ibluze · 4 years
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Limited Edition
Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
Sero lovin’ hours, babes! Behold the fluff!
EDIT: Photo was made by the amazing @deliathedork who showers me in love and beautimous doodles~
Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Characters: Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
“Denki.” Hanta called as he rounded the stair landing to the boys’ side of the third floor. He grimaced in the entryway of the hall, staring pointedly at the door to the room that belonged to one blonde-haired electric generator. When he got no answer, Hanta began walking down the hallway calling his name in increasing volume, “Denki. Deeeeennnkiiiiiiiii!” By the time he reached the door, he was practically screaming. “DENKI KAMINARI!” he shouted in such an unholy screech that Tenya opened his door to glare disapprovingly at him. Finally, Denki threw the door open to give him a wheedling whine, his gaming headset slung around his neck and muted.
“Dude, what?”
“Where’s my shirt?” Hanta asked with an innocent smile. Tenya rolled his eyes and shut the door with just the amount of volume to serve as a warning for Hanta to keep quiet. He continued to smile stupidly at Denki, only thinly veiling the mounting threat of violence building up in him as his friend began to perspire and laugh nervously.
“What shirt?” As if feigning innocence would work on Hanta. Denki gulped loudly as the taller boy leaned into the doorway, towering over him with glittering black eyes and a menacing grin.
“You know, the shirt I let you borrow two weeks ago? My limited-edition ONE OK ROCK concert tee that is my sole most valued possession?” Hanta pressed, continuing to edge into the doorway until Denki was bending at a forty-five-degree angle. Denki laughed in an anxious high pitch, his eyes shifting around and refusing to settle on Hanta’s gradually reddening face.
“Oh! That one! Hehe! Well… Thing is… I kinda… don’t know where it is,” Denki admitted in a tiny voice. A few terrifying seconds passed as Hanta processed the confession. Denki finally looked up into his eyes, which were probably soulless as Hanta contemplated just how he would like to murder the oblivious boy. “Bro? You good?”
“Good? Good? Yeah, I’m good,” Hanta shrugged as she suddenly backed off, leaving Denki reeling in confusion. His instincts must’ve tipped him off, because he screamed and ducked under Hanta’s arms as he suddenly lunged at him with a feral yowl. “Yeah, I’m good, because I’m about to kill you!” Sobbing apologies, Denki managed to wriggle past him and take off down the hallway towards the stairs. Hanta whirled on his heel, shooting his tape down the hall and only just barely missing Denki’s elbow as he practically dove down the stairs. “Get back here! Atone for your sins!” Hanta yowled as he chased him, thundering down the stairs on all fours. He could hear Denki’s manic blubbering floating up from within the stairwell. Sero had to admit the little shit was fast, because he couldn’t catch up to him.
“Baku-bro! Baku-bro, save me!” Denki screeched as he vaulted himself a good five feet across the room and clambered over the back of the couch into a very startled Katsuki’s lap.
“What the- get off me!” Katsuki huffed and shoved poor Denki to the floor. Denki looked at Hanta over the top of the couch fearfully as he stalked him, eyes blown wide with desire for homicide.
“He’s gonna kill me!”
“You probably deserve it.”
“Whoa, whoa, guys!” Izuku laughed good-naturedly and stood up, waving his hands placatingly at Hanta. “What’s the problem?”
“He lost my fucking tee-shirt!” Hanta fumed and lunged over the back of the couch to try and rip out a few of Denki’s hairs. The boy managed to crawl under the coffee table and slink over to Fumikage, who was watching with his arms crossed. “My favorite shirt! Limited edition ONE OK ROCK! Limited edition!” Hanta screamed like a deranged man as he crawled over the couch and shot his tape at Denki, who was pleading for Fumikage to save him.
“I side with him on this one. Any last words before you meet God?” Fumikage smirked. Denki wailed as Hanta shot tape at him, this time finding his mark. Denki screamed in dismay as Hanta jumped up on the table and slowly dragged him closer, eyes flashing with pure anger.
“Please! I’m sorry! Spare me!” Denki sobbed as he was lugged over the rug by the unhinged Hanta. Just as the boy had captured his prey and was preparing to strike, a sweet voice piped up from the back of the other couch.
“Um, do you mean this shirt?” Hanta and Denki both looked up to see Mina staring owlishly at them, dressed in a pair of pajama shorts and the shirt that Hanta was ready to kill Denki over. Hanta’s face instantly flushed a pretty shade of crimson and steam blew out of his ears in nostrils at the sight of the pretty girl wearing his tee shirt. It was pretty much a not-so-secret in their friend group that Hanta had a stupid crush on Mina.
