#sev and his raven
the-liars-art · 8 months
Sevatar/Rushal small oneshot, with gore, flaying, Stockholm syndrome, implied cannibalism, and no safe or sane consent. The ship is its own warning⚠️
A survived squad of Raven Guard finds a footage of a pale Astartes tortured by a Night Lord, and one of them identifies the victim in the footage as Alastor Rushal, 96th Captain. They should have turned it off to mourn Rushal, who’s assumed dead already, but can’t look away from the screen.
Rushal was lying naked on an operating table, a dried trail of blood painted his chest, his mouth scarred as well as bloody. His tar black eyes were wide and full of tears, but there was no trace of the fresh shock unique in the eyes of newly captured prey. His Night Lord torturer stood beside him, unarmored and at ease, wiping a flaying knife with the dark blue fabric of his robes. A bloodied dagger lay near Rushal’s empty hand.
When the flayer’s blade sank into his skin, Rushal stayed so pliantly still that it took a few more seconds for his Raven brothers to realize how his hands and feet weren’t bound to the table.
The Ravens keep watching, their dark eyes following the surgical precision of the flaying knife in unison. Captain Rushal cried, the powerless sound of a surrendering mind. He didn’t even show disgust when the tip of the blade began to slide around the mark of the XIX Legion over his left shoulder.
The Night Lord’s face was outside the frame. The vid recording only captured his body below the neck, and the slow movement of his bare hands.
Rushal’s eyes shut when the Night Lord started pulling, lifting the skin covered by dark Raven tattoo with the blade probing almost gently underneath. Tears flowed down his face.
The Ravens are recent recruits reaped from a reformed Deliverance, not nearly as hardened as intimidating Captain Rushal and the unkindness of his Terran confidants. They have never seen an Astartes shed a tear even out of pain, nor had the reason to imagine it.
Then there was a low chuckle, raspy but surprisingly soft, as the Night Lord finally plucked the dripping flap of skin cleanly from Rushal’s shoulder. The palm-sized open flesh already began to fix itself, sealing the capillaries and regenerating its skin over exposed fat. The Night Lord ran his thumb over Rushal’s pained frown. His nails were black. Ragged little scars covered the back of his pale hand, scabbed over and healed only recently.
The Night Lord spoke, in a flowery tongue none of their small audience could understand, but its tone had made it clear that he meant to praise. Rushal remained quiet, but he smiled and opened his expectant eyes to meet his torturer’s gaze.
Still holding the tattooed piece of skin between two fingers, the Night Lord leaned down. His features were captured perfectly on screen. A face sculpted in alabaster, smooth raven hair, scars crossing his face, eyes narrowed. Unsettling. Strangely charming. The young Ravens barely held back their gasps. It was the only Night Lord they recognize.
Sevatar glanced at the cam before putting down his flaying knife, to cup Rushal’s chin with his other hand. He licked Rushal’s cheek for the wet trail of tears, fingers stroking the veins in the side of his Raven’s neck.
Rushal groaned, his voice drenched in need and impatience rather than simply pain. Sevatar lifted the strap of skin above Rushal’s face, right over his closed mouth. A drop of congealing blood fell onto his swollen lower lip. Rushal’s lips parted.
This could be delicious. I don’t know. Said Sevatar, in whispery, sharp Low Gothic. You tell me.
One of the Ravens turns off the footage before anyone could do anything otherwise. He presses down on the button so hard and abruptly that it almost broke its panel. Silence and darkness reign for a long moment. They all tense as if they smelled blood from inside the screen. It’s hard to look at each other in the eyes.
The footage will be sent to their Captain. They never speak of it again.
🦇 🐦‍⬛
Thank you for reading. Comments are much appreciated
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ms--lobotomy · 19 days
Hot, steamy Sim sex under the cut
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clonecumber · 2 years
It somehow completely escaped my notice until now that in Triple Zero Green Watch was composed of Niner and Scorch.
This changes everything.
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gg-neptune · 4 months
Bad Day
A night with Sev after a bad day. Hope you like it. :) Sorry for grammar errors (I love this pic)
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Pairing: Severus x Reader
Words: 0.7k
Warings: None
It had been a long day for the both of you
Severus has had multiple students' potions go wrong leaving his classroom a mess and the poor man tired beyond belief
And you had so many disrespectful students you couldn't even recall them all as you thought back about the day that had just occurred
Not to mention a student had managed to somehow set one of your curtains on fire, meaning you now needed a new curtain
Without even thinking as soon as the last student left your classroom you gathered your belongings and headed to Severus’s chambers promptly locking the door behind you leaving a note to those that had detention to wait till tomorrow or something
You didn’t really care what they did at this point you just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep
As you were walking to Sev’s chambers in the dungeons you passed his classroom which was already locked
When you arrived, you decided to at least be polite and knock on his door
“What do you- oh. Hello there.”
You pushed past him ignoring his snappy tone before he realized it was you
You forced the door closed before you wrapped your arms around him clinging to him as if you let go, he wouldn't be there anymore
It took a while before you let go but when you finally did you took notice of the tired expression on his face
“Bad day,” you asked tucking some of his raven hair behind his ear
He simply shook his head before leaning down to give you a gentle kiss
“Me too”
Both of you were still in your teaching robes and after decided to not go to the Great Hall for dinner you both just took a quick shower together
It wasn't your room, so you didn’t have any of your clothes, so you were forced to wear his
Not that you minded
You grabbed the giant blanket off the side of his couch and draped it over yourself curling into a ball savoring it’s warmth as he observed you
He gave you a questioning look until you reached your arms out inviting him to join you and of course not being able to say no to you he did
His big arms wrapped around you tightly as you settled against his chest one hand pressing against his chest and the other going up to cup his face
“As I am enjoying this, if I stay here any longer, I will not get up,” Severus said gently into your hair. His tone was sad almost like he regretted it.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“You need to eat, love.”
You groaned in displeasure not wanting to let you of your human body pillow
“I know. I’m so evil. What do you want to eat?”
“I’m not hungry,” you claim as you cling to him tighter refusing to let him get up. Even if it was for a good reason.
“Hmmm. Ok.”
Suddenly his arms tighten around you, and he hoists you up carrying you with him to his mini kitchen.
You simply accept this change instead of trying to fight something you know you’ll lose and snuggle closer to the man.
“I’ve got some uh… chicken wings?”
“You eat chicken wings?”
“No, I don't know why they're here. I did not buy these.”
You giggle slightly as you look at the box of frozen chicken wings.
“How about we just tell Dumbledore your unwell and I need to take care of you, and I get some food from the Great Hall for us?”
The man just stared at you still holding you in his arms. 
“Or not.”
Eventually he decided to just go steal food from the Great Hall. He returns with two plates full of food.
“Thank you Sev.”
You sit down on the floor and eat at the coffee table in his living room
Once you are both satisfied you store whatever is left over and resume your place on the couch
He seems much happier since he’s been with you tonight
You know you are
You gently ran your thumb over his soft skin as he hummed in content as he tried to relax a bit 
His arms felt safe and secure as if it was the safest place in the world
For you it probably was
You mindlessly began to play with his dark hair 
Until you heard a soft snore
You turned your attention to his face only to notice he had fallen asleep
Gently you wrapped your arms around him falling asleep as well grateful to have him by your side
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cerise-grenadine · 6 months
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so, when @dearestdo3 posted her lovely Pokémon drawing, it made me want to sketch my old team too! well, i should say teamS because i couldn’t choose in the end 😩
so here’s the roundup: (it’s more of what team would represent him rather than who he’d pick of course 🤭) (and it's my AU!Snape so no Lily or does involved)
Young angry Death Eater Sev.
