#series: Ignite my circuits and start a flame
charles-leclerizz · 7 months
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With turns sharper than a Formula one track, Indian, British driver Aisha Patel has embarked on her first ever season in formula one. Join her drama & adrenaline filled races that will have you gripping the edge of your seat !
[@charles-leclerizz is not and never will be, in the forthcoming future, affiliated with Netflix, the FIA or Official FORMULA ONE. All scenarios, character actions, characters and race outcomes are purely fictional and should not be taken seriously.]
Aisha Patel · 🪷
Porsche F1 TEAM · 🪷
The Relationships · 🪷
Challenges · 🪷
It's the dawn of a new era.
Upcoming stardome. Streaming only on Netflix
🥭 EPISODE 01 : Start your engine
It's light's off and away we go with newcomer Aisha Patel, the first south-asian female driver in Formula one. Join her in her first ever race in Bahrain and understand the young talent's personality. And see the grid's reaction to the true needle in a haystack.
LENGTH : 51 minutes, 49 seconds
WORD COUNT : 10 K [ 10366 words ]
🥭 EPISODE 02 : Racing Hearts
A few months into the 2024 season Aisha has met someone that ignites her heart like a malfunctioning engine. Will she have to retire from the race, or will she cool off before it's too late?
🥭 EPISODE 03 : Speed of Love
The teams around the paddock are starting to notice Aisha's success, winning race after race, the Indian rookie has impressed and sparked jealousy all around. Will she shatter beneath the pressure, or will she blossom like a lotus?
🥭 EPISODE 04 : Heartbreak Circuit
Icarus has always flown too close to the sun, no matter the rendition. And when too many people have too many opinions, Aisha must realise that a straw can truly break a camel back.
🥭 EPISODE 05 : Victory Lap
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Aisha finally collects her flames and moulds herself like glass into a beautiful sculpture that refracts light into beautiful shades for all to bask in.
🥭 EPISODE 06 : Love's pit stop
To accelerate or to take a sharp turn? Aisha is met with odd twists within her heart that she will need to fight to escape from. One will come out victorious whilst another, is left in 11th place.
🥭 EPISODE 07 : Racing against time
A simple sign on the dotted line, and just like Ariel, she had signed her voice away. What trials and tribulations is Aisha forced to face within her personal and professional prison?
🥭 EPISODE 08 : Crossing the finish line
Only a few races away from her greatest win, Aisha needs to tie off some hard to grapple with sailors knots, unless she wants to be floating away into the great blue for eternity.
🥭 EPISODE 09 : Heartfelt Victory
It's the end, the last time the lights go off for the 2025 season and Aisha looks back on her year in formula one. Sticking it to those who doubted her and winning where other's thought impossible.
[NOTE ! There will be smaller epilogues, episodes and fillers in between these. for example, a vogue 20 questions or a "what's in my bag" etc. Just for funsies.]
[NOTE ! The couples made in this series will have their own request-able time period, if you want to see something specific from a certain couple within the show, just let me know.]
[NOTE ! The tracking tag is as follows : [#formulaforlove]]
honourary tags [for special pookies] : @disneyprincemuke
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fic stats game!
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Thanks for tagging me, @displayheartcode! My brain is broken and refusing to do more adult stuff, so I'm choosing to do this instead. Looking at my stats is... kind of a bummer for someone who has been posting on Ao3 since 2014, ngl 😅 But I appreciate everyone who's read my fics and taken the time to let me know 💖
most hits: Ignite my circuits and start a flame (5,039 hits)
And you think you’re the one to apply some heat? Anthology of short Han/Leia stories written in response to smutty prompts.
second most kudos - Hungry hearts (194 kudos)
Leia had possibly had more meals with Han Solo than with any other living person. A look at Han and Leia's relationship through food.
third most bookmarks - One look and my heartbeat stops (19 bookmarks)
Non-sexual acts of intimacy: a series of trope-based vignettes. (Han/Leia version)
fourth most comments - Jooni and Doré (34 comments)
Han and Leia go undercover to retake a shipment of medical resources stolen from the Rebel Alliance. This is the perfect opportunity for Han to collect his winnings from a gamble against Leia, but the mission will bring them closer than either of them expected.
fifth most words - One look and my heartbeat stops (12,013 words)
Non-sexual acts of intimacy: a series of trope-based vignettes. (Han/Leia version)
least amount of words - love ridden (I’m falling in to you) (293 words)
Forelsket: That overwhelming euphoric feeling you experience when you’re falling in love with someone. // Trip to Bespin drabble.
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
sparks and embers - chapter 1
Characters: Poe Dameron x Original Female Character, Kylo Ren x Original Female Character
Story Tags: Explicit (18+), Canon Compliant/Divergent (Set after TLJ), First Person POV, Love Triangle, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Porn with Plot, Hurt/Comfort, Kylo Ren hates Poe Dameron
Summary: Alexys is a doctor living a life of exclusivity on Raxus, hoping to survive through a peaceful existence, concealing herself from those she believes would use her, or kill her. When fate intervenes and instigates a perilous journey she'd been desperately trying to avoid, Alex finds herself caught in the middle of two sides in both war and love.
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Preface: Let me say, I am immensely nervous about this. After months of back and forth inside my mind, I’ve decided to go for it and begin the long process of moving my long running series to Tumblr, along with changing the name (something I’ve wanted to do for a long time). I hit a big emotional road block after over a year of writing and posting, so I’m hoping this move will eventually get me back into the swing. But for now, I’m looking forward to revisiting the beginning of this space love triangle.
If you’ve already read the saga, absolutely NO pressure to read again. Each chapter will be edited a little, but no major plot points will change. To any newcomers who find themselves interested, the story is already posted on AO3 if you are desperate to continue. Otherwise if you prefer reading on Tumblr, or simply like the forced breaks between chapters, I’ll be posting a new chapter every couple of days. I know it’s not written as reader insert, but I just couldn’t make the story work out in any other fashion. I poured a lot of love and heart into Alexys so I hope you’ll give her a chance.
Chapter 1 - Crash Landing
Words: 3.4k
Chapter Tags/Warnings: descriptions of severe injury including blood and bone, medical procedures 
Read on AO3
I felt it before I heard it.
A booming crash of metal and glass, sending a shattering vibration through the walls and furniture around me. After the years of mostly silence I’d become accustomed to, the noise that came pummelling into my ears almost made me shriek in surprise. It was short lived, coming and going in a flicker so quick I had to wonder if it was real at all.
Lights began to flash, blinking rapidly in uneven time. The mixture of harsh beeps indicated something was faulting my electricity circuits, plunging me into the darkness of night over and over.
I could only question myself again at the plausibility of this being a dream, but the slow, increasing creak emanating from beyond the walls of this building brought me to a certainty.
Something had crashed outside.
Fear radiated through my limbs, leaving me stuck where I was standing for a few moments, before an uncontrollable urge of selflessness and honestly, curiosity, forced me to move and exit the safety of my clinic.
There wasn’t really a way to prepare for what I saw not metres away from my front entrance. A ship, an X-wing of some variety, was wrecked into itself, varying metals twisted and curled over each other, flames beginning to billow out from the creases. I could feel the heat of them rise as I cautiously stepped forward, taking in the scene with wide eyes. Only seconds had passed when I saw it – the movement of something – no, a person, demanding my attention. The pilot of this battered machine had been thrown just beyond the edge of its hull, broken transparisteel smattering the ground around them.
Hm, the Resistance should probably investigate their flight safety measures.
That thought quickly flittered away when the pilot moved again, this time with a painful moan echoing into the atmosphere. The switch inside quickly flipped, and an all too familiar feeling of conviction flooded through.
This is your cue Alexys.
I raced quickly to the pilot and knelt on the ground before them, fingers carefully removing the black and red helmet with both urgency and restraint as to not cause any more possible damage to their head or neck. The moan I'd heard just moments before let me know this person had some kind of airway, but it was pertinent I assess further. With the helmet gone I noticed the short, lightly waved black hair of a man, his eyes pulled closed, a few bruises and smudges of grey soot smattered over his face. His chest was moving, laboured breathing with the occasional heave on inhale.
At least he’s breathing.
“It’s alright,” I insisted. “I’m here to help you.”
There wasn’t any discernible response from the pilot other than a groan that withered away slowly, and that in itself was worrying. Kneeling over his body, I placed two fingers under the line of his jaw, halfway down, trying to feel for a pulse. I could sense the thump of blood under my fingertips, but it was too slow, too faint, too uneven.
Not great, but it was enough for now.
I began to scan over his body, knowing it was time to assess what was giving him reason to cry out in pain. There were severe burns on his left arm which had caused some of his flight suit to stick to the skin, with more scalds reaching down to his torso and abdomen. His right arm was almost definitely broken with the limb morphed into an irregular angle almost halfway along.
Without being able to look at them directly to ascertain whether I was going to be able to move him, I pressed on his hips gently, silently praying he hadn’t broken his pelvis. He muffled softly, but anyone who had actually shattered the bone would have screamed. As my eyes continued to scan down, it became obvious all too suddenly the shattered edge of his right femur bone poking out of the orange flight suit.
Kriff, this is not ideal.
I wanted to kick myself for not noticing it before, but there was no time, not with the very real possibility of him bleeding out in front of my eyes. My feet moved under me, racing back to the clinic room, knowing where the bandage and splint lay waiting, along with the anaesthetic injections I had stocked in the pharmacy cupboard.
He was certainly going to need them.
Within minutes I was back to the ground with the pilot, clicking together the injector handle and vial, piercing the needle straight into his thigh above the fracture site. I wouldn’t be able to wait for it to dull most of the pain, so internally, I braced myself for the scream I was about to elicit from this poor human's chest. The second I started to wrap the bandage around the splint, a piercing wail echoed through the air, almost causing me to hesitate. Still, my hands continued to haphazardly wrap the white material around his leg, pushing through the guilt it ignited. 
Suddenly, the noise stopped.
My eyes darted to his face as his head slumped over on its side. “Hey!” I shouted into his face as I scrambled back to the top end of his limp body. “Hey can you hear me? Open your eyes if you can hear me!”
There was no response.
I pinched at the muscle on his shoulder, harder and harder to elicit any kind of reaction. Nothing. My hand pulled into a closed fist and grinded against his sternum. “Come on, open those eyes if you can feel this!”
Still nothing.
Again I took check of his breathing, chest still rising and falling, yet shallow and with little power. His heartbeat had begun to race, but through my fingertips I could feel the strain in the muscle. Something was seriously wrong, even more so than his other injuries. Something internally. If I didn’t get him into the clinic, he was going to die.
In a snap decision, I chose to forgo an attempt to run back and locate the hover-stretcher. It would take too much time to set up and power on, time this man didn’t have. I would have to move him myself.
How the hell am I going to do this?
With my arms hooked and locked under his armpits I began to drag the pilots hefty body backwards towards the clinic behind me, thankfully only a few meters away, barely making it past the entryway when a roar of flames overtook the X-wing. I looked up to see the blaze almost completely engulfing the ship, a ferocious heat searing into my eyes and face. With even more urgency I heaved the body into the large clinic room, getting up and slamming the door just in time. Just before a house rattling explosion sent shockwaves into the atmosphere.
Lucky didn’t seem to be an appropriate feeling considering the situation I was in, but at least no one had died. Yet. With my last bit of brute strength, I hoisted the pilots limp body onto the closest hospital bed, noticing then the trail of red liquid I’d brought along with me.
Oh no no no.
