#set is one of hades' cerberus dogs
pacificgrimsarc · 9 months
@sevensaith | set & ?
"Fuck. I hate this." Set kicked her boot at the foundation of the diner, literally shaking in her boots in attempt to get warm. The temperature was in the single digits, Fahrenheit, and she could swear everything was frozen. Glancing up at the sky, she knew a snowstorm would blow in through town soon. It was just the sort of thing that she could sense.
Sure, she could go inside the diner, but she was on a break—and she only got 30 minutes per shift to be away from waiting on the idiotic customers inside, so she was intent on using her break to her fullest. She looked over at the other, shivering, blowing a raspberry. She was a long way from the fires of Hell. "Brrrrr. How are you so used to this? This shit is not normal."
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We just started off with percy walking his way into crusty’s place like woah hold there buddy we’re starting quickly
the set is so pretty and colourful why couldnt everything else be like them ahem ahem waterland cough cough
Why do they know everything already 😭they’re really taking out the middle school cluelessness out of everyone in this show and its making me mad sometimes
What do you MEAN he casually has an entrance to the underworld?
walker’s acting was rlly good in this ep btw
The whole bed scene was so anticlimactic and quick STOP
”youre lucky we let you keep your head on” YEAH WELL SO IS DISNEY
grover just walking in like is it over now?? DISNEY I BEG OF YOU LET GROVER DO SOMETHING
grover’s squeaky ball to calm himself down😭 🥺
Sally and percy angst was not on my bingo card but here we are
That transition was neat
wow what a well lit underworld dayum
its confirmed percy and annabeth watched that movie
“Only suckers wait in line” savage
rip ‘we drowned in a bathtub’ hello ‘everyone is dying to some extent’
i dont know if its just me but i feel like the jokes and the humour of the show was more aligned to its pjo adult fans, rather than the books, which rick included middle school humor because that was what the initial audience was. I mean removing the fun of the lotus casino and replacing it with a scene of percy driving a car (which is an activity adults do) and the dying on the inside is something only adults in their quarter life crisis complain about
Idk it doesnt feel like annabeth is scratching cerberus because she genuinely likes dogs, it feels like more of a strategical move which i am not the happiest about BECAUSE I WANT SOFT ANNABETH
squeak squeak
”excuse me” i love how professional she is
i read so many fanfics and theories on how the fourth pearl would go missing?? And grover lost it??? Thats it???
I hate that principal why are you taking something a 10 year old said and say he needs ‘psychological monitoring’?? Hon he drew a horsie with wings that he claimed he saw, he doesnt need to go to a psych ward or therapy or something
but imagine percy hearing this in the other room🥺
I feel like all of them have a reason to get rooted and stuff in asphodel but its apparently only annabeth so
not grover seeing two of his friends turning into trees🥺
Idk grover’s not that emotional at all about anything?? Hes supposed to be scared and on the verge of tears 24/7? Not aryans fault just the writers
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Percy rlly just said “periodt💅”
They really copy pasted hades from the musical why is no one talking about that?
walker’s acting>>>>>
why are you trying so hard to get rid of me 🥺
I love the fact that percy’s still chilling there
what do you mean they have to find the helm too???
why no one help grover up??
poseidons speech as percy gets up and looks at ares is peak cinema
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
I know Halloween is still so far away, but what if child!reader decided to dress up as the RoR characters for Halloween and said the characters are their heroes? My goddaughter did this on Halloween last year, dressing up as me and calling me her hero. And yes, I cried so hard at that.
-Odin- His eye twitches lightly, his lip quivering as he stares down at your beaming face, wearing clothes that was very similar to his own, long dark robes, a little eye patch over the wrong eye, and holding two stuffed raven toys, one white and one black. Loki can’t stop grinning, taking photo after photo while Odin is struggling to not succumb to your cuteness. Goll hands you your plastic pumpkin as Odin manages to speak, “Why are you dressed like me?” you just smile brightly, “Because you’re my hero, Papa Odin!” Loki, Goll, and Odin fall to their hands and knees, clutching their hearts as you tried to put your plush toys on your shoulders, unaware of their plight.
-Buddha- Can’t keep the grin off his face as you ran over to him, dressed up just like him, holding an overflowing candy bucket, “Look-look! I got a lot!!” he couldn’t talk, pride swelling inside of him as his smile almost hurt. Brunnhilde couldn’t help but take a photo, which made Buddha send her a grin as he handed Y/N another lollipop, “Y/N wanted to dress up as her hero~” just when he thought his smile couldn’t get wider he picked you up, spinning you around, making you squeal as he laughed warmly, making you giggle and squeal in delight. Once he calmed down he handed you another candy bucket, “C’mon, lets go get some more candy!” the two of you raise your hands in unison, cheering, which made Brunnhilde giggle again, taking another photo.
-Qin Shi Huang- His smile is almost instant, seeing you approach and chuckles, kneeling down, “My emperor!” you beam at him, leaping into his arms and the two of you hug while he spun around, making you squeal before he set you down, checking out the different parts of your outfit, including makeup to mimic the tattoos on his body. The only thing you didn’t have was the blindfold, but other than that, you were a mirror image. You had matching red candy buckets and headed off to trick or treat as a pair, but he had to inquire, “Why did you want to dress up as me, Y/N? Not that I’m complaining!” you beam up at him, not at all bothered, “I wanted to be my hero for Halloween, so I’m you!” you kept walking, unaware that Huang collapsed to his knees, holding his mouth as he cried on how pure you were.
-Simo Hayha- He was surprised when he saw what looked to be a mini-him trotting over, holding a toy gun that was bright pink and a match candy bucket, with Hades behind you, holding the leash of Cerberus walking up from behind you, accompanying you. You beam brightly up to Simo who had a weak smile on his face, like he was shocked before he kneeled, “You’re dressed up like me?” his own dog licked your cheek in greeting, making you laugh, “I wanted to dress up like my hero!” the warmth in his heart almost made him burst into flames before he glanced over to Hades who just sent the sniper a slight grin before you turned, pointing up at Cerberus, “I even got a doggy of my own! Cerberus is my best friend!” Cerberus whined lightly, licking your cheek which made the two men laugh that you were able to get even the fiercest beast wrapped around your finger before you led the charge for trick or treating!
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yen-sids-tournament · 8 months
Animal Besties Final Thoughts
Thank you all for participating in the tournament! We know it was not the smoothest of goes, but we hope you enjoyed it as much as we had fun running it!