“Um… Yeah, yeah, that’s the one,” Hanta quipped with an equally wide-eyed stare. He unwound his tape from Denki, who slunk away to get cradled in Eijirou’s manly bosom as he patted his head and whispered reassuring words. He hopped down from the table as Mina walked around the couch, sashaying shyly.
“Um, I found it in my laundry last week. I mistook it for one of the girls’, but they said it wasn’t theirs, and when I asked a couple of the boys, they said they had no idea whose it was or where it came from, so it kinda became my new PJ shirt,” she laughed bashfully, rubbing the back of her head. Sero’s dark eyebrows knitted together as he had the sudden suspicion a plot was afoot. She scratched at her cheek thoughtfully. “You can have it back if it’s that special to you though!”
“Um…” Hanta knew there was a specific answer to the question, but she didn’t give him the time to do so. She grabbed him by the wrist and hauled him upstairs to her room, bringing him straight inside and swinging open the closet door. As he saw the shirt fly onto the bed, discarded, Sero’s cheeks burned with the acute awareness that Mina was shirtless behind that flimsy closet door. Focus, Hanta… he told himself as he patiently waited for her to switch shirts. She walked out to pluck it up and carry it over, holding it out to him with a big smile.
“Here you go! Sorry about the misunderstanding.”
“Uh, no big deal…” he said dully as he accepted the shirt. She scampered right past him into the hallway to rejoin the group in the common area, and Hanta’s eyes followed her as he left, captivated simply by her being. He absentmindedly brought the shirt up to his face and nearly fainted when he realized it carried her scent like bubble gum and cherries. Nirvana… he thought dimly as he collapsed into the hallway wall.
Hanta was mounting the stairs to head to his room later that night after a pretty rowdy session of videogames with Denki (who, after being cornered by Hanta with Eijirou’s help) had all but admitted he had purposely slipped the shirt into Mina’s laundry basket in an attempt to spark something between them. Hanta had been a little irritated with his pitiful effort to wingman for him, but, Hanta had to guess that he was a little grateful. Denki was doing it just because he wanted Hanta to be happy, after all. Hanta had agreed to let bygones be bygones (especially since his shirt was safe and sound) and settled in to play with Denki for a while. Now, he was mounting the final step with the shirt slung over his shoulder. He paused mid-step as he heard Mina’s voice floating down the hall from the direction of Momo’s room. Curious, he inched closer.
“Thanks for the tea, Momo.”
“No problem. A cup of good tea will do wonders for a saddened heart,” Momo responded. Hanta’s eyebrows shot up to his forehead. Why was Mina sad?
“I know it’s silly to be sad about it. I just really liked that shirt, you know? It was super comfy.” Hanta didn’t know why that made him happy, but it did. “Besides, it reminded me of Hanta. I knew it was his when I took it…” Hanta felt a shiver propagate from his head to his toes. He didn’t know what to do with that information. She knew? Why would she take it…? He could almost imagine her hugging herself as she sighed, “It just made me feel so warm and safe…” With flushed cheeks, Hanta looked at the tee shirt draped over his shoulder. Quietly, he pulled it off and hung it on the doorknob, being extremely careful not to alert the girls to his presence. Then, he turned on his heel and marched right off to his room.
Sure, his shirt was limited edition and precious to him- but Mina’s smile was one of a kind, and much, much dearer to his heart. He tried not to smile when he heard her delighted exclaim of surprise from within his room, nor when she texted him a picture of herself back in the tee shirt, beaming with a peace sign over her eyes and the simple tag Thanks, Hanta! <3 He stared at the picture for a while, thumb hovering over the screen as he tried to find a good way to respond.
Anything for my best girl! he decided, watching as the bubble appeared on the screen with an audible swoosh! She sent a series of hearts back in response, and he dropped his phone down onto his chest as he put his hands on his face, kicking his feet a little with an excited squeal. He jumped when he heart Tenya pound his fist into the wall next to him.
“Be quiet, or I swear to God, I’m spilling everything to Mina.”
“Does everyone know?!” he cried as he bolt upright in bed, half-amused and half-terrified.
