#serpent just c: and then sees Ran and then is !! :D
deathfavor · 9 months
@ashrifts said: "3, 2, 1..." for serpent <3
Send "3,2,1..." for a new years kiss from my muse
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One year dies and another is born, and such an event calls for only the most exuberant celebrations as if to appease the new year. The club is full of dazzling lights, glittering chandeliers and the finest of decorations served alongside phenomenal food that is more art than food. ( Some people seem reluctant to destroy such beauty but ultimately cave for the exquisite flavors that burst upon their tongues. ) It is to be expected, when the underworlds greatest and society's elite are the guests of the exclusive club. More often than not, they are one and the same.
It was no surprise to Serpent that her presence was requested. Something dangerous and beautiful always gets hearts racing, and the rich are gluttonous for such catered shows. ( But they are happy, Serpent can taste the happiness in the air. ) So she appears with her venomous snakes, with her magic that no one seems able to comprehend ( how do airy bubbles turn into vibrant blue butterflies? how do flames become snow sprinkling from the ceiling ? Secrets she shall not divulge. ) They laugh and clap and look as enraptured in her shows when she's on the stage.
It is different the moment she steps off. People like dangerous things then they're protected by glass cages or seated in the audience, not when it can walk among them. Serpent is used to it, the mix of fear and awe. But no one dares approach. Certainly not as midnight draws near and traditions come to mind.
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Then, Serpent sees Ran, and her pleasant enough smile becomes little more genuine. She hadn't known he would be here. Serpent makes her way easily through the crowd to him, a bright smile on her lips. " I didn't know you'd be here! Aw, if I'd known, I could have gotten you something extra. " Maybe another time. " Are you having a good time? Did you like the show? " She asks, while Vesper lifts her head from where she's been laying draped against Serpent's throat to flick a tongue in greeting towards Ran.
A cheer from the crowd draws her attention away briefly from the man. Displays flick on to show a timer, and the energy in the building becomes a buzz in the clamor to get celebratory drinks or conveniently find someone to happen to stand by. Serpent observes - she's always been alone at this time, a monster among humans. But Ran doesn't cower away from her or Vesper seems unfazed by her own serpentine visage. It'd be fun to try this tradition, at least once. Maybe she'd finally taste the happiness she brings others.
Serpent turns her hand and two cards appear in her hand, and she offers a playful wink towards Ran when they seem to dissolve into flower petals, just for her to suddenly be holding two glasses filled with blue. One she keeps for herself, but the other she offers to him with a smile. " On the house, of course. " It's sweet on her tongue when she takes a sip, no surprise to herself.
The buzzing grows louder as the countdown gets louder.
Serpent blinks and then turns to Ran, till purple eyes and serpentine eyes meet.
He doesn't seem opposed, so Serpent stands up on her tippy toes, cool fingertips resting gently against his cheek.
Thankfully, he bends down so the strain is not so great.
1 !
Serpent leans forward and presses her lips against Ran's while cheers erupt in the room by those not participating in the tradition. It's silly, but it's all in good fun. Serpent's kiss is gentle, sweet like caramel rather than bitter like a snake's venom. Her kiss is soft and demands nothing, and she pulls back after a moment, leaving the sweetness to linger upon his lips even in her absence. She offers a cheerful giggle, sinking back into the flat of her feet again.
" Happy new years! " She offers him, turning her head a fraction to take a sip of her drink.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Gamers (HC)
Fandom: BSTS, Obey Me, Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: None
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Henlo~ HCs for how a meeting between Idia, Levi, and Taiga would go down? 👀 Assuming you can get them out and in one place ... lol. I wonder who the better gamer is
A/N: Omg that would be hard to find out who would be the better gamer. Well, Taiga could cheat and hack lol. This turned more into a friendship HC than a versus. 😆
The three men were teleported to an unknown room and were shocked to see the unfamiliar surroundings. They stared at each other for quite a while in silence until Taiga mumbled, "I am going to play games..." 
"Y-You're a g-gamer too?" Idia and Levi asked in unison. 
Once again awkward silence filled the room as they stared at each other in disbelief. 
"Y-You...look like a n-normie," Levi muttered while looking at Taiga, then shifted his gaze to Idia, "you...wo-woah, is your h-hair on fire!?" 
Taiga raised his eyebrow and cautiously walked closer to the blue-haired man, causing Idia to shrink into a corner. 
"It definitely looks like fire, and the movement is also similar...," Taiga smiled, "that's pretty cool." 
"S-So, where a-are we...and h-how do we get out?" Levi questioned as he looked around the small, simple room. 
"W-What's th-that?" Idia pointed towards a small button on the opposite side of the room. 
Levi nervously pressed the button, causing the room to shake for a few seconds before revealing a door. 
Taiga twisted the doorknob and stepped into a room that looked like a high-tech gaming facility. "This room looks like every gamer's dream."
"Y-Yeah," Levi nodded, "w-why are there t-three computers?" 
The three men assumed to return to their world, they would have to compete with each other.   
"I'll win no matter what," they whispered in sync. 
The three looked at each other shocked and yet again they had an awkward staring contest.
For a while, Taiga, Levi, and Idia tried to compete but in vain. They each had their specialty and were stuck in an endless “tied game” cycle.
"Hm...you two aren't bad at all," Taiga lazily said with a smirk. 
"Y-Yeah..." Levi agreed while Idia wordlessly glanced at the two out of the corners of his eyes.
"Why don't we try working together? Maybe we can come up with a way out of here faster." 
Taiga's words shocked both men, and they looked at him with wide eyes and open mouths. 
"W-Work..t-together?" The blue-haired man asked, "y-you wa-want to work w-with me?" 
"And..m-me?" Levi asked, tilting his head to one side. 
"Yeah, why not? I mean I am used to working in a team, and it'll benefit all of us if we put our brains together," Taiga smiled and rubbed the back of his head. 
"L-Like f-friends?" Idia questioned still in shock. 
"I guess..." 
"O-Okay," Levi smiled and gave Taiga a firm nod. 
While Levi toyed with the game, Taiga hacked into the mainframe, and Idia examined and made modifications to the machines.
It took a few hours, but when they finished, a message flashed on the computer screens, "You win! Portal access unlocked. Please wait for the portals to appears." 
"YAHOO, we did it!" Taiga's loud voice startled the other two men. 
Idia looked around the room and slowly raised his hand, mumbling, "Yahoo."
Levi smiled and threw one of his hands up in the air, "Yahoo." 
"Well, friends, we did it. Looks like we just have to wait," Taiga chuckled and plopped onto one of the chairs. 
"F-Friends?" The other two asked in harmony. 
"Yeah," the purpled-haired man smiled, "nice to meet you guys. My name is Taiga, I'm 25 years old and am a performer. I like to play games, know how to hack, and have an older brother...who is missing. When I'm not on stage or playing games, I'm looking for him." 
"P-Performer? Stage?" Levi blinked rapidly and covered his mouth with one hand, "Y-You're an idol?" 
"Um...not exactly...I work at a show restaurant. I am in a team with 5 members, and one of us sings while the others act and dance..." 
"But that st-still makes you an i-idol...you have fans, right?" The corners of Levi's lips curled up as he asked eagerly. 
"Yeah, I do.”
"You...stand on s-stage in f-front of people...?" Idia mumbled as a shiver ran down his spine. Just the thought of having all those eyes on him made him want to hide under his bed. 
"Yeah, I get nervous sometimes, but it's fun," Taiga replied, "especially when the fans chant my name." 
"I should introduce myself too. H-Hi, I am Leviathan. I like anime, idols, games, TSL, and Ruri-chan. Um, I have 6 brothers...," Levi glanced at Taiga, "I hope you find your brother soon. I also live in Devildom...and am a d-demon." 
"Thanks, Le- wait, what? You're a....demon? Like the ones with horns and wings?" The purpled-haired man asked in utter shock as Idia backed away from Levi. 
"Y-Yeah....want to see?" The demon unleashed his demonic form, causing the other men to grow fearful for a moment. Taiga slowly got closer to Levi and reached for his horns while Idia touched the tail. 
"You know...there's a myth in my world that has a sea serpent name Leviathan," Taiga said, "oddly enough, you have a serpent-like tail...and scales."
"T-That's...a-amazing...," Idia showed a toothy grin, "I am I-Idia Shroud. I have a yo-younger brother, Ortho, and I like g-gaming. I d-don't like to leave m-my room. N-Nice to me-meet you...I guess..." 
Just as the fire-haired man finished introducing himself, three portals opened, one behind each of the men. 
"Um...so it's t-time to go?" Levi asked, studying the three color-coded portals. 
"Yeah...but I wonder why we were brought here, and who was responsible," Taiga mumbled, resting his hands on his hips. 
"I-Is it o-okay to g-go through t-these po-portals?" Idia asked, rubbing his left hand on his right upper arm. 
"We won't know until we try," Taiga sighed, "it was nice meeting you two. You guys are pretty cool..." 
"T-Thanks." Idia's lips slowly curled upwards, revealing his sharp teeth. 
"You are c-cool too," Levi mumbled and blushed. "Will...we be able to meet each other again?" 
"Maybe, if we get called here again...or by some miracle. Um, I know the two of you will not be able to come, but here." Taiga handed the two men tickets to Team W's performance," My team has a show coming up soon..." 
"G-Good luck," Levi smiled and accepted the black ticket with red writing. 
"T-Thanks." Idia graciously took the laminated paper.
The three men waved to each other before walking towards the portals closest to them in hopes that they will meet again someday. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist ➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Twisted Wonderland Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Aemon Targaryen (55 a. C.-105 a. C.) Hand of the King
Aemon Targaryen was the third son of the kings of the Seven Kingdoms being a strong, robust and noisy baby being a great joy for his parents after the birth of his first brother, Aegon who was born quite premature. As he grew up, the whole world began to see him as the heir to the iron throne due to the poor health of Prince Aegon and they believed that he would die before sitting on the throne.
The prince was always very close to his younger brother, Baelon since he was born and the brothers played with their swords or did all kinds of mischief next to his older sister, Daenerys.
After the tragic epidemic of chills Lord Rogar Baratheon decides to send his daughter Jocelyn along with her cousins ​​to the kings after the death of their paternal aunts. The young woman was well received by the kings who adored her half-siblings. A year later at a banquet for the engagement of Princes Aegon and Daenerys, the queen seated Jocelyn next to Aemon; the children chatted and laughed together throughout the evening, ignoring the others. That friendship between aunt and nephew convinced Queen Alysanne of a possible engagement between the young people. At 10 years old, Aemon participated in his first joust, but due to his mother's concern he was only allowed to participate in a joust with young knights. Despite being one of the youngest knights, Aemon managed to end all of them being acclaimed by the public and it is known that the prince approached Jocelyn Baratheon's seat and gave her a rose with a bright golden color.
Three years later, Jaehaerys and Alysanne formalize the engagement between Aemon & Jocelyn, it is known that after this announcement the prince kissed the cheek of his fiancée and affirmed that "I will be as good a husband as I am such a good gentleman." Two years later, in 70 a. C., Prince Aemon and Lady Jocelyn were married in a ceremony so lavish that it rivaled the Golden Wedding. The couple was acclaimed by the people and it was believed that both would be the future of the kingdom if the princes of Dragonstone had no offspring.
In 72 a. C., Aemon became the rider of the fierce Caraxes and flew for the first time alongside his brothers Aegon, Daenerys, Baelon and Alyssa who already had their own dragons.
In 74 a. C., Lady Jocelyn gave birth to her daughter, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. The girl was big and fierce, with the black hair of her mother Baratheon and the light purple eyes of her father Targaryen hers. The birth of her daughter was a great joy for the prince, considering her the most beautiful baby that her eyes have seen. A year later, her second and last child was born, Jaehaerys, who would be the Chief Justice of King Aegon II. This birth almost cost his wife his life and Maester Elysar affirmed that Lady Jocelyn was no longer able to have more children, this was accepted by Aemon who would rather not have more children than to lose her great love and leave her children. motherless. His father appointed him counselor of the Edicts three years later and it is known that he used his function for ten years, in addition to being a man of clear and firm ideas.
One of the most turbulent events in Aemon's life was when in 80 AD. C., Otto Hightower secretly insulted Lady Jocelyn stating that he was "a man with boobs" and this reached the ears of the prince who confronted Lord Hightower for those words. After this, Jaehaerys I learned of this situation and exiled Otto from the court, losing his royal favor.
Aemon's life continued quiet as usual and it is known that he enjoyed spending time with his children, especially with his daughter Rhaenys with whom he shared his love of flying with his dragons Caraxes and Wife. In 90 a. C., Lord Corlys Velaryon known as "The sea serpent" asked Rhaenys' hand and this managed to convince her parents to accept the commitment. That same year the wedding was celebrated.
Years later, Myriense pirates captured the eastern coast of Tarth. Prince Aemon would command the attack and jointly attack Lord Corlys Velaryon, his recent son-in-law. Prince Aemon arrived before the Velaryon fleet in Tarth and met Lord Cameron Tarth, who had retreated to the ridge that ran through the center of the island and had set up camp in a hidden valley from which he could spy on the maneuvers of the Myrienses. Prince Aemon met him there, and the two drew up plans for the attack; unfortunately, the camp was spotted by one of the Myrien scouts.
Aemon was about to die by the crossbows, being saved by his younger brother Baelon who used armor to stop the arrows. The Targaryen brothers wielded their swords against the pirates unleashing a field of blood and fire alongside their dragons Vhagar and Caraxes. The princes returned to Westeros as victorious, being well received by their families and by the kingdom.
In 93 a. C., her first granddaughter is born, Laena Velaryon, daughter of her beloved Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon. It is known that Aemon cried when he carried the little girl in her arms and felt proud to be a grandfather. A year later his second grandson would be born, Laenor, known as “little horse” and he would succeed his father Corlys as Lord of Driftmark. The life of the Targaryen family was affected by the death of Queen Alysanne due to health problems and Aemon was the main support of his older brothers, Aegon and Daenerys who became regents when their father was hurt by the death of his wife .
In 103 a. C., the father of him the Conciliator dies and his brother Aegon was crowned as Aegon II, this named Aemon as Hand of the King, being one of the most important positions of the court. However, his role as his hand did not last long when a year later his beloved wife Jocelyn Baratheon died from the bite of a snake that poisoned her. Jocelyn's death was bitter for the prince and just two years after being appointed hand of the king he left that position and locked himself in his rooms to mourn his wife.
Aemon Targaryen died two months after the death of his wife at age 50 from intense fevers while in the company of his children Rhaenys and Jaehaerys. A year later, his son who was married to Amanda Arryn had their first son, whom he named Aemon in honor of his deceased grandfather.
Aemon Targaryen (55 d. C.-105 d. C.) Mano del Rey
Aemon Targaryen fue el tercer hijo de los reyes de los Siete Reinos siendo un bebé fuerte, robusto y ruidoso siendo una gran alegría para sus padres después del nacimiento de su primer hermano, Aegon que nació bastante prematuro. Mientras crecía todo mundo empezó a verle como el heredero al trono de hierro debido a la delicada salud del príncipe Aegon y creían que moriría antes de sentarse en el trono.
El príncipe fue siempre muy cercano a su hermano menor, Baelon desde que este nació y los hermanos jugaban con sus espadas o hacían todo tipo de travesuras al lado de su hermana mayor, Daenerys.
Tras la trágica epidemia de escalofríos Lord Rogar Baratheon decide enviar a su hija Jocelyn junto a sus primas con los reyes después de la muerte de sus tías paternas. La joven fue bien recibida por los reyes quienes adoraban a sus medios hermanos. Un año después en un banquete por el compromiso de los príncipes Aegon y Daenerys, la reina sentó a Jocelyn junto a Aemon; los niños charlaron y rieron juntos durante toda la velada, haciendo caso omiso de los demás. Aquella amistad entre tía y sobrino convencieron a la reina Alysanne de un posible compromiso entre los jóvenes.
A sus 10 años de edad, Aemon participo en su primera justa, pero debido a la preocupación de su madre solo se le permitió participar en una justa con jóvenes caballeros. Pesé a ser de los caballeros mas jóvenes, Aemon logro acabar con todos ellos siendo aclamado por el publico y se sabe que el príncipe se acerco al asiento de Jocelyn Baratheon y le regalo una rosa con un color dorado brillante.
Tres años después Jaehaerys y Alysanne oficializan el compromiso entre Aemon & Jocelyn, se sabe que después de este anuncio el príncipe beso la mejilla de su prometida y afirmo que “seré tan buen esposo como soy tan buen caballero”. Dos años después, en 70 d.C., el príncipe Aemon y Lady Jocelyn contrajeron matrimonio en una ceremonia tan esplendorosa que rivalizó con la Boda Dorada. La pareja fue aclamada por el pueblo y se creía que ambos serían el futuro del reino si los príncipes de Rocadragón no tuvieran descendencia.
En 72 d. C., Aemon se convirtió en el jinete del feroz Caraxes y voló por primera vez al lado de sus hermanos Aegon, Daenerys, Baelon y Alyssa que ya tenían sus propios dragones.
En 74 d.C., Lady Jocelyn dio a luz a su hija, la princesa Rhaenys Targaryen. La niña era grande y fiera, con el cabello negro de su madre Baratheon y los ojos violeta claro de su padre Targaryen. El nacimiento de su hija fue una gran alegría para el príncipe considerándola la bebé mas hermosa que hayan visto sus ojos. Un año después nace su segundo y ultimo hijo, Jaehaerys que sería la Justicia Mayor del rey Aegon II. Este parto casi le costo la vida a su esposa y el maestre Elysar afirmo que Lady Jocelyn ya no estaba capacitada para tener mas hijos, esto fue aceptado por Aemon que preferiría no tener mas hijos a que perder a su gran amor y dejar a sus hijos sin madre.
Su padre lo nombro consejero de los Edictos tres años después y se sabe que empleo su función por diez años, además de ser un hombre de ideas claras y firmes.
Uno de los eventos mas turbulentos en la vida de Aemon fue cuando en el 80 d. C., Otto Hightower insulto en secreto a Lady Jocelyn afirmando que era “un hombre con tetas” y esto llego a oídos del príncipe que enfrento a Lord Hightower por aquellas palabras. Tras esto, Jaehaerys I se entero de esta situación y exilió a Otto de la corte perdiendo este el favor real.
La vida de Aemon siguió tranquila como de costumbre y se sabe que disfrutaba pasar el rato con sus hijos, sobre todo con su hija Rhaenys con la cual compartía su gusto por volar con sus dragones Caraxes y Wife. En el 90 d. C., Lord Corlys Velaryon conocido como “La serpiente marina” pidió la mano de Rhaenys y esta logro convencer a sus padres de aceptar el compromiso. Ese mismo año se celebro la boda.