In light of the various polls done during this tournament we have accumulated some results below:
The Disney Podium-1st: Stitch 2nd: Perry (the Platypus) 3rd: Rufus The Non-Disney Podium-1st: Toothless 2nd: Cerberus 3rd: Snoopy
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We also had many mini-polls throughout the tournament:
When it comes to felines, the purrrfered picks were tigers: Disney's Rajah and the Non Disney Hobbes! Dog fights were also not uncommon, the best pooches were Blue and Dug Corralling those likely to be seen on a farm gave Waddles the blue ribbon But we did have a stable full of helpful Disney Horses set aside where Maximus proved his skills once more We can't take flight without a flock; Yuunagi Tsubasa soared into the clouds right there with Flapjack And last, our Magical Menagerie granted Appa the recognition he deserved!
Over all, there were 111 contestants at the start of this tournament; over 20 Dogs (including Stitch), 14 Cats, 7 Teams (plus Hades-Cerberus), 4 Dragons
We had various live action and animated entries from Movies, TV Shows, Anime, Comics, Video Games, Manga, and Books.
In all of these polls, only one ended with a tie (Figaro v Little Brother) while there were a few which remained close to the end like Zwei v Ace (4) or Ivana v the Heartslabyul Hedgehogs (1)
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f1-disaster-bi · 8 months
My little unclaimed demi-God Lando random drabble:
"It's a little lonely in here" Lando fiddled with the hem of his sweater as he spoke. His eyes casting around the bare cabin that had been built to house those that showed up unexpectedly. Most of the God's had gotten better at claiming their children, but sometimes it still took a day or two to grab their attention so Chiron and Mr D had built this cabin. After he had been here for two years, Chiron had sadly had a separate built for Lando. He had told him he deserved his own space, and Lando had just bitten his lip and nodded. He was grateful for it now, but back then it had just been a reminder to his young self that he was unwanted by the Gods. Now, he just called it home and was glad to have a place to hide from the kids that whispered about him around the campfire. A little yip pulled him from his thoughts, and Lando smiled for what felt like the first time in months with all his friends being away with their families. They wouldn't return to camp until summer, or if something happened that required the demi-gods to rally, but now he wouldn't be so lonely. Three sets of green eyes blinked up at him as a tail wagged and thumped against the wooden flooring. The little pup of Cerberus let out a soft woof. It's little feet doing a little tip tap motion as if they were waiting for Lando’s attention. "But I guess with you here, I'll finally have a permanent friend, huh?", Lando cooed as he lowered himself to sit cross-legged on the floor. The pup wasted no time, crawling into his lap. One head pushed against his hand. The middle head of the pup rubbed against the one begging for pets while the third lay on their paws, yawning as its eyes closed sleepily. He still didn't know how he hadn't seen it when he had first found the pup in the forest but now with its glamour down, he could see the little Cerberus for what it was. In the forest, it had just looked like a normal pup. It was only when one of the older kids went to shove Lando into the water that the glamour had dropped. As he scratched behind one of the ears of the three headed dog, Lando couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up with a pet of Hades but honestly, he was just happy ro have the company. "I guess I should name you, huh?", Lando hummed, trying to fill the ever present silence in his cabin, "If you're staying, that is"
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lucyav13 · 2 months
All bosses PT2
So, let's continue with this!
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O'chunks again. Actually, is the villain that we fight the most.
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King Croacus, yehah, I've talk about him in one last part, so go see it!
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Mimi. Same.
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Brobot XXL
Despite being an improved version of Brobot, the L-type has less HP, however this is due to the nature of the two battles: the original robot is fought using Squirps' laser fire, which is much more damaging than normal attacks, necessitating a greater amount of HP. Its attack and defense have been increased by one, however. And also It has been upgraded with hands and feet.
Additional information:
Catch Card: 194
HP MAX: 64
Attack: 5
Defense:  4 (8 against fire)Score: 6000
Card description: This is a souped-up version of Mr. L's robot. It looks like he went all out with the customizations. Too bad they don't help much!
Tatle: That's Brobot L-type. Mr. L pulled out all the stops to make this one... Most of its moves are the same, but it can now use its hands or tackle you... He seems to be weak to explosions, so try using Boomer on his feet... You remember that after setting a bomb, you can use 1 again to set it off, right?
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Bowser. Again. What a surprise, not? At least, he's not the main villain and the final boss this time.
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Underchomp. A great boss!
Despite the fact that Dorguy the Third is the one that summons it, the Underchomp's Catch Card states that all three Dorguys have ownership of the beast. The Underchomp is based upon the legendary hellhound Cerberus, a giant, three-headed dog who guarded the gates of Hades in Greek mythology. In one story, he was put to sleep by the music of Orpheus, which is similar to how Piccolo's music can put the Underchomp to sleep. 
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Mario, Luigi, and Bowser face the enemy in a far different way from other enemies in the game; they fight the creature in a turn-based battle, though it is farther from the style of other Paper Mario games, and closer to that of the Dragon Quest titles and EarthBound Beginnings. Its battle music is an 8-bit remix of the normal mini-boss theme.
The player cannot use Tippi at any point during the battle with the Underchomp, and it does not appear in the field before or after the encounter, making it the only enemy in the game (and one of the few in the Paper Mario series) that cannot be Tattled. However, a Tattle exists in the game data.
Each head has a special ability. The Red Underchomp (left in battle) breathes crimson fire, the Blue Underchomp (middle one in battle) exhales blue fire, and the Yellow Underchomp (right one in battle) expels stinky breath. Each Underchomp can also charge up for one turn to use a stronger attack later.
Adittional information:
Catch Card: 104
HP: 48 (16 each)
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Score: 6000
Card description: The three Dorguys command this special breed of Chomp. In off-hours they like to practice their comedy act. (A/N: ?)
Tattle: That's the Underchomp...It's a three-headed Chomp that guards The Underwhere...Max HP is 16, Attack is 3, Defense is 4. It's immune to flames...Its Defense is high, so try using Cudge, Boomer, Thudley, or any special attack. The three Dorguys enjoy springing this fearsome Chomp on unsuspecting travelers...
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Bonechill. The most disappointing boss. 
He is an undead dragon with a large, blue-scaled head, six small, white-feathered wings on his back, and a large golden cannon with two wheels for a lower body. He is the leader of the Skellobit army and attempts a takeover of The Overthere. According to The InterNed, his theme is called "Bonechill Appears".
Tippi's tattle says that Bonechill may have once been a Nimbi, which is supported by the fact that he has feathered wings on his back. This fits into the overall motif of The Underwhere and The Overthere, which draw heavily from both Ancient Greek mythology and the Christian religion. In particular, the concept of a fallen angel (Nimbi) is inspired by the Biblical story of Lucifer, who became the devil after betraying God. Furthermore, in Dante's Inferno (of the epic Italian poem, the Divine Comedy), Lucifer (now known as Satan) is depicted as a giant, six-winged beast imprisoned in ice in the deepest circle of Hell. This is all paralleled by how Bonechill has six wings, was imprisoned deep below the Underwhere, and is a self-styled "master of the cold dark" who uses ice breath to attack and is "something of an evil celebrity in certain circles of the Underwhere". Similarly, his being released during an apocalyptic event (the emergence of The Void) may be derived from the Book of Revelation, where Satan escapes from hell and he and his army are battled and defeated in heaven.
