#senseless slaughter
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Chasse au couguar sur l’ile de Vancouver,” Le Petit Journal. November 13, 1932. Page 19.  ——— VANCOUVER, 12. — Un fusil de calibre 22 suffit à M. Conred Mayer, qui habite Kyuquot sur la côte occidentale de l'ile de Vancouver, pour tuer les cougars. Ces animaux redoutables sont abondants en cette région, et M. Maver à un beau tableau de chasse. Il chasse la nuit, son fusil d’une main. et un projecteur électrique de l'autre.
Dernièrement, il a perdu son chien qu'un couguar étrangla. M Mayer accourut. Le couguar se retourna alors vers lui, et s'aplatit sur le sol, montrant ses crocs, et s’apprétant à bondir. Le chasseur ne lui en laïssa pas le temps. Avant qu'il se défendit comme un ressort, le carnassier recevait en plein visage la décharge du calibre 22. C'était la plus forte bête que M. Conrad Mayer ait encore tuée cette saison.
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pinnithin · 1 year
enver gortash fascinates me from the perspective of his relationship with the dark urge because like, as far as i know his alliance with them is one of the very few he didn’t actively despise. the guy was sold into slavery by his own parents (who tried to justify it by saying their child was a hateful monster and anyone would have done the same) and spent his formative years employed by a devil who gets off on gratuitous levels of suffering and manipulation. and then once he's escaped that and built himself up so he can never be used and enslaved again he meets this bhaalspawn who also had to adapt and survive a violent and manipulative environment for years by becoming the monsters who raised them.
gortash sees how the dark urge has risen to command armies and slaughter hundreds in the same way he outfoxed raphael and ruthlessly controls the people in his employ, and after earning and owning his reputation as a tyrant heres another person who might actually have like, a shared lived experience. not exactly a friend, because people like them can't afford to have friends, but someone who at least understands. and he willingly works with them on this plan to enslave the sword coast and agrees to share power with them.
and then orin lobotomizes them, puts a tadpole in their head, and leaves them for dead at moonrise.
like, can you imagine. youre working with the first person you see eye to eye with and prooooobably arent plotting to actively sabotage (or, at least would hesitate to do so) and the rug just gets yanked out from under them by their own sister, and now you're stuck with her because the plan still has to move along. and as the days go by a group of adventurers start to screw up your plot right when baldur's gate is within your grasp, and you learn that among them is your old almost-friend who you actually liked and respected - and they have no memory of you whatsoever. oh, and on top of that they're rolling with people you've actively fucked over and want to kick your ass.
did it hurt for him to learn this? did he ever think about how things could have been different? did he think, you were supposed to be my ally, my friend, someone who actually understands that becoming a monster is the only way to keep yourself safe and in control. we were going to rule together. and now you're ride or die with this squad of people you've only known for a few weeks at best, and you want me dead. you don't even remember me. you don't even remember yourself.
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ohlookapan · 10 months
If anyone needs to laugh today, I BEG of you to go on Etsy and look at all the Matthew Lillard (or really any person you're hyperfixating on) stuff they have. I mean come on, you can get such amazing things like:
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Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Christmas list to sprint to.
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n1ghtwarden · 11 months
so since my first replay of bg3 i've had a sneaking suspicion that minthara in the goblin camp is.... for lack of a better word, being puppeted by orin. her cadence and movements were way too off and while i originally wanted to attribute it to the fact she is tadpole'd and at the will and whims of the absolute, i found that the way she spoke was too in line with orin to ignore.... i am happy/horrified to confirm this today in my most current playthru
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orin is literally in minthara's head controlling her. there is no escape, there is no second thoughts - she is orin's puppet to the point where orin is speaking through her.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
“To be angry is to be human”
Padme…girl….sweet, sweet Padme…I love you, I really do, but seriously…What the fuck are you talking about.
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i think ive talked about riptide before but either way. chip is the desolation jay is the hunt and gillion is the vast <3
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ppeachx3 · 8 months
also! isnotreal has destroyed the graves of holocaust victims and keeps a majority of its survivors below the poverty line. "jewish safety" my ass.
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causalityparadoxes · 2 years
Vegans stop comparing eating meat to WW2 and the holocaust challenge. Like holy shit.
Someone put that sentiment on an ADVERT for their organisation. Sensitivity readers are a thing how do you write that and think yep thats an okay and not horrific thing to put in public spaces. Just. Holy shit.
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stark4stark · 6 months
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Israel’s senseless slaughter leaves thousands of children orphaned. Palestine must be free! Don’t tire keep talking about what’s happening!