Corvisquire — his patronus is a raven, and although at this age he wouldn’t be able to cast one, i still had to include one bc it represents him quite well. (not too fond of other raven Pokémon, i hesitated with Corviknight but find him too sturdy/metal-looking)
Seviper — he obviously needs a snake Pokémon. not my fave snake design but i usually pick this one for two reasons: can’t ignore that he’s called SEViper, and i like that he is canonically Zangoose’s rival who reminds me of McGonagall/Gryffindor :D
Alolan Marowak — this Sev has traumatic mommy issues so Cubone is a nice pick, and the sinister witchy Ghost evolution is 👌🏻 (tried to draw him in an agressive action pose and failed miserably alas, so he’s just waiting ominously)
Duskull — i had to pick at least one Death Eater Pokémon, so the death mark one it is.
Absol — he’s just there for the gloomy emo vibe 🤌🏻
Crobat — well. he’s a BAT. a COOL BAT.
thought about drawing a Voldie-Serperior in the background and then got lazy so please imagine he's there 😌
Chiller adult Sev. pissed off by his work and moldy voldy coming back, but overall has been working on his issues and is much more in control of himself. healthier habits and hobbies.
Seviper & Corvisquire are still there bc they’re very representative of him
Gloom — i wanted a poison Pokémon for potion reasons. Gloom and her oozing seemed an interesting pick — especially since i accidently gave his gf a Bellossom
Hatterene — she’s so witchy and so gender ✨i felt she was not unlike his adult self, solitary, a bit sinister, magical and graceful.
Umbreon — he’s here for the emo vibes but chiller than Absol
Sinistea — magical tea for the magic British school. again chill vibes but also a little bit dark — fits Sev.
Muireann. what can i say, she’s all fluff and love and music
Blissey — she’s nurturing, she’s caring, she’s wholesome.
Vulpix — she’s also young and fiery
Gourgeist — Gourgeist is a redhead jack-o-lantern, and in French she’s named after banshees, so she made sense in the team of an Irish witch.
Wooloo — a wee happy lamb! also they have the same hairdo.
Bellossom & Meloetta are both here for musical reasons: Muireann is a dancer and singer and music is one of the most important things in her life — she’d have musical Pokémon.
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pallysuune · 1 month
Summery: You were unfortunate enough to catch the eye of Jago Sevatarion. By some stroke of luck, you were able to slip away from him. There's only one thing you forgot to take into account - the Captain's Raven still haunts the ship.
Pairing: None really? Sevatar/fem!Reader/Rushal eventually.
Warnings: Night Lords are just a warning all their own. Especially Sev and Rushal. Not much else here.
A/N: No smut here, but maybe I'll make a second part with it, if people would like one.
You had always heard such horrible rumors about what the Night Lord's did to their serfs. You had done the best you could to keep your head down and desperately tried to be as uninteresting as possible. You were human. You were disposable. Worse than that, some of the Night Lords enjoyed hurting humans, and would use any excuse to relieve a serf of their position to use as a toy.
But you'd messed up. After a long, frustrating day, you'd snapped to one of the other humans about what you would do to one of the more rude Astartes if you 'got your hands on them'.
You were scrubbing the floor and didn't see the man you were talking to go pale. Didn't see someone looming behind you.
"Is that so?"
You'd frozen at the sound of that impossibly deep rasp. Your heart stopped. You thought you were going to die, right then and there. You didn't need to look up to know who it was.
And you didn't look up, you just pivoted toward him, pressing your forehead to the ground. "M- my lord, forgive me, I-" you gasped, your voice wavering with dear.
"Save it," Sevatar dismissed your words. "Look at me."
You couldn't bring yourself to look up. Your heart was racing too fast, the world darkened at the edges of your vision. It was only when he shifted impatiently, when you heard that slight squeak of the pneumatics of his armor, that you moved, jerking your head up so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
You looked up at Jago Sevatarion, your heart in your throat. He looked back down at you, impassive and apparently unconcerned with your panic. He studied you a moment longer, then his lips twisted into a smirk.
"Come to my rooms after the serf's final meal tonight," he said. And before you could say anything, he turned and walked away.
Oh, you were so dead.
You looked back at the other serf who you had been speaking to, only to find them frantically washing the floor, ignoring you. Well, you couldn't blame him. It was every human for them self on a Night Lord ship. Which also meant you were on your own if you wanted to find a way to survive.
You had to run.
The serfs day was separated into times to work, times to eat, and times to sleep. There was a morning meal, and an evening meal. You decided to wait until the change between work and meal time to slip away when all the serfs were shuffling from one place to another. You slipped into a serf's corridor and then, from there, into the vents. You couldn't think of anywhere else to go. It wasn't a permanent solution, you knew, but you didn't know what else to do and you were panicking.
So you crawled through the vents until you found a dark little maintenance corridor. There, you pressed your back to the wall in a corner, pulled your legs up to your chest, and tucked your face into your knees.
You were scared and alone, in the dark. It all weighed down on you. All you could do was close your eyes and cry.
How long you stayed like that, you had no idea.
There was the faintest sound just in front of you. Your head snapped up and your heart stopped.
He looked like a ghost, crouched just in front of you. An Astartes without any armor on, dressed only in black linen pants and shirt. Long, messy black hair framed scarred, paper white face. The heaviest scarring was around his mouth and lips. His eyes were pure black from corner to corner as he looked at you.
You'd forgotten about him. He was so rarely seen.
The Raven.
Sevatar's Raven.
Tears welled in your eyes immediately. "Please," you whispered.
He just looked at you, studying you silently for a long moment. Then he raised a hand, making a complicated series of signs you didn't understand. You shook your head, tears slipping silently down your cheek.
"I don't understand..."
Silently, he shifted closer to you. It was impressive that he could fit in the maintenance tunnel at all, let alone move so smoothly and so quietly. You realized with a little spike of horror that the sound you heard before, the one that had alerted you to his presence at all, must have been intentional.
He stopped just in front of you, close enough that you could feel the warmth radiating from his body against your legs.
"Please," you whispered again. You squeezed your eyes shut, more tears spilling out. "Please don't take me to him. Just- just forget you saw me. Please."
A large, calloused finger traced the curve of your cheek, not wiping the tear away as much as following it, trailing it down your skin. Your breath hitched in a rough sob. He cupped your cheek. His hand was large and warm, and despite the well-worn hardness of his skin, he was gentle when he touched you. As if you were glass.
"Please?" You whimpered, trying one last time, as your eyes fluttered open to look up at him.
He met your gaze with his, and slowly, so slowly, shook his head.
Your heart fell.
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nightingale2004 · 8 months
Calling all Severus Snape fans. Allow me to pitch a headcanon or two... or more.
When sev started becoming the master of potions. He secretly sold his potions to every house except Gryffindor (for obvious reasons) and even tutored for a few gallions.
He would also brew whole packages full of potions for st.mungos that needed specific types of potions for a reasonable price and trade. (The idea was brought up by both McGonagall and Pomfrey)
When he was a child, he got a guitar from his father, which was the one and only decent thing he gave severus.
Severus taught himself how to play it and would mostly play for himself and his mom. But during his 4th or 5th year and the money was really low, he started playing on the streets and then started playing in bars for extra money (He's a good singer, and you can't tell me otherwise) and he was known as the Siren of Spinners End.
If he was a quidditch player, I have no doubt he would've created game plans so good, Slytherin would be victorious for a long time.
The only other people he gives private concerts to are Charity, Aurora, his mother Eileen, Lucius, and Narcissa (Draco included).