Años después, unos piratas myrienses capturaron la costa oriental de Tarth. El príncipe Aemon comandaría el ataque y atacaría en conjunto a Lord Corlys Velaryon, su reciente yerno. El príncipe Aemon llegó antes que la flota Velaryon a Tarth y se reunió con Lord Cameron Tarth, que se había replegado a la cordillera que recorría el centro de la isla y había armado campamento en un valle oculto desde el que se podía espiar las maniobras de los myrienses. El príncipe Aemon se reunió allí con él, y ambos trazaron planes para el ataque; desgraciadamente, el campamento fue divisado por uno de los exploradores myrienses.
Aemon estuvo apunto de morir por las ballestas, siendo salvado por su hermano menor Baelon que utilizo una armadura para frenar las flechas. Los hermanos targaryen empuñaron sus espadas en contra de los piratas desatando un campo de sangre y fuego junto a sus dragones Vhagar y Caraxes. Los príncipes volvieron a Poniente como victoriosos siendo bien recibidos por sus familias y por el reino.
En el 93 d. C., nace su primera nieta, Laena Velaryon, hija de su querida Rhaenys y Corlys Velaryon. Se sabe que Aemon lloro al cargar a la pequeña en sus brazos y se sintió orgulloso de ser abuelo. Un año mas tarde nacería su segundo nieto, Laenor conocido “caballito” y este sucedería a su padre Corlys como Señor de Marcaderiva.
La vida de la familia Targaryen se vio afectada por la muerte de la reina Alysanne por problemas de salud y Aemon fue el principal apoyo de sus hermanos mayores, Aegon y Daenerys que se convirtieron en regentes al estar su padre dolido por la muerte de su esposa.
En 103 d. C., fallece su padre el Conciliador y su hermano Aegon fue coronado como Aegon II, este nombro a Aemon como Mano del Rey, siendo una de las posiciones mas importantes de la corte. Sin embargo su papel como mano no duro mucho cuando un año después falleció su amada esposa Jocelyn Baratheon por la mordedura de una serpiente que la enveneno. La muerte de Jocelyn fue amarga para el príncipe y apenas dos años de ser nombrado mano del rey dejo aquel cargo y se encerró en sus aposentos a llorar a su esposa.
Aemon Targaryen falleció dos meses después de la muerte de su esposa a los 50 años de edad por intensas fiebres mientras estaba en compañía de sus hijos Rhaenys y Jaehaerys. Un año después su hijo que estaba casado con Amanda Arryn tuvo su primer hijo varón al cual llamo Aemon en honor a su abuelo fallecido.
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c-is-for-circinate · 5 years
“What the Fuck is Up with the Elves” (or, more worldbuilding for C’s D&D game)
So the thing is, I call myself an ecologist, and I am, really, or at least I’ve been working as one when I’m not working as a general all-math-and-science teacher for the past ten years.  But that’s not, quite, technically, what my degrees are in.  Technically, as per my master’s thesis, I’m an evolutionary biologist.
Which means that when I run a D&D game?  We start from a place of hominid evolution.
Gnomes and dwarves evolved on the continent of Nokomoris, where most of our game takes place.  Some 50,000 years ago, humans came up out of the neighboring continent (which has a dozen different names, but we can call it Kekiris, that’s as accurate as any) and joined them, and together the three races learned to master fire and metalwork and gods and demons and the four Great Schools and the two Minor Schools of arcane magic (for those were the days before the elves, before the discovery of abjuration, when it was thought that only the gods could conjure and transmutation was limited to minor tricks and divine crafts).
Elves, and their cousins the orcs (though no elf alive today would admit that they are cousins in truth, and the orcs themselves have all but forgotten it) evolved side by side on the continent of Priyl, a fifteenth the size of Nokomoris and isolated in the middle of the ocean, beset by storms and reefs on all sides.
Well.  The elves of the Ascendancy call it Priyl, and so does everybody else, these days, in respect to them.  The orcs and half-orcs remember that it was Getirka, and still is to those of their brethren still living there.  The people of Nokomoris have all but forgotten the days when they called it Thidoris, when it was nothing more than a myth.
(There are other continents, beyond those three, of course--but time enough for that later.  Nobody on Nokomoris remembers the continent of Calladia these days, and that might be for the best, for now.  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.)
Six and a half thousand years ago, the continent of Priyl, called Getirka by the orcs and Thidoris by the gnomes and humans and dwarves, disappeared from the ocean.  Five hundred and twelve years it appeared again.  And that was enough to change the world.
Priyl, then, because we’re talking about elves.  Priyl is such a small continent, really, surrounded by such very storm-like oceans, full of so much desert and so many mountains and so very, very many things with sharp teeth and venom spines.  The spiders and snakes can kill a beast a thousand times their size.  The fish on the reef around the continent, who look like stone or coral or sand or squirming tentacle-beasts, have spines and teeth with venom that can kill ten times faster than that.
Half of Priyl is worn thin between planes, or at least it was so many hundreds of thousands of years ago, when lithe thin agile elf-ancestors took to the trees and the mountains to run from their fierce unstoppable orc cousins.  They were barely more than beasts themselves, either of them.  The elves were perhaps a little more clever, but perhaps they were only quicker, lighter, lither in the branches of trees.  The orcs were more determined.  They invented fire first.
Fire doesn’t mix well with trees, particularly not in the long dry drought of a Priylan summer, and the elves died, and died--and survived, some of them, always.  Through trickery and luck, some elves always survived.
And the fey noticed.
There are a thousand different ways planes can brush up against each other; a million years later, in the present day of 512 HA, the scholars of Nokomoris will have names and categories for half a dozen.  One of those is what they call a seep--a place as small as a few square yards, as huge as a dozen square miles, where two planes wear as thin as over-used linen cheesecloth next to each other, and ooze one into the other in bits and pieces and fragments of magic over years.
It’s not meant to be possible, for an entire continent to be a seep, but many things that are not meant to be possible are nonetheless true.  Priyl was thin before the elves and orcs even came to be there.  Fey roamed the lands, called them home, before they ever took forms with two legs and two arms and a face that could speak a language of people.  They noticed the thin little cousins-of-orcs fleeing through the trees, and they saw the invention of fire and the forests that burned, and a few of them decided--well.  There’s a game worth playing.
Half a million years ago, the fey taught the first True Elves about magic.  Nothing has ever been the same since.
Fifteen thousand years ago, when dwarves and humans and gnomes were only just learning to turn stone tools into plowshares and turn goats and sheep and aurochs into tame animals, the elves of Priyl had cities that stretched halfway to the sky.
They made war, of course, of course they did.  They waged it against each other, because nothing else was worthy of their conquest.  Ten generations of orcs could live and breed and die before an elf could even count themself arrived at adulthood.  The world beyond Priyl was strange and distant, far beyond notice or care.  The vast universe of the planes, and beyond--that drew the elven attention far more than anything on the world of Onde.
There were in those days two kinds of elves, or perhaps three, or perhaps a thousand.  In fact, perhaps the easiest way to divide the elves of that time is by how many sorts of elves they themselves believed existed.  In that case it was the three-sort elves who were correct, which makes their fate even more dark irony in the end.
They were the Day Elves, the Night Elves, and the True Million; High Elves and Bad Elves and those fuckers in the woods, I guess.  They were, according to a third of their number, the elves of Sun, Moon, and Twilight; and this is how the self-styled Moon Elves would explain the difference:
During the day, with the sun bright and desperate overhead, it is easy to believe that light and dark are opposites, the only two options.  It is easy to believe in sun and darkness and no other in-between.  It is easy to believe in Your Own and then also The Rest Of Them.  It is easy to believe in your own power.  And so the day elves, the sun elves, as silver and gold as though no other color existed in the universe, studied the foundations of their own powers and ignored all else.  They were wizards and full of magic, and they built the cities that towered to the sun, and they wrote the laws and warred each other, and they gave polite nods to the fey if they passed but they did not bow to them, for they accepted only the opposing ideas of Subservience and Mastery, and they refused to be servants.
At dawn and dusk, with all the shadows grown long and small lights flickering from every direction, it is easy to confuse lies and honesty everywhere, to lose sight of any firm reality.  It is easy to believe that nothing is quite real in the first place and anything is as good as anything else.  It is easy to believe in tricks and riddles, and to toss aside that belief a moment later, to cling to nothing but artifice and bargains and boundaries on trust.  The twilight elves, the wood elves, red and green and brown and gold and silver and white and black and gray, ran with the fey who’d once taught and married their ancient ancestors.  They were warlocks and full of trickery and half-truth, and they studied math and logic and ventured from city to city slipping in between the bounds set by the daylight elves as though they had not spotted them in the dark.  They wrote contracts and twisted reality around themselves, for they believed in everything and nothing, just like their masters, and could not see far enough to grasp the reality of anything.
At night, in clear moonlight, it is easy to see the truth: there is light, and there is dark, and there is everything in between.  There may be master and servant, and that may be firm and unchangeable, no matter how the shadows hide it--but for every servant on his knees in the dirt, there is always one more, lower still than them.  Every master lording over her servant has yet another master.
So it was that the moon elves discovered the gods.  Priyl was not a good land for gods, with the blurring of its boundaries, its fade between reality and not.  They did not often feel welcome there.  Still, in the middle of the night, with one or two or all three moons full and bright overhead, they could find their way down.  Even the fey had to be overmastered by someone.
There were three gods that the Elves of Night found, as they searched and studied and prayed, there in the moonlit dark on the continent of Priyl, where the smallest creatures were full of venom and might.  They found the queen of spiders, and the king of serpents, and the prince of fish and tentacles and uncharted depths.  The elves of the moon went to their knees and prayed.
In those days the elves had boats, of course.  They had not quite mastered the art of teleportation that would join their cities in the future, and they did not most of them quite care about the world beyond the boundaries of their reefs, but curiosity has always been an elven trait.  The moon-elven worshippers of the god of the sea, and the twilight adventurers whose fae patrons implored them to spread chaos and wonder, they learned to sail and venture forth.  They mapped the world of Onde while the humans and gnomes and dwarves of Nokomoris were still just learning to put stylus to clay and charcoal to tanned leather, while the humans of someday-Calladia were singing their sky-song and building empires of ritual and sound.
(Orcs invented boats first.  Orcs have been on Nokomoris for tens of thousands of years, coming few by few, interbreeding with humans until barely any sign of them was left to meet the next ship to arrive.  Few enough of them ever made it back over the reefs to return to Getirka, even before the High Elves Ascendant erected the Stormwall.  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves again.)
Here is the thing that every elf known on Nokomoris today will say, to anyone who asks them, about their history: 6,703 years ago, by the calendar reckoning of humans, gnomes, and dwarves, the Elven Ascendancy rose to shepherd all of the elves of Priyl, and closed the continent away from all the world to protect--
And that’s where the story will pause, because what protection could the elves ever have needed from the rest of the world?  The elves appeared in Nokomoris five hundred years, and shook the world on its foundations.  Every kingdom on Onde was tumbled before their power.
‘To protect you all from us,’ so many elves would say.  They would be correct, of course, and altogether wrong, all at once.
Spiders are not evil.  Neither are serpents, or stonefish, or krakens.  Neither are the gods of them.
They shed their skins, though, all at once or piece by piece.  And sometimes they demand the world do the same.  Sometimes they demanded apocalypse and rebirth.  It wasn’t such a very far stretch, really, after all.
The dark elves of black and white and gray believed in nuance as an article of faith.  They also believed in duty, and truth, and fortitude across an ever-changing night.  They believed in a lot of things.  That was, a little bit, the point.
It took a thousand years of war for the cities of Sun Elves to come together to agree, at the very last, that even should it take all their power they must see the Night Elves driven entire from the continent of Priyl.  They must see it done, and they would unite themselves to do it.  It took another century of war first, with all the united might of the Elven Cities bent against the god-worshippers, the moonlight elves with their huge pale eyes and their unglowing skin.  It could be their only salvation, before the gods of venom and rebirth called for the destruction of everything they loved and knew.
And so it was, 6,602 years ago, that all of the very most powerful wizards of the Elves of Day, the Sun Elves, high and ascendant and triumphant, joined their power as one to join nature and force and illusion all bound together in one great wall.  The Stormwall, sixteen thousand miles long, encircling all of Priyl in its arms.
(Did the Wild Elves, the twilight elves, the forest warlocks, did they help?  Oh yes, my friend.  Oh yes, of course they did, for the Sun Elves--they only ever saw two sides, don’t you remember?  Two sides, dark and light, and the twilight elves trapped on the in-between--well.  They always did know how to deal oh-so-very carefully with a master that little bit stronger than them.  So the wild elves helped, and the Stormwall--the Stormwall worked perfectly, to keep anyone outside of Priyl from venturing in.)
6,703 years ago, the Empyrean Ascendant became the very first sovereign on the seat of the Elven Ascendancy.  6,600 years ago, the elves of Priyl found peace.  More or less.
And what became of the moon elves, the night elves, the elves of the dark?  What became of them, and their spider-queen, serpent-king, fish-prince?
They went to Calladia, of course--though it was called Thiel then, once upon a time.  They went to Thiel-that-would-be-Callida, and Thiel found itself unmade.
There is a great deal to say of old mythical Thiel, and the lands it became and then unbecame again, and again, and again, cycling once and twice and more and more over the thousands of years between now and then.  There is a great deal to say, and some of it is about the elves that live there, and some of it is about the humans they found when they arrived, and some of it is about the changelings that sprung up between them, faceless shapeshifters learning to live just as everyone else.  Right now, in the year 512 HA, five centuries after the fall of the Storm Wall, the continent is nothing but a thousand-island archipelago.  It remembers, barely, that it was Callida nine centuries ago, and had merchant ships and commerce to the east and west, with Nokomoris and Kekiris and beyond.  It remembers being shattered to pieces in hopes of rebirth.  It does not remember that it ever was Thiel, not in the deepest dimmest history, save in the oldest of records.
There is a great deal to say, but what I will tell you now is this: the fish around the continent that once was Thiel do not sting with venom spines that kill in the space of a breath, and the tentacle-armed creatures that swim their bays are small and soft and cannot kill at all.  There is very little for the Prince of Depths to do here, little space for him to make himself known.
There are frogs here, instead.  They do not bite except ants and flies, but they glow bright, red and yellow and violet and blue.  They poison nobody except the unwary hunter who does not leave them as they sit.  (The unwary hunter, they will kill.  The wary hunter learns to use them, instead.)
They change, from fish-spawn to frog-grandmother, to eggs, to spawn again.  It’s easier to believe in the Frog Daughter (who is also the mother of all, wide-mouth frog devourer of all) than any unfamiliar lord of depths and venom.
The Frog Daughter is, perhaps, a kinder god than her predecessor-brother.  There’s some kindness in all three of the dark elves’ gods, if you know where to look.  They’re all three of them gods of transformation, and that can always be a kindness, for some.
And what of Priyl, then, in their absence?
The Ascendancy has held strong for six thousand years and nearly another thousand after that.  Eleven elves Ascendant, after the Empyrean, each of them chosen and sworn to the good of all before more than two centuries of life have passed them by, each of them sworn to rule for a thousand years if they can.  Each of them have made that oath, and under them the Ascendancy has flourished.
Throughout Priyl, throughout its mountains, there are the Cities of the Ascendancy, and each city is vast and towering, halfway up to the skies, and each city is within itself world and shining garden.  Each city is full of sparkling crystalline fountains and waterfalls, parks and fresh water to drink, home to a thousand sparkling silver fishes that are art and food and life all at once.  Vines climb up the dazzling towers from terrace to terrace and grow fruit and berries and grain.  Shimmering pigeons of red and purple iridescence bred for perfect accent color beauty soar between golden bridges and balustrades, and lay their eggs, and nobody in an elven city ever goes hungry.
(And what became of the twilight elves, then, when the sun elves rose up on high and claimed their world?  They retreated to shadow and stayed in the in-between, of course, just as they always have.  Their feytrap labyrinths deep in the mountains and deserts and woods of Priyl are sprawling and inescapable temples to artifice and knowledge and math, and their acolytes strike deals and take powers from their Lady Whispered and Lord Gloaming, and their children grow in the shining towers of the cities of the ascendancy and pay their dues to the elves on high.  The warlock elves, the fae-friends, the elves of the woods, they have always understood the needs of survival.  They remember the dark elves.  They remember the price of loss.  Even if the high elves themselves won’t.)
And so it was for six thousand years, until the Halcyon Ascendant rose to power, five hundred and twelve years ago.  And the Halcyon Ascendant, who was wizard and diviner, who was young and brave and as wise as she was clever, who looked into the world and saw the future--
the Halcyon Ascendant said, it is time to lower the Stormwall and venture forth to know the world.
Nobody knows, exactly, why the Halcyon Ascendant gave such an order.  Few elves know exactly what it cost to fulfill it.  Fewer still would ever admit it.
What is known, by everybody on Nokomoris, is this: the elves appeared on their great silver ships out of nowhere at all, five hundred years ago, and changed everything in the world.  Cities and nations rose and fell.  The elves knew magic nobody had ever heard of before.
The elves brought transmutation and conjuration and abjuration that could be studied and learned from books instead of summoned from gods and the incomprehensible overwhelming power of nature.  They brought potions and alchemy and science.  The elves brought to Nokomoris the very first teleportation circles (and Nokomoris as it is now, with the Nine Cities and their reign, could not exist without teleportation circles.)
Today, the elves live in every major city on the continent.  They live west of the mountains of the Western Wall, and in cities on the continent of Kekiris.  Always in sweeping, curving, tall shining towers, in their own elven enclaves, part of every city but not beholden to it.  Always full of wonders to sell, perhaps, if their leaders in the Ascendancy deem it proper; always rich with the wealth of their nation, which is free to all elves, and nobody else.
There are elven advisors and elven investors and elven ambassadors.  There are elven students in the universities, and professors there, as well.  There are no elven kings or governors or lords, of course there aren’t--no elf could truly be a citizen of Nokomoris, not honorably.  Every elf born is a subject of the Ascendancy. 
And finally, here is what the orcs know of elves.  The orcish story is their own, and long and varied and rich, the orcs of Getirka-called-Priyl and the orcs of New Gettik on Nokomoris, and it is also long, full of diaspora and resilience and art and culture and many, many thousands of generations of twins.  It is another post for another time.
But what the orcs know of elves, for they do come from the very same land, from its opposite sides, is: there are whole universes beyond what the elves consider worthy of their attention.  It’s true that no ship or desperate swimmer arrived on the continent of Getirka or Priyl for all the six thousand years that the Stormwall soared.  It is not true that no ship ever left.
