#series: warriors: the prophecies begin
jazzyslibrary · 2 years
warriors: the prophecies begin #6: the darkest hour
date started: 06/07/2022 | date finished: 19/07/2022
i enjoyed reading firestar receiving his nine lives, well apart from spottedleaf giving him a live of “love” … that’s enough of that. but seeing bluestar, yellowfang, and lionheart all in starclan to talk to firestar was really nice.
darkstripe tried to poison sorrelkit and i dunno, he’s such an embarassing evil sidekick. he fails to poison literal babies, got beat up by stormfur while he was half starved, and got basically scolded by tigerstar for being so pathetic. then he tries to attack firestar in the final battle like a little bitch because tigerstar is dead and he apparently has no thoughts of his own. how charming.
firestar took too damn long to change brightheart’s name from lostface. like you’re not disrespecting starclan when bluestar specifically named her that to spite starclan. also this naming ceremony never happens again (as far as i know) thank goodness because the premise of the ceremony is somewhat ableist because the current elders were almost all renamed to describe a missing body part. i’m glad that the authors decided to change that. although i think later series elders don’t tend to have cool battle scars the way that the original elders did which gave them stories to tell the kits and all that. apart from maybe longtail when he got his eyes scratched out.
firestar finally acts like a decent mentor to bramblepaw and treats him well rather than suspicion, i think firestar not trusting tigerstar’s kits shouldn’t have been as big as it was and should have rather just been an internal struggle from brambleclaw in the new prophecy.
i totally forgot that barley was born in bloodclan, and his and ravenpaw’s relationship is really sweet and it’s cute how ravepaw supports hi and encourages him to tell firestar about scourge and bloodclan.
i found the final part of the book where firestar kills scourge to be a little underwhelming. or perhaps just the build up to this final battle is underwhelming because other than firestar travelling to riverclan to convince leopardstar and blackfoot to join them against bloodclan, the cats “preparing” to battle is ehh.
whitestorm’s death was sad and i wish that we got a description of whitestorm facing off with bone. so we can see how he faught till his last breath to defend the forest and his clan and all that but unfortunately firestar just sees his body almost unrecognisable because his pelt is completely covered in his own blood. and him saying that firestar knows that graystripe is meant to be deputy .. is he really though? he’s nice enough but if whitestorm didn’t die i would never replace him with graystripe.
i think giving longtail deputy would be more interesting. i know they would never do that because you’re supposed to have grown to love firestar and graystripe’s bond throughout the books, but knowing what i do about longtail further in the series and that graystripe basically goes away again in two seconds, he’s not my favourite choice. plus i would like to see firestar and longtail become friends in the end. they’re civil but friends would be nice :)
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dogvomitkiddiepool · 9 months
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Improved portraits for The Prohecies Begin
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anonymous-cat1 · 8 months
Warrior Cats Animation Just Announced!!
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IT'S FINALLY REAL!!! After all these years, a Warrior Cats animated production has just been announced!
Warrior Cats and the company Coolabi Productions have formed a deal with Tencent Videos to finally create a Warrior Cats animated production!
"In collaboration with Coolabi, Tencent Video will work with the original characters and storylines to create animated adaptations for audiences across the globe. This will be the first authorised official animation of Warrior Cats, which we know the fans have been requesting for many years!" ~(Stated on the official Warrior Cats Hub)
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warriorcatspolls · 6 months
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warriors-rebound · 2 years
does barley exist? (I’m sorry he’s very special to me that’s why I asked)
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I drew these quite a few months ago when I was playing around with designs so take 'em!! (Also drew the beginnings of a comic at that time which hopefully I will finish up in due time :D!)
His sideburns make him look older but in our canon he's only like a handful or two of Moons older than Cedar and the gang :D
also important: He's got a funny little hat :) -Mod "Barley is in my top 10 fav's can you tell?" Dawn
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
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Today is the 20th anniversary of Into the Wild!
Rusty right before he steps into the shadows and finds out where his true fire will shine
This is a scene from the first book of The Prophecies Begin, where Rusty (soon Firepaw) joins Thunderclan.
Please reblog this I usually don’t ask but I spent so long on it and would like it to get more than a few likes!
I’d usually just put the ID in the desc section but it’s so long it may be easier to read down here!