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 Fun facts: In the Japanese version, Bonechill used the archaic zansu conjugation of the auxiliary verb gozaimasu at the end of each sentence, which is typically used to characterize older, snobby, social-climbing females in fiction.
Bonechill is one of the two bosses in the game whose looks change as the player damages him; his scales begin to fall off as his HP declines. The other is Mimi, who gradually loses her legs over the course of the battle.
Additional information: 
Catch card: 187
HP: 80
Attack: 4
Score: 7000
Card description: Tremble before the frosty lord of the Underwhere! Bonechill's minty-fresh breath will freeze you solid! (A/N: What??)
Tattle: That's Bonechill. This frigid boss escaped from his prison in The Underwhere...Max HP is 80. Attack is 4. Bonechill will only be hurt by attacks to his head...To hit his head you'll need Luigi's super jump, or Thoreau to toss icicles...Bonechill's icy breath can freeze you into a soild herocicle...I don't know why, but I get the feeling he's related to Grambi and the Nimbis...I wonder if he was once a...
I'm not even going to bother putting up another image. Is O'chunks. 
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Yehah, you guessed, is Mimi!, the creepy copycat.
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Not again, this...
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This one makes me want to talk. But, I already did it in a previous part, so go check it out >:) 
Well, the next one is Super Dimentio, BUT, I'll make a future part with all the info. Stay noticed!
Now, we'll check the most powerful bosses: the optionals. Let's keep goin'!
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The first one of 'em. With all of you: Wracktail!!
Wracktail is a giant, lavender robotic dragon that appears in Super Paper Mario. He stated that he was a wrathful god who was locked away by the Tribe of Ancients, and Tippi says that he was the prototype for Fracktail, who looks identical to Wracktail except for his color. Before the fight, he expresses anger at the heroes for disturbing his slumber and decides to kill them in turn. Wracktail is found at the bottom of the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials and upon his defeat, Dashell, a Pixl, is obtained, and a Pipe appears, leading Mario and company back to the entrance of the Pit. Just as Fracktail is the Super Paper Mario equivalent of Hooktail from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Wracktail is the counterpart to Bonetail.
To defeat Wracktail, the same tactics must be utilized as those used to defeat Fracktail. The player must wait for the boss to dive low along the ground, then jump on his back and use Thoreau to grab the Wrackles and throw them and Wracktail's antenna, which must be hit 30 times to defeat the dragon. It is also possible to damage the antenna by stomping it, either via Luigi's super jump, or by landing on it when Wracktail flies in a loop. (A/N: By the way, this made me feel so fool. Because I wanted to defeat him in the conventional way 'cause a Video tutorial, but, not being able to defeat him, I did arduous research until I realized that I could defeat him with Luigi :/ )
Upon defeat, Wracktail warns the heroes that he was not the only monster created by the Ancients, referring to Shadoo, and directs them to the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials.
Fun facts:  Contrary to what his Catch Card description in English versions claims, Wracktail is only ten times stronger than Fracktail, not 100 times.
His Catch Card description in the Japanese version claims he is Fracktail's "father" and simply mentions that he is stronger than his "son" despite fighting the same way. It also does not directly mention his status as the boss of the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials, instead stating that he lurks "somewhere in this world".
Unlike Fracktail, who speaks almost entirely in capital letters, Wracktail's speech is in the game's standard style. This is partially reversed in the Japanese version, where Fracktail only lapses into mostly-katakana speech when "scanning" Mario and while under Dimentio's spell, and Wracktail speaks entirely in katakana and kanji with katakana furigana. (A/N: I don't even know what does it means 🫥🫥)
Additional information:
Catch card: 181
HP:  ?? (30 hits)
Attack: 10
Score: 9990
Card description: This baddest baddie in the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials. He may fight like Fracktail, but he's 100 times stronger.
Tattle: That's Wracktail, the very menacing lord of the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials. Max HP is ??. Attack is 10. It can fly and swoop down with its big open mouth... I think this is a prototype of an improved Fracktail from the Yold Desert... The Ancients must have built it. But like Fracktail, its antenna is its weak spot...
Omg, I didn't notice that I've never do a chap with Shadoo!! I'll fix it, I promise in the new part along with Superdimentio. I apologize. 
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Now yes, the last one! 
The guardian of the 100th and final gate. His name is fittingly a reference to the last boss in a game. When End Boss is defeated, he attempts to cue end credits. End Boss can breathe fire, use a rolling attack, and attack with his club. Despite his name, it is possible for him to not be the final boss, as the player can battle Wracktail and Shadoo after him.
Additional info: 
As strange as it may seem, it does not have catch card, idk. 
Max HP 99
Attack 10
 Defense 4
 Size Big
Color Gold
 Weapon Spiked
 Club Special abilities Fire Breath, Rolling, Fast
Spiked? Yes (A/N: Would someone be kind enough to tell me what it means?)
Tattle: That's End Boss, one of King Sammer's famous Sammer Guys… He won a Sammy at last year's Sammer Awards for Best Final Boss Performance…
And those would be (almost) all the bosses in the game. Now, a challenge for you: If this publication reaches more than 150 notes, I will make a part listing all the Samiteros, by name and surname.
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cerastes · 2 years
Ceobe bingo
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International Dog of Fun.
I love Ceobe. I love the decision to make a Dog that represents two things in one fell swoop: Cerberus, guardian hound of Hades, and domesticated dogs.
It's such a power move to represent both within the same character! I get to embrace my fuckin' MYTHOLOGY NERD side: You know why Ceobe loves honey cakes so much, to the point that they were the event currency of Ceobe's Fungimist? It's because the mythological Cerberus' favorite snack were, in fact, honey cakes. Psyche, the Greek Goddess of the Soul, pacified Cerberus with honey cakes in her trips to Hades, one of her many escapades and fun adventures that I recommend you read up on. You know how Heracles had to overcome Impossible Tasks? Well, he's not alone! Psyche had to overcome her own set of Impossible Tasks, given to her by none other than Aphrodite.
But I digress. Ceobe! Ceobe is certainly more than meets the eye, a wild presence, and savage existence, guided almost entirely by instinct and desire, yet, she isn't entirely selfish, and will relent if given enough incentive. She loves Doctor because they spoil her! She loves Sesa because he tells her so many fun stories! She loves Vulcan because she teaches her so many things! She loves the entire cooking staff at Rhodes because they make tasty meals! She is simple, and simple, as most engineers will tell you, is best.
An International Dog of Fun And Love.
Ceobe also is a living impossibility: Her Oripathy is so grave and bad that it is considered a miracle that she survived as long as she did. But it doesn't matter to Ceobe, Ceobe is having fun, Ceobe loves Rhodes Island, she is fine just going on her day to day.