The orcs say it, and the orcs know.  The orcs of New Gettik and Clure, here on Nokomoris, know it especially.  They were here before the elves arrived.  Even the rest of Nokomoris realizes that.
Every gnome, dwarf, and human on Nokomoris knows that all elves everywhere in the world belong to the Ascendancy.  Every orc knows that there are worlds below the elves’ notice, that they forget about conveniently, that they pretend not to see.  Some orcs may think to wonder whether they’ve forgotten about other elves, too.
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missjosie27 · 5 years
Year 2 Part 5- Quidditch for the Ages
Hey, guys!
Welcome to my 5th chapter for Year 2. Spoiler Alert: it’s my first time writing a Quidditch match so I hope I did it justice.
As a warning, I do hope my readers who are Slytherin can forgive me xD But in all seriousness what happens in the story now is a backdrop for growth and understanding later. Especially for David. I do not intend for Slytherin to be the ‘evil’ house in this story. But it will take time.
For the second Halloween in a row David found himself in the hospital wing, only this time it was for an injury suffered by someone else, notably his best friend. 
Madam Pomfrey had appeared suspicious when he gave the explanation for what happened, which was basically that Rowan wasn’t feeling well and was exhibiting ‘flu-like’ systems. This was definitely stretching his fibbing ability, as common colds and the flu could be cured readily by most trained mediwizards and staff. But though Rowan woke up, he was still shivering heavily, multiple blankets wrapped around his body, sipping hot chocolate to warm his body. Thankfully, the head of the Hospital Wing didn’t ask too many questions, allowing him to stay for a brief period.
“I’m sorry this happened, Rowan,” David apologized in a low voice, so Madam Pomfrey couldn’t hear them. “It’s my fault.”
“D-Don’t worry about it,” the Indian preteen reassured him through chattering teeth. “We both wanted to find this vault, remember? It’s important to you.”
David rubbed his hands together and looked away. Rowan would be fine, but an unpleasant guilty sensation spread through him. Losing Jacob had already been painful enough and that had been his fault too. He didn’t want to gain back a brother but lose a friend.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, honestly, trying to redirect the feelings of shame.
“Like I g-got hit with the Knight B-Bus,” Rowan responded, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “One made out of pure ice.”
“Madam Pomfrey will have you out of here in no time. She’s never failed anyone.”
Rowan smiled to again assure his friend he was not angry nor sore over the situation.
“I t-told you, d-don’t worry about me. I should b-be back in a day or s-so. Go out and l-learn as much as you c-can in my absence.”
The talk came to an end as Madam Pomfrey gently ushered him out, saying that her patients needed rest (though most simply needed buckets after eating too many sweets). As soon as the hospital wing doors were shut, he was surprised to see Penny standing outside. Her normally bubbly features were colored with worry and even a bit of disappointment.
“David, what happened?” she asked simply. 
“Merlin’s beard, Penny, how did you know where we were?”
“You forget, I know almost everything around here. But it wasn’t exactly hard to figure out. You and Rowan didn’t show up for the feast.”
David smacked a hand in the middle of his forehead. He should have known Penny of all people would be the first to notice them gone, given that her group of friends and his were virtually synonymous. She had an eye for this sort of thing.
“I assumed you were going after the vaults again,” she continued when he didn’t respond.
“You caught me, okay?” he admitted, not bothering to lie. “Are you angry or something?”
“I’m not angry, Dave,” Penny told him, taking a few steps forward. “I was just worried and wanted to make sure two friends of mine were okay. I take it Rowan isn’t?”
“He’s fine but it’s still my fault. We found the vault door, and I became reckless. I touched it and it immediately began firing off some kind of freezing spell and one them hit Rowan. Got him here as fast as I could.”
“Well that’s good he’s okay, but wasn’t Madam Pomfrey suspicious?”
“She was, but as far as I know she didn’t alert Dumbledore or any of the other Professors. Told her he was feeling ill and left it at that.”
Penny breathed a sigh of relief.
“That’s strangely fortunate. You definitely don’t want anyone else finding out, there’s enough competition out there as it is. Especially with Merula. I keep hearing rumors about her and none of them good. They say she’s recruiting her own gang to try and find the vaults and still wants you out of the way.”
“What else is new?” David groaned. “Well, anyway, thanks for letting me know about this Penny.”
But she stopped him again as she gazed into him with those sparkling, blue eyes that reminded one of an innocent doe.
“Dave, you can’t keep doing this by yourself.”
“That’s why I have Rowan with me.”
“He’s just one person and he narrowly avoided getting seriously hurt. What if you’re next?”
The twelve year old Gryffindor wasn’t really concerned with his own safety, not in the conscious sense. He had never considered he might become injured or fall victim in the quest to find this vault. Jacob was the main focus, not him.
But then again, Penny also had a point.
“You’re right. I do need to be more careful, but I promise nothing will happen to me.”
“We both know that’s a promise you can’t keep,” she told him seriously. “I’m only asking you one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t keep me out, Dave. Next time you plan on entering a cursed vault, let me know so I can help.”
The offer was so genuine, it overrode his desire to protect her. How could one turn down Penny Haywood? Moments such as these showed why she clearly was a Hufflepuff through and through.
“Okay, Penny. I will.”
An enormous hug and an even bigger smile indicated from the blonde indicated all was well. 
“Thanks, Dave! Please tell me when Rowan gets out of the hospital wing.”
Despite the warm and fuzzies from Penny, there were more questions to be asked and many more to be answered. What was inside the vault? Did it have anything to do with the vision he received when he touched the door? And what did Voldemort have to do with this?
Is this what Jacob went through when he tried to find the vaults? 
Deciding he didn’t want to know the answer, suddenly realizing he was quite famished David shoved his wand back into his pocket and went to see if there was anything left to eat at the feast. Maybe Tonks had saved him a treacle tart or two.
Tension ran high within the school the next few days, but for once the reason was not due to cursed ice. The first Quidditch match of the season was coming and it featured the two biggest rivals within the interhouse competition: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.
Anyone who knew anything about Hogwarts knew that the two houses had a history going back to the infamous duel between Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin, which eventually led to the latter of the two leaving the school. In the modern context, students of each house generally disliked each other, and it sometimes graduated to outright hatred. Throw Quidditch into the equation and that animosity often boiled over into war. The bold, brave, athletic lions versus the cunning, calculating, underhanded serpents. 
David, being on one side of that rivalry, was not exactly unbiased but he didn’t particularly care. His experience with Slytherin was not a positive one thus far, the primary culprit being Merula Snyde and her constant antagonism towards him and his friends. Being a mere second year, he was not the main target of any of the older Slytherins’ ire but it seemed that no matter what he did, she would never cease in her relentless bullying and badgering. The afternoon potions class Friday prior to the match only served to fuel his own animosity towards the silver and green.
Rowan had still not been released from the hospital wing, so he was left on his own to complete the brew Snape gave them for the day. David was not unskilled in the subject but it was difficult to focus on your potion when there was a constant thorn in your side sitting at your table.
“Where’s Khanna, Grant? I still see he’s noticeably absent.” Merula taunted him through the steam of the bubbling cauldron.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” David shot back, doing his best to ignore her. She was one of only a few people capable of getting underneath his skin and to do so now would be unwise with Snape watching. 
“Oh, please. It doesn’t take a genius to know you and that four eyed creatine were off searching for the vaults during the feast. He’s probably still trying to unfreeze himself in the hospital wing.”
“Well we agree one thing, Merula, you’re certainly no genius.”
The Slytherin girl ducked as Snape walked by, adding a pinch of unicorn horn to her potion before returning to her taunting.
“Full of jokes but no substance as per usual, Grant. You’ve found nothing, but I’ve been investigating the vaults myself and you wouldn’t believe what I found.”
“I’m sure it’s quite fascinating. Much like your inability to shut the hell up.”
But true to form, Merula was both stubborn and relentless.
“Khanna is gone but I’ve been working with people to locate and break the vault curse before you. Whatever is inside will belong to me, so you may as well give up now.”
So, Penny was correct in her information that Merula had her own little posse. Of course, the Hufflepuff was rarely wrong but to hear it from the Slytherin herself was more concerning. At the risk of going down the rabbit hole, David took the bait and indulged her.
“What makes you think you’re going to open the vaults before me? I bet you’re no closer than I am.”
“I’m willing to whatever it takes, Grant. That’s the difference between you and I.”
“The difference,” he said, while stirring his cauldron counterclockwise. “Is that I’m merely trying to find my brother. You on the other hand are like every other Slytherin that ever lived- selfish, deceitful, and power hungry. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.”
Merula gave him her usual nasty leer.
“You’ll be regretting those words soon enough.”
“Or what?”
“Or else,” cut in a smooth, silky, dangerous voice. “I shall have to give both of you detention for not finishing your work on time and disrupting my class.”
Their conversation had gone on far too long, evidently, as the greasy, beaked nose of Professor Snape bore down upon them, his expression far from pleased.
“Sorry, Professor,” David apologize in an attempt at damage control. Snape was not quite as passionate a Quidditch fan as McGonagall, but he never passed up any chance to humiliate or show up the other houses. Non-Slytherins were extra careful not get on his bad side leading up to a match.
“I don’t need your sniveling excuses,” he dismissed sourly. “But what I do need is an explanation. Several ingredients from my private storeroom have been stolen in the last few days and I’ve received word you are the culprit. What do you have to say for yourself?
Dave couldn’t help but deliver a tongue in cheek response.
“And what makes you think it was me of all people?”
“Perhaps it’s in connection to your search for the cursed vaults? Or because you, like your brother, insist on testing the boundaries of this school and my patience? Whatever the reason, I have no desire to know what goes on in your warped, tiny mind. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t give you detention for the rest of the year.”
The rest of the class’s eyes were on them now, Ben looking quite afraid, while Charlie looked on apprehensively (Jae was already asleep by this point). But it wasn’t their reactions David keyed in on, rather it was Merula’s that gave everything away. Her eyes were alighted with malicious glee, a knowing smirk plastered across her face. It was then and there he knew she was the one behind this.
“I don’t know. But I would ask Merula given that she looks as though Christmas came early.”
That threw the second year Slytherin in for a loop as the malicious glee quickly evaporated into a frantic denial.
“Only someone as pathetic and desperate as you would try and pin this on me, Grant! You’re just as loony as your brother!”
Snape looked over at his pupil.
“Is this true, Miss Snyde? What credence do you give this accusation?”
“None,” she said but her response did not meet her eyes. “If I want to see him expelled it’s because he’s a disgrace and a danger to Hogwarts.”
David fully expected Snape, the most blatant in expressing favoritism towards his own house, to simply take Merula at her word and be done with it. Which is why what happened next came as a shock to everyone. 
“I genuinely wish you weren’t lying.”
Merula’s eyes looked as though they might pop out of her head.
“Excuse me?!”
“As I have stated before you are an absolutely atrocious liar, especially for a Slytherin. You will stay after class to receive your punishment. The rest of you, finish up your potions, put them on my desk and get out.”
No one needed to be told twice. David, hardly believing his luck, was content to do as Snape instructed and followed the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins out of the door while Merula was forced to remain behind. But as he was about to head down the hallway, the preteen gave into temptation and placed himself at the edge of the stone wall close to the door. He needed to hear why he was not assigned the blame, and his rival faced the brunt of the potion master’s wrath.
“Professor,” he could hear Merula use a falsely innocent tone she only used to get out of trouble. “I don’t understand why I’m the one being punished. It was Grant, not me.”
“Save your pathetic explanations for whichever idiot among your posse has the time to listen.”
“Do you really think I was blind to the fact that this was a scheme cooked up by you and your housemates? Or that when I was tipped off by that gigantic oaf Mr. Lee, I failed to notice traces of Boomslang skin on his hands? No, this was an ill-advised, foolhardy endeavor that was unworthy of even the lowliest of our house. And as such, you will come by every Friday evening to clean the storeroom you stole from until Christmas. Is that clear?”
Evidently, she did not, because Merula continued to argue.
“But Professor! You hate the Gryffindors and Grant! Why do I have to serve detention?”
“That is neither here nor there,” Snape growled, the anger increasing in his voice. “Our house prides itself on cunning and ambition. You possess the latter but not the former, Miss Snyde. Grant saw right through your attempt to frame him and the fact that he did means you didn’t even bother to cover your tracks. Consider today a test, a test that you failed.”
“The next ‘but’ to come out of your mouth will ensure another Friday added to your lengthy detention sentence. Now, begin cleaning at once lest you continue to test my patience.”
That was all David needed to hear and the reaction was one of slight surprise and relief. Snape was punishing his own student not out of fairness but for being sloppy, which he supposed made sense. It also meant that he had time to visit Rowan later in the evening and with any luck, they’d be able to watch the Quidditch match tomorrow.
As he exited the dungeon, he came across an unsettling sight, however. Standing in the hallway, chewing some Drooble’s gum was the Slytherin girl known as Ismelda Murk, the one who had attacked Charlie on the train earlier in the year. She said nothing as he walked by, but carried a most wicked, frightening smile and never took her visible eye off him, her other eye shrouded by her shoulder length, black hair. 
“Creepy,” David muttered to himself, but gave it no further thought as he made his way towards dinner. There was a Quidditch game to be played tomorrow and now more than ever did he want to beat Slytherin.
The lion did not concern itself with the schemes of snakes.
At last the day came and the sunny, crisp November morning was pulsing with excitement. Gryffindors and Slytherins alike donned their colors- jackets, jumpers, scarves, gloves, hats, flags, banners- it had all the feel of a classic in the making featuring Hogwarts’ two biggest rivals.
It was all the more surreal for David, who grew up listening to Quidditch but had never seen a match even at the most rudimentary level. It was another activity his mum severely restricted growing up. But there were no parents here to tell him ‘no’ and little to contain his excitement. He was ready for this.
Adding to the general atmosphere was the fact that the Gryffindor Quidditch team had two new extraordinarily talented members in Charlie Weasley and Skye Parkin. True to his word, it was the skill not the broom that earned the second eldest Weasley the spot of seeker. So proud was Professor McGonagall, she ended up ordering him a new comet series for proper matches. David had only heard rumors, but anyone who witnessed Charlie play was floored by the speed, quickness, and precision he possessed. True to his humble nature, his friend never talked much about his own Quidditch abilities but retained quiet confidence. If half of those rumors were true, Gryffindor was in good hands.
The second name among the new arrivals was Skye Parkin and this one generated even more buzz than Charlie. Skye was also a second year and was from the famous Parkin family, a clan hailing from the high hills of Scotland legendary for their long line of successful Quidditch players. So prominent they were, they had even founded their own Quidditch team, the Wigtown Wanderers.
Unlike most of the old families, the Parkins did not belong to any particular house and were spread out evenly at Hogwarts spanning the centuries. Her brothers had been placed in Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively, but Skye was the only child who had inherited her father Ethan Parkin’s Gryffindor courage. Every bit as talented as her brothers, she was placed as a chaser and excelled in the natural instincts required for the spot- passing, positioning, and speed. So anticipated was her debut that some were saying she was better than her father at the same age.
In David’s personal opinion, that was quite a lot to put on a single twelve-year-old girl but he had seen Skye in class and at the lunch table on numerous occasions. She was truly fearless and did not blink at a challenge, even from older students. Notorious for her poor grades, she was not an academic favorite among the staff, but McGonagall had given her enough tutoring to ensure her grades were adequate enough to join the team, so determined she was to win the cup.
In addition to this good news was that Rowan was finally well enough to leave the hospital wing. Though Quidditch was not his forte, David managed to convince him some fresh air and healthy competition would be good after being cooped up in a ward for three days. Not to mention Bill would also be there cheering on his brother so it provided an extra incentive.
Waking up that morning, David wasted no time in getting dressed and making sure Rowan did the same.
“Ironic. I’m usually the one trying to get you out of bed,” his best friend grunted. 
“Yeah but that’s for boring stuff. This is Quidditch!”
“Remind me again, why I should care?”
In a sequel of their first day at Hogwarts, it was David’s turn to throw a pillow at Rowan.
“Because we need to be there when we kick Slytherin’s arse.”
“Also, Bill’s going to be there.”
It didn’t take long for the boys to get dressed, fill up on a breakfast of sausage and eggs, then head down to the pitch where the entire student body filed in. They found their seats in the Gryffindor section alongside Bill, Jae, Ben, and a few others.
“Dave, Rowan,” Bill greeted warmly. “Good to see you both. Grab a spot.”
“We’ll be standing up most of the time anyway,” Jae told them. “If this is anything like most Quidditch matches.”
“Or if you want to see,” Ben pointed out.
“Well I’ll certainly be on the edge of my seat given this is Charlie’s first match. He’s been dreaming of this moment for years, so I know how it important it is for him. Plus, I promised Fred and George full details in my letters.”
“Fred and George?” David asked, puzzled as to who he was referring to.
“My younger twin brothers,” Bill elaborated. “Tricky little devils they are, always up to no good. Constantly driving mum crazy,” he added with a laugh. “But they’re also aspiring Quidditch players themselves. They can’t see Charlie in person but it’s the next best thing.”
“Is this really such a big deal?” Ben wondered aloud. “I mean, I know we aren’t friends with the Slytherins but still.”
A half second later, one of the bigger Slytherins from the bleachers parallel to theirs shouted “Gryffindor sucks Abraxan cock!!!” while the rest of his friends laughed hysterically, pointing and jeering.
“Does that answer your question?” Bill asked rhetorically.
“Crushing Slytherin is the only thing that matters,” David affirmed. “Personally, I wouldn’t mind rubbing it in Merula’s face if only to get her to shut up.”
“You and that girl are something else,” the eldest Weasley chuckled. “But in all seriousness, we have the best chance at the cup this year since James Potter last played for Gryffindor. Skye Parkin is quite the sensation and my brother isn’t too shabby himself.”
“He’s that good?” Rowan pipped up.
“You guys don’t know Charlie like I do. Unless dragons are involved, Quidditch is his primary passion. He was zooming around the house with a toy broom from the time he was three. Trust me, he’s very good.” 
A tap on the shoulder alerted them to the presence of Penny and her group consisting of Chiara, Tonks, and Diego, all of them donning the Gryffindor red and gold for this occasion. 
“Hello you courageous Gryffindors,” Tonks quipped. For this occasion she had morphed her hair into a spiky, red and yellow mullet which was quite the sight to behold.
“Hey guys!” David said cheerfully. “Glad to see you’re supporting our side today.”
“Are you kidding? No one in their right mind would support Slytherin over Gryffindor,” Penny remarked making a sour face. 