🔥Rusty is off to the right and is a round fluffy cat with a green collar, bell, shining emerald green eyes, and a fire like tail. He is pale orange with darker orange down his back, mane, tail, front paws and over his face in a mask. Red is on his tail base, nose, folded ears In heart shapes, nose, and paws. White is on his belly, ear tips in a heart shape, chin, nose, and chest in a heart shape. He has a amazed expression with a star in his eye as he looks at the cats before him. 💙To the left is Bluestar who is a sharp foxlike cat with gray blue fur, darker fur down her back, paws, ears, chin, and over her eyes in a mask. Light gray is on her ear tips, chest, inner ear tufts, and under her eyes which thins out to a star shape. Her eyes are dark blue with slitted pupil looking to Rusty, her paw out as a way to show their agreement for him to join. 🐻Next to her is Graypaw who is a fluffy round cat with warm toned gray fur and a mullet. His eyes are brownish orange with gray fur on his head, chin, eyes, down his back, and on his paws in stripes. Darker gray fur is on his ear tips, eyebrows, nose, chest, back, and paws. Lighter gray is on his mane and paws with a little nick in his ears as he stares at Rusty with sparkly eyes. 🦁Behind them is Lionheart who is very fluffy and golden, his eyes covered by dark brown fur as a light smile is on his face. A few freckles on his cheek with a light yellow on his cheeks and chin. 🌳To the right is a oak large tree marking the border into the wild, it’s leaves above it with a few of them flying away. Bushes are beside it along with two sunflowers. That whole side of the canvas is shaded in a warm purple tone to create a mysterious feel while the other is yellow toned to really shine on Rusty. At the right is the white fence where Rusty’s yard is, three clouds just above with stars faintly shining as they watch the arrangement going on.
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autisticvash · 2 months
I always get so confused when I see art of Swiftpaw either just before or after his death and hes.... kitten sized. they draw him like the stereotypical apprentice size.
Like... Y'all do realize he's older than Cinderpelt and Brackenfur in the first series, right? He was well within his rights to be pissed at not being a warrior. Hell, CINDERPELT got her full name before him, and even that took longer than Brackenfur getting his name. This is especially ironic considering Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were apprenticed /before they even reached 6 moons/. So he was even older than them, at least by a moon or so.
Swiftpaw was a full ass adult but trapped in the apprentice den. Hell, Ashfur and Ferncloud, two cats also in the apprentice den with him when he died, were BORN in Into The Wild, while he was apprenticed in early Fire and Ice, which takes place literally right after Into the Wild.
Swiftpaw was approximately only four moons away from being /2 years old/. Most warriors these days are made such around 1 year old. Brightheart and Thornclaw also were practically adults when in the apprentice den. All three should've been made Warriors a whole lot sooner, and were right for being mad about it.
Hell, taking into account as well that it almost feels like Thornclaw and Brightheart were apprenticed LATE. We have to go by the assumption that Bluestar wouldn't immediately brand herself a hypocrit and apprentice kits at 3 moons, because SEVERAL moons pass in Fire and Ice, between the times of Cinder and Bracken being apprenticed and the end. Meanwhile, Thorn and Bright are apprenticed in the next book, during which Cinder has ALREADY had her leg injured, healed, and "decided" to be a medicine cat.
EDIT: not saying no one can draw swift small thats perfectly fine!!!! just saying it feels like we're infantalizing him a little bit...
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cristallun · 29 days
Hunting Lessons
GUYS, i uplouded a small animation i did some months ago, please check it out, it's simple but i still love how it turned out
Yes, it's a warriors cats animation
it's been months sice i last read a WC book, i should start reading again, these books are so fun
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snakeeyesdraws · 10 months
What Are Some Of Your Favourite Warrior Cats Characters?
So I haven't read anything in the series past The Last Hope, so everything I know about the arcs beyond that comes from fanart and AMVs/animatics/what have you, so I feel like my answers are probably pretty easy picks from the earlier arcs.
Longtail and Swiftpaw were my favourite parts of the first set of books hands down, I also really enjoyed Bluestar, Hollyleaf, Leafpool, Graystripe, and Firestar. For side characters, I also really enjoyed Oakheart and Rosetail.
And again while I haven't read any of the more recent arcs, from what I've seen, I think I would enjoy characters like Alderheart, I'm just well past the age where I think I'd get a lot of enjoyment out of this series beyond nostalgia, so I don't really have any interest in reading the new books.