His animagus would have either been a raven or bat (my best bet would've been raven)
His patronus (if it wasn't a doe) would most likely be a bat or a raven
He loves gardening, and if he had his own flat, he would have his own little plants (TELL ME I'M WRONG)
Read tons of poetry and dark literature. He even made his own poems, but no one other than Narcissa and Draco has heard them
He would definitely be the godfather to Aurora Sinistra and Charity Burbage's child and will love it so much.
Adopts random children and is a big softie in the inside (shh don't tell anyone 🤫).
He has a black cat named Nyx
He and Regulus were close like brothers.
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You Ruined Me (Do it Again)
a/n: the smut has arrived! Enjoy ;) - ✨
Warnings: smoking, possessive!sevika, SMUT: slight public sex, choking kink, biting, fingering, oral sex, strap-on sucking, strap-on referred to as cock, strap riding, spit kink, praise kink, light muscle kink, ab riding, sexually explicit teasing.
Summary: Your first night out in a while after leaving your cheating ex does not end how you expected it to...but then what did you expect, going to her club?
Word Count: 2.2k
18+ | MEN AND MINORS DNI | 18+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Final
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The journey to Sevika’s place was a short one, but she didn’t waste a single second. The taxi driver mercifully kept his eyes on the road despite the filthy display occurring in his backseat. No doubt Sevika’s reputation preceded her, and he wanted to keep his teeth.
It was like no time had passed. You were melting in Sevika’s hands, her lips on your neck as she marked you again and again. Her hand was now shamelessly in your panties, her fingers toying with your slick folds and her thumb rubbing gentle circles over your clit which was burning with pleasure. Sevika knew what she was doing, applying just enough pressure to make you feel good but not enough to make you come. She had a lot of plans for you, and coming early was not gonna ruin them.
“Your pussy’s so wet for me, princess…”
You gasped as she pressed harder on your clit. “I…I missed you, Sev…”
You’re interrupted by the taxi stopping at Sevika’s apartment. You hurriedly tumble out as Sevika pays him and tips him generously. You shriek and giggle as she picks you up like you weigh nothing, carrying you to the door, and letting you in. She doesn’t let you down, choosing instead to grip your thighs, lifting your dress higher and grinding into your pussy with her own. Your eyes roll back at the contact.
Sevika laughs huskily. “God, look how wet you are, princess…”
You blush, hiding your face in her neck and kissing her there. “It’s your fault.”
Sevika grinds into you again. “Damn right, princess.”
She carried you to the bedroom, throwing you roughly on the bed, dragging you to the edge. She eyes your body ravenously and you know exactly what’s running through her head.
“Wait, Sev, this dress was ex-”
You speak too little too late, as she tears the dress at the side, ripping it off you and leaving you in your black, lacy underwear. You huff petulantly at her but Sevika only grins in response, pleased to be able to see you.
“I’ll buy you a new one, princess.”
You’re about to retort when she starts to kiss you again, overloading your senses as her body hovers above yours. Her hand drifts to your cunt and starts to stroke your clit again, while her mouth wanders elsewhere. She’s all tongue and teeth, she’s been starved of you for too long. She tastes you reverently, her tongue tracing your hardened, perky nipples, her teeth biting into them gently at first before she abandons her restraint and bites harder. She repeats the process, lower and lower, until your body is littered with red and purple marks, reminders of where she’s been, where she intends to visit again. She breathes in when she reaches your pussy, you’ve always been intoxicating to her. She parts your folds, and licks one firm stripe from your entrance to your slit. Your moan is nothing short of greedy, trying to urge your cunt closer to her face, desperate for her tongue.
“Sev…please…I need you.”
She flicks her tongue against your clit, teasing you until your whimpering and begging has reached a crescendo. She grips your thighs, keeping them wide and you know you’re in for the fuck of your life. She is aggressive and forceful, her tongue roughly pressing against your sensitive bundle of nerves again and again with no reprieve, occasionally lowering herself to probe at your entrance and fill it with her tongue, tasting the nectar building there.
You were a mess, falling apart under her. Nothing else existed, just you and Sevika and the feeling reckless pleasure rushing through you. You knew you wouldn’t last much longer, after all the teasing in the car you could feel your release rising in your lower belly.
“Sev…I’m gonna come…please let me…”
Her response was more rewarding than you could have ever hoped. She increased her speed, and the pressure. You screamed, threading your fingers into her hair and bucking into her mouth as you came. She lapped up every single drop, she wouldn’t waste anything you gave her ever again. Crawling on top of you, she kissed you fiercely and you responded with equal vigour, tasting your salty sweetness in her mouth.
Her eyes darkened as you took one of her hands, relishing in the sturdy weight of it in your palm, and placed it against your throat, making sure to swallow hard so she could feel it. A low growl rumbled through her whole body, adding to the throb of your aching cunt.
“You’re playing with fire, princess.”
You placed your hand on top of hers, encouraging her fingers to squeeze. “So, burn me with it already.”
That was all the encouragement she needed. In one swift moment, her hand clamped tightly around your throat, while two thick fingers pushed into your folds, curling immediately to draw out a load moan from you. Still reeling from your last orgasm, and the powerful feeling of relinquishing control to Sevika by allowing her to choke you, it wasn’t long until you were chasing your second high, your eyes rolling back while she relentlessly thrust her fingers into you, kissing and biting every inch of skin she could reach.
“Fuck, y/n, you feel so fucking good around my fingers…”
You moan loudly, you know she wants to hear you. “You always stretch me out so good, Sev…”
“I’m gonna make you cum til you see stars, princess. Just you wait.”
She made good on her promise, your second orgasm ripping through you like a freight train leaving you a twitching mess on the bed. Sevika gently withdrew her fingers, and you automatically knew what to do. Opening your mouth, Sevika watched, enraptured, as you sucked your juices off her fingers.
“God, I fucking love watching you do that, princess.”
She lets you come down from your high, your chest heaving as you try to breathe normally again, feeling thoroughly fucked out. She relieves herself of her clothes, and you take the moment to admire her. She flexes her muscles, knowing you’re watching. You see her fiddling with something in her boxers, and your cunt starts to throb in anticipation.
“Is that what I think it is, Sev?”
She looks at you, eyes glinting mischievously. “That depends. You want it, princess?”
You say nothing, you just stand on albeit wobbly legs before kneeling down, and stick out your tongue, waiting obediently.
Sevika grips your jaw. “Fuck, look at you, princess. Let me help you get lubed up, angel.”
She spits in your mouth, which you eagerly swallow, opening your mouth and widening your doe eyes to beg for another. Sevika growls, her own cunt now throbbing as she spits down your throat and you thank her.
She released the strap-on she’d been packing, adjusting it so the base rubs against her swollen clit. The strap is thick, a deep purple colour. You recognised it well; you bought it for her birthday one year. The harness was a comfortable boxer-style so it didn’t cut into her muscled thighs, and it meant she could pack whenever she felt like it without being too obvious. The worn leather armchair in Sevika’s room creaked in complaint as she dropped into it unceremoniously, straightening her cock and beckoning you forward. You crawled towards her, parting her knees so you could neatly slot yourself between them before licking a long stripe from the base of the cock to the tip.
You were a well-trained girl, this was easy. This wasn’t your first rodeo, and you knew exactly what Sevika would want. Taking the entire shaft into your throat, you made sure to noisily gag around it even though you weren’t really choking.
Sevika was utterly entranced by you. “Yeah, that’s it, princess. Take that cock down your throat like a good girl.”
You complied, taking it all the way to the base, nudging your nose against Sevika’s mound. Your motions pushed the base against her clit, and her large hand taking a fistful of your hair just spurred you on. You started to suck, eagerly, your head bobbing up and down, taking as much as you could each time you descended. Sevika’s moans and grunts filled the small room, music to your ears.