It's fascinating how much you can tell an audience through gameplay mechanics alone: Ceobe is immensely strong, carrying a small arsenal on her at all times, but she mainly uses her staff to shoot Arts projectiles, then determines which way to best dispatch her current enemy, whether it be her axe, knives or spear, and then enchants the weapons accordingly. Her Arts as very conceptual, from what we've seen: She was Weapon Arts. It's how she got rid of all the rust on that hammer she found in the Crimson Troupe's castle. Her Arts are much like her: Full of potential, not entirely understood, and whimsical.
Dog's fun.
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full-tiltboogiearc · 11 months
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went a lil' crazy with my half-realized mood boards today and came up with two OCs (technically three but idk if harley quinn!chaeyoung will be a thing bc writing in fandoms is intimidating but)
on your left you'll see a josh hutcherson oc with drive 2011 and hotline miami and nobody 2021 vibes. a mercenary of sorts with a code name who travels across the country doing different jobs, never staying in one place in his crappy delorean-esque car. this gig has run in his family for two generations, starting with his grandpa, then his dad, both retired veterans in a special, confidential department of the us military. they all share the same name, and it’s known in that contract-work life that they’re all related, but they’re untraceable. and the big difference with his generation is he’s not as good at keeping cool, actually he’s quite the hothead and is notorious for killing people when he doesn’t have to (his dad and grandpa mainly relied on stealth and disarming, not killing). maybe he’s pissed off the wrong guy and has people coming after him, idk! i’m thinking for fun this’ll be set in the 80s!
tw: mental abuse mention // on your right you’ll see my feral reject cerberus-esque demon dog girl. she was once hades’ right hand girl, kinda like joker and harley quinn, except the thing is instead of the three headed cerberus dog she was one of three other girls who were basically vying for the asshole’s attention. she is the runt of the litter basically. she decided one day she was fed up being a guard dog for somebody who didn’t appreciate her, so she left the depths of hell and embarked (ha get it, bark) on a journey to earth in search of a new “owner.” long story short she’s a stray attack dog. and she doesn’t hide it much either. you might see her rummaging through garbage in the alley or gnawing on the severed arm of somebody she saw being a dick to someone else (she kinda has PTSD from hades and just wants all people to be free of their abusers, tbh) and decided to maul, kill, and eat.
they’re both unhinged. who wants them
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The second archetype I'll be talking about is what I like to call "the death archetype" this includes deities of the underworld and just deities of death. The following is a list of deities I'll be talking about: Hades, Thanatos, Charon, Anubis, Mictlantecuhtli, Chitragupta
Hades: god of the underworld but not of death itself in Hellenism. Eldest son of Cronus and Rhea. Boss of the underworld which shares his name. Husband of Persephone. Has a three headed guard dog called Cerberus. He is usually portrayed having a bident in his hand and wearing a helm. Was seen as a fearsome figure so much that people averted they're eyes while sacrificing to him and used epithets such as Pluto.
Thanatos: god of specifically peaceful death in Hellenism. Brother to Hypnos and son of Nyx. Was usually a very peaceful god but has a tendencie to lash out and enter a rage when people avoid they're death such as in the case of Sisyphus. A very minor god often being referred to but not often appearing. He is usually depicted as a young man with only a left wing while his Brother has only one right wing.
Charon: The ferryman of the underworld in Hellenism. He brings the souls of the dead to Hades across the river Acheron but only for coins. If a soul didn't have coins they would be lost in Hades for 100 years until they reach the afterlife. For that reason ancient greeks would give they're dead coins before burying them.
Anubis: Judge of the dead god of funerary rites, protector of graves, and guide to the underworld in Egyptian mythology said to take the heart of a dead person and a feather on a scale if the heart was heavier than the feather they would be condemned into eternal punishment. Son of Nepthys and Set. Often depicted as a man with the head of a Canine
Chitragupta: registar of the dead in Hinduism. Tasked with maintaining a register of the dead called the Agrasandhanī. After tge death of a human being Mictlantecuhtli would read out the deeds of the human to actual god of death, Yama so he can decide if a soul gets into either Svarga or Naraka. It was said that he was created from Brahma's soul and mind
Mictlantecuhtli: is the god of death and king of Mictlan which is the lowest and northernmost point of the underworld in Aztec religion. His worship often involved cannibalism in or around a temple of his. He was often depicted as being 6 feet tall and was depicted as a blood splattered skeleton.
I have to say the death archetype is one of my favorite archetypes. I decided to include three from Hellenism because I myself am one.
If I got anything wrong please tell me so in the comments ::)
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attheendoftheline · 2 years
Hades’s Hounds-
I might be late on the conversation here, I’ve seen a joke here and there but ultimately the topic of Cerberus isn’t one spoken in this fandom. I think he still exists within the canon of Hadestown just with a twist, as does everything.
Hadestown is a 1930s New Orleans setting, if you want to get specific a station at the end of the line that goes into the beyond. Hadestown in itself is , from what I’m getting a mining town within the mine itself. I have a whole other post coming about the aesthetic and the setting but back to the dog…
Hound dogs howling 'round the gate
Those dogs'll lay down and play dead
If you got the bones, if you got the bread
But if all you got is your own two legs
Just be glad you got 'em
Hound dogs! The most southern of dogs. It both makes sense from a setting standpoint and a guard dog standpoint, Hades is more concerned with who gets out then who comes in (those who come along naturally are his to have.) He’d want a good tracking/hunting dog , they’re still used in police work today to find people! God! It’s a little thing and not really a main part of the show but the detail of there being (presumably) three hounds guarding the gate is great.
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Beware Spot: He’ll drool on ya
I know bloodhounds are good trackers and used in police work but I don’t know how  ferocious or real ‘guard’ like they are. I might be biased because they’re absolutely adorable and the sweetest dogs.
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onwardorange · 1 year
to live in beautiful terror
Mortal pains, mortal pleasures—Zagreus experiences them all, with Thanatos by his side. (Or, what is the terror of death for, if not to emphasize the beauty of life?)
read on ao3!
For all that Zagreus is charming, witty, and clever, Thanatos swiftly comes to learn that he can also be—how should Thanatos put it?—rather oblivious, perhaps.
They’ve been traveling southwards for about a week now, trying to make it to Athens before the winter weather fully sets in. It’s slow going, especially since Thanatos decides to take them through winding backroads and wooded areas instead of the main road; he’s still rattled from being run out of that last tavern. With Zagreus at his side, however, he finds he doesn’t mind the longer journey.
