#sergio jimenez x ofc
fanfic-about-fictif · 4 years
Cool down and relax
Type: drabble/oneshot
Pairing: Sergio Jimenez x female reader
Words: 1091
Warnings: slight nsfw (this is my way of dealing with the new Sergio chapter and imagining my boy did not do a major screw up of some kind)
She was wide awake, staring at the ceiling for the last half an hour, unable to fall asleep despite the exhausting day she had. Turning her head to the side, she saw Sergio, who was tucked in comfortably and sleeping peacefully. She envied him at that moment.
With a sigh, she got up from the bed and shuffled downstairs to his kitchen. She took a glass of cold water to drink, leaning on the kitchen counter. She didn’t turn on the lights, but her eyes adjusted to the dim room and she could see all the clean, modern pieces of furniture in Sergio’s apartment. More importantly, she could see the pool through the large glass panels, which gave her an excellent idea.
With a spring in her step, she made her way outside, to the edge of the pool. Hastily taking off her pyjama top and underwear, she tossed them aside so she could go in. A nice swim in the pool was exactly what she needed right now – it would cool her down and help her relax, so she could finally fall asleep.
She didn’t worry about anyone seeing her naked in the pool, since Sergio’s neighbours weren’t close enough to pry. His apartment was perfect in many ways, but the privacy aspect of it was her favourite. Also, only the moonlight illuminated the pool, so you couldn’t really see much from far away.
After only a few strokes in the water, she could feel all the tension in her body melting away and dissipating in the water. She felt so free; this was her first time swimming nude and it was an amazing, liberating feeling. After a few dives and a few more laps, she stopped at the edge of the pool. It was an infinity pool, which meant that she could rest her forearms on the thin line of glass on the end of it and could look straight down and see the ground one story below. It felt scary and exhilarating at the same time – being so close to falling down, so close to life-threatening danger, yet still hoping that you’re safe and actually feeling like you’re out of harm’s way.
It was almost the same feeling she had when she thought about Sergio.
“You look like a mermaid. Luring me in with your beauty.”, she could her Sergio’s voice behind her, making her jump from surprise before she realized it was him.
She turned around, leaning with her back on the glass. “How long were you standing there and trying to think of a line like that?”
“Not too long.”, he chuckled.
It was dark, so she wondered how well he could see her. Still, most of her body was covered with water which appeared black at this point of the night, so she doubted he noticed her lack of swimsuit.
He was leaned on the glass panel next to the doors of the balcony, wearing only his pyjama bottoms. It was a wonderful view; seeing his bare, sculpted torso illuminated by the moonlight. He looked like a god, even with his black hair disheveled from sleep.
“You didn’t have to get up. I just couldn’t sleep so I decided to cool off in the pool.”, she slowly started to swim to his side of the pool.
“And miss this view?” Sergio stared at her hungrily. “Not a chance.”
She leaned with her arms on the side of the pool, resting her head on top of them. “Care to join me?”
Sergio crouched down, not taking his eyes off her. “At this moment, I prefer to… Observe.”
One of her eyebrow raised up and she grinned. “You mean gawk?”
“Well, can you blame me?” Sergio cupped her cheek, caressing her skin with his thumb tenderly.
He bent down to kiss her, but pulled away too quickly for her taste.
“Sergio…”, she pleaded. “Join me. The water is incredible.”
He smiled, sitting down on the floor and resting his bodyweight on his arm. “What’s in it for me?”
“A kiss.”, she offered, splashing him with the water jokingly.
He hissed at the cold water, not expecting it, but quickly recovering with a smile on his face. “Only a kiss?”
She shrugged, swimming backwards and away. “Did I mention I’m naked?”
Sergio’s eyes almost popped out of his head, before he reacted quickly, standing up and jumping into the pool with a loud splash. He came to the surface and heard her laugh, immediately making him smile.
“You’re gonna have to catch me first!” she teased, swimming away from him.
He went after her, like a hungry shark hunting down a fish. There were splashes, laughs and close calls, but he couldn’t catch her. She was crafty; right as he was about to catch her, she dove in, appearing seconds later on the other side of the pool. It didn’t take long for her to tire and give up though, letting Sergio trap her between his strong arms on each side of her, her back pressed against the pool tiles and her front against his torso.
“Seems like I caught a mermaid after all.”, Sergio smirked, leaning closer to her.
They were both breathing heavy. Sergio looked down on their chests, before pressing his lips above her right breast. She closed her eyes as he moved upwards, leaving pecks along her collarbone and neck, and then nipping on her earlobe. She didn’t manage to hold back her soft moans, which only spurred him on. His arms were now encircling her completely, their bodies moulded together as if they were only one.
“Sergio…”, she moaned out his name, which only made him more eager.
He kissed her hungrily, with so much fervour and lust that it made her shiver. She encircled his middle with her legs, now also feeling his excitement even through his pyjama bottoms.
“You said you couldn’t sleep?” Sergio asked with a whisper, staring intensely at her eyes after a breathtaking kiss. “Maybe I can tire you out.”
She hummed, smiling. “What do you have in mind?”
He grinded against her. “A lot of things…”
“Sounds promising.”, she giggled, kissing him passionately.
Sergio’s hands trailed down her back, right to her bum, squeezing and pressing her even more against him. When she responded with a grind of her hips, he pulled out of the kiss with a groan.
“After I’m done with you, cariño… You won’t be able to walk.”, he growled, sending vibrations through her whole body.
“I’m counting on it, mi amor.”, she smirked.
