#serious concerns were being voiced about crops
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doc-pickles · 11 months
emergency contact | anthony beauvillier
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summary: you’re sick and all tito wants is for you to take care of yourself
warnings: mentions of being sick, hospital, a few swears
a/n: this idea popped into my head and I knew it was the perfect thing to write tito into!
xoxo nina
Tito always warned you about taking care of yourself. You had a tendency to get lost in your work and skip meals or leave your water bottle at home and go the whole day without even thinking about taking a sip of water. But when you’d come down with a cold, Beau’s insistence that you take care of yourself grew tenfold.
“Did you take DayQuil?”
“And ate breakfast?”
“And you-“
“Anthony,” you cut him off as he stared at you from his place at the door. You never used his full name so he knew you were serious. “I’m fine. I will survive going to work for the day while you do tape review. Okay?”
Tito groaned before nodding and pressing a kiss to your hair, “I’m just worried about you baby. Call me if you need anything, okay?”
You nodded, leaning into Tito slightly before he left for the day. After he shut the door you heaved a sigh before gathering your work things and heading into the office for the day.
It’s only took 45 minutes of being at work before your migraine cropped back up. You pushed it aside as you worked on the document in front of you.
But the pain became worse, to the point where you could barely see your screen. You groaned and shut your laptop, deciding that you needed a snack and a break from your work.
As soon as you stood up your head began to swim, your fingers reaching for the edge of your desk to try and balance yourself. The attempt was futile as your knees buckled and your vision went black.
Tito was sitting across from Petey and Brock, the trio spread out across Brock’s living room reviewing film. Just as Elias paused the tape Tito’s phone rang.
“Lemme grab this real quick,” Anthony stood from the couch, Elias throwing a pillow at him.
“Bring back more beer!”
Tito laughed as he answered the call, walking into the kitchen, “Hello?”
“Hi Im calling from Vancouver General Hospital. Is this Anthony Beauvillier?”
“Yeah that’s me. Is uh- is everything okay?”
“I have Y/N Y/L/N in the ER and you’re listed as her emergency contact.”
Tito’s heart dropped as he set the beers in his hands down and went to slip his shoes on. Petey and Brock stared at him but he couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge them as he tried to locate his keys.
“Is she okay? What happened?” Tito tried to keep the panic out of his voice but it was hard when the woman across the line wasn’t telling him anything.
“I can’t release medical information on the phone,” the woman said in a dull monotone. “Would you be able to come down to our emergency department?”
Anthony finally located his keys and made his way toward the front door, “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
As he hung up his phone Anthony finally looked to Brock and Petey who both looked concerned, “Y/N is in the ER. I gotta go.”
The boys barely got out a few reassuring words to Tito before he was out the door and driving to the hospital, worry lacing his body as he raced to where you were.
“She should be fine, she was extremely dehydrated when she was brought in so we started her on an IV. And I’m assuming the cough and cold have been going on for awhile?”
“About a week.”
“Sounds about right. She’s developed acute bronchitis but it’s very mild so we’ve already started her on a course of NSAID’s to help with the the inflammation. She’ll need plenty of rest the next few days.”
“Okay, thank you so much.”
Although you couldn’t tell who the other person talking was, you quickly determined it was a doctor talking to Tito.
That meant you were in the hospital, right after Tito tried to warn you about taking care of yourself. You heard the door shut and slowly peaked your eyes open, watching at Tito settled into the chair at your side and hung his head. His hands ran through his hair before he took a deep breath, eyes locked on the floor.
“Baby…,” you whispered, Tito’s head popping up at the sound. “Hi. I’m sorry.”
Before you could move a muscle Anthony hopped out of the chair, fingers running across your forehead as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, “You scared the shit out of me.”
You sighed at Tito’s words, leaning closer to him, “I’m sorry. I thought I’d be okay at work. I should’ve listened to you.”
“Don’t apologize, I’m just glad you’re okay,” Tito leaned down to meet your eyes. “You are okay, right?”
“Yeah I got a migraine and went to stand up and…,” you sighed, squeezing your eyes shut to try and keep out the panic that clawed at your chest. “And then I woke up here. So I have no idea what happened.”
Anthony sensed your panic as he pulled you into a tight embrace, his hands skating over your back slowly in a comforting manner. Just his touch on your skin had your breathing slowing, body relaxed in his hold.
“The doctor will be back in an hour to make sure you’re okay then I’m taking you home and you’re not leaving bed for the next two days.”
“What if I have to pee?”
“I’ll carry you to the bathroom.”
“And when you have your game tomorrow night?”
Tito fixed you with a look that had you grinning instantly, knowing you were pushing his buttons, “You’re killing me here.”
“I know, but you love me right?”
“Yes baby,” Tito leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I love you so much.”
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Tips For Writing C!TommyInnit, From A Loser With Brainrot
Tommy is LOUD. Whether he's angry or excited or playing around, he's usually yelling. He is not aware of how loud he is unless he's specifically raising his voice to overpower the conversation (which he usually only does when he's angry at someone/thing, or to make a point). He's only quieter when he's serious, at peace, or very very sad
TOMMY IS SMART!!! He thinks things through when he has time to do so. He is strategic and considers other people's behaviors when he plans something out (ex building the tower overlooking the prison slowly, so Sam didn't get as suspicious, and making a point to only inhabit it when it was dark to be less noticed). Tommy knows how people act/think if he's familiar with them, and he uses that to his advantage.
However, Tommy's very impulsive, and his emotions overrun his brains very often. This happens the most when he's angry or scared.
Tommy lets people take pity on him 80% of the time. Unless it's a serious situation and he's trying to prove himself, (ex Logstedshire) he LOVES free shit and he very easily falls into the "oh poor little TommyInnit, he has no family to his name and is dirty and cold, won't you spare some netherite for his poor soul?" narrative.
Tommy is childish. He bickers over things that don't really matter and is the epitome of "he started it!!" when he gets in trouble. He also constantly nags at people until they cave to get what he wants. I have no idea how CC!Tommy plays being a youngest sibling SO WELL since he's an only child but that is exactly who C!Tommy is
Tommy is not brave. He hides behind people to avoid danger and he runs away from conflict if he can. The times where this didn't happen (Exile, Final Disc Confrontation, November 16th) were because he was backed into a corner, literally or figuratively, and was forced to fight back.
more under the cut bc this got very long lmao
Tommy is not very private UNLESS it concerns his past trauma. He will talk about what he's doing, every thought in his head, and what he thinks of everything he sees, UNLESS it's recounting what happened to him. Getting information like that from the source is like pulling teeth, even for people he trusts completely. The reasoning for this (best as I can tell anyway) is that he simply just doesn't want to relive it.
Tommy has a very black and white way of thinking about his allies. If someone helps his enemy, they are his enemy too. He doesn't really care about personal motivations or reasonings unless they're close to him (Tubbo) and he does not forgive easily.
However, he also recognizes power. When Tommy ran from Logstedshire, he ran to the person who killed his best friend because he knew Technoblade was very powerful against Dream. Another example is when he ran to Phil when Dream escaped prison and went after him, even though Phil destroyed L'manburg WITH Dream AND killed Wilbur, two things that Tommy vehemently hates him for. Tommy seemed to not be thinking very clearly when either of these events happened, so this may have been a purely impulsive decision made out of fear.
Tommy squirrels away his riches. He only breaks into his ender chest when he really needs the resources, ie diamond armor and weapons for a showdown. He actually has quite a lot of diamonds and gold if I recall correctly, but he still resorts to stone/iron tools and no armor in his day to day.
Kind of related to above, Tommy keeps momentos of people he cares about in his ender chest, where no one can reach them but him. He is terrified of losing these things because they remind him of when times were good, and he had people he loved. (This was actually said by him, I just don't remember the stream sorry ;;w;;)
Tommy is very stubborn. He doesn't cooperate very often and views the way he does things as the best way. The only time to my memory that he defaulted to someone else was when Wilbur was alive (L'manburg, Pogtopia)
Tommy likes maintaining his surroundings. This includes harvesting crops and replacing them, patching up creeper holes, and replacing missing blocks from his house or the Prime Path. He does these things without anyone telling him to, on his "down time" if you will, and doesn't really call attention to it
TOMMY LOVES ANIMALS. He doesn't like killing them and tries to eat carrots instead of killing for meat (although he doesn't seem to have qualms with eating meat that other people give him)
Tommy has a soft spot for kids/small creatures. He tried very hard to hate Michael because he was bitter about Ranboo and Tubbo's friendship but he broke almost instantly if I remember correctly. He fawns over "cute" things and gets thoroughly distracted from whatever he was doing if he notices a baby chicken or something
Tommy is rarely still. He almost always is doing something with his hands (ie building, chopping trees, etc) if he's in conversation with someone. The only times where he actually sits down and stops is when he's watching the sunset on his bench, or having a self reflection moment/processing heavy information.
I'll stop here, but I plan on making another post that more goes into his speaking mannerisms and whatnot. I hope this helps somebody trying to write C!Tommy, feel free to send me an ask if you have specific questions!!
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Infatuation (Part 1)
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geto x fat!fem!reader
cw/tw: so much body talk, insecurity, internalized misogyny, flawed reader, minor suicidal ideation (talked about in a non serious/joking manner), bullying, very minor violence, gender heavy implications, mild obsession
Geto’s voice was silken dark chocolate, a countertenor blessing to your ears. You were whipped, you always had been, and that pissed you off more than anything.
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You try to stay glued to your phone, you really do, but they're in the corner of your field of vision, buzzing like incessant flies at the height of summer.
Unlike flies, they're gorgeous. A blonde, with babydoll brown eyes and plush pink lips, and her redhead friend, who has freckles for days and legs that stretch on for miles. Dressed in brands you could never squeeze into from department stores, probably a jean size -2. The redhead sports a crop top, her golden belly button piercing glittering in the light of your college's cafeteria.
You wonder which one Suguru would prefer, if he'd noticed them yet. The thought causes bile to rise to your throat and you do your best to return to the walls of text on your phone screen and re-immerse yourself in the romance novel you were reading, because if you catch him watching them as hard as you are you just might die of heartbreak right then and there.
Well, that and the fact that Choso was actively trying to convince the rest of you to join him at the benefit for his little brothers' elementary school.
“I’d rather kill myself.” Gojo's words are dramatic, but his tone is disinterested. You glance over to find him leaning on one palm, gazing at the very table across the room you were concerned with. Horny little pig.
“Agreed.” You return to your novel, annoyance dripping from your lips.
“Come on guys, please? If not it's just gonna be me and a bunch of preteens getting crop dusted by people that are old enough to be my grandparent’s grandparents-!”
“Sounds like a ‘you’ problem, dude.”
Fuck. Geto’s voice was silken dark chocolate, a countertenor blessing to your ears. You were whipped, you always had been, and that pissed you off more than anything.
He had always been a close friend of yours. It started when you were assigned to sit at the same table in fourth grade, along with two other snot nose students from the underprivileged area where you both grew up. You thought he hated you at first. He never was much of a talker, and seemed annoyed at your willingness to bicker with the other children.
But then it happened. A fight over who's crayons were who’s had turned to petty name calling. You insisted the boy was stupid, and he insisted you were fat. The word had barely fallen out of his mouth before his splayed out hand on the scuffed surface of the desk had met the business end of Suguru’s pencil.
That's the first time you thought you loved him.
Still to this day you can recall how handsome he looked getting yanked out of his chair by the arm and drug to the principal's office. The two of you hadn't spoken a word about it since.
His siren song calls your attention just in time to catch Gojo kicking his shin under the table and nodding towards Barbie and Midge, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Fire burns in your gut as his beautiful ashen eyes followed Gojo's direction. He unknowingly douses it with an eye-roll and you smirk, returning to your book. Good. Now you don't have to stab Gojo with his own fork.
“Yeah man, you're on your own here.” Gojo tries to act like he didn't just silently try and get Suguru to pursue some beautiful women with him, but the pout is evident in his voice.
Fuck. The book, the book, the book, the book. Nothing exists but the book. The book is important, and so interesting I can't possibly notice anything else right now–
“I know you hear me!”
You know from his tone alone that Choso is sitting there with round, wet, wide eyes and a jutted bottom lip. Being the only woman in the friend group was hard, sometimes. Those types of tricks would never work well on Gojo or Geto. You, though?
“She's too busy gooning- ow!”
You were quick to flick Satoru in his stupid fucking face the minute the words fell out of his stupid fucking mouth. It earns a barked laugh from Geto which would make your tummy flutter if you weren't so annoyed with Gojo’s antics.
“I am not gooning! You're disgusting!”
“Oh yeah?” Gojo challenges, holding out the hand that's not rubbing at his newly flicked temple “Show us what you're reading.”.
“Go fuck your self-! Gojo no! Get off of me!”
God damn him and his stupidly long limbs, reaching for your phone as you do your best to fight him off, one sneaker coming off the floor to press against his chest and attempt to fight off the impossible strength he seemed to possess as he all but pinned you to the booth. You hold your phone as far away from his reach as possible.
It had always been this way with Gojo as well.
Middle school was hard. Transferring up was both a blessing and a curse, the blessing part being that the middle school district was bigger, so the student population was a mix of not only the low income students but the upper class and everything in between as well.
The curse?
The curse was knowledge. You would come to realize over the next three years that you weren't like Suguru. Not in the ways that mattered.
He was popular, great at sports, and handsome. So, so handsome. And not just to you. Girls fawned over him. There were multiple instances where other students would damn near tripping over each other to ask him to dances, or invite him to birthday parties before their friend got the chance.
You were not that. Not at all.
At first, other kids fell into one of two categories: aggressor or avoider. Either they went out of their way to let you know you were different, not pretty, not wanted– or they avoided you altogether. Which was technically the same thing, just quieter.
Gojo was neither, a category all his own: an opportunist.
See, Gojo had seen something in Geto others hadn't– at least, no one other than you. Suguru was attractive, not just in the looks department but in his ability to draw others into his spell. He was cool, almost disinterested in all the attention. It only made girls want him more. On top of this was another observation; Suguru Geto was loyal, and sensitive.
He snubbed his nose at your detractors, rolled his eyes at immature goads and giggles, always sat with you on the bus and at lunch regardless of what anyone else may have thought.
So, he had come to the conclusion that if he wanted to climb to the top of the almighty middle school hierarchy, the answer lay not in Suguru, but in you, who could get him to Suguru.
Gojo didn't make friends like others. He made them by pulling pigtails and popping bra straps and calling names. He treated you just like he would’ve treated anyone else. That is to say, like a toy to break. Regardless, you’d always appreciated it, grating as it was.
“Ahah!” He finally wrestles your phone from your grip and chucks it to Suguru, who catches it with ease.
“Don't you dare!” You try to scramble across the table but Gojo has his arms around your middle, caging you.
Suguru scrolls a bit, smiling maniacally as he begins to narrate aloud “He looked at me the way a dog would look at a fresh piece of steak, hungry and wild-”.
His eyes widen and his mouth stretches into and incredulous grin as he skims the text and Gojo giggles like a maniac behind you. He turns to you like he's gonna make some sort of sarcastic quip and the moment he makes eye contact with you time seems to slow.
God. You were so fucked.
It was unfair how he was your center of gravity, your everlasting crush on him bordering on obsession. You drink in the details of his face with your eyes, trying desperately to commit the faint blush you see swirling beneath his cheeks to memory.
“Guys! Please!” Choso is officially over it, snatching your phone from Geto’s hand on the other side of the booth with little effort. Your raven-headed obsession jumps at the sudden intrusion, and you can't let yourself think that he was more focused on you than his surroundings, can't even toy with the ridiculous notion because it would cause a spiral. You refuse to think about how he's usually keenly aware of his surroundings, or how if prepared he could've probably easily evaded Choso. Deny yourself the opportunity to even dream of him being just as lost in that moment as you were, even though his eyes are still locked on yours, like a deer caught in headlights.
You forget why you were refusing to look at Choso, seeking reprieve from Suguru’s ethereal hold on you only to find yourself in a different kind of trance.
Choso has the puppy dog pout down pat. He’d used it to his advantage for as long as you could remember. The tilted head, the desperate eyes, the way the scar plastering the bridge of his nose would downturn on the edges with the impeccable jut of his bottom lip.
God. Dammit.
“Only if Geto goes with me.” You would not be taking this loss alone.
“Oh, come on, now!” Suguru protests, smacking his water bottle and settling back into a pouty huff, his arms crossed across his chest. You fight not to laugh. There's hope glittering in Choso’s eyes.
“What about me?! I’m fun-!” Gojo whines, and you’re quick to shoot back:
“No, you're an annoying little bitch-”
“Geto?” Choso has chosen a new target for his weaponized big brown eyes.
For a moment, all is silent, as the whole table sizes Suguru up. He glances between the three of you, lingering a little longer on your smirk. The ball has been placed in his court. Either he agrees, or not, but he’s a villain either way. You had effectively gotten yourself and Satoru off the hook, all responsibility falling on Geto and his stupid handsome–
Your mouth falls open in shock. He just damned the rest of you hell for an entire Saturday evening?!
“..but you owe me twenty dollars.” He glares at Choso, who’s practically beaming like a kid on Christmas.
“And you–” his gaze softens when he turns back to you and you think he has to know what he does to you, cutting through the soft flesh of your throat with a look “--owe me a happy ending.”.
Ah, there it was. The flirting in front of a group of your friends for the sake of a joke. Because it was funny, wasn’t it? The idea that the glorified adonis would want anything to do with someone who couldn’t fit into most department store clothing. Gojo seems to think so, guffawing like he’d never heard anything better.
You knew, though. You’d always known. There was never a snowball's chance in hell. So you swallow the hurt, your pride sliding down your throat like rusted screws, and shoot back just as sharp “Ew. Get it from Gojo, you freak.”.
“I changed my mind, I can't do this.”
The only thing grounding you is the cool concrete beneath you and the scratchy texture of the brick wall behind you digging into your spine through the soft fabric of your t-shirt.
Smoke breaks with Geto in between classes were your holy ground, somewhere you were supposed to be able to bask in his undivided attention for just a few moments, let your eyes follow the filter of his cigarette until it lands between the plush of his lips.
Menthols. Suguru smoked menthols. You wondered frequently if he tasted like it. A mixture of Marlboro Smooth and the cinnamon gum he was privy to.
“Why?” the question comes with and exhale of grey and you re-read Choso’s message in the group chat to stop your mind from wandering into dangerous territory.
Cocktail attire.
You felt exposed just reading the words, the thickness if your thighs heavy against your bones and the chubby bits under your arms becoming consciously there, rubbing against the seam of your oversized t-shirt.
“I don't have anything to wear.”.
It wasn't untrue. Your closet was laced with sweatpants and baggy jeans, t-shirts and hoodies that swallowed you whole. There were time when even that didn't feel like enough to shield you from the judgemental eyes of the world.
Another stark difference between yourself and Suguru. He had a fashion sense that most men didn't. High waisted pants and tight fitted shirts were his trademark, along with tons of jewelry. Something that pretty deserved to be decorated, though you'd seen him in his pajamas on more than one occasion. He shined regardless.
“So? We’ll just go shopping-”
“Absolutely not.”
That sounded like your own personal hell. Walking with Suguru trailing behind you, passing everything cute and age appropriate until you ended up in the plus size section, tucked away in the very back corner of some overpriced outlet store so no one could see your fat self shopping there, surrounded by loose fitting t-shirt dresses that had no shape and cold shoulder tops because for whatever god forsaken reason the only part of you deemed attractive by the capitalist world is your shoulders.
He was too observant. He'd notice it all. You’d have to buy a rope out of sheer mortification. There would be no other option.
Another drag off his cigarette as he leans against the wall beside you, one leg cocked against the brick, the other just barely grazing your shoulder. Did he have to stand so close all the time? You glance up at him and watch the way the sun dances off his perfectly clear skin. Pores aren't even a thing to Suguru. He’s clear glazed ceramic; expensive and breakable, made for looking but not for touching. You feel nauseous.
“Come on, y/n you already promised him-”
Yes, but that was before you knew.
“I know, I know but I– you know me! I fucking hate dressing up, and shopping, and all that girly bullshit.”
That much was true, but it went deeper than that. You would love all that girly shit if you looked pretty when you tried. You would be overjoyed at the chance to buy matching outfits with other women, to twirl in front of dressing room mirrors and take selfies and not worry about the way the harsh lighting made your stretch marks look darker.
When you were younger, you used to daydream about sleepovers with other little girls. A different version of you that fit into the matching pajama sets everyone was wearing. You’d gossip about boys and giggle about growing up and getting married to them, and no one would find the fact that you had a crush funny. That version of you wouldn't bounce too hard on the trampoline, she'd be light and dainty like everyone else. She’d eat one slice of pizza and be full.
But you weren't that girl, so you hung out with the men instead. Their friendship required less vulnerability, less deep connection. Men let you hide behind walls because they couldn't see you from the other side of their own. You were built for rough housing and snarky remarks and video game sessions where not talking was required.
It was better that way, easier.
Suguru was different, though. He always was. He didn't let you get away with shit, not nearly as much as the others.
“You know, they have a name for that kind of mentality, its called internalized misogyny–” He holds the half finished cigarette down for you and you snatch it from his silver adorned fingers with a scoff, disgusted at the way the cool metal of his rings feels electrifying.
“You and Gojo tell me to get back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich like six times a day, dickhead.”
“That's different.”
You know what he's saying. It's different because the boys were joking when they said shit like that. The conversation was getting too vulnerable, raw for even Geto’s liking. He didn't prefer to squabble with you. Given the option, he liked to verbally herd you into a corner, manipulate you into digging deeper. Straight into the fire wasn't typically his battle strategy. You wouldn't give him the option, not this time.
“How so?” It comes out far too casual, rough on the edges, laced with a challenge.
He watches you blow smoke into the open air, squint and focus hard on something non-existent in the distance. He knows that you know he's watching, and yet neither of you acknowledge it. Suguru tends to ride the line of predator and protector. Jungle cat and house cat. Undecided if he'd rather hunt you or the mice that ravage your pantry.
“That's external misogyny.”
Your glare causes him to chuckle, and you think maybe if you knocked those porcelain white teeth out of his skull you might not want to ravage him so much.
You take one last drag of the cigarette and flick it, rising to your feet and refusing to allow him the grace of a response. Or at least that was your initial intention.
“…Sorry, those are pretty big words for your little lady brain to comprehend–”
“Oh, you absolute bastard!” You send a closed fist into his shoulder and he cackles as he catches it with ease, and in the classic Suguru fashion he has your wrist pinned to the brick above your head and your entire world spun on its axis in a flat second.
He was so tall, towering over you with a beautiful shit-eating grin painted on his face. This close you could make out the faintest hint of freckles that trailed across the bridge of his nose and the highs of his cheeks, so faint that you'd think you were dreaming them up if his breath wasn't wafting over your face. The only place he's touching you is your wrist, the rest of him mere inches from the rest of your body. If he didn't let go of you soon you were sure the pressure in your chest would cause your lungs to break.
He shouldn't play games like this with you.
He can't play games like this with you.
It hurts.
Worse when you start making up things that aren't there, how you can swear his breath hitches just slightly, convince yourself his dark pupils dilated just slightly, imagine his grip tightens on your wrist when you flex your fingers above your head.
It's a need that can never be filled, a primal urge to jerk him forward by his shirt with your free hand, to close that tiny distance that’s eating at your very being.
“I was serious, you know? About the ‘not dropping out’ thing, not the misogyny.” His maniacal grin softens into something sweeter. There’s still something devilish behind it. After all, this is Suguru, who needs to get the fuck away from you as soon as possible, because every inhale has you breathing in the scent of his cologne, and it's sinking from your nostrils straight into your core, settling like a weighted anvil. All you can do is hum dumbly in response.
And the worst part is, you think he knows. He knows how attractive he is, knows he can pin women up against walls and eye fuck them until they submit. After all these years he has to know the chokehold he has on you, surely. His exposed dimples let you know he thinks it's amusing.
You want him to take mercy and kill you already.
You want him to fuck you stupid.
“Unless of course, you wanna be barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen. You can just say that- aye!”
You flick him in the forehead with your free hand and finally find the sense to jerk away from him. His little joke wasn't nearly as funny as he thought it was.
“You okay?”
Boys aren't always emotionally immature. There are times and places where they can be sweet, where the tender underpinnings show through the layers of masculinity. The catch is, it’s never in a comfortable setting. It’s never in the details, when they notice your hair was unbrushed and unwashed or your shoulders slumping at a joke.
Men use emotional connection like a gun. Quick, heavy metal fired at only the most heightened of times, when there are no other options.
“Of course I am. I just don't wanna do this shit.”
You hope your attempt to sever Suguru's emotional olive branch with a verbal chainsaw hurts. Maybe Mr.Perfection could finally get just a taste of rejection. You refuse to look at him, hiding your peripherals under the thick rim of a navy blue hoodie and keeping your gaze firmly planted out the window, watching the city roll by from his passenger seat, your knees pulled to your chest and your hands nervously rubbing against the fabric of your leggings.
The clicking of the turn signal sounds like a death siren, an emergency alert.
“We’ll be in and out as soon as possible, I promise, okay?” He doesn't sound hurt at all. He sounds confident, almost dismissive, like the worst day of your life would be no big deal to him. It was probably true.
