#sensi wu
fallentale4 · 2 years
I have decided that yall have gotten too comfortable with the fluff.
(some minor context, morro is the same age as the ninja)
The day had ended pretty well, they had gotten all their flyers out and now they were just helping Wu and Misako close down the tea shop.
"I swear bluebell if you say one more tea pun," Morro said as he put up boxes of tea.
"Oh, but I was just getting started," The master of lightning said with a smile.
The rest of the ninja groaned at that.
The wind howled outside.
"Damn, were we expecting a storm tonight?" Kai asked, putting the broom away.
"I don't believe so," Zane said.
"Strange, well the weatherman isn't right half the time anyway," Cole said, putting down a few more boxes.
The wind seemed to pick up, causing the doors to shudder.
"Hey uh haha...that wouldn't happen to be you, Morro, right?" Jay asked nervously, picking up on the fact that this wind seemed almost unnatural.
"No, it's not," Morro said, climbing down the latter he was on.
The doors flew open and the ninja were pushed back slightly by the wind. Morro looked up and froze.
No, it couldn't be...
Could it?
"H-Hey anyone want to explain why I'm seeing double?" Jay said.
The ninja ran out of the tea shop to see a kid, the same age as them, and an almost carbon copy of Morro but with blue eyes, standing under the wooden arch.
"Perc?" Morro said quietly.
They all heard the familiar sound of their Sensi running up to them.
"What is going on here..." Wu trailed off as he saw the teen before them.
The teen grinned at them, but there was no warmth behind it.
"Brother, Sensi," They said, their voice dripping with venom when he said Sensi.
"Who are you, why are you here?" Kai asked, drawing his sword.
"Oh! Did my brother not tell you about me? What a shame. My name is Percy, I'm Morro's twin," The teen, Percy, said, his smile seeming to grow.
"As for why I'm here, well it's simple really, I'm just here for Wu's staff and then I'll be on my way, simple as that," He said, now holding out his hand.
there was a beat of silence and Percy frowned.
"I don't think you heard me, hand over the staff Wu, if I need to repeat myself again, someone's going to get hurt," He said, the look in his eyes hardening to something more sinister.
"Why do you need the staff, Percy?" Wu asked.
"Why, to find your father's tomb of course, why else?"
"Now, this is your last chance to hand it over peacefully, or your beloved pupil might get hurt," Percy said.
Morro froze at that, Percy wouldn't hurt him, right? They were brothers...Unless...Unless it wasn't Morro he was going after. Morro's eyes widened at the realization.
He realized it too late.
Percy's hand shot out and Lloyd was dragged over to Percy. He now held the Green ninja at knifepoint, a psychotic grin on his face.
"Now I'm going to ask you again, hand over the staff, or Lloyd here might not walk away from this encounter.
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localguy2 · 2 years
Sensi Garmadon was literally one of the greatest characters in Ninjago
His arc in Rebooted with Lloyd was done pretty well, slowly but surely teaching Lloyd about the true boundaries of his power
But God damn he shined through so much in Season 4, it gave us a look into a scenario where Garmadon was the mentor for the ninja (temporarily) instead of Wu, and like FUCK I'm so mad they killed him off
And if that wasn't enough the writers decided to kill him AGAIN in Season 5
On top of that, his dynamic with Clouse is just nothing short of pure art, its literally just both of them going "I specialise in the art of kicking your ass in 50 million different ways" and I'm all for it, it also gave us a lot of lore for the serpentine wars and how Chen got to this point with Clouse
And of course the elephant in the room for this guy, his sacrifice at the end of season 4
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"I yearned to make the world in MY IMAGE.
I never realised I already had... In You."
That line fuckin took me when I originally watched season 4, like it's so damn tragic, and I really wish the writers kept him in the story longer, but at the same time his sacrifice was what made S4's ending so powerful
So uhhhh yeah, thanks for coming to my Ted talk about why Sensi Garmadon is an amazing character
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akariarda · 4 months
Meetings we haven't expected-Part2
Part 1
Garmadon dies in Crystallized after a battle with Overlord. After the merge, his good side has been reincarnated and he finds Lloyd in Monastery with Arin and Sora.
Request from ao3!
"Okay, today we have a special kind of training!" Lloyd tried to feign enthusiasm as he presented it to them.
"Um, Lloyd...?" Sora scratched her head in confusion. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," Lloyd tried to smile. "This type of training just reminds me of a very dear person..."
Sora and Arin looked at each other.
"Who, if we may know?" Arin asked.
"Of course you can. It reminds me of my father." When Lloyd said that, he finally smiled proudly. "Today we are learning the Art of the Silent Fist."
"What is that?" Sora asked in confusion, while Arin looked like he was trying to remember what it was.
"It's something my father taught me." Lloyd smiled and took his staff. "Today I will teach you how to fight without fighting."
"Excuse me?" Sora blinked as she watched Lloyd swing the staff a few more times.
"I can't wait!! And where did you get that cool staff?" Arin asked excitedly. "Is that your Master's staff?"
"This is my father's staff." Lloyd smiled nostalgically and took the staff to look at it. "He carried it when he was a sensei, when he was human..."
"Your father sure changes forms easily, huh?" Sora intentionally asked.
"Let's tell so," Lloyd sadly smiled. "I just wish I could see him again. In any form, but preferably his human form... I can almost hear him calling my name."
Lloyd said, then paused.
Someone was actually calling him. He turned around.
Seconds passed like hours. It took him some time to register what he was seeing.
To realize he wasn't dreaming.
"DAD!" He joyfully shouted when he saw Sensei Garmadon standing at the monastery door.
"Father!" He shouted once more and ran towards him.
"My son..." That's all Sensei Garmadon said as Lloyd embraced him.
"My dearest son."
"I'm your only son." Lloyd said jokingly as he tried to hold back tears of joy.
Everything suddenly seemed so wonderful. The morning, the monastery, this moment...
"But how?" Lloyd asked in confusion once they finally separated from the long embrace.
"You've changed..." Sensei Garmadon carefully observed, ignoring the question.
"So you're a grown man now." Sensei Garmadon slowly smiled. "I see you're already a sensei..."
"Well, not really..." Lloyd hesitated, unsure of himself.
"Lloyd is the best teacher in the world!" Arin approached as he saw them stop hugging. Sora slowly came up behind him.
"I won't exaggerate now, I'm not a real sensei." Lloyd corrected himself and then remembered.
"Dad, this is Arin and Sora, I'm teaching them to become ninjas. Arin, Sora, this is my dad."
"Nice to meet you." Sensei Garmadon greeted Arin and Sora.
"Wait, wait..." Sora stepped forward. "This is all too much for me, wasn't your dad dead just five minutes ago?"
"That's a long story." Sensei Garmadon replied.
"One that you have to tell us..." Lloyd smiled. "Come on, let's go. I'll take you to the monastery to rest."
"How do you feel?" Lloyd asked Sensei Garmadon, who was staring thoughtfully at his drink.
"A little strange..." Sensei Garmadon finally admitted.
"Now that we're alone, you can tell me everything!" Lloyd smiled gently and put his hand on Garmadon's hand.
Sensei Garmadon couldn't stop being amazed at how much he had matured not only physically but mentally as well.
