no6secretsanta · 7 years
New Beginnings
For: @mixberkaan
A/N: Merry (late) Christmas! I apologize for the late gift but I hope this was worth the wait! Much love and I wish you the best for the new year!! - @senpaiash
Short Lil Soulmate AU:
On the back of your soulmate’s neck, there is a name and symbol that only you’d recognize so naturally most people would keep their hair up or short but when Nezumi doesn’t allow anyone to see his neck it only peeks Shion’s curiosity further.
Shion wasn’t ready. He normally was but today, he just wasn’t. His brown hair was tangled and his shirt was terribly wrinkled. Nervous hands went to smooth out the white fabric as best he possibly could, but it didn’t do any good. Instead, he went to pick at the strings on the hem. He breathed out through his nose in defeat, it was first day at a new school and he couldn’t even look presentable.
    Dark brown eyes looked everywhere but to the driver beside him, who happened to be his mother, humming along to the radio. When she glanced at her son, she stopped to speak, “You don’t look very excited, Shion. Is everything alright?” Shion’s pale fingers stopped in place and his head bobbled with the bumps in the road.
    “I guess I’m not looking forward to a school day without Safu.” This was true, he wasn’t entirely ready to go through a whole year without his best friend but when your mom’s business is thriving, there’s no point in complaining about the expansion. The move was quick. He’d only had a week to pack up his belongings with his mom before moving up north to a quiet cold town. Not too far, but far enough to hurt. Shion already missed the bustle of city he grew up in and the convenience of being able to walk across from his apartment complex to Safu and her grandmother’s.    
    “Ah, I’m sure you’ll make plenty of new friends here. I’ve heard most of the kids go play around the neighborhood after school, maybe you could walk home with a few of them?”
With the small black car rounding the corner to his new school, Shion held his breath. Middle schoolers were bundled up for the autumn weather, most laughing  and some parking their bikes and chaining them up for the day. All of them with their hair up or cut short, exposing their necks, despite the cold. All of them had their backs to him, his eyes scanned over a sea of names which were boldly printed on the napes of the children’s necks. He wasn’t aware of what read on his neck, his mother never told him and Shion didn’t care to know yet.
    He braced himself for the cold air as he opened the car door, immediately regretting his decision of choosing his lighter sweater over his heavy overcoat. His laziness overcame him this morning and didn’t unpack the heavy brown coat last night thinking it would be warmer in the morning. He slipped his tan sweater over head and felt a little better about his appearance, at least nobody could see his wrinkly undershirt. He quickly went to fix his collar to lift it up, covering the brand on his own neck and keeping the cold out.
    He smiled and waved to his mother then turned to walk into the school. Brisk morning winds blew onto his face, he was sure that his lips were purple from the cold. Tired eyes subconsciously read the school sign off the side read: West Creek Middle School before surring off to the office.
    “That was relatively easy to find .” Shion mused as he turned the handle and walked in. Inside sat a line a chairs, all empty except for one. A young girl, probably his age, sat on a generic blue chair with blue hued hair down to her shoulders. A pacularitar sight for the city boy. Not only because the blue coloring but it’s unusual that somebody this young would grow their hair out or have it down in public, unless they’d already found their soulmate which wasn’t too unlikely Shion supposed. It was a way of letting other people know that they’ve been taken, like an engagement ring.
    Ignoring the girl, he approached the secretary at the desk to receive his schedule and other documents. As he placed the papers in his bag, the security called for the girl to come forward and show Shion around. He straightened up and looked at his guide in the eye. His heart stopped as he realized that she was a he - and he was beautiful.
“This is Nezumi, he’s in the same grade as you. He will be leading you around campus today, alright dear? If you have any trouble, c'mon back here and I’ll help you.” Her gray bun nodded on her head as she slid them both a candy with a kind hearted smile. Shion thanked her and smiled just as brightly before taking his piece. Nezumi turned with his piece already in his mouth and Shion hurried out behind him, audible sounds from his shoes squeak on the tile.  