The fitting room was too small. You took up too much of it’s already limited space, surrounded by a rejection pile the size of Mount Everest, but still only half the size of you. Your head pounded and you felt like you couldn't breathe, sweat clung to your skin in a thin layer even though you knew it was too cold in the building, icy air scratching your skin with every failed attempt at looking presentable.
They were too tight, too short, too scratchy, too small, too fucking everything. Every dress you’d tried on made you look ridiculous. At this point you should just join the circus since you’re doomed to be the laughing stock of everyone and their mothers anyway.
Suguru's patient, truly the best pick of all your friends to have to journey with you through this. The thought of Gojo being the one waiting for you makes you shudder.
At least, though, Gojo would get bored and give up after laughing at your expense for a few minutes.
Suguru wasn't like that. He’d come in with a goal and was determined to achieve it.
Your most recent failure was absolutely laughable. Suguru had picked it out himself. A deep blue chiffon wrap dress with sheer bell sleeves that exposed entirely too much of your thighs. Even if you managed to get it zipped, you’d never wear it out.
“You okay in there?”
A knock on the wall makes you want to slice off his stupid beautiful fingers. You know by now it's not a request, but a warning. He's coming in.
“Yeah, I just–” Your voice wobbles and you take a deep breath “--it doesn't fit. Can we just go home?”.
The curtain rustles behind you and you only take a brief look at him in the mirror before finding an interesting corner to stare at instead, grumbling out with disapproval “Creep. What if my tits were out?”.
You want it to sound like a joke but it comes out entirely too dejected. You don't have the energy to play, fight, or play fight with him any more.
“What do you mean, y/n? It looks stunning.”
You hate how he sounds like he's trying to coax a feral cat into taking a hotdog from his hand.
“It doesn't zip.” You cross your arms over your chest, doing what you can to hide any part of your body from his eyes. You don't want him to see you like this. You don't want anyone to see you like this.
“Yes, it does, you just can't reach that far– here.”.
His fingers graze against the middle of your back and you want to scream. It's such a gentle motion but it feels so violent. The careful trace of his knuckles against your back is pulling every ounce of shame from the pit of your gut, through your chest, and then your throat where it chokes you from the inside out, swelling and expanding and threatening to kill you. He heat radiating off of him is scorching, leaving third degree burns along the entirety of your flesh.
The sound that escapes him sounds genuine, and somehow that's worse. You slowly lift your eyes until you're tracing over his reflection in the mirror, but he's not looking at you directly, instead tracing over your form with his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips and a twinge of pink gracing the highs of his cheeks, but that's probably from the lighting. Leave it to a fitting room to draw out even Suguru's flaws.
“You look amazing.” His eyes finally meet yours again and you do your best to keep neutral. If you so much as attempt to communicate all that's going to come out is a strangled sob; you can feel it in your chest.
His brows dip when he reads your expression, head tilting to the side.
“You don't see it?”
You shrug, feigning indifference, and he sighs, less like he's exasperated and more like you're silly. You can't let him know how badly you want to melt into the floor and fade from existence.
“Here” He murmurs, reaching around his own neck to unclasp one of his many silver chains, reaching around to adorn your own neck with it. His fingers fluff and twirl your hair, shaking it out until it's falling to his liking. He's standing entirely too close, thickening the air with his overwhelming aura, touching and preening you like it was second nature to him. Effortless, almost thoughtless.
Finally, his hands trace down your arms, leaving goosebumps in your wake until his fingers are intertwining with your own. You’d dreamed about his hands on your body, fantasized about your hands in his and his chest pressed against your back. Not like this, though. The you in your daydreams had lost the weight. She was pretty and confident and wouldn't think twice about the exposed flesh of her thighs peeking out from under her dress.
“You see it yet?”
He pulls your arms away from your body, your last shield from the reality before you, and you feel yourself losing your own internal battle. You can only look at yourself for a second before you're dropping your head so your hair hides your face again, obscuring yourself from your vision and more importantly, from Suguru.
You try to swallow it before it can escape you, but it's no use. A sob wracks your frame, and you feel Suguru's fingers tighten between your own.
“Y/n? What's wrong?”
He spins you around so you're facing him, but when he goes to lift your chin you grip his wrist with ferocity, much preferring to stay hidden as much as you can.
“Please, I just wanna go home.” you hiccup, tears now flowing freely from your eyes.
He grabs you again, this time bringing your head to the center of his chest, testing a different form of intimacy. You allow it, much more comfortable hiding against him than facing him, breathing in the spiced notes of his cologne and the familiar smell of his laundry detergent. His nails scrape along your scalp and your quivering hands grip desperately at the fabric of his knitted shirt. You feel his cheek press into the top of your head and you can only cry harder.
“Okay. Okay. Please don't cry, y/n. We can go home.”
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part 2
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emjayewrites · 2 months
Under His Influence - LH (1/14)
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SYNOPSIS: Several years after his last submissive, Lewis finally decides to look for another. His search brings him back to The Obsidian Lotus, where he encounters Nikki, a law student working as a cocktail waitress to make ends meet.
PAIRINGS: Billionaire/CEO!AU Lewis Hamilton x Nikita "Nikki" Gaines
WARNINGS: minors do not engage, 18+ only, contains themes of BDSM. (do not read if not comfortable)
A/N: Please let me know if you would like to be on the taglist or removed.
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Nikki adjusted her fishnet stockings and then smoothed down her corset, taking a deep breath before pushing through the heavy velvet curtain into the main room of The Obsidian Lotus. The exclusive BDSM club hummed with energy, its dim lighting and plush decor a stark contrast to the austere halls of her law school.
Just a month ago, she'd been struggling to make ends meet. Her scholarships covered tuition and some supplies, but living expenses in New York City were crushing. Now, here she was, navigating a world she'd only read about in steamy novels. The vetting process had been intense - background checks, interviews, health screenings, and a crash course in club etiquette and safety protocols. But the pay was worth it, especially for a broke law student.
"Girl, you won't believe what happened in my training session today," Asha, Nikki's best friend and fellow law student, sidled up next to her at the bar.
Nikki raised an eyebrow as she arranged drinks on her tray. "Oh yeah? Spill."
Asha leaned in, lowering her voice. "I met this tech mogul. He's looking for a permanent sub. The allowance he's offering?" She whistled low. "Let's just say I could pay off some of my undergrad loans and have enough left over for a cushy apartment."
Nikki's eyes widened. She'd known the real money was in being a sub, especially to the wealthy elites who frequented The Obsidian Lotus and its sister clubs in London, Paris, and Los Angeles.
"Just be careful, okay?" Nikki cautioned, genuine concern coloring her voice.
Asha nodded, her expression serious. "Always. That's why I love this place. The safety measures are no joke."
As if on cue, Nikki noticed one of the ever-present security staff doing a subtle sweep of the room. The club's reputation for discretion and safety was what attracted its high-profile clientele - politicians, celebrities, and business tycoons from around the world.
Nikki hefted her tray and made her way into the crowd, weaving between leather-clad bodies and elegant evening wear. As she straightened after serving a table, movement on the main stage caught her eye. A scene was starting, featuring none other than Madam Penny herself.
Madam Penny was a striking figure - a Black woman in her forties with flawless skin and an aura of unshakeable confidence. Her natural hair was styled in an elegant updo, and her curvaceous figure was accentuated by a form-fitting leather dress. As the CEO of a thriving beauty empire, she exuded power and grace.
Circling her on the stage was her sub for the evening - a lithe Asian man in his late twenties. His jet-black hair was artfully tousled, and his lean muscles rippled under smooth, pale skin as he knelt before Madam Penny. His dark eyes never left her face, a mix of adoration and anticipation clear in his gaze.
Madam Penny traced the crop along the man's bare back, focusing on his shoulders and the curve of his spine. "Color?" she asked firmly.
"Green," the man responded, his voice husky.
She brought the crop down with a sharp crack against his upper thigh. The man gasped, his muscles tensing visibly.
"Thank you, Mistress," he breathed.
She alternated between gentle caresses and firmer strikes across his back, buttocks, and thighs. Each impact elicited a different reaction - sometimes a soft moan, other times a sharp intake of breath.
Nikki was transfixed as Madam Penny continued to bring her crop down on the man's skin with practiced precision.
"Careful there, sweetheart," one of the men at the booth chuckled, noticing Nikki's distraction.
Nikki felt her cheeks warm. "My apologies, sir. Enjoy your evening."
As she moved to the next table, she couldn't help but steal glances at the stage. The intensity between Madam Penny and her sub was palpable, even from a distance. She watched as the powerful CEO leaned down to whisper something to the man, saw his full-body shudder in response.
A month in, and Nikki still found herself fascinated by these displays. The trust, the power exchange, the raw vulnerability - it was unlike anything she'd ever seen.
"Nikki! Table 12 needs their order taken," her supervisor, Nigel, voice crackled through her earpiece.
Right. She was here to work, not gawk. Nikki straightened her shoulders and turned towards Table 12, pushing thoughts of the scene from her mind. She had bills to pay, after all.
Nikki walked over to the table, her eyes landing on a handsome man sitting in the booth. His tawny brown skin seemed to glow even in the dim lighting, and his soulful whiskey-colored eyes captivated her immediately. His hair was neatly styled in braids with a sharp faded edges, and the sleeves of his crisp button-down shirt were rolled up, proudly displaying intricate tattoos along his forearms.
Lost in her observations, Nikki was startled when the man cleared his throat. "Sorry, sir," she muttered, quickly glancing down respectfully. It was the first rule she'd learned during her thorough training: always show respect. Between not being allowed to look a Dom or Madam directly in the eyes unless instructed, addressing them correctly, and various other protocols, it had been a lot to take in when she first began working there.
From beneath her lashes, she noticed the man's lips quirk into a slight grin. "It's okay, sweetheart," he said, his accented voice a rich baritone that sent a shiver down her spine. It was warm and smooth, like aged bourbon. "Look up for me."
His command caused her brows to furrow in confusion, but she obeyed, lifting her chin and meeting his gaze. Now that she had a better view, she noticed the glint of piercings in both his nostrils, adding an edge to his refined appearance.
"Fuck, you're gorgeous. Do you have-"
"Lewis!" a voice called, interrupting their exchange. A Black man approached, and Nikki immediately recognized him as Marcus, the club's manager. The two men greeted each other with a familiar dap, and Marcus glanced in Nikki's direction, causing her to instantly avert her eyes.
"Is everything to your liking?" Marcus asked, addressing Lewis but keeping Nikki in his peripheral vision.
"Yes, it is. Just wanted to know about this beautiful woman here."
"Ah…" Marcus said, gently taking Nikki's arm and revealing the flower bracelet on her wrist: a white lily, signifying her status as a simple cocktail waitress - off limits.
"Sorry, my friend," Marcus said, almost regretfully, to Lewis. Nikki could have sworn she heard Lewis grumble his displeasure. "Don't fret, we have many subs available if you'd like to do a scene."
"Mmhmm," was Lewis' only response. He held Nikki's gaze for a few more beats before finally speaking. "In that case, I'll take a scotch, neat."
"Of course, sir," Nikki replied, then quickly made her way to the bar. Once there, she let out a held breath, her eyes drifting to her bracelet.
The Obsidian Lotus used a system of flower bracelets to denote each person's status:
White lily for regular employees and non-subs, like Nikki. Pink rose for subs in training, like Asha. Red tulip for unattached subs, available for scenes or potential long-term arrangements. Purple orchid for attached subs, indicating they were in an ongoing dynamic.
All Doms and Madams wore an obsidian lotus pendant bracelet, marking their status and authority within the club.
Nikki's fingers brushed over her white lily bracelet. For a brief moment, she wondered what it might be like to wear a different flower, to step into that world fully. But she shook off the thought. She had a law degree to focus on. This job was a means to an end - nothing more, nothing less.
Gathering her composure, she prepared Lewis' drink, all too aware of his eyes following her movements from across the room.
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Lewis watched as she walked away, his eyes tracing the curves accentuated by her required uniform. The corset-style top hugged her breasts perfectly, while the skirt flared slightly, ending just at the tops of her thighs, showing her wide hips and just the slightest hint of her pert backside. Fishnet stockings disappeared into black stilettos, the ensemble completed by a delicate white lily bracelet that now felt like a barrier between them.
Disappointment settled in his chest. Off limits. The words echoed in his mind, fueling a frustration that had been building for months. As a billionaire with stakes in beverage empires, fashion houses, and lucrative investments, Lewis was used to getting what he wanted. But here, in The Obsidian Lotus, different rules applied.
The last few months of "vanilla sex" had left him feeling hollow, and he was almost desperate enough to step in front of a bus just to feel something. He craved the intensity, the power exchange that only BDSM could provide. His mind drifted to his last sub - a relationship that had ended with security escorting her out and a hastily terminated contract. The memory was a stark reminder of why he avoided emotional entanglements.
Lewis had discovered his dominant side ten years ago, thrown into the deep end by a seasoned submissive who recognized his potential. Since then, he'd honed his skills relentlessly, attending workshops, reading voraciously, and practicing with willing partners. The Obsidian Lotus membership had come later, a natural progression for someone of his status and inclinations.
"Everything alright?" Marcus asked, pulling Lewis from his thoughts.
"Yeah, just… frustrated," Lewis admitted, running a hand over his braids.
Marcus nodded knowingly. "I could arrange a scene for you. We have several experienced subs available tonight."
Lewis considered the offer. He wasn't thrilled by the idea, but he was here, wasn't he? Might as well make the most of it. "Sure, why not?"
As they discussed options, she returned with his drink. Lewis found his gaze drawn to her once more, shaking his head at the cruel twist of fate. Here was a woman who genuinely intrigued him, and she was untouchable.
She was a vision of quiet allure. Her smooth dark skin, high cheekbones and full lips. Her hair was styled in neat box braids, pulled back into a high ponytail that swayed gently as she moved. Almond-shaped eyes, framed by long lashes, held a depth of intelligence that belied her demure demeanor.
She set the scotch down with practiced grace. "Will there be anything else, sir?" she asked, eyes appropriately lowered.
"No, thank you," Lewis replied, noting the perfect balance of deference and poise in her manner. Yet there was something else - a hint of defiance, perhaps? A spark that suggested depths untapped. It both frustrated and fascinated him.
As Nikki retreated, Lewis sipped his scotch, lamenting his poor luck. He'd love to explore that rebellious streak he sensed in her, to see how she'd respond to his dominance. But unless she changed her status, all he could do was imagine the possibilities.
With a sigh, he turned back to Marcus. "So, about those available subs…"
Marcus nodded, his expression a mix of understanding and professional detachment. "We have a few options tonight. There's Jasmine, a petite brunette who specializes in rope play. Or perhaps Alexis, a statuesque blonde who enjoys impact play. Both are experienced and highly recommended."
Lewis listened, but found his attention drifting. He nodded mechanically as Marcus continued his descriptions, his mind still lingering on her. From the corner of his eye, he could see her expertly navigating the room, balancing trays, and taking orders with effortless efficiency.
"You know what," Lewis interrupted, surprising himself. "I think I'll pass tonight. Just not in the right headspace."
Marcus raised an eyebrow but didn't push. "Of course. The offer stands if you change your mind."
As Marcus excused himself, Lewis sipped his scotch, savoring the burn. He found himself wondering about her story. What brought a woman like her to work in a place like this? Was she just here for the money, or was there a curiosity that drove her?
He shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts. It was pointless to speculate. She was off-limits, end of story. Yet as the night wore on, he couldn't help but track her movements, imagining what could have been if circumstances were different.
The frustration that had driven him here tonight remained, but it had shifted. No longer was it just sexual tension, but a deeper, more complex ache. Lewis finished his drink, deciding it was time to call it a night. As he stood to leave, he caught her eye across the room. For a brief moment, he thought he saw a flicker of something - interest? - before she quickly looked away.
Lewis left The Obsidian Lotus, the cool night air hitting him like a wall of bricks as he slipped into the backseat of his awaiting town car. He knew he should be focused on finding a suitable submissive, on scratching the itch that had been plaguing him for months. Instead, his mind was filled with images of dark skin, almond eyes, and a white lily bracelet.
He wanted her.
Now he just had to figure out a way to get her.
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As Nikki left Professor Larson's Constitutional Law class, her mind was still reeling from the complex legal theories they'd discussed. The course was challenging, pushing her analytical skills to their limits, but she found it exhilarating. Today's lecture on the Commerce Clause had been particularly intense, leaving her with a mix of excitement and mental exhaustion.
"Hey Nikki, want to grab coffee and study?" Jake asked, falling into step beside her. His warm brown eyes and easy smile were as charming as ever. With his wavy black hair and sharp jawline, Jake was undeniably handsome. But Nikki had promised herself not to get involved with classmates, no matter how tempting.
"Sorry, Jake. I've got plans," she replied, adjusting her backpack.
Stepping out of Columbia Law School's imposing stone building, Nikki was greeted by a crisp autumn breeze. Golden leaves swirled across the campus green, a picturesque scene that still amazed her even after months of attendance.
As she walked the path towards the subway, she spotted Professor Greene. The anthology professor and department chair was also a member of The Obsidian Lotus. Bald with a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard, his dark skin had a healthy glow that belied his years. Kind eyes behind wire-rimmed glasses exuded a gentle authority. Nikki knew from club gossip that his demeanor changed dramatically in scenes - he was known for his strict discipline and penchant for orgasm control.
"Nikki, how are you?" he greeted warmly.
"I'm well, Professor. Just finished Con Law with Professor Larson."
"Ah, the Commerce Clause, if I remember the syllabus correctly. Tough stuff."
They chatted about the upcoming Moot Court competition, with Professor Greene offering some advice on presentation techniques. Though not his student, Nikki always appreciated these friendly exchanges.
On the train, her thoughts turned to her grandmother as she headed to the nursing home in Queens. Nikki was essentially an orphan - her father unknown, her mother more interested in chasing men than raising a child. Her grandmother had stepped in, caring for Nikki until two strokes left her in poor health.
The nursing home, Sunnyside Gardens, was a modest but clean facility. Its beige walls and linoleum floors weren't luxurious, but the staff was caring, which mattered most.
In her grandmother's room, Nikki took in the frail form of the woman who raised her. Despite her weakness, her grandmother's eyes lit up at Nikki's presence. Her once-dark hair was now completely white, her brown skin papery thin, but her spirit remained strong.
"How's school, baby?" she asked, her voice thin but warm.
"It's good, Gran. Challenging, but I'm loving it," Nikki shared, settling into the worn armchair beside the bed. "I made it to the second round of interviews at Pearson Hardman for their spring internship program."
"That's my girl," her grandmother beamed. "You always were a fighter. Now, when are you going to start dating?"
Nikki laughed, "Gran, you know I'm too busy for that."
"Nonsense. You're young, beautiful. Live a little."
They continued chatting, Nikki filling her in on school gossip and her part-time job (carefully omitting the exact nature of the club). As always, leaving was hard. When she was about to exit, the nursing home director stopped her.
"Ms. Gaines, a moment please," the director said, her tone serious.
Nikki's heart raced, fearing bad news about her grandmother's health.
"I wanted to thank you for this month's payment, but I need to inform you that our rates will be increasing soon," the director explained.
Shock coursed through Nikki as the director revealed the new rate - almost double the current fee, even with a "discount."
"When does this take effect?" Nikki managed to ask.
"In two months," the director replied.
Later, on the subway ride home, Nikki's mind raced on how will she would be able to afford the new rates. More shifts at the club? A second job? Campus tutoring? None seemed feasible with her study schedule.
Then, an intrusive thought: sub training and its stipend. It would cover her grandmother's care, and a wealthy Dom might cover the rest. It was risky, but what choice did she have?
With shaking hands, Nikki texted Asha: "Hey girl, can we talk about that sub training? Might be interested…"
TAGLIST: @mauvecherie-writes @cocobutterqwueen @serpenttines @queenshikongo3 @blowmymbackout @yeea-nah
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ncssian · 3 years
A Favor: Part Twenty-Two
Nessian Modern AU
content warnings: secondhand embarrassment, i dont know how skiing works, poor editing, NSFW 🔥
To Nesta’s horror, Cassian was serious when he said he’d teach her how to ski. Nevermind the fact that it’s his birthday, and they should be having a lazy morning together filled with cuddles and breakfast in bed. Instead, they’ve been up since six in the morning without food or drink, just to shuffle around in the snow while Cassian repeats the same instructions over and over. By late morning, the rest of their group has gotten up and joined them at the beginner’s trail to be firsthand witnesses to Nesta’s humiliation.
She stares down at the blinding white slope before her and inhales a breath of frigid mountain air, trying to steel her nerves before she has to push off the ground and take flight.
Cassian sees her hesitation and sighs. “Come on, Nesta,” he urges. “It’s thirty feet to the bottom of the hill.”
“Why is it so steep?” she demands, even though she knows this is a practice hill. Toddlers in skis are shuffling around them, hand in hand with their parents.
“You’re not falling to the bottom,” Cassian says, growing impatient. “You’re gliding.”
He’s already shown her how to maneuver with skis a dozen times already, and Nesta can see that he doesn’t have another dozen times left in him. Unfortunately for him, Nesta’s own patience was used up hours ago. Her stomach pangs with hunger, and she has a pounding headache from the cold and lack of sleep.
“Oh, come on, Nesta,” Gwyn calls from behind her. She hops up and down in her snow boots like a cheerleader. “You can do it!”
Nesta does not want to do it. She looks down at the hill, then back at Cassian with pleading eyes—eyes that he can’t see under her ski goggles anyway.
“I can’t take this anymore,” Azriel mutters from somewhere. He picks up his ski poles and points to Emerie. “Ski lift?”
“Sure—” she starts to say, and then remembers that she’s here to support Nesta. “Not now,” she amends.
“Just go,” Cassian turns to tell them. “At least some of us will be having fun.” Nesta watches as he goes over to Emerie and Az to give advice on the trails, the same frustration from last night building in her chest.
Stupid ski trip. Stupid uninvited guests. Stupid birthday that Cassian isn’t even treating like a birthday.
Gritting her teeth, Nesta jabs her ski poles into the ground. She’ll conquer this hill, and then she’ll conquer the rest of the trail, and then she’ll take her skis and set them on fire.
With everyone briefly preoccupied and no eyes on her, Nesta pushes herself downhill. Her skis slip a little as she takes off but she readjusts her feet the way Cassian showed her, regaining control. She takes a deep breath, realizing the height isn’t as scary as she thought it would be. Testingly, she bends her knees and pushes herself farther, gaining speed.
“Oh, oh, look!” she hears Gwyn say from behind her. “She’s doing it!”
The voice breaks Nesta out of her precarious concentration, and she almost misses the kid right in front of her skiing at the pace of a turtle. Gasping, Nesta swerves at the last second to avoid running him over.
Her skis clack into each other and she feels her ankle twist, and then she’s down. Hard. Her face meets snow and her ski gear jabs into her body as she tumbles down the rest of the hill, until she finally meets flat ground and rolls to a painful stop.
Nesta only hears a dull roar in her ears as she slowly pushes herself upright. Ignoring alarmed looks from stray skiers around her, she reaches forward and unstraps one ski from her foot, then the other. Her goggles fall to the ground next. Once free, she stands up and walks away, ignoring the calls of her friends from the hilltop.
She walks until she loses sight of the trail and then the resort, until the flattened and trampled snow piles up into powdery mounds untouched by human presence. A cropping of towering evergreens appears before her, and she heads straight for the thicket without pausing.
Once safely entombed by the dark tree trunks and frosted branches, Nesta releases a breath and screams. Screams until the frustration and anger within her bluntens just a little.
The forest absorbs her fire and answers with silence.
“Better now?” Cassian’s voice comes from behind her.
Nesta whirls, ready to fling her next scream at him for having the nerve to follow her, but she only restrains herself because it’s his birthday. Guilt and humiliation nips at her; she shouldn’t be doing this on his birthday. “Leave me alone.” Her voice is raw from shrieking.
Cassian only takes a step closer to Nesta, eyeing her up and down. “You’re not hurt, right? ’Cause that would be embarrassing for you.”
Any edge that was taken off starts to build up again, and Nesta really doesn’t want to look at him right now. “Cassian—”
“Your face is turning red,” he suddenly gasps, pointing. “You should try yelling again, babe. I don’t think the entire resort heard you last time.”
Done with her boyfriend’s shit, Nesta releases a growl and rushes at him. He’s a lot closer than she realized, and in a blink she slams right into his broad chest and shoves him with all her might.
Cassian laughs, short and blunt, and pushes her right back. Her back hits hard-packed snow and then he’s on top of her, pinning her wrists loosely beside her head. Icy wetness seeps past the neck of her jacket.
“Do you want me to fucking bite you?” Nesta snarls, getting in Cassian’s face.
“Always,” he says without hesitation, pressing closer to her. “But first you gotta take a breather.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” she seethes back. At this rate, she really might bite him. She wants to see his smug face drop when he realizes he pushed her too far.
“You might have an aneurysm at this rate with your anger issues.” He pouts prettily. “Imagine how sad that would make me.”
“I DON’T HAVE ANGER ISSUES!” she shrieks.