The days pass in easy, pleasant conversation. Thanatos learns many things about Zagreus’ life in the Underworld—how he was trained by the great warrior Achilles as a child (“I even managed to best him once,” Zagreus had said, his chest puffing up slightly, “though I’m pretty sure it was just a fluke, because he’s wiped the courtyard with me every other time, before or since.”), which of his many weapons he prefers (“I trained with Stygius, so that has always felt the most comfortable, but I like using my shield Aegis too,” Zagreus had said, before turning to Thanatos with a sly grin on his face. “Though, the Adamant Rail—phew!—I mean, sometimes I don’t even think I should be allowed to use a weapon like that. It’s really not a fair fight.”), and how he misses Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound that haunts people’s nightmares, but who Zagreus seems to think of as a sort of pet (“Why are you staring at me like that, Than?” Zagreus had asked indignantly. “Cerberus is a very good boy!”).
In turn, Thanatos tells Zagreus more about himself than he’s ever divulged to anyone else—how he was raised and trained by Chiron (“Wow,” Zagreus had breathed, clear awe coloring his tone, “just like Achilles and Patroclus!”), his more memorable encounters with the monsters of Greece (“I mean, I am glad we let that one satyr go,” Zagreus had said after Thanatos regaled him with a particularly nasty fight with a group of satyrs, before adding darkly, “but I also hate their poison darts.”), and about his fondness for his horse (“You know, I think my uncle was onto something when he created horses,” Zagreus had said, as Thanatos showed him how to properly brush Mort. “They’re very cute! Sort of like a long dog, don’t you think, Than?”).
Thanatos finds that he can’t quite bring himself to share some things with Zagreus, at least not yet. Namely, his parentage and the whole situation with Sisyphus. Both feel just this side of too sore—like bruises that have never fully healed—for him to voice comfortably.
Somewhat to Thanatos’ surprise, Zagreus doesn’t push for more information than he is willing to give, though Thanatos can tell that he’s curious. Still, Zagreus politely lets him skirt around those topics, much to his relief.
That’s the thing, Thanatos thinks—Zagreus is not stupid. In fact, Thanatos thinks him rather emotionally intuitive in most situations, and he is sure Zagreus could not have managed to escape the Underworld in the first place if he was not intelligent. 
This, of course, does not mean that Zagreus isn’t prone to being as oblivious as all Hades, and then some. 
Zagreus’ philosophy in life seems to be to simply charge into every situation full speed ahead, with a one-track mind and no consideration of the consequences. Thanatos supposes this is reasonable, considering he is an immortal god, but he sometimes finds himself wishing that Zagreus would just think for a moment, before he acts.
It would certainly save Thanatos from a lot of heartache. 
continue reading on ao3
part 1 || part 2
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crocwork-clockodile · 6 months
Don't Look Back
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This is a creative writing piece I did for a class this semester. I'm pleased with it, and with my other two pieces, so I thought I'd post them here! Here's The Tale of Sir Gylbard and Chosen's Choice.
Dividers by @plum98
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They’ve never bitten us before, Eurydice thought distantly as she took stock of the grand, dark hall she found herself in. Not in our own forest. Not when we’re dancing. She blamed that fool “folk hero” Aristaeus. If he hadn’t crashed the party, she and her sisters would not have had to run, and then she wouldn’t have spooked that viper.
Thinking back on the moment, first there was fear, then pain, worse than she’d ever felt before, then quiet. All the while, she thought of Orpheus, her love. Wishing he could save her, wishing to see him, begging whatever gods might hear her to keep him safe. Then Lord Hermes, looking harried but sympathetic, was ushering her down to the ferry (“Don’t worry, hon, extenuating circumstances, you ride free. Extended family discount”) and before she really understood what was happening, here she stood, before Lord Hades. She had never seen him before, but he couldn’t be anyone else. Holding his scepter, he sat upon a dark stone throne in a great hall. He was imposing, sombre, but his eyes were not unkind. He briefly welcomed her to this new home and passed her off again to an attendant spirit. She barely had time to acknowledge the famed beast Cerberus standing patiently at the gates she had entered through. He seemed like a sweet fellow, and Orpheus always liked dogs –
“Though your timing is sad, Miss, I do think you’ll come to like it here,” her guide said. Eurydice walked in step with them through hazy, dark corridors, keeping her eyes forward. This couldn’t be real, she thought, I haven’t had a chance to be a wife yet. A single tear trailed down her cheek. By the grace of the gods, her guide didn’t let on if they noticed. She had to wait for a moment alone before she could let herself cry properly. Her guide spoke up again, valiantly attempting to fill the silence. “You’re a Nymph, yes? How fortunate! That means you’ve got a place in Elysium! It’s lovely there, even this time of year.” When Eurydice didn’t respond, their guide paused again, piping up after a moment, “You know, since the Lady’s Topside, things tend to get a bit dreary down here, but it’s not so bad where you’re going. It did, at the beginning, but you’d never believe the complaints we got! I mean, I guess the divinities would be used to a certain standard of living, but you’d think we’d personally insulted Diomedes’ mother when the temperature fell a little below – oh! Here we are!”
Before them was the most beautiful plain Eurydice had ever seen. The boughs of nearly every tree were heavy with fruit, the grass grew ankle-high and was softer than any she’d ever felt beneath her bare feet. Above her appeared to be a sky, but was too hazy and bright to be the same sky she had lived under before. The air felt pleasantly cool on her arms and face, and a breeze tugged playfully at her hair. It was nothing like her home before with Lord Pan and the other Nymphs, nothing like the home she had just started to build with her love. Perhaps one day she could learn to love this place, but now all she could think of was everything she had left behind.
“Thank you,” she said to her guide, her voice trembling and eyes blurring with tears. “This is perfect. I get to stay here?”
“You do, Miss. And it’ll only get better, since the Lady’s due back any day now. You’re free to wander around here as you please, but if you’d prefer to set up a little corner of your own, there should be a nice house for you.” As if summoned by their voice, Eurydice noticed for the first time a modest stone cottage nestled comfortably under the largest pomegranate tree she had ever seen.
“Thank you,” she said again. Taking this as their cue to leave, her guide bowed to her, assuring that if she needed anything, just to ask and someone would be happy to help her out. Eurydice walked slowly to the cottage. It was everything she could do not to rush in to hide and cry herself sick. She had only just become a wife, only just started building a life and a home with the only person she could ever want to do that with. Would she have to start again? How long would she have to wait for her love? She scolded herself for wishing he were here, she would never want anything for him but a long, fruitful life. But how long would she have to wait for him? What if he moved on, married someone else once the grieving was done? Would he even still want her when he finally arrived in Elysium? Settling down on a chair in her new home – too soft, too deep, how could she possibly think of comfort now? – she became dimly aware of the dull roar of water from outside. The ocean? A river? It was comforting to hear, anyway. Birdsong gave a melody to its deep undertone, and as she finally allowed herself to cry, the only thought she had was Orpheus is going to love it when he gets here.