“Of course everyone knows! You smile like an idiot anytime she’s within your line of sight. Now go to bed! Shoto and I are studying in here.” Hanta laughed as he heard the dull thump of Tenya smacking the hot-and-cold boy's pillow into the wall. Hanta flopped back down against his bed, looking at the adorable picture of Mina in his tee shirt again.
Yup. Limited edition, one of a kind.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork
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lukfu · 5 years
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When Bakugou chooses you to be on his team for the sports festival. 😁 . . . I hope you guys are ready for some Seromina content and a ton of other shippy stuff because we have A LOT. From Instagram
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yume-tsuki · 6 years
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| day 4 - december 12 | activities / FREE DAY
beach dayx / cultural festival / sleepover / social media @seroshipweek they got a day off with their little daughter  Aoi and went to the beach I hope I can contuine all my stuff -.- I catched a bad sore throat it hurts like hell even when I’m yawning
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ghoststrawberries · 4 years
For the title ask meme. “Now or Never!”, My Hero Academia, Sero x Mina.
Pro Heroes Cellophane and Pinky have both been dealing with their own unique troubles with making a name for themselves in the Pro Hero industry. When they accidentally start a rumor that they took down a mysterious, powerful villain, they take advantage of it. The resulting fame starts to go to their heads and make a mess of things, as they try to manage keeping up the lie and balance their personal lives alongside it
[send me a fake title, ill write a fake fic summary]
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ipxakachi · 7 years
Have you ever considered Shouji x Sero? Hmmm alsooo what kind of pronoun do you prefer to refer to yourself?
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lowkey i shipped tbh lmao–
also I’m not that particular on pronouns so u can refer to me with whatever–!
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Fucked Up Love ‘Triangle’
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so, i started working on this thing back in april ( hence bakugous birthday and the cherry blossoms ) it just took me a while to edit it. srry
anyways, this is like so self indulgent but w.e, still figured id share!
(f reader x kami x sero, seroxmina) it aint a threesome tho
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Slight angst, finger banging, weed, idk im bad at tagging (also were saying everyone is aged up so y’all can relax. like you were so innocent in h.s)
You were currently huddled up on the hammock with your favorite blanket, as Kaminari gently pushed you back and forth. There was music playing in the background, and a video game that had long been forgotten still displayed on the T.V. It was Friday night, and as usual, you and your friends were all in Seros room smoking together. Bakugou, and Kirishima had already retired to their rooms for the night, so it left just you, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. The relaxing atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by Mina, who jumped up and startled everyone.
"BITCH, don't forget we’re getting our nails done tomorrow! I'm going to head back to take off my nail polish so it’s easier for them. They always claim they don’t charge extra for that, but I swear I think they do.”
"Ok! Text me!!! I probably will need a wakeup call after tonight!"
"Oh, I bet you will!" Kaminari said with a giggle. 
 "Hush, I'll see you tomorrow cutie!" You said to Mina with a wink. You couldn’t even bat an eyelash before she was skipping down the hall, off to her room for the night.
 "Why don’t you call me cutie?" Kaminari said as he got off from his position on the floor, and motioned for Sero to slide over, so he could claim Mina’s old spot on the bed.
"Because dipshit seems to suit you…"
 "Well she’s not wrong" Sero added, laughing just as hard as you were.
 Kaminari leaned back and sighed. “Whatever, I won’t be such a dipshit after my next study sesh with Yaoyorozu….when was that again?”
 “Tomorrow morning……she literally just texted you like an hour ago to make sure you wouldn’t forget? You’re not helping your case man.” Sero replied as he lit up another blunt and passed it to Kaminari.
 “Oh fuck! You’re right dude. I’m good for tonight I guess, I should head back so that way I don’t oversleep tomorrow…I might not make it in time for tea.” Kaminari was sporting his best puppy dog eyes, and pout. He motioned for you to sit down on the bed, and take his spot. He took one last hit, before he passed it to you and left, ( peering around the corner for Aizawa first ) heading to his room for the night, leaving just you, and Sero behind. 
You were seated over by him on the bed at this point passing the blunt back and forth. Both of you completely zoned out in your own little worlds. Sero leaned over to grab his water that was on the floor beside you. At first you didn’t really notice how close he was, but as he leaned over you again to put it back, his eyes caught yours. His face was so close, moving closer and closer, until it was like the two of you were moving in slow motion. Your body was just moving on its own at this point, and the next thing you knew you were in the middle of a heated makeout session. His hands started to caress your thighs, and you could feel the ever growing situation happening between his legs, his jeans were growing tighter and tighter. Your mouths were still too preoccupied to speak, and your hands still wandered up and down his body. Your fingers moved from underneath his shirt, back towards the straining bulge in his pants. You felt as his fingers moved your panties to the side, and he started to stroke you.
