and as the years passed, it became more evident how he could be the strongest person Keith ever met, him who did not have powers. Other adults of The House had hair like ropes that could catch you and get you back into your room, voices that could silence yours, nails sharp as razor blades or hard skins or eyes that could make you forget your own name if you weren’t careful. Shiro was human all the way, from his fragile soul to his deteriorating body. Yet, taking just a glance at him, Keith is overwhelmed by a wave of admiration, digging in the quiet strength emanating from the man.
“If you stayed, you’d be a great big brother to them.”
Keith smiles, and he closes his bag. It’s unsurprisingly light, balancing his heavy heart as he walks towards the door. He said goodbye already. Shiro is the last one he’ll see. The man follows, they walk into the blazing sun.
Keith is heading North. He craves the rains and the forests and the cold he heard of. Maybe he’ll find Serrano, too. He doubts that, but that would definitely be a nice twist of fate.
“I want to see the world. But I’ll come to visit.”
“You better. You have my number, right?”
Maybe his most prized possession. He knows it by heart, now, but he won’t let go of that notebook. He hasn’t figured out what he wants to write inside it yet, but there is Shiro’s number and address on the first page. They’re also written in his medical file, as his emergency contact, but that’s not quite the same. It’s mixed with social security numbers and diagnosis and prescriptions.
The sound of a jingle-tingle, a twinkle, the metallic and distinctive sound of keys taken out of Shiro’s jacket pocket.
“I probably shouldn’t give you that.”
The worn-out leather keyholder is easily recognizable, and upon looking around The House’s parking lot, Keith finds the only bike he’s even drove. Pitch black and well taken care of, old but reliable. He makes a move to grab the keys, and Shiro takes them away from reach.
“You have to promise me that you will not drive through the pain.”
If anyone knows about chronic pain, it’s probably Shiro. He’s going through that, too. At least Shiro knows what is going on inside his body. Keith can only hope he finds out before it’s too late.
He fears the day the pain will stop. He read about that. How it gets worse, and worse, and worse, and then nothing. There isn’t a climax. It just. Stops. Suddenly, the pain is gone, and even if one second ago you were wishing with all your might that it would cease crushing your bones and your soul, even if you were whining and crying for anything to soothe the ache, you wish it would come back.
Keith can’t fathom that there is something worse than this pain.
Yet, this is what people say. It’s suddenly empty. A void. It’s like every thing that hurt is just gone, and you know it’s forever. Your soul doesn’t hurt anymore, of course, but that’s because you do not have a soul left.
The death of a soulmate is not something Keith would wish to his worst enemy.
“I promise.”
He grabs the keys. He drives North. He wonders if his soulmate’s heart beats a bit faster, when he drives off-grid.
They dream of rocks, and dust, and warmth, about lizards sleeping under the sun, they dream about all the things they cannot see from their window. It’s easier to sneak out at night, when their parents are sleeping and their brother pretends to not hear a thing.
They know how the moon feels like when it caresses their skin, soft and light like white silk on a windy day. They know the constellations and the wetness of the grass at four in the morning, the silence of the night, subtly disturbed by the passing owl or the cars far away.
They like the mud between their toes, even though their insides disagree so much with the outside.
Pidge is mostly an indoor person. If they have a familiar enough room and a computer, they can go weeks without taking a breath outside. But eventually, this happens. It’s something like a call, a soft buzzing beneath their skin that draws them to the garden where the plants rest.
It has been a while since this feeling was new, but they were not always like that. The voice that takes them outside, it wasn’t always a part of them. It’s an addition. A side effect of the treatments.
October has come and passed, the leaves fell from the trees, brown and dead, and now that the garden is being put to sleep, the stars seem somewhat further away than before. The grass is freezing cold beneath Pidge’s feet, and it would be very bad if they caught a bad cough.
Even if they know this much, they can’t find it in themselves to retrieve to the winter garden their mom is keeping. Right now, it feels like they are breathing, unhindered for the first time in forever. They feel free, and the little voice inside, the one that sounds like rain in the forest, is chanting a happy melody Pidge is the only one to hear.
Fifteen going on sixteen, they feel cured.
They run out of the garden and into the fields, welcoming the crispy air brushing their lips, messing with their hair and they only stop at the edge of the forest, out of breath, almost crying from the draining. It’s going to be bad, they think, but they don’t feel like going home. Or, this feels more like home than their bedroom right now, and they let sleep wash over them in a quick wave of dizziness, closing their eyes. The last thing they see is the dark edges of the naked trees, tall sharp silhouettes cutting through the distant sky.
The first thing they see, after that, is green. Pines and moss.
Pines, in the distance, and moss so close. It’s covering the undergrowth, and their arms. They feel it, soft and itchy, on their cheeks, around their neck, beneath their clothes too, and they are not cold. They can see the air coming out of their mouth, white with condensation as it meets the outside of their body. But their throat doesn’t hurt like it should, they don’t feel feverish or tired.
They look at the forest, and then at the fields. They should go home, but the voice is still here. A strong instinct telling them to go further into the woods.
It’s quieter than the night before, and they manage to fight it, to convince it that they can come back here later, and explore these wilds as much as the voice wants, after having breakfast and reassuring their family that they are okay.
It’s a long walk, longer than what hey remembered from the night before, but they make it to the porch of their home as the sun slowly disappears beneath heavy, dark clouds. They don’t know how much the moss would have protected them from that.
It would be easier, if they could face him before facing their parents, but the sound of the door opening already has their mother running down the stairs as they talk. Colleen is quick to grab her child by the arm, to take them into a long, warm embrace.
“Where the hell were you?”
“The edge of the forest, the—”
“And you’re covered in moss, did you have a crisis?”
Colleen holds their face in her hands, and Pidge can feel her nails starting to dig between the moss and their skin, trying to wash them from the plants.
“Mom, don’t tear it off my skin, it hurts!”
“You had me worried sick, you have no idea.”
Pidge sighs, taking a step back to free themselves from the contact.
“I’m fine.”
They hope the moss will fall on its own, though. It’s not exactly discreet, and as it is, the thing that was supposed to allow them to go outside might just make them a perfect target for monster hunters.
He found the rain and he found the cold, he found the heavy clouds his soul longed for, and the long roads, and the so-tall trees, he found it all.
He could smell it with his eyes closed, had he not found trouble so soon after meeting Freedom.
The North is an unwelcoming place, this much he thought he knew, for people of his kind, yet he was not prepared. The rain pouring down and the sound of gunfire. He never was one to know how to hide in the rain. His hunters were familiar with the landscape, with the weather and the scent. Petrichor, he remembers it is called, but he cannot smell it with his eyes closed, only disinfectant, chemicals, and the distinctive smell of a room that doesn’t have any window. He’s laying on a hospital bed, and he feels a needle going up his arm.
He remembers the few months he spent driving the lonely roads.
He remembers during those months he felt nothing at all. Not an inch of pain, and the certainty that it must be too late now.
He could not search the world for someone that was already dead, and as he thinks his time is quickly approaching, he’s somewhat glad that no one will have to suffer from that. He doesn’t know what it would feel like, to know that somewhere your soulmate is dying a slow death.
They lied, he thought. The people that told him he would feel it, if his soulmate was to pass away. That the pain would come to a brutal stop. It didn’t. It stopped like it had stopped many times, a slow de-escalation, and it just never came back. It said see you later and it closed the door.
Now he can open his eyes and see a man in a white laboratory coat. His eyes are sharp, his hands large. And he smiles at Keith.
“You’re awake.”
Pidge never felt that before. It’s tugging at their chest. It’s heavier than they imagined, pinning them to the ground. It’s a pain so loud they don’t hear their own voice screaming.
There was no build-up to this, no hints of what was coming before it is here. It’s not their throat nor their lungs, it’s utterly unfamiliar, new. It’s painful and it’s urgent. It sends panic running down their veins, horror filling their brain, and they breathe harder and harder as a hand finds its way to their back.
“Mom! Mom, Pidge’s puffer, now!”
Matt’s voice barely makes it through the pounding of their heart, it’s faint and blurry, but the words are familiar enough to make it out without fully hearing. Their puffer, he said? No, no. They know it’s not that. Moss is spreading on their legs, vines tangling around their chest, but the pain they are fighting is not within them, it comes from further away.
They learnt how to deal with the pain. It never gets easy, it’s barely bearable, but it’s somehow manageable. The pain is not something they can control, or keep at bay if they scream hard enough. But the fear? That is something they can deal with.
Do not panic. Do not give yourself up to panic.
They open their eyes. They can see the floor, really close.
What is your name?
Pidge. Holt.
Simple questions, to remind themselves they know how to think.
Where are you?
Home. First floor. Corridor.
The brain works like that. There is a part for emotions, and another for thinking. They just have to turn that switch. The pain makes it harder. But the best way to stop panicking is through mental exercise.
520, 40, 16, 936.
12, 4, 60, 20, 24.
What is happening?
Their breathing is calmer already. They open their mouth, find themselves unable to speak. They reach out for Matt’s hand. They squeeze it a bit too hard. He doesn’t let go.
“Soulmate,” Pidge says, and it doesn’t do any good to the ache in their chest, but the panic that fills the room regresses to a manageable level. “I’m okay.”
What they really mean is, their own life isn’t in danger, but they are not, by any means, okay. Their soulmate is in danger.
The always found it cruel. This whole soulmate-thing. You can be very aware that one of the most important people in your life is dying, and the pain that crushes you prevent you from helping them. Trying to save them. You are trapped inside your pain, useless. Even if Pidge knew who their soulmate was, what was the danger and where to find them, they could not move to help them. Speaking is hard enough, and they think they are calm enough to try a breathing exercise. Visualize the pain. It’s a red ball of fire in their chest. Now, every breath they take comes towards it, it’s fresh, it takes a bit of the pain, and as they breathe out, it helps the pain go away. Do that again. The green, cold air circles around the ball of fire. It weakens it. Slowly.
They find they are good enough to get up, to cross eyes with their mom and reassure her with a weak smile. Matt’s hand is under their armpit, holding them up as he takes her towards their room, helping them to sit down on the bed.
Soon their mother joins, a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Pidge swallows it swiftly, disappointed the pain doesn’t go away immediately. They have no idea how long they have been hurting, but they are exhausted. If the opium takes more than half an hour to kick in, they’ll probably pass out before that.
But as they form this thought, the pain regresses. It’s still there, holding a firm grip on their heart, but they can talk. Look down to meet Matt’s worried gaze.
“Fuck, Matt, I can’t believe you live with that.”
Of course, they always knew it was hard. But whenever the pain would hit him, Matt just curled up in bed, crying silently. Pidge can’t believe he didn’t scream.
“You get used to it.”
They don’t want to get used to it. Especially knowing what they know. They see how worried Matt looks, constantly. How the fear of a dying soulmate eats him alive. Their own soulmate must know that fear, too. They wish the lack of attacks in the last few months reassured them. Well, if they don’t die today.
Like raspy claws squeezing their insides, slowly, deliberately. Their soulmate is still alive. They hold on to that thought.
“I’m sorry, Matt.”
He looks at them, a baffled look over his face. And then a small smile, crooked, personal, familiar.
“There’s nothing you can do about it.”
They wish there was. Anything.
The sound of the car outside disturbs their silence, and the door is quick to open. Too quick, Matt thinks. Their father is running.
“Colleen, I need you in the lab! Pidge, you too, I’ll need your new monitor. Matt, prepare the spare room.”
They try to get up, but a hand holds them down.
“I’ll go. I know how to use your stuff.”
“The pain is almost gone, I can help.”
“Your legs are shaking. Trust me, you need the rest.”
They look down to their lap, to see their brother is right. To be fair, they don’t even feel their legs. That’s probably not a good sign, either. They nod.
“OK. I’ll come down in five.”
“I found him on the road. Almost hit him with the car, actually.”
Colleen sighs, looking at the kid her husband brought in. He seems to be approximately the same age as her own, but it’s hard to tell with all the mud on his face. Pidge’s monitor in hands, Matt checks his energy levels.
“Yep, he’s definitely not full human. I’ve never seen readings like this, it looks like his body is overcompensating. He’s not stable.”
Samuel nods, carefully preparing the solution for the perfusion. Lucky for them, the kid had his bag on him, and a handful of papers identifying him. Emergency contact info, too, and his medical records. It says he reacts well to generic power inhibitors, no specific allergies. It seems like the kid was born like that.
“What made you think he was abnormal?”
“He burned my car seat. I just needed confirmation this was within him naturally, and not some sort of burning fluid someone would have poured over him. Okay, perfusion ready, Matt, put on gloves and hold his arm. Thermoisolant.”
Colleen looks down on the kid for a moment. She doesn’t know how he ended like this for sure, but she has and idea. Monster hunters have been spreading like wild-fire in the area. Killing abnormal people is back in fashion, it seems.
“I’ll go back upstairs to call this… Takashi Shirogane. Call me if you need help.”
“Sure. Matt, how are the readings?”
“He’s responsive. His energy level’s going down. Body temperature, 48 Celsius. 47. 45. 42. 41. 39.”
Samuel nods, moving around the lab to find a new syringe. He doesn’t know what happened to this kid, but blood analysis seems appropriate. His records say he left his House four months ago, and there is no entry whatsoever between that date and today. Maybe he just escaped from a facility where they ran experiments on him. That wouldn’t be unheard of.
“He stays stable at 39 degrees Celsius. Do we try to lower it more?”
“No, for all we know, this could be him normal temperature. I’ll need a towel and a bassine, though, to clean him up a bit, can you get me that? Oh, Pidge. Matt said you were resting.”
They smile, giving a soft bump into Matt’s shoulder as he walks by them to get out of the lab.
“I was. You’ve been down here for almost an hour. Mom said you looked stress, so I brought snacks.”
“You know we don’t eat in the lab.”
“We’ll clean up thoroughly afterwards. Mom was right, you look tired. There’s coffee, too.”
Samuel rolls his eyes, accepting one of the mugs as his child proceeds to seat very unprofessionally on a working table, opening a chocolate bar. Colleen had said Pidge had had a soulmate-pain episode, so he could let this much slide for today. It is an unusual day.
He stops after only a sip of the burning beverage, though, as his monitor picks on something changing.
“Oh, I think he’s waking up.”
Pidge stays put, bending over to get a better look at the sleeping face. That’s someone like them. They don’t know how, but they feel it. It’s like the plant inside them is growling, calling out to this other being, this stranger that already feels like family. Pidge never met anyone like them.
Eyes, open, dark and so blue they almost look purple, but Pidge blames it on a trick of the light. He looks at their father, and Samuel smiles in response.
“You’re awake.”
There is someone behind him. Keith can feel them. He looks down at his hands. They aren’t tied. From what he feels, he’s been administrated a power inhibitor. They probably thought that was enough to render him harmless. And that was a mistake they were going to regret.
He needs his whole body to be ready before he starts moving. If they see it coming, he might just waste his only shot at escape. He looks around a bit more. Between himself and the only door, the one like him. They don’t seem dangerous, but they are powerful. Not to be underestimated. On the other side, the man in the lab coat, computer screens, surgery tools. He has no idea what is going on in their crazy minds, but he doesn’t want to stick around to find out.
He takes a moment to visualize his future movements. When it’s clear in his head, he’s quick.
Up, perfusion, scalpel, lab coat, neck, operation table, scalpel again.
“What the fuck, dude?”
Now he’s by the door, and whoever that kid is stares at him, bewildered. Eyes big and sandy like the desert, green veins, no, green vines crawling under their skin, threatening to pierce the surface and attack him.
“No funny business or he dies.”
A shadow passes over the sandy eyes, and soon their hands are up.