Time was difficult to track down here, but eventually Eurydice met some of the other residents of Elysium. They were generally friendly, though of course, an unaccompanied woman had little to talk about with people like Hector or Patroclus. That didn’t bother her too badly, but she did notice that she was starting to feel lonely. She wondered often how her Orpheus and sisters were faring ‘Topside,’ as the residents called the world of the living. She knew Orpheus would love to meet some of these people, especially Lord Hypnos, who was so dear to his mother and aunts, the Muses. It was purely a stroke of luck when one day, while out exploring, she stumbled upon a party of very serious-looking ladies out for a stroll.
There were six of them. Their clothes flowed in a phantom breeze, and there was an air of authority about them. The three women on the outside of the group looked around vigilantly, as though guarding the three in the centre. They held themselves with the confidence that Eurydice had only ever seen in warriors. These were not just ladies, she realized, but Ladies.
“Hello,” Eurydice called to them, excited to meet some new women in this place. They stopped at once and fixed her with looks that varied from inquisitive to “knife-like.” Under their scrutiny, Eurydice nearly balked. She tossed away the remains of the pomegranate she had been eating and prayed she didn’t have seeds or juice on her face. I don’t want to be alone here. I need to make friends if it’s the last thing I do here. Mustering her courage and reinforcing her friendliest smile, she approached the party and spoke up again, “I’m Eurydice, a Nymph. I… arrived here a short time ago. May I ask who you Ladies are? I don’t believe we’ve met.”
The three guarded ones, standing close together, moved in unison: a slow smile slid across their faces, sharp, approving. They appeared to be mirror images of one another, or perhaps the same woman at different stages of life. Each had midnight hair, fair skin, and a curious silver crown of crescent moons. Then, as one, they spoke:
“Greetings, Lady Eurydice. I am Lady Hecate. These,” the women gestured together to the others in the party, “are known as the Furies. It is true that we have not met many of the women who reside in this part of Lord Hades and Lady Persephone’s domain. We would happily welcome you for our evening meal tonight, so we might get to know each other better.”
This was better than Eurydice had even dared hope for. She eagerly accepted the Ladies’ offer, and over time (how much had passed since her arrival in Elysium?) she developed a routine. Sometimes she and the Furies would visit Lady Hecate for a meal, sometimes they would come to her. She still thought of her Orpheus often, but as time flowed vaguely on, she felt less lonely and unhappy to be apart from him. After all, it was temporary, right? He would join her eventually, and in the meantime, maybe establishing a new home here in Elysium wouldn’t be so hard. She wouldn’t be lonely with her new friends, and the beautiful landscape of the divine afterlife was starting to grow on her. The fruits here were delicious.
It was not to last, however. Eventually, she heard a rumor from a spirit who worked in Lord Hades’ palace that a man had entered his Hall begging for an audience with the Lord and Lady of the Underworld. “And I heard,” the spirit said, leaning in more urgently, “he’s still alive.”
Still alive? Impossible. Nobody could do that, how would anyone have even gotten here from Topside by themselves? And how could they have gotten past the ever-vigilant guardian dog? It was probably just a slow day in the palace; the spirits had to entertain themselves somehow. Deciding it wasn’t worth dwelling on much more, except to tell her friends the next time they shared a meal, Eurydice moved along. She hummed a tune that Orpheus had once composed for her as she picked pomegranates from her tree.
She screamed, dropping her pomegranates. Where had that voice come from?
What? But she had never been summoned to the Hall before, had never been inside since her arrival, which felt like years ago now. What could possibly be wrong? Unless –
Orpheus is here.
He’d joined her! He was finally here! Of course, it was terribly sad that he’d died, but now he was here, and as a son of Lord Apollo he was obviously going to join her in Elysium, and she could introduce him to everyone, and…
Her mind buzzed with all the things they could do now that her beloved was here. The songs he could write! The people she could introduce him to! The fun they would have, now that they could finally be together forever! Again, she seemed to float as she made her way through the metaphysical haze to the Lord and Lady’s Hall. And when she finally got there, her heart skipped a beat.
There he was, her beloved. Just as beautiful as she –
Wait. Not quite as beautiful as she remembered. His eyes were bloodshot and dark, his face ruddy, as if from crying. His frame appeared to sag, as though under the weight of Atlas’ burden. And… why did he look so strange?
The inhabitants of the Underworld looked much like they did Topside, but there was a subtle lightness to them, a fuzziness to their edges. Orpheus looked… too hard, too solid for this place. That rumor… could it be?
As though hearing her enter, Orpheus’ head whipped to find Eurydice. When his eyes fell on her, it was as though the heartiest feast had been laid before a starving man. He moved to approach her, but the voice of Lord Hades stopped him.
“Hold it, pup. You may have won over my wife and the Ladies of my domain, but you still need to abide by some rules.” It was now that Eurydice noticed the Hall’s other occupants. Lady Persephone sat beside her husband, trying to compose herself behind a handkerchief. She had been crying. Across the room, she saw her friends, the Furies, weeping into each other’s shoulders. Orpheus barely tore his gaze away from her to acknowledge Lord Hades again, then turned back.
“You may not touch her here, pup,” Lord Hades’ voice was clear over the sound of weeping. Even Eurydice felt hot tears blur her vision, and blinked them away furiously, refusing to let anything obscure the sight of her longed-for love. “I will let you bring her home, but get a good look at her now. After you leave this Hall, until you both reach the threshold of the world above, you may not look at her. She is to walk behind you until you exit. If you should fail, and turn to look, she will return to her place in Elysium forever more. You get no second chances, boy. Are you sure about this?”
“Yes,” Orpheus said, and despite being slightly raspy from singing and sobbing, that single syllable was still the most perfect sound Eurydice had heard since before she died. “I’m here, Eury,” he rasped, “I’m here, and I’m gonna bring you home now. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
Home? But Elysium had everything they needed. It was so wonderful there, Orphe, she knew he was going to love it there, and they would still be together forever – Eurydice tried to say something, but found she had no voice. She could only nod.
“The dead may not speak to the living,” Lady Persephone said apologetically. “Follow him, dearheart.”
“Thank you, gracious Lord and Lady.” Orpheus bowed deeply to the gods and grasped his lyre to his chest. With one last look at Eurydice, he turned and walked out of the Hall. Bowing uneasily to Lord Hades and Lady Persephone, Eurydice followed silently. Curiously, her footsteps made no sound, either. Had they been like this when she arrived here? Nevertheless, she pushed forward.
Why was she so uneasy? Wasn’t this what she wanted? To be reunited with her beloved? But this felt wrong. She would have to endure winter Topside. There were snakes and wolves and storms Topside. If only he could understand that it only got better, that she was happy down there, and if he’d been a little patient, he could’ve been happy with her too.
Well. Perhaps this was the best way to do it. Now she had something to look forward to returning to. And be Orpheus’ wife Topside, like she was supposed to be. Best not to look back, just keep going forward. This was a new leg of her journey.
