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Appreciating my sense of order
There is no hiding the fact that I have a deep sense of order. I now claim this as an amazing quality to have - but this was not always the case.
In my teens and twenties when I was surrounded by people who had messy rooms and unorganised lives, I felt like a goody-two-shoes. I let myself feel as though my clarity and order was a bad thing – not many others my age seemed to have or live these qualities so I thought perhaps there was something wrong with me.
I tried quite hard to override what was naturally me. I consciously left clothes scattered around my room and didn’t pick up after myself. I tried to let the houses I shared become disregarded and disordered. But it involved a big effort to do that, it was against my natural way. I wasn’t so good at leaving things disregarded and I gave myself a hard time about it – why couldn’t I just relax and feel ok with having a mess around me?
I now see things slightly differently. With the teachings of Serge Benhayon I began to appreciate who I am and in that, my natural sense of order and the clarity I bring. I not only bring this to my own life, I offer it to others.
I feel the state my house is in acutely. If it feels disregarded I do something about it - I clear and put away what is not needed, I move a few things around, wipe a few surfaces or simply go in and straighten the cushions up. My home has been established with clarity and so when it is not feeling clear, often only simple measure like these are all that is required to bring it back to clarity. My home is a space that feels clear to be in – for me and for others who enter my home.
I can now recognise the beauty of clarity and order. It is not something that is necessarily associated with being uptight – it can be, but it doesn’t need to be! When life has order there is much more space. Things are in place and so we can get on with the bigger picture of life. 
With clarity we have the space to be more of ourselves as we are not getting bogged down and muddied with the aspects of life that can and are simple. Life has a natural simplicity to it – when we allow for it. Clarity and order and part of what allows for simplicity in life.
Had I not claimed this quality in myself, I’m sure I would still be beating myself up for my inability to relax as I perceived it. It is not an inability to relax, it is simply that I cannot shut off from what I feel in the space I am in. This is a gift and one that I am now willing and able to share with everyone.  
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