With him still lifeless, I tugged at his body and limbs to lie flat on the bed, scurrying to my medical trolley and hauling it back to where the pilot laid, ragged breaths still thankfully escaping into the air. Snatching the heavy shears from the top drawer, I began to tear through the thick fabric of the flight suit, unclipping and removing as much of the life support vest and belt as I could. I had to be careful not to rip away the fabric that melted into the burns scattered all over his body, the number of them increasing as I peeled away the suit, starting from his legs, up to his abdomen and chest over to his upper arms. His torso was in full view now, a smattering of dark hair over his pectorals, underneath which showed the bruises of his crash’s impact.
Oh he’s definitely got some broken ribs.
As my gaze scanned over his skin, I could finally isolate where all that blood had escaped from. A deep penetrating wound just below the last rib on his left flank. As I registered his quick shallow breaths and the uneven rise in his chest, it became obvious.
Collapsed lung.
Whatever had pierced through his chest had poked an extremely damaging hole in his lung, the pleural space now filling with air, leaving no room for his lung to expand. My following movements were swift and calculated, almost automatic. A pointed scalpel was soon in my hand, poised to cut. But I couldn’t help but hesitate. It had been so long since I’d had to do this. And yet, somehow, concern for this stranger’s life was quick to weave it’s way through, dissolving my fear into pure resolve.
I made my incision in between the 4th and 5th ribs, using a clamp to push into the underlying tissue and past the pleural cavity, a gloved hand then entering to check I’d made it through. With an instinctive confidence, I guided the chest tube between the layers of tissue, undoing the ratchet of the clamp to an immediate rush of air. The pilot’s chest heaved in relief, along with my own.
One crisis averted.
But there was more to do. Connecting a drain to the tube, I haphazardly sutured it in place, before flying to the pharmacy cupboard. My stock of bacta was limited, returning with an already prepared vial into the pressurised injector, reminding myself I would need to use it sparingly if this stranger was going to make it through the full extend of his injuries. I had cursed at myself only a few times in the years past at being so far removed from a higher level medical centre that would be overflowing with bacta and medical droids that could help in exactly this kind of situation, but the thought had never burned me so badly. There was no way to know if I could keep this man alive with the resources that yesterday I had been more than comfortable with. I would just have to try.
I injected some of the bacta solution throughout the surrounding area of the wound and covered it with heavy dressing, knowing the bleeding would quickly be curbed. Unfortunately, the wound itself would take a few days to fully close, only ever being able to afford lower quality bacta. Before moving on to the burns, I placed some basic monitoring, lines extending from electrical dots over his chest, wrist and neck to the data monitor above the bed. As the numbers lit up on the holo screen, I felt myself breathe a small sigh of relief, having prepared for a much worse result. His heart rate was better, oxygen levels returning to normal, blood pressure not optimal by any means but high enough to sustain his life, for now.
After securing an oxygen filter over his battered face, I continued to inspect and clean as many of the small and more sizeable burns dotting his body. Even with the many I had uncovered, the one extending from his shoulder past his elbow was the one of most concern. Third degree and extremely unhappy looking. If I wasn’t quick to treat this, it could leak even more fluid from his already compromised circulatory system. I was thankful he still remained unconscious when I began to slowly shed the charred material melted into the skin layer. I couldn’t help but shudder as I remembered the initial scream this man had let out, knowing I would be hearing it now if not for his comatose state.
Covering the immense scald in as much salve as I could spare, I began to wrap it in protective antibacterial bandage, soon moving on to protect his many blisters and deeper burns with dressings. Glancing at the monitor screen, he was still stable, and swallowed hard. Now it was time to attempt possibly the most daunting part of this patient’s treatment.
His femur was still sticking through the tissue of his thigh, slightly dried dark red blood creating lightning strike looking lines extending from the wound.
I need to get some blood into him before moving this.
I quickly got to work on an IV cannula, his poor blood pressure making it significantly more difficult than it should have been. Two bags of O- blood were all I had, and a wave of dread coursed through me with the thought of that not being enough if this all went wrong. My fist squeezed the fast flow pump of the IV line, pushing fresh blood urgently into his system, making his blood pressure rise only slightly. With the last of the red liquid trickling through the line I wheeled over the portable X-Ray. It was so old the mechanical arm screeched at me as I positioned it into place over the pilot’s leg. The bone had to be at least somewhat in place before getting the bacta to work its magic or this guy might walk with two uneven legs for the rest of his life.
If he actually made it through the rest of his injuries, that is.
Shaking my arms out at my side, I sucked in a few deep breaths to build my stamina. Unfortunately, this stranger was stuck with a small framed female to attempt reducing his severe fracture. With one last inhale, I drew the courage to pull as hard as I could horizontally at the knee joint, digging my fingers into a vice grip around the limb and yanking it towards me. To my relief, the fractured edge of the femur to slipped back into the hole it was peeking out from, settling back under the skin.
Thank all the stars in the galaxy he’s not awake for this.
I quickly pressed the image button on the X-ray to assess the progress I’d made. The faint white lines of bone edges were stark enough on the grey background of the image. The fracture wasn’t reduced even nearly enough. I prepared myself again, with another deep breath I pulled hard. This time my efforts were forced into angling the lower portion of bone to try and lock it back into place. The grinding of bone edges could be felt through my fingers, pushing myself to pull even harder, creating more space between the fracture in the hope of giving a fighting chance of lining up the splintered edges. My muscles were whining, begging for this to be over, tears of exhaustion soon stinging at the edges of my eyes.
With one final twisting motion there was a sudden click.
My relief was short lived.
It was slow at first, before racing faster. A stream of dark red blood pooling at the wound the broken bone had made.
Oh maker no.
Within moments the pace of the blood quickened. I shot my hands to the open flesh site, pressing down hard in an attempt to disturb the flow. The liquid quickly covered my gloved hands, already sure I’d sliced into the femoral artery. The pressure of my hands into the area made the blood spurt out onto my arms, my clothes, my face, everywhere. The monitor was screaming, blood pressure falling quickly. Wiping some of the hot coppery fluid away from my left eye, I slid my fingers back into the gash, moving desperately to stop the overflow before the man lying in front of me bled out, knowing it would all be my fault.  
You have to do it Alexys. He will die if you don’t.
The voice nagged at me, pleading to do what it wanted.
He’s with the Resistance! If he survives, if he contacts them, they’ll find me. And they’ll know.
It is time to decide. His life. Or yours.
Seconds ticked by fleetingly, numbers flashing on the monitor trickling down, the speed of blood flow from the pilot’s leg stubbornly keeping it’s intensity.
Everything I’d done to get here, to isolate myself so no one could find me. It would all amount to nothing. My easy, albeit lonely life, would be gone. All because of this stranger.
But I couldn’t let him die. Not like this.
In one flash, I removed my hands from inside the wound, ripping off my gloves and placing two palms at either side of the leg. With closed eyes, I willed the energy out of the depths of its slumber. From the darkened corner of my mind I pulled it back into existence, opening the gate I’d locked it inside for so long, letting it finally burst through and fill up my brain. From there it down through my neck, through my chest and down my arms, right to the end of my fingertips. Its warming glow was almost comforting, friendly. I would have basked in it for a while if not for the life that hung in the balance before me.
Through the pads of my fingerprints I pushed the stream outwards, connecting past the skin of this innocent human being, and felt the overwhelming heat of pain and dimming of energy.
Hurry, he’s dying.
I began to map out the tissue of his leg, frustratingly slowly, starting at the smallest of capillaries, weaving and winding through the flesh, connecting them through the maze of fat and muscle. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead, my breathing forced and harsh. The vessels grew bigger as I pushed the energy through, skipping past broken points of other smaller injuries. I could fix them later.
Finally, I felt a molten warmth radiating close to where the maze had guided me. Racing to it, I sensed something pushing me back, the pressure of escaping fluid holding my efforts. I’d found the cut, but now I had to somehow knit it back together.
You’re taking too long.
The alarms of the monitor started to echo with a hollow ring inside my ear, fading until I could hear almost nothing. The world around me was blurry, only the image of vessel tissue and all-consuming redness visible in my minds eye. The energy I was expending began to burn me - I wouldn’t be able to keep this up for much longer. I reached out with it, what felt like many hands grasping desperately at the severed edge of the vessel, frantic yet delicate, pulling whatever tissue I could hold back into place.
Several fringes connected, the pressure pushing forcefully against me, making it harder to hold. I couldn’t help but begin to shake at the strain, the sound of my own heart pounding over the slowing heartbeat of the pilot. My grip was already beginning to fade before I started to sew the pieces of artery back together, an ache growing behind my eyes as I pierced an invisible needle through the tissue, over and over, still clawing at the unsewn edges as I made my way around the tube.
I was so close, the tension of the fluid still being driven out of the broken seal almost overcoming me. The unseen thread had almost made its way full circle. I was almost there.
My entire body rattled with exhaustion and pain. One final thread wove itself around the artery, its abrupt closure alleviating the strain on invisible fingers that had been clutching it all together.
You did it.
The energy dissipated quickly in a rolling wave, letting it retreat back into my mind, scampering to the secluded area of my brain, hidden once more. I felt light suddenly, dizzy, the world coming back into focus, screaming alarms growing louder. It was too much, all at once.
A sharp pang of fatigue enveloped every part of my senses and I faltered back, knees giving way, slumping to the floor.
Then, there was only darkness.
Next Chapter
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Just let me know if you would like to be removed or added, no judgement!
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punkrockmads · 3 years
Found Family
Abby x F! Reader Mini Series
Warnings: Angst, fighting
Song used: Honeybee, Steam Powered Giraffe
Chapter Six; I Can't Lose You
"Abby, c'mon. You can't expect me to sit here for months." I groan, looking at Abby with an annoyed frown.
"No, Y/N." Abby sighs. "Please just stay here." Abby's been trying to convince me to stay home from patrol until the baby's born. The problem is, that isn't supposed to be for another three months and I'm already extremely restless.
"Abby, I'll be fine." I assure her. She closes her eyes, zipping up her backpack. "I can take care of myself." We've been going back and forth like this for ten minutes.
"Please, listen to me." Abby pleads. "Please just stay here." She slings her bag over her shoulder.
"I don't want you going out there and getting hurt when I could've been there helping!" I say, not even noticing I've raised my voice.
"No!" Abby yells, staring at me. I freeze, feeling a sting of pain in my chest. "I'm not letting you go out there and risk yourself and her! I can't lose you, do you understand that?!" She glares at me, her arms swinging as she speaks. "Just fucking stay here!"
I take a deep breath, trying extremely hard to keep my composure in front of her. I know she's just worried. "Okay." I sigh, my voice calm despite the hurricane inside me. Abby looks at me with instant regret before turning away and opening the front door.
"I'll see you in a bit." She mumbles. "I love you." She leaves, closing the door before I can even respond.
"I love you too." I whisper as tears fall down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away, turning around and walking upstairs. I walk carefully, my baby bump making stairs a little harder for me. I feel like a whale. And the worst part is, I'm only gonna get bigger. Lev comes out of his room, seeing me on the stairs.
"Hey." Lev walks down the steps, standing beside me. "Let me help you." He puts a hand on my back, guiding me up the stairs.
"Thanks, kiddo." I sigh, grateful for him. He's been so helpful, always willing to do anything to help Abby and I with his baby sister.
"I heard you and Abby fighting." Lev says once we make it to the top of the stairs. I look at him with a pitiful smile, sorry he had to hear any of that. "She's just worried, you know?" He follows me into mine and Abby's bedroom, sitting beside me on the bed.