He hears something coming from upstairs, a heavy sound like something falling to the floor, a voice.
“How many people are upstairs?”
“Just one person.”
“I feel like you’re lying.”
“Two, if you count the dog.”
Pidge does their best to keep a straight face. For now, they only heard their mother – or at least, they assume it was her. Their father has a scalpel to his throat. That should do the trick for soulmate pain. They just hope Matt stays discreet.
“We mean you no harm. If you release him, you can be on your way out.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“Yeah, I got that much.”
They bite their lips. Screw their mouth. They are stressed, and tired. It’s harder to control themselves like that. And the vines want to come out, but they have no doubt the man before her will consider it a threat, probably worth killing their father. He doesn’t let go of his grip over Samuel’s unconscious body, walking backwards the stairs, not letting Pidge leave his sight. And Pidge sees her.
Colleen Holt, in her furious glory. Mouth taped to prevent herself from screaming, a hand clutching at her shirt where the heart is. The other one holding a gun. Finger on the trigger.
Her figure looks so pained Pidge feels their chest tightening just watching it. Or maybe their chest is really tightening. Colleen will pull the trigger before she is seen. And it hurts. And Pidge’s eyes widen against their best efforts to keep a straight face, and they are thinking so fast it makes their head dizzy. They can’t help but look at their mother, and they know the man is noticing, and they don’t know how they came to this conclusion but their chest hursts and something in their mind clicks and they jump before they really decided to.
“Mom, no!”
And soon their hand is on the scalpel, their father released, and the pain in their chest is a bit lighter as their mother pulls the gun away to not shoot her child. They know Matt got here, too. He’s waiting for someone to tell him to move, probably. But Pidge can handle it, they just have to prevent their mother to shoot the man they are fighting, and as he uses them as a living shield, they find this is the perfect situation. They feel him tense as the scalpel is now on their throat, Samuel forgotten at the bottom of the stairs.
The kid didn’t prove to be as much of a hassle as he thought they would be. Their body covers itself in vines and moss, but it’s not attacking him. Maybe they aren’t trained for combat?
As he wants to move up the stairs, face half-hidden behind the kid’s shoulder, scalpel on their throat and absolutely ready to kill them and fly if it comes to this, the pain is back.
It’s been gone for four months. Why come back now?
He takes a sharp breath, trying hard not to close his eyes. He’s used to it. He can run through it. He needs to. He wonders if his soulmate is feeling that he’s in danger, too. If they wonder what he’s gotten himself into.
“It hurts, right? Your chest?”
The voice is hoarse and careful, and he tightens his grip on the kid as they snicker.
“I think…” they try to cough, but they can’t. “I think you’re my soulmate.”
He frowns, and their head shift slowly to try to face him. He feels the scalpel cutting through the skin, not deep enough to be deadly in the short term, but it’s bleeding over his hand, it’s getting slippery. The sandy eyes find his, and as he scans them for any malevolent intent, he can only find sincerity, fear, determination.
“I could just have let my mother kill you. Or my brother shoot you in the back as soon as you climbed those stairs.”
He knew there was someone else. He wasn’t careful enough. But why would they tell him? That’s risking too much.
They’re risking too much. But something in their guts tell them it’s worth it. The pain in their chest comes to a halt. The man takes the scalpel off their throat. And all at once, the pain fades away. He must feel it too.
He looks at them with incredulous eyes, and they smile at him, exhausted and satisfied.
“What are you?”
His body is warm against theirs, and it feels strong. And the pain is entirely gone. And god, they are tired.
“I’m Pidge,” they manage, “and falling.”
The next days pass in a haze.
Colleen informs them that Takashi Shirogane is on his way.
Pidge spends a lot of time in bed. They go through Keith’s medical files. Not the confidential stuff, but the soulmate-pain records. Well, they guess that would be confidential too, under other circumstances.
They match their worst attacks. They knew it was bad. They always knew. They always knew that they could have died multiple times. But the record is still a shocker. They could have died so many times. Statistically, they should be dead. They have no idea how they could escape death this many times.
Their father said they were always a strong kid, too stubborn to die.
Pidge doesn’t know if that’s right. What, does that mean that kids who die from asthma and anaphylactic shocks are weak? No. This happens. The ones who die are unlucky.
And Pidge? They are the luckiest bitch alive.
Keith is mostly confined to his room, too. Nobody told him anything about not getting out, but he almost killed two out of the four inhabitants of this house. He guesses why they wouldn’t want to stumble upon him on the kitchen.
Samuel still treated his injuries, and to Keith’s surprise, he didn’t seem even a little bit scared. Like he trusted him.
This family may not be crazy in the way Keith first imagined, but they sure as hell aren’t normal people.
And there is Pidge.
Finding your soulmate by almost killing them.
Nice work, Kogane.
They’re… Not what he expected.
He didn’t know what he expected really. Probably someone more… traumatized. Scared. They brushed with death so much throughout their life. He would have imagined they kept scars.
He thought maybe they would be a recluse child with a horrible disease. Or maybe a fighter whose eyes would be filled with the blood they poured.
He did not expect someone who could smile so easily. Someone so open.
Someone who would knock on his door and enter without waiting for an answer, someone who would sit on his bed and try to reassure him.
Someone who would talk or mumble for hours on end if no one stopped them.
And more than that, he didn’t expect himself to be that way. He didn’t think he could be so natural around someone else than Shiro. He thought this kind of things took time.
And yet, he doesn’t even bother trying to answer to the knocking on the door before Pidge comes in, he just sits a bit straighter. When Pidge will be seated, he’ll relax. They sit on the desk this time, their hands fiddling with their monitor.
“Shirogane should be here in an hour.”
He nods, breathes out as his muscles relax and he sits deeper into the bed, looking at the ceiling.
“Did you decide what you wanted to do?”
There is a lot he has to do. Finding his bike and fixing it. If someone has taken it, he’ll have to track them down. Catching up on the monster-hunting situation, since he clearly isn’t as well informed as he thought. Finding a pied-a-terre, maybe, somewhere he could come back to when he needs some rest.
Five months on the road have him tired. He knows he misses the way The House made him feel. There was a sense of belonging, a sense of home that he failed to find anywhere else. Freedom was intoxication, but now that he takes the time to think, he comes to the conclusion he would like something he could call home again.
“I guess I’ll move to the East a bit.”
That’s somewhat random, but he likes how it sounds. Moving towards the rising sun.
“You’re not settling down any time soon, are you?”
He shifts on his bed to look at his soulmate. They crossed their legs underneath them, and he wonders how this position can be comfortable enough. They don’t seem to mind.
“I don’t think so.”
“Here’s my number.”
They write it down on a piece of paper, crush it into a tiny ball between their fingers before sending it his way. He catches, unfolds it to check it is still legible. His soulmate sighs.
“I don’t like that you don’t have a phone.”
“What, afraid I’ll disappear on you?”
“Maybe. You came in like a bullet, you’ll be out like a bullet. Plus, you’re so careless you look like someone with a death wish, I don’t really look forward to feeling you die and not even being able to attend your fucking funeral.”
He ponders it for a bit. Getting a phone, uh? That could be an idea. He’d need to find a job first. He doesn’t even know what he should do to get a phone to work. Well, he knows how he can buy a phone, but how does he get a phone number? You can’t buy those in stores, can you?
“I don’t have a death wish.”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t have anything to prove to you.”
“Don’t you?”
They snicker, and he wonders if he’s the only one who thinks this conversation is serious. They don’t strike him as the frivolous kind, but he could be surprised. They’re talking about the future. And fuck if he has a clue what it holds.
“I’ll become a hunter hunter,” he says, and he had not decided it before saying it.
“You say you don’t have a death wish and then you say that? Dude, do you hear yourself? You don’t even know what you’re after. I’ve lived here forever. When my parents turned me into an Abnormal, or a Cursed Child, or a Monster or whatever you call it, we prepared ourselves to face that. I can’t believe The House just let you run off like your life isn’t in danger out there.”
“Are you… asking me to stay?”
“To take you with me?”
“God, no. You may be my soulmate, but you threatened to kill me three days ago. I am not going on a suicide-trip with a hunter hunter to be. And you should find another name than hunter hunter, it sounds stupid.”
He scowls, reluctant to admit they are right. He didn’t realize upon saying it, but hearing it, hunter hunter does sound lame.
“You basically put your life in mortal danger to prove a point to me. I’m sorry if I don’t have much trust in your survival instincts either.”
“It was the most efficient way to prove I’m your soulmate. And I needed confirmation, too.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t justified. We could be two suicidal anti-heroes on a bike.”
They laugh, and he smiles along. It feels nice, to be the one causing that. They bite their lips.
“Damn, you’re smiling. Who knew you could do that?”
“I smile a lot. You’re just not as funny as you think you are.”
He sits up on his bed, looking at the clock. Pidge said in an hour or so, right? He has no idea what he’s going to tell Shiro. He refused to talk to him on the phone. He knew he couldn’t have convinced him to stay away.
“I am a paragon of humor. And you have a severe case of resting bitch face.”
Pidge’s voice dig him out of his thoughts, and he turns to look at them.
“Excuse me, what?”
“You are excused.”
They get up, too, moving away from the desk and towards the door. They stop just before leaving, turning around.
“I didn’t ask you to stay, but if you want to, this room can be yours for a while. I’m turning sixteen next week.”
“You want me to wish you a happy birthday?”
“At least send a card. I’m staying here for a year, my mother will train me. After that I’ll settle in an isolated house in the forest. I don’t know where exactly yet. I don’t plan on living in the human society, but if I’m good enough, I hope I can join the rebels.”
“The rebels?”
“God, you really were raised in the desert. How much contact did you have with the outside world when you were in The House?”
“So you’re basically Rapunzel. Divide to reign, you heard about that? A house divided cannot stand?”
He nods. He’s familiar with the concept.
“Well that’s what’s happening right now. That’s why there are so many hunters. Because the world is falling apart and it has to be someone’s fault. It might as well be ours. How did you not notice that everything is crazy out there?”
He gets up, more curious than ever. Shiro never told him about that. He does think the world is crazy. But he thought… he thought it was how the world works. Violence and crazy and not trusting anyone. They put a hand on their hip, cocking their head to the side as he stares.
“Listen, I don’t want to spoil your character development or whatever, you better have your exploring arc on your own. I have a shitton of opinions and it’d be bad if I stained your precious innocent judgement. But whenever, you know you can crash here. And when I’ll have my own place, you can crash there, too.”
“If I have a place, someday, you can crash there too if you want.”
“That’s a lot of ifs, but I’ll take it.”
They disappear into the corridor, and he looks at his bag.
He feels calmer than before. Maybe he doesn’t need to find a home right now. Maybe he can keep exploring. Maybe for now, this is enough.
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midoriyasbones · 5 years
so uh basically, i crashed my car and i need money. i’m applying for a job on campus and i already do freelance captioning for videos, but i’m really desperate and might pick up writing comissions. would anyone be interested if i did?
if you are, keep in mind it would primarily be voltron related. i know i’m mostly known for klance, but i would love the opportunity to experiment with rarepair ships too! i’ve had some experience with plance, kallura, allurance, kidge, etc, so feel free to ask me for anything. any offers turned down will be for PERSONAL reasons only and not disk horse related.
i would be open for smut so long as all characters are over the age of consent within the fic. so aging up, no big deal.
please send me an ask if you would be interested or have any advice!
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quiznaksicles · 6 years
Hey, you’ve been inactivate for a while. Everything okay?
I’m sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for a good few months. But things have been…rocky? My mental health has taken a weird turn after graduating, and I think I’m undergoing some post-graduation depression and loss of direction.
But I’m not going to attribute my absence to that.
@korra-of-the-south, I really appreciate the ask. I’ve just been trying to figure out how to answer this. And the emotional answer is not directed at you. Oh god, no. It’s just a segue for me to explain my thoughts. And it sucks because this is a dam of feelings I’ve been holding back, so I just want you to know that none of this is directed at you. I hope that you don’t mind that I’m using this as my platform. If you do, I’ll delete it and make a new post, just let me know. :) You deserve an answer. 
What I’m writing underneath is personal rant. So you can skip it if you want, and if you read it and decide to unfollow me, I completely 100% understand. If you want to send hate, please send it to my inbox, don’t reply or reblog because there’s enough hate in the fandom already.
In all honesty, I’ve been trying to decide what to do with this blog. I love Voltron, and I love the show a lot. But I think that I dove too quickly into the fandom, if that makes any sense. Like, when I first got into it, I was so excited to see so much fanart and fanwork being created, and it was the second/third fandom I’d ever been interested in. All I saw was the glamour and lights, and I didn’t really see the dark sides of it—despite warnings from a good friend of mine.
The thing is, the fandom, to me, seems very superficial, if that makes any sense? There’s a level of enthusiasm and connection to people that, from the outside, seem close and potentially fun. But that’s really it??? My main fandom has always been Haikyuu!! because the people are fantastic. Any time I talk to someone in that fandom, I find myself having long, winding conversations about anything and everything. I’ve made many friendships and connections. With Voltron, I feel like I’m stepping on eggshells.
Haikyuu!! has always been home, but Voltron—I can’t say the same.
I feel like I don’t belong.
And I know it sounds stupid, it sounds really stupid. I know. A lot of what I write is based on how comfortable I am in company, despite tumblr being an anonymous platform.
Then there’s the shame of shipping. In any fandom, I am a multi-shipper—I love rarepairs so much. But I feel scared and shamed whenever I think about what I ship in Voltron. In all honesty, I really like a lot of ships—almost all, in fact—with the exception of Shiro/Pidge. That’s just a hard ‘no’ from me. But I enjoy Shadam, Shance, Sheith, Plance, Kidge, Punk, and etc. I really like them. One of the first Voltron blogs I followed seemed harmless enough until I noticed they had reblogged a screenshot of another blog who enjoyed Sheith, putting them on blast. The tags were so nasty and harmful that if it had been directed at me, I think—I know—I would have cried. Death threats, arguments over sensitive topics…it’s been a source of shame and fear for me.
My whole philosophy has been that shipping is for fun.
That’s it. I don’t put so much weight on it that it consumes me and my content. The whole premise of the show has always been about hardships, war, and the bond of friendship—never about shipping. But a portion of people (!!!not all!!!) will condemn those who like other things…such as the ships above. They terrify me so much so that I feel obligated to only mention publicly that I like one ship, when in reality, I like a majority. And the whole thing sounds trivial, but the toxicity within the fandom is no joke from the posts and blogs and arguments that I’ve seen and fought hard to avoid.
Another big factor for my absence is my self-consciousness. I’ve struggled with my work’s worth. I know I shouldn’t,but I end up comparing myself to others, and so I feel…inferior. I see so many fantastic, creative artists/writers, and I’m so happy for their work, but then mine just feel lesser? It’s something I’m working on: discovering my self-worth. It’s so funny because in my other fandoms (I’m in, like 3 others, which I’m writing actively for)I’m simply happy for others’ successes. But in this fandom, I just feel less worth. I feel like my stuff sucks. Internally, I know it’s not true, but I can’t help but think all those toxic thoughts.
So in true response to your question, I’ve taken a step back. I’ve distanced myself because I’m working hard to re-discover my self-worth and confidence in my works. I haven’t completely fallen out, and for weeks because of this internal conflict, I’ve struggled with whether I want to delete this blog or not. For now, I’ve decided to keep it inactive until I decide to post again; my klance fics, my Lance fics, my character studies—all of them are at a stagnant point. But I want to complete the works I’ve started. Slowly, I’m learning to take pride in the tens of thousands of words I’ve put on a document. And it’s unfair to anyone if I keep it all to myself.
The struggle is difficult, but I’m trying. I’m just at a hesitant point in my life.