“Most of our house is supporting you today. As are the Ravenclaws,” Chiara informed them.
Indeed, she was right. Though not all of them chose to wear red and gold, most of the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students were choosing to sit far from the Slytherins, who were congregating in their own little sphere. 
“The Slytherins are, shall we say, not well liked among the rest of the school,” Diego shrugged. “They tend not to play fair or with honor, so I am told.”
“You’re giving them too much credit,” Penny replied to him, her normally chipper face again turning disdainful. “Slytherins almost never play fair.”
“Be that as it may, they still usually field a decent squad year after year,” Bill spoke sagely. “And they came in second last year to Ravenclaw. Titus Hammersmith is going to go the extra mile to ensure that doesn’t happen again.”
“Yeah well Titus can sit on a pin. Personally, I’m just excited to watch Skye Parkin for the first time. I’ve heard she’s amazing!”
That caught David’s attention as he gazed over at the blonde.
“I didn’t know you were such a Quidditch fan, Penny.”
“Are you kidding? I know everything there is to know about it! And the Parkins are legends. That’s another reason I’m supporting Gryffindor today. Her dad is incredible, and I know she will be too.”
David laughed before glancing over at Rowan who looked noticeably uninspired.
“Cheer up, will ya?” he said while elbowing him playfully. “Match hasn’t even started yet and you already look as bored as I do in History of Magic.”
“I’m sorry, Dave. I guess sports just aren’t really my thing, you know? I’m more of a thinking kind of person when it comes to fun.”
“Just you wait, Rowan,” Bill encouraged. “By the end of the day you’ll have an appreciation for this. Quidditch is like nothing ever experienced before.”
Just then a loud, booming voice cut across the chatter, so loud in fact, it echoed across the pitch.
“Ladies and gentlemen I’d like to welcome you all to the beginning of the 1985-86 interhouse Quidditch season! With the first of the six matchups yet to come I can guarantee a 98.7 percent chance of excitement! Especially with these two notorious rivals, Gryffindor and Slytherin!”
Peering up into the booth, David saw a burly blond boy seated next to Professor McGonagall, megaphone in hand, the Sonorus charm in full effect. The enthusiasm espoused was only matched by the look of pure joy in his face, as though talking Quidditch was just as exciting as playing it.
“Who’s that?” Ben asked aloud.
“Murphy McNully,” Bill answered straight away. “Third year in our own house. Absolute nutter when it comes to Quidditch. Don’t get him started or he’ll never stop talking.”
“Why doesn’t he just play himself?” David joked.
“Because that chair isn’t just for kicks.”
Diego handed him the binoculars and indeed Murphy was not merely seated in a common chair, rather it appeared the chair was his main method of transportation as it was coupled with wheels on each side.
“Why does he need a wheelchair?”
“No one knows,” Jae said, tossing up his yellow hoodie to keep warm. “The way I heard it, if you ask why he clams up. Just about the only thing that gets him to shut his hole.”
“Rumor it was dark magic during the war,” Tonks whispered.
The speculation ended as a sudden whoosh alerted them to the arrival of the first team from the lockers.
“And here come the Gryffindor squad!” McNully announced with gusto. “Parkin, Barrett, Blishwick, McLaggen, Weasley, and Brown. Captained by Orion Amari!”
Cheers went up from seventy five percent of the stadium with only the hisses and boos from the Slytherins spoiling the unanimity. For David, the sight was amazing as he awed at witnessing actual Quidditch players race around the pitch. The red was quite distinctive, even in the glistening sun, the seven starters flying in an impressive V formation.
Another whoosh of wind announced the arrival of the infamous opponent which Murphy wasted no time in pointing out with almost equal gusto.
“And here are the Slytherins! Radcliffe, Rowle, Rosier, Chapman, Fernsby, and Burke. Captained by Titus Hammersmith!”
The cheers and jeers reversed this time, as the boos became louder while the screams of support were largely drowned out. 
“This Orion Amari bloke looks like he already got hit with a bludger,” Tonks snickered as she passed the binoculars to Chiara and Penny who also giggled.
David couldn’t deny that she had a point. Upon closer inspection, the Gryffindor captain had the face of someone who was ready to soak up sunshine at a beach, not an intense, grueling Quidditch match.
“Orion is a bit eccentric; I’ll give you that,” Bill laughed. “But looks can be deceiving, he knows the game and he knows how to get the best out of people.”
“So how come we only won a single game last year?” Rowan asked.
“He was only made captain halfway through his fourth year. Plus, they didn’t have my brother or Skye Parkin,” the eldest Weasley added with a confident smile.
The referee Madam Hooch approached the center of the pitch to release the bludgers and the snitch while simultaneously giving warning to each team.
“I don’t need to remind you I want a nice, clean game. Captains, shake hands.”
Orion and Titus did so, though the latter definitely looked like he was trying to crush the former’s hand. However, if Orion felt anything, he did not show it, his mellow expression unchanging. For the lanky, blond Slytherin, his face turned to a scowl indicating his displeasure and dislike. 
Without further delay, Madam Hooch threw the quaffle into the air and the match was on.
“And there goes Slytherin in their main line of attack with the three R’s, better known as Radcliffe, Rowle, and Rosier, a top of the line chaser squad from last season who nearly set the record for the most goals in a single season with fifty seven. Rowle ducks and passes it to Rosier, dodges the bludger and flips it to Radcliffe, she shoots...!”
Thankfully, for the Gryffindors, the keeper Liam Brown punched the ball away and into the hands of Orion who headed up the field. 
“Spectacular play by the Gryffindor keeper, and there was only about a 37 percent chance of a save there!” McNully continued to ramble. “And there goes Amari and my word folks, he’s broom surfing!”
Indeed, it was an impressive display of skill as Orion smoothly navigated his way past the Slytherin defense despite their attempts to knock him off his broom. But instead of taking a shot on goal, he feigned a throw, cutting back around and tossing it back to a wide open Skye Parkin, who took the quaffle and put it through the main hoop for the first points of the game. 
“And there you have it, folks! Rookie sensation Skye Parkin, daughter of the world famous Ethan Parkin, with the first points of the game and of her career here at Hogwarts!” McNully shouted excitedly. “Gryffindor leads 10-0.”
David and company cheered loudly while Penny jumped up and down screaming, “I told you she was good! I told you!”
And that wasn’t the end of the scoring. Bill had proven correct about Orion and his methods. Though he was unorthodox, the sheer unpredictability of his moves meant that the Slytherin beaters were constantly missing their mark and the chasers could move with ease. Before long, he and the other Gryffindor chaser, Ruth Barrett, had scored another goal apiece, making the score 30-0 in the Lions’ favor.
“It’s really something, isn’t it?” David yelled over the noise to Rowan.
“Orion and Skye are amazing,” came the agreement.
Indeed, the fireworks only continued from there. Slytherin did manage to put a goal past Liam Brown to get on the board, but the celebration was short lived as Skye managed to punch the quaffle out of Rowle’s hand, snag it, and race single handedly towards the goal. Dodging the attempted bumps from Deanna Radcliffe, Skye slipped underneath her resurfacing on top and scored on the right-hand hoop for her second goal.
“Did you see that?! Merlin’s beard did you see that?!” McNully exclaimed. “By George what a move that was!”
It was so crafty, no one on Slytherin had any time to react. And judging by the look on Skye’s face, David knew she was loving every second of this. She was truly in her element.
The Gryffindor defense continued to remain solid throughout the game with the beaters McLaggen and Blishwick scattering Slytherin’s three Rs time and time again. But the real story was Skye, Orion, and Ruth, who as a collective were nearly impossible to stop. Seeing a live game for the first time, David began to get a grasp of what made this unit so incredible. Orion was fluid and freelance, but always aware of where his teammates were, his passing skills exemplary. Ruth Barrett was a model of efficiency, there was no aspect of her game above the others, rather she was simply consistent at everything- passing, scoring, and flying. And then there was Skye. Just twelve years old, she was running circles around the Slytherins, too fast to catch and too agile to hit with a bludger. Together, the three were making their opponents look silly. It wasn’t until the first dirty play of the game that Skye’s one weakness was exposed.
After scoring her fourth goal to make the score 90-20 in favor of the Lions, she failed to notice Hammersmith coming straight towards her whilst she celebrated.
“Look out folks! The Slytherin captain has just attempted to knock Parkin off her broom and into next week! That’s an obvious foul which no doubt Madam Hooch will be quick to call!”
He was on the money as the hawk eyed referee began to berate Hammersmith for the foul while Skye attempted to stop herself from careening off the pitch. Eventually she managed to hang on and right herself, flustered, but otherwise unharmed.
Boos rained down on Hammersmith, who snarled at his detractors.
“I told you they don’t fight fair,” Diego remarked.
“Crawl back to your hole, wanker!” Penny screamed down at him, causing some of the boys to raise their eyebrows.
“She really is a fan,” Jae muttered.
But she wasn’t the only one. David was yelling insults too and even Rowan got in on the act at the blatant attempt at sabotage. Some of the Gryffindors began throwing food and other objects as Madam Hooch tried to wrest the situation back under control.
Though Skye was not hurt, her teammates did not take kindly to the insult. In retaliation, Henry McLaggen crushed a bludger at Hammersmith while the penalty shot was being set up, catching him painfully in the stomach. Rowle then flew up and punched him in the back of the head while Liam Brown rushed over and caught the Slytherin with a right hook.
At this point, things were getting out of hand and Hooch was screeching her whistle for the ruckus to cease, but it was an unlikely source who stepped in to prevent an all out brawl. Orion flew down to the commotion and put himself in the middle, separating Gryffindor and Slytherin alike. David couldn’t tell what was saying but it had the desired effect as his teammates eventually backed down, as did their opponents.
“What on earth could he have said to diffuse that?” Ben asked, shocked as everyone else.
“I have no idea, but whatever it was, he deserves a medal for special services to the school,” Bill observed, grabbing the binoculars from Diego. 
“Are the Slytherins always this dirty?” Rowan asked him.
“Not always. Sometimes they’re so good they don’t need to. But Hammersmith doesn’t fool around. If he can gain a psychological edge, he will.”
“I just hope Skye is okay,” Chiara said quietly for the first time.
“She better be,” Penny growled. “Or else I’m going to pay a personal visit to the Slytherin common room tonight.”
David, however, looked up at Skye and saw that not only was she fine, she was glowing. Far from being angry, she gave a laugh and took the quaffle for a penalty shot. Calm and collected, she easily punched the ball past the Slytherin keeper Jessica Burke to make the score 100-20.
“Seems fine to me,” he said aloud.
Nothing confirmed this more than what Skye did next. A confident smirk plastered across her face she rushed past Hammersmith, causing him to flinch which garnered a laugh from the crowd.
“She’s more than fine,” Tonks snickered. “She’s got the whole Slytherin team eating out the palm of her hand.”
Play resumed and with Madam Hooch on the lookout for any more shenanigans, both sides did not attempt any more roughhousing. However, the Slytherin defense seemed to double their efforts as Hammersmith and his counterpart Malcolm Chapman kept hitting bludgers furiously at the Gryffindor chasers to keep them at bay. This paid off in the end as Felix Rosier snuck a goal past Liam Brown putting the score at 100-30.
“We’re up by seventy but I’d feel better if this ended soon,” Rowan groaned. 
“Are you still not enjoying yourself?”
“Are you kidding? Of course! I want to win this thing!”
David and Bill shared a knowing smile, quite pleased they had converted their friend.
“Well don’t hold your breath,” the eldest Weasley told them. “Quidditch matches can last for days if need be. No one goes home until the snitch is caught and Gryffindor’s lead isn’t large enough to make up the difference if Slytherin gets to it first.”
“They’d need to be up by one hundred and fifty points,” Penny explained to Rowan. “Personally, I could watch Skye score goals all day.”
While that was true, David had a feeling that Charlie would have to come up clutch. Lost in the hoopla of the scoring and scrappy play was the fact that the snitch had not been seen once over the course of the match. The second Weasley patrolled the skies, tailing Douglas Fernsby, the Slytherin seeker now and again but there was no luck so far.
“You think he can pull it off?” he asked Bill, who was scouring the field for his brother. 
“Trust me, he can,” came the confident reply. “Once he spots that little golden ball, it’s game over.”
Suddenly, the roar of the crowd rose a few decibels as people began pointing.
“And here we go, the first attempt to end the game!” McNully boomed into the microphone. “Charlie Weasley, the promising Gryffindor seeker has gone into a full long sprint for the snitch!”
Seekers occasionally feigned going after the snitch to throw off their opponent, but this was not one of those times. From a distance, David could see that Charlie had a determined, hungry look on his face. A tiny glint of light confirmed that was indeed after the snitch and closing in fast.
“He’s going to do it! He’s going to do it!” Bill yelled over the noise, grabbing onto David in excitement. “Come on, little bro!”
The snitch was notorious quick and difficult to see, but the young Gryffindor seeker was not to be deterred. Fernsby of Slytherin was on the other side of the pitch and had no chance whatsoever. It was simply a matter of seconds.
“Look out!” someone yelled.
Out of nowhere the the Slytherin chaser, Rowle, came in like a bullet with the clear intention of knocking Charlie off his broom. But in a stunning display of broomsmanship, the Gryffindor simply slipped underneath his broom, hanging upside down as Rowle crashed into the ground. Righting himself, Charlie regained his focus, stretched out and caught the little golden ball in his right hand, ending the match.
“WE WIN!” Bill screamed to the heavens as the rest of the Gryffindors began jumping up and down like maniacs.
“And the match has ended!” McNully said hoarsely into the megaphone. “And what a stupendous display from the young Gryffindor seeker! Simply amazing I don’t think I’ve seen a move like that in all my years watching Quidditch and I’m thirteen years old! Gryffindor wins, 250-30 in the biggest route of Slytherin in fifty years!”
The commentary was soon drowned out by the increasing tidal wave of cheers and roars from the crowd. Many Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws joined in the celebration, Penny chief among them, who was almost as ecstatic as the Gryffindors.
For his part, David whooped and hollered in the celebrations, being engulfed in a tidal wave of hugs and high fives, food smuggled from the Great Hall raining down on his head. The solemn faces of the Slytherins were long forgotten as the stands began to clear out and the party headed back to the Gryffindor common room.
Victory did indeed feel good, and for a short time, it was enough to overlook any complications involving Merula, the vaults, or Slytherin in general. They could hide in the grave of Salazar himself. Fortune favored the bold. 
It was time to celebrate, courtesy of two brave Gryffindors in Skye Parkin and Charlie Weasley.
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kylosupremeimagines · 5 years
Kylo Ren X Reader: Lost
Summary: Kylo adores being a father to your first child, but one day he manages to lose her in your house. What will he do when you come home and he doesn’t have your daughter?
(Y/D/N) = Your daughter’s name
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How in the stars could a man lose one baby?
Kylo’s heart pounded in the middle of his chest as he tried to reach out through the Force in an attempt to find your daughter, though it was to no avail. “Kriff...” he muttered out, running a frustrated hand through his raven locks. “(Y/D/N), please! Daddy needs to find you or else he’s in big trouble!”
If you found out, there was no doubting you would rip him a new one. The last thing he wanted to do was to cause you any unnecessary stress. But how could he lose her? All he did was turn around to get her a toy and then the next second she was gone.
All the doors and windows were closed so at least he could deduce that she was still in the house. Thank the Force! His chestnut brown eyes scanned the master bedroom as he tried to spot her, but she was no where to be seen. “Do you want some mashed up Jogan fruit?” He tried.
She seemed to adore the purple fruit and would always crave it, never getting enough when you me Kylo fed it to her. (Y/D/N) never was a picky eater but if she got to choose what to eat, she would reach for anything Jogan fruit related every single time.
His eyes went wide as he heard the front door open, only now sensing that you were home. Now what was he going to do? “I’m back!” You called out to him. “where are you?”
His eyes went wide as he heard the front door open, only now sensing that you were home. Now what was he going to do? “I’m back!” You called out to him. “where are you?”
Kylo bit his bottom lip in a slight panic, but answered “I’m in the bedroom!”
After a few moments, you met him in the bedroom with a smile across your features. “So I got (Y/D/N) some new food I’m hoping that she’ll enjoy. Have you fed her yet? I want to see what she thinks about it.”
“Oh, I’m sure she would love to taste something new… but I may have… misplaced her?” He came to confess only to be met with a chilling silence. Your (E/C) orbs were locked on him in disbelief at a loss for words. It almost terrified him to see that piercing stare of yours knowing that you would snap at any moment. (Y/N)?”
“What in the stars do you mean you lost our daughter?! Kriff Kylo!” You panicked, throwing the bag from the store only your bed. “if she isn’t in this house I swear on the Force that you’re in for a rude awakening! How does one even lose a baby?!”
“I don’t know! I turned my head for a moment to grab her stuffed Ewok and then she was gone!”
“Babies don’t just disappear Kylo!” You spat out in frustration. How could one even lose a child in the first place? You were supposed to keep a close eye on them for Stars’ sake!
“She’s still somewhere in the house, at least. None of the doors were open and all the windows were locked. And as far as I’m aware, she hasn’t started using the Force just yet so she couldn’t open any of them if she tries.”
“That doesn’t matter, get up and start looking!” You ordered him and glanced around the room for a sign of her, anything at all. There was no telling where she was and if she got into something dangerous. What if she was hurt? But then again she would be crying… unless something terrible happened to her.
“I’ve been doing that for two hours!”
“So you mean to tell me she’s been missing for that long? Oh, you are so dead.”
“Look, I’m sorry! I didn’t think she’d crawl off on me like that! I haven’t stopped looking since!”
“You should have called me!”
“I thought I could find (Y/D/N) before you got home!”
“And then what? You just weren’t going to tell me about what happened?”
“No! I was going to te-“ Kylo started to explain until you hear something crash into the door of your closet. Raising an eyebrow, his gaze shifted from you over to the door in confusing. Using the Force, he pulled it open to see the little raven haired baby in a messy pile of your clothes.
“Dada!” She smiled up at her father and reaches up for him playfully.
“How in the galaxy did you get in there…” he breathed out of curiosity, leaning down to scoop her up swiftly in his strong arms. Your daughter clung to his chest as if he had been her favorite Ewok doll she got when she was born. “stars, I’m so glad that you’re okay baby…” he whispered to her, kissing her forehead gently.
“You are so lucky that she isn’t hurt,” you warned him as you pulled the both of them into a loving embrace. Never before had you entertained the idea of (Y/D/N) going missing somewhere in the house, but thank the stars that she was alright. “we meee to baby proof the house more than we already have.”
