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do you have serirei fic recs? i thought u would have great taste
i recommended a couple (as well as one shinrei) here, and i guess if you want another rec i could make the probably obvious suggestion of out of body lol. i havent read it since it was updating so i don't remember a lot but i remember really liking it! so if you somehow havent heard of it or haven't read it i'd check that one out
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jungshookz · 4 years
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(1) it begins; (2) a cry for help; (3) the investigation; (4) the basement; (5) the dust; (6) the room
Warning: Brief mention of blood. Read at your own risk. 
                                                     P̷̬͛͘l̸͉̣̃à̴̻̓ ̵͍̣̒̀ỳ̵͕͊e̴͎̾
       r ha s chosen[?] B s hatte r glas s[e rror]
you let out a blood-curdling scream when she suddenly pounds against the mirror, and she seems to take delight in your fear, raising her other hand as well and starting to pound furiously on the glass with both fists 
oh god
you need to do something!
but what the fuck are you supposed to do?!
you look around hopelessly at the eight mirrors around you, finding it hard to focus when all you can hear is the distant drumming of Her slamming her hands against the glass 
“focus, focus, focus-” you whimper, running a hand through your hair as you rack through your brain for some kind of an idea
you’ll take any damn idea at this poi-
shatter the glass
the thought suddenly springs into your mind and you let out a gasp when your feet almost move on their own towards the closest mirror to you
you manage to stop yourself before you get too close and you look down at your feet 
what the he- 
shatter the glass
once again, your feet move on their own accord and you find yourself stumbling right into a mirror
luckily you have your arms sticking out to keep you from smashing your face directly into it 
you have no idea how to explain this but,.., this thought doesn’t feel like your own
it’s disruptive and interrupting your train of thought and just appears out of nowher-
shatter the glass
“ah, stop!” you put both hands over your ears before shaking your head quickly, “get out of my hea-”
shatter the glass
it’s like there’s a voice in the back of your mind telling you what to do, controlling your movements and making your choices for yo- 
shatter the glass
“shatter the glass...?” you breathe out, looking up at yourself in the mirror 
shatter the glass
what a perfect idea 
if there are no mirrors, it means that she won’t be able to get to you anymore, right?
if the mirrors are her mode of transportation, destroying them would cut her off from this world 
you need to shatter the mirrors
you look over your shoulder to see Her, looking as wild as ever, pummelling her hands against the mirrors in an effort to get you to turn to look over 
don’t focus on her
you have one goal and one goal only... and that’s to destroy every single one of the mirrors in this room. 
you muster all the leftover strength you have as you raise your fists suddenly before slamming them both against the mirror in front of you, your eyes instinctively squeezing shut as shards of glass practically shoot out from the sudden force
you gasp as you stumble backwards to look at the damage, surprised at how easy it was to break the mirror - the glass is almost suspiciously delicate, and when you bend down to pick a piece up, you’re surprised to see that it’s almost as thin as paper 
that makes things a whole lot easier, doesn’t it? 
you turn around to see that She has completely frozen - for a second, you think that perhaps she’s threatened and that you finally have the upper hand
...unfortunately not 
your heart jumps in your chest when she leaps over to the next mirror, and then the next, and then the next- 
oh god
shatter the glass
the next couple of moments go by in a blur as you race against time - and Her - and the only thing you can hear is the sound of glass continuing to shatter and splinter over and over again, the only thing you can feel are your own fists pounding against the mirrors, and the only thing you can see is black because of how tightly your eyes are squeezed shut 
as you raise your arms for the umpteenth time in a row, you expect to feel your fists collide against cool glass, but your eyes pop open when you just feel and hear a gentle thud
you look around the room to see that you’ve destroyed all of the mirrors
it’s been done
you lower your arms to take a look at your raw, trembling hands 
you wince as you gently pull a shard of glass out from the side of your hand, hissing at the slight sting 
you toss the piece aside and it clinks to the floor gently 
the silence now is almost deafening as you drop to your knees with a thud 
you did it
you killed her
it’s over 
“thank god…” you breathe out, squeezing your eyes shut again as the adrenaline slowly wears off and your arms and hands start to burn from the strain
the evil has been destroyed 
this nightmare is finally over 
“okay.” you mumble to yourself, wiping your hands on your jeans before slowly rising back up to the ground, “time to find a way out of here.” 
an ear-piercing scream exits your mouth when you turn around only to see Her standing directly in front of you, a large gash slashed into her face from ear to ear
you’re too petrified to scream as you watch the blood dribble down the lower half of her face before dripping onto the floor 
the sound of her flesh squelching sickens you as the apples of her cheeks rise before she tilts her head to smile at you for the first time
she lunges forward and immediately grabs your face, her cold, bony fingers burrowing into your mouth and-
you shoot straight up from your bed, your chest heaving from exertion 
“wh- wha-” you pant, looking around to see that you’re in the safety of your bedroom 
you reach up to feel your face, very thankful that your mouth is still where it should be 
oh god
oh thank GOD 
it was just a dream
it was just a bad, awful nightmare
none of it was real!
you’re fine!
you let out a sigh of relief as you slouch against your headboard before looking at your laptop
you lean forward to grab it before sliding it onto your lap 
it’s pretty hot underneath and it’s whirring because it’s nearly out of battery
how long were you passed out for??
chapter seven; it ends. 
you blink at the page you have open on your browser before shaking your head 
“stupid story-” you grumble to yourself as you slap your laptop shut before gently setting it aside
serves you right for reading a frickin horror story before bed
if you wanted to do something spooky to celebrate halloween you should’ve just watched something on netflix like a normal person 
also, why would you even go on tumblr in search of scary stories?
everyone knows that the tumblr ones aren’t scary at all and are written by those types of writers who try a little too hard to make their stories scary 
you should’ve gone to look at the urban legends on creepypasta if you wanted a real scare
“i’m fine, everything’s fine...” you whisper, reaching over to grab your phone that’s sitting on the bedside table
you squint a little from the sharp brightness and you hurry to lower it before you go blind 
to: kook [2:59AM] - i just had the weirdest dream and you were in it lol i’ll tell u about it tomorrow
you’re about to set your phone back down when it buzzes in your hand 
you flip it around to see that jungkook’s already texted you back 
from: kook [3:00AM] - :)
you can’t help but wonder why jungkook’s still awake at this hour
and then you realize it’s probably because he’s playing video games or something 
you’re going to go to bed because you’re exhausted
that nightmare was both physically and mentally draining 
you narrow your eyes as you look at yourself in the large mirror that’s sitting directly across from your bed 
you don’t know how you feel about having a large mirror located directly in front of you anymore 
mirrors are weird 
you hook two fingers into both corners of your mouth before pulling it up into a smile
you stick your tongue out and wag it around before pulling your fingers out and chuckling to yourself 
“she wants my smile...” you snort, wiping your fingers on the duvet cover before shaking your head, “over my dead body.” 
you lean over to turn your bedside lamp off before lying back and snuggling into the covers
you flip over so that you’re on your back, staring blankly into space until your eyes adjust to the darkness 
it’s interesting how the mind works, isn’t it? 
how it clings onto memories that you just want to forget about 
how it nestles trauma into the very depths of your mind only to bring it back out at the most inconvenient of times 
you pull your blanket up further before resting both arms over on top of it and letting out a small sigh as you begin to feel yourself drifting away into a deep sleep 
right as you’re about to fall asleep, a little speck of dust floats past your face in the soft glow of the moonlight
you smile lightly at the recollection of the spooky dust in chapter five of the story you just read before shaking your head
but as your eyelids begin to flutter shut, you hear something that sends a chill directly down your spine 
the faint creak of your bedroom door makes your eyes shoot open and you find yourself completely paralyzed with fear when you suddenly hear something from the foot of your bed-
don’t you see, p̵̺̮̾̕ĺ̶̡̗a̷͍̓ỵ̴͚̂̒è̸̩ṟ̵̲̿? 
your nightmare hasn’t ended at all
it’s only just b̶͈͒ê̴̬͑g̷̩̦̋u̵̧̝͌͘n̴̳̈́͐. 
                                        GAME OVER. TRY AGAIN? 
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jiminrings · 4 years
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pairing: jimin x y/n
glimpse: rich kid!jimin is a cuddly spoiled brat, personal assistant!y/n is his constant in everything, bodyguard!jungkook keeps making pLAUSIBLE excuses to wear dark clothes, and chef!jin’s dishes are as heavenly as his looks but nO he’s not gonna make u homemade cookie dough at 2 in the morning just bECAUSE u asked nicely :((( he’s gonna do it at 4 am bc you pouted
wordcount: 31k so if u have difficulty with this fic then pls open it in ur desktop or open it in tumblr safari/browser instead of the app :D
notes: this piece is a favorite of mine!! this consumed nine pages in my notebook when i was just getting started to write the fLOW and this whole thing is the longest i’ve ever written // and aLSO the gif isn’t mine!! :D
if there’s one thing that jimin hates
absolutely hates
besides not having limited edition luxury items because it sold out so qUICKLY that he didn’t get to (slightly) pull some strings to snatch it
besides not having the satisfactory unboxing from the hundreds of PR packages he gets everyday because the packaging’s either tOO simple or too difficult
is you, his personal assistant, not giving in to his wishes
technically your job description’s the opposite since it meant to comply to jimin’s beck and call and NOT interfere with his decisions
at first you were scared to death to even rAISE a brow at jimin’s decisions
“y/n, if u were to buy a limited edition audemars piguet watch — which variant would you choose?? silver, gold, oR black leather??”
“AP??? mr. park — sir i-...”
“sir. three letters. y/n.,.,.. ur a genius. thanks i’m gonna buy all three now :D”
but that was two years ago!!
you grew balls and learned to shut up only when necessary!!
you may be jimin’s personal assistant but you turned into a best friend now who jUST so happens to be with him almost 24/7 while still being his PA
he got you to drop mr. park early on because it AGED him
jimin remembers being in his breakfast nook at the time with his phone turned off and as he’s holding it he could see his reflection on the black screen and he almost fLIPS to see this wrinkle at the corner of his eye
and at the same moment he hears your voice going mR. PARK as you go on to say something completely irrelevant to the battle in his mind of oh my god do i hAVE a wrinkle
“jimin. not mr. park pls that’s my father. jimin. jimin. y’know what??? call me bABY JIMIN-“
he was freaking out
lol it wasn’t a wrinkle
just a little sleep mark he obtained because he was snoozing off for hours with his face squished into his pillow persistently
being close was inevitable, really
you were close in age and you’re his first ever assistant!!!
sure jimin has had his fair share of nannies growing up but now he’s an adult and he’s mvoed out
but his parents still look out for him :))
so yeah he gets a personal assistant, a bodyguard that could also be the driver (jimin’s desperate to mASTER driving okay), and a chef!!
it’s said that a person is not more than six connections away from another
you are a fIRM believer of that now because of a cousin who has a friend whose-
mr. and mrs. park were genuinely :O and :D to know that jimin didn’t resent you and you were going along well!!! money isn’t an issue but jimin’s bills this month wasn’t as high as it used to be because he let this season’s designer pieces because honestly they were a bit ugly hehe :D
he’s learned from you that he dOESN’T have to buy apparel from each season because he does that for all the previous,,, he should buy it because he genuinely likes it and u know what
you’re right
you get that jimin has the freedom to buy what he wants because it is his money after all and he’s still technically your boss even if mr. and mrs. park (ok maybe their assistant) are the ones that transfer your salary to your bank account
and you only step in (first as a friend, second as a PA) when he’s being ULTIMATELY irrational and shallow
jimin’s looking at you with a full pout, fists balled up as another whine escapes from his throat
“why won’t you just let me buy another sweater???”
the gray sweater in question was clearly expensive and you don’t even have to take a look at the label to confirm your thoughts
it was just a tiny splotch of chocolate from the french toast jin made for breakfast!!!
jimin was particularly giddy to have it for breakfast because “jIN-HYUNG i didn’t know u would cook this for breakfast omg i loVE U”
the chef made extra portions of course because he knows the younger one goes WEAK for his french toast
aha and not to flex but basically everything else he cooks because he’s that good :D
didn’t even notice on how eager he was eating until you strolled in to get your own plate and just booped at the damp spot of his sweater
“because i could wash it off, jimin”
his clothes were dry-cleaned to the surprise of no one
and yes u kinda feel sorry because he has a pout on his face and you know this is one of his favorite sweaters aND all he has to do is press some buttons and god it would probably be delivered to him in less than an hour
he has a new shirt on and jimin’s tugging at the hem of yours as if to plead, watching you work under his curious gaze
u know u have a wash basin here somewhere in this laundry room
that almost isn’t used at all :))
anything that has to do with chores in jimin’s massive place is for decor purposes only :))))
two top-notch washing machines that you could only sEE through pinterest before working here and they just collect DUST
if you were hypothetically a robber can you like.,.,., steal this from jimin.,.,.,. without him noticing,.,...
actually yeah you can
jimin’s just sitting himself on top of said washing machine as your there beside him with a basin that’s filled with water
and then there’s some detergent??? and-
“jimin iM NOT”
you’re scrubbing out the stain as gentle yet as efficient as possible without having the fabric stretched too much
he’s whining and clawing at you to sTOP and he shuts himself up every ten seconds because
you’re rinsing it off again???
and you’re squeezing it out???
basic hand washing is a relatively new concept that’s mind-boggling to jimin apparently :D
within a second are you raising up his sweater to him and he’s skeptical so he’s feeling it out and-
jimin is so clueless at times especially since your standard of normal is different from his so as much as you wanna take credit for it
like that time he went to the snow for a goddamn photoshoot and u were in a cabin and he pointed to a gas stove and was like :O
god if seokjin was included in that trip he would laugh endlessly bc jimin was too familiar with an electric stove and nOT a gas one
“isn’t this unsafe??”
poor baby was too nervous when you turned the gas range on and you’re like “yA a bit but only when you forget to turn it off obviously”
so he was turning the knob and it won’t turn on and he was so frustrated!!! he wasn’t even gonna cook anything!!! he just wanted to turn the stove on!!!!
then jimin sees you fishing out a lighter you carry on with you because he likes bringing these artisan candles with him whenever he’s going out for a shoot
you’re rotating the knob?? there still isn’t fire bUT now there’s one now that you put the flame from the lighter near it???
he was NEARLY scared as he’s hiding behind your back
“aha look at that!!! a flame!!! from a gas stove!! :D”
now’s not the time to have your fun at poking on his cluelessness because you have things to do and stuff to pack and jimin really needs to learn basic skills at life to survive on his own but that’s for another time
“now toss it to the washing machine and wash it regularly while i send you your schedule for today.”
you’re skipping off to fetch your phone by the breakfast nook and jimin’s... kinda just... standing there
he’s stoic with a sheepish smile
“you.... you don’t know how to work the washing machine.,.,.,.?”
aha jimin definitely does not know how to
feels a bit embarrassed because he seems daunted by this task and his personal assistant has question marks all over her face
but nonetheless you still come over to him and jimin’s heart went wOOSH
he is an adult who is almost fully dependent on you and that bit he is entirely sure of :))
“what do you think is step one?”
jimin can blame it on his grogginess because he just woke up but he knows that you know he is vERY much awake right now
“... plug?? it’s not battery-operated, right?? plug it in!! yeah, plug it in :D”
he’s proud of that one for knowing because he’s already finding himself the plug and boop just plug it in to that socket right there!! it makes perfect sense
you’re there trying to stifle your laughter at the image of jimin probably having the image of a washing machine with those little 9V batteries you use in a diy series circuit in class :(((
you are not gonna laugh THAT loudly
“that’s good, jimin!! okay now what do you think is the next step?”
okay he’s intimidated now
“do you put in the shirt first or do you put in the detergent?? wHY is there no water?? is he supposed to fill it up?? these buttons look helpful but they’re just too many-“
he finds you putting your hand on top of his to release his grip on the sweater :(((
“you put it in.”
“your washing machine’s on the fancier side so it calibrates how heavy you put in first and then after it does that, it figures out what type of washing needs to be done!! how much water and how much detergent!! and then-”
he didn’t know that
the door to the laundry room bursts open and a jokingly-frantic jungkook pops in
jimin thought it was a serious situation for a second because kook was putting him behind himself and he’s even cROUCHING and his stance is of a basketball player in a defense stance and he’s like WHAT WHAT JUNGKOOK???
“from what do i need to protect jimin from?? is the washing machine being tOO bizarre from him???”
jimin’s pouting at that and even punches kook in the shoulder and that just makes him laugh even more
even jungkook pokes fun at his job
he takes being a bodyguard vERY seriously okay!!!
yes he may be younger than jimin and he’s actually the first-ever bodyguard he’s ever had that’s close to his age bUT that doesn’t mean his skillset is far from those middle-aged men that went out with jimin when he was still in his teens
kook’s took up various martial arts and at one point even took boxing!! he likes to think that he is more than certified for this job ok
jimin doesn’t actually need that much protecting (thankfully there aren’t any death threats or something grave),, it just so happened that he’s a bit of a prominent figure and there are times that when he steps out in public, he almost immediately gets mobbed
or there are times when jimin just needs someone to be with him to give him a sense of security because he is highly vulnerable to being mugged
that’s what jungkook is for!!
originally he was supposed to have a uniform and jimin protested that to his parents because aish it looked too official and he dOESN’T want that
doesn’t stop kook from intentionally buying tracksuits and matching sets because it makes him feel official and they’re just really comfortable :D
you, jungkook and jin are jimin’s first-evers (as he’d like to call it) and quite frankly he’s thankful because the three of you were eASY to be along with!!
it’s always been a running joke to how you work for jimin and how even jin who was older than him hAD to call him mr. park at first
“yA think of my pride when i used to call you mr. park!!”
he got everyone to drop it and jin was so relieved and resorted to calling him random food because he cares for the kid and this mochi he ate the other day resembled jimin
he sometimes sees jimin’s face in those jiggly cakes he makes as a dessert for when he’s done with a shoot and has been texting him nonstop because he was craving :((
jungkook was laid off calling jimin as mr. park in a rather different way
he accidentally called jimin as jimin-hyung
pretty eARLY ON 
and god he just froze because fuck did he rEALLY just call his job jimin-hyung???
and jimin was :O
he was freaking out excitedly!!
oMG this is the first time someone called him hyung!!!
he isn’t counting the times he got called in honorifics by those snotty little kids that were the children of his parents’ friends
and he froze too and he was about to squeal!!!
jungkook was about to bury himself 
like seriously
should he pretend it was a ghost or something?? that it wasn’t him?? maybe jimin’s just getting old and he’s hearing things??
“mr. park i-”
“no no nOOO!! omg it’s okay don’t call me mr. park!! just call me jimin!! jimin-hyung!! i like that better pls jungkook pls :D”
it was comfortable between the four of you and you are so glad that jimin is only SELDOM an uptight rich brat and you know what,,, maybe he’s even picking up some personality traits from the three of you
it was basically impossible to not absorb traits from each other
basically the living situation is pretty direct!!
jimin’s property has a huge backyard
and in that backyard, there’s this separate guesthouse that has three rooms and has its own bathroom to each one!!
the three of you used to but just on this particularly lonely night, jimin was ??? because there are more than enough rooms for the four of you in the main house
ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵉ ᵈᵒᵉˢⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᵏ ʰᵉ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵉⁿʲᵒʸˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃⁿʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇʳᶦⁿᵍ
so on that night where the three of you are cramped into jin’s room because he has the biggest and you all wanted to watch this movie that they said is too ridiculous that it became good, there was a kNOCK
jungkook was immediately pushed to open the door because he was the bodyguard and he was sCARED
normally jimin doesn’t even go to the backyard
and it ended up with you opening the door with jin and kook crouched behind you and they were wAIT IS THAT MR. PARK
the three of you were in your pajamas and are like aha :D
jimin is as surprised as you are and he does a double-take on kook because he was so used to seeing him in these non-obligatory but much appreciated tracksuits and nOT matching pink pajamas with uh an angry bunny???
he snapped out quickly when you asked him what’s wrong and you’re already in PA mode asking him what he needs
“o-oh!! uhm no no everything’s fine!! aHa you see i was just wondering if you uhm -- if the three of you wanna come in?? h-hang out..,.,?? i have this cake that was given to me awhile ago a-and i can’t eat it alone and i-...”
god he was so cute
fumbling with his words as he tries to ask out the three of you to spend time with him and not for work
once he was done he looks up to three grinning faces bc he was sO adorable being beyond nervous
and the three of you agreed instantly like sURE as long as we don’t disrupt you or anything!! :D
needless to say instant friendship was born that night hehe
he asked the three of you to move to the main house and not stay in the guest one because he was very insistent that it was isolating to think of and you’re not even guests!!!!
so yeah the very next day the three of you moved in and you’re all still :D
as per rest days, you have them!! 
those two free days adjust to jimin’s schedule so they were being rotated constantly
jimin can have all three of you in some days, but most of the time, one’s out to have their off!! it basically adjusts to what jimin has in his plate for the day
you all have your own places but jimin insists that you can have ur off-days here!!! the three of you could stay and he’s not gonna bother the one who has said off-day for the whole time
if he’s going out for a shoot, you and jungkook are the most essential so jin could take his off for that one
if jimin’s free and he’s just lazing around, then jin stays and it could jungkook’s off
it’s under rules that atleast one stays with jimin!!! it was easy to hang around with but the three of you needed to learn the others’ job
jungkook’s given the both of you an intensive course on how to drive jimin’s cars and nOT be intimidated to how any damage that would be done is gonna be more expensive than anything you’ve ever bought in your whole life!! 
teached how to sweep away people would sometimes get too close and the trick was to keep one arm on jimin and the other fURIOUSLY waving away while you keep his head down and have the most stoic face ever
he also gave you and jin a swiss army knife to keep on you because u never know amirite
jin taught you and jungkook how to not burn the kitchen down
made a list to what jimin doesn’t exactly like on his food and to how there’s a formula to what meals he prepares for him in the exact needs before a shoot or summat; such as being filled and not looking bloated!!
also taught to how you should keep your cool when jimin shoves his phone to your face excitedly about this recipe for a dessert too early in the morning
jin and jungkook still can’t get the hang of your job
it was busy and all over the place
you were in your own flat and kook and jin were left with jimin
it was just a quick shoot and the brand had it all taken care of the last time so you cashed in your break and just let them handle it
jin was very confused??? like do you just stand here the whole time????
jimin was filling him in to what you usually did
“this is the part where y/n-”
“oHHHH okay okay that’s easy!!”
it was not easy
jungkook was not helping
“hYUNG i’m doing something!! i’m a bodyguard!! my job is to protect jimin!!”
“wHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW?? are you protecting jimin from the hairdryer?? or are you protecting him from the straightener?? eXACTLY now help me do y/n’s job!!!”
at the next day you came back, they never underestimated your job eVER
“it was the equivalent of gordon ramsay calling that chef an idiot sandwich :((((”
“i would rather take another intense yoga class than to take your job :((”
same as jimin’s job descriptions, yours were also all over the place
you become what he needs you to be
although that sounds really cheesy :D
jimin is already famous enough as it is for being jimin
he’s known for being his parents’ only child 
and it just so happened that his parents are insanely famous and rich too
his first shot at fame was when his parents were like “ok!!! let’s put in our baby for this baby commercial he’s the perfect fit for it uWU”
all he did was become baby jimin and all he did back then was babble and crawl and drool over himself and then suddenly it was the first peak to mr. and mrs. park’s son and he already has evERYONE wrapped around his tiny pinky
no one ever wants to live that baby commercial down
he wants everyone to collectively forget that it even happened
he’s made the three of you pinky-promise to not eVER watch it nor search nor even breathe in the direction of that course
curiosity ate the three of you because now more than ever you all wANTED to watch it
you and jin and kook pretend to never have watched it :)
jungkook has to resist a squeal every time he sees jimin’s hand reaching out for him 
jin keeps himself from cooing because sometimes he wants to put a spoon to jimin’s mouth just to recreate that baby food scene
jimin’s jobs are all over the place!!
most times he’s a model for various luxury brands
he sometimes has minor roles in shows and movies and boom views iMMEDIATELY spike up and his scene would be the most talked-about scene in said media
you remember that he did this cameo once and he appeared for like five seconds
the amount of money he got for it was insane!!!!
jimin just down-played it bc you’re to one who accepted the envelope because he was over in another set talking to the director and while you’re kind of rigid he’s become :D “aHa ignore that pls do u want ice cream”
he has these collaborations too both in fashion and jewelry that he takes really seriously
the only fields he hasn’t dabbled in yet was music and dance
god you really want to see that
you’re sure that he’s probably gonna hit home-run with it too because jimin was just naturally great and gifted at things :(((
he was so effortless
like the way he’s moving right now with this silk shirt on him and these embroidered and fit golden pants and even has the photographer sWOONING 
jungkook’s nodding earnestly with his arms crossed as the both of you watch jimin by the sidelines
“can u believe that we work for a multi-millionaire”
that part never sinks in either
there’s much respect and awe in between your respective work relationships with jimin!!!
he’s kind and sweet aND he could be a brat sometimes but he can get told off :D
“a multi-millionaire who i argued with this morning about to whether the cHICKEN OR THE EGG CAME FIRST”
these banters between the two,,, christ
“are u gonna have that argument every time jin cooks eggs for breakfast”
one of them can spot a single thing and have an argument ensued in the next second
jimin once saw a yellow gummy bear and said “look!! it’s a lemon one!!” and kook was like “lmao nO how much you wanna bet it’s banana”
???? jungkook was a dummy for that one
passing the time while jimin’s on his shoots are quite entertaining
apparently being linked to park jimin has its perks and advantages
a crew member saw the both of you standing so of cOURSE you’re immediately being offered seats :D
to be entirely honest, ever since you received the jimin’s crew treatment, you and kook wordlessly tried to dress better when accompanying him to things like these
jungkook must’ve been looking extra broody and extra fashionable today with his all-black outfit once again but this time he was wearing something more figure-forming
even added some silver hoops for a nice touch and he’s eternally thankful that jimin allowed having multiple piercings in for the job because what’s it gonna do?? slow down jungkook when he needs to throw a punch?? aHA he doesn’t think so
must’ve been looking so f i n e that someone approaches to where the both of you are sitting
“are you the new model?? why are you sTILL here go to hair and makeup right now!!!”
jungkook has logged off and you swear you could hear a microsoft xp shutting down
thankfully you step in and speak for a speechless gguk who’s buring his face in your neck before he gets whisked away by the now sheepish crew member
he’s placing himself to be as tiny as possible as he squishes himself to your figure
jungkook’s speaking in tiny text rn
he is giggling and squealing and he is practically burning in flattery
the chair he’s sitting on looks like it was gonna collapse with how he’s moving like a worm sprinkled in salt
“yAAAaA what’s happening???”
jimin just finished that portion of the shoot and the first thing that greets him is a withering jungkook cuddling (???) to you puts a bad taste to his mouth
he’s holding jungkook’s face up in genuine concern but also to keep his face out from your thighs :((((
“he got mistakened for a model”
at your answer he immediately sQUEALS again in the fresh memory as he’s giggling away from jungkook’s grasp and back again to your neck as he’s trying to calm himself down
the situation is amusing and even more-so jungkook’s reaction
jimin doesn’t find it amusing as much though
why are you letting kook nuzzle to you :((((
not that he cares or anything :D
not that it affects him in a way or something :D
you finally get kook to calm down because there are now inquiring stares at the both of you and u need to put a straight face on
you are the PA of the well-respected park jimin you nEED to keep your composure
jimin needs to keep his cool on the other hand :)
he’s gonna ignore his feelings for now because putting things aside until it bit him in the ass is his specialty!!
that’s why he has you as his personal assistant for!!
“y/n can u pls put in putting aside my feelings for you in next year’s schedule?”