[I’m sorry for any grammatical mistakes or for anything that doesn’t make sense. When I write purely based on emotion, I tend to write terribly. If anything doesn’t make sense, don’t hesitate to message me or ask me for clarification.]
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dreamworksworddump · 7 years
Voltron fics, listed by ship
The fics are listed by ship, and my personal favorites are italicized. Updated as of 9/13/17
Rubyfruit in June                                                                                                  -Pidge and Allura attempt to track down the remaining Altean colonies while figuring out their own relationship. Fluff, romance, angst
Captured:                                                                                                              -Pidge and Allura get captured. angst, romance
Girls like girls:                                                                                                        -Pidge and Allura try to figure out how to ask each other on a date, while fumbling with their cultural differences. fluff, romance
How did you sleep?                                                                                              -Lance asks Allura how she slept after her first day as the Blue Paladin.   
Lost to memory:                                                                                                   -   Allura is trying her best to move on from the destruction of her planet. Lance is there to help her heal.
Beginnings:                                                                                                          -Hunk and Allura grow close, and it comes as no surprise when they finally kiss.
Say it                                                                                                                    -Keith hasn’t told Pidge he loves her yet. Romance, fluff, slight angst
Where they both get captured ask:                                                                       -Could you do some Kidge where they both get captured? A sentence starter could be "No! I won't leave you behind!" (You decide who says it) angst
Smut/angst ask:                                                                                                    -Keith fucks up on a mission, ricking his life, and Pidge doesn’t like that.
Smut/angst ask #2:                                                                                               -Keith is impulsive, and Pidge is sick of it. 
Kidge fluff: Middle of the night                                                                               -Pidge can’t sleep, and ends up in Keith’s bed.
Hands                                                                                                                  -Lance thinks about Keiths hands, amongst other things. Fluff, romance
Movie night                                                                                                          -It’s movie night and Keith’s stolen Lance’s usb. Why? Fluff, humor
Beach day                                                                                                             -Keith and Lance have fun at the beach. Fluff          
Healing pod au:                                                                                                     -Based on Kaxpha’s healing pod au, Lance has healing abilities and uses them even when he hurts himself in the process. Keith does not approve. angst
On a lonely beach:                                                                                                -Lance thinks, as he dies alone. angst
Keith and Lance, like a sun:                                                                                   -Keith dies just like he lives, shining as bright as the sun. angst
Keith and Lance:                                                                                                   -Keith sends Lance off. angst
Beach buddies:                                                                                                     -Keith and Lance have their vacation day at the beach, during which Lance realizes his feelings for Keith. fluff, happy
Stay with me:                                                                                                        -Lance helps Keith through his first Galran heat. Angst, smut
An exceprt from a fic I’ll never write:                                                                     -Keith never thought he’d be so angry to see Lance in red.  angst
Four times they talked and one time they didn’t:                                                  -Like fire and water, Keith and Lance balance each other out. angst, smut
Klance Galra/altean au:                                                                                          -Keith is a prince of the galran empire, and Lance is an altean prince. A clusterfuck ends with them getting engaged.  angst       
Lance and Keith are forced to work in the caslte gardens ask:                             -Keith and Lance work in the castle garden as a punishment to their constant bickering.
Lance and Keith get captured and tortured ask:                                                   -Lance and Keith get captured by the Galra and tortured for information.  angst, slight romance
Bad boy Keith asks out Nerd Lance:                                                                     -At a school stargazing event, Keith asks out astronomy nerd Lance. 
Klance, captured and tortured:                                                                             -Keith and Lance are captured, and Lance sacrifices himself to help save Keith. 
Keith and Lance after a close call ask:                                                                  -After a close call, Keith and Lance cope. 
Lie to me:                                                                                                               - Keith is dying, and asks Lance to lie to him.    
You’re not being very helpful:                                                                                -Lance is bleeding out, and Keith has a dislocated shoulder. How will they ever get out of this one? A three part story, each post links to the next.                  
Angst ask:                                                                                                             - Yo for that angst list, could you combine "you cheated on me, you don't get another chance" and "Im not blind, I see the way you look at them." Using Hance ;) angst                 
How they met:                                                                                                       -How Keith and Shiro met, pre relationship and pre Garrison. Originally written for Sheith month, but posted earlier instead.  Fluff, slight angst.
Hurt/comfort ask:                                                                                                    -Keith comforts Shiro on one of his bad days. angst, romance         
Royalty/Knight au:                                                                                                 -Keith is the powerless prince, and Shiro is the noble knight who fights for him. 
Summer nights:                                                                                                     -On that final Summer night before Kerberos, the silence of the night becomes too much to bear. 
I really did love you once:                                                                                     -Keith confronts the clone.
Gladiator ring:                                                                                                      -Lance and Shiro are forced to fight against each other in the gladitorial ring, or else their friends will be sentenced to death. Angst      
Garrison/Voltron:                                                                                                   -As they form Voltron, Lance gets a glimpse inside Shiro’s head. Angst    
Anger/depression:                                                                                                 -Shiro has insomnia and Lance helps him through it. angst
Illness:                                                                                                                   -Lance gets sick and Shiro helps him through it. fluff, romance
Fake dating Shance ask:                                                                                      -fake dating shance? pretty please fluff, romance
Farewell:                                                                                                               -After their break-up, Lance tries to get over Shiro, but ends up sleeping with him one last time. 
Lance dyes Shiro’s hair:                                                                                        -  After the events of s6, Lance helps Shiro feel better by surprising him with a new look.                                     
The story where Lance is trans and straight and doesn’t like Keith:                    -Keith confesses to Lance, not knowing that he’s dating Pidge, and that he is trans. slight angst, fluff, romance             
  a/b/o:                                                                                                                   -Pidge realizes that she is an alpha, and tries to figure out how it affects both her relationship with Lance and with the team. Lance ends up going into heat, and she helps him through it. slight angst, romance, smut       
Biking:                                                                                                                   -Lance rides his bike into a pole and meets a really cute girl.  Fluff  
Boys only school au ask:                                                                                      -Lance walks in on Pidge getting dressed, not knowing that she is really a girl, and not a boy.
Fluff ask:                                                                                                               -Pidge and Lance build a pillow fort. fluff
Beach day:                                                                                                            -Pidge and Lance spend a day at the beach. fluff
Fake flirting ask:                                                                                                    -In order to win against Lance, Pidge starts fake flirting, which turns real all too soon. 
Pidge takes care of sick Lance ask:                                                                      -Lance gets sick, and  Pidge takes care of him. 
Vampire hunter au asks:                                                                                       -Pidge and Lance are vampire hunters, and end up running into each other one night. 
Height differences:                                                                                                -Pidge has a tall boyfriend and takes advantage of that.
Plance: scars:                                                                                                       -Pidge feels Lance’s scars.
Cheap beer and fumbling hands:                                                                          -They never have time to be teenagers anymore, so during a diplomatic ball, Lance and Pidge sneak off to do rebellious teenager things.
Marriage proposal:                                                                                                -   Lance proposes to Pidge. 
Confession:                                                                                                           -   Pidge confesses to Lance. Lance flounders.
Dancing:                                                                                                                -Shiro and Pidge enjoy a moment at a diplomatic ball, and have a dance. romance, fluff
Her first kill:                                                                                                           -Pidge kills someone for the first time, and Shiro helps to calm her down. angst, fluff
Taking forever to get together ask:                                                                       -Shidge, taking for fucking ever to get together. angst, romance, slow burn
Cowboy/fancy party au ask:                                                                                  -In the cowboy au universe, Allura and Shiro end up at a fancy party,. romance, smut
Allura is pregnant and has some worries ask:                                                       -Allura is pregnant with Shiro’s child and wonders how they will turn out. 
Love:                                                                                                                     -   Allura and Lotor talk, before and after the betrayal.
Summer au:                                                                                                          -A modern summer au, in which the Garrison crew hangs out, and becomes friends with the mysterious new kid, Keith. fluff, fun, gen
Starlight:                                                                                                                -Pidge thinks of home and the stars outside her window. slight angst
Collection of death fics:                                                                                         -A collection of fics, both shippy and gen, in which someone dies. angst
Altean Lance pt 1:                                                                                                 -An Altean Lance AU. angst
Altean Lance pt 2:                                                                                                  -The second part, in which Lance thinks of his fiance, Lotor and his feeling for the new red paladin, Keith. angst
Pidge’s birthday:                                                                                                   -It’s Pidge’s birthday, and the paladins celebrate. fluff
An excerpt from fanfiction x:                                                                                 -The paladins are captured by none other than Prince Lotor, and Pidge sacrifices herself to save her friends.  angst, horror, gore         
Keith: Phobia                                                                                                         -Keith is afraid of bugs. slight angst
Lance: Phobia                                                                                                       -Lance is claustrophobic. slight angst
The healing pod:                                                                                                   -If there was barely anything left to put in the healing pod, does that mean that the person it rebuilds is really the same as the one before? angst
Three things she was never good at:                                                                    -Pidge gets hurt on a mission, and trains too hard to make sure it doesn’t happen again. angst
Selfless:                                                                                                                 -Lance has an issue with self sacrifice. angst      
Betryal hurts ask (zarkon/haggar):                                                                       -Haggar feels betrayed by King Alfor, and hurts him more than he could ever imagine.         
Cowboy au ask:                                                                                                     -They’re all cowboys for some reason.      
 Lotor/Lance with a zuko-esque redemption arc:                                                  -Lotor and Lance get along well as they try to take down the galra empire.
Keith is special:                                                                                                    -Lance feels like Voltron doesn’t need him anymore, and leaves.        
In the code: Kidgance:                                                                                         -   Pidge writes messages in her codes to her crushes, and hopes they never find out. 
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karasunova · 7 years
Pidge and Pumpkin Spice
Kidge fluff fic. Modern AU. 
Read on AO3
Summary:  It's a beautiful fall morning and Pidge and Keith are heading out to enjoy their day, but not before stopping by the cafe to pick up some coffee. Hand in hand, they both think back to the day that started this yearly tradition.
“Almost ready!” Pidge called out as she kneeled on the floor, searching beneath the bed. “Keith, have you seen my brown boots?”
“Did you check under the bed?” His voice traveled down the hallway.
She rested her chin on the top of the bed. “Yes!”
“Did you check my side of the bed?”
Her eyes widened. She walked around the bed and found them, neatly tucked under the bed, hidden beside Keith’s workout bag. “Found them!”
She tugged them on and skipped out of the bedroom, grabbing their scarves and meeting up with Keith in the entry way. He was tugging at the ties of his own boots. She kissed him on the top of his head and draped his maroon scarf around his neck. He peered up at her, a smile on his face.
She wrapped her own forest green scarf around her neck and stepped past him, letting her dress pass over his shoulder and arm. She opened the front door and stepped out.
Keith walked out after her, locking the door behind him.
She stretched her arms out and took a deep breath. “Ah, the leaves are changing. The birds are migrating. Hunk is creating the menu for friendsgiving. Lance is already decorating for Christmas.” She breathed again. “It’s time.”
“For what?”
“Pumpkin spice.”
Keith sputtered, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “What?”
Pidge slipped her arm around his. “You heard me. Pumpkin spice. We’re going to the cafe and get some coffee.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “Really, PIdge? That’s what you want to do today? Of all things, of all days.”
She nodded. She leaned her head on his arm.
They walked out onto the sidewalk and headed down the street toward their favorite cafe.
“Are we going to friendsgiving at Hunk’s place?” Keith asked.
She lifted her head, but kept her arm around his. “Do you want to? My parents invited us over too. Mom said we should come by for a little bit at least.”
Keith nodded. “Maybe we could drop by in the morning, watch the parade.”
Pidge smiled. “You like the parade, don’t you?”
She knocked her shoulder into his. “Yes, you do.”
“Lance is really already decorating for Christmas?” Keith changed the subject.
“Yes. It’s driving Hunk crazy. Thanksgiving is the one day he can cook as much as he wants and stuff us up and he doesn’t want Christmas to burst his bubble.”
“He stuffs us with food at Christmas too. And New Years.”
Pidge laughed, filling Keith with a warm feeling. “That’s true.”
Keith glanced at her from the corner of his eye, catching sight of her brown honey colored hair. She had it pulled up in a messy bun. He could also see a hint of pink on her cheeks.
They walked quietly down the street, their boots making soft sounds against the sidewalk. Keith enjoyed mornings like this, but he could never understand why Pidge liked celebrating this day. Whenever he thought back to what transpired that day, he’d feel his face flush and heat up.
They stopped at the corner and waited for the light to signal their turn to cross.
“Have you ever thought about what would’ve happened if we hadn’t met that day?” Pidge spoke.
Keith took his hand out of his jacket pocket and slipped his fingers through hers, gripping her hand tightly. “Well, I had already seen you before because you’d come into the store almost every morning.”
“Yeah, I had early morning classes that semester.”
He nodded. “It was just one of the first times I had to take your order.” He could already feel his face heating up.
“And you were utterly cute.”
“I was an utter loser. I don’t know what you saw that made you want to come back.”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it was Lance or the way Hunk talked about you.”
“It wasn’t Shiro? He likes to claim he had a hand in all this.”
Pidge laughed. “Matt does too.”
The light turned and the walked across the crosswalk, heading toward the coffee shop that had started it all. Pidge remembered that day clearly. It was a crisp fall morning, barely any light out, but fortunately her favorite cafe was open. She even helped Lance get a part-time job there.
He was right. She had seen him around the shop a few times, usually wiping down tables or restocking the pastry shelves. But that morning was abnormally busy and he had to come to the counter and take orders.
She could understand why Keith would be embarrassed, but that day had brought so much happiness and a sense of relief for her. She was feeling a little down. She had gone on a few dates that hadn’t turned out very well, they were either uninterested (because they were dragged along for the double date) or they decided not to pursue anything after being set up on a blind date. And of course, in the back of her mind she had wondered if maybe she wasn’t pretty enough to garner someone’s attention. She normally didn’t care about stuff like that, but she had begun to feel a little self-conscious.
But that day, she appeared before Keith and offered her most appeasing smile as he fumbled with her order, had to rewrite her name on her cup, dropped her debit card, and flushed red when Lance said, “stop flipping out just because the customer is cute, mullet.”
She had never gotten that reaction out of anyone before and she had ended up thinking about him for the rest of the day.
Another few blocks and they came across said cafe. Neither Lance or Keith worked there anymore, but the group would come by every now and then for old times sake and Pidge made it a habit to come by on the anniversary of that fateful day.
Keith held the door open for her. They stepped in and let the smell of coffee and freshly baked bread overwhelm them. They walked over to the line, sending a quick wave in greeting to the owner, Slav, who was working the counter today. There was two people ahead of them.
“What else should we do today?” Pidge peered around the shoulder of the person standing before them, eyeing the muffins.
“We could go to the zoo. See that baby giraffe,” he offered.
“And the hippos,” she muttered. She cleared her throat. “That would be nice. We could go see a movie. You said you wanted to see that new hero movie. It looks fun.”
They were next.
“Good morning, you two.” Slav greeted them with a warm smile. “It’s always good to see you. What can I get you two?”
“A pumpkin spice latte, americano, and a banana nut muffin please.”
Slav nodded. “Coming right up. So what have you two been up too?” Slav asked as he got their order together.
Keith handed over his card. “Nothing much.”
Pidge nudged his arm. “Nothing much. Keith here was chosen to enter the Galaxy Garrison’s upcoming pilot program.”
Slav’s eyes widened. “Congratulations. That’s impressive, Keith, but you should be careful, there’s a 75% chance you’ll come in contact with alien life.”
Keith rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks?”