Nezumi wore a simple black shirt with a jacket and tight jeans. Nothing too out there. In the city, it wasn’t uncommon for kids to wear name brand clothes, he wasn’t on of them and neither was Safu.  His long hair seemed to be dripping, was he wet?
“Hey!” Nezumi didn’t turn to see Shion jump almost ten feet into the air.
“Yeah?” Shion swallowed and stopped.
“Oh, so he speaks?” Nezumi turned to face him completely, giving Shion the opportunity to examine him fully for the first time. He held a very stern face for someone so young but Shion could see softness in his stormy eyes. Lingering memories of screaming off the balcony of his apartment from his last night in the city surfaced. The storm was astounding. Shion shook it off and looked to the floor, where droplets of water fell from Nezumi’s hair.
“You’re wet.” Shion said, heat rising to face from the embarrassment of his outburst from a few nights ago. Nezumi saw this, soft red pigment danced it’s way onto the smaller boy’s cheeks.
“Tisk tisk, it’s not very courteous to fall for the first boy you see. What chance do other suitors have against me?” Shion’s face couldn’t have turned any redder.
“What are you talking about? You know the world doesn’t work that way.” Shion said trying to compose himself.
Nezumi scoffed. “You're no fun, hand over your schedule.” Retrieving it, Shion handed it to the tan boy.
Must be from being in the sun all day. I bet it must be nice to live in an area where it’s sunny on the spring and summer. Shion thought before Nezumi took off walking without warning and Shion followed.
Shion took note of his movements. The way he flipped through Shion’s paper. The gracefully stride his legs made across the bland tile floor. The movement of his hand through the tangles of  his hair. Everything was mesmerizing.
“I’m guessing you didn’t volunteer to become a school guide?” Shion started again trying to take back his tainted reputation. He struggled to walk beside Nezumi.
“How clever are we? No I didn’t, this school has a policy that involves turning delinquents like me into do-gooders and contributors to school culture. I say this is just another way to ditch class so I’m not complaining.”
“But how are you going to pass your classes if you aren’t in the lectures?” Shion asked. Nezumi stopped abruptly at a door.
“Like most people in this school pass,” He said turning the handle to the room,”y bullshitting my way out.” And with that he was gone.
Shion finished his school day without seeing Nezumi again. He had managed to get around campus alright and his teachers were enjoyable people. I guess it wasn’t too bad, Shion thought to himself. He was used to the city life, where his class size was more than 30 people. This might be a good change.
Shion started off down the road, tan sweater in hand, the sun had come out earlier that day so he had taken it off. The air smelt fresh and he enjoyed the chilly air and the light warmth of the sun. The contradiction was almost alluring. His quiet walk was disturbed by a crash behind him. He stopped and turned, phone ready to call an ambulance but he didn’t need to. He recognized the mess behind him. It was Nezumi.
Nezumi looked up from his fallen state to the brown haired boy. His leg caught in the chain of his bicycle. Shion tried to step forward but Nezumi’s face twisted into a snarl. “Stay away, I’m fine.” He growled. Shion had no intention of standing by, he stepped forward regardless of consistent protests. Despite Nezumi’s harsh words, his eyes were wild and fearful. Observant Shion spoke to him calmly, “Don’t move too much, Nezumi. You’re bleeding and I don’t want the chain to dig deeper into your skin.” Nezumi just insulted him in return.
As soon as he was free, Nezumi fixed his bike chain and took off as fast as could. Why didn’t I see it earlier? Bold lettering fresh in his mind that he had seen on the back of the Shions neck. NEZUMI. It was enough  to make him make him lose balance and fall off his bike.
There was no way that was his name. There just was no way in hell he would be tied down with an airhead like Shion. His leg stung from the chain that dug into his skin and he knew that he was leaving a trail of blood behind. Nezumi needed to get away from that kid as soon as possible.
