#sentenced to be lashed
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"TWO weeks ago Judge Coughlin sentenced three strong-armers to 20 years in Kingston penitentiary, plus 30 lashes each. Yesterday Colonel Brodie sent two more of the same stripe away for seven years apiece. Severe sentences, but meeting terror with terror is the only way these crimes of violence can be stopped." - from the Windsor Star. December 3, 1942. Page 19.
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dark-side-blog3 · 10 months
mm sometimes i think my yanderes would take advantage of the fact that I cant do some of the things most people can do with ease like tying their shoes or telling the difference between left and right, or the way i absorb info just to force me into being a baby. Mommy kakyoin would coax me into his lap after heavily drugging me, so I just happily melt into his embrace as he asks me what sound a puppy makes only to be met with a soft whimper of me trying to speak.. or diavolo making me do kindergarten level math in the playpen he keeps in his office for me. -📱
I've been having some trouble with doing tasks most people can do, so it is fun to think about different yanderes making you do baby-level math worksheets, or French vocab sheets and crosswords meant for little kids. Or having those grid papers to write Cantonese and Mandarin, or in your case with mommy Kakyoin, katakana. Why bother teaching you kanji or hiragana? You'll only be confused. And hiragana is more commonly used-- he doesn't need you knowing what common signs and objects actually say. Then you won't feel as lost, should you manage to slip away from his hands for a moment.
Diavolo knows worksheets aren't any fun-- he'd give everything to not have to do them, and still know the people he cares about would be okay. So instead of a little duotang with worksheets for your math, linguistics, or animal noises, Diavolo tries to set up little activities for you to do every day. Little trays with a number of the day, clay in one dish so you can draw the number yourself, roll it on a die, and count it out of marbles. Calling an animal handler to show you the different birds and bugs of the devildom in the throne room (and saving trips to the royal zoo for weeks you've been extra good!).
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spock-smokes-weed · 11 months
Thinking about my AU again cus 🫶
So in the lore, Zoro’s labor is incredibly chaotic from Sanji being out of town and the three remaining straw hats having to act as stand-in birth partners. Well his labor is also very slow going. Like hours pass and he’s not making any progress. So Zoro being Zoro the longer it takes the more his patience is wearing thin, and towards the end he fully doesn’t want anyone but Sanji to see him anymore. He’s in a shit ton of pain, has been for hours, and is ready to rip Luffy’s head off is he keeps trying to cheer him up with Yo-Yo tricks. Zoro doesn’t do vulnerability, so it’s a struggle for him to be in so much pain and not know how to cope with it.
Sanji being the more emotionally intelligent one of the two, decides to ask all of the straw hats to go home for the rest of the night. He’s very grateful for the support they’ve given (he’s super grateful he gets sappy about it) but he can take the rest of it from here and they should go get som sleep. The straw hats are like “yes we agree” but instead of going home they crash in the hospital parking lot in Luffy’s van.
In my mental timeline of the labor, zoro realizes he’s in labor around like 9am-ish. Like he knows something is up when he wakes up. And because he’s incredibly stubborn he doesn’t alert the straw hats until like 12am because he doesn’t want to admit that’s he’s scared, or that he was wrong with insisting that sanji leave on his trip.
They get to the hospital 30 min later. Sanji shows up around 4pm. The straw hats get booted from the room around 10pm, and the baby is finally born at 3 am the next morning.
After some well deserved rest, around 7am Sanji comes running out into the parking lot, yanking open the door of the van yelling “IM A FATHER!!!!” excited and mushy crying ensues.
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gailynovelry · 1 year
Gently shaking the sort of people who go like "ew why would anyone describe a book using tropes, that doesn't tell me anything about—" honey, it's because it's a convenient shorthand. If you want to know what the story is about in actual detail, then click the link and read the summary. Maybe read a few reviews and learn what the experience was like for other people. Please, I know that you are smart enough to do a little research on your own.
And if you're not interested in the way the author described the book anyway, then why are you wasting time telling them how uninterested you are? Go find something you actually like!
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mattibee · 8 months
pause who wrote goodra's violet pokedex entry
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secretly-a-catamount · 8 months
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bahoreal · 1 month
god. song lan and xiao xingchen. I'm never going to get over you
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daisjohnsons · 2 months
Feels like jace has a slur at the tip of his tongue this episode
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killmonk · 2 months
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saltybiowarefantears · 3 months
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dxnse-macabre · 5 months
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ruined by fury
you are angry. you are angry and everyone knows it. the fire within you will not die, cannot die. for if it dies, you wont have a reason to burn. your rage simmers close to your chest, it boils near something you wont touch. you are angry because it is easier than anything else. you are angry because you choose it over pain. you are ruined because you cannot feel anything but your own ire.
TAGGED BY: @wildskissed TAGGING: @crimesought @shdwtouch @crownshattered @stilettobite + anyone else that wants to do this!!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“SIX YEARS, 12 STRAPS FOR EVANGELIST'S SON,” Toronto Star. March 11, 1933. Page 25. ---- Rugby Player Gets Five Years and Ten Strokes for Armed Robbery --- Special to The Star Hamilton, March 11.-"This sort of thing frequently ends in murder; you might be facing a charge on which you would finish with a rope around your neck," Magistrate Burbidge said to-day as he sentenced Frank Bradley, 21, son of an evangelist, to six years in the penitentiary and twelve strokes of the cat-o'-nine-tails, and Wilbur Schultz, 19. rugby player and son of a manufacturer, to five years and ten strokes of the cat-o'-nine-tails, on two charges of armed robbery.