Slav set their coffees and muffin down. “Here you go. Have a great day you two.”
They picked up their coffees and stepped back out. Pidge took a bite of her muffin. She ate away, leaving a piece for Keith. He popped it into his mouth.
They neared the train station. She tugged his jacket sleeve. “I have a surprise for you.”
She nodded, but waited until they were settled on the train platform. She dug around in her purse and took out two tickets.
“I got us tickets to see Real Dragons.”
His eyes brightened. “Really, Pidge? I thought they were sold out.”
She shrugged. “They are, but I got some before they did. Aren’t I amazing?”
“Yes, you are,” he breathed out. He took the tickets and slipped them back into her purse and looked her in the eye. “You are so amazing.”
She bit her lip.
He kissed her cheek.
She pulled his jacket, keeping him close. “It’s not too much?”
He shook his head. “It’s just right.”
“Then, can I kiss you right now? I know you’re all ‘meh’ about PDA, but I can’t help it.”
He visibly gulped, but he nodded anyway.
She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him gently on the mouth. “Hm. Maybe I should start getting americano.”
He smiled against her mouth. “Why do you get pumpkin spice every time?”
She pulled him closer, holding her hand against his jaw. “Because it’s the drink you gave me, even though I asked for a caramel macchiato.”
“I messed that up too?”
She leaned forward and gave him another kiss.
Notes: Thanks for reading! I really wanted to write something fluffy. I'm sorry if this came out way ooc. I'll keep trying to get better at that.
This fic is based off a writing prompt (link) and this funny confession (link) Again, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
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shadowedlove97 · 7 years
Hey could someone send me a writing prompt or something? I’m really bored and organizing all of my files to move over onto my computer again gets really old without breaks.
I’m tired so I can’t promise getting to all of them tonight but I’d like to try to write a few if anyone is interested. This is mainly for Voltron, but I’ll take other fandoms too. I can write for Noragami, Voltron (obviously), Clamp (mainly TRC or TB/x1999 but I can attempt others), Free!, Rurouni Kenshin (is that fandom...active?), and Natsume. Ask about ships for other fandoms. Read under the cut for Voltron pairings and age hcs.
DISCLAIMER: I hc Pidge at around 17, Allura/Lance/Hunk/Keith around 19, Shiro about 22-23. I’m willing to age up/down characters though for AU settings. I will NOT write Sh!dge, Pidge/Matt, Ke!llura/K@llura, Lance/Allura or any combo of Lance/Keith with Allura even if it includes other paladins. So please don’t ask. Sorry! I’m not an anti, so don’t worry about asking for other ships if you ship those.
Also I hc Pidge as a transgirl for in canon, but I can see nb girl Pidge as well, and I will also write cis girl Pidge if you want. Please don’t ask me to write anything where Pidge is a guy. It’s just not happening.
Also no smut please! Sorry.
Shunk (Shiro/Hunk)
Pidgance (Plance?)/Kidge I don’t actively ship but can see so I can try
Lancelot (due to the nature of my hc Lotor, please don’t chose this unless you like angst or dark fic. Also not necessarily romantic.)
Hunay (hunk/shay)
Hunk/Lance/Shiro or Hunk/Keith/Shiro (if anyone actively ships either of these then please tell me cause I want to follow you)
Shiro/Keith/Matt, Shiro/Lance/Matt, Shiro/Keith/Lance/Matt (there’s actually a reason for this...)
Also willing to try Shay/Allura/Pidge
Alfor/Zarkon (ex’s only prompts please)
Alfor/Coran/Allura’s mother (we don’t know her but I’m willing to try)
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kidge · 2 years
hello fellow kidge shippers… i adore and love you all ❤️💚
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Claire - FTH Contributor Page
See Claire’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please send an ask to miraculousstorytelling or email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list at our FAQ)
Claire’s offerings:
Claire Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fic Subtype(s): n/a Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Gravity Falls Rating(s): G, Teen, Mature Length/size: up to 5k words, 5-10k words Especially interested in: I prefer to write lighter stories, so I'd rather focus more on fluff and romance. I'll happily write rare pairs as well as main pairings! For Gravity Falls, I prefer to focus on fics without a romantic element and more family or friends bonding. Will not: Not willing to write noncon, dubcon, incest, or rape. I'd prefer to avoid angst or any kind of character death. For Miraculous Ladybug, I'm not willing to write Gabrinette (or Gabriel romantically with anyone really besides his wife) or Chloe and Alya. For Voltron, I'm not really interested in writing romantic Kallura, Allurance, romantic Kidge, or romantic pairings between Coran and any of the paladins. Notes: I'm pretty flexible when it comes to writing. If you have questions or want to know if I will or won't write something, please feel free to contact me!
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Social Foo-Pah
Social Foo-Pah Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: Continuation of a previous fic, found [here], with a special shout out of thanks to @ohwhatstheworldcometo for asking about a companion piece and being so patient while I worked on this! While Pidge attempts to avoid Keith at the celebration of Princess Maia of Firnes entering society proper, said princess and Allura have concocted a plot to get her feelings for Keith out in the open. But if there’s one things the Paladins should always remember is this: Even the best-laid plans can go completely off the rails. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more.
The grand hall of Queen Simona’s castle had been decked out in elaborate tapestries in various violet, blue and white hues. All the tapestries bore an image of a strange creature that he could only say had to be something akin to a hydra, but each head belonged to a different type of animal and was outlined in a different color. At the center of the piece, with one claw poised just beside it, was a broad sword stuck inside a stone. Keith remembered from the briefing they’d had upon arrival that the colors and insignia were representative of the new world order that Queen Simona had brought to her Firnes many years prior. He reached out with one hand and gently toyed with the tassels at the end of one of the tapestries. He was mildly impressed by how much had been done in so little time to get the place ready.
He heard Kolivan let out a mildly displeased huff. “Keith, please remove your hands from the tapestries. They are materials seen as pivotal to this ceremony,” He said, his tone reminding him of his younger years and getting scolded for sneaking candy bars into the grocery cart.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh please. I doubt that they’re that instrumental to what they’re doing. They look like little more than decorative pieces,” He scoffed.
“Decorative pieces they may be, but they do also serve a purpose,” Queen Simona’s voice was light with a mix of amusement and delight as she approached, the soft click of her heels echoing in the otherwise vacant room. Both Blade members flinched and turned to face her as she approached, Shiro and another lumbering figure a few paces behind her.
“For years, under the tyranny of Queen Maura, our people suffered greatly. She kept them hidden in a fog of false feelings using her powers, keeping them from feeling discomfort over the things she was doing. These tapestries are the insignia that the rebellion Queen Simona led was represented by. They have become a symbol of courage and perseverance to our people,” The tall man behind her said, reaching into a pocket of his coat and pulling out a small bottle. He squeezed a pale blue liquid into one eye, causing Keith to realize that eye was unnaturally glossy.
“I didn’t realize that it held such significance. I apologize for messing with it,” Keith said, dipping his head at her both in a sign of apology and to avoid the scolding look his superior commander was sending his way.
Queen Simona chuckled lightly and gave the man beside her a gentle slap on the shoulder. “Oh, ignore him, young one. Dom’s become a stuffy sort as we’ve grown older,” She explained, her tone light and jesting as she looked at the man in question.
The other shook his head, fixing his one good eye on her, but his lips twitched at the corners in amusement. “You’ve never been good at professionalism, Mona,”
Kolivan stepped forward, offering one hand to the man. “I take it that you are Dominic de Cortez, the head of the royal guard?” He asked.
The other nodded, his expression levelling back out, and took the outstretched hand. “Correct, I am. I take it you are the Blade member in charge of the team you’ve sent along to assist Team Voltron with this. Kolivan, yes?”
He nodded. “Yes. I was hoping to do a debriefing regarding the intelligence we have, as well as discussing the knight rotation throughout the ceremony,”
“Of course. Would it be possible for your young Blade member and the Black Paladin to stay with Queen Simona while we are gone, just in case?” Dom asked, shifting to look over at Keith and Shiro.
Keith blinked a bit in surprise before nodding. “We’ll keep her safe while you’re gone,” He vowed. Queen Simona herself scoffed a bit and shook her head, mumbling something under her breath, but she waved the two older men off with one hand. Keith glanced at her uneasily. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, Your Highness.”
She perked up in surprise before shaking her head. “I apologize. My problem is more with Dominic treating me as if I am still a child. I led a rebellion, by the graces; I think I can protect myself about some spoiled Galran prince and his lackeys if needed,”
“His generals and he are extremely competent fighters, actually. We’ve encountered them enough times to know they are not a force to be underestimated. That’s part of the reason you invited us here, after all; concern over his growing forces being enough to twist Princess Maia to sway to his demands,” Shiro commented before turning his attention to the tapestry. He reached out and touched one of the heads, the silhouette reminding him of a moose. “So the insignia is symbolic of your rebellion?”
“Yes. The sword itself is a representation of myself, as I was the one that orchestrated the rebellion. Each of these heads represents the family beast of each of my seven advisers. The one you are looking at is actually the representative of Dominic,” She explained.
“So you’re a queen with advisers?” Keith asked curiously. In most of the planets they’d visited, it was either ruled by a monarch or by a small council.
“The problem with our previous governmental system,” She explained, her gaze remaining fixated on the tapestry, “was that it was a council composed of members from the same family. There was no variety in the opinions being presented, no insight into how their decisions might affect another demographic of people negatively. None of the members of the council had lived an experience particularly different from the others, so there was no deeper insight. There was also far too much trust and acclaim placed in one another due to the belief that family would always look out for one another; this factor was how Queen Maura was able to rise and snuff out any voice that spoke out against her. For almost all my years of combat, my seven advisers have been by my side. They have helped me to grow as a person and offered me other avenues I would not have considered before. They have disagreed with me and corrected my path when necessary. I have trust in their judgment of myself, as well as trust in my judgment of them, so our system has worked out as well as any system designed by a creature that is not of a celestial status could. All of them have the ability to veto my ideas, and new policies are not put in place without every adviser having a say in what works and if any modifications are necessary.”
“That seems to be quite sound for your people. But I thought that your empathic abilities were how you governed?” Shiro asked.
“The old system lied much more heavily on the abilities of those like myself than the system I’ve designed does. My powers are used more as a clarification point, really. There have been officials and nobles that come with complaints, claiming to be looking out for their fellow man, only to reveal they have disingenuous intentions once I am able to ascertain their deeper emotions,” She said.
“So you’re less a queen and more a ruling lie detector, only with a deeper scope and higher point of accuracy,” Keith said.
Shiro flushed and cast him an annoyed glance. “Keith! That’s an incredibly rude way to put it!” He chided before looking back over at Queen Simona, whom had taken to laughing politely into her hand at the exchange. “I apologize for him. He’s not always the best when it comes to other people.”
“It is quite fine, Black Paladin. I appreciate the curiosity you and the others have exhibited since being here, as well as seeing how you tie things to your own culture for a better understanding. Knowledge can be a pivotal weapon you can use to your advantage; especially in regards to those you are allied with. I could send one of these along with you on your travels, if you’d like,” She offered, gently patting the tapestry once more before looking at both men.
“I’d appreciate one, thank you,” Shiro agreed, offering her a small smile. He opened his mouth to say something else but the large double doors of the grand hall opened and the three turned to face the smaller figure entering. “Oh, Pidge. Shouldn’t you be looking after Princess Maia with Allura, in the garden?”
Pidge tensed up and froze, her eyes locking on Keith. He perked up and cast her an almost sheepish look. She scoffed and looked over at Shiro and Queen Simona again. “I was wondering if there were any other duties you thought I’d be well-suited for. Like, maybe helping set up surveillance equipment or something,” She said quickly.
Queen Simona’s brow knit in concern. “Did something transpire between yourself and young Maia? She’s an excitable sort and has a bad tendency of occasionally speaking without thinking first,” She said gently, beginning to cross the room over to her.
“I may be the Green Paladin, but I’m not much of a nature fanatic,” She said quickly.
“She’s right about that; she’s one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met, and can hack or repair almost anything,” Keith chimed in, trying to offer her a small smile.
She pointedly ignored him. “I’d be more comfortable doing something regarding technology,” She insisted, her own gaze falling to tiled floors beneath her.
“Of course, Green Paladin,” Queen Simona said before reaching over to a small speaker beside the doors. She clicked the little red switch on it and leaned closer. “Giselle, will you send one of your assistants to help lead the Green Paladin down to assist you in preparing the monitoring devices for this evening?” She made sure to flip the switch all the way down after her words, most likely opening the channel to whom she was addressing.
There was a brief pause filled with static noise before another voice responded, “I already have plenty of help. The elderly Altean gentleman is quite… enthusiastic about partaking in every element of our preparation.” The woman’s voice was tight, as if she was barely restraining herself from losing it, and filled with forced enthusiasm.
“The Green Paladin is a technological thinker as well, but a bit more subdued in personality compared to your current companion. View her as more of an assistant to help with reining in the talent you are currently accompanied with, if you’re so obliged,” Simona suggested.
She had barely flicked the switch down to open the channel before Giselle was heard shouting, “One of you go collect the Green Paladin from the grand hall this instant! She is going to be of great help to us!”
“Thank you, Giselle,” Simona said with a small laugh.
“No, thank you and thank the Green Paladin, my Queen,” She said before there was the click of her end going silent again.
With another small shake of her head, Queen Simona turned the device off. “I hope you don’t mind my having to present the situation the way that I did to Giselle. She tends to be very particular about how she takes care of the devices we implement around here. She barely even lets her own personally trained assistants do more than run errands and double-check readings,” She explained.
“Pidge tends to be that way when she’s working on a big project, too,” Shiro commented, hoping to ease some of the tension lingering still. Keith was watching Pidge like a hawk, occasionally shifting as if he wanted to catch her attention, and she, in response, was making sure to keep her face turned away from him. The silence between them was stifling, which was strange considering who it was he was talking about, and it had him a bit concerned. He knew there’d been some kind of argument between them during Keith’s last brief stint on the Castle of Lions, but neither of them would elaborate further than that.
The Green Paladin shifted, moving to head back out the doors. “Thank you, Queen Simona. I’ll wait outside for my escort then,” She said as she shifted to back out.
“I’ll wait with you,” Keith said, starting to approach the doors.
“I can take care of myself. And I’m sure you have your orders from the Blade,” She snapped quickly before storming out, ignoring how the young man visibly flinched at her words.
“Oh, my,” Simona mumbled, looking back over at the crestfallen Blade member. She then glanced over at Shiro, noting the worried frown on his face. “I take it that there is some kind of strain between the two of you?”
Keith perked up then glared off to the side. “It’s… It’s her problem, not mine. If she wants to be petty and hold a grudge, that’s her choice,” He grumbled before turning and heading to check the rest of the room, to assure that things were secure.
The two leaders exchanged looks before Shiro shrugged. “We should avoid getting involved. These two can be kind of… Stubborn, to put it lightly. And they tend to shut down if they feel like they’re being poked and prodded. If we can keep them apart until I can talk with them and diffuse the situation, I’d appreciate it,” He explained quietly.
“I understand. I’ll have them assigned to opposing areas in the grand hall tonight,” She agreed, offering him a small smile to help reassure him. He nodded his head in gratitude and looked over at Keith again, hoping that things could be blown over easy once they had time to address them.
The hustle and bustle of the party ended up being much larger than expected, creeping from outside the walls of the castle and trickling into the city streets. It seemed that the whole capital – maybe even the entire planet! – was celebrating in some way for the young princess. The city streets were decked out with smaller, paper versions of the fabric tapestries, hanging from strings looped between the lampposts lining the city. The denizens were all dressed in their best outfits, wearing the same colors of the tapestries, singing and chanting the songs of the people.