"I feel like I'm standing next to a fully grown man." Sensei Garmadon smiled. "So I need to understand that this is my child, who is not really a child anymore."
"I'll always be mama's and your child." Lloyd smiled. "No matter how much I mature, that's how it works."
"I'm sorry." Sensei Garmadon suddenly said, looking back at his drink as if ashamed.
"Remembering everything... From your, evil self?" Lloyd had to ask.
"Not a lot." Garmadon admitted, still struggling. "Blurry, but I remember the worst things. Trying to take over Ninjago, how I threw you through walls... How I almost killed my wife in battle... How I wanted to harm your brother who was just a helpless baby at the time!"
As he said this, Sensei Garmadon stood up and walked frustratedly through the kitchen.
"Why do I always turn into a monster?" He said despairingly, burying his head in his hands.
"You did it to save Ninjago." Lloyd comforted him, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Don't blame yourself too much, you even said you barely remember what happened. You were out of control. The most important thing is that you're here now."
Sensei Garmadon smiled at his words. "How the student became the teacher."
"I just want to help." Lloyd blushed slightly, unsure of how to interpret the sentence.
It had been so long since he had had a father in this way.
"You need to tell me everything I missed." Sensei Garmadon leaned on the counter.
"First, you tell me how you came back. Start with that." Lloyd insisted.
"Okay then." Sensei Garmadon sighed.
"A few days ago, I woke up on a beach. I don't know how or why, but I was shocked when I saw my reflection. I was surprised, and I was happy to be human again.
I immediately knew what I needed to do. Find balance, find you. So I wandered for days until I finally came to the crossroads. There I found a tent with your pictures..."
"I saw it." Lloyd said painfully.
"Anyway, some woman directed me to come to the monastery." Sensei Garmadon finished.
"Please don't leave this time." Lloyd looked at him with the eyes of a small child, in need of a parent.
"I won't." Sensei Garmadon murmured and quietly called Lloyd to hug him.
"I won't ever leave you again, I promise." Sensei Garmadon whispered to Lloyd.
"You promised that the first time you came back to yourself." Lloyd reminded him.
"I will keep my word this time." Sensei Garmadon promised. "I hope you believe me."
"I believe you." Lloyd said and pressed his head against his shoulder.
"Arin makes excellent pies." Lloyd said as everyone gathered in the monastery courtyard. "You'll see, they'll immediately improve your mood."
"I can't wait to try them." Sensei Garmadon told Arin.
"They're not that good after all." Arin said.
"Yes, they are," Sora confirmed, giving Arin a pat on the back. "He's just a little modest."
"I forgot," Lloyd said and went to get the staff he had been holding before.
"Here, your staff."
Sensei Garmadon took it and examined it.
"It's yours now." Sensei Garmadon said and handed it to Lloyd.
"But... I thought you would be teaching from now on." Lloyd said, confused.
"Why? These are your students, Lloyd." Sensei Garmadon didn't understand.
"I don't think I'm a good Master." Lloyd admitted.
"You are," Arin said.
"The best." Sora added cheerfully.
"See," Sensei Garmadon gently smiled at him. "I wasn't sure of myself at first either, becoming a good teacher takes experience. And now take this staff."
Lloyd listened and solemnly accepted Garmadon's staff.
"How the student became the teacher." Sensei Garmadon said again, this time Lloyd fully understood the meaning.
At least he thought he did.
"Thank you, dad!" He gave Sensei Garmadon another quick hug.
"Shall we now try those famous pies?" Sensei Garmadon said. "I am dying of hunger."
"They'll be ready in no time." Arin laughed, followed by Sensei Garmadon.
Lloyd and Sora didn't understand why they were laughing, but they joined in.
At least for a moment, everything was as it should be.
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pepmint-art · 2 years
Wu: *walks into room with a bunch of letters*
Wu: Garmadon, who is Chen and why is he writting so many... "unholy" letters to you?
Garmadon: Well... That's my old master...
Garmadon: I stopped being his student because of those unholy things...
Garmadon: Anyway. *takes letters from Wu* Good you're here. Misako has something to announce.
Wu: What is it, Misako?
Misako: Well, I have great news. Wu, you’re going to be an uncle, what means-
Garmadon: *slowly opens one of the letters*
Garmadon: *reads it*
Wu & Misako: *look confused at each other*
Garmadon: Oh~ Chen has his own island and his noodle business became a success.
Garmadon: *gets up and goes straight to the exit*
Wu: Wait! What are you doing? Where are you going?
Garmadon: To marry some crazy, rich guy?
Wu & Misako: WHAT!?
Garmadon: It's this or becoming evil, trying to steal golden weapons and get banished.
Garmadon: At least I'm not going to terrorize my own child.
Garmadon: And Chen can give me whatever I want... It's easier this way to take over Ninjago...
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zanethenindroid · 2 years
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Would you like fries with that? 🍟
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carlostck · 3 months
Lloyd's Age
Okay, I was rewatching Ninjago recently and just noticed something... The "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" episode involves the ninja going back in time and 'destroying' the mega weapon. When they return, Nya isn't in the room holding the watermelon, Sensi Wu isn't there, and Lloyd apologizes for being late. The mega weapon is mentioned to Lloyd, he states that he doesn't recall anything about his father having that weapon... Meaning everything with the mega weapon before never happened? So the "Child's Play" episode never occurred.
Now, this is likely just a hole in the story, but looking past that, either Lloyd wasn't gypped of his childhood (entirely) and was just born at a different time, or a similar situation happened, involving tomorrow's tea, and maybe (if it's even a thing), yesterday's tea? Maybe Lloyd wasn't born at a different time, but they 'returned' ahead of their previous time when Lloyd had reached that age. Those are the only three things I could think of that would involve him being at that size/age...
Then again, it's plausible this is just some hole in the plot that I'm looking too much into!
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the-ghost-bracket · 1 year
Morro propaganda:
"This guy has a choke hold on the ninjago fandom. Appeared in one season 8 years ago and still impacts people and the ninja as said in the new series. Everyone loves him to death (literally LMAO) and he can be SUCH a wet cat. THE evil but got redeemed ghost of all time "
"was sent to purgatory as a teenager because he tried to find a tomb and then decided the first thing he wanted to do after escaping purgatory was possess his kind-of-cousin. He gets better eventually and actually has his last appearance be one on the side of the ninja, though whether or not he got to return to the Departed Realm peacefully depends if you're watching the English version or the Chinese version..."
"Morro is literally Tai Lung (from Kung Fu Panda) but emo ghost. Also his whole “I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE GREEN NINJA!!!!” thing is quite funny. He is a fun character. Also, despite being a ghost he can still control the winds, pretty cool."
"Emo gay ghost who possesses a small child in an adult’s body because he’s mad the child got the trauma of being the chosen one and he didn’t"
"He's been dead for 40(ish, timeline is horrible) years, he's sensi Wu's first student, he died trying to defy destiny, was sent to the cursed realm where all the bad ghosts are, leaves, immediately fuck shit up, tramatized some people, brings back a giant monster, dies again, comes back, helps the good guys, leaves and is never mentioned again ( I think) just an absolute menace of a ghost"
"The ninjago Fandom once turned him into the onceler for one halloween"
"Stinky bastard man for emo people :) he has epic dramatic emo loser swag and a green hair stripe"
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thicctails · 10 months
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"Viva la Viva, baby!"