“Fuck me, princess, you’re gonna make me come just doing that.”
You removed your mouth from her cock with a satisfying pop! and smirked at her, standing up and arching your body, her eyes watching your every move.
“Can’t have that, can we?”
Growling, Sevika surged forward, her muscled arms trapping you and dragging you onto her lap. You angled your hips forward, avoid the strap and grinding your cunt on her abs instead. Trailing your tongue up her neck, you groaned in pleasure as the muscle flexed under your touch. You removed yourself from her neck and focused on rolling your hips. Her abs were as glorious as ever, toned to perfection and hard as rock. Like her neck, they tensed as you pressed yourself into them, teasingly at first. Then unyielding hands were pushing down on your hips, and there was no escape. Moans and whispers left your lips with abandon as Sevika’s well defined abs tickled your clit deliciously, bringing you to the brink.
Sevika grunted out a laugh. “God, you have such a muscle kink, y/n.”
You laughed with her breathily. “Can you blame me…look at you…”
You felt the tip of the strap near your entrance, Sevika’s eyes heavy with lust but always asking, always considerate. You gripped the strap underneath you and angled it towards your leaking cunt, ravenous for Sevika’s cock to fill you. As you start to swallow the strap, your pussy hungrily drawing it in, you feel Sevika’s arms wrapping around you, bringing you closer for a heated kiss.
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ll be gentle…”
You dig your nails into her shoulders, raking them over her back, invoking a shudder and a carnal groan from Sevika. You sunk down more, taking her cock until she was hilted inside you.
Your voice, cracking from your screams of bliss, comes out in a whisper as you start to ride her. “Don’t you dare.”
It’s been so long since Sevika’s been inside you, but your pussy takes her cock like it’s what you were born for. You speed up your pace, riding Sevika roughly as she grips the arms of the chair, a determined look creeping onto her face. Your own face flushes with delight, you know what’s coming. In a swift motion, she’s reversed your positions, now you’re in the chair, your knees pushed back as she starts to pound roughly into your cunt.
She hasn’t lost her skills, the way she fucks you open, pushing your knees open so she can go deeper with each thrust. She wasn’t wrong, you’re certain you’re seeing stars each time the strap pushes into and kisses your cervix. Her face is filled with concentration, trickles of sweat rolling from her hairline down her face, down her neck. You’ve seen a more beautiful sight, and you urge her to fuck you harder, faster.
“Oh, fuck…keep going Sev…fuck me into this chair!”
“You always take my cock so good, princess…your pretty little pussy swallows it all…might have to get a bigger one for you next time…”
You know Sevika’s close herself, her iron clutch on your hips is bordering on painful and her bucking thrusts are becoming wilder, more frantic. You’re loving every second of it.
“C’mere Sev, kiss me…bite me…”
Sevika leans down, attacking you with a bruising animalistic kiss that has you both gasping for air. As you recover, she nips your bottom lip hard, drawing blood. Her eyes widen for a moment, until you lick the blood away and moan loudly in her ear.
“Fuck, princess, that was so hot…”
You’re so close now, heat roiling in your belly and your cunt clenching tightly around Sevika’s cock. She’s nearly there too, her breaths ragged and her legs beginning to shudder. You drag your nails down her back, scratching deep and hard. She has one hand at your throat, angling your face away and exposing your neck. The other hand is pressing into your clit, rubbing in frenzied motions, sending your orgasm hurtling to the edge. All it takes is for her to bite in your neck with brutal force, and you’re squirting all over her cock, your pussy giving her everything it can. The sight of you creaming all over her strap sends Sevika over the edge, roaring and thrusting into you one final time as she comes, soaking her boxers, her grip on you unwavering as her orgasm courses through her. Seconds pass, minutes too as the two of you breathe through your highs, still connected and holding onto each other like lifelines.
You whine when Sevika pulls out of you, your cum still dripping down your thighs. You feel fucked dumb, barely registering Sevika leaving to use the bathroom and returning with a warm, damp washcloth. She’s gentle, cleaning you up and dressing you in a pair of her boxers and an old shirt that smells like her woody cologne and cigarettes. She guides you into a comfortable position in the bed, climbing in herself and wrapping herself around you. She’s only wearing a clean pair of boxers, heat pleasantly radiating from her arms and chest and seeping into your skin. She kisses you softly in the space behind your earlobe and your eyes flutter closed.
The last things you hear before being lulled into sleep is Sevika murmuring into your ear. “I love you, my sweet princess. I never stopped, and I never will. You’re mine, and I promise I’m yours.”
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starlight-sev · 1 year
Your Protector (Teen!Snape x Muggle!Reader)
You and Severus have been best friends and neighbours since childhood, only spending summers together due to his strange boarding school.
This summer, however, you uncover a darker secret about Severus. And… maybe end up revealing your own secrets in the process.
Warnings: mentions of bullying
A/N: This is my first fic for Snape, I hope you enjoy :’)
(I also have a main blog over at @starlight-loki where you can find my fics about, well, Loki)
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You always wondered why Severus was so adamant about having you meet him outside King’s Cross station. Over the years you had dreamed about standing there on the platform, watching for his raven hair as he clambered off the train with everyone else.
And maybe, just maybe if you were brave enough, you’d kiss him. Just once.
But this summer was no different than any other. You had gotten a letter from your favourite neighbour, spidery letters scrawling across the page:
I’ll be coming home tomorrow, meet me in the usual spot.
You weren’t sure how the postman managed to consistently throw Severus’s letters onto the window ledge of your second floor bedroom, but you knew better than to question it at this point. Spinner’s End was a peculiar place. The people who lived here were no exception either.
You shifted your weight from foot to foot as you stood rather awkwardly by the entrance to King’s Cross. The latest influx of passengers had already passed, and still there was no sign of Severus.
You bit your lip, anxiously glancing at the time. He should’ve been here by now. Severus was never late.
You stepped towards the doors as you debated whether or not to look for your friend. Sure, King’s Cross was huge, and you had no idea which platform Severus would be getting off of, but you were getting worried.
Just as you entered the station, you saw him. He looked like he had gotten taller, skinnier too. His dark hair was a little longer, almost to his shoulders now, but he was still the same Severus you grew up with.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, unable to keep from beaming as you rushed towards him. You crashed full-force into Severus, causing him to stumble back and drop his bags as you wrapped your arms around him. “I missed you!”
You sighed comfortably as Severus returned your hug, and you just barely noticed his arms trembling as he did so.
“It’s good to see you again, Y/N.”
You froze. His voice was raspy, uneven.
Severus always spoke quietly, but this was different. He usually spoke with a more level, grounded tone. His grip wasn’t as firm as it usually was. And he was almost half an hour late.
Something was wrong.
You pulled away from your friend, concern lacing your features as you looked him up and down.
“What happened?” You asked softly, your eyes desperately searching Severus’ face for any sign of unease or hurt.
He lowered his gaze to the ground. “It’s nothing.”
“You never look at me when you’re lying. Really Sev, what’s wrong?”
Severus glanced back up at you, anger and a deeper hurt flashing quickly in his eyes. “Nothing.” He emphasized. You noticed how his grip tightened on the handle of his suitcase as he spoke. “Y/N, it’s nothing. Please.”
You knew that tone. Please drop it. It’s too painful to talk about.
You sighed, leaning forward and grabbing one of Severus’ bags, ignoring his protests as you nodded for him to follow you back home.
“I can carry that-”
You smirked, shrugging. “So can I.”
You barely caught the smallest quirk of a smile from your friend. “I see you haven’t changed one bit this past year, Y/N.”