“putting aside my feelings for you; next year!! sure thing wAIT WHAT”
he hates confrontation so much 
jimin doesn’t care if everyone else is basically scared if they’re confronted by him because hE’S afraid of them too
again, that’s why he has you!! for confrontation!! one whisper to what he feels about a particular thing and you’re immediately voicing out “mr. park doesn’t-...”
he’s okay now
already once again subdued these confusing and blooming feelings of his
one of the great things that came with this job is that the amount of PR packages jimin receives is bottomless
jimin’s used to having all things to himself because he was an only child and hehe he normally isn’t used to sharing
but he is now!!!
unboxing all the packages he gets is now a bonding task for the four of you
jimin however gets first dibs to pick the packages that catch his eye and those that invoke no enthusiasm at all is left for the three of you
“your turn!!” was basically signal for you and jin and kook to elbow at each other to grasp boxes all of you have been eyeing for quite some time now
quite aware that you all look unicivilized but that’s been normalized at this point when jimin asked the three of u to open his packages with him; something he’s nEVER done before
he’s generous too
most times he gets sent the same stuff twice and sometimes even more
you particularly remember that time when jimin opened a box from gucci and meh it was the same shirt he had
“here u can have this kookie!! we have the same size i think :D”
“m-me???? you’re giving this to mE????”
needless to say there were tears and some hugs shared and that’s become a regular thing now for all these things jimin gets for free
jimin’s done a favor for this cooking show that was good but was declining on ratings and ever since his appearance, the show was basically saved
ever since then, he gets sent atleast twice a week of cooking and baking equipment 
seokjin was so near to tears when jimin said that he should get everything he gets sent cooking-wise and then some because he’d benefit more from it
“jimin u little brat i LOVE YOU :’‘‘)”
a whole-ass grill was sent one time and it was expensive as frick as what jin explained
he was too excited that he set up the grill at 10 in the evening
everyone narrates what they’ve opened up
“jimin-hyung u hAVE THE MATCHING JACKET TO THIS omg it’s gonna look so good”
“more snacks!!! omg i can pack them for u in these nEW lunchboxes!!”
and this is what jimin likes because he can clearly tell that you aren’t taking advantage of him nor opportunities like these
there’s no hidden agenda, no bluffs, no half-assed compliments to get him 
his heart feels especially content god he goes soft for things like these
if it’s a duplicate of what he already has or if he isn’t much of a fan, you can have it!!
if no one wants it, you could just wrap it up and he can give it as a gift to the people he works with!!
if it’s makeup, you’re all gonna sHARE and if it isn’t in your shade then you’re out the table as a contender to who gets it!!
if it’s jimin opening up the red compact cartier box to see this beautiful thing for a necklace
the necklace that’s a part of the cartier caresse d'orchidées line and ithe box is just sitting snugly on his hands and it literally makes him gasp and makes his heart awe at the sight
so much so that you stop trying to get to open this complicated parcel that can’t be opened with a cutter, and jin and jungkook stopping in trying to pry it open do the same as they stop
“what is it??”
jimin smiles brightly that his eyes disappear and you visibly grin at the sight of him :(((
wordlessly he’s standing up from his own pile
jungkook’s sweeping away the japanese paper and the dustbags and everything else in the way because jimin’s a bit clumsy and he doesn’t want him to slip ok
he’s walking himself to you wearing the sweetest smile on his face!!!
you are not falling
spoiler alert because you have already fallen
jimin’s crouching at your position on the floor and is already in a squat and before you get more confused, he tips the box to your eyesight, a slight gasp escaping your lips
“that’s so pretty!!”
jin and kook are internally screaming because they’re not blind to the mutual pining you have for each other ok
they’re not blind but it seems like the bOTH of you are
they don’t wanna intrude at this new moment in front of them but they’re also very curious to what’s happening judging by the way their necks are outstretched and how kook’s punching at jin’s shoulders in anticipation
jimin merely hums as agreement
hehe is it just you or does it feel like it’s only the two of you in this room right now or is like the airconditioning busted??? there’s this sudden piercing gaze he has on you???? and-
you feel your hair being swept to the side carefully and following almost immediately was the cool feeling of this thin chain on your neck
wait what
he’s just calmly replying to the confused and almost worried calls to his name
you don’t know how you’re going to register this
the chain went a bit low and jimin’s wordlessly adjusting the pendant to sit at the center of your chest 
his fingers just bARELY glides to the exposed bit of your skin because you aren’t exactly wearing a turtleneck for bed
“thought of you when i saw this :D”
and it’s true
he really did think of you the moment he opened the box
it’s dawning into you now and the fact that oh my god this was a cARTIER necklace and it’s expensive and it’s sitting on your neck and jimin just did tHAT
“jimin i-i can’t accept this, y’know?? it was sent to you and it’s not for me, really!! also it’s too expensive and i really don’t-...”
he gets to pull a reverse uno card for you on that one
“technically, it’s free right? just got sent to me.”
he sees you speechless
you only used that line for the snacks and the gummies he got in the packages that you most definitely could buy out from your own pocket
jimin’s grinning at you and you look at a lost and defeated puppy who’s about to blubber
he shrugs like no big deal and before he goes back to his pile, he ruffles your hair for good measure and eVEN pinches your cheek
“keep it, jagi.”
did he just like mumble that line
did he just
did jimin just call you jagi
did your soul just ascend to heaven or-
ok that is most definitely jungkook pushing you and jin choking you but gently,, because the necklace madame,,, over what they just saw
jimin’s just smiling to himself like none of that didn’t happen
and the only thing keeping you sane (and the same time delirious) that all of this is happening is the bit of expensive proof hanging by your neck and at the though you instinctively run your thumb over the pendant
you will really d-word right now tho
the things is
it was hard not to fall for jimin
you really fought now to view him in the way the general media did because that can’t be to all he is, right?? :((
and god you’re so glad that you didn’t let your thoughts precede the way you viewed him
jimin may be materialistic and bratty at times
could be real inconsiderate sometimes too
but he was actively and consciously trying!! he may not admit it now but the way that you didn’t tolerate his bullshit and that someone actually says no to him was almost empowering and eye-opening
he has an actual personality!!! he is genuine and he cares!!! 
jimin is so much more and it just so happened that he was born into a pedestal with a golden spoon on his mouth
he didn’t choose to be born into this more than privileged lifestyle and he recognizes that!! makes him somehow guilty and he’s always trying to give whenever he can 
sucks because some people think that he’s being this way to gain him some publicity
he means every single thought he has for these things he advocates for!!!
he has this charisma and star factor with him and it was undeniable in everything he does
he’s intelligent and not air-headed!!! 
ok he may not know basic chores or how to work a washing machine until now but he’s trying his best!! 
and you love him for that
who said that
aha :D
maybe this is the same ghost that said jimin-hyung
that couldn’t be you :D
it was hard not to get consumed by your thoughts and feelings when you’re practically with jimin around the clock
can’t help thinking that this is probably you’re closest shot at domestic life because god if you were an official couple then this means you’re living in tOGETHER
you’re just a personal assistant!!
you need to get that into your head 
also you need to get into your head that there’s urgent knocking on your door and it got you so nervous that your heart probably fell to your ass as you were jolted awake
a sweaty-looking jimin jolts as soon as you open the door and he’s sQUEEZING himself in to fit in the gap between you and the door
“aHAAA hi y/n!!” :D
he immediately sits himself by the end of your bed and god he looks so relieved the moment he set his hands down your comforter
too relieved that he didn’t notice that this was almost intimate
too relieved that he didn’t even see you snatching a random hoodie so quick because you for sure weren’t wearing a bra aha
he’s smiling up back at you as he’s still catching his breath
“.,..,.,. jimin this is the part where u explain why you’re here”
“...,,.,. there was a spider in my room,.,.,.”
he was sO terrified because it was intimidatingly huge
huge is relative but god it must’ve been the size of his palm and that is tOO big for a spider
goddamn it he was just about to apply his toner that he left by his bedside table and the spider just HAD to exist by the wall behind it
he ran out so fucking fast it was like he totally didn’t yelp at all
that must’ve been the sound of how quick his feet moved 
you thought it would be more of a life-threatening emergency that isn’t caused by a spider
you’re just gonna be relaxed and comfortable as if you and jimin aren’t in your bedroom :D
“can u kill it for me pls”
“lol no”
even the thought of a household spider and their obscenely long legs and the way they moved is enough to make you shudder
“want me to wake up kook to take it out for you?”
jungkook the bodyguard is mighty scared too but he has nO choice because after all his job is to protect jimin
even if it’s from a paper cut or a spider
that’s actually a good idea
an even better idea pops into jimin’s head though :D
“aish i don’t wanna wake him up :(((”
is jimin stretching right now
is he-
is he yawning on cue 
and is jimin swiftly getting under your covers right now
god he’s so smart but in the same time so nERVOUS
are you seeing right now the way he’s trembling nervously at his nonchalant attitude??
he even pOINTS to the light switch that needs to be turned off
“good night, y/n!!!”
he doesn’t mind the way your bed’s smaller than his
doesn’t mind the way that the comforter he has over his body isn’t as weighted or isn’t as luxurious as the one he has on his room
doesn’t mind that he can’t spritz that line spray that helps make him sleep because this isn’t exactly his room
it doesn’t matter at all because the only thing his mind is on is the fact that you’ve climbed into bed too
that you didn’t say anything else and yielded to the fact that he wanted to sleep here because there was a spider in his room
god you’d do anything for him
you’re whipped
even more whipped than the dalgona jin makes as breakfast coffee and he has that mastered to the T
good thing the lights are already turned off or else you’d be outed for having your cheeks heating up
jimin doesn’t need a light to know that
and there aren’t any words needed either to know that sharing a bed with you is something that fills jimin to the brim with contentment 
it’s not even dirty thoughts it’s wARM FUZZY THOUGHTS
the prior is something he’s shoving to the back of his head because now is not the time to have a hard-on when he’s sharing a bed with you oKAY
his thoughts are so noisy
why cant he just be !! no thoughts, head empty !! right now like every other time he is genuinely about to fREAK out
feels you shift and he immediately freezes because oh god was he moving too much?? y’know what he’s not gonna move at all like he’s sleeping in your bed he’s the guest he should be bEHAVED!! matter of fact he shouldn’t even breathe who tf does jimin think he is for causing you trouble i mean-
“night, jagi :)”
oh huh
jimin swears he can evaporate happily right now 
he even giggles at it!!!
here u were thinking you were being  𝖇𝖔𝖑𝖉  for calling him jagi and all he had to do was giggle and nOW you’re outbested once again
needless to say that that was the soundest and most fulfilling sleep jimin’s ever had in a long time
he wakes up and uhm you weren’t there????
he wasn’t cuddling to you, was he??
spoiler alert: he was indeed cuddling you unconsciously
you’ve been jimin’s PA for so long now that your body clock adjusts to whatever schedule he has for the next day
and today was a free day for him!! and you wanted to sleep in!!
even burrowing deeper to hug that particularly fluffy and good pillow you have
aha that is most definitely not your pillow :D
you were in-between the state of still being sleepy and being aware of the things that are happening around you 
you aren’t a big fan of spiders
and the fact that you just remembered jimin slept in your room and on your bed because of the fact that there was a spider in his room and he didn’t want to bother anyone at that time of the evening to take it out
and just decided to take residency in your bed for the night
the same jimin who has his head propped up on your pillow higher than yours did, with his whole leg weighing your lower body down and his arm loose yet snugly fit on your waist
with his eyes closed and pillowy lips plump 
and this urge to wake him up intentionally because his morning voice,,.,..,, his morning voice
aha but maybe that spider knew what it was doing :D
you are not falling, and you most definitely have self-control!!!
those are lies
it physically pained you to count to three before trying to untangle yourself from jimin because you wanted to EMBRACE him like what he’s doing right now but with you being awake
he goes down the stairs with much more purpose
only jin is downstairs and you’re still not here?? :(
jin was about to finish making these obscenely fluffy pancakes that take so long to cook but eh he’s like whatever since he woke up early this morning
and also he needs to up is breakfast game because jungkook intimidated him when he won you over with the breakfast burrito he made on a whim as a competition between the two of them
jin wants everyone to know that he is the best cook in this house and he’s still huffy about it if he’s being honest
he’s gonna forgive you and your horrible taste and poor decision-making skills but he swears :) one more time that you pick jungkook’s cooking over his :) whether you’re being genuine or just wanting to get a rise out of him :) he’s gonna cook you stale noodles for every meal for the rest of your days that he cooks as you work for jimin :)
where are you though :((
aha he’s hearing your steps on the stairs right now and he’s certain that they belonged to you!! he’s trying to look as nonchalant as possible with his back turned on the staircase
ok he’s looking for you and not for an oversized buff bunny bounding at him
“i got kook to take out the spider from your room!!”
oh that’s your voice alright
he’s just humming as you and kook take your seats in these barstools he specifically bought since you all take genuine enthusiasm in watching jin cook and in annoying him
he’s hearing you and kook take turns in droning off about the spider and wait
does this mean he doesn’t have anymore reason to sleep in your room anymore??
how about if he just uses the excuse that the spider jungkook took out actually left a family behind
and now there’s just a family of spiders in his room and jimin being the generous man that he is, gave up the room for them and with that, your room is now his room!! :D
will you buy that though
will anybody
absolutely: no one
he’s still a bit pouty because he still doesn’t know if he was cuddling to you last night
aha and you feel awkward in letting him know that he did
what jimin doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?? :D
jungkook has his free day today and he’s gonna spend the entirety of it shopping!! he’s gonna come home here later on since it’s been ages when he came home to his own place and lol no he isn’t ready to clean up that place
and also since jimin’s sweetly emphasized that his home is your home too and you would always be welcome!!!
“i’m bored :((”
jimin says for the tenth time in the past half-hour
the only thing he’s been doing is laying his head on your shoulder as you do your work
he’s never really gotten your whole scheduling process even after this whole time but he’s gotten more aware and more confused at the past ten minutes
you’re copying and writing down past and future schedules in your planner from your phone so you could have both a physical and digital copy
“i don’t get why you’re still writing down my schedules. i bought you an ipad for work. you have your work phone too. i mean -- oh my god you don’t have a smartwatch!! oh god why didn’t i think of that??”
he’s launching himself into a rant of how he hasn’t bought you a smartwatch and that he owes you that much since he puts a lot on your plate and that would help ease your work
even before he pulls out his phone to order one asap, he hears you just barely mumble while you’re still nose-deep into what you’re doing
“because you bought me this notebook.”
is that adoration in his eyes
jimin even forgot that he bought you this planner in the first place
you remember him giving it to you when he came home from his friends’ trip abroad with taehyung and hoseok!!
you never really got to know them properly since whenever they go out, jimin insists that you stay at home since they don’t have their PAs with them either
and from what you know, taehyung and hoseok are also insanely rich :D
as from what jin knows too, their parents are all friends and they’re like a part of this compact wealthy and well-known group of families and that the three of them have been childhood friends ever since
you were kinda confused when he gave you a paper bag with multiple notebooks and planners
because sir?? i already have a work phone and a work ipad?? wHO has the time to write in planners when you work for park jimin???
his very simple answer that got through your heart was:
“i don’t know either. just remembered you when i saw these so i bought them.”
and you wanted to melt on the spot
you got around to using them!! and as you realized physical copies could also be really helpful since what if your devices died or were hacked or maybe something wrong just happened!! you still have a physical copy
and besides you want to keep track of them so one day you could give them to jimin like
“here are years worth of planners and the things you did like wOW you just get more fully-booked each day and you’ve accomplished so many things pls jimin pls take these”
“cool cool cool cool”
jimin tries not to grin over that one but it’s hard not to combust over your sentiment 
he’s distracting himself by peering at what you’re writing
“i’m going grocery shopping today????”
lol the confusion in his voice is enough to break you out of your focused spell
“no i’m going grocery shopping. i combine my schedule with your schedule sometimes. this is our planner jimin.,.,., the one that’s purely for yours is on that other notebook”
our planner
goddamn it is seokjin cutting onions extremely close to jimin’s eyes right now
tries his best to ignore these fluttering feelings because it’s like you’re nOT EVEN TRYING TO MAKE HIM FLUSTERED
and if you were, you’re so effortless and he’s over here about to bust a lung because he’s trying not to breathe and therefore not giggle
“then let’s go grocery shopping.”
your eyes widen
is jimin
is park jimin going to go grocery shopping
"take me with you in your errand!! :D”
he repeats again because he sees the sheer confusion in your face
i mean what could go wrong!!!
uh yeah you’re pretty sure he hasn’t been in an actual grocery store like probably ever and he wouldn’t know what to get
“... are you sure about that jimin.,.,,”
“yeah it’s gonna be fun oMG i’m gonna take a shower now bye!!!”
this chore is mostly split to you and jin; him with everything food-related and you with the necessities!! it was fun because honestly? doing it was fun
maybe the fact that the two of you are given bottomless cards to do so since this was done for the sake of jimin anyway but besides that, it doesn’t feel like a chore at all
jimin has an array of cars and less driving skills if you were being honest 
yes he can drive but he’s not very good at it :D
and jimin lends any of you his cars whenever you need them for personal use -- always insists that any of you don’t take public transport when you’re gonna go home (which is rare) or basically go anywhere even outside when you’re not working for him when you could perfectly be at ease and in safety in the comfort of his cars
he fully convinced you when he said the fact that “yA uhm you do know that you’re all kinda known now for being associated with me right,.,, safety reasons, right,...,.,” and he gets worried ok
since kook is off and he was the bodyguard slash driver, you’re in charge for that now 
you’re dropping off jin in this supreme grocery store that has pretty much everything
everything except processed comfort food like mozzarella sticks and cheap god-tier ramyeon so you’re the one who buys those in your grocery store
one that’s ordinary compared to jin’s
and has ordinary people shopping in it 
and has a counter or seven that isn’t working
and has a tub of yogurt probably somewhere in the toiletries aisle 
because this was an ordinary grocery store and it doesn’t have each and every employee kind nor immediately putting back yogurt from the toiletries aisle back to the fridge 
because this is an ordinary grocery store :)
jimin’s in the back waving jin off enthusiastically and he’s kind of lingering looking at the rearview mirror because you’re not stepping on the pedal just yet
“you don’t wanna sit in the front?”
can jimin just say
that he is in very much deep thought
he’s looking at you every few minutes just to let it sink in
that oh my god y/n is driving my car right now
my PA y/n is driving my mercedes s-class cabriolet 
my y/n is driving my mercedes s-class cabriolet and i’m so here for it
lol woah there who said that in jimin’s subconscious
who said that he can’t help imagining you driving it and the both of you doing groceries but this time you’re not his PA and he’s not your boss, but instead an actual couple that-
this goddamn ghost
damn ghost who called him jimin-hyung and then jagi can now invade his mind and plant these thoughts that’s making him yearn uncharacteristically smh
“wear your mask, jimin”
you’re prodding at him to wear it already before you leave the car and even make him wear the bucket hat for good measure just so he wouldn’t attract unnecessary attention
the car isn’t exactly the best car for you to be lowkey with hehe
jimin’s probably gonna get recognized anyway :(
you’re internally preparing yourself to kinda hover around jimin and look stoic and say “important business” whilst doing groceries
aha did jimin just immediately take his mask off the moment you step foot 
“.,.,,, it’s not like -- is it just me or is the air here a bit thinner than the grocery store jin shops at?”
“nope. it’s really just like this :)”
“oh oh i wanna do it!!”
he says as soon as you take a cart and he’s waving grabby hands at you before he just pauses because uh 
is it just him?? or is like the handle supposed to be this color but it looks foggy and it’s not supposed to look like that color in the first place??
oh you’re already wiping down the handle of the pushcart before you take it
“no it’s ok it’s clean now hehe let me take this one y/n!!”
well then
you have a list and you’re at the end of the cart pulling at it to direct jimin where to go because it’s very clear that this is his first time
he keeps gasping every ten seconds while being very distracted
“are you sure we don’t need anymore sponges?? because that ten-pack seems very tempting. they’re in dIFFERENT colors too omg!!! we don’t need more?? aha u know what i’m paying this from my own wallet aha we need them”
“i didn’t know red cups were sold this many and this cheap let’s buy like five of these packs :D”
“yOOOOOO buy five take five of these sodas!! jungkook likes these right??? LET’S GET IT”
“this is such a big pack of ziplocks omg omg i can like use them when we go to these shoots!! we have these already?? but do we have them in this dINOSAUR edition tho???? no? that’s right”
“this is the biggest bottle of body wash i have ever seen in my life!! and it’s like so cheap!! wait i’m searching and yA it’s loved by 93 out of 100 people!!! i’m gonna be the 94th”
you didn’t expect this reaction
didn’t expect this completely perplexed yet amazed jimin who is amazed at mundane and ordinary things and honestly???? your heart tugs at the sight even when jimin’s holding up a three-pack of baby wipes saying “this is the bEST deal ever” before excitedly putting it in the cart
even at the bagging process he was very excited to see how things stacked up
at one point he even asks if he could pack some of the groceries down into the paper bags and when the cashier agreed and the bagger was confused yet agreed at the same time, jimin smiled so hARD
“you should take me with you every time you go get groceries :)”
“we’re not gonna get in front of the line every time because not every cashier would recognize you though”
“yeah bUT STILL”
there’s fondness just seeing jimin load up the trunk with groceries that he himself wanted to pick out
you needed to aid him a bit because he’s getting the unusual brand or forgetting something completely essential
and you just can’t help it!!!
“you did good today, jimin.”
aha aw really?? :)))))
you are killing him more and more as the day passes by and he hates it because you’re completely slick and effortless and god what does he have to do to make you fLUSTERED about pulling moves on him
“where do we go now though?”
“if it’s after my grocery run or if it’s after my grocery run but with you???”
“lol just pretend i’m not here this is yOUR day anyway”
there is this one place
that ramen place
that ramen place that’s a little restaurant and is located into the outskirts of the city and eating there for the first time was one of the days in your life that you felt the luckiest
you were getting a little bit lost going back to your dorm one night because the building was new and you just moved in then and you were hUNGRY from not having eaten lunch and it’s gonna be like 7 in the evening soon enough
and u know what you were ready to settle in to this only slightly sketchy looking place that has neon lights for a sign but the inside is bRIGHTLY-LIT but in the same time the inside has some faint lighting of pink and
ok there’s some customers by the corner aha you’re convinced that this is is an actual resstaurant and not a cover-up for some underground sketchy business :)
you could also ask for directions!! a double whammy you’ll take :D
and god
that was easily the best ramen you’ve ever had for such a reasonable price and you get so mUCH
didn’t skimp on the amount of noodles and the broth isn’t annoyingly salty!! the egg remained intact without it being tOO hard and it was in the perfect state!! the pork was tender without being irritatingly too chewy and was cooked to 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
it was so good you may have had shed a tear or some
you literally did it was so gOOD
not only were you given directions to your dorm, but you were also given directions to the best ramen place to ever exist :D
that ramen place is literally the name of the ramen place lol
and then you met jin and jungkook
and then kook accompanied you in a grocery run early enough into your new jobs and you all still kinda haven’t had the hang of it
and god u know what
u trusted jungkook.,,.,
trusted him enough to give him the directions for that ramen place and he’s like??? y/n ur not planning to ditch me in the side of the road are you????
and he’s just mhmm-ing his way as he let you order for him since this was his first time and you clearly knew it better
when jungkook says that he went to heaven at his first slurp
he means it
jungkook means that with his whole heart
in the same time he wants to clear his bowl so quick because he just can’t get enough but in the sAME time he wants to take his time because good things shouldn’t be rushed
after the meal like not only is his stomach full but so is his heart
it was official
“y/n i want u to know that i eNTRUST you with my whole life like pls i don’t mind if u call the shots until the day i die i don’t care u hAVE my whole heart”
and then it was when you and jungkook came home and kook can’t stop talking about the ramen
seokjin was so annoyed and offended like wtf did u just cheat on me with this damn ramen place i am the CHEF here
“jin-hyung please you hAVE to try it”
“aha i would never :D”
but then the inevitable happens
you pick up jin from his grocery store after you were done with yours and successfully set him up for the both of you to eat in that ramen place
and it was too late when he realized
and he’s figured it out since every description jungkook has ever given about the food matched up perfectly
he was at a total loss for words
“i want what they have :’’’’)”
and the moment the both of you came home he iMMEDIATELY got to work in trying to recreate it but he never came to the exact recipe :((
a bit bummed but he’s in peace that he doesn’t know the recipe (even if it irks him sometimes)
aha jin knows that he would be too powerful if he knew the recipe anyway :D 
he’d be probably immortal at that point so this was for the sake of everyone else’s pride and sanity at this point
you’re oddly protective of that ramen place and u can’t help ity
park seojoon is an incredibly sweet man and restaurateur and you would easily lay down your life for him no doubt
he striked up conversation with you after u came in there for like one week straight because you were just going through it and he’s getting concerned now because he’s never seen someone eat tempura with so much sad eagerness
and he only knew you as a regular customer but he kNEW that you were normally happier and not looking so gloomy and intimidating????
turns out that his business is relatively new and not many people would come in because it looked sketchy and he doesn’t have enough profit yet to make the place look so divine
so he thanked u for giving that ramen place a chance
aND BECAUSE u dragging in jungkook and jin and that people would pass by seeing that oh wait these people are eating and they look vERY pleased that turned into the point that he’s been getting more customers!!!!
in short you’re very selective of the people you decide to introduce to that ramen place and seojoon finds that endearing and amusing at the same time
and bringing in jimin to this place is something that means a lot to you and it’s just sO exciting that you get to bring him in this part of your life
the part that entails to you being y/n and not his PA that’s with him almost 24/7 tending to his needs!!!
seojoon’s whipping his head at the chiming bell and oMG IT’S YOU!!! IT’S BEEN A WHILE!!!!
“y/NNNNNNNN!!!! :D”
there’s a very eager hug and it catches the attention of some patrons but they’re like oh wAIT isn’t that the y/n from the multiple polaroids on the wall
kinda takes jimin aback for a sec
uhm he thought that you were gonna take him to lunch because as per your words of “probably my most favorite meals in my life ever besides jin’s?? i eAT THEM HERE”??????
not unless.,.,..
“i just got done getting groceries for my boss and he’s here with me!! jimin-“ you’re grabbing him by the arm to get closer to you and seojoon because he clearly backed off when the both of you hugged, “this is park seojoon!! he’s the owner of this place!! seojoon, this is-...”
“park jimin, i know!! it’s an honor to meet you, mr. park :D”
seojoon very much knows who he is even before you told him out of the blue that you worked for him as a personal assistant
he promised you extra portions of cheesy tonkatsu as long as you tell him how jimin’s like because he’s a bit of a fan of his work and all :)
he has his hand outreached and god you don’t know why but jimin’s suddenly buffering
kinda just gazes at the hand and you had to nudge him discreetly with your shoe tapping his
“.... nice to meet you too, mr. park.”
“oKAY let’s sit down in the booth!!!”
“yES good idea y/n!! you and jimin should get seated like right now aha!! good thing because i always put a reserved sign in there in case you and jin and kook decide to pop in all of a sudden :)”
jimin’s sitting across you and there’s this look on his face
oh god you know that face
maybe you’re just overthinking it
you already know what you’re ordering but you pretend to still look at the menu just to disguise the fact that you’re trying to distinguish jimin’s expression
he looks a bit-
“do they uhm, do they serve anything else besides these?”
seojoon’s expanded the menu generously compared to the first time you went here
you’re trying to understand because the menu doesn’t exactly have the gourmet fish fingers jimin orders as an appetizer that contained two skimpy ones with sauce swiped haphazardly on the plate
there isn’t exactly luxuriously roasted lamb skewers in the menu
nor does it serve vin chaud as a refreshment while you wait for your order
but it doesn’t make the place any less good because good is subjective
and in normal circumstances and unlike standard of people like jimin, this place was genuinely good
“the water they have here... does it uhm... does it come from the tap?”
you’re gonna try and keep a positive outlook on this because you know what?? maybe jimin’s just a bit tired to enjoy this new experience :)
“but don’t worry anyways! i brought with me your water! both the water and the iced coffee”
you’re already fishing through the tote bag you carry around when you’re out with jimin (your initials are embroidered with one strap and his in the other!!)
actually these are all your ideas
it was in your first month of working for him that you noticed jimin just like drinking in general
whether it’s water or orange juice or iced coffee and maybe even those fruity sugary drinks that has coconut jelly in them and of course beer
jimin atleast makes you fetch water for him about five times within a day and you have to hold onto plastic bottles until you see a recycling bin
then u had this genius idea
how about you gift jimin one of those hydroflasks because not only is it more eco-friendly but aLSO you don’t have to run to the nearest catering table or convenience store!!!
was it in the more expensive spectrum for water bottles? yes
but gODDAMN the pride you felt was insurmountable when you gave it to jimin
“y/n? water please.”
“aha sure mr. park here you go :D”
wait lol that’s relatively quick
then jimin’s eyes (and hands) land on this 21 oz army green hydroflask filled with cold water and if u wiggle it you could sTILL hear the ice clonking because it was still intact
he’s kind of perplexed
did this water bottle come with the water or????
“don’t worry sir!! i bought that for you!! it’s clean and new!! it’s yours, mr. park :D”
that touched his HEART
he may have dropped it once so lol you’re that whipped for him so you bought the rubberized sleeve, that it u may add is also tOO expensive for rubber that covered only a quarter of the bottle
it’s ok it’s for jimin
you’re bringing said hydroflask out now!!
even bringing out the tiny baby hydroflask (you bought him one the very next month because he liked it so much and he’s so happy with the original one) with iced coffee in case jimin wants variety
you could pull out a thousand more things from your bag to appease jimin
his expensive hand lotion that smelled of vanilla and coffee beans
his nintendo switch you carry around that he barely plays with but seeing it makes him happy
your work phone that contained emails from brand representatives and that they would have something sent over
you have more materials but none of it could shake off this noticeable frown in jimin’s face you’re so willing to try and ignore
one that looked like disgust
“i’m just gonna go to the counter to pay for our orders.”
jimin’s eyes narrow at that
don’t the waiters here come to your table and list down your orders so you don’t have to move a single inch because after all, this was a dine-in???
he feels so out of touch now that you’re over the counter
he’s definitrly feeling more glances from like the four people eating here that are starting to recognize him
the booths aren’t that spacious and the foam in the cushions isn’t heavenly comfortable to sink into
the table is a bit sticky and there’s a faint residual smell of lemon-scented multi-purpose cleaner
these pendant lights are too plain like why even bother with a pendant light if it’s just like every other boring light fixture
no ambient music in the background either
jimin is so out of it if you can’t tell by now
you’re coming back to your booth with your table number and he snorts to himself at that
there isn’t else who’s ordering wHY would you even need a table number
you heard that
clearly heard that
“... y’okay, jimin?”
“i’m fine.”
he’s not even gonna rest his forearms on the table
he should lean back and oh wait no he can’t :D
there’s this uncomfortable silence that’s so sudden and you don’t wanna partake in it because what happened to the jimin in the grocery store??