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solargoose · 4 months
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jazzyslibrary · 2 years
warriors: the prophecies #5: a dangerous path
date started: 04/07/2022 | date finished: 06/07/2022
fireheart is kinda stupid for not saying anything about tigerclaw at the gathering. like, sure he killed multiple cats from his own clan because of his ambitions and seems to have a personal vendetta against bluestar and fireheart… but maybe now that he’s leader or shadowclan he will put those behaviours behind him!
fireheart seems to not care about the dogs on thunderclan territory. he says like “oh well their twolegs will come and take them home soon” and then obviously that doesn’t happen. and the rest of the book he acts like there’s some unknown evil in the forest with him when it’s so obviously the dogs. plus the prologue of the book literally is from the perspective of the dogs. the dogs being able to talk but only like cavemen is frustrating. i wish they either didn’t talk at all or talked normally.
when fireheart finally tells bluestar about the dogs she decides to blame windclan. i didn’t really like this conflict but i do like that bluestar trusts ravenpaw and says that he’s welcome in thunderclan. i think she said that in the previous book but yeah. i also like that they didn’t make her oblivious and she can tell that the meeting was organised by fireheart. she still has good characterisation until her desth.
bluestar is probably the best part of this book, but it really is hard to read because of how much i miss the old bluestar, but i also like that such an iconic leader has an iconic downfall and death. i think most leaders just die nobly in battle or like crookedstar, they die because they’re old.
whitestorm’s relationship with bluestar this book is really nice to see. the way he comforts her and looks after her is so cute. it’s a shame they didn’t mention that he’s her nephew and that she also took care of him when he was a kit. i guess they didn’t think of that yet.
cloudtail is finally not annoying when he is caring for brightpaw .. or “lostface” as bluestar cruelly names her. but it really changed his character from a pain in fireheart’s ass to awww he’s so sweet to her!
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brainticklr69 · 11 months
For how much (rightful) criticism Dawn Of The Clans gets I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention the inaccurate characterizations that happen from The First Battle to The Blazing Star.
The First Battle ends with relegations of how bad Clear Sky is, how mislead he was, how much hes hurt everyone around him and then all the characters become aware of why he was acting the way he was and Thunder opens his heart to Clear Sky. He’s like ‘oh that’s why my dads like that. He’ll have to work hard to right the wrongs he’s done but I believe he can do it. It’ll take me a while to forgive him though’. But then The Blazing Star begins with them forgetting how they all were feeling about Clear Sky and creating conflict because they go back to being unsympathetic and that he’ll never change again.
I read these books back to back so it might be more noticeable just because there wasn’t a year between me reading the two (also I swear you can tell when a new Erin begins writing in the series), but my point still stands.
I think people hate Clear Sky because the books themselves didn’t properly justify his redemption. They needed conflict, they had understanding and acceptance of him too early and then they back tracked to prolong it. It’s like whiplash the way Thunder goes from hating his father to understanding him and having hope for him back to hating if him and then liking him at the end of the series.
That’s one thing that sucks about this Warrior Cat series (and i wouldn’t be surprised about the others once I get to them), the Erins don’t always create coherent stories and characters. And maybe it’s just this book but all the characters are very static as well and when they try to have dynamic characters it just seems forced for plot. Which really sucks because this is a great concept for a series and it wasn’t all terrible.
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jaronxlordashcombe · 6 months
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything really) then send it to 10 of your most cherished friends or followers
Now Im doing books!
3. Warriors series by Erin Hunter
2. The Blackthorn Key series by Kevin Sands
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warriorcatspolls · 6 months
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ace-frog · 11 months
Not my warriors and my wings of fire phases coming back. Like i gotta reread these books now ig
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star-prophecy · 1 year
the one thing i've been waiting to discuss since i've never seen anybody else mention it before (though i'm sure i'm not the first) is how significant defending the forest from bloodclan in the darkest hour was only for all the native clans to travel to the lake for their new permanent home less than a whole series later. i was rereading (skimming through, more like) TDH a few weeks ago and the intense emphasis on fighting for their home caught me by surprise considering they ended up being forced to abandon it (relatively) not that long after anyway....
this isn't a criticism of the writing btw, not directly or intentionally at least, i just think it's kinda funny to be honest
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