Much of the trip home was spent in silence, which left an uneasy feeling in your stomach. Usually you and Severus could talk for hours, especially after not having seen each other for most of the year, with him going off to his strange boarding school and all. But this was different. A solemn mood hung heavy over the two of you, like a storm cloud just in the edges of your vision.
You had to ask Severus what was going on. You couldn’t just forget about it the way he practically begged you to.
You reached Severus’ house first, and to your surprise, he hesitated and glanced at you anxiously.
“Could we… go right to your place?”
You frowned, trying to ignore the heavy feeling in your chest that grew stronger. “Don’t you want to drop off your things first? It would make no sense bringing all your suitcases to my house.”
Severus looked at you, his gaze pleading. “I just… I don’t…” He sighed, struggling for the right words. “Dad’s home and… I’m tired.”
You had to fight back tears of your own as you gazed at your friend. He had held himself together well on the way back from King’s Cross, but now as you gazed at him, you noticed how the circles under his eyes seemed much darker than usual. The small sparkle of curiosity you loved so much in your friend was gone, replaced with an exhaustion that seemed to seep into your own bones just by looking at him.
What had happened to him this year?
You nodded, setting his suitcase down to wrap an arm protectively around Severus’ shoulder. He winced quietly, this time not even trying to hide it from you.
“Come on,” you whispered as you approached your house. “Let’s go inside. I’ll make you tea.”
To your relief, the house was empty. You were dreading having to put Severus through small talk with your family. He hated it on his good days, you weren’t sure how he’d be able to handle it on a day like today.
Severus remained quiet as he followed you into the kitchen. You noticed how his gaze roamed across your kitchen cabinets, as if he was checking to see if everything was still in the same spot as last summer.
“The usual?” You asked as you opened a cupboard and pulled out a tin of Earl Grey. You shook the tin lightly as you glanced at Severus. “Or has your mystery boarding school converted you to, god forbid, coffee?”
Usually a remark like that would’ve earned at least a crack of a smile from your friend, even on a bad day. This time, Severus just nodded slowly as he leaned against the counter. “That one’s just fine.”
All you could do was nod in return as you set the kettle on the stove to boil.
After portioning out tea for the two of you, you walked over to Severus quietly. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around him in another hug.
Your heart sank as he fell apart instantly, sobbing quietly into your hair. You pulled him closer, your arms closing around him tighter, but pulled away a second later when you heard him wince loudly in pain.
“What is it?” You asked, panic edging into your voice ever so slightly. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
Severus shook his head as he wiped the tears from his eyes. He remained quiet.
“You’re scaring me.” You whispered. “Please… can you tell me what’s going on?”
“I…” Severus struggled for the right words, his gaze shifting away from you and onto the floor. You stepped closer to him, gently taking his hand in yours.
“They’ve been… coming after me.”
“Who has?” You ask softly. “People from your school?”
Severus nodded, his gaze still on the floor.
“They got me today. On the train.”
Your eyes widened. “What… Sev, what do you mean?”
Severus closed his eyes as if the very memory of what happened was causing him physical pain.
“On the train home, they cornered me. Locked me in a cabin and…”
He trailed off shakily, and to your surprise, he lifted his jumper up to his chest.
Dark bruises were scattered across his entire torso and ribs. Your eyes widened as you took in the sight before you, and you had to fight to stifle the sob that surfaced.
This was why he was late. You realized. Something horrible happened.
“Is it that bad?” Severus’ voice was no louder than a whisper. You stepped forward, wrapping your hands around his own and helping him gently pull his jumper back down.
“I’ll get you ice.” You whispered back, keeping your hands over his. “You can stay here as long as you need to. Okay?”
Severus closed his eyes, breathing out a small sigh of relief.
He was so sad, so broken, and yet… he looked like an angel.
You stepped a little closer until your chests were almost touching, and you reached up to caress his face softly. Severus’ eyes snapped open at the sensation, but to your relief he didn’t shy away from you. If anything, he leaned into your touch.
“You should quit that stupid boarding school,” you whispered, laughing softly yet bitterly. “Come to my school. It’s a lot better.”
Severus closed his eyes and leaned into your touch even further, and you noticed how he visibly relaxed for the first time since you met him that morning.
“I can’t,” he whispered back. “I’ve got one year left, I have to finish.”
“Surely you could switch?” You asked, fighting the edge of desperation that creeped into your voice. “Think about it… no more stupid uniforms, we could spend the whole year together… besides, it’s not like they’re teaching you anything different. It’s all the same material as what we learn, right?”
Severus opened his eyes, and you could’ve sworn you caught a flash of sadness in his eyes as you spoke.
“It’s… it’s much more complicated than you think, Y/N.”
You sighed in defeat, leaning your head forward. You gave it your best shot every year to try and convince Severus to leave his boarding school, to come attend public school with you, but it never worked.
To your surprise, however, Severus leaned forward too, until his forehead was touching yours.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Y/N.”
You sighed, squeezing his hand gently.
“The months without you go by so slowly, Sev. I’ve missed you so much.”
Severus pulled back just enough to gaze at you, his eyes searching yours for any sign of a lie or a joke. You held his gaze steadily, however, barely catching in the process the quick glance he made at your lips.
“You mean it?” He whispered.
Part of you was terrified this wasn’t the right moment, especially since you weren’t sure how Severus was feeling after what he had shared with you, but you knew you couldn’t wait any longer.
Hell, you had to wait nine months to see Severus again. You couldn’t wait a moment longer.
Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you stepped on your toes and pressed a quick kiss against Severus’s lips. You broke away immediately, feeling heat rise quickly to your face as you looked away.
The seconds that passed between the two of you felt like years. For a second, you thought you blew it. You had gone and stupidly picked the worst moment ever to do something like this-
Before you knew what was happening, Severus was leaning over you, kissing you as if you were his very lifeline. It was rushed, a little sloppy, and you weren’t exactly sure where to put your hands, but this was really happening.
Severus was kissing you.
You broke away to the sound of the kettle whistling intrusively, and you couldn’t fight the giggles that surfaced as you attempted to break away. Severus held you firmly in place, his lips on yours in an instant.
“Wait- Sev-” you managed in between hurried kisses. “The kettle-”
“It’s water…” he grumbled, his grip on your waist tightening. “It can wait.”
You gave in, wrapping your arms around him again, only to earn a pained wince in response.
“I’m sorry,” you gasped, stepping back. You raced to move the kettle off the stove before glancing nervously at Severus again. “I’m so sorry… did I hurt you?”
Severus shook his head, stepping closer to you and extending his arms to request another hug.
“Be gentle.” You could almost hear a hint of a tease in his voice. The Sev you loved so dearly was coming back.
You nodded and, with a small smile, gave Severus a softer hug this time. His arms wrapped around you gently in return. Things felt right this time. No longer uneasy like earlier.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” you admitted sheepishly.
“How long?”
“…three years.”
With your head resting against his chest, you could feel Severus as he laughed at your response.
“It’s been five for me.”
“Why did you wait so long!?” You exclaimed. “I had no idea, I thought I screwed everything up when I kissed you!”
“I never thought…” his voice was quiet again. “I just never thought you’d like someone like me this way. James and Sirius, they said I’d never…”
Ah. So these were the imbeciles who were bullying Severus.
“Let me tell you something…” you said, leaning back just enough so you could gaze in Severus’s dark eyes. “I will personally kick both James and Sirius’s asses twice as hard if I ever see them.”
Severus gazed at you with a mix of sadness and admiration.
“Those two idiots have no idea how lucky they are to not have me at your boarding school,” you continued angrily. “Maybe this fall I’ll drop them a little visit-”
Severus cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, the kiss making your heart skip a beat with how passionate he was.
“What was that?” You asked breathlessly, earning a small smile from Severus.
“Thank you. For always protecting me.”