Queen Simona insisted that the windows and balcony doors be left open, as it allowed the natural air circulation to keep the castle cooled, so there was a Blade member stationed at each entrance, ducked out in the shadows and keeping a watch for any suspicious activity. Members of the rebellion were intermingled in the crowd both in the castle and in the streets, monitoring for any sign of Lotor or his generals.
Allura herself was poised close to the end of the staircase where the royal family would be making their arrival from. Standing at the other end was Hunk, looking around pensively, anxious over potential missing any hint that something could be going wrong. She did a quick scan to double check where the two in her plans were present. Pidge was stationed beside one of the inner doors to a balcony, chatting amicably with the Firnesian guard stationed alongside her. A decent space away, back over by the main entrance, was Keith, most likely receiving his orders from Kolivan. She made a mental note to keep track on him, in specific, to guarantee the plan she and Maia had come up with could be followed. She then turned her attention to the top of the spiral stairs as the orchestra started up a much softer, gentler song.
At the top of the staircase stood Queen Simona, Maia and another woman beside her. The other woman seemed to be about the same age as Queen Simona, with inky hair that had been curled and teased, the strands bouncing mere centimeters above her bare shoulders. She was wrapped in a strapless violet gown with a white sash around her waist and matching gloves that reached her elbows. She leaned over to Maia, carefully tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, her eyes warm with affection as she spoke quietly to her. There was a resemblance in the two, in the curve of their faces and shape of their eyes, though the older woman’s eyes were stormy blue-grey. The younger woman was rocking back and forth on her feet, looking up at both she and Simona in barely contained delight, the long edges of her pearl gown skimming along the plush rug below her.
Simona dipped her head to say something, pressing a small kiss to her forehead, before taking a deep breath and reaching towards a small marble pillar beside her. The marks on her own arms almost seemed to be glowing in the celebratory lights. Atop a cushion was what seemed to be a silver choker of some sort, with small droplet-sized stones embedded in it, as well as a long strip of a velvety looking fabric. Queen Simona raised the fabric and offered it to the woman beside her, then carefully picked up the ornate necklace. “Thank you, to every single person in attendance for this moment. It is an honor to see so many coming out to share this moment with our beloved Maia,” She said, pausing to flash a gentle look at the young heiress before her.
The crowd before them erupted into a delighted cheer, boosted as those on the outside joined in as well.
She smiled and dipped her head. “As is customary for a young one’s official entrance into society, here before her newfound peers and equals, she shall be given a family heirloom and have her hair styled by her parentage. For her family heirloom, she shall receive the chain of truth, as customary of an empath with her skill and prowess,” She explained before glancing at the other woman.
“And, for her hair style, she shall have it styled in a simple braid with the cloth in my hand. The fabric is soft yet sturdy, the braid practical and humble, as these are the attributes she will be wise to remember as she continues down the path of adulthood,” She said, pausing to again tuck another rebel lock of hair behind the princess’ ear.
The crowd cheered the whole time as the black haired woman twisted and tied her hair off into the aforementioned braid, and then when Queen Simona carefully clicked the clasp of the necklace into place, the fit snug enough that it wouldn’t dangle but also loose enough that it shouldn’t inhibit her ability to breath, eat or speak. Once she was finished with the ceremonial parts, she received a peck to each cheek from each of her parents, then turned and slowly made her way down the steps. Once she reached the end, the thunderous excitement in the crowd seemed to miraculously reach greater heights, the collection swarming upon her to congratulate and greet her proper. Hunk shifted and took his position beside her, serving as a personal guard in case anyone got too grabby or enthusiastic.
It was quite some time before things settled down enough for Allura and Hunk to swap posts, the Yellow Paladin offering her a relieved smile before slinking off to find himself something to drink and eat. She offered him a small wave before her attention shifted back to her enthusiastic ward, bright-eyed and fidgeting in her giddiness, Squire poised on her shoulder. This left the young Altean a bit bemused, as she hadn’t seen the little Heelaw anywhere prior to that point. “Is this Keith person in attendance?” She asked eagerly, gently taking hold of the taller woman’s upper arm.
“He is. He should be over by the balcony right now, speaking with Kolivan, the leader of the Blade,” She said, guiding them towards where they were. She opted against adding that, upon seeing his approach, Pidge had ducked and disappeared into the crowd.
“Excellent! What kind of person is he? From what little I could glean from Pidge’s emotions, he seems to be someone deserving of her adulation,” She asked eagerly.
“Well,” Allura trailed nervously, her eyes darting through the crowd in the hope of locating Pidge, “he’s a bit abrasive, but he has a good heart. He’s a lot like her, in the sense that they both like their privacy, which is probably why they get along so well.”
Maia hummed thoughtfully, lifting one hand to wave eagerly when Kolivan and Keith spotted their approach from the corner of their eyes. She carefully detangled herself from Allura once they reached them, taking the second to offer a polite bow to them. “Greetings, both of you. I have wanted to offer a proper thank you for your assistance in securing our home for this evening in person,” She said.
Kolivan offered a small smile and imitated her bow. “It is our pleasure, Your Highness,” He said.
Maia nodded before glancing over at Allura. “Blue Paladin, would you be so kind as to see if one of the other Paladin’s would be willing to do a guard post swap with you? I’m sure you’re rather tired of following me along and I’d love the chance to speak with each of you in turn,” She said happily.
“Of course,” Allura said, hoping that her smile and tone didn’t sound too stiff. This was the request they had agreed upon in order for their plan to work. Pidge wouldn’t be able to escape being around Keith if it was for the sake of the mission. And Shiro had made it clear that each Paladin take a turn guarding the princess herself. With everyone scattered as they were, none of them should notice how brief her stint beside the princess actually was.
It was a rather impressive plan, Allura had to admit.
“You two are okay with looking after her in the meanwhile, right?” Allura asked, waving lightly before scampering off without even waiting for the answer.
Keith made a vague noise of approval, lifting his head to size Maia up properly. She didn’t miss how his gaze lingered on the markings of her power on her arms. “You have the same marks on your arms as the queen,” He commented.
Maia beamed at him and nodded, lifting one hand to gently stroke one of Squire’s chubby cheeks with her finger tip. “This is the sign that, just like Mother, I have the powers of empathy. These marks are the indicator that I can channel another person’s energy through myself and translate what their feelings are. For now, I’m still in training, but so long as the person I am doing a reading on is thinking of a specific subject or person, I can get a rather precise reading of them. Would you like me to prove as much?” She kept her smile and tone bright, betraying nothing of her gambit, as she offered one hand to the young Blade member. Sensing what was to happen, Squire carefully hopped from his perch and scurried off to pilfer some treats from the food stand.
He eyed her hand cautiously before taking it. At first, she was unable to pick up anything specific, other than that he felt uncomfortable and crowded in the current setting. “So, what exactly should I do?” He asked.
“Think about someone or something specific, so I can get a proper reading on what you feel,” She mused lightly, closing her eyes and beginning to actively probe. For a while it was just foggy and vague, but then he seemed to hone in on a subject. On the surface, he was riddled with confusion and frustration. Something was putting a wedge between he and the subject but he wasn’t sure what. Underneath that, there was fear and betrayal; the fear and betrayal both stemming from a belief that he was, or had been, replaced. There was also a sense of confusion as to what, exactly, his feelings for this person actually were, but the falsehood of that emotion was easy to piece together with a little more probing. Beneath the confusion, in a part of him that may be subconscious, there was a sense of fear over conflicting feelings towards them. On one hand, it seemed that Keith wanted to spend more time with this person and reach out to them, to be transparent with one another. The fearful part of him, though, reared its head like a charge animal and snarled fierce that it would be fruitless.
He felt this person was important to him but also felt he wasn’t important to them in the same way.
Maia slowly opened her eyes to look at Keith, a sense of dread settling into her belly. He clearly had a deep affection for whomever he was thinking about, which could end up sabotaging the plans that she and Allura had. It, she realized, could end up breaking the Green Paladin’s heart. She knew she’d be unable to keep the truth to herself; after all, in this situation, she’d want to know the truth herself. She slowly opened her eyes and fixed her gaze on him, her brow knitting slightly. “Are you sure you don’t know what these feelings you have are?” She asked quietly, her voice just above a whisper.
His eyes widened at her words, indigo eyes shifting from her to whoever he was looking at, panic clear as day.
“Oh, calm down. I’m not here to pick a fight,” Pidge grumbled as she approached, holding two fluted glasses. She offered one to Maia before taking a small sip of her own. “Hmm. Not half bad for an alien punch.”
Maia didn’t even try to hide the smile that turned up on her lips, looking from Keith to Pidge happily. She could tell by how tense he got that he knew that she knew it was the Paladin he’d been gawking at during her reading. She tightened her grip on his hand, sensing that he planned to politely sneak it away and try to flee. She took a sip of her drink before offering it to Kolivan. “Would you be so kind as to hold this for me for a moment?”
He looked a touch confused but nodded, carefully taking the flute from her. With her hand freed, she turned her attention back to Keith and Pidge. “You two seem to be having some kind of difficulty in your relationship, I hear,” She said calmly, trying to take advantage of Pidge’s distracted state to get a hold of her other hand.
The other was quick, though. Her gaze shifted from Maia, looking ready to tear into her for trying to involve herself, before her eyes locked on Keith’s hand still clutched by the princess. She shifted, moving to take a step back in preparation for her escape. “Whatever you’re trying to do, don’t!” She seethed lowly.
“This is going to be a good thing, I promise!” Maia huffed back, determined, and seized up the other’s wrist instead. The grip wasn’t ideal, but it would work well enough. “Just let me help you!”
“I don’t need any help with this!” Pidge snapped back.
“Yes, you do!” Maia yelled back, tightening her grip and kicking up her power on accident. If she wasn’t focused on her targets, then her ability to channel was a bit off-kilter, as she had learned many times before. If she was too focused on one, all that happened was a one-way transfer of the most basic reading of emotion. Keith and Pidge both visibly froze as they realized what was happening, the odd warm sensation that Maia’s powers caused coursing through both of them and laying everything at their feet.
Well, at one of theirs feet; specifically, Pidge’s feelings at Keith’s feet.
It was a whole minute of silence before Maia was able to compose herself enough to try and correct the flow of the channel, but it was also enough time for Pidge’s brain to catch back up with what was happening. At first, in her shock and horror and embarrassment, she dropped her drink, the glass shattering on the polished tile with the sound of a warning alarm blaring. Conversations around them died down significantly, eyes turning to gawk at them, and the embarrassment and horror grew stronger in Pidge as she looked around frantically. She yanked free of the other young woman’s grasp and staggered back a few steps. “What did you do?” She shouted, clutching her hand to her chest as if she’d been hurt.
She was more just yelling because she didn’t know what else to do, what else to say.
Maia shrunk in a bit, holding her own hands up defensively. An anxious glance around showed that a much wider circle of intrigue had been made, growing as the commotion itself grew louder. “I-It’s okay, Green Paladin, this is an easy fix. Just let me open the channel the other way and it’ll all make sense,” She insisted, trying to calm the other back down.
“Pidge,” Keith said suddenly, his voice quiet and somber, both women turning to face him.
Pidge’s eyes widened a bit at how he watched her, with eyes that were soft and gentle with what she could only label as pity. Her stomach roiled in discomfort, her face growing hotter with a shameful flush. She said nothing before turning and darting towards the double doors leading out of the grand hall. “Ah, Pidge, wait!” Maia called, moving to go after her. She then stopped and wheeled around to pin Keith with a displeased scowl. “Why did you have to do that?”
He blinked, bewildered, then scowled in return. “Excuse me? You’re the one who used her weird powers to do whatever it is you just did!” He accused.
Maia opened her mouth to respond when she heard an intrigued hum from behind her, familiar and chilling, and instead clamped her mouth shut. “Yes, Maia, what did you do, hmm?”
She slowly turned, lifting her gaze to meet the disapproving frowns of her parents. “Momma… Mother,” She said uneasily, her gaze shifting from each of them in turn.
“What’s going on over here? Is everything okay?” Shiro asked as he walked over, Coran and the other Paladins a few steps behind him. Keith noted that Allura bore a similar look on her face as Princess
“This is my fault,” Maia said quietly, wringing her hands uneasily. She glanced over at Keith, who still seemed surprised and muddled about what had happened. “I meant to do a transference of emotion between the two of them, in hopes of opening the channel of communication between them to discuss their mirrored emotional conflicts, but it didn’t go well. She seemed to know that something was going to happen and tried to run off but I wouldn’t let her. I only ended up transferring Pidge’s emotions to Keith. And she was far from happy about that and ran off.”
“Maia, you know you aren’t supposed to be using that technique yet. You haven’t gained a high enough level of control to complete the transfer properly; especially in a situation where you yourself are not completely composed,” Queen Simona said, her tone firm but otherwise composed.
“I’m so sorry about all of this,” The other queen said as she turned to the Paladins and two Blade members, seeming a bit frantic over it all.
“It’s not your fault, Queen Adalyn,” Shiro said.
“Especially since I doubt she was acting alone, Your Highness,” Coran chimed, casting a firm glance over his shoulder at Allura. The other jumped a bit in surprise before glancing down at where she was tapping the tiles on the floor with the toe of her Paladin boot.
“I just wanted to help, but I’ve only made things worse,” Maia mumbled softly.
Queen Simona sighed and looked over at Shiro. “I apologize for this, sincerely,”
“I’ll see if I can’t get her to come back. She should still have the communication device on her helmet switched on,” He explained with a small sigh, shifting away to try and reach her.
While he did that, Keith turned to look over at the other Paladins. “Poor Pidge. She must be really embarrassed,” Hunk said worriedly.
Keith opened his mouth to say something when Lance snorted. “Well, can you blame her? Who wouldn’t be embarrassed about having a crush on Keith?”
“Lance!” Allura seethed, pinning him with a glare.
“What? I��m just telling the truth!” He argued.
“She isn’t answering the comms. Which means she’s either turned the comms off, or removed her helmet,” Shiro said with a small sigh.
Simona nodded. “I’ll get in touch with Giselle. Her cameras should grant her a full reign of the territory of the castle. So long as she hasn’t gone running into town, we should be able to track her down,” She said, carefully lifting the skirt of her dress to head off. She briefly glanced at the shattered glass and drink on the floor, thankfully unperturbed since its fall. “And I’ll see about having that cleaned up, to avoid any potential slips or injuries.”
“I’ll go with you,” Shiro insisted politely. He paused briefly to stick the remaining three Paladins and Blade rookie with a stern look. “And I expect the rest of you to stay put; especially you two, Keith, Allura. We’re going to put this matter to bed the minute we find Pidge.” And, with that, he turned and followed after the queen to begin the search.
“Ugh, this is so unfair!” Lance whined, tilting his head back and setting one hand on his hips.
“I truly am sorry, to all of you. I hadn’t meant to cause this evening to go this way,” Maia chimed again, her whole figure slumped in defeat.
Hunk tried to offer her a reassuring smile, gently patting one of her shoulders. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ve all made mistakes at big, celebratory gatherings like this,” He said.
Keith turned away from them, his gaze flickering to the balcony in longing. Would stepping out there be against Shiro’s orders? Did he even have to really listen to Shiro, considering he was no longer an official member of Team Voltron? Kolivan offered him the untouched flute of punch that Maia had given him a few minutes before. “Take a moment to clear your head out there. If Shiro returns before you, I’ll inform him I ordered you to do a quick check for any intruders out there,” He said evenly.
