upennmanuscripts · 1 month
Manuscript Monday: Penn Library's LJS 454 - Seiyō senpaku zukai / 西洋舩舶圖解 (Video Orientation)
Dot Porter, SIMS Curator of Digital Humanities, presents a Video Orientation to the University of Pennsylvania Library’s LJS 454, a scroll of diagrams and text concerning the construction and compartmentalization of European ships, referred to as battleships, all on the recto side. At the top of the scroll is a thin piece of wood and a tie that wraps around the scroll; a paper label in Japanese…
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wildbeimwild · 2 months
Japan nimmt den kommerziellen Walfang wieder auf und zielt auf bedrohte Finnwale ab
Japans Walfänger machen erstmals seit Jahren wieder Jagd auf Finnwale. Das im Walfang tätige Unternehmen Kyodo Senpaku hat inzwischen den ersten Finnwal erlegt. Die Behörde hatte kürzlich für dieses Jahr eine Fangquote von 59 Finnwalen in japanischen Gewässern gebilligt. Internationale Tier- und Umweltschützer verurteilen Japans Walfang scharf. Finnwale sind in der Roten Liste als…
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Japão mata 1ª baleia-comum após aprovação polêmica de caça #ÚltimasNotícias #tecnologia
Hot News Notícia triste: o Japão matou a primeira baleia-comum em mais de meio século, um macho de 19,6 metros e 55 toneladas, próximo à costa da província de Iwate. A captura foi realizada pela empresa baleeira Kyodo Senpaku, conforme reportado pela Cuidados com o Oceano. A decisão de incluir os animais da espécie Balaenoptera physalus na lista daqueles que podem ser caçados na zona econômica…
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silverfoxoracle · 4 months
R6523 - Let's go whaling!
There are only three countries involved in commercial whaling – Norway, Iceland and Japan. Japan primarily hunts minke, bryde and sei whales. They want to include fin a in the near future. The recently launched mothership Kangei Maru set off from Shimonoseki port, Yamaguchi. It’s maiden hunt will be to catch whales around Tohoku, Hokkaido. For those interested in numbers: Owner – Kyodo Senpaku…
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talkingattumble · 1 year
Sometimes I wish I had prettier/more unique eyes but then I’m like “be careful what you wish for” because every time I’ve wished for a feature and then got it there’s been a downside. “Oh I wish I had curly hair like the rest of my family” and now I spend like a million hours just to make it look right. “My lips are so boring I wish they were a different color” and now the color of my lips depends on the slightest temperature changes and they keep turning purple. “I wish I had an excuse to wear baggier jeans” bam, my thighs are the only part of me that seems to quickly get both fat and muscular and now I have no choice but to wear baggy jeans. Like what kind of genie bullshit is this! If I wish for different looking eyes I’m probably like. Gonna end up needing contacts. I guess my having senpaku eyes is enough “uniqueness” for me.
/hj (this post is joking and I don’t really believe that I am willing these things into existence, nor do I really hate any of these things, just mildly annoyed. It’s only marked as half joking because I did wish these things, and they did happen, so it’s not like the entire post is a joke, some of it is true.)
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synergymarine · 1 year
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲   We are delighted to announce that on 31 March Synergy Maritime Pvt Ltd took over the full technical management of the dual-fuel LPG vessel “MIRAI”, which can also carry ammonia and VCM.   Owned by leading Japanese shipowners Kumiai Senpaku Co. Ltd, the “MIRAI” is the first medium-sized, fully refrigerated LPG vessel to have been designed and built in China, and was constructed at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai under Synergy’s supervision. As project leader over more than 30 months, and in close liaison with owners, charterers and all other stakeholders, Synergy was involved in all design aspects and conducted the pre-contract specification review and the technical negotiations, plan approval, site supervision, delivery and gas trials. As pictured below, our Project Manager, New builds and Offshore Projects, Shirish Sharma, was honoured to be asked by Kumiai Senpaku Co. Ltd to attend the delivery and naming ceremony.   “𝗠𝗜𝗥𝗔𝗜” means “𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲”, and in both design and name this newbuild exemplifies owners’ vision of green seas by digitised, intelligent and state-of-the-art shipping.   Tommy Thomassen, our COO (Tankers), said “By tonnage, alternate-fuelled ships account for nearly half the global order book, and this project further proves that Synergy Marine Group is not just an asset manager - it is a technical thought partner for owners and can deliver integrated solutions which require cross-disciplinary skills.”    Subodh Borse, Director, New Building and Offshore Projects, Synergy Marine Group, added “In the decarbonisation and digitisation spaces, we have been working on vessels like this for some time, as part of evolution and futuristic can-do. A newbuild like the “MIRAI” allows us to deploy a great many areas of expertise, and our ability to do that means we have been able to take on such a variety of technically challenging projects in the maritime and offshore sectors.”    The “MIRAI” finished gas trials at Ulsan on 12 April is currently on her maiden voyage to the USA via the Panama Canal. Here's wishing Captain Sujeet Pandey, Chief Engineer Harsh Vardhan Chaudhary and the whole team on board fair winds and following seas. Please see a video here with some excellent footage of keel-laying, sea trials and delivery 👉https://bit.ly/42A1OTX
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years
Glossário do Lobo Solitário
Ogamu - Rezar
Daimiô - Senhores feudais
Meifumadô - inferno budista
Senpaku - O Seppuku era uma forma de suicídio tradicional do Japão feudal e, ao longo da história, foi utilizado pela classe guerreira japonesa (samurai) como uma forma de morrer de maneira honrosa e servindo ao seu mestre.