Don’t look back, that was the key.
Don’t look back.
“Eurydice? You’re still there, right?”
Don’t look back.
“Lord Hades wouldn’t have lied to me, right? You followed me?”
Yes, I’m here, and I’ll travel any road with you, my love. Our adventure’s just beginning.
“Eurydice, I can’t hear your steps…”
Don’t look back.
Orpheus, don’t look back!
“Eury? Are you there? I can see the exit.”
I can see it too, Orphe! We’re so close!
“Eury, please let me know you’re back there…”
I’m here! Don’t look back! Keep going forward!
He would join her, one day. Later, much later, Orpheus would make his way back to Lord Hades’ Hall the conventional way. And his Lady Eurydice, having returned to the home she had worked to build in Elysium, was eager to finally welcome him.
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Thank you for reading! Please feel free to let me know if you like this story, and reblog, if you like! Please don't repost, though, I worked very hard on this piece.
I'm submitting this and the next few pieces of creative writing I'm posting to my creative writing prof as part of my portfolio, but I thought it'd be a shame not to share the stories I was so proud of with anyone else. <3
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xxlunadeaxx · 2 years
More than one Monarch (Part 2!)
So part 1 was Giratina, or at least a part of a part. I still have some more, but I want to explore each 'part' a bit before expanding another 'part'. Not that these all have to connect but it could be, nothing is fun when things are ruled harshly. (unless it's a magic system but that's not here or there)
So the next part is...
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(picture is not mine) Or at least leaning into that lore? Pandora is in DP already, who says I can't just pick some things to throw into DP (or throw DP into Hades). Plus having this brain rot since Hades 2 had a trailer recently. Could have the two 'princes' hang out together and be menaces together, heckling Zag's dad cause Danny does have the desire to mess with authority. Sassy quips left and right, competitions with Thanatos (more sassy banter), Cujo and Cerberus playing ghost dog fetch. The possibilities!
My original idea for this was Persephone being the 'original halfa', a headcanon of when she was taken to the Underworld she was still alive, but when she ate the pomegranate seed she became half dead, forever becoming a part of the Ghost Zone but since she was a goddess of life she couldn't become 'fully dead'. Literally a Queen of Death and Life, a Goddess of Seasons more or less by causing growth and decay depending on her station. (being in the underworld causes winter, then visiting her mother Demeter so the season would change from winter to summer) She even has a name change to go with her transformation of becoming a Halfa! (That bit is because the being 'Kore' is/could be Persephone, but another theory suggests it's a different entity altogether, but this is my headcanon, not fact, I'm cherry-picking here) Dreaded Death Queen Persephone (Ghost), Vegetation Goddess Kore (Alive). (She has many titles and names, but these are the main two I'm sticking with)
So lo and behold, Danny crosses time and space again, somehow landing in "The Underworld" and meeting the Princeling Zagreus, Zag goes "cool a free brother!" or "A new friend! or more?" and takes him on a journey to meet his mom, which could be his first time succeeding or did this before, and Persephone notices Danny is just like her. A being with bonds with both Life and Death, which is a first for her, that doesn't count Zag since he was born in the Underworld and is already a prince of it, he's 1/4th living, or just fully 'dead'.
"I always wanted another child!" Oh no not another adopter. Could just be a mentor too. They have a great time, Danny could even meet Melinoë (as a baby?). Shenanigans are had, lessons are learned, and bonds are acquired. Both Danny and Zag learn how to be better rulers together and create a good bond between the dimensions of both the "Ghost Zone" and "Underworld" dimensions.
"Ah, you're having a 'Ghost' problem, not an 'Underworld' problem. Let me inform my good friend the Ghost King and he'll be here soon enough." "There's more than one King???"
"See, I deal with Ghosts. My good friend Zag deals with souls, I'll summon him right now!" "Why is he wearing a flaming crown like you?" "Cause he's also a King, duh." "WHY DO WE HAVE MORE THAN ONE KING OF DEATH IN HERE?!"
Again, could be after Danny is made Ghost King, or Before just in the middle of his canon before Pariah Dark and all that drama. Or it could be when he's older than canon, I didn't set this in stone it's an idea.
I'll make a different part for the idea of Halfa!Persephone, one that does include the AU!Ghost King with Danny for sure.
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oh-three · 8 months
Who on Earth is this guy. Who's Procrustes. Oh, fuck, a half-brother and a murderer. How did I forget about him. He was in the books, right?
What the fuck kind of waterbed is that?
Lmfao, he totally deserved that. Have a taste of your own medicine, Procrustes.
I like how the entrance to the Underworld is literally marked with a door that straight up says "Do Not Enter".
"Don't make me come back out there!" You tell him, Annabeth!
Young Percy is perfect 😂
I was about to make a comment about Cerberus having a toy ball, but apparently it was Grover with a stress ball. Poor guy doesn't get paid enough for this 😂
"We're all dying...to some extent." Percy sounds just like me with that one.
CERBERUS! Oh my god, he is a giant Rottweiler, I love it.
I have never seen a dog fall asleep that fast before.
Those flying shoes are really coming in handy after all.
These guys have way too many close calls, holy shit.
Let's be honest, Cerberus is going to fucking swallow that ball.
Why is the palace upside down.
Sally Jackson is the best mom ever.
O-kay, that's ominous.
There is something truly heartbreaking about the regretful sounds being literally bound into the ground by roots. No one deserves that.
Oh, thank god.
Oh. So there dreams were from Hades. Okay, damn, thought for sure they were setting up Kronos for later seasons.
Jesus Christ. That was close.
And there's the fucking Master Bolt. How the fuck did Luke get it in his backpack.
Sounds about fucking right, though. For Ares. But then, how the fuck is Luke involved??? Was he never the thief in the books? Does my memory suck that bad? Wouldn't put it past myself to brainwash my book memories with ones of the movies.
Imagine how hard it was for Sally, raising Percy and not being able to tell him anything about his parentage. Poseidon owes her compensation tbh.
Love the little temple-y things like that spot of flooring being an elevator.
Why is Hades so familiar. I don't recognize the actor atm, but I swear I know who it is.
He turned her into a fucking gold statue. What the fuck, man.
The plot thickens. Hades is so fucking confused. Everyone is so fucking confused and it's so funny.
"And the goat." Ouch.
Get bamboozled, Hades. You got too ambitious too fast, my guy, even if it was out of rightful fear of Kronos.
Why does he have a British accent. Hades doesn't. Does Zeus??
There's something personal about Poseidon acknowledging that Sally's situation is unfair, and that there's no right answer to it. He's good, even if he didn't have the ability to raise Percy as a decent human father would.
Ayyy, team reunion.
Oh, fuck, Ares knew where they'd come out at. MAKE HIM PAY.
That was an awesome monologue. I can't wait till we get more of Poseidon next episode.