“why are we here?”
you were clearly not expecting that question
didn’t he tell you that you call the shots today and he’s just gonna tag along?
“you’re given a limitless credit card to attend to my needs and — does this place even take credit cards?”
you don’t like how soft-spoken yet condescending jimin’s tone is right now
nor his choice of words
and to how you feel so ridiculed with just the way he’s starting
seojoon arrives with your food and was about to crack a joke but uh your face is hung low and your fists are clenching and unclenching?? ok maybe next time
keeping this in is very hard
you’re gonna ignore that :)
you’re fishing for the metal case of jimin’s premium wooden chopsticks without a word
you’re gonna keep your emotions together, sat your food, go home, and try to be understanding of jimin all throughout
it’s actually going along very well
pretending that jimin isn’t even here and instead savoring in the ramen you haven’t eaten for more or less a month because of jimin’s busy schedule and therefore your busy schedule
you missed this so much
omg seojoon definitely put more noodles in there he is a national treasure
you’re keeping your cool actually and-
“are you playing a prank on me, y/n? it’s not funny anymore.”
he’s half-whining and half-pissed
still hasn’t had one taste of his ramen
“i agreed to let you pick because i thought we were going to a real restaurant.”
you are most certain now that trying to looking unfazed is what you’re failing miserably at as of the moment
“not a hole-in-the-wall type of ramen joint that’s cramped and has laminated hand-written numbers for table number.”
god you so badly want to explode
beyond offended and hurt because even seojoon and his place he worked tirelessly on is being slandered for a completely selfish reason
and that this whole thing is being twisted to you as if you didn’t ask him a million times is he was sURE of this
“and y/n, you know i don’t go to these types of places! i don’t-...”
“then we’re leaving.”
you’re not even halfway done eating
the excitement you harbored for wanting to be in this place in the first place has long been displaced
jimin’s sitting there in shock because he really didn’t expect that
he didn’t know what end result he was looking for
but you being actually mad at him and standing up and leaving so quickly through the door that you didn’t even wait for him was the eventual result
he’s sputtering to himself and he’s walking outside the restaurant with his head hung low
are you mad at him??
in his defense he was just speaking the truth
but that doesn’t mean shit now does it
he’s wordlessly climbing into the front seat of his car that you’ve already started because fUCK are you so mad and sad at the same time
jimin’s kinda worrying that he might’ve took that far
he’s sneaking looks at you and you’re stone-cold and he doesn’t even get a side-eye in response
he should be as stubborn as you were being now but he thinks that he might not be in the right position for that
you’re so silent and he’s fiddling with his rings and eVEN in stoplights you just keep your gaze trained to the road and nothing else
jimin realizes that oh
you’ve pulled up to his usual restaurant
his usual restaurant that had valet service and staff that would let him in even without a prior reservation
he’s kind of hovering by the main door and you’re not beside him but rather behind, your position stiff and guarded with your arms crossed across your chest
you’re being jungkook right now instead of y/n
god you’re still boiling
you’ve never had this much determination to drive to this high-end ramen place that jimin earnestly likes and as you’ve figured his only standard that he’s compared seojoon’s place to
he doesn’t know how to react to how you reacted either
he didn’t expect to be eating lunch right now in one of his favorite restaurants with you sat across him but in guilt-tripping circumstances
jimin doesn’t know what to do with himself :(
he knows what to order and he knows what your order would be from here since this isn’t the first time you’ve accompanied him
even tried asking you if what you want to order in a timid voice but you didn’t even meet his gaze
still said your order to the waiter and he sneaks a look to see on how you would’ve reacted to it but again
there’s still none
guilt is practically eating jimin from the inside out at this point
he’s eating in front of you and he still feels guilty to do so because in the other hand
you refuse to even look at the meal in front of you that’s going cold
knows for a fact that you LOVE the red iced tea here even if he tells you repeatedly that it’s too sweet and the fact that it’s always served cold won’t help with it bUT NOW you’re not even casting a single glance to it
you don’t budge not even until he settles the bill and his eyes aren’t on you
gets your food wrapped up for take-out and normally drinks can’t be but they always make an exception for jimin
he’s holding it himself and you’re just trailing behind him again
even until you get handed the keys and drive jimin home
there’s no interaction whatsoever
even the radio he’s turned on doesn’t help because you’re not uttering a single word to him
you get home and jimin’s lingering by the driveway as he sees you lugging the groceries in your hands without making it obvious that you’re dYING to leave again so you could pick up jin
“i’m -- i’ll help.”
he says as input and he thought that would atleast get a small smile from you
aha there is none
he’s taking out paper bags from your hands and you let him
just turn your back on him and go back to the trunk and get some more
he’s purposely slowing his pace getting into the door so you’d trail behind him and maybe atleast nudge at him to fasten his pace because what you’re carrying is particularly heavy
and then there are no more groceries left and jimin’s frowning at that because wHAT he was just about to actually speak to you 
you’re starting the car again and????
you’re leaving???
he uhm
he thought he was going with you to pick up jin
jin immediately knew something was wrong when you picked him up and helped him put in his groceries in the very limited trunk so you had to put some of them in the actual backseats wITHOUT ANY COMPLAINTS
he even bought cacao nibs to snack on and you just give a gentle smile to when he’s offered you one because normally you and him would’ve bickered now on who should hold the bag for safekeeping
“y/n baby are u like,,,, ok”
“yeah i’m all ok :D”
“oh ok :D”
he smiles at that
might he remind you that he is nOT booboo the fool :(((
he doesn’t wanna prod in just yet and he doesn’t wanna invade ur bubble by asking you what’s wrong upfront
he’s just gonna invade it every once and then when he shoves a nib to your mouth to munch on to atleast believe that he fell for your blatant lie and aha he’s just being goofy :)))
there is something definitely up
jimin greeted him wAY too enthusiastically
“hi brat :)”
there’s a look that falters in jimin’s face for a sec because oh god maybe you told jin
and the teasing nickname of brat is actually meant for real this time
he’s really panicked right now
he’s helping jin get out the food he’s bought and jin’s ????
this is the first time you’re helping me out fill in the pantries and the fridge???? i’m a chef not a nurse are you like rUNNING A FEVER RIGHT NOW???????
he keeps his mouth shut
jin isn’t oblivious to how jimin purposely kept messing up in organizing food because you’re also included in this organization thing as you always were
and the closest jimin’s ever got to an interaction was you wordlessly picking things up that he was messing over
he literally put frozen baby carrots into a cabinet full of pasta just to invoke a reaction and jin’s just inwardly laughing and cringing at his attempts lmao he’s going too far in making a fool out of himself
and to see you just picking up the baby carrots and putting them in the freezer made him frown
aTLEAST laugh at him for goddness’ sake
say something
make fun of me
raise your voice at me for putting yogurt in the spice rack y/n just please
and tHEN there’s no food left
it’s a free day after all and jimin can’t materialize shit about things he needs you to do with or for him just so he could squeeze out a word or two
but then you coop yourself up in your room and jimin’s kinda lost being by himself when you normally hung out around him like second nature
it’s time for dinner and jungkook’s already come home by then with his arms full and his first question was “where’s y/n???”
then jin answers him and kook was like cool.,.,.., if u need me i’ll be in y/n’s room
maybe jimin is truly indeed losing his mind with this silent treatment
why is jungkook in your bedroom and why is it so easy for him to go to you while he’s here chickening out
probably because jungkook isn’t the one who’s made a mistake towards you and may have caused a slight scene awhile ago
maybe it’s because jungkook was being down-to-earth and isn’t a fucking brat like he realized he was being one awhile ago
it’s dinner time now and only jungkook was the one who came down the staircase and joined them in the dining table
which felt weird because you’re not sat beside him :(((
jin isn’t surprised that you didn’t come down but kook’s fazed so hard rn
“she was just bundled in her comforter.,.,., not even bundled up while watching netflix or something.,.,.,. just bundled.,,.,., half-asleep and half-scrolling through her phone and then i pEAKED at her phone and her feed wasn’t bland and then there was this really funny tiktok but y/n didn’t giggle :(((“
“y/n didn’t pester me to do a try-on clothing haul of the things i bought :(((( i mean before if she asked me to do it i would say nO but now that she’s not asking i wANNA DO IT :((( where’s y/n?? who’s that girl upstairs?? what’s going on?? i miss her :((”
jungkook doesn’t know jack either but he does know that it may have something to with jimin and his mind, really.,.,,.,. jin and him are straight-up vibing rn if that’s the case
“yO are u being honest but in the same time guilt-tripping jimin or something because you fEEL like it’s his fault too?”
they’re communicating telepathically
they’re not psychic but the point is that they will surely talk about this the moment jimin leaves them and say their hunches about what probably happened on your grocery run
jimin meanwhile is absolutely being roasted in guilt because he atleast thought that you would open up the situation to jungkook because you were friends
and after all he came to your room alone and he’s not there to deny whatever you tell
but you’re closed off even to them and jimin just wants so badly to fix thishe sees the tray jin’s fixing up and he figures that it’s for you so he immediately jumps to his feet and grounds jin by the shoulders
“no nO i’ll take them to y/n, hyung.”
jin is more than happy to give the tray to jimin but somehow bummed ?? at the same time because this just confirms that something indeed happen
there’s a soft knock to your door and you don’t even answer because it’s never been locked this whole time
you wanna pop your head out from your comforter too since binge-watching how things are made but without boring commentary is really starting to make your eyes hurt
“koo?”wait you know those footsteps
they’re lighter and delicate even with house slippers on and-
jimin isn’t surprised that you thought he was jungkook but his pride is hurt though
not just because he isn’t the first person you’re looking for when someone comes into your roombut because you still refuse to meet his gaze
he’s setting up the tray that doubled as an actual mini table on your bed and he’s trying to divert his thoughts as he did, opting to be silent instead
he made the conscious decision to not have the food you didn’t eat at lunch to be reheated for your dinner because he knows that there are unresolved issues still — and it happened to be over his pride and ramen
safe to say that you’re eating your dinner
even if he’s standing by the corner looking like a kid who’s put in time-out while he remains silent
nobody’s forced him to take your dinner up nor even stay in your room while you’re adamant on eating your dinner and not making any conversation with himbut he’s willing though
jimin is more than willing to try and make up for what he did
“i’m sorry.”
the thing is
jimin barely apologizes
even when he’s in the wrong most of the times and it’s a trait of him that he’s not exactly proud ofhe just feels so shy whenever he apologizes verbally and it’s almost humiliating
but sir that is the point because you’re in remorse which is why you’re apologizing sIR
but he does things in his own way and he incorporates apologies into his actions and rarely into words
which is also good
but this blatant display of him apologizing using his words and letting you know that he knows what he’s done
jimin doesn’t want you to applaud him for it (and you’re not going to) because apologizing is a thing he really should be doing in the first place!!!
“i knew i was — i knew i was being stubborn. a-and it’s totally unjustifiable because i judged seojoon’s place so quick and i didn’t even know what i was talking about!! i didn’t even give the ramen a chance!! i’m sorry too since i uhm, i let you pick the place and then i made you feel bad for picking it. which is just wrong, i know. w-well uh i’m also sorry since i was just being-...”
god he really hates this word
hates this word to a degree
but he knows it’s very much true as he proved awhile ago and he has to face it head-to-head
“a brat.”
he frowns over what he just said and he doesn’t see you raising a brow at him as you’ve been trying to pre-occupy yourself by eating the whole time
“and an asshole.”
he’s fiddling with his rings in worry because oh god he may be a little bIT scared to look back up at you
maybe you already dozed off??? maybe you’re still mad and you’re gonna kick him out of your room???? maybe you’re gonna qUIT???
he should accept his fate, really
he will never have an assistant as good as you because you’re the bEST and he means it
also jimin isn’t wearing contacts and this is not the same mistake of him wearing them in the plane so whY are his eyes dry to the point that they’re gonna dampen any second
actually it’s just emotion
“okay :)”
that’s the only things you say after fully digesting his apology and it makes him falter in the corner for a second
“oH so like okay we’re gonna be nORMAL again and you don’t hate me??? oR okay as in you agree that i’m an asshole??? i’m fine with either two i just need to clarify for sURE so i could apologize again, y’know?? if it’s the second part? actually what if-...”
you gotta admit
your heart’s thawing at the moment and it’s still a progress but seeing jimin so flustered and uncomposed is very unlike himself
he knows his standing and what he’s capable of and he acts like it
he’s professional when it comes to work and dedicates his entirety of himself to it
he knows his social cues (well uh most of the time) and reads the room every time just so he could adjust along with it
it’s not his intention every time to stand out but even without trying to, he is and always will because he’s jimin
the jimin you see in shoots who requests for another shot to be taken when he feels like he hasn’t done enough for a pose and shakes people’s hands that already leaves a good lasting impression on them, isn’t the one who’s in front of you right now
it’s jimin who’s timid and rambling and is actually being very humble as of the moment -- devoid of any makeup and in his pajamas and the one who took up the dinner for his personal assistant who was mad at him
“we have a long day tomorrow, jimin. get your hours in, hm?”
okay that means you’re okay
he really can’t help blushing jUST because of a certain pronoun
god he is a mess and a half 
but he is a mess and a half that hAS your forgiveness 
jimin’s shuffling out the door and says his good night in tiny caps!!!
since he’s very obedient and u know what,, this has been a tiring day for him so he’s just gonna take a shower and then fall asleep to the thought of you :))
lol jin and kook have jimin memorized by now so they’re just waiting for that particular click of the door aND THEY’RE ALREADY DASHING UP THE STAIRS AND INTO YOUR ROOM
“this is the part where you tELL us what happened oh my gOD y/n”
they’re plopping down to your bed on either side and then you’re in this sandwich you can’t get out of
seokjin is very good at pressuring and jungkook is very good at nudging you repeatedly to the point that you have no choice but to tell what happened
they were so :D when you told them about the grocery part
“he is sO clueless it’s so adorable”
“jin-hyung i’m telling you we NEED to get jimin-hyung to the flea market please :((”
there can never be too much side comments
they’re treating you as a pay-per-view boxing match and you best believe that they are gonna be NOISY
“lol hyung the two of us went there when y/n was in her day-off bUT HOW DARE YOU Y/N :(((”
but in the same time it was okay for them because jimin feels like family at this point and he’s kinda within your circle if you just crossed out the fact that he’s your multi-millionaire boss and the three of u are his employees
then you get to that part where you felt jimin was being too quiet
jin’s already shaking his head at that point because he knew one way or another to where this was going
kook has some hope that nO jimin-hyung isn’t gonna do that so he has his mouth hung open as he waits for you to continue on
“yAAAAA why do you have to be so sTUPID jimin????”
“why didn’t you tell us earlier?? we could’ve been mad at jimin wITH YOU!! you didn’t need to be alone at being mad!! i’m mad!!”
they totally get your standpoint and how it must’ve felt to be in your position awhile ago
“i would really fight with jimin right then and there-”
“hyung that’s because you’re old”
“i’m old aND i have ramen to eat and jimin’s being a hypocrite tHAT’S WHAT”
the two of them are really making it clear that they’re not gonna stop on talking and have probably forgotten that this is your room
they’re so fired up to notice that it’s your bed they’re messing up by tossing and turning
“well for me.,,.,, i think i would just eat my food because aha i paid for it aND for jimin’s order too. gonna ask here and there to what standard of good does he have and how different it actually is from that ramen place. especially if you take out the external and materialistic factors”
“real mature of you, jungkook. i’m-”
lol jin spoke too soon
there’s this inevitable question that’s hanging
of how any professional and unattached personal assistant wouldn’t be too hung-up over this and just call it a day
and to how they wouldn’t dwell over that and coop up in their room as they re-evaluate the fact that they’re probably falling for their boss and said boss has hurt their feelings
jin and kook choose not to delve in it
especially jin who’s concerned about you in the first place because he caught onto the fact early on that you and jimin have this sort of tension and ease of comfort at the same time
not to mention that jimin smelled of the linen spray he gifted you on your birthday
and he could never mistaken that scent for anything else besides your bed
not unless someone else sleeps in your bed
he kNEW
knew this whole time that jimin shared your bed that night and he connected it to the spider thing and then suddenly, it just wasn’t a theory that he concocted
he could’ve easily slept in one of the many guest rooms here
could’ve bunked with jungkook because his room was the closest to jimin’s
could’ve bunked with him because jimin knows jin has a diffuser that’s same as his in his room and it would make him asleep faster
but no :D
jimin still chose to knock on your door and stay in your room
because in jimin’s fight or flight response over a spider invading his room, it’s to go to you
he is one step away from making one of those boards you can see in tv shows that connected you and jimin with pushpins and yarn just to let you both know thAT THE FEELINGS ARE MUTUAL
the three of you probably must have been carried away talking for so long that you’ve all fallen asleep squished into your bed with you still in the middle
kook is fully latched to you and he’s hEAVY and jin has his back turned to you but with his legs resting on top of yours???? and you’re all knocked out to the point, especially you, that you didn’t even notice that whilst being in the middle, your comforter warmed eVERYTHING and everyone but you 
but it felt tOO lax
too lax that in your groggy half-asleep mind that you think you’re missing something ????
that all three of you are half-awake now and are just rolling around in the slightest and something jUST doesn’t feel right
is that the door to your room opening
that is mOST definitely a phone clicking
was that a giggle
jin is flailing around like a fish out of water
he is moving more than the he caught within like eight seconds when he decided to try out fishing
you’re jostled awake because you’re laying closest to him and you sWEAR your soul must have been jostled too
kook was having it rough
he was.,.., in a defense position???? he’s,.,..,., taking cover??? 
lol alright jimin thinks that’s IT
“hush the three of u just kinda overslept”
jimin says sweetly while in the same time he’s kinda prying jungkook off of you hehehe and he could just disguise it as getting him to wake up
he has to admit that he was really endeared when he saw this sight of the three of you passed out asleep
he was very confused when he woke up and there still wasn’t breakfast or you explaining today’s flow and jungkook listening in behind the two of you
that’s weird,,,,,
then he peaked into each of your rooms expecting for it to be locked but to his surprise it wASN’T
he opened kook’s first and then it was empty and he completely blanked at that
he opened your room last and when the doorknob budged so easily he was about to pass out because wHY IS IT OPEN
and then he peaked and oH OMG UR ALL STILL ASLEEP
that’s no worries!! :D
jimin can handle all of this for the morning and he can even surprise the lot of you
ready-mix pancake batter?
aha easy but no :D he is looking to impress, not to burn
aha no :D he is limited but his skills go far beyond than just adding milk ok
cup noodles bUT with mozzarella sticks that he can pop in the oven while he makes iced tea perhaps if water is too bland???
it’s beyond simple but he’s proud of himself ok
and it’s the thought that matters!!!
he’s even assured you that it’s all okay and no one’s gonna get fired!! not even close!!
you keep apologizing to him because you know today is supposed to be a busy one and you’re just gonna hOP into the shower and you’ll be out in five minutes and ur gonna be professional
“y/n jagi trust me!! i checked!! my call-time isn’t for another two hours!! you’re fINE. just go join jin-hyung and ggukie because i made breakfast :D”
“okay fine but jUST because you made breakfast :D”
[ and also u called me jagi and i am too soft for you and you can comfort me and my thought very endearingly so yes i wILL go down ]
jimin is so happy to see the three of you being genuinely excited ok
the two boys are SLIGHTLY taking a piss out of him but apart from that they are so so proud and are being absolutely candid
“jimin-hyung you didn’t forget to stir the iced tea this time oMG :((((
““you aCTUALLY closed the lid this time when you put in the hot water”
“bUT I’M SO PROUD OF YOU JIMIN OMG!!!!! you killed it with the mozzarella sticks”
“you EVEN sprinkled some uncooked noodles for that extra crunch omg i will hug u right now”
he’s actually blushing from all the praise
it doesn’t help either that you’re sitting beside him and are agreeing and even adding in your own quips!!
“it’s no big deal :D”
it is, in fact, a big deal
and jimin wants to stress that no matter how all of you are impressed with him right now, he wants to show that this should be a normal occurence too!!!the three of you are literally paid to make his life easier by doing tasks he can do himself and for that he is beyond grateful
but he wants to return his gratitude from time to time!!!he thinks letting you keep some from the PR packages is not enough
it’s jimin’s baby steps and the three of you are aware and you’re rooting for him
even if sometimes he might fall face-first but you’re always there
you don’t want to be overly too cheesy
but you mean it
you really do
as much as jimin depended on you, you’ve probably also learned how to always look for and after him in everything that you do
he’s ultimately housed into your heart and god it’s too hard to try and pick him out of it
you could be in your day-off and trying to do an activity by yourself and your first thought would be “lol jimin would get so impatient with this”
you see a relatively luxury item? that’s jimin
u see a billboard of a brand in fashion week that he most definitely sat front row at? jimin
a dog you pass by on the street that looks like it most definitely something he would coo and try to pet?? PARK JIMIN
you don’t wanna take advantage of your position to enact your feelings
even if that is most certainly a vantage point
but you most definitely would do it if you were just sure that jimin liked you back
that he thought of you in the same way and you’re not only a mere PA he could always replace whenever he wanted to
distancing yourself is practically impossible
especially when you can’t distinguish the concept of mixed signals anymore from the actual fact that maybe
just maybe that he liked you too :(((
jimin’s kNOCKING on your door again at an ungodly hour and you’re opening it up
“is it another-“
you’re about to fully open your door because you’re highly sure that this is another spider and he’s not gonna put himself up with that situation EVER again
about to rub off the sleep in your eyes only to succumb back later again when he’s gonna lie beside you in your bed
but it was different this time
there’s sniffling and heavy tears
there’s jimin whose chest is heaving right now as he’s trying to compose himself
his heart feels ultimately heavy and even more so because it’s about to sink in that he just woke you up to hear out his problems he doesn’t think is too shallow to even be a problem; his whole mind foggy
“if my parents weren’t rich and i wasn’t the park jimin — do you think i’d still get to my level of success?”
he looks absolutely wretched and his voice sounds so pained
he’s about to turn on his heel because he feels so selfish for having you wake up for him but it’s not something-
you say without skipping a beat and you swear your heart clenches when jimin does a double-take over what you just said
your heart is absolutely hurting for him :((
you don’t even think when you pull him to you for an embrace and he’s completely breaking down by then, his face buried to the crook of your neck with his hands still in fists
jimin might have searched his name for the fun of it
but then one thing led to another and then he ended up reading threads in reddit and twitter and basically in any portal of social media
some are good and wholesome
but god there’s just some that were criticizing him and his wealthy background
some were too below the belt
and there’s this guttural feeling in his chest because what if he really is everything that these people point him out to be
he didn’t want for himself to be born into a well-off family and that’s out of his control
jimin so badly misses the time that he was still pretty fucking young and naive to the fact that he’s already had millions to his name even before he could speak his first words and crawl for the first time
and it’s the guilt that he carries with him
it’s how he tries to rid himself off the image that he’s nothing but wealth
he’s spiraled so hard into thought during the past hour that it hasn’t sinked into him that he’s been crying to you for almost equally as long
“i see you for you, jimin — i mean it.”
you’re rubbing circles in his back and it’s helping him calm down especially you talking to him because it grounds his mind
he’s kind of blubbering still but he’s listening to you intently and he’s resorted to staying still in your embrace
“you’re one of the greatest people i ever know and it’s not because you’re your parents’ son, okay? i see you for you.”
he’s all puffy from crying and you’re wiping at the extra tears that’s coming out with how he’s digesting your words and that earns him another kiss to his hairline because it truly calms him
you have one hand on his palm and jimin’s mindlessly playing with it as it distracts him from the heaviness on his chest and besides
you’re a really calming figure
you’d do anything right now to just ground jimin :((((
whatever it takes
“you can take off your makeup and your jewelry, jimin — i’d still love you the same.”
you mean it
you mean it vERY much
if the circumstances were different and they were lighter
you’d notice that you might have slipped up and basically confessed your love for himi
f the circumstances weren’t jimin crying to you at 2 in the morning from reading up to what some people think of him
he’d say the same to you
but it’s this
and jimin nods to your words and he’s tired and so are you
he lets you tuck him and squeeze his hand and listens to when you tell him that if he needs anything, he could just shake you awake and you’re gonna be there for him
and maybe even in the dark
jimin turns to face you at one point and you’re fast asleep and he’s getting to finally succumb to the rest that’s tugging on his veins
maybe even in the dark, he may have slotted his hand to fit yours
jimin’s holding your hand in the dark as he falls asleep
he feels secure and goes to sleep secure and he wakes up secure
growing up, his security without a doubt was always ensured considering his background and well practically who he is
but that was a different type of security
it’s surface-level security such as what jungkook’s hired to do!!!!!
but you
you probably can’t tell but you are literally a walking safe place for jimin to which he feels immediately at home at
home is a broad term because it’s more of a feeling of belonging rather than a set location
and u know what
home feels oddly specific to jimin nowadays
especially when he got two of his impacted wisdom teeth out under general anesthesia :D
he doesn’t hate going to the dentist’s office actually
who wouldn’t when the dentist he goes at is too pristine and there’s a flat-screen tv and the receptionist is actually nice!!!! and the doors were cool!!!! and the seats were spacious and loungy!!!!!
jimin only went like “.....cool” when the dentist said that he has four impacted wisdom teeth after seeing his x-ray
in fact he was a bit excited because omg i’ve never had an operation in my life ever wHAT must this feel like????
but then
u see
lmao dr. baekhyun kinda has a knack for joking and he nudges jimin at one point when he was explaining the operation
“yeah you’re gonna be under local anesthetic :D”
“that’s cool doc :D”
you’re catching on to what dr. baekhyun is saying because you’ve got your wisdom teeth taken out before aND HIS TONE IS JOKING
does jimin think that there’s an imported anesthetic and he’s being oh wow cool support local rn.,.,.,,.
and not realizing that-
“that means you’re gonna be awake for your operation :D”
“oh that’s — wAIT WHAT????”
dr. baekhyun is really taking a piss out of him omg he’s trying to keep a straight face right now and so are you
“what do you mEAN i’m gonna be awake for it doc????? that’s nOT what the movies say!!!”
“it’s almost gonna be pain-free, jimin. don’t-...”
“b-but aLMOST?? why do i need to be awake for it??? oh my gOD i watched that video of how they extract and i’m gonna be AWAKE when you drill into my jaw??? dr. baekhyun-“
jimin is blubbering
he is so near to tears
he’s turning into a big baby and his voice is wavering and oh my god that’s when dr. baekhyun and you cut it out
he is tEARING UP to the crook of your neck as you simultaneously try to stifle your laughter and run your hands through his hair
he’s pouting the whole moment you and dr. baekhyun take turns explaining
“aish, those movies. actually, most wisdom teeth extractions happen under local anesthetic. it’s most recommended if you’re just gonna have one to two wisdom teeth taken out at a time-“
“or generally if your wisdom teeth are not buried in too deep!!”
“what happens is — ok the dentist applies some lidocaine to the spot, and then it numbs, and then they’re gonna inject some stuff with a bIG-ASS SYRINGE!!!!”
“lmao y/n don’t scare jimin but aLSO!!! THAT’S TRUE!! but sometimes local anesthetic could be intravenous instead :D”
jimin is so conflicted wHY are you still explaining this to him and why did u play with him like that:(((
“but don’t worry!! point is, you’re not gonna be awake for it since your situation is a bit more difficult for local anesthesia :)”
.....that really made him sigh out of relief
but also he’s still a bit mad because wHY did you let dr. baekhyun joke with him like that and why did you join
if that was truly the case then yeet he will never get his wisdom teeth taken out
throughout the week you remind him to take the prescription meds that would have him prepped for his surgery
he is both excited and nervous
he’s bringing it up at every chance he gets
“carbonara..... ugh :(( oh well this is my last taste at carbonara before i get operated on and have my mouth bloody and my cheeks puffy for like a week or something :(((“
“chicken :(( oh yeah i can’t eat chicken and other oily things after my operation :(((“
“oh right :(( y/n can you put a toothbrush for toddlers in your grocery list? y’know,,, since i’m gonna have stitches and all :((“
jungkook was very nervous and concerned with jimin’s hype for this because omg he doesn’t know yet if his own wisdom teeth are impacted
and jimin did a word-per-word explanation of the procedure as per dr. baekhyun and boy is he so scared and nervous at the same time
jin on the other hand is very amused as to how he’s so pumped for a damn operation
“lol watch him mope for five days when all he could eat is soup and you and jungkook get to eat solids beside him”
but then the actual day of his operation came
and he is nervous ok
beyond nervous than he could ever admit
jimin is excited and nervous at the same time because he knows exactly what’s gonna happen to him but at the same time he wOULDN’T know that it’s happening to him
that’s terrifying
he’s so nervous about going alone into the room and the three of you are sending him eager waves as moral support ok yEET he’s coming back in for another hug
he may or may not be stalling
jimin hugs seokjin longer this time
jungkook hugs jimin tighter because omg he has all his respect like king u are gonna have your jaw basically cracked i’m rOOTING FOR YOU
he seems that he has no intention at letting you go so u have to move the both of yourselves to the room step by step while still keeping his embrace
dr. baekhyun is assuring him that it would be literally over before he knows it!!
jin is putting in his bet that it would be an irritable post-op jimin the moment he comes out of the operating room
jungkook bets that jimin would be v clingy and cuddly 
u are siding with neither bet because you know that jimin would be a handful either way
some hours passed and dr. baekhyun is going to the waiting area eagerly!!