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meowladz · 1 year
Snooze alarm .
Sev. Snape × Male Reader
Pronouns ; he/him
Summary ; m/n has fallen asleep during lunch, just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that... And so on...
Click here for the fic on AO3 ! ✓
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Severus let out a heavy sigh, his eyes drifting off to the sleeping lump in the chair next to him.
Every small snore that left the professor, who's head was cradled in his arms on the table, was slowly inching closer to Severus' nerves. Severus despised the sounds of people snoring; and he was very close to pulling corks off the nearest wine bottles and lodging them up m/n's nostrils.
But no. He couldn't. He was at the professors table for petes sake; Albus was right there at the podium, watching over the young wizards, witches and warlocks who began to feast and chatter loudly.
As Severus continued to struggle keeping his calm, m/n let out a groan of discomfort, turning his head in his slumber. His head was now facing Severus' direction, much to his distaste.
The potions master's eyes glanced at m/n for a brief moment. He was, well, rather peaceful. Severus' eyes ran over the (s/n) professor's features, taking in the man's appearance with great detail.
By the end of it, Severus felt his cheeks become a slight warmer. He wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean, and ignored it.
He couldn't help himself, and stared down at m/n again. There was definitely something about him that Severus found intriguing... Maybe it was the fact that m/n had so easily managed to fall asleep in an environment full of unbearable noise? Well, unbearable to Severus.
Severus continued to examine his colleague quietly, sneaking peeks and glances at the professor next to him. Severus then froze, feeling something gently press against his knee. He leaned back, looking under the table, and spotted m/n's leg had bumped it, now resting against it.
Severus felt his cheeks warm up even more; he was practically a tomato at this point. He scowled and moved his leg, not understanding why he was getting so flustered over a lazy little-
Severus had to stop himself.
He kept his stern expression, and decided he'd start on his lunch. It was the only way he thought of distracting himself, even if he wasn't all that hungry.
A few minutes managed to pass. Severus couldn't tell how long it had been, time wasn't something he easily kept track of. He took a sip of his goblet, then accidentally placed it down a little bit more abruptly than planned, to which the body next to him jolted.
M/n pushed himself up from the comfort of the table, and let out a few exhausted grunts. He looked around, before his sleepy gaze met Severus', who was now frowning.
“ Severus? You alright? You're redder than a beet... ”
M/n whispered, raising a brow. Severus furrowed his, and then his eyes widened in realisation. He quickly turned his head back to the table, his raven hair hiding away his embarrassed scowl.
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wizardinggirl · 1 month
The Snake & The Raven
Summary: Starting out as unlikely friends in Hogwarts, you and Severus don’t realize your feelings for each other until adulthood. When the world is dark and bloody, at least you have each other.
Warnings: none I think, but buckle up, this is gonna be a long ride
Parts: Prologue (1/2) || Prologue (2/2) || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (I will link the rest as they are posted.)
Prologue (Part 1/2): When We Were Young
Word Count: 2.5k
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“Hi, Severus.” You said quietly as you sat in the chair next to his own. He acknowledges you by taking his eyes away from his book to look at you, the chair, back to you then back to his book. You were used to this reaction from your fellow first-year. Even when you would run into each other’s families as children he had the same closed off reaction to your presence. You didn’t mind though. You took comfort in the quiet times you could spend together reading.
“Hi.” Your eyes snapped up from the cover of the book you had grabbed and looked to the boy sitting next to you. His eyes were still scanning the pages of his own book, but you knew you hadn’t imagined it. You smiled softly and leaned back in your chair to begin reading your own novel. You knew he would warm up to you eventually.
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By your second year, you had graduated from ‘Hi’ to small conversations. Never too long or too personal though, otherwise he would shut down and become tight-lipped. Sometimes, would even walk away from you. You learned not to push him. You were grateful for the few conversations you would have. Particularly about Potions. It was the only time you would see his eyes truly light up and talk almost enthusiastically about the subject. You were thankful that your mother had been so into Herbology. Not only did it make that class so much easier for you, but you could also nerd out with Severus on certain plant properties and the best way to mix them into your brews.
“Here, look, like this.” You watch with curious eyes as he uses the broad side of the knife to crush the Sopophorous Bean. You and Snape, had gotten permission from your professor to use the classroom before class to practice some of your potions. Now the two of your were standing shoulder to shoulder making the Draught of the Living Dead “It’s much simpler this way.”
“I must say, I’m impressed Snape.” Straight forward, very Slytherin of him. “But, isn’t this potion for the advanced class?” He lets a small smirk grace his lips as a response. You can’t help, but smile back. It’s not often that he gets so close to a smile. It’s usually if he’s talking about potions or Lily. He always smiled brighter when he spoke to her, and you couldn’t blame him. Lily was probably one of the sweetest people you had ever met and apparently, they had been friends for a long time and eventually, she would become one of your best friends.
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“Really Potter?” You ask, snatching the book that was once in Severus’ hands out of the air with Accio and handing it back to your friend. He and his group had found you and Severus at your spot in the library. Your glare turns to the Gryffindor with glasses and his snickering entourage. “What are you? 5?” You’d think that being third-years would mean that they would at least mature a little bit, but alas, you don’t think they’ll ever change.
“Oh, come on lil Raven.” You didn’t like that nickname. What might’ve been endearing sounds condescending coming out of his mouth. “We’re just having a bit of fun. Right Sev?” Sirius Black steps up, a hand on Potter’s shoulder and his eyes on Severus. He simply glares back at him and starts walking away. “Where’re ya going?” They all have a laugh. You grab your book bag and secure your own book inside of it, not to have it end up flying away as well and follow after Severus.
“Ew.” Was all you said as you and some of your girl friends were sitting the fountain together. Each of them sharing what boys they thought were cute this year. “Potter? James Potter? Really Lily?”
“I don’t know, I just think he’s kind of cute.” She says shyly. You let out grunt. You really didn’t like him and even the thought of her finding him in any way attractive made you want to gag. He was far too arrogant for your tastes, the whole lot of them were.
“Well, what about you, y/n? Who do you have eyes for here?” You friend Elizabeth asks from her spot next to the fountain, her sketches strewn about on the ground as she tries to find the best way to draw a hippogriff.
“No one.” You respond stubbornly, crossing your arms in defiance. There was a certain raven-haired boy that came to mind, but you wouldn’t dare speak his name. Besides, you saw the way he looked at Lily. You wouldn’t even have a chance. You wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship you had worked so hard to cultivate over the past few years.
“Oh come on that can’t be true.” Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest and you almost fell backwards into the fountain when a familiar voice popped into your ear out of no where. The culprit laughed and took the spot next to you on the stone, too close.
“Not funny Sirius.” you deadpanned.
“It was a little funny.” Remus walked from around the fountain to stand infront of your group. That’s two of four, there’s no way the other two aren’t with them. Sure enough Potter and Pettirgew come around the other side.
“Hello, ladies.” He turns his attention to Lily. “Hi, Lily.” His voice was softer when he spoke to her and she blushed, you rolled your eyes. He sat next to her on the fountain and started his own conversation.
“Seriously though, who do you think’s cute?” Sirius asks, wiggling his eyebrows at you. If you rolled your eyes any more today they were sure to roll out of your head.
“None of your business.” you started grabbing your bag to stand, careful not to step on Liz’s drawings.
“Aw come on little Raven, you can tell us. Don’t leave.” He had grabbed the sleeve of your robe to pull you back. When you stepped back from the force you stepped on the bottom of your robe and lost your balance, falling into the fountain. There was a scream from Lily and Elizabeth probably splashing both of them and laughter coming from some of the boys. You sat up and saw red and shot daggers at Black that had gone wide-eyed. It wasn’t his intention to sent you flying into the fountain. He reached out his hand with an apologetic expression, but you slapped it away. You pulled yourself back up to the ledge by yourself.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Lily asks, a hand on your shoulder.” You stand up and grab your bookbag from the ground, you had dropped it during the fall.