I can't believe the season ends next week 😭
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winns-stuff · 2 years
Honestly why does Hades even have like 7 dogs?? Why do we almost never see Cerberus, you know the Actual hell hound of Hades who guards the underworld? (Where's Charon, the Stygian boatman? I guess because the gods have cars and can fly theres no need for souls to cross the river styx anymore?)
But back to the dogs. Hades even mentioned at one point his therapist telling him to stop getting dogs and he blatantly ignores his therapists advice. So he has zero self control and even in telling Persephone no, still often gives into her demands, which isnt healthy either.
Also Hades' personality is a bit strange. Hes simultaneously really mean and callous to his employees yet gift giving is his love language (which I guess is supposed to paint him as sympathetic?). He loves his dogs and despite being a king he can't put his foot down and actually assert some boundaries in a relationship and is seen as a pushover and a victim of Minthe... Despite having control of all her finances and job.
And then we have Persephone "cinnamon roll" goddess whos supposed to be super nice yet a lot of her personality traits kinda contradict? She's also mean and callous to people who she think has wronged her (Tori). Doesn't know how to take no for an answer. Is somehow naive as all hell (doesn't know internships aren't paid) yet is supposed to be super smart and have a buncha wisdom which is counteracted by her growing up in a secluded area and apparently this makes her a good fit for being a queen. Is a vegetarian and is supposedly down to earth village girl yet loves all the expensive gifts Hades presents her with. Etc. I'm probably wording this badly so apologies.
Also, with one of your other posts, yeah why is hades portrayed as sad and lonely in the underworld when he has a team of people and a support network? (Hecate, thanatos techncially, Minthe etc?) Then it just seems like RS is trying to go for "Hades technically has everything but hes still sad and tragic cause he doesn't have a waifu".
Again, sorry this rant got wayy off track. There's just a lotta weird contradictory things in LO character wise and setting wise (having a monarchy yet Apollo is running for president for ex).
It’s completely fine! I enjoy reading the opinions of others since it gives me insight and helps me realize/understand things better and you worded everything fine, I understood everything. But you’re right there’s a lot of things that are missing with LO that connects to greek mythology, like yes I know it’s a retelling but there shouldn’t be so many elements taken from the original that it’s completely unrecognizable? I’ve seen this from a lot of people who talk about how Americanized Lore Olympus is and I can’t help but agree, there’s no greek traditions or clothing. Barely any greek phrases or any signature dishes, nothing connects Lore Olympus back to Greece even though it’s their myths and I think it’s a huge letdown. Being modernized doesn’t equal to Americanized, there should at least be some sort of connection even if it’s small you know? I feel like it’s not exactly my place to go into too much detail but that’s just been on my mind for a while and I’ve noticed it a lot lately.
I’m guessing Rachel just thought that Hades was a huge dog person since Cerberus was always with him in the myths? I’m not sure. But it’s insane that she included so many dogs yet only showcases about four in total. Me personally I would’ve liked to see Hades get emotional support dogs or something, then we can take a dive in his other traumas besides Kronos, because that seems to be the only terrible thing that’s happened to him. The emotional support animals could’ve also helped him with his emotions and helped regulate them better so he wouldn’t be lashing out on everyone, it would also be good representation about the importance of emotional support animals and the seriousness around them. There’s a bunch of people who still think they’re regular dogs and the people having them are just using them as “an excuse”, this could’ve easily showed people more about them and educated them more in my opinion.
And Hades’ personality is very weird, he alternates from different personalities every few chapters and also even every few panels. You see him wanting to be understood by his peers and not wanting to be a tyrant like his father, then you cut to him being an absolute madman and causing chaos to those beneath him. He doesn’t want to include Persephone in his life because he has too much baggage but then you cut to him trauma dumping on her when she was telling him about her own. You see him not wanting attention or to make things about himself and then cut to every single conversation he’s engaged being transformed about him by him. Then lastly, he says how it’s terrible for Persephone to be lied to/it’s disgusting to cheat, then you cut to him keeping information from her and cheating with his sister in law (in this comic). There’s so many contradictions with him that you never really know who he truly is and it’s irritating trying to play the guessing game with him. Is he mean and cruel or sad and lonely? Which is it?
Same is said with Persephone, nothing about her character makes any sense. How is she going to dumb as rock one scene and then oh so smart in the next? I’m so caring and I care about not hurting Minthe’s feelings and then play house with her boyfriend knowing that they’re with each other? Feel guilty about breaking them apart but continue to go after him? It’s really stupid. And then she claims that she enjoys him because he’s nice to her yet everyone else that is nice to her doesn’t get half of her attention like Hades does, she doesn’t do anything nice for any of her friends or family or even coworkers only for Hades. Not only that but we’re supposed to believe she doesn’t use him even though whenever they’re together Hades is giving her all types of gifts, many of which she’s never offered back even with her money, and taking her places/making her feel better and such. We never see Persephone putting in any effort to do the same yet she’s not using him? Funny story.
Their whole relationship is one sided on both ends and it’s insane how people think it’s romantic, a relationship is between two people one person should not be doing all of the work while the other one lounges around and allows the other to bend over backwards for them. It’s very sad that Persephone not respecting Hades’ boundaries is fine when it’s Persephone but if Hades did the same thing (which I know he has but I mean actually clearly, like intentional and not having the comic tell you otherwise) it would be terrible. I do feel bad for Hades being taken advantage of like this, he’s just too up Persephone’s ass to even realize it.
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delopsia · 1 year
little Flowers In November notes
(because evidently, I wrote these down and never shared them? 🧍‍♂️) Flowers In November Masterlist
The flower the reader picks is specifically a Crocus cartwrightianus, which flowers in November and December.
I took inspiration from the variant of Persephone's story where she pulled on a flower that, when plucked, opened a hole up in the Earth (see: Hades Kidnapping Persephone). That hole from Outer Range really came in handy.
Rhett's house was based on this specific build. For plot's sake, I altered it to only have one bedroom and bathroom (so I removed the ones on the left). I'm not sorry 💃
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Rhett's "Golden Touch" was inspired by the Midas Touch. Originally, that was going to be his set "power" in the family, but golden-horned cattle was a better middle ground 🤷‍♀️
Since Rhett is based around Hades, Isabela, his horse, is based on Cerberus. A three-headed dog felt too on the nose for my liking, so I morphed the horse instead.
Nyx started out as a dog. Then promptly went from pegasus, griffin, and, finally, kelpie. I think I spent two hours deciding on her appearance.
Miss Molly's was inspired by an actual restaurant local to me. It's no longer open, but now it lives on in,,, fanfiction.
The original plot was actually a story where the reader, fresh out of the city and on a cross-country road trip, broke down in Wabang. Appropriately titled "City Girl."
Before the name Flowers In November came around, the story was called Flower Basket 😬
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