Shion was positive. He was sure of what he saw. He blinked a few times, trying to revisualize his recent memory. Nezumi sprang up from the ground, bloody and frantic, practically jumped onto his bike. His legs pumping and his face red respite the tan. But most importantly, his hat blew back in the wind exposing his neck. And in big bold letters read his name. SHION.
    He took off running after Nezumi but he was too late, he had been long gone. Shion rubbed his eyes in frustration, he had concluded that Nezumi wouldn’t had acted so hostile unless it was his name on the back of his neck. He ran to his mother’s bathroom, not even caring to take off his shoes.
    His hands rummaged around in the drawers until he found a hand mirror.He then turned around hastily, holding the mirror out to reflect the against the even larger vanity. He let his focus on his neck. Bold lettering printed just as he hypothesized. NEZUMI.
    Shion ran his other shaky hand other his neck. His eyes almost started to water, his soulmate was that sarcastic beautiful boy that he walked down the hall with.  Touching and tracing the letters with his fingers, he breathed in and out slowly trying to calm himself.  He couldn’t believe it.
    Shion didn’t see Nezumi the next day, or the day after that. He didn't even see him weeks after the bike accident. Nezumi was gone. Kids around his school had gossiped around saying that he had ran away from abusive parents or that he died in the river three miles up the road. None was true.
Shion knew the truth, Nezumi wasn’t ready to be his soulmate. But Shion knew that wasn't’ the last he’d see of Nezumi. Reunion would come.
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spookyboi · 7 years
What's your main account's url?
skeltonjunction!! thought it said this somewhere on this blog but maybe i forgot to do that.... hmm i’ll fix it
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clearlypositive · 6 years
what’s your favorite holiday?
it’s simple - follow everyone who has the same favorite holiday as you! if you don’t see your favorite holiday represented here, or if you’re the only one with that favorite holiday, check them all out + follow your faves <3 
🎂 birthday: @breadbank
🎄 christmas: @fauxbxby, @xxx-wanderess, @itsavaax, @frequenseas, @wanderlustingbibliophile, @proditionesamator, @surfingdreams, @tengoldchainz, @blissfully-brittany7914, @knackeredlegalalien, @shesnotevenreal, @ausonox, @sparkys-corner, @legrt, @reacoworld
🎆 new year’s eve: @luzider-shit, @understandrew, @samterwel
💖 valentine’s day: @ohquxxn
🎃 halloween: @melthepisces, @senpaiash, @kotas-konundrum
🌞 summer: @crizsztian, @trashicorn
🐰 easter: @tie-erd
🍃 equinox: @girlyish1
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paopu-blossom · 7 years
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Happy New Year! I was tagged by @dragonkisses42 (who is in the last photo) to do the 2017 7 selfie challenge! I tried to get as many points throughout the year since I did so much and studied abroad in Japan for 5 months; I wished I could do a selfie for each month! Feel free do post your sefies if you are not tagged and if you are and you don’t want to, that’s cool too.
@@senpaiash @lesyawrites @flixchix95 @meowjessjessly @girl-in-a-mask-3 @beejohnlocked @aupego
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alienpal · 9 years
Hi! Can you answer numbers 35-40? Thankies~
35. Favorite eye color?
Blue, i am sorry 
36. Ideal height?
okay females - shorter than me or same height males- taller idk why 
37. Describe, personality-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like?
okay lets change that to datepal thanks
someone who understands me and treats me like i am a person 
38. Describe, appearance-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like?
someone who is weird and beautiful at the same time 
39. What do you look for--brains or looks?
brains (but not like smart just like someone who can think) 
40. Could you fall in love online?
yes i find it easy 
send me a number from 1-45
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nezushion · 9 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful! ♡
oh my gosh thank you so much i really appreciate it ♥
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reraimu · 9 years
Steven Universe please? ((for the fandom thingy *^^*))
THE OTP: garnetpearl. so, the ot3
M/F OTP: conniesteven
F/F OTP: amethyst and vidalia
Fav Female: peridotFav Male: jamie
Least Fav Female: NALeast Fav Male: NA
Why I joined the fandom: saw so much content on my dash, and also i really love the art style
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strawberry-headache · 4 years
I have so much love to give, enough to last someone a whole lifetime.