So guess who watched Trolls 3 today~
Ngl, based on the trailers I had really low expectations for this movie, and it was really only after watching some TikToks with the villain song in them that I decided to give it a chance, and I'm so glad I did. 3 is by far my favourite of the entire series. Was not expecting to love Viva, but she was fantastic and I wish we had more screen time with her!
While I'm not entirely sure how I will/would integrate her into the Rough and Fluff AU, I decided to make a design for her anyways, complete with some little headcanons/additions. (Click the image for better quality)
More spoilery/AU discussions and 4th movie predictions below!
Okay okay, movie discussion first:
-I fucking LOVE the Putt Putt Trolls. Its so satisfying seeing how the trauma from the bergens being more fleshed out, and it makes perfect sense that they are as fearful as they are. I'm actually surprised there wasn't more pushback when Viva stopped them from executing Bridget and Gristle.
-(How did they escape actually? The tunnels collapsed, but were there other tunnels? Or did they have a different way out? How did so many, including the eldest heir to the throne, get left behind? Why did Peppy not get BOTH his daughter's immediately?)
-On the topic of Viva; notice how her ears are lower/sharper than Poppy's? I think that's typically a more masculine trait (not 100% bc we see some male trolls with softer/rounder ears) so uh yeah MTF Viva real suck my entire nards
-Fuck King Peppy. This guy gets worse every movie. He is the Dumbledoor/Sensi Wu of Trolls. Mans cannot just give Poppy relevant information to save his LIFE. I can understand not telling Poppy immediately, the grief of loosing his eldest daughter would understandably make that hard, but its been over 20 years now, and she deserved to know.
-Also, fuck most of Branch's brothers! I'm glad JD went back eventually (when exactly he did isn't clear, but sometime between the night of the escape and the first movie) but if he assumed Branch had died, why not try and contact his other siblings to tell them? Clay I can kinda understand with him not wanting to venture out beyond the mini golf area and leave the trolls he was helping to protect, but the rest of them? Not one of them tried to go back for their baby brother? Not even Floyd? When Trollstice was a thing?? Branch shoulda thrown hands fr.
-Rhonda the armadillo bus thing was hella cute and I want a plushie.
-I. Do not really like Crimp
-Velvet and Veneer slayed sooooooo hard. I hope Veneer makes a comeback.
-I also hope we see more of the other troll tribes again.
-The music for this movie was absolutely fire and I NEED a full cover of Sweet Dreams
-I wish the Grandma's death was touched on more than once for like .5 seconds. Like, come on guys, your brother just revealed a major trauma, and that your GRANDMA died!! For christ sake, maybe go apologize for fighting?? maybe go comfort him????
Movie numero 4 predictions:
-Broppy marriage. Branch fr said "Lets get married" by accident HES THINKING ABOUT IT
-Either Poppy/Viva get their mom back, or Branch gets one/both of his parents. Dreamworks will pull some bullshit out of their ass and say that uhm actually they escaped like years before the others did and have been, idk, trapped in the shadow realm or something.
-We see Chef/Creek again. Creek redemption ark would go crazy hard IF DONE RIGHT and I want to see that fear of some monster trying to eat all your friends come back again
-Broppy kid reveal at the end of the movie. Unbelievable amounts of Plush Toy Marketing and terrible spin offs ensue.
-I just want to see more Trollstice era stuff plz dreamworks
-We get a Sound of Silence reprise
-Branch/his brothers are revealed to be a hybrid/some kind of special troll. I am TELLING YOU this guy adapted to different kinds of music like it was NOTHING, something Poppy and the others struggled with. Hes got something in him I SWEAR
-Tiny diamond is, once again, part of the main supporting characters
Au shiz:
-If Viva IS put in, its going to most likely be during the sequel. Peppy is already going to be dragged through the mud, might have him mention something about a lost sibling near the end of the OG fic, and since the Pop trolls will be looking for a new home, maybe they'll run into her
-Branch's brothers will not be making an appearance. They simply dont fit into the narrative. I may do an alternate au with them included but who knows.
-Mildly considering making Tiny Diamond a Greek kid. (Guy x Creek) would make for some interesting angst.
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whydoibe · 13 days
Ok, so ninjago, what if jay was raised by ?morro?
How would this work well basicly morro would half escape the cursed and would still "physically" be bound to the otherside but his vioce and wind is capable of using this to manipulate the world eventually on his silent travels hears a baby crying and funds a young jay with no parents near by the rash impure morro decides to raise the kid sensing the element of lighting finding anthour way to spite wu. So jay would be raised by morro he would teach him how to use his element and even without his knowledge began to pass down the element of wind to jay becuase of tge paternal love he's grown for jay he'd proved for jay by stealing food for him with the wind up until one day jay would get a vist from an unwelcome guess master wu. Morro, secretly knowing it's for the best, would tell jay to go with Wu.
So the story goes pretty much the same except at certain points when jay would disappear, apparently visiting his dad, the ninja having no idea where he goes. Then we come to possession. jay having had nightmares would go to where he normally gets to talk to his father (morro) but he wouldn't be there jay would feel alone until he sees a spirt fly around him the figure taking a ghostly form his father jay would finally talk to his dad face to face morro disappearing.
Then, as jay returns to the tea shop, Wu tells Lloyd to go on a mission to the museum about stolen amour.
The ninja notice their elements disappear, returning to the tea shop. As jay recognises that wind and feeling his element return. Remarking at the same time as sensi, I know that wind. Sensi is turning to jay in shock as jay walks up to where the wind seems to be coming from. Screaming in the most commanding vioce possible father the ninja look on as Lloyd reveals himself.
"Greetings, kiddo it's me in the flesh or well" morro sneared
"Let him go dad" Jay cried to morro
"D-dad" sensi stammered in pure shock.
"Yeah, that's right, wu I have a son" Lloyd's hoarder darking as he spoke vioce growing deeper.
"Let him go!" Jay demanding lighting drawing to his fingertips. "Or else"
"I'll teach you to disrespect your father, jay," morro demanded. "jion me in conquest to win come on you know you want to come on raise the storm" morro snickered directing jays elementally charged hand to the ninja
"What was that"
"No, i won't fight for you," Jay demanded, morro eyes tighting to near close jay sees his lighting leave his hands but then the winds stop and morro looks confused as jay feels a new element light its self up to his command before he could question he's being chased by his father the others berating him with a thousand questions the bounty crashes.
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c-c-v · 5 months
Da fluffing- Had another Morro dream again, and I swear to everything I just feel like he's gonna have some apperance in DR,
But in this dream he had like a apprentice or pupil something, least it felt like it with this new ghost character that poofed in my dream, he's wild with using dual blade, or two handed weapons.
It also probably doesn't help a new djin poofed in as the problem, dunno if it was legitimately Nahdakan or how's it spelled, but yeah one of the djins lackys apparently stole one of Morro's mechs?? And man arrived instantly to get back what was his, with little ghost side kick.
The ghost kid had a name I know I hear it, but I just can't remember it, I feel like it was Mono, or something, sounded similar to Morro's name, but anyway, there another Ninjago dream rant to the list.