With how protective Kylo could get as a new father, he looked up plenty of methods on the Holonet to baby proof the house so he was a bit taken aback that it didn’t seem to be enough. How could she get into your closet in the first place? “Don’t worry, I will have that covered.”
“Good. Because if she ever gets lost again, you. Are. Dead,” you whispered into his ear as you ran a hand through his soft hair. “but I will still love you despite losing our baby~”
“Then I won’t be losing her again,” Kylo tries to promise you. “now, what was this about new baby food, again?”
Tag List: @scheherazades-horcrux @alladeline @attorneyl @babybluelukex @glitzescape @dancewaterdance02 @celiholland @crkylo @celestiaelisia @lyraeluna @peacefulwizardfox @twdlover2000 @cs-please @xultraviolet @xfeathered-serpent @fizzywoohoo @ayatimascd @delicatelyherdreams @ddriveringg @littlegirlsdontplaynice @yymmaarr @darlinguris @bellaren18 @queenofheartsmegs @themauvemage @starlingmehdarling @anti-climactic @mollmoll01 @toytalababy @reylokisses @philli-vanilli  @smallt1ddygothgf @mira-winterlight @glassythoughts @moon-390
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narutoocgallery · 5 years
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I mostly want a full review of my character, You may publish if you like, i wouldn’t mind. :) Thank you!!
Name: Megumi Yoko
Age: (Part I) 12-13 (Part II) 15-17
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Blood Type: O-
Birthday: October 18 (Libra)
Personality: Peace loving, Elegant, Irresolute (very hesitant), Diplomatic, Idealistic, Avoids head-on arguments ( Just like how she fights lol) and Mellow
Good Trait(s): Diplomatic, Tactful, fair-minded, Peaceful, Calm.
Bad Trait(s): Detached, Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge
Like(s): gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors, sweets, swimming, warm water/weather, the sounds of moving water, and Harmony.
Dislike(s): loudmouths, conformity, Dry areas, large social groups, Snow, Given to many opinions, Difficult decisions and Short range fights.
Hobby(ies): Swimming!, and Sewing
Fear(s): thunder/lightning, abandonment (or being alone), being forgotten or not remembering things, and being buried alive.
Strength(s): Water Areas (Ocean, Lakes, Rivers, etc) Water style jutsus, and Swimming,
Weakness(es): Lighting style jutsus, Strong Fire style jutus, Dry areas, and heat
Personal Quote: “…well ya know…”
History: (Sorry if this sucks)
Megumi was born in the hidden mist village, her mother and father were respected ninja of the mist. After Marriage Megumi’s mother was shortly pregnant And became a stay at home mom. Megumi’s father kept being a ninja and was away from home a lot, this was normal. One Afternoon when Megumi was 6 years old Megumi’s home was broken into by rough ninjas
Megumi’s mother was out-numbered and she knew she had no chance to live though this but she wanted to save Megumi. She hide Megumi away and told her to not come out no matter What she heard, Megumi was hidden in a closet ( if the rough knew about her or not they left her.) Megumi’s mother was killed, her body was left on the floor to bleed out.
Once it was quiet Megumi peeked out to only see her dead mother on the floor in a pool of blood. Megumi sat down next her dead mother, she was covered in blood but she seemed to have zoned out. She didn’t Leave her mother’s body until her father came home and pulled her away.
At the age of 8 Megumi started growing scales on her feet/legs. This was a passed down trait in her father’s family that skipped him but got to Megumi. She tried her best to hide them from everyone
at school and in the village but it wasn’t hidden for so long. The kids at her school found out about her scales and she became out casted and labeled as a “Freak”. This made socializing with others hard for her. She didn’t make a real friend until she was 12 and got put into a team with Yachi and Takeshi who became her friends.
Megumi’s Father wasn’t around as much as he wanted to, He had many missions he had to do and had to be away for long periods of time. Megumi’s father loved her without question and that is why he did so many missions. He always left her in the cable hands of the village elders who treated her better than any kids at school. Megumi had a hard time calling the elders her friends but they were all she had at that time.
Looks and Appearance
Body Type/Looks: Thin and Pale
Height: (Part I) 147cm [4'10] (Part II) 155cm (5'1)
Weight: (Part I) 33.9 kg (Part II) 39.8
Makeup/Facepaint: None
Hairstyle(s): (Part I) Long, Curly Purple hair tied up in a ponytail. (Part II) Long, Curly purple hair that is wore down and ends at her mid-back.
Accessories: Small Gord that holds Water/(part II only) Poison water.
Scent: Wet Strawberrys.
Scars or Tattoos: has some small cuts on her left forearm. (It’s always covered)
Jewelry and/or Piercings: None.
 Traits: Her Feet/Cafs are covered in scales, these help her swim and stay longer under water.
Ryuunosuke Yoko (Father)
About: Ryuunsuke is a respected ninja of the hidden mist, He is well known for his powerful Water wolf jutsu that he kept in his own family.  
Tomomi Yoko (Mother)
About: Tomomi was a beautiful women and was much liked in her village; She was once a powerful Ninja but stopped when she got married to Ryuunsuke Yoko; Soon after their marriage, She becomes pregnant. She has her first child; Megumi. As Tomomi was at home; their home was raided by thugs against the mist village. Tomomi was killed; She managed to save her daughter.
Sibling(s): None-
Relative(s): None besides mum and pops.
Best Friend(s):
Yachi (+Teammate)
About: Yachi and Megumi were put in team together, Over the years of fighting together they became best friends. Megumi trusts Yachi more than anyone else in the Hidden mist village.
Takeshi (+Teammate)
About: Takeshi and Megumi where put together in a team; Trust was low at beginning because of Takeshi’s quiet and miss-trusting looks. But slowly they began to trust and get along better, the more missions they went on and they got to know each other.
About:  Yori-sensei is the ring leader of Megumi’s Team. Not much is known about Yori, besides that Is powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with kakashi of the hidden leaf.
Student(s): Megumi couldn’t teach a monkey to breathe.
Gaara of the Sand.
About: Gaara and Megumi didn’t start out liking each other. Megumi was incurably scared of Gaara after his fight with Rock Lee and even more so when Gaara’s demon was unleased. Megumi avoided Gaara for a long awhile. Her fear disappeared when she finally saw that Gaara wasn’t the monster he used to be.
Megumi ran into Gaara (and his siblings) why out on a mission with her team. Her fear of him was still their but he proof that he has changed.
Rival(s): Nah.
Enemy(ies): nah.
Pet(s): No pets
Favorites/Least Favorites
Food(s): Namagashi (type of wagashi, which is a general term for snacks used in the Japanese tea ceremony.) Taiyaki ( “baked sea bream,” is a Japanese fish-shaped cake.)
Drink(s): Green Tea, Calpis Water
Color(s): Blue, Black
Season(s): Spring
Time of Day: Afternoon (2:00am-6:00am)
Weather: Semi-Summer with Clouds.
Flower: Dahlia
Animal: Wolf/Dog
Ninja Information
Birth Village: Hidden Mist
Current Village: (Part I) Mist (Part II) Sand
Academy Graduation Age: 12
Chunin Promotion Age: 14
Rank: (Part I) Genin (Part II) Chunin
Ninja Status: Villager
Are you in the Akatsuki?: Nah
Bijuu [Tailed Beast]?: Nah
Teammates: Yachi, Takeshi (Talked about in relationships)
Sensei: Yori-Sensei
Nindo: “Fight to be remembered.”
Chakra Element: Water
Weapon(s): (Part I) Kunai, Water (Part II) Kunai, Poison water
(Part I)
*Water Wolf Jutsu - Family/Clan based
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Vary
*Water Style: Wild Wolf Fang Jutsu- Family/Clan based.
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Raging Waves (Rank-C)
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short to mid range
Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu (Rank-D)
Rank: D-Rank
Range: All Ranges
Water Clone Jutsu (Rank-D)
Rank: D-Rank
Range: All Ranges
(Part II)
Water Beast Jutsu ( X headed water wolf)
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Marine Battle Formation Jutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short to Mid Range
Water Style: Mount of the Serpent
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Poison Rain Jutsu
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Long to mid Range
Water Style: Poison Dart Jutu
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Long Range
Water Style: Water Whip Jutsu
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short to Mid Range
Water Style: Black Rain Jutsu (??)
Rank: ??-Rank
Range: Short
1 - 5: Horrible
6 - 8: Below average
9 - 10: Average
11 - 13: Above average
14 - 16: Talented
17 - 18: Gifted [This is Sannin level]
Strength in Jutsu
Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: (I) 11 (II) 13
Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: (I) 7 (II) 8.5
Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: (I) 9 (II) 11
Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: (I,II) 0
Doujutsu [eye techniques]: (I,II) 0
Kinjutsu [forbidden techniques]: (II) 2
Fuuinjutsu [sealing techniques]: (II) 9
Strength in Missions
Intelligence:(I) 9 (II) 11
Wisdom: (I) 7 (II) 9
Strength: Physical: (I) 8 (II) 9, Water: (I) 10 (II) 13
Agility: (I) 9.5 (II) 12 (she’s good at running away lol)
Dexterity: (I) 8 (II) 10
Stamina: (I) 7 (II) 9.5
Constitution: (I) 1 hit O.K (II) 4 (Can take a hit but not many, She’s a distance fighter.)
Charisma: (I) 4 (II) 7
Comeliness: Cute as frick (I think she is.)
Chakra Control: (I) 10 (II) 14 (She needs the chakra control for 90% of her jutsu,)
Cooperation: (I,II) 10 ( This doesn’t change much.) 
P.S Please take your time <3
Generally fine, with a few points to consider.
 a)      Her personality you describe as ‘peaceful’ and ‘calm’, which doesn’t sound like someone who carries a grudge. Also, someone who is indecisive wouldn’t make for a very diplomatic personality, I think.
b)     You can’t really like harmony but dislike conformity, as the opposites usually go hand-in-hand.
Again, generally fine, the level of violence and adaption to family life is realistic to Naruto. I like the idea of growing scales on the body. It’s a distinctive character trait – it’s a bit of a shame that you decided to cover them up in the character design – maybe as she gets older she becomes more comfortable showing them?
However, I’m not sure she would get bullied that hard over them. Biologically exaggerated Kekkai Genkais have been shown to be not uncommon in the Naruto world, and just having some scales on the bottom part of your legs doesn’t seem all that weird in comparison to be honest.
Also, why does her father leave her in the care of the village Elders specifically? You said the mother and father were well-respected in the village, but it doesn’t sound like they were actually on the council or anything, meaning there would be more convenient people to leave her in the care of; after all, Elders are busy people (I assume by Elders you mean members of the village councils – if you just mean older people in the village, disregard this last bit).
 Looks and Appearance:
Why does she smell of wet strawberries?
The biggest question here for me is how the leg scales help her swim/breathe underwater? If she had webbed feet I might understand that helping her swim, but scales wouldn’t do that. Also, scales wouldn’t affect her ability to breathe underwater – or do you mean just stay under the surface of the water? In which case the breath-holding thing would come into play again; most ninjas are trained to stay underwater as cover and hold their breath for a long time anyway. I can’t really see how this trait would help that.
Family and teammates look nice and varied. Maybe put a bit more thought into her parents’ personalities and values? Many of these would be passed onto their daughter as they raised her.
It’s good that your character is consistently scared of Gaara; that’s good and realistic. Maybe think some more about how their relationship would develop past ‘her fear of him disappeared’.
 Justus and Abilities:
Well-balanced; she’s not overpowered and you have a good spread of abilities and ability progression. I assume many of the jutsus you mentioned are made up by you so I can’t really comment too much on that.
You obviously thought and planned out a lot about Megumi Yoko and it shows. She’s neither overpowered not overly weak. I really like her, but I feel like you could make her stand out a bit more. With a very introverted personality, it can be easy for these kinds of characters to feel less well-defined than others. Looking forward to where you take her from here :)
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
Fangs Fogarty fluffy A-Z
requested: Do a sweet/ fluffy A-Z for fangs pleaseee - A sweet a-z with Fangs please ? - yAaAaaAs fangs a-z
(i made up a middle name for fangs it’s not his real middle name)
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A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
the most attractive thing he found was how determined you were. you got home and put your phone on do not disturb and focus. if fp needed something done, you did it first. fangs loved to see how focused you were, and how determined you were. 
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
yes, a dog family first, and then a human family. fangs wants a dog family to see if he can take care of a dog, and then it determines if he can handle a baby. fangs was terrified of becoming a dad, but you reassured him. 
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
he liked to be cuddled. he loved to lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart, you playing with his hair. 
“boobs make the excellent pillow”
“good to know”
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
very simple. fangs is not a very romantic boy, but he is a little bit of a romancer. he’d make a little picnic and take you to it, lights wrapped around the tree, a blanket on the ground, the basket containing sandwiches, juice boxes, and snacks.
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
“you are my sunshine on a cloudy day”
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
he knew it when he saw you smiling. he always noticed that he had a feeling in his stomach and chest like butterflies when you smiled, when you laughed he felt all giddy inside. he saw you smiling from across the room with toni and it hit him like a truck. the feelings he had was love. he was so in love with you.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
he’s got a lot of rings and it scared you sometimes, but he reassured you he was calm. never would fangs lay his hands on you abusively, roughly, any of that. when fangs saw dogs, he got so excited. he was such a dog person, if you put a dog in front of his face when he was angry or sad and his whole attitude changes.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
fangs loved to hold your thighs. if you sat on his lap his hands always rested on your thighs, his cheek on your back. or you two were on the couch and watching tv and you had your legs over his lap, his hands on your thighs. 
fangs holds your hands with his fingers in between yours, your hands on his thigh. fangs rarely felt love and felt it when he held your hand. when you two laid in bed about to go to bed or just cuddling, he’d link his fingers with yours and place it on his stomach or chest. 
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I = Impression: first impression/s
your first impression of fangs was he was very quiet. rarely did he talk, and you wanted to hear his voice. when you heard it, your crush started. his hair was groomed well, he had a little tiny beard coming in, and he had so many rings. 
his first impression of you was that you were absolutely gorgeous, and you were funny. you made fun of his friend sweet pea and he loved how you were. he loved how you weren’t afraid to say anything, and how you didn’t have a filter. 
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
his favorite prank was the invisible ink one. he’d put ink all over your peach-colored covers, rug, and clothes.
he laughed and when you came towards him he put the ink on your clothes.
“look, it’s disappearing!” you looked down and inspected your shirt, looking at fangs and growling. he barreled over with laughter and you ran over to him, tackling him to the ground and holding his wrists down. 
“that’s not funny you asshole!”
he looked at you and smiled. “you know you’re so hot when you’re angry?”
“shut up, fogarty. you aren’t getting any for a week” you get up and throw the ink at his stomach. 
he scoffed, laughed and sat up. “yeah, that’s gonna last not even half a day, i know you, princess. you can’t get enough of me”
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
holding your chin, a soft smile on his lips as he kissed you. it was his favorite thing to do, your lips always so warm and soft against his. he kissed with such love and passion, because that’s what he felt for you, and he told you without letting out words. 
L = Love: who says I love you first?
you did. like i said, he didn’t know what love was, and the only real love he felt was with the serpents, but that was family love. when you let the words fall off your lips, my god was fangs happy. he finally found someone who loved him for him. 
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
your first date, a picnic and then pool at the wyrm. it was your favorite memory because it was a fay where you two were yourselves, no gimmick, no tough guy persona, you both let your guards down and let each other in. 
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
fangs does what he can, but you’re not selfish. everything you get from him you’re so grateful. it could be a 3 dollar ring from the corner store and you’d still love. you knew he struggled, and you always yelled at him for buying you stuff you didn’t need. 
you buy fangs what he wants when you can. you know his favorite snacks and his favorite things, so when you could you’d go and buy him some of it. 
one time you were at the corner store and you saw a beaded bracelet for 99 cents and gave it to him and he protected it with his life. he wasn’t selfish either, he took everything into consideration. 
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
burnt yellow. the reason he saw this as you was you were a bright person, but you also had your dark moments. he also loved the color on you.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
baby, princesa, baby girl
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
polaroid cameras!! yeah they came back but he had the early kind of polaroid camera
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
color and watch tv with snacks. or sometimes sit with you against the window and both of you take a nap in front of the window, the sound of his heartbeat and the rain making you fall asleep fast. 
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
coloring!!! i see fangs as an artist, so either he’ll color or sketch something, preferably you because you always calm him down
to calm you down, he braided your hair. he looked up tutorials and practiced on toni because he knows how playing with your hair calms you down. so he’ll sit on the couch, you in between his legs on the floor and he braids your hair. 
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
the future. what he wants for the both of you. 
you ever see that episode where chandler and monica are arguing over if they should use all the money on the wedding and chandler brings up what their future looks like?
that’s what fangs talks about. you two would be in the store and he’d choose things for your future house, your children, your pets. 
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
you, bjs, coloring and sketching, going to your guys’ special spot and taking in the area. oh my god, if it rained the day before or that day, he’d take in the scent of the rain, you with him of course
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
you of course, but he’s also proud of his art. he works so hard on them, and he’s so proud of himself when multiple pieces of his are put into the art show. 
your fingers laced with his and his fingers rubbing over yours, hands on his chest because he was so nervous. 
“why are you shaking?”
“what if people hate it?”
“people won’t, it’s in the art show for a reason, my boy” you reassure your boyfriend and he smiles, kissing you quickly.
“thank you so much, baby”
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
he proposed as a joke when you guys were in senior year of high school, putting a ring on your right ring finger. when you guys turned 24, he proposed for real. ever since he graduated, he got a good paying job to pay half the rent, for groceries. when he realized he should propose to you, he took extra shifts and worked overtime just to make more money so he could buy you your ring.
the serpents helped him with the wedding, gathering some money for him. they cared about you and they cared about fangs, so they helped with the wedding costs. 
you two went back to riverdale for a week just to visit, you missed your old town. on the last day that you guys were there, he suggested going to your guys’ old spot. you thought it was something normal, something just for memory. but that wasn’t the case. 
as you two were sitting on the blanket, he pulled away and knelt on the blanket, looking into the basket.
“what’re you looking for?” fangs pulled out a tiny box and opened it, smiling.
“i’m looking to see if you would do me the honor in becoming my wife. i wanted to do it here because this was our first date, our first kiss, our first i love you, first everything. this spot means so much to both of us, and i wanted to make it a little more special. so.. y/n y/m/n y/l/n, will you marry me?”
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
talking to the moon - bruno mars
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
you’re the candy to my sweet tooth
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
an adopted female pitbull and one of her puppies. Honey was such a sweet and calm pitbull, very gentle with new people. fangs always loved pitbulls, ignoring and not believing the stereotypes, and Honey broke those stereotypes. 