“You’re already so wet….is this ok?”
 You barely managed to mumble back that yes, it was indeed ok, before his mouth was on you again, kissing your neck ever so slowly. You couldn’t tell if it was the weed, or if Sero was really that skilled because not too soon after he got to work, you could feel your body start to tense in pleasure. After you reached your peak you pulled away to speak.
“Thank you Sero…let me…” You reached for the zipper to his jeans when you were both interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Y/N, it's past curfew and I can already smell what you guys have been doing. Go to your room for the night please, and next time you want to indulge in these types of activities, make sure it’s after I've already made my rounds. I’m giving you both the benefit of the doubt by not expelling you.” 
The next morning you groaned as you heard your phone ringing. You forgot you told Mina you needed a wakeup call.
"Hey. Cutie...dream about me?" You answered as you rolled out of bed to get ready.
"Heh, maybe, you dream about me?"
Your eyes widened, and you pulled your phone away to make sure you heard correctly. The voice on the other end was definitely not Mina. 
"Yeah! I figured I'd call and wake you up. You and Mina have a thing and I didn’t want you to oversleep...."
"Thanks! I’m glad you called. I’m assuming you got up in time to study today?" 
"Yup, bright and early! Oh, and Sero told me what happened last night, you got lucky… "
“Wait Sero told you what happened last night?” You were definitely confused. You hadn’t even had a chance to talk to him about it yet and he had already told Kaminari? With your luck the whole class knew by now.
“Yeah, he said you ended up staying for a while, and Aizwawa caught you two smoking while he was making his rounds.”
You were relieved, maybe he didn’t say anything about it after all. You decided to ask just to be sure. “Oh, yeah…that’s all he said?”
Kaminari giggled. “Mhmm, guess we’ll just have to make sure we have Bakubro’s birthday thing a little later tonight.”
"Oh fuck. I completely forgot about his birthday!"
“Well, I didn’t get him anything yet either. Wanna come with me after you have your nails done with Mina? We can get some ice cream from that place you like on the way back?”
"Are you trying to ask me out on a date Kaminari?"
 “Took you long enough...”
By the time you had made your way down stairs after getting ready Mina was already waiting for you.
“Jeez took you forever!” She gave you a once over before she licked her lips and chirped “Wow, you look cute, whose is all that for?” You shot her a look and bumped your hip into hers, as she grasped your arms, and you both made your way out of the dorms.
“Yeah, I uh…. I'm going out with Kaminari after this, I'm a shit friend and forgot it was Bakugous birthday.” She knew just by your lack of eye contact something more was up.
She decided to test the waters. “So Kaminari huh? I knew you liked him, you were low-key jealous when he asked Ibara out at the sports festival.”
“Uhm, I was not!!” By the blush on your cheeks you both knew you were full of shit. “But in the meantime I have a lot to tell you about last night…..”
“Oh yeah, I heard that Aizawa caught you and Sero. You’re lucky you’re not expelled, girl.”
 “Yeah. Well about that……”
You explained everything that had happened to Mina on your walk to the salon. There was a lot to tell. You were so confused. You really had never thought of Sero that way before. Honestly, you really did have a huge crush on Kaminari, but you were sick of him never asking you out. He would flirt with everyone all the time, you were no different, but he never actually asked you out before. You figured there was no way he actually meant it this time. You weren’t sure if it was all just a joke to him. 
Sero was hot adamantly, and clearly you didn’t regret what happened between the two of you, it was just that, even after all that, you still didn’t think you liked him...at least not in a romantic sort of way.
“I think I was just horny more than anything else..” 
Mina laughed. “Yeah, Seros weed has a tendency to do that. That’s how Bakugou and Kirishima finally got together after all…”
 You and Mina arrived back at the dorms just in time for Kaminaris' study session to be over. Mina caught you as you licked your lips, watching as Denki winked and headed over to greet you.
“Oh, girl, you got it bad...I'll leave you too it..”
“Mina, I swear I'm never going to tell you anything again!”
Your ‘date’ with Kaminari went well. He walked you to a nearby shopping center, stopping for drinks along the way, and you both successfully managed to find Bakugou something he wouldn't blow up. On the walk back, Kaminari insisted you both take the long route, which ended up being the best choice. It lead straight through a park where you just so happened to catch the last of the blooming cherry blossom trees.