“yAAA follow me!! most especially y/n!! jimin is thrashing looking around for you!!”
jin never walked with this much purpose
kook is so nervous because omg is jimin okay whY is he thrashing :((
ok maybe thrashing is a bit of an exaggeration
but there’s some truth to it actually
jimin’s cheeks are mad swollen!!!
there’s a nurse standing some distance away from him and the tag reads kai and kai looks so amused looking at the patient he’s had some trouble with the moment he woke up
by trouble he means jimin whining and flopping around like a goldfish and wON’T listen to sehun’s explanations nor get his assistance
jimin’s still sat on his chair with his arms crossed across his chest and it’s clear that he has a frown on even with his gauze-filled cheeks 
his ears perk up the moment the door slides open!!
in any other situation you would giggle with how he excalimed with so much ferocity but you just become concerned because his arms are outstretched for you
yes you’re now hugging a hazy post-op jimin
“the nurfse!!! kai!! he waFf trying to choke me :(((”
kook would jump at any second now but lmao everybody knows he’s not actually serious
kai was actually just trying to take off the bib around his neck but jimin fLIPPED omg he thought kai was gonna choke him :((
“my cheekTh :(( am i touching my cheekFs??”
jimin is very adamant in patting his cheeks aggressively and you have to catch his hands because that cAN��T be good for him
“yes jimin u are”
he’s panicking now because wHY can he not feel them??
he resorts to patting and smushing your own cheeks instead
he is wooing out loud
dr. baekhyun is giving u a lil baggie of jimin’s wisdom teeth and u hAD to hide them real quick because jimin thought that he saw some food and that’s something he’s not exactly entitled to indulge in right now
kai is giving jin reminders besides the bond paper he’s already given
dietary reminders too and he’s practically chuckling because omg jimin’s gonna HATE this 
“he was out like a light during the whole thing but the moment he woke up?? he was crying because you weren’t in the room with him”
dr. baekhyun says as if jimin isn’t there beside u,,, clinging onto you,.,.,
you’re sure he is completely out of it and is totally not listening :D
“if jimin’s still bleeding by the second day, or if something’s just not right with his healing or if there’s too much pain, just give me a call, m’kay?”
ok wait actually
he’s listening
jimin’s tUGGING you by the collar of your shirt and u literally almost plank to the ground because a post-op jimin is stronger than necessary
“nOoOo!! don’tfh call him!! y/n wHY are u gonna call docfor baekhyun :(((”
“in case anything goes wrong with your hEALING,, jimin”
“wHAFtf no :(( just call mE!! ME!!! me notfd him :((”
dr. baekhyun really seems to be enjoying and at this point he kinda has to kick the lot of u out because the room needs to be disinfected and the next appointment he has is in an hour
“lol your boyfriend’s really the jealous type hUh”
“lmao nO dr. baekhyun jimin’s not my boyfriend!!”
he looks like a seal pursing his lips right now but he just absentmindedly hums as he gives u another baggie but this time with some gauze and cotton and the medicine he needs to take
jimin isn’t opposed to being carried right now and jungkook is most certainly not against carrying his hyung
in fact he is gLAD
he doesn’t mind at all carrying jimin who’s cOMPLAINING that he feels so light with how fast kook is walking so he’s slowing down to like five steps within five seconds
omg he hopes he isn’t making him dizzy :(((
he’s just gonna take long strides ok 
that way, jimin isn’t gonna notice!!!
jimin is adamant that u hold his hand and jin with his other hand the wHOLE time jungkook is carrying him
u pull your hand out one time because it was getting clammy and u had to wipe it off and jimin almost threw a fit :(((
kook is driving and jin is in the front seat and you’re left at the back with jimin
he is still pouting and u can’t tell actually with how his cheeks are at the moment but there’s this crease in his brow you so badly want to kiss off
he feels fuzzy
ultimately fuzzy and soft at the same time 
he is in: pain
jimin softly places his head on your shoulder with an accompanying sound effect from his own mouth of course :)
“are you gonna take care of me?”
he is definitely less wild than he was back in the clinic but that doesn’t take away the same confusion and persistence in his voice though
you are convinced he is speaking in tiny text and that just adds up to the fact that he looks so mushy right now :((
“of course i am :)”
jimin kinda blanks at that
nods slowly even
he’s looking at your lap wistfully and just juts outs his bottom lip while sTILL tugging at your heartstrings with how he is now
“ok thank u :(((”
his scalp is getting scratched at gently and both normal and post-op jimin like that
the whole drive is smooth actually
with the music playing and jin and kook arguing in the background about whose bet won and in your humble opinion it’s a 50/50 bc he is Snarky with a capital S to the two of them but he is completely soft and pliable to you
just when u thought that jimin’s asleep with how quiet he is, once again is he shifting in his seat and upfront grabbing your arm to lace around him while he’s still laid on your shoulder :((
“loaf u”
you’re humming as you’re a bit lost to what jimin just said
“i loaf u”
jimin knocks out after he repeats loaf to you for like ten times and he’s basically lulled himself to sleep just by saying that
“i love you.”
you are not gonna squeak
u are nOT gonna cry
what you’re gonna do is TRY to keep your composure even if u know your cheeks are outrageously heated and your lip’s about to bust with how hard you’re biting down
jus gotta pretend that jimin isn’t lying down on you or that you’re never gonna hear the end of it if jin and kook just knew what happened right now
or that night when jimin slept beside you in your own bed
or that night before when jimin slept beside you in your own bed :)
he is in pain
jungkook carried him up to his room and even tucked him in!!
he got so worried bc jimin sometimes drools but instead of drool what if he just drools bLOOD???
right in these silk pillowcases? not in his watch
he’s putting his own dark-colored face towels on either side of jimin’s face because someone needs to take one for the team
he woke up all groggy and he was about to yawn bUT CHRIST NO
he’s gonna appreciate it that it was a blue thread used and the stitches are dissolvable
but it’s hard to appreciate when even opening your mouth hURTS
he’s groaning and whining so bad
he is dialling your number in an instant because he can’t exactly call out for you, can he :D
he is so fatigued oh my god he’s gonna lay this one out
“hiiiii sleepyhead :D”
“hurts :(((”
right off the bat, you know
you already know that you’re gonna need to baby jimin perhaps this whole week 
foods that require sipping and sucking are absolutely not allowed
ramen is off the menu
anything spicy or served hot is a no-go
anything oily such as chicken and pork aren’t allowed either
leafy things such as kimchi is a no!!!
jin is trying his best to cheer up jimin with his cooking ok 
you and kook empathized with him by also eating room-temperature mushroom soup :D
that will be the only time though aha 
there’s two heating pads almost always on jimin’s face 
he is moping around in his pajamas and indulging in his button up silk pajama tops because slipping on shirts hurts ok
his schedule is basically free so that means the three of you are too!!
non-stop movie marathons
jimin is so bitter seeing the three of you eATING snacks and popcorn and everything else
the three of you made a rule after that if you’re gonna eat, just eat at the couch bEHIND jimin
accidentally the three of you came together to eat at the couch and jimin was ???????
“oh ok i see what happened there,.,,.”
a new rule was you can eat oNE AT A TIME
and if ur gonna eat something noisy such as chips, you gRAB ANOTHER CHAIR AND THEN SIT FAR BEHIND
he’s also learned to say the word please more
it’s not that he didn’t say it before
but now every sentence that he says has pls and thank u in it
“kook can you pls lift this box for me? y/n still won’t allow me to lift heavy things because dr. baekhyun said so-”
“not a problem jimin-hyung!!!”
“aha thank you :D”
“jin-hyung can u pls make me one of those yogurt smoothies? please? i’m not gonna try to use a straw i swear :(( please??”
“oh my god don’t worry u don’t even need to ask!! hOW many do you want??? two? three? thIRTY?? u know what i’m gonna send kook out to buy those baby biscuits that u could dissolve really easily you deserve a
snack :((”
“y/n my hand is really heavy right now can you hold it??”
if jimin was affectionate then, he is mUCH more affectionate now
all these lingering touches and all these pet names :((
makes you think more and more if jimin remembered what he was saying when he was in that post-op haze
and honestly you don’t know which option was better
u are in panic whenever you think about the whole loaf thing
in the same time you’re excited and nervous because what if he didn’t mean what he was saying!! or what if he did know what he was saying but now that he’s okay, he regrets it and thinks it’s a mistake
kinda like u who’s sat on his bed because he asked if u could stay with him and play with his hair until he fell asleep 
u absolutely don’t know what to do
all you’ve been doing is watching video after video doing thrift store hauls
u want that pan
that small polar bear-shaped pan meant for pancakes
it’s dysfunctional and it will be impossible to flip in theory
but you WANT it 
you ended up on tiktok watching eAsY recipes they’ve crammed to 15 seconds :D
you’ve lost track in how many links you’ve been texting jin :D
maybe u should tire yourself to fall asleep!!!!
how about u make dalgona right now
i mean it is mainly milk but it still has coffee so it’s a 60/40 chance that it’s gonna help you fall asleep????
u are gonna beat with your arm until it falls off :D
“..,.,, jin??”
“..,.., y/n??”
“why are yOU awake??”
“no why are YOU awake??”
the two of u could bicker for hours but it ended when it finally dawned on
jin that you’re awake and he is too and he’s holding his phone
oh god he’s been avoiding your messages
“so :D aha edible cookie dough?? :D”
jin is squinting his eyes at the microwave and he almost flips at you as he thinks this should be the answer to your request
“y/n it is two in the morning”
“ok what’s your point though :)”
he’s gonna stay silent because oh shit u did have a point there
there is no direct correlation with the time and giving in to making you your cravings and honestly? edible cookie dough sounds nice
he’ll probably have to make his own recipe because jin will NOT follow a 15-second tutorial in tiktok :D aha over his dead body :D
turned out that jin was only here because he got hungry from gaming straight for five hours and he’s in a bit of a loss streak so he just wanted to eat some comfort food
you blanked out when he asked why were you here
oh my god
jin is sitting in the bar stool next to you as you keep rambling on over what you’ve been feeling and the things that have been happening the past few weeks
he is really killing it with his expressions
he is shocked but at the same time not
but hearing this from you himself and confirming some theories he had here and there rEALLY MAKES HIM :O
“oh baby :(((“
you’re crying at this point and yOU DON’T KNOW WHY EITHER
you’re just so confused and conflicted at the same time ok and u don’t know what to do
jin’s hugging you for moral support and he really does feel sorry for you
“ok ok just cry it out i’m gonna make the cookie dough now oKAY WAIT NO DON’T SQUEAL”
apparently your squeals can summon someone with the name of jeon jungkook :D
he explains quickly to nOT do that because he says that there’s literally a pattern
you squeal and jungkook must pop out at any second even if you’re out of reach
jungkook says huwah :O and then yOU literally drop everything that you’re doing just to see what’s happened and be a part of it
“thank god he’s asleep though”
seokjin mutters more to himself in relief because lol the edible cookie dough he’s gonna make in now four in the morning 
having to share it with u who could inhale comfort food in a second is enough
having another one who could inhale twice as much and twice as fast is nOT welcome
also he is doing really good with this recipe he just improvised
it smells so good that you lit rally stopped crying
why is a door opening
and why are there eager footsteps descending on the stairs
“hYUNG what is it why did y/n squeal? oH y/n omg you’re here too”
he is still groggy from sleep and his voice is really raspy and not to mention the fact that he was woken up by your squeal alone
jin is adamant in shielding the mixer with his body because no way is he going to add in to the batch
u didn’t get the note that the two of u are supposed to hide the cookie dough though so you pipe in at the very last second before kook notices your state that yes u indeed cried!!
“cookie dough!! edible cookie dough!! jin agreed to make it for me :D”
he is caught red-handed and kook has never felt this betrayed 
and he’s gonna take this betrayal as a silver lining now that the sleep is wearing off of him!!!
“woah omg i can’t wait to taste it :D”
seokjin has already lost this game even before it started so u know what he’s just gonna cook more flour and make a bigger batch for the tHREE of you
the barstools jimin has put here are honestly a hit because that way kook could probe you gently on why were you crying
judging by the way jin freezed too when he mentioned jimin’s name, kook even got more curious
and u trust him enough just like you do with jin
you’re gonna retell the story again with some interjections here and there from jin who you told this to like two hours ago and it’s more exciting that way because as you said, he is rEALLY killing it with the expressions
jungkook cannot stop gasping and at one point you had to hold his hand bc he is in a state of shock ok
all his side comments and reactions gave jin more leeway to rapidly freeze the cookie dough a bit since he’s still a bit offended that you said he could just follow the tiktok recipe and it wouldn’t make a difference!!
not true
jin puts the D in difference 
you’re just about to wrap up your whole story and jin’s taking out the dough and kook is half-distracted because he can clearly see the bag of chocolate chips that isn’t empty
kook nods in earnest when you finish up and he’s gonna say what he thinks
but not before stating to you the fact that jimin is clearly in love with you!!!!
“do you want me to make you a cake that says we should get married so you could give it to jimin? i make-...”
“piss off jungkook wE ARE NOT THE SAME!! i’m gonna make that cake!! me!! not you u little-”
lol jin is really touchy with his job 
he is dearly protective and he will be the ONE and the ONLY
the cookie dough is heavenly
so heavenly
jungkook swears he has never ate something so divine and he has never wanted to contract salmonella before since he so badly wants to recreathe this for himself
he’s just gonna be good to jin and won’t get on his nerves so he could request another portion of this and not contract salmonella :))
time passed by so quickly and there were so many snacks made that u didn’t notice that the sun already rose and jimin’s going down the stairs with question marks floating around in his head
the two are QUICK to lie with the reasons to why you’re all up and deflect that you have been even before the sun peaked and it is surely connected to jimin
“hi hyung!! oh y/n just couldn’t sleep so that’s why she grabbed milk from the fridge!”
“and i heard the little ruckus so i came downstairs and then jungkook came down because he hear my door opening!”
“yeah and we all couldn’t sleep so we were just talking about things!!”
“global warming!! uH the new kitchen-aid jin wants!! normal things :D”
that is more information that jimin asked for
he literally just remarked “oOoH you’re all up early!!”
he is much better now since it’s been a little over a week and he’s recovering steadily
he’s on a solo errand today actually!! and jimin said that he wanted to go and meet up with his friends
you don’t have a clue to what him and taehyung and hoseok do in their time-off
probably rich people things like ordering a big bowl of caviar??
or maybe they just drive in convertibles all day and wear cool expensive shades 24/7
you’ve been jimin’s PA for like two years now and not once have you ever seen those two
it’s cool
you know almost everyone in jimin’s circle by now!!
even more-so now because you’re gonna school jin in this very party jimin’s throwing right now
you and kook have memorized his circle by now and it’s jin’s opportunity now since his job description doesn’t exactly entail that he’s gonna be glued to the hip to him to everywhere
this party is both intimidatingly high-end but in the same time actually entertaining
that’s rare nowadays hehe
it’s a party that’s been a long time coming now!! 
after all, jimin has bagged every award he possibly could in the back-to-back award shows that’s happened in this month alone
quite an awesome feat since the nature and fields of all award shows were different!! from being in countless lists in magazines as one of the most successful people to having the greatest selling power
to being hailed as the most influential endorser to being the most promising future leaders
he’s got it all
jimin literally got them all
he wasn’t even present to every award show he was nominated for and later won at
he was kinda unfazed
and that is boss shit as jungkook said in disbelief 
it explains this extravagant party and it’s also a celebration that aHA i’ve also got over this wisdom teeth scenario and u bet he’s gonna retell the details to the guests
it’s in a nightclub within a hotel
a lavish nightclub with in an even more lavish hotel and it was huge
so huge that there was a sWIMMING POOL!!!
a swimming pool!!! in a nightclub!!! in a hotel!!!
there was something for everybody in this party 
jimin got this idea when he was lying it bed after being so groggy after his surgery and was like wAIt what if i threw a party ya know
so he started planning!!!
he didn’t have to leave his bed when he hired an event planner over the phone nor laid out his course one by one
you only knew of this party a couple days later and you were a bit confused because??? wait at your past parties i dID the planning and u came to me first right?? :(((
ok you knew what jin was getting at
and he’s just :D aha it’s bc i want it to be a suprise for u and everyone ya know???
there is alcohol!! there is booze!! everything!! it ranges from cheap canned beer to expensive aged whiskey!!
also: there are meals in this party???
lasagna!!! chicken fingers!! hors d’ouevres!! dESSERT!!!
it’s a fusion of everything you could ever look for without being or looking overwhelming at all!! sure the lights are out and it’s a mixture of neon lights that are lighting up the whole room and there’s default party music playing bUT you could eat ice cream and it’s gonna look perfectly casual!!
jimin really did a great job doing this (mostly) by himself
you are so stunned :D
just yesterday jimin literally sent out the three of you with his credit card and he said nO QUESTIONS ASKED
everything that he did raised questions
“jimin wHY are you kicking us out and wHY are you giving us your credit card and yOUr car keys, without you???”
“yA calm down jagi-”
jin and kook try not to freeze in their spot
are they gonna pretend to be surprised or casual because uhhhhh jimin just called u jagi right in front of them and they think that he hasn’t realized it yet :)
“treat yourselves!! pick up what you wanna wear for the party tomorrow!! don’t skimp out this time pls because i’m gonna receive a notification for it and i wILL march down there if u do skimp :((( ok treat yourselves bYE :D”
you’re all confused and are very ʷʰᵃᵗ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿᵉᵈ
jin is talking to jimin on the phone while kook is driving and you can hear whining through the other line and jin’s very persistent sputters
ok u all had no choice
and it all landed to the three of you looking so divine in this party!!! surely they knew that oh my god yes u are indeed jimin’s entourage and u don’t need any introductions at this point
man all these compliments and gasps are really going straight to your ego :D
jin and kook were really persistent in interfering with the outfit u were gonna pick out and u had little say because they were so excited but u know what.,.,.,. they did an eXCELLENT job
you’re wearing a black lacy bodysuit!!! you were skeptical at first because whAT does this have to do with ur outfit??? it wasn’t see-through but it fit sOOOO nicely and jin was in the store with u to help because as he explained
there are different laces and he swears that he will strangle you if you pick a tacky one because it would ruin the whole outfit he and kook planned out
and then pants!! high-waisted fITTED BLACK SILK PANTS 
and it wasn’t plain because tHERE’S GOLD EMBROIDERY ON THE BACK
really nice golden embroideries of flowers and some dragons and jungkook iMMEDIATELY screeched when he saw that there was a tiger flowers and was :O
“get it. get it. immediately. right now. get it. if you’re not gonna use jimin’s credit card. use mine. you want cash? here. after the party you hAVE to let me borrow this. please. pls.”
he even let you borrow his earrings and gOD WOW
safe to say that you have stunned everyone :D
lit rally everyone and you felt so good wearing it too!!
jimin’s reaction was very heartwarming omg
he was frozen for five seconds and then after he was squealing and shrieking 
“jAGIIIIIIII you are so beautiful omg do you know that :(((”
he is really pushing the term of endearment and ur not complaining
the way that he’s so giddy about seeing you in your outfit and how he even tWIRLED you around!!!!
you’re positive that you’re gonna cry
jin looks dashing and people are literally swooning over him
some people were arguing about u know what how about u become my chef???
a blue button-up with a dash of gold on the side and there’s some jewels on the collar and there’s embellishments and then bOOM HE SUDDENLY HAS A DIAMOND CHOKER
it wasn’t really expensive tbh but god it could be a $3 chain and he’s still gonna make it look like it’s a thousand dollars!!!
jungkook had on a silky black inside shirt and a thread-like glittery combo for a suit and he sERVED!!!! he most certainly didn’t disappoint and people were turning their heads and were :O jimin are you sURE this is your bodyguard
you were enjoying yourself!!! so much!!!
you’re by yourself since jin explored by himself to get some lasagna because he is getting hungry ok
kook is near jimin but not so much because he wants him to enjoy himself but in the same time be safe but aLSO not feel like he’s kinda invading his fun personal bubble at the moment
jimin’s with taehyung and hoseok in their own booth and it’s very clear that they are catching attention because they are quite the attention-grabbing trio
so much beauty and not to mention so much money
you’ve barely talked to him the whole party because people keep whisking him away though :((
sometimes you forget that jimin is beyond famous because right at this moment, it’s sinking in again that everyone invited here has something to do with every field jimin’s ever been in
and that is a lot :D
half are personalities and celebrities and the other half are people behind the scenes and it’s just a mesh of basically everyone in the media and such
there’s a lot of really pretty people
so much so that ur a lil bit insecure :D
some female co-stars that jimin’s worked with left and right :D
chaeyoung who jimin had a massive crush on like two years ago from a luxury shoot and back then you didn’t used to mind because yOU HAVEN’T FALLEN FOR HIM YET 
however when u did start,,,
and she’s mentioned out of the blue or she’s in the same shoot coincidentially, you swear
you sWEAR your stomach does flips and there’s a monster in the name of jealousy that pops up :((
u can’t help it :(((
chaeyoung belonged to the same circle of elites jimin belonged to
not to mention that she’s famous and closer to jimin’s level than you ever could!!!
you’re not sure if jimin knows that she’s indeed here and most certainly you don’t know if he STILL has a crush on her
apparently you’re about to know now because you let your eyes linger around you again to see cHAEYOUNG!!! WALKING TO YOU!!! AT FULL SPEED!!!
aha :D
why :D
pls no why :D
u feel so intimidated you’re not gonna lie at aLL
she looks stern and looks so put-together and u are pretty sure she has no pores at all and her dress is more expensive than your paycheck for like six months could ever be :(((
“you’re his personal assistant, right? can you ask him to come meet me here?”
you weren’t expecting that
you weren’t sure on what you were expecting in the first place at all but you are hecking sure that this was not it!!!
and by his you know it’s jimin 
and why
why :(((( 
you wanna play dumb so bad or atleast just do something,, ANYTHING,, that u don’t have to do what chaeyoung wants you to and is practically obliging u to because after all you aRE jimin’s PA
oh god why are you doing this :((
you’re walking over to where jimin’s sat at and you are having second thoughts about this 
chaeyoung could walk to jimin herself like damn :/
maybe u could still back out
you peek behind you over your shoulder and she’s actually looking at you with a small smile taunting you as if what u think you’re doing miss gO do what i told you to do!!
jimin’s all snug in his booth and he looks a bit tipsy by now judging by the slight flush on his cheeks and how from here you can hear his giggles and they’re even more infectious when he’s drunk
you are just gonna pOp right there in the booth and the security that’s kinda sprawled around them lets you pass through easily because jungkook waved them off and he’s throwing you in a confused and a giddy smile
“jimin, chaeyoung wants you to go to her by the bar.”
say no baby
ok fuckie no
jimin looks excited??? shocked even??? and you don’t know how to react either 
but you’re sure that there’s this monster again because he looks interested and it’s clearly piqued his attention :((
oh right that is kIM TAEHYUNG
you hear him trail out with his eyes narrowed and you’re a bit dumbfounded because he’s uh injecting himself to the conversation 
also this was his your first ever interaction with him
hoseok pops in his head to your line of sight to make his being known
“hmmmmm,,.,.,, jimin???”
what is happening right now
the both of them are throwing looks to jimin and you’re genuinely confused as to why
they’re communicating with their eyes and it literally looks like it
jimin’s throwing you a skeptical look and he clears his throat and you’re fully giving in your attention!!! there’s just something that-
“mr. park, y/n. mr. park.”
that feels bad in your gut
it’s been years ever since you called jimin as mr. park
and it puts a bad taste on your mouth with the context that’s given because basically
taehyung and hoseok are so iffy about you and the idea of you, a personal assistant, call jimin by his first name
felt as if they were so repulsed with what you just called him and how you’re treating him so casually????
and to how, if you put it, jimin immediately switched from being a tipsy gentle being to a stern and authorative boss
“i don’t know why she called me jimin, actually. she could be a bit-...”
not to mention that jimin goes ahead and tattles of to how you’ve been lacking
right in front of you as he chats on to taehyung and hoseok while simultaneously getting up from his seat as he detaches little by little
you tuned out at that
your heart’s dropping from your chest and it does not feel good at all :((
jimin’s catching up to you because actually you’re leading him to chaeyoung since he didn’t know where she was and this was what you were supposed to do
you didn’t know you could walk this fast in heels but now you do
there’s a slight tug on your wrist and u had to snatch it real quick before it could ever tighten
“listen i just-...”
you suddenly feel so out of place and the fact that this certain scenario is happening doesn’t help at all
before jimin could ever finish though, chaeyoung’s already greeting him perkily and oh yeah she’s hugging him now
just what you needed
someone literally whisks you away and when you look up it turned out that it was just jin
you could not be more thankful enough
there are definitely some tears pricking in your eyes aha
“there you are!! do you have your eyedrops with you? my contacts are getting dRY and-”
jin didn’t know who he was whisking you away from but he is sure that it was you who he’s grabbing by the arm and taking outside because of his eyedrop hunt
he’s a bit perplexed to see you all red-eyed and he has no words...???
maybe you’re the one who needs eyedrops??
“y/n are you-”
“nO NO NO i’m not crying :D”
nice save you got there
jin’s thoughts did a complete 180 and he’s frowning a bit in wondering what happened
“aww baby what happened??”
he gets lost even more because the moment he asked out loud, mORE tears come out and now he’s taking you in for a hug and his shirt’s getting all wet
the doors right behind the two of you burst open and it’s a confused-looking jungkook strolling behind it
he left because in the first place, the booth jimin was sitting at had enough security alone because hoseok and taehyung’s alone were already too much and nobody would really notice if he left
also he saw the whole chaeyoung approaching you thing unfold
not to mention that he heard every word of nonsense jimin was spewing and berating you right in front of his friends and he swears that his inner cheek is a bit bloodied from biting down so he wouldn’t explode on the older boy
“hey hEy how about we go to the rooftop, hm?? where there aren’t any people???”
jungkook is quick to suggest and jin immediately gets his point because anyone would get the wrong idea of why park jimin’s personal assistant is crying and is detached from him so yEAH why not!!!!
although there’s a hurdle because you’re still crying to jin’s shirt and it’s not really efficient to drag you to the elevator while you’re still face down right
“ok my turn!!!”
kook is really the problem-solver he loves that for him
he’s holding you upright by the arms and immediately presses you to his neck instead because you won’t stop!!!! and in this position not only would u not that tear up much to his very expensive suit jacket, but also!!! he gets to carry you efficiently to the elevator without breaking into a sweat because aha!!! your position is optimal for a snug carry!!!!
jin is rushing him and he’s looking to the elevator and behind the both of you to see if there’s anyone and if there were, there would surely be headlines to jimin’s name the very next day
the coast was clear!!
throughout the whole elevator ride, jin’s trying to coax out what happened from you and he’s just answered with sniffles :((
so tHEN he turns to kook and kook is trying his best to whisper out the summary of what happened, wITHOUT letting you hear what he was saying
and that’s hard because not only can you hear him, but also you can see his reflection right in the walls of the elevators
“later later shhh i’ll tell you laTER, hyung!!”
okay he may have said that a little too loudly and you kinda whimper
because you knew what jungkook was gonna tell jin and it’s a fresh dig at what happened all over again :(((
“i’m sorry i’m sorry dON’t cry y/n please :(((“ he’s bouncing you up and down like if you were to burp a baby and jin smacks him upright in the head
he may not be helping at carrying you right now but he dID make you stop crying and giggle instead for a bit so yes jin is essential like that
he even helps via adding the mMmph when kook’s plopping you down on one of the fluffy sofas by the pool
jin was gonna step in and try to get some more pillows from stealing the pillows from those individual chairs but he didn’t need that since you’re already contorting ur body to a lil ball of sadness
“sO?????” kook throws a blank look to when jin left you and deemed that u weren’t gonna do anything in your position so he could go ask
“what do you mEAN so??? wHAT HAPPENED IDIOT”
“oH!!!! :O”
jungkook proceeds to tell what he’s witnessed in detail he even memorized the dialogue almost word per word and that jimin really painted you as a fool right in front of taehyung and hoseok
“this assistant — sometimes can’t realize that i’m her boss and not my equal.”
that was a low blow
that was sUCH a low blow that even jin winced and kook flailed with him as he reacted to the retelling of the story
“no way!! jimin said THAT?! i can’t-“
“i don’t know with this one, taehyung. this one’s probably in love with me so she’s chasing me around everywhere.”
no fucking way
so that’s why you can’t stop crying :((
you felt so ridiculed and belittled
embarrassed is too light of a word by now
you aren’t aware of how much time has passed that the three of you were hanging around in this deck for a balcony, one that you’ve been let into with no question because they knew you three and who you worked for, that both jin and jungkook are coaxing you into bringing you to your respective rooms
four rooms were booked for each of you and as jimin explained prior, it was because you’re all gonna be knackered from this party to the point no one would be in the capacity to drive home
yeah that came in handy now jungkook accepts your hand that’s holding on to his arm and you know that the both of them are looking at you in pity
u see this roofdeck is one of the many roofdecks in this whole hotel one that belonged to the floor you all were staying at
jin was just about to push one of the many doors and-
it was too quick
almost too quick but not too slow that you see a giggling jimin and chaeyoung jogging down the hallway that was adjacent to the glass that enclosed this deck
felt as if the whole scene was playing in your head in slow motion you hATED it
they stopped at one point when chaeyoung was tripping over her heels and jimin did a natural thing:
to swoop her from her feet and carry her bridal-style as they disappeared from your point of view
“maybe they’re just gonna play scrabble!! uh ya let’s not jUMp into conclusions!!”
jungkook breaks the tensioned silence and instead of scolding him, jin just looks up at u to gauge your reaction
you look even more concerning now
because you have no reaction at all
the two of them absolutely don’t know what to say or how they’re gonna cope up with this whole thing and-
“i’m sleepy.”
kook almost jumps up at your voice because that’s the first time he’s heard you speak
jin tries to be as nonchalant as possible as he appeases your desire to completely pretend as if none of this happened and he has his hand on your back as he fishes for the keycards for the three of your rooms in his pocket
“here’s eyedrops, by the way. i have your brand in my other bag, though. do you want it? i could get it for you. hold on let me just-“
he forgot the eyedrops at this point
he’s a lil bit speechless because despite all of that
how come did you manage to still remember his eyedrops and worry about him instead of you who’s had atleast five different mental breakdowns from the last hour alone
you’re still putting other people before you regardless if they’re jimin or not kinda kills seokjin as you hurriedly go into your room and he can hear u rummage through bags just to give him his preferred brand of eyedrops :((
“are you guys hungry? i brought some snacks so we don’t have to buy it expensively from the minibar. do you-“
ok even this sight is tugging at jungkook’s heartstrings so he basically almost pounces and clamp his hand on your wrist
“no, no. no need, okay? j-just rest, y/n. don’t worry about us.”
so you did
you did rest
and then the day after that
kook was driving all of you home later into the noon when everyone was feeling less of their hangovers
you were only light with that part since there were more happenings into that night that made you sink
the drive back home was off
jin let you sit in the front seat so he could be stuck with jimin in the back because he’s figured that you’ve been through eNOUGH ok
uh jimin didn’t find that weird
what he found weird however was that everyone was a bit silent
yeah jin and kook were still talking to him and trying to keep up conversation but you weren’t
you just had your hands glued to your lap and that was it
he kept looking at the rear view mirror every five seconds to catch your gaze and uH jungkook was ???? what jimin what do u want
did he do something?
because he felt like he did something
u weren’t lingering around him when you all came down to eat at the breakfast buffet
you didn’t even fight him when he stole a waffle from your plate and he was almost ready to give it back because that should be your cue to fight him, right???
he has this particular order of coffee from the hotel you were staying at and now that he thinks about it, it was JIN !!! it was jin who gave it to him and not you!!
you know what
you may just be a bit spaced out because you’re still having a hang-over
:D it’s ok :D
jimin understands :D
even when you all come into the door and the event organizer rings the bell and delivers all the presents that he’s got for the night
and you don’t come down to open it with them
or when tomorrow is an off-day for all of you since he doesn’t have any gig and you come home to your flat and not stay at his house instead
jimin was a bit perplexed at that because you rarely ever came home during your off-days
he doesn’t know what to do with himself now that you came home and
he’s just loitering around the house
what is he supposed to do
the next day? you called in sick
he became more worried then!!! you barely did that and sURE you do get sick a couple of times but with how selfless and dedicated you were, you still worked!!! you put a mask on it and drink your medicine and work!!!
and not that jimin was being selfish because he expected you to still do that
actually he’s all :) because your wellbeing should come first before him and he’s happy that you’re prioritizing that more now and allowing yourself to take a sick leave!!
but he can’t help thinking that you know.,.,.,
what if you weren’t sick and you were just avoiding him :((
he feels it in his GUT
he fends for himself for the day and it’s kinda overwhelming because things without you.,.,,. whew,.,. they r a mess
he realizes more than ever that you do so much and all he does is sit around in comfortable chairs and sip on some juice while doing his job and tHAT WAS IT
fuck jimin and his yearning for u so he just decided to text you the whole day
he gave updates about his day!!
