@ the person who said our new url should be 'get-treatment-crazy-woman' thank you for that unneeded input. we, obviously, do not go to a therapist, or take about 4 different types of pills a day. yes indeed, our talk of therapy is only a ruse, and we are not getting treatment. again, thank you for your unneeded input. and any mentally ill person on the internet obviously is not getting treatment. obviously. i will not be commenting on your transphobia, because everyone knows that you are trash for saying such a thing, and i have no need to point it out.
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antis are not allowed to actively attack shippers. do not post in ship tags, do not send rude/hurtful anons to a shipper's blog or anything. shippers are not allowed to actively attack antis. do not post in anti tags, do not send rude/hurtful anons to an anti's blog or anything. now, i am not pointing a finger at any group, but i know which of these two are bad at following these simple rules of decency.
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hm. i think we need mods for this blog, we may be getting hospitalized, and we dont want to leave this inactive.
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ianite saw a ship in the tag that made it remember things i tried to keep away from it...
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survivors can use ships to cope, but dont tell other survivors who are hurt by those ships that the shipe are fine, and you dont see anything wrong with it.
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@staff stop putting loli blogs in our recommended blogs.
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dont reblog
someone told one of our friends to stop talking about his delusions and…that is…honestly so…talking about your delusions actually helps you…
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please stop putting sexual ads on youtube...especially unskippable sexual ads... not only are there children on there...theres also sex repulsed people too...
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every main character in final fantasy is autistic and trans...
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hey...we dont care if you headcanon garnet as whatever but we do care if youre sending hate to mod peridot on p-ewey...this has gone too far and someone is feeling suicidal...talk about your headcanons somewhere far away from that blog cause youre hurting someone by sending asks about it directly to the blog...
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