On three charges of car theft the youths were sentenced to one year definite concurrently with the other sentences.
"They were out of work and figured they could get some easy money to carry on until spring." stated Detective Barrett. "The car they stole yesterday was to be put in a garage while they looked over the situation to pick out something big. These other jobs were just piker stuff. They obtained a shot-gun from a man named Dutch who was just out of prison."
Crown Attorney Ballard moved for immediate sentence referring to the accused as potential murderers. "This type of crime is very prevalent in the republic to the south of us, and has to be stamped out," he stated.
Schultz and Bradley admitted holding up and robbing Robert Megaughan, manager of Jackson's Bread Co., February 28. Megaughan was walking to a bank near his office with $1,900 in cash in his pocket and $58 in silver in a satchel. The robbers demanded the satchel, thinking they had the company's receipts, but all they got was the paltry sum in silver.
Their admissions also included the daring hold-up of Powell's branch grocery store, March 6.
Confident a break was impending, police withheld news of the theft between 8.30 and 9.30 yesterday of a large sedan owned by Vernon A. Smith, salesman of Rockwood. He was eating in a King St. E. restaurant and had left almost $600 in merchandise in his car.
Headquarters officials ordered every available man to take up the chase. An hour later. Detectives Sharpe and Barrett found the car parked on Blake St. They waited. Schultz and another man approached the car and were captured. Later, the detectives learned the second man was innocent and was merely acting as an agent to aid Schultz find a garage where the sedan could be parked a few hours.
Bradley was later arrested as Schultz’s alleged accomplice in theft of Smith's car. Both denied knowledge of the hold-ups until late. last night when an identification line-up was arranged at headquarters and seven persons positively identified them as the participants in the Megaughan and Powell robberies, police stated.
Detectives Barrett and Sharpe led a search which unearthed the shotgun and revolver in a rooming house. Not until then did Schultz and Bradley admit any knowledge of the crimes, The Star was told.
[AL: Bradley was also known as Frank Dadgley and Ted Lewis, and had been in Burwash and the Montreal jail before - he was 21, from Brantford, and had a tattoo of a Heart and Anchor tattoo and the word ‘Lovey’ on his arm. He was a cook’s helper. he was convict #2980 at Kingston Penitentiary but was transferred to Collin’s Bay January 1935. He was convict #822 and was released March 1937.
Schultz alias Wilbur was 19, and was from Hamilton - having spent some time in the Barton jail there. He was a machinist helper. At Kingston Penitentiary he was #2979 and unlike Bradley was a difficult and disobedient prisoner, reported 15 times between 1933 and 1935 for speaking out of term, theft of supplies, resistance to guards, foul language, and taking part in a prison strike. He mostly worked in the tailor shop Schultz was also involved in a riot and hostage taking in March 1935, when a group of twenty-five inmates, wearing improvised masks and with their inmate numbers ripped from their uniforms, occupied several workshops, barricaded the doors, and took three officers hostage; Schultz worked in the tailor shop in that building. Unlike the 1932 strike, the guards taken captive were gagged, tied, and beaten by the leaders of the uprising. Several of the inmates set fire to the mail bags manufactured inside, destroying most of the machinery and nearly killing several men. The prison officers who stormed the building were also exceptionally brutal, beating surrendered inmates with batons. During the investigation afterwards, few of the participants would explain exactly what they had hoped to gain, except, as one individual guessed: “They don’t want exercises. They want base balls. They want human treatment instead of persecution, and everything like that.” Schultz himself was implicated in the riot, considered an “agitator” by several other prisoners, but his testimony was rather limited in this regard:
Q (from Warden): “What I am getting at is that your answers are useless. The Shoe was set on fire, machines broke, windows broken, and, according to you, you didn’t see a thing. Are you sure you were there?” A: I don’t know what to tell you, boss.
Several weeks later he was overheard taking responsibility for “trying to beat you guys (ie the guards) but not knowing you can’t beat the boys in blue.” Schultz was given ten strokes of the strap for his role in this riot, and sent to segregation for a year.  He was pardoned December 1936.]
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
i just loved that the writers were like mark of cain dean slowly becomes more and more barbaric and inhuman as he can’t control this primordial, gaping wound in the form of an already healed over scar that has been borne by the devil himself and is in fact what made him the devil and therefore will make dean long and lust after maiming and ultimately murdering people with an urge stronger than any love or passion or resolution he’s ever experienced in his life And Also He’s A Huge Misogynist
well. TO BE FAIR. you have just kind of described dean when he is normal also.
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artemispt · 2 years
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His smile 🥰
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naliahh · 2 months
I love media that’s just real and raw asf
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ct-hardcase · 6 months
Given what Tey's just told the gang about himself and Vildar, I was thinking about Terec going up to Tey alone at some point during the current run and quietly asking if he knows how Vildar managed love without attachment.
While this obviously started out with and still plays into the fact that I ship Terec and Keeve, I don't think that it's going to be canon (though their deepening friendship very much is!). However, I do think this question is going to come up in canon between Terec and Ceret in terms of their platonic/sibling love as their bond has changed/continues to change. Since they're (seemingly) no longer as connected (at least, Terec has enough of their own thoughts to want to be their own person, and both have a different greatest fear), the changes in their bond mean that the love that they have for each other needs to evolve with input from both siblings (just like many other people and their siblings as they grow), in order to not become unhealthy attachment or detachment.
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