[ i miss my seatmate in this breakfast nook :(( ]
[ hiii!! did you wake up already? jk’s driving me to set now ]
[ do you have a fever btw?? pls text me if you need anything ]
[ y/n!! they have your favorite snacks on the catering table!! hehe i’m bringing home some for you :D ]
[ not unless you have a sore throat then i will totally not feed u them ]
[ just wrapped up my shoot. it was quick ]
[ i saw a labrador in the street today!! ]
[ hi it’s time for dinner and u haven’t replied yet. are you okay?? are you over at the doctor’s?? ]
[ are we okay? ]
jimin went to sleep sad and uneasy that night
he felt really empty and hollow and his first thought was to get up and go to your room and knock on your door and-
that’s right
you aren’t there
.... you aren’t there
he hastily rises from bed and just takes his phone with him and walks the way to your door
it’s exactly how you left it
without any second thoughts, jimin tucks himself to your bed
this eases him wordlessly and lessens the noise in his head 
because even if you aren’t here, this does remind him of you because after all this is your room 
and he sleeps
then sleeps
and he almost wishes that he should’ve done it continiously because he woke up to kook eating breakfast and when he asked for you, jungkook was just pouting
“oh. y/n didn’t come in yet.”
he didn’t receive a text from you saying that you were about to take another sick leave though
he is seriously deciding to come to your house at this very moment
jimin wants to bury himself in his pillows
but tHEN he hears a car pull up on his driveway and then the front door open and !!! 
he is too slow with his reactions because jungkook automatically leaps from his seat and attack you with a hug and jimin’s just standing by the breakfast nook still in shock
://// shouldn’t i be the one doing that :////
“oohMpHgHF hi to you too, koo”
he is still in the background about to intervene because jungkook is giving you too many kisses on the cheek but he already scrambles since he said that he was gonna go fetch jin from the backyard because he’s trying out planting some potatoes and gingers
he finally has you to himself!! 
although you walk over to him first than him doing the same so he just smiles and was about to-
“can i talk to you upstairs?”
jimin may be a tad bit confused but he doesn’t mind and immediately agrees
he thinks it’s because you wanna do something that you don’t want jin and kook seeing??? oh??
he hugs you the moment you lift your foot from the last step and he doesn’t remember the last time he hugged you!! he’s gonna squeeze you to oblivion and-
your fists are in between your bodies while he’s hugging you tightly and that’s when jimin freezes in realization that something really was wrong as he pulled off from you slowly
he least expected that your hands aren’t around him but rather holding a piece of paper for him to take
your letter of resignation
a copy of it, rather
he takes it from your grasp and jimin outright gets chills in his body because this format is oddly familiar to him and god the moment he has his eyes glaze over to the confirming words to what he thought the paper was about in the first place
“what do you mean?”
he skims the paper again and back to your face and you’re not breaking into a smile and
“what do you mean you’re resigning?”
at this point he can’t bring himself to read the paper all over again because jimin can’t wrap his head around it
and most definitely, jimin refuses to accept it
you’ve thought long and hard about this throughout the free hours you had
you didn’t want to be drastic but god did you feel that you had no way out of this whole dilemma
it’s hard to keep up with the troubles in your heart and consciousness if you see the cause for it every single day
jimin completely trampled over you that day :((
every single thing and thought you did and had came back to you in the form of embarrassment and remorse 
you are completely willing to quit your job 
it wouldn’t be that bad, ya know?? you’re pretty known anyway being park jimin’s PA and job opportunities are probably gonna be bombarding you left and right!! right??
or maybe it would be the complete opposite and you just quit the greatest job you could ever have in your whole lifetime
you took this up to mr. and mrs. park’s personal assistant because after all, they were the ones who hired you and are paying you, not jimin
“greener pastures, mr. park.”
by now is jimin completely panicking
completely losing his mind and he’s starting to sputter and pace around little by little
“is this about the pay?? i-i can double what my parents give you monthly.”
did he-
did he just-
he’s striking point after point in the notepad in your mind and fuck u might actually cry with how you’re in so much disbelief
it’s not about the money at all!!!
it’s to what he did and how insensitive he became and how he doesn’t even think it’s worth apologizing for because at the moment, jimin thinks it’s about money!!!
money and material and not emotions and feelings!!
“jimin you are fucking insufferable.”
his mouth goes dry at that 
you’re looking at him with so much evident hurt that he felt like crumbling on the spot and he so badly wants to know what he’s done 
“why are you like this, jimin?? i don’t get to how you could be attached to me and sLEEP beside me in my bed and the moment you’re in your own rICH bubble with your rich as hell friends you’re immediately repulsed!!! it’s like you don’t even know me!!”
“a-and hOW you still didn’t stop berating me in front of taehyung and hoseok!! you completely made me a fool out of me just to appease them and you think that’s normal?? you tHINK it shouldn’t be worth apologizing for!!”
“y/n, you don’t get it, okay? i had to-”
“jimin you just can’t say you loaf -- you can’t say that you LOVE me after you get your damn wisdom teeth pulled! i don’t even know if you remember saying that but gOD i can’t stand it anymore! i can’t stand the fact that i love you and i think you love me and the next second that i feel we’re gonna be something more, you go with chaeyoung!! you take her to your hotel room and you cARRY her in your arms as if you don’t come to me crying when you’re sad! o-or as if you didn’t say that you love me and i-”
you are so heated
sO beyond heated :((
you had no parking words in mind and god you’re pretty sure you’re already tearing up by now aND fuck jungkook and jin could never be more confused to have you hurriedly bumping to them in your dash out the door
jimin has never felt this way
he never did
he probably never will with any other person
you’ve found a new job!! :D
you gave yourself a week of doing absolutely nothing and also since you were avoiding the fact that what if you can’t find any other job that came close this
you landed on the first try though hehe
it was to be a personal assistant to min yoongi!!
yoongi who’s this top-notch model and renowned aLLLL over the fashion industry and has broken the internet many times with how powerful he is aha
he has a secret 
one that he’s made you sign a non-disclosure agreement for 
he’s actually producer suga and has been behind cOUNTLESS bops and no one even knew who he really is and that made the hype for him even tenfold
although he may have another secret you jUST can’t place it yet
“u know what mr. min i think u may have been a rapper in your past life”
“....... what makes you..... w-what makes you say that”
that was one of the first ever things you’ve said to him upon hiring you and he instantly knew that you were gonna click with him
he lets you call him yoongi!! or whatever nickname you could think of as long as it doesn’t sUCK
yoongi only has you, a PA, as secondary help
anything else, he does it himself
his schedule’s less damnding than j*min’s and he was generally more lax even if aha he is one of the most in-demand people as min yoongi the model and suga the producer and [ insert name ] for [ field u think he dabbles in but aren’t sure of ]
you aren’t a live-in PA for him
most days he calls you over at 8 am and a little early than what his calltime is
if he doesn’t need u, he just sends you home because he’s cool like that :D
you answer some e-mails and forward him the most important ones!!
you come with him mostly whenever he shops for groceries and yeah he likes having u around because u dO know your stuff
and u make some suggestions on what he should cook for dinner because he’s running out of ideas and when u recommend something you thought of at the top of your head (even tho it might be a lil stoopid), yoongi goes.,,.,,
“.. hmm. i didn’t think of that....”
jin and jungkook have been texting you updates about jimin
they were very :(( about your decision but ok,,, it’s cool they guess,,, this would be better for you,,, probably,,,,,
they miss you so much :((
you’ve agreed to allot about 98% of your time with them aS LONG AS you spend them outside and not within the threshold of jimin’s property 
they instantly agreed to that aha :D
[ day two: no one is allowed to sit on your seat and jin-hyung almost sat on it and jimin almost bawled to his cereal ]
[ day four: everything is a mess and i sWEAR i saw u as jimin’s lockscreen ]
[ day five: the new PA is here and idk whether jimin’s gonna choke him or not i rlly can’t tell ]
kim namjoon!!
he’s the new PA as to what jin and kook gossip to you
namjoon feels so foreign to jimin he actually can’t take it
the systems aren’t the same!!
namjoon is organized to the point that he just pops out exactly ten minutes before a certain doing and isn’t hanging around with jimin that much 
although when he does linger around jimin, jimin gets iRRITATED
he is so composed!! prim and proper and he hates it ok
namjoon doesn’t joke with him 
one time jimin accidentally tripped on his feet and he would’ve giggled too if namjoon did but this guy.,.,,. this guy literally just deadpanned
“you should probably double-tie your shoelaces, mr. park.”
inhal exhale inhALE eXHALE IN-
this guy!!! tHIS guy!!! yA he is getting on his nerves 
he’s too great at his job and it’s not that you aren’t great at it too
in fact u were excellent
but this namjoon guy is just tOO namjoon for his own sake that jimin’s making his name an adjective and a verb at this point
he’s probably gonna come around to him at some point
maybe so much so that he’ll let him drop off the mr. park title
it’s been a little over three weeks ever since you left
and that bit of time has been the saddest and emptiest he’s been in record time of his life
he’s never faltered in trying to reach out :((
he still texts you daily and tries out calling you once every night when he knows you’re about to sleep
he hasn’t heard from you in awhile and whenever he asks either jin or kook, they just shrug as if they’re clueless
news has come out that basically speculated you not being his PA anymore after he was spotted out several times that you weren’t there with him
he was pouting when he read those rumors that APPARENTLY you were seen out and about with this min yoongi and ur being linked as a girlfriend
he refuses to believe that
no jimin will never believe that :D
rumors are just rumors and besides maybe you were just being a social butterfly and u suddenly bUMPED to world-renowned min yoongi in the street and you were just walking beside each other at the same pace while coincidentially looking at him and making it seem that you were talking but actually not :)
park jimin refuses to be replaced by min yoongi :((
although it doesn’t help, really
doesn’t help when he learns that wait
hold on he needs to emphasize
aha fate surely isn’t in his side
the most he’s cared about is that taehyung and hoseok were included in this shoot and although he’s not exactly too keen with them ever since the mr. park incident, he’s albeit a little thankful that there’s some sense of familiarity in this whole shoot
the shoot was for a very high-class watch brand and it’s to be done in both solos and some pairs and groups to stress enough that this is high-class ok
sure he still has his cool knowing that this yoongi is here although he can’t help but to feel a little bit intimidated
jungkook and namjoon are here with him so yeah it’s like cool 
jimin’s in one of the chairs in the massive communal prep room to get his hair and make-up done and oNE chair away from him is yoongi
god look at how he looks so lax scrolling on his phone while jimin keeps looking at him slyly every ten seconds
“mr. min and mr. park? the both of you are up.”
gr8 the two of them are paired up!!
yoongi catches jimin’s gaze and sends him a lil smile as he hops down from his chair
ok this yoongi guy is really polite it’s actually annoying because that gives him more reason to unlike him
yoongi stops by his chair and it’s oHHHHHH he’s waiting for jimin to hop out of his too so the both of them could go to set together
“hey man nice to meet you! i’m yoongi :]”
“aHA oHhHh so you’re yoongi! i’m jimin. nice to meet you too.”
oh damn he feels like crying
they shake hands for a bit and even pulls him in for a side bro hug and wait yoongi smells like cologne? damn
you see
yoongi knows about jimin too :))
you don’t know what it is with yoongi but you swear he’s immediately crawled himself to your heart just by a couple questions that weren’t invasive at all and then you’re suddenly opening up to him about the whole thing with jimin!!
this was at the fifth day mark when he decided to ask you and then suddenly it’s your boss who’s patting your back and saying words of enlightenment to you
and he brought you into this shoot :D
yoongi hasn’t made it known to you yet that uh jimin is here tho
all you know is that yoongi has his shoot here and that’s enough information for you to know as a PA
look at him!! all dressed-up snazzily with a watch more expensive than your life 
you found it adorable that yoongi can sometimes just be so stoic but when it comes to shoots like these he gets very in the zone 
if the director needs yoongi to be giggly and bubbly? he will be on with it
if the director needs yoongi to look both intimidating yet somehow a lil bit approachable like right now?? he will SERVE
yoongi was put on first for a solo and jimin was just called to prepare because they’re gonna do the pair shoot right after
jimin’s sitting down on a chair yet again as he watches yoongi work that watch :((
he’s not wearing his yet because it’s really expensive and although insured and it’s for a shoot and they’re gonna get some goodies from the brand anyway and it may be the watch they’re modelling, nobody wants him to trip and have it scratched
“yoongs can i have that?”
yoongi’s sat down on the nearest makeup chair for a touch-up and you can clearly see the key makeup artist that’s set on a hUUUUGE bag that’s opened midway and omg those are really good ones :((
he bows slightly at that and waits for her to leave so he could open the bag without seeming rude hehe
that is the SAME foundation you’ve been eyeing for awhile and have been seeing rave reviews about and u r pretty sure that is your shade
you sQUEAK 
“yoongs can i have that?”
“lemme borrow your powerbank and it’s a deal.”
you love this 
you are really loving this deal to the point u are already scrambling to go back to your tote bag on that stool that was provided for you
“yoongs can i have that?”
jimin freezes at that the moment his ears picked those words up it’s too familiar and it’s something he’s missed so dearly and- that’s you!!
jimin’s already scrambling to his feet and his own chair almost breaks at that but he doesn’t care because this is you!! this is you that he’s talking about and he’s not gonna waste any more chances that he has left
“okay! right on cue, mr. park! it’s time for your shoot with mr. min.”
he gets scurried over to the actual set and he keeps wriggling out because you’ll always be more important than any other thing
“no no you don’t understand!! it’s just that-”
“yOONGIIIIII here’s the powerbank i-”
you didn’t expect that at all
that’s jimin standing next to yoongi who is equally as frozen as you
and even yoongi has his mouth parted open slightly as he watches this interaction unfold
that’s cool
that’s nice
that’s fire
neither of you move and it’s the shutter of the camera that brings everyone out of the trance
you are just gonna.,.,,, stand at your place
jimin is just gonna.,.,.,. model this watch
yoongi is just gonna.,.,, stay as a rock throughout this whole ordeal as he’s gonna feel out whether he should tease you about this later on or not now that he’s seeing you in the flesh, he doesn’t know what to do at all 
he’s thought of this for so long that now the opportunity is present, he doesn’t know at all on how to enact
he has a lot of things in his mind ok
first of all, he settles that he doesn’t have any pride and he doesn’t mind at this point because again, it is you
second, you don’t even need to ask him if you can have something like what you’re doing with yoongi now!!!
third, he is trembling
jimin’s doing this “pretending to unbutton my cuffs and therefore highlight my watch” pose to try and stable his hand for one bit
yoongi leans one elbow to jimin’s shoulder and they both do this smoulder thing
he is talking through his teeth in desperation because the director said for them to try out some smiles ya know
“yoongi please tell me you’re not dating y/n and if you are i respect that but pls know that i will nOT stop at anything to take her away from you”
“lol i enjoy her company and we aren’t dating but she, however, is mY personal assistant”
that’s a big thorn out of his chest but it’s still somehow a dilemma because although you’re still a PA, it’s just not for him :((
and finally the shoot wraps and jimin is scurrying the moment it was called out that they’re done 
the first thing u do is scurry behind yoongi and hand him his tissues from behind and god he is the one adjusting
yoongi is getting caught in the middle of the two of you and he doesn’t know if he’s happy being in the literal center of attention or annoyed because you’re using him as a human shield without even being sly about it
“y/n, please. just give me-”
he is getting jostled in the middle and he’s even more intimidating than
jimin when he gets all shaken around 
he has only met jimin once and he already knows enough that he’s a handful
he’s eVEN playing mediator at this one
yoongi sighs as he reaches his verdict and pulls you by your arm because you’re behind him and just carefully, he leans down to whisper by your ear and makes sURE to look at jimin because lmao he deserved that
“five minutes. i’m giving you five minutes that you can spend before you go out to the garage and it’s up to yOU on how and with whom you’re gonna spend those five minutes with.”
yoongi’s already leaving you with no choice and he even yanks out the tote bag in your shoulder but not before fishing out his hydroflask that you bought him as he takes a hefty sip and even gets to wave at you and wink at jimin
jimin is in disbelief goddamn how dARE this yoongi :O
why does he have his own hydroflask
why does he 
that’s a y/n and jimin thing!! not a y/n and yoongi thing!!
the most you do is let jimin guide you to atleast a private place because
you don’t want to be dragged in to rumors by staff members who could tattle on what they see
you’re so antsy with this and jimin is beyond nervous
fuck ok how does he do this
“y/n, i-...”
“jimin, i can’t talk to you.”
oh okay he gets shot down before he could get a sentence in his eyes immediately bulge as he tries to appeal but not before you interrupt him again
“.. right now.”
he may or may not have hope here
you can’t avoid jimin forever and as much as you want to hear his voice, you really can’t because not only are you not ready, but also because-
“yoongi has another shoot today, and i have to go.”jimin’s eyes gloss at 
that and a whine bubbles in his throat because who knows when and where he’s gonna see you again and if you’d even let him to
he’s trying to paw at you and take a step closer but you’re already walking away
jimin knows more than better now the gravity of what he’s done to you and how stupid and how much of an asshole he was on his part
knows more than better that he indeed loves you and that he shouldn’t give up no matter how much you turn him down
he misses you so much these days
he projects your face to namjoon’s body in his mind and that’s good
enough for him to not be irked he’s unknowingly picked up all your mannerisms and he hasn’t even noticed 
god does he miss you so much :((
misses you so much that he’s found himself driving to that ramen place with the intention of eating what he should’ve eaten when you took him there
yes he’s gonna wallow in self-loathing later on because he’s gonna reminisce about what he did and what happened here the last time but it’s worth it he thinks :D
what he didn’t expect however was to see it more packed than usual and isn’t that -- 
jungkook?? and jin?? 
seokjin is outright choking on his dumplings and jungkook is giggling with the boiled egg in his mouth as he repeatedly pUNCHES his back and truthfully he doesn’t know if it would help but eh it’s the thought that counts 
jin is on his break which is why he doesn’t feel pressured at all, but what he does have pressure for is elbowing jungkook to look up at jimin and this time he chokes on his boiled egg
“jungkook.,.,., you said that you were gonna take a leave,.,,,. because you had an important family business to attend to.,.,.”
“ʸᵉˢ ʲᶦᵐᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ.,.,,. this is an important family business.,.,,.,”
this guy
god tHIS guy he swears..,.,,
before he could even wack jungkook in the head, he gets interrupted once more and this time it’s a welcome interruption and not just the sounds of jungkook choking on iced tea this time
“i got more dumplings!!! seojoon gave us more soup!!! oKAY OKAY make some room-”
you might as well get bonked in the head now 
seojoon’s place is closing down and this is the last time you’d ever get to eat meals here :((
it’s the reason to why you and jin and kook decided to assemble as quICK as seojoon made a groupchat for the four of you to deliver the news :(((
he’s moving to another place to open a bigger and better that ramen place there but he can’t keep up two of them at the moment so he’s decided to let go :((
it’s the reason to why you certainly aren’t gonna leave, noah fence, just because of jimin 
this closing is just on par with his presence 
jin and kook are just now realizing the dilemma and they swear they’re gonna choke on tempura with how they’re both in anticipation and curiosity as to what would happen
jin’s letting you sit beside him now but later he’s gonna push you to jimin at full-speed if the both of you don’t talk it out now
“as long as your food isn’t finished — i-i get to talk and hopefully you listen.”
the booth...
the booth isn’t all that spacious
jin and jungkook are clearly not reading the room and if they were, they’re pretending not to because they aren’t gonna sacrifice seojoon’s last dishes that they’re gonna taste for the time being just so the both of you could make up lol
ok think think tHINK
that’s it!!
jimin’s pulling out his phone and is calling you and he’s throwing you a thumbs-up before he scrambles outside
it’s really cold outside and his hoodie just isn’t cutting it but it’s whatever :)) it’s you
“i didn’t remember saying that i loved you.”
ok that is qUITE the intro and now you’re the one who’s choking on your ramen
“and i hate that i don’t remember it because of the anesthesia; but believe me when i say that i do love you -- under anesthesia or not.”
“i’m truly truly sorry that i treated you so badly in front of taehyung and hoseok. i, uh, i was too prideful when i was with them and i felt like i always need to prove myself to them and y’know what?? i don’t need to prove myself to them!! a-and y’know what? i told them off! and i told them about how we are and how one’s disposition shouldn’t be the determining factor on how they treat people!!”
jimin kinda looks like a madman with how there’s so much passion in his voice and how he even has accompanying gestures even if you aren’t outside to witness it personally
“they apologized and i told them that they need to apologize to you a-and just give me a date and a time if you’re ready to hear them out bUT you know??? this isn’t about them for the meantime it’s about me apologizing!!”
“i want you to know a-and y/n please i swear on everything, chaeyoung and i -- nothing happened. she was drunk and she wanted me and i politely told her no!! countless of times!! she was starting to make a scene so i just agreed to take her upstairs to my room bUT it’s to lock her there!! oKAY i know that doesn’t sound very nice but-”
“i kept telling her about you and how i do love you but she kept clinging on and forcing herself on me!! a-and i was about to call kook but i didn’t see him so i called hotel security and i didn’t see you too and thEN right after i completely cut ties with her!!”
“i get it if -- i get it if you don’t want to forgive me though because i’ve hurt you so badly and i have to suck it up nonetheless but i need you to know that i love you a-and i’ve never loved someone eVER this much before and i’ve never been so sure.”
“come inside, jimin. eat dinner with me.”
there’s a learning curve that both of you have to go through you’ve made it very clear that you aren’t gonna quit as yoongi’s PA with much frowns from jimin but aight ok he’s gonna try and understand because you do love working with yoongi and with his schedule, you aren’t chained to work almost 24/7
namjoon and jimin are slowly but surely warming up to each other as you dropped by briefly when it was your off-day and you instantly hit it off with him
jimin’s huffy because you are really something else and he doesn’t come close
he really kills it with apologizing and changing for the better!! likes to spoil you with gifts all of a sudden and you always point out to him that they r very unnecessary and he kNOWS that but he just wants to shower you with things and his love that’s all :)
he makes it up beyond words and beyond actions and for a fact he is also proud of himself like you are with him because it’s rare!! that someone of his status would strip his pride just to have someone’s full forgiveness
jimin however never stops being whiny and needy aha
like to how he has his hands covering your eyes and you keep asking him on wHAT he’s doing and where he’s taking you and at one point, he keeps one hand on both your eyes and one covering your mouth and that earns him a lick and he isn’t even bOTHERED
“okay okAY calm down jagi we’re here!!!!”
“jimin if this is a horror movie i will really replace you with yoongi”
“nO and two.”
“fuck this is really making me nervous omg i think i need to pee oh my g od jimin pls i-“
this is-
“that ramen place. this is now your ramen place. our ramen place, if you want.”
oh my god
you see
jimin’s been talking back and forth with seojoon unbeknownst to you, he’s been helping with all this process of seojoon opening up his new ramen place in the city proper and it’s all expensive and kinda tricky
without even doubting, jimin’s paid for most of his requirements and needs overnight and seojoon was like yOU BARELY EVEN KNOW ME
and jimin explained that it was because easily the best meal he’s ever had in his life and even better than those restaurants he goes to and seojoon was aha :D really :D
and then jimin casually slid in the conversation about that ramen place that seojoon decided to close down and one thing led to another and here it is
again :D
seojoon’s entrusted that place to jimin and he’s his first official shareholder (and probably the only one he’s ever gonna have bc he trusts no one else besides jimin because no one else is probably as genuine as him) and this could be considered as a franchise!!!
the permits are all taken care of and the head chef seojoon’s gonna be trusting and jimin’s thinking of? seokjin :D although he’s gonna propose the offer later (spoiler alert: jin cried and said yES)
the spot is all empty and it’s nothing that some furniture and flooring and jimin’s wallet can’t fix
but it is this
jimin’s too busy explaining the process that he doesn’t notice you being absolutely awed and even cRYING :(((
before he knows it, you are actively leaping at him and he easily catches you as he hooks his hands under your bum to secure you into place jimin’s on the receiving end of a rather desperate deep kiss and he giggles to how you even won’t let go of him and how your grip tightens even more
“i love you.”
he is all so loved up right now that he feels like he’s gonna cry and moan at the same time as he returns the favor of nipping at your bottom lip
“i love you too.”
your fingers are most definitely getting tangled in his hair and when you and jimin practically shudders when you give it a little tug
“if buying restaurants is what it takes for me to taste your kisses and then pOSSIBLY get laid then fucking hell i’m gonna buy you one everyday
“you’re insufferable”
“i know :))”
jimin’s letting you catch your breath for the meantime, his hands still securing you against him as he peppers kisses to your cheek very eagerly 
“especially spoiled for you though.”
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17mounteens · 5 years
Tummy hickeys (Soonyoung)
hi~ can u do a dom hoshi fluffy smut where he's givin u a lot of tummy hickeys and praise bc ur his babygirl/princess
» Smut.
» Soonyoung finds himself aroused and in the mood for some playing, which leads to tummy hickeys, plenty of teasing, and you being very pleased. 
» If you’re using the tumblr app and can’t see the scenario, which is under a “keep reading”, please try opening the post in your phone’s internet browser (or a computer)! 💕
» 2,712 words
Soonyoung placed his phone down and held back a quiet sigh. While he didn’t mind lazy days and was usually able to entertain himself just fine, this time he found himself increasingly bored. You were watching a movie for an assignment and despite trying to watch it with you, Soonyoung hadn’t felt particularly into it, so he had opted to do something else.
Only, nothing seemed to stimulate him enough. He couldn’t keep his attention on any of the shows he tried watching on his phone, the internet seemed to have nothing for him and all of his friends seemed to be busy with something, and so his messages were either left on read or not seen at all.
As he tried to think about what else he could do when he was bored, it slowly dawned on him: he could jack off. From that, however, his mind quickly moved to the fact that you were there, which meant that there was a chance he could actually have more than just his hand on himself.