Cassian barely blinks. Nesta breathes heavily in the ensuing silence, realizing how embarrassing this is for her. Yet she doesn’t know how to stop.
Closing her eyes, she drops her head to the ground and turns away. Wishing she could sink into the ground and vanish for a few minutes, at least until she gets herself under control again.
After a moment of quiet, she feels the back of Cassian’s fingers brush her neck. “I wondered where that spitfire girl went,” he says lowly. “She didn’t die. You just hid her very well.”
Nesta’s body doesn’t know whether to feel soothed or incited by the touch, the words. “Does it make you happy?” she breathes, her eyes still closed. “That she’s still there?”
“It would be murder if you ever got rid of her. Don’t you dare,” he threatens.
Nesta huffs a derisive laugh. It’s easy for him to say, when he isn’t the one that has to live with it. “I bet you’re enjoying this.”
“Only if you are.” He sounds completely genuine, and Nesta feels him pluck something out of her hair—likely a snowflake.
Realizing Cassian has long since released her wrists, she opens her eyes and stares at the column of his neck. She doesn’t see the regret and concern on his face when he says, “I ruined today, didn’t I?” She watches him swallow before he adds, “I’m sorry, Nes.”
“It’s your birthday,” she mutters, looking away. “You can do whatever you want.” Even if it’s spending the whole day skiing.
“You’re right about that.” His warm breath hits her nose, and now that Nesta’s head is somewhat clear, she can feel every place where his body settles into hers.
Before she can betray herself and forget how upset she was at him only a few minutes ago, Cassian pushes up and off of her. Frigid air replaces where he was just sprawled, and then he’s holding out a hand to Nesta. “We’re going back to our room,” he says, watching Nesta’s feet closely as he helps her stand. “You can ride on my back.”
“Why?” Nesta grumbles, brushing herself off. “I can walk fine.”
“You twisted your right ankle on the way down that hill, and you started limping as soon as you thought you were out of sight.” Cassian turns around and points at his back. “Get on while I’m being nice.”
That makes Nesta scoff, because he’s always nice, but she has little fight left today. She tries to reach up to wrap her arms around his neck, but Cassian grabs her legs and hitches her up onto his back before she can struggle.
She responds with a scowl, clasping her hands across his chest and getting comfortable. “You noticed I was hurt but didn’t have a problem with tackling me to the ground?”
Cassian squeezes her thighs and holds her closer, tossing a blinding smile over his shoulder. “Sorry if I wasn’t expecting you to try to jump me with an injured foot. You took me by surprise.”
“Bullshit,” Nesta says as they start walking out of the trees. “You did it on purpose.”
“Do you like starting fights, Archeron?”
“Do you?” she retorts.
They bicker back and forth like that until they reach the resort, and even once they’re inside the lobby, Cassian doesn’t put Nesta down. The exhaustion of the day has settled over the both of them by then, and the elevator ride up to the penthouse is peacefully quiet.
Back at the empty suite, Cassian carefully lowers Nesta to her feet. “Take your clothes off,” is all he says before heading for the bathroom, shedding his heavy outer jacket as he goes. Nesta has no problem listening; she’s all too happy to take her snow-drenched gear off and breathe air-conditioned air again.
She only realizes as she’s removing her boots that her overwrought emotions must have dulled the real pain of her fall. Her entire body aches down to the bone, and her twisted ankle has it the worst. Inspecting the swollen skin around her foot, she wonders if Cassian will make her see a doctor when the sound of a running faucet pulls her attention. Still dressed in her thermal underwear, Nesta pads over to the bathroom.
Inside, the room is dim, and the only light comes in from the single window panel at the far end of the room. Cassian sits on the rim of the clawfoot tub as it fills with heated water, already naked.
Nesta coughs, caught off guard. The sight is far from unfamiliar to her, and yet she hates to admit that she’ll never not react to it.
Cassian looks up at her, meeting her eyes head on, and a giggle almost escapes her.
“What’s that dumb look on your face?” he says with high brows. “Take your clothes off and get in.”
Nesta firmly schools her face into obedience. Is she a grown woman or a schoolgirl? she chides herself as she strips naked. But as soon as she’s free of her top and leggings, Cassian stops her. “Turn around,” he says.
Is this a sex thing? She hopes it’s a sex thing. She does as she’s told, and hears Cassian hiss in a breath. Glancing at the mirror over the sink, Nesta winces when she realizes what he sees. “Damn.” Her back is peppered with still-forming bruises from her fall, along with her legs and ribs.
Getting up, Cassian approaches her and cautiously runs his fingers over a reddened spot on her ribs. “I think a ski pole stabbed me there,” Nesta says, frowning down at the bruise. She looks like shit, and not at all in a desirable way.
“How’s your ankle?” Cassian kneels to check for himself, handling her like a porcelain doll. He presses gently above the bone where she twisted it. “Does that hurt?”
Nesta considers saying yes, just so he can keep fussing over her like this, but she shakes her head. “I’m fine. Just a little achy.”
A sudden chaste kiss between her legs makes her yelp, and she twists to find Cassian still on his knees, grinning sheepishly up at her. “You know what can help with those aches?”
Nesta blanks as Cassian runs a calloused hand up her inner leg. “Uh…really good dick?”
Cassian is visibly trying not to smile when he says, “A bath.” He stands and turns the faucet off, before going to help Nesta into the tub.
Steaming hot water just beneath the point of being uncomfortable hits Nesta’s calves, then her hips and chest. She might moan in relief as she sinks into the bath.
Cassian settles in across from her, taking up most of the tub space as Nesta twists her ponytail into a bun. He takes her ankle onto his lap and starts massaging above the injury. He notes, “We haven’t been alone like this in ages.”
“I remember when it was my job to be the chill guy,” he continues, rubbing circles into her leg. “I was the one doing stupid shit, and now I have to tell other people to knock it off when they do stupid shit. Since when did Azriel take my role?” he mutters to himself.
Nesta tilts her head against the lip of the tub and watches Cassian, taking in the barely visible lines of weariness on his face. She was once in a similar boat, too, where she had no one to answer to but herself. “Do you miss it?” she asks hesitantly. “Life before we got to know each other?” A life spent in the company of his friends, meeting different women every other week and being as free as possible.
“No,” he says easily. “I miss life before we had to share each other with other people.” He meets her eyes and smirks. “Who knew monogamy could be so exciting?”
Nesta’s stomach curls at his honesty, and she doesn’t know what to say. In the silence, Cassian reaches for a washcloth and lathers it with a bar of pine scented soap. But before he can reach for Nesta, she snatches the washcloth from him and pulls herself forward into the cradle of his limbs. What she can’t say, she’ll just have to show.
She starts soaping up his arms, granting extra attention to his tattooed biceps.
“You’re hurt—” he tries to protest.
“Shut up.” She runs the washcloth over his shoulders, across his collarbones.
When Nesta reaches his chest, she starts, “Earlier in the woods...I lost control.”
Cassian looks wary, but she goes on, “I don’t know why I did that. I thought I didn’t do that anymore.”
“I know why,” he says simply. “You were having a bad day. It was overwhelming.” He shrugs.
“But I’m better than that,” she insists. “You might think it's cute or funny when I—lose it, but I spent years training myself not to fall apart at the slightest inconvenience.” She takes in a breath, her movements slowing. “I learned how to escape reality, remember? I climbed into books and TV and songs, and at one point my entire life passed me by because I refused to participate in it. If I didn't participate, I couldn't be hurt.” She wrings out the washcloth, and Cassian carefully pries it out of her grip.
Nesta places her empty hands on her thighs, avoiding his touch, his eyes. “I think you were one of the only people who ever made me want to come back to real life,” she offers awkwardly. “That's why you made me uncomfortable at first. There were times I would look at you and think, He's better than anyone from the books. If I start living on the same plane as him, I can have him. Does that make sense?”
Cassian swallows visibly, but nods.
“It seemed like an impossible thing to do at the time—participate in the real world, make real friends. But have you noticed? I don’t read as many romance novels anymore.” Not because she doesn’t love them, but because she no longer needs them to remind herself she's alive.
She looks up at him, searching for his thoughts and opinions. Cassian looks like he's doing the same with her face, but then he says, “If you need to scream, even if it’s at me, tell me. I’ll take you somewhere far away, or I’ll let you have it out right in front of everyone. Whatever the hell you want, as long as you tell me. Please.”
Nesta starts to shake her head, adamant, but he stops her with the most pitiful look he's ever given her. “There’s nothing I hate seeing more than you trying to swallow down your rough edges. Even in the woods, you were about to tame yourself before I provoked you.” Cassian holds out a pinky, completely serious. “Consider it my birthday gift. Don’t do that shit anymore.”
Nesta stares at him, his plea warring with years of conditioned self-restraint. “I already got you a birthday gift,” she finally grumbles, but hooks his pinky with hers.
He seems satisfied, but doesn't let go of her pinky. With surprising strength, he uses their hooked fingers to pull Nesta into him, and she just barely catches herself on his chest before he brings her head down and kisses her deep.
Nesta already has her legs adjusted around his waist and his cock pressed against her stomach before she can pull away far enough to choke, “What’s this for?”
He leans up and catches her lips with his again, dipping his tongue just far enough inside to flick the roof of her mouth before retreating. “For existing. And for those aches.” He presses down lightly on a bruise at her back and runs a soothing thumb over it right after. Between her thighs, she feels him growing hard.
Nesta huffs a distracted laugh, the steam from the water sending a red flush up her chest and neck. It's suddenly very hot, and she unconsciously squirms in his lap. “I just realized I’ve never had sex in the bath before,” she says out of nowhere, rubbing her chest and quickly dropping her arms. She’s babbling, she knows. Contrary to popular media, being a seductress is harder than it looks. Half the time she has no idea what to say, and she considers herself lucky that Cassian is driven wild by it anyway.
Cassian entertains her, nodding along while his fingers slip past her ass, brushing her folds. “That sounds like something that should be amended, don’t you think?”
“Well, in terms of comfort I’m not sure if it’ll be better than the shower—” She’s cut off by a finger teasing at her entrance, making her jerk. “Yes,” she says quickly. “Yes, it should be amended.”
He hums thoughtfully, leaning in to nibble and suck at her neck. Her hardened nipples brush against his chest, and Nesta pushes closer into Cassian’s embrace. She’s half-rocking against him when she rasps, “How do you give head in the bath? Do I, like, have to hold my breath underwater?”
“You don’t need to know how,” he mutters, grasping her by the hips and tugging her up so that he’s eye level with her chest. He starts leaving a trail of openmouthed kisses across her breasts. “You’re not doing anything I don’t tell you to do today.”
“What do you mean?” Nesta’s grip on Cassian’s shoulders tightens when he brings a pink nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and pulling off with a flick of his tongue. She can’t move her hips for fear of climaxing at the slightest touch. “It’s your birthday,” she manages to get out. “And I like seeing what I can do to you.”
“Then save it for your birthday.” He pulls her back down firmly into his lap, making her thighs clench with restraint. “Because I like seeing what I do to you more.”
To prove his point, he parts her legs and slips one finger inside her. The smug pride on his face at what he finds makes Nesta move to grip the rim of the tub. Having a pretty boyfriend might have been a mistake, she thinks. That kind of face will get away with anything. Right now, for example.
“Tell me what you want, then,” she pleads.
Cassian leans back, pretending to think. “Sit on my cock,” he finally says.
An easy enough order, one Nesta is all too excited to carry out in only a few movements. It takes a minute to adjust to the fullness and the stretch, and the water doesn’t help in dousing the fire in her veins at all. With heat pounding deep in her core, Nesta releases a terse breath. Her tongue darts out to wet her lower lip, and Cassian watches.
“Now don’t move,” he orders.
“What?” Nesta’s knees involuntarily clench around his hips, her body already craving the feel of moving against him, on top of him.
He levels her with a look. “No clenching, no rocking, no touching.” He hisses in a thoughtful breath, combing a wet hand through his hair. “Actually, that isn’t very fair, is it?”
Nesta is about to nod furiously when he says, “You still need to wash yourself.” He hands her the washcloth she used on him earlier and leans his elbow on the rim of the tub. “Be quick about it. No games.”
Nesta’s eyes widen, looking at the washcloth, then back up at Cassian. Excitement tingles in her fingers and toes, and she doesn’t want to argue with him.
Gulping tightly, she soaps up the washcloth, then smooths the lather over her arms. It’s hard to focus on what she’s doing when there’s a pounding pressure between her legs, and the only thing that keeps her going is that she’ll be rewarded when she’s done. Cassian doesn’t bother watching her, instead tipping his head back against the tub and closing his eyes. From this angle, the tendons in his neck stand out clearly, and the hard line of his jaw looks tense. Nothing on his calm face reveals that Nesta is the reason for his tension, though.
Bringing the soapy cloth over her breasts, Nesta looks up to see if Cassian is secretly peeking at her through his lashes. His eyes remain shut, the perfect portrait of a man at rest.
Suddenly, his hips shift beneath hers, and Nesta nearly drops the washcloth. Straightening up, she has to use herculean strength to force her inner walls to relax around him. “You moved,” she accuses him.
“I was getting comfortable,” he says, still not opening his eyes.
“Why can you move but I can’t?”
That gets him to look at her. His eyes are hooded and lazy when he says, “You’re still talking?”
“Maybe if you had clearly explained the rules—” Nesta starts to grumble, but shuts up when he quirks a brow at her. She won’t lose this game, not for anything—even if she’s split at the seams with Cassian inside her and is one thread away from completely snapping.
Now fully alert, Cassian watches Nesta finish washing up. He hasn’t touched her once since he pulled her onto his cock, and now Nesta tries to make up for the aching lack by pretending her roaming hands are his.
It’s not until the washcloth reaches her tummy that Nesta pauses, her hand frozen over her lower abdomen. Because there, even past the cloth, she can feel him. The skin just slightly bulges, and she looks down at herself with her lips slightly fallen apart. She didn’t realize he was nestled so deep in her, but now she swallows past a lump in her throat. “Cassian…” she starts weakly. Every last muscle is trembling with the effort to stay still. Can he really be unaffected by all of this? Is she really the only one dying right now?
Without intending to, her hand drops the cloth, slipping toward her clit. She can only brush the sensitive nub before Cassian says quietly, “Don’t.”
So this is against the rules, too. She can’t even bring herself to look at him, she’s strung so tight. Taking a shallow breath, she grabs the pitcher from the shelf by the tub and fills it with water, using it to rinse off the suds. When she’s done, with water droplets running down every inch of her, she dares to look at Cassian again. Her anxiousness to get this over with must be written all over her face, and yet.
“Good,” Cassian says, voice just a little grated.
Nesta’s heart rate picks up a beat. She’s finally getting her reward.
“Now sit still and pretty while I rest,” he says, sinking even lower into the tub—and causing his cock to dig even deeper into Nesta. “This is a bath, not a splash pad.”
Nesta chokes. “What—I thought—”
She presses her lips together tightly, refusing to protest. He can’t make her warm his cock like this forever, can he? Soon enough he’ll crack.
Four minutes in, and he doesn’t crack. While Nesta gets closer to crying by the second, she has yet to find evidence that he’s even aware of her presence. Her only proof is the fact that he’s still rock hard, occasionally twitching against the depths of her walls.
At five minutes in, Nesta can’t help it. She breaks, and her inner muscles clamp around Cassian with a viselike grip. She half-sobs in pain and relief, and her hips jerk of their own accord.
Cassian’s eyes fly open at that, the pupils blown wide, and Nesta has to catch herself on his chest to keep from crumbling. If she had half a working brain left, she would have noticed the trembling restraint that lines Cassian’s limbs, or the way his eyes burn with welling desire and even sympathy. Instead, she turns her face into his chest and begs weakly, “Pleasepleaseplease.” Her thighs keep shifting, rubbing back and forth to create friction, but she can’t give herself permission to move the way she truly needs until Cassian gives her permission.
Nesta feels Cassian’s broad hand come up to carefully brush her back. She nearly weeps with relief at the touch, but he doesn’t go any further. “What do you want, baby?” he says roughly.
“You,” she forces out. She doesn’t care if this is losing.
“Me, what?” He sounds like he’s about to lose, too.
“I want you to fuck me.” She’s nearly whimpering, trying not to squirm on his lap.
Cassian, the horrible bastard, has the nerve to snicker in her ear, though he sounds more than a little wrecked when he says, “Well, why didn’t you just say so?”
In a flash, he has Nesta pinned against the porcelain tub. And before she can decide whether to laugh or moan or cry at the turn of events, Cassian covers her mouth with his and thrusts into her, giving her everything she wants.
Hours later, after they’ve sated themselves on sex and food and Cassian is napping sprawled out across Nesta’s back, she receives a text from Azriel telling her he won’t be there to celebrate the rest of Cassian’s birthday.
Az: You two deserve the alone time. Also I didn’t get him a present.
Another text pops up before Nesta can reply.
Az: I did order a cake to be sent up to your room, though. Don’t worry, there’s not a picture of your boobs on it.
Nesta’s eyes widen at that, not knowing why—or how—that would be an option. But she completely forgot about getting cake in all the unexpected hassle of their vacation, and not for the first time is she grateful that Azriel came along with them on their trip.
Typing back a quick thank you, Nesta clicks her phone off and curls further into Cassian’s warmth. He shifts on top of her, hugging her closer, and a moment later she feels his nose poking at the crook of her neck. “Good morning,” he murmurs thickly, sleep coating his voice.
“It’s six p.m,” she snickers. The sun slipped behind the mountains just a few minutes ago, leaving the room a blue dark.
Cassian responds by slipping his hands under her oversized tee, rubbing the muscles along her back. “Where’s everyone else?” They haven’t seen Gwyn, Emerie, or Az in hours.
Nesta turns around in Cassian’s arms to face him. “Consider them gone. We’re by ourselves for the rest of the night.”
He perks up at that. “Really?”
A knock sounds from the penthouse door, and Nesta remembers Azriel’s text. She squirms out from under Cassian’s weight with some difficulty and stands off the bed. She points a stern finger at him. “Don’t move from here,” she orders. “I’ll be back.”
Cassian leans back, looking questioning and amused, but Nesta has already jammed her feet into slippers and left the room by then.
She accepts the covered platter from room service at the door and leaves a tip, before carrying the cake over to the coffee table in the living area and setting it down. Within ten minutes, she has an entire setup arranged: the fireplace is up and roaring, the fur throw she stole from Cassian’s couch to bring on vacation is spread out before it, and the cake candles are lit. The Italian dinner that she ordered earlier also arrives by then, and once everything is laid out, she calls for Cassian to come downstairs.
He’s fully dressed in a sweater and jeans when he appears at the top of the short set of stairs, and he looks so excited to see her that he doesn’t notice the cake or the dinner until he’s only a few steps away from her. Very slowly, his smile freezes. “What’s all this?”
“It’s your birthday,” Nesta says. “Duh.”
“But I thought we already celebrated,” he stumbles, looking around. “With the skiing, and the bathtub—”
Nesta makes a face. “You thought that was celebrating?” She shakes her head and beckons Cassian over to the fur throw, right before the table decked out with food.
He sits down beside Nesta, looking over her in nothing but her thin white shirt. “Are you cold? Do you want my sweater?”
She rolls her eyes as far back as they can go. “No, I want you to focus and make a wish before 6:27.”
“How do you know my birth time?”
“Will you do it or not?” she threatens. The candle wax is melting onto the cake.
Cassian stares at her for a moment longer before finally facing the cake. Closing his eyes, he mouths something unintelligible and blows the candles out.
Nesta claps softly. “Happy two years away from thirty. What did you wish for?” She leans closer.
He leans away. “It doesn’t come true if you go around announcing it.”
Nesta’s shoulders drop. “Wishes aren’t real, Cassian.”
“That’s what you say.” He swipes a dollop of chocolate frosting off the cake with his finger and holds it out to Nesta.
Smiling, she wraps her lips around his finger, scraping the chocolate off with her teeth and licking it clean. He sucks on the same finger when she’s done, chasing after her taste and the lingering frosting. “What do you want first?” he asks. “Dinner or dessert?”
“This.” Nesta pulls out a small box from under the table, placing it in front of Cassian. She didn’t have time to find wrapping paper or a bag, but she’s a bit proud of herself anyway.
Cassian once again looks taken by surprise. “You didn’t have to…” He trails off as he reaches for the box. It’s already obvious what it is, but he still opens it carefully, hesitantly.
He stares at the silver watch for a little while and then looks back up at Nesta. “I…” He clears his throat.
“What do you think?” In all honesty, Nesta already knows. But she needs to hear it from him.
He meets her eyes. “It’s so…normal. Do you know what I mean?”
It’s the type of gift that Nesta’s mother would have given to her father, the type of gift that wives would give to their husbands. Not necessarily original or thoughtful, but domestic.
“Since you like to spend your time thinking about taxes and minivans and stuff,” Nesta says, remembering their last conversation about the future, “I thought you’d like something normal.”
Cassian laughs at that. He takes the watch out of the box and turns it over in the firelight, still a little dumbstruck. “I love it,” he says roughly.
Nesta kicks him in the knee. “It’s a watch, not an engagement ring.”
But he doesn’t hear a word, already clasping it onto his wrist.
Their last day at the resort starts early with Gwyn, Emerie, and Az banging on the suite door at five in the morning. Though Cassian is already up by then, Nesta snarls and snaps like a bitch at being dragged out of bed to watch the sunrise.
With everyone’s bags packed and waiting at the door, they all gather on the balcony connected to the suite in content silence. Azriel nurses a thermos of coffee that he refuses to share with Cassian, and Nesta is wrapped up in that fur throw she loves, half-asleep against Emerie.
When the sky starts lightening, Cassian pulls Nesta away from Emerie and into his body. “You’re gonna miss it,” he murmurs onto the top of her head.
She blinks awake, looking out at the sky slowly being streaked with a dozen colors. From here, the view over the mountains and the quiet town some miles beneath the resort is breathtaking. Easily better than any sunrise Cassian could have shared with Nesta back home.
It’s beautiful, and in that moment he decides he wants to see even more beautiful places than this with Nesta. Someday.
“Pretty,” she yawns, tilting her head back against his chest. Cassian feels guilty for keeping her up so late the night before, but he’s not ashamed of how she rests in his arms right now.
After the sun climbs past the lowest peak, the group of them slowly but surely come more alive. Emerie asks Az to go inside with her and do a final check before they leave, and Nesta shakes both the blanket and Cassian’s arms off herself.
“Some coffee will wake you up,” he promises her, leaving her outside in the dewy morning air with a kiss on the temple.
When Cassian returns to the balcony with two freshly brewed cups, he finds Gwyn and Nesta in deep conversation. “I never apologized for crashing your weekend,” Gwyn is saying.
“You don’t need to,” Nesta responds, watching the world wake up below her.
“Still,” Gwyn says, chewing on the inside of her cheek. “I acted out of character, didn’t I?”
Nesta turns to her then, the sun haloing her face, and the look of understanding she wears makes Cassian take a step back inside.
“He does that to me,” Gwyn goes on, looking lost as ever. “I don’t know why he does that to me.”
“First love will do that to anyone,” Nesta says.
This isn’t a conversation Cassian should be overhearing, he realizes. Turning around with his coffees, he goes to find Emerie and Azriel instead.
In the living area, Emerie realizes at the last minute that she’s missing her phone charger. By the time she finds it, Nesta and Gwyn have rejoined the group.
Cassian hands Nesta her still-warm coffee with a warmer smile. “You ready to get out of here?”
“Hell yes, baby.” She slings an arm around his waist.
They barely make it to the resort lobby before Azriel and Gwyn start arguing over which route to take home.
“Why would you add an extra hour to your trip for no reason?” Azriel is saying.
“It’s none of your business!” Gwyn retorts.
“She’s scared of highways,” Emerie inserts.
While they bicker on the way to check out, Cassian finds Nesta’s hand and runs a finger down her palm. “Hey, Nes?”
“Hm?” She looks up at him.
He curls his fingers around hers. “Thank you for doing this.”
a/n: i cant keep posting chapters right before i sit down to cry in front of kdramas
tagging: @hellasblessed @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @valkyriewarriors @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @swankii-art-teacher @wannawriteyouabook @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja @maastrash @bow-dawn @perseusannabeth @dead-on-the-inside666 @jlinez @hungryreadingaddict @anidealiveson @planet-faerie @shallowhighwaters @ghostlyrose2 @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @rarephloxes @readiajin @nessiantrashh @live-the-fangirl-life @ifinallygavein @xoblivisci @sjmships @jungtaekwoonie-is-life @lysandra-tiara @lanyjoy-13 @frosted-crackers @post-it-notes33 @loosingdreams @fromthelibraryofemilyj @18moneytoad @dontgetsalmonella @champanheandluxxury @togreblog @arinbelle @ladygabrielli1997 @meridainthedisneyland @moodymelanist @pixieelea
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bruhstories · 4 years
Choke Me
Summary: Reiner can’t comprehend why you won’t have sex with him. You help him understand Pairing: Reiner Braun x Fem!Reader Warnings & Content: language, dom!Reader, sub!Reiner, oral sex (female receiving), whipping, unprotected sex, tied up Reiner Word Count: 1.7 k
A/N: You know what, I'm thriving off of sub!Reiner.