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no6secretsanta · 7 years
You Make Me Weak (But I Don’t Mind)
(For @senpaiash from @whims-of-insane-fandoms)
Nezumi realized a little too late that Shion made him soft. The brown-turned-white haired male was his weak spot and Nezumi hadn't realized it until Shion had already occupied a big part of his life.
After returning from his travels seven months after No. 6's wall fell, Nezumi was welcomed by Shion with open arms. Shion had secured a nice little home near the division of West Block and No. 6 and it had felt like home.
Nezumi had moved all his belongings from his hideout to Shion's home and they had been together since. Shion and Nezumi had gotten work, Shion as a high government official and the darling of No. 6 and West Block and Nezumi as a librarian and an actor. They lived eventful, hectic lives so Nezumi blamed that for not realizing how soft Shion made him.
It had started out slow. He had stopped arguing so much with him and he would catch himself with a stupid smile on his face whenever he would find Shion asleep. It escalated to him wanting to actively wanting to see Shion happy and that was so corny that the old him would never do. He did a lot of domestic chores, too, and it was so odd that they were living such a mundane domestic life after all they had lived through.
It was so odd yet he hadn't noticed how weak Shion made him until it was too late.
Nezumi had lived in a dingy hideout and had lived harsh winters. However, months with Shion and their cosy apartment made him weak and he ended up waking up with a cold while Shion was nowhere to be found in bed. Nezumi groaned, coughing as he got up. His barefeet touched the cold floor and he shuffled out of bed, one of the blankets wrapped around his shoulders.
"Shion?" He asked before coughing loudly. He sniffed, feeling his nose getting congested. He coughed before finding the white haired male cooking breakfast. Shion was humming, wearing his blue sweater, brown pants and white slippers. Nezumi shuffled towards him and yawned. He wrapped his arms around Shion and rested his chin on his shoulder, "What are you making?"
"Nezumi, your voice is hoarse." Shion noted.
"Nice observation. What are you making?" He asked once more. He buried his face on Shion's shoulder and proceeded to cough. Shion made a sound of disgust and pushed him away slightly. Nezumi would have found it funny if he didn't feel like crap.
"Nezumi, wha-? Are you sick?!"
"No." Nezumi replied before dissolving into coughs.
Shion muttered something before he pushed Nezumi towards their room, "Nezumi, get back in bed. And why are you not wearing slippers? The floor is freezing!"
"I've noticed." Nezumi muttered as Shion practically forced him back to bed. Shion hummed, placing his hand on his and Nezumi's forehead. Nezumi coughed lightly, "I'm fine, Shion."
"You're sick." Shion stated, pushing Nezumi so he was laying on his back, "Wait here." Shion ran out, leaving Nezumi coughing in the cold, lonely room. That thought made him want to stab himself because when did he get so attached to Shion?
Thinking about it while coughing, Nezumi realized that he had gotten attached to Shion ever since they met. The genius had risked his prestige, luxury and opportunities to save the life of a no-name criminal that he didn't even know. He had saved his life and had expected nothing in return. Shion had wormed his way into his heart four years ago and had never left, only making his place in his heart bigger to the point that it would kill him if the two were separated.
Shion returned moments later with a glass of water and a bottle of medicine. He smiled gently down at him and sat on the edge of the bed, "I got you some medicine. Mind getting up for a while to take it?"
He nodded, sitting up even though the old him probably would have made a big deal out of it and would have asked Shion to feed it to him via mouth. Weirdly, though, he listened to him without complaint. He blamed it on his sickness.
