ohpassenger · 6 months
teach young queers that "i don't personally understand/support [this specific "arbitrary"/complex identity], therefore i'm gonna write about how much violence i'm gonna commit against you, [identity], in my dni post on tumblr.com" is, in fact, professing a hate crime against a queer group, regardless of whether or not you 1) are serious 2) consider that identity """morally correct""" 3) are queer yourself.
first and foremost, please acquaint yourself with the idea that not every thought, opinion, idea you form is absolutely necessary to be shared online. then, understand that even if things don't make sense to you, it is not normal nor good to go around spouting about violence against queer people - and do not let that be normalized to you, for the love of god.
everyone has prejudice. i have prejudice. i think certain things in our community are stupid, pointless, and make no sense. policing your every subconscious thought is not normal behavior, but see the line is drawn when you're writing in big bold letters about how much you hate x queer group in graphic details. that makes you no better than raging homophobes.
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studywithstars · 4 years
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[image from weheartit]
I’m sorry for every grammatical mistakes !
Hello, I’m Bruna and i’m 20 years old and I’ve been failing.
More than once, i failed two times.
Everything started when I had this idea about being an game concept artist where my family and my ex supported me a lot, which lead me to my first degree. I putted a lot of effort in these two semesters, I had GREAT grades and made some good friends. But in the end of the 2nd semester, everything started to fall apart. I couldn’t feel that sparkle anymore, I wasn’t excited at all about the classes and when I broke up with my ex, I realised it wasn’t my dream. I didn’t liked videogames that much, I couldn’t imagine myself in the next year working so hard in something that I didn’t like it, so, after a deep and multiple reflections, I dropped out.
I started thinking seriously about what I wanted to do with my life so I wouldn’t make the same mistake.
And it was worth it, sort of.
I applied to two colleges with completely different areas. The first one was related to Arts, their program was amazing, very solid. And the second one was only about literature and languages. I putted this one in the list because I’m really into books and always loved to learn things related to literature.
But my heart belonged to the college with an amazing study plan about arts. Deep down I was really hoping to be accepted there.
Like I said, I failed twice. I didn’t get in in my first option. But I decided to go and try my second option because for me, staying at home one year without doing anything sounded really bad.
And I regret it. After the first week, I didn’t make it. I was feeling really bad, sad, unsatisfied, getting up became harder and harder just to go to that place. So, once again....
I froze my application and came back home.
And now, here I am. I’ve been taking a few drawing courses online and i’ll redo my exams so I can have a good grade to apply again and hopefully be accepted. In this whole story, I ended up discovering that I want to be a Drawing or Painting teacher and a few more lessons.
First, everyone has their own time. It’s ok if you got in college later, its okay if you choose a year just to think and reflect, and there’s nothing wrong about not ending the college in 3 years and if you’re not happy with your degree, you don’t have to feel bad about it. It’s completely fine. If you have a chance to change, please do it for me and for you and change.
For those who got it right, i’m really proud of you! I can’t imagine your happiness but if you’re happy and satisfied, i’m also happy and satisfied with your choice!
Second of all, I know some families force their children to go to college after ending the high school and i’m really sorry about that and if you feel bad or unhappy, I can’t do much but I’m here for you. On the other hand, if your parents doesn’t put that pressure on you and you’re still reluctant about it, please stop. Stop and think. Picture your future in 10 years and imagine what you’ll be doing, where do you want to work, what you wanna do. But think deeply, dive into that thought and do not stop until you break down the surface and discover what would really make you happy.
I’m really sorry for writing something so long and probably with tones of grammatical mistakes but I know that somewhere, someone it’s struggling just like i did and i want you to know, you’re NOT alone.
With all of my love,
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pilotkarnage · 4 years
Lately too many people havent been communicating properly and there’s been so many problems in the world because of that. Just speak out and trust in your words. Things will always change for the better; be positive. It’s hard but there are those who are wanting to make that easier for you. Hold them close to you. Love more.
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froglamorous · 5 years
I'm afraid i will die without finding the peace to be love by someone
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If God really does exist, he and I are gonna have a serious conversation about periods. Seriously not a fan. 0/10 would not recommend.
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narcissisticroxy · 6 years
Cyber bullying (from my view on my old tumblr)
I wake up and check my device, Is that really 5 asks?. I click, it all says, “you are the ugliest person ever,” in anonymous asks. I did not know how to react, I went for help to a close friend, all they said was sticks and stones may hurt your bones but names will never hurt you. Yet, in reality, that is far from the truth. Words can cut like a blade, words can lead to self harm or suicide. It kept happening, I kept thinking, is this all true? am I really that bad. I cried myself to sleep for days, in fact weeks.I decided this was getting to far, i felt like suicide was my only option, so I deleted that account. I rejoined this year to see if things would change, It did and I even made friends, yet a bit later, anonymous comments said I was ugly, and this bloodypainter person told me to commit suicide, luckily, friends helped me. I took a break, to learn more about myself. When I returned it was all changed. I could smile finally again! Anyways, please don’t cyber bully, so everyone can live a day longer - mun kennedy
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Okay small thing real quick.
You know how in fandoms there’s always people who ship hate and then people who say to support all ships.
I hate to say it but I’m on neither side of this war.
On one hand I’m very passionate about the characters I ship, on the other I’m not trying to push people into liking my ship more than theirs and I respect the fact they all have their ships.
You should not support ALL ships
I’m looking at you people who ship Rick and Morty together.
I know you exist.
Here’s What you should not do when shipping
1:ship real people together. I’m not talking about non-cartoon tv show people I’m talking about actor x actor kinda stuff, it probably makes them feel uncomfortable, their real people two.
2: ship characters who are related to eachother. Do not argue with me that love is love, this is gross and weird. Incest is not wincest.
3: ship characters who would do obviously be in a toxic relationship if they were a real thing. I mean seriously guys, no one likes toxic relationships. No one. (I’m looking at you Kyman shippers)
4: do not ship characters who are underage with an older character. I do not care if it’s ‘cute.’ It’s illeagal and gross.
These are things that make me argue that while I agree not to hate on all ships, I am saying to take in that some of these ships are what destroys a fandom.
Before you ship, stop, take everything into consideration, then ship or not ship. It’s simple you guys. Respect opinions, but also don’t try to force opinions down eachother throats.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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lilbakedbug · 3 years
I think my sanctuary is something inside of me, noting external or something I can eventually reach, it is within me, a sorrow and a joy that beats unknowingly into the void of life. The repeated nature of our father’s and mother’s will is unmatched in its power to overwhelm and consume our very characters. So many others before us have sulked at the thought of straying from their guardians wishes, but I stray willingly. I do not want to be a clone of what came before me in my bloodline, and I understand who I am meant to be. The urge to forge a copy of ones self is odd and frankly quite humiliating to ones ego for there is no such power on earth or pattern of growth that you can force upon your child to make them into a perfect image of you, for we are all different and our differences make us individuals.
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safeplace · 6 years
Social Medias
Hey, guys❤ This is something I have wanted to talk about for quite a while. Do not get me wrong I have nothing against social medias (kinda) it is just the whole use of it. I hate Facebook but I ESPECIALLY hate Messenger. It makes me anxious, I dislike it, it ruins most of the conversations, it suffocates me. I have no idea how to explain this but that last part is mainly what my strong dislike is built upon. It is a nice way to reach out to people and yes it has saved me many times but I just can not wrap my head around the fact that people prefer it more than face to face conversations. Who knows maybe it is just me. I admit that I use it for short mainly concerning school or work convos. But I hate that some people reach out to me and don't get the fucking memo that I do not want to talk. It sounds harsh but it is just a platform I feel many people use because of someone else or with a certain aim. But what Messenger means to me is the following: I spend so many hours at school with my classmates, when I go home after spending the whole day with them someone messages me, someone starts asking questions and so on and on and on (you got the idea). Nothing personal but when I get home I just want some time to myself, some time without having to handle situations, some time I get to relax without thinking about school and all the things I have to do.
On the other hand, there is the aspect that concerns my personal life: boys. Yup, I have a friend, who has an obvious crush on me. I have no feelings for him, but he has not confessed anything yet, thankfully. However, the messages he sends...
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They make me uncomfortable like extremely uncomfortable. The truth is that he can reach me whenever he feels like it and I hate that. He suddenly has the need to make me uneasy, tense and awkward- he can just open his phone and text me. We are friends and I have the awful disability to lie and pretend about my feelings especially to people who matter to me. Of course, he is not that close or anything but I feel guilty for cutting him off so straightforward and mercilessly. To me lying and pretending about such things is just a waste of time for both sides. But what the fuck can one do when they can not dodge the shot? Well I do not fucking know but if someone has an answer please share.
What is more, I am done with all the boys who slide in my dms in Instagram and ask me stupid questions like:. *cringe alert* "Send nudes baby😛" , "Damn you hot🔥" , "When do I get a taste of that bod babe🍑". Apparently IG has turned into Tinder but without the other side matching you. It is fine if those are people my age or close to that and not people who are my father's age. It is fine if at least the one sending messages has some respect. But when that is not the case I start feeling disgusted, I start contemplating whether it is a good idea to post a certain photo because of the reaction it may cause (keep in mind that I do not have full body shots , mainly aestheticy pics and selfies).
Is it only the boys or are the girls also playing a role? The answer is yes. Yes, they are. Many girls just scroll through random people's accounts and hate on them. WHY? Why would you go on somebody's page and think it is okay to talk shit about them. I have seen that and it has been directed to more artistic people who use the platform as a form of self expression. I just want to scream because Instagram is a place where you show yourself in whatever light you want. THAT IS WHY I AND SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE PREFER IT. I get to show you who I am, what I like, my interests. I am sure so many other people feel the same way. Can people quit being so hypocritical and stop the need to cause dramas and judge the others. Do whatever the fuck, however the fuck you like. Noone has the right to change you or tell you who you are. BECAUSE YOU TELL YOURSELF WHO YOU ARE, YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU ARE.
7th of July 2018
Hope you enjoyed it ❤ I kind of wrote because I needed to let go and share some of my thoughts and views. If you have any ideas you want to share or just want to talk, feel free to message me💓
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jakkugrace · 7 years
People saying reylo is abusive...
Firstly, do you even know what the definition of abuse is? I’ve been in an abusive relationship, and let me tell you, I’d choose Kylo any day over that Russian asshole.
“bUt kYLo HuRTs HeR”
Uh no, in TFA they have a that epic dual, and she never gets a scratch from him. And he basically invited her to be his apprentice... She gashed his face with a lightsaber!
“bUt ShE WaS mAniPulAtED bY hIM in TLJ”
Texhincally it was Rey’s choice to go to him about her experience with the dark side, and he sits there, attentively listening to her and UNDERSTANDINGLY! That’s beautiful! She chooses to meet him at Snoke’s ship.. And this is where the tragedy comes in it all... They are cross lovers, both on opposite sides, so they can’t get together unless one changes or they meet in the middle.
“bUt hE wANtED tO bLaSt hER oUt oF tHE SkY!”
This is up to interpretation. A lot of reylos choose to believe that he did this out of spite for her refusing his proposal.. Kylo is still a very very messed up guy at this point, so we can’t expect him to be rational. Face to face I doubt he could EVER even imagine hurting Rey. There’s evidence of thiswith their last scene together. His face when she shuts the door on him exhibits hurt...
Anyways: the bottom line is they are fictional characters!! Let us ship who we want... I don’t like FinnPoe as I think they have a bromance, but eh, I let people like what they want to and be happy.
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onehappymanib · 4 years
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lazybookbug · 4 years
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"ખામોશ ઘોંઘાટ" . . . . . . . . . . . . #silence #noisy #botharetogether #sundayvibes #serioustalk #swiperight #talks #jigar #quotesforinstagram #instagram #human #lockdowneffects #corona #coronatalks #foram #peoplethinking #goodvibes #lazy_book_bug https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiux5ID_O-/?igshid=jk8se6smnzur
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i-am-adonis · 7 years
Youtube channel? Larp design? I’m doing all sorts of things these days. I’m super excited to start officially working with my friend Jake on GameChangers while I also work on Ethereal: The Experience. Things are looking up. Things are changing and I’m not looking back. I’ll probably make an official GameChangers Tumblr soon so. Keep an eye out for it.
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I don’t think many people will read this - or anyone at all. 
But I think that posting about what’s going on right now will lift some weight off my shoulders. If you want to take that weight down, I am here for you.
Don’t walk around with it for too long. I know how hard it is, how it can break you mentally and physically. It broke me and I can’t seem to fucking heal myself. Maybe others can, but I... I don’t feel comfortable with my friends. I don’t feel at home with my family. I’m not comfortable anywhere.
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✨New Blog Post✨ Why Standard Sewing Patterns Are Silent Killers! (Link in my bio) #sewing #blogging #newblogpost #wordpressblog #craftblog #craft #crafty #crafting #thelatexfreeseamstress #sewingpatterns #latexallergy #serioustalk #writing #sewingblogger #blogger #sewingbloggers #blogginggals #wednesdaywisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qyUM9lQ0R/?igshid=1t6jlfq2ac785
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" you can easily be distracted by Tumblr's other features and end up not posting for like a month."
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