Oh yeah, and around the end for angst purposes, some vortex appeared and starting whipping the ninja and others away, and Wu was there, holding on as that man looked to Morro, yelling out for him and reaching to him, Morro hesitate completely till seeing Wu being ripped away, and I'm pretty sure I hear Morro calling out to Wu like 'master Wu', or sensi Wu, either or it was a moment :3
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stealingyourbones · 6 months
Why do they keep doing wack shit with Wu and romance interests? Let this bastard be a celibate loner. Sensi No Bitches™️
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fallentale4 · 2 years
ok so. I have decided to give yall this tiny crumb of fluff (still trying to make up for the angsty timeline thing I posted) this is for the twin au with the sense timeline. This Percy shall be dubbed Sensi!Percy. I was inspired by @ratherbeabrcharacter response to my au. so enjoy. (fair warning, I don't remember much of DotD and idk where to find it so please bear with me.)
Percy let out a chuckle as the ninja swarmed the now-alive Cole. Even though Cole was back and they had stopped a realm-destroying threat (or close to it), Percy felt a wave of sadness wash over him.
His brother had helped him, and now Morro was gone again. Percy felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He turned his head to see his sensi standing there, an almost sad look on his face. "Your brother will be missed. I am glad to see that he chose the side of good this time." Wu said. Percy smiled softly and nodded. "C'mon you knucklehead, let's head home," Percy heard Kai say to Cole. As the ninja and the two sensi turned to leave, they heard someone coughing. They turned to see someone emerge from behind some shrubbery before sitting down. "How did someone get up here?" Jay asked. As the sun rose Percy could make out more features of the mystery person. A tattered gi, black hair with a green streak... "Morro?" Percy said. He was dimly aware of the fact that his legs were moving. Morro looked up when he heard his name and froze. Percy knelt down in front of Morro. "Perc?" Morro asked, his voice almost cracking. Percy felt tears forming as he pulled his twin into a hug. Morro was here, Morro was alive. Morro froze for a second before hugging back, burying his face into Percy's shoulder. His brother was ok.
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localguy2 · 2 years
Zane and PIXAL get bored so they decide to play chess together
It ends up going for 17 hours and no one is able to checkmate the other
So as to ease the bordem they take it to the Sam-X cave and set the board down next to a broken mech
And let's say Zane moves a piece, now he gets up and starts fixing the mech until PIXAL moves a chess piece herself, in which case PIXAL gets up and starts fixing the mech while Zane thinks about his next move
Eventually the mech is fixed and they move on to building new vehicles, WHILE THIS DAMN CHESS MATCH IS GOING ON
So the days ends and everyone goes to bed, but upon waking up the first thing Zane and PIXAL do is immediately go back to the chess board again which is STILL THERE WITH THE SAME PIECES FROM LAST NIGHT
And the only times they stop is when the others need them for something like a mission or cooking or cleaning, etc
Eventually they take this to a whole new level when they decide to continue the chess match while on missions
The ninja get captured?
"Fuck gotta wait for rescue, in the meantime please excuse me and PIXAL, we're gonna continue our chess match" Zane randomly says while they're all in a cage
So he just sits next to PIXAL and connects with her and they continue the chess match in their own heads
And when they get back to the monastery, they go to the chess board and set the pieces exactly the same way they left them when they continued the match in their heads
It's now been 6 months and the match is still going
Everyone is this close to losing it already with these 2
Meanwhile Zane and PIXAL are genuinely really interested in this and they're having way too much fun
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dilebe06 · 7 months
The Lost Tomb 2
Come quando vendi la tua casa per avere dei soldi con cui comprare all'asta un oggetto fondamentale per mandare avanti la trama... ma poi acquisti un vaso antico perché non puoi accettare che se lo comprino degli stranieri.
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E' difficilissimo. Scrivere un commento di questi 40 episodi mi porterà via quel poco di sanità mentale che la visione di questa serie mi aveva ancora lasciato.
Prima di iniziare però, ringrazio @veronica-nardi e @lisia81 per aver visto questa serie con me. Rega' ve lo dico con il cuore in mano: Lost Tomb va visto rigorosamente in compagnia. Mai da soli. Solo unendo più menti sarete capaci di dare un senso a tutto il bordello che vi viene messo davanti ed anche riderne assieme.
Perché sì, Lost Tomb è un drama unico nel suo genere: riesce ad essere difficilissimo da seguire (almeno 5 Lauree) ed allo stesso tempo è la cosa più rilassante di sempre. 😐
Siccome la serie mi ha rincoglionito tantissimo, farò un commento casuale. E pace se sarò caotica: d'altronde manco Lost Tomb è stato attento, figurati se lo sarò io!
Ovviamente sarà pieno di spoiler e richiami a Mystic Nine ed il primo Lost Tomb!
La prima cosa da dire è sul cambio degli attori. Per aumentare la confusione, ogni stagione di Lost Tomb cambia gli attori principali - ma anche gli altri - con il risultato che non fai in tempo ad affezionarti a qualcuno di loro che già lo devi salutare. Puoi ricordare un personaggio da una stagione all'altra, solo in base al nome e non alla faccia dell'attore...il che è una gioia considerando che certe volte cambiano pure i nomi dei personaggi con soprannomi, nomignoli o nomi formali. un disastro
Sarò sincera però: trovo che gli attori di Fatty, Poker Face e Wu Xie abbiano fatto il loro sporco lavoro molto bene. Wu Xie ha quella ingenuità, quella faccia da cucciolo da adottare che viene narrata anche nel romanzo mentre Poker Face pur non avendo gli statuari addominali di Yang Yang, compensa con un Poker Face laconico e misterioso ma capace anche di qualche sorriso. un miracolo
Ma chi davvero mi ha stupito è Fatty. Nella prima stagione lo avrei preso a vasate in testa e abbandonato nella prima bara disponibile. Qui invece è stato simpatico, divertente senza essere fastidioso e irritante.
Se c'è infatti qualcosa che Lost Tomb 2 ha fatto bene è stata la bromance tra i ragazzi del Triangolo di Ferro. Come proteggono Wu Xie , lo salvano, lo cercano quando sparisce... si vede che si prendono cura uno dell'altro ed è davvero una gioia vederli andare a caso per tombe solo loro tre che chiacchierano, bisticciano, scherzano... Se Lost Tomb riguardasse solo questi tre disgraziati che vagano per i sepolcri, me li vedrei in loop.
Fatty ,nel Triangolo sopracitato, in realtà regge il lume. Perché se ad un occhio disattento Lost Tomb può sembrare una serie incentrata su bare, cadaveri, mostri strani e artefatti da recuperare ma in verità è una struggente storia d'amore. ❤️
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Guarda sti due come se guardano. ❤️
Wu Xie e Poker Face ci regalano angst romantico a palate. Manco i BL riescono a buttarci in faccia tutta questa tensione sentimentale. Ogni volta che li vedi assieme, preghi che si imboschino dietro una colonna funeraria, per limonare come se non ci fosse un domani. La presenza di Poker Face riesce addirittura a distrarre Wu Xie dal suo amore per la storia e per la trama principale. ahinoi
Ma d'altronde, dopo la storia e Poker Face, l'altro grande amore del nostro lead sono i buchi. In tutti i sensi. Pure in quelli volgari.