"I know." I nod. "She's trying to keep me and the baby safe. I'm not upset with her."
"Then why are you crying?" Lev asks with a small laugh, wiping my tears away.
"I don't know." I chuckle. "Pregnancy hormones."
"Is that why you've been all emotional and stuff?" Lev asks. I pull him into a hug, laughing at his annoyed groan.
"Pregnancy can make girls a little crazy." I smile, ruffling Lev's hair. The baby kicks my stomach, probably excited to hear her brother. "She's kicking." I hum. "Wanna listen?"
"Can I?" Lev asks, wonder in his eyes.
"Of course!" I nod, watching Lev put his ear to my stomach. "I think she's excited to meet you."
"You think she'll like me?" Lev asks.
"Lev, she's gonna adore you." I assure him. "You're gonna be the best big brother ever." Lev smiles, hugging my stomach. "She's gonna love you." I yawn, starting to get tired. "Okay, I'm gonna nap. You go ahead and chill till Abby gets home. Don't burn the house down." I laugh. Lev rolls his eyes at my teasing, leaving the room and closing the door. I lay down on Abby's side of the bed, holding her pillow and enjoying the comforting scent of her; pine soap and the woods after a rainstorm. I don't even realize I've drifted off to sleep until I feel the bed shift behind me, someone laying down and spooning me carefully.
I open my eyes slowly, feeling a familiar strong arm wrap around my waist, a warm hand on my stomach. "Hey, goober." It's Abby. She's talking to the baby. I hold back a smile, closing my eyes and pretending to still be asleep. "Mommy and I are so excited to meet you. We love you so much. You gotta go a little easy on me, okay? I'm not as strong as Mommy." She laughs a bit at her words, sniffling. Is she... crying? "My sweet girls. I love you both with my whole heart." I feel her press her head against my back.
"You're a sap." I whisper, startling Abby. I turn around to face her as she props her elbow on the pillow, resting her head in her hand. I smile at her, delicately wiping the tears from her freckled left cheek with the pad of my right thumb. "Hi." I greet her, my voice still thick with sleep.
"Hey." Abby mumbles back. She looks a little sad. "I'm sorry about this morning." She says, referring to the fight.
"It's okay." I lean up, kissing her cheek. "You're trying to protect me and the baby. It's okay." Abby sits up, gesturing for me to sit in her lap. I do just that, wrapping my arms around her torso and kissing her lips.
"When I was a kid..." She pauses, rocking me slightly and rubbing my stomach. "I was part of the Salt Lake Firefly outpost with my dad and my friends." I remember her telling me about Salt Lake and her father and the man she killed. "One of my friends was this girl named Mel. We weren't very close, but she was family. She was cool. Two years ago, so... when I was nineteen, she got pregnant. She was seven months pregnant when something happened and she left base and... she and my friend Owen got killed... and Lev and I were the ones who found them." I feel her tense for a moment before relaxing again. I look at her, rubbing soothing circles into her forearms. "I just... I don't wanna lose you like I lost her. I can't lose you." Abby's voice breaks with her last sentence.
"Oh, Abby." I whisper, feeling my heart break for her. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, baby."
"It's okay." Abby says, hugging me tighter. "I'm so glad I have you, angel. I don't wanna lose you."
"Hey." I take Abby's face in my hands. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I kiss her lips. "You're stuck with me, Anderson." She smiles at the last part.
"And you're stuck with me, Anderson." Abby laughs. I laugh with her, hugging her torso tightly. She begins to rock me side to side slowly again, rubbing my stomach and arm.
'You didn't have to look my way
Your eyes still haunt me
To this day
But you did
Yes you did'
"Are you... singing to me?" I ask, looking at Abby with a grin.
"Shh." She chuckles, tickling my side. I laugh, wiggling a little in her arms. "I'm trying to." I rest my head on Abby's chest, listening to the gentle thrum of her heartbeat.
'You didn't have to say my name
Ignite my circuits
Start a flame
But you did
Yes you did'
I sigh, letting my eyes fall shut as I take in the peace and comfort of being in Abby's arms. She continues rocking side to side, tracing hearts on my stomach with her finger in an ink only the two of us can see.
'Oh, Turpentine erase me whole
Cause I don't want to live my life alone
Well I was waiting for you all my life
Set me free
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h2bakugou · 4 years
the league | eijiro kirishima
Maze Runner AU
a/n: ahhh!! it’s here, the final installment (as of now ooo) of the maze runner au series. i had planned to do a few more, but as of now i should probably finish my requests lol. 
summary: the league’s got kirishima. and you’re going to do everything in your power to get him back.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, angst
wordcount: 1k
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It wasn’t fair. You’d made a promise to Kiri, one you sure as hell weren’t going to forget. You wouldn’t let him be used. Used by those heartless bastards that dared to say they were the true heroes. You were going to get Kirishima back, and you were going to do whatever it takes to do so.
- - -
“This is the craziest thing I’ve done!” Kaminari yelled, charging full speed throughout the corridor, electrocuting the guy who was coming toward him.
“Are we positive he’s even gonna be here?” Sero called out, stringing a few bad guys up with his tape. You stared at the large door and slid the key card you snagged off one of the unconscious guards.
“All the evidence we have leads to right here. He’s got to be.”
Sure enough, the door opened and more guards spewed out. The League wasn’t messing around with their security, that was true. You took down as many as you could, Sero, Kaminari, and Deku taking care of a few others, making sure that you had a path clear to get to Kirishima.
It didn’t take long for you to find him, he was by himself, needles and tubes feeding off of him like he was some sort of meat sack. You quickly disconnected everything and looked at him.
“Kirishima!” You shouted, shaking his shoulders lightly. His eyes darted open, his goofy sharp-toothed grin appearing on his lips.
“(Y/n)! What are-”
“We don’t have time for that we need to go, now!” You quickly yanked Kirishima off of the table, looking around for the exit. Sero, Kaminari, and Deku bolted through the doors and quickly shut it behind them.
“Glad to see you’re alive!” Kaminari was smiling, you could tell he was about a volt and a-half from short circuiting.
Banging at the door startled the group that stood in the room. You had to think of a plan. There was no way you’d be able to take on the army that stood behind the door.
"Any ideas?”
You glanced at the large windows that stood before you. You were way too high up for comfort, but you’d have to risk it. You weren’t going to surrender, not at the hands of the League at least.
They’d put you and your friends through way too much pain.
“Help me lift this!” You shouted, the group of boys coming to your aid. And with one large heave ho, you launched the metal canister through the glass window, sending it flying down into the pool below.
The canister landed in the water with a large splash. It was doable. You’d be fine, maybe a sprain at least, but you didn’t have time to think of the cons of jumping from god knows how many stories high into a pool of water right now.
“Just need a running start.”
“Are you sure about this?” Kaminari looked at you, worried. The sawing of metal screeched in your ears as the guards behind the door tried to get to you. They were getting closer with each passing second. You didn’t have much time left.
“Not really.” You said casually, almost to casually.
“Great pep talk. We’re all inspired.” Sero added, playing off of what Kaminari had said.
You gripped onto Kirishima’s hand, not wanting to lose him again.
The sawing stopped and the door swung open. Your heads turned to glare at the men in the doorway, Shigaraki leading them.
The four of you turned tail and jumped from the window. It was exhilarating.
Sero and Kaminari called to one another while you called to Kirishima. You held his hand, not letting go until the cold feeling of water washed over your bodies. You quickly swam to the surface, pulling Kirishima along with you.
When you reached the concrete of the sidewalk, you were bombarded with men again, but explosion and fighting seemed to steer them away.
“’Bout time you loser showed up! You took your damn sweet time! Good to see you again shitty hair.” Bakugou greeted the four of you, defending you until you get on your feet again.
“Great to see you too Bakugou!” Kaminari and Kirishima yelled in unison.
You rushed back to the others with Bakugou, your hand still in Kirishima’s grasp. He didn’t let go unless he absolutely needed to. He didn’t want to lose you. Much like you didn’t want to lose him.
- - -
You rested on the airship, watching as flames and chaos burned down below. Death and destruction littered the world below as you curled up next to Kirishima, your head resting on his chest.
The battle was over, for now at least. No more fighting. You had won.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” You whispered, cold and clinging onto Kirishima for what little warmth he was radiating at the moment.
Both of you were still cold and wet from jumping into the pool of water not much less than an hour ago.
You were both tired and bruised, bleeding from small open cuts, reminders of the battle you had just waged. A break was much needed.
“Thank you for keeping your promise.” Kirishima whispered, his large hand stroking your wet hair as you laid atop him.
Two towels landed over top of you as Bakugou trudged by, grumbling something under his breath.
You quickly gave Kirishima a towel before bundling yourself up, drying off as best as you could.
It was going to be a long time before you could ever get truly comfortable with how the new world was going to work, but at least he was with you.
You leaned up and pressed your lips to Kirishima’s, a long awaited fire igniting inside the two of you. Kaminari and Sero cheered for the two of you as they had seen the romance blossoming between you for the longest time, casually making jokes about when the two of you were finally going to acknowledge that you were head over heels for each other.
Kirishima pulled away and looked in your eyes, a blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Please don’t leave my side again.” You whispered, your forehead resting against Kirishima’s. His nodded and cupped your cheek with his hand.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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taglist; @redriotbby​​ @auszimbo @cookednoodlez​​ @c-kinnie​​ @engel-hageshii​​
masterlist | maze runner au masterlist
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prairiesongserial · 4 years
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Cutter had a vice grip on John’s arm, pulling him back into the shadows.
“Hey, hey, hey,” she said. “That is not a good idea.”
John knew that. He glared at Cutter in the dark, hoping his face was visible enough to get the point across. Cutter grimaced back.
“Things are going well,” Cutter said. “Interfere, and they might go less well, okay?”
In John’s mind’s eye, he was marching through the crowd of Good Guys, following Cody and the King out of the hall, and if necessary, pulling Cody by his feet out of the Birth Canal. John gave Cutter another biting look.
“I’ll take you around the other side, okay? You can watch him come through to the lake.”
She didn’t wait for John’s answer before leading the way into a tunnel John hadn’t noticed in the near-darkness. Her voice bounced off the cave walls as she talked.
“It probably seems strange to you, but I’m not kidding. Things are going well.” Cutter paused, then started walking again. “The initiation’s rough, but you Dead-Eyes got a lot more out of this parley than any of us expected you would.”
Again, Cutter paused, and John realized she was listening to his cane. She was able to hear when he fell behind, and each time, she waited for him to catch up. “I’m not even talking about whatever information the King decides to give up,” Cutter continued. “The initiation alone is...” Cutter sucked her teeth. “Well, let’s just say the King likes Cody.”
John slowed as the path under his feet began to slope down. Downward slopes hurt. He didn’t know whether he was making the right choice, trusting Cutter, or if he should have taken his chances with the rest of the Good Guys. It was too late to change his mind, now. Now that Cody was out of his sight, John wouldn’t have much of a chance of finding him on his own. All John could do was hope Cody would be okay without him.
A few minutes later, the tunnel widened, and finally spit him and Cutter into another giant cave. The air here was cold, and in the darkness, John heard the sound of the pier of Everglades City, the sound of the water gently slapping against the wood beams. He shrank back into the tunnel.
“What are you doing?” Cutter asked over her shoulder. “Come here, this is worth seeing.”
John crossed his arms. But soon, he didn’t have any choice but to join Cutter in the cave. There were footsteps, lots of them, behind him in the tunnel. He and Cutter weren’t the only ones turning out to see Cody make it to the other side.