“I’m fine.” You tried to keep your voice from breaking. You’d be damned if you’d let those boys see you cry.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean t-” You swing around to face Sirius, standing now too, and just glared at him. If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under. He’d never seen you so furious. Without another word, you turned and started heading toward the lake. No one followed.
You found a sunny spot next to a tree by the lake and unclipped your school robe and laid it across one of the low handing branches. You set your bag down on the ground and sat down next to it, hugging your knees and pulling them into your chest. Only then did you let a few silent tears fall. That’s when you heard quiet footsteps approaching you.
“Go away Sirius, I don’t want to talk to you.” A pause.
“It’s Severus.” You looked up quickly to find your friend staring down at you, confusion written all over his face. “Why are you all wet?” You couldn’t help it then, and the tears overflowed onto your cheeks. Severus looked at you like a dear in headlights. “I-I didn’t-” He wasn’t sure what to do, he had never seen you cry before and he didn’t exactly know how to comfort anyone that was. He opted to sit down next to your carefully and pulled out his wand. “Hold still.” You sniffled and nodded your head. With of the flick of his wrist you were dry. Even your tears that had been on your cheeks moments before were now gone.
“How’d you do that?” You asks astonished.
“Magic.” He replies matter-of-factly. You know he wasn’t trying to be funny, but you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “What’s so funny?” He asks, putting his wand back in his robes.
“Nothing, nothing.” You wave your hand in dismissal. Then rest your arms ontop of your knees. “Thank you Severus.” He gives you a nod then stares at you for a beat.
“Why were you all wet?” He asks again. You frown and look away and back to the lake.
“Sirius pulled me into the fountain.” You could feel his body tense next to you. He’d grown to hate that group of boys, even more so this year. It seemed like Potter had a personal grudge against him and was always finding new ways to pus his buttons. “I don’t think he meant to…” You add softly and Severus snorts.
“I doubt that.” Maybe you did too. You just couldn’t get the way he was looking at you when you opened your eyes after falling. It looked like genuine remorse on his face.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“I usually am.” You smirk and turn your head back to him. He had already pulled out his book and started reading, leaned up against the tree.
“That’s very cheeky of you.”
“It’s the truth.” You let out another small laugh and he glances up at you. You hadn’t noticed the slight blush on his cheeks as he watched you laugh.
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Once your fourth-year rolled around things started to shift. Lily and James started dating during the second term which meant even more face time with the boys who had taken to calling themselves the Mauraders. It was fitting for as much as they terrorized the school. Thankfully their little group had lightened up on you a bit, Sirius included. At first he avoided you like the plague after he pulled you into that fountain last year, but when Lily and James started dating, he knew he’d have to say something with as often as you were seeing each other.
“Hey, can we talk?” He found you in the library in your usual spot with Severus. You hadn’t even bothered to look up at him.
“No.” You lick your finger and turn the page of your novel. Hearing Sev let out a quiet snicker. You heard Sirius sigh softly.
“Please?” You met his eyes then. The were softer than usual, and pleading for you to hear him out. You close your eyes along with your book and stand up, placing it in your spot on the chair. You open you eyes to look at him again and he looks far more hopeful.
“Alright then.” The two of you walk out of earshot of your friend and you could feel his eyes boring into your back. That’s when Sirius apologized. It wasn’t just a sorry, but a truly heartfelt apology. You had never heard him sound so sincere. So, you forgave him and agreed to be his friend, after much pleading on his end. You just couldn’t say no to those puppy dog eyes. By the time you parted ways and turned back towards your chair, Severus was gone. Later that day, you saw him at dinner. Sitting by himself, per usual. You wondered why he had abandoned you earlier without a word. It wasn’t like him. At the very least he would give you a short nod goodbye.
“Y/n?” You felt your cheeks flush at being caught staring and turn your attention to Lily.
“James wanted to know if you wanted to come to the Gryfindor party tonight?” They had never invited you to one of those before, but that wasn’t really your scene. You appreciated the sentiment however.
“Oh, no thanks.” You took your fork and started playing with the food on your plate.
”Come on lil Raven…It’ll be funnn.” You look up to Sirius siting across from you waggling his eyebrows and then point his own fork at you. “It wouldn’t hurt to let loose you know.” You roll your eyes and focus on your food again.
”Thanks, but no thanks Black.” You hear him whine like a kicked dog before he went back to eating. You look back towards where Severus was and he was looking your way. More specifically, glaring at James wiping some frosting off of Lily’s cheek. “I’ll be right back.” You push off the table and swing your legs over the bench and make your way to your Slytherin friend. He only stops his glaring when you’re sitting down infront of him. “Keep that up and you’ll burn a hole through his skull.”
“We can only hope.” You let out a dry laugh then cross your arms over the table.
“Where’d you go earlier?” He looked in your eyes then. There was something there, but you weren’t quite sure what it was.
“I thought you wanted to spend some time with your new boyfriend.” You didn’t like his tone.
“You two’ve been spending more time together this year. I thought you didn’t like him, especially since what he did to you last year.”
“Its not like I have a choice Severus, he’s one of James’ best friends. Besides, He didn’t mean it. He apologized for it, he wasn’t asking me out on a date.” Not that it should matter to him.
“And if he was?”
“Was what?”
“Asking you out on a date, would you go with the mongrel?”
“That’s not very nice Severus.”
“So you would then.”
“That’s not what I said.”
”Whatever.” He went back to reading his book. You grabbed it from him and slammed it shut. He glared at you. He’d never looked at you like that before. But, you didn’t falter.
“What’s wrong with you Sev ? We’re supposed to be friends.”
“Are we?” That hurt. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s a simple question, y/n. Or has your brain rotted from spending too much time with them?” That’s it.
“Fine, Severus. Push your only friend away, see where that gets you.” You stand up from the bench and shove the book back towards him so hard he lets out a grunt when it hits his chest. “And to answer your question.” You say, putting your hands on the table and leaning down. “I would say yes.” There was venom in your voice as you whispered to him that you would indeed go out with Black if he asked. He knew the dig was intentional, but it didn't hurt any less than you intended. He glared right back at you. You pushed off the table and stormed out of the Great Hall. His eyes trailed after you, ashamed of his actions. Sure, he had said some insensitive things to you before, but he had never been so attacking of your character. You’d forgive him, surely you would. You always did. He was watching the doors of the Great Hall close, but before they could he saw Sirius Black rush out of them, presumably after you. His blood boiled.
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Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be added to the tag list for the next chapter please let me know!
Next: Prologue (2/2): When We Were Young
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the-liars-art · 8 months
Ravens are so much bigger than crows. Rushal is a tough Terran raven in mark3 armor who wields a huge power flail. It’s only logical to assume that he’s larger than Sev and will bridal carry him if allowed to.
Rushal carries Sev and leans down but stops before their lips touch, because he’s unsure if he’s permitted to kiss right now, unasked for. Sev calls him stupid and welcomes the kiss. Sev is happy that Rushal is well trained, but sometimes he can be so dumb
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sevsbestfriend · 25 days
The room was thick with tension as Dumbledore prepared to address the Order, the anticipation of the war-torn group palpable. Just as he was about to speak, a figure emerged from the shadows, a chilling sight that froze everyone in place.