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It absolutely baffled Reiner how someone like Annie was such good friends with someone like... you. He didn't mean it in a bad way, it was just too strange that the two of you were so close, yet complete opposites of each other. Annie was a tomboy, silent and calculating, you were dressed in pink from head to toe, loud and outgoing and just so adorable. And you completely ransacked his heart. Reiner was utterly in love with you, and you knew it. So, when he mustered up the courage to ask you out, it did not come as a surprise. In fact, you too crushed on him, and every time you were at their place, your eyes drifted to him, always, all the time. The two of you clicked instantly as a couple, and Reiner could only wonder how on Earth were you single until him, going so far as to asking Annie about your love life and with widened eyes, she hastily dismissed him. See, the thing was that you, despite your bubbly and juvenile personality, were a sick, sadistic dominatrix, and boys were terrified of that. While you usually donned clothing in pastels, flowy dresses and chiffon blouses, half of your closet was filled with garters, suspender belts, corsets, some in the deepest shades of red, others black, materials varying from lace to latex. Whenever you had a guy over and pulled out whips, riding crops or ball gags, they would disappear from the face of the Earth, never evercalling you back. Annie knew this about you but never judged. To each their own, she would say, not exactly caring about your kinks. But she wouldn't know how Reiner would react to that, and while intrigued to find out, she didn't want you two to break up either. Deep down she cared about all of her friends, despite the aloof attitude.
Three months into your relationship, you still politely declined Reiner's offers to have sex. He was incredibly sweet, treating you like a princess, and in return you were supportive and caring, but fearing that he, too, might run away after learning about your kinks, you kept finding excuses to deny him. At one point he even asked you if you have some sort of STD, genuinely concerned but promising to still be with you no matter what. You promised you were clean, but that only made him more curious as to why you wouldn't have him. 'You're not attracted to me?' or 'Am I doing something wrong?' were his usual questions and your heart broke in thousands of pieces each time you refused him. He seemed like the kind of man who dominated in bed, and while you were inclined to switch it out sometimes, you always, always had to have it your way the first time you fucked a guy.
Eventually Reiner couldn't take it anymore. He called you, begged you to explain yourself to him and you ceased to try and keep him away from the carnal pleasure you both desired. You invited him over, offering to cook dinner and disclose what you had managed to hide for so long. He popped at your door with a bouquet of daffodils, matching the honey-yellow apron tied around your waist, his eyes were needy and woeful, still believing it's his fault that you two haven't had sex yet. He kissed you on the lips, starving for more, but you pulled back, opting to discuss things first.
"So," you began, legs crossed under the table and anxiously swirling spaghetti with your fork, "I... shit, I don't even know how to say it."
"Y/N, whatever it is, I promise it won't change what I feel for you." Reiner caressed your cheek so gently that you felt sorry for dragging him into this.
"I think it's best if I show you." You got up, took hold of his hand and guided him into your bedroom. The chamber perfectly reflected your personality, with garlands and fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, doodles and drawings taped to the walls and stuffed toys bundled up on your baby blue bedsheets. "You better sit down for this, babe."
"Jesus, how bad can it be?"
With a sigh, you swung open the closet door, revealing the strangest of sex toys, erotic lingerie and high heeled footwear. Reiner erupted into laughter, throwing himself on your bed and holding his abdomen.
"Why exactly are you laughing?" Your voice was serious, dangerous almost, your body lacking a reaction.
"You're telling me you didn't wanna have sex because, what? You're into BDSM?"
"I don't think you get it, Reiner. I'm not just into it, I like dominating men." You frowned, taken aback by his attitude. He perked his ears up and sat up, suddenly attentive, his gaze locking with yours.
"Do you want to dominate me?" The blond asked, unsure of what it would feel like, but inquisitive to try.
"If you'll let me, yes." You bit your lip, fingers smoothing the apron.
"Fuck it, if it makes you happy, I'll let you do whatever you want to me." Reiner declared, palms on his knees. "Do I need a safe word?"
"Not tonight, I'll go easy on you." You beamed, eyes glistening with so much joy and he almost regretted his decision.
Tied up, naked and helpless, Reiner could only watch how you strutted into the bedroom, latex corset around your waist, tits out, riding crop in hand.
"Shit, you look so-" crack.
The thin object met with his cheek and he groaned in pain, confusion written all over his face.
"You speak when I allow it, understood?" And he nodded desperately. "Good boy. Maybe if you behave, I'll reward you."
It was then when Reiner realised how easily his dick hardened when he submitted. It was then when he realised how much he loved you.
You dragged the crop across his body, goosebumps all over his skin, before you propped one foot on the bed, spreading your legs and exposing your wet cunt to him. You could've sworn you saw his pupils dilating when your fingers barely touched the slick slit.
"You want this, Reiner?"
"Yes!" The man almost cried out, licking his lips. Crack. Another hit, this time over his thigh and he whimpered — the sound was music to your ears.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, please!"
"That's better." You hummed, slightly spreading your folds, foot still on the bed. Your middle finger rubbed around your clit, a quiet moan escaping your lips. "Tell me how much you want it!"
Pulling at his restraints, Reiner sighed. Never has he felt so overpowered, but the pleasure he took from it was slowly seeping in his brain, clouding his judgment.
"I need you, Y/N. I need to feel you so bad, please!"
"You gotta earn it first." Voice aggressive yet seductive, you climbed on top of him, feet at the sides of his head. "Lick it good and I'll reward you. Do a bad job and I'll punish you." And before he could utter a word you were straddling his face. His tongue sloppily licked everything it could, in or around your cunt, and you forcefully grabbed the metallic bedframe with one hand, your other one fondling your soft tits. Your moans echoed in the room as you moved your hips for more friction, your breath hitching, his cock twitching. "Atta boy!" You groaned and slid off of him.
"Did I do well?" Reiner asked, hope glistening in his eyes.
"Very well." You snickered and pressed your lips onto his to taste yourself in a sinful kiss.
"Can I get my reward?" The man asked after you pulled away, a mixture of saliva and slickness at the corners of your mouth.
"Oh, I don't know..." You scrunched your nose.
"Please, Y/N! I've been good, I- I need you around my dick, please!" He begged, not even caring how desperate he sounded and that only made you feel like a goddess. You picked up the riding crop and dragged it up and down his shaft, terror in his eyes.
"I wonder how much it would hurt." You mused, head tilted and mischief in your voice.
"No, no, you said it was good! Please don't punish me-"
"Oh, don't be stupid." You rolled your eyes, climbing back on top of him. "I need that dick as much as you do." And with that, your hand helped push his cock in between your folds, painstakingly slowly taking it all in. "Fuck, you're big."
The sound of skin against skin tickled your brain, your hips moving up and down, your cunt clenching around his throbbing member.
"Please..." Reiner groaned.
"Please what?" You threw your head back, the pressure forming in your core making you moan louder.
"Please choke me!" He asked and you almost stopped moving, taken aback by his request.
"I'm beginning to think you like being dominated, love." You grinned, your fingers lightly squeezing his neck.
"God, you're so tight!" The man bucked his hips, the unexpected thrust earning a whimper out of you. "Harder, choke me harder!"
"Fuck, Reiner!" The grip around his neck tightened and your moves became frantic, animalistic. "You like that? You like the way I fuck you?"
"Mhm!" He eagerly nodded, unable to speak.
"Look at you, so small and pathetic." You panted, feeling your climax close and his cock pulsating. "Oh, are you gonna come? Go on, do it, come for me!" You cried out, legs violently quaking as the sticky hot liquid dripped out of your folds, down his shaft. For a moment neither of you moved. You looked at Reiner through strands of Y/H/C that draped over your face, beads of sweat glistening on your forehead. Your hands extended and you untied the ropes around his wrists, falling next to your boyfriend on the mattress, cum leaking out of your cunt.
"Do you still... love me?" You whispered, your voice shy, completely different to the woman you were five seconds ago.
"Babe, of course! And to be fair, it was so hot submitting to you." Reiner pulled you to his chest, fingers brushing your cheek. "Say, think we can switch it up next time?"
"Nope!" You smiled and rested your forehead on his shoulder.
"Eh, at least I tried." The man shrugged. "In all seriousness, though, don't hide things like these from me. If this is what you like then I respect that, Y/N."
Your heart fluttered in your chest. Most boys ran, but Reiner was a man, and he was clearly going to stay.
"Maaaaybe we can switch next time. But only if you behave!"
"Yes, ma'am!"
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 18
Dabi x Reader, Bakugo x Reader
Words : 4276
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
It’d been a little over a week since Shoto promised to go to the doctor with you and you were getting a little nervous. At first you were just waiting for the doctors to get settled in, but then Shoto was busy helping get things up and running and evacuating people to the bunker. Now you’ve just been chickening out.
Your period was a few days late, which wouldn’t be concerning if it weren’t for your current circumstance.
You woke up this morning and made a cup of coffee before taking Bravo out for a stroll around the bunker. He loved being able to run around and meet new people. He was a hit with the kids. They loved playing with him almost as much as he loved playing with them. The only downside was, there was only two places in the entire massive bunker that he could go to the bathroom. The farm and a small animal relief area near where the trash is dumped.
Needless to say, neither smelled great, but the farm was considerably better. So here you were, sitting on a small platform that oversees the crops with a cup of coffee and a book. Bravo sitting next to you keeping watch.
It was always a little chilly down here, which you honestly preferred. It just meant you could wear lots of hoodies. The more you could hide your body the better. Ever since leaving Dabi’s house you felt like you were always being watched. You felt so exposed and you just wanted to blend into the background.
Today you wore a new hoodie that Izuku had gotten you. It was probably one of the softest things you owned, and it was the prettiest shade of blue. The blue reminded you of a certain someone’s eyes… of the beautiful blue flames they were capable of creating… but then you’d shake the thought from your head and pull it closer around you.
You were enjoying your new freedom. Not that Dabi’s house had been a prison… but you hadn’t realized how much you missed doing things on your own. You had thought being alone would be hard, but you were thriving. It was never being alone that bothered you before, it had been his absence.
Against Katsuki’s wishes… Shoto had shown you the photos of what was left of Dabi’s car. And he hadn’t been exaggerating. You had almost passed out looking at how much blood soaked the driver seat and even the road around it.
You had been so lost lately. You didn’t know how you were supposed to feel. Your heart ached. You thought you had finally found your home. You had finally started to feel your pieces come back together. Now you felt like that would never happen. He took the last few pieces of your heart with him and you felt like you would never be whole again.
Dabi had been your comfort, your safety, your home. Now you were lost.
You hated that you felt this way. You should hate him. You should curse his fucking name. You shouldn’t be crying yourself to sleep over his death.
His death…
Was he dead? You weren’t convinced. It was too convenient, and there wasn’t a body. You wanted proof. Until then you’d go on believing he was still out there.
You closed the book you were reading. You had been on the same page for the past 10 minutes.
There was no way he wrecked his car like that. You had been in the car with him twice. Yes, he drove a little fast… but he wasn’t reckless. Either it was an elaborate cover up, or someone was after him. Or maybe… someone had been after you and he had gotten stuck in the middle as collateral damage.
“You look like you’re thinking too hard.”
Shoto came and took a seat next to you. “I’d ask what’s on your mind, but I’m pretty sure I already know.”
“Am I that obvious?” You leaned your head on his shoulder.
He leaned his head on top of yours. “It’s normal. I’d actually be surprised if you weren’t torn up over it.”
You let out a shaky breath. “I can’t stop worrying about him. I keep wondering where he is. If he’s okay. If there’s some grand explanation for his shitty behavior.” You shrugged. “I’m just finding it hard to grasp that the same man who held me during my panic attacks was also secretly planning to breed me… It just doesn’t add up.”
“Guilt does weird things to people.” Shoto’s hand found yours and gave it a squeeze. “I know he’s my brother, but I have no doubts about who knew him best. I only know a version of him. I only knew what he wanted me to.” He sighed, “It was obvious you meant a lot to him, and I could see him becoming more… I don’t know… human? For the first time in years he was showing emotions that weren’t rage. It would make sense if you were starting to make him question what side he was on.”
Your eyes narrowed, “So what? You think he did some shitty stuff and decided to help me… because he felt guilty about it? That doesn’t make any sense.” You pushed away from him to look him in the eyes. “Dabi only does what Dabi wants to do. That has been clear to me since day one. So what the fuck did he want out of this? None of it makes sense. Was I just a possession to him? Was I a bargaining chip? Was I just some broken pet that he got validation from nursing back to health? What?!”
You could feel your hysteria building and Bravo put his head in your lap in an attempt to calm you down. You took a few deep breaths. “He better fucking be alive… so I can kick his ass myself.”
Shoto chuckled, “Touya doesn’t stand a chance.”
His eyes looked distant and sad. You nudged his shoulder with your own, “Hey can I ask you something?”
He blinked away whatever far away memory he was thinking about, “I don’t see why not.”
“What was he like? Touya I mean… Before he became Dabi.”
Shoto’s lip turned up just slightly, “He was the best big brother I could have ever had. He was always there to help me when our dad was too rough with me. My dad tried to keep us separated… didn’t want me mingling with what he considered to be his biggest failure.” You flinched at the casual way he talked about the abuse they endured. “But Touya would sneak into my room at night. He taught me how to handle my burns and would bring me cold soba on bad days.” His eyes glassed over, “I was devasted when he died. Well… when I thought he died.”
“I blamed my dad, we all did. So, when he came out of hiding, it was like this enormous weight had lifted off of my shoulders. I hadn’t even realized I was carrying it around, but I had never truly gotten over his death.” He chuckled, “So I went looking for him. I didn’t care if he was Touya or Dabi, I just wanted him in my life again. I’d take what I could get. So, I settled for our don’t ask don’t tell relationship.”
You felt a tear that wasn’t yours hit your lap. Of course this would be hard on Shoto, he’s potentially lost his brother for the second time. “If it makes you feel any better… He admitted to me that he loved you.” You smirked, “Well actually he told me he used to hate you which contradicts your story quite a bit. But he said he always wondered if things would have been better for you if he stuck around.”
Shoto laughed, “Sounds like him. Trying to act like the tough guy who didn’t give a shit… Just like how he was with you. I can’t tell you how many times he called me when he was gone checking on you. Texting me every single time your vitals spiked. He would check the cameras and send me voice memos about how he was going to beat my ass if I didn’t keep my hands where he could see them while we were sparing. But then he would deny it when I asked what going on between the two of you.”
“Hey, come on, I have an idea.” You stood and walked over to the corner of the field behind a small tool shed. You picked up a massive rock and moved it so it was hidden from view. “Can you burn his name into it?”
Shoto eyes darkened, “You want to have a funeral? We don’t even know if he’s dead…”
You nodded, “You’re right we don’t… but I think it’ll make it easier. We can have a place to morn him in private. Weather we mourn his death… or the death of who he could have been.”
Shoto’s shoulder slumped and eventually he nodded. His hand heated up and with his finger he wrote on the rock, “R.I.P. TOUYA”
You both sat there for a while just staring at the rock. You felt too cold standing here in the shade of the tool shed. You gripped your hoodie closer to you and held back the tears that you desperately wanted to shed. You knew you shouldn’t, but you let yourself think of Touya. You thought about what he would have been like if he had gone to UA. If he had become a hero. If you had met him under better circumstances. Would the two of you still have ended up together? Without your mountains of combined trauma would you even be the same people?
“You ready? We should head out soon or we’ll be late for your appointment.”
You rubbed your eyes and sniffled, “Yeah… let’s get this over with.”
Bravo wasn’t allowed in the medical side of the bunker, so you made a quick detour to your room to drop him off. Shoto quietly following behind you. “So how are things with you and Bakugo?”
You groaned and rubbed your temples.
Shoto chuckled, “That good huh?”
“He’s been hovering over me like I’m going to shatter into a million pieces at the slightest inconvenience. I appreciate what he’s trying to do… but it’s just too much. I told him I needed space… and we had a fight. He hasn’t spoken to me in two days.”
Shoto whistled, “I never thought I’d see the day that the two of you had a real fight. Sure, you always bickered like an old married couple growing up. But on anything serious he always caved to your every wish.” He paused at your door, “Wait. So, are you the reason he’s been extra grumpy lately?”
You blushed, “I don’t know… Maybe?”
You gave Bravo an extra scratch behind his ear before closing the door. At that same moment you heard the door next door click shut. Your eyes snapped up to meet Katsuki’s. “Oh hey… I didn’t know you were back from the surface yet.”
“Got back early this morning… I was actually on my way to see you. You have a time to get an early lunch? I want to talk to you about something.”
You played with the ends of your hair, which was an immediate give away that you were nervous. “I actually have some plans with Shoto. But I’m free after that. Shouldn’t take too long though.”
His eyes narrowed at your nervous posture and you cursed how well he knew you. “Oh yeah? What are you guys up to? Maybe I’ll tag along.”
You began to stutter but thankfully Shoto interrupted, “Clingy isn’t a good look for you Bakugo. Like she said… it’s not going to take long. Just wait here and she’ll be back soon.”
You saw Katsuki bristle and decided to step in before he picked a fight with Shoto. You stepped over to him and put your hand on his shoulder. “Hey, I just dropped Bravo off. He’s had some pretty bad separation anxiety lately so why don’t you go to my apartment and hang out with him while I’m gone. Make some coffee, pick out a movie or something. I’ll be back soon, and we can talk then.”
His posture softened as he looked you up and down. It was obvious to him that you were nervous. But he was trying his hardest to give you the space you wanted. He pulled you to him as he sighed, trapping you in his arms. “Okay fine. I’ll babysit the mutt. Can you do me a favor and bring back some migraine medication from the medical ward. My heads killing me.”
You nodded stiffly, hoping it was just a coincidence he needed something from the medical ward. “Not a problem. I have the weighted blanket you gave me on the couch if you want to take a nap while I’m gone. You look like you could use one.”
He squeezed you tighter to him. “I’ll be fine.” He leaned his head on top of yours. “I’ll be better once we stop fighting about stupid shit though.” He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your head, “I’ll see you when you get back.” He released you and looked to Shoto, “Try to behave. The two of you hanging out makes me nervous.”
Shoto chuckled, “Good. You should be nervous. If you don’t figure your shit out soon, I’ll be taking your best friend spot… Kacchan.”
You snorted as you pulled Shoto away. “Are you trying to get your ass kicked? You know only Izuku gets away with calling him that! Well… and me when he’s in a good mood. But even that’s pushing it.”
“Oh, he’ll get over it. He needs a reality check. He thinks the world revolves around him.” He led you down the hall. “He can be such a pain sometimes. But I will admit he’s so much easier to be around now than when we were in high school.” He bumped your shoulder, “In a way it’s thanks to you. As sad as it is, when you went missing, he matured. It was like out of nowhere he realized there were more important things in the world then him and his hero status.”
Something about talking about Katsuki’s emotional vulnerability while walking to the clinic to check if you were pregnant with Dabi’s child made you feel slimy. “Can we talk about something else. Literally anything else. How are you and Izuku doing?”
“Good… we settled into our room. It’s a nice enough room… but it’s right next to my dad’s room. Apparently he’s thought all this time that we were just roommates.” He threw his hands up and scoffed, “Honestly! Did he think we were both professional heroes, making tons of money, but couldn’t afford to live on our own?”
You giggled, “That sounds awkward. These walls aren’t exactly thick.”
“Oh believe me I know. And I don’t care. Poor Izuku though can’t even look my dad in the eye now without blushing.”
You laughed so hard you had to wipe away a tear. “Aw poor Izuku… He’s too innocent for this world.”
Shoto scoffed, “Innocent my ass. That man is a freak in—”
You held up a hand. “Stop, stop, stop! I don’t want to know. He is a pure innocent little muffin who used to braid my hair before workouts.”
“I thought Bakugo was the one who braided your hair? I can’t imagine him being okay with Izuku being that close to you.”
You laughed. “Oh he wasn’t at first. But mostly because Izuku was better than him at something. Kats liked to braid my hair in private while we watched TV.” You shook your head at the memory, “He actually got to be really good at it eventually.”
Shoto had succeeded in distracting you long enough to make the trip to the medical ward, but now that you were here the anxiety was creeping back in.
You paused before crossing the threshold. You knew it was important to find out once and for all if you were pregnant. But you were also enjoying living in ignorance. The fact that you didn’t know meant that you could live your life as normal. If you were pregnant… it would flip your entire world upside down. You would have a life you would be responsible for, a little human that would constantly remind you of the love that almost broke you.
If you weren’t pregnant then… you didn’t know how you would feel. Would you be relieved? Would you mourn?
Your hand found your flat stomach and clenched your shirt. You took a few steps further into the ward and was hit an overwhelming sterile smell. Your breathing hitched and your knees shook. It was too clean. It was too white. It reminded you too much of the lab.
Shoto’s hand took yours and gave it a soft tug. “Hey. It’s fine. You don’t have to do all of this. I can go in and request a pregnancy test and we can go back and do this in your room. Would that make you feel better?”
You shook your head, “Katsuki’s there…”
Shoto’s shoulders sagged, “At this point I think he’d be more upset at you hiding this from him. I’m not telling you how to live your life. I think you’ve earned the right to do whatever the fuck you want. But if it were me… I’d want as big of a support system as I could get…”
You chewed on your bottom lip as you thought about it. Did you want Katsuki to know? How would he react? What if you were pregnant? Would he be disgusted with you? Would he want to help? Your head was spiraling down a rabbit hole of what it and it was starting to make you dizzy.
“Hey, breathe! Just take a deep breath. Let’s get you out of here before you have a panic attack. Wait outside for me. I’ll get everything we need.
You pushed the wave of anxious nausea down and gave a shaky nod. “Okay… But remember to get some migraine medication for Ka—”
“Yeah. Yeah, I remember. Go sit down outside and try and focus on your breathing I’ll be right back.”
You made your way outside and immediately sat down and leaned your forehead on your knees. You needed to get these invasive thoughts under control. You thought about what Dabi used to do. He would sit with you and try and distract you by talking about random shit. You knew he’d be pissed if he knew his younger brother left you all alone during one of your episodes. The thought of him yelling at Shoto was almost enough to make you chuckle.
You took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds and started listing animals that start with the letter A. When you couldn’t think of any more you breathed out. Then you repeated the process with the letter B, then C. You had made it F when Shoto made his way back to you.
“Okay, so they gave me some weird looks. Which makes sense considering I am a gay man asking for pregnancy tests. But they didn’t ask too many questions. I have two tests, a bottle of water, some Tylenol, and a phone number for a doctor… you know, for if it’s positive.”
You took his outstretched hand and stood up. “Okay… let’s get this over with.”
Every step towards your room felt heavier than the last. You just wanted to curl up under your blanket and pretend none of this was happening.
You hesitated at your door for a few moments before remembering you were a tough bitch and barreled through it full of false confidence.
You expected to see Katsuki lounging on the couch watching something on the tiny TV. Instead you found him passed out with Bravo curled up next to him. The sight of it calmed your nerves.
“Hey Shoto, can you get some coffee going? I’m going to wake him up.” You tiptoed over to him and sat on the edge of the couch. “Hey…” You shook his shoulder. “Kats? Wake up. I need to tell you something…”
Katsuki grumbled and his arm snaked around you, pulling you down to his level. “Shhh, m’head hurts.”
You giggled “Hey stop I’m being serious… I need you to get up.”
One of his eyes cracked open. “What’s up you sound like you’ve been crying.”
You sighed, “I haven’t been crying, but I am… stressed…” He sat up and moved so you were sitting facing each other. He nodded urging you to go on. “So… The reason Dabi uh… locked me in his office was so he could go to the store to uh… buy a…. pregnancy test.”
Your eyes stared at your hands and you heard him suck in a breath. “Are you? …Pregnant I mean.”
You shrugged, “I don’t know… we got some tests from the medical ward today and I’m about to take them. I’m just… a little scared.”
A medicine bottle whistled through the air and smacked Katsuki in the face. “We got you your medicine too. You’re welcome.” Shoto was smirking over by the coffee maker.
Katsuki groaned as he stood up. “One of these days I’m gonna kick the shit out of you, IcyHot Bastard.”
He stretched and held a hand out to you. “Alright, come on. Let’s go piss on a stick.”
You felt a weight starting to lift from your shoulders. “Wait. So you’re not mad?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, “Why would I be mad? I knew what the two of you were doing. It’s not like you cheated on me. As much as I wish we were, we aren’t together.” His thumb came up to brush a tear away that you didn’t even know had fallen. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily Y/N. You being pregnant wouldn’t change how I feel about you. I would even be willing to tell people it’s mine if it makes it easier for you. Just tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.”
It was quite for a few moments, while you absorbed and processed this new development. He was surprisingly calm about all of this, and it was making it easier for you as well.
“God you’re whipped.” Shoto handed the pregnancy test to you but was smart enough to remain behind you so Katsuki couldn’t hit him.
You left the boys to bicker as you entered your tiny bathroom alone. You peed on both of the sticks and set a timer on Katsuki’s phone. The next three minutes were the longest three minutes of your life.
You paced as you tried to think of anything else. But your thoughts kept going back to that night when Dabi held you in his recliner after fucking you. He had asked about you having a baby. He had sounded so hopeful. His eyes so bright at the idea of you having a kid with him. Part of you couldn’t believe that was an act. He had seemed so sincere. You thought about how he would react if he knew you were taking a test right now.