John made himself small against the cave wall as he heard Good Guys enter the cave just a few feet away. Then he heard the King’s unmistakable voice, close and loud.
“Go ahead and light it,” the King ordered.
Something happened that took John’s breath away. A tiny light appeared at the other side of the cave, showing just how big the room was. It was even bigger than the hall where the King had parleyed with Cody on her throne. The tiny flame wavered slightly, held by an arm that was just barely visible in its light. Then the flame bloomed, as a lamp on the cave wall was lit. John inhaled sharply as the fire moved along the cave wall, like a snake emerging from a crack in the stone. It was fast, circling the room before John had time to process the sight. The ring of fire ignited several lamps that persisted even as the fire that formed its path between them slowly died. The snake ended its journey in a lamp above John’s head, and he staggered back from the wall to watch the last of the traveling flame die, leaving only the lamps lit. 
The lamps now revealed John and the Good Guys to be standing at the shore of a lake deep underground. The lake reflected the orange light, but the lamps only made a semi-circle, leaving the far shore of the lake in darkness; judging by the slight tidal pull of the water, it was a very big body of water.
The Good Guys around John, who he could now see clearly, seemed unmoved by the spectacle. They stood in nervous anticipation, not talking much. Some paced, but most were still, their eyes inevitably returning to a hole in the wall of the cave that John wouldn’t have noticed if not for the Good Guys’ interest.
A soft grunt, transformed by the echo of the caves into a sound that barely registered as human, sent a jolt of energy through the crowd. John felt it, too, his heart beating faster with the bizarre understanding that Cody was as close to being a part of the mountain itself as a person could be, alive, encased in the stone, and for the minutes he spent inside the Birth Canal, holding the mountain up in what measure he was able.
Cutter stole a look at John’s face, but he didn’t acknowledge her, his eyes locked on the King as she pulled Cody out of the mountain by the arms.
“You get it,” Cutter said. It was a statement of fact. The quiet in the room had vanished, replaced by the buzz of celebration; food and drink appeared and made a circuit of the room as Good Guys laughed and chatted.
John rubbed his eyes with his sleeve, the dust from his shirt stinging more than the welling tears. Yes, he got it. He was moved, though frustrated by being moved in equal measure.
“You would have made a decent Good Guy,” Cutter said. “Something tells me the King won’t be up to initiate another stranger today, though.” She grimaced at him, another thought clearly occurring to her. “Especially not one who snuck in to witness sacred rites.”
John barely listened to Cutter, still watching Cody as he spoke with the King.
“Speaking of which,” Cutter whispered, “I think it’s about time I sneak you out of here. As a favor to Sailor. That neither of us will tell anyone about.”
“I’ll go on my own,” John said, after a long pause that had apparently made Cutter nervous. He understood that after a certain point, his presence here had become more of a liability to Cody than anything else. “As a favor to Sailor, you can…” He wasn’t sure how to phrase what he wanted to say.
“No favor about it,” Cutter said, and suddenly turned solemn. “On my birthright, Cody will leave the mountain.”
A Good Guy John recognized from earlier that afternoon jostled up against Cutter, holding a beer and wearing a grin.
“King wants you, Cutter,” he said, before disappearing into the crowd again.
Cutter shot John a look that meant “Keep your head down and I’ll be back to walk you out in a minute.”
John waited until she had joined Cody and the King before disappearing.
Finding his way out of the caves alone wasn’t easy. He found his way back to the hall, empty now except for its eerie green glow, without a problem. Figuring out which passage to take back to the surface was more difficult.
John tried several of the passages, having to backtrack when each one inevitably lacked the series of ledges that had given John so much trouble on the way down. John was relieved when he finally found the stairs. It was a funny feeling, to be glad to see something that was about to hurt him. First thing when he and Cody got back to camp, he would ask Enis if he really meant what he’d said about making John a brace for his knee.
John rested several times on the way up, but he almost needn’t have bothered. Rest or no rest, he hadn’t been in this much pain since he’d been shot.
“This was really stupid,” he growled at the stone walls, hoisting himself up yet another step, too annoyed to be delighted when it proved to be the last one.
The stone walls didn’t reply, as if tacitly in agreement. John grumbled to himself as he made the rest of the trek out of the mountain.
The sound of late summer cicadas ushered him through the curtain of moss that separated the inside of the mountain from the rest of the world. The sun was threatening to set. John sat down and waited.
John was jerked awake by a hand on his shoulder and Cody’s voice, too loud, exclaiming his name.
He blinked up at Cody, whose face hovered close, blocking out the harsh light of the sun in the west. His breath smelled like beer, and his eyes were bright, though full of concern.
“Did you walk all the way here?” Cody asked. “You must have been waiting for…” Cody had pulled his hand away from John’s shoulder. He examined the layer of dust that had come away on his palm in a long moment of confusion. Then his eyes flashed with anger. Why was he angry? John was the one who had a right to be angry.
“You followed me in?” Cody asked. “Why?”
He put the questions gently, but John had seen Cody’s expression. John turned his head sharply, looking down the path they would need to take back to the circus. Cody sat back. After a moment, he dusted off his palm.
“Are you finding the words, or not answering?” he asked.
Anger spiked in John all over, filling his head with buzzing. He set his jaw. He was reminded of how he’d held the reins of the Chokecherry mare, Blueberry, when she’d startled after seeing a snake. He’d clenched his fists around the leather straps with measured control as she’d danced in place, torn between the hand she trusted on the reins and her desire to throw John and run. If John relaxed his control even a little, he’d ruin everything.
Cody waited, looking at him. John kept staring down the path, listening to his own heartbeat in his ears.
“Alright, let’s go,” Cody said at last, his voice hard around the edges despite the effort he was so clearly putting toward patience. Why was he mad? What had John done except try to honor the terms of their partnership? Above all else, above love, even, John followed Cody.
Cody got to his feet, and waited for John to join him. John wanted to. He pressed his hands against the ground, the muscles in his arms shaking. His bad leg wasn’t taking any weight. John grimaced. It would have to. He would force it.
Cody’s hand hovered in front of him, offering to pull him up. Cody didn’t look mad anymore, his expression soft. Again, John’s frustration spiked.
“I’m mad at you,” he snapped, and he could almost feel the leather rein wrenching through his fingers. He snatched it back before he could say anything else.
Cody’s eyes flashed again; so he’d still been annoyed after all. John liked seeing it on Cody’s face better than having to guess.
“I gathered,” Cody said, hand still held out. “Come on.”
John took his hand, and Cody wrenched him to his feet. John bit his lip to keep from showing Cody how much pain he was in as his weight, even offset by the cane, settled on his bad leg. Cody had already started down the path. John took a step forward, and a whine escaped him before he tottered three off-balance steps back, into the boulder that he had leaned against earlier that day.
Cody was walking away. John breathed in, deep and slow. He wasn’t going to cry from pain, or frustration, or anger, or the sad, seeping fear that Cody didn’t really care that much about John one way or the other. He closed his eyes. A moment later, he heard Cody’s feet pounding over the ground as he ran back.
“Please, talk to me,” Cody huffed as he came up next to John. He wiped roughly - frustratedly - at the grime on his face, a mix of dust, sweat, and the grease paint he’d smeared around his eyes. “This isn’t fair.”
John grimaced when he saw Cody’s earnest expression.
“Fine,” Cody grumbled. Bewilderingly, he turned his back on John and lowered himself, bracing one knee against the ground. “Come on, let’s go home.”
John realized he was supposed to let Cody carry him on his back. It was the last thing he wanted, but he didn’t have much choice if he wanted to get back to camp before night fell. Holding his breath, he stepped forward. He wrapped one arm around Cody’s neck, the other still gripping his cane. Before John had time to change his mind, Cody had grabbed under his legs and stood up, hoisting John into the air.
Cody staggered under John’s weight, and John accidentally smacked him with his cane as he scrambled to hang on.
“Ow,” said Cody.
“Sorry,” John muttered.
“You know, I crawled through a tiny, horrible cave today,” Cody grumbled. He had recovered his balance and started to walk, carefully, down the path. Every few steps he adjusted his grip, hoisting John higher on his back.
John rested his head, listening to Cody breathe heavily with the effort of carrying him. The sharp edges of his anger had dulled into something he could sit with comfortably, without holding the reins so tight.
13.9 || epilogue 13
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otterandterrier · 5 years
3, 16
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
I loved writing Now I’ve got you in my sights, because I’d been planning it for a long time and it felt good to get it out. I think my favourite part was Leia doing “reconnaissance” of Han’s body 😏
16. fic(s) you completed this year
Making this list was insane because look at how much I wrote this year!! Eighteen fics, and while some of them are very short, I also wrote a multichapter and a 19k one-shot!
Zoochberry pie and eggnog [Hungry Hearts series]
Homecoming [post-rotj multichapter]
Temptation [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Lazy [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Taste [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Company [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Let there be damage ensued
Intruder [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Five things Han Solo believed in (and one that proved them all wrong)
Begging [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Star fritters [Hungry Hearts series]
Sahbiye [Hungry Hearts series]
Now I’ve got you in my sights [Inventory of Han Solo Kisses series]
All I long for
Missing [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
Celebration [Ignite my circuits and start a flame series]
keep with me forward (all through the night)
Just to make happy someone like you
Like holy shit, I wrote all that!
send me fanfic end of the year asks please?
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itsworn · 7 years
Joe McIver’s 1948 Ford
With a little time, talent, and help from the aftermarket, a sad old farm truck can be brought back to life, making it far better than new. The classic, visual signature of these vintage pickups is timeless and requires just a subtle touch to bring them into the new millennium. Spend some time updating the suspension and powertrain, modernize the interior, and finish with paint in the color of your choice. It won’t be long before your satisfaction level and your trophy case will be overflowing. What could make it better? How about seeing a truck that’s been in the family for decades finally transformed into a show winner that is a joy to drive.
That’s the scenario for Jacksonville, Florida’s Joe McIver, an active enthusiast from an early age. Joe’s father shared his automotive passion with his sons, giving them a 1952 panel truck at an early age. Joe smiles when he told us, “They used to call my brother and me the hearse boys.” The kidding didn’t bother them at all since that old panel was not only transportation, it was freedom for the pair of young teenagers. The panel is long gone but the enthusiasm is as strong as ever. When Joe started a family of his own, several cool custom cars followed, along with a series of customized vans, the perfect choice for his wife, Liz, and their four children. But perhaps the most fun vehicle of all was the acquisition of this 1948 Ford pickup truck.
In the family for decades, it was originally owned by his cousin, then his brother, and then finally Joe became the new owner of the tired old truck. Since the kids were grown, Joe smiles when he says “It was the right project at the right time. You can’t take your money with you!” With the help of several friends, Joe embarked on the six-year restoration and customizing project, turning the used and abused old Ford into a consistent trophy winner on the Southeast show circuit.
Making the truck safe and driveable was the first priority. Many years before, back in the ’70s, a big 460 Lincoln V-8 had been installed. While the V-8 was quick, many parts of the brakes and suspension were not commensurate with the potent powerplant. Joe’s good friend Ron Hess began the initial upgrades, sandblasting and boxing the original frame then adding a new crossmember for the automatic transmission. The new Heidts Mustang II front end with disc brakes modernized the front, while in the rear, refurbished drum brakes (along with the handbrake) were retained.