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Dog Days - Part 1
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Jughead Jones x Doctor!Reader
Description: Riverdale is facing dark times. Jughead has to choose between two paths. Will Y/N affect his decision?
Warnings: Fred’s current situation in the season finale and alcohol. Spoiler alert if you haven’t watched season 2 trailers yet.
Word count: 3038
A/N: These trailers are killing me with anticipation. I know Archie was the one to take Fred to the hospital, but that doesn’t make sense to me, so I wrote as if he arrived in an ambulance. Had to make the reader sort of a genius since I wanted it to be legal and not to big of an age gap.
GSW stands for Gun Shot Wound, BPR for Beats Per Minute and Breaths Per Minute, BP for Blood Pressure, OR for Operating Room, Y/L/C/H for Your Length and Color Hair, Y/B/M/D for Your Birth Date and Month. My EMS report may be completely wrong for a real one so if you are a doctor feel free to correct me.
I know I was supposed to post a new part for the Partner Revealed, but I couldn’t help write this one. Hope you forgive me!
Five seconds is as much time as the doctors have to breath in and out to clear their minds before the EMT pulls out the gurney and behind it comes a ginger boy, with a red stained cast and varsity jacket. “Robbery gone wrong at Pop’s. Patient Fred Andrews, male, GSW to the abdomen, no exit wound, patient is unconscious, pulse 66 bpr, BP 140 over 80, respirations at 19 bpm. ETA 6 minutes after call, we have an 18 gauge IV and controlled bleeding.” In 30 seconds the paramedic gives them the report already taking the man to the closest trauma room available. “Is my dad gonna be ok?”, the boy asks desperately standing at the edge of the door where his father lays motionless. “We’ll do everything we can.”, Y/N answers him calmly. “Nurse. Take ...” She looks at the boy waiting for his name. “Archie.”, he replies. “Archie to the waiting room please.” She rushes in to check Fred’s wound. “I need an X-ray and two bags of O-. Page Dr. Stone and book OR 2.”, the ER doctor instructs Y/N.
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Jughead, Betty and Veronica arrive at the hospital not too long after Fred is taken into surgery. They spot Archie in a chair at the reception, looking helpless and unbalanced. His expression softens at the sight of his friends running to hug him all at once. Jug’s arms around them all, staying like that for a short while before they rest. “What happened?”, Jughead asks tenderly, sitting down next to his friend. “We were at Pop’s. I was in the bathroom and heard noises, when I came out, there was this man, wearing this hood, with a gun at Pop Tate and then he pointed it at my dad and fired. Then he ... “, an incredibly distressed Archie answers. “Then he what?” His girlfriend looks hopeless. “He ran.”, he finishes his sentence distractedly. Jug reckons Arch could be keeping something from them by the way he spoke.
This is the worst possible time for Jughead to be worrying about his relationship with Betty. However, so much has happened in less than 24 hours that he barely had time to process it. They left the Jubilee in awe, ready to show how much they love each other. Instead, what could have been a perfect night was spent arguing over a family issue. It drove him mad how much of a hypocrite his girlfriend can be. He almost wanted to take back what he confessed to her earlier.
When Jug got the call from Archie, he was still wearing the source of the problem. Betty had to remind him that showing up at the hospital with a Serpents’ jacket right after his best friend’s dad had just been shot wasn’t a smart idea. He knew that. Nevertheless, he was being torn apart. That snake embroidery was always a reason for confrontations with his father. In spite of that, the second his fingers touched the cold material and he first slid it on, Jughead felt at peace, safe. Like he finally belonged and ultimately understood his dad.
His girlfriend, if he can still call her that, is accommodated next to an incredibly tense Veronica, not even looking at his direction. Right now there’s nothing he can do to fix that, and, quite honestly, he doesn’t know if it’s worth trying. What he can and wants to do is help his ‘brother’ in any and every way he can. “Arch. Can we talk privately?” He points at the empty hallway and the red-haired boy follows him. “What is it, Jug?”, he asks, still looking at the reception, just in case someone comes out with some information. “For a moment, it looked like you were about to say something, about the hood guy, and reconsidered.”, Jughead states. “Really?” Archie fails at sounding convincing, certainly because he’s too tired to properly pretend. “Part of what makes you so endearing is your utter lack of a poker face.”, Jughead tells him in a sensible way. Archie stares at him wonderingly. “You have to stop taking the weight of the world by yourself, pal. You are not alone, Archie.” He shows himself with both hands from top to bottom in a very dramatic way, then the waiting room full of his friends and their parents. Jug knows he’s not one to say, as he for months lived inside the school’s storage closet instead of asking for help. Though, after his father was wrongfully arrested, it was all of them together who made it right and he started to rethink his ways. There’s nothing he wants more than to make that happen for his friend.
Archie takes his time to answer. “What if this wasn’t just a random thief? I know Clifford wasn’t happy with my dad working at the Drive-In land. He did everything in his power to stop the construction. What if Mr. Blossom ACTUALLY did everything to terminate it?”, he blurts out without barely breathing between words, releasing some of his build up stress as he tells out loud the theory that’s been keeping his mind unsettled. “He was a powerful man, no denying that. Still, I doubt Cliff could be doing anything from the grave. Although, if you’re telling me it looked staged, then it’s paramount we find out who’s pulling the strings.” Jughead assures him that he has his back, no matter what. Before they can elaborate an opinion, Sheriff Keller arrives to question Archibald. They all give them privacy. Jug figured this would be a good time to talk to Betty, yet she ignores him calling out for her and leaves to the cafeteria with Ronnie.
After long tedious, yet uneasy waiting hours, the surgeon and nurses come out of the hallway. Archie immediately stands up and the man signs with his hand he’ll soon speak to them. First he stops at the reception desk in the waiting room, giving Fred’s chart and further instructions to a girl who looks too young to be in scrubs, in Jug’s opinion. She removes her bouffant cap to reveal a Y/L/H/C and makes eye contact with Jughead, who looks away quickly, embarrassed, feeling his face get warm and red. Reason tells him it’s immoral to blush from looking at a girl he doesn’t even know while having a girlfriend - and being at the hospital with his best friend’s dad just out of surgery makes it ten times worse. Truth is he just can’t help it.
The man introduces himself as Dr. Stone, the general surgeon who operated on Mr. Andrews. He calmly and rationally explains they managed to remove the bullet and cease the bleeding. Then he tells Archie his dad is being taken to the ICU and he’ll soon be able to see him. Despite that, Fred’s still intubated and they don’t know how long it will be until he wakes up, considering the bullet hit a vital organ. In his opinion, though, it could’ve been a lot worse. All they heard was ‘He’s alive’. Arch releases a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. “I’m gonna stay with my dad. Can you let Ronnie know she can go home?”, the ginger boy covered in his own father’s blood cries out. “Sure. Listen, he’s gonna be fine, Archie. I’ll be back tomorrow morning so you can change and rest.” Jughead hugs his friend once more, tighter this time. He’s not big on PDA or physical contact in general, although he truly wants to express how much he cares.
Jughead walks out of the hospital, feeling the icy air cool his face. He closes his eyes, but that doesn’t stop his mind from going a thousand miles per hour. The beanie-clad boy is immensely solaced that Fred is in his way to recovery. Regardless, there is still a long way to go until it’s all put right and the dog days end. After all the hours awake, caffeine is needed. Unfortunately, his usual place for a hit is not an option. He spots a small food truck next to the parking lot. The largest cup they had still doesn’t fit his needs, but it will do. While he’s waiting for his drink, he texts Veronica as Archie asked. Jug recognises the girl sitting in one of the benches. Tiny droplets of water from the drizzle glow red and blue on top of her noteworthy hair when the ambulance lights shine.
He can’t help gazing at the girl who may have just saved Fred’s life. Something about her attracts Jughead like a magnet. “People complain about hospital food. But the coffee... is to die for.”, she remarks ironically, taking a sip from her large travel cup of coffee. Jughead takes a few seconds to realize she spoke to him, as he was standing behind her, confident he was safe from being spotted. He realizes she’s very aware of him staring. “Considering the work hours, that’s essential. Mind if I sit?”, he asks. She shakes her head in agreement and scoots over to give him more space. “Jughead Jones the Third.” He extends her a hand. “Y/N Y/L/N... the first.” She firmly and steadily shakes it.
She doesn’t look mad about him glaring. Intrigued is more like it. “You’re part of the surgical team who operated on Fred Andrews, right?”, he asks. “Technically, I’m not supposed to disclose it to non-family members. But you did see me with Dr. Stone.” She doesn’t break eye contact, and even in the low lighting he can see her beautiful Y/E/C iris, deep like a galaxy, as if a whole universe resided in it. “I just wanted to thank you. You’re part of the reason he’s still alive.” Jughead bites the inside of his cheeks trying to remain composed. “I’m just an intern.” Her words contradict her smile, as if no one has ever appreciated all the effort she puts into saving people’s lives. Y/N’s pager beeps. “Duty calls.” The girl gets up and swallows the rest of her coffee in one sip. “Is that for Fred?”, Jug asks anguished, wondering if something could’ve gone wrong. “I do have other patients, Mr. Jones.”, she replies. “Please. Call me Jughead.”, he says. “See you around, Jughead.”, Y/N speaks louder as she’s already walking away.
“Juggy?” He hears Betty calling out for him seconds after Y/N left, exactly the same way she did back at the trailer. For the first time, that annoys him. Jughead feels he’s being treated like a child and a possession. None of them have the energy to deal with their situation at the moment. She offers him a ride home, which he denies saying he needs to clear his mind. The blonde girl tried to peck his lips but he turns his face and she lands a soft kiss on his cheek. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”, he guarantees and leaves.
He still has the spare key Fred gave him when he moved in. Entering the empty house feels weird. Jughead climbs the stairs to the room he used to share with Archie to pack him some clean clothes and essentials. Practicality dictates he should spend the night there, as he has to talk to Betty before going to the hospital the next morning. On second thought, the place doesn’t feel like home anymore and the silence is driving him mad.
Jug crosses Riverdale’s train tracks towards the south, carrying the northside mess with him inside Archie’s Bulldog football bag. Sunnyside’s sign gives him comfort for the first time in a really long while. He gets inside his dad’s trailer, rests the bag on the kitchen table and throws himself at the couch, dog-tired. Still his brain doesn’t want to fall asleep. He stares at the leather jacket carefully placed at the back of the chair. It has a strong effect on him, like it’s seducing him. He gives in to temptation and puts it on again. Just as the first time, he feels sheltered and powerful. That can only lead him one place at this hour.
The red doors loosely remind him of the ones at Pop’s. If not for the bikes parked in front, he could trick himself. Not that he needs to. Somehow, the Whyte Wyrm feels a lot safer in relation to the chock’lit shoppe now. Usually, he'd feel like a pray walking in the bar filled with snakes to retrieve his drunken father. Now he feels nested, welcomed and comfortable. “Glad to see you again, kid”, the man who gave him the jacket pats his back respectfully. “Truth be told we weren’t sure you would.”, the young guy who held Hot Dog’s leash the previous night confesses, preparing to shoot the pool ball. He pockets the 8, ending the game and retrieving the bet money. “Come on, I’ll buy you your first beer.” Jughead just walks with him to the counter, still silent, taking in every detail of the bar he missed the previous times. The pictures on the wall, neon signs shading the dark room, people having fun, the snakes inside the glass tanks, but most surprising of all, Y/N Y/L/N sitting at the counter.
“Aren’t you a little young to be in a bar?” He’s amazed and a little scared as once again she addresses him facing the other way. “Do you have eyes in your back?” He sits down on the empty stool next to her and the young serpent winks at him with a smirk. Jughead widens his eyes to him, wordlessly telling him to scram. “Surgeon skills, I have to be aware of at least 5 other people in the OR while keeping my eyes on the patient.”, she explains, shifting her stool towards him. “Impressive. And I am.”, he says, sipping his cold beer, still not sure the glory everyone sees in it. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” She shows him her driver's license, Y/B/M/D 2000. “How are you a doctor if you’re still 17?”, he asks. “Skipped high school. I have an eidetic memory, didn’t wanna waste four perfectly good years of a very short life in hell, so I just got my GED and got into Med school.”, she says like it’s not a big deal. “Doctor Strange much?” He wonders if she’ll even get the reference. “Wouldn’t that be awesome?” Y/N bumps the rim of her bottle to Jughead’s.
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A couple of beers in and Jughead is already tipsy, although unable to forget the messed-up things that have been happening in a row. “What do you think happened?”, he asks Y/N in relation to the Pop’s shooting. “Robbery gone wrong. I haven’t given it much thought to be honest.” Y/N stands up and grabs Jughead’s hand making him come with her. “How could you not have thought about it?”, he asks, simply letting her guide him. “I’m a doctor, Jughead. I have to think about charts and keeping my patients alive. I leave detecting to the Sheriff.” Y/N rests her beer bottle in the corner of the pool table. “Pardon me if I don’t trust the police.”, he says, still confused as to why they got up. “You’re one of the kids who solved the Jason Blossom murder case, wouldn’t expect anything else.” She starts setting the balls inside the triangle. “Not in the least. Found it quite impressive actually. I’m all for justice. It’s just that I left a 16-hour shift, the only thing I want to do is drink and play.” She grabs two cue sticks and hands one out to Jughead. “Come on. If I win, you buy me a drink; if you win, you buy me a drink.”, she says playfully. “Fair game you got going, huh?” Jug starts chalking his stick to start the game.
Surprisingly, he’s pretty good at it. Not only for his first time playing, but being drunk while doing it. “Dr. Y/N/N. You’re not going easy on our boy here, are you?”, one of the serpents says, leaning on the table. “Are you accusing me of cheating, Franky?”, she tells him. “Maybe you could let him win so we can get out of here.”, the young southsider suggests. The boy places his hands on either side of her, pinning her to the table. Jughead watches furiously but unable to act. He wants to punch him but he’s one of them now and can’t just go around hitting the guys.“In your dreams.” She pushes him away and grabs Jug’s hand once more taking control. As they leave the bar, he realizes how dizzy he is. But Y/N is steady enough to hold him upright.
They walk past the gates of Sunnyside trailer park. Jughead is leaning in Y/N for support. She leads him and herself towards his trailer according to Jug’s direction. After they walk around the same place twice, she declares them lost and Jughead unfit to guide. Half an hour of that wandering through the trailer park passes until they finally arrive at the improvised porch of Y/N’s trailer. She drops an almost unconscious Jughead on her bed, pulling his jacket off with a lot of difficulty, as he wanted to keep it on, covering him with a blanket after untying his shoes. Y/N fills a glass of water and takes some ibuprofen to her bedside desk along with a note instructing Jughead to close the trailer door when he leaves and drop the key in the plant at the bottom of the porch stairs. Y/N watches the boy sleeping in her bed. He looks serene, unlike when he’s awake. She grabs a blanket for herself to sleep in the couch.
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save-the-cronch · 7 years
Demigod AU
this actually sucks
I really hate it
and I’m sorry
Running had always been one of Connor’s favorite pass times. However, lately Connor realized that running from harm is much less exhilarating. Why was Connor running exactly? Well, recently Connor had found out why his dad had always seemed to resent him so much. It turns out that Connor’s dad, Larry was tricked by a Greek Goddess into thinking that she was his wife. Then, nine months later, Larry found Connor on his doorstep. Larry wanted to toss Connor, his new born baby, into an orphanage. Cynthia, however, begged to keep Connor. She knew that Connor wasn’t hers, but Larry had already told Cynthia what had happened. She wanted to raise Connor as her own, and she hates the thought of her husband just abandoning his child.
Connor still doesn’t know who his mother is. He’s not even sure he wants to know. All he knows about her is that she’s a Greek Goddess, and she can make herself look like his mom. Step mom? Connor isn’t sure anymore.
Currently, Connor was running from a serpent like animal. Thankfully, Connor wasn’t alone. He was with two other people, both students from his grade, both people he could tolerate. One of them was a boy named Evan Hansen, he seemed to be very anxious about a lot of things. Connor always saw him eating lunch under a big oak tree at their school. The other, was a girl named Alana Beck, she had gone to school with Connor and Evan since seventh grade, extremely smart. Alana had apparently been sent to watch over them during the school year. She told them that she was a daughter of Athena, no shock there, and was suppose to take them to some sort of camp if anything bad happened. Well, three days ago, a cyclops had stumbled upon their town, and nearly destroyed the mall, which Connor, Evan, and Alana all happened to be in. Connor was picking his sister up from a movie, Evan was working, and Alana was at the movie with Zoe, Connor’s sister. Alana instantly sprung into action, she had a dagger hidden in the soles of each shoe. Luckily the cyclops was a baby, and Alana was able to kill it with only getting a few scratches and a sprained wrist. Evan had been worried, but Alana stated that nectar and ambrosia would fix that. Connor had never heard of such medicine, and it turns out they weren’t medicine. Nectar was a drink, and ambrosia looked a lot like lemon bars.
“Gods! If we could just stop running, I could grab my daggers and kill the bitch!” Alana yells. Connor has also learned that Alana doesn’t swear, unless she’s angry or in combat mode. “Boys, cover for me, I need my fucking daggers.”
Evan and Connor both halt and stare at each other, watching as the serpent closes in on them. Evan seems to get an idea, as he closes his eyes, and screws up his face. Connor watches in awe as a nearby tree’s branches extend and wrap around the serpent. The animal thrashes and snaps at the branch. Alana then looks up, and is glad to see that one of the boys has a power, and a handy one at that. Alana believes she’s with a son of Demeter, but you can never be sure until you’re claimed.
Alana leaped forward and dug one dagger into the beast’s chest, and the other in the head. The serpent thrashes once more, then slumps. Two seconds later, Alana is covered in golden monster dust, and Connor is clapping. “Well done you two, glad to know I don’t have to run anymore, how much longer until we get to this camp place?”
“After three days of buses and walking, Camp Half-Blood is about a thirty minute hike from here. Once we’re there, we’re safe. Come on, just cause the serpent is gone, doesn’t mean we can’t still get attacked.” Alana places the daggers back into her shoes, and continues to walk.
“Y-you mean we, uh, we can st-still get attacked?” Evan stutters out, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. At the beginning of all this, Evan had had a cast. Alana had given him ambrosia and nectar, and then cut the cast clean off with her blades. Evan had said his arm had never felt better.
“When a demigod is not in Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter, they’re never one hundred percent safe,” Alana informs the two boys that were walking behind her.
“What’s Camp Jupiter?” Connor asks.