The man, clad in deep forest green robes, his face obscured by a pitch-black mask, was a formidable presence. The only part of him that remained visible was his eyes—eyes that Lily would recognize anywhere. Those eyes had been a constant in her life, a connection that predated magic, Hogwarts, and even James. Her breath caught in her throat as she whispered his name in her mind: Sev.
The entire Order, save Dumbledore, reacted instinctively, wands drawn and trained on the mysterious figure. Dumbledore, however, raised his hand, urging them to lower their defenses. His gaze remained fixed on the figure, a mix of expectation and concern in his expression.
As Lily's shock subsided, she took in the full extent of the man's condition. The realization hit her like a curse—he was limping, blood soaking his robes from a deep wound in his lower torso, and, most horrifying of all, he was missing an arm. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest.
"Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange are now dead," the man announced, his voice raspy but firm. "Along with the rest of the Lestrange family. While the latter was not requested, there were some... complications."
Dumbledore nodded solemnly, reaching into his robes to produce a large sack full of Galleons. He handed it to the man, who accepted it without hesitation.
"Your arm..." Dumbledore began, his voice heavy with unspoken concern.
"It's a work in progress," the man replied curtly, dismissing the concern as he reached into his robes and retrieved an envelope, sealed with the emblem of a Raven. "Here is the information you requested."
Dumbledore accepted the envelope, his eyes never leaving the figure before him. "Thank you, my boy," he said softly.
"Don't thank me," the man scoffed, his tone cold and detached. He briefly glanced at Lily, their eyes meeting for the briefest of moments. Her heart ached at the sight. "It's just business."
And with that, he vanished as quickly as he had appeared,.
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dinxieyinxie · 9 months
I beg ya tell me about your OC Yonal and Snape, I need to know about them.
omg,, my heart is so full rn qwq i didn't really expect anyone would be interested in them so idk where to start DFHFDHJ
Yonal isn't fully fleshed-out yet but I made a post sometime ago about them to kickstart their story and a snippet of their friendship with Snape but I'd like to add a few new info for their lore (I did mention that I'd delve deeper into their friendship) so buckle up!
(I am not well-versed with words so lmk if you'd like me to clarify something! ><)
Their friendship is something these two weren't expecting at all tbh and the fact that they managed to build such a strong foundation is somewhat peculiar to me, in a way that they have the most contrasting personalities that it even clashes from time to time but still having that "homey", cozy feeling about it. Yonal being carefree and chaotic, the type to just "go-with-the-flow", and thinks that the glass is half-full while Severus is completely on the other side of the spectrum, with him looking at everything realistically and pessimistically at the same time. I could describe their relationship as:
Sun and Moon
Yin and Yang
Achilles and Patroclus
Red String of Fate
There's more but they're basically rocking that "opposites attract" typa energy HAHAHA
Yonal is most of the time, if not, completely, unaffected by Severus' attitude but rather he (Yonal goes by he/they!) chooses to respect and understand why Severus is like that and would even offer insight in which Sev would always be taken aback. (Not saying Linx is a dunderhead but he can be quite clueless LOL) I like to think Severus learns to accept Yonal the way he is and even appreciate it (He wouldn't outright admit it tho)
There's a lot of things Yonal and Severus don't particularly agree in but there are a few that allows them to connect with each other like the thirst for knowledge, great interest for the Wizarding World, socks, dead-beat dads, loneliness, and other things that I cannot think at the top of my head rn hehe
Idk if I've mentioned this already but even though Yonal loves being an absolute headache to Severus, he deeply respects that raven-haired mf and wouldn't dare ruin their deeply-rooted friendship in any way. I explained in this post how he's willing to bend his habits for him and it is still true to this day!
What fascinates me about them is that they definitely keep each other grounded in a sense that they have that ability to calm each other's turbulent souls, which opens to a lot of vulnerable moments. Something that both of them don't really allow themselves to be in. I like to think they'd grow closer as they confide with one another. Sometimes, home is a person.
Back in the day, they had underlying feelings with each other but these two dumb mfs didn't want to poke and probe in fear that it might end the bond that they have so they set these emotions aside but it does slip out sometimes teehee! In present times, the old flame ignited on its own and over the course of the time they have together, I think it's safe to say that they'll eventually finally confront these feelings and get it over with. But for now, I'm evil and love to hurt myself so im subjecting them to a slow-burn love (angst included!) <333
There's much more that I want to spew but I think that would be for another time. Honestly, I just want Snape to be happy bc God forbids he have peace in his depressing life
As a treat, here's a silly one I made uwu
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bloomstudioart · 2 months
I'm so silly hehe
Selfshipping should be eternal
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This is Oliver, he's blind, and yes, husband, he's kind, Until it isn't...
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His emotions sometimes control his magic.
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Oliver is from Ravenclaw, Although he is very kind and soft, they don't even know why he is there, but then they remember that he studied even under the stones and they forget it
And yes, his pet name is Raven, he always calls Snape "sev", "sevy", "Severus, "hon", "snaky", "moonshine" and "my lovely husband", but, he's more reserved with people
His pet is an owl (puffles), He is only three years younger than Sev, and yes, he's blind :(
But, he is so strong, and, Yep, he secretly teaches dark arts so that the curse of that class does not affect him.
His scar was given by James Potter, it was an accident in a potions class, he threw something as a joke and it exploded in Oliver's face, he ended up with that scar, that increased Sev's hatred for Potter.
I will give more information later, byeeee
I love you people
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fourgods-nobrakes · 9 months
2023 in review
Or, one fic from each month that I feel pretty good about. Most of these are smut, pls read the tags in each case, etc.
January: for my own gain i pray, Erebus seducing Lorgar and accidentally really getting into it. I will never stop using 16 Horsepower lyrics for Word Bearer fic.
February: First (Do No Harm), the one where Talos acquires Elver when Curze discards him. A story about how after that much torture, just plain impersonal use feels like a huge relief.
March: Burn the House Right Down, Sevatar/Rushal missionfic and Sev heartmarking at his violent Raven. There were a lot of things I liked in March, this one was hard to pick.
April: To Carry What We Hold, Perturabo/Fulgrim slight canon divergence during Angel Exterminatus, with oviposition. This ship is such fertile (heh) ground and every time I write them I get to explore something different.
May: the only hope for me, actually not smut, Khârn prevents Argel Tal's death (and I threw in another canon divergence just for fun). May was a slow month but good stuff I think.
June: Rationally, Cautiously, and with Restraint, combo breaker, Marek Grimaldus and Andrej Valatok versus daemon sex pollen. Andrej's voice was so much fun.
July: Commit and Advance, Fulgrim/Perturabo again only this time significantly pre-Heresy, a sweet getting-together AU. Connecting regarding art and the pursuit of perfection <3
August: Trinkets for the Tallyman, Nurgling adventure gen set on the Solace, the Lords of Silence ship. I love nurglings.
September: Every Fire and Every Thrill, Fulgrim/Horus in the early chapters of Vengeful Spirit, me having a lot of feelings about them having a lot of feelings, and also snake porn.
October: burn like a healing hand, Abaddon/Amurael for launchtheship on DW. I wanted there to be about 200% more story to this but here we are. That's the story of so many fics. At least this got to be about Cthonia and savage warband honor and how dreamy Abaddon is.
November: lay my hands on heaven, Burias-Drak'shal/Daemonette, absolutely self-indulgent PWP, the most completely self-indulgent thing I wrote all year: getting one of my favorite murderpuppies laid by a cute little monster.
December: From Faith Cometh Honor, the incident mentioned in Gate of Bones where Kar-Gatharr pulled a gravely wounded Torvann Lokk from a ruined tank on Isstvan V. The stoic and determined character getting help from someone who loves them is such catnip for me.
You know? Overall, not a bad year, when I look it over now. Expect more things I personally find iddy in 2024.
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