Re-arched leaf springs and factory shocks hold the 9-inch Ford open differential, fitted with 3.55 gears. Joe’s truck rolls on American Racing rims, 15x7s up front and 15x8s in the rear. Goodyear 60-series rubber connects the Ford to the asphalt. The big Lincoln also needed its share of tender loving care and Hess also accomplished the rebuild. Since reliability was far more important than extreme horsepower numbers, the 460, already rated at 365 hp, was brought back to original specs, then fitted with an Edelbrock 600-cfm carb, MSD ignition, and factory exhaust manifolds that feed dual Flowmasters with side-exiting pipes. Like many family heirlooms, much of the information about the original engine is lost but Joe is happy to say that with the rejuvenated motor underhood, he can and does head out on 500-mile road trips without a second thought! Adding to the truck’s cool cruiser capabilities is the modern C6 automatic transmission.
Several upgrades were incorporated into the body, beginning with the tilt frontend that uses a pair of linear actuators. Hess created the new radiator support and smoothed the firewall to showcase the engine. A custom front bumper and an original-style fiberglass grille completed the face-lift up front. In the rear, the truck uses a new steel bed from Early Fords, along with their steel running boards, fiberglass rear fenders, repro taillights, and new chrome bumper. The gas tank was removed from the interior, creating a little extra room and keeping the interior smelling fresh. The new 17-gallon tank resides under the bed and is accessed with a center-mounted filler cap through the stainless steel, diamond plate bed floor. Danny Smith of Danny’s Custom Creations in Jacksonville, Florida, handled the finishing touches on the body and sprayed the RM Red Brown Mica paint.
The interior was last on the list and got its share of upgrades, with the sheetmetal parts painted to match the exterior. Hess smoothed the dash, then reconfigured the centersection to house additional controls. The lines flow smoothly into the new metal center console, upholstered in gray tweed. Dolphin gauges replaced the tired originals, doing an effective job of monitoring underhood activity. Joe holds onto an aftermarket wheel on a Flaming River column, using the Lokar shifter and pedals to keep him in close touch with his rejuvenated ride. The comfortable S-10 power seats, complete with center armrest, were upholstered in gray tweed by Mike’s Upholstery, of Callahan, Florida. The door panels were painted and upholstered to match, then upgraded with power windows. Creature comforts begin with a Pioneer stereo that feeds a pair of 5-inch coaxial speakers mounted on either side of the center console along with a second pair of 6.5-inch units housed in a custom enclosure on the rear cab wall. Since the truck is in Florida, air conditioning was a mandatory upgrade with the Vintage Air components making it a comfortable long-distance traveler. Joe and Liz thoroughly enjoy their heirloom truck, attending car shows and cruise-ins at every opportunity, racking up more than three-dozen trophies so far.
Facts and Figures
1948 Ford F-1 Joe & Liz McIver
CHASSIS Frame: Factory Modifications: Boxed Rear End / Ratio: Ford open 9-inch with 3.55 gears Brakes: Disc brakes up front and drums in the rear Rear Suspension: Re-arched leaf springs and shock absorbers Front Suspension: Heidts Mustang II Steering: Heidts Front Wheels: American Racing 15×7 Rear Wheels: American Racing 15×8 Front Tires: Goodyear 235/60-R15 Rear Tires: Goodyear 255/60-R15 Gas Tank: 17-gallon tank mounted in the rear framerails
DRIVETRAIN Engine: 1970 Lincoln 460 V-8 Heads: Factory Valve covers: Edelbrock chrome Manifold/Induction: Edelbrock 600-cfm carb Ignition: MSD Headers: Ceramic-coated factory exhaust manifolds Exhaust/Mufflers: Side exiting exhaust with Flowmaster mufflers Transmission: Ford C6 automatic Shifter: Lokar
BODY Style: Pickup Modifications: Tilt front end with a fiberglass replica grille, fiberglass rear fenders Bed: New from Early Fords with a Diamond Plate bed floor Bodywork and Paint By: Danny Smith of Danny’s Custom Creations, Jacksonville, FL Paint Type/Color: RM Red Brown Mica Headlights/Taillights: Reproduction originals Outside mirrors: Aftermarket Bumpers: Custom-ribbed bumper up front and reproduction original in the rear
INTERIOR Dashboard: Customized to incorporate additional gauges and a center console Gauges: Dolphin white face Air conditioning: Vintage Air Stereo: Pioneer DEH-4300 stereo head unit powering 5-inch coaxial speakers in the center console and 6.5-inch units in a custom rear enclosure Steering Wheel: Aftermarket Steering Column: Flaming River Seats: Power seats from an S-10, cut to below the rear window line Upholstery By: Mike’s Upholstery, Callahan, FL Material / Color: Gray tweed Carpet: Gray tweed with black Ford logo mats
The post Joe McIver’s 1948 Ford appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/joe-mcivers-1948-ford/ via IFTTT
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7 or 10, or if you like, a combination of both, please?
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, but this one was a challenge! (and also, I kept writing other stuff) This is the last of the requests I got from the smutty prompts list—which I opened almost a year ago for Valentine’s Day 😅I’m not going to pretend I don’t do this literally every time. Anyway, you guys are free to keep sending me prompts from that list and I’ll do them in between other projects if you don’t mind the wait. The rest of this collection can be found in this tag, ao3 and ffn.
7. coming untouched and/or early + 10. having to be very quiet for fear of being overheard 
Han’s self-satisfied smirk dropped in a partly-acted scowl.
‘What’d you scoff at?’
Leia didn’t even pause as she gathered their empty dishes from the table.
‘Um, what you just said.’
‘Which part, the bit they call Han a natural sex symbol, or the testimony?’ Luke chimed in, barely holding in his laughter behind his glass.
‘Hey! You are just jealous,’ Han said, pointing a condemning finger.
‘Why would I be jealous? They call me a golden boy and… other things I won’t repeat.’
‘That ain’t the same as being a sex symbol and you know it,’ Han said, gathering the knives and forks. Luke just shrugged.
‘Well, to answer your question, even though the whole thing is hilarious, I was scoffing at the testimony.’ Leia turned in the tiny kitchen in her and Han’s apartment to put the dishes in the sink as she quoted the holozine article they had been discussing. ‘“Han Solo is so hot, I can guarantee you he makes people come just by looking at them”. That’s a bit much, don’t you think?’
‘Those rags are getting racier, that’s for sure,’ Luke said darkly, getting up to help carry their empty glasses.
‘Aw, don’t worry, sweetheart, you’re the only one I wanna look at,’ Han said with a big grin and a very deliberate wink as they stopped in front of each other. 
‘You know it takes a lot more than that,’ Leia said, rolling her eyes. Luke groaned and squished past them. The initially harmless conversation was turning into more than he seemed willing to handle, and doing the dishes appeared like a suitable escape even if it didn’t take him too far out of earshot. ‘No matter how hot you are.’
Han draped the dishtowel over a shoulder and looked smugly at her. ‘So you do think I’m hot, huh?’
‘No, I just think keeping you around is handy. Chores get done in half the time.’
The conversation moved on as they finished cleaning up. They hadn’t seen Luke in over a month: he had resigned his position in the New Republic even before Han on a quest for knowledge on the Jedi Order. He’d long given up keeping a place of his own in Chandrila, so even though their apartment was minuscule, Leia always insisted he stayed with her and Han on his visits.
After brushing her teeth and setting her brother up in the sofa, Leia closed the bedroom door behind her and began to undress. She looked up halfway through, one of her legs still in her pants, to find Han staring at her from the foot of the bed. He was clad only in his underwear and the look of someone who had a winning Sabacc hand. 
Amused, she raised an eyebrow. ‘Enjoying the show, flyboy?’
Leia hung her clothes from a rack and walked over to him. Accepting his offered hands, she climbed into his lap, her knees pressing down on the mattress at each side of his thighs. She had been looking forward to the weekend, to having more time and energy for him, and he was looking at her in a way that almost made her believe that magazine’s statement. With Luke in the next room, though, she had almost decided they’d have to put it off for tomorrow but… if she was honest, part of her needed to be with him right now because of that article.
She rose on her knees and tilted his head back, her hands tangling in his hair.
‘I don’t mind that other people see you the way I see you,’ she said quietly, staring back into his hazel-green eyes.
‘But?’ Han asked, stroking her back.
‘But I’m not crazy about reading that they picture themselves with you,’ she admitted.
‘If it helps, seems I do nothin’ but look at them and that does it.’
‘Oh, come on,’ she said, rolling her eyes at his smirk but smiling despite herself. ‘You think that I used to come to the mental image of you fixing the Falcon? Eating a sandwich?’
‘No, but now I’m very interested in knowin’ what was it you pictured, sweetheart,’ Han said, sliding his hands down to her ass and kissing her neck.
‘Something like this, but lower.’
He moved down to her collarbone, sucking and biting gently towards her left shoulder.
‘Yeah? Like this?’
‘Mm, I think it was lower,’ she sighed.
His nose shifted against her skin as he caught hold of her bra strap with his teeth and slid it off her shoulder, repeating the process on the opposite side. Leia’s breath hitched as he pressed her flush with him, making her stand taller on her knees, and his mouth dipped between her breasts.
‘This any closer?’
‘Getting warmer,’ Leia said with a breathless laugh over his head. She unhooked her bra and let it fall on the floor. Han’s hands left her ass to cup her breasts, large thumbs circling over her nipples, but he lifted his head and, getting the message, she met him in a kiss, letting her tongue return the favour. One of his hands moved away to run circles in a particularly sensitive spot on her lower back, nails barely scratching the skin in a sensual tickle, and the combination of that with the massage on her nipple and the hardness stuck between her legs made her whimper into Han’s mouth.
‘Shh,’ he whispered, breaking away. ‘You don’t wanna be overheard, do ya?’
‘No,’ Leia gasped, writhing her hips against his to stoke up the ache in her own center. She pushed the flats of her hands against his chest and pushed him down into the mattress. Her long braid fell over her shoulder as she rolled his nipples between her fingers, using the leverage to rub herself more energetically against him through their still unshed underwear. She kept her moans trapped in her throat, but they still came out faintly. They turned into a squeak when Han half rose to catch her and bring her down onto the bed next to him. Leia clamped a hand over her mouth as Han did a shushing gesture.
‘What happened next?’ he asked.
‘In that mental picture of yours.’ He half-sat and trailed a hand down her leg, then back up, and she locked her thighs tightly to trap it there.
Leia grabbed a pillow and laid her head on it, arms luxuriously stretched upwards.
‘I felt guilty about it at first, you know,’ she told him. ‘I kept having dirty dreams about you, and I’d wake up with my hand like that.’
He turned the heel of his hand and pressed it against her pubic bone, making her roll her hips. 
‘Like this?’
‘Yes,’ she breathed in relief.
Leaning over her, he pressed kisses over her thighs and her hips, then swiped his tongue just beneath the waistband of her underwear as she kept stroking herself against his hand, biting the corner of her pillow to muffle her cries. It was equally frustrating and satisfying to feel him doing that to her, like she desperately needed him to give her release but thought she would die of deprivation should he ever stop.
His mouth closed hotly over one of her nipples as his free hand squeezed her other breast just right. Leia opened her eyes in time to see him raise his head and pulled him down for another deep kiss, letting it muffle her sounds as she came.
She wasn’t sure if she had been the one to uncross her legs, and when that had happened, but Han was inside her before the ripples of pleasure had faded, bending her legs to tilt her hips up. He stayed low over her, grinding his hips in a circular movement as he rocked them forward and back, and the friction of her clit with the base of his erection was quick to rekindle her orgasm before it was fully gone. Leia panted into a mouthful of his upper arm, teeth closing over the flesh. Her hands clutched his buttocks as he increased the pace and finally spilled himself inside her, her name escaping his mouth to be swallowed by the mattress.