He popped the pills into his mouth and used the water Shion offered him to wash him down. He was about to tell him some remark on how he should feed him with his mouth to regain some of his old spirit but, at that moment, he began to cough.
"Rest for a while here while I prepare your breakfast."
"Breakfast in bed?"
"Well, you look ready to die at any moment, Nezumi," Shion replied, getting up from the bed. He covered him with the sheets and it was so domestic that anyone watching would have thought they were already married. He smiled down at Nezumi, "So, you get to have breakfast in bed."
"I should get sick more often if I'm going to be treated so nicely by the Hero of No. 6." Nezumi said with a wide grin. Shion lightly swatted him, pursing his lips together while he frowned. Nezumi laughed, breaking into a light cough before pointing at him, "Hey, I'm sick! Don't beat an invalid."    
"Right," Shion sighed, running a hand through his hair. It was growing longer, Nezumi thought to himself. He need a haircut soon. He closed his eyes while Shion went to get him something to eat. He also briefly heard Shion talking with someone over the two of them staying in for a couple of days but he tuned it out because he felt so tired.
". . . ezu . . . eat."
"Ngh?" Nezumi opened his eyes and saw Shion sitting by his side, food in hand while he ran his hands through Nezumi's loose hair - he hadn't had the strength to tie it when he had woken up - and it felt so nice.
After fitting a coughing fit and eating, Shion decided to leave him to rest. Nezumi was about to protest but he fell asleep reaching out for the white-haired boy. He must really be sick because he felt sad because Shion wasn't by his side. Weird.
Shion stood in the doorway, holding the medicines Inukashi had brought him after he had talked about Nezumi's illness. He had been worried it was the plague that had been going around but, after talking with Inukashi, he deduced it was just a simple cold. Lucky but he kept thinking about what Inukashi had said.
"I've known Nezumi for a while but I don't have memory over him getting sick."
Had Nezumi ever gotten sick? Shion doubted it. The guy didn't seem to be conscious of how to act when sick or how to prevent getting sick, considering his actions this morning.
Shion walked into the room Nezumi and he shared, the slate-haired male sleeping softly. He was about to leave when he heard Nezumi call out his name weakly. He paused, and Nezumi moaned in pain, hand reaching out for him, while he opened his eyes.
It was just a cold, right?
Shion sat down, holding Nezumi's hand that was looking for him. He was shocked at how strong Nezumi's hold was despite being so weak. Nezumi hummed, pulling Shion towards the bed. Shion was about to protest when Nezumi said, "You make me weak."
"Huh?" Shion asked as Nezumi finally got him in the bed. He immediately wrapped an arm around Shion's waist and pulled him closer, eliciting a small yelp from his captured prey. After that, Nezumi placed his head on Shion's chest, as if listening to his heartbeat.
"You make me weak, Shion," Nezumi said, his hold on Shion tightening, "I never got sick . . . I didn't make exceptions . . . I didn't have these feelings . . . What did you do to me?"
"Well, I didn't do anything." Shion huffed, "Why are you-?"
"It's weirder because I don't mind."
"Mind what?"
Nezumi looked at him as if he was an idiot, "Making me weak. I don't mind." He closed his eyes, looking like he was ready to fall asleep in the crook of Shion's neck. He hummed, muttering something that he had to be delirious to say because Shion swore that he said "I love you".
Nezumi should never get sick again. It made him do strange things, but Shion found that those strange things Nezumi was muttering in his sickness had to be real. He blushed before wrapping his arms around Nezumi, one hand clutching Nezumi's hair.
Maybe it had been a good thing that Nezumi had gotten sick.
Shion placed a chaste kiss on Nezumi's forehead, "I love you too and you make me strong."