Madonna ragazzi!! Appena Wu Xie vede un buco, uno spiraglio in mezzo alla terra, una fessura tra le fratte...lui ci si deve infilare dentro. Ha questa smodata passione per imbucarsi in questi pertugi in mezzo al nulla....😏
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Naturale quindi vederlo fare gli occhi a cuore ogni volta che Poker Face è nei paraggi. Buchi, tombe e Poker Face: un trittico imperdibile per il nostro Wu Xie.
Altri due personaggi degni di nota sono Xie Yu Chen e Hei Yan Jing. Il primo irriconoscibile rispetto al Lost Tomb 1 - anche perché è cambiato attore e quindi ci ho messo secoli a fare l'associazione tra i personaggi - qui molto più simpatico e alla mano rispetto alla stagione precedente. Ha anche più spazio, rivelandosi come un vero boss, intelligente e acuto ed unico uomo al mondo che sta bene vestito di rosa. Certo, va in montagna, a fare la scarpinate tra fango, melma e terra con le scarpette da ginnastica bianco latte ma d'altronde è così carino che gli si perdona tutto.
Hei Yan Jing invece è stato meno presente nella storia ma quel poco che si è fatto vedere, è stato simpatico. Le sue schermaglie con Fatty sono esilaranti e vedere qualcuno capace di combattere alla pari di Poker Face mi ha tranquillizzato molto.
Rimane da capire come facciano TUTTI i personaggi a conoscerlo ma questa è una domanda che mi sono fatta così tante volte lungo tutta la storia di Lost Tomb che ormai ha perso di qualsiasi significato. 😐
Chi invece si prende lo scettro di personaggio più insopportabile dopo Fatty nella prima stagione, è Ning.
Santo Cielo, l'avrei buttata in un burrone un episodio sì e l'altro pure.
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Il suo crimine? Essere una figurina. Se al posto di Ning ci mettevamo un cartonato con le sue sembianze avremmo avuto lo stesso risultato. Non ha carattere, carisma, personalità. Sta in questa serie per farsi dare ordini da "suo padre" e seguirlo come un cagnolino. Sembra provare qualcosa per Wu Xie ( mado' ho i brividi a pensarci) ma non si fa problemi a metterlo nei casini, nascondergli le cose, usarlo...
La cosa ancor più grave è il tentativo da parte degli autori di suggerire una love story tra lei e Wu Xie. Una cosa così forzata e poraccia che Fatty è costretto a dirlo proprio ad alta voce perché altrimenti non ti verrebbe MAI in mente che sti due possano essere una coppia.
E vogliamo parlare del suo plot armor?! cade da dirupi senza farsi un graffio, volteggia nel cielo aggrappata ad una liana sparando come fosse Lara Croft. Riesce a percorrere le stesse strade dei nostri eroi senza farsi quasi mai un graffio. Più la serie me la osanna come badass girl e più mi sta sul cazzo. Solo Poker Face può osare tanto ed essere credibile.
Ora che abbiamo sviscerato i personaggi della storia andiamo alla trama. Alla narrazione e a come esse viene messa in atto. 😶‍🌫️
Io, per carità, me lo aspettavo. Su Mystic Nine e Lost Tomb 1 tutto si può dire tranne che non siano coerenti con se stesse. Non con la trama - quella la puoi sfragnare in mille modi - ma rimanendo costante nelle sue brutture:
buchi di logica, montaggio strano, motivazioni incomprensibili, contraddizioni, dialoghi surreali, bipolarismo, esposizione inutile...
E' perciò confortante sapere che anche Lost Tomb 2 si mantiene fedele a questo mood. Senza andare troppo nello specifico la serie si perde in mille cazzate inutili e perdi tempo, riuscendo a toccare la vera trama principale, il fulcro della storia, solo nell'ultimo episodio. E contando che sono 40 in tutto, ti chiedi cosa hai visto fino a mo' e perché tu l'abbia visto.
Mi domanderò per sempre, ad esempio, perché abbiamo perso 3 minuti di puntata a discutere se il drago che abbiamo visto dentro una tomba fosse un drago candela o no, sviscerandone le caratteristiche, colore e occhi, mentre non abbiamo dedicato nemmeno 2 minuti a dire a Poker Face di aver trovato, dentro una tomba, un cadavere esattamente uguale a lui.
Abbiamo perso 20 minuti di puntata a vedere i nostri scalare la montagna sommersi nella neve fino alle ginocchia ma nemmeno 3 minuti a studiare il pesce rame che TUTTI sembrano così disperatamente volere.
A Lost Tomb piace divagare, fare mille giri inutili, darci informazioni che per carità sono anche carine da sapere ma che nulla c'entrano con la trama principale. Alla fine della puntata sei rincoglionita dalla mole di informazioni che hai ricevuto e non sai quali di queste tenere perché oh, possono sempre servire, e quali invece buttare perché fanno solo contorno.
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Se poi ci aggiungiamo che certe volte le informazioni si contraddicono tra loro, il dramma raggiunge livelli da TSO. 😵‍💫
Prendi lo zio di Xie Yu Chen che andò a fare un esplorazione anni prima con lo zio di Wu Xie e non tornò mai. Prima ci dicono che hanno trovato il suo cadavere nella barriere corallina - anche se quelli sono scogli rega' ! - e che lo hanno seppellito. Qualche puntata dopo, Xie Yun discute con altri che vuole cercare lo zio perché non hanno mai trovato il corpo. Ma quindi, sto cadavere c'era? Lo hanno seppellito?!
Poi va beh, sul discorso dello zio e di cosa è successo dentro la tomba sottomarina ci sono ben 2 versioni differenti della vicenda che si contraddicono palesemente e quindi all'inizio cerchi di capire ma poi per mantenere la sanità mentale, cali il velo dell'ignoranza e fingi di non aver mai sentito nulla e che nulla sia mai accaduto.
Questa è la bellezza di Lost Tomb. Amo questa serie. <;3
La narrazione è così brutalizzata che i personaggi fanno cose e vanno in determinati posti senza che tu abbia esattamente capito il perché. Li vedi partire e girovagare per ste tombe, rischiando vari arti e dopo un po' ti domandi :-" ma noi, qui, che ci siamo venuti a fare? che cercavamo? e perché non lo stiamo cercando ma sembriamo un gruppo di turisti al museo?
In questa seconda stagione visitiamo ben 3 tombe. Una sottomarina, una con un albero di bronzo ed una con l'esercito del Muti. E vi giuro, ricordare il motivo per cui le siamo andate a visitare mi richiede uno sforzo sovraumano. Oddio, in realtà la motivazione mi viene anche in mente - Ning e le sue manipolazioni - ma il perché sentiamo il bisogno di andare a fare una capatina alla tomba dell'albero di bronzo per via di una campanella che appare spesso in queste tombe ma che non ci fermiamo mai a studiare, mi sfugge.
Andiamo alla tomba sottomarina perché ci hanno detto che lo zio di Wu Xie è sparito mentre era lì ma non lo cerchiamo mai attivamente. Giriamo a vuoto per le stanze, ci facciamo terrorizzare dai fantasmi, ammiriamo vasi di terracotta, commentiamo estasiati l'abilità dello zio di Xie Yu di scavare gallerie di 2 metri per 3 in mezza giornata, pontifichiamo per ore sul modellino di Bruno Vespa nella sala principale, leghiamo mummie di scimmie con conveniente esplosivo al loro interno alle colonne, che però tornano magicamente in vita, ( che la mummia si sia rifiutata di farsi esplodere un po' la capisco) , sfidiamo la fisica pensando di far saltare in aria una cupola sott'acqua senza che il peso dell'acqua ci affoghi...ma sto zio non lo abbiamo manco chiamato.