“Oh, Kami! I’ve never seen the cherry blossoms before...this is amazing!!”
“I told you the extra mile would be worth it!”
With him paying for your drink, and the walk through the park, it was actually starting to feel like a real date. Before you got your hopes up, you decided to ask him. You wanted things to be cleared up between the two of you, so you could then figure out the whole Sero thing.
“Uhm, Kami...is this like…. a real date? I know you said it was, but I didn't know if you were joking or not…”
“I know I joke around alot, but this is real...I mean, it's real to me! Why would you think it wasn't?”
“I dont know, you've just never asked me out before...you've asked plenty of girls...just not me…”
“Yeah, I get it. With them it was easy… I didn't really care if they said no or not...with you, I was nervous….”
So Kaminari did indeed ask you on a real date? You tried to push the whole Sero thing to the back of your brain and forget about it for the time being. You were having a great time with your longtime crush and didn’t want to face the aftermath of last night quite yet.
That only worked for so long. As you and Kaminari made your way back into the dorms, you both rounded the corner and ran smack dab into Sero. Who looked like he had seen a ghost. Your memories came flooding back and you immediately glanced down at your feet, hoping Kaminari wouldn’t sense the awkwardness lingering in the air.
 "Hey dude, whats up?"
"Oh hey whats up?" Sero wouldn't even glance in your direction. He seemed to be ignoring you completely.
“Nothing, me and y/n  just went out and got Bakubro some sweet gifts for tonight!”
 “Oh...yeah I forgot about Bakugous birthday...I better go find him something...peace”  Sero chucked up the peace sign and fucked out of there faster than humanly possible.
 “Well that was awkward….I wonder what's up with him?”
 “Yeah I wonder” You managed to mumble back.
All night at the party Sero was actively trying to avoid you. All you two did was get a little touchy touchy...it's not like friends weren't allowed to do that or anything. Hell, you and Mina even kissed before. Even you and Kirishima. (maybe that was just on the cheek but still) At one point he went out to smoke on the balcony, you took that as your chance.
"Wow, so I must really be a terrible kisser huh? You've been avoiding me like I have covid or something?"
“Yeah sorry...it's just…” He was cut off by the sound of the sliding door opening.
Mina went to follow you out there, but realized Sero was out there, and turned right back around. He waited awhile to make sure there were going to no more interruptions before he continued.
“It’s just... that shouldn't have happened last night and I'm sorry.”
“It's OK. It’s not like I wasn't willing...you don't have to feel guilty or anything. We're friends Sero I don’t want this to change anything....” You moved closer, and he actually looked at you for the first time all night. You could tell he was feeling guilty about something.
 “That’s the thing...”
 “What's the thing?”
“That we’re friends....”
“Yeah and??”
“And....I have a "friend" who really likes you and I should have been a bro, and fucking respected that. Fuck.” Sero hung his head low, and put out his joint, glancing out into the night sky over the balcony.
“Oh....” The two of you stood there in awkward silence. “Yeah...is that friend Kaminari?”
Sero looked back at you “Maybe….”
 “Well I really like him too...we went out today, and I kinda realized he's even sweeter then I thought.”
 “Oh, then what about last night?” 
“Just because I like him doesn't mean I regret what happened.  Ya know? I can't take it back. I get why it sucks for us though....I didn't really think about what he would say if he found out.” Now it was your turn to sulk.
 “Yeah me either. I don't want to hurt his feelings, or break up the squad.”
The two of you were too wrapped up in your conversation to hear the door open this time. You both jumped when you heard another voice coming from behind you.
“Damn...break up the squad, this sound pretty serious!” It was Denki, as if right on queue, he joined you both outside.
With a quick glance to Sero, the two of you decided it would be best to tell him together. At first he just stood there silent.
 “Denki?” You waved your hand in front of him. With no immediate response, you thought you broke him, your heart fell right into your stomach.
 “You like me?....” He finally managed to mumble out.
“Uhm, yes...I went out on a date with you today didn’t I?”
“But, you also made out with Sero…”
“Uhm...Yes.” You dropped your head low, too afraid to look him in the eyes for this. 
“And he fingered you?” Denki took a step closer to you at this point.
“Mhmm….” You felt so stupid, right when Kaminari decided to finally ask you out, you had to go and do something dumb like hookup with his friend. You were utterly defeated. Until he stepped closer to you and grabbed your chin, making it so you were looking him in the eyes.