Moments later, as she grabbed the water bottle from the nook next to her side of the bed, Leia realized he’d never taken off her underwear. She dropped her last item of clothing on the floor and curled up next to Han, passing him the bottle.
‘Maybe I can’t make you come just by lookin’ at you,’ he said, pausing to take another swig, ‘but I can do it in a lot other ways.’
‘Show-off,’ Leia told him. He left the bottle and lay down next to her with a satisfied, sleepy expression.
‘I was doin’ numbers yesterday,’ Han began, scratching the inside of her arm soothingly. ‘I think we got enough now to look for a new place. A bigger apartment, with a spare room and a ‘fresher two people can fit in at the same time. A kitchen with a table for all our friends. Not a government handout, a place we like. What d’ya think?’
Grinning, Leia leaned in and kissed him, touching his cheek.
‘Let’s look for a new place, then.’
Han yawned and wrapped an arm around her waist as she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.
‘You know what would be fun to have in a bigger apartment?’ he asked after a moment. Leia looked up. ‘A sex swing.’
She pressed her lips and patted his chest.
‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.’
Holozines could say what they wanted; Leia knew that what she and Han had was much, much better.
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A/N: Thank you, anon! I had this idea and started writing it a few days ago, but coincidentally today is Life Day (aka the day the Holiday Special was released I assume?), so I hurried to finish it. It also fits with this month’s prompt at @hanleiachallenge, “thankful”. Little reference to this other Life Day fic of mine, if you want to read it. Enjoy some smutty fluff and Happy Life Day!
13. sleepy sex 
Accustomed to early mornings six out of seven days a week, Leia’s brain woke her up when the sun was barely dappling their alcove with pale green light. 
Han had taken her and Luke back to Kashyyyk for the first time after they had helped liberate it from Imperial occupation a year prior. It had been a long time since they had seen Chewbacca in person: the Wookiee not only had wanted to reconnect with his wife and son, but had also led the restoration of his home planet. It had been a busy time for all of them. While Leia had missed Chewie, she knew it had been especially hard for Han to split from his long-time friend, so she had immediately agreed to the invitation and made the necessary arrangements to get an extended weekend.
Luke had graciously agreed to share a room with Lumpy, Chewie’s son, leaving the spare room in the house to Han and Leia. In typical Wookiee custom, they slept in sturdy, ample hammocks, although the human guests had been provided with extra blankets for padding, to make up for the lack of mattresses. The gentle swaying was an odd experience, although not unpleasant once you got used to it.
Leia could feel the lulling noise of Han’s breathing behind her, and part of his leg touching the back of her thigh. She closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep, relishing the opportunity to do so without worrying about meetings, calls or deadlines.
In an unfortunate coincidence, that was also the time that tachs, small simians native to Kashyyyk, woke up and started calling out to each other in high-pitched yelps for about ten minutes. Leia groaned, beginning to understand why the Wookiees considered them pests.
Turning over, she lifted one of Han’s arms to burrow her head into his chest, tangling up their legs together. A few seconds later, she heard a deep inhaling and felt him embrace her properly.
‘What time is it?’ Han asked in a thick whisper.
‘Does it matter?’
A tiny snort of laughter.
‘I really like you when you say stuff like that.’
He shifted a little to assess their surroundings and, once satisfied, settled back down with her.
‘It’s morning. Happy Life Day, min larel,’ Han said into her temple, the use of his Corellian term of endearment escaping his lips familiarly in that state bordering wakefulness and slumber. He said it sparingly, in moments like that, and the surprise of it never ceased to make the bubble of happiness expand inside her chest. My love, he called her in his mother tongue, as if giving her a gift.
Leia tilted her head up and pressed a kiss into his jaw. 
‘Happy Life Day to you.’
They stayed in silent embrace for a moment as the tachs continued their cries outside.
‘Kriffin’ pests.’
‘Do you remember when you hung needle blossom all over base to get me to kiss you?’ Leia asked, thinking back to their years in the rebellion. It seemed like a lifetime ago, yet it had only been a couple of years.
Han looked down at her with a frown. ‘That’s a pretty serious accusation, princess. You got any proof?’
‘I have Chewie’s confession that you asked him to say it was him, but it wasn’t,’ she retorted.
‘Ah, traitorous old lug.’ He grinned and shrugged. ‘Fine, you got me.’
Giving him a doleful look, Leia pushed a finger into his stomach and said, ‘Now that you got me here, I guess you’re not going to put that much effort for a kiss, huh?’
‘I like to think I earn my kisses now,’ Han said in a low voice charged with promise, pushing the hem of her tank top up her torso with one hand, as the other slid under her waist and wrapped around her butt. He rolled onto his back, pulling Leia on top of him. The long strands of brown hair that had escaped her braid in sleep closed down like a curtain around their heads when she pulled herself up on her elbows and smiled down at him.
‘You do, fair and square.’
Her top came off before she descended on him with unhurried kisses. Her toes stretched languidly as far as they could get, brushing against his legs, and his hands caressed her body like they had nowhere else to be all day. Desire building up and spreading from her core, Leia broke apart an inch and asked, ‘Do you think the hammock will hold up to some… rocking?’
Han gave her a funny look. ‘You realize Wookies sleep on these things, right? ‘Course it will.’
‘Right, of course. So Chewie and Malla have sex on hammocks, too?’
‘Leia!’ he said, widening scandalized green eyes at her. ‘Don’t ever say that again! I don’t wanna think about Chewie that way, you know!’
Laughing, Leia kicked off her underwear and slid her hands inside his.
‘You’re right, I’m sorry; nobody wants to think of their parents doing it.’
‘They’re not my parents.’ He scowled at her, but Leia just smirked, teasing until he was firm in her hands and wet over his fingers.
The hammock shivered and swung erratically as she ground and rolled her hips against his, leaning low enough over him that she could touch her forehead to his chin, her breasts cupped by hands that knew them well. She moved leisurely, letting her senses be flooded with the smells and sounds of the forest mixed in with those of her and Han, the pace lulling them both until it felt like sleepwalking.
Leia’s head fell lightly on Han’s chest, arms folded under his shoulders. She hadn’t come, and she was certain Han wasn’t close to coming any time soon now even as he stayed inside of her, but she felt satisfied nonetheless and didn’t hear any complaints.
‘Are you good?’ she asked, just in case.
‘Yeah,’ Han answered, sounding as drowsy as her, letting his hands rest loosely on her back. ‘Don’t think that’s ever happened before, but it still felt good.’
‘Mmm.’ Leia turned her head, squinting. ‘The tachs fell quiet. Maybe we can sleep for a bit longer? Or should we go help with the preparations?’
‘Nah, they’d be offended if we did. And mornin’s the Elders’ ceremony, we’re not allowed anyway.’
‘Okay then.’ She sighed contentedly, shifting into a comfortable position and getting some of her weight off Han.
‘We’re s’pposed to give thanks today, y’know,’ Han said. ‘So I just want you to know, I’m thankful for you, Leia.’
‘And I’m thankful for us,’ she said, finding one of his hands and lacing their fingers together, a placid smile on her face as she fell asleep once more.
{more from this series here | if you like my stories and want to say thanks in a different way, you can buy me a coffee!}
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1, 3, or 13 for the prompt thing you're doing for valentines day. Choose what ever you want or one someone hasn't chosen yet
A/N: Sorry for the very long wait! Trying to get back to these. I can’t believe I started this challenge last February omg. Enjoy!
1. grinding up against each other + 3. pinning the other against the wall
She was coming out of a meeting and he was on his way to one when they ran into each other in the middle of a corridor. Han had been supposed to be away on a strike mission for three days, which then turned into four, and into five. Waiting for each update had been emotional torture for Leia, having to hear about complications and sacrifices and jeopardy as if none of the soldiers involved were more to her than fellow freedom fighters, as if the vested interest she had in that mission didn’t involve a vital part of her life.
Everything turned out fine in the end; the team had sent a last confirmation for their return date, and so they had known that was it, they were finally going to see each other again. Leia had intended to wait for the Falcon in the hangar, but her schedule was hardly ever hers those days. It was okay, she thought; she’d see him when she did. He’d sweep her off her feet and she’d try to rein in her feelings until they were alone. It had been a while but, objectively, not that long. Not six months.
Running into him took her by surprise. Shook her and paralized her at the same time. She had been sure he was fine and he was coming back—but maybe part of her had had its doubts, had been bracing for the worst.
‘Hey, Princess,’ Han said, his voice soft and his eyes crinkling at the corners. ‘Fancy meeting you here.’
He bent down to kiss her on the cheek, mindful of her wish to keep things more or less professional while in public, but Leia turned her head and captured his lips in a long kiss. She found his hands cupping her cheeks and held on to them. When they broke apart, she looked around them: the corridor was deserted.
‘That’s more like it,’ Han told her, pleased. She gave him a small smile and tugged at his hands, pulling him towards a nearby door marked “Supplies”. 
‘Uh, I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, Leia, but don’t I gotta debrief first?’
Leia turned around and looked at him.
’I won’t hold you up for too long.’
Shaking his head in exaggerated resignation before letting himself be dragged in, he said, ‘Can’t ever say no to you, sweetheart, can I?’
The door of the closet slid shut after them and Leia pulled at his hands again, tilting her head up.
‘Hi,’ she said, looking intently at him as her heart sped up inside her chest. 'I missed you.’
‘MIss ya, too.’ Han kissed her once. ‘You okay?’
‘Me? Yes, of course. Are you okay? Did you have to go to medical?’
‘Nah, I’m fine. Not a scratch.’
Han gave her a few more unhurried kisses, each of them grounding her to the present. Swaying a little as she tried not to break contact, she put his hands on her hips and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her upper body against him and deepening the kiss. She wanted him closer, after so many days, so much uncertainty. Their height difference worked to her advantage in times like this: finally tired of bending his head down to meet her, Han lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
‘This a preview?’ he asked her, his voice husky with want. ‘For later?’
Leia didn’t answer: she nipped at his chin, then his neck, then his ear, rolling her hips to press herself against his groin.
‘Not later,’ she whispered, gasping as he gripped her tighter against him. She smirked at him, biting her lower lip, an invitation. Han chuckled, his brow wrinkling slightly in disbelief. Her legs locked her even more snuggly around his body and, without breaking eye contact, she continued to grind up against him, insistent. With a groan, he sought blindly the nearest wall and pinned her against it, taking care not to crush her chest but pressing his lower body against her, his arousal meeting hers.
‘You know, we can take this up to your cabin,’ Han said against her ear, in between kisses. ‘I’ll blow off debriefing, or you give me half an hour and then I’m yours all night.’
That made her slow down; opening her eyes, Leia forced her head to think straight. Han looked at her in confusion, as if something in her expression gave him pause, too.
‘Didn’t mean to say we had to stop…’
‘No, but—I’m sorry, Han,’ Leia told him, squirming until he let her down. ‘You must be exhausted and I—I was just being selfish.’
She took his hand and brushed a kiss across his knuckles.
‘Go to your meeting and then take a nap, I’ll meet you later.’
‘Hey now—Leia, wait.’ He tipped her chin up with the back of a finger and rubbed it affectionately. ‘You sure you’re okay?’
Leia sighed and leaned back against the wall. ‘I’m just tired and stressed out, like everyone else. And I worry all the time about you and Chewie, and Luke, and I miss you all, except when Luke comes back he just wants to talk about Vader, and our mother, and the Force, so then I just want him gone again and I feel guilty about that.’