Anche perché poi ce ne andiamo - dopo aver annegato tutto peggio del Titanic - e quindi ipoteticamente affoghiamo pure lo zio. 👏👏👏
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In queste tombe poi ci trovi di tutto. Da animali modificati a animali che si incastrano tipo Lego: scimmie con in faccia dei parassiti giganti, fanciulle fantasma, eserciti di gente verde fluorescente che non muore, comodi uffici, modellini di Bruno Vespa, bare a fischio, Thanos, stanze padronali, bozzoli di cadaveri che dovrebbero far esaudire i desideri... pensa a qualcosa e Lost Tomb te lo darà. In questa stagione abbiamo anche tirato in ballo lo spazio/tempo, le linee parallele... mancano solo gli alieni. e i due leocorni.
Io qui lo dico e qui non lo nego: se nelle prossime stagioni, in una di queste tombe scopriremo le mummie di Godzilla e King Kong morte mentre prendevano un caffè assieme, io non mi stupirei.
Perché questo è il bello di Lost Tomb: non puoi prevedere mai cosa accadrà. Mai. E' impossibile. E non perché sia fatto così bene da nascondere allo spettatore i suoi colpi di scena ma perché è fatto in un modo così fuori da ogni logica che tutto può davvero succedere.
I personaggi sanno cose Dio solo sa come. E' tutto un "si dice", "si narra", " ho sentito dire" che onestamente è la cosa più paracula e poraccia che io abbia mai visto per esporre delle informazioni. La gente non sa cose perché le ha studiate prima o perché le ha cercate ma te le dice come se avessero la scienza infusa. Conoscono la funzione di oggetti antichi, dove si trovino e come fare ad arrivarci ed ad una certa smetti pure di domandarti come la gente le sappia queste cose.
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Seguire la storia di Lost Tomb quindi è un lavoro da RIS. Mettere assieme le briciole di trama principale, scartare la caterva di informazioni inutili, decidere quale ipotesi seguire anche se si contraddice con altre, cercare di indovinare le motivazioni dei personaggi che spesso hanno comportamenti incomprensibili e bipolari...non è un lavoro facile.
Tutto questo è reso ancor più difficile dal fatto che siccome mi sono andata a leggere la storia originale facendomi grossi spoiler, ho sofferto come una bestia nel rendermi conto che la trama orizzontale - quella che copre tutto l'arco di Lost Tomb - viene tirata in ballo, praticamente a 10 minuti dalla fine della stagione. Certo, ci sono delle piccole cose lungo la stagione, ma sono cose che si perdono nel marasma di informazioni.
E' memorabile poi, se ci pensi, come Wu Xie sia andato in giro per tombe per tutto sto tempo anziché studiare il pesce rame che aveva in casa, come invece ha sapientemente fatto il Monaco che sta con Chen Pi. Forse se al posto di distruggere tutti i sepolcri della Cina si fosse preso mezza giornata a guardalo attentamente sto pesce, non avremmo dovuto aspettare 40 episodi e passa per svelare il perché tutti lo vogliono così spassionatamente. 😶
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Ma se c'è una cosa che racchiude ciò che penso di Lost Tomb 2 è la sua musica. Bellissima. Come bellissima è tutta la saga di Lost Tomb.
Peccato che in alcune scene la musica non ci azzecchi un cazzo. Perché quando i nostri scalano la montagna in mezzo alla neve parte sta musica epica con il canto gregoriano delle fate? Perché quando Ning, nella tomba sottomarina, entra nella stanza rossa con l'albero di campanelle si sente una musichetta spagnoleggiante che manco Ibiza ad agosto? Che ci azzecca?!
Questa domanda potrei applicarla a molte scene di Lost Tomb 2:
E' curiosa la vicenda del drago candela o anche tutta la vicenda dell'amico di Wu Xie che si rivela essere già morto prima ancora di averlo incontrato - a spasso con i cadaveri - ma ai fini della trama orizzontale, tutto questo che ci azzecca?
Esattamente come la sua musica, Lost Tomb inserisce nella sua storia cose potenzialmente interessanti ma che "stridono" con l'economia generale della serie perché senti che sono un po' inutili.
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Chiariamoci, tutto ciò è il grande motivo del perché io adori la saga di Lost Tomb. D'altronde, se mi sto vedendo tutte queste stagioni non è certo per spirito masochista. E' perché mi piace. Mi attirano queste tombe grandi come centri commerciali e sempre strapiene di gente come le spiagge ad agosto. Amo come siano piene di cose strane e assurde, come una volta che ci sei entrato dentro, tutto può realmente succedere. Stimola la mia voglia d'avventura e la mia fantasia.
Adoro la poraccittudine e gli errori da quattro soldi da parte degli sceneggiatori, la loro adorabile disattenzione verso una coerenza narrativa o logica. Rimango morbosamente affascinata dalla ragnatela di spiegazioni contraddittorie che costringono il mio cervello a ragionare a 4 corsie nel tentativo di stare dietro a quello che stanno spiegando i personaggi.
Solo per citare un messaggio che @lisia81 mi ha inviato verso il finale della serie, dove si discuteva sul pesce rame e su come fosse finito in mano a certi personaggi: Rubato da Chen Pi, dato allo zio di Wu Xie che lo vende al padre di Ning e che viene successivamente preso da Xie. che al mercato mio padre comprò.
Adorabile. ❤️🤣
Concludendo: una seconda stagione più bella delle precedenti, grazie ad uno splendido lavoro di bromance e di love story bl tra Wu Xie e Poker Face. Carini anche gli altri personaggi che danno quel tocco di interesse in più alla storia. Come sempre si pecca dal punto di vista narrativo e di messa in atto della storia...ma ragazzi, questo è il bello di Lost Tomb! E' la sua particolarità, la sua firma, il suo autografo. Solo i veri amanti del caos, dell'occulto e dell'inspiegabile, possono apprezzare tale capolavoro. ❤️❤️
Voto: 7
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Alcuni appunti sparsi:
Tutta la vicenda del nostro Poker Face mezzo addormentato nella bara. Giuro, io ci ho provato ha capire questa cosa dell'immortalità. Sia io che @lisia81 ci siamo messe d'impegno nel tentativo di comprendere a cosa si stessero riferendo i personaggi ma ancora oggi tutta questa vicenda rimane per me un glorioso buco nero.
Lo Zio di Wu Xie che probabilmente non è suo zio. La serie gioca con lo spettatore facendoti pensare che sto tizio non sia davvero il parente del nostro lead. Per fare ciò, fa comportare il personaggio nel modo più bipolare possibile aumentando la confusione a livelli da galera.
Domanda: ma Chen Pi A Si è il Chen Pi di Mystic Nine? No perché se è lui sarei curiosa di sapere come si è salvato dal finale della stagione sopracitata. L'ultima volta che lo abbiamo visto nel finale, lo avrei dato per morto 10 a 1.