He didn’t want to bother you just yet, however, so for the time being he tried to watch a show on his phone despite his mind wandering to a lot more sexual thoughts that were only encouraged every time he stole a glance at you and what you were wearing and how amazing it looked on you. Of course, with how aroused he was getting, most things would’ve looked hot on you, one way or another, not to forget that to him you would’ve been hot in absolutely anything.
He licked his lips slowly as he put his phone away for good, instead putting all of his attention on you, and his gaze was filled with adoration. The way your shirt was riding down on your upper body was showing plenty of your skin, and sometimes when you shifted a little, he could easily see your nipples through the thin material of it and, being the fairly simple man that he was, that was enough to have his imagination running all the more wild.
And so he got his hand on your thigh slowly, caressing it casually, and having always enjoyed his touch, you smiled to yourself, with your eyes still trained on the movie you had playing on your phone.
With his hand moving on your skin, Soonyoung’s mind was already further. In his mind his hand was already in your shorts and panties, and you were looking at him pleadingly, begging for more while bucking into his hand, and he was teasing you until you were quivering under his touch. With his mind painting a beautiful picture to him, he gradually allowed his touch to get bolder.
Feeling his hand move higher on your thigh and sliding more to the inner side of it, you snorted quietly and lowered your phone. “It feels like there’s something you want?”
Soonyoung smiled at you almost innocently, and for a while you thought you had read the touches wrong - until he leaned to your ear.
“Yeah. I want to play,” he whispered, and while saying so, slid his hand to your thigh that was further away from him, moving his hand up under shorts to squeeze your butt, at which you blinked, excitement already growing inside of you.
“Oh?” was all you were able to let out before Soonyoung had already gently taken your phone from your hand and moved it further away on the bed and moved to hover above you, his palms pressed on the mattress on either side of your head. Swallowing, you looked up into his dark eyes that were staring right back at you. “Play like that?”
From the look on his eyes - and behavior - you could already tell that he was aroused.
And, as your legs were parted and he was between them, when he pressed his lower body against yours, you could feel that he indeed was horny, with his growing hard-on pressing against you through his sweatpants and your shorts, not leaving much room for interpretation.
“Oh,” you breathed, and Soonyoung smirked and leaned down to kiss you passionately, his soft lips moving against yours and his tongue soon teasing your lips a little. As you gave him access to your mouth, he slid his tongue in while taking a hold of your wrists and bringing them above your head.
Oh, you could already tell the kind of mood he was in, and it had heat pooling in the pit of your stomach in no time. With your arms above your head, locked with one of his hands while he moved his other to caress you in ways that he knew you most enjoyed, all you could do was let yourself go. Soonyoung was clearly in the mood to be in charge, and you always found it incredibly hot, just as much as you enjoyed subjecting yourself to his wishes and knowing you were his.
Soonyoung smirked as he continued grinding into you, already almost fully hard in his pants. However, as much as he wanted to move forward, he wanted something else more. He wanted to tease you, and he wanted you to tell him what you wanted.
“Keep your hands up,” he whispered with a low voice to your ear, the demanding tone sending shivers down your spine. After you had nodded with a quick lick of your lips, Soonyoung began kissing his way down your neck.
The shirt you were wearing was loose, stretchy and worked perfectly as an off-shoulder one, and it had you shivering when Soonyoung hooked one of his fingers on the top and slid it over your breast, brushing against your hard nipple. You pushed into his touch, at which he chuckled quietly.
“Stay put,” he said and gave you a quick look before dragging the shirt down enough to get both of your breasts out, and it hardly took him a second to cup one breast and play with its nipple while running his tongue around the other. The anticipation was driving you crazy, and when he began sucking on one nipple while rubbing the other between his fingers, all you could do was bite down on  your lower lip, your toes curling.
“I need you,” you said and looked at him pleadingly, but rather than making him give in, the way you were staring into his eyes only made him want to tease you more.
With a smirk, Soonyoung shook his head. “You need to wait, princess. You can do that for me, right?”
Pouting, you nodded and did your best to remain still as he continued showing attention to your chest, which only made you need him that much more as your arousal kept growing. Somewhere along the way he got your shirt off you, too.
Slowly, Soonyoung began dragging your shorts and panties down your legs, followed by his shorts and boxers, and for a while you thought you’d finally get what you most wanted.
However, instead you soon had him kissing you again while being on his side next to you, one of his hands traveling over your breasts to tease your nipples before sliding lower on your body, leaving goosebumps everywhere he touched. He drew small figures on your skin while traveling lower with his fingertips, all the way until he was tracing light circles on your mound.
You were moving your hips a little, impatient to have him touch you properly, and feeling that, Soonyoung smirked against your lips while dragging his fingers lower, not touching you where you really needed it.
Your hands balled into fists above your head as you felt his fingers dance along your inner thighs, tracing your wet pussy lightly yet not touching it properly. Each time you could feel the warmth from the closeness of his fingers on your wetness, your hips bucked up lightly, and this time you had Soonyoung’s hand pushing your hips back down.
“No, princess, stay still,” he whispered against your lips and continued torturing you with his feather-light touches when all you wanted was for him to fuck you like he never had before. You were wet and so sensitive, and Soonyoung loved seeing the effect it had on you, added to the fact that you weren’t able to touch him or yourself.
“Please,” you whined, and felt a sense of hope build inside of you when Soonyoung began kissing his way down your torso. He began giving you open-mouthed kisses along your skin with his tongue pressing against you lightly. You gasped when you felt him sucking on your skin, figuring it would leave a mark, and let out a melodic moan when you felt his finger finally dip between your folds, running over your swollen, neglected clit and soon sliding inside of you.
Soonyoung swallowed hard when he felt just how drenched you were and heard your satisfied moan. He moved his finger inside of you smoothly while sucking and nibbling on the skin of your stomach, both aimlessly yet with a shape he wanted to create with the hickeys. Soon you could feel him slide another finger inside of you, and you moaned at how good it felt, and never had you ever felt the need to hold something as badly as you did then.
Figuring that the pillow under your head was close enough, you clutched it in your hands tightly while being driven crazy by the fingers moving inside of you, which Soonyoung would curl every now and then in ways that had you moaning particularly loudly. Feeling his lips on the sensitive skin of your stomach, leaving marks here and there, only added to the pleasure you were feeling, and you could feel your orgasm building up steadily.
“Such a good girl,” Soonyoung hummed against your skin, referring to how well you were obeying him, and lightly moved the pad of his thumb over your sensitive clit, at which you twitched a little. He smirked and pulled his fingers out of you, sucking them clean while looking you directly in the eye as he sat up between your legs. At the pout and frown you gave him, he merely grinned. “Yes?”
“I was just about to come,” you said through heavy breaths, hardly able to think about anything besides the pulsating need between your legs - and the hard-on that you could see leaning against Soonyoung’s lower abdomen.
“Princess,” Soonyoung said teasingly and traced the lines of the figure he had created on your tummy with hickeys. “If you want something, all you need to do is ask, nicely.”
You bit down on your lower lip. “I really need your cock right now, and since you just called me a good girl, the very least you can do right now is fuck me.”
His face fell and his cock twitched at your words, but he was quick to compose himself and quirk his eyebrow almost demandingly.
Sighing, you gave him a pleading look. “Please.”
At that, Soonyoung gave you a nod and ran his hand on your thigh. “Get on your hands and knees.”
You were quick to comply, although you were also quick to just jut your ass out and lean your head against the pillow. Soonyoung breathed heavily, a bead of pre-cum dripping down his shaft as he got on his knees and smoothed his hands over your ass, taking in just how amazing it looked, and as his gaze moved lower, he nearly grunted at the sight alone.
Eyes locked on your wet pussy, he began sliding the tip of his cock up and down it, which had your legs quivering and squeezing a bit together, much to his amusement. Right when you were about to beg him to fuck you, he simply aligned himself with your entrance and placed his hands on your hips loosely.
“Move back on me, princess.”
Mentally thinking that he’d better get you to cloud nine later, you were quick to do just that, moaning in satisfaction as you felt him slide inside of you, finally. Soonyoung could only lick his lips, unable to close his mouth as he watched his cock disappear inside of you in awe.
Biting down on your lower lip, you wiggled your hips a little when you felt your ass meet with Soonyoung’s hips, and the sensation had you arching your back and him grasp your hips properly. “Good girl.”
Without much further ado you felt him pull back and right back in, creating a wet sound as his hips met your wet pussy one blissful thrust after another. As much as Soonyoung wanted to adore the way you looked with your back arched and your ass up and your pussy hugging his cock so tightly, he had to close his eyes with how intense the pleasure was getting. He wanted to get lost in it; lost in the feeling of being inside of you and lost in the satisfied sounds you were letting out, which were one of his biggest turn-ons.
“Baby, you feel so good,” he grunted while thrusting into you sharply, and all you could do was mewl in response, your eyes nearly rolling into your head at the sheer pleasure of him ramming into you, hitting all the right spots inside of you.
It was just what you had needed after all the teasing. Soonyoung was pulling you against him with every thrust, and the thrusts were harsh in just the right way. He knew what he wanted and how he wanted it, and you were more than happy to let him have his way.
You blinked when you could feel Soonyoung lifting your thighs, only to close your eyes with a moan slipping from your lips when he fully guided you on your stomach and got your legs between his, all the while remaining inside of you.
Pressing his lips into your shoulder and clutching on the sheets on either side of your body, Soonyoung grunted. “Fuck.”
The way the position made you feel that much tighter around him had him seeing stars, and you could hardly fathom just how amazing and big it made him feel, too. You were aroused beyond belief, and the heat pooling in the pit of your stomach was getting stronger with each thrust, and in that position, each thrust also gave friction to the parts of you that would eventually throw you over the edge.
After all the teasing and smooth thrusts from Soonyoung, it didn’t take the two of you long to come, him on your lower back after thrusting desperately into you while giving you sloppy kisses on your upper back and greedily listening to you as you whispered to him how amazing you felt and how big he was inside of you, and you a moment later, nearly crying out from the pleasure as he rubbed your clit.
After his release Soonyoung merely lie down on top of you, and moved his head so that he could find your face and place a kiss on your lips. You smiled while kissing him back, and as he rolled to lie on his back next to you, you were quick to move up to him, grimacing a little as you felt the cum on your lower back meet the sheets underneath you.
Pulling you close to himself, Soonyoung played with your hair and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You were amazing, princess.”
Snorting quietly, you leaned in to give him a kiss, not in the least minding the dull, pleasant ache between your lips. “You, too, as always.”
The two of you cuddled for a good while, with Soonyoung stroking your back and arm soothingly and giving you gentle kisses here and there, and you smiled while eagerly welcoming any and all gentle touches you were getting.
Eventually you could feel the stains on your body get cold and nasty, however, and so you sat up. “I’ll go shower.”
Soonyoung snickered with a nod and watched you walk to the bathroom, only to reappear at the bedroom door a moment later with a twinkle in your eye, moving your finger lightly on the hickeys on your tummy.
“Wanna join?”
Admin Scooter
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
*All Might voice* I AM HERE! for dad!jinsung and son!bam fluff and content.
I am so paranoid tumblr is gonna delete this and lo and behold it won’t appear on my pc browser as a draft what’d ya know surprise surprise so here we go mobile copy paste it is listen tumblr I’m so done I can see the drafts increase from 42 to 43 but the gosh darned POST DOESNT APPEAR.
Hello anon!
Apologies for the super long wait for me answering this :’) In hindsight maybe I should have just answered it with a short answer but since I dragged it out this long, might as well write some headcanons amirite; i have some modern day setting + ToG stuff hope u don’t mind + varying ages of Bam
Modern Day:
Jinsung taking smol bam to a small ice cream stand and just chilling in the park walking around, smol Bam asks Jinsung a lot of questions and Jinsung just kinda doesn’t know what to tell Bam xD
Jinsung taking teen Bam back to school shopping and while doing so buys Bam matching clothes with him (that black dress shirt and khakis yes) and Bam likes to wear it to remind him of his dad when he can’t see him
Jinsung taking care of baby Bam who wakes him up in the middle of the night and leaves him with eyebags all the time but has the cutest baby smile ever that even Jinsung cannot resist it
But other than that Bam is a great baby who rarely misbehaves and is a favorite at FUG gatherings during the holidays which Jinsung is forced to go to sometimes
Jinsung trying to figure out what to say to Bam the first time smol Bam has a boo boo and needs comforting
Jinsung meeting Wangnan at the park once, a random teenager, who offers him lollipops instead of cigarettes and looks pointedly at smol Bam, to which Jinsung reluctantly accepts
The next time Wangnan spots Jinsung and his son at the park again he smiles seeing that Jinsung is chewing on a lollipop instead of smoking
Jinsung’s favorite lollipop flavor is lemon no I do not take criticism (I’m just kidding, I just think he might like it)
I’d imagine Jinsung is some high ranking officer at a big company but hates dealing with paperwork so his assistants always deal with that stuff, and technically isn’t the highest ranking officer but they go to him for problems they don’t know what to do about cause he’s extremely knowledgeable
Has a lot of influence therefore can do almost anything he wants so he has flexible hours in order to take care of smol Bam
When Bam comes home one day saying he has met Khun Jinsung frowns every so slightly for a split second before Bam can see but Jinsung lets it slide...for now because he can see how excited smol Bam is talking about his school day and meeting Khun who gave him a super cool shiny stone; Jinsung notices that it’s suspendium and in his head is like damn, they sure are close
Of course, Jinsung still tells his people to do an extensive background check on Khun AA to make sure he was clean and wasn’t just trying to sabotage his company like the 10 Great Famillies did before
Bam gets older, Khun and Bam are as close as ever and Jinsung realizes that Bam is gay before Bam realizes
Jinsung sits down to have the talk with Bam and dear god poor middle school Bam is just confused and is like, what are you talking about, I only like Khun, I think I love him? But it’s just Khun? Then Jinsung sighs deeply and realizes he’s dug himself a hole and just keeps talking to Bam about being demi and all that, Bam kind of understands but not really, Jinsung kinda gives up at the end but asks some questions about what Khun means to Bam who in turn rambles a bunch and Jinsung is like yup head-over-heels
Fast forward to high school; Khun is Bam’s prom date as “friends” Khun comes to pick Bam up and while Bam dashes upstairs, Jinsung gives Khun The Dad Talk about not hurting Bam and Khun is actualllly kind of intimidated for once, but once Jinsung sees the look in Khun’s eyes he’s like alright this boi also head-over-heels we should be good
Jinsung never cries but he cries at their wedding (just a few tears obviously, the full on crying comes after)
Tower of God universe:
I like to think that Jinsung reminds Bam that he’s there for him and they have silent acknowledgments or agreements with each other about that especially after a tough training day
Bam might not know but Jinsung breaks a lot of rules for him from FUG but he gets away with it bc he’s powerful and also so is Bam
Classic thing that’s like already canon but Jinsung buying clothes for Bam and always beng able to send them to him no matter where he is
Bam has an attachment to the first shirt that Jinsung gave Bam and even though its torn and ripped he keeps it (even tho Khun says not to)
When training with FUG, Jinsung pushes Bam to his limit but never too much, which was sparked by Hwaryun in the beginning telling Jinsung what Bam is really capable of (beginning of Bam growing on Jinsung)
Bam always coughs whenever Jinsung smokes near him so Jinsung makes sure he doesn’t smoke close to Bam
Jinsung sometimes opens up and tells Bam stories about his past to which Bam listens earnestly but also sometimes doesn’t say anything, the pressure FUG putting on him almost breaking him, and sometimes Jinsung will give him a pat on the shoulder, and on really bad days, a hug even though Jinsung feels awkward doing it he knows it helps Bam
Jinsung gives Bam headpats no I will not take criticism
Still does it even when Bam grows almost to his height (I did not check the wiki pls don’t attack me)
Jinsung ends up caring a lot for Bam, and Bam for Jinsung eventually even though he was quite angry and frustrated at first
Bam fills the void in Jinsung’s heart, quenches some of his never-ending thirst for revenge against the 10 great families and jahad and what they have done to him, and Jinsung is kind of like the real parent that Bam never really had with Rachel
Jinsung tells Bam to be happy, and Bam’s just, never really thought about that much; in his mind it was always Rachel as the endgame, but eventually he comes to realize what happiness really means to him, and he’s grateful for Jinsung’s support
Bam gives Jinsung hope, something he thought he would never have ever again, and Jinsung gives Bam the notion of happiness and healthy parenting (i acknowledge it might not have been healthy in the beginning), someone who he can rely on
They both help each other grow and I think that’s beautiful
Aight I might have gone overboard but to be fair I did already warn ya’ll in my blog description that my default is rambling xD anyways anon I hope this answers your ask! So sorry I took legit FOREVER to answer but I hope this lived up to your expectations.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
420 (ayyyy).
Hello :) Do you like to use a lot of smiley faces online? >> Not a lot, but I do use some.
Which instant messaging service do you use, if any? >> Discord. Tumblr also has an IM feature, but it’s not very good IMO. I hate that tiny little window.
What are your opinions on Justin Bieber? >> I don’t have any opinions on him. He rarely crosses my radar.
On December 21st 2012, if the world starts to go down, what will you do? >> I don’t remember what I was doing. I was in Colorado at that time, and that’s really all I remember.
Do you Facebook creep / Myspace stalk? >> No.
Is there a celebrity you're obsessed with? Who? >> Not really. There are celebrities I like looking at and ones I like watching in movies and such, but I’m not obsessed, just interested.
Do you look at yourself in any reflective surface you pass? >> Usually.
What theme is your calendar? >> I don’t use calendars. 
Is there anyone famous born on your birthday? Who? >> Most certainly, but I don’t know who.
Do you have a background on your cell phone? Of what? >> My lock screen is this Gunship album cover because it looks so fucking cool, and my home screen is a shot of Quentin Oliver Lee as the Phantom of the Opera.
Have you ever watched the clock tick a full minute? >> Yeah.
Is there anyone you know who kind of looks like you? >> No.
Do you wish you had a twin? If you do, do you wish you didn't? >> No.
Which lollipop flavor is your favorite? >> ---
Do you still enjoy coloring with crayons? >> I never enjoyed colouring with crayons.
If someone came up and randomly hugged you, what would you do? >> Flip my shit and probably hurt them.
Are we really getting lazier with all the technology advances these days? >> Possibly. But I can’t be bothered to care about that.
What was the last movie you saw in 3D? >> Probably a Marvel movie, I don’t remember now.
1-ply 2-ply or 3-ply bathroom tissue? Or does it matter? >> 2-ply seems sufficient. I hate the really soft stuff (it leaves particles behind, for one, and it’s bad for the plumbing, for another) but 1-ply is a little too spartan.
Have you ever tried out products at a kiosk at the mall when they ask you? >> No. I avoid those kiosks with the ruthlessness of someone who’s lived in a big city and knows how to avoid canvassers and panhandlers and everyone else who wants my attention (and money).
Do you ever wish you got more actual letters in the mail? >> I don’t really care. If I wanted to get letters that badly, I’d find a penpal and start sending some.
Have you ever knocked/rang the doorbell, then ran? >> No.
Do you take the bus often? >> Not often, because I don’t go out often, but I usually take it whenever I go out by myself.
Do you like serious people or ones with a sense of humor? >> I like people who can do both.
When you read a happy scene in a book, do you find yourself smiling? >> I mean, sometimes, probably.
Have you ever went to the movie theatres by yourself? >> I often do.
Is one of your main reasons for going to the beach to check people out? >> No.
What food do you absolutely despise? >> Bananas.
What is your favorite genre of music? >> I don’t have one.
Do you shave? >> No. I trim occasionally, but that’s all.
What is your opinion on the Twilight saga? >> I think people should feel free to enjoy it without being ridiculed by people with superiority complexes. Also, lay off the fucking author already.
Which celebrity will you always think is good looking? >> I don’t know, tastes are always liable to change.
Do you use twitter? Do you twitstalk a lot of celebrities? >> No.
Have you ever taped your fingers together? Doesn't it feel weird? >> No.
Do you like the squishy feeling of clay or mud beneath your feet? >> No.
What is one habit you wish you could cut? >> Picking at my lips. I’ve tried so hard to stop but nothing works.
When was the last time you used the bathroom? >> About an hour ago.
Do you have an accent? >> To someone, I’m sure.
Do you clean your house? >> I clean part of it.
How many tabs do you have open right now? >> Four.
Is wearing a lot of makeup being pretty or cakefaced? >> ...
Do you care about the Olympics? >> I don’t.
Do you ever wear headphones but then don't listen to anything? >> Yeah, when I’m using them to block out environmental noise.
Do you have a Youtube account? >> I have a Google account, which automatically is a Youtube account.
Do you know anyone who collects pins? >> No.
Do you enjoy taking pictures? >> Not as a hobby.
Do you ever video chat with people? >> No.
Have you ever tried Chatroulette or Omegle? >> I think I tried them once, but it didn’t interest me.
Are you a sports fan? If so, what sport(s)? >> No.
When did you stop trick-or-treating? Or do you still go? >> I’ve never done it.
Can you bake a good cake from scratch? >> I’ve never tried.
Can you bowl? Good? >> No.
Do you wish your life was like a movie sometimes? >> No, because that really wouldn’t make any sense.
Do you just smile or make silly faces/poses in pictures? >> Most of the time I don’t do anything, unless I specifically feel like making some sort of pose.
Do/did you ever like the books you have/had to read in high school? >> I only liked one -- Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Do you live in a small town or a big city? >> I’m not sure what Grand Rapids qualifies as. It definitely ain’t a big city, though.
What is your cell phone carrier? >> Boost Mobile.
Do you have any stuffed toys? >> Yeah, a lot of them.
What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it? >> I don’t think I had one.
What song fits your mood right now? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever had a pet fish? >> No.
What internet browser are you using? >> Chrome.
Do you have a lot of bookmarks (internet)? >> Not a lot, but I have a good number.
Are you doing anything fun this weekend? >> I don’t know yet. Probably not.
Do you have any big plans for the upcoming summer? >> Winter is what’s upcoming, and no.
What did you do last New Years Eve? >> I don’t remember.
Plaid, stripes, checkers, or polka dots? >> Plaid.
Do you join a lot of fanpages on Facebook? >> No.
Can you curl your tongue? How about in a clover shape? >> No.
Is there any TV show that you get extremely excited about? >> Yeah, a few. I’m excited about The Good Place and Superstore coming back for their fall seasons.
What kind of lotion do you use? >> Aveeno.
Have you ever squeezed a zit and popped its nastiness everywhere? >> No, I hate the very idea of zit-popping.
Have you ever bit your cheek, and then bit it again in the same place? >> Yes, and god it’s awful.
Have you ever had a bath with a sibling/cousin when you were little? >> ---
Would you rather not eat or not sleep for 24 hours? >> Not sleep.
Do you ever actually take cold showers during the summer? >> No.
When was the last time you played on a playground? >> I don’t remember. At least a few years ago.
Do you like the really spinny rides at amusement parks? >> Not really.
What's your opinion on facial hair? >> I don’t have an opinion about that.
Have you ever gambled at a casino? >> No. I’m pretty sure just stepping inside a casino would send me into instant sensory overload.
What's your favorite thing to shop for? >> ---
Duz it bothar U wen Pplz tYPe Lyyk th!s ?!!one?!!?? >> People don’t really type like that anymore, so.
Do you know someone really thin who eats a lot (and doesn't puke it up)? >> No...?
Do you make a wish at 11:11? >> No.
What was the last present you bought for someone? >> I bought a couple of small things at Vault of Midnight (a comics/games store) that I thought would be good as stocking stuffers. I have a hard time with stocking stuffers so I figured I’d start early and collect things over time.
Aren't pad and tampon commercials just ridiculous? >> Most commercials are ridiculous, honestly.
Do you use a wallet or just put money in your pockets? >> I use a little zip pouch as a wallet.
Do you like your ID picture (whichever ID you have)? >> Not really, but it’s not a big deal.
Do you do online gaming? >> Yeah.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? >> A toothbrush.
Who were the last people you hung out with? >> Some people from the West Michigan Geeks meetup group.
On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are? Honestly? >> No.
Do you think you have a good sense of humor? >> I mean, it works great for me.
Lmfao, Lmao, Rofl, Rotfl, Lol, Haha, Hehe, other? >> I use lmao a lot.
Have you ever tried to count grains of sand in your hand? >> No.
What does your ideal partner look like? >> ---
Do you ever have to write your name on food to keep it from getting eaten? >> No.
Do you have a friend you still hang with even though they're annoying? >> No.
What is one thing you've always wanted to do? >> *shrug*
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shreyamistry · 6 years
okaaay, i'm finally sending in these requests. like last time, i'd love if all the MC's used they/them pronouns! "don't act innocent, you had me pinned underneath you 5 minutes ago," for tille x mc (idk if this one would be technically be nsfw, and i know you say in ur rules no they/them peeps in a nsfw fic unless you specify what they have, but mc would be afab!). "i will love you forever, and when 'forever' ends, i'll love you some more," for annabelle x mc (bc i LOVE the way u write them!)
Pairing: Annabelle x MC
Prompt: “I will love you forever and when ‘forever’ ends, I’ll love you some more.”
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: A rewrite of the diamond scene with MC’s LI after the duel. Hannah goes to visit Annabelle after the duel to make sure she was already. Once there the pair worry over their future, and Hannah doesn’t know if they can handle everything anymore.
Song: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
A/N: So this was heavily based on the song A Thousand Years because it came on shuffle while I was writing and it seemed perfect for the pairing/prompt! So you will see an integration of the lyrics within the work, I hope that’s okay Kylie! I heavily encourage you to listen to the song while reading, I think it ties it together beautifully, but either way! (also made me really want to watch twilight saga again, their soundtracks snapped and 13 y/o nate adored twilight) Sorry if it’s weirdly formatted on moblie, I designed it to look formatted correctly on browser but ! tumblr sucks lmao. 
Tagging: @pixieferry
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Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
“Darling, don’t be afraid.”
Annabelle clutches Hannah’s hands in her own. Tears pool on the edges of their lashes as they look into her warming gaze. She squeezes their hand tighter within her own, tears threatening to break her water lines. Hannah pulls their hand away to wipe the back of it against their cheek, drying the tears that have fallen.
“I promise you, Hannah.” Annabelle sniffles with her words.
“Come lay down,” Hannah whispers as they help Annabelle limp back towards the bed. They help her settle down into the bed, clutching her hand as she winces in pain from her gunshot wound. Hannah draws around the other side of the bed, pulling back the covers crawling underneath up against Annabelle. They tuck their face into the crook of her neck, her arms falling around their waist. “I’m afraid, Annabelle.”
She draws in a breath looking over at Hannah. “Nothing will keep me from you.”
“You simply can’t promise that,” Hannah replies, a lingering silence fall between them.
Annabelle runs her hand soothingly up and down Hannah’s arm, trying to convey comfort to them that they didn’t feel. She leans her head further to the side, pressing her cheek to the top of Hannah’s head. Her hands comb through the end strands of Hannah’s hair, pressing closer to them.
“You can’t promise that,” Hannah repeats it again, and they both don’t know who they’re trying to convince, themselves or Annabelle. Annabelle looks over at the hollow empty look in their eyes, their face heavy with sorrow, sleep deprivation, and life. She can’t help but notice how drained Hannah looked, how much he drained from them. It made Annabelle’s heartburn with anger.
“I can and I will.” Annabelle musters the strength to sound as confident as she could. “No one will ever keep you away from me. You’re one step closer to me and I won’t back down now.” Hannah brings their hand to her cheek, brushing their fingers against her face drying the tears that built on her skin. Hannah felt like they died every day they were apart from Annabelle, ever since the Duke announced their marriage without their consent and their grandmother stood silently beside them. “I won’t lose you.”
Everyday… they thought to themselves. Every day they died over and over again. Waking up to be in the nightmare of being engaged to the vilest man in England, it burdened their heart so deeply. Mr. Chambers offered them everything they needed and more, and they couldn’t believe they didn’t get the chance to embrace that.
“Every breath and every hour Hannah. I have been brought closer to you.” Annabelle falls silent trying to find the words buried in her brain. The feelings she’s repressed and the anger and anxiety, it built in her and spread over her inside filling her lungs to the point she felt she couldn’t breathe sometimes. She knew her heart and lungs could bud and breed flowers, but how it felt they did. She nearly expected a sunflower to sprout out of her mouth. Every moment she wasn’t with Hannah, she felt herself withering away, knowing the torment they felt alone with the Duke. She wished deeply she could be with them all the time, she’d even pretend to be Briar if it at least let them be together all the time. “Time doesn’t exist when I’m with you.”
“How do you sound so sure of us?” They whisper.
“Because I have you. I will love you forever, and when ‘forever’ ends, I will love you some more.” She falls silent forcing her eyes closed listening to the subtle hum of Hannah’s breath on their lips. She couldn’t possibly keep them open any longer, but she couldn’t fell asleep on them. “Hannah…”
“Oh Miss. Annabelle Parsons you say the loveliest things to me…I almost believe…”
Sleep hits her mid-sentence, the words leveling in her ears as the sandman encases her in a fit of sleep.
Annabelle pries her eyes open, the dark of the night streaming in through the window. The light from the moon gave her little to look at and see in the darkness, but she found the other side of the bed empty, the imprint of Hannah’s existence a bleak mess of sheets. She reaches out despite knowing their absence, praying she’ll find them just by reaching for them.