She looked up, a little embarrassed at her outburst, but there was no reproach in Han’s eyes.
‘And… did I already say I missed you?’
His hands found her waist. 
‘So when I’m back, you don’t want me gone again?’
Leia scoffed at his teasing but returned his smile.
‘You’ve been surprisingly good at not acting like a nerf-herder lately so, no.’
‘That so?’ Han asked, pulling her close again. ‘’Cos I’m about to do somethin’ that’s very popular among nerf-herders, sweetheart…’
{more from this series here | if you like my stories and want to say thanks in a different way, you can buy me a coffee!}
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also on FanFictionNet
And you think you’re the one to apply some heat?
My collection in progress of smutty fics based on the prompts that you guys have sent is now going to be revised and reposted as an anthology on AO3 and FFN! Hopefully by the time I finish my challenge fic I’ll have more time to work on the remaining prompts. Meanwhile, enjoy!
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Number 11 HanxLeia
Ps: Han finds the sensitive spot on Leia :D pls! Thanks:)
A/N: Thanks for the prompt and for your patience!! It was hard to pick a non-obvious sensitive spot but I thought this was a nice one for when they’re still exploring each other. There’s no actual smut (sorry!!) but hopefully it’s still hot!
They were sitting on the nav chairs in the cockpit talking about nothing and everything, like they’d begun to do to keep each other company during their watches. Hardly anything happened in the Anoat sector that required their attention, but they hadn’t managed to fix the sensors yet (Leia suspected she was the reason why repairs were going slowly. Not that she wasn’t enjoying the attention, but she’d hate for Chewie to start holding a grudge against her. She’d have to talk to Han about it soon. Maybe in the next day cycle.)
The uneventfulness of the galaxy outside no longer mattered, though. There were more interesting things happening inside now, like when Han decided he was bored of talking and tugged at Leia’s hand so that she’d move from her seat to his lap. She tried to bite back a smile before obliging, but she couldn’t help herself. Things were about to get much more interesting, indeed.
He started by kissing the side of her neck softly, sucking just a little before moving down. The air that came out of his nose when he exhaled brushed the wet trail he was leaving in a delicious caress. Han’s lips moved to her nape and pressed more kisses against the base of her column. His hands rubbed her arms as they slid up and pushed her shirt off her shoulders. It was so big on her, he didn’t have any problem pulling it down to her waist.
‘You have a beautiful back,’ Han said, running the palms of his hands over her skin as if it was a soft gaberwool blanket. ‘Look at all these cute little birthmarks you have.’
Leia turned to give him a mock alarmed look over her shoulder. ‘Did I just hear you say the words “cute little birthmarks”?’
He shrugged.
‘They are.’ He moved on to massage her shoulders. That wasn’t the direction Leia had been expecting him to take, but she wasn’t going to complain. He had a good, firm touch, and she hadn’t had a massage in years. She’d also never had a massage sitting half-naked on a handsome man’s lap. ‘How’s that feel?’
‘Heavenly,’ Leia answered, letting her head hung back as she closed her eyes. ‘Wish you’d offered to do this ages ago.’
‘Would you’ve said yes?’ Han asked, the skepticism clear in his voice.
Leia chuckled. ‘Probably not. I’m wondering what I’ll have to do in return, though.’
‘Hey, thought you knew by now that I’m a giver,’ he drawled.
‘I can give, too,’ she said, pressing herself into his lap and wiggling her hips. Han laughed but held her hips and pulled her back slightly, in silent indication that she kept doing it. Opening her legs, she leaned forward a little and began to grind down against him. Echoing his words, Leia asked, ‘How’s that feel?’
‘Kriffin’ great,’ Han said hoarsely. His hands moved to her lower back, rubbing circles that soon brought a pleasurable heat to her skin. Really pleasurable, in fact.
‘Oh stars, that’s so good,’ Leia said, feeling light-headed and short of breath.
Han lifted his hands off her back until only the tips of his fingers remained in contact with her skin. ‘Is this ticklish or good?’
‘Good,’ she replied, her own hands curling in a tight grip around his knees. She could feel him getting hard, and leaned forward to rub herself against him, trying to alleviate the ache between her legs as the feather-light touches on her back and along her ribs set her nerve endings on fire.
‘Didn’t tell me you got a sensitive back, princess,’ Han told her in a voice that ran like a purr through her body.
‘Just finding out about it myself.’ Her legs clamped around Han’s when a familiar warmth spread through her body. Why had she overlooked her back as a point of pleasure for so long? ‘Han, please…’
‘Say that again.’
Self-consciousness pierced the fog in her mind and Leia scoffed. ‘Do you like seeing me making a fool of myself?’
‘Not makin’ a fool,’ Han assured her, brushing his lips and nose in patterns over her skin. ‘Don’t you like it when I say “please”?’
Leia wasn’t used to talking during sex more than to ask and give consent, or to encourage something she particularly enjoyed. She would have never figured Han for a talker in bed, nor would she have imagined she’d have much to say—but it felt so natural between them. It was like a sacred space where they could tell each other some of the things they’d fought against for the past few years.
‘Because… I know you really want me.’
‘That’s right.’
His skilled hands went back to work, one caressing the inside of her thigh over her leggings, the other kneading her breasts, as Leia felt him kissing and sucking on her lower back again until she was taut as a drawn bowstring.
‘Please,’ she moaned.
‘It’s your lucky day, sweetheart,’ Han said in her ear. ‘Our time here’s up; you can head on over to the cabin and I’ll tell Chewie he’s on.’
‘Don’t take too long, hotshot.’ Putting her shirt back on with trembling fingers, Leia turned on his lap and brushed her nose against his, her breath tickling his lips teasingly. ‘I believe I’m owed something for my begging.’
{more from this series here | interested in a RotJ multichap with lots of domestic goodness? Check out Homecoming! | if you like my stories and want to say thanks in a different way, you can buy me a coffee!}
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A/N: Back with the smutty prompts! This one is for @luv15's request---I hope you like it even though the peeping was so brief! It was challenging to find a plausible scenario where Mon could catch them, lol!
20. accidental voyeurism by an outside POV. Maybe a surprised Mon catches Leia and Han in a private moment. 
‘I ran off, don't got much time.’
‘What do you mean, you “ran off”?’
‘We're bein’ sent out again in an hour, top secret mission to Thalassia,’ Han said.
‘Han! I'm not supposed to know that!’ Despite herself, Leia bit her lower lip in concern, grabbing his hands. ‘You have to go again?’
Han nodded. ‘Couldn't not come say hi. I told Chewie to come up with somethin’ if someone went looking for me.’
Leia sighed. While she didn’t approve of Han sneaking off, divulging confidential military information and overall risking his rank as General, she was glad to see him. After Endor, they’d barely had any opportunities to make up for lost time, with something or other always pulling them to different corners of the galaxy. When he drew her closer and bent down to kiss her, she met him eagerly.
In a reverse of their usual dynamic, they kissed hungrily at first, following deep, rough motions, until Han pulled back a little, then pecked and retreated again, then nibbled at her lower lip, his tongue making sure it’d end up swollen like ripe fruit, keeping a slower rhythm to make her want more. His hands danced over her curves, teasing her nipples and kneading her buttocks over her clothes. Leia’s own fingers glided over the hard muscles of his abdomen and gripped his hips.
‘Do you… um… know when---when you’ll be back?’ she asked breathlessly.
Han picked her up and sat her down on top of her desk before answering with a smirk.
‘Thought you didn’t want me to tell you confidential details?’
Leia fixed him with a no-nonsense stare.
‘S'pposed to be just a coupla days,’ he said nonchalantly. ‘You know how it is.’
All sort of things would go wrong and it could be longer was implicit and understood by them both.
Leia nodded, her fingers hooking into his waistband and clutching it tightly for comfort.
The back of his finger brushed over the freckle by her nose---a favourite of his---making her look up.
‘So, were you too busy right now?’ Han asked, raising an eyebrow and smiling suggestively.
‘You know I'd love to take you back to your---our place,’ he said, always seeming a bit like pleasantly surprised they were actually sharing an apartment, ‘but I told you, don't got much time left…’
‘Okay,’ Leia said, thanking the Force it was lunchtime, her assistant was gone and she had no appointments scheduled for the next hour. Still, she felt around the desk surface for the button that would lock the door to her office as Han began to bunch up the skirts of her long Chandrilan robes.
‘Kriff, this is way too much fabric,’ he grumbled, making her laugh. She threw her arms around his neck and drew him closer for a kiss. With her skirts pooled around her waist, he parted her knees and stepped between them. Leia unbuckled his belt and ran her hand over his groin, pressing gently at his sensitive spots until he was hard and groaning. Nudging her hands away, Han held her hips and slid her forward until she was leaning back on her elbows. Then, he pulled her underwear down and off her legs, kneeled and bent between her thighs. His mouth and fingers managed to arouse her in no time.
‘Don’t get lost there, flyboy. Time is---’
She couldn’t finish her sentence as her orgasm was rapidly building. She gripped the edges of the desk and closed her eyes, moaning, but held onto the waves of release shaking her from her core until she felt Han guiding his erection inside of her and thrusting in long, hard strokes that rocked the furniture beneath her.
Leia opened her eyes to see him staring back at her, and that look of loving lust in his hazel-green eyes nearly made her come again, but she waited for him.
It all happened too quickly: Han’s startled yell and jerking up made Leia flinch and lose her precarious perch on the edge of the table, which would have made her fall if it wasn't for his quick reflexes. He caught her ass and held her up, pressed almost protectively against his chest. Leia had grabbed his arms in her attempt not to fall, and she realized now her thumbnails were digging into the flesh of his upper arms.
In the midst of it all, Leia managed to hear a hasty “sorry” as the door to her office slid shut.
Horrified, she looked up at Han. ‘Did you see who---?’
‘Mothma,’ he answered, grimacing.
Leia choked back a whimper. She got out of Han's arms and shoved her robes down as Han pulled up his pants.
‘Why did I let you convince me to do this?’ she asked, slapping the back of her hand lightly against his chest.
‘I thought you'd locked the door!’
‘I thought I did, too,’ she hissed, running her hands over her face before striding towards the entrance. Taking a deep breath, Leia opened the door.
Every instinct Mon Mothma possessed was begging her to leave, but she couldn’t. As much as she didn’t want to see the familiar faces of the two people inside the office and permanently connect them to the intimate scene she’d just walked into, the right thing to do was apologize. She couldn’t run away like a child who’d just caught their parents in bed. They were all adults here. Clearly.
‘Chancellor,’ Leia said as the door slid open and she stepped into the outer reception room. Mon forced herself to look Leia in the eye. At least she could be grateful that the princess had had her back turned to her and the only thing Mon had gotten a glimpse of was her raised legs, but still---
‘I should have scheduled my visit,’ Mon said diplomatically, folding her hands in front of her. Her schooled expression gave nothing away. ‘It was improper for me to barge into your office like that while your assistant was out.’
‘Please, Mon, we’re close enough that you were right to assume---It was my fault, really, I could have sworn I locked the door---’
‘Uh, I think you just turned on the lights,’ Han Solo said, standing on the doorway behind Leia and pointing up.
Blushing, Leia whispered, ‘I told you to stay in there!’
Solo shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets and giving her a half smile.
‘Sorry, sweetheart. I should be going.’
If she was honest, Mon thought that it was having sex within the Senate building what was actually improper---but the look of regret in Leia’s face as she looked at the smuggler-turned-General made her understand. She knew well what it was like to take advantage of stolen moments that always ended too soon to spend with your loved ones, especially when you didn’t know for certain when you would see them next.