“Thanks,” Keith said, unable to muster up a smile but hoping that the gratitude still made it through. After receiving a quick nod of acknowledgement, he slipped past the gently billowing curtains and out into the brisk night air. He stepped out until he reached the stone railing of the balcony. Once there, he rested one arm against the railing to lean out and see the gardens better. They’d been lit by floating paper lanterns and cast an almost ethereal glow on the fauna below. Though, he realized, that perhaps that was simply because this world really was drastically different than Earth, even with all the similarities?
Sometimes he wasn’t sure, what with how much traveling they did through space. He typically left debates like that to Pidge. Whenever he’d encountered something like this before, he could say it outright to her, and for the next hour or two, she would be off. She would take what he was pondering and take it to new heights and levels of intrigue that he’d never consider on his own. Sometimes he’d lose track of what she was saying or how she’d gotten to the tangent she was on, but it was nice, just listening to her wax poetic-science about the specifics of his queries.
He took a quick sip of his drink, humming a bit at the taste. It reminded him of spiced apple cider.
He wondered if Pidge would agree with him on that thought. They’d once argued about whether the Gugu Juice from the planet of Yasarut tasted like blueberries and pomegranate or blackberries and pomegranate. He took another sip and turned the thought over, analyzing his relationship with Pidge and how he appreciated the natural simplicity of it. There was no need to try and present himself in a specific light with her. He could let the walls down and simply toss out any random thought he had without the risk of scrutiny or mockery.
He didn’t have to be Keith, the rejected Garrison cadet known for being a loner.
He didn’t have to be Keith, the ace pilot and ex-Paladin of Voltron.
He didn’t have to be Keith, the rebellious Blade of Marmora rookie.
He could just be Keith, no pretense or context.
He took another sip and fought back a sigh. In the end, developing feelings for Pidge made sense, the more he thought about it. Very few of the people he’d encountered ever allowed him to be so authentically himself before. His father had, within reason, of course; and, in the same vein, so did Shiro. Pidge never expected Keith to be or do more than he ever felt comfortable with. There was something about the ease of their relationship that felt like the first gulp of water after traversing the desert for many hours. But, with that freedom came the stifling fear that Keith would lose her just like he lost everyone that ever meant so much to him before. So he stashed his feelings under layers of fear and befuddlement, as a way to never have to acknowledge or act upon them.
That, he realized, wasn’t going to work anymore, though. Knowing the thoughts that were rattling around in Pidge’s head cleared things up for him. He know understood why she’d been so hostile about the scar he’d gotten from his latest Blade mission. The situation at current was far from ideal for either of them, but it left him feeling a need to face the truth wholeheartedly. Even if she ended up telling him off, proclaiming that it was just a crush and he was reading too much into it, he still wanted to have that conversation. He didn’t want to keep lying about his own stance on it, regardless of how much it would hurt to be rejected. He noticed motion across the garden from himself, by a large tree near the small waterfall.
There, huddled in close to herself, sat Pidge. Her helmet had rolled a few feet away and her face was hidden between her knees and crossed arms.
He stole a glance over his shoulder and, upon confirming that Kolivan was preoccupied with talking with Queen Adalyn, set his half-downed flute down on the balcony and hopped over the railing.
It wasn’t a particularly steep drop, and even then Keith had been smart about going down in stages to avoid injury. He navigated himself carefully, managing to make it to the small bridge in decent time and coming to a halt right after he crossed it. He could still see Pidge’s figure, but he could see her better now. The slight shake of her shoulders told him that she was either trying to fight back tears or was simply trying to mask that she’d surrendered. Approaching her now would most likely end with her cursing him out and threatening to tazz him with her bayard, depending on how he decided to go about it.
He took a deep breath before taking the final few steps towards her, stopping when there was a wide enough girth between them that she should – hopefully – feel unthreatened. “I’m sorry,” He blurted without thinking. She stilled and tensed, one of her hands shifting towards her face. He waited a moment longer, but when she didn’t start talking or move to run away, he decided to press things further. “And, I mean… I know that it isn’t ideal, but it could be worse. It could be Lance that you have a crush on.” He offered.
Her head shot up at that and he froze under the incredulous look on her face.
“Okay, bad example, I should have thought about that better,” He admitted, holding his hands up defensively, “but I think my main point is still kinda fair. I mean, I get it. I’m not the guy people think of when they think about people to have a crush on. And, yeah, that’s something I can totally understand. I know who I am and… I can understand why it’d be embarrassing to have an interest in someone like me. I’m not exactly good with people, and I’m way too impulsive, but I just… I wanted to say that I feel something like that for you, too. And I’m not really sure what caused you to end up liking me like that, but I’m really sorry that you’ve had to deal with those feelings.”
“What?” Pidge asked with a small laugh, carefully unfurling herself and cocking her head. The laugh had been mirthless and there was confusion on her face, which at least helped to soothe him a bit. She wasn’t being malicious about it, at least.
“That’s why you ran off, and I understand,”
“Why do you think I ran off?” She asked curiously, slowly pushing herself upright. He couldn’t read the look in her eyes as she settled on her feet and something about it made him uneasy.
Transparency with one another was kind of their thing. Or, rather, he’d always considered it to be there thing.
“Because you were embarrassed about having a crush on me,” He said bluntly, as if it should be absolutely obvious.
She shifted and began to walk towards him. “Well, you’re half right,” She said calmly. She stopped a few feet from him, brow knitting in confusion. She glanced briefly at the waterfall, nibbling a bit on her lower lip like she always did when she was turning over a confusion thought, then looked back up at him. “What did you get from Princess Maia, exactly?”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I got that you have a crush on me, that you’re mad at me, that you were embarrassed and horrified about the whole crush thing-!”
“Wait, what?”
“I could literally sense your feelings because of Maia, Pidge; you don’t need to pretend,” He said, wincing a bit and averting his gaze. This whole thing was starting to enter the point of discomfort and, not for the first time, he found himself cursing his impulsive nature.
“Is that what you thought those feelings were about?” She asked, and this time when she laughed it felt a bit more genuine.
He screwed his eyes shut, not wanting to look back at her. “Well, excuse me for piecing things together with what I had! You don’t need to make fun of me because of it!”
“Look, Keith, you’re-!”
“I already know what you’re going to say, Pidge! I only came over here so that I could say my piece so that we could move forward from this!” He snapped, still refusing to open his eyes. He felt like if he looked at her, if he saw the mocking delight that he was sure was in her face, their relationship could never resume any sense of what they’d had before. He didn’t want to lose Pidge as a friend, didn’t want to lose that easy companionship. He could pushing his feelings up the hill to get over them if they were out in the open, he was sure, but he wasn’t sure if he could if he saw the jeering look on her face.
But then there was a set of suit-covered hands on his cheeks, the warmth of her palms still managing to reach him through the material. His eyes snapped open and he finally turned to face her. There was no malice or mockery in her eyes, surprising as that was. She looked a little exasperated, but there was something softer paired with him, something he was a bit too scared to name. Her hands slide down, sliding from either side of his face to either side of his neck.
He could feel his own pulse thrumming like made, as if his blood was kerosene touched by a lit match.
Pidge shifted, pressing herself up on tip-toes and looping her arms around his shoulders. Her head just skirted past his, shifting to rest her head against the side of his. “I was embarrassed because I didn’t want you to know how I felt yet; not because I was embarrassed about how I felt, you doof,” She said with a small laugh. She gave him a small squeeze. “I ran off because the way you looked at me after the transfer… It looked like you were pitying me.”
He blinked then, slowly so she could stop him if she wanted to, looped his arms around her as well, settling his hands between her shoulder blades and the middle of her back respectively. “It was pity, but not directed at you; it was just pity that we’d both had kinda similar feelings and had wasted a lot of time not talking about it. Why didn’t you want me to know yet?”
“Because… It’s complicated, you know? It’d be complicated if we decided to pursue a relationship, and it’d be complicated if we decided not to, and just… I didn’t want to have to deal with it. At least not yet,” She said quietly, slumping a bit. He could tell she was feeling exhausted by the events, which was unsurprising. He was feeling pretty worn out himself.
“We could find a way. I mean, find a way to make it a little less complicated,” He mumbled, closing his eyes a bit.
She let out a small hum and he quashed the disappointment at how disbelieving it sounded. “I’m not so sure,”
“But can we at least try? Try to figure something out?” He pressed quietly.
“I don’t know. Maybe. Yes? Let me think for a little bit, okay?” She prompted, seeming just as thrown as he was. But he was fine with that, he figured. Perhaps they could as Queen Simona to help them figure out their compromise before they left.
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kidge · 2 years
i need people to send me more kidge asks pleasee aaaa
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Kidge Parent HC Part 2.4
Holy crow I was hoping to get this done a lot sooner than I did but it’s here now! The next part will probably take even longer since it’s going to be going over the family dynamic as a whole, how the kids bounce off of one another, their interests and personalities, etc., as well as me wanting to get some more fics out before then so I hope you’ll all stick around for it!
Also, I’ll hopefully be uploading a newer, better schedule for my stories/ projects later today, so there’s that. :3
Kidge Married Pre-Babies: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.1: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.2: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.3: [here] *There’s a little angst in this one, FYI
Also, note taken from the start of Part 2.1, but:  Forewarning that there will be some mentions of Allurance in all these parts, but I’m not tagging it because they aren’t given any real focus. Additionally, since I know some of this stuff can squick some people out, warning that there will be somewhat-detailed talk about pregnancy, birth, and what exactly comes in the early stages with a newborn so please be wary if such things make you uncomfortable.
Small Notes I Forgot to Mention Last Time:
Oliver’s full name is Oliver Maxwell Kogane. His middle name is actually a suggestion from Colleen; Maxwell was the name Colleen and Samuel had settled on when they were expecting Pidge if she had been born a boy. I originally planned for his middle name to be Samuel, after Pidge’s dad and I think I referred to him as such once in a fic?? but I changed my mind on that.
Also, the onesie they brought him home in was gray with a tiny robot on it that read “I like pushing buttons”.
The Fourth Baby
So, Keith and Pidge had agreed that Oliver was going to be their last, but that isn’t exactly how it plays out. Oliver had just turned a year old a few weeks prior, Kaden’s third birthday was right around the corner, and Amber would be turning seven in October. Pidge realizes that her period is late and has a sinking suspicion as to why, but also doesn’t want to jump the gun. After two weeks pass, she picks up a few tests and they all come back positive.
She’s not surprised and is pretty happy, but she’s also really worried how Keith and the kids will take the news. Oliver – obviously – doesn’t remember all the trouble from his own birth and Kaden was too little to really remember, but Amber and Keith certainly do.
Amber actually went for about two weeks where she had nightmares about losing her Mommy and ended up joining Keith and Pidge in their bed. They had considered getting her into therapy, but after they started seriously talking about it the nightmares tapered off so they decided to hold off, not really sure of what would be the best option for her. It’s been over a year since the last time she did that, but Pidge worries that this will kick it all up for her and send her anxieties back up to max.
Pidge decides to breach the subject when they’re cleaning up after dinner that night. Surprisingly, all three kids take the news extremely well. She’s especially pleased with how happy Amber is at the idea of having another little sibling to look after, helping to curb some of Pidge’s anxiety. Keith, however, does not take it well. He turns and straight-up leaves the house for the night, heading off in the Black Lion for parts unknown.
Amber and Kaden are a bit worried about Keith’s reaction, while Oliver is blissfully unaware of what’s going on.
*Kaden, standing on tip-toes to put his cup in the sink.* “Mommy, is Daddy angry?”
“Daddy’s a little upset but it’ll be okay.” *Said with a small sigh, picking up a plate and scrubbing it clean.*
“Is he upset about the new baby?” *Amber, taking the cleaned plate and putting it in the dishwasher.*
“It’s… complicated, sweetheart.”
“Does Daddy not love the new baby?”
*Pidge, freezing and looking down at Amber in alarm at the question. Amber meets her gaze, refusing to shy away despite how uncomfortable she is with the thought.* “… No, Amber, that’s not it. Daddy is just… very scared. And sometimes when Daddy gets scared he goes away for a little bit to think things through.”
The kids stop asking question after that. They finish cleaning up from dinner, Pidge gets them all settled into bed, and goes to lie down herself. She doesn’t fall asleep, just kinda lays there and lets her mind reel through all the different responses she could get from Keith. She lays there for about two hours before she hears footsteps on the stairs.
She doesn’t say anything when he opens the door and slips inside, heading to the bathroom and getting ready for bed as quietly as he can. He slips in beside her and pulls her flush against him. She twists in his arms so that she’s facing him, settling one hand on his shoulder and the other on the side of his face. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch.
“Do you feel a little better now? Had a chance to cool down?”
“I’m… Yeah. I wasn’t angry, you know.”
“I know that, but the kids didn’t, and it was hard explaining to them. Especially Amber… She asked a really difficult question.”
*He shifts to lean his forehead against hers and sighs.* “I swear, she’s too sharp… What did she ask?”
“She asked if you weren’t going to love this baby like you love them.”
*Keith’s eyes snap open and he looks absolutely mortified, which Pidge had been kind of expecting.* “Jesus, I… I may not be exactly thrilled right now, but I would never-! I… I’m worried and scared about what could happen, but that doesn’t mean I won’t love the baby… Did I really make that much of a scene when I left?”
“It’s less making a scene and more that the kids aren’t really used to that side of you, I think. They’re more used to their happy, goofy Daddy and the occasionally stern Daddy. A Daddy that’s really upset and needs to walk away, though? Not really something you’ve had to do much in front of them. They don’t know what an impulsive little shit you used to be.” *Pidge is gentle as she speaks, moving to wrap her arms around him and give him a few quick pecks between words to help soothe him, and grows a bit more playful at her last statement.*
“Keith chuckles quietly.* “You know, I seem to remember somebody else who used to be pretty impulsive when they were younger… Name stared with a ‘P’ and ended with an ‘Idge’, I believe.”
“I’m afraid that I, Katie, have never met this person.”
“Oh, you are such a little sneak!” *Keith says, but he’s laughing, so she considers it progress.*
They have a long talk about the whole thing and agree that they have every intention of seeing this through. Keith does, however, insist that if Pidge feels like anything about the pregnancy feels weird or drastically different that she make sure to tell him. He literally doesn’t care about the medical expenses they might accrue; he’ll rush her to the ER over anything this time around if it prevents an incident like they had with Oliver.
The next morning they wake up to Amber and Kaden both flopped over on top of Keith. They were worried that their Daddy was sad so they came in to cuddle the happy back into him. Keith sits and talks with them and explains things as best he can while Pidge goes and gets Oliver out of his crib in his own room.
The Altea Clan finds out about the pregnancy first, due to Pidge and Keith inquiring as to whether Allura can keep the Castle on Earth for an extended period of time. Due to Allura’s diplomacy training from her youth, Lance’s natural charisma, and Coran’s wealth of knowledge, the three of them have been travelling the galaxy helping to maintain the coalition and spread peace even further; it’s also a good way, in Allura’s opinion, to teach their children how to be proper diplomats too. Allura is immediately tickled at them having another child and explains they’d been planning to take a little break to spend more time with Lance’s family on Earth, seeing as the kids have been wanting to spend more time with their extended family, so having the Castle Ship at a moment’s notice won’t be an issue. This is a huge relief to Keith, as his biggest concern is making sure that Pidge and the baby are safe.
Hunk and Shiro find out shortly after them. Hunk echoes a lot of the same concerns that Keith had – complications and risks for Pidge and the baby – but also assures that he’ll be as supportive as ever. Shiro agrees that so long as they’re both okay with it than he’s happy for them. They’re both further settled by the fact that Allura and the Castle Ship will also be nearby, just in case.