Her hand glides across a thick piece of paper, that crinkled under her touch. She quickly snatched it into her arms getting a glance of the writing told her it was Hannah’s as she brought it to her chest holding it tightly to her heart. Hannah… how could I have fallen asleep on you? She frowns heavily before releasing the letter holding it at arm’s length to get a glimpse at it, catching it at the right light.
“My love,
I must return to Edgewater. I waited longer than I should to leave hoping you might awake and see me off. Mr. Sinclaire was adamant that you would not be awaking with how exhausted you were from the drawl and the recovery, still I could not press forward without you. Bless his heart, but I wish he wasn’t right, I spite him for being right in this instant.”
Annabelle chuckles brightly to herself, “Oh, Hannah.” She reads again.
“I believe you. If there is anyone to keep us together, it shall be you. With your strength I will fight more, I won’t give up. We are one step closer than we were before despite the loss of the drawl between both of you. He cheated and misguided us. It will be added to his crimes, among being arrogant and selfish. Enough ill speak of him.
Time stands still when we’re together. I will be brave this time, I will not let anything take away from us or our love, it is eternal. I feel I have loved you for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more. He will not take me away from you and I will not allow anyone else to take me away from you. I will fight until my dying breath to be with you. I have died every day waiting to be with you. I wish you the best until I may see you again, my love, my one, my only. I will break out of Edgewater every night if I must no amount of space or time will keep us apart. I plan to return tomorrow night if my wishes align, please wait for me.
Yours, and yours alone,
Hannah, they of Edgewater.”
Annabelle places the letter on her heart again tears in her eyes, knowing they weren’t there and couldn’t hear her, she still whispered the words to herself again picturing Hannah in the bed beside her. “I will love you forever, and when ‘forever’ ends, I will love you some more.”
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lifemuchgreener · 6 years
Brothers Trust - Chapter 9
STORY SUMMARY: You enter the Brothers Trust contest on a whim, not expecting to win. But what happens when you do?
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Your plans for the summer change suddenly when you don’t get a good grade in one of your classes and have to retake it as a summer class. Everything is going okay until an exposé is published about your relationship with Tom just days before the premiere of Spider-Man: Far From Home.
WARNINGS: Swearing and ANGST.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: 👀👀👀 also: Y/C/N refers to the name of the college or university you go to for the sake of this story. 
Prologue: here
Chapter/Day One: here
Chapter/Day Two: here
Chapter/Day Three: here
Chapter/Day Four: here
Chapter Five: here
Chapter Six: here
Chapter Seven: here
Chapter Eight: here
Your second semester of school flies by even faster than the first semester did. Maintaining a long distance relationship with one of the world’s current most popular actors, keeping up with all of your classes, and finding time for anything else is not an easy feat but you manage. At least you think you do.
“Yes!” your roommate exclaims loudly which startles you from packing up things on your desk. “Grades were just uploaded.”
She’s been refreshing her laptop browser for the last hour and a half, eagerly waiting to see what her final grades are. You’re not too worried so you’ve decided to get some packing done but you figure a five minute break to check your grades won’t hurt.
You open up your laptop, log into your student account, and click the link that will take you to your grades.
“Holy fuck,” you say, staring at the one unimpressive letter in front of your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” your roommate asks.
“I, uh.” You swallow hard, your throat suddenly feeling dry. “I got a D.”
She’s silent for a moment. “Ah, well...at least that’s a passing grade?”
You shake your head. “It’s a class for my major -- it doesn’t count. I don’t get credit. Fuck.”
She instantly tries to do some damage control. “What’s the course number? I’ll see if they’re offering it over the summer.”
You tell her the number and close your eyes as she does a search. This can’t be happening.
“They’re offering it over the summer,” she says. “It’s going to be okay. You can just take it again without disrupting your four-year plan.”
“Summer classes are so expensive. And it costs a lot of money to stay on campus during the summer, too -- I can’t afford that.”
“Move in with Andrew and me,” she says. “We’ve already signed the lease for an apartment nearby. He’s taking a couple of summer classes to get ahead and I’m staying in the area for my internship with the local newspaper. We were going to look for a third person to split the apartment with anyway.”
“Who’s Andrew?”
“That guy that tried to ask you out last semester,” she says. “We, uh, took a class together this semester and we’ve been dating for a few months. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it to be weird.”
You haven’t really talked to Andrew since that party in November. That’s why you don’t remember his name -- who needs Andrew when your boyfriend is Tom Holland?
“Could I? Is that okay?” you ask.
She smiles at you. “I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t okay.”
So you move from your dorm room into a cute little apartment down the street with your roommate and your roommate’s boyfriend, who just so happens to be the same guy who asked you out on a date during your first semester. The first month together goes smoothly despite this: you enjoy meals together at the tiny kitchen table, you have movie marathons, you binge-watch Netflix.
It’s the end of June when shit hits the fan.
You wake up to the consistent buzzing of your phone which is extremely annoying; it’s a Friday and you’d like to sleep in because your class only meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Normally when you post a selfie or something you’ll wake up with a few hundred notifications -- some of Tom’s fans still like and comment on every new picture you post despite the contest being nearly ten months ago. But you haven’t posted a picture recently which is what confuses you.
You unlock your phone and check Instagram to see what all the fuss is about since that’s where the majority of the notifications are coming from. Tom Holland fan accounts are tagging you in photos, which isn’t anything new, but it’s the actual photos that they’re tagging you in that make your heart skip a beat. They’re photos that nobody would have access to except for you and Tom.
Tom kissing your cheek. You kissing his. Your fingers intertwined. A selfie you took with Tom and Tessa. All photos you had taken together when you visited for New Years and had printed out on special paper in the school library so you could put them on your wall next to your signed picture with him.
Your first thought is that someone hacked into the school’s printing system somehow and released the photos on Tumblr or maybe one of the Reddit threads that has to do with Marvel. But then you notice that all the comments on the pictures are talking about some sort of article. You figure that doing some investigating will be easier to do on a bigger screen so you grab your laptop and do a search in Google for ‘tom holland girlfriend 2019.’
The first result is for some magazine that you have never heard of. The article in particular, titled “Tom Holland Has A Secret Girlfriend...OMG!” was evidently posted three hours ago. You click on the link and immediately begin to read.
Move over Zendaya...Tom Holland’s got a new girl! But is she really that new?
Her name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and she’s a student at Y/C/N. You may recognize her from this picture--
There’s a break in the paragraph to show the picture of you and Tom that Nikki had taken on the day you visited the Far From Home set.
--because she was the winner from a contest put on by an organization created by the Holland family back in the summer of 2018. Holland and Y/L/N started a long distance relationship in the fall and she spent a portion of her winter vacation at his place in London.
There’s another picture. This time it’s you and Tom laying in his bed post-sex. Both of you are topless and while the sheets are covering your chest, it’s pretty obvious that you two had just been at it: your hair is disheveled and your lips are more colored than normal from kissing. Beads of sweat glisten on Tom’s hairline and there’s a lovely flush across his cheeks as he presses a kiss to your bare shoulder.
You’re instantly infuriated. How fucking dare someone post such an intimate picture of you two without your permission? You scroll back up to the top of the page instead of continuing to read and your eyes widen with surprise when you find the byline.
You push yourself off of your bed and throw open the door of your tiny bedroom. Your heart is beating fast as you check the small living room and kitchen. The bathroom door is open and nobody is in the shower. Without a second thought you throw open their bedroom door, not caring what you’ll find on the other side.
But that’s empty too. There’s no sign of her or him.
“Fuck!” you swear loudly, tears starting to spill from your eyes. You fist your hands into your hair and let out an angry scream. “How fucking could she?”
You double over onto the floor like you’ve been punched in the stomach. You’re pretty sure a punch would hurt less than this betrayal of trust from a person you thought was your friend. You continue to cry and scream, pounding your fists against the carpeted floor. You’re grateful that nobody lives below you.
You stop crying when you hear the sound of your phone ringing in your bedroom. You pick yourself up off of the floor and sulk to your room, a whole new wave of tears coming over you when you see that it’s Tom who’s calling.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob into the phone, trying to control your voice the best you can. “Tommy, I’m so sorry.”
“Shh,” he says and even though you feel like the world is falling apart, his voice still manages to comfort you.
“I didn’t know she would,” you take a deep shaky breath. “I don’t know why…”
“That doesn’t matter right now,” he says. “It happened and now we have to do some damage control. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well, I’m not okay.”
He sighs. “I mean, like, I wanted to make sure she didn’t have a knife to you or something.”
“She doesn’t. I can’t even find her. She’s not in the apartment.”
“You need to get out of there,” he advises. “I don’t want there to be a confrontation between you two. Go to a coffee shop or a park or something. Just get out of the apartment before she gets back.”
You put Tom on speakerphone as you get ready to leave.
“How do we do damage control?” you ask.
“I’ll take care of it,” he says. “I’m going to talk to everyone I know and see what they think I should do because babe, I know it might sound like I know what I’m doing, but I totally don’t. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before and I want to get advice on what to do.”
“So what do I do?”
“I need you to wait,” he says. “Don’t reply to anything yet. I’ll text you as soon as I figure out what to do.”
“Fuck, Tom, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault so stop apologizing. Lay low for a little bit. I’ll send you a message as soon as I come up with a plan.”
“Okay,” you say. “I can do that.”
“Good.” You can hear him smile through the phone despite the stressful situation. “I’ll talk to you later.”
You hang up the phone and dry your eyes off with the sleeves on your shirt. You grab your phone charger, apartment keys, and bag before heading out the door. Your feet lead you to a little coffee place not too far away and you sit at a table in the back, attempting to distract yourself with games on your phone as you impatiently wait for Tom’s message.
What do you think about joining me for the movie premiere on Monday?
Your fingers dance across your phone screen as you write back your reply of: That’s the plan you’ve come up with?
Will you or won’t you? Harrison’s already arranged for an Uber to pick you up and drive you to the airport and if we don’t cancel it within the next minute they’ll still charge him.
Yes, you type back. Yes. I’ll go with you.
Good. See you tonight, love.
Taglist: @deadlyaffairs, @strrwberries, @le-papillon-chatoyant, @smexylemony, @carolborges890, @ineedsomemoremetime, @loxbbg, @mac-demarco1, @howdycharlie, @rebekahs-worlds-blog, @parkersvinyl, @ballerinaphan, @lovesdeath, @tom-hollands-eyelash, @supercool-holland, @tomspideyweb, @literallygooutofmyfreakingmind, @corteousdolan, @iwillalwaysbevictorious, @simplechicwithacrazedheart, @allofthebitters, @julliene0806, @kittyisabel, @aliceinwhateverland, @tomshollanddarling, @emmyfignewton, @hollandfangirl, @tommyswolves, @saintlystark, @imthwipped, and @kristyesteven
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aishitaeru · 7 years
Tumblr media
[ view the entire masterlist of BTS fic recs on my tumblr ] 
Beta Tau Sigma - bazooka | Rated M | 123k 
A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house. At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules: 1) have a declared major in the College of Music; 2) keep your GPA above a 3.4; 3) don't let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet; 4) don't fuck up with Kim Seokjin.
The rest is all fine print.
A Wonderful Institution - bazooka | Rated T | 30k 
Kim Seokjin is a wedding caterer. Kim Namjoon is a wedding planner. Both of them think marriage is a societal construct with no place in modern life. Neither of them would know Real Love if it came up to them at a wedding and made a wager. 
A Wonderful Institution: Epilogue | Rated E | 11k 
Celebrity Crush - bazooka | Rated T | Rated 16k
Right now Namjoon was exhausted and he'd been saying rude shit and he kept snapping at Taehyung and then they'd had to sit through that interview ("Who's your celebrity crush?") and Seokjin had tried making a joke ("Rap Monster," he'd said, thinking he was being clever) and even as everyone around them cracked up the look that had flashed through Namjoon's eyes belied something that looked almost brittle. 
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Epenthesis in Academic Convergence - bazooka | Rated M | 39k 
Epenthesis A phonological phenomenon in which two disparate sounds meet, creating a third sound between them which wasn't there before.
There were a lot of jobs worse than being partnered with world-renowned Absent-Minded Professor Kim Namjoon, but Professor Kim Seokjin couldn't think of what any of them were at the moment.
Upside Down, Inside Out - bazooka | Rated M | 29k
First heats suck. First heats especially suck when you were never ever ever ever supposed to be an omega.
Safe and Sound - bazooka | Rated M | 9k
From a tumblr prompt: Jin is a prince, and Namjoon is his bodyguard.
"You're sort of bad at this." "Nah. You're safe, aren't you?"
The Mark of an Educated Mind - bazooka | Rated G | 6k 
At three o'clock in the morning after he'd been working for ten hours straight and everything he touched came out wrong and all his words were stilted and clumsy and all his music was rough and tangled... for some ungodly reason Kim Namjoon opened up a new browser window, typed bangtan sonyeondan fan fiction into the search bar, and then (god) hit enter.
you have 1 new message - bazooka | Rated T | 30k
r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign
~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf
Creating a Home (SERIES) - CheekyBrunette | Rated G-T | WIP 191k 
A BTS Foster Care AU. 
Namjoon and Seokjin are the foster/adopted fathers to Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok. 
Currently (7/22/2017) has 8 parts
listen to my heart (can you hear it sing) - sirradel | Rated M | 55k
Seokjin wasn't his, but he was still as every bit of 'his' as the rest of the wolves in the pack, and Namjoon was going to have to learn to live with that.
In which Namjoon constantly, to everyone's disappointment, fucks up.
I Dream in the Shape of Your Mouth - jonghyun | Rated T | 17k
Seokjin spends a lot of time in the library. Now, Namjoon does too. Taemin tries to summon Satan, and Jimin is a fuckboy.
College Namjin au!
all you need is love (and pink) - vppa | Rated G | 4k
Most people only have one miniature angel or devil riding on their shoulders to serve as the physical manifestation of their conscience. Poor Namjoon has five, and they're all telling him the same thing: "fucking talk to him god dammit what the fuck is wrong with you"
Can I Get Your Dewey Decimal Number? - melecs | Rated T | 10k
Seokjin loved working at the library, but some patrons got on his nerves. Take, for example, the grown man who sat in the corner every day and leeched off of the Wi-Fi. And Seokjin worked in the children’s department.
The Professor’s Wife - EquinoxSolstice  | Rated T | 12k
Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger.
But, as one Jeon Jungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong.
What? The Professor didn't say he had a wife.
 A pack’s price - EmpatheticShipper | Rated E | WIP 59k
Kim Seokjin is an omega that was casted out of his pack after bringing home the scent of alpha's belonging to another pack. Wounded and alone, he meets two omegas who eagerly take him back to their den. He quickly realizes the rest of the pack members are all alphas and they take him in generously. But his old pack will not forget his betrayal so easily. With him being a target of both his old pack and a rival pack seeking new omegas, will Namjoon and the rest of the alphas be able to protect them?
On Patrol - Ragi | Not Rated | 129k  [JiKook and YoonSeok]
Officer Jeon has his eyes on Mr. Adorable.
Officer Min has a strange neighbor he can't seem to keep out of his life.
Captain Kim finds comfort in his son's homeroom teacher.
Well, cops need some loving too, right?
On Patrol - Season 2 | Not Rated | WIP 117k
Trouble - jamjoon | Rated E | 2k
"I think you'd look good in black stockings."
fly me to the moon - triangularism | Rated M | 755
Jin smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and Namjoon is so, so in love.
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17mounteens · 7 years
can i request a hansol x reader smut where you lose your virginity to him and vice versa - preferably in a situation where you've only been dating for a short time and since you live abroad and have to travel back soon, hansol shyly feels you have to get together asap ( i hope it's not too much (>人<;) )
I hope I got this right and that you enjoy this bb! ;u; 💕
» If you’re using the tumblr app and can’t see the scenario, which is under a “keep reading”, please try opening the post in your phone’s internet browser (or a computer)! 💕
» 4,256 words
Hansol was everything you were looking for in a person. He was kind, funny, had good manners, shared a lot of your values and, above everything and among so many other things you loved about him, you felt incredibly comfortable around him.
You had first met during your year abroad in South Korea, where he had been one of the first people to approach you, which you knew to have been because you were, to say the least, lonely at that point, in a new country without more than a handful of people you knew. It felt comforting to have someone approach you as kindly as he did, instead of only forming a shallow acquaintanceship with you, not to mention downright ignoring you.
After your first meeting, it didn’t take too long for you to notice just how pleasant he was to be around, and so you had become friends fairly quickly - and close friends even faster. You had similar experiences, being a bit odd among all the (fully) Korean people, on top of which you had some shared interests and traits.
And even if you hadn’t shared those, as long as your personalities clicked, nothing else mattered - and your personalities played together perfectly. You spent a lot of time together, studying, going to concerts and hanging out, either with just the two of you or with the small friend group you had established, whether it was at his house or at a café or something similar.
Towards the end of your year abroad you had come to terms with the fact that you had romantic feelings towards Hansol, and were sad to leave, and even when you were back home, you weren’t sure if you were happy or sad because right before you had gotten on the plane, Hansol had taken a hold of your hand and said that he liked you.
Just like that. As his last words to you face to face.
At the time whatever you had wanted to say had refused to come out so you got on board in a daze, looking back at him multiple times on your way,  and only when you had landed did you send him a message.
’I got here safely… and about what you said - me too.’
From there on you had had a more romantic hint to your relationship, which you kept up with long Skype calls, regular texting and phone calls and even letters, which he always added little presents to, and a few months into that - discovering your feelings and teasing each other - you had decided to become a couple.
So when you finally went back to Korea a few months after you and Hansol started dating, it was different and exciting.
You held hands, sat more closely than before, were more straight-forward with what you said and did to each other, and during a late night at his house when his family was already fast asleep, even kissed for the first time.
It was in such an ordinary setting yet it made it all feel so much more extraordinary, and you couldn’t help but giggle and hide your face in Hansol’s chest when you had shied away from the kiss, the feeling of his lips against yours still tingling on your lips.
“You’re so cute,” Hansol had snickered at you, holding you in his arms as you continued to giggle silently, your arm over his chest and your face hidden there.
“That was so sudden,” you had said, lifting your face to grin at him, your cheeks about as rosy as his. His grin had widened as he booped your nose playfully.
“I stole a kiss,” he had whispered, and even with only moonlight illuminating his room you were able to see his eyes sparkling with happiness.
You thought back to the memory fondly - no matter how many times you kissed after that, none of them could ever top the very first time your lips had met his.
That didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy kissing him, however, because that you did. Had you had it your way all you would’ve done would’ve been kissing him.
You only got closer after that, and as the time you would still spend in South Korea continued getting shorter, you and Hansol both grew a bit anxious. After three weeks of practically living together - the Chois had offered to let you live with them for your stay, and you couldn’t say no - it felt almost scary to think you would have to be apart for a long time.
It was one of your last days there and you were sitting on Hansol’s bed, your backs against the wall and your hands connected as you fiddled with each other’s fingers. His family was out, so the house was empty, and there was a silence over you, although it was a comfortable one so neither of you minded.
“Y/N,” Hansol said suddenly, breaking the silence, and turned to look at you. You lifted your face, too, and looked at him expectantly. His pupils dilated for a mere second and he licked his lips nervously, averting his gaze a little before continuing. “I…’ve been wanting to ask you something.”
You tilted your head a little, squeezing his hand in yours encouragingly. Was it just you or was his hand getting a bit sweatier? “What is it?”
“I, uh…” He let out a sigh and pouted as he spoke. “I don’t want you to think anything weird about me, it’s just… you’ll leave soon, and I was… I don’t know, thinking if we could… have sex.”
Unable to say anything, you continued staring at him, your lips parting eventually as you processed his words.
Hansol winced and scratched the back of his head, his cheeks gaining a lot of color, fast. “I’m sorry I suggested that, I knew it would sound really weird and I really like you for so much more than that kind of reasons and I don’t want you to think that I–”
“I think I’d like that,” you said quietly, barely even audible, yet Hansol managed to hear you and finally stopped rambling. His jaw dropped, which made you blush a little as you smiled nervously. “I can’t say it wouldn’t have crossed my mind, too. Especially that one night…”
Hansol could easily guess which night you were referring to - the memory of moaning against your lips while you were making out when you had moved a little, your leg touching his crotch and thus his erection, all too clear in his mind - and nodded slowly. “I… yes. Okay. So we’ll–”
“…Have sex,” you finished his sentence quietly, your lips curving into a smile as your heart began beating  faster.
Slowly, he let go of your hand and placed his one on your thigh, although only lightly, as though asking if it was okay. You chuckled and moved his hand the slightest bit higher on your leg and leaned your face closer to his.
“It’s my first time,” you whispered, keeping your hand on top of his, and looked down at his lips when your noses bumped lightly.
Hansol nodded and leaned a bit closer, his lips nearly brushing against yours. “Mine, too.”
You giggled softly as he leaned closer to kiss you sweetly, and cupped his cheek with your free hand. “It’ll be a mess.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” he snorted and grinned against your lips, his hold on your thigh the slightest bit more daring than earlier. “We’ll figure it out.”
Little by little he lay you down and you wrapped your arms around his neck like you did most of the time when you were making out in such a position, or any position, really, and even when you were hugging. It still felt so incredibly new, however, and the knowledge that you were about to do something exciting only made you both more exhilarated.
“Wait,” you breathed as Hansol’s fingers were slowly sliding down your body to the hem of your shirt, and he hummed, breaking away from the kiss. You panted a little, looking up at him. “Do you have a condom?”
It was the only relevant question, really, and after a moment of panic Hansol let out a relieved sigh while nodding when he remembered something.
“My parents gave me a few ”just in case” the other day,” he mumbled embarrassedly, and you giggled at his revelation and played with his hair, although your cheeks became rosy in color, too.
“I’d say we should thank them later, but that would be awkward,” you noted in amusement and got a chuckle from Hansol.
“A little,” he agreed, and with that, leaned back down to kiss you deeply while his hand slowly slid underneath your shirt. You shivered underneath his touch, although the slight shakiness of Hansol’s hand made you giggle and relax a little. At least you weren’t the only one.
“You’re nervous,” you noted adoringly once he had broken away from the kiss to catch his breath. He chuckled, his hand resting on your side under your shirt.
“Of course I am,” he admitted and, sitting up, tugged a little at the hem of your shirt while grinning at you. “But so are you, your heart’s beating crazy fast.”
“At least I’m not alone with that,” you giggled as you sat up, too, and got one arm around Hansol’s neck to pull him into a kiss while your other hand moved to the hem of the top he was wearing. “Think we could take this off?”
A bit shyly, Hansol nodded and took off the top, leaving his upper body bare. He was lean and slightly toned, and while you had openly adored his arms before, which he often had bare, it was your first time seeing his chest and - hell, he had abs.
While you blushed, unashamedly checking Hansol out, he snorted and nudged you gently. “What about your shirt?”
You thought about it for a while, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious, and with a quiet mumble asked him to take it off of you. Hansol’s eyes widened, but he nodded readily, and soon you could feel his knuckles lightly on your skin as he pulled your shirt over your head.
“Wow,” he breathed at the sight of you, wearing nothing but your bra on your top. You could hardly resist the urge to cover yourself, and settled with just having your arms slightly crossed in front of yourself. Hansol smiled softly and gave you a gentle kiss on your cheek. “You’re gorgeous, Y/N.”
His soothing voice had its usual effect on you, and made you feel a bit calmer in an instant, and so you got your hands back in Hansol’s slightly messy hair. “That makes two of us.”
Snickering, Hansol kissed your lips. “I guess so.”
For a while you just sat there, your lips locked in sweet yet hungry kisses while your hands explored each other’s bodies, more daringly than ever. While Hansol had, on occasion, held your breast through your shirt and bra, it was his first time being able to touch the sensitive skin itself, and it made him swallow hard when he noticed how his touch made you breathe a little heavier and eventually even moan into the kiss.
“Are they really that sensitive?” he asked, his voice thick, and continued moving his thumb lightly on the top of your breast. His jaw tightened a little when he let his thumb dip into your bra, moving past your nipple in the process, which made you moan louder.
Tugging at his hair lightly, you whimpered, although there was an amused hint to your voice. “What do you think?”
To further prove your point, you brought your hand to Hansol’s chest and, after circling his left nipple with your fingertip, you rubbed it lightly and grinned when he moaned.
“I get it,” he laughed and placed both of his hands on your waist. “At least I know where to pay attention, then.”
You blushed a little at what was to come, and nodded. “Yeah.”
Little by little you lay down again and Hansol leaned down to hover above you, smiling warmly. “Should we take your bra off?”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you nodded again, admittedly excited, and once you had managed to unclasp your bra, you took it off and threw it to the floor. Hansol stared at your chest in amazement, which made you feel shy again, but some of that feeling flew out of the window when he touched your left mound gently, squeezing it ever-so-slightly while leaning down to kiss the right one.
“Beautiful,” he hummed to himself, pressing kisses around the top of your right breast while merely cupping the other one, enjoying the softness. Hansol then kissed his way up your chest and to your neck, his voice gentle as he spoke. “You’re so beautiful.”
“At least you’re making your opinion clear,” you giggled and placed your hands onto his shoulders, moving your hips a bit restlessly with the burning need only growing between your legs. Having Hansol touch such sensitive areas of your body that only you had touched before did little to ease the need, and especially when he experimentally sucked on your nipple you found your hips bucking up, meeting Hansol’s ones.
He moaned, and you could hardly hold a similar noise back either when you felt his hard-on against yourself, and the further your desire grew, the less second thoughts you had - you needed him, and everything had always felt so right with him that you knew you wouldn’t regret it; wouldn’t regret your first time being with him out of all people.
Not that you would’ve had any second thoughts to begin with, however.
As you continued making out more and more passionately, Hansol couldn’t help but grind into you, almost instinctively, and you didn’t mind in the least. It was a very welcome sneak peek at what was to come, and if how good it felt with clothes between the two of you was anything to go by, you couldn’t wait for the real thing, as much as you knew it wouldn’t be sheer joy.
“Hansol,” you breathed when he had moved down to kiss your neck, and played with his hair a little. He hummed, his lips pressed to a particularly sensitive spot that made you whine a little, and lifted his face to look at you. Swallowing, you whispered. “I think we can, uh, move on.”
By the end of your sentence you had moved your gaze lower in an attempt to hint at the pants that the two of you were still wearing, and Hansol caught onto that quickly, flushing a little. “Okay.”
He sat up and you did, too, and after asking if it was okay, you opened the button and zipper of his jeans while nearly holding your breath. Hansol chuckled and, once you and moved your hands away, slid his jeans down, which revealed his hard-on clearly defined through his boxers.
“So, yeah,” he said a bit awkwardly when his jeans were on the floor, and tried to focus on everything but how hard he was. For you it was a lost cause.  You smiled and got your pants off, which left you in your panties.
“Now we’re even,” you noted happily and got up on your knees, getting close enough to Hansol to be able to get your hands on his neck and lean down to kiss him, both of you smiling against each other’s lips. He placed his hands onto your hips, still a bit shaky, and kissed you passionately while his fingers slid slightly under the thin fabric of your panties with a quiet sigh leaving his lips when you got to sit astride on his lap.
“Y/N,” Hansol chuckled, looking warmly into your eyes when you pulled back a little. “Any idea where you’re sitting?”
Blood rushed to your cheeks as you grinned. “It was my intention.”
He swallowed hard at that, his cock twitching slightly, and nodded. “I– I’ll get the condom now.”
You giggled and got off his lap and watched him curiously as he went to his drawers and dug out a condom from the very bottom of a pile of clothes.
“Seems like you weren’t too set on using it anytime soon,” you said amusedly, and Hansol chuckled with a shake of his head.
“Not really,” he admitted and got back to the bed, where he sat down next to you and placed a hand on your thigh. “But I’m very happy I get to use it now, with you.”
Biting down on your lower lip lightly, you placed your hand on top of his and squeezed it. “Me too.”
You lay down again, your head comfortably on Hansol’s plush pillow, and he slowly got his boxers off. With your eyes following every bit of skin that was revealed, your heart skipped a beat when you saw his cock, standing hard and proud, and felt your core clench a little.
An embarrassed smile was on Hansol’s face as he sat down and looked at you while you stared up at him playfully, and slowly he moved his fingers up your leg until he could hook them on the waistband of your panties. “How about?”
“Yeah,” you whispered excitedly and, together with Hansol, took your panties off and pulled him down with you with one hand on the back of his head and one on his shoulders.
By instinct your legs wrapped around him as you kissed him hungrily, most of your shyness and nervousness clouded by desire, which you were happy about. Hansol grunted quietly when his length met your wetness, and he couldn’t help but grind lightly, and in turn make you moan.
Eventually he pulled back, panting, his eyes hooded and lips parted. “I can’t just– can I?”
You shook your head and cupped his cheeks, smiling affectionately, and after a light kiss got his hand into yours and brought it lower on your body. “Nope.”
Hansol smiled when you had brought his hand between your legs and leaned down to kiss your forehead while his fingers slid between your outer lips. “Got it.”
Your heart was beating fast in your chest as Hansol propped himself on one arm and, while his lips were latched onto either yours or your neck, his fingers danced around in your wetness. The way his fingers circled your clit made your breath hitch, and he took note of that and did it some more, until you were bucking against his hand and begging for more.
With the softest smile on his face, Hansol brought his finger to your entrance and began sliding it in slowly, his eyes locked on your expression to see how you were feeling. “Does it feel okay?”