Mon Mothma raised her hands in a stopping gesture.
‘I’m not here on urgent business; I can come back later---I’ll call first,’ she added, her lips twitching in amusement. ‘Please, General Solo, stay. I’m sure you can afford to stay a few more minutes for a proper goodbye.’
She turned to leave but gave the couple a stern stare over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at them. ‘Just try to keep it for general audiences while you’re in your workplace… or make sure the door is locked.’
{more from this series here | interested in a RotJ multichap with lots of domestic goodness? Check out Homecoming! | if you like my stories and want to say thanks in a different way, you can buy me a coffee!}
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A/N: This is the first drabble for the requests I got from this prompt list---something not smutty to start us off. I don’t know how long it might take me to complete them all but you’re welcome to send more!
@hanleiahothwars: For your Valentine's Day prompts, I would love to see #22 (the talking about sex but not having it) in a pre-esb setting, before they're actually sleeping together, something to get Leia all hot and bothered and really tempt her! 
Han bolted the door of the small, run-down depot that was to serve as their safehouse while Leia scanned the space, blaster ready in front of her. Once she confirmed they were alone, she sat down on the floor near the door, her back against the wall.
‘Made it, all clear,’ Han grunted to his comm before dropping next to her. The message was short and concise, but enough for Chewie to know they were ready for pick up.
‘So far, so good,’ Leia said, bending her knees up and draping her arms over them.
Han gave her a sideways look. ‘Don’t jinx it.’
‘I said so far.’
‘Yeah, still. Hoping it stays good.’
They sat in silence for a moment, surveying the room.
‘So, I hear Hobbie and Tarheel were severely lectured for their little video,’ Han said at last. He’d been meaning to tease her about it for a couple of days now, but mission preparations had kept them busy. ‘You guys are merciless.’
Leia rolled her eyes. ‘If you must know, we did more than lecture them. They’ve been sent out to different bases for a period.’
‘Woah.’ Han pressed a hand to his chest in mock dismay. ‘That’s so harsh. If that’s how you treat your own, the Empire should be quivering!’
‘Oh, stop it!’ Leia said, bumping her shoulder hard against him. ‘We weren't going to court martial them over a stupid sex tape!’
‘I hear Dodonna nearly had a heart attack when he saw it. Doesn't endangerin’ the lives of High Command members warrant a court martial?’
Leia narrowed her eyes at Han's mocking smirk. ‘You hear so many things. Han Solo, Gossip Central.’
‘So why d'ya punish both of them? I'm guessin’ it was one of them that leaked it---probably Hobbie, he was braggin’ about it before he got caught… which led to him bein’ caught, in the end. Doesn't seem fair to punish the other just for havin’ a good time.’
‘You haven't heard…?’ Leia gave him a curious look that soon turned into a smirk of her own. ‘So I know something the gossip Han Solo doesn't? Oh this is precious.’
‘What are you talkin’ about?’
‘They made the tape to leak it. They were both in agreement. Hobbie tried to take the blame so we'd spare Tarheel, but she confessed.’
‘You can’t be serious.’
Leia laughed. ‘I am.’
‘But why?’
‘They believed it was a service to their comrades, you see. Since nobody thought of bringing a catalogue of porn when we came into exile, they took it upon themselves to provide us with high quality content,’ Leia explained, her words dripping sarcasm. Han snorted.
‘And they thought that was high quality? Amateurs.’
‘Oh, you have pointers? I’m shocked.’
‘Sweetheart, I’m not the kind of guy who gets off at some jigglin’ butts and moaning; ‘course I got pointers. Trust me, don’t go takin’ this tape for instructional material.’
Leia’s cheeks became very warm and, against her better judgment, she said, ‘I don’t need instructional material and I certainly wouldn’t take pointers from that, but thanks for your concern.’
‘Ah-ha, you have opinions too!’ He gave her a smug, lopsided smile, teeth flashing.
‘Well, yeah, it wasn’t very good, but what did you expect?’
‘I’m not talkin’ about doing a big porn production here; I’m just sayin’, if that’s how they usually have sex, I wouldn’t get into either of their beds.’
Leia let out a loud laugh that she immediately stifled with a hand.
‘It was rather… brief,’ she said carefully. ‘There was very little… um… romancing… for Tarheel to actually be having a---a good time---’
‘Sure, a “good time” is what you meant to say,’ Han said, doing air quotes and barely holding back laughter.
‘---and even for it to have been a---an interesting piece of erotica,’ Leia went on bravely, keeping her eyes away from Han. With a shrug, she added, ‘But it’s not as if men really care about women having a good time.’
‘HEY,’ Han said, finger pointed at her. ‘Some of us do, sweetheart!’
‘Do you, or do you think you do?’ Leia asked in a fake sweet voice, flicking his finger away. He poked his thumb into his chest. When he spoke, his voice was low and dangerous in a way she couldn’t pinpoint… almost as if there was a dare implied.
‘Oh, I can guarantee you that I do, Your Highnessness. Just give the word,’ he said, shoulders slouching slightly and leaning his head just so that his nose was level with hers, less than ten centimeters away, ‘if you want to find out for yourself how much I care about it.’
Leia’s skin tingled; unwanted visions of Han and her writhing together on the floor of this dingy depot flashed through her mind, painstakingly correcting everything that Hobbie and Tarheel had done wrong.
‘You know I’m hard to please, Captain,’ she said, matching his tone. ‘Are you sure you’d be up to the challenge?’
A buzz from Han’s comm startled them both, breaking the tension between their stares. Before he turned to give his full attention to Chewie’s call, his eyes lingered on Leia for a moment, his lips curled up in a faint smile, as if he had guessed at the images she had conjured up… or was picturing his own.
{interested in a RotJ multichap with lots of domestic goodness? Check out Homecoming! | if you like my stories and want to say thanks in a different way, you can buy me a coffee!}
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I know it's not on the list but would you do some morning sex? Maybe an unexpected day off or just a lazy weekend morning?
Years of sleeping mostly on the Falcon’s bunks and days of exhaustion in the field made the bed feel like a cocoon. Han was sure that if he were to try and get up, the sheets would wrap themselves around him and sink him back under. He wouldn’t mind that.
Whenever Chewie had given him grief about settling down, he’d claimed that having a place planetside was overrated. Not for me, he’d said. I belong in ships among the stars. But there was nothing overrated about waking up in your own large, plush, clean bed, without worrying about checking out, having to sneak out in the middle of the night, or your companion betraying and leaving you.
Han stirred and rolled over, rubbing a hand over his eyes as the morning light filtered through his eyelids. He opened them and was greeted by the sight of the other reason that made settling down worth it.
‘Morning,’ Leia said, smiling over a mug. She was wearing only his shirt, unbuttoned, with her hair in a braid draped over her shoulder, a datapad propped against her bare thigh. The combination of seeing her in his clothes, practically naked and yet insinuating more than showing, relaxed next to him on their bed, drove the last shreds of fatigue and sleep out of Han. Nobody else had ever managed to make him hard that fast without moving a finger.
‘Mornin’,’ Han said, yawning as he sat up. ‘Working already?’
‘No, just reading the news. I was hungry,’ she told him, tilting her head towards an empty plate on the bedside table. ‘Sorry I didn’t leave you any eggs. I can make more if you want.’
‘Later.’ Han accepted the mug as she held it out for him and took a long sip of coffee. ‘You barely got any groceries but you did get some good coffee.’
‘You can help me buy groceries later.’ Leia put her datapad aside and lifted the bedclothes to slip back under. Her eyes caught sight of his lap. Leia bit her lip, failing to hide a smile. ‘Fully waking up, aren’t we?’
Scooting closer, she took back her mug with one hand and grabbed his cock with the other, doing long, slow strokes. He was glad not to be holding a hot drink anymore as her massages moved to his scrotum. Leia just sipped her coffee, blinking deliberately at him.
Han released his grip on the pillow and pried the coffee away from her.
‘Rude,’ she said, letting go of him as he stretched out to put her mug safely away.
‘I don’t want any accidents.’
‘I had the situation under control.’
‘You would have, until I did this,’ Han said, lifting her up and setting her on his lap. His hands traced a path from her thighs to her breasts still under his shirt.
‘Fair point.’ Leia leaned in and kissed him, sighing and moaning as his thumbs worked on her nipples. In return, she rubbed his thighs and groin, teasing his erection as she brushed it past. ‘How’s this for a first weekend in our new apartment?’
‘I could get used to it,’ Han told her huskily. He didn’t need much to reach his climax; it was her he had to work it out of, but Leia loved teasing till she drove him to the edge before she gave him release. They’d always matched each other blow for blow, starting long ago outside the bedroom; it was a game of wills, now with the bonus of physical pleasure.
Even so, he was never patient for too long. Grabbing her ass, he pulled to her knees and drew her flush to him.
‘Ever thought you’d have a smuggler in your bed?’ Han asked, kissing and sucking her breasts.
‘Oh yeah, it was a childhood dream.’ Arms wrapped around his head to hold him close, she ground her hips against his to rub her clit against his erection, filling his ears with little moans. ‘Always waited… for one to—to climb through my window. What about… you… a princess in your… ah! Your bed?’
‘Was on my way to climb some windows, before I ran into Luke.’
Leia laughed, her chest vibrating under his mouth. Pulling herself away a bit, she grabbed his cock and pulled him inside of her. After adjusting her body, she began to lean back.
‘Pull up your knees a little… A little less… Like that.’ She rested back against his thighs, arms reaching out behind her as her hands grabbed his shins. Her legs at each side of him bent just enough for her to dig her heels into the mattress. In this position, Han had an unobstructed view of her body as she began to rock against him. She smiled knowingly at him. ‘How do you like this?’
‘Leia… you’re fucking amazing,’ he told her reverently, the words coming slightly choked out. He smoothed his palms over her body, stroking her all over before leaving one hand to knead a breast while his thumb drew circles around her clit.
‘You can climb my window any time, Mr Smuggler,’ Leia said in a breathy voice, biting her lower lip coquettishly and rolling her head back. ‘Just wait for my signal… wait till my husband the General leaves…’
Han’s laughter caught in his throat as she sped up their rhythm. He braced an arm on the mattress to help him thrust his hips up to meet her movements; her bouncing breasts and her moaning, louder now, making him come closer and closer to his release.
Her muscles contracted around him, her grip on his legs tightened, and she cried his name as she came.
‘Keep going,’ she begged, eyes closed and cheeks flushed. ‘Keep fucking me… in our bed…’
Hearing her dirty talking made it harder to edge his own orgasm as his own muscles contracted, but Han kept touching and rocking her until he felt her body tensing again.
‘Don’t worry, Princess, I will. Fuck you every day if you want,’ he gasped, and at last he let go, feeling as if the entire essence of his being rushed out of him and left his flesh vibrating in its wake.
He lowered himself on the bed and looked at Leia through heavy-lidded eyes. She pushed herself off his knees and climbed on top of him, trailing lazy kisses up his chest. She lay her head on his pillow, one of her knees still draped over his hip. Han turned to her and kissed her slowly.
‘I love you, Leia,’ he told her as she settled her forehead against his chin, ready to doze off. He knew settling down and having a place of his own—of their own—was not going to be easy, but dammit, the perks of the challenge made it all worth it.
{more from this series here | interested in a RotJ multichap with lots of domestic goodness? Check out Homecoming! | if you like my stories and want to say thanks in a different way, you can buy me a coffee!}
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