After that they tell Krolia and the Holts. Krolia and Colleen are both thrilled at the idea of another little grandbaby to dote on, Samuel seems a bit concerned but is also extremely supportive, while Matt voices that he thinks it’s a bad idea, even with the Castle Ship around just in case, but agrees to support them. This irritates Pidge a bit but she opts against making a scene at the time, simply because she doesn’t need the stress.
So, what does Pidge get in the way of symptoms this time around? She gets really, really mild nausea – like, to the point where it only seems that certain foods trigger it – as well as less severe moods swings. Other than that, the only thing that’s really different, is that her sex drive is a little more kicked up this pregnancy. But even that is fixed by sleepovers with their grandparents. ;3c
Other little tidbit; because they are serious about this being their last baby, Keith gets a vasectomy pretty shortly after they find out Pidge is pregnant. Vasectomies are significantly less invasive procedures than having the Fallopian tubes tied off, has a faster turn-around rate from surgery to full recovery, and they can nip any potential other pregnancies in the bud before they’re even possible. Another reason they take care of it as soon as they do is because Keith does need to have a good few days of taking it easy since he’ll be tender down there, and Pidge needs to still be well enough to look after the kids and help him as best he can.
Colleen and Sam help out by taking the kids for an overnight visit the first night after the procedure, which helps Pidge out in regards to prioritizing where her attention should be, since their kids are extremely energetic little stinkers and would make it way harder in the immediate.
So, back to the situation with the new baby!
Pidge’s due date this time around is in early-to-mid December. Keith points out this means they’ll have a baby for all seasons, which makes Pidge laugh.
This baby is a bit different from their siblings in regards to settling down. When this one starts kicking and shifting around, they only seem to calm down when someone starts humming/ singing at them. Pidge usually just hums, because it’s a bit easier, but Keith will actually lean close to Pidge’s belly and gently serenade the new baby. And when Pidge is at home with the older kids, Amber and Kaden will put on little concerts to try and help soothe their baby sibling. It never works, since it’s more a cacophony of noise with them, but Pidge still finds it ridiculously sweet so she never tells them the truth.
They are informed that they’ll be having a little girl this time around! Amber is wildly excited about this while Kaden is a little disappointed. Pidge is pleased because she’s been of the opinion that they needed a little less testosterone in the house.
They have another family meeting to determine how to proceed with things involving the new baby, specifically to discuss room theme. Pidge is taking a nap at the time since she had to have blood drawn at her doctor’s appointment that day and the nurse that did it was new and had trouble finding a vein, so she’s feeling a little worn out.
*Amber, clearing her throat and calling the meeting to order.* “Today, we must decide what Baby Sister’s room is going to look like! This is a very important matter, right, Daddy?”
“Oh, absolutely.” *Keith, chuckling a bit as he settles in between the boys, Oliver fiddling with the junk mail on the table.*
“I think we should do something about when she’s gonna be here! Playing in the snow is really fun, and I’m sure that playing with Bbay Sister is gonna be really fun, so we have to do something for both!”
“I got an idea! Her room should be about Christmas!” *Kaden, all big eyes and excitement, flailing one hand in the air wildly.*
*Amber, flashing him a bland look.* “She’s not gonna be born on Christmas, though.”
*Kaden, pouting and crossing his arms.* “But she’s gonna be born near Christmas!”
“Not close enough!”
“Yeah huh!”
“Nuh uh!”
*Oliver suddenly shrieks and slams his hand down on a magazine that came in the mail, silencing the argument and Keith’s preparation to chime in.* “Twee!”
*Keith chuckles and leans over to look at the magazine.* “You’re getting so good with words, buddy! That is… a… tree…”
The picture that Oliver had been talking about was of a scenic, snowy ski resort. Pidge and Keith went one year for their anniversary – before the kids – and been automatically enrolled in their subscription. They normally just tossed them out, but Keith had wanted to see if they’d received the notice on when Amber’s next dentist appointment was from her dentist and hadn’t purged the junk yet. And he is suddenly given an excellent idea that will appease both kids.
They agree on a “Winter Wonder” theme for the new baby’s room, giving it the winter theme that Amber had wanted, with the agreement that during December they can hang some tinsel and little ornaments so that they can still have a Christmas-y feel like Kaden wanted. And it’s painted to look like a snowy forest, because of Oliver’s input, too.
Painting the room and putting everything together is done by Keith, Shiro, Hunk, Matt, Amber and Kaden. Oliver waddles around in his little walker and just kinda shouts random words he remembers at everyone as he works. Hunk claims this is his way of offering moral support. Pidge thinks the whole thing is a ridiculously adorable spectacle.
The onesie they pick out for Baby Girl is white with a yellow trim and a pastel pink unicorn on the front. It also has the text “I’m Secretly a Unicorn” on it.
Pidge’s water breaks and she starts getting contractions in the afternoon on December 7th. The Holts had been over visiting so they agree to stay in the lobby with the kids while Keith and Pidge are in Labor and Delivery. Pidge is actually only in labor for four hours, with everything goes extremely quick and complication free. Officially at 4:44 P.M., Aria Emma Kogane gets to join the family!
They pick the name Aria because it means “Solo Melody” and she’s had a clear passion for music since she was in the womb. They pick the name Emma as her middle name because it means “Universal” and they see her as the final little planet to make the universe of their family complete.
In regards to appearance, Aria is a little bit of an oddball compared to her siblings. Unlike the older three, who all inherited Keith’s black hair, Aria ends up with the same sandy blonde as Pidge. She ends up having bright green eyes, however. Green eyes are typically caused by a mutation in the genes, and are among the rarest natural eye colors. Then again, since this is a fictional world with radical eye colors, the likelihood is probably just a bit higher, I think. Other than that, she gets a lot of Pidge’s facial features – button nose and eye shape and heart-shaped face - but Keith’s complexion.
Everyone gets to come in and meet her at once this time, due to that Paladin Privilege and the fact that the delivery was complication free. Since Amber’s big enough, she actually gets to hold Aria herself and let’s out the most excited muffled squeal in the world. Keith helps Kaden take his turn with holding her, and Oliver just kinda lightly pokes Aria’s cheek as his sign of acceptance. Everyone in the family gets a turn to hold her, and Colleen brought her a gray-purple baby blanket to be bundled up in, though Matt ends up kinda hogging her. Pidge gives him the biggest, stinkiest “And YOU Thought She Was a Bad Idea, You Fucking Twit” look that history has ever and will ever know.
Only one day is spent in the hospital before Pidge and Aria are allowed to go home. Since everything was smooth sailing this time around, the whole move goes a lot smoother than it did when Pidge had Oliver.
So what exactly do they get with their latest bundle of joy?
Aria is an anomaly in the Kogane lineage in more ways than just her physical appearance. She’s a pretty typical baby, though a bit less fussy than most. She’s a really mellow little baby, a lot like Kaden, but she loves to make cooing noises almost all the time. Like, if she needs something, she’s much more likely to make these little warbling cooing noises to alert Keith and Pidge that she wants/ needs something than to cry, which is desperately different from Oliver who seemed to scream just for the sport of it.
Despite being born in the winter, she hates snow. Like, Keith and Pidge take the kids for a little walk in late-January/ early-February, just to get out of the house for a bit and let them burn off some energy, and everything’s going fine until Keith tugs back the little canopy of Aria’s stroller so that she can see better. A snowflake ends up landing on her nose while she’s looking around and Aria. Fucking. Loses it. Pidge and Keith are scrambling to cheer her back up, to quell the tears and get her back to her usual happy baby self, but nope. She is Done. She has drawn a line in the sand and it has been crossed and no one shall have peace now.
Which leads into another aspect of Aria; she’s actually much more sensitive than her parents or siblings. Or, rather, I guess it’d be better to say that she’s a bit more open about her hurt once she’s upset and doesn’t typically use anger or outrage as a mask. She’s very easy to scare, very quick to tears, and takes a lot of time to calm back down.
This wouldn’t be a problem if not for the fact that Oliver is the Universe’s Most Ludicrous Lil’ Shit.
Because of how their birthdays fall, Oliver is about 21 months older than Aria. So when his second birthday rolls around, she’s just barely over three months. Pidge and Keith hadn’t considered that this age gap would be an issue, since it’s very similar to the one between Kaden and Oliver and those two never really kicked up a fuss. The problem they encounter is that Oliver tends to gravitate towards Pidge a bit more and doesn’t like that a majority of her attention is given to Aria instead.
For a few weeks, Oliver just makes life miserable in the house. He is constantly finding ways to antagonize Aria when she’s just plopped around somewhere doing baby things. Finally, Keith decides to put a stop to this nonsense himself and takes Oliver with him on his walks and it actually goes really well, though I’ll elaborate on that a little more in the next part.
Much like when she was in the womb, singing or humming can help calm Aria back down once she’s startled, but it still takes a decent amount of time.
So, her first genuine smile goes to Pidge but Keith gets to her first word. Her first laugh, though? The honor of this actually goes to neither of her parents this time, but to Shiro! He had agreed to come over to help Keith with trimming the tree in the backyard, because some of the branches are too big for the kids to help him remove, and he offered to hold Aria for Keith because Oliver just ran by cackling like mad, wrapped up in toilet paper covered in bright orange glitter paint, and Pidge is adamant that it’s his turn to corral the feral child.
*Shiro, cradling Aria in his good arm, being careful because she’s a little squirmy and whiny.* “Never a dull moment around here, huh? And soon enough you’re going to add to some of that chaos, huh?”
*Aria just stares up, opening her mouth to let out a little coo in answer, her squirming stopping just a little bit.*
“Oh, you’re just such a sweet little girl. I’m sure you’re going to have a lot of people interested in you someday. Going to make Daddy work to keep them away from you, huh, little girl?” *Shiro’s teasing then lightly pokes her little nose with one of the fingers from his prosthetic hand.*
*Aria reaches up, grabs onto his prosthetic and pulls it herself with a big grin.*
*Shiro laughs and lightly pinches the pudge under her chin.* “Oh, do you want to play? Is that why you were all fussy a minute ago?”
*Aria’s mouth gets really wide and the most delicate, adorable little laugh ever erupts from her. Keith freezes in the doorway to the kitchen/living room, a struggling Oliver tucked under one arm, and Pidge freezes in cutting the sandwiches she made for the kids for lunch. Shiro, unaware that this is the first time she’s laughed, remains completely oblivious and keeps quietly chatting at her.*
“Uncle Shiro, you made her laugh! She’s never done that before!” *Kaden chiming in from his spot at the kitchen table.*
*Shiro, wide-eyed as he looks from Pidge to Keith back down to the still giggling infant in his arms.* “I… I made her laugh for the first time…” *Getting a little choked up because making a baby laugh? That is something to be proud of.*
During the winter season, Aria never goes with Keith on his morning walks because, as started before, she doesn’t do snow. But once it gets warmer out and there’s no snow, she actually really likes to go along. Normally, it’s Keith with Amber, Kaden and Aria out on the walks, but sometimes all four kids go with.
Aria is the most enthusiastic of all the kids about stuffed animals, and is normally dragging at least five of them around with her wherever she goes. Her favorite, though, is a green brontosaurus that she has named Muffin. Keith got a whole set for the kids shortly after Aria was born so that they’d all have a dinosaur toy and she just kinda… Became ridiculously attached.
Aria ends up with only a couple of nicknames, unlike Amber and Kaden who both see a pretty generous amount, but more than Oliver, who ends up with, like, two. Her most common nickname that basically everyone uses is “Ari”, which is pretty obvious. Keith and Pidge also call her “Song Bird” as she gets older and her passion for music becomes more and more prominent. The Holts call her “Sweet Pea” a lot, which Krolia later ends up picking up on, and Shiro playfully calls her “Favorite Niece whose name starts with an A and ends with a Ria.”
Okay, this part is done! Next time we get to the really fun stuff; Pidge and Keith with their full family and all the insanity that comes with it!
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Kidge Parent HC Part 2.3
Whoo! I wanted to try and get this part out before I hit a full week since I uploaded part 2.2, but life happened! Then again, it didn’t take me too much longer, so there’s that! Hopefully I can get the next part out soon as well as a few fics and other things :3c
Pre-facing all of this by mentioning there is a little bit angst-ish material in this part so tread carefully!
Kidge Married Pre-Babies: [Read Here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.1: [Read Here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.2 [Read Here]
Also, note taken from the start of Part 2.1, but:  Forewarning that there will be some mentions of Allurance in all these parts, but I’m not tagging it because they aren’t given any real focus. Additionally, since I know some of this stuff can squick some people out, warning that there will be somewhat-detailed talk about pregnancy, birth, and what exactly comes in the early stages with a newborn so please be wary if such things make you uncomfortable.
The Third Baby
So, once again, the next baby is completely unplanned and they hadn’t really talked about having another baby. Once Pidge finds out she’d pregnant, they decide to roll with it.
At the time, Kaden is a little over a year and Amber is on her way towards her fifth birthday. They figure this is a good timeframe, since both the kids are at good ages that make them relatively independent and they hope this will, again, keep from there being any sibling rivalry.
Amber is thrilled at the idea of having another little sibling to look after, and Kaden doesn’t really understand but he sees that his sister is excited so he gets excited too.
This time around, the Holts are told first, followed by Shiro, Krolia, Hunk, and the Altean Crew. Everyone is just as excited now as they were the previous times, and Colleen asks about when Pidge’s due date is so that she can start making a blanket for the baby.
For pregnancy symptoms, Pidge gets nausea/ vomiting again, though it’s less severe than with Kaden. She also has to deal with her breasts being a bit tenderer than they were when she was pregnant with the first two.
The big change with this pregnancy is that Pidge gets some pretty severe mood swings. Keith, to his credit, does his best to play nice, but he will occasionally quip back because it does get grating having her on him about every little thing.
One night in specific, though, they get pretty bad with each other. It’s a stupid argument about how the towels are folded and Pidge just won’t let it drop and Keith is refusing to just walk away because things are getting way out of line and, hormones or not, she needs to back off. It gets pretty loud, admittedly, and the kids come out of their rooms to see what’s going on.
Now, I need to clarify right now; Pidge and Keith occasionally do have little spats. That’s just kind of a typical thing about couples as a whole and is to be expected. They’re typically much better about choosing their battles and knowing when to have their arguments, having learned from their younger days. Up until this point, they’ve been really good about letting things simmer down until the kids have gone to bed and having quiet arguments to keep them out of it.
Kaden immediately starts half-wailing, half-yelling at them to stop. Pidge and Keith clamp their mouths shut and just kinda stare in horror.
And then, uncharacteristically meek and scared, Amber asks, “Do Mommy and Daddy not love each other anymore?”
Pidge and Keith take the kids and settle on the couch, with Pidge cuddling Kaden to try and calm him down, and Keith keeping Amber wrapped up in his arms.
*Keith starts* “First things first, we’re sorry you two heard that. We were having a silly fight and we shouldn’t have gotten so upset about it. Mommy and Daddy still love each other very much.” *Amber, eyes still big and uneasy, but relaxing against Keith* “You do?” *Pidge chimes in* “Absolutely. Sometimes we have little disagreements. Kind of like how you two argue sometimes about what game to play. You two may be a little mad, but you still love each other, right?” *Kaden nods, shifting and nuzzling more into Pidge* “It’s kind of like that. We’re very sorry that you two heard us, because we never want you to think that things are bad with us. We still love each other very much, and we love you two most of all.” *Kaden immediately perks up all excited* “And the new baby, too!” *Keith chuckles, squeezing Amber and reaching over to ruffle Kaden’s hair* “That’s right buddy.”
Pidge and Keith have a long conversation after the kids are in bed about everything. Pidge promises to stop riding him so hard about little details and try to recognize when her hormones are making her act a little ridiculous. Keith agrees to be patience and politely point out when she’s being unreasonable instead of just bottling it up to himself.