“Definitely,” you sighed contently and bit down on your lower lip as Hansol began pumping the digit inside of you slowly, taking note of your quiet noises and the way you were clenching around his finger. Little by little, by your request, he began easing in a second finger, and not much later you were a quivering mess holding tightly onto his hair and shoulder, your hips bucking against his fingers rhythmically and the quietest, shyest “Please” slipping from your lips.
The sun was setting outside, and there was something in the way Hansol looked when he was sitting up on the bed, his hair a mess and his face flushed while he put on the condom with the sunlight hitting his face that made you feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy on the inside, even with how much pure desire you were feeling towards him at that moment.
Once the condom was on, Hansol got on his knees between your legs and leaned down to kiss you sweetly, cupping your breast while his tongue danced with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair a little, although it was fairly soon that you got bold enough to slide your hand down to his cock and give him a few strokes.
“I’m ready,” you whispered and grinned to yourself when Hansol moaned and bucked into your hand. He nodded and got up a little, so that he could align himself with your entrance, and as he began pushing in slowly, his hands on your thighs, you placed your hands atop of his and gasped at the feeling of him filling you up little by little.
“Do you feel okay?” he asked concernedly and stopped for a while, only continuing when you giggled and nodded, telling him it was fine, but he continued slowly to give you time to adjust. He grunted contently when he was fully inside of you, reveling in how wet and warm and tight you were around him and how insanely good it all felt. Hansol leaned down to kiss your neck, his voice almost whiny as he spoke. “You feel really good, Y/N.”
His hips moved a little while he spoke, which made you moan and grab his shoulders. “Y-you too, oh god.”
You were so sensitive and having him move felt so good, and you could already tell that it would be much better than any of your solo sessions, if for no other reason then for the fact that it was Hansol you were doing it with.
Your arms were wrapped around his neck and your ankles were crossed by his lower back as you clung onto Hansol, your face nuzzled into his neck when he began moving slowly, his lips gently rocking into yours in small movements that took your breath away nevertheless.
He supported himself with one of his arms and stroked your side soothingly with the other, taking in every small detail of your body that he possibly could, from how nice your breast felt against his palm to how your waist turned into your hips and everything else. Your breathing was heavy as you met his movements with your hips a little, letting out satisfied sighs against his neck
Hansol panted, his heart beating fast in his chest with how overwhelming the situation felt. He had never been so close, so intimate with someone, and while it felt many times better than his hand, he also felt a sense of emotional fulfillment, his heart growing warm in his chest. Leaning down, he was able to get you to raise your face from his neck and claim a sweet kiss from you.
Little by little, he began thrusting faster, if not on his own, then by your whispered “More,” against his lips when you held him a bit tighter. You moaned and hid your face in his neck again, letting out quiet sounds of pleasure while he moved inside of you, and you found his warm body pressed against yours oddly comforting and so arousing.
You could feel the knot in the pit of your stomach tightening a little with each thrust, but no matter how much Hansol would kiss your neck and shoulders, you knew you needed something more, and so you slid one hand down from his shoulder to your clit, whimpering when your fingertip found your swollen, sensitive bundle of nerves.
“I’ll come soon,” Hansol whispered huskily, massaging your breast while his hips met yours time after time and his lips moved along your neck. You moaned and nodded, signaling that you were close, too, and continued rubbing the fast circles onto your clit that you had started doing a moment earlier.
“I’m– oh,” you moaned against Hansol’s neck, your legs tightening around him and your mouth opening in a silent cry not much before his hips pushed into you and he released into the condom with a grunt.
Your fingers stuttered to a stop on your clit when you came around him, and after a quick moment you took your shaky hand to his side to get a hold of him. Hansol panted on top of you and moved his face from your neck in order to lock your lips in a sweet, passionate kiss
“You were amazing,” he breathed cheerfully, grinning against your lips, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you unwrapped your legs from around him.
“I could say the same,” you said, your eyes sparkling happily, and looked into Hansol’s brown eyes that the setting sun was making seem even brighter than they normally were. Your heart felt full with love and affection, yet also heavy with the knowledge that you would have to leave soon. Tears built up in your eyes at the realization of that, but you kept your smile on your face. “I really like you, Hansol.”
Pulling him down into a tight hug, you nuzzled your face into his neck.
“I love you.”
He let out a sigh and embraced you, holding you as comfortingly as he could. “I love you, too. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll come back when I can,” you whispered and winced a little when Hansol pulled out of you and took the condom off before getting back to cuddle you. Drawing circles on his chest, you looked up at Hansol. “Or you could come visit me.”
Chuckling, Hansol grinned widely and kissed your forehead. “You blew my surprise for your birthday.”
You sniffled while laughing, and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. “I’ll act surprised.”
“You better.”
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buckybee · 7 years
Once a bee learns to fly
Written for @acespnminibang​ 
Author: ifonenight / buckybee  Artist: Thette / @bold-sartorial-statement  Rating: Mature Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Castiel Word Count: 5195 Summary: Cas, ace as they come, hand makes sex toys as a job-slash-hobby, and wears things that make him feel pretty in his spare time. He’s doing well all by himself, but when a client, impalabatmobile-67, asks for a special tutorial, Cas will find himself intrigued. Author Notes: I wanted to write a story where Cas didn’t care for sex at all, but still enjoyed some things that society associate with sex. And how he lived it.  Links to fic and art: FIC/ART
Mid September
The water was warm on Cas’ skin, chasing the last residues of sleep away. He tilted his head up, letting the spray hit him on his chin, nose, eyes, a last goodbye to the cozy atmosphere of his bed, and then turned the shower off, stepping out onto the worn out carpet. He shivered at the cold room - save money, save money, save money - and hurried to cocoon himself in his big towel, one of the only luxuries he allowed himself.
Mornings had always been hard for him. Waking up was really one of the worse parts of his days, which probably told something about himself he didn’t want to analyze too deeply. But alas, it had to be done.
He yawned, pulling on a soft pair of pants and an old sweater, and wandered in his tiny kitchen. Time to start the day, apparently.
Sitting at the kitchen table some time later, a cup of coffee and a snack on hand, Cas felt definitely readier to start his day. His laptop was silently coming to life in front of him, and he put his password in, lazily watching the enlarged photo of a bee appearing on the screen.
It was a nice picture, good quality and a lovely subject, and he smiled faintly at it; that had been a nice summer, the year he had taken it, mostly spent bonding with his sister and coming to terms - good terms - with his sexuality. It would always be a fond memory, captured in an almost monochrome photo.
As soon as all the icons settled on the screen he opened his browser, starting to type in the address bar - he need to check his email, couldn’t postpone his assignments any longer - but his eyes were caught by Tumblr’s little square, listed between his favourite websites on the home page.
He hesitated. He really should’ve started working on his essay, but he still had a week before he had to turn it in, and seeing how his business was doing wasn’t exactly the most irresponsible thing to do. Just a couple of minutes, ten at most, and then he would face the first, blank page of the essay.
His personal blog’s dashboard appeared on the screen, full of kittens’ videos and fandom posts, but he managed to resist the temptation and ignored them, quickly changing blog and switching to his professional one.
Dildos, lingerie, padded handcuffs, floggers, feathers, they were all there, showing up nicely in his layout. And he had had fun making every one of them.
His business was simple and entertaining, yes, if a bit unorthodox. Handmade sex-toys, not too expensive but of good quality, simple yet original, seemed to be well liked out there.
He had started making them for friends, fellow students who came to know about his art-and-craft skills by his brother.
They were the ones that actually suggested to expand his work to something less innocent than stuffed animals, only half-seriously. He treated it as a joke a first, giving a sparkling dildo to a girl as a birthday gift, making the toys funny rather than useful, but it turned out he was actually good at it and he had slowly got more and more requests, until he had decided to make a little business out of it; he had also started to offer advice and tutorials after a while, for free. He didn’t earn a lot, but it was still something, and it was nice.
Despite the endless teasing his brother subjected him to every time he saw him, Cas was quite happy with what he was doing.
It wasn’t fancy, or big, but it was a nice way to help paying for his everyday needs. And it wasn’t really demanding - he only had to do what he liked to do, and he usually found a way to include his work in his classes’ researches, and that made things pretty interesting.
His askbox warned him he had almost fifty new messages; opening it, he began to sort through them: a dozen were specific orders – mostly for dildos and collars; some were from shy anons exposing their problems with their sexuality or gender and asking for someone to listen – and he would have to answer them before the next day, as he didn’t like to leave that kind of asks lingering more than it was necessary; one was from a customer who hadn’t understood that this blog was only a catalogue and that, unless it was a custom made order, clients were to go to his Etsy, linked at the end of each toy post, and in his description, and in his FAQs, and buy his stuff there; finally, there was a request for a tutorial.
He send back a short reply to the inattentive customer, redirecting him to his shopping page, and then, curios, he scrolled up to the tutorial request.
impalabatmobile-67 asked:
hi! uh, i know this probably sounds weird, but can you make a tutorial for edible panties? i tried to make them myself but they, like, melted before i finished them, but your tutorial are always easy to follow so maybe i’ll understand what i’m missing here. i get it if they’re not your thing, don’t worry. thanks.
Edible panties. Well, that was new and he would have to do some research before giving instructions to anyone, a couple of tries maybe, but yes, it was doable. And kind of interesting, as he usually found new things to be.
Sex-aced-it answered:
It’s not “weird” at all, don’t worry. On the contrary, quite vanilla , I’d say. I will have to investigate a bit on how to make them, since it is new to me as – I suppose? - it was to you, but yes, I will make a tutorial about it.
Are you interested in underwear in general or panties specifically? And will they be for male or for female bodies? I don’t know if this will influence the product, but better safe than sorry. Were you thinking of classic candies and sweets or something else for the food? Let me know.
He checked the message again, and then sent it. He got up to make a peanut butter sandwich, taking his time to spread the butter meticulously on the bread, and took a bite while settling in front of his computer again. He refreshed the page automatically, his mind already on the essay, when he spotted a new message at the top of the page.
impalabatmobile-67 asked: 
thanks man, you’re awesome. i guess underwear in general’d be fine, but my panties are for a guy. candies&sweets are good.  
Before he could have done anything, another one arrived, and then another.
 impalabatmobile-67 asked:
 didn’t mean mine like *mine*, only that i asked for them. and, uh, can you not show my url when you’ll do the tutorial? it’s kinda personal. i probably sound like a repressed guy but my little brother is on tumblr as well and i don’t want him to see this.
impalabatmobile-67 asked:
sorry, i’m rambling. u didn’t need to know that.
Cas sighed a little and hit the ‘reply’ button again. This guy didn’t seem a jerk, only a little… lost. His essay would have had to wait apparently some more.
Sex-aced-it answers:  
Again, please don’t worry. You don’t have to justify your actions with me and I’m not going to judge you. I completely understand wanting to keep your own business private. Have you already thought about the design? I could help you with that too if you’d like.
Unsurprisingly, impalabatmobile-67 answered only a couple of minutes later. He really had a piercing imagination.
They chatted for almost an hour, exchanging ideas about the shape and the size and what kind of flavors Dean would have preferred. He seemed nice, and when they said goodbye, Cas had a little smile on his lips.
  Early October
“Do you have the munchies?,” Gabriel asked, and Cas could hear some sort of admiration in his tone.
“It’s for a project,” he answered distractedly, examining a licorice strip and carefully lowering it inside a paper bag.
His cart was full of similar bags, stuffed with candies. He wasn’t sure he could add them to the panties, actually, but Halloween was close anyway. Better safe than sorry.  
“A project?,” Gabriel answered, amused. “For you porn blog?”
“It’s not a porn blog,” Cas answered automatically, passing the cart to Gabriel so he could ring everything up.
Gabriel snickered but didn’t press on. It was a familiar banter by now, nothing they couldn’t recite in their sleep.  
“What is this project about anyway?,” Gabriel asked, giving Cas his change and rummaging on his desk, triumphally popping a lollipop in mouth once he found it.  
“Edible panties,” Cas said, hiding a smile when Gabriel choked on his own spit. For all his flamboyant sexual life, his brother was definitely more of a prude than Cas himself was.
“You’d be such a perv, I swear,” Gabriel muttered, and Cas gave him a dirty look.
Gabriel rose his hands up in surrender. “I know, I know, you can be a perv right now, too,”
Cas just grabbed his bags and got out the shop, giving Gabriel the middle finger on his way out.
  The ingredients were spread on the table, resting on a cheap table cloth.
Cas eyed them dubiously. The recipe seemed easy enough, but he wasn’t sure how resistant they could actually turn out to be. Or comfortable. Or igenic. Honestly, the idea of eating something that had rested on someone else’s crotch made him nauseous, but he guessed that once you swallowed what came out of a person’s genitals, you could brave anything.
He picked up his phone and shot Dean a message. They had abandoned the inbox a while ago and were using Tumblr’s messaging system now.
I’m starting. I cannot guarantee a satysfing result though
Dean’s answers was almost immediate. Cas had warned him that he was going to try today, and apparently Dean was eager to know how it was going. He seemed very invested in these panties.
don’t worry 2 much about it man
i mean if they turn out a mess u can still eat them
Cas’ nose scrunched up and he looked down again at the table. The whole ensamble just didn’t look that appealing.
If you say so
don’t u guys like sweet things?
Cas frowned down at the screen, leaning his hip against the table.
What do you mean?
all those talks about cakes… made me wonder
It took Cas a moment to understand Dean’s allusion, and he found himself smiling when it clicked.
He could still go a little on the defensive sometimes, when the topic of his sexuality came up - and who could blame him, really? - but he found these sort of jokes funny, if a little cheesy.
im more a pie kind of guy myself
Don’t you like cake at all?
oh I like cake alright at times ;)
What was that wink for
like… cake as a metaphor for… someone ace?
nvm, it was dumb
Cas stared at his phone, the text clear on its white background. He admittedly wasn’t the best at social interaction, and social clues, in certain context, could be somewhat a mystery for him, but he most certainly wasn’t stupid.
Dean and him hadn’t started talking that long ago - a month at best - but Dean had been friendly and their interactions easygoing. And, sometimes, very clearly, flirty.
Not much, nothing over the top, just a joke here and a compliment there, but it was still more than Cas had done in some time, and definitely not something he usually did with his clients.
Dean seemed nice, though, and funny, and a little cute. Cas had always had a weak spot for cute boys.
But it still was only something to put a smile on his face after a tiring day - he didn’t stop to consider the implications, because he didn’t think there would have been any. Besides, an internet romance, without even knowing what Dean’s last name was, or where he lived, or what kind of skeletons he hid in his closet - Cas was brave, and he was reckless, but he had learnt self-preservation along the way. And this? This was not something he could endorse in in good conscience.  
But here Dean was, with his lame lines and flustered-looking backtracking, and Cas’ walls had never been that solid to begin with, honestly.
He had started tapping an appropriate reply when a new message appeared under the last one.
so are u gonna try to make them??? i’m getting old here dude
And just like that, the moment was lost.
Late October
Parties at Charlie’s were always very liberal, very queer, and almost always tipsy, at the very least.
Cas, throwing back a shot of vodka, mused that Halloween was the least probable time to be an exception to the rule.
His corpet was starting to squeeze him a little too much, and his ankles ached, but there was no way in Hell he would have given up his costume now. Well, thinking about it, maybe the shoes could go, the stockings were the important part anyway…
He tried to lift his right foot and unfasten the lace of the stiletto, but the room suddenly started to shift and here he went, falling from his heels with an empty glass in his hand and oh god please let there not be any sharp edges on his way down-
Something strong and firm collided with his chest, but it was a gentle blow, and Cas found himself staring at an illustration of a yellow bat.
He looked up, questioning, and green eyes blinked down at him, surrounded by a black mask with pointed years.
Cas started giggling.
The masked man frowned and straightened him, passing an arm under his armpits to help him support his own weight.
“Are you okay?” he yelled in his ear, trying to make himself heard over the music, but Cas was laughing too hard to answer.
The man rolled his eyes - so green - and started to drag him over to the stairs that led to the upper floor. Cas weakly hit his cheek to get his attention. “Bridal style, bridal style!” he hooted when the man turned toward him, trying to throw his leg over the man’s arms and managed only to send them both staggering against a wall.
“Dude, I’m not bringing you upstairs in my arms,” the man grunted, tugging him on the first steps.
“But I’ve been saved by Batman!,” Cas protested, gripping the man’s shoulder for dear life now that they were climbing the stairs. “I demand it!”
“Jesus, you’re really in the part of Frank, aren’t you,” the man muttered, but Cas, a little dizzy, a little nauseous, could still see the amused smile on his lips.
He didn’t remember much after that.
  "God,“ Cas lamented, trying to get his coffee machine to work. The smell of beans only had already cleared his head a little, but now he needed the real deal.
"Tell me about it,” Dean’s voice said, equally roughed, from Cas’s phone’s speakers.
Charlie’s Halloween party had been hard on Cas the night before, and apparently Dean had had a similar experience, if his pained tone was anything to go by.
“I was at this friend’s place,” Cas said, finally managing to turn the machine on. The scent of strong coffee rose from it, lazily diffusing in the air, and Cas had never known a sweeter blessing.
“Did you just moan?,” Dean’s voice came, a little belwidered, but Cas ignored it.
“I guess I had a little too much to drink,” he continued, pouring himself a cup of coffee and sighing in it, inhaling the fumes. “And then Batman saved me when I was about to fall on my face, and then I blacked out.” He reverently had a sip, and had to actively force himself to keep quiet, this time.
It took him a moment to realized the line was silent on the other side.
“Dean?,” he asked, catious, and Dean cleared his voice over the static.
“Were you wearing a Frank-N-Furter costume, by chance?,” he asked, voice neutral, and Cas froze.
“How do you know that?” he replied, confused and a little scared, but Dean didn’t say anything.
“Dean?,” Cas pressed, even though he should have had hung up, turned off the phone, what if Dean was a stalker, what if-
“Do you know Charlie?,” Dean finally said, and Cas’ heart almost stopped.
“How…?” he asked, and he heard Dean’s breath rushing out of him, amplified by the speakers.
“I think,” Dean said, very carefully, “that we have a common friend.”
Early November
The coffee-shop was crowded, but not unbearably so. Cas was sitting at one of the tables, near the window, nervously watching the street. Anxiety hadn’t really kicked in, but he was still a bit tense.
Rationally, he knew that this wasn’t like meeting a stranger, nor a person he wasn’t certain he could stand, but it was a big deal for him nonetheless. This was a relationship he had invested times and energy and feelings in, and if it didn’t work… He didn’t really want to think about that option.
Discovering that he and Dean lived in the same city had been kind of a shock.
Everything that Cas had been cautious of, that he had protected himself from thanks to the hypothetical distance between them, and the net’s impalpability, had suddenly came to knock at his door. Young feelings, still fragile and new, that were slowly twisting themselves inside Cas’ blood vessels and shooting right toward his heart, hidden among blood cells and oxygen.
And what was Cas supposed to do with them?
Meeting today had been a jump in the dark, that Dean had agreed to make with him. It had made the abyss a little less scary.
Still, perhaps arriving half an hour before the actual date hadn’t been the smartest idea he had ever had, since the more he waited, the more he freaked out. He sipped his water, checking his watch; he wasn’t supposed to be there for ten more minutes. He took another gulp, and then promptly choked on it when a hand clamped down on his shoulder.
He sputtered, coughing and trying to breath some air in, feeling the light weight of fingers gently rubbing his back.
“Cas? Are you okay? Come on buddy, don’t die on me now.”
Eventually managing to breathe again, he turned his head up to see Dean smiling down at him, eyes actually a bit worried, and still so, so green, and really, Cas realized, everything could be really going to be just fine.
“Assbutt” he rasped, cautiously taking a sip from his bottle and glaring at him.
Dean’s laughter was so much more breathtaking in person than on the phone.   
 Mid December
“I’ve been hurt before,” Cas said, quietly, on their maybe fifth or sixth date, while they were having dinner at Cas’ place, on Cas’ comfy carpet. A sort of indoor pic-nic.
Dean watched him attentively, warm and reassuring, but Cas kept fidgeting with a loose thread on the carpet, not looking up.
“When I was young, by my own doing, trying to feel things I couldn’t feel, and later, by partners who said that they understood and that sex wasn’t a requirement when instead… it was.”
He could see Dean’s hand twitching to reach out, but they weren’t yet at a point where they could just understand what the other needed without asking, and Cas was particular about touching.
Hiding a smile, Cas brushed his fingers against Dean’s, and let him squeeze his hand in his own.
“I need you to understand, Dean,” he started, trying to make his voice firm.
No matter how happy he was with himself, how comfortable, there was always a little voice in his head that whispered to him he was being selfish, unreasonable, when he did this kind of talks. But he had built himself so much stronger than those ugly murmurs, now. Let them come. He was not afraid.
“We will never have sex. Ever. I won’t start liking it just because I’m with you, and I won’t do it just to make you happy.”
He looked at Dean, trying to see any sign of discomfort, but Dean’s face was blank. It happened sometimes, when Dean wasn’t ready to let others know what he was thinking, but it wasn’t necessary a sign of something bad.
And then Cas felt fingers drawing gentle circles inside his wrist, and relaxed a little.
“No matter how turned on you get by something, if you try to pressure me in any way… I won’t react nicely.”
Dean still didn’t say anything, and Cas smiled quietly at him, bringing Dean’s hand to his lips to kiss it lightly.
“You can get turned on, though, masturbate, whatever you need. I’m not sex repulsed, just indifferent towards it in general. Moreover, I don’t mind being in a open relationship, if that’s what you want, but we would need to establish clear rules in that case, and it’s an another whole conversation,” he added, interlacing his fingers with Dean’s. “If you want to stay with me, these are the conditions. I’m done with my speech. Now it’s your turn. Did I weird you out? I didn’t mean to.”
Dean looked at him for a couple of seconds more, and then nodded. “Alright,” he said.
“Alright?,” Cas echoed.
“Alright,” Dean said, and grinned at him with his golden, beautiful eyes, and Cas, somehow, trusted him.
Late January
“I still can’t believe I got to do this,” Dean murmured against Cas’ skin, in the quiet of Cas’ bedroom.
Cas shivered a bit at that and settled better against Dean’s chest. “Doing what?,” he asked, even though he knew exactly what Dean was referring to.
“Touching you, smelling you, hell, even seeing you.” Dean traced light circles on his covered belly with his finger, resting his chin on Castiel’s shoulder. “Are you okay with this?” he asked, loosening the hug.
Cas grabbed his arm and tightened his hold again. - I am - he answered, turning his head for a kiss.
Dean gave it to him, and Cas thought that that Heaven his mother was always talking about when he was little could be found much easier than she thought. And then distracted himself because thinking about his mother in that moment seemed really a waste of time.
When they separated, both of them smiling like the idiots they were, Cas hold out a hand and gently freed himself from the embrace.
“Wait there,” he ordered, pointing the bed. While Dean obeyed, he took an anonymous bag out of his drawer and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
He wasn’t completely sure of what he was about to do, but then again, when ever had he been completely sure about anything? It didn’t matter. It was for Dean, and for himself, too, and if it didn’t work out, well, nobody would be seriously hurt. A bit embarrassed, sure, but he could live with that. Dean would have never made him feel inadequate.
 He undressed, folded his clothes, and opened the bag.
He took the stockings out first, feelings their softness between his fingers. They were beautiful, white silk and lace, and he couldn’t wait to wear them.
He put them on, careful not to break the texture, and spent some moments admiring his legs. Smooth and elegant, just like he liked them.
The white panties, adorned with black lace, were next, and he shivered a little at the feeling of them on his skin. He took his time adjusting them, and when he felt like they were good, he took the neutral lipstick out of the bag and turned toward the mirror above the sink.
His lips were chapped like always, but he couldn’t do much about it. Besides, Dean had never complained.
He uncapped the lipstick, and squeezed the tiny bottle to put some on his index finger. Watching his reflection in the mirror, he applied it on his bottom lips, and then pressed his lips together to spread them on the whole mouth. He cleaned the area around it a bit and smiled at his face in the glass, satisfied.
The thing was, Cas liked to be pretty. He liked to wear things that made him feel sensual, even though he didn’t care for others’ attraction toward him. If you asked him why, he probably couldn’t have explained it, but then again, the reason behind it wasn’t that important. It was all about sensations and nerves’ reaction to stimulus or something like that.
Dean had already seen him in flimsy clothes, but it was a costume, at the time. Just a mask, not the real Castiel, just being himself, in pretty lingerie. Showing off to his boyfriend in a way he never purposely did with anyone else.
Because Cas liked to be pretty, but he didn’t really like the attention that came with it. Or the expectations.
With Dean, though? Cas knew that Dean would look straight at him, and see exactly what Cas wanted to show him.
He turned to the bag once more, biting his lips. One last thing, and then he would be ready: a pair of black high heels, sleek and shiny.
The action of putting them on went less smoothly than the others - he stumbled and nearly fell into the tub, and had to yell at Dean he was fine and not to come in - but finally, everything was in place.
Taking a deep breath and shaking his head a bit, as in to clear it, he squared his shoulder and exited the bathroom.  
Dean looked up from his hands in his lap and did a double-take, freezing on the spot.
Cas waited for his eyes to roam oh his body, taking him in, searching for what he could find sexy, but they remained fixated on his face, instead, without wandering even a little bit.
Actually, Dean seemed not be breathing at all.
It would have been hilarious if Cas hadn’t been so nervous.
“Dean?” he asked, finally, uncertain.
That seemed to shake him out of his trance, and he coughed, cleared his throat, and then diverted his eyes, fixing them somewhere on the wall.
“Cas, fuck” he answered, his voice lower and rougher than usual. “This is harder than I thought.”
Yeah, that wasn’t helping his nervousness at all.
“You said you would have liked it.” Cas said, confused and a bit mortified.
Dean let out a weak laugh. “I do, Cas, and that may be our problem here.”
Cas frowned, but after a moment, it clicked. It wasn’t difficult to understand what Dean was worried about, really. Cas should have anticipated it.
He approached the bed slowly, as if not to scare Dean, and sat next to him.  
“Dean,” he called gently, and Dean shot him a look, but he apparently couldn’t maintain it.
“Dean,” Cas said again, taking of of his hands in his own. “You don’t have to be ashamed of your attraction, just like I don’t have to be for the lack of mine. I wore this because I knew you would have liked them, and I also knew how you would have liked them, and done it anyway. Your erection won’t make me uncomfortable.”
Dean twitched at the word, and Cas laughed quietly against his cheek.
“Stop worrying so much,” he said, kissing the side of his mouth. “You won’t hurt me. I promise.”
“I just,” Dean said, but didn’t continue.
“You just?,” Cas repeated, nudging him, with his cold nose against Dean’s neck.
“I just don’t want to do something, without meaning to, and scare you off,” Dean finished, looking at the ground.
“Oh, Dean.” Cas grabbed Dean’s face in his hands, gently, forcing him to look at Cas in the eyes. “Let me lead, okay? I promise I won’t let anything bad happening to us.”
Dean’s eyes were still doubtful, a little afraid light shining in them, but he nodded, and Cas released him.
“I feel good like this,” he said, taking back one of Dean’s hand, putting it right on his legs, on the soft fabric of the stocking. “I wore all of this as much for you as I did for me. Will you look at me, Dean? Tell me how pretty I am?”   
Dean took a deep breath. “You’re always pretty, Cas.”
Cas stand up, letting go of his hand, and moved in front of him, between his knees. He put his palm under Dean’s chin and tilted his head up gently. Dean finally, finally, met his eyes on his own.
“Tell me again, like this,” Cas ordered him softly, smiling. Dean stayed still for a moment more, and then, surrendering, he slowly, hungrily, let his sight slide all over Castiel’s body. Cas felt it like a caress all over him, tender and butterfly light.
Once Dean’s look had reached his feet - and he had gasped loudly - his eyes met Cas’ own again, and they were dark and full of heat. “You’re beautiful.” he said, voice rough and full of awe. “So fucking beautiful, Cas.”
“As you are, my love,” Cas murmured, and letting himself be laid out on the bed, admired as a work of art, he thought that, yes, no matter how much it took for him to reach this point in life, it was well worth it.
  July, years later
“Sam,” Cas groaned in his phone, blindly patting around on the bed to wake Dean up. Dean grunted and swatted his hand away, cocooning himself against Cas’ back, warm as a stove. Cas tried to roll away but Dean sneaked an arm around his middle, lightning fast.
“I hope this is important, Sam, it’s eight a.m. on a Sunday.”
“Sorry!,” Sam exclaimed, excitedly, not sounding sorry at all. “But I think I found an investor for your shop!”
Cas abruptly woke up, finally managing to disentangle himself from Dean, whose protest was apparently to slobber all over Cas’ pillow.
“What?,” he asked Sam, putting a pair of pants on and quietly exiting their bedroom.
“Yesterday I went to this corporate party,” Sam answered, talking one mile a minute, “and there was this very rich european lady who I somehow ended up talking about your project and she was really interested in it!”
“Somehow?,” Cas asked, distractly, heart pounding.
“Well I may have done some research before the party… But who cares, her name is Bela Talbot, ace as fuck, very kinky. Loves your idea. I’ll drop by later to explain everything?”
“Yeah,” Cas mumbled, still dumbfounded, and the line went dead.
He felt Dean padding into the room and then hugging him from behind.
“Everything’s alright?,” he asked, voice deep from sleep.
And Cas’ face broke into a smile, toothy and huge. “Yes. Alright.”
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