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fanfic-about-fictif · 4 years
My turn
Type: drabble/oneshot
Pairing: Sergio Jimenez x female reader
Words: 1110
Warnings: no warnings
„Oh, come on, Sergio”, she tugged on his tie playfully. “Loosen up a little.”
They were standing on the beach, under the scorching Colombian sun, just a few feet of sand separating them from the splashing waves of the ocean. Well, she was standing on the beach, while her lawyer’s expensive shoes were standing firmly on the wooden boards of the beach bar. They had just finished a meeting, had a refreshing drink together at the bar and she was aching to get in the water to cool herself off. Sergio on the other hand…
“I would love to, cariño…”, he cupped her cheek affectionately, stroking her soft skin with his thumb. “But, I have too much work to finish.”
She rested her hands on his three-piece suit, wondering how he was not burning up in so many layers while she was feeling hot in the flowy summer dress she picked out for today. Her hair was pulled in a tight bun high up on her head, and with one swift movement, she released the strands of her hair which fell down her shoulders. As she twirled her hair around, Sergio watched her, completely mesmerized by her beauty.
After she moved her hands away from him, Sergio’s hands moved to her hips, keeping her close to him.
“Too bad.”, she pouted her lips. “I thought we could have some fun.”
“I promise I’ll…”
She interrupted him. “It’s too bad you’re gonna miss me showing off my new bikini.”
With a seductive wink and a smirk, she left him standing there, utterly shocked and confused. Sergio watched her as she unclasped the bow of her dress behind her neck, letting the fabric fall down her body and pool around her feet in the sand. Since her back was turned to him, the first thing he noticed how little the bottom piece of her bikini actually covered, making him instantly wonder how the front looked like. She didn’t need to turn around to see him gape at her, but she did, smiling at him brightly.
Sergio smirked, shaking his head at her like he was scolding her.
He made his way to her, not caring about the possibility of sand getting in his shoes anymore. His hands swiftly encircled her, making her turn around. Sergio pressed her body against his and kissed her without warning, hungrily and without holding back.
As they pulled away, she looked at him curiously. “What was that sudden kiss for?”
Sergio smirked, looking around them. “Just making sure none of these men around you try to hit on you while I go get my swim trunks.”
She laughed heartily and Sergio could feel the vibrations from her body as she did. He pecked her lips once again, before he made a step back. Holding only her hands now and with space between them, he took his time eyeing her from top to bottom.
“Like it?” she struck a pose jokingly, chuckling.
“You have no idea how much.”, Sergio concluded in a low voice. “I’ll try to change as quick as possible and come back.”
“Need some help?” she asked innocently, although Sergio recognized her intentions were on the opposite end of the innocence spectrum.
“I don’t think so.”, he grinned. “But, I’m sure I’ll need some help with taking them off later…”
She giggled, blushing now. “I would be happy to help.”
With one last quick kiss, Sergio left her on the beach to get changed and join her.
She had to admit, it took him even less time than she expected. And he was also thoughtful, bringing towels and sunscreen. He sat next to her, leaning on his hands casually. She admired his toned body, his blue swimming trunks which suited his tan so well, and his relaxed face expression, with his shades on. He closed his eyes for a moment, hanging his head back and revelling in the afternoon warmth of the sun.
After he opened his eyes, he took his time to properly observe her, the strands of her hair flowing in the air from the light breeze, the tan she was slowly starting to get from being in Colombia, her rosy cheeks from being too hot in this weather, and lastly, her beautiful body in a bikini.
“Why are you staring?”
“Because you are a goddess.”, he answered quickly, without hesitation.
She laughed. “I’m starting to think you have these answers memorized and ready for almost all of my questions.”
“I’m simply telling you what crossed my mind.”, Sergio smiled genuinely.
He was letting his guard down, piece by piece, each day. She loved it. It made it easier for her too, to let go and open herself to all the possibilities of them being together.
“Will you put sunscreen on my back?” she handed the tube to him. “I can’t be a goddess if I burn in this sun.”
He moved in the sand to sit behind her, happily taking the tube of sunscreen. “Gladly.”
She closed her eyes when she felt his large hands on her shoulders. At first, he took his time in gently lathering her up in sunscreen, even carefully going around and under the bikini straps. After some time though, he continued to massage her shoulders and back, with his practiced fingers.
Completely unintentionally, she let out a moan of satisfaction, instantly tensing up after she realized it.
She could hear his chuckle. Also, she didn’t need to turn around to see the cheeky smirk on his face and the glint in his eyes.
“Enjoying yourself?” she whispered into her ear, making her shiver.
“Very much so.”
“Should I continue?” Sergio kissed her shoulder, slowly moving up and leaving a trail of kisses up her neck.
“Nope. It’s my turn.”
Sergio was surprised when she pulled one leg on the other side of him and sat on his thighs. Her legs were spread apart and resting loosely around him, while he was leaning back on his hands. With no time to waste, she squeezed some sunscreen on her palms before rubbing it on his chest. She made sure to hold eye contact with him as she caressed every inch of his skin. His shoulders were last on the list, and after she rubbed some sunscreen on his back as well, which meant that her body got even closer to his. Sergio suddenly enveloped her in his arms, pulling her completely against him.
“You’re very thorough.”, Sergio remarked, quite blissfully.
“Just following your lead.”, she winked.
“How about you follow me to our hotel room?” Sergio murmured in a flirtatious manner.
“I’ll follow you anywhere.”, she concluded with a kiss.  
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