Yet again, they decide to find out the gender as soon as they are able to, so that they can pick out a name easier. Turns out they are expecting another boy this time around, with the due date being in early April.
In regards to preparing for their Third Musketeer, it becomes a family affair. Much like with Kaden, Amber is all up in their business about wanting to help, and Kaden feeds off of her excitement and becomes just as invested, though in more subtle ways. While Amber will jump in and just outright state her opinion as if it’s fact, Kaden will be a bit more sly and treat it like a suggestion. He may be small and barely know a lot of words, but the kid is sharp as a whip.
Finally, Keith suggests they have a family meeting to discuss it and figure everything out together. This turns out to be a hilarious decision in more ways than one.
*Amber is standing on top of her seat at the dinner table, small toy hammer in hand, lightly tapping it along the surface* Quiet at the table! The first official meeting of the New Baby Discuss Legislaturor Office is now in effect!
*Kaden, smacking one hand on the table top* First meeting go!
*Pidge, biting lip not to laugh* Well, what’s on the agenda then?
“Excellent question, Legislaturor Mommy!” *Keith sets a juice box in front of Amber and then Kaden* “Thank you, Legislaturor Daddy.”
“Thanks Daddy!”
*Keith, chuckling quietly to self* “You’re both very welcome.”
They come up with his name pretty quick, but deciding on a theme is a bit more difficult. Considering they’ve done space for Amber and jungle for Kaden, and both the kids insist that they can’t reuse one of those since their baby brother is a new baby and thus needs a new theme, Pidge and Keith are actually absolutely clueless in regards to what they should pick. The whole family runs through about nine different ideas before Kaden suggests that they should go with dinosaurs. His reasoning? Because dinosaurs are cool. They decide to go with it because it makes sense.
Pidge actually ends up going into labor nearly three weeks early this time, on March 25th, with her water breaking in the early afternoon. Keith takes she and the kids to the hospital, with Shiro and Matt being the first two to meet them there this time. They take the kids while Keith and Pidge head to labor and delivery.
Now, complications are always a chance for a pregnancy and delivery. They haven’t really encountered anything like that before, but they’ve both been aware of it, if not a little unwilling to acknowledge that it could happen to them.
Until it does.
The labor this time around is agonizingly long and painful for Pidge, and additionally risky for the baby himself. First things first, he decides to come out sideways, so that the hard part of his head is pressing right against Pidge’s pelvis -  this is typically referred to as a “sunny-side Baby” and, fun fact, I actually did this when I was born so sorry about that Mom I love you - and making the whole process even more agonizing for her. Additionally, Keith catches something about the umbilical cord being wrapped around his little throat and Pidge hemorrhaging too much blood. What little he catches sends him panicking, and only escalates when the hospital staff starts trying to usher him from the room while more medical staff rushes in to help further.
It takes one of the doctors telling him that he’ll only be in the way to urge him out. He can hear the monitors for both Pidge and the baby going crazy as he’s shoved into the hallway and the door is slammed, signaling the baby’s heart rate is escalating and Pidge’s heart rate is dropping.
Another nurse, whom hadn’t been called in but overheard a bit of what was going on, reassures him that they’ll be okay and urges him to go be with the rest of the family while he waits.
He heads out to the front lobby, where everyone is gathered and chatting animatedly. Amber and Kaden see him and smile but slowly stop when they see the look on his face. The flock to him, but neither of them is eager and giddy as they do; clearly more scared and seeking comfort. Keith doesn’t say a word as he scoops them both up, settles into the closest chair they can find, and keeps them both pressed up in his arms.
The others can all tell that something is terribly wrong, but also know better than to press Keith for an answer, so they all sit in silence for the next thirty-forty minutes.
Amber and Kaden end up passing out in Keith’s arms, completely exhausted. They’ve all been at the hospital for almost ten hours and, despite Colleen and Samuel offering to take them home to sleep in their beds until their baby brother arrived, the two had insisted on seeing him first.
Once the kids are asleep, Shiro comes over and gently asks Keith about what’s happening. He recounts what had been going on at the time he got kicked from the room, in a clipped and sharp tone, though he does keep his volume down to avoid disturbing the kids.
They all sit in terrified silence for another thirty minutes before the kind nurse that talked Keith into coming to the lobby approaches them. Keith carefully hands the snoozing Amber and Kaden over to Krolia and Colleen respectively so he can walk over and talk to her.
*She offers him a small, soft smile* “The doctor will be down in a moment to let you know himself, but they’re both going to be okay. They were able to stop your wife’s bleeding and get her attached to a blood bag, and the baby-“
“Oliver. His name is Oliver.” *His voice cracks and wavers a bit, a mix of relief that Pidge is well but nervous still for their baby*
*The nurse blinks then smiles* “Oliver is going to be just fine, too. They managed to get the cord unwrapped from his neck before it could cause any damage and he came out shrieking. They’ll most likely need to stay a little longer for observation and to assure there aren’t any additional complications, but so far they’re both looking good after some time to rest.”
Keith thanks her and she scampers off. A few minutes later the doctor comes down to tell Keith basically the same thing. They explain that Keith and Pidge won’t be able to see Oliver for a few hours, simply because he’s being held in the ICU under observation, but that they can go in small groups of no more than three to see Pidge.
Keith, Colleen and Samuel are the first three to go in to see her. She’s pale and still a little groggy from the exhaustion of labor and blood loss, but she manages a small smile when they come in to see her. Keith settles into the seat beside her without a word, taking one of her hands and holding it tightly. She gives his hand a little squeeze before talking a bit with her parents.
Colleen and Samuel ask her the typical questions – how are you feeling, are you comfortable, etc. – as well as asking Pidge if there’s anything in specific she needs or wants. She asks if, after they go home and get some rest, they can sneak in some food for her. Specifically, she explains that she would really like a chicken sandwich and some shoestring French fries. They promise to sneak it in for her, as well as Colleen promising to bring Oliver’s completed baby blanket - in a lovely shade of yellow - with them. 
Coran, Allura and Lance come in next while the others look after the kids. Lance and Allura offer to watch Amber and Kaden for them, but Krolia had already insisted on watching them for them before Keith headed up to see Pidge. Next, Hunk, Shiro and Matt come in to check on her. Hunk and Matt both nearly choke her with tight hugs and sniffles. Shiro helps with prying them both off when they cling on to her for too long, being a lot gentler with his own hug. He keeps an eye on Keith throughout their visit and makes sure they keep it brief, promising that he’ll help Krolia with getting the kids in their car seats when they all head out for the night.
Lastly, Krolia and the kids come in to see them. Kaden and Amber are still really sleepy but they’re much more frantically to see their Mommy. Keith and Krolia help them get up on the bed and they both snuggle up to her. They both know she’s hurt, even if they don’t exactly understand the extent of those injuries.
“Are you okay now, Mommy?” “Yes, I am, Amber. Still a little tired but I’ll be fine.” *Kaden leans up and gives Pidge a quick smooch on the cheek* “Magic kissie…” *Pidge, heart melting* “Thank you, Snuggle Bug.” *They’re all silent for a good long while before Amber lifts her head and looks around curiously* “Where’s Oliver?” “He’s resting in a special place where the doctors can make sure that he’s okay.” *The first time Keith has spoken since he’s come into the room.* “Is he gonna be okay?” “Yes, baby girl. He just needs to get some rest, like Mommy.” *Pidge chimes back in to let Keith step back again* *Amber nods and snuggles back up with her and Kaden again*
Krolia makes sure to touch up on a few more things with Keith and Pidge, relating to how Pidge is feeling and offering to stay with them to help out once Pidge and Oliver do get discharged. Pidge thanks her and admits that she might take her up on the offer. Keith helps Krolia get the kids in her arms and Shiro, as he had offered, waits for Krolia to help her get them loaded up in the car.
Once they’re all alone, Pidge just gently takes one of Keith’s hands and strokes the top slowly with her thumb. It takes Keith a moment, but then he lifts her hand and just rests his forehead lightly against it and starts openly sobbing. It’s a mixture of relief that both she and Oliver are okay, as well as letting out the remaining fear and panic he’d been feeling while he was sitting in the waiting room.
“I was so fucking scared.”
“… I’m sorry…”
“S’not your fault, I just… I’m so happy you’re okay. That he’s okay. That we’re all okay and… I love you so much, Katie.”
“I love you too, Keith.”
The two of them talk about it that night and agree that three kids is a good number and that Oliver will be their last. As to whether or not that actually is the case though…
The next morning, one of the nurses being Oliver in, pushing him along in a little baby bed. He is already shrieking for all his little lungs are worth. Keith takes him out and he pauses to stare up at Keith, all wide eyes and a trembling lower lip, and he offers the little guy a small smile. He hands him over to Pidge and he latches on to nurse really easily, and Pidge chuckles a bit, lightly rubbing one of his flushed cheeks.
“Hmm… He’s a bit of a troublemaker, but he is pretty cute. Think we should keep him?”
*Keith chuckles a bit, sitting next to the bed and watching them* “Pretty sure we have to. I don’t think we have the receipt.”
“Darn. Well, at least he’s pretty to look at.”
Anyway, Oliver ends up getting Keith’s dark hair, but has more of the male Holt features in him. He ends up with Pidge’s eyes, but the actual shape of his face and nose and everything? Colleen actually busts out a bunch of baby pictures of Matt, as well as some pictures of Samuel as a baby that she has from Pidge’s grandmother, and his features seem to come from there. Pidge insists that she can see the faint outline of freckles along his nose and cheeks, too, but no one else seems to think so; except Amber, who agrees mostly to make Pidge feel better.
Also, regarding his birthday… Despite Pidge going into labor on March 25th, and he was about halfway out before midnight hit, he wasn’t technically considered delivered until about 12:15 a.m. on March 26th, since that was when they were able to get him out safely.
Now, as for what Oliver is like once he gets home…
He is trouble. From the womb most likely until to the tomb.
You know all the stereotypes about babies? How all they do is cry all the time and they’re never happy? Yeah, Oliver fits that mold pretty well. If he is awake but not on the booby nursing, he is protesting every single establishment known to man.
In regards to Keith’s morning walk, he almost never takes Oliver with him because of how fussy and temperamental the little guy is. Pidge and Keith agree that they aren’t going to disturb him at any point in time where he’s quiet.
Once he gets to be a bit bigger, his constant fussing actually serves a purpose. See, unlike Amber and Kaden, who started getting their teeth around five months and six months respectively, Oliver starts teething and gets his first tooth shortly after turning three months old. Thankfully, he’s better about taking tethers, which is a step up from Amber, who outright refused them.
So, regarding Oliver’s first smile, Keith gets it. Pidge, however, gets his first laugh, as well as getting to be the first word he says. It’s a kind of funny situation that leads to his first word, too. It’s at a cookout with the others, the Castle Ship settled in a park and everyone gathered together.
*Keith, gently rubbing a wailing Oliver’s back.* “Come on, buddy, it’s okay. No need to cry.”
*Lance perks up then smiles.* “Hey, hand him here. I have a trick I did with Alfie and Raya that always worked at calming them down.”
*Keith, cautious but desperate, hands over Oliver.*
*Oliver, continuing to scream*
“Hey, buddy! Look at me! Look at Uncle Lance!” *Oliver keeps crying but looks at him.* “Time for Flying Baby! Whee!” *Lance proceeds to toss Oliver as high into the air as he can, then has to step back a bit to actually catch him.*
*Silence reigns supreme for a second. Oliver stares down at Lance, then slowly looks at Keith, as if to ask, “Daddy, why?” And Keith suddenly questions every life decision he’s made up until this point and how he ever thought this was a good idea. Oliver looks back at Lance then, taking a deep breath, before his eyes get watery.*
*Lance realizes what is about to happen.* “N-No, no! You don’t need to cry louder, buddy! It’s okay th-!”
*Oliver, at the top of his lungs, in an unholy wail.* “MAMA!”
*Pidge, bursting over out of literal fucking nowhere.* “Lance what the Hell are you doing to my baby?!”
Oliver has a stuffed animal that he likes when he naps. It’s a little wombat that he eventually names Gamgoro – a name he recalls hearing from a story Keith or Pidge told them – but he’s not exactly big on stuffed animals. His favorite toys are a little cash register, which he pretends is a computer. He’ll go and sit down near Pidge when she’s working and clack at the little keys and pretend he’s doing “super-duper important busy-ness stuffs”. His other favorite toys is a little push car that he likes to run around in, typically following Keith or Amber or Kaden around.
Also, small note about Oliver and his siblings, there isn’t any real rivalry between any of the three of them, though Kaden sometimes gets fussy about having to share his old hand-me-down toys, but other than that, they’re all good.
That’s all for now! But we do have another two parts that will hopefully be out soon!
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Fan Works Appreciation!!!
I totally intended to do this sooner but I got busy doing other things and resting my bum leg, but I really need to make this post! This could alternatively be called “Crumbles’ Need-to-Follow List” because I really do need to follow all these people! So, yeah... Expect a mass following from me in the near future!
Also I realize that, like, everyone - or almost everyone - that I’m talking about is a multi-shipper... Theory that multi-shippers are best shippers proven!
@jc-drawings This lady here is an absolutely amazing artist and total sweetheart! She also talks conspiracy theories and parallels! She is kinda like the Supreme Queen of Kidge, in my opinion, as she was one of the pioneer’s of the ship and is totes worth following and sending good vibes to!
@luce-ciel Yet another amazing artist, whose artwork is just breath-taking and so detail-oriented, with wonderful AUs that she develops to go with her art! I’m not 100% sure if she also writes fics, but if not, she absolutely should! I would read the Hell out of her fics! Lovely work and comes off as a genuinely cool person!
@kdxart Great art” Absolutely. Great ideas and concepts. Undeniably. ALSO writes fics? Stunning person who is too amazing to put in to words. I absolutely love her art - especially all of her Pidge drawings, holy crow every Pidge she draws is absolutely stunning! - and I love what I’ve read of her fics so far!
@camphalfgalra A staple of Kidge fics, to say the least. All of her works are great but her main project, The Boy Next Door, is definitely a standout. Can it occasionally fall into High School Fic Tropes? Yes, but my God does she make them work well and never dwell on it too long. Please check it out if you haven’t yet!
@narycanary Does Nary even need an introduction? She has, in my opinion, set the Gold Standard for not only Kidge fics, but well-written Voltron romance fics as a whole! I love all of her works - even reading some of her Plance stuff, because I am a filthy traitor - and her newest work Only Forever has me chomping at the bit to read more! Again, her fics are absolutely worth your time to read!
@calligraphist-artemisia Writer of the phenomenal I’ll Take Her Place fic, which is amazing! There’s a perfect slow burn romance going on - which is my jam - and a lot of interesting plotting going on behind the scenes between the various allied factions. I absolutely love the time being spent to develop not only the romance, but all the relationships between Keith, Pidge, and the rest of the Paladins and Blades. Absolutely wonderful with a lot going on!
Not sure if they have a tumblr, so if you do, please let me know and I’ll properly tag you in! The fic Captive in the starlight by MorteMistrata is another amazing fic with a focus on Kidge and complicated politics. It spends a bit more time focusing on Pidge and her struggles, but I kind of like that. I like seeing Supportive Guard Keith every now and again. This story is close to completion and it’s building up to be an amazing, well-deserved climax!
Lastly, I just want to offer a huge thank you to everyone who follows me and enjoys my fics! I hope to be a bit more active with responding to comments and questions now that my semester is getting closer to ending, but please know that I really do appreciate all of you! I love reading what you all say in response, or when you reblog, or in the tags or whatever! Thank you so much and I hope you’ll continue to stick around to see what’s next!
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