The timer went off.
Was your whole life about to change?
With shaky hands you picked up the first test. You held your breath as you looked to the second one to confirm it.
You opened the door with tears in your eyes.
“So, what’s it say? Am I going to be an uncle?”
You let out an audible sob. “I don’t know why I’m so upset right now.” You showed them the tests. “They’re both negative.”
Katsuki wrapped you in a hug and ran his fingers up and down your back. “It’s okay to be sad. Shoto made some coffee, I don’t have plans today. We can hang out here until you feel better.”
You cried into Katsuki’s chest as you watched some cheesy movie. He didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t even know what to say if he thought it would help.
You were grieving a child you never had, and a love that was nothing but lies. You needed to let it out. You needed to grieve so you could move on. And this is how you do that.
By the time the credits rolled your eyes were dry and you nose stuffy. “You said you wanted to talk to me about something earlier…?”
Katsuki stiffened, “Yeah, but I think it can wait. You’ve already had a rough day.”
You shook your head, “No… I want to know. I’m just going to worry about it until you tell me. I’d rather you just rip the Band-Aid off.”
He nodded, “We got word that Dabi may have been seen by your old place. We aren’t sure it was him though. Toga had been previously spotted as well, so it’s more likely that it was her. But either way, it looks like the LOV is sniffing around.”
“W—What makes you think it was Toga?”
He cleared his throat, “We have an informant working in the LOV and he told us the last thing he heard about Dabi was that Shigaraki had sent a team to collect him… but when they came back they were bloody and he wasn’t with them.”
You sighed, “Of course he wasn’t.”
*The Laws* 1. No fucking shrugging 2. No drugs 3. No saying sorry for something that isn’t your fault 4.We work on communication every day 5. Wake up whenever the hell you want 6. No locked doors 7. We eat three full meals a day 8. No means no, no negotiations 9. We work on exercise every day 10. Ice cream must be kept in stock at all times 11. Accept help when it is offered 12. No lying 13. I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi @sarahschance @babayaga67@starenemy
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Our Two Minutes
 Time used to be a commodity that Mobius had in spades, back when things worked different in the TVA. Lately, though, with the fall of the sacred timeline and general new disorder of things - well, Mobius wouldn’t pass up just a few extra minutes to take a breath.
Loki doesn’t seem to mind, seems to thrive on the chaos. Minutemen running around. Time-doors opening and closing here, there, everywhere. Fires cropping up when you least expect it, some of which Mobius suspects Loki might be starting. Their usual research table in the library is a little too out of the way of most things to be a coincidence when it goes up in flames.
Not that Mobius minds seeing Loki in their element, especially with their magic back. They wear mischief like a second skin, along with those clever eyes and that easy smile. Though Mobius just wishes he wasn’t seeing it here at the potential end of all things.
Loki and Mobius are watching the branching trees on the timeline monitor when a report of a new fire comes in. This time in the cafeteria. A vat of salad has spontaneously combusted.
Mobius shoots Loki a flat look.
“What?” Loki asks.
Mobius sighs, but doesn’t have it in him to be mad. Loki’s been like this - a little bit brighter, maybe too bright - since they rejoined Mobius at the TVA. Mobius doesn’t totally understand. Obviously something bad happened out there past the void. But they can’t seem to find two minutes - just two minutes - to talk about it.
Nor what happened after.
Mobius has pieced some of it together: the way Loki fell through the time door, dead on their feet. The weary look they gave Mobius almost like they expected him to say something, he didn’t know what, but something wrong. How when Mobius recognized them, called their name, they pulled him into a bone-crushing hug, even as the library burned around them.
“It’s you,” Loki said then. “It’s finally you.”
“You can’t have salad for lunch everyday,” Loki says now. “Variety is the spice of life.”
“You stole that from a Hallmark card,” Mobius says. Before Loki can reply, he pushes forward, back on task, “We have to focus here. This could be the end of... I don’t know, everything.”
“Timeline war. Mass annihilation?”
Loki hums. The way you would when your ice cream falls off the cone. Not, perhaps, the most appropriate reaction for the end of all life, past, present, and future.
“Loki.” Mobius turns to them, because while he is enjoying seeing Loki so... Loki, he’s also starting to get a bit concerned. Loki’s not known for being apathetic. Caring too much is sort of their M-O. At least for things worth caring about. Which Loki used to think this was.
“Yes, Mobius?” They continue to watch the screen, where the lines branch and branch and branch, too many now, numbers in the seven-digit mark.
Two minutes. That’s all Mobius would need. It’s all he hasn’t found.
Maybe he should make it.
Mobius places his hand on Loki’s shoulder, drawing their attention. They look at him, see his expression, and their smile dims. Mobius hates that he did that, but...
“This is a big deal. Cataclysmic stuff,” he says.
“Yes. Of course.”
Mobius turns toward them fully. “Don’t take this wrong. It’s great seeing you smile. But you get we’re probably going to die horribly? That’s definitely in the cards for us.”
Loki’s smile returns, but it’s softer. They laugh a little. “Mobius,” they say, and despite the laugh, the name holds a new, heavy weight that Mobius doesn’t understand. “You have no idea how long I have traveled to be here.” They shake their head. “I never thought I’d get here."
Mobius’s throat goes dry. “How long?”
Loki waves a hand. “Time is difficult to track between timelines.”
Timelines. Plural. “How many timelines?”
Loki’s smile vanishes entirely. The veil comes down in their eyes, and Mobius can see the age there. This is his Loki, but older. So much older. And so, so tired.
The thought of his Loki, a lone traveler through time, stakes straight through Mobius’s heart. Loki’s aren’t meant to be alone. They need family, and friends. They need love.
“So you can see why I have found fresh optimism,” they say, “Now that I have found you again.”
Found you. They can’t mean that. Not like that.
Loki looks back to the monitor, but Mobius isn’t done. Two minutes or twenty, to hell with time. This feels the most important now.
It’s selfish and silly, but maybe Mobius wants some of that optimism too.
“Loki, you could have stopped somewhere. I’m sure there’s another timeline that’s close enough -”
Mobius swallows hard. Because with Sylvie in the wind and the void out of reach, the only thing in this timeline that Loki might even bother caring about is him.
Mobius knows he’s a smart enough guy, knows a lot about Loki’s, good at piecing things together most of the time. But thinking that Loki might have traveled for eons looking just for him is a bridge too far, no matter how the cards line up.
“There were probably other variants of me,” Mobius says and watches Loki stiffen. Another card in the line. “Maybe more agreeable ones. Prettier ones. Hey, did any have a jetski?”
He says it to get a smile. What he doesn’t expect is the absolute glower that paints Loki’s face, or the way they shift it toward Mobius like they might light him on fire next.
“You cannot be replaced,” Loki says, serious as a heart attack.
“Huh.” Another card falls into place. Mobius thinks of the long line of them, and knows he can’t ignore them anymore. Doesn’t want to. “Careful,” he says, prodding. “A guy might get the wrong idea.”
“Mobius,” Loki says, and they puff themselves up like they might say something more. But then they sigh and look back to the monitor.
Mobius doesn’t think he’s wrong about this, but he’d never push Loki, not in this. So he looks at the monitor too.
More and more branching. Imminent death, certainly.
Beside him, Loki speaks softly, “Is it so terrible a proposal? The idea of you and me?”
“I guess it depends who you ask.” In his chest, Mobius’s heart hammers, but he forces calm cheer to steady his voice. “If you ask me, no. Not terrible. The opposite of that, actually. Great. Fantastic. Amazing. Best idea of your life, and I know you’ve had plenty.” He shrugs. “But like I said, depends who you ask.”
“I...” They clear their throat, and when they speak again, it’s stronger. “I would agree.”
“With which part?” Mobius dares a glance at Loki and finds them staring back.
“All of it.” Their smile returns. “End of all things. Not the best time to start a courtship.”
“I disagree.” Mobius turns toward them. “Sounds like a great first date.”
Loki laughs, and Mobius feels lighter. The optimism is contagious.
Mobius holds out his hand and Loki takes it. They step closer. Closing their eyes, they press their cheek to Mobius’s. They whisper, “I will not be parted from you again.”
Mobius’s chest clenches tightly. “Exactly how many timelines did you go through, Loki?”
“Too many,” Loki says into Mobius’s ear. “But not near half of what I would, to return to you.”
Mobius rests a hand on Loki’s hip. “You must really like this folksy dope.”
Loki hums again, less lost ice cream, more fake consideration for a question you already know the answer to. “I’ll tell you a secret.”
“Please do.”
Loki noses the corner of Mobius’s neck and jaw. Mobius closes his eyes, certain he’s going to like this secret.
Assured, when Loki says, “I love him.”
The timelines continue to branch. They should probably care about that. And they will.
In a minute or two.
But first -
Mobius turns his head toward Loki and Loki kisses him.
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heliads · 3 years
Lieutenant Lovesick
Y/N L/N is an officer of the datatech division at the Resistance Base, someone who has an unfortunate tendency to crush on the rebels’ favorite flyboy. Poe Dameron needs someone to help him decode new intel, so of course he looks to her.
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The ship is starting to touch down now. If you look closely, you can just see the dark crop of hair on the pilot, catch a glimpse of a fierce grin through the windscreen. Already, mechanics and nav crew members are rushing towards the X-Wing, trying to see if Poe Dameron has managed to finally screw up one space mission and give them something to fix on his ship. You doubt they’ll be that fortunate- Poe’s one of the best pilots. That’s just how it works, even if it means the mechanics have a lot less to do.
Poe stands up, climbing down the side of his X-Wing and checking to make sure his BB unit is being pulled out as well. He exchanges a few words with an overeager intel agent already pressing him for news on the latest mission, then starts heading through the crowd in the hangar bay. You hesitate for one second more, two, then turn away and start heading down the corridors of the Resistance base.
If you’re lucky, you have just left yourself enough time to get back to your station before anyone notices that you've stepped away. However, it does not appear that the galaxy is on your side today. Tela, your best friend, reaches out an arm in front of the door just as you attempt to head back into the room with your fellow officers. She raises an eyebrow at you. “Gawking at Dameron again?”
Your cheeks flame as you hurriedly glance around the corridor, making sure no one can hear you. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Tela flashes you a victorious grin. “No? You weren’t in the hangar, trying to catch a glimpse of Poe Dameron as he returns from his latest space cruise for General Organa? What else were you doing?” You smile feebly. “I was, uh, patrolling the area?”
Tela laughs. “You’re ridiculous.” You grin broadly at that. “Maybe. But weren’t you the one who just happened to keep stopping by the med bay to check on Finn?” Tela’s jaw drops. “I know you’re not bringing that up right now. We’re bullying you, not me.” A voice from behind you makes you straighten up in panic. “I thought bullying was against Resistance policy.”
When you turn around, Poe is standing behind you. Of course it’s Poe. Of course. You wonder how much of the conversation he heard, and you can only hope that he conveniently missed the part where Tela was making fun of you for crushing on him. You realize Poe’s looking at you like he’s expecting an answer. “It’s less bullying and more mild teasing. I’m just noticing how often Tela visits the med bay, even when she’s not injured.”
Tela stares at you with unabashed outrage, but a grin slides its way across Poe’s face. “Actually, I think I know what you mean. Didn’t I see you in there a couple standard hours ago?” You turn to face Tela with new interest. “Wait, I didn’t know about this. You didn’t tell me you left.” Poe nods with mock concern. “It was right when Finn was there for a checkup, too.”
You look back at him. “Did they speak?” Poe returns your conspiratorial gaze. “I don’t think so. A few waves were exchanged.” You incline your head in acceptance. “I think that’s the best we can get.” Poe mirrors your serious expression. “I think so too, officer. See you around.” With that, he issues a wave of his own before heading off down the corridor once more, presumably to go report back to General Organa.
Tela hardly waits for him to disappear around the corner before she turns to you, eyes wide. “Look at you go! I think that was the first interaction you’ve had in weeks. I almost believed you weren’t staring at him mournfully a few minutes ago.” You swat her shoulder. “It wasn’t like that. He approached me.” Tela jumps back from your blow, pretending to rub her arm in pain. “Hey, you can’t hit me. I just sacrificed my humiliation over the med bay so you two could smirk together like you were best friends.”
You smile at her, clasping your hands together over your heart and eliciting a laugh. “And what a sacrifice it was. Your name will go down among the Resistance heroes for all eternity.” Tela chuckles. “So will yours. Y/N L/N, spoke with Poe Dameron once and will never forget it for the rest of her life.” When you move to swat her again, Tela is ready and dodges out of the way.
You’ve almost made it down the corridor when you hear someone calling your name. You look around, slightly annoyed at this interruption, but any trace of irritation vanishes instantly from your face when you realize who’s jogging down the hallway towards you. Poe Dameron, back at it again. You haven’t talked to him in a couple of days, ever since that incident with Tela. You’re not sure that incident is exactly the right word, but it’s close enough. It felt incidental to you.
Poe comes to a stop beside you, breathing erratic from running across the Resistance base. A casual grin spreads across his face, as easy as starting a program on your navicomputer. “So, how’s my favorite Lieutenant Commander of the Datatech Division?” You raise an eyebrow, unable to hide a smile. “Since when have you known my full title? I’m pretty sure only Tela’s bothered to memorize it.” Poe’s grin stalls a second, almost as if he’s embarrassed. Then the smile returns, full force and strong as a laser bolt.
“I make it a point to know all the pretty girls on this side of the galaxy, L/N. That list just happens to include you.” You roll your eyes, but can’t help feeling your heart do a slow roll in your chest. “So, did you jog across the base for anything other than some mild flattery?” Poe presses a hand to his heart in mock dismay. “Oh, it’s always more than mild. But yes, Lieutenant, I did. I need someone who’s tech savvy to help me decode some files.”
You fold your arms across your chest. “And here I thought you wanted me for something interesting. Any space jockey with half a brain can decode files.” Poe’s eyes linger on yours for a little longer than usual. “And what if this space jockey just wanted your company?” You let the question hang in the air for a second, then reply. “Then I’ll do it, but he’ll need a better excuse next time.” Poe’s grin could split the sun. Stars, you’re in over your head.
“That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. Meet me by the eastern side of base at ten standard hours tomorrow? That’s when the data finishes transmitting.” You nod. “I’ll be there.” “I’m looking forward to it.” Poe flashes you one last grin before disappearing down an adjacent corridor. You watch him as he goes. What are you getting yourself into?
You might have reservations, some last ounce of common sense that tells you not to run headlong into danger with this man. Yet you find yourself at the east corner of the base at ten standard hours, just as promised, although the designated meeting spot is empty of anyone save you. This is what you get for letting your heart run wild, you tell yourself, so you shouldn’t be surprised. You’re just a lieutenant to him, remember? Just a job.
Your fears are confirmed when you see Poe turn onto your hallway, talking with another girl. You know her from the intel division- Lian Kos, about as pretty as she is good with a star cruiser. Needless to say, she’s devastatingly attractive, and it comes as no surprise that Poe is deep in conversation with her. You can feel your heart shrinking in your chest, trying to hide itself away from this unwelcome truth that Poe is only playing with you.
However, you might just be kidding yourself, because you swear that the second Poe turns his head and sees you, his eyes light up in something almost like relief. His strides lengthen as he rushes over to you, muttering a quick goodbye to a more than slightly displeased Lian. The girl is forced to turn down another hallway, still evidently bitter over this quick goodbye.
You raise an eyebrow, unable to let it go. “What, did she insult your flying skills? I haven’t seen someone run that far from Lian since she accidentally shot a trainee in the arm during blaster practice.” Poe chuckles at that. “I didn’t want to be late. We’re doing very important work, you hear? The Resistance is crucial.” You barely hold back a snort. “I didn’t realize Resistance work was so important that you had to drop anyone in sight like you’ve been sliced by a vibroblade.”
Poe’s eyes twinkle with laughter, and for a second you feel like you’ve been caught in the crossfire. “Maybe I just wanted to see you.” Your words dry up on your tongue. He’s just joking, you know that, but something about the way he says it makes you almost think he’s telling the truth, that Poe Dameron would really cast aside a woman like Lian Kos for someone like you. Then the reality of the situation comes crashing back down around you, and you remember that something like that would never happen.
You force your smile back onto your cheeks. “And maybe I want to get this over with so I can go back to my station. Resistance work is important, right?” You might just be looking for excuses, but you swear that Poe looks almost disappointed by this.
Poe’s intel is actually pretty interesting. You hate to admit it after you made fun of him yesterday, but the decoding process is fairly difficult and it takes all of your focus to complete. That being said, you can’t help but notice the way Poe’s eyes linger on your face as you scan the files, or the way his gaze dances between your fingers as you work. It’s as if he’s never seen anyone quite like you before, and he’s taking the chance to truly look at you as if committing your very being to memory. It makes you want to look closer at him, to rethink all the certainties you’d propped up between you and the flyboy standing before you.
At last, the work is done and you’re free to go. You save the last file, turning to hand the datapad back to Poe so he can report to General Organa and be done with the project. However, his hands linger on yours, and he doesn’t accept the datapad right away. When he speaks again, his voice is soft. “I did need you, you know.” For some reason, you get the feeling that he isn’t just talking about the decoding, or the Resistance work, or anything like that at all. You have the strangest impression that he’s talking about the way he feels about you.
You’re afraid to say anything lest you break this moment, like a single word spoken will shatter the quiet of the room or dispel the blinking lights of the diagrams and navicomputers all around you. Poe looks back at you, and you swear he looks almost nervous. That can’t be right- practically perfect starfighter pilot Poe Dameron, the Resistance worker everybody swears by, nervous over you? It feels impossible.
Yet he still stands before you, shifting on his feet, not quite ready to speak again but utterly unwilling to leave. You move before you realize it, unable to take the silent pressure that you should be doing something. When you kiss him, you think it’s the worst mistake you’ve ever made. It certainly makes the blood rush through your head in a way you’ve only experienced during a street brawl against the First Order, when they’re shooting at you as you run and the adrenaline is coursing through your veins. This is how it feels to kiss Poe- not a soft moment, but a firestorm.
Then he’s kissing you again, datapad shoved onto a nearby table so he can wrap his hands around your waist and pull you close. You stay there for a day, maybe a year, or possibly only a couple of seconds. It feels like an eternity or like it barely happened at all. When you break away, you hesitate, still afraid to look up and condemn yourself to whatever emotion will be waiting in his eyes. After a heartbeat, two, you give in and look at him again.
He’s smiling. It’s a soft smile, one you don’t think you’ve seen in a while. He usually puts up this front of classic, confident soldier, a pilot who’s seen impossible odds and never been shaken by it. He wears the smile of a wolf, a leader, an actor. This is a wholly different smile- his, at last. Something that hasn’t yet been taken from him by the war.
His voice is quiet in the stillness of the room. “You keep surprising me, lieutenant.” You can’t help but share in his smile, feeling a giddy rush bubble up in your chest. “I intend to make it a habit.” His hand laces around yours, still unwilling to let you go quite yet. “That sounds good to me.”
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watermelonsugar2612 · 3 years
Chapter 1: 'You're serious?"
Author's note: Heya! I’m writing a new Hinny fic, all the way from the proposal to the wedding. It will have 10-15 chapters I think! Let me know if you like it and if I should continue!! <33
It was 1 am. Harry and Ginny had just had sex. They both lay on top of each other in a heap of limbs, panting. “I love you Gin,” Harry said as he stole a soft kiss from Ginny. “Me too,” she let out a satisfied sigh. “Set the alarm, we’ll go running tomorrow. 7 am, sharp! I have practice from 9:30 and your training starts at 10,” she instructed. “Aye aye captain.” Harry replied in a lost but wonderful tone. He picked up the alarm clock and twisted a few knobs. “Mmmm… I’ve set the alarm baby,” he said as he pulled Ginny back onto the bed while she was trying to put on her robe. The half-untied robe fell off her shoulders and she lay completely naked on top of Harry. “No Harry! We just finished,” she whined in an explanatory attitude, she tried to pull away but his grip was too tight, “Harry! We have an early day tomorrow, no!” she whined even more. “Okay, I’ll let you go but we both sleep just like this tonight? Deal?” he grinned cockily. “Like this? What do you mean?” she thought for a second and her mouth rounded in shock, “Completely naked?!” she gave him a questioning look and shouted. “You heard me right! Just. like. This.” his grin spread to both his ears. “Fine!” she gave up and muttered, “prat.” Harry had heard her, he pulled her down onto his lips in a greedy kiss, full of hunger. As soon as he felt her getting lost in the kiss, he pulled away. “Not fair!” she cried. He laughed and pulled her onto the bed beside him, spooning her, one hand on her breast, the other on her thigh. She gave out a satisfied sigh. Both of them were utterly spent, every ounce of their body was ready to give in, to sleep, but somehow neither of them could give in to the temptation. They lay there silently feeling each other's presence, it was enough, they were happy, complete. “Gin, will you marry me?” Harry broke the ice. Ginny turned her head and looked into his beautiful bespectacled green eyes, in utter panic, “Gin, would you like to have another round of sex? Or Gin, do you want to organise a party at Grimmauld Place? Or Gin, do you want to go to dinner? Or Gin, do you want to go on vacation, would’ve been- acceptable! It's 3 in the morning, Harry James Potter! You want to marry me?” she blurted out. “I’m sorry Gin- I- Please don’t leave me, I was just wondering if you would- I saw a future, I’m sorry if I’m going too fast! I’m such a git we’ve only been dating for 2 years- sorry. I’ll wait for as long as you want… sorry Gin, what can I do to make it up to you?” he stammered. Ginny instantly regretted her panic, truth be told, she was waiting for him to talk about marriage, what had she done!? “Shit.” she muttered, “Harry, Bubba, I’m so sorry-” she said as she felt tears well up in both his and her eyes. She immediately engulfed him in a hug. Still tightly embraced, she said softly into his ear, “I’ll marry you, I’ve always wanted that,” she snorted softly and pulled away, “I love you,” she said into the kiss. He pulled away and looked deep into her chocolate eyes as if he was looking at her soul, “Gin, you are the most incredible, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, everything with you is so much better than it could’ve been with anyone else in the entire world. When I'm with you I- I feel complete. The passion we share, the amount we love each other, and care for each other, I don’t think it's possible to do that with anyone else. I realise, this isn’t any girl's dream proposal, hell, I don’t even have a ring for you, and we’re naked, in bed! And, 'm sorry to just blurt it out like that, but if you’re serious about marrying me, I’m the happiest man in the world.” he said. “Oh, Harry! My sweet, sweet Harry! I love you so much, I don’t think it’s possible to love anyone as much as I love you! Yes, I’m serious, I want to marry you, love!” she replied with a large smile on her pink face. “You’re serious?” he muttered again. “Yes I’m serious, and honestly, I’ve kinda imagined my boyfriend asking me to marry him after we had hot steamy sex.” she winked. “Oh, one more thing before we finally sleep, can we not tell the family until we
have rings and also can we give them a different version of the story, because if your brothers find out this is when I proposed, they might kill me.” he chuckled. They both laughed and as soon as their heads fell to the bed, both of them fell asleep, now feeling much more complete than they ever had before.