“The Roman demigod camp, we’re going to the greek camp. We’ve found away to know if you’re Roman or Greek, and recently we found a way to know if your parent is from a different god.”
“Wait, there’s more than just the Greeks? Are you kidding?” Connor  is shocked, but also a bit confused. So if there are multiple sea gods, do they like each live in a certain area, or do they switch out from time to time?
“Yes, there is Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, and probably many more, but those are the ones that we know about.”
“We, a-as in C-camp Half-Bl-blood?”
Alana nods her head in clarification. “A couple years ago, a demigod named Percy Jackson got the Greek and Roman gods to promise that they will claim any of their kids when they walk into camp, and so, if none of the gods claim a kid, Hermes comes in and is able to recognize which set of gods the kids godly parent is from. Because of this, the Hermes cabin isn’t over populated anymore, which his children greatly appreciate.”
They walk along in silence after that, Alana leading the way, and Evan and Connor take in the new information.
Ten minutes later, they arrive next to a giant pine tree, with a golden fleece on a branch, and a dragon sleeping at the base. Once the trio is next to the tree, the dragon springs up, snorting at us. Once it sees Alana, the dragon smiles, or does the closest thing to a smile a dragon can do, and lays back down to sleep.
The three march forward, and at the top of the hill, Connor and Evan stop, staring down at the field below.
In the middle, there were a bunch of cabins, all seemed to be designed differently. One was blue, no windows except for the wall facing the lake, one was red with barbed wire everywhere. One of them was glowing in the sun. Two of them were pitch black, the main differences would be that one had what seemed to be a wheel above the door, and the other was surrounded by dead grass. Connor noticed that Evan kept staring at the green one with a garden on the roof.
There also seemed to be a rock wall with lava rocks falling from the top. There was a stable and two girls were grooming a horse with wings. There was an arena, where sounds of metal on metal could be heard. There was so much to look at, Connor wasn’t sure what he liked most.
“Come on, I gotta bring you to the Big House so I can then checkin with Annabeth. She’s my sister, and head councilor.” Alana begins to walk down the hill, waving for the two boys to follow. Alana leads them down the hill to a big blue building, where a man drinking a Pepsi is playing a game with another man in a wheel chair.
“Chiron, Mr. D, I have the two demigods I was sent to look after,” Alana informs the two men, as she walks up the steps to the building.
“Ah, Ainsley, well done,” The man with the Pepsi says. The other man in a wheel chair smiles kindly, and moves his hands on top of therm rests, and pushes himself. Connor and Evan watch in shock and amazement as the man’s lower body turns into that of a horses.
“Thank you, Alana,” The horse man says, “Will you please go and find Will Solace, he was assigned for the camp introduction for these two.”
Alana nods, and runs inside the blue building.
“I’m Chiron, and this is Mr. D, more commonly known as Dionysus, we are your camp directors.”
“W-wait, Chiron? And Di-dionysus? L-like the centaur trainer Ch-chiron, and the g-god of wi-wine Dionysus?” Evan asks, amazed. Connor is more amazed by the fact Evan knows this stuff.
Chiron smiles, “Yes, that would be us.”
Mr. D grumbles from his chair, sipping his Pepsi.
“Now, which one of you is Connor, and which one is Evan?” Chiron asks, placing his hands on his hips.
“I’m Connor, that’s Evan.” Connor jabs his finger towards Evan, and leans up against the Blue Building’s porch.
“Are these the new campers Chiron?” Another boy emerges from the Blue Building, Alana behind him. He has a mop of curly blond hair, and hundreds of freckles scattered across his face. He has a surfer’s tan, and bright blue eyes. He’s wearing an orange shirt that says ‘Camp Half-Blood’, khaki pants, and blue flip-flops, with a doctors coat over his clothes, and a stethoscope around his neck. His neck also holds a necklace with beads of different designs on it. “I’m Will Solace, head counselor for the Apollo Cabin, and head of the infirmary.”
“I’m Connor Murphy.” Connor ignores Will’s out stretched hand.
“I-I’m Evan Ha-hansen.” Evan shakes Will’s hand, not looking away from the ground.
“Alright, I’ll show you around camp, then I’ll show you the video. Where we are right now is the Big House, it’s where the counselors have meetings, where we put quest artifacts, where the infirmary is, and where Mr. D and Chiron live” Will continues to show them around everywhere, having done this a few times. While walking around camp, Will introduced Evan and Connor to a few people. The first person they saw was someone named  Leo Valdez, he was carrying a lot of metal. Apparently he is a son of Hephaestus. Then they met Annabeth and Percy, Annabeth is a daughter of Athena, and her boyfriend, Percy, is the son of Poseidon. They then ran into Connor and Travis Stoll and Katie and Miranda Gardner. The Stolls are sons of Hermes, and the Gardeners are daughters of Demeter. Finally, they met Nico Di Angelo. He’s the son of Hades, and Will’s boyfriend. Nico accompanied them to the camp intro video.
After they were done with watching the video, Will takes them to the pavilion for dinner. Pretty much the whole camp is there already. Once we pass the front entrance, a the grass at the base of the steps spring up and wrap themselves around Evan’s legs. Then a glowing symbol appeared above his head, as if a glowing vine was growing from his head. Everyone looked up at Evan, and Katie Gardner from earlier, run up to the boys.
“Oh good, you defiantly seemed like a Demeter kid, come on you can sit with us.” With that, Katie grabbed a frightened Evan by his wrist and dragged him to his new siblings. Connor sighs, he was alone again. He continued on to the food line, and once he was about to dump some of my food into the fire as Alana just told him to, some sort of sacrifice for the Gods or whatever, a sudden warm feeling over came him, and he looks up to see a broken wheel glowing darkly above him.
“Awesome, welcome to the Nemesis cabin.” Those words were spoken by a kid with ear length dark brown hair, he was leaning on his table and staring at Connor. “well, come on, you’ve got some new siblings to mingle with.” The kid beckons Connor over. Once Connor is done at the fire, he waltz over to his new ‘siblings.’
Through out the entire meal, they try to talk to Connor, but he mainly ignores it. Instead he decides to stare at the Demeter table where Evan actually seems to be getting along with his siblings. Connor wishes he wasn’t so closed off. But hey, what is he gonna do?
For the rest of the summer, Connor, Evan, and Alana all stay at Camp Half Blood. Evan and Connor both adjusted rather quickly. Connor learns he’s happier without is dad around, and Evan figures out that his siblings are really calming and caring. They both learn that they defiantly love it at camp. Connor wants to stay year round, his father makes him come back for school. Evan doesn’t mind going back home for school, he misses his mom to much while he’s gone. But now, because of camp he has two new friends at school, and many new friends at camp.
For once in their lives, both boys are very happy.
Ugh, I’m a horrible writer and I wish this had a different ending.
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zdbztumble · 8 years
The Literal-Minded Milotic
When I gave Misty a Milotic in “Writing’s on the Wall,” it was just because she must have one. It’s a Water-type, it kicks ass, it’s a close match to her own color palette, and why shouldn’t the one main girl to ever catch the protagonist’s eye have the most beautiful Pokemon as a partner/avatar?
Said Milotic having trouble with taking things literally was almost an afterthought, but I kind of like that quirk of personality. So here are some drabbles on it, set during BW, XY, and post WotW, respectively. You don’t have to have read WotW to follow along...but it would be nice if you did. :D
"...and Victini finally got to see the ocean!"
"That's great, Ash! And you're sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Misty. For the fourth time, I'm okay."
Misty frowned at his tone. "Don't talk that way to me, Ash Ketchum. I'm allowed to worry about you." You're lucky I don't make you tell me fifty times.
"I know, I know. But everything worked out, just like it always does."
Misty sighed. His mother was the one who always filled her on Ash's day-to-day and badge quests, but whenever he called Misty himself - which wasn't often - it always seemed to be after some insane adventure, more often than not with a near-death experience to boot. Almost drowned, eaten by orange goo, almost erased from existence, and now almost frozen to death. Honestly, Ash...
"So where do you go from here?" she asked him.
"Well, Cilan says that - "
Misty looked over her shoulder toward the doorway. Psyduck had just waddled in, sporting his water wings. He glanced up at the display monitor on the phone and, upon seeing Ash, broke out in the cheeky grin that still made Misty flush. The dopey duck could barely remember his way around the gym or comprehend a battle command, but he'd cued in on his trainer's deal with Ash years ago and never let her forget it.
"Hi, Psyduck!" Ash called from his end, throwing the water fowl a wave. "Still can't swim, huh?"
"He can," Misty grumbled. "He made it across the shallow end the other month, but it freaked him out so much that he went back to the water wings. And he still can't go under the wa - "
"Now what?" Misty turned around, and immediately buried her head in her hands. Milotic had slithered into the room, and had Psyduck pinned into a corner. The Tender Pokémon was staring intently at the duck, who seemed even more confused than usual and just slightly terrified. Misty stepped over her serpent's tail as she walked over to take a look at the hall outside. Water was all over the place, a small table and lamp had been knocked over, and a framed picture of her sisters that should have been on the wall was on the floor, the glass cracked.
"Misty?" Ash asked with a tilt of his head as she stomped, scowling, back to the phone. "What's up with Milotic?"
She sighed again. "We're training right now. When I got out of the pool to take your call, I told her to 'keep an eye' on Psyduck."
"Milotic, use Hydro Pump!"
Misty's Pokémon was quick to respond. She nailed Staryu right in the jewel, and while the starfish managed to stay on its platform in the pool, it was clearly struggling under the pressure.
"Alright, Milotic!" Misty cheered. "Keep it up!"
"Staryu, Rapid Spin!" Daisy commanded.
"Hyah!" The Star Shape Pokémon spun hard to the left, leaving the platform and hurling itself through the air. Milotic followed it with her head, never stopping her Hydro Pump. She got water on the poolside floor, on the empty bleachers, and all over Daisy.
"Hey!" she moaned. "I just got my hair done!"
If it were Gyarados, Misty would've chalked that up to attitude, but Milotic still hadn't stopped her attack. "Uh...Milotic?"
Staryu was still airborne, and it was now circling the pool, Milotic still following. The starfish flew in front of Misty's platform, and before she could dodge it, she got a taste of Hydro Pump herself. It was on her at full blast for a moment, but it very quickly trickled away. Through her sopping bangs, Misty could see why. Milotic had flopped her head onto Staryu's old platform. Her eyes were bugged out and she was taking her breaths in tired wheezes.
She had "kept it up," alright; kept it up until she'd completely exhausted herself.
Misty let out a small moan as she pushed more of her hair back. Her already extensive list of expressions she couldn't use around her serpent had just grown by one.
There were so many other good things Misty associated with Pallet Town that the fact it had a beach sometimes slipped her mind. It wasn't as large as some of the other Kanto beaches or as developed as Cerulean Cape, but it was still a lovely place with plenty of room for her Pokémon to play. Marill ran along the water's edge, chasing Pikachu's tail. Psyduck was locked in a staring contest with a wild Krabby, as he had been for the past fifteen minutes. Gyarados, Starmie, and Kingdra swam a few yards out from the shore. And Milotic was curled up in the sand to sun herself.
Misty was tempted to join her, but she knew how easily she burned. It was also too hot. The shade from her sun umbrella didn't help that much, but it was better than nothing. Still, she let her toes slip out from the shadows and taste the unadulterated heat as she stretched out a little on the towel she was sharing with Ash.
"So the gym's gonna be closed a little longer, huh?" he asked, sitting up slightly.
Misty nodded. "The filter for the pool's still broken. They thought they had it figured out, but they need special parts to fix it, so it'll be another two weeks." She scooted over so that their sides were pressed together, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "But I don't mind staying here a little longer."
"Uh..." Misty didn't need to look up to know there was a blush in Ash's cheeks. She smiled, but didn't say anything. Being boyfriend and girlfriend was a strange experience for both of them, especially given the circumstances that finally got them together.
Ash swore up and down to her, their friends, his mother, and the G-Men that he had no idea why Team Rocket wanted him. An ongoing investigation had yet to turn up anything. As a precaution, both Ash and Misty had been pulled out of the Trials for the Hero's Crown, over their objections, and word was put out that they were being sent to Alola. The original plan was for them to actually go, but Misty had put her foot down on going anywhere until she knew her sisters had the gym up and running again. The G-Men had reluctantly let them go to Pallet Town, with three agents as protection.
Even under watch, the past month in Pallet had been as wonderful a start to a romance as Misty could've asked for. Things didn't go the way she'd once pictured when they were still kids and her feelings no more than a crush; they still teased and bickered constantly, their few dates were simple and often tied to Pokémon, and there were no hearts and sparkling lights flying through the air. But everything so far had been very...them. It was as if she'd never left and as if they were just meeting at the same time. It was fascinating to Misty just how much Ash had, and hadn't, changed.
For instance: he actually understood the basic concepts of attraction and affection now, but he still struggled with the cuddling, hand-holding, and other overtly romantic gestures that he dubbed "love junk." It drove Misty crazy sometimes, and inspired a few of their squabbles, but it could be incredibly cute at times too.
She rolled over to face him, propping herself up a bit higher by resting her arms on his chest. Just as she'd thought, he was blushing, and a nervous little smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Comfy?" she asked teasingly as she walked two fingers up toward his collar bone.
"J-j-just a little hot." Misty laughed lightly. From another guy, that might have been a double entendre, but Ash didn't have it in him to pull those off.
"It is pretty warm," she agreed. "I almost wouldn't mind a blizzard right now."
"Mil!" Milotic had reared up and was staring at them, her head cocked slightly to the right. She reared back in preparation, and Misty realized her mistake.
"Wait, Milotic! I didn't mean -"
A wave of flurries and freezing wind blew across them, sending the sun umbrella and their picnic basket flying. It didn't last long, but when the Blizzard stopped, both Ash and Misty were caked in frost. They clung to each other for warmth, though the shivers from one made things worse for the other.
"W-w-w-well, at l-least w-w-we're the c-c-coolest c-couple on t-the b-b-beach," Ash stammered. Misty didn't even smack him for the pun; she was too cold, too stiff, and too frustrated with Milotic.
"Y-Y-YOU DOPE!" she spat.
Psyduck had wandered over to the serpent. They titled their heads toward one another, and they both had looks of complete confusion in their eyes that Misty found baffling, infuriating, and somehow endearing.
No wonder she was with Ash.
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sweetgloss · 8 years
Currently Untitled Narumitsu Fic - Chapter One
Sooo I said that I wanted to write Phoenix and Edgeworth in Khura’in, right? Perhaps an AU where they arrived earlier than the others for the Turnabout Revolution case and end up spending a week in Khura’in together, or they both come for a case and also to visit Apollo. I don’t really know as of yet, but...tell me what you think...this is the first chapter.
The sweet, heady, hazy scent of incense pervaded the air. The air was sharp and cold, mist curling and slithering around the white-tipped, treacherous shards of mountains like coy serpents.
The scene before them was riotous. Blue and red prayer flags fluttered gaily in the biting breeze, and the bazaar was thronged with scores people buying and selling wares. There were the persuasive, inviting calls of salesmen, the furious bargaining and haggling of customers and the playful shouts of children, intertwined with the low, whistling, mystic sounds emanating from a group of street performers – the soft, seductive thrum of a lute-like instrument, combined with haunting vocals and the melancholy moan of an instrument that looked to be somewhat similar to a flute, with the occasional jaunty shake of what appeared to be a stylised tambourine.
Phoenix’s worn, navy suitcase rattled reluctantly over the cobbles as he dragged it behind him, offering a silent prayer that the wheels wouldn’t give out. He paused, scanning the crowd before him with sharp blue eyes, gripping the handle of his suitcase tightly; an anchor, in the chaos.
A sleek black suitcase rolled up next to his tattered one, seemingly effortlessly, devoid of a single scuff mark. Its owner’s glasses glinted sharply, catching the cold, watery sunlight, and he removed them to polish them, setting his suitcase down and opening his expensive-looking leather briefcase in search of the elusive little polishing cloth.
“Come on, Ahlbi,” Phoenix muttered quietly under his breath, fingers drumming impatiently on the handle. He was cold, travel-worn and fatigued, and was itching to shave and change out of the somewhat crumpled blue suit he’d worn for the long plane journey. He ran his fingers through his sleep-rumpled black hair, the stubborn little lock that stubbornly hung over his forehead bouncing back to its place.
“Wright.” His companion also began to scan the crowd with a little anxiety, though his grey eyes were significantly less sharp in the absence of his spectacles, which he was currently polishing, his fingers busily removing every minute speck of dust from the lenses. He was squinting, and probably couldn’t see much more than a very loud, jostling blur. “Was there not supposed to be someone meeting us here?”
“Yeah, there was.” Phoenix groaned a little, pressing his palm to his forehead, feeling the beginnings of a colossal headache. He was irritable and tired and dishevelled. Stealing a glance at his companion, he felt that it was almost unfair – he looked exactly as he always did, not a single silvery hair out of place, the frills at his throat gently moving in the breeze, his wine-red suit perfectly pressed and sharp.
Said companion replaced his glasses and gave Phoenix a sideways glance, intelligent eyes able to see with clarity once more. He pushed them up the bridge of his nose with a forefinger, taking hold of his suitcase handle once more and casting his gaze around. “Could it be possible, Wright, that you gave him the wrong time, or that he is expecting to meet us elsewhere?”
Phoenix was indignant. “Really, Edgeworth, thanks for having so much faith in m- “
“Mr Wright!” A little voice, slightly chiding, called from in front of him.
“Ahlbi! Where have you been? We’ve been standing here for over half an hour! You’re usually right on time. What happened?”
Edgeworth’s eyebrows raised slightly at the appearance of this enthusiastic but slightly bedraggled-looking little boy, who hefted a large satchel over his shoulder and looked like he would have a very cheerful smile. A tiny puppy yapped at his heels. “Shah’do! Down, boy!” The boy looked back up at Wright. “But, Mr Wright, I thought that we agreed to meet in the Plaza of Devotion? I got really worried when you didn’t turn up there, so I came to try and find you here!” He rocked back and forth on his feet, fidgeting a little, a little crease of worry on his small forehead.
Phoenix stopped in his tracks. “Wha – I…?” He thought back to the phone conversation he had had with Ahlbi and suddenly realised that they had actually agreed to meet at the Plaza of Devotion, and that he, tired, stressed and jet-lagged as he was from flying back and forth between countries, had simply assumed that Ahlbi would meet him in his usual place.