Tutta la vicenda del gruppo d'esplorazione sottomarina di tanto tempo fa, ha una rilevanza con la trama principale? Perché questa stagione sembra parlare di questo, ma all'atto pratico, nessuno sembra dedicarci abbastanza studio sopra. L'unica che ha scoperto realmente qualcosa è la nipote della Nonna Hua mentre Poker Face e lo zio raccontano l'evento della sparizione del gruppo in modo contradditorio per poi lasciarlo cadere e non pensarci più.
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8 notes · View notes
akariarda · 1 year
Return of the enemy(Ninjago Fan season between season4 and 5 with Sensei G.) EPISODE 1-The return
It's a month after Chen's attack and everything feels normal for the ninja and Ninjago City,but what when the enemy return?You can chech teaster for this on my account.
"I won!' Kai said.
Kai,Jay,Zane,Cole and Lloyd were playing video games on the Bounty.
"You cheated."Jay yelled.
"Actually, he followed all the rules of the game."Zane said.
"Oh, and is it according to the rules that he's taking advantage of us and lying to us?" Cole asked angrily. "I don't think that's fair."
"I want a rematch." Jay said.
"Just accept who's the winner here." Kai said and looked at Jay full confidence.
"Oh come on guys."Lloyd interrupted Kai with a furious reply "We can do better than fighting over games."
"I totally agree, thank you Lloyd."They were startled by Sensi wu who just appeared at the door.
"Today unfortunately I will not be able to give you the morning training." He continued after a while "I have work to do."
"Yea, baby" Kai said.
"Nya, please point the bounty towards Garmadon's monastery."
"Ay,ay sensei." Nya replied as she turned Bounty around.
"We are going to my parents?"Lloyd asked.Wu nodded"But why?"
"I have something to do."He said and looked thoughtfully into the distance"And I'm going to need Bounty for that."
" Come on Lloyd don't complain about a free morning" Kai told him.
"I'm free morning sounds good to me, too." Zane said.
"Yeah we have time for a rematch." Jay said and glared at Kai.
"I'm sorry but I think I have others plans."Sensei Wu said"I won't be able to hold it. But,I'm sure my brother will be willing to hold it instead of me."
The room was filled with disappointed sighs from all the ninja.
~~~~~~With Garmadon and Misako~~~~~
Tea?" Misako asked her husband who was sitting at the table.
"yes, thank you." He answered her and she poured tea into their cups and sat down next to him.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." Misako said after a long time.Garmadon raised an eyebrow curiously. "They offered me a new job. It's quite good and I could work at home for half a month."
"That's good," Garmadon muttered.
"But I would have to go away every couple of months for two weeks or more. I don't really like that, but still the job is much more convenient when I can spend half the working time at home. I don't know what to do, I have to answer them tomorrow."
Garmadon just shrugged and looked off into the distance."Take your time."
"Time? I don't have time, are you even listening to me, I have to tell them tomorrow!" she said in an angry tone.
"I'm lisening to you, of course I do," Garmadon told her and took her hand. "But leave your work, I also wanted to ask you something."
She looked at him. "Would you like to go somewhere with me today?" She thought for a moment.
"I think I would..." She started to answer but Garmadon already let go of her hand and looked into the yard.
"I think someone is coming," he said and went out into the yard. Misako didn't follow him. She just got up from her seat and looked hurt. looked into the distance.
"But, sensei Wu why don't you want to tell us where you are going?" Zane asked him as the ninjas got off the Boutny outside Garmadon's monastery.
"I'm going to the docks."
"But why, sensei?"Cole asked another question.
"I have some doubts, I need to see what's going on."
"Whats going where, and what doubts?" This time Kai asked a question.
Wu shook his head sadly. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you that, yet." He looked at them with a sharp look. "Don't forget to tell Garmadon to give you a morning training. Lloyd, I'm counting on you."
"Alright, sensei." Lloyd nodded in return. Then Wu turned and disappeared with Bounty.
"Well, "Kai said and created an elemental dragon. "I'm going. I have an meeting"
"But what about the morning training?" Lloyd protested.
"Nah," Kai replied. "Just pretend that Sensei gave us a free morning, that's all." Lloyd skeptically looked at Kai.
"I don't think that's the smartest idea." Nya said. "If they find out, they'll kill us."
"Oh, relax." Jay said. "They won't find out. I like the idea of Cole, Zane, Lloyd, and I practicing a bit before the rematch with Kai, to show who the real gaming king is."
"I agree." Cole said. "I just want to eat something first. I'm really hungry."
"I suppose I agree ,too." Zane said.
"Do whatever you want, guys, just remember that it won't be me who will be in trouble if they find out, it'll be all of you. And it'll be bad." Nya said and started walkingtowards the monastery.
"I still don't like the idea." Lloyd said.
"Majority rules." Kai happily exclaimed. "See you later."
He disappeared from sight a second later.
"I wonder where he's going." Cole said.
"Who's going where?" They were startled by Sensei Garmadon's voice, who was now standing next to them. "And where is Wu?"
"He went to the docks." Cole said. "To check some doubts."
"What doubts?" Sensei Garmadon asked.
"We don't know." Jay said. "But he gave us a free morning." Sensei Garmadon looked at him suspiciously.
"Is that true?" He said, turning to the rest of the three ninjas. They all nodded, some more willingly than others.
"Alright then." Sensei Garmadon said. "Have fun. Although, unfortunately, I assume that Wu wouldn't want you to be alone when he already brought you here...So I'll have to postpone some plans. Where's Kai?" It was now the first time he noticed the absence of the fiery ninja.
"He went to meet someone." Zane replied."Probably Skylor."
"Alright then." Garmadon said. "You're free. Enjoy yourselves before the afternoon training."
"Afternoon training?!" Jay exclaimed.
"Well, yeah. My brother did tell you that you have a free morning, but not a free afternoon."
"Oh, come on, man." Cole muttered as he and the rest of the team headed towards the monastery.
Garmadon smiled, as if he didn't realize they had lied to him about the free morning. He went towards the monastery himself and found a small package on the entrance door.
"Who could've left this?" He asked himself. He went inside and opened it.
"What?" He said as he looked at the empty package. "Someone is definitely messing with me." Angrily, he huffed.
What he didn't notice was a small mechanical beetle with a camera that had come out of the box to spy on them.
~~With the Nya and Misako~~~~
The mechanical bug arrived in the kitchen just as Nya was entering.
"Hey, Misako. You're here?" Misako, who had been staring out the window a moment earlier, weakly smiled at her.
"Looks like I am. Come, sit." Nya sat at the table. "Would you like some tea?"
"No, thank you. I already had some," Nya replied, and Misako sat across from her.
"So," Misako said," What haooend thatyou came?"
"Sensei Wu said he needed to check something. He left us here, beacouse he want you an dGarmadon look over us." Nya explained.
"Did he give you a free morning?" Misako looked confused.
"Oh, no," Nya smiled. "He told us to tell Sensei Garmadon to give them a morning training, but they decided to keep it quiet and say they had a free morning.Lloyd wasn't happy."
Misako laughed softly."Oh,Lloyd.He is never going to learn that he needs to be bad sometimes."
"You're not going to tell Senseis, are you?"