The alarm rang all of a sudden and Harry opened his eyes slowly, taking in the sight of the gorgeous redhead lying naked beside him on his bed. “Morning baby,” he hummed softly. “Morning to you too, Fiancee dearest,” she muttered, still half-asleep. They both laughed and Ginny gave Harry a quick and sloppy kiss. “Would you like to go running with me Ms Weasley?” Harry grinned. “Let’s see? Would you like to marry me, Mr Potter?” She tried hard not to laugh and played along. “Why, of course!” he chuckled, “Then, I shall go running with you.” she laughed and bowed down gracefully putting her hand near his mouth. He took it in his hand, gave a slight bow and brushed his lips against it. Ginny changed into an exercise set, leggings which made her arse look hot and a cropped sweatshirt, in a very light beige colour. Harry wore a pair of loose basketball shorts and a large hoodie on top. This hoodie was his, but it was generally worn by Ginny on movie nights with Harry. Both of them loved it. It was monsoon and they were worried it would rain, but they didn’t pay much attention to it. They stepped out to the pavement outside Grimmauld Place feeling a gust of cool, humid monsoon air blow in their hair. They began running, they talked and laughed. The roads were rather crowded, it was rare to see a couple so randy for each other, even after 2 years. It was visible as both of them ran, how much in love they were, stealing kisses, giving playful nudges, saying that they loved the other every 20 seconds in a way that they thought the other might forget, but the truth being said, the love they felt for each other could never lessen, forgetting was a far way forth. “Gin, do you wanna get some coffee?” Harry panted as they took a brief halt. “Hmm… yes, let’s get coffee,” she caught her breath and hummed. “Let’s go to that muggle cafe you like?” Harry smiled. Ginny nodded and they made their way to a secluded corner and apparated a little away from the cafe. It was called ‘Episode’ and it looked gorgeous. The early morning sunlight fell on its entrance which was green, full of plants. There were tables outside with umbrellas above them and there was a gazebo as well. The signboard of the cafe was covered with vines. They both took a seat in a corner outside. “So, when do you want to go ring shopping?” Harry asked expectantly, “I’m free this weekend. We have an offseason, we don’t have a game for another 3 months, today is just a meeting with our trainers to make sure we are all following our diet.” Ginny shrugged. “Done then, this weekend it is!” Harry pecked her lips as the waiter approached them from behind. “Morning to you sir, ma’am! What can I get you today?” the waiter asked politely and handed them a menu with several beverages written on it. They both glanced through and Ginny spoke up, “Good Morning! I will have a thick and frothy Hazelnut Frappuccino, with extra whipped cream.” she spoke to the waiter and winked at Harry. He grunted and spoke, “I’ll have a shot of espresso, extra hard.” he grinned back at Ginny. The waiter looked lost for words, he cleared his throat and said, “Will that be all?” They nodded and he left. “What was that about Harry?” Ginny asked in a concerned voice, “the waiter was right there!” she whispered in his ear. “Hey! You started it, and just for your information, I’m kind of turned on!” he replied in a panicky voice, saying the end of his sentence into her ear. “A secret, me too!” she whispered back and bit his earlobe softly. He shifted in his seat a bit. Their foreplay continued for a little while and they both tried not to be too conspicuous. After a few minutes, the waiter appeared with their coffee. “There you are, your coffee’s! Call for me when you’re ready to pay.” he put down their coffee and left again. Ginny seductively took a sip of her coffee and a thick layer of whipped cream settled on her upper lip. She was about to lick it off but Harry lurched forward and darted his tongue to her lip. He licked it off in one swipe and Ginny moaned. “Keep it down baby, someone might hear you,” Harry
whispered in a raspy voice in her ear. She sighed and felt a chill run down her spine. “Harry, home. I need you.” she moaned. He ignored everything else, shoved a 20-pound note on the table, which was much more than their bill, but he didn’t care. He pulled Ginny into a corner that wasn’t visible to anyone around and apparated them to 12, Grimmauld Place. They entered the kitchen, both of them completely lost in lust. Harry picked her up as if she weighed nothing and put her down on the counter. He pulled his hoodie off with urgency and she ran her hand on his perfectly toned abs which glistened with beads of sweat. He caught her lips in an urgent kiss. She pulled her top off as well, separating with Harry’s lips for a brief second. Harry moved his hand to the back of her head and pulled off her hair tie. “Quick Harry! I need you inside!” she muttered into the kiss. Harry’s hand went to Ginny’s waistband and he pulled down her pants and knickers, he slowly inserted a finger and she moaned his name. He pulled down his pants and boxers and withdrew his finger, instead, entering her with his cock a second later. They both moaned with the sensation. He completely withdrew and entered her again after a second. He thrust slowly for a few minutes. “Yes! Ah! That’s the spot! Harder!” she moaned and Harry sped up at once. He went at an unbelievable speed and he felt her contract around him, he knew she was about to come. He twisted his hips in a way that made her scream. “Cum for me Gin!” Harry said loudly. “Fuck. Harry!” she shouted into the kitchen and spilt her juices all over Harry and the kitchen floor. Harry kept thrusting, riding out her orgasm and his was triggered soon too. He didn’t stop and caught her lips in a needy kiss. Just as he was about to pull out, someone walked into their house through the chimney. Shit. It was Ginny’s brother, Harry’s best mate, Ron Weasley. Harry immediately pulled out and bent down to pick up his boxers. Luckily, Ginny was still wearing her bra, she bent down to pick up her underwear but it was too late. For both of them. “HARRY JAMES POTTER! YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!” Ron screamed. “Ron, it’s not what it looks like!” Harry said and pushed Ginny away who had engulfed him in a hug from the side as soon as they had heard someone come in through floo. “Do you realise what this looks like Potter?!” he said with widened eyes, “Merlin! Put on some clothes, you two!” he said and walked away to the living room as if calling Harry to sit and talk. “Gin-” he grunted. She laughed and pushed him away, signalling to the living room. He put on his clothes quickly. “Ron-” he tried to talk but Ron cut in, “How dare you!” he shouted, “she’s my sister Harry!” he said. “Ron, she’s my fiance and-” he tried to speak but Ron cut in again, “Fiancee?” he shrieked and stood up from the sofa. “I mean- I- I-” he stuttered and he saw Ginny walk into the room. “Yes! Fiance and he proposed after we shagged last night! Just for a count Ron, we’ve probably had sex more times this week than you have in your whole life.” she grimaced. “What-?” Harry said in a confused voice and signalled toward Ginny. Ron threw glances at both of them who stood on either side of the room. “No Ron, she’s lying, we- we- we-”he continued stuttering. “Okay, Professor Quirrell!” she grinned at Harry and continued, “Ron! It’s all in front of you! Whatcha gonna do?” she laughed. “Gin-”Harry eyed her to stop. “Oh, and if I am telling you my secrets, we’ve even shagged in your room, Ron! At the burrow!” she finished. “My room!?” Ron said with a terrified expression. Harry rolled his eyes. “Whatever Ron! That’s the truth! We’re both consenting adults, there’s nothing you can do! Plus, we’re in love.” he said. “You two are bloody minxes!” he barfed. Ginny winked at Harry. “Fine! I won’t kill you then Harry!” Ron said his eyes now moving from the ceiling to the floor. “As if you had the balls to do that Ronald!” Ginny laughed and walked toward Harry. She stood in front of him and gave him a little kiss, whispering in his ear, “That was amazing.” They both
grinned and Ron looked at them with an expression of pure disgust. “I’d trusted you, Harry! If you end up getting my sister pregnant or something, I will never forgive you!” he whined and continued, “Anyway, when did you get engaged? And when were you going to tell me and ‘Mione?” he finished. “As Gin already mentioned, I proposed last night after we shagged like, 4 times. She said yes, we are going ring shopping on Saturday and we were supposed to tell you after we got the rings and make a more acceptable story, but there you go!” Harry chuckled. “4 times?! Couldn’t you have skipped the details? Bleugh.” he muttered. “Ron! If you don’t want to get your bits hexed, then you better not tell anyone else, except ‘Mione!” Ginny cut in. Ron rolled his eyes. “I’d originally come to tell you lot that me and ‘Mione are having a hang out session tomorrow, at 8 in the evening, it’s been long since we all met, so, I’d come to invite you two. It would be good if you could go shopping today and come up with a better story before it slips out of your mouths. It’s for your good,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve taken a leave from work today too, to help ‘Mione with party prep, you should too!” Ron finished. “Well, alright, I wanna be officially engaged to you as soon as I can!” Harry said to Ginny, winked and kissed Ginny who he was still holding from around her waist. Ron gagged again. “Shut up! You just ruined the moment!” Ginny shouted and pulled away. “So? Are you going ring shopping?” Ron asked expectantly. “Hmmm… okay, I’ll call in sick,” Ginny shrugged and Harry held her tighter. “I’ll take a leave too!” Harry said and sat down on the settee with Ginny on his lap. “Where’s ‘Mione though?” Ginny said, looking at Ron. “Oh! She’s coming. She was meeting with one of her colleagues from the Ministry. She’ll floo in any minute now!” Ron replied. “Fancy some breakfast Gin? Ron?” Harry said. “Yes, please! I am starving!” Ginny grinned. “I think I’ve lost my appetite!” Ron said looking at the ever-randy couple in front of him who was now making out. Harry reluctantly pulled away and went to the kitchen. About 10 minutes later Harry walked back into the room with two plates, both with two slices of bread, each topped with a sunny side up and three strips of bacon. He handed one to Ron, “You could never lose your appetite!” he laughed and walked back to Ginny who stood up. He sat down and pulled her back on her lap. She picked up one of the pieces of bread and took it near Harry’s mouth. He took a bite and licked his lips. He did the same to Ginny and Ron looked up from his plate of food now to find Ginny licking Harry’s lips. “I think both of you are bloody capable of eating on your own!” he shouted and they heard the sound of someone coming in through the chimney. Of course, it was Hermione, Ron’s wife and Ginny and Harry’s best friend. She walked in and all of them greeted her with a pleasant hug and Ron with a kiss. They all took their places, now Hermione sat beside Ron on the large sofa in the middle of the room. They all ate and chatted, Ron told Hermione what had happened when he came here and the room filled with giggles from everyone except Ron. They talked for about an hour, “I’m going to go home, prepare for the party?” Hermione said as she got up and pulled Ron with her. They said their goodbyes and Ron and Hermione flooed away. “Now, Fiancee dearest, would you fancy making some calls to your office and mine for a holiday?” she asked, smiling. He nodded and they made their calls. “I’m going to take a shower, then we’re going to go get some rings!” Harry said as he walked into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and as soon as he stepped out, completely naked, Ginny walked in. He pulled her toward him and threw her over his shoulder. They both laughed as Harry put on his boxers. He put her down then and put on the rest of his clothes. Ginny stripped quickly and hopped into the shower. Harry tried not to look because he knew that it wouldn’t be too good if he was turned on while at the shop. He walked out and sat on
the sofa waiting for Ginny. A few minutes later, she walked out, completely naked. “Gin- you, you’re- you’re not wearing a robe or a towel?” he stuttered. “I forgot Harry! It doesn’t matter anyway, we’re going to be married soon!” she said and walked toward Harry, holding a tube of lotion in her hand. “Put this on my back,” she said normally. “But- but- Gin- I- okay-” he kept stuttering and took the tube from her. He looked away and squirted some lotion on her back. He started rubbing slowly in circular motions. “Harry! Do not tell me your awkward! We are going to be married for god’s sake! Shut up and rub it properly.” she shouted. “Yeah- yeah of course, god, I’ve done it before so many times!” he said a little more confident. “Oh my god! This reminds me of our first vacation together! In Long Island, our first trip to the US was together!” Ginny reminisced. Truth be told, Harry’s bulge was harder than ever. In long Island, they had sex inside the ocean, in the depths and it was probably one of the best Harry ever had. It really turned him on. He suppressed it and carried on, now using both of his hands to rub her back and massage her shoulders. He moved her hair and rubbed the bottom of her neck, timely whispering into her ear. Soon later Harry faced Ginny and caught her lips in a needy kiss.
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solarwonux · 4 years
Strawberries And Bad Decisions || Wonwoo
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wonwoo x f!reader
w.c: 3.6k
warnings: smut, jeon wonwoo has a pain kink if you like squint, riding, dirty talk
crop top wonwoo is back and with a belly piercing. 
note: I reached 400 followers last night I think and I just want to say thank you so much, it means so much to me. I hope you enjoy this one let me know your thoughts. Also this is kind of like the sequel to crop tops and tattoos but you don’t have to read it to understand this one. Thank you once again <3.
masterlist || crop tops and tattoos
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It was three in the morning, and the airport was oddly packed to the brim. Impatiently you drummed your fingers against your thigh, standing on your tiptoes, reaching your head high to see if you could at least catch sight of the top of your boyfriend’s head. 
Nervous was an understatement. 
All week you had been on edge, counting down the days until you were able to see him again, crossing out the dates on the calendar the two of you kept on the fridge. Your coworkers had grown accustomed to you constantly talking about how much you missed Wonwoo. Letting them in on the secret love affair, the two of you hadn’t done a very good job at keeping a secret. The excitement they had felt when you had finally confessed that you and Wonwoo had been with one another since college died down as quickly as the confession left your mouth. Now you were sure they were secretly counting down the days as well, only to get you to shut up for once. You couldn’t blame them, the only one who had ever adored the sound of your voice was Wonwoo, and he had been away for two months.
It was moments like these. When you waited impatiently to run into your boyfriend’s arms where you found yourself wondering how different things would be if the two of you hadn’t decided to start your own publishing company. It had been a joke at first after being rejected by your dream company for the fourth time. It was then after your third glass of wine when you had made the joke. Wonwoo’s soothing voice had stopped, and his lips rested against your earlobe, a dazed faraway look behind his eyes. 
“Why not?” He had said, catching you off guard. You quickly sat up to set down your nearly empty wine glass, looking at him like you had just seen the ghost of a past lover. “We can start here and reach out to small authors who haven’t had the chance to publish their stories. You can be the editor in chief, and I can do something I don’t know what yet but I can help you.” He rushed out his sentences, closing in on one another, while you visibly saw the excitement leave his pores at a rapid rate. 
“You can’t be serious Wonwoo, that’s crazy.” You placed a hand against your forehead. The fuzziness of the alcohol had started to seep in, your eyes blown out in uncertainty. But you couldn’t deny the sweet adrenaline that had started to course through your veins as soon as his words settled in on the air around the two of you. “It’s not crazy--,” he shook his head before placing his cold palms against your heated cheeks,  “--You always sell yourself short, and I know more than anything you can do this baby.” 
Everything had happened too fast, your agreement—his lips against yours and the weight of his hips between your hips. It was too much too fast, but you couldn’t deny how right everything had started to feel after that moment. 
That night the two of you had spent it entangled in each other’s bodies until the sun woke up. Tiny pockets of gold light dancing along with your naked bodies, while you bathed in his warmth. Your head was against his heaving chest, and your smile was so vast that you were afraid it would crack the skin on your face. “If I do this, then I have a favor to ask you.” You whispered once your breathing had finally settled. Wonwoo had hummed out a response causing you to raise your head to look at him. A sheepish smile painted on his face. 
You pressed a chaste kiss against his lips and then another one, while his arm around you tightened, making you giggle. “Jeon Wonwoo, be the CEO of my company, please.” You mumbled against his lips. 
“I don’t know sweetheart--” 
“Wonwoo don’t think about it, so much, you hate your job right--” You pointed out. He gave you a small nod, his smile grew, forming deep crevices along his cheeks as he waited for you to continue, “--and this is something you want, something you’ve dreamed for god knows how long why are you so hesitant, this is the easiest job interview you’ll ever get.” 
“It’s certainly the best one.” He winked. You scoffed, slapping his chest gently, making him laugh. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly before placing a gentle kiss against your head. “I’ll do it, but I’m going to need a few more kisses to seal the deal.” Wonwoo cradled your head in his hands and puckered his lips obnoxiously. You laughed, shaking your head at how ridiculous your boyfriend was sometimes, a side he only let the people he cared about witness. 
“Alright business partner, you got yourself a deal. Now since you’ve been deemed as CEO by yours truly, it’s only right for you to make me pancakes for breakfast.” 
“Anything for my editor in chief.” 
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Turn around baby.xx
You jumped when you heard Wonwoo’s ringtone go off, bringing you out of your blissful daydream. Quickly you scanned the crowded airport looking like a deer caught in the headlights. You were positive Wonwoo was just staring at you laughing at your clueless antics. 
Finally, you caught sight of him standing away from the crowd, an amused smirk planted on his face, his hands stuffed in the pocket of his sweats. You felt your breath catch itself in the back of your throat at seeing him in person for the first time in two months. All those facetime calls where the two of you caught up, and he read you to sleep wasn’t the same as seeing him in person again. Your feet took off running before you could process that they were, and before you knew it, you were throwing yourself in his arms, making him stumble back a bit as he held you close. 
“I’m never letting you leave for that long ever again.” You mumbled against his neck. Wonwoo’s body shook with laughter as he soothingly ran his hands down your back. “I missed you too, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of your head tenderly before pulling back and cradling your cheeks with his hands, running his thumb over them carefully. 
“Let’s go home.” 
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Wonwoo insisted on driving, claiming his need for speed hadn’t been satisfied since he left. The underlying innuendo hadn’t fallen onto untrained ears and you rolled your eyes, giving him a playful shove. His mock hurt and pout made you laugh at an embarrassing volume, while he sulkily walked over to the driver seat of your car. 
“I thought I was never going to get them to sign the shareholder agreement. Babe, I really thought I was going to stay there forever, and you were going to forget about me and find a hotter CEO boyfriend.” He joked, one of his hands was on the staring while the other held your hand on his lap. An old, outdated pop song sounded through the speakers of your car but was overpowered by the blast of the air conditioning. The blazing sun hadn’t risen yet, but you were already feeling the sun rays through the glass of the car windows.  
“I don’t need another CEO boyfriend; I can just be my own.” 
“You’re right, after all, I’m just a puppet, and you’re doing all the work here.” The car came to a stop in front of a streetlight. Wonwoo turned to face you and pecked your lips for what seemed like the thousandth time since the car ride started. It was as if it were his mission to kiss you every time the car came to a halt. 
“You do a lot, Wonwoo, stop selling yourself so short, or I’ll get furious and not speak to you.” You reached over and smoothed out the same stubborn strand of hair that had been sticking up since you left the airport. You had attempted to make it lay still for the past twenty minutes that he was driving. Each of your attempts were followed by a whine from Wonwoo and an annoyed huff from you. 
“I’m damn good at my job. Honestly, I’m surprised I got them to sign, this is a game-changer for the company and us.” He nodded the cockiness of his statement, falling through his lips like a bittersweet melody. 
“Oh yeah, our coworkers know about us.” You gripped his hand tightly, while he kept his vision on the empty road ahead of him. The sun was starting to rise, putting into perspective how long you had waited for Wonwoo at the airport. You hadn’t slept anything afraid you’d sleep in and leave him stranded at the airport. At least that is what you had told him. In actuality, you were on an adrenaline high, and the two cups of coffee you had throughout the day didn’t help either. If you had confessed, he would’ve scolded you and never let you hear the end of it.
“They’ve known love; we don’t even try to keep it on the down-low. I would be concerned if they didn’t figure it out.” 
“What do you mean they’ve known, I just told them last week?” 
“The wall separating my office from the lunchroom isn’t very thick. I can hear everything they talk about, and I can confirm we’ve been a hot topic for a while now.” 
“You mean--”
“Yes, they can hear everything as well.” He snickered the heat rising through your body as you thought about all the times you and Wonwoo had messed around on his office couch. Now it made sense why everyone avoided the couch whenever Wonwoo called everyone in for an impromptu meeting. 
“I’m never going back to work again.” You groaned, taking your hand out of his and hiding your face behind your palms. Wonwoo laughed and patted your head lightly as the car came to a stop. He placed two of his fingers underneath your chin and gently moved your head so you were now facing him. 
“If you don’t go, then I don’t go, and that will make Jeonghan in charge, and I would rather not see that happening.” He closed the space and kissed you lightly before pulling away. “We’re home, now hurry up I have a surprise for you.” He kissed your nose before turning off the ignition, leaving you a little flustered. 
“What is it?” 
“It’s a surprise, but I’ll show you in the morning, cause right now all I want to do is sleep with you in my arms again.”
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“Why aren’t you in bed?” Wonwoo whispered in your ear as he circled his arms around your waist while you cooked breakfast--well lunch for the two of you. “Finishing our lunch.” You smiled as you continued to cut the strawberries you had fished out of the fridge a few minutes ago into tiny slices. Wonwoo hummed nudging your cheek with his nose, “I want some.” He opened his mouth as you grabbed a whole strawberry and brought it up to his mouth. Your gaze meeting his lust-filled eyes as he intentionally and sensually took a bite, moaning lowly when the bittersweet taste filled his mouth. 
You placed the knife down on the cutting board and turned around in his arms, wrapping them around his neck. “How’d you sleep?” You questioned trying to push aside the need growing in between your legs. After all, he had been gone for nearly two months, the naughty face time calls and the tiny bullet vibrator Wonwoo had jokingly given you before he left on his first business trip years ago, weren’t enough to satisfy you sexually.
“I haven’t slept that good in weeks.” He leaned in and kissed your lips softly, savoring the flavor of strawberry on your lips. You threaded your fingers through his hair pulling you closer before he moved you away from the counter next to the stove to the one next to the fridge, hoisting you up and settling his body between your legs. Your hands traveled from his hair, down his neck, settling on his chest and fisting his cotton shirt. 
“You had a surprise for me didn’t you,” You mumbled against his lips before letting your hands travel slowly down his torso, “what was it?” Your hands stopped once they felt the smoothness of his skin, a laugh bubbling up in the back of your throat causing you to pull away. 
It was baffling how when you first met Wonwoo, he was a simple library assistant who got upset whenever someone would mess up the music history section with the art history section. Your first impression of him wasn’t pleasant and you figured he was someone who would never be interested in a relationship, let alone you. But he had proved you wrong one summer and continued to do so as your relationship blossomed into something neither of you could understand. It would’ve stayed that way too if it weren’t for the crop top he wore to one of his soccer practices. If you hadn’t pounced on him like a hormonal sixteen-year-old afterward in the locker room showers, the two of you wouldn’t be where you were now. And he definitely wouldn’t have asked you to cut up all his old shirts after the two of you moved in together because he claimed he liked wearing them to lounge around the house. 
It was honestly stupid how even though you had seen him in a lot less clothing--you had once found him coated in baby oil and flower petals during one of your anniversaries, and occasionally he’d liked to walk around naked to which you had grown accustomed to. But seeing him wearing a shirt that barely covered his midriff sent you in a frenzy and Wonwoo found it amusing. 
“Was this your surprise?” You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side slightly, while you toyed with the raggedy hem of his black shirt. “Nope, look down.” He sang, the confusion hitting you square in the face as you followed his suggestion, your eyes growing wide as they landed on the titanium piece of jewelry that now adorned his belly button. 
“Wonwoo when the hell did you--” You stopped mid-sentence your fingers hovering over it carefully, “--why did you…oh my god.” 
“A week ago.” He nodded placing his hands on top of your thighs and leaning in stopping once the gap between your lips was minimal. “I know you’ve been wanting one but you’re scared it might hurt too much so I took matters into my own hands and conducted an experiment.” 
“D-Did it hurt?” 
“Like a bitch.” He chuckled before finally planting his lips on yours, this time rougher than before. His fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs lightly making you groan as you kissed back with the same fever he was giving you. His lips dancing with yours as if it were a sensual tango. His hands trailing up your thighs pushing, hooking his thumb, and moving your shorts to the side making you gasp. “I’m a little hungry, can I get a taste?” 
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“Ow...careful baby.” 
“Shit, sorry I keep forgetting.” You hesitated before taking your place on his lap. Your heated make-out session in the kitchen now had transferred over to your bedroom, with half of your clothes gone, leaving behind a trail to your shared bed. 
“It’s okay baby, I just didn’t anticipate this part.” He reassured kissing your cheek lightly and then continued to roll a condom onto his hardened length. After a pregnancy scare early in your relationship, neither of you wanted to take your chances before either of you were ready. “I don’t want to hurt you though.” You pouted threading your fingers through his short hair before pulling him towards you and kissing his nose. 
“I like pain, remember.” He winked circling his arm around your waist and lifting you up just enough to align himself at your entrance. “How could I forget?” You sighed as you slowly sank yourself onto his cock. Your body erupting in utter bliss as you felt the familiar stretch you hadn’t felt in a while go on between your thighs. 
Wonwoo attached his lips against your neck, breathing in the scent of your pale perfume. “God, I missed you so damn much.” He bit down on the skin between your neck and shoulder making you moan out loud, a satisfying hum escaped his lips. You balanced yourself using his shoulders before slowly starting to move your hips, teasing him, prolonging his need along with yours. 
“Wonwoo...hmm...I missed you filling me up to the brink” Your hand grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged on it harshly causing him to look up at you, a throaty moan escaping his bruised lips. His eyes bored into yours, while the pleasure consumed both of your bodies and threatened to explode as if it were an active volcano. 
“Was my present not enough for you, you need me here to use me?” He hummed lowly, grabbing hold of your hips digging his blunt nails into them cresting crescent moans onto your flesh as you started to confidently gain speed. “Y-Yes my fingers aren’t anything compared to how good your cock feels inside of me.” The pleasure increased as he started to slam his hips up into you hard, your body growing limp against his as you felt yourself grow dumb with ecstasy. 
“Your pussy is always so tight for me, it was made for me to fuck.” 
You moaned his name loudly grabbing onto his body as hard as you could, digging your nails into anything and everything you could find. You felt your orgasm approaching and you knew he was too when he rolled you over and laid you down onto your back. Wonwoo stopped for a second and admired you lovingly, the words catching themselves in his lungs as he drank you up like a sweet glass of rosé 
There was nothing and no one in this cruel world that he loved more than you and he always found himself questioning how that was possible. How someone could just come crashing down into his world like a fallen angel and catch him off guard. You were his everything and although he wasn’t the best at expressing his emotions with words, that was a gift you upheld and he admired you greatly for it. He always made sure to show you whenever the two of you made love. He held you close, showered you the parts of your body you disliked with thousands of kisses as if you were his own personal work of art.  
Wonwoo grabbed both of your hands and laced your fingers with his before moving his hips again. His eyes never left yours as the praises fell out of his mouth like sweet sugar plum. You whispered his name like a mantra as you felt yourself get closer to the brink of your release. Your walls clenched around him, catching him off guard and making his body sputter. He leaned down pinning your hands over your head as he nosed your neck, rutting his hips deeper into yours. The headboard of your bed slamming against the wall creating a sweet melody with the slapping of your skin against his. 
“F-Fuck I love you.” 
“I-I love you.” You arched your back into his chest finally letting yourself go. Your pussy walls fluttered around his cock. A grunt escaping his mouth as he spilled his release into the condom. Your chests heaved against each other as the two of you desperately rode out your orgasms, settling into matching pants when it finally subsided. 