He didn’t want to look at Edgeworth, didn’t want to see the I-told-you-so look that he just knew would be on his face, but he caught a twitch of amusement at the corner of his stern mouth, and his eyes travelled reluctantly up his friend’s face, eventually meeting his eyes, which twinkled with dry humour, and Phoenix knew exactly what kind of mockery was going on in Edgeworth’s mind. Sighing, he turned back to the anxious little figure in front of him. “Ah, I’m so sorry, Ahlbi, I remember now. You’re right. It’s all my fault for forgetting.”
The boy instantly relaxed, his face splitting into an adorable, gap-toothed grin. He bounced on his heels a little, reminding Phoenix of his daughter, Trucy. “S’okay, Mr Wright! And hap’piraki to both you and your friend!”
Phoenix laughed, glad that he had been so readily forgiven and caught by Ahlbi’s infectious cheerfulness, despite his fatigue. “Hap’piraki, Ahlbi. This here is Mr Edgeworth, an old friend of mine. He’s a prosecutor back where I come from.”
Ahlbi’s eyes were like saucers as he gazed up at the imposing man, who towered above him, all steely gaze and crossed arms and confidently-tilted chin. “W-Woah! Hey, Mr Edgeworth, so you’re a prosecutor, like Prosecutor Sahdmadhi?”
Phoenix watched them, a small smile on his face. He would once have been anxious about his old friend’s interactions with children, but Edgeworth had softened and mellowed out considerably over the years, though he was loath to admit it. He had pleasant, if quite formal, exchanges with Trucy, and even had had his own young investigative assistant for a while.
Edgeworth’s mouth quirked into what was really almost a friendly, if somewhat strained, smile. It still had trace amounts of his old arrogant smirk, but it was a lot softer. “Hap’piraki – Mr Ur’gaid, was it? Yes, I am indeed also a prosecutor. I have met Prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi on various occasions and I have found him to be very thorough and serious about his job, values that I can certainly appreciate. He is a fine prosecutor.”
Ahlbi’s eyes gleamed with patriotic pride, his little fists clenched in his enthusiasm. “Y-Yes, sir! And he’s from right here in Khura’in! We have many talented people here!”
“I’m quite sure that you do, Mr Ur’gaid. I wouldn’t doubt it for a second. The Kingdom of Khura’in is a wonderful nation.” Edgeworth, ever a dog lover, looked down with fondness at Shah’do, who was diligently chasing his stubby little tail in circles.
Ahlbi looked mildly distressed, clasping his small hands. “P-Please, Mr Edgeworth, please call me Ahlbi! As your tour guide, good customer service means you feel c-comfortable in my presence! D-Do you, Mr Edgeworth?”
Edgeworth laughed good-naturedly at Ahlbi’s earnest, worried little face. “Of course I do, Ahlbi. I’m sorry, I have simply become quite used to addressing people formally, in my line of work.”
“Oh, phew! Thank the Holy Mother!” Ahlbi’s cheerful grin was back in full force. “Oh! Mr Wright, Mr Edgeworth. I have something for you!”
“Oh yeah, Ahlbi? What’s that?” Phoenix re-entered the conversation, yawning a little.
Edgeworth raised a slim eyebrow, silently inquiring.
Ahlbi was rummaging furiously in his satchel. A couple of stray Khura’inese tourism brochures escaped from it, fluttering to the ground, but Ahlbi eventually produced two warm, steamed buns, in the shape of teardrops.
“Ahlbi, you’re a livesaver,” Phoenix exclaimed gratefully, taking it from him and inhaling its sweet scent. “The plane food was kind of disgusting.”
Edgeworth rolled his eyes, gingerly taking his own suspiciously. “Wright, I offered for you to join me in business class. You declined. The food served there was adequate.”
“Yeah, because I’m not letting you pay for my plane tickets anymore. You did that enough in…those years,” Phoenix retorted, mouth full of the sweet, doughy bun.
“What is this, Ahlbi?” Edgeworth inquired, pointedly turning away from Phoenix, sighing through his nose and wrinkling it slightly at Phoenix’s less-than-refined eating habits. This was an argument that they had had on and off for several years now.
“A-Allow me to explain!” Ahlbi’s eyes lit up. “That is a magatah’man or soul bun! It’s a popular traditional sweet bun here, in the Kingdom of Khura’in, and it’s shaped in the shape of a magatama. It’s very famous and very yummy!” He grinned endearingly up at Edgeworth. “It’s so yummy, it’ll send your soul straight to the twilight realm!”
Edgeworth looked bemused and a little fearful that he might be poisoned, but he couldn’t in good conscience say no to that cheerful smile. He took a tentative, reserved bite, and then, upon finding the taste somewhat agreeable, consumed the bun, slowly, instead of wolfing it rapidly down as Phoenix had.
“How much is that, Ahlbi?” Phoenix asked, digging around for his wallet.
“Forty dharmas,” he replied cheekily, linking his little fingers behind his head and swaying from side to side.
“Ahlbi! We talked about this! You’re selling them each for five dharmas more than the stands right here in the bazaar!”
“But that includes a service charge, Mr Wright,” Ahlbi shot back, still smiling his adorable gap-toothed smile.
Edgeworth chuckled, and pushed his glasses up his nose, reaching for his own wallet. “The boy’s an astute businessman, Wright. Give him that, at least.” He handed the money, plus five extra dharmas, over to Ahlbi, who looked at the extra as if he’d won the world’s largest lottery.
“T-Thank you very much for your patronage, Mr Edgeworth, sir!”
Phoenix rolled his eyes. “Ahlbi, it’s been really nice to chat but…” he indicated his crumpled attire, paired with hooded, tired blue eyes, and rubbed at the faint stubble on his chin. “I’d really appreciate it if you could show us to where we’ll be staying so that we can freshen up.”
Ahlbi looked horrified. “Mr Wright, you should have said something! A tour guide’s top priority is the comfort of his guests! Please, follow me. I’ll take you to your hotel right away!” He began weaving his way through the gradually thinning crowd, as the sun sunk slightly in the pale sky, the grey day yielding to a scarlet-skied evening.
Edgeworth and Phoenix shared a glance.
Phoenix smiled a little, and Edgeworth smirked, before both men grabbed their suitcase handles and began to follow the boy, manoeuvring through the throng of people, watching for the bouncing of his colossal satchel at his hip and the trotting of his faithful dog at his heels.
The white-tipped mountains blushed pink as the sky faded gently to crimson, and the lanterns studded the cobbled streets of Khura’in as evening’s velvet touch caressed the Kingdom, the sorrowful sound of a lone, dedicated flautist diligently playing his instrument, filling the air, the silvery sounds easing the city into the night.
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dailyofficereadings · 5 years
Daily Office Readings November 15, 2019 at 11:00PM
Psalm 87
Psalm 87
The Joy of Living in Zion
Of the Korahites. A Psalm. A Song.
1 On the holy mount stands the city he founded; 2 the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. 3 Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God.Selah
4 Among those who know me I mention Rahab and Babylon; Philistia too, and Tyre, with Ethiopia[a]— “This one was born there,” they say.
5 And of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in it”; for the Most High himself will establish it. 6 The Lord records, as he registers the peoples, “This one was born there.”Selah
7 Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you.”
Psalm 87:4 Or Nubia; Heb Cush
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 90
(Psalms 90–106)
Psalm 90
God’s Eternity and Human Frailty
A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.
1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place[a] in all generations. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
3 You turn us[b] back to dust, and say, “Turn back, you mortals.” 4 For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night.
5 You sweep them away; they are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning; 6 in the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers.
7 For we are consumed by your anger; by your wrath we are overwhelmed. 8 You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your countenance.
9 For all our days pass away under your wrath; our years come to an end[c] like a sigh. 10 The days of our life are seventy years, or perhaps eighty, if we are strong; even then their span[d] is only toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.
11 Who considers the power of your anger? Your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you. 12 So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.
13 Turn, O Lord! How long? Have compassion on your servants! 14 Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. 15 Make us glad as many days as you have afflicted us, and as many years as we have seen evil. 16 Let your work be manifest to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. 17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper for us the work of our hands— O prosper the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:1 Another reading is our refuge
Psalm 90:3 Heb humankind
Psalm 90:9 Syr: Heb we bring our years to an end
Psalm 90:10 Cn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg: Heb pride
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 136
Psalm 136
God’s Work in Creation and in History
1 O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 2 O give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. 3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever;
4 who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures forever; 5 who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures forever; 6 who spread out the earth on the waters, for his steadfast love endures forever; 7 who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures forever; 8 the sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures forever; 9 the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures forever;
10 who struck Egypt through their firstborn, for his steadfast love endures forever; 11 and brought Israel out from among them, for his steadfast love endures forever; 12 with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, for his steadfast love endures forever; 13 who divided the Red Sea[a] in two, for his steadfast love endures forever; 14 and made Israel pass through the midst of it, for his steadfast love endures forever; 15 but overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea,[b] for his steadfast love endures forever; 16 who led his people through the wilderness, for his steadfast love endures forever; 17 who struck down great kings, for his steadfast love endures forever; 18 and killed famous kings, for his steadfast love endures forever; 19 Sihon, king of the Amorites, for his steadfast love endures forever; 20 and Og, king of Bashan, for his steadfast love endures forever; 21 and gave their land as a heritage, for his steadfast love endures forever; 22 a heritage to his servant Israel, for his steadfast love endures forever.
23 It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever; 24 and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever; 25 who gives food to all flesh, for his steadfast love endures forever.
26 O give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:13 Or Sea of Reeds
Psalm 136:15 Or Sea of Reeds
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
1 Maccabees 2:1-28
Mattathias and His Sons
2 In those days Mattathias son of John son of Simeon, a priest of the family of Joarib, moved from Jerusalem and settled in Modein. 2 He had five sons, John surnamed Gaddi, 3 Simon called Thassi, 4 Judas called Maccabeus, 5 Eleazar called Avaran, and Jonathan called Apphus. 6 He saw the blasphemies being committed in Judah and Jerusalem, 7 and said,
“Alas! Why was I born to see this, the ruin of my people, the ruin of the holy city, and to live there when it was given over to the enemy, the sanctuary given over to aliens? 8 Her temple has become like a person without honor;[a] 9 her glorious vessels have been carried into exile. Her infants have been killed in her streets, her youths by the sword of the foe. 10 What nation has not inherited her palaces[b] and has not seized her spoils? 11 All her adornment has been taken away; no longer free, she has become a slave. 12 And see, our holy place, our beauty, and our glory have been laid waste; the Gentiles have profaned them. 13 Why should we live any longer?”
14 Then Mattathias and his sons tore their clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourned greatly.
Pagan Worship Refused
15 The king’s officers who were enforcing the apostasy came to the town of Modein to make them offer sacrifice. 16 Many from Israel came to them; and Mattathias and his sons were assembled. 17 Then the king’s officers spoke to Mattathias as follows: “You are a leader, honored and great in this town, and supported by sons and brothers. 18 Now be the first to come and do what the king commands, as all the Gentiles and the people of Judah and those that are left in Jerusalem have done. Then you and your sons will be numbered among the Friends of the king, and you and your sons will be honored with silver and gold and many gifts.”
19 But Mattathias answered and said in a loud voice: “Even if all the nations that live under the rule of the king obey him, and have chosen to obey his commandments, every one of them abandoning the religion of their ancestors, 20 I and my sons and my brothers will continue to live by the covenant of our ancestors. 21 Far be it from us to desert the law and the ordinances. 22 We will not obey the king’s words by turning aside from our religion to the right hand or to the left.”
23 When he had finished speaking these words, a Jew came forward in the sight of all to offer sacrifice on the altar in Modein, according to the king’s command. 24 When Mattathias saw it, he burned with zeal and his heart was stirred. He gave vent to righteous anger; he ran and killed him on the altar. 25 At the same time he killed the king’s officer who was forcing them to sacrifice, and he tore down the altar. 26 Thus he burned with zeal for the law, just as Phinehas did against Zimri son of Salu.
27 Then Mattathias cried out in the town with a loud voice, saying: “Let every one who is zealous for the law and supports the covenant come out with me!” 28 Then he and his sons fled to the hills and left all that they had in the town.
1 Maccabees 2:8 Meaning of Gk uncertain
1 Maccabees 2:10 Other ancient authorities read has not had a part in her kingdom
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Revelation 20:1-6
The Thousand Years
20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3 and threw him into the pit, and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be let out for a little while.
4 Then I saw thrones, and those seated on them were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus[a] and for the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. Over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him a thousand years.
Revelation 20:4 Or for the testimony of Jesus
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 16:21-28
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
21 From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. 22 And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.” 23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.”
The Cross and Self-Denial
24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?
27 “For the Son of Man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay everyone for what has been done. 28 Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
0 notes
dailyofficereadings · 7 years
Daily Office Readings November 17, 2017 at 11:00PM
Psalm 87
Psalm 87
The Joy of Living in Zion
Of the Korahites. A Psalm. A Song.
1 On the holy mount stands the city he founded; 2 the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. 3 Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God.Selah
4 Among those who know me I mention Rahab and Babylon; Philistia too, and Tyre, with Ethiopia[a]— “This one was born there,” they say.
5 And of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in it”; for the Most High himself will establish it. 6 The Lord records, as he registers the peoples, “This one was born there.”Selah
7 Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you.”
Psalm 87:4 Or Nubia; Heb Cush
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 90
(Psalms 90–106)
Psalm 90
God’s Eternity and Human Frailty
A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.
1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place[a] in all generations. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
3 You turn us[b] back to dust, and say, “Turn back, you mortals.” 4 For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night.
5 You sweep them away; they are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning; 6 in the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers.
7 For we are consumed by your anger; by your wrath we are overwhelmed. 8 You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your countenance.
9 For all our days pass away under your wrath; our years come to an end[c] like a sigh. 10 The days of our life are seventy years, or perhaps eighty, if we are strong; even then their span[d] is only toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.
11 Who considers the power of your anger? Your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you. 12 So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.
13 Turn, O Lord! How long? Have compassion on your servants! 14 Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. 15 Make us glad as many days as you have afflicted us, and as many years as we have seen evil. 16 Let your work be manifest to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. 17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper for us the work of our hands— O prosper the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:1 Another reading is our refuge
Psalm 90:3 Heb humankind
Psalm 90:9 Syr: Heb we bring our years to an end
Psalm 90:10 Cn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg: Heb pride
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 136
Psalm 136
God’s Work in Creation and in History
1 O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 2 O give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. 3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever;
4 who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures forever; 5 who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures forever; 6 who spread out the earth on the waters, for his steadfast love endures forever; 7 who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures forever; 8 the sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures forever; 9 the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures forever;
10 who struck Egypt through their firstborn, for his steadfast love endures forever; 11 and brought Israel out from among them, for his steadfast love endures forever; 12 with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, for his steadfast love endures forever; 13 who divided the Red Sea[a] in two, for his steadfast love endures forever; 14 and made Israel pass through the midst of it, for his steadfast love endures forever; 15 but overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea,[b] for his steadfast love endures forever; 16 who led his people through the wilderness, for his steadfast love endures forever; 17 who struck down great kings, for his steadfast love endures forever; 18 and killed famous kings, for his steadfast love endures forever; 19 Sihon, king of the Amorites, for his steadfast love endures forever; 20 and Og, king of Bashan, for his steadfast love endures forever; 21 and gave their land as a heritage, for his steadfast love endures forever; 22 a heritage to his servant Israel, for his steadfast love endures forever.
23 It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever; 24 and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever; 25 who gives food to all flesh, for his steadfast love endures forever.
26 O give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:13 Or Sea of Reeds
Psalm 136:15 Or Sea of Reeds
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
1 Maccabees 2:1-28
Mattathias and His Sons
2 In those days Mattathias son of John son of Simeon, a priest of the family of Joarib, moved from Jerusalem and settled in Modein. 2 He had five sons, John surnamed Gaddi, 3 Simon called Thassi, 4 Judas called Maccabeus, 5 Eleazar called Avaran, and Jonathan called Apphus. 6 He saw the blasphemies being committed in Judah and Jerusalem, 7 and said,
“Alas! Why was I born to see this, the ruin of my people, the ruin of the holy city, and to live there when it was given over to the enemy, the sanctuary given over to aliens? 8 Her temple has become like a person without honor;[a] 9 her glorious vessels have been carried into exile. Her infants have been killed in her streets, her youths by the sword of the foe. 10 What nation has not inherited her palaces[b] and has not seized her spoils? 11 All her adornment has been taken away; no longer free, she has become a slave. 12 And see, our holy place, our beauty, and our glory have been laid waste; the Gentiles have profaned them. 13 Why should we live any longer?”
14 Then Mattathias and his sons tore their clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourned greatly.
Pagan Worship Refused
15 The king’s officers who were enforcing the apostasy came to the town of Modein to make them offer sacrifice. 16 Many from Israel came to them; and Mattathias and his sons were assembled. 17 Then the king’s officers spoke to Mattathias as follows: “You are a leader, honored and great in this town, and supported by sons and brothers. 18 Now be the first to come and do what the king commands, as all the Gentiles and the people of Judah and those that are left in Jerusalem have done. Then you and your sons will be numbered among the Friends of the king, and you and your sons will be honored with silver and gold and many gifts.”
19 But Mattathias answered and said in a loud voice: “Even if all the nations that live under the rule of the king obey him, and have chosen to obey his commandments, every one of them abandoning the religion of their ancestors, 20 I and my sons and my brothers will continue to live by the covenant of our ancestors. 21 Far be it from us to desert the law and the ordinances. 22 We will not obey the king’s words by turning aside from our religion to the right hand or to the left.”
23 When he had finished speaking these words, a Jew came forward in the sight of all to offer sacrifice on the altar in Modein, according to the king’s command. 24 When Mattathias saw it, he burned with zeal and his heart was stirred. He gave vent to righteous anger; he ran and killed him on the altar. 25 At the same time he killed the king’s officer who was forcing them to sacrifice, and he tore down the altar. 26 Thus he burned with zeal for the law, just as Phinehas did against Zimri son of Salu.
27 Then Mattathias cried out in the town with a loud voice, saying: “Let every one who is zealous for the law and supports the covenant come out with me!” 28 Then he and his sons fled to the hills and left all that they had in the town.
1 Maccabees 2:8 Meaning of Gk uncertain
1 Maccabees 2:10 Other ancient authorities read has not had a part in her kingdom
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Revelation 20:1-6
The Thousand Years
20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3 and threw him into the pit, and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be let out for a little while.
4 Then I saw thrones, and those seated on them were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus[a] and for the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. Over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him a thousand years.
Revelation 20:4 Or for the testimony of Jesus
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 16:21-28
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
21 From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. 22 And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.” 23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.”
The Cross and Self-Denial
24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?
27 “For the Son of Man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay everyone for what has been done. 28 Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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