Xogum - o título Xogum foi dado aos comandantes militares que foram responsáveis por derrotar os povos do norte que tentaram invadir o império desde o século VII.
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wonderg78-blog · 2 years
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upennmanuscripts · 1 year
LJS 454 is a 19th century scroll containing diagrams and text concerning the construction and compartmentalization of European ships, referred to in the text as 'battleships'. It was written in Nagasaki, Japan, circa 1800
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mubashirnews · 2 years
Kyodo Senpaku Co. unveils Whale meat vending in Japan
A new set of whale meat vending machines debuted in Japan this week. Kyodo Senpaku Co., a Japanese whaling operator, unveiled them in the port town of Yokohama, approximately 20 miles from its capital city of Tokyo. This is the third vending machine outlet the company has installed in an effort to promote sales after years of struggling to promote its products due to whale conservationists’…
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Giappone, carne di balena in vendita nei distributori automatici. L'ira degli ambientalisti
PECHINO – Carne di balena in vendita ai distributori automatici. E in Giappone scoppia la protesta degli animalisti. Nella speranza di risollevare le vendite di un alimento da tempo in declino e scomparso ormai dai banchi di molti supermercati, l’idea è venuta alla Kyodo Senpaku, la principale azienda baleniera del Giappone, che in questi giorni ha aperto i propri punti vendita a Yokohama e nella…
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Japanese whaling company stocking vending machines with whale snacks to spur appropriately-declining demand Japanese whale-hunting company Kyodo Senpaku has installed vending machines in Tokyo that offer a selection of whale snacks, including whale skin, frozen whale meat and canned pre-cooked whale. Unfortunately, the vending machines have reportedly been a big success and more are planned. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/01/23/japanese-whaling-company-stocking-vending-machines-with-whale-snacks-to-spur-appropriately-declining-demand.html
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blkgrlangst · 2 years
i have the droopy/senpaku eyes and intense resting bitch face combo so ppl are always like “why are you sad?” or “are you okay?” and whole time i was just zoned out
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cocumberbro · 3 years
Maldicion Senpaku.
Dicen que los ojos son una ventana al alma.
Existe una superstición japonesa llamada «ojos sanpaku» que relaciona la forma de estos con el destino de las personas. Sanpaku se traduce literalmente como Tres Blancos o Tres Vacios, y se refiere a la parte blanca del ojo visible por encima (yin sanpaku) o por debajo del iris (yang sanpaku).
El filósofo japonés George Ohsawa, creador del sistema de enseñanzas conocido con el nombre de “macrobiótica”, fue justamente también el responsable del libro “Sois todos Sanpaku”, que acercó el concepto al mundo occidental. En la obra se afirma: “Los sanpakus pierden contacto con su ser interior, con su cuerpo y con las fuerzas naturales que rigen el universo. La sintomatología puede reconocerse en un cuadro de cansancio crónico, libido reducida, reflejos pobres, mal humor, insomnio y falta de precisión en los pensamientos y en las acciones". Y agrega: "La macrobiótica es una forma simple y natural de hacer una corrección a la peligrosa condición sanpaku para crear un estado permanente de buena salud, armonía y bienestar, tanto interno como externo”.
Yin sanpaku
Yin sanpaku se refiere a la exposición de la parte blanca del ojo o esclerótica debajo del iris. Según la teoría, indica un desequilibrio común en alcohólicos y drogadictos, quienes a menudo pueden ponerse en situaciones peligrosas. Por lo tanto, en una especie de silogismo simple, están en peligro ante el mundo que los rodea.
Yang sanpaku
La otra forma, yang sanpaku, se refiere a la exposición de la esclerótica sobre el iris. En este caso, las personas con esta característica se supone que están llenas de rabia, ira y violencia, no controlan sus emociones y terminan siendo un peligro para la sociedad.
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envisitadecortesia · 2 years
Cuando el Mundial de Fútbol viajó en barco
Cuando el Mundial de Fútbol viajó en barco
El 22 de junio de 1930 iba a ser otra jornada con mucho trabajo en el puerto de Barcelona, se esperaban diversos vapores tanto mercantes como de pasaje, pero solo había uno que iba a llevarse toda la atención, el Conte Verde del Lloyd Sabaudo. Procedía del puerto de Génova y en el puerto de Barcelona haría una parada en el que posiblemente fuera la travesía más importante de su trayectoria…
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sapphos-catpanions · 2 years
my new hobby is finding the most obsequious “trans women are women!!!” type posts and rb-ing them w pictures of agps, and no other context. the frozen autogynesmiles and senpaku eyes make my point better than i ever could
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