”I can’t believe you got your belly button pierced.” You voiced after moments of silence. Wonwoo was still hard and inside of you and honestly, you didn’t want him to move in fear of losing the feeling of his heated body against yours. He chuckled and left a tender kiss against your chin, “I might take it out after it’s healed.” 
“Don’t I think it’s incredibly sexy.” 
“Is that so?” He moved his head from your chest into your line of sight. His hands had started to mindlessly wander around your body, tracing sweaty masterpieces into your skin. You smiled and nodded before pecking his lips repeatedly, “Anything you do is incredibly sexy.” 
“Well if that’s the case I’ll let you have your way with me under one condition.” He said waving his index finger in front of your face. “What would that be Jeon Wonwoo?” You teased your voice going a little lower when spewing his full name out, a light strawberry colored blush coating his cheeks. 
“We don’t leave the bed until Monday morning to make up for all the lost time.” He spoke dramatically and batted his eyelashes down at you. It was a habit you didn’t know he had when you first met him. You only discovered it after a night of stress-relieving in the comfort of your shity dorm bed years ago. He had wanted a milkshake from the twenty-four diner across the street of the University and you had declined at first, but after seeing his eyes start to water with fake tears, pout and bat his eyelashes. You caved, keeping the memory looked up in a secret box inside of your heart forever. 
“You got yourself a deal Jeon Wonwoo, the love of my life.”
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
Play the Game | Nanami Kento X You | Part 4/8
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CHARACTERS: Nanami Kento X You (fem!reader | PLEASE READ THE NOTES BELOW*) | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Utahime Iori | other JJK Characters CHAPTER COUNT: 4/8 WORD COUNT: 3,900+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | smut | ooc depictions | female reader with described appearance* | modern au | rich people au | aged up characters CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity | age gap | strong/mature/suggestive language | mentions and use of drugs | smut/mature sexual content SPOILERS: n/a
collection masterlist
one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight
"Play the Game" Masterlist
Nanami let out a deep breath, feeling the stiffness on his back. Pulling the almost dried up towel that was draped over his eyes. He doesn’t remember putting it there although he recalled resting on the couch on the study to rest for a bit some time at dawn, thinking he would wake up in time to move to the bedroom. As it turned out, he wasn’t able to manage that anymore and slept on that same spot until morning.
Sitting up, he saw that his files had been tidied up and there was a note on top which said, “You work too much,” in a familiar handwriting. He smiled to himself, realizing who it was from. There was no mistaking that ugly handwriting – one of your supposed flaws yet he found it very endearing that you were highly dexterous in giving life to still scenes but never really gotten around making your writing legible.
How you stumbled upon him in the dead of night when you were supposedly out camping in the woods with your pals was something beyond him, but he was thankful, holding onto the towel that you had left for him a little while longer before he started with his morning routine. He had every plan to stay indoors for the rest of the morning, probably catch up on some sleep, but while he was dressing up, he happened to catch a glimpse of you by the lakeshore, partly concealed by the trees.
Sleep could wait, he thought, hurriedly throwing on a round-neck, navy blue shirt to match his dark sweats and setting out despite his blond locks still damp from the shower. He jogged his way down the hill, looking for the exact spot where he saw you from the manor, finding you by the clearing near the massive oak tree with low-hanging branches that extended over the crystal water of the lake.
There you were, standing in front of a canvass ensconced on an easel. You appeared like a nymph under newly-risen sun with your long, white tresses braided to the side and hanging over your right shoulder. Breathtaking. There wasn’t another word that would describe how you looked like even with your back to him, dressed in a white, halter, crop top and a long, hippie skirt of the same color that had a slit going up your thigh, exposing the length of your legs.
Nanami had to consciously slow his steps towards you and tell himself to be still when he was near enough, keeping his hands inside the pockets of his pants to stop himself from recklessly reaching out and touching you for fear that the mirage before him will disappear. Except that you were real, existing in the same domain he was in, so near yet also so far.
You acknowledged his presence with a succinct nod, but your focus was on your work. For a while, he just stood behind you, watching the canvass fill with color, reflecting the orange and pink marmalade splashes of light in the morning sky. It was like watching a slow replay of what the heavens had been as the colors dissipated faster in reality while you immortalized it in oil paint, each detail prominent and not a single brush stroke amiss.
You were beautiful and you created beautiful things. And he wanted you. He wanted you so badly, but he didn’t have the heart to wrench you away from what you were doing.
"Why are you up so early?" you asked without turning around to look at him, your hand stopping mid-stroke with your paintbrush suspended from the canvass by a few millimeters. "You should be getting some shut eye after working so late."
God, he loved your voice, the sound cutting through the stillness like windchimes. Nanami distanced himself, satisfying himself with your divided attention and sat on the grass just under the ancient tree, leaning his back on the rough trunk. You were right about that. He was sleep-deprived, but he couldn't seem to rest easy without seeing you first thing in the morning. He closed his eyes, evening his breath out. "Since when were you so strict about sleep schedules?" he teased, knowing how you had such irregular schedules where proper rest was concerned.
"Since I found you still dressed up with your shoes on, sleeping on the goddamn couch at three in the morning," you sallied. “How you have energy to be walking around the grounds at this hour is just plain bizarre.”
He scoffed. “I could say the same for you, sweetheart. I don’t understand how you are up and about, painting no less, when you’ve been prowling around the study at dawn.”
At that, you laughed, leaning close to the canvass as you painted in more details into your picture. “I wasn’t prowling around as you’ve put it. It got all smoky around our campsite when the fire went out so we decided to sleep in the house instead.” You glanced over your shoulder at him. “I just happened to see that the study lights were still on and found you.”
Nanami met your gaze although it was short-lived since you turned back to your work. “Thank you.”
“I should have woken you up. Your back must hurt from sleeping like that.” You placed your brush on the cup hanging on the easel in time to see him eyeing you quizzically about your statement. “You tend to lean in favor of your left shoulder when your back is bothering you.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your response. “I have to give it to you and Satoru. Your observation skills are beyond normal.”
“It’s annoying at best when you’re programmed to see every little thing,” you stated, walking over to the edge of the water to dip a washcloth which you then used to wipe paint off of your hands. “But it also plays to our advantage, I guess. For instance, it’s easy to read through you when I notice everything like that.”
“You mean it’s easier to play your games with me when you observe me like you do?”
“Hey now, I’m being genuinely concerned here for once.” You snickered, tossing the washcloth on the pile underneath your easel before walking up to him and bending down slightly to his seated form. “Go back to the manor and get some sleep.”
Nanami clucked his tongue, inhaling the air slowly, savoring your smell as it entered his lungs, intoxicating him. “I find it hard to go back to bed the moment I’ve decided to leave it. I won’t be able to sleep much anyway.”
You pouted at that. “Then just take a nap if you can’t sleep much.”
He grinned at you then. “I’ll take a nap now if you’ll do it with me.”
“I’m not sleepy, but I’ll stay –”
“Then no.”
You shot him a disparaging look. “Are you being serious right now?”
Nanami had to suppress the laughter bubbling in his throat at the look of disbelief on your face, and before you could recover, he hooked a muscular arm over your waist, pulling you down so that you were seated between his outstretched legs with your back against his chest. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Seeing as you didn’t have any choice about that matter, you adjusted your position, fiddling with your skirt so it was shielding your bare skin from the grass. Nanami reveled at the fact that you did not seem bothered that he had his arm around your torso, the warmth of your skin directly touching his. You even went as far as leaning against him, your form slotting onto his perfectly like a puzzle piece.
He closed his eyes, pulling you closer as he leaned against the tree, letting his senses be filled with everything that was you from the feel of your warmth crashing against him to the smell of your hair and your even breaths, seemingly in sync with his. He knew he could live a life with no regrets if he gets to hold you like that every single day.
Giving in to his exhaustion, he breathed out, letting the gentle wind and the soft sounds of nature lull him to sleep. He didn’t know for how long he stayed that way with you, but it was already bright when he opened his eyes, coming to consciousness when he felt smaller fingers threading between his, followed by the faint sound of a giggle. Another hand reached over, landing on the side of his face. Unconsciously, he leaned against your palm, luxuriating in its supple smoothness against his cheek.
“Awake already?” you asked.
He looked down over your bare shoulder, feeling himself stir alive from the inside at the sight of your intertwined hands sitting on your lap. It was like a spark lit a fire in him, radiating from his chest and spreading wildly and searing every fiber of his being. Placing a hand over your hand which was touching his face, he started planting butterfly kisses onto your palm, your wrist.
A gasp left your lips when he lowered his head against your shoulder, nuzzling your bare skin in slow progression until he got to the junction of your neck where he latched his mouth, his gentle ministrations turning possessive and urgent as he peppered your shoulder and neck with kisses. He smiled against your skin when you felt your breath hitch while your grip on his hand tightened.
His other hand made its way up your chin, making you turn your head so he could look into your eyes, letting their blue depths consume him, finding his cue when they flicked to his waiting mouth. You weren’t fighting him, and in your own accord, you leaned in and met his lips with yours, kissing him with ardor, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer to you. Your chest heaved, your breasts rising with the action, only restricted by your tight top, tempting his hands.
“I want to touch you,” he murmured into the kiss. “God, I want you.” He let go of your lips, opting to place open-mouthed kisses all over your neck, lingering on the hollow of throat. “Tell me you want it as much as I do,” he rasped, biting onto your collarbone.
“Yes,” you keened, releasing your grip on his hand. “Touch me.”
That was all the encouragement he needed, swooping down once more to claim your lips with his while his large hands leisurely caressed their way up your waist, tracing the contours of your sides, your flesh pliant under the pressure of his touches as the clouds were submissive to the wind. They made their way up to the full swells of your breasts, coveting the succulent flesh from over the fabric of your top, gently squeezing.
Nanami let out an unsteady breath when you moaned softly in his ear, still unable to believe that you were there with him, openly accepting him and melting under his touch. He couldn’t remember the way he saw you before, the fact that you were his best friend’s younger sister, that at one point, he also viewed you the same way, as your lips melded and your tongues mingled. At that moment, you were your own person, the one kissing him back and awakening the heat in his flesh, the one he has his mouth and hands on in outright intimacy…the woman he is utterly and immutably in love with.
He continued to shower attention to your lips while his other hand, slid down to your thighs, finding the slit of your skirt, blindly pushing the garment aside. His rough palm brushed against the inner flesh of your thigh, tenderly stroking. He took possession of your knee, gently lifting your leg so that is was hanging over his, making you spread open.
You pulled away from him, startled when you felt his hand sliding up your thigh. “Nanamin…” you panted, eyes wide as you regarded him, trying to grope for words but none came out.
He hooked a finger onto your lace underwear, leaning close to you as he whispered, “Kento. Call me Kento,” his breath hot and wet on the shell of your ear.
“K-kento,” you repeated. “What –” Your intended question was cut short by a sharp moan when he snaked his hand into your panties, and inserted his finger into you, the action made easy by the slick that had pooled at the apex of your thighs, causing you to arch your back, fingers tangling with the fabric of his sweats.
“You were saying?” he asked with a chuckle before placing kisses on your shoulders again, your hips bucking upwards when he started rubbing your sensitive nub with his thumb while he added yet another one of his fingers to thrust inside you, their length finding your sweet spot repeatedly until all you could think of was him pleasuring you, his ministrations making you see stars.
“Oh god…Ken…” you let out breathily, your hand finding purchase on the grass beside his thigh. “Right there.”
He hummed in response and curled his fingers inside you when he felt your walls clench around them. He started moving at a faster pace. “That’s it, my love. Cum for me.” His tongue lapped on your neck, making you shudder as you reached your high, making beautiful sounds for him as your juices dripped out into his hand. He pulled his fingers from between your legs, glistening with your essence which he licked off with his tongue, eventually placing his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
“You taste so fucking good,” he said, bending down so he could kiss you again.
You were a shivering, panting mess when Nanami finally let go, your chest heaving up and down as you slowed your breath, leaning against him. A thin sheen of perspiration covered your exposed skin, glimmering under the rays of light that shone through the canopy of leaves above you. Nanami marveled at the hazy look about your eyes as you looked back at him in wonder as if he was the only one you could perceive at the moment, your flushed cheeks and your pink lips, raw and slightly parted as you respired.
Unable to help himself, he held you tight against him, resting his chin on your shoulder, just watching you come down from your high, the high he brought you to. If this was what he would see every single time he made love to you, he didn’t think he would ever come to terms of ever letting you go or getting enough of you.
When you finally composed yourself, you started chuckling, closing your eyes and placing a hand over them.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, fingers tracing patterns on the back of your hand.
“Hmm? Why is that?”
You finally opened your eyes and looked at him. “I mean this. You, me. I mean, am I imagining –”
Nanami rolled his eyes and cut you short, kissing you briefly. “Did that feel imagined to you?”
“No,” you answered promptly, stopping him when he leaned close again, causing him to laugh, the action reverberating on his solid chest. You sat up, putting distance between them, cradling your head between your hands. “Seriously, quit frying my brain so early in the morning.”
He squeezed you on the hips, making you yelp and motion to stand up, but he didn’t let you. “So,” he grinned cheekily at you, “I fry your brain now?”
“You know you do.” It was your turn to catch him off guard by kissing him on the cheek before you finally stood up. He was such a sucker for the small things you do to him. You cocked your head to the direction of the lake, hands proffered for him to take. “Take a dip with me?”
Nanami took your hand, standing up as well. How can he resist? “Okay.”
My, my. Geto Suguru glanced at Gojo. The groom-to-be was seated opposite him at the balcony that overlooked the gardens and most of the estate grounds, his back to the view. He was completely oblivious to what was going on around him, that much the former has figured. The estate was always refreshing and breathtaking, probably more of a home than any of the houses he owned, but it wasn’t as interesting as what he was witnessing unfold down the hill.
He just arrived, his head hurting from jetlag. Honestly, he was looking forward to resting after meeting Gojo and the family. He was particularly looking forward to meeting you as someone whom he shared a close relationship with, but lunch had come and gone and you haven’t showed up yet. He was told that Nanami was most likely sleeping in after working late, fucking workaholic, he thought, but now, it was evident that his host didn’t know shit about what he was saying where the other male was concerned.
From the walkway going up the hill, he saw you with none other than Nanami Kento. You two of you were walking on the grass, your respective shoes on your hands. You were carrying a covered canvass, a leather bag slung across your shoulder which Geto figured were your art implements while your companion was carrying your easel. By the looks of it, the pair of you came from the lake, took a swim judging from your damp hair and clothes. Definitely a spur-of-the-moment decision considering the glaring lack of the usual bath stuff that the family and guests alike brought to the lake on the occasion that they went for a dip.
It was puzzling to see Nanami being carefree enough to actually be engaging in a spontaneous activity. And was the bastard laughing? Geto scoffed, chuckling at the sight before him. Gojo was still clueless, but Shoko, who had a clear view of you, was nodding her head as she exchanged looks with Geto. “It’s happening,” she murmured.
“Yes, it is.” He grinned. “This will be fun.”
“What is?” Gojo asked, narrowing his eyes at his best friend.
Geto removed his sunglasses, arching a brow at Gojo. “Are you sure I’m the one who had been overseas all this time?”
Utahime snickered, already aware of what they were talking about, much to Gojo’s chagrin. “What are you talking about?”
Before anyone could answer, the sound of your laughter echoed from the main hall, evidently in the middle of a playful banter with Nanami who was evidently running out patience as he countered your every statement with clipped responses. At odds to that, however, was the fact that, when you were within view of the others through the glass doors, you were holding onto his hand above you as you twirled, your smile wide while Nanami looked on in open amusement.
He was the first one to notice the four pairs of eyes who were on the two of you, holding onto your shoulder to stop you from continuing on your way deeper into the mansion.
“What?” you asked him, turning and taking a step back so you were standing less than a foot away from him. Too close to anyone who was seeing you interact, the psychological space between you obviously gone.
“Hi, princess,” Geto called out, noticing how everyone was eyeing you both, their jaws slack, even Shoko who has always been in the know where you and their friend were involved.
You turned your head towards him, the surprise on your face turning into full-blown delight at the sight of him. “Suguru!”
Ah, he thought. Just the greeting he was looking forward to hearing. Mirroring your expressions, he opened his arms wide, waiting for you to come to him, and as expected, you bolted from where you were standing beside Nanami, throwing all your limbs around Geto, hugging him tightly.
“Hello, beautiful. It’s been a while,” he said, returning the gesture with as much fervor, one of his hands coming up your thigh to support your weight. He prided himself with the fact that he was the closest to you apart from Yuuji, and that he was the only one among your brother’s friends who could elicit such a profound, unfiltered reaction from you.
It was further proven by the fact that Gojo had a sulky look while Nanami was pretty much breaking at the seams as he pointedly stared at Geto’s hands on you.
“I missed you!” Your fondness for the man was unmistakable and he reveled in it. “You could always bet I missed you more, baby girl. You’ve gotten prettier since the last time I saw you.” He put you down on the ground and immediately took possession of your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“You think so?” You were positively glowing at the compliment.
Geto smirked. He was also the only one whose compliments you were not immune to. “Satoru better be guarding you well enough to keep your admirers at bay.” He tucked your hair behind your ear before straightening up and looking at Nanami who was standing behind you. He may be a few a steps away from you but the possessive stance he had as he looked at Geto radiated from him.
“Oi, Kento. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.” He greeted, clapping said male on the shoulder.
The blond just nodded. “I was free for the whole week.”
Gojo butted in, his eyes momentarily lingering on you, but he regarded Geto in disdain. “You’ve got guts showing up here three days later than Kento and acting all lovey-dovey with my baby sister!”
“You know why. I’m here now, darling, so shut it.” He always used the sarcastic endearment for Gojo whenever he was sulking like a brat.
He lunged at Geto, placing him in a headlock, giving him no choice but to let go of you although he wanted to annoy Nanami further. He still had tricks up his sleeve to rile the blond though. "Let's catch up later, baby girl. Your baby brother wants attention."
"You're stealing my sister from me. She doesn't even say she misses me."
"I can hear you, Satoru," you muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes.
"See! You've corrupted her against me."
Geto chuckled, turning tables on him. "You're the only one who's ruining your image to your own sister."
“Cut it out, you two,” you stated then turned towards Nanami, and to everyone’s stupefaction, you said, “I’m going to shower. You coming?”
“What do you need Kento in the shower for?!” Gojo, overacting as always, demanded from you.
Shoko laughed, unable to suppress it while Geto whistled.
You flashed Gojo a scathing look then. “For someone who’s supposed to be my brother, you’re kind of a moron. You know what I mean.”
“You’re gonna shower together,” Geto chimed in, adding fuel to the fire.
“I need someone to scrub my back for me, right?”
Gojo looked horrified. “Are you crazy?”
You shrugged, dragging Nanami with you. “Yeah, maybe. Wanna join?”
“Don’t even think about it, Kento!” Gojo warned.
Nanami didn’t say anything, following behind you.
Geto could just smile slyly as he watched the pair disappear into the house again. He has just arrived but things were already taking an interesting turn. It will be a fun week indeed.
-end of part 4-
*I used “you” here, but since my character is Gojo’s little sister who is established to be his female clone for reasons essential to the plot, she possesses the same blue eyes and white hair. I did not exactly want to create an OC (although technically, I did by describing Y/N), but I opted for the best of both worlds in this fic, leaning more towards the literary aspect of it as opposed to it just being reader/you-oriented. I hope this isn’t iffy to anyone, and yeah, i’m not being exclusive or whatever.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Heya An 💕🥺 I hope when you see this you are doing good!! First of all congrats and I checked out your event (which is so creative btw and I love it) and here is my request! (I hope it’s not complicated omg-)
💖, ❓, can it be in the aot world? Like she joined the survey crops and she is really skilled, smart and really tough and that caught Levi’s attention and he has a crush on her :,). After a mission battle she almost risked her life but Levi saved her. It got her by surprise and she tells levi why did u save me out of all ppl and Levi decided to confess his feelings first time to the person he loves and he gets all nervous and shy. (Like he just says randomly “will you be my girl?”) and hes all blushed up. And the girl is all surprised but accepts it and she brags abt it to all her friends that Levi is her man and he lowkey is rlly happy abt that 🥺 (fluff scenes of him holding her hand and all that to FINALLY show off he has a girl and he’s so cute and happy abt it 😭). Thank you and have a great day ✨
ofc!! i hope you like it <3 and thanks for participating! <3
romance + strangers + canonverse feat. Levi Ackerman
“Nice one!” Hange says approaching you. You land on the floor and smile to them. They look to the tall tree you just escalated in a very short time. 
“I wanted to try a trick that Rico taught me.” you say. Hange nods, excited.
“The one with the little tumble to turn faster and begin the descent with propulsion?” you nod.
“Yes! It’s pretty useful.” you say. You’ve been friends with Hange for a while now, but you spend most of the time with the cadets of your promotion, specially with Eren.
You have just joined the corps this promotion, training with Eren, that’s what made you two so close. You’re also friend of Mikasa and Armin. 
“Hange.” Levi calls them. He’s walking towards you two, loosening his shirt collar with a bony hand. “Erwin is calling us.” He looks at you, as if he had just noticed in your presence. He knows you, he recognizes your face though you two never talked. You made the salute to Levi, after all, he’s your superior. He nods quietly. 
He of course knows you. You’re that one that uses the ODMS as if you were executing a ice skating routine, so graceful and pretty. Hange waves a hand towards you. Levi walks fast in front of them. 
“You’re too obvious.” they say. Levi grumps.
“Shut up.”
Erwin called them to let them know there’s a mission the next day. One of the squads that went for a recognition a week ago has not arrived yet, and they want to search them. And to know if all of them are alive. Hange says they can call their squad, where you are listed. Levi nods, knowing he has to call his new Special OPs Squad. You talk to Eren to ask him if his squad also goes on the mission when Hange tells you you have to be prepared to fight tomorrow. Eren nods.
“Yes. Captain Levi told us earlier. So, I guess we have to go for that...” he says. You nod and say bye to him after you two end having dinner. You enter your bed and prepare yourself for sleeping, trying to recover energy for tomorrow’s mission. 
It is too early in the morning to be talking about titans, but Erwin is giving his discourse before you all leave. You listen to him, trying to avoid unintentional yawns. Once he has assigned every squad to each part of the army, you start to walk. Casually, Eren’s squad is next to yours, on your left. He smiles at you. Behind him, Levi Ackerman looks as awesome as usual, up in his black horse. 
The way is silent in your group and kinda uncomfortable. Some soldiers are crying and some others are screaming that they want to go back home. You try to not listen to them. You also want to go home.
No, you don’t. You’re here because you want to help humanity. If stay away from home and risk your life will help your family to live in better conditions, with no more fear, you’ll risk it every day.
A red light is seen, and you know what that means.
“Titans!” Hange says. “I wonder what amazing ones will we find today...” Once you’re near enough to them, you take your blades and swing between the trees. 
Levi saw you do that hundreds of times, but seeing your body elevate quietly, all the grace in every movement, from your side is another story. His grey eyes follow you, as if the battlefield was now a stage and this was a kinda strange ballet, in which you were the main dancer, and he only one of the public. 
He looks around, blushed. He has to center himself in the battle. Giving a couple orders to his squad, he easily finds an enormous titan. He goes all way up a tree, searching its weak point. You do the same a couple trees to his left, fighting. There’s a weird titan between the two of you, and Levi cannot predice its movements. He seems to be interested in you, but at the same time, he looks at Levi, as if he was about to attack him.
Unfortunately, you were it’s prey.
The titan runs towards you, his mouth open and his hands ready to catch you. You didn’t see him coming, you were too centered on the one you were attacking. The titan caught you off guard, taking one of the strings of your ODMS, making you scream. Levi hears that.
“Y/N!” He goes as fast as he cans near the titan, seeing your blades moving fast towards the enormous hand that was about to cage you. He kills the titan you were trying to kill, the one that had his mouth ready to eat you from his colleague’s hands. Then, he turns over himself, attacking the other one’s neck, the one that is squeezing your body so hard that you’re even screaming of pain. He never saw you screaming of pain. Never.
That’s when he realized how you’re suffering. You feel how the hand around you loses all strength and you fall. You fall because your body feels weakened. Levi catches your body in its way to the floor. You feel his warm body surrounding yours, his calm breath and his voice it’s the last thing your senses catch before you pass out.
❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁
The first thing you feel when you wake up is a fluffy bed under you, followed by a softly touch on your leg. You open your eyes quietly, trying to adapt to the light of the room. Levi is there. You blush.
“Captain Levi?” you ask in a whisper. He looks at you.
“Y/N, you’re awake.” he says. He offers you a glass of water. You thank him and drink slowly. 
”What happened?” you ask. You don’t remember exactly how you ended there, but you were surprised to find Levi by your side.
“You got squeezed by a titan three days ago.” he says, looking at the marks in your legs. “I came here with you as fast as I could and took care of you.” he says. His hand feels soft and hot against your skin. 
“You? You took care of me?” You ask. He nods.
“For all the days you’ve been here, in this bed, with your eyes closed.” he says, his voice going down and his gaze showing what he feels: tiredness.
“Have you been sleeping here, Captain.?” you ask. He nods.
“In this chair.” adds. You take air heavily, but it makes your ribs hurt. He looks at you concerned.
“I’m ok, I’m ok.” you say. “But you should get some sleep.”