"Of course not. But you know they'll have serious problems when they find out..."
"Yeah, I can imagine how that will look," they both started laughing. "Misako," Nya finally said, "I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead, ask."
"Well... It's about Jay," Nya started to get nervous. "Have you ever felt like Garmadon doesn't take you seriously?"
Misako nodded, looking serious. "We talk and everything is fine. But sometimes, there are just those days when it feels like he doesn't listen or take me seriously."
She took a deep breath. "When I tell him something important or ask for his opinion, he just shrugs and looks at something else. And then when he asks me something, he doesn't even wait for me to answer and just starts paying attention to something else!"
She lowered her voice, realizing she was almost yelling. She took another deep breath. "That hurts me, really, really hurts me. When I think he doesn't care, it hurts me like nothing." She continued in a quieter tone,
"With Jay, it's a bit different. He almost never takes me seriously, not because he doesn't care or doesn't listen, but because that's just how he is..."Nya said
"You said it yourself, that's how he is," Misako replied. "Don't worry, he will understand you, just let him develop his own way."
Nya smiled at her. "Maybe you're right. I just need to let him figure things out in his own way. And don't worry, if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Garmadon cares."
"I know," Misako weakly smiled. "I know, I just wish sometimes he would pay more attention when I'm talking."
~~~~With Kai and Skylor~~~~
"Thank you!" Kai said as he left the flower shop. He had a few options in mind, but in the end, he concluded that flowers were the safest choice.
He continued on his way to Mr.Chen's Noodle House, feeling excited. In the past month, he had seen Skylor, but she never invited him to come see her! He was so excited.
He reread the message he found on his bed when he returned from evening training. He fixed his hair. It clearly stated that she was asking him to come to her tomorrow (which would be today) at Mr.Chen's Noodle House where she worked.
He was really excited. He walked inside, but at first, he couldn't find her amidst the crowd. He continued looking, searching for her red hair that had to stand out in the crowd.
"Ha!" He finally found her serving guests. "Hey, Skylor!" he said and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Kai!" She looked surprised. "You came?!"
"Of course I did!" he said, wondering if she thought he wouldn't come. "I would never miss a meeting with such a beauty." She blushed, driving him crazy.
"Wait," she said and turned to a customer. "I'll be done in a minute, then we can go out." Some of her confidence returned to her voice. "If you want?" she teased.
"Of course," he said, watching her maneuver to serve a guest. After a while, she waved at him, and he followed her, enchanted by the sway of her slender hips and her beautiful red hair.
"Well, I'm glad you came," she said when they reached the back entrance, the same place where he and his friends received the message that Zane was still alive.
"Me too," he said. "I brought us here because this is the only place where we can have some peace." She spoke as if she could read his thoughts. "Not now, really. What made you decide to drop by? Especially during my shift. You know I'm short-staffed and I love serving people."
Now he felt confused. "But that message..."
"What message?"
No! Now he realized what was strange about that message, not that Skylor invited him, but that it wasn't her handwriting...
"STOP!" An irritating voice cut through the air. Before they could react, a large net fell on them, pinning them to the ground.
"Wait, I'll free us," Kai said as he struggled beneath the net.
"No, I will!" Skylor protested. "I have just the trick for this."
"Oh, I'm sorry," the voice said and put a bracelet for the leg on them. "No powers for you!"
"Chen!" They both looked surprised. Chen stood before them in his human form.
Someone must have brought him back from the Cursed Realm.
"You'll pay for this, father!" Skylor hissed as her father's warriors lifted her and Kai off the ground and put chains around their wrists.
"Don't worry, my daughter," he said. "You'll still be useful, and now, into my secret tunnels!"
Saying that, he tapped out a rhythm on the courtyard floor, and the doors opened.
"I didn't know about this!" Skylor gasped.
"There's still so much you and your friends need to learn from me, my daughter. People like me aren't born every day. NOW, TAKE THEM AWAY BEFORE SOMEONE FINDS YOU!"
The warriors dragged Skylor into the tunnel and began pulling Kai.
"But how?" Kai asked Chen, confused by the fact that Chen was there.
"That's not your concern, fiery ninja," Chen replied. "Everything in due time. I still need you. Soon, you and your friends will find yourselves in a trap."
"The Ninjas and Sensei Garmadon and Wu will take care of you!" Kai growled.
"Hahaha," Chen laughed. "This will be fun, very fun!"
~~~~With others~~~~
I'm hungry," Cole said while he, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd were playing games.
"Go get something to eat," Lloyd told him.
"You know, I could go too," Jay added. "The morning was really tiring." Everyone laughed.
"I'll join you guys," Zane said.
"Then I'll go stretch my legs a bit," Lloyd said.
Soon, all four of them left the room.
The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it," Garmadon said.
"Good morning," the mailman said at the door. "Are the ninjas here?"
"Yes," Lloyd replied. "Why?"
"I have a package for you," the mailman said and pulled out a box of fortune cookies.
"From whom?" Cole asked.
"Mr.Chen's Noodle House."
"What...?!" Garmadon asked as Lloyd took the package from the mailman.
"Maybe it's for Skylor?" Zane asked as Lloyd placed the box on the table.
"Four fortune cookies!" Cole exclaimed happily.
"Wait!" Garmadon told him and hit him on the head with his staff when he reached for the cookies. "Maybe it's something important."
"Yes," Jay said. "Remember when Chen sent us those cookies?"
"I don't remember," Zane said.
"You were on the island, Zane." Lloyd told him. "But let's see what's written in them. Cole, don't eat your message this time."
"Okay," Cole said. "Can I have your cookie later, Lloyd? I'm really hungry."
"Oh well!" Jay said. "Just let's see what's written in those messages."
"I'm back,"Lloyd read his message.
"I have your friends," Zane read his.
"If you ever want to see them again," Cole read.
"Come to the backyard of the Noodle House. ALONE!" Jay said. "It's signed with the letter C."
"C, like cake," Cole said. "I could eat a cake right now."
"It's not cake!" Jay said. "It's definitely not cake!"
"Cake is always the answer!"
"No, it's not!"
"Enough, you two!" Nya intervened. "C could mean Chen..." Everyone looked at her in astonishment.
"That makes sense," Misako said. "He probably captured Kai and now he's asking you to come to a specific place."
"But how could he return from the cursed realm?" Lloyd asked.
"It's not impossible," Garmadon said. "Someone must have brought him back."
"But what now? It's probably a trap," Misako said.
"I know, but we have to go," Lloyd said. Everyone nodded. "The four of us will go get Kai then."
"But what about Sensei Wu?" Zane asked. "He should have returned already. He went to check on some suspicions."
"He probably suspected this," Garmadon said and made eye contact with Misako, who nodded at him. "Me and Misako will go look for him."
"Alright. I'll try to contact the other elemental masters in the meantime," Nya said. "If we're going to fight Chen again, we'll need their help."
"Very smart, Nya," Zane said. "But now we have to hurry."
"Zane is right," Lloyd said. "Good luck, everyone. "
"Now,GO ,NINJA ,GO!"
The mechanical bug lit up again, transmitting images to its master.
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irl-morros-account · 1 year
"i ...still considor you.... my pupil my student.. my son"
Get out of here, old man.. neither of us are ready and you know it.
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