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aconitemare · 4 months
#I just don’t understand how so many people can be so committed to hatred#why? why?#the banality of evil……just#how can it be this easy to hurt and destroy those who have done you no wrong?#sorry I’ll pull myself together because I have work to get done but#it’s so hard sometimes to reconcile this truth I know that we all deserve life and happiness#and the reality that others do not think that is truth#how do they not think what I think??#how can they stand to watch others’ pain and not ache?#and how can they hurt others themselves?#that violence and hatred is natural to many is something I’ve known since I was young#and the majority of the time I don’t question it. it is just a fact of life. like in the way I know some people can taste paprika#even though I personally can’t.#but then I see some video online of cops assaulting a woman#for standing against GENOCIDE—the most senseless and destructive and vile of acts in the world—and I am struck by how much I just#cant understand it. like there is a whole facet of humanity I cannot reach. I cannot UNDERSTAND.#and though I am glad to not be full of senseless and casual hatred I wonder if it would hurt less if I did understand it.#like. if I could AT LEAST /understand/ what makes a person capable maybe it wouldn’t be so horrifying to me. because it wouldn’t seem like#this strange alien entity or cosmic horror#I could reason with it and demystify it and not feel so scared by the fact that seemingly every other person I walk by could wipe out#a whole people. could assault a mother. could slaughter a child. and feel nothing at all#or watch it happen and feel nothing but smug glee#I can’t let my brain go too far with these thoughts. bad bad bad#messages for the void
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Wolf in Trap and With Bullet Thru Body Breaks Axe Held by Bob Beck,” Sault Star. October 22, 1932. Page 1. ---- Sanctuary Trapper Gets Five More Wolves on the Ranger Lake Preserve ---- Only One of a Pack of Six Timber Wolves Escapes Searchmont Man ---- In the Star office this morning with five wolf pelts which he caught In the Ranger Lake game sanctuary during the weeks Bob Beck, the Searchmont trapper, recounts an experience of his trap line which might well have developed into an attack by a wolf on a human being. The wolf, however, was held fast in one of Bob's traps and had been wounded by shot from his rifle, which did it considerable damage. 
"I saw the wolf in a trap on the side of a hill," Bob said. “I fired at him and he dropped down I approached within 10 feet of the animal which got to its feet unsteadily and faced me. The rifle bullet had passed through its body and it was bleeding badly. 
“I took my long handled axe in my hand and held it out toward the wolf and asked him. “How do you like the look of that? Suddenly the wolf leaped towards me grabbed the axe on its teeth and it flew into the air. I killed the wolf with the rifle and when I recovered the axe, its handle was broken. I have trapped wolves a long time, but will be more careful with them in future.” The wolves all belonged to one pack of six and Bob took all but one a male wolf of considerable size escaping. 
“I'll get that one this week," Bob said. "He will likely be in one of my traps when I go back to the sanctuary." 
Beck has 31 miles of trap line in the sanctuary now with 61 traps distributed along the route. He traps nowhere else and is the only trapper doing business legally on the sanctuary. He has taken 13 wolves there since last February. Up to the present time, he has seen no evidence of damage done to the deer by wolves this fall though last winter before he was permitted to trap there the wolves destroyed an untold number of deer. 
"The wolves are getting lots of partridge but I don’t know bow they catch them," Bob said this morning. 
Last fall wolves entered the sanctuary and killed many deer. Beck was given permission in February to trap the animals on the game preserve and saw where the fox were digging in the snow to recover the carcasses. The deer on the preserve had been either killed or chased out and the wolves had left. This summer there were few deer there but now they are returning and the wolves are after them. 
"I figure I have saved quite a number of deer by trapping these timber wolves,” Bob told the Star. "A wolf will kill at least one deer a week and this is a low estimate in many cases, they kill many more just for devilment.” 
Asked If he could make a living through trapping wolves on the preserve, Bob said he would make more money that way than many trappers who take whatever fur they can. "One wolf with the bounty is worth 19 mink at the present prices," he said, "and I can skin a wolf quicker than I can a mink. Few trappers will make during the whole winter the $125 that I have by taking these five wolves. The 12 wolves that I have caught on the preserve will bring me $300 In addition to the fur." Good wolf pelts now are worth around $5 he said and he does not expert that the price will go higher than $7 during the winter. 
Asked If he expected to take many wolves on the preserve this winter, Bob said: "If they're there I'll get 'em and if they're not I wont.”
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rinzdets · 9 months
apparently, every war eventually comes down to revenge for revenge for revenge. which is especially disheartening given the pointlessness of the war.
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demamonia · 1 year
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Fall Again
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snstse · 1 year
BRB killing multiple friendly NPCs to complete my datalog.
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n1ghtwarden · 11 months
my durge: minth i have uncontrollable thoughts to kill minth, the most offended she has ever been in her life: why the fuck are you telling ME this
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