“No.” he says.
“Why?” your tone is concerned now. He looks at your bed, but never at your eyes.
“You need someone to take care of you.” He simply answers. His hands play with your leg quietly, making sweet caresses on too of the wounds. You look at his hands dancing on your skin. It feels really good... Levi has been taking care of you for days. He saved you and then took care of you. You thought that the one that will be Levi's partner will be so lucky...
“Can I ask you why did you save me?” you ask, out of nowhere. His hands stop its caresses and he looks at you. His grey eyes are fixated on yours, making a quick scan all pver your face. Your plump lips that he dreamed to kiss for a long time, your cute nose, your blushed cheeks and your beautiful eyes.
“Cause I like you, and i was hoping you could be my girl, y/n” he says.
Wow. You weren't expecting that. He said it so directly, as if it was the simplest thing to say. As if it was easy as breathing. You looked at him, but he was serious.
"Be your girl?" you ask. Levi nods.
"I've been watching you. How strong, beautiful and powerful you are. All those things make my mind a mess, full of you. Your voice. Your body. Everything about you is invasive in my head." he says.
You were totally speechless, analyzing every movement he makes. How his adam's apple goes up and down nervously, how he plays with his hands. You find it kinda cute, how a captain of the Survey Corps is nervous to tell the girl he likes his feelings. After all, Levi took care of you. You felt an attachment, a bond that pulled you closer to him as magnets. You smiled.
"We'll give it a try." you say. He looks at you again, blushed. You smile. His hand searches yours quietly, and you let his fingers tangle with yours. He smiles.
"Y/N, I prom..."
"HOW'S MY FAVORITE GIRL EVER DOING?" Hange asks, entering the room. They didn't pay attention to your tangles hands. A shy Eren and a concerned Historia are behind them. "Oh, you look less like a zombie." they says. "I'm sure that Captain Levi has been taking care of you really well, if you know what I mean." they winks. Levi clicks his tongue, but he keeps your hand caged in his. That makes your stomach be full of butterflies.
"I saw you were in danger, who helped you?" since Historia wasn't called to that mission, she didn't knew what happened. Rumors are fast but, the 99% of the times, false.
"Yeah. Fortunately..." you look at Levi. How his eyes shined when he told you he wanted you to be his girl. "... fortunately my man was there for me." you smile and Levi almost choke on his saliva, but his acting skills were really worked. Historia smiled and Eren blushed.
"Oh Goddess, you two are now a couple?" she asks. You nod, smiling, and Levi blushes after being caught looking at you.
"Why did the little brat blush?" Levi asks. Eren coughs.
"It's just that is weird... My bestie and my Captain..." he says. You blush as well.
"It isn't!" Historia goes on your defense. "It's really beautiful. How the two of them..."
"... are wishing to be alone and we're here. Guys, head to the dorms, our girl is being treated." Hange says. Levi raises a brow and you let out a little laugh.
"Your jokes are pitiful." he says. They close the door behind them and Levi sighs. You smile at him.
"Then... About what treatment was Hange talking?"
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Ill Tidings From Down Below
Night Culture AU One-Shot
Word Count: 1.3K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I am back once again with a fic based on this piece by @bunnvoid! This time it's one with Hal and Kyle's Night Culture forms in which they're "Wraiths"! I hope you enjoy the piece and do expect a possible sequel when Bunn and I converse more over what the other characters look like and such! -Thorne
“That’s a wyvern,” he said dumbly, gazing at the large dragon currently stretching out its wings in the sun. “It’s as big as my home in New Guard.”
The royal flyer descended from the deep blue silk saddle, landing just a few feet from Kyle. “She,” he corrected. “Nezyphis is a she.” He accentuated his point by scratching a section of smooth looking scales behind her head, cooing, “Aren’t you a pretty girl, Nezyphis? Who’s a pretty girl?”
A noise rumbled through the air from the dragon’s chest, something akin to a purr and she fell flat onto her stomach, digging her chin into the dirt.
“She’s a giant dragon,” he repeated dumbly, this time catching the golden symbols lining the harness she wore; recognition bled across his face, and he remarked, “I didn’t know you were apart of the Royal Flyers, Hal.” Kyle’s lips pulled in a satisfied way as he muttered to himself, “But that does also explain why your head is shoved so far up your ass as it is. Only members of the Kings Forces act like that.”
If Hal had heard him, he didn’t speak on it as he explained, “My father was one when I was a child. I followed in his footsteps.” Hal exhaled as he leant back against the wyvern. “Besides, I only boast about it when I know there’s no one around who can connect me to the Wraiths.” He looked at Kyle. “You don’t usually come along this side of the land. Something up?”
Kyle nodded. “Bruce is calling for the members to meetup at the sanctuary. All of us.”
“Why’s that? Is there new force he’s detected in his hidey-hole?”
“I’m not entirely sure myself,” he answered. “I haven’t been out of New Guard in a few weeks, but…he seemed concerned.”
Hal snorted and Kyle swore the wyvern did too. “As if the man could ever feel something like concern. You honestly expect me to believe Spooky is spooked?”
“Hal, I’m being serious. Even Jason called on me and told me that Bruce is trying to find out where that occult magician Constantine is so he can recruit him as well.”
The flyer’s face pinched. “I don’t like that guy. He’s trouble.”
“Regardless,” Kyle waved off. “Bruce is calling us all to the sanctuary.”
Nezyphis suddenly stood on her hind legs, stepping in front of both men, and growled loudly. They both shot each other looks of suspicion then a swirling evergreen cloud enveloped them both, settling moments later to leave behind ghost-like wispy trails of smoke along their faces, arms, and legs, almost as if their entire bodies were made of the substance; humans taking on the forms of spectres.
“I don’t know what she’s growling at,” Hal murmured, voice cold and low like the hiss of death. “I don’t sense anything in the immediate area.”
“I do,” Kyle replied, his voice only an octave higher than Hal’s, but just as frigid. “And it’s evil. I can feel it slithering like the serpents in the Wayward Lands.”
“I hate that place.”
“Only because you’re intimately familiar with it.”
Hal shot him a glare. “As familiar as one can be when you’ve died.” He drew a hand along Nezyphis’ side. “Take to the skies,” he said. “You will have a better view from the air.”
She obeyed, massive wings generating gusts of wind strong enough to kick up the dirt and rocks around them as she lifted herself into the sky above.
Hal stared at the tree line, flying next to Kyle. “It’s coming from there.”
The painter looked at him. “Shall we flip a coin to see who goes in first?”
“You go first.”
“What! Why me!”
“Because I have seniority and I said so.” He nodded towards the trees. “Go, I’m right behind you.”
Kyle all but hissed at him as he stalked to the forested area, then he paused and looked back at Hal. “If I get eaten because of you, I’m going to kill you.”
“Uh huh,” Hal mocked. “I’ll be sure to send your patron your regards.”
The two walked into the forest, white eyes cautious and waiting for anything, though the further they went, the darker it got, as if the trees were finding a way to block out the sun. In mere minutes they had reached the heart of the forest, a giant clearing surrounded by a circle of trees, though the canopy blocked the light of the sun above them.
“I don’t like this,” Kyle mumbled. “I feel like I’m being watched.”
“Don’t be such a scared child,” Hal chastised. “We’ll be fine—we’ve faced worse and come out unscathed.”
The younger man stilled, resting his hand back across Hal’s chest. “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?” he strained to listen. “I don’t hear anything.”
“Exactly,” Kyle remarked, turning to him. “It’s too quiet.” They both started looking around. “Where is the wildlife? The birds and deer? There’s nothing around. It’s like—”
“Like everything has died,” Hal interrupted, nodding at the center tree and Kyle’s eyes went wide when he gazed at it.
The blackened char of the giant Blightwood tree gave off the scent of rotting flesh, causing both men to turn away, holding their hands to their faces. The ground all around the tree was covered in an oozing black liquid enveloping everything in its path.
“I’ve seen necromancy before,” Hal started. “But nothing quite like this.” He shook his head, taking a step back. “This is greater and far darker than anything I’ve ever encountered.”
Kyle nodded, stomach churning with every waft of the smell up his nose. “This must be what Bruce was worried about. But…is this an extension of the other phenomena? Or is this a new one cropping up?”
Hal shook his head. “I don’t know, but we need to leave and report this to Bruce and the others at the sanctuary.” He looked to the sky, what little of it he could, and his eyes widened. “Kyle,” he breathed. “It’s sundown.”
The painter’s head cocked up, jaw going slack. “That’s impossible…it was only eleven when we entered.” He reached into his chest, hand disappearing only to come out a moment later with a brass pocket watch. “My God,” he whispered. “We’ve spent eight hours in here. But how? It’s only felt like minutes?”
“The dark magic here must be distorting reality as we know it.” He urged Kyle to turn back. “We have to get out of here. Now, lest the others send someone to find us and experience the same.”
“This isn’t good, Hal. Something is seriously wrong with this forest. And not in the good way.”
“Save it for Bruce and the others.”
By the time they exited the forest, the sky was a deep mahogany, signaling the start of sunrise, and Hal raised his fingers to his lips, whistling sharply. The cry of the wyvern sounded above them, like she’d been circling the forest all day and night and into the early morning, then she landed.
Hal climbed into the saddle, holding his hand out to Kyle. “Come on.” Tugging the other man behind him, he dug his heels into her sides. “Go Nezyphis. To the sanctuary.”
The wyvern ascended into the dark sky and Kyle lifted his hand. “Guy and John have both tried to contact us during the hours. The forest must’ve distorted the signals of our rings as well.”
“We’ll be at the sanctuary soon enough to explain.”
Kyle frowned as the land passed by beneath them, the wind whipping across their faces. “Something tells me this is only going to get worse, Hal.”
The flyer’s expression darkened as he leant the wyvern in the direction of the sanctuary. “You and me both, Kyle…you and me both.”
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sincitybxtch · 4 years
We Can’t | JJ Maybank
summary: y/n found her boyfriend rafe cheating on her and jj comforts her.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: smoking, swearing, mentions of sex, fighting.
a/n: hi! so i haven’t written anything in ages so if this isn’t good i’m so sorry! there are definitely some mistakes so sorry in advance! i was thinking of making a part two but i’m not quite sure yet. if you guys have any request or ideas feel free to send in some!  
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You couldn’t believe what you were seeing right now. Your now ex boyfriend Rafe Cameron was on top of another girl. You really thought he was different, clearly he wasn’t. He invited you to a party that he was throwing, since his parents were gone for the weekend and when you showed up he was nowhere to be found. So you asked Topper, who told you he was upstairs doing god knows what. You figured he was in his room just messing around until you showed up, he tended to do that at parties but once you opened the door to his room, you saw him messing around but with another girl. You’ve never seen the girl before so she was probably a touron.
“You can’t be fucking serious.” You said, which made Rafe lift his head up from the girl and make eye contact with you. With a roll of your eyes you turned right on your heels and walked out of the bedroom not caring that you left the door open. You could hear the shuffling coming from the room and when you were about to go down the stairs Rafe called your name. “Y/n wait. It’s not what you think it is.” Your head turned towards him, he held the sheet from his bed on his waist and people were standing around staring at the scene in front of them. “It’s not what I think it is! Oh really? So you weren’t just fucking another girl?” You asked with so much anger laced in your voice, “The funny thing is I really believed you were different. Clearly I was fucking wrong.” Shaking your head at the male.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know what got into me.” Rafe pleaded with you, you could see the guilt in his eyes. “Don’t you dare say your sorry! You don’t get to say your sorry. You don’t even get to feel bad when you were the one that chose to cheat.” You yelled at him. The eyes that were on you felt like daggers, the music was turned down low so everything you were saying was being heard throughout the house. “You know what Rafe, fuck you.” You told him before walking down the stairs, pushing through the people crowded in front of the stairs. The front door was left open so you quickly rushed out trying to get away from all people that didn’t have anything better to do than stare.
You felt an arm wrap around your waist and lead you towards a dark trail that was out of view of the house. You were quick to try and get away from whoever grabbed you, but when you turned to see who it was you saw JJ Maybank. A very handsome blonde haired boy with beautiful blue eyes. He wore a navy blue sleeveless shirt, you can tell he cut them off himself and he wore a pair of blue light washed shorts. You’ve always had a little thing for JJ, who wouldn’t? The male was so attractive how could you not like him.
“JJ?! What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me.” You told him, you just realized how close you were to him. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up at him, he was a lot taller than you. “I’m sorry! I just saw you storm out of the house and I just wanted to see if you were okay.” His voice was low and quiet, probably because he didn’t want anyone to know he was on the opposite side of the island. “I’m fine. I just don’t want to be here.” You told JJ and he nodded. “Are you sure you're okay? You look like you're about to cry.” He said, he had a concerned facial expression on his face and you just nodded not wanting to get into it right now.
“I’m not gonna cry.” You told him before leaning against the tall tree. “Well if you do, you’ll always have my shoulder.” He told you, he knew you were upset over something Rafe did but he didn’t want to pressure you into telling him. JJ didn’t like Rafe, everyone knew that. They both couldn’t stand each other and she couldn’t blame JJ, Rafe always acted like he was better than everyone else. “So do you wanna go smoke or something? I just need to get out of my thoughts.” You asked, you smoked here and there but only if it was with JJ. He’s the only person you trust being around when you weren’t sober. “Yeah I have a couple joints in my pocket, we could go to the beach.” He suggested and you nodded.
The walk to the beach was silent, you and JJ stayed in your thoughts. If your friends saw you with JJ right now they would run off and tell everyone that you were hanging with a pogue. You never got why kooks always assumed that the pogues were bad people. They were human just like them, just didn’t have the money that they had. You were a kook and you truly hated being called that, yeah your family had money but they had to work for everything that they had. You were always attending the events, that was only because your parents forced you, they only went to the ones that were being held by friends. You’d always have to dress formally, everything had to be expensive if it wasn’t you’d get judged. All the rich people were snobs and very judgmental, if you didn’t act like them or have an expensive taste you wouldn’t be excepted.
It was quite sad actually, you’d never get why people would put someone else down for not being able to afford the luxury lifestyle.You’ve known JJ since forever basically, the two of you always got along. You considered him a friend, your best friend. He was the only person that didn’t care about the shit you wore or how much money you had. He cared about you and only you. JJ wanted to get to know Y/n not the Y/n that had a nice house and rich parents. He’s the one you’d go to when you needed to get away from the kooks, he’s the one that would listen to you when you needed someone to talk to and he was the one that helped you escape your life for a little bit.
The sand was cold when you sat down in it, JJ pulled out his two joints and a lighter before he sat down next to you. The waves weren’t as big as they were this morning, the noise of the waves crashing onto the sand was always music to your ears. Hearing the flicking noise of the light you turned towards JJ and pulled your knees up to your chest as a cold gush of wind hit your body. Goosebumps appeared across your body, you only wore a pair of white high-waisted jean shorts and a red cropped tank top. JJ took notice of you shivering and moved closer to you, he wasn’t fazed by the cold air which was crazy but you didn’t question it. You rested your head on his shoulder with a small sigh, he was so warm.
“You wanna take the first hit? Or shall I?” He asked with a little grin on his lips. You took the joint from his grasp and brought it between your lips inhaling the smoke before handing it back to him, you parted your lips letting the smoke leave your mouth. It would be an absolute lie if JJ didn’t think you looked hot with the joint between your lips. The lips he’s always fantasized about. Once you handed it back to him he placed it between his and did the same thing you did. “So you gonna tell me what happened between you and Rafe or what?” He asked once he released the smoke from his parted lips. “How did you know I was upset about Rafe?” You asked moving a little closer to him when another gush of wind hit. He brought his arm and wrapped it around your shoulder pulling you in close to him.
“It was kind of obvious but I didn’t want to pressure you into telling me right away.” JJ handed you the joint once again. “He cheated on me.” You told him as you took another hit from the joint. You felt the boy’s body tense up when you told him about what happened. “I can’t blame him though. I was the one that didn’t want to have sex with him.” You added, a small frustrated sigh left your lips. Rafe was always asking if you were ready and your answer was always no, you didn’t want to give it to him because you felt pressured every single time he’d asked. When you told him no he’d get angry and storm off, you just didn’t want to end up getting hurt. “Don’t fucking blame yourself for something he did.” He told you, his face had anger written all over it.
You saw his hands clenched into fist and you brought your hand to his thigh. “JJ I know what you’re thinking and no you are not gonna beat him up.” As much as you’d loved to see Rafe get his ass beat you didn’t want JJ to get hurt in the process, your hand rubbed circles on his exposed skin trying your best to calm him down. “I don’t like the fact that he hurt you, he doesn’t deserve to get away with this.” He said his head turning towards you and he made eye contact with you. You could see the hurt and anger in his eyes, all he wanted to do was protect you and give that cheating sleazebag what he deserves.
“I know he doesn’t but I don’t need you getting hurt.” You told him, bringing the hand that was resting on his thigh and pushed back the blonde hair that fell in front of his eyes before placing your hand on his cheek. Your eyes never leave his, you always get lost in his eyes. You didn’t even know he started leaning in until his lips touched your own. You knew it was wrong to kiss back but you did it anyways, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t in love with JJ. All the little things he did always made your heart skip a beat. Like when he would scrunch his nose at things he didn’t like or when you’d tell him no to something and he would wiggle his eyebrows at you until you’d give in and say yes.
The kiss turned into a heated make out session, but without the grabbing and touching. JJ’s hands stayed on your waist or they would switch between your cheek or neck while your hands switched between his cheek and chest. You pulled away from the kiss, you could feel your lips ache for him. “This shouldn’t be happening JJ.” You told him your fingers brushed through his blonde hair that was scattered all over the sand. “Why not Y/n?” He asked, he searched your face wondering if he made a mistake. “You know why. I just got out of a relationship.” You told him before moving your body off of him. “This can’t happen again JJ.” You told him not looking at him scared to see his reaction. “Okay. It won’t happen again.” He told you, hurt written all over his face.
A week has passed since the night Rafe cheated on you and JJ kissed you. You hadn’t talked or seen them since that week. You locked yourself in your room for the week scared of reality. Your mom would tell you Rafe would stop by and ask for you, your mom would turn him away knowing you didn’t want to talk to him. She didn’t know exactly what happened between the two of you but she knew you guys weren’t together anymore. Lying on your bed you scrolled through your phone but you were interrupted by Kiara barging through your room. “Get your ass up and ready. You are coming with me to the movie tonight.” She told you, crossing her arms over her chest. Kiara has been your best friend since you moved to the island, you live right next door to her. “But I don’t wanna go.” You told her with a sigh as you dropped your phone on your bed and sat up.
“I don’t care Y/n.” Kiara told you, she had the ‘you better get up’ look on her face and you let out yet another sigh as you got up from your bed and walked to your closet. You knew you weren’t winning this fight. You picked out an outfit and walked into the bathroom. You didn’t feel the need to dress up so you just wore something simple. Your hair was left natural not really wanting to do anything with it. “Do I really have to go to this?” You asked as you slip on your shoes and Kiara just gave you a nod for her response.
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Once you and Kiara got to the place where the movie was you saw JJ and Pope sitting on a blanket having a serious discussion. “You invited them?” You asked, wondering if she invited them or if they just showed up. “Yeah John B was nowhere to be found so I kinda got stuck with them.” She shrugged and you just nodded walking up to the two boys with Kiara. JJ’s eyes met yours and you gave him a small smile and wave. You really didn’t care if your so-called friends saw you with pogues, they didn’t bother to come see you after the break up with Rafe so you could care less about them.
“So what were you guys talking about?” You asked before crossing your legs. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” Pope spoke in a fast manner, clearly not wanting anyone to know what JJ and him were talking about. Out of the corner of your eye you saw JJ lightly hit Pope in the side to tell him to shut his mouth. “What he means by nothing is that it's not important.” JJ told you, a very confused expression appeared on your face and you just nodded. “Okay then.” You spoke, shaking your head at them. Kiara handed you water and the two boys juice before she sat down and got comfortable.
As you took a sip of the cold water your eyes scanned through the crowd and your eyes landed on none other than Rafe who was standing besides Topper and Kelce. His eyes filled with disgust as he saw you sitting with pogues especially JJ. You just about spit the water out of your mouth when you saw him but you swallowed it and covered it with a cough. “You okay?” JJ asked, his hand pressed to your back rubbing it in a gentle and comforting way. You just nodded in return. Rafe didn’t like the fact that JJ was touching you but there was nothing he could do about it, especially in front of all these people.
Once the movie began you ended up forgetting about Rafe, you were too busy focusing on the movie to think about him. Feeling a light nudge on your arm you turned to look at JJ who leaned close to you. “Pope and I gotta go to the bathroom.” He whispered into your ear and you nodded moving your feet out of the way for them. You watched as they walked towards a tree, the bathrooms were behind you and you didn’t know why they went down to a tree. With a shrug of your shoulders you didn’t think anything of it.
“Hey Kie, they’ve been gone for quite some time. I think I’m gonna go look for them.” You told her before getting up. Kiara got up as well and grabbed JJ’s green backpack. “I'm worried about them too.” She told you before walking towards the tree they went too, you followed wondering what was going on. You heard JJ and Rafe’s voice coming from behind the movie screen and you quickly ran down there Kiara right behind you. The sight you saw made your jaw drop. Kelce had JJ’s arms pinned behind his back as Rafe punched him in the stomach and Topper had Pope in a headlock. “What the fuck Rafe! Topper let Pope go!” You yelled at the two boys before you ran over to Rafe pushing him off of JJ. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? What is wrong with you!” You pushed him again and turned to Kelce who immediately let go of JJ.
Kiara was dealing with Topper, she was on his back yelling at him to let go of Pope and when he did Pope fell to the ground. “What is wrong with me?! What is wrong with you Y/n? You are hanging with pogues!” He yelled in your face, his eyes were bloodshot. “I can’t believe you right now. You can’t be serious.” You rolled your eyes at him and then turned to look at JJ who was sitting on the ground trying to catch his breath. You gave him the ‘are you okay’ look and he nodded. Kiara was helping Pope and Topper was trying to pull Rafe away from you. Rafe saw the way you look at JJ and his nostrils flared in anger. “Oh my fucking god. You’re fucking him! That’s why you didn’t want to have sex with me. Wow it all makes sense now.” A laugh left the boy’s lips and you looked at Rafe dead in the eye with a very unbelievable look.
You brought your hand up and slapped him right across the face leaving a bright red handprint on his cheek. “I’m not fucking him and if I was it wouldn’t be any of your damn business! You cheated on me remember? I didn’t want to have sex with you because you would pressure me! You’d make me feel guilty for not giving you what you want. I told you many times that I wanted to wait but you never got the fucking hint! You kept saying how bad you wanted me and when I didn’t give it to you you’d get mad at me. What kind of boyfriend does that?” You told him. “Don’t ever talk to me again! I don’t want you even looking at me! You got that?” You added. He just nodded clearly embarrassed with himself as him, Topper and Kelce walked off. You quickly helped JJ up and walked over to Kiara and Pope. “Are you guys okay?” You asked and they both nodded.
You ended up taking JJ to your place while Kiara took Pope home to clean him up. Your parents were gone for the night so you didn’t have to worry about them catching you with JJ. He sat on one of the island chairs as you cleaned him up. “Here. Put this on your eye.” You handed him a bag of ice wrapped in a towel and he placed it on his eye with a wince in pain. The first aid kit laid on the kitchen island and you grabbed the little alcohol pads and stood in between his legs moving his hair from his face and looking him in the eyes. “This is gonna sting.” You told him and he just nodded in response. You placed the little alcohol pad on his cuts and he winced once again in pain. He tried moving away from you but you placed your hand on the back of his neck keeping him still.
“Can you take your shirt off please?” You asked knowing he had a few cuts on his side. When he removed his shirt you were surprised he didn’t make a snarky remark. Your eyes caught the sight of all the bruises on his upper half and a frown formed on your lips. “What started the fight?” You asked as you picked up another alcohol pad and pressed it to his cuts, earning another wince from him and a few curse words. “They just jumped us and Rafe was saying something about you that I can’t remember and I lost it. I would’ve killed him Y/n if Kelce wasn’t holding me back.” He told you, watching as you grabbed a bandage and placed it on his cuts to keep them from getting infected.
You knew there was more to the story but didn’t pry. Once you finished placing the bandage on his side you looked at him. His eyes were already on you. Your hand reached up to his cheek brushing his cheekbone and then running your fingers through his hair pushing it out of his face. You were inches from his face and you could feel his heavy breathing on your face. You bit at your bottom lip as your thoughts turned dirty. He was shirtless in front of you and gosh did he look good. Was it bad that you wanted him? You wanted him in ways you never wanted any other guy before. Your hands moved to his neck and you pulled him into a kiss, he reacted almost immediately by kissing you back. He dropped the ice bag on the counter and his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you in close to him.
You bit at his bottom lip and slipped your tongue between his lips. The male’s hand moved from your waist and was placed on the back of your neck as your fingers ran through his messy hair. You weren’t sure what you were doing but you knew you wanted him and you wanted him now. JJ got up from the chair and he bent down a little, placing his hands just below your ass and picked you up, placing you on the kitchen island. His lips met yours once again, he didn’t care about the pain he was in, all he cared about was you.
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