When two people are in a relationship, the Exchange of Power will occur. One of the members of the relationship will lose power while the other will gain power. Nezumi, normally strong, lost power while Shion, weaker than the other male, gained power. They are the epitome of the Exchange of Power.  
Dear senpaiash,
Have a lovely Christmas. Enjoy it with all the positivity and love of those close to you and do your best at whatever you do. I wrote this for you and, while it may not be that good, I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for being alive and for being a part of the No. 6 fandom.
See you!
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imagine-ouran · 9 years
We need to play again sometime! It twas amazing! *^^*
- Kits
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paopu-blossom · 8 years
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by mi amiga @dragonkisses42
1. How tall are you? 4′9.5″ 2. What color and style is your hair? Short and brown, right now I have long pink bangs and short sides. Planning on a haircut soon. 3. What color are your eyes? brown 4. Do you wear glasses? Yes 5. Do you wear braces? Use to 6. What is your fashion sense? It depends on the day. I love being cute but I also just love throwing T-shirts on. I also like to look very “feminine” but some days I like to feel "guyish”. Liking too many things reflects in my fashion and not knowing what to do. So basically J-fashion or a hipster nerd. 7. Do you have any siblings? No I have cats 8. What kind of student are you? I have procrastination problems but I do really well. I think I was a better student in high-school though. 9. What is your favorite subject? Art! I haven’t taken that many art classes in college due to my major and credit restrictions. I love my Japanese courses though. 10. What is your favorite TV show? UM. Sherlock. But if I were to name a few others: Adventure Time/Steven Universe, SpongeBob, Invader Zim, Gravity Falls, Breaking Bad, Parks and Recreation 11. What are your favorite books?  Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, the Hunger Games, No.6, Feed, Scott Pilgrim, Death Note 12. What are your favorite pastimes? Crafting and watching stuff 13. Any regrets? A few yeah :/ 14. What is your dream job? I like too many things. I would either love to work with kids as a teacher or a councilor, perhaps library work, or publish things. 15. Do you want to get married? Yes 16. Do you want any kids, and how many? Debating if I want my own (I think I do) but I will definitely adopt at least one. 17. How many countries have you visited? One. I live in the US and visited Japan once and I will be living there in a month (*viktor voice* wow!)
I tag: @flixchix95 @lesyaholmes @beejohnlocked @senpaiash @irrevocably-johnlocked @aupego 
If I didn’t tag you and would like to do this tag me so I can see your post! Especially cause I would like to follow more of my followers I haven’t gotten to know yet.
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alienmom · 9 years
1.You look about 17 2.Dark,purple,scenery
i’m 20 omg this is why they won’t let me inside clubs without showing my id!! and yeah that’s my aesthetic xx
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hanninope · 10 years
Zero-four? Thankies~
no problem cutie
Zero - Who was your last text from?
the coolest person ever cosmicclayterran
One - What/who is your icon?
it's the doctor and sherlock and its been like that since i joined tumblr like i'd like to change it but i just deeply associate it with my blog idk maybe it's time
Two- Your relationship status?
HAHHAHAh HA Hhah h hAHhhHhhaHHhhHahH hahahHHahhaha HhHA yah single hmu
Three - Have you ever lost a close friend?
define lost
Four - What is your current mood?
kinda pumped because no school tomorrow and i just finished 4 hours of chemistry homework but dont forget that perpetual stress that i have all the time for no reason
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strawberry-headache · 6 years
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“But strangely he feels at home in this place."
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slaychelmeredith · 10 years
Have you ever punched Someone who seriously deserved it?
Nope! I've verbally taken someone out to the alley, but I haven't done it physically yet. I'm more likely to slap someone, anyway. :)
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slutzouis · 10 years
96-99! thankies~ 🌸 I love your blog so much btw 🌸
96: Did you ever make fan art? i can'’t draw so no lol
99: What’s a One Direction related memory you will never forget? the San Siro concert,best night of my life (oh and meeting them even just for 30 secs)
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