 “OK what??” You were confused.
He smiled, and moved a stray strand of hair from your face.“Just OK…” 
Sero decided to speak up. “Uhm Denki? I don't think that's a valid response bro..”
Kaminari turned back towards Sero while you still stood there silent, feeling like you were hit with Todorokis ice. 
“Well ok, it happened...You guys are just friends and I know you wouldn't try to date her or anything.  You like mina anyway…”
“Wait Sero...You like mina???” Hearing that broke you right out of your trance.
“Well now that the cats out of the bag….” Sero sighed.
“What a fucked up love triangle..” Denki muttered.
“More like a square but...” Sero seemed relieved.
You glanced over at Kaminari who seemed a little confused. You leaned in closer to him and whispered  “because they have four sides…”
It was like a lightbulb went off inside his head. “Yeah so, like you guys kissed, and finger banged. No big deal.”
 “You’re not mad?”
 “No...just as long as I get to do that tonight?” He smirked and  walked forward to wrap his arms around you in a hug. “ I just want my turn is all…”
You returned his hug, and shouted as Sero was about to go back inside and leave the two of you there alone.
“Wait!!!I have another problem?” 
Sero stopped. “What’s that?”
“I kinda already told Mina what we did...but she’s not dumb, she knew I liked Kaminari before i even realized it.”
“OK....” Kaminari chimed in, not following where this was going at all.
“OK, so now I know Sero likes her!....And she knows what we did, I don't want her to think he's like off limits or anything…”
 “Oh yeah fuck!” Sero stomped his foot to the ground in frustration.
 “Why is your weed too dank dude? Swear it makes everyone horny as fuck.”
 The two boys stood there smirking at each other while you actually put your brain to work. “Let me think…”
 After a few drinks you ran up to Mina. "Hey! So I don't want you to think I'm a total slut or anything… but..."
 "Never girl! You do you!...You and Sero " She stuck her tongue in her cheek and motioned with her hand to make it look like she was doing something else.
“Oh my god Mina! No! So that’s the thing….I like Kami…” 
“I fucking knew you did girl!”
“I told him that, and I told him about me and Sero and he's cool with it.”
 “Oh... So now you're going to get finger banged by sparky?” She took another sip of her drink and looked at you expectantly...she was not going easy on your love life huh?
“That's besides the point..” You joined her in taking another sip.
 “What is your point then chick?”
You decided to finish off your drink before answering her. “I'm not trying give you my seconds or anything... Cause I swear the whole me and Sero was like an unexpected thing....But…”
 “But what!?”
“But I've been told that Sero might have a thing for a certain someone…”
“You! You dumb ass!”
 “Sero...He likes me?” Mina looked like Kaminari did when he overused his quirk. 
“Yeah! I hope you don't mind. I didn't know that when he had his tongue all up in me yesterday or I wouldn't have done it.”
She thought for a bit before whispering “This is one fucked up love triangle!” 
You just rolled your eyes and watched as she downed the rest of her drink and bounced up off the couch.
 "Where you off to?"
 "Uhm? Do you expect me to just sit here after what you told me? Imma go get me some tape face action!"
 You flopped to the couch laughing "Oh my god Miina...So you're not mad?"
 "You didn't know. Plus you're hot, can't say I wouldn't makeout with you."
 “I’d pay to watch that…” The two of you turned towards the voice that rudely interrupted you. 
“Mineta!! Go away!” You and Mina shouted in unison. 
 Yep this really was just one giant fucked up love “triangle”
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shaynilla-wafer · 6 years
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ᴏᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴠᴀɴᴅᴀʟɪᴢɪɴ
#myheroacademia #bokunoheroacademia #izukumidorya #bakugokatsuki #katsukibakugo #midoriyaizuku#bakugokatsuki #bakugo #katsuki #kirishima #kirishimaeijirou #bakushima #kiribaku #jirokyouka #jiro #kaminaridenki #kaminari #presentmic #mic #erasermic #uraraka #urarakaochako #ochako #urarakaochaco #todoroki #aizawaxmic #shototodoroki #momo #momoyaoyorozu #serohanta #seroxmina
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yume-tsuki · 6 years
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SeroXMina doodle  some fanart for one of my fave pairings of bnha <3  I fell in love with them so much <3 and so some cuddle doodle with Sero Mina and their daughter Aoi for you ;)  sry for the